外研版高中英语必修二模块四 language points(20张)

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___t_r_a_d_it_i_o_n__n. 传统
6. ___im__it_a_t_e____vt. 临摹;仿效→ __i_m_i_t_a_t_io_n__ n.仿制品,赝品
7. __r_e_a_li_t_y__ n. 真实,现实,逼真→ __r_e_a_l_iz_e__ v. 领 悟 , 了 解 , 实 现 , 实 行 →
9. 目标是做某事
aim to do
10. 对……产生兴趣 develop an interest in
11. 以……而闻名 be famous for
12. 考虑做某事
consider doing sth.
Step 3. Practice: test to see if you can use them correctly
Language points
1. This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo
Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.
过去分词短语considered to be… 作定语,修饰 Pablo Picasso , 相 当 于 定 语 从 句 who is considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century.
5. I _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_d__a_n_i_n_t_e_r_e_s_t_i_n__a_r_t_____last year. 去年我对艺术产生了兴趣。
6.Pop art _a_i_m_e_d__t_o__s_h_o_w________ordinary twentieth-century city life. 波普艺术目的在于展现20世纪普通的城市生活。
12. _d_e_s_t_r_o__y_ vt.破坏→_d__e_s_t_r_u_c__t_io__n_n. 破坏
Step 2. Phrases 1. 对……厌烦 2. 喜欢;喜爱 3. 从……可以看出 4. 推迟;延期 5. 轮流 6. 一系列的 7. 使自己适应 8. 成功做某事
be\ get tired of be fond of tell by put off take turns to do a series of adapt oneself to succeed in doing
_____r_e_a_l__adj. 真的→_r_e_a_li_s_t_ic__adj. 现实主义的
8. _e_x_p_r__e_s_s_i_o_n_ n.表达→ _e_x_p__r_e_s_s___ v.表达 9. _s_c_e__n_e____ n.风景;景色; 场景 (_s_c_e_n_e__r_y__ n. 风景画;风景;景色) 10._o_b__s_e_r_v_e__ vt.观察,注意到
(3)Cleaning women in big cities usually get _p__a_id____(pay) by hour.
2. observe 学法点拨:
(1) observe 作“观察,注意”时,和see, hear, feel, listen to, watch, notice等感官动词一样,常用于 下面的复合结构:“observe +宾语+省略to的不 定式/ doing/ done.”
_o_b__s_e_r_v_e_r__ n. 观察者
observation (n.) 观_察__、__观__察__力 observatory (n.)__天__文__台__;__瞭望台
11. _s_t_a_n__d___ vt.忍受→ (它的过去式_s_t_o_o__d__、 过去分词__s_t_o_o_d_ )
d__e_li_g_h_t_e_d_ adj. 高兴的→ _d__e_li_g_h_tn./ vt. 高兴,使高兴
4. ____p_a_i_n_t__ n./ vt. 颜料,油画,绘画→ _p_a_i_n_t_in_g__ n. 绘画,油画→__p_a_in_t_e_r___ n.画家
5. _t_r_a_d_i_t_io_n_a_l_ adj. 传统的,习俗的→ __t_r_a_d_i_t_io_n__a_ll_y_ adv. 传统地→
Module Four Language Points
Step 1. Words 1. ___a_r_t_is_t___ n. 艺术家→___a_r_t___ n.. 艺术→ ____a_r_t_s___ n. 文科(拓展:s_c_ie_n_c_e__ n. 理科) 2. _c_o_l_o_r_f_u_l adj.彩色的→_c_o_l_o_r___ n. 颜色 3. d__e_li_g_h_t_f_u_l adj. 令人愉快的→
(1)Things_l_o_s_t__ (lose) never come again.
(2)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _g_r_o_w_n_\_g_r_o_w__in_g_____ (grow) on his own farm.
1.I_a_m__\_g_e_t_t_i_r_e_d__o_f_h__a_v_in_g_the same breakfast every day. 我厌倦了每天吃同样的早餐。
2. I _a_m__f_o_n_d__o_f__le_a_r_n_i_n_g______English.
3. I’m familiar with him, so I can tell him ___b_y______ his voice. 我跟他很熟,所以我能从声音判断出是他。 4.We are willing to__a_d_o_p_t__y_o_u_r__p_la_n__________. 我们愿意采取你的计划。