[2019初试真题回忆] 2019年厦门大学语言文学专业写作与英汉互译真题回忆(708)2018.12.22&23 厦大英美文学考研真题回忆以及考研经验分享708写作与英汉互译一40%今有一人,入人园圃,窃其桃李,众闻则非之,上为政者得则罚之。
其实还有墨墨背单词也很好用,要不是它后面要付费我肯定一直用,是真的好用,它还有一个遗忘曲线能不时地刺激你去背单词hhh)二40%The adventurers...(大体是讲真正的冒险是没有目的地与未知相遇,没有很多难词,一般都翻得出来。
2011年厦门大学考研真题 阅读及英美文学、语言学基础
![2011年厦门大学考研真题 阅读及英美文学、语言学基础](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66d2fc1c4431b90d6c85c7d3.png)
Part One Reading Comprehension 70 pointsDirections:Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all the questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.Passage 1Bush today insists that he had a great time at Yale and doesn‟t recall any unpleasantness. But somewhere along the way he developed a sizable chip on his shoulder. He would later carp about the “self-righteousness” and “intellectual superiority” of the East Coast liberal establishment that took over institutions like Yale in the 1960s. As early as 1964, he had a run-in with one of the avatars of the new order, the Rev. William Sloane Coffin, the Yale chaplain who had turned on his own Andover-and-Skull-and-Bones past to became a fiery radical, advising students to resist the draft. Bush bitterly recalled Coffin‟s telling him, after his father had lost the 1964 Senate race in Texas to Ralph Yarborough, “I knew your father, and he lost to a better man.” To Bush, Coffin embodied the “heaviness” and “guilt” of the liberal East.At a time when Yale students agonized endlessly over what to do about the draft, Bush does not appear to have talked much about his own choice. To volunteer for Vietnam would have required an act of boldness and outright defiance. Seeking battle was almost unheard of among undergraduates: it was said that more Yale students were dying in motorcycle accidents than in combat in 1969. At the same time, according to his Yale friend Roland Betts. Bush did not want to politically embarrass his father. Bush Jr. took a respectable hut easy way out, joining the Texas National Guard.Determined to make it on his own, Bush did not tell his father that he was applying to Harvard Business School. The “West Point of Capitalism” was not inundated with applicants in the anti-business early 1970s. So Bush got in, despite mediocre grades that kept him out of his first choice of grad schools, the University of Texas Law School. Bush posed as a redneck rebel at Harvard, wearing his National Guard flight jacket and cowboy boots and chewing tobacco as hesat back of the class, spitting into a paper cup. But he showed early signs of the self-discipline that would become more characteristic as time went on. He kept up with the gruelling casework, particularly in a course called Human Organization and Behaviour. Here were formal lessons in organizing and managing people that Bush had only intuited as an Andover cheerleader. He developed his basic approach to leadership at Harvard‟s training ground for future CEOs. The essence was to think Big Picture, don‟t get caught in the details, delegate and decide. Bush whizzes through briefing books today, preferring to listen rather than read, but his friends say he was an ability to cut to the chase. If Bush seems less substantive than a Bill Clinton—or an Al Gore—he can blame a Harvard education.1. Which of the following does the author probably agree?(A) Bush was an activist in anti-Vietnam war when he studied at Yale.(B) Bush liked the self-righteousness atmosphere at Yale.(C) Bush seemed to be politically-different from most college students at that time.(D) Bush was proud of his education at Yale.2. Bush chose to join the Texas National Guard mainly(A) because of his father(B) for the sake of Coffin‟s advice(C) because of his anti-Vietnam War attitude(D) because of the pressure from his Yale classmates3. He entered Harvard Business School instead of the University of Texas Law School because(A) Harvard was his first choice(B) his grades were not high enough(C) he intended to venture into business(D) he liked the intellectual superiority of the liberal establishment at Harvard4. He kept his application to Harvard Business School from his father mainly(A) because he did not trust his father(B) because his father would have thwarted it(C) because an anti-business atmosphere was prevalent in America then(D) because he wanted to be independent and self-reliant5. According to the author, Bush‟s leading style was developed(A) as a heritage from the family(B) during his education at Yale(C) as a result of the political atmosphere when he was young(D) during his learning at HarvardPassage 2The Enlightenment favoured a view of universe structured in binary oppositions, the principle of which is the dichotomy between subject and object. This was an essential division that world enable a systematic and disengaged view of reality and would foster the development of science even though it was also highly stimulated by the latter. Other dualisms, such as that of the individual/society, and the “We/They”dichotomy, based on race or ethnicity, for example, stemmed from the general idea of a necessary division and a controlling/controlled type of relationship between subject and object where “the distance between subject and object, a presupposition of abstraction, is grounded in the distance from the thing itself which the master achieved through the mastered”(Horkmeimer & Adorno, 1972:13). Distance, abstraction and control are key elements in the contact between subject and object.This objectifying attitude of the subject towards the object, which was previously described as instrumental reason, justified human control over nature, which is now very much contested by radical ecologists who view animals, plants and even minerals as subjects (Ferry, 1992). Likewise, it has determined a descriptive type of knowledge about the object of research, either human or non-human. Consequently, a scientific analysis should imply a distant, disengaged, monological, objective and objectifying view of the object by subject.Critical Theory, on the contrary, emphasizes the “rootedness of our cognitive accomplishments” (Habermas, 1994:87). Critical theorists reject both the atomistic concept of the individual and unilateral concentration of power implied in a subject-object interaction and concentrate on the creative and democratic potential of a subject-subject relationship.Although the concept of object disappears from the equation, this is not the only alteration because there is also an essential change in the notion of subject. The concept of a solitary subject which ruled the enlightened way of thinking is definitely overcome by the notion of a social subject, and this is not an idea exclusive to the Frankfurt School but an assumption that underpins contemporary philosophical thought. Habermas identifies four “themes”common to the philosophical movements of this century “in spite of the boundaries between schools” which he designates as “postmetaphysical thinking, the linguistic turn, situating reason, and overcoming logocentrism” (Habermas, 1992:8). The change in the subject is inherent in all these themes which refer to a reconsideration of scientific rationality, to the move from the philosophy of consciousness to the philosophy of language, to the embeddedness of reason in culture and history and finally to the relocation of theory within practice. As Habermas points out, this is an evolution that has been developing throughout the twentieth century. However, Habermas expanded this idea in a particular way which is eventually, more restrictive precisely because it is normative and consensus driven.Bearing in mind the four themes mentioned above, the notion of the “intersubjectively recognized subject”, in Habermas‟ terms challenge, with regard to scientific and social research, the premises of pure, instrumental reason and, consequently, the distance maintained between theory and practice and advocated dialogical and, occasionally, even overlapping positions in subject-subject research. Likewise, as far as language is concerned, the change from the paradigm of subjectivity into the paradigm of intersubjectivity, or from the “paradigm of consciousness” intothe “paradigm of language” as Habermas puts it, implies using language within the framework of “communicative action”. This requires the capacity to establish “interpersonal relations” instead of simply practicing an exercise of subject-centred”reasoning for representational or strategic purposes, that is, aiming at descriptive knowledge or at success-oriented expression or intervention (Habermas. 1984:86; 1987b:314).The intersubjectivistic orientation of the subject still differs from the subjectivistic one in that the subject draws her/his self-identification and self-representation from the ways that others identify and represent her/him while in interaction, that is through “intersubjectively recognized self-identification”and “on the basis of the Intersubjective recognition of reciprocal self-representations”(Habermas, 1979:107). The fact that the process of Intersubjective self-identification and self-representation takes place while in interaction is emphasized by Habermas and justifies the dynamic and impermanent nature of the intersubjective subject. Moreover, he notes, there is a “complementary relation between ego and group identity”due precisely to the above-mentioned process that also generates the interconnectedness between the formation of self and group identities since they develop through reciprocal exchange (Habermas, 1979:111)Communication is thus an essential element in the formation of self and group identities because it mediates processes that constitute what Habermas calls the …personal life‟which comprehends …all possible experiences and actions that can be attributed to the individual in his exchange with his social environment‟and that enable the acquisition of knowledge and the transmission of culture within the social system (Habermas, 1979:111). At the same time, language may set limits for a social system which itself represents the “symbolic boundary” and “the horizon of the actions that member reciprocally attribute to themselves internally” (Habermas, 1979:111). Therefore, the linguistically mediated experiences which are both the lifeworld of an individual and the social system with which s/he integrates. More specifically, the scope of possible communicative interactions that are …intersubjectively recognized‟lies within the normative framework of that social system.6. The word “epistemic” mostly approximately means:(A) plagued(B) subject-objective(C) popularized(D) cognitive7. The phrase “the embeddedness of reason in culture and history” can be interpreted as:(A) Culture and history give rise to reason.(B) Culture and history determine what kind of reasoning power you have.(C) The faculty of reasoning can be explained with reference to specific culture and history.8. Which of the following titles is likely to be the title of the book written by Habermas in 1979?(A) Communication and the evolution of society(B) Postmetaphysical thinking(C) The theory of communicative action(D) Toward a rational society9. Which of the following titles do you think best suits this excerpt?(A) Changes in subject-object relations(B) Intersubjective reason(C) The information of self and group identities(D) Habermas and the Frankfurt School10. How many articles and books did the author refer to when he wrote this passage?(A) nine(B) ten(C) eleven(D) sevenPassage 3As I indicated earlier, the analysis of JUDGEMENT is complicated by the need to distinguish between what can be termed …inscribed‟ (or explicit) JUDGEMENT and what we term …token‟ of Judgement (implicit). Under the inscribed/explicit category, the evaluation is explicitly presented by means of a lexical item carrying the JUDGEMENT value, such as, skilfully, corruptly, lazily etc. It is possible, as I have indicated, for JUDGEMENT values to be evoked rather than inscribed by what we call …token‟ of JUDGEMENT. Under these tokens, JUDGEMENT values are triggered by what can be viewed as simply …facts‟, apparently unevaluated descriptions of some event or state of affairs. The point is that these apparently …factual‟ or informational meanings nevertheless have the capacity in the culture to evoke JUDGEMENTAL responses (depending upon the reader‟s social/culture/ideological reading position). Thus a commentary may inscribe a JUDGEMENT value of negative capacity by accusing the government of …incompetence‟ or, alternatively, evoke the same value by means of a token such as …the government did not lay the foundations for long term growth‟. There is, of course, nothing explicitly evaluative about such an observation but it nonetheless has the potential to evoke evaluations of incompetence in readers who share a particular view of economics and the role of government. Similarly, a reporter might explicitly evaluate the behaviour of, for example, a Californian suicide cult as …bizarre‟ or …aberrant‟ or they might evoke such appraisals by means of tokens such as …They referred to themselves as “angles”or …They filled the mansion with computers and cheap plastic furniture‟. Such tokens, of course, assume shared social norms. They rely upon conventionalized connections between actions and evaluations. As such, they are highly subject to reader position—each reader will interpret a text‟stokens of judgement according to their own cultural and ideological positioning. They are also subject to influence by the co-text, and an important strategy in the establishment of interpersonal positioning in a text is to stage inscribed and evoked evaluation in such a way that the reader shares the writer‟s interpretations of the text‟s tokens.In some instances, the ethical evaluation invoked by some …factual‟ description (a token) will have become so naturalized or taken-for-granted in a given cultural situation that it is likely to be regarded as explicit (inscribed) rather than as implicit (evoked).JUDGEMENT. Consider, for example,They ordered a pizza and then shot the deliveryman in the head at a point-blank range.Now the moral evaluation associated with such as action is so firmly established in our culture as to be virtually automatic. Nevertheless, it is still useful to distinguish between token (implicit JUDGEMENT) and inscription (explicit JUDGEMENT) in these contexts. The writer always has the choice between the token, the description couched essentially in experiential or …factual‟ terms (…They shot the man in the head at point-blank range‟) and a description couched in the explicitly evaluative terms of explicit/inscribed Judgement (…They murdered him, heinously, callously and in cold-blood.‟) Since the choice is always available it remains meaningful and significant and should not be overlooked in the analysis, however …automatic‟ the connection between the factual description and the JUDGEMENT value it implies.11. In which of the following fields of study do you think this author is a researched?(A) Text analysis of legal cases(B) Interpersonal semantics(C) Evaluation of texts(D) Media discourse analysis12. What type of text does this passage belong to?(A) A legal interpretation(B) A textbook(C) A research article(D) A workshop presentation13. Which of the following titles do you think best suits this passage?(A) Implicit versus explicit attitudinal positioning(B) Functions of adjectives(C) Evaluation of judgemental expressions(D) Inscriptions and descriptions14. The phrase “JUDGEMENT value” would best be replaced by:(A) Praise(B) Feeling(C) Attitude(D) Ideological reading position15. Which of the following words or phrases best replace the word “token” in this passage?(A) symbolic expression(B) interpersonal position(C) implication(D) simple statementPassage 4In the two decades between 1910 and 1930, over ten percent of the Black population of the United States left the South, where the preponderance of the Black population had been located, and migrated to northern states, with the largest number moving, it is claimed, between 1916 and 1918. It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that the majority of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas and were motivated by two concurrent factors: the collapse of the cotton industry following the boll weevil infestation, which began in 1898, and increased demand in the North for labor following the cessation of European immigration caused by the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. This assumption has led to the conclusion that the migrants‟ subsequent lack of economic mobility in the N orth is tied to rural background, a background that implies unfamiliarity with urban living and a lack of industrial skills.But the question of who actually left the South has never been rigorously investigated. Although numerous investigations document an exodus from rural southern areas to southern cities prior to the Great Migration, no one has considered whether the same migrants then moved on to northern cities. In 1910 over 600,000 Black workers, or ten percent of the Black work force, reported thems elves to be engaged in “manufacturing and mechanical pursuits,” the federal census category roughly encompassing the entire industrial sector. The Great Migration could easily have been made up entirely of this group and their families. It is perhaps surprising to argue that an employed population could be enticed to move, but an explanation lies in the labor conditions then prevalent in the South. About thirty-five percent of the urban Black population in the South was engaged in skilled trades. Some were from the old artisan class of slavery—blacksmiths, masons, carpenters—which had had a monopoly of certain trades, but they were gradually being pushed out by competition, mechanization, and obsolescence.The remaining sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries—tobacco, lumber, coal and iron manufacture, and railroads. Wages in the South, however, were low, and Black workers were aware, through labor recruiters and the Black press, that they could earn more even as unskilled workers in the North than they could as artisans in the South. After the boll weevil infestation, urban Black workers faced competition from the continuing influx of both Black and White rural workers, who were driven to undercut the wages formerly paid for industrial jobs. Thus, a move north would be seen as advantageous to a group that was already urbanized and steadily employed, and the easy conclusion tying their subsequent economic problems in the North to their rural background comes into question.16. The author indicates explicitly that which of the following records has been a source ofinformation in her investigation?(A) United States Immigration Service reports from 1914 to 1930(B) Payrolls of southern manufacturing firms between 1910 and 1930(C) The federal census of 1910(D) Advertisements of labor recruiters appearing in southern newspapers after 191017. The author cites each of the following as possible influences in a Black worker‟s decision tomigrate north in the Great Migration EXCEPT(A) wage levels in northern cities(B) labor recruiters(C) competition from rural workers(D) voting rights in northern states18. It can be inferred from the passage that the “easy conclusion” mentioned in line 53 is based onwhich of the following assumptions?(A) People who migrate from rural areas to large cities usually do so for economic reasons.(B) Most people who leave rural areas to take jobs in cities return to rural areas as soon as itis financially possible for them to do so.(C) People with rural backgrounds are less likely to succeed economically in cities than arethose with urban backgrounds.(D) Most people who were once skilled workers are not willing to work as unskilled workers.19. The primary purpose of the passage is to(A) support an alternative to an accepted methodology(B) present evidence that resolves a contradiction(C) introduce a recently discovered source of information(D) challenge a widely accepted explanation20. According to information in the passage, which of the following is a correct sequence ofgroups of workers, from highest paid to lowest paid, in the period between 1910 and 1930?(A) Artisans in the North; artisans in the South; unskilled workers in the North; unskilledworkers in the South(B) Artisans in the North and South; unskilled workers in the North; unskilled workers in theSouth(C) Artisans in the North; unskilled workers in the North; artisans in the South(D) Artisans in the North and South; unskilled urban workers in the North; unskilled ruralworkers in the SouthPassage 5(本文节选于Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics一书Chapter TwoPhilosophical Foundations for Critical Cultural Awareness。
厦门大学英美文学考研真题及参考答案(2008~2011)厦门大学2011年英美文学考研真题考试科目:阅读及英美文学、语言学基础1. Write down the names of the authors of the following works (8 points):A. The Life and Opinion of Tristram-Shandy【答案】Laurence Sterne【解析】《项狄传》为英国十八世纪著名作家劳伦斯·斯特恩的代表作,全名为《绅士特里斯舛·项狄的生平与见解》,为“名著译林”之一。
B. The Bluest Eye【答案】Toni Morrison【解析】《最蓝的眼睛》是托尼·莫里森的成名著,她是第一个获诺贝尔文学奖的美国非裔黑人女作家。
C. The Heart of Darkness【答案】Joseph Conrad【解析】《黑暗之心》是波兰裔英国作家约瑟夫·康拉德的一部经典小说。
D. Mansfied Park【答案】Jane Austen【解析】《曼斯菲尔德庄园》是英国小说家简·奥斯丁1812年至1814年间写于查顿(Chawton Cottage)的一部小说, 并于1814年由出版了《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》的Mr. Egerton出版。
E. Midnight's Children【答案】Salman Rushdie【解析】《午夜的孩子》是英籍印度作家萨尔曼·拉什迪的一部以魔幻现实主义手法写成的现代文学经典之作,其中小说以第一人称叙述。
F. The Golden Notebook【答案】Doris Lessing【解析】《金色笔记》是2007年度诺贝尔文学奖得主英国作家多丽丝·莱辛的代表作。
中文系:《2018厦门大学861语言学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学861语言学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学802文学理论与文学评论写作考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学802文学理论与文学评论写作考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》历史系:《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学635考古学通论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学635考古学通论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学348文博综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学348文博综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》哲学系:《2018厦门大学702哲学基础理论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学702哲学基础理论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学803中西哲学史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学803中西哲学史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》新闻传播学院:《2018厦门大学新闻传播学院考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学新闻传播学院考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学新闻与传播硕士(专硕)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学新闻与传播硕士(专硕)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案经济系:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》统计系:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》/《2018厦门大学868概率论与数理统计考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学868概率论与数理统计考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学432统计学(专硕)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学432统计学(专硕)专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学432统计学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学432统计学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》财政系:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学433税务专业基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学433税务专业基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学436资产评估专业基础(专硕)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学436资产评估专业基础(专硕)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》金融系:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学431金融学综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学431金融学综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018年版厦门大学435保险专业基础(专硕)考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学435保险专业基础(专硕)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》国际经济与贸易系:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学434国际商务专业基础原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学434国际商务专业基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》经济研究所:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》宏观经济研究中心:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》王亚南经济研究院:《2018厦门大学868概率论与数理统计考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学868概率论与数理统计考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学807经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学807经济学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学432统计学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)/《2018厦门大学432统计学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学431金融学综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学431金融学综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学432统计学(专硕)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学432统计学(专硕)专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》中国能源经济研究中心:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》会计系:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》企业管理系:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》管理科学系:《2018厦门大学809运筹学考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学809运筹学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》旅游与酒店管理系:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》财务学系:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》市场学系:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》法学院:《2018厦门大学法学院考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学法学院考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》知识产权研究院:《2018厦门大学法学院考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学法学院考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学810民法学和刑法学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学810民法学和刑法学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》政治学系:《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)/《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》公共管理系:《2018厦门大学812政策科学与经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学812政策科学与经济学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》社会学系:《2018厦门大学707社会学原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学707社会学原理考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学813社会调查研究方法考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学813社会调查研究方法考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学437社会工作实务考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学437社会工作实务考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学331社会工作原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学331社会工作原理考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》人口研究所:《2018厦门大学707社会学原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学707社会学原理考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学813社会调查研究方法考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学813社会调查研究方法考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》马克思主义学院:《2018厦门大学866中国化的马克思主义考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学866中国化的马克思主义考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学638马克思主义基本原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学638马克思主义基本原理考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》公共政策研究院:《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学812政策科学与经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析) 《2018厦门大学812政策科学与经济学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》英语语言文学系:《2018厦门大学708写作与英汉互译考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学708写作与英汉互译考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》/《2018厦门大学357英语翻译基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学357英语翻译基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学211翻译硕士英语考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学211翻译硕士英语考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》欧洲语言文学系:《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》外语教学部:《2018厦门大学708写作与英汉互译考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学708写作与英汉互译考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》日语语言文学系:《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》法语语言文学系:《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学241英语(二外)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》音乐系:《2018厦门大学818艺术概论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学818艺术概论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学614中外音乐史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学614中外音乐史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》美术系:《2018厦门大学818艺术概论考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学818艺术概论考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学612中外美术史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学612中外美术史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》物理系:《2018厦门大学820量子力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学615普通物理学(含热、力、光、电)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)航空系:《2018厦门大学824机械设计基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学823工程力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学822微机原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)电子科学系:/《2018厦门大学847信号与系统考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学846电子线路(含模拟和数字)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)电磁声学研究院:《2018厦门大学847信号与系统考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学615普通物理学(含热、力、光、电)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)数学科学学院:《2018厦门大学825高等代数考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学825高等代数考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学616数学分析考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学616数学分析考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》化学系:《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学820量子力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学615普通物理学(含热、力、光、电)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)生物材料系:《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》生命科学学院:《2018厦门大学620分子细胞生物学专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学832生物化学专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》海洋与地球学院:《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学620分子细胞生物学专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学615普通物理学(含热、力、光、电)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)环境与生态学院:《2018厦门大学833分析化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学833分析化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》/海洋与海岸带发展研究院:《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》电子工程系:《2018厦门大学845数据结构考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学845数据结构考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》通信工程系:《2018厦门大学847信号与系统考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)医学院:《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》建筑系:《2018厦门大学355建筑学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学355建筑学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》南洋研究院:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学858国际关系史考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学858国际关系史考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学630国际政治考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学630国际政治考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》台湾研究院:《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学811现代政治思想(中、西)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学811现代政治思想(中、西)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析) 《2018厦门大学706政治学与公共管理学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学642历史学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学810民法学和刑法学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)/《2018厦门大学802文学理论与文学评论写作考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学802文学理论与文学评论写作专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答题解析)《2018厦门大学806宏、微观经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》教育研究院:《2018厦门大学641心理学专业基础综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学641心理学专业基础综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学640教育学专业基础综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学640教育学专业基础综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》药学院:《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学826物理化学考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学619有机化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学617无机化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学824机械设计基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学823工程力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学822微机原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)海外教育学院:《2018厦门大学640教育学专业基础综合考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学640教育学专业基础综合考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学701语言文学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学703新闻学与传播学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学703新闻学与传播学基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学861语言学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学861语言学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学354汉语基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学354汉语基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学新闻传播学院考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学新闻传播学院考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学445汉语国际教育基础考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》能源学院:/《2018厦门大学846电子线路(含模拟和数字)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学846电子线路(含模拟和数字)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学845数据结构考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学845数据结构考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学826物理化学考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学829材料科学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学844自动控制原理专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)财务管理与会计研究院:《2018厦大808管理学与管理经济学专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学808管理学与管理经济学专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》公共卫生学院:《2018厦门大学847信号与系统考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学826物理化学考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学619有机化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学617无机化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学824机械设计基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学823工程力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学822微机原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学827分析化学(含仪器分析)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院:《2018厦门大学846电子线路(含模拟和数字)考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学846电子线路(含模拟和数字)考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案解析)《2018厦门大学832生物化学考研专业课全真模拟题与答案解析》《2018厦门大学826物理化学考研专业课复习全书》《2018厦门大学824机械设计基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学823工程力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学822微机原理考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学829材料科学基础考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)《2018厦门大学820量子力学考研专业课复习全书》(含真题与答案)。
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
2018 年厦门大学 701 语言文学基础考研真题 A、文学基础部分(90 分)
一、简答(共 30 分,每题 10 分) 1.晚明小品文的创作特色。 2.巴金《家》的艺术成就。 3.西方 20 世纪现代主义的基本特征。 二、论述(共 60 分,每题 20 分) 1.论述宋词兴盛的经济、文化条件。 2.“寻根文学”有哪些代表作家及作品?请结合具体作品谈谈“寻根文学”的思想内 涵及文学史意义。 3.巴尔扎克的《高老头》如何体现他的现实主义风格?
四、问答(共 40 分,每题 20 分) 1.丼例说明语法中的组合觃则和聚合觃则。
2.同义表 1 是古代汉语词汇,比如语/言,城/郭,朋/友;表 2 是老汉/老大爷/老头儿,老 太太/老大娘乊类的)
B、语言基础部分(60 分)
三、翻译(20 分)
2004年招生专业英语语言文学考试课程阅读及英美文学、语言学417Part One Reading Comprehension70pointsDirections:Each passage is followed by questions based on its content.After reading the passage,choose the best answer to each question.Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.Passage1The tap dancer,like the flamenco performer,is basically an improviser.Thus looking at tap one wants to savor the personality and inventiveness of the individual.When Bill Robinson danced in the movies,his technical skill and sophisticated rhythms could be heard as well as seen.The Nicholas Brothers ran up walls or the proscenium arch of the theater or jumped off platforms and landed in splits on the floor.Peg Leg Bates,who had lost a leg,made a specialty out of dancing with his wooden leg.Sandman Sims scattered sand on the floor(as Fred Astaire did in one of his films) and tapped ever so softly,slid and turned in dances as soothing as lullabies.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The styles of various tap dancers(B)The structure of the modern dance theater(C)The difference between flamenco and tap dancing(D)The use of dance in certain movie productions2.According to the passage,in what way is a flamenco dancer similar to a tap dancer?(A)Both perform the same kinds of steps(B)Both rely on individual inventiveness(C)Both are trained in classical techniques(D)Both make very little noise3.An acrobatic style of dancing was most closely associated with which of the following performers?(A)Peg Leg Bates(B)Bill Robinson(C)The Nicholas Brothers(D)Sims and Astaire4.Which two dancers used sand in their routines?(A)Robinson and Sims(B)The Nicholas Brothers(C)Bates and Robinson(D)Sims and Astaire5.The author implies which of the following about tap dancing?(A)It is more complex than flamenco dancing(B)It is meant to be heard as well as seen(C)It became popular primarily because of the movies(D)It should be performed by at least two people.Passage2The science of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure,state,and behavior of the atmosphere.The subject may be approached from several directions,but the scene cannot be fully appreciated from any advantage point.Different views must be integrated to give perspective to the whole picture.One may consider the condition of the atmosphere at a given moment and attempt to predict changes from that condition over a period of a few hours to a few days ahead.This approach is covered by the branch of the science called synoptic(天气的)meteorology.Synoptic meteorology is the scientific basis of the technique of weather forecasting by means of the preparation and analysis of weather maps and aerological diagram.The practical importance of the numerous applications of weather forecasting cannot be overestimated.In serving the needs of shipping,aviation,agriculture,industry,and many other interests and fields of human activity with accurate weather warnings and professional forecast advice,great benefits are reaped in the form of the saving of human life and property and in economic advantages of various kinds.One important purpose of the science of meteorology is constantly to strive,through advanced study and research,to increase our knowledge of the atmosphere with the aim of improving the accuracy of weather forecasts.The tools needed to advance our knowledge in this way are the disciplines of mathematics and physics applied to solve meteorological problems.The use of these tools forms that branch of the science called dynamic meteorology.6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A)The Limitations of Meteorological ForecastingB)New Advances in Synoptic MeteorologyC)Approaches to the Science of MeteorologyD)The Basics of Dynamic Meteorology7.The prediction of synoptic meteorologists are directly based on the____(A)application of the physical sciences(B)preparation and study of weather maps(C)anticipated needs of industry(D)observations of commercial airline pilots8.Which of the following is NOT referred to by the author as a field whose needs are served by weather forecasting?A)Transportation.B)Manufacturing. C)Farming.D)Sports.9.The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to____.A)more funds allocated to meteorological researchB)greater protection of human lifeC)a higher number of professional forecastersD)less-specialized forms of synoptic meteorology10.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passage?A)A procedure is explained and its importance is emphasized.B)Two contrasting views of a problem are presented.C)Recent scientific advancements are outlined in order of importance.D)A problem is examined and possible solutions are given.11.In the last sentence of the passage,the phrase“these tools”refers to____.A)weather forecastsB)meteorological problemsC)mathematics and physicsD)economic advantagePassage3There are three basic ways in which individual economic units interact with one another.They are the market system,the administered system, and the traditional system.In a market system,individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the market place.Transactions may take place through barter or money exchange.In a barter economy,real goods such as automobiles,shoes,and pizzas are traded against each other.Obviously,finding somebody who wants to trade an old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task.Hence the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.An alternative to the market system is administered control by some agency over all transactions.This agency will issue laws or commands as to how much each goods and service should be produced,exchanged,and consumed by each economic unit.Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy.The central plan drawn up by the government shows the amount of each commodity produced by the various firms and distributed to different households for consumption.In a traditional society,production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition.Each person′s place with the economic system is fixed by parentage,religion,and custom.Transactions take place on the basis of tradition,too.People belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons,provide them with food and shelter,care for their health,and provide for their education.Clearly,in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone progress may be difficult to achieve.12.What is the main purpose of the passage?A)To explain the science of economics.B)To outline types of economic systems.C)To argue for the superiority of one economic system.D)To compare barter and money exchange markets.13.In the second paragraph,by which of the following could the word"real"best be replaced?A)High quality.B)Concrete.C)Utter.D)Essential.14.According to the passage,a barter economy can lead toA)rapid speed of transactionsB)misunderstandingsC)inflationD)difficulties for the traders15.According to the passage who has the greatest degree of control on an administered system?A)Individual households.B)Small businesses.C)Major companies.D)The government.Passage4What is the future for cities?Why does one inner-city neighborhood become a slum and another a high-class district?Why does one city attract new shopper and visitors while another languishes?Camden,New Jersey,displays the strong contrast that characterize American urban areas.The central city of Camden houses an isolated underclass., while suburban Camden County prospers.The population of the city of Camden has declined from117,000in1960to less than80,000today.Nearly 85percent of the city’s residents are black and Hispanic,while the white population has declined from90,000in1960to10,000today.Only1 percent of the households remaining have annual incomes of more than$50,000,compared with20percent in the rest of the country and10percent among all black households.More than40percent of Camden’s residents are under eighteen,closer to the level found in developing countries than to eh rest of the United States.Job prospects are not promising for these young people,because more than half have left school without obtaining a high-school diploma.In the past,Camden’s youths could find jobs in factories that produced Campbell’s soups,Esterbrook pens,and RCA Victor records,radios,and televisions,but the city has lost90percent of its industrial jobs.The Esterbrook and Campbell factories in Camden are closed,though Campbell’s corporate offices remain:General Electric now operates the former RCA factory but with a labor force at only15percent of the level during the 1960s.Camden’s unemployment rate is more than twice the national average.As Camden’s population and industries decline,few shops have enough customers to remain open.The city once had thirteen movie theaters, but none are left.The murder rate soared after gangs carved up the city into districts during the mid-1980s to control cocaine trafficking.Meanwhile,Camden County–excluding the city–has grown from275,000in1960to more than400,000today.Cherry Hill has more than 75,000residents today,compared to less than10,000in1960,and will surpass Camden as the largest city in the county before the end of the decade. About85percent of Cherry Hill’s high-school graduates go on to college.Cherry Hill has attracted so many new jobs that the major obstacles to further economic growth is a shortage of qualified workers.Camden’s mismatch between the locations of people,jobs,resources,and services exemplifies the urban crisis throughout the United States,as well as in other countries.Geographers help us to understand why these patterns arise,and what be done about them.16.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A)Camden County is larger than the city of Camden.B)Cherry Hill’s economy is sluggishC)The white people have moved to the suburbs.D)General Electric now employs less workers than it used to.17.What is the author most likely to do in the following section?A)Elaborating on geographical patterns of other areas.B)Quoting government policies in favor of her view.C)Highlighting statistics in support of her argument.D)Proposing possible solutions to the problem.Passage5For a long time we have worked hard at isolating the individual family.This has increased the mobility of individuals;and by encouraging young families to break away from older generations and the home community,we have burdened every small family with tremendous responsibilities once shared within three generations and among a large number of people–the nurturing of small children,the initiation of adolescents into adulthood,and care of the sick and disabled and the protection of the aged.What we have failed to realize to realize is that even as we have separated the single family from the larger society,we have expected each couple to take on a range of obligations that traditionally have been shared within a family and a wilder community.So all over the world there are millions of families left alone,as it were,each in its own box–parents faced with the specter of what may happen if either one gets sick,children fearful that their parents may end their quarrels with divorce,and empty-handed old people without any role in the life of the next generation.Then,having reduced little by little to almost nothing the relationship between families the community,when families get into trouble because they cannot accomplish the impossible,we turn their problems over to impersonal social agencies,which can act only in a fragmented way because they are limited to patchwork programs that often are too late to accomplish what is most needed.Individuals and families do get some kind of help,but what they learn and what those who work hard within the framework of social agencies convey,even as they try to help,is that families should be able to care for themselves.18.According to the author,when young families are isolated,______A)old people can easily accept the change B)people can move from place to placeC)individuals can hardly become innovative D)economy develops at high speed19.What is said to be the major problem facing young couples?A)They need to be fulfill more dutiesB)They are incapable of balancing the budgetC)They have their children spoiled and overindulgedD)They get empty-handed after divorce.20.The author implies that________.A)social agencies in America can be very helpfulB)the help of American families from social agencies is limited.C)the government should do more to improve patchwork programs.D)the fragmentary nature of the American family is unique.Passage6Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging.Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos,but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance.In prehistoric times,when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry,not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable,since every glance was a plea for life.Further,during those times,people existed in nuclear or extended family groups,and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one’s family or,by extension,preserving one’s self.21.If the argument in the passage is valid,taboos against eating in the presence of others who are not also eating would be LEAST likely in a societythat(A)always had a plentiful supply of food(B)emphasized the need to share worldly goods(C)emphasized the value of privacy(D)discouraged overindulgence22.According to the passage,the author believes that past attempts to explain some taboos concerning eating are(A)implausible(B)incomplete(D)ill-founded(D)inelegantPassage7Air,like words,is a form of communication.Words,spoken and written,render accessible to humans of the latest generations all the knowledge discovered by the experience and reflection,both of preceding generations and of the best and foremost minds of their own times.Art renders accessible to people of the latest generations all the feelings experienced by their predecessors,and those already felt by their best and foremost contemporaries.Just as the proceeds through art.Feelings less kind and less necessary for the well-being of humankind are replaced by other kinder and more essential to that end.This is the purpose of art,and the more art fulfills that purpose that better the art;the less it fulfills it,the worse the art.23.The author develops the passage primarily by____(A)theory and refutation(B)example and generalization(C)question and answer(D)inference and deduction24.According to the author,knowledge is____(A)evolutionary and emotional(B)cumulative and progressive(C)static and unmoving(D)dynamic and cyclical25.The style of the passage can best be described as_____(A)speculative(B)argumentative(D)expository(D)sarcasticPassage8Our current system of unemployment compensation has increased nearly all sources of adult unemployment seasonal and cyclical variations in the demand for labor,weak labor force attachment,and unnecessarily long durations of unemployment.First,for those who are already unemployed, the system greatly reduces the cost of extending the period of unemployment.Second,for all types of unsteady work–seasonal,cyclical and casual –it raises the net wage to the employee,relative to the cost of the employer.As for the first,consider a worker who earns$500per month or$6000per year if she experiences no employment.If she is unemployed for one month,she loses$500in gross earnings but only$116in net income.How does this occur?A reduction of$500in annual earning reduces her federal,payroll and state tax liability by$134.Unemployment compensation consists of50percent of her wage or$250.Her net income therefore falls from$366if is employed,to$250paid as unemployment compensation.Moreover,part of the higher income from employment is offset by the cost of transportation to work and other expenses associated with employment;and in some industries,the cost of unemployment is reduced further or even made negative by the supplementary unemployment benefits paid by employers under collective bargaining agreements.The overall effect is to increase the duration of a typical spell of unemployment and to increase the frequency with which individuals lose jobs and become unemployed.The more general effect of unemployment compensation is to increase the seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the demand for labor and the relative number of short-lived casual jobs.A worker who accepts such work knows she will be laid off when the season ends.If there were no unemployment compensation,workers could be induced to accept such unstable jobs only if the wage rate were sufficiently higher in those jobs than in the more stable alternative.The higher cost of labor,then would induce employers to reduce the instability of employment by smoothing production lags,by additional development of off-season work and by the introduction of new production techniques,e.g.new methods of outdoor work in bad weather.Employers contribute to the state unemployment compensation fund on the basis of their own previous employers.Within limits,the more benefits that those former employees draw,the higher is the employer’s tax rate.The theory of experience rating is clear.If an employer paid the full cost of the unemployment benefits that his former employees received,unemployment compensation would provide no incentive to an excess use of unstable unemployment.In practice,however,experience rating is limited by a maximum rate of employer contribution.For any firm which pays the maximum rate,there is no cost for additional unemployment and no gain from a small reduction in unemployment.The challenge at this time is to restructure the unemployment system in a way that strengthens its good features while reducing the harmful distinctive effects.Some gains can be achieved by removing the ceiling on the employer’s rate of contribution and by lowering the minimum rate to zero.Employers would then pay the full price of unemployment insurance benefits were taxed in the same way as other earnings.This would eliminate the anomalous situations in which a worker’s net income is actually reduced when he returns to work.26.The author’s primary concern is to_______(A)defend the system of unemployment compensation against criticism(B)advocate expanding the benefits and scope of coverage of unemployment compensation(C)point to weakness inherent in government programs which subsidize individuals(D)suggest reform to eliminate inefficiencies in unemployment compensation27.The author cites the example of a worker earning$500per month in order to______(A)show the disincentive created by unemployment compensation for that worker to return to work(B)demonstrate that the employers do not bear the full cost of worker compensation(C)condemn workers who prefer to live on unemployment compensation to taking a job(D)explain why employers prefer to hire seasonal workers instead of permanent workers for short-term jobs28.The author mentions all of the following as ways by which employers might reduce seasonal and cyclical unemployment EXCEPT_______(A)developing new techniques of production not affected by weather(B)slowing delivery schedules to provide work during slow seasons(C)adopting a system of supplementary benefits for workers laid of in slow periods(D)finding new jobs to be done by workers during the off-season.29.With which of the following statements about experience rating would the author most likely agree?(A)Experience rating is theoretically sound,but its effectiveness in practice in undermined by maximum contribution ceilings(B)Experience rating is an inefficient method of computing employer contribution because an employer has no control over the length of anemployee’s unemployment(C)Experience rating is theoretically invalid and should be replaced by a system in which the employee contributes the full amount of benefits hewill later receive.(D)Experience rating is basically fair,but its performance could be improved by requiring large firms to pay more than small firms.30.It can be inferred that the author regards the unemployment compensation system is______(A)socially necessary(B)economically efficient(C)inherently wasteful(D)seriously outdatedPassage9In the past,evolutionary biologists contemplating the absence of wheels in nature agreed that the explanation was not undesirability;wheels would be good for animals,just as they are for us.Animals were prevented from evolving wheels,the biologists reasoned,by the following dilemma: Living cells in an animal’s body are connected to the heart by blood vessels,and to the brain by nerves.Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel,a wheel made of living cells would twist its artery,vein,and nerve connections at the first revolution,making living wheels impracticable.However,there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwarted by the insoluble joint problem.The theory fails to explain why animals have not evolved wheels of dead tissue with no need for arteries and nerves.Countless animals,including us,bear external structures without blood supply or nerves–for example,our hair and fingernails,or the scales,claws,and horns of other animals.Why have rats not evolved bony wheels,similar to roller skates?Paws might be more useful than wheels in some situations,but cat’s claws are retractable;why not retractable wheels?We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma:nature’s failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.31.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(A)Evolutionary Biology:New Research Methods(B)How Do Living Joints Function?(C)Wheels for Animals:A Biological Possibility?(D)The Evolutionary History of The Wheel32.The passage discusses the evolution of animals in terms of their______(A)genetic structures(B)reproductive cycles(C)anatomy(D)behavior33.The structural material of the wheels discussed in the passage in would be similar to that of______(A)nerves(B)joints(C)arteries and veins(D)scales and horns34.The concept of retractable roller skates,mentioned in the last sentence,would be best explained as______(A)an evolutionary variation of claws(B)a complex structure of living tissue(C)an example of human intervention in natural development(D)a new discovery by evolutionistsPassage10When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed,the really challenging task remained:the dangerous,sweaty,backbreaking,brawling business of actually building the lines.The men who took it on comprised the most cosmopolitan work crew in American history.They included Civil War veterans and freed slaves,Irish and German immigrants,Mormons and atheists,Shoshonis, Paiutes,Washos,and Chinese.At the peak of their labors,the work crews laid two to five miles of track a day.The men filled ravines,ran spidery trestles across rivers and valleys,and punched holes through mountains.And they did all these jobs largely by their own muscle power.Flatcars carried rails to within half a mile of the railhead;there the iron was loaded onto carts.An eyewitness described the procedure:“A light car,drawn by a single horse,gallops up to the front with its load rails.Two men seize the end of a rail and start forward,the rest of the gang taking holding by twos until it is clear of the car.They come forward at a run.At the word of command,the rail is dropped in its place,right side up.Less than thirty seconds to a rail for each gang,and so four rails to down to the minute.”35.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?(A)An Eyewitness Report(B)A Difficult Task(C)The Hiring Of a Construction Crew(D)The Railroad And The Civil War36.According to the passage,in addition to laying railroad track,the work crew did which of the following?(A)Climbed over mountain peaks.(B)Planned railroads.(C)Caught horses(D)Made tunnels.37.In second paragraph,the word“they”refers to______(A)men(B)valleys(C)mountains(D)jobs38.Which of the following phrases could be substituted for the phrased“clear of”(in the third paragraph)without changing the meaning of thesentence?(A)put through(B)visible to(C)away from(D)open toPassage11With the show Rodeo,Agnes de Mille had been an innovator in the world of ballet.But with the show Oklahoma!,she revolutionized the Broadway stage–brought to an end the dance line routine of high kicks and mechanized movement,and gave in its place dance and plot smoothly integrated,choreography reinforcing the action.Twenty-five years later,in March,1968,a New York Times article by the theater critic Walter Kerr, headed“In the Beginning Was Oklahoma!”,stated,“Oklahoma!had a plot.It had to do with whether a boy would succeed in taking emotional implications had to be danced out at great length in what remains the most exhilarating dancing…ever devised for the United States musical comedy stage.”The impact of Oklahoma!was instantaneous.The song“Beautiful Morning”sounded out via radios,in restaurants,from cars passing on the highways,in shoeshine parlors.Full skirts of gingham patterns,street shoes made to look like ballet slippers,the ponytail hairdo,were the rage.The play ran for five years and nine weeks in New York City.A traveling road company played it for nine and a half years.It also toured abroad for several years.In1955it became a movie.A newly assembled all-star company was sent abroad by the State Department as representative of a part of United States culture.As for Agnes de Mille,her days of giving recitals and losing$300to$1,000each time were over.She became the most sought-after choreographer on Broadway.39.What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?(A)To explain the background of the song““Beautiful Morning”(B)To compare Rodeo and Oklahoma!(C)To describe Agnes de Mille’s success with Oklahoma!(D)To discuss the fashions made popular by Oklahoma!40.The author cites Walter Kerr because he was______(A)the composer of the music for Oklahoma!(B)a dancer who performed with Agnes de Mille(C)a critic who praised Agnes de Mille’s choreography(D)the owner of The New York Times41.In the second paragraph,the expression“were the rage”could best be replaced by______(A)created chaos(B)made people crazed(C)made people angry(D)were very popular42.According to the passage,Oklahoma!was selected by the State Department to be performed abroad because it was______(A)considered rather revolutionary(B)representative of an aspect of American life(C)poorly received in New York City(D)an inspiring love story43.The passage implies that prior to Oklahoma!Agnes de Mille had given recitals that were______(A)popular comedy routines(B)financially unsuccessful(C)performed at picnics(D)broadcast over the radioPassage12Lichens are a unique group of complex,flowerless plants growing on rocks and trees.There are thousands kinds of lichens,which come in a wide variety of colors.They are composed of algae and fungi,which unite to satisfy the needs the lichens.The autotrophic green algae produce all their own food through a process called photosynthesis and provide the lichen with nutritional elements.On the other hand,the heterotrophic fungus,which on other elements to provide its food,not only absorbs and stores water for the plant,but also helps protect it.This union by which two dissimilar organisms live together is called"symbiosis".This sharing enables lichens to resist the most adverse environmental conditions found on earth.They can be found in some very unlikely places such as polar ice caps as well as in tropical zones,in dry areas as well in wet ones,on mountain peaks and along coastal areas.。
厦门大学中文系文学理论与文学评论写作2008--2009语言文学基础2008—-2009文学2007文学基础2003——2006中西文艺理论基础2000—-2002,2004--2005文艺评论写作2000——2002中国现当代文学2000-—2006文艺理论2000—-2003,2006——2007中国文学史2001—-2002中国古代文学理论2001——2005中国文学批评史2006语言理论2004中外文学2000—-2002欧美文学与比较文学2004——2006戏剧基础知识2003—-2006文艺基础知识2003——2005美学与文艺理论2000-—2002美学与艺术概论2005语言学2008——2009历史系世界近代史2002世界现代史2002中国近现代史2003——2004世界近现代史2003——2004专门史2002经济专门史2001经济史1999—-2000中国古代史2000中国通史1999—-2002通史1999中国考古学1999-—2005考古学通论1999考古学概论2000——2002中国古代史1999——2005哲学系哲学基础理论2008—-2009中西哲学史2008——2009新闻传播系新闻与传播实务2007——2010(注:2007、2010年试卷为回忆版)新闻学与传播学基础2006——2009(注:2006——2007年试卷为回忆版)新闻业务1999——2006广告学原理1996—-1997,2001-—2002公共关系原理与实务2002中国传播史1999——2005传播学理论2001——2004传播实务2004,2006广告与公关2003(回忆版)2003年传播学复试题目人类学与民族学系人类学理论方法2003人类学概论1999—-2001,2003人类学通论2008——2009文化人类学1999--2001人类学史1999--2001民族学通论2008——2009经济系宏、微观经济学2005-—2009(2005有答案)西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003—-2004,2006,2009—2010世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002计划统计系宏、微观经济学2006,2009-2010西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003-—2004,2006,2009-2010世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002财政系宏、微观经济学2006,2009-2010西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003—-2004,2006,2009-2010世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002财政学1996——1998财政学综合考试1996——1998金融系金融学基础(联考)2002-—2010(2002-—2010有答案) 货币银行学综合考试1998—-2000货币银行学1998——2000货币银行学(复试)2000国际经济与贸易系宏、微观经济学2006,2009-2010西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003--2004,2006,2009-2010世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002国际贸易1998——2002经济研究所宏、微观经济学2006,2009—2010西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003——2004,2006,2009—2010世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002王亚南经济研究院经济学2003——2004,2006,2009-2010西方经济学2002,2005世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002会计系会计学2000--2005会计学综合考试2000-—2002管理学与管理经济学2003——2009(注:2005—-2007年为回忆版)企业管理专业综合考试(含人力资源管理、市场营销学)1998——2002 企业管理(含管理学、财务管理)1998—-2002企业管理系管理学与管理经济学2003—-2007(注:2005--2007年为回忆版)企业管理专业综合考试(含人力资源管理、市场营销学)1998——2002 企业管理(含管理学、财务管理)1998——2002管理科学系运筹学(管理科学系)2002——2009旅游系(无此试卷)法学院法理学与民法学2000--2006法理学1995——2002,2005-—2006法理学与民事诉讼法学2003——2006法理学与宪法学2002,2005——2010(2010为回忆版)民法学1990,1998——2002民法学与商法学2003——2006民法学与宪法学2005-—2006民法学与刑法学2007,2009—-2010(2010为回忆版)综合国际法学2003-—2005国际公法与国际私法1997—-2002国际经济法1997—-2002(国际法学专业)综合考试1997——1999(民商法学、经济法学专业)综合考试2002民事诉讼法2000—-2002商法学2003经济法学1998-—2003民事诉讼法与刑事诉讼法2003宪法学与行政法学2003刑法学与刑事诉讼法学2003,2005——2006行政法与行政诉讼法学2005-—2006政治学系政治学与公共管理学2007—-2009政治学与行政学2003——2006政治学原理2002行政学2002现代政治思想(中、西)2008-—2009公共管理系政策科学与经济学2007--2009政治学与公共管理学2007——2009政治学与行政学2003—-2006(word版本)政治学原理2002行政学2002综合考试(行政管理)2002——2006(注:无管理学部分)(word版本) 社会保障专业试题2004社会学系社会学原理2005,2008—-2009社会调查研究方法2005,2008-—2009人口研究所宏、微观经济学2006,2009—2010西方经济学2002,2005经济学2003——2004,2006,2009-2010政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002思想政治教育系政治学与公共管理学2007——2009政治学与行政学2003——2006政治学原理2002行政学2002政治学2008——2009中共党史与思想政治教育学2008——2009英文系二外法语2001,2003—-2005(注:2001年的试卷共14页,缺第4页)二外日语2003二外德语2006——2009英语基础知识2003—-2005(2005有答案)英语语言文学基础知识2002阅读及英美文学、语言学基础2003-—2009(2006-—2009有答案)(注:2006—-2009年的答案只有语言学基础部分的答案)阅读理解与英美文学基础知识1998——2000阅读理解及语言学、英美文学基础知识2001阅读与写作2002翻译与写作2003——2004写作与英汉互译2003—-2006,2009英语写作2000英汉、汉英翻译1998——2002欧洲语言文学系二外英语2003——2006,2009(2009有答案)公共外语教学部二外法语2001,2003-—2005(注:2001年的试卷共14页,缺第4页)二外日语2003二外德语2006—-2009英语基础知识2003--2005(2005有答案)英语语言文学基础知识2002阅读及英美文学、语言学基础2003——2009(2006——2009有答案)(注:2006—-2009年的答案只有语言学基础部分的答案)阅读理解与英美文学基础知识1998--2000阅读理解及语言学、英美文学基础知识2001阅读与写作2002翻译与写作2003——2004写作与英汉互译2003--2006,2009英语写作2000英汉、汉英翻译1998-—2002日本语言文学系二外英语2003—-2006,2009(2009有答案)基础日语2005-—2006综合日语2003——2006日本文学2004日本文学史2003日语语言文化2004音乐系音乐学基础2008—-2009中外音乐史2008——2009美术系设计史2007——2009设计史论2004——2006艺术概论2007——2009中外美术史2008—-2009物理系高等数学(无线电物理专业)1998,2001-—2005电子线路2001——2002,2008——2009[其中2001年试题名称为:综合考试] 普通物理学2002——2004,2006——2009(2006-—2007有答案)电动力学2002量子力学2002量子力学与电动力学2003——2004机电工程系自动控制原理2000-—2002,2004——2006,2008——2009模拟电路与数字逻辑2000-—2002微机原理2003-—2005微机原理及应用2000——2002电子线路2001--2002,2008——2009[其中2001年试题名称为:综合考试]普通物理学2002——2004,2006——2009(2006——2007有答案)电动力学2002量子力学2002量子力学与电动力学2003——2004数学科学学院综合基础Ⅱ(数学各专业)(含高等代数、抽象代数)2007,2010基础综合Ⅰ(含数学分析、实变函数、常微分方程)2005—-2006数学分析2003——2004高等代数2003化学系物理化学1990—-1991,2000—-2002,2004,2007——2009(2008有答案)高分子化学1999高分子化学与物理2008-—2010分析化学2008——2010无机化学2008—-2009化学工程与生物工程系高分子化学1999高分子化学与物理2008——2010传递过程与单元操作2008-—2009材料科学与工程系高分子化学1999高分子化学与物理2008-—2010材料科学基础2008-—2009基础化学2008——2010生命科学学院生物化学1999-—2001,2003--2010细胞生物学1994——2009微生物学2002——2010生物学2005普通生物学1994—-2000,2002——2003,2005生物学概论1999,2001,2004生态学2007——2010普通生态学2001——2010植物生态学1996——2003,2005普通生物学基础2004——2005海洋生态学1987——2002,2004——2005动物生理与海洋生态学2003普通动物学1998-—2003植物生理学1998——2002植物生理生化2003植物生物学2005——2009动物生物学2003,2005,2007-—2010动物学1993——2005海洋系生物化学1999——2001,2003-—2010细胞生物学1994-—2009微生物学2002—-2010生物学2005普通生物学1994——2000,2002—-2003,2005,2008--2009 生物学概论1999,2001,2004生态学2007——2010普通生态学2001——2010植物生态学1996-—2003,2005普通生物学基础2004——2005海洋生态学1987—-2002,2004——2005动物生理与海洋生态学2003普通动物学1998—-2003植物生理学1998——2002植物生理生化2003植物生物学2005——2009动物生物学2003,2005,2007——2010动物学1993—-2005海洋地质学2008——2009海洋管理概论2005——2009海洋科学导论2008——2009声学基础与数字电路2003——2009数学物理基础2008--2009无机化学2008——2009物理化学2008——2009环境科学中心环境评价规划与管理2001—-2009(其中2001、2002年分为规划管理与评价学两份试题)环境学导论2002—-2009环境工程学2007-2010有机化学(环境科学、环境管理专业)2002—-2006分析化学(环境科学、环境管理专业)2002——2006,2008——2009生物化学1999-—2001,2003-—2010细胞生物学1994——2009微生物学2002--2010生物学2005普通生物学1994——2000,2002——2003,2005生物学概论1999,2001,2004生态学2007——2010普通生态学2001—-2010植物生态学1996——2003,2005普通生物学基础2004——2005海洋生态学1987——2002,2004-—2005动物生理与海洋生态学2003普通动物学1998——2003植物生理学1998——2002植物生理生化2003植物生物学2005—-2009动物生物学2003,2005,2007--2010动物学1993——2005普通物理学2008——2009计算机科学系数据结构与计算机组成原理2003——2007数据结构与高级程序设计1997—-2002(2001有答案,答案只有数据结构部分)数据结构与C语言2004操作系统与编译原理1997-—2001组成原理与汇编语言2002电子工程系高等数学(无线电物理专业)1998,2001—-2005模拟电路与数字逻辑2000——2002信号与系统2007——2008(2007有答案)电路、信号与线性系统2003—-2006,2009(2006有答案)(注:2006年试卷缺电路的题,只有信号与线性系统的题,共4页,缺第3、4页)自动控制原理2000-—2002,2004——2006,2008-—2009电子线路2001——2002,2008——2009[其中2001年试题名称为:综合考试]普通物理学2002—-2004,2006-—2009(2006——2007有答案)电动力学2002量子力学2002量子力学与电动力学2003—-2004光电子技术2008——2009自动化系模拟电路与数字逻辑2000——2002自动控制原理2000——2002,2004——2006,2008-—2009电子线路2001——2002,2008——2009[其中2001年试题名称为:综合考试] 普通物理学2002——2004,2006——2009(2006-—2007有答案)电动力学2002量子力学2002量子力学与电动力学2003--2004数据结构2008—-2009通信工程系信号与系统2007-—2008(2007有答案)电路、信号与线性系统2003——2006,2009(2006有答案)(注:2006年试卷缺电路的题,只有信号与线性系统的题,共4页,缺第3、4页)电子线路2001—-2002,2008--2009[其中2001年试题名称为:综合考试]医学院生物医学研究院药物化学2008-—2009有机化学(医)2008-—2009生物化学2007——2009物理化学(医学院)2010生理学2010建筑系建筑设计2001——2002中外建筑历史2001——2002,2008——2009概念性快速建筑设计2008——2009建筑技术概论2008—-2009土木系材料力学2008——2009结构力学2008-—2009南洋研究院国际政治2003-—2009国际关系史2003——2009宏、微观经济学2006,2009—2010经济学2003——2004,2006,2009-2010西方经济学2002,2005世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002台湾研究院宏、微观经济学2006,2009—2010经济学2003-—2004,2006,2009—2010西方经济学2002,2005世界经济综合2000世界经济A 2000政治经济学2000综合考试(含政治经济学、宏观经济学)2002 政治学与行政学2004——2005(缺案例分析)中西文艺理论基础2000-—2002,2004—-2005 文艺评论写作2000-—2002中国现当代文学2000--2005文学基础2003——2004中外文学2000—-2002世界近代史2002世界现代史2002中国古代史2000通史1999中国近现代史2002——2004世界近现代史2003——2004现代政治思想(中、西)2008--2009教育研究院普通心理学1986-—1988,2000-—2005普通教育学2000——2005教育学1985,1987——1988高等教育学专业综合考试1985——1987心理学1985,1987发展心理学与教育心理学1987—-1988 中外教育史、比较教育学1999—-2001。
二、厦门大学外文学院考研招生统计三、厦门大学外文学院考研指定参考书英语语言文学系俄语:《大学俄语》( 1-3 册)董青、乔绪主编,北京大学出版社,或其他高校的公共俄语教材日语:《中日交流标准日本语》(初级上•下册、中级上•下册共四册),人民教育出版社,或其他高校的公共日语教材法语:《法语》(1、2、3、4册),马晓宏主编,外语教学与研究出版社,或《新大学法语》(1、2、3、4册),李志清总主编,高等教育出版社,2003年德语:《新编大学德语》 1-4 册,朱建华主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2004 年 9 月英语写作:《英语写作手册》丁往道等主编,外语教学与研究出版社, 1984 年,或其他高校英语专业写作教材英汉、汉英翻译:1、《英汉翻译教程》杨士焯著,北京大学出版社,2006年;2、《英译汉教程》连淑能编著,高等教育出版社, 2006年;3、《英汉对比研究》,连淑能著,高等教育出版社, 1993 年阅读理解:高校英语专业高年级通用教材英美文学基础知识:1、《英国文学选读》王守仁主编,高等教育出版社, 2000 年。
2008厦门大学814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考研真题及详解Part One Reading Comprehension70pointsDirections:Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content.After reading the passage,choose the best answer to each question.Answer allquestions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or impliedin that passage.Passage1Work is a very important part of life in the United States.When the early Protestant immigrants came to this country,they brought the idea that work was the way to God and heaven.This attitude,the Protestant work ethic,still influences America today.Work is not only important for economic benefits,the salary,but also for social and psychological needs,the feeling of doing something for the good of the society.Americans spend most of their lives working,being productive. For most Americans,their work defines them;they are what they do.What happens, then when a person can no longer work?Most Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire.Because Work is such an important part of life in this culture,retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive.Of course,some people are happy to retire:but leaving one’s job,whatever it is a difficult change,even for those who look forward to retiring.Many retirees do not know how to use their time or they feel lost without jobs.Retirement can also bring financial problems.Many people rely on Social Security checks every month.During their working years,employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government.When people retire,they receive this money as income.These checks do not provide enough,money to live on,however,because prices are increasing very rapidly.Senior citizens,those over sixty-five,have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet.The rate of inflation is forcing prices higher each year;Social Security checks alone cannot cover Medicare(health care)and welfare(general assistance)but many senior citizens have to change their lifestyles after retirement.They have to spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to but food,fuel,and other necessities.Of course,many senior citizens are happy with retirement.They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies.Some continue to work part time:others do volunteer work.Some,like those in the Retired Business Executives Association,even help young people to get started in new business.Many retired citizens also belong to“Golden Age”groups.These organizations plan trips and social events.There are many opportunities for retirees.Americans society is only beginning to be concerned about the special physical and emotional needs of its senior citizens.The government is taking steps to ease the problem of limited income.They are building new housing,offering discounts in stores and museums and on buses,and providing other services,such as free courses,food service,and help with housework.Retired citizens are a rapidlygrowing percentage of the population.This part of the population is very important and we must respond to their needs.After all,every citizen will be a senior citizen some day.1.The early immigrants considered work__________.A.too hardB.importantC.pleasantD.dull2.Why do Americans like working?Because working__________.A.doesn’t only mean money but it is also psychologicalB.can make life more comfortableC.can prove people to be independentD.gives people funny3.We can safely put forward that retirees who__________.A.have no financial problems still want to earn more moneyB.have financial problems still feel lostC.have no financial problems still feel lostD.have no financial problems feels it’s hard to make ends meet4.According to the passage the government__________.A.hadn’t paid attention to the retirees’problemsB.has already solved a lot of retirees’problemsC.has just begun to pay attention to the retirees’problemsD.won’t pay attention to the retirees’problems5.Which of the following is not steps taken for the benefit of senior citizens by the government?A.New housing has been built.B.The old are offered discounts in stores.C.Senior citizens are provided free course,food service.D.None.【答案与解析】1.B根据第一段前两句可知,工作是美国人的生活中非常重要的一部分。
先看厦大英语语言文学初试科目:①101思想政治理论②242俄语(二外)或243日语(二外)或244法语(二外)或245德语(二外)③708写作与英汉互译④814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础再看一下往年校方给出的专业课参考书目: 708写作与英汉互译《英汉翻译教程》杨士焯,北京大学出版社,2006 《英译汉教程》连淑能,高等教育出版社,2006 《英汉对比研究》连淑能,高等教育出版社,1993 《英汉比较翻译教程》,魏志成编著,清华大学出版社,2004年《新编汉英翻译教程》陈宏薇主编,上海外语教育出版社,2004年《笔译理论与技巧》何刚强编著,外语教学与研究出版社,2009年《英译中国现代散文选》张培基,上海外语教育出版社814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础《英国文学选读》王守仁,高等教育出版社,2000 《美国文学选读》陶洁,高等教育出版社,2000 《英国文学简史》刘炳善(因为陈嘉那本书据说不好找且内容太厚),河南人民出版社《A History of English Literature》陈嘉,商务印书馆《美国文学简史》常耀信,南开大学出版社或其他高校使用的英美文学史及选读教材《语言学教程》胡壮麟,北京大学出版社《语言学概论》杨信彰,高等教育出版社,2005 一堆的参考书,其实很多都是本科的教材。
20年厦门大学英语语言文学考研择校、参考书、报录比、真题、考研经验厦门大学(Xiamen University),简称厦大(XMU),由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,是国内最早招收研究生的大学之一,中国首个在海外建设独立校园的大学,被誉为“南方之强”。
学校是教育部直属的副部级大学,综合性研究型全国重点大学,入选“211工程”、“985工程”,“111计划”、“珠峰计划”、首批20所学位自主审核高校、2019年厦门大学英语语言文学招生专业目录、考试科目考试科目①101思想政治理论②242俄语(二外)或243日语(二外)或244法语(二外)或245德语(二外)③708写作与英汉互译④814阅读及英美文学、语言学基础考试题型解析以及参考书目(一). 关于①101思想政治理论:政治满分为100分,16题单选,1分一题;17题多选,2分一题;简答题共5题,每题十分,共计50分。
6. 徐涛考研政治考前预测必背20题7.各种模拟卷:考研政治命题人终极预测8套卷徐涛主编;石磊考研政治冲刺5套卷;任汝芬考研政治序列四最后四套题;蒋中挺考研思想政治理论绝对考场最后五套题。
(二). 关于②244法语(二外):厦大法语真题满分为100分,题型包括:单项选择(一般为20题,共计20分),介词填空,时态填空,完形填空,阅读理解,法译汉(15分),汉译法(15分),没有作文。
2、根据所提供的文章材料,谈谈"You should be yourself or you should not be yourself"814阅读及英美文学、语言学第一部分五篇阅读第二部分语言学1、syntagmatic和paradigmatic的区别2、给出一些word formation的方法,如blenging、borrowing、abbreviation、combination、derevation等,让后给出一些单词,让你和以上列出的构词法配对,然后解释那些构词法的含义。
3、functions of language(要求只写五个)use examples to explain them。
5、language and culture第三部分英美文学1、八个作家作品配对2、术语解释(和以往不一样了,今年直接给出四个让你写,以为是给出多个选三个)3、问答题differences between American romantism and romantism in England4、诗歌Emily Dickens的I Could Not Stop One Heart from Breaking。
Write down your answers to all the questions in this test in separate blank answer sheets provided at your test center.Part One Reading Comprehension 70 pointsDirections: Each passage is followed by questions based on its content. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.Passage 1The tap dancer, like the flamenco performer, is basically an improviser. Thus looking at tap one wants to savor the personality and inventiveness of the individual. When Bill Robinson danced in the movies, his technical skill and sophisticated rhythms could be heard as well as seen. The Nicholas Brothers ran up walls or the proscenium arch of the theater or jumped off platforms and landed in splits on the floor. Peg Leg Bates, who had lost a leg, made a specialty out of dancing with his wooden leg. Sandman Sims scattered sand on the floor (as Fred Astaire did in one of his films) and tapped ever so softly, slid and turned in dances as soothing as lullabies.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?(A)The styles of various tap dancers(B)The structure of the modern dance theater(C)The difference between flamenco and tap dancing(D)The use of dance in certain movie productions2.According to the passage, in what way is a flamenco dancer similar to a tap dancer?(A)Both perform the same kinds of steps (B) Both rely on individual inventiveness(C) Both are trained in classical techniques (D) Both make very little noise3.An acrobatic style of dancing was most closely associated with which of the followingperformers?(A)Peg Leg Bates (B) Bill Robinson(C) The Nicholas Brothers (D) Sims and Astaire4.Which two dancers used sand in their routines?(A) Robinson and Sims (B) The Nicholas Brothers (C) Bates and Robinson (D) Simsand Astaire5.The author implies which of the following about tap dancing?(A)It is more complex than flamenco dancing(B)It is meant to be heard as well as seen(C)It became popular primarily because of the movies(D)Tt should be performed by at least two people.Passage 2The science of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure, state, andbehavior of the atmosphere・ The subject may be approached from several directions, but the scene cannot be fully appreciated from any advantage point- Different views must be integrated to give perspective to the whole picture. One may consider the condition of the atmosphere at a given moment and attempt to predict changes from that condition over a period of a few hours to a few days ahead. This approach is covered by the branch of the science called synoptic (天气的)meteorology. Synoptic meteorology is the scientific basis of the technique of weather forecasting by means of the preparation and analysis of weather mapsand aerological diagram. The practical importance of the numerous applications of weather forecasting cannot be overestimated. In serving the needs of shipping, aviation, agriculture, industry, and many other interests and fields of human activity with accurate weather warnings and professional forecast advice, great benefits are reaped in the form of the saving of human life and property and in economic advantages of various kinds. One important purpose of the science of meteorology is constantly to strive, through advanced study and research, to increase our knowledge of the atmosphere with the aim of improving the accuracy of weather forecasts. The tools needed to advance our knowledge in this way are the disciplines of mathematics and physics applied to solve meteorological problems. The use of these tools forms that branch of the science called dynamic meteorology. 6. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A) The Limitations of Meteorological Forecasting B) New Advances in Synoptic Meteorology C) Approaches to the Science of Meteorology D) The Basics of Dynamic Meteorology7.The prediction of synoptic meteorologists are directly based on the ___(A) application of the physical sciences (B) preparation and study of weather maps(C) anticipated needs of industry (D) observations of commercial airline pilots8.Which of the following is NOT referred to by the author as a field whose needs are served by weather forecasting? A) Transportation. B) Manufacturing. C) Farming. D) Sports.9.The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to ・A)more funds allocated to meteorological research B) greater protection of human life C) a higher number of professional forecasters D) less-specialized forms of synoptic meteorology10.Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the thirdparagraph of the passage? A) A procedure is explained and its importance isemphasized. B) Two contrasting views of a problem are presented. C) Recent scientific advancements are outlined in order of importance. D) A problem is examined and possible solutions are given.11.In the last sentence of the passage, the phrase "these tools9' refers to ________ • A)weather forecasts B) meteorological problems C) mathematics and physics D) economic advantagePassage 3There are three basic ways in which individual economic units interact with one another. They are the market system, the administered system, and the traditional system. In a market system, individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the market place. Transactions may take place through barter or money exchange. In a bartereconomy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade an old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. An alternative to the market system is administered control by some agency over all transactions. This agency will issue laws or commands as to how much each goods and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy. The central plan drawn up by the government shows the amount of each commodity produced by the various firms and distributed to different households for consumption. In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition. Each peris)nplacc with the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, and custom. Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too. People belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons, provide them with food and shelter, care for their health,and provide for their education. Clearly, in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone progress may be difficult to achieve.12.What is the main purpose of the passage? A) To explain the science of economics.B) To outline types of economic systems. C) To argue for the superiority of one economic system. D) To compare barter and money exchange markets. 13. In the second paragraph, by which of the following could the word n real n best be replaced? A) High quality. B) Concrete. C) Utter. D) Essential.14.According to the passage, a barter economy can lead to A) rapid speed of transactionsB) misunderstandings C) inflation D) difficulties for the traders15.According to the passage who has the greatest degree of control on an administered system? A) Individual households. B) Small businesses. C) Major companies. D) The government.Passage 4What is the future for cities? Why does one inner-city neighborhood become a slum and another a high-class district? Why does one city attract new shopper and visitors while another languishes?Camden, New Jersey, displays the strong contrast that characterize American urban areas. The central city of Camden houses an isolated underclass., while suburban Camden County prospers. The population of the city of Camden has declined from 117,000 in 1960 to less than 80,000 today. Nearly 85 percent of the city's residents are black and Hispanic, while the white population has declined from 90,000 in 1960 to 10,000 today. Only 1 percent of the households remaining have annual incomes of more than $50,000, compared with 20 percent in the rest of the country and 10 percent among all black households.More than 40 percent of Camden^s residents are under eighteen, closer to the level found in developing countries than to eh rest of the United States. Job prospects are not promising for these young people, because more than half have left school without obtaining a high-school diploma. In the past, Camden^s youths could find jobs in factories that produced CampbelTs soups, Esterbrook pens, and RCA Victor records, radios, and televisions, but the city has lost 90 percent of its industrial jobs. TheEsterbrook and Campbell factories in Camden are closed, though CampbelPs corporate offices remain: General Electric now operates the former RCA factory but with a labor force at only 15 percent of the level during the 1960s. CamderTs unemployment rate is more than twice the national average.As Camden^s population and industries decline, few shops have enough customers to remain open・ The city once had thirteen movie theaters, but none are left. The murder rate soared after gangs carved up the city into districts during the mid-1980s to control cocaine trafficking.Meanwhile, Camden County - excluding the city - has grown from 275,000 in 1960 to more than 400,000 today. Cherry Hill has more than 75,000 residents today, compared to less than 10,000 in 1960, and will surpass Camden as the largest city in the county before the end of the decade. About 85 percent of Cherry Hill's high-school graduates go on to college. Cherry Hill has attracted so many new jobs that the major obstacles to further economic growth is a shortage of qualified workers.Camden9s mismatch between the locations of people, jobs, resources, and services exemplifies the urban crisis throughout the United States, as well as in other countries. Geographers help us to understand why these patterns arise, and what be done about them.16.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A)Camden County is larger than the city of Camden.B)Cherry HilTs economy is sluggish C) The white people have moved to the suburbs. D) General Electric now employs less workers than it used to.17.What is the author most likely to do in the following section?A)Elaborating on geographical patterns of other areas.B)Quoting government policies in favor of her view.C)Highlighting statistics in support of her argument.D)Proposing possible solutions to the problem.Passage 5For a long time we have worked hard at isolating the individual family. This has increased the mobility of individuals; and by encouraging young families to break away from older generations and the home community, we have burdened every small family with tremendous responsibilities once shared within three generations and among a large number of people 一the nurturing of small children, the initiation of adolescents into adulthood, and care of the sick and disabled and the protection of the aged・What we have failed to realize to realize is that even as we have separated the single family from the larger society, we have expected each couple to take on a range of obligations that traditionally have been shared within a family and a wilder community.So all over the world there are millions of families left alone, as it were, each in its own box 一parents faced with the specter of what may happen if either one gets sick, children fearful that their parents may end their quarrels with divorce, and empty-handed old people without any role in the life of the next generation.Then, having reduced little by little to almost nothing the relationship between families the community, when families get into trouble because they cannot accomplish the impossible, we turn their problems over to impersonal social agencies, which can act only in a fragmented way because they are limited to patchwork programs that often are too late to accomplish what is most needed.Individuals and families do get some kind of help, but what they learn and what those who work hard within the framework of social agencies convey, even as they try to help, is that families should be able to care for themselves.18.According to the author, when young families are isolated, _____A)old people can easily accept the change B) people can move from place to placeC)individuals can hardly become innovative D) economy develops at high speed19.What is said to be the major problem facing young couples?A)They need to be fulfill more dutiesB)They are incapable of balancing the budgetC)They have their children spoiled and overindulgedD)They get empty-handed after divorce.20.The author implies that _______ .A)social agencies in America can be very helpfulB)the help of American families from social agencies is limited・C)the government should do more to improve patchwork programs.D)the fragmentary nature of the American family is unique.Passage 6Throughout human history there have been many stringent taboos concerning watching other people eat or eating in the presence of others. There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need, or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging・Undoubtedly such elements exist in the taboos, but there is an additional element with a much more fundamental importance. In prehistoric times, when food was so precious and the on-lookers so hungry, not to offer half of the little food one had was unthinkable, since every glance was a plea for life. Further, during those times, people existed in nuclear or extended family groups, and the sharing of food was quite literally supporting one's family or, by extension, preserving one's self.21.If the argument in the passage is valid, taboos against eating in the presence of otherswho are not also eating would be LEAST likely in a society that(A)always had a plentiful supply of food(B)emphasized the need to share worldly goods(C)emphasized the value of privacy(D)discouraged overindulgence22.According to the passage, the author believes that past attempts to explain some taboos concerning eating are(A)implausible (B) incomplete (D) ill-founded (D) inelegant Passage 7Air, like words, is a form of communication. Words, spoken and written, render accessible to humans of the latest generations all the knowledge discovered by the experience and reflection, both of preceding generations and of the best and foremost minds of their own times. Art renders accessible to people of the latest generations all the feelings experienced by their predecessors, and those already felt by their best andforemost contemporaries. Just as the proceeds through art. Feelings less kind and less necessary for the well-being of humankind are replaced by other kinder and more essential to that end. This is the purpose of art, and the more art fulfills that purpose that better the art; the less it fulfills it, the worse the art.23.The author develops the passage primarily by ____(A)theory and refutation (B) example and generalization(C) question and answer (D) inference and deduction24.According to the author, knowledge is ___(A)evolutionary and emotional (B) cumulative and progressive(C) static and unmoving (D) dynamic and cyclical25.The style of the passage can best be described as ____(A)speculative (B) argumentative (D) expository (D) sarcastic Passage 8Our current system of unemployment compensation has increased nearly all sources of adult unemployment seasonal and cyclical variations in the demand for labor, weak labor force attachment, and unnecessarily long durations of unemployment. First, for those who are already unemployed, the system greatly reduces the cost of extending the period of unemployment. Second, for all types of unsteady work 一seasonal, cyclical and casual 一it raises the net wage to the employee, relative to the cost of the employer.As for the first, consider a worker who earns $500 per month or $6000 per year if she experiences no employment. If she is unemployed for one month, she loses $500 in gross earnings but only $116 in net income. How does this occur? A reduction of $500 in annual earning reduces her federal, payroll and state tax liability by $134. Unemployment compensation consists of 50 percent of her wage or $25(). Her net income therefore falls from $366 if is employed, to $250 paid as unemployment compensation. Moreover, part of the higher income from employment is offset by the cost of transportation to work and other expenses associated with employment; and in some industries, the cost of unemployment is reduced further or even made negative by the supplementary unemployment benefits paid by employers under collective bargaining agreements. The overall effect is to increase the duration of a typical spell of unemployment and to increase the frequency with which individuals lose jobs and become unemployed.The more general effect of unemployment compensation is to increase the seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in the demand for labor and the relative number of short-lived casual jobs. A worker who accepts such work knows she will be laid off when the season ends. If there were no unemployment compensation, workers could be induced to accept such unstable jobs only if the wage rate were sufficiently higher in those jobs than in the more stable alternative. The higher cost of labor, then would induce employers to reduce the instability of employment by smoothing production lags, by additional development of off-season work and by the introduction of new production techniques, e.g. new methods of outdoor work in bad weather.Employers contribute to the state unemployment compensation fund on the basis of their own previous employers. Within limits, the more benefits that those former employees draw, the higher is the employer^ tax rate. The theory of experience rating is clear. If an employer paid the full cost of the unemployment benefits that his former employees received, unemployment compensation would provide no incentive to an excess use of unstable unemployment. In practice, however, experience rating is limitedby a maximum rate of employer contribution. For any firm which pays the maximum rate, there is no cost for additional unemployment and no gain from a small reduction in unemployment.The challenge at this time is to restructure the unemployment system in a way that strengthens its good features while reducing the harmful distinctive effects. Some gains can be achieved by removing the ceiling on the employer's rate of contribution and by lowering the minimum rate to zero. Employers would then pay the full price of unemployment insurance benefits were taxed in the same way as other earnings. This would eliminate the anomalous situations in which a worker^ net income is actually reduced when he returns to work.26.The authors primary concern is to _______(A)defend the system of unemployment compensation against criticism(B)advocate expanding the benefits and scope of coverage of unemployment compensation(C)point to weakness inherent in government programs which subsidize individuals(D)suggest reform to eliminate inefficiencies in unemployment compensation27.The author cites the example of a worker earning $500 per month in order to _____(A)show the disincentive created by unemployment compensation for that worker to return to work(B)demonstrate that the employers do not bear the full cost of worker compensation(C)condemn workers who prefer to live on unemployment compensation to taking a job(D)explain why employers prefer to hire seasonal workers instead of permanent workers for short-term jobs28.The author mentions all of the following as ways by which employers might reduce seasonal and cyclical unemployment EXCEPT _____(A)developing new techniques of production not affected by weather(B)slowing delivery schedules to provide work during slow seasons(C)adopting a system of supplementary benefits for workers laid of in slow periods(D)finding new jobs to be done by workers during the off-season.29.With which of the following statements about experience rating would the author most likely agree?(A)Experience rating is theoretically sound, but its effectiveness in practice in undermined by maximum contribution ceilings(B)Experience rating is an inefficient method of computing employer contributionbecause an employer has no control over the length of an employee's unemployment (C)Experience rating is theoretically invalid and should be replaced by a system in whichthe employee contributes the full amount of benefits he will later receive.(D)Experience rating is basically fair, but its performance could be improved by requiring large firms to pay more than small firms.30.It can be inferred that the author regards the unemployment compensation system is(A)socially necessary (B) economically efficient(C) inherently wasteful (D) seriously outdatedPassage 9In the past, evolutionary biologists contemplating the absence of wheels in natureagreed that the explanation was not undesirability; wheels would be good for animals, just as they are for us. Animals were prevented from evolving wheels, the biologists reasoned, by the following dilemma: Living cells in an animal's body are connected to the heart by blood vessels, and to the brain by nerves. Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel, a wheel made of living cells would twist its artery, vein, and nerve connections at the first revolution, making living wheels impracticable.However, there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwarted by the insoluble joint problem. The theory fails to explain why animals have not evolved wheels of dead tissue with no need for arteries and nerves. Countless animals, including us, bear external structures without blood supply or nerves 一for example, our hair and fingernails, or the scales, claws, and horns of other animals. Why have rats not evolved bony wheels, similar to roller skates? Paws might be more useful than wheels in some situations, but cat's claws are retractable; why not retractable wheels? We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma: nature^ failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.31 ・ Which of the following is the best title for the passage?(A)Evolutionary Biology: New Research Methods(B)How Do Living Joints Function?(C)Wheels for Animals: A Biological Possibility?(D)The Evolutionary History of The Wheel32.The passage discusses the evolution of animals in terms of their _____(A)genetic structures (B) reproductive cycles (C) anatomy (D) behavior33.The structural material of the wheels discussed in the passage in would be similar to that of ______(A)nerves (B) joints (C) arteries and veins (D) scales and horns34.The concept of retractable roller skates, mentioned in the last sentence, would be best explained as _____(A)an evolutionary variation of claws(B)a complex structure of living tissue(C)an example of human intervention in natural development(D)a new discovery by evolutionists Passage 10When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines. The men who took it on comprised the most cosmopolitan work crew in American history. They included Civil War veterans and freed slaves, Irish and German immigrants, Mormons and atheists, Shoshonis, Paiutes, Washos, and Chinese.At the peak of their labors, the work crews laid two to five miles of track a day. The men filled ravines, ran spidery trestles across rivers and valleys, and punched holes through mountains. And they did all these jobs largely by their own muscle power.Flatcars carried rails to within half a mile of the railhead; there the iron was loaded onto carts. An eyewitness described the procedure: “A light car, drawn by a single horse, gallops up to the front with its load rails. Two men seize the end of a rail and start forward, the rest of the gang taking holding by twos until it is clear of the car. They comeforward at a run. At the word of command, the rail is dropped in its place, right side up. Less than thirty seconds to a rail for each gang, and so four rails to down to the minute:35.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?(A)An Eyewitness Report (B) A Difficult Task(C) The Hiring Of a Construction Crew (D) The Railroad And The Civil War36.According to the passage, in addition to laying railroad track, the work crew did which of the following?(A)Climbed over mountain peaks. (B) Planned railroads.(C) Caught horses (D) Made tunnels.37.In second paragraph, the word "they" refers to _____(A) men (B) valleys (C) mountains (D) jobs38.Which of the following phrases could be substituted for the phrased "clear of (in thethird paragraph) without changing the meaning of the sentence?(A) put through (B) visible to (C) away from (D) open toPassage 11With the show Rodeo, Agnes de Mille had been an innovator in the world of ballet. But with the show Oklahoma!, she revolutionized the Broadway stage 一brought to an end the dance line routine of high kicks and mechanized movement, and gave in its place dance and plot smoothly integrated, choreography reinforcing the action. Twenty-five years later, in March, 196& a New York Times article by the theater critic Walter Kerr, headed "In the Beginning Was Oklahoma!: stated, "Oklahoma! had a plot. It had to do with whether a boy would succeed in taking emotional implications had to be danced out at great length in what remains the most exhilarating dancing ... ever devised for the United States musical comedy stage.^The impact of Oklahoma! was instantaneous. The song ''Beautiful Morning^ sounded out via radios, in restaurants, from cars passing on the highways, in shoeshine parlors. Full skirts of gingham patterns, street shoes made to look like ballet slippers, the ponytail hairdo, were the rage・ The play ran for five years and nine weeks in New York City. A traveling road company played it for nine and a half years. It also toured abroad for several years. In 1955 it became a movie. A newly assembled all-star company was sent abroad by the State Department as representative of a part of United States culture.As for Agnes de Mille, her days of giving recitals and losing $300 to $1,000 each time were over. She became the most sought-after choreographer on Broadway.39.What is the authors main purpose in the passage?(A)To explain the background of the song "Beautiful Morning^(B)To compare Rodeo and Oklahoma!(C)To describe Agnes de Mille's success with Oklahoma!(D)To discuss the fashions made popular by Oklahoma!40.The author cites Walter Kerr because he was _____(A)the composer of the music for Oklahoma!(B)a dancer who performed with Agnes de Mille(C)a critic who praised Agnes de Millet choreography(D)the owner of The New York Times41.In the second paragraph, the expression "were the rage^ could best be replaced by。
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文章四:facial expression and emotion
(1)syntagmatic and paradigmatic
(2)phone;phoneme;how are alophones related to phoneme
(4)language and culture
(5)give five functions of language,并简单解释一下每个function
Transcedentalism;Rogue Literature;Close Reading;Local color
clarify the relationship between European Romaticism and American Romaticism.You can use England as European example;more than120words.
阅读下面这首诗,根据下面的三个问题写一篇essay,more than100words;
IF I can stop one heart from breaking
——by Emily Dickinson
IF I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
question one:how do you understand this poem?
question two:do you think that the wishes of the speaker in this poem are easy to carry out?
question three:what kind of person is the speaker do you think?
《美国文学选读》陶洁主编,高等教育出版社,2000年,A History of English Literature,陈嘉著,商务印书馆出版。