

男女变错身 剧本 英语

男女变错身 剧本 英语

It's a Boy Girl Thing scriptGive me my Romeo, and when he shall die,take him and cut him out to little stars -and he'll make the face of heaven so fine.And all the world will be in love with the night -Mystical: Shake Ya Assand... make the face of heaven so fine that all...the world will be in love....Mystical: Shake Ya Ass... all the world will be in love with the night...Excuse me! Excuse me!- Woody, will you turn that down? - Sorry, I can't hear you!Turn the noise down!Sorry, did you say something?I'm trying to study but it's impossible with that racket going on!- It's not racket, that's Mystical!Whatever it is, will you please switch it off? - What's it worth? - The gratitude of a music lover?Alright, I turn it off!If you flash me! Show me what girls are all about!You are a pig!- Anyway, I've seen them before! - What! You have not!Have now!Good morning, Mr. Fluffy.- Woody, are you up yet? - Oh, yeah!- Good morning, Daddy! - I have some mail for you, princess.It's from Yale!I have an interview next week!I applied for early action for you, honey!My precious little girl are going to Yale!I have to get through the interview first, mother!- You won't let us down, never have. - Never has.- Isn't it exciting, Ted? - It's very excititing, Katherine.- Are you excited? - I am.I'm so excited I could yell it fromthe roof tops!Thank you, mother!Bachman Turner Overdrive: YouAin't Seen Nothing YetBachman Turner Overdrive: YouAin't Seen Nothing YetEverything OK back there?No problem, honey.Just searing off a couple of finger prints.Carry on, my good woman.- Big game's coming up soon, son? - Yep!Coach says all the big college scouts gonna be at the game.Yeah, I know.Speciality of the House! I call it 'Eggs What the Heck'So much of fine cuisine is down to presentation, don't you think, son?Oh yeah, absolutely!You'll be the first member of my family to go to college.He'll be the first member of your family to go to freaking school!That's true. But son, if thing's don't work out, there'll always be a job for you -with Stan the Man at Spatula World.- To me, the greatest living American should...have individual accomplishments -but also have a lasting influcence on America and with the world.And that is why after careful consideration my candidate...- Yo, what's up boy? - Hi, Horse!- Nice grab, Horse! How's it hanging? - To the floor, my friend!What say we shift this baby into warp drive, huh?I want you to feel the wind blowing through...the hair of your fine muscular ass!Hit it please!Eminem: Without MeWell, looky here!Is that not a pencil necked virigin girl I see before me?I do believe it is.She's standing dangerously close to a vast pool of water.For a smart girl, that ain't so smart.Thank you!OK, just keep walking.No one will notice.Who wants cotton candy?Hey, Nell, I love what you've done with your hair!Thanks, Glixen.Three, two one...Hey, watch it!- Harry! - What's up baby!Wow wow, people around!Nice look!Special needs boy and his muse, the lovely Clamydia.My name's Breanna, you geek!By the way, sorry about this morning.That puddle just... showed up in front of us!Oh, that's OK, please don't apologize it, I understand.While archetypal outsiders such as myself... rarely fit comfortably into high school environements -this is as good as your life will get.The big football star and his vacuous cheerleader girlfriend...Head cheerleader.Because, let's face it. The old gray matter...ain't exactly top level, is it Woodster?So you end up with a job with your dad -and probably marry Breanna here.But soon you start drinking to numb this aching feeling you have inside.Fast forward a few years and you're a drunk...fat guy at a bar talking about the good old days.While your little wife whose looks have gone to the dodo -is prepping up her self esteem with squalid...sexual encounters with your friends behind your back.- What friends? - I'm guessing most of them.Have a good day.Class, please turn to page 488. Paragraph...demarked 'Early history' -which reads: 'Combined with the study of mankind -in all its aspects, especially human culture -we are therefore examining that society through...the exploration of classical structure.'Now, do not forget to make full use of your abstract database.And class, please make sure the references of...the source material include the internet.That's OK for now but -you might want to omit that page from your reference list.Now, Mr. Zbornak will be taking your field trip this week.I tried on the most amazing dress for the dance.Think Beyonce's wow-factor meets Gwen Stefani's outfit of individuality - with just a sprinkling of designer slut Aguilera.The whole thing's very Madonna...before she got old naturally.Sounds hot!Now, I think Armani would be good for you.Stylish yet understated -so you look good but you don't distract attention from me.Mr Deanne! If it's not too much trouble?OK, just a minute!Take a look at this odd looking fella!Texcatlipoca -the ancient Aztek god of sorcery. Associated...with the notion of destiny.Tex here has an interesting resume:He was the god of night, lord of the smoking mirror.A shape shifter -a powerful SOB.Mr Deanne, do you think I might have your attention?Or does Mr. Horson have something particularly interesting to say?I'm betting on unlikely.OK, time is short, people. I want you to...pair off and take in the rest yourselves.Remember: research,analyze and......describe!Very nice.Mr Horson, you go with Glixen. Mr Deanne, you go with Miss Bedworth.Let's get your learn on.So, checked out any porno sites lately?I cannot believe I'm stuck with you. Let's...hope I don't breathe in any retard germs.Let's hope I don't get any pencil neck virgin disease.Get stuffed.I hate you!It's because you secretly want to have sex with me! When I do decide to surrender the flower of my womanhood -I've always imagined it to be with someone of my own species!There's is nobody else in your species, except maybe Glixen.You're such a moron. You really think...the world evolves around rap music, footballand hanging out with the right crowd?You know, you make me sick, you think you are so different to everyone else.Different from.You said 'Different to'. The correct phraseology is 'Different from'.Thanks for that information.You're no different...from any other geek with books instead of friends -and you don't have to open your big fat mouth to correct me.- Neanderthal! - Spaz.I should pity you but I can't. I hate you too much.I rather cross my legs for the rest of the night...for everybody than to be anything like you!- Dito! - 'Dito'?Double dito!Double double dito times a thousand trillions!'... and forever more shall find her destiny to live alone no more.'Good night, Mr. Fluffy.Oh God, my head...I must be dreaming. Time to wake up.What was that?Tits!I have tits. Two tits!This is the regular number of tits but for a guy? What's going on here?Oh my god, it's gone!This looks bad. If it's gone and I have tits -that means this must be a dream.A very very bad 'Now I have tits' dream.What is this?This isn't my room!We need to talk! Talk? She want's to talk?Let's talk about why I'm going through a drawer...full of underwear with the days of the week on them. !Oh God!OK, now my pubes knows it Wednesday!It's tough enough getting these damn things off!How the hell does anyone get these things on?Ladies, looks like you and me is going au naturelle.Go away!Alright, coast is clear.Get off.Good morning!- Nell, is everything OK? - I didn't see you there!- Your oatmeal is on the table. - I'm in a hurry, gotta go.Nonsense, now you sit down, it's the most important meal of the day.And oatmel is wonderful for promoting healthy and regular bowel movements.That's cool if I want to take a dump the size of my head.Excuse me?Oatmeal's good, mummy.Deep Purple: HushIs this meat?- You have oatmeal? - Are you shitting me?- Porkmeat's good. - Eat up, sonJesus, I'm gonna puke.Golly, you must have been hungry.You need a second helping. You wait there, young lady!How's it going, pretty boy?Let's go!It will turn you into a big strong girl!Excuse me.See you later.Nell, aren't you forgetting something?Holy crap, look at the size of that thing!What thing?Gotta go mom, see you later. Hop in man, we got places to go, people to see, women to impregnate.You OK?Yeah, I'm fine!Really?The bitch stole my ride!- We're going a little fast? - You bet your sweet ass we are!I am going to die!Oh god, I'm getting on the bus. I haven't...been on the bus since 8th grade!Come on!Screw you assholes!That's no way for a young lady to talk!Sorry, I'm a bitch when I'm on the rag, you know what I'm saying?- Sorry! - Yeah, you too.And this dress is just amazingYou!What the hell have you done to me, witch lady?Get your hands off me, you bully!God, you think I'm responsible for this?I certainly am not. And you're the one who knows everything.That does not include this!This is impossible. This can not happen!You better figure out how to get my damn body back.Trust me, there's nothing I would like more.You think I relish waking up another day with the Simpsons?Leave my parents out of this.And what is up with your mother? She never heard of volume control?Yak farmers in Tibet are praying for her to keep the volume down.And her language, my goodness!My mother does not have a mole on her face the size of the White House.So she's got a problem with moles. Besides,it's not a mole, it's a beauty spot!I can spot that beauty from Wisconsin!Insensitive pig!I don't want to be a boy, OK? Especially I don't want to be you! No, no, no, don't cry, not here.Maybe it's just one of those 24 hour things. Like a head cold.Tomorrow we could be back to normal.Just try not to attract any unnecessary attention.Gross, I have to touch it? Ewww!I will never eat finger food froma buffet again for as long as I live.Your homework was to prepare a speech on the greatest living American.I'm sorry I missed it but I was excused...from homework due to cheerleading practice.I see. And Nell?What?Your speech please. On the greatest living American?I think the greatest living American is......J-Lo.- J-Lo? - You know, Jennifer Lopez?Singer, movie star. She had a thing with that dude from 'Pearl Harbor'.I know who J-Lo is now.I am just very interested to hear what you...perceive qualifies her for such a unique accolade.The thing about J-Lo is that......she's from the streets..And now she's like this big movie star and... she's still really cool.She used to have a little, now she's got a lot.But she's still J-Lo from the block. And I think that's pretty damn great.And she's American. And she's a wife.I see.J-Lo?Pretty good, huh? It just flew right into my head.At least there's plenty of space for it to land.What is your problem? I happen to like J-Lo! She's a hot booty!You do not bestow an honor such as 'Greatest Living American' solely on the fact of a hot booty!I didn't! She also happen to havea terrific set of funbags!Woody Deanne, you're an idiot and a Philistine.Know what, I don't appreciate you calling me an idiot.And I don't know what that other thing is...but as sure as hell ain't one of them either.Hey Woody!What a lovely sight. Swill time at Getty Central.Dear God, now I have to eat with these creatures?My parents are going out tonight, maybe you...wanna come over to discuss what you wanna wearfor the homecoming dance?I have things to do.What I meant was: we'd be alone.So maybe I might do that thing when I...- You filthy little slut! - You do that?Last week he begged me to do that!- So what is it, what do you do? - Get lost, you little spastic.I can not believe Woody turned down the chance to have sex with me tonight!Am I in like bizarro world?If I had Richard Wainwright sniffing around me,I wouldn't waste my time on Woody. It's not that simple Tiffany.Today football captain, tomorrow GQ Man of the Year.You need to plan these things!Personally I'd be relived if Horse andI didn't have sex. Sometimes I think it'sthe only reason he's with me.That is so not true Chanel. You have many fine qualities.Really? Like what?You have excellent taste in earrings.And your hair looks really good.And you're friends with me. Case closed. - Woodster! Come on in, my man. - How are you?Cool as frozen shit, homie.Yo, we have extra practice tonight, alright, don't forget!I'm in the mood to kick some serious ass!Oh yeah, me too!...only I have a prior engagement that...conflicts with the whole ass kicking thing.Wait, we're a week away from the game against Lamont.Do you know what the coach will do to your nuts if you don't show up tonight?No, I'll tell you. He will grind them into dust.Nut dust.And the only kids you'd be able to have is the itsy-bitsy patter ones.Alright, here we go!Wood?Cut the ball, man!- Woody? - Sorry, coach.Alright, let's get this.Go!- Wood man, come on! - Wake up, boy!Sorry, coach.I got it!What the hell were you doing out there? You play like a damn woman!I'm a little pique.- It means off colour. - I know what 'picque' means!You listen to me, and you listen good!This homecoming game is gonna be the biggest game in those boys' lives.You may have a god given talent but I...will not let you risk it. Do you hear me?Yes, coach!You get your shit together oryou'll be...watching the game from the side lines!Don't let it bug you buddy, just hang in there!Look, you just hit a slump, just like a golfer. It doesn't matter how big you are, every now and again you lose a swing.So you keep working on your strokes and banging those balls.Do you wanna touch my helmet?My lucky helmet. It works for me, maybe it'll...do you the same. Go ahead, give it a rub!Elton John: Candle in the WindOh man, this is crappy music!Loser!Yeah, you too and your mama!I heard about football practice.- Those boys are really rough. - I'm covered in bruises.I don't care about your bruises. If coach drops you my life is over.Why are you so worked up? It's only a game!No, it's not only a game. It's football!Jesus, don't you get anything?I get that clearly this is not a head coldDo you have any better theories, smart ass?Look at you. What am I wearing?Chinos and a Oxford cottonbutton-down I found in the back of your closet.Which is exactly where it is meant to stay!Nonsense, you can't beat the classic look!My hair, you've made it all dorky!A center parting is very European looking.No, it is very dorky looking!Excuse me for taking a little pride in your appearance!You could have ruined my life, I look like a male version of you!As long as I'm stuck inside this disgusting...body, you'll just have to put up with it!Alright, if that's how you want it, sweet cheeks.Scissor Sisters: Filthy / Gorgeous Nice ass!You're looking fine, sugar!- What are you doing? - Protecting your modesty. You look like a common prostitute!Damn, I was going for a high class hooker!You can not walk into school like this!I can do whatever I want. Now get your hands off me or I'll scream.What are you doing? You're supposed to be Shakespeare.OK, here goes.Nice penis.Nothing like a bit of personal hygien.Well, it has to be done.Come on, think about it.And she's totally pretending to be pretty.- Hello, Woody. - Hello, Breanna.I have something I want to say to you.Let me guess: you're sorry about blowing me off.No. I'm afraid we can't see each other any more.Very funny, Woody.Well, I don't find you that attractive any more.You just look kind of plain.And don't worry about your moustache. Some guys are really into that shit.Suck on this, Woody Dean.I can't believe he said that to her!You can't really see the hairs anyway.What just happened?Seems you and your girlfriend just broke up.Commiserations.No! Me and Breanna?Breanna and I, but let's not quip over details.- Broke up with my girlfriend? - You'll get over it.Wanna go for a ride?I have to go, tonight's a big night for me.You too.Congratulations. Tonight's the night you finally get to lose it.Nicky!There you go, babe.Thanks. Nice...- ... trailer. - It's a dump. But... my folks are away... ...and we won't be disturbed.Never seen a chick drink like that before.My throat's a little dry.Maybe I could moisten it up a little.I can't. I need another beer. Sure.- You OK? - I'm fine thank you.You've been acting kind of weird lately.I think I know what's on your mind.- I don't think you do. - Let me guess.You think if you don't impress those scouts,you're gonna end up working with your dadin spatula world.What?I ain't stupid, Woody. Just let things fall into place.Whatever you do, we'll be proud of you.So you don't want to work with spatulas, what the heck?Not here.OK, let's go to the master bedroom.Let's get cracking baby, cause daddy's packing!Oh god, what was I thinking? This is so gay!What are you waiting for, baby?Daddy wants to see some flesh.He's gonna make me his bitch! Woody the bitch boy!Maybe you need a little help?I have to pee.Now?Yeah, I can feel I have to fricking go. So, you...get undressed -and don't start without me.Hey, come back!Elton John: Candle in the WindNot this shit again, man! It's very melodic. If you give it a chance you might learn to enjoy it.Elton John: Candle in the WindNo. Still shit.Have you heard about that grease ball Nicky?She got it on last night.Did you guys hear?She did it in the trailer park.She probably didn't even know it was a trailer park.Woody, are you crying?What's wrong?I'm sorry.I just found out I lost my virginity in a trailer park.I gotta go. I got a class.Hey, do you think she might do it with me?No! Get lost.What?Don't worry. You had a great time.Trust me, you'll never forget it.How could you do this to me?I know you're not the best lookingguy in the world but it's only sex.I wanted it to be special.Well, you started it.'A central parting is very european looking'.You lost me my girlfriend.I was saving it for the boy I fell in love with.Look, nothing happened, OK?- Really? - Really.That's not what Nicky is telling everyone.Well, Nicky is a liar.Try telling that to the entire world.How's it feel to be a cheap little slut?Looks like I have to have a talk with that son of a bitch, cause no one...calls us the sort.Pass the ball!Nicky, here's your ho!- Hey, I'm looking for you! - You found me, baby.What the hell did you say?Nothing. Oh really?But I wasn't 100 percent true.You greasy scumbag liar.And you've got a very dirty little mouth.Then again......I already knew that.- A little hellcat, ain't you? - Asshole!That's no way to treat a lady, mister!And what kind of word is 'ain't you'. It's wrong on so many levels.Why don't you tell everyone what really happened?- Tell them! - Nothing! Nothing happened!I think you owe this sweet, innocent,yet very attractive young lady an apology.Sorry.I'm sorry!Thanks.It's so much fun to hit someone. I'd like to punch him again.Easy champ. Doesn't mean I forgive you about screwing up about Breanna and I.Breanna and me.I'll try to fix things.What's the point? I'm a girl, remember?Jesus, what am I gonna do? Homecoming's next Friday.My life is a complete disaster.What were we doing before this happened?Arguing?- You always argue. - Not always.We were at the museum.- In front of that ugly Mexican dude. - Aztek. Texcatlipoca.- That's the guy. - He's the ancient god of sorcery.We close in 5 minutes, folks.OK, you go first.No, you go first, you have the biggest mouth.- Hi, how are you? - Is that the best you can do?He's a god, not your aunt Betsy. You may have got the impression that this...young fellow and I didn't like it each other.But let me tell you, that could not be any farther from the truth.That's right. Sure we were fighting but all friends fight, right?How could you not like Nell? She is really tidy and smart, way smart!Kinda cute, especially when she does that thing with her nose.We get along really well.- Yeah, we're actually very close. - Closest.Real homies.- To the end, bro. - Don't overdo it.Now that we've got that cleared up, here's what we're gonna do.We close our eyes, count to three -and when we open them up, we'll be back in our right bodies.If that's OK with you -which I'm sure it is, since this is just a big misunderstanding we canlaugh about in years to come.Let's do it.One......two......three.Maybe he only speaks Mexican?So what are we gonna do next, buy him an enchilada?I had my heart set on Yale.No, please, not the tears, please?You think I wanna end up in my dad's spatula store?You don't know.Wait, wait!You beat up Nicky.You have my body, my strength.All I need to do is show you how to use it.And we could study so you could get through my interview.Huh?Orson: Tryin' to HelpReady?As hard as you like.Come on. Once the sign is given -the center snaps the ball to the quarterback...and the game begins. Are you with me so far?The offence has a limited amount of time...Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate.Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.And summer's lease hath all too short a date.So, he's not actually saying that she's like a...summer's day? He say she is hot like a summer's day?Yeah, that's it exactly!Right, you know, I still can't imagine ever...actually saying something like that to someone.Feel like so uncool.Maybe you'd just have to meet the right...person to say that kind of stuff to.Or maybe I just don't wanna looklike a doofus.Well, Shaky must really have liked that one. She must have been some babe.Actually, Shakespeare wrote this to a young man.- Shakespeare was a homo? - We don't know that exactly.You write a poem to a guy telling him...how hot he is and you don't know exactly?Gees, what do you have to do before you know exactly?Write an ode to a schlong?I think that's enough for today.The bard was a bender. Who would've though?See you tomorrow.Good night.Listen, I was wrong about your parents. They're...alright once you get used to your mom's language.Mom's pretty cool.Woody, can I ask you a question?Sure. In the morning...- Never mind. - What?- No, it's nothing really. - Go on.It's a little embarrasing but......every morning you......have this thing....- The thing that you... - What?You know, every morning?- You mean the old boner. - That's not the word I would have used.Boy, do I miss that guy.I'm sure you do. What I'd like to know: how can I get rid of it?Only one way I know of.That's disgusting......and there's got to be another way, right?Well, there is one thing that I do in case of emergencies.......sort of lets the air out of the old tire, if you know what I'm saying.First I close my eyes, and I think of you.- Works every the time. - Good night.See ya!- Hey, you want one? - No, thanks.You've had it quiet up there tonight. Are you OK?Yeah, I was just studying with Nell.Is that what you young people are calling it these days?- Nell's not that kind of girl. - I know.She's a good kid.You know, way back, her dad Ted and I used...to hang out together. He was a good guy, Ted.He still is.I mean, as far as I know.What ever happened between you two?Nell's mom, Katherine, I guess. She didn't really approve.We weren't her kind of people. Good night, son.Good night, dad.Oh god, she's crying.Chanel? Are you OK?Oh crap...What's wrong?It's about Harry. He's seeing some other girl.No, he wouldn't do that.Well, how come I saw him with his tongue stuck down her throat.Did you see who it was?No, they were in his car. But I saw what they were doing clear enough.Why are guys such jerks?Why am I asking you, you know less about guys than anybody on the planet.I'm sorry.- I didn't mean that. - You're right.What do I know about guys?I was so stupid. I know how Horse is.Why do you go out with them?Cause when I started at Westdale I felt invisible.And then I started going out with Horse and I became friends -with Breanna and Tiffany and Woodyand...everyone. And then people started to notice me.And I liked that.So, I guess I'm just afraid of feeling invisible again.You know I think that a lot more people feel that way than you realize.You do.You go your own way no matter what anyone thinks.I admire you, Nell.And this is Mr. Stinky, you have to say hello.Why did you bring that pencil neck to our sleepover?Nell's OK.She just wants to hang, right?Carey told me we're all going in our jammies.I see you finally seen the errors of your geekish ways?I have. This girl just wants to have fun.OK. OK! Let's get to our PJ's!Oh man! Life is such a bitch.Lock target in 5 and will you check out that ass!What about Chanel?No, don't see her.Think about it Harry -are you willing to betray the love of a good...woman for the cheap thrill of a one night stand?You crack me up, you know that boy.You were always into the 'faithful' but I'm the Horse -and Horse people knows of no such boundaries. And plus -at night I'm a locked targetYou know what happens. A few drinks, quality control goes out the window -and before you know it, you're sucking...face with some swill muncher from downtown.Or worse still. I end up here with you -drunk on some dark street telling you I love you.。



第一季 11集:Swag-BETTY: Hey! Ow! 嘿!噢!-MAN: Sorry. Didn't see you. 对不起,没看到你。

-CHRISTINA: Betty, that...is that you?Betty,是你吗?-BETTY: I came back to pack the rest of my things.pack: 装入行李,装 rest: 剩余,残余我回来收拾一下剩余的东西。

Amanda left them on the floor. floor: 地板Amanda把它们丢在地上。

-CHRISTINA: Oh, considerate of her.considerate: 体贴的, 顾虑周到的, 体谅的 considerate of sb: 体谅人的,考虑周到的噢,她还想得真周到。

-BETTY: Thought it'd be better if I came back at night,本来想晚上来比较好,in case I cried, but so far, no tears.case: 情形,情况 cry: 哭泣 tear: 眼泪我怕会哭,不过还好,到现在眼泪还没出来。

It's a new year, new job. It's just one floor down,新年,新工作,只不过搬到楼下罢了。

Same building, same elevators.building: 建筑物 elevator: 电梯同一幢大楼,同样的电梯。

It's not like I'm never gonna see any of you again.gonna=going to: 将要 never: 绝不,永不又不是再也见不到你们了。

-CHIRISTINA: Still, I don't imagine there's much swag atimagine: 想象,猜想 swag: 赃物我还是想象不出M.Y.W 能有什么“黑货”。


Okay. I know this is sound really crazy—And it is really crazy. But it's not as crazy as you think.
gonna : <美> 将要(=going to) crazy: 夸张
呃回顾一下生日派对 酒, 卡拉OK
I would say you're hung over.
hung over: 因宿醉而感觉不适的
-Jane: No. I don't get hung over.
-Fred: Deb didn't get hung over. Jane hardly drank.
bolero: 波利乐舞,波利乐舞曲,女用短上衣 compromise: 危及,连累,中伤,损害(名声等) silhouette: 轮廓,影子
but, yes, sure-- Make it work.
但是当然阿 "发挥实力"
-Jane: Sweetie, I had another crazy dream.
Tim Gunn?
Tim Gunn?
-Tim Gunn: Why are you wearing a wedding gown, Jane?
gown: 长礼服,长外衣
你穿着结婚礼服做什么 Jane
-Jane: Because Grayson wants to marry me, and I want to be ready.



E0301你死了上了天堂按了个按钮You died, went to heaven, pressed a button,他们就把你的身材变成了码吗and they turned you into a size ?是这样的Pretty much.太不公平了That is so unfair.《美女上错身》前情提要Previously on "Drop Dead Diva"你不打算告诉格雷森吗You're not telling Grayson?我现在是简了I'm Jane now.他爱的是黛比He loved Deb.你相信爱能战胜一切吗Do you believe that love conquers all?我想相信I want to.让他去主动爱上你吧Let him fall in love with you.我是杜威与皮尔斯事务所的瓦内萨·海明斯Vanessa Hemmings with Dewey & Pierce.他看她的眼神和以前看我的一模一样He looks at her the same way he used to look at me.那个还是黛比的"我"Well, Deb.就是我们做完水中有氧操后看匹萨的眼神Mm, the way we look at pizza after swim aerobics.对Yeah.我不知道原因And I don't know why我只是一个一时迷失的小女孩I'm just a little girl lost in the moment我很害怕但我知道我必须放手I'm so scared, I know I've got to let it go我和格雷森算是彻底没戏了Any chance I had with Grayson is gone.但你们知道办公室恋情向来无疾而终吧But you know those office romances never work out, right?没有睡前一吻吗No good-night kiss,还是你们只在办公室才做那种事or you only do that at the office?你不能通过告诉他你是黛比而让他爱上你You can't make him love you by telling him that you're Deb. -史黛西我打算告诉他了-天啊- Stacy, I'm gonna tell him. - Oh, my god.我有重要的事想告诉你I've got something important to tell you.简你愿意...Jane, will you...做我的伴郎吗be my best man?-不-什么- No. - What?简Jane!格雷森Grayson!!求你格雷森不要Please, Grayson. Please.黛比Deb?现在隆重推出新一季的《美女上错身》The new season of "Drop Dead Diva" begins now.不好意思你好Excuse me. Hi.我想找格雷森·肯特I'm looking for Grayson Kent.他刚被救护车送到这里He was just brought in by an ambulance.好格雷森·肯特Okay. Grayson Kent.很抱歉他已经去世了I am so sorry. He didn't make it.什么What?请您节哀顺变I'm very sorry for your loss.简简Jane! Jane!是我啊格雷森It's me -- Grayson!我死了但是当我到了天堂之门I died, but when I went upstairs,我按下了返回键I pressed the return button,然后我就进驻到这副躯体里复活了and now I'm back in this body.还有简我知道你其实是黛比And, Jane, I know you're really Deb.天啊Oh, my god.格雷森Grayson.-简-我现在没空先生- Hey, Jane. - Oh, not now, sir.是我啊格雷森But it's me -- Grayson.我死了但是当我到了天堂之门...I died, but when I went upstairs...你好啊简Yo, Jane!宝贝是我啊格雷森Baby, it's me -- Grayson.我死了但是当我到了天堂之门I died, but when I went upstairs ---简是我啊-简是我- Jane? I-it's me. - Jane, it's me.简是我啊格雷森Jane, it's me -- Grayson.简真的是我Jane! It's really me.女士你还好吗Ma'am, are you okay?你一直在说梦话You were talking in your sleep.我没事I'm fine.他怎么样有什么变化吗How's he doing? Any change?暂时没变化No, nothing yet.别这样抛下我Don't leave me this way{\fnArial}♪我无法生存I can't survive{\fnArial}♪没有你的爱我一刻也无法生存I can't stay alive without your love{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Oh, baby{\fnArial}♪别这样抛下我不要Don't leave me this way, no{\fnArial}♪我无法生存I can't survive{\fnArial}♪没有你的爱我一刻也无法生存No, I can't stay alive without your love{\fnArial}♪别这样抛下我Don't leave me this way{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Baby{\fnArial}♪我的心中充盈着对你的爱欲My heart is full of love and desire for you{\fnArial}♪快来做你应做的事So come on down and do what you got to do{\fnArial}♪来满足我内心的需求Come and satisfy the need in me{\fnArial}♪只有你的爱才能让我重获自由Only your good loving can set me fre-e-e-e-e-e{\fnArial}♪快来让我重获自由Come on and set me free and set me free{\fnArial}♪快来让我重获自由Come on and set me free and set me free{\fnArial}♪亲爱的Baby{\fnArial}♪我的心中充盈着对你的爱欲My heart is full of love and desire for you{\fnArial}♪快来做你应做的事So come on down and do what you got to do{\fnArial}♪来满足我内心的需求Come and satisfy the need in me{\fnArial}♪只有你的爱才能让我重获自由Only your good love can set me fre-e-e-e-e-e-e{\fnArial}♪简简Jane. Jane!-你还好吗-还好- Are you okay? - Yeah.我又做了那个相同的梦I just had that same dream,只不过这次不是雷鬼音乐而是迪斯科舞曲except for this time it was disco instead of reggae.宝贝他肯定很快就会醒过来的Oh, sweetie, I'm sure he's gonna wake up real soon.是啊Yeah.然后呢And then what?什么"然后呢""And then what" what?史黛西当他被车撞了之后Stacy, after he was hit by the car,他直视着我的眼睛叫我"黛比"he looked directly at me and called me "Deb."我是说当他再次清醒看到的会是谁呢I mean, when he wakes up again, who's he gonna see -- 是简还是黛比Jane or Deb?-是弗雷德-才不是- Fred. - No.他打电话来了He's calling.-嗨-他情况如何- Hey. - How's he doing?-还是老样子-我想你- About the same. - I miss you.我一小时之前刚刚见过你I just saw you like an hour ago.如果被撞的是你我真的不知道该怎么办I don't know what I'd do if you were hit by a car. 跟我保证过马路之前要向左看向右看Promise me you'll always look left, right,然后再向左看and then left again.我保证还有弗雷德I promise. And...Fred?-怎么了-我也想你- Yeah? - I miss you, too.我能和简说几句吗Hey, uh, can I talk to Jane?他想和你说话He wants to talk to you.她很...忙Um, she's...busy.我要挂了Oh. I got to go.有什么能帮您的吗Can I help you?我想找一下金·卡斯维I'm looking for Kim Kaswell.非常遗憾地通知您I regret to inform you卡斯维小姐已经不在了that Ms. Kaswell is no longer with us.真遗憾Oh, I'm so sorry.是的很令人伤感Yeah, it's sad,但她去了更好的地方but she's in a better place.我的天哪Oh, my god.女士她很好只是辞职了而已Lady, she's fine. She just quit the firm.你有病啊What is wrong with you?这是卡斯维小姐的新地址Uh, you know what? This is ms. Kaswell's new address.谢谢Thank you.我不明白弗雷德So, I'm confused, freddy.金都走了你还赖着她的办公桌干嘛With kim gone, why are you still on her desk?这里有免费的咖啡和办公用品Free coffee, free office supplies,而且我正在"开心农场"建种植园呢And I am building a plantation on "Farmville."我干嘛要走Why would I leave?-帕克-我刚刚去见过医生- Parker. - I just saw the doctor.说他随时可能醒来Said he could wake up anytime.对啊Yeah.我们只需要...等待We're just...waiting.咱们能到那边谈谈吗Can I talk to you out here?走Go.已经过了三天了Look, it's been three days.你应该回去工作了It's time to get back to work.好啊但是目前我没有客户Fine, but at the moment, I don't have any clients.你有可能会接到一位鲸鱼客户Oh, potentially, you have a whale.你那么说太过分了That is highly insensitive.也许那个客户的甲状腺有问题呢Maybe the client has a thyroid problem.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}鲸鱼的食量很大只能靠不断地进食来补充足够的能量{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}而甲亢患者具有类似的症状所以呆黛才会这么说囧不是的Oh, no.亲爱的我们管有钱的客户叫"鲸鱼"Sweetie, a "whale" is what we call a wealthy client.就在庭审当天早晨Tim Kline just fired his lawyer提姆·克莱因炒了他的律师on the morning of his trial.天哪那个电影明星Oh, my god. Tim Kline,-提姆·克莱因就是你的鲸鱼吗-有可能- the movie star, is your whale? - Potentially.他因为开车肇事逃逸而被起诉Oh, he's charged with a hit and run --受害者是一个十二岁女孩-year-old girl.-被撞得很惨-没错- She's in bad shape. - Yep.简你一个小时后要跟他见面Jane, you're gonna meet him in an hour.-不要-在威弗利山庄的游泳池边吗- No. - Poolside at the Waverly?他所有的会议都是在那儿开的It's where he takes all of his meetings.也就是在那里他把酒店房间搞得乱七八糟It's also where he trashed his hotel room,录了性爱录影带Made a sex tape,还醉醺醺地把自己的风流韵事发到了微博上and drunk twittered about his affair.-我不想接这个案子-你疯了吗- I don't want the case. - Are you crazy?!他之所以炒掉他的律师He only fired his attorney只是因为想把庭审拖延到because he wants to delay the trial他拍完《仇恨》之后until he can finish shooting "Bad blood ."而且我认为他有罪And besides, I think he's guilty.好吧虽说他的法拉利在案发后第二天早上Well, sure, his Ferrari was found dumped off Mulholland 被发现遗弃在了穆赫兰道下面the morning after the accident,而且他也没有不在场证明and he doesn't have an alibi,但是每个电影明星都有权得到公平的辩护but every movie star deserves fair representation.这是《权利法案》上的原话It's in the Bill of Rights.简你必须去赴约Jane, you're going to that meeting.我们俩都去不行We both are! Oh, no!实话实说你能看见我鼻子上的痘痘吗Be honest -- can you see the pimple on my nose?我知道就在这儿我能感觉得到I know it's there. I can feel it.我不能顶着青春痘去见提姆·克莱因I cannot meet Tim Kline with a zit.我什么都看不出来I don't see anything.-那就好-对不起就算要去- Okay. - Even if I was going, I'm sorry,我也不能带上个朋友but I can't bring a friend.的确不能带朋友但可以带实习生No, but you can bring an intern.无薪实习Unpaid.她了解案情的细节可以让你集中精力Oh. She knows all the details. She can keep you focused.我的瑜伽教练说有时候我的精力过于集中My yoga instructor says I'm so focused,就好像脑子里空无一物that sometimes it's like there's nothing in my head.双关同样是说小黛没有脑子我告诉过瓦内萨在她回来之前I told vanessa that I would stay with Grayson我会陪着格雷森所以...until she got back, so ---你好瓦内萨-你好- Hey, vanessa. - Hi.简谢谢你陪着他Jane, thank you for staying with him.没什么Oh, of course.要是你需要我继续留在这里我不...If you need me to stick around, I'm not...不用了我能行Oh, no, we'll be fine.咱们去见见那条鲸鱼吧Well, let's go meet the whale.金Kim.佩妮你好Penny. Hi.你在咖啡馆里工作吗You're working in a coffee shop?对这只是暂时的Yeah. It's a temporary situation.你好吗How are you?我好极了Oh, I'm great.还行吧Fine.不怎么样Not so good.请坐吧Oh. Well, have a seat.发生什么事了What's going on?你还记得凯文吗You remember Kevin?记得你那个劈腿的前夫Yeah, your cheating ex-husband?离婚的时候咱们狠狠捞了他一票We got him pretty good in the divorce.几周前他打电话来说他去接受了治疗A few weeks ago, he called and said he'd been to therapy 而且已经改过自新了and that he was a changed man.然后呢Okay.我请他过来吃晚饭I invited him over for dinner,然后一来二去...and one thing led to another...你就跟他上床了You slept with him.然后他就杳无音讯了And then I never heard from him again.混蛋Jackass.没错Yeah.我能帮上什么忙Well, how can I help?我想起诉他I want to sue him.告他什么打电话找你上床吗For what? For...a booty call?这个理由可以吗Can I do that?实际上我认为是可以的Actually, I think you can.我会拟好诉讼事由I'll work up a cause of action,提起诉讼中午前他就会接到传票File a complaint, and he'll be served by noon.好极了还有一件事Great. Oh, there's one more thing.我听说你和帕克分手了I-I heard you and Parker broke up.那是最好的选择It's for the best.我想凯文会雇用帕克做他的律师I'm thinking Kevin will hire Parker to be his lawyer.他们是俱乐部里认识的朋友They're friends from the club.那会有问题吗Will that be a problem?我没问题Not for me.好的谢谢Good. Thanks.你可以在工作时间到威弗利来You get to go to the Waverly in the middle of the day而且还能报销with an expense account.你这工作简直酷毙了You have the coolest job ever!我知道很酷对吧I know, right?六点钟方向秀色可餐哦Ooh! Eye candy, :.-宾格温小姐-是- Miss Bingum? - Yes.你好我是马克提姆的经纪人Hi, I'm Mark, tim's manager.-你好-也是他的哥哥比他大四岁- Hello. - And his brother, four years older.-处女座-没错您是哪位- A Virgo. - That's right. And you are?宾格温小姐的实习生史黛西Miss Bingum's intern, Stacy.很高兴见到二位Pleasure to meet both of you.提姆在棚子里等着呢Tim's waiting in a bungalow.很好Great.我知道大家会怎么想--I know how it looks --我在关键时刻把律师给炒了Me firing my lawyer at the th hour.但我能怎么办呢那家伙很不称职But what can I say? The guy's incompetent.为什么要等到庭审日才炒他Why wait till the day of the trial?因为他保证过这一天永远不会到来Because he promised this day would never come.他说指控会被驳回He said the charges were gonna be dismissed.你现在面临着十年监禁的指控You are looking at years in jail.你考虑过抗辩吗Have you considered a plea?没有因为我是无辜的No. Because I'm innocent.有人偷了我的车撞了那个女孩Someone stole my car and hit that girl, okay?我那天整晚都独自在家我发誓I was home alone the whole night. I swear.我完全相信你I totally believe you.问题是The thing is,我不确定我是否相信你I don't know if I believe you.好吧我们感激你的直率Well, then, we appreciate your candor,我们到此为止吧But we're done here.不不不等等简是个很棒的律师No, no, no, no, wait! Jane is a great lawyer.她曾获过奖和你所获的人民选择奖不一样She's won awards. I mean, nothing like your People's Choice, {\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}人民选择奖是每年一届的美国娱乐奖项\N在美国有"民间奥斯卡"之称是真正的律师奖but real lawyer awards.赶紧说几句Say something.如果连我都不相信你If I don't believe you,你觉得陪审团会相信吗good luck with a jury.提姆提姆·克莱因Tim. Tim Kline.我是《号外》节目的杰森·亨德勒I'm Jason Hendler with "Extra."他现在不能接受采访It's not a good time right now.我很抱歉打扰你I'm sorry to bother you,你今天早晨真的把你的律师解雇了吗but is it true you fired your attorney this morning?是的Yes, it is.这是你为了完成电影拍摄而实施的拖延策略吗Is it a delay tactic so you can finish filming your movie? 不我...No, I, um...这并不是...并不是什么新鲜事It's not -- it's not that uncommon.求你了求你了Please, please, please?这是常有的事这... 这...It's fairly common. This is -- this is...打扰一下"号外"先生Excuse me, Mr. "Extra extra,"克莱因先生案件的陪审团还在选定当中but to blind-side Mr. Kline just when his jury你现在对他进行中伤is being impaneled将损害他受到公平审判的权利Compromises his right to a fair trial.先生您真的想成为正义的拦路虎吗Do you, sir, really want to stand in the way of justice?你是谁Who are you?她叫简·宾格温Her name's Jane Bingum.她是我的新律师And she's my new lawyer.克莱因先生案件的陪审团还在选定当中But to blind-side Mr. Kline just when his jury你现在对他进行中伤is being impaneled将损害他受到公平审判的权利compromises his right just when histo a fair trial."先生您真的想成为正义的拦路虎吗""Do you, sir, really want to stand in the way of justice?"真不错史黛西That's good, Stacy.如果他们要重拍《永不妥协》If they remake "Erin Brockovich,"我绝对准备好了I am so ready.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}茱莉亚罗伯茨主演你是谁Who are you?她叫简·宾格温她是我的新律师Her name is jane bingum, and she's my new lawyer.坏小子提姆·克莱因这一年几经波折Bad boy Tim Kline has had a rough year.先是被指控与他的普拉提教练偷情First, accusations of infidelity with his pilates instructor.然后是他的妻子拉娜在结婚三年后Then his wife, Lana, files for divorce提出了离婚诉讼请求after three years of marriage.这是警察报告犯罪现场照片和证词副本Police reports, crime-scene photos, deposition transcripts. 还有法院来过电话And the clerk called.法官驳回了你审判延期的请求The judge denied your petition for a continuance.说她不会延期审判Said she won't delay the trial让你的客户拍完他的电影so your client can finish the movie.但我还没准备好But I'm not ready.那我们最好马上开工Then we better get to work.卡斯维小姐Ms. Kaswell.很高兴你能回来It's nice to have you back.我是来参加你所要求的和解会议的I'm here about the settlement conference you requested.我给你留了十多条信息I've left you a dozen messages.很抱歉我吻了克莱尔I apologize for kissing Claire.那对我毫无意义It meant nothing to me.我过来不是为了谈咱俩的事I'm not here about us.金...Kim...帕克谈案子Parker, the case.好吧Fine.你的控诉没有法律依据Your complaint has no merit.你不能因为变味的一夜情而提起上诉You can't sue for a booty call gone bad.我有三个诉讼原由:触犯民法Three causes of action -- civil battery,过失导致他人精神痛苦negligent infliction of emotional distress,以及不正当性行为and general sexual misconduct.最后一条我不太理解I don't even understand that last one.我没指望你能理解I wouldn't expect you to.好吧我们正在请求撤诉Okay. We're seeking an order to dismiss.那你为什么要召开这次会议Then why did you even call this meeting?为了见到你To see you.如果一场和解会议And if a settlement conference是我唯一能见到你的方法...was the only way I could get through to you --我们谈完了法庭上见We're done. I'll see you in court.根据刹车痕迹和和初始撞击位置Based on skid marks and the initial impact,可得知艾米·罗宾逊是于晚上:左右I concluded that Amy Robinson was struck在比弗利山被一辆南向行驶的车所撞by a southbound car on Beverly Glen at approximately : p.m. 你在第二天早晨找到了这辆车And you found this vehicle, a Ferrari ,法拉利The following morning?是的在月桂谷底部找到的Yes, at the base of Laurel Canyon.车主是提姆·克莱因Registered to Tim Kline.我们认为有人将车推下了穆赫兰道的车道We believe it was pushed off of Mulholland drive试图躲避当局的追查in an attempt to hide it from authorities.你确定是被告的车撞了艾米吗Are you certain it was the defendant's car that struck Amy?是的车子栏栅上的头发纤维和血迹Yes -- hair, fiber, and blood on the car's grille-都与受害人一致-谢谢- are consistent with the vicTim. - Thank you.警官Detective,有人看到我的委托人撞到了艾米·罗宾逊吗did anyone see my client hit Amy Robinson?-没有-是否可能有人偷了提姆的车- No. - Is it conceivable that someone stole Tim's car,然后这个偷车贼撞了艾米·罗宾逊呢And the person who stole the car hit Amy Robinson?没有证据表明司机另有其人There's no evidence there was another driver.警官我想请你看一下Detective, I'd like to call your attention我实习生的鼻子to my intern's nose.巴奈特小姐请向警官招招手Ms. Barrett, please wave to the detective.史黛西Stacy.她的皮肤看上去完美无瑕是吗She appears to have flawless skin, doesn't she?是的I guess.其实她鼻子上有颗痘痘She actually has a pimple on her nose.几乎看不出来It's barely noticeable.你当时说完全看不出来You said it wasn't noticeable.-法官大人-律师你在干什么- Your honor? - Counselor, what are you doing?我想要提醒陪审团I'm trying to remind the jury证据缺失并不代表没有证据that the absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.换句话说你看不到的东西In other words, just because you can't see something并不代表它不存在doesn't mean it doesn't exist.就像巴奈特小姐的痘痘Like Miss Barrett's pimple.警官你没有找到证据Detective, just because you didn't find evidence证明其他人开过提姆的车that someone else was driving Tim's car这不能说明确实没有别人doesn't mean that someone else wasn't,开过提姆的车对吗in fact, driving Tim's car, correct?应该是这样但是...I suppose that's true, but --没有问题了No more questions.在艾斯丘威·艾斯丘案例中法院裁定In Askewv. Askew, the court ruled,"司法部门无权管理"The judiciary should not attempt人类社会活动to regulate the human condition.两性关系错综复杂无章可循"Relationships beget complications which defy reason."因此我们恳请您驳回起诉That is why we're asking you to dismiss.但此案的情况有所不同This case is factually distinct.作为一对离婚夫妇他们的关系特殊As a divorced couple, they had a special relationship,而不像是同事关系这只是打个比方not unlike two co-workers, for instance.你的意思是...Your point is?布瑞克先生应该非常清楚Mr. Brecker should have known exactly他的行为会伤害到我的委托人how his behavior would have harmed my client.她也应该清楚不该有所奢望And she should have known what to expect.有得必有失It's a double-edged sword.我同意这个案件没有法律依据I agree. This case has no merit.等一下法官大人Hold on, your hon.凯文明确告诉佩妮他改过自新了Kevin specifically told penny that he had changed.由于他对自己的实际情况表述失实Given his material misrepresentation也就是声称自己不再是沾花惹草的人渣了that he was no longer a skirt-chasing dirt bag,我们要修正我们的指控We would like to amend our complaint改为控告他进行虚假宣传to include false advertising.-什么我反对-你当然反对了- What? No. I object. - Of course you do.我的委托人信任她前夫向自己的宣传My client relied on how her husband advertised himself -- 他说去看了心理医生已经改过自新了that he had gone to therapy and was a changed man.但她被骗了She was duped.法官大人她这是在嘲弄法庭Your honor, she's making a mockery of your court.我没什么意见但虚假宣传案的索赔I don't disagree. False advertising claims需要一名商业仲裁员的参与should be brought before a commercial arbitrator,因此我要移交复审本案and that's where I'm remanding this case.法官将由我妹妹来担任In fact, my sister was just appointed.她明早将听取双方的证词She'll hear testimony tomorrow morning.史黛西Stacy.你在这儿干嘛What are you doing here?我听泰丽说我们要在这里向委托人作简报I heard from Teri that we're briefing our client here.不只是开个小会不是作简报Oh, no, no. It's just a meeting. It's not a briefing.我带了防晒霜和游泳衣Oh, and I brought sunscreen and bathing suits说不定我们能有空午休一下in case we have time for a siesta.亲爱的抱歉但你不该来的Sweetie, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be here.少来了你们好啊提姆马克Oh, come on. Hey, Tim. Hi, mark.你们好很抱歉我们迟到了Hey. So sorry we're late.-我们该开始了-是的没错- We should get started. - Yes, we should.-太激动了-我知道快走快走- I'm so excited! - I know. Walk. Walk.虽然我们已经有了一些进展Well, we made some headway.但没有不在场证明情况还是不乐观But without an alibi, we're in trouble.提姆有没有可能别人开过你的车Tim, did anyone have access to your car?朋友或是手下Friends or employees?那车价值二十万美元It's a $, car.所有人都知道它是我的最爱Everyone knows it's my favorite.除了我谁也不能碰No one drives it but me.-那你呢马克-什么- What about you, Mark? - Excuse me?《人物》杂志上说你住在提姆的客房里According to "People" Magazine, you live in Tim's guesthouse 而且对名贵跑车很有研究and have a taste for expensive cars.我很喜欢他的法拉利但我从没开过I loved his Ferrari, but I never drove it.有人不请自来了Oh, we have company.宾格温小姐我们能谈谈吗Miss Bingum, can we talk?如果你想和解那就别浪费时间了If you're here to offer a deal, don't waste our time.我的委托人是无辜的My client is innocent.艾米·罗宾逊一个小时前死了Amy Robinson died an hour ago.指控将被改为二级谋杀The indictment will be amended to second-degree murder.早上好阳光美女Good morning, sunshine.宝拉·阿巴杜Paula Abdul?{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}著名舞蹈家兼歌手《美国偶像》评委我爱死你这埃及棉的床单了Mm. I love your Egyptian cotton sheets.让我猜猜是针的吗Let me guess -- it's, um, thread count?对了这个枕套是真丝的Oh, and this pillowcase is silk.我有个好主意I have a great idea!早餐吃蓝莓烤饼如何Blueberry pancakes for breakfast?好的但为什么你会在我床上Okay, but why are you in my bed?坑姐呢我们昨晚都共度良宵了Really? After last night?-什么-开玩笑的- What?! - Just kidding!说正经的简我之所以在这里But really, Jane, the reason I'm here是因为我觉得我们该谈谈了is because I think it's time we had one of our talks.好的Okay.谢谢你但我知道你想说什么了Thank you, but I knowk it's time what you're gonna say.我才智过人健康无比还有一头秀发I am smart, I'm healthy, and I have gorgeous hair.我的人生完全由我自己做主And I can do whatever I want with my life.总而言之我简直就是个女超人Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm practically superwoman.我要说的是你该长大了简I was gonna say, "you need to grow up, Jane."什么What?你一直都对格雷森求之若渴念念不忘You've been pining after Grayson for so long --不他当时睁开眼叫了声"黛比"No, he opened his eyes and said "Deb."他知道是我He knows it's me.那可怜的家伙昏迷了The poor guy's in a coma.他的未婚妻一直陪在他身边His fiancee is by his side.你只应该做个给予他支持的朋友The only thing you need to be is a supportive friend,仅此而已nothing more.她说得对简She's right, Jane.我只想说宝拉·阿巴杜说得很在理I'm just saying, Paula Abdul makes an excellent point.{\an\fn\fs\b\bord\shad\c&FFF&}他们在模仿并调侃《美国偶像》三位评委的评价模式开玩笑吧两票对一票Really? Two against one?说真的弗雷德从我床上滚下去Seriously, Fred, out of my bed.除非你闭上眼睛Not until you close your eyes.什么为什么What? Why?因为是时候醒来了Because it's time to wake up.醒醒Wake up!离上庭还有半个小时We're due in court in half an hour.好的Okay.我做了个超级疯狂的梦I just had the craziest dream.疼你干嘛要掐我Ouch! Why did you do that?我只想确认我是不是还在做梦I just wanted to make sure I wasn't still dreaming.你该掐你自己才对Well, you're supposed to pinch yourself.但我比你更容易起淤青But I bruise more easily than you do.此话不假快起来So true. Now, up and at 'em.史黛西...Stacy...当格雷森最终睁开眼的时候When Grayson finally opens his eyes,我想让他知道我是黛比而不是简I want him to know that it's me-- Deb-- not Jane.那样做有错吗Is that so wrong?心存希望没有什么错There is nothing wrong with hoping.但如果当他睁开眼睛不知道你是黛比的话...But if he opens his eyes and he doesn't know it's you... 那我只能做个给予他支持的朋友仅此而已Then I need to be a supportive friend, nothing more? 没错Exactly.好了亲爱的我们该工作了Now, sweetie, we have to get to work.先说清楚Now, let me be perfectly clear.我哥哥之所以把这个案子交给我My brother only kicked me this case只是因为我错过了他去年的生日because I missed out on his last birthday.卡斯维女士简单地说Ms. Kaswell, cutting through the legalese,你是因为一夜情而提出上诉的吗you're suing today because of a booty call. Is that correct?是由虚假宣传而引发的一夜情A booty call caused by false advertising.那么现在案子的关键就是Now, the only issue of law is whether Mr. Brecker布瑞克先生自称已经改过自新falsely represented that he was a changed man是否只是为了欺骗他前妻与他发生性关系in order to convince his ex-wife to have sex with him.那么布瑞克先生你告诉你前妻Now, Mr. Brecker, it says here that you told your ex-wife你在看心理医生对吗that you're seeing a psychiatrist?-是的没错-很好- Yes, that's true. - Perfect.通知那位医生今天下午来出庭作证Have the doctor here later this afternoon to testify.作证证明什么Testify? Testify to what?证明你的委托人确实已经改过自新了To testify that your client is a changed man.从法律上来说车祸是导致艾米·罗宾逊Under the law, Amy Robinson's death。



《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):I’m an angel, not a wizard. And between you and me, it’s just a fancy term for “babysitter”.我是天使,不是巫师。


《尼基塔》(Nikita):Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon.有时,弱点反而是我们最强的武器。

《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):If you don’t think you’re worth much, why should he?如果你都觉得自己不值钱,他凭什么要认为你多么值钱?《绝望主妇》(Desperated Housewives):It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we realize we are all alone in this world.对每个人来说意识到自己孤独的活在世上都是震惊无比的。

《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):No one can guarantee anyone’s future.谁都不能保证别人的前途。

《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva):People say there are five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.都说悲痛有五个阶段:拒绝,愤怒,自欺欺人,消沉,接受。

《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory):Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。

DROP DEAD DIVA(2) 美女上错身第二季第九集对话

DROP DEAD DIVA(2) 美女上错身第二季第九集对话

DROP DEAD DIVA(2)09See that aspiring model there?That was me, Deb, until the day I died.I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up. And I woke up in someone else's body.So now I'm Jane, a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant.I got a new life, a new wardrobe, and the only people who really know what's going on with me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred.I used to think everything happened for a reason......And, well, I sure hope I was right.New lipstick?Smoke red, Tom Ford.Private Blend!I splurged.So jealous.What's the occasion?I'm becoming a rainmaker.Isn't that a lawn sprinkler?At work it's someone who brings in a lot of money.I just landed a great new client.Her boss demoted her for being too old.There should be a law against that.There is.And she works for a company with deep pockets.Deep pockets -- so late '90s.Different kind of pockets.I know, I'm just messing with you.Anyway...the client say one of my cases online and called me.I'm getting a reputation.What's with the new lipstick?Jane's getting a reputation.The good kind.I got to go make rain.Good luck, sweetie.Fred, how many times have I told you "Instyle" Magazine is not a coaster?Sorry.Uh, this was in the mailbox.Still?It came a couple days ago, and I left there, hoping that the mailman would take it back.It's from your credit card company.Says "Final notice, " all capital letters.I know.They ruined the color pink forever.How did this happen?Well, I was all set to make the minimum payment of $150.And?Marc Jacobs ankle boots. 60% off!You got to let me help. Can I loan you the money?No, I can't take your money.Good, 'cause I don't have 150 bucks.What if we ask Jane?I can't ask Jane...again.Maybe you could mail the shoes to the credit card company.They were 60% off!Cream, two sugars, right?How did you know I was here?Reflection in the microwave.Very Jason Bourne. I like it.I'm former CIA. Don't tell.Oh, you have a little something on your tie, Mr. Bourne.Don't worry. No one sight.I checked the microwave.Ms. Kasvell, please be ready to update us on the Hobbs divorce at the staff meeting.Absolutely, Mr. Parker, Sir.I'm on top of it.Good day.Crap. The Hobbs divorce.Good morning.Code red -- Donald Hobbs is waiting on us to pull the trigger on his divorce.Get an expedited process server to bring his wife divorce papers.Expedited? That's 175 bucks.I don't care. I was supposed to do this days ago.How could I forget an entire case?Oh, that's easy. You're in a new relationship.Your brain is soaking in a stew of endorphins which never get a chance to dissipate because the object of your affection is a co-worker.The question was rhetorical.Hey, Stacy.How would you like to make 175 bucks?It's our first house.We bought it from the bank.It was a foreclosure.We thought it was a good deal.But now you want out of it?We can't go back there. Ever.1It's haunted."Haunted"?Well, there were issues from the day we moved in -- weird sounds, flickering lights.And then two weeks ago...I woke up and I saw a ghost standing by our bed.Tracy screamed. I woke up.But, by then, whatever was there bad, uh, disappeared.It happened the next three nights.We've been at a motel ever since.Are you guys putting me on?Is this some sort of practical joke?You don't have to believe us.You just have to help us. Please.Let's move on to new business.This isn't civics class, Bingum.I'm sorry. I'm just so excited.I have an age-discrimination suit.I like it. Keep takling.She was a drug rep for Clasky pharmaceuticals.Clasky. They're Fortune 500.I am falling in love with it.She was arbitrarily demoted to a desk job and replaced by a 24-year-old.I see a seven-figure judgment.We are on the right side of the issue.So it's a win-win.I like to win-win. Kaswell, take the lead.Bingum, make the introductions. - What? No.Absolutely. - No, this is my case.You're excited about the case. I get it.I'm sure Kim will be happy to have you as second chair.Moving on, uh, who else has pending litigation?How does this happen?Please, I've been your second chair plenty of times.The client's waiting in your office.What's she doing here?She is meeting her client.Parker made her first chair.Teri, please tell me that that is not my client.That's your age discrimination?How old is she?And if she's over 50, who did her work?She's 34.A 34-year-old suing for age discrimination.Is this your way of sandbagging me?Yes.I knew that you were going to steal my case, so I cleverly arrangedfor my client to be 30 years younger than I thought she'd be.I'm a diabolical genius.That would be so cool if you were.I know. Right?Well after you, first chair.Clasky recruited me right out of college to sell heart medications.Within three years, I covered half of L.A. County.So, what happened?I got older.Once I hit 30, they started handing off parts of my territory and most of my commission --- To younger salespeople?- 24-year-olds.Clasky wants their reps to be young and cute.Like most drug companies, they recruit a lot of cheerleaders and pageant girls.But they haven't fired you?No, they exiled me to customer service.My family...depends on my income, which is down 50% since they put mu on a desk.Can you think of any other reason you might have been demoted?I know they were unhappy I cut back on their extracurricularfunctions.What kind of extracurriculars?Booze cruises, happy hours, trips to Vegas.I have kids.I need to be home nights and weekends.Plus, I was making my numbers without doing Jell-O shots with the doctors.Charlotte, you need to know that discrimination laws were't designed to protect people your age.So, I'm too old to sell, but too young to sue?I didn't mean it like that.I just want you to realize that...We will so everything we can to fix this.Okay, not that I'm complaining, but...what are you wearing?It's my swiss alps oktoberfest barmaid outfit.Why?Last time I deliveried a singing telegram, it was a big hit.I got tips.This is not a singing telegram, Stacy. Um, these are legal documents, uh, that initiate a divorce. You need to hand them to Mrs. Hobbs and say, "You've been served."You've been served.2That's right.You've been served.That's good, too.You've been served.I see why you got tips.Ghosts?I can't believe that you can sit there with a straight face and tell me -- The house is sold. Escrow's closed.I thought you might be open to a discussion.There's nothing to discuss.What about the fact that the house is haunted?I saw the ghost.It does appear there are problems with --Our inspectors did a thorough examination of the property, which your clients signed off on. There's nothing wrong with --We have proof. - We do?The international bureau of paranormal investigations, based in Trenton, New Jersey.They analyzed the aura over the phone and concluded that there is a supernatural presence in the house and strong possibility that the house is a portal.A portal? Well, why didn't you say that before?Well, here, let me open up my checkbook and write you a --Are you kidding?No need to be sarcastic.Tell me somtthing, Mr. Kent.Do you believe there are ghosts in your clients' house?Look, with all the foreclosures, is it possible the bank has a different property we can roll the Prescotts' mortagage into?Here's my offer.The Prescotts continue to pay the mortgage, I don't have them evicted and torch their credit rating.Deal?Don't forget -- proactive and peremptory.If it feels right, I'll use it.Now shh! I'm first chair.Your honor, we move for immediate dismissal.California's fair employment and housing act grants no age protection to people under 40.We understand that. But Clasky Phamaceuticals' unnatural obsession with youth amounts to de facto age discrimination. Please. Counsel saying it doesn't make it so.Our country is increasingly youth-oriented.We have sports figures who are over the hill at 30, A president in his 40s.Let's not forget Ashton Kutcher.Three careers and a stepfather to teenagers by the time he was 27-years-old. - Shh!The law needs to recognize that while we're living longer, we're being aged out sooner.Your honor, Charlotte Perkins is an at-will employee.She can be demoted or even fired at our discretion.I will take the matter under advisement.Your honor, this is proactive and peremptory discrimination.Thry purposefully demoted Charlotte before she turened 40 to avoida lawsuit.Is that it? Or is somebody else going to jump up and yell at me?No, that's it.You've been served.Okay.Just a second.You've been - welcome home.What?You're not Donald.No.Just delivering something.I'm so embarrassed.My husband is due back from a business trip today, and, well, we're newlyweds.Ohh! It's beautiful.I know. You know, I've never been one of those girls who dreamedof wedding rings.But then I saw this, and...Uh, how long have you been married?Six weeks on Saturday.Dnonald's been gone for three days, but it feels like forever.You know, it's true what they say about marriage.Mm, what's that?It's slumber party every night.I'm sorry.Did you need me to sign something?You know what?I think I have the wrong house.Oh. 'kay.Hi, Jane.Bye, Jane.Want to talk about it?She shushed me.What? - Kim shushed me.She wouldn't even listen to my ideas and --You brought in the case. - No, I don't even care about that.I care about Charlotte.3And now I'm just supposed to sit on my hands and let Kim muck it up?I mean, how could Parker give her my case?I wouldn't take it personally.How else am I supposed to take it?Well, I'm sure Parker's not thinking straight.I mean, you know how it is.His -- his brain is soaking in a stew of endorphins.They cloud the judgment.What are you talking about?Well, I wasn't gonna say anything before because it wasn't relevant, but --Oh, wow, look at me. I sound like a lawyer.But I should probably tell you.Parker is in a new relationship.A relationship with whom?It's possible I've said too much.Son of a bitch.I know what you're doingWhat am I doing? - You're sleeping with Kim. And that's why you gave her my case.Maybe you want to shut the door.Oh, why? Are you afraid everyone will hear the truth?Fine, leave it open.I did not give anyone your case.I simply make you second chair.Semantics.Before you say another word, think about what you're alleging. Oh, I've thought about it.And I can even cite the code section for you if you'd like.I have no doubt.Bingum, this firm is my legacy.Do your really think I'd let my personal life get in the way of my business judgment?I think you already have.Were you aware that Kim has the firm's best record with employment discrimination suits?I'll take that as a "No."But at least you'd acknowledge that I've previously given you cases that Kim brought in.Yes, I guess that's true, but --So before you storm into my office again, please be kind enough to get your facts straight.Not that it matters in this case.Why?Judge Daniels just dismissed your suit.If you were in your office doing your job, you'd know that.It doesn't excuse the fact --I know where the lines are, Bingum.I haven't crossed any.Have a good day.Somewhere else.Stacy! What are you doing here?With the papers you were supposed to serve todayThere was a little... a little bump in the road.Did you find the house?And she was there?Yeah.I see no bump.Fred, she showed me her ring.What? She is, like, the happiest married person in America.You should have seen her little face.Stacy - No, I know what's in this envelope.And I couldn't be responsible for destroying her happiness.I am not a love assassin.You're just the messenger.You said this would be easy. - It is easy.All you have to do is hand her the papers and say --I'm sorry.Maybe it's for the best.I mean, age discrimination -- she's only 34.It wasn't a great case.But it was my case, not Kim's.I promised Charlotte.Did you know about Parker and Kim?I suspect.I don't get it.I mean, what is he doing with her?I guess he's into dirty blondes, emphasis on the dirty.I mean, he's managing partner.He has an obligation to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.A boss sets a tone, and that impacts how the employees feel.And this employee feels like another round.Are you in?Oh, my god. - What?Am I gonna have to hold your hair while you're throwing up?'cause you should know I'm a sym pathetic puker.No. I have an idea.We're suing the boss for sexual harassment.You're gonna sue Parker?No. Charlotte is going to sue her boss.Forget age discrimination.4Clasky pharmaceuticals created a hostile work environment. Okay, we have to get back upstairs to the office..And prepare a new filing.I don't know.This goes against my "Never drink and draft" Policy.Tonight, we're making an exception.I don't believe you.You filed something with the court in my name?Well, you're first chair, So you should have thought of it first.This isn't 31 flavors.We don't get to sample every cause of action until we find one we like.And sexual harassment?How exactly do you plan to argue that?Well, in case you've forgotten, There are two types of sexual harassment.There's quid pro quo where someone gets special treatment for sleeping with her boss.And then this is the second type --Hostile workplace sexual harassment.You heard Charlotte talk about her office.It's all cheerleaders d -- and pageant finalists, who are basically required to flirt and dress provocatively. So we can argue that it meets the standard of severs and pervasive harassment.I'm not so sure.Just saw the filing -- hostile workplace.Brilliant move, Kaswell. And you, too, Jane.I can't believe I let you talk me into canceling dinner with Vanessa for this.Well, I can't believe you were gonna drop the Prescott case without even visiting the haunted house.Teri...Don't "Teri" me.I have lived in two haunted homesAnd one very poltergeist-y college dorm.What are you doing?In my haunted dorm, The ghost smelled like burnt molasses. Although, that could have been my roommate.What was that?The floor.And that?A light bulb. They do that.Okay. We are not leaving until we see a ghost.I'm gonna look upstairs.I'm going to see if I can salvage my dinner plans.Knock it off.Look at you.Hard at work in a haunted house.Deb?Were you expecting some other girl?Wanted to say hi.Let you know that I'm a-okay.The afterlife kind of rocks.How are you doing.How am I doing?You look good.Are you seeing anyone?No. Of course not.Grayson?Are you all right?You were talking to the wall.Uh, yeah. No. I-I just saw...What?I just saw a ghost.We were always told that Clasky wasn't just a job, it was a lifestyle.But after my girls were born, my lifestyle changed.I - I cut back on the outside socializing and started dressing myage.And what happened?Well, it started with nasty looks, rude comments from management.Then they pulled mu off the road, gave me a headset, and stuck me on a desk in the annex.What type of drugs does Clasky pharmaceuticals produce?Primarily heart medications.Is it true that 9 out of 10 cardiologists are men?Yes. That's why they hire female sales reps who appeal to those men.Management calls us their "Bond girls."Uh, your honor, is it all right if I head off to my co-counsel before her head explodes?By all means.So, this is your company handbook.Could you please read e highlighted portion?"Skirts shall be no longer than an inch above the knee. Heels shall be at least three inches."Charlotte, why did you decide to file this suit?Because I'm good at my job.I understand these drugs.I know how to sell them.I just don't want to do it with my cleavage.Ms. Perkins, you understand that your lawyers are arguing that your work environment was hostile, right?5Yes.Have you ever been subject to unwanted sexual advances while employed by Clasky?No.Has pornography ever been on display at the office?No.Have you ever had to endure crude or vulgar jokes?No. The harassment was more subtle than that.So subtle, it didn't exist.Molly Hobbs?You're early. - I am?You're by yourself?Um... Yeah.Well, you must be stronger than you look.Um, I cleared a wall for you.And I really want it to be a surprise, so I'm hoping you can install it quickly.What am I installing?The 60-inch plasma TV.It's a -- a gift for my husband.You bought your husband a 60-inch, high-definition flat-screen?I know he really wanted one, so what the hell.I pulled a couple of extra shifts.He's gonna love it, right?So, where is it, in the truck?Um...Yeah.Let me -- let me just go make sure I've got the right one.Okay.My favorite restaurant in the city?Mm, Lawry's.And why do I need to know that?Because you're gonna want to buy me dinner.Look at what I found.?It's a website that catalogs southern california haunted houses. The prescotts' house is on a haunted-house registry?And it has been for years.And according to Stambovsky VS. Ackley, a 1991 new york supreme court decision, non-disclosure fo a house's reputation for being haunted -- entitles the buyer to a refund.You know your ghost law.Eh, it's kind of my thing.Your clients want the purchase agreement voided.On what grounds?You're gonna love this.The house in question is reputed to be possessed by poltergeists.That last part again, counselor?Ghosts, your honor.And the bank knew it... Or should have.Here's the part where we ask that you dismiss this case, with prejudice, and award sanctions.These are repints from a website .Note that the prescotts' house has been listed since 2004, which means that either the bank knew it and failed to disclose, which is fraudulent misrepresentation, or should have known about it, in which case it's negligence.There's a third option.My client didn't know the house was listed on some crackpot website and shouldn't be expected to, because unlike opposing counsel, they have better thins to do with their time than go googling for ghosts!I'm inclined to agree.Do you have any other evidence, counselor?Yes.I saw one.You saw one what?A ghost in the house.Case dismissed.Mr. Kent, seek help.You make me believe in something betterWell... That's done.You gave her the papers?How did it go? Tell me everthing.It was, uh...It was a -- it was a piece of --Was it awful?Was Mrs. Hobbs devastated?Did she collapse onto the floor from the weight of broken heart?Did tears well up in her eyes?No! Stop! I couldn't do it either.Ah-ha! I knew it!She bought him a 60-inch, flat-screen tv just for being him. She loves him.Kim is gonna kill me.I will speak at your funeral.What am I doing?Couldn't stay away, huh?Deb. You know, I think I've stopped aging. And my skin is glowing.That was a joke.What's wrong, Grayson?Deb, I never lied to you before. I don't want to start now. You asked me if I was seeing anyone. I am.6Yeah. I had a feeling.Hey. - Vanessa. What are you --Teri told me you were here. I, uh, heard about your day in court. Well, actually, everyone did.Yeah, tell a judge that you see dead people, watch how fast word travels.So... Tell me about your ghost.It's okay. You don't have humor me. - Grayson.She was , uh... A young woman. She stood right about where you are now.Right here?She disappeared, then I saw that.It looks like...a face.Hey, are you sure that your clients aren't moving back here? Absolutely.Well, in that case...Whoa. Uh, what are you doing?Yeah. See that? Right there?Toxic mold. My brother buys old houses. Taught me all about this stuff. Um, it grows behind walls, interferes with the structure of the house, the electrical systemFlickering lights.Creaky floorboards, peeling wallpaper. And get this --exposure is also known to cause hallucinations.Really? Hallucinations.Looks like your clients may have found some new grounds. Where is the depo transcript?How's it going, team?Awesome. - Super.You want some dinner?Too busy. - No, thanks.All right, then. Back at it.What?What? What? I didn't say anything.You looked like you wanted to.Maybe I always look like this.Fine.So, when Parker offered dinner, was that offer for both of us or just for you?That's it. - What?What did I day? - I'm dating Parker.Get over it.I'm sick of your passive-aggressive comments.What comments? I haven't said anything.Oh, please, every time you speak, I can hear that tone in your voice. And the way you've been looking at me ever since I got this case?Go ahead. Say it. You think I'm sleeping my way through the firm.Okay. I think you're sleeping your way through the firm.I can't believe you just said that.Really? First Grayson and now Parker. I mean, who's next, Carl with the sideburns in payroll?I've dated two men in the last year.And, yes, they both happen to work here.Do you know why? Because this is where my life is. You of all people should understand that. Date any lawyers lately?Yeah. I didn't work for tony. So I wasn't sleeping with him to get ahead. I was sleeping with him for fun.I'm not dating Parker to get ahead. And for the record, I really liked Grayson at the time, but he's still in love with that dead girlfriend of his. I couldn't compete. Anything else you'd like to know about my personal life, send me an e-mail.I'm going home.Mr. Clasky, do I have this right?You admit to recruiting cheerleaders to fill out your workforce?Yes, " Businessweek," Sales journals, they've all published studies that show cheerleaders and other athletes do better in business than their counterparts. It's all about focus and commitment.Your witness.Why did you demote my client? Her performance hadn't declined.Oh, I knew it would.Are you psychic?No, I've just been doing my job for the past two decades.I knew when Charlotte stopped attending the weekly social function,let her gym membership lapse, started dressing more like a...A mom?Less sexy. Once people opt out of the Clasky lifestyle, their numbers start going down. And maybe not right away, but eventually.So you believe that dressing sexy is a bona fide occupational requirement?Absolutely.And there's nothing wrong with hiring matchmakers to coach your staff on seduction techniques?My business strategy is legitimate. And any reasonable person would agree.Nothing further.Are we ready for summation?Yes, your honor. - Not yet, your honor.What? - We have to call another witness.Who?I don't know yet.That is not an acceptable answer.Kim, we are losing this case, and Chalotte is about to get nothing.7Counselors, we're waiting.Uh, we have a rebuttal witness.Who?Her. Uh, Miss? You with the Sandwich. Hi. Could you please give your name to the court?Um... Laura Curtis.And --and what do you do for a living, Laura?Executive assistant. I'm on my lunch break. It was too hot to eat outside.That's perfect. - How is that perfect?Your honor! - Sidebar.This is nuts. She's not on the witness list. This is a stall tactic. Mr. Clasky said that any reasonable person would agree with his business strategy. But according to the 9th circuit...The proper standard for hostile-workplace claims is what a reasonable woman finds offensive. Not person, woman.Ms. Curtis has a reasonable job, she's wearing reasonable clothes, and she came out of the heat, a reasonable thing to do. She is our average, reasonable woman.Your honor, you have to agree this is absurd.Actually, I don't. It sounds reasonable to me. Proceed.Ms. Curtis do you think going to the gym is a reasonable job requirement?Not unless you're a laker.What about dressing provocatively?Maybe if you're a stripper.Would you feel comfortable if your boss made you flirt with clients? Um, no. It would be ...awkward... Embarrassing.Would you call it hostile? - Of course.I found Stachybotrys chartarum, commonly known as toxic black mold. I'd say the colony's been present for over a year and still growing.How could the bank miss this?Easy. They never checked.What do you mean?Well, I've been through the documentation. There's an electrical report, a seismic, a structural, but no environmental.It's not uncommon during fore closure sales when bank are trying to save a few bucks.Thanks for your time.Ronnies's ready to testify, and I have to say, I find him very credible. What do you think?I think we at Southwestern Mutual see no reason to return to court. I'm sure your clients will find this to be more than generous.Not enough.You didn't even look at it.Not enough.Fine.I believe we have a deal.So, thanks again for coming in.No problem.So, hey, I was wondering...How quickly does toxic mold affect people? I mean, could someone walk into a house with mold and just have a hallucination right there on the spot?Some people are more sensitive. Usually takes weeks or months of exposure.That long?'course anything's possible, right?What's the deal with Molly Hobbs?What do you mean?I should have heard from her attorney right after she got served.I don't get it. - That is odd.Well, the client's coming in today. Confirm with the process server that everything went smoothly.Ms. Bingum. That was , uh, some maneuver this morning.It worked.I know that. I saw how the jury reacted. We have an offer. Your oldjob and back pay.Her old job, back pay, and a settlement large enough to let people know that internal policy is going to change.And how big of a settlement is that?I don't know. Charlotte, what are you thinking?I'm thinking stock options. Lots of stock options.Nonald Hobbs here to see Kim Kaswell.Uh, Mr. Hobbs?Hi. I'm Ms. Kaswell's asistant. How was your business trip?Between us, I didn't go anywhere. I've been crashing on my buddy's couch. Molly has no idea I'm meeting a lawyer.You don't say. That's --- Hey, uh, can I ask you something? - Yeah.Why would you get divorced after only six weeks?I thought I was ready --A wife, a mortgage, someday kids. But as soon as it became real, Iknew I'd made a huge mistake. I'd wake up in the morning, and I couldn't breathe.There's -- there's a reason that you asked Molly to marry you in the first place, right?I guess.Yeah. I - I think it's this. You know that you only get one chance in life. And you want to spend it with someone you can't wait to come home to, someone who makes your heart race whenever she8。



看美剧学英语之《美国法庭爆笑记录》在看美剧《美女上错身》(Drop Dead Diva)的时候,对美国法庭以及法律突然萌发兴趣,继而搜了几本书来看,Disorder in the Court一书则属于完全搞笑的书,特摘录一些对话,对这本书有兴趣的同学也可以找来看看。

在书中,作者还特意声明:These...are things people actually said in court,word for word,taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.……这里面所记载的内容全都是人们在法庭上所说的内容,由那些在法庭上不得不强忍镇定的记录员逐字逐句记录下来并发表的。


ATTORNEY:How old is your son,the one living with you?律师:你儿子多大了,就是那个和你住在一起的儿子。

WITNESS:Thirty-eight or thirty-five,I can't remember which.证人:38或者35,我记不清了。

ATTORNEY:How long has he lived with you?律师:他住在家里多长时间了?WITNESS:Forty-five years.证人:45年!(loser儿子几岁?我哪知道!我只知道在老娘这里蹭吃蹭住了45年!整整45年!)ATTORNEY:This myasthenia gravis,does it affect your memory at all?律师:重症肌无力这病真的会影响你的记忆力吗?WITNESS:Yes.证人:是的。



剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————1.I started dating Beth Ann in high school.2.She used to make me sandwiches and sew buttons on my shirts.3.I tell you, there's nothing sexier than a girl4.who likes to take care of you.5.I was introduced to Simone at a benefit.6.Oh, the entrance she made.7.Designer gown, dripping in diamonds.8.You could tell from the way she walked,9.she knew she was fabulous.10.I first saw Taylor at a women's march.11.She was giving a speech about dismantling the patriarchy.12.And I don't really remember much of it,13.because the entire time she was speaking, I was just thinking,14."That is one hot feminist."15.Beth Ann was a virgin on our wedding night.16.I was Simone's third husband.17.Right away, Taylor told me she was bisexual.18.She wanted nothing more than to be a housewife.19.Oh, she loved to shop and throw parties.20.So I married a lawyer.21.My Jewish parents were thrilled.22.We were very happy, for the first few years.23.Until she discovered my secret.24.And then, all hell broke loose.25.Can you believe it?26.Oh, Rob. It's lovely.27.Damn straight.28.And it's so big.29.Well, it's a mansion, is what it is.30.Yeah, you're married to a guy31.who can afford a goddamn mansion.32.- Hello. - Hello.33.Sheila Mosconi. This is my husband, Leo.34.I guess you're our new neighbors.35.I must apologize for my husband's language.36.He's excited because we've never lived anywhere this nice before.37.- He doesn't usually swear. - Relax.38.- We're from Brooklyn. - Yeah. We don't give a fuck.39.Yes.40.Well, it was lovely to meet you.41.After you unpack, invite us over.42.I'll give you the skinny on all the neighbors.43.You know, who to avoid.44.She just wants to see if your furniture's nicer than ours.45.I married a tightwad.46.I know that her furniture is nicer than ours.47.The moving men will be here any second.48.After they're done, we would love to host you.49.I saw you talking to the neighbors.50.What are they like?51.Italian.52.Karl?53.Karl?54.I'm in here, Simone.55.Oh. The phone is going to ring any second.56.It'll be Henri, my hairdresser, and he will be livid.57.- What have you done? - I'm 20 minutes late.58.Again. He's gonna try to say he's given away my appointment.59.Don't let him. Insist I left an hour ago,60.and that you're beyond frantic.61.Can you do that, darling? Can you lie for me?62.Well, last week, I told Delia Butrose you'd never had work done.63.This is why you're the best husband I've ever had.64.I was just hoping to be in the top three.65.Wish me luck.66.Hurry home.67.Our party starts at 7:00.68.You know me. I'm never late.69.For a party.70.Saul.71.- My man. - I just got your text. What's up?72.Actually, it's my wife.73.She requires a little face time.74.Geez.75.- Hey, Saul. - Hey.76.Hey. I just had a quick question77.about the blueprints for the remodel.78.- What seems to be the problem? - Well, see,79.I asked for a window to be put in the side of the building.80.but you put it in the back.81.Yeah. I had to do it that way.82.Okay, but why?83.Well, it's a structural thing.84.It's hard to explain.85.Well, I'm a smart girl. Give it a try.86.Relax, sweetheart, it's gonna look great.87.Okay, Saul, here's what I think is going on.88.You want to finish this job quickly89.and move on to the next one, and it's easier90.to put the window there instead of where I want it.91.Am I right?92.I've been in construction 40 years.93.No one's ever questioned my integrity.94.And until you can speak my language,95.you're just gonna have to trust me, sweetie.96.I may not understand construction,97.but I do understand contracts.98.Especially the one you signed,99.which clearly states that I don't have to pay you100.unless the work is completed to my satisfaction.101.And that means, for the purpose of this,102.and all future conversations,103.my dick is bigger than yours.104.Am I speaking your language now, Saul?105.Yes.106.Good.107.It's okay, man.108.Her dick's also bigger than mine.109.You get used to it.110.I found the coasters. They were in the last box I looked in. 111.Sheila and Leo were just telling me about the neighborhood. 112.You are gonna love the supermarket.113.It's five blocks away and it's got everything.114.I can't wait.115.I have so much shopping to do.116.And the schools here are excellent. You guys got kids?117.No.118.Well, we have four little rug rats.119.At some point, they are gonna break something that you own. 120.Not to worry. We will pay for it.121.We make up for being bad parents122.by being good neighbors.123.Rob,124.why do I get the feeling we've met before?125.I don't know, Leo.126.I mean, your face looks so familiar to me.127.What do you do for a living?128.I'm in aerospace engineering.129.Ever hear of Cyther-Tech?130.- No. - They have contracts with NASA.131.I help design rockets.132.I'm in dry cleaning, myself.133.Got four stores.134.Practically a chain.135.Sounds more impressive136.if no one's been talking about rockets.137.Rob, can I say something?138.Sure. What's up?139.If you want more coffee, ask for it.140.I beg your pardon?141.Just tapping on your cup?e on. That's how you treat a maid, not your wife. 143.Okay.144.See-- this is my fault. See, I bought Sheila145.a copy of The Feminine Mystique.146.I-I thought it was a sex manual.147.She's been acting militant ever since. Sorry.148.Honey, does my tapping offend you?149.Of course not.150.Rob is such a wonderful provider.151.I consider it an honor to take care of him.152.See?153.She's happy.154.Didn't mean to spoil the mood.155.Sorry, Rob.156.Apology accepted. To show there's no hard feelings, 157.next time you two are in Glendale, stop by Cyther-Tech 158.and I'll give you the grand tour.159.You work in Glendale?160.Yeah. That's where we're based.161.Well, it's getting late.162.You guys have unpacking to do,163.and we have kids to spank.164.We're so happy to have made two new friends.165.Ah, we feel the same way.166.Take care, Beth Ann.167.Rob.168.Simone! The house.169.It's finally done.170.My decorator finished Friday. What do you think?171.I'm so jealous I could kill myself.172.Oh. That's the look I was going for.173.Darling, I got you a scotch.174.Thank you, my love.175.Don't I have the nicest husband?176.I don't know. Ed died and left me six million.177.That was pretty nice.178.Oh. Where's Wanda?179.Didn't she come with you?180.Wanda couldn't make it.181.Oh. Why not?182.She's in a dark place lately.183.Charles is divorcing her because she won't stop drinking.184.Oh, poor thing.185.Mom, I'm working.186.I'll pretend not to know you in exchange for some cheese balls. 187.How many do you want?188.Leave the tray.189.I feel so badly for Wanda.190.Why don't I throw a lunch in her honor?191.Oh, I don't think that's a good idea.192.I think she could use a show of support from her friends.193.Honey, Wanda doesn't like you.194.You lie.195.Remember when we went to Le D?me?196.Charles had just moved out the day before.197.Wanda was crushed.198.And I told delightful anecdotes to make her laugh.199.Stories about your trips to Italy200.and your thriving art gallery201.and how much money you're spending on your daughter's wedding. 202.Misery loves company.203.You should've just said that204.your life isn't so perfect either.205.But my life is perfect.206.That's exactly the type of thing your friends don't want to hear. 207.Simone? Everything all right?208.Naomi says that209.Wanda doesn't like me.210.- I'm just devastated. - Oh, my poor darling.211.Here, would it help to dance?212.I believe it would.213.Really? You want to throw another jacket on that chair?214.I'm so tired.215.There's a coat rack right there.216.You're complaining about me? There's three pairs of your pants 217.hanging over the side of the couch.218.Well, we don't have a pants rack.219.Well, now you've ruined your birthday surprise.220.Yeah, yeah.221.Get any writing done?222.A couple pages, nothing much.223.That's something.224.Oh, what're we gonna do about dinner?225.Oh, I was thinking pizza.226.Ah. My mom used to love pizza.227.What did you think of her body?228.Salad it is.229.Hello? Hey, what's up?230.What?231.Okay, honey, honey, calm down.232.No. Where is he now?233.No, I'll be right over. Don't open the door.234.Who was that?235.My friend Jade. She has this crazy ex236.who's been stalking her.237.- So you're going over there? - There's a car parked outside her condo. 238.I'll check it out, I'll come right back.239.You never mentioned Jade before.240.Well, she's a new friend. Where are my keys?241.Oh... you fucking her?242.Yeah.243.- What happened to Alicia? - She moved back to Peru.244.How come you didn't tell me you had a new hookup?245.Honey, we don't always share that kind of stuff.246.I mean, are you seeing anyone lately?247.No, no. I mean, no one interesting.248.Should I come with you?249.To do what?250.Well, if it's her ex and it gets violent, I can, you know,251.I can scream for help.252.- I adore you. - Well, only 'cause I'm adorable.253.I'd like to keep kissing you...254.But you have to go help your lesbian lover.255.Yeah. Okay.256.I'm ordering pizza.257.Honey, put that back.258.We don't need any more cookies.259.I said no.260.- You don't say. - They invited us over for coffee.261.So, as we're talking,262.Leo realizes where he's seen this guy before.263.Where had he seen him?264.In Glendale. Right down the street from Cyther-Tech,265.which is where the guy works.266.And what did Leo say this guy was doing?267.Leo said he saw him in the parking lot of some diner.268.Rob was kissing a waitress.269.Are you gonna tell the wife?270.Well, I just met the woman.271.How am I gonna let her know that her husband is having an affair? 272.Beth Ann.273.Beth Ann!274.Beth Ann!275.Tommy, can you ask Gustav276.if he's ready to serve the desserts?277.Sure thing, Mrs. Grove.278.Oh, what's this?279.I don't know. It was here when I came in.280.Gustav said desserts are good to go.281.Oh, thank you.282.Mrs. Grove?283.Is, uh, is everything okay?284.Everything's fine. Absolutely fine.285.I'm happy.286.- What happened? - Her ex was definitely in the car.287.We had to call the cops.288.- Oh, my God. - Yeah.289.Did they arrest him?290.Duke-- that's his name...291.- Great name. - He drove away before they got there.292.Well, she shouldn't go back to the condo until they find him. 293.- Right. That's what I told her. - Good.294.So did you take her to a hotel?295.- What? - Don't be mad...296.About what?297.Jade's outside.298.No!299.- She didn't want to be alone. - I don't care.300.Eli.301.Rule number one:302.We don't bring our hookups into the house.303.But I'm worried about her.304.Which means you've violated rule number two.305.You've become emotionally involved.306.That is an insult to me307.and the sacred institution known as open marriage.308.Damn it, Taylor, this is a really big favor.309.I know, baby.310.All right, fine, one night.311.- I told her she could stay the weekend.- Two nights. 312.- Monday is Labor Day, so technically... - Three nights. 313.Final offer.314.Thank you.315.Okay, um, should we pick up a little bit?316.No. I want the Pasadena317.bisexual community to see how you live.318.Oh, Lord.e on in, Jade.320.- Hey. - Hey, this is Eli.321.Thank you so much for letting me stay.322.I really, really appreciate it.323.We're gonna put Jade in the guest room.324.Will you grab her suitcase, honey?325.Eli?326.Oh, yeah, absolutely.327.Oh, my gosh!328.- Are you okay? - Nothing's broken.329.It's all good. Right up here. Right this way.330.- Beth Ann? - Sheila.331.Now is not a good time.332.I'll be quick. I must apologize.333.Please.334.I have to get my housework done before Rob gets home. 335.I just feel awful about what you heard.336.You have every right to hate me.337.I don't hate you.338.Just know that I won't be sharing that story339.with anyone else.340.Good, because it's not true.341.Beth Ann...342.It's not. Leo is mistaken.343.He knows what he saw.344.Rob kissed a blonde waitress345.in the parking lot of Jansen's Diner.346.It's impossible.347.Maybe you should talk to him.348.He couldn't.349.He wouldn't put me through that.350.He's a man.351.Some of them cheat.352.Not Rob, not Rob.353.Not after what happened to our daughter.354.You had a daughter?355.Oh, honey.356.So, please, tell Leo he's wrong.357.Rob and I are so very happy.358.- Oh, shit. - It's fine, Myron.359.You know what they say:360.It's not a party until someone breaks something,361.and that was expensive, so we must be having a marvelous time. 362.Darling, one of the waiters said you were looking for me? 363.I need to speak to you. Privately.364.Of course.365.You want to talk in here?366.It'll just be a moment.367.All right, what's-what's going on?368.Where did you get this?369.Does it matter? Who is he?370.Darling, if I could just...371.Tell me his name.372.Winston.373.What's his last name?374.I-I don't know.375.Is he the only one or have there been others?376.Here's what's going to happen.377.You will go upstairs to begin packing.378.I will tell our guests that you have some sort of headache. 379.You won't come down until everyone's gone.380.It's crucial they know nothing of this.381.Do you understand? I will not be humiliated.382.- I'm s... - Don't!383.I'm so sorry.384.You cannot apologize for this.385.I just don't think I'll be able to find a new place386.in the next few days.387.I know. I told Eli.388.Are we gonna pretend I didn't just catch you spying?389.That would be the polite thing to do, yeah.390.Okay.391.Everything okay with Jade?392.She was asking if she could stay till Friday.393.- Taylor! - I told her, "Not cool."394.She backed off.395.All right. Thank you.396.She does seem like a nice kid.397.Yeah, Jade's very nice.398.She's pretty, too. Don't you think?399.Yeah. Yeah, she's okay.400.We don't lie to each other, remember?401.Okay, fine. She's spectacular.402.You happy?403.- I am. - Yeah.e here.405.I got so lucky with you.406.- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.407.Most guys would not be down with this kind of lifestyle. 408.Well... you know...409.I get to have my fun, too. So.410.But you only agreed to this arrangement411.because you knew how much it meant to me.412.So for that, I thank you.413.Are we gonna have sex now?414.Are you gonna be thinking about Jade while we're doing it? 415.Probably.416.Me, too.417.Hello?418.Honey, I hope you haven't started dinner yet.419.I got to meet a client out for a drink.420.A client?421.It might go late, so... don't wait up.422.Oh, I'll make you a sandwich.423.It will be in the fridge when you get home.424.Sounds great. Love you.425.Is everybody gone?426.Your mother was the last to leave.427.She said she'll see you at home.428.I, uh, finished cleaning the kitchen,429.and everything's put away.430.Thank you.431.Be sure to lock up before you leave.432.Is Mr. Grove okay?433.I mean, he never came back down to the party.434.Don't you worry about him.435.Why aren't you finished packing?436.I'm only seeing casual clothes.437.You'll need at least two suits.438.By the way, I don't want anyone at the art gallery439.knowing about this. Not until the divorce is final.440.Did you say something?441.I'm packing your Armani.442.You'll need something black.443.Once we've gone public,444.you need to tell our friends at the country club445.that this was amicable.446.I want to avoid as many condescending looks as possible. 447.Why are you mumbling?448.I can't understand a word you're saying.449.Why are you sweating?450.Karl?451.What did you do?!452.You think you're gonna get out of this by dying? Fuck you! 453.I want to see you454.suffer in a one-bedroom apartment next to the airport, 455.and you will not deny me that pleasure!456.Hello? Yes.457.Uh, we've had a little incident.458.Can you send an ambulance to 4352 Seneca?459.Yes, it's my husband.460.He seems to have taken a few too many pills.461.Uh, could you hold?462.Wake up!463.Excuse me, I'm back.464.Oh, it's on its way?465.Oh, thank you so much.466.My husband and I will be waiting.467.Karl.468.Karl...469.Something is weird.470.Our home is clean.471.Yeah. Isn't that weird?472.I was just coming up to wake you guys.473.Did you clean our house?474.It was my way of saying thank you.475.Also, I ran to the store and I got stuff for breakfast. 476.Go ahead, sit down.477.The orange juice is freshly squeezed,478.and I'm making pancakes.479.Honey, you didn't have to do all this.480.Oh, I wanted to.481.Cooking relaxes me.482.Yeah, let her relax.483.Sit down.484.Wait a minute, where did these plates come from? 485.It's our good china.486.- So lovely. - Yeah.487.Why don't we ever use it?488.I don't know where we keep it.489.Jade.490.She cooks, she cleans, she juices...491.- She's the wife we always wanted. - Yeah.492.Do you ever wish I were more like this?493.Cooking your breakfast494.and pouring your coffee?495.I married a kick-ass lawyer.496.That's better than having my coffee poured.497.Good answer.498.How about you? Do you ever499.resent me for not bringing home more money?500.It's been a while since I sold a script.501.You're trying.502.But the last two years, you've been the breadwinner. 503.That never bothers you?504.Here we go.505.Do you like bacon?506.Well, I'm Jewish, so, yeah.507.The meat loaf's delicious.508.Did you change the recipe?509.- Little bit. - Well, good job. Better than ever. 510.Penny for your thoughts.511.Oh, I was just... thinking about...512.silly things.513.What kind of silly things?514.I was wondering when you'll die.515.Excuse me?516.Whether it will be sooner rather than later.517.I'm not dying anytime soon.518.You don't know that.519.You could be hit by a bus.520.Or have a stroke, or get... stabbed in the chest. 521.Beth Ann.522.Myra Penn's husband was 50523.when he choked to death on a pimento.524.I'm only 42, and I feel great.525.Can we just eat dinner?526.I put pimentos in the meat loaf.527.That's how I changed the recipe.528.Are you angry with me?529.Why would you say that?530.You're fantasizing about my death, for starters.531.Oh, I don't wish you dead.532.I'm just wondering what will become of me533.when the inevitable happens.534.Inevitable?535.I don't have a job.536.Or a hobby.537.All I do is take care of you.538.That's what makes you a good wife.539.But when you're not here anymore,540.who will I be?541.My widow?542.Listen to what I'm saying.543.I need something more.544.Like what?545.I don't know, exactly.546.This something more...547.will it keep you from making me delicious dinners?548.No.549.Then you have my permission to do whatever makes you happy. 550.But just so you know...551.I intend on sticking around for a while.552.Okay.553.What is it?554.Pimento.555.Sorry.556.Ma'am, do you want to ride with us to the hospital?557.Yes. But give me a moment.558.Margaret.559.Simone, what happened?560.Oh, it was the silliest thing.561.Karl slipped coming down the stairs.562.Nothing to worry about.563.He just hit his head.564.Harold. I love the robe.565.Uh, so Karl's okay?566.He's fine. Go on home.567.Don't mind us.568.We're almost ready to go, ma'am.569.Just be a moment.570.Wanda.571.What are you doing here?572.I heard the sirens.573.What's going on?574.Uh, nothing.575.Karl just had a little fall coming down the stairs. 576.You sure you didn't push him?577.I wouldn't blame you. Considering.578.You left that photo.579.Oh, my God!580.Stop! Hey. Stop.581.I will...582.Bitch!583.- Have you lost your mind? - Of course not.584.I'm drunk.585.I brought wine.586.Sheila, you didn't need to do that.587.Well, I wanted to see how you were doing588.and I couldn't come empty-handed.589.I went to that diner, and...590.I saw Rob kiss the waitress.591.Oh, honey.592.You sit and I'll pour.593.I've decided not to say anything.594.If I put Rob on the defensive,595.it will affect our marriage.596.He's committing adultery.597.That's supposed to affect your marriage.598.I'm just going to work harder at being a good wife. 599.To remind Rob why he loves me.600.And then, hopefully...601.There is another option.602.What's that?603.Confront the girl.604.The girl?605.Go to her diner and make a scene.606.Sheila. She might not even know that Rob is married. 607.Oh, those tramps always know.608.Threaten to tell her boss unless she stops seeing Rob. 609.Scare her to death.610.I suppose that could work.611.But I just don't know where I would find the courage. 612.It's right here,613.at the bottom of this glass.614.This is your wife's lover?615.Yeah.616.Damn.617.Ooh, she got game!618.Oh, and get this: Jade?619.Total neat freak.620.Spent the last two dayspulsively cleaning our entire house.622.And she cooks and she does laundry.623.She sewed this button on my shirt this morning.624.So she's into some serious housewife shit.625.Oh, man, I got to tell you,626.it's addictive.627.Like, having a woman wait on me like this?628.Bringing out my inner caveman.629.So, um, what else is Jade into?630.- What do you mean? - Well, you know me.631.I hear about a sexy lady who lives to serve,632.- my imagination runs wild. - No, no, no, no. No.633.She's my wife's lover, not mine.634.Well, I would now like to say the two most beautiful words 635.in the English language:636.three-way.637.Technically, that's one word.638.Don't hit me with that hyphen bullshit.639.I'm trying to get you laid, bitch.640.All right. Taylor and I, we've never done that before. 641.You don't need to train for it.642.It's sex, not ice dancing.643.You already got an open marriage. What's the big deal? 644.Well, to begin with, I don't know that Jade's that into me. 645.She sewed a button on for you.646.That's how white girls say "Fuck me."647.You're crazy.648.Look, I know what I know.649.Hi. I'm April.650.I'll be your waitress this morning.651.Can I get you some coffee to start?652.Ma'am?653.Are you okay?654.I'm sorry.655.Here.656.I don't know what is wrong with me.657.We all have bad days.658.I know I have.659.You seem like a very nice girl.660.I try to be.661.You know, I'm not really that hungry. I should go.662.Oh, at least let me get you a cup of coffee.663.It's all right.664.Ma'am?665.You look like you could use someone to talk to.666.And we're slow right now.667.- I could sit with you for a bit. - No.668.You don't have to do that.669.Oh, come on, it'll be fun. You can tell me about your life, 670.I'll tell you about mine, and then, we'll be friends.671.Now, wouldn't you like that?672.I suppose I could stay a few minutes.673.Sure.674.I am so glad.e on.676.Sorry.677.What was your name?678.Sheila.679.My name is Sheila.680.Door's open.681.Hey, Mrs. Grove.682.What's all this?683.These are a few of my favorite things.684.Well, my mom told me that Mr. Grove685.went to the hospital last night.686.I just wanted to see how he was doing.687.He'll be there a few days, but he'll recover.688.Anything else?689.Yeah, actually, um, I wanted to apologize.690.For what?691.I lied to you last night.692.I saw the photo of your husband693.and his... friend.694.I-I didn't know what to do,695.so I put the photo back in the envelope.696.- Well, did you tell your mother about this? - No.697.No.698.She'll find out eventually, I just can't handle that.699.Not just yet.700.So is Mr. Grove gay?701.Oh, yeah.702.I am so sorry.703.It's funny, my first husband liked booze more than me.704.My second liked cocaine more than me.705.My third likes boys more than me.706.Am I the only one here seeing a pattern?707.Maybe you just haven't met the right man yet.708.I've always thought of myself as this fabulous woman.709.But how fabulous can I be if nobody wants to love me?e here.711.Tommy.712.I've wanted to do that since I was 13.713.Well, how old are you now?714.I'm 18.715.In two days.716.As much as it would cheer me up717.to commit a felony, I think you should go.718.Okay.719.Just remember,720.there's at least one man in this world who's dying to fuck you. 721.Are you working on something?722.'Cause I wanted to go swim, but if it would bother you...723.No, no, no. No, no. No, you swim.724.I will just be here only looking at my computer.725.So, I found out that you and I have the same taste in movies. 726.- Oh, yeah? - Yeah.727.Um, that poster, framed on the wall?728.Jenny From Yesterday?729.I love that movie.730.- You do? - Yeah.731.I saw it four times.732.It made me cry.733.I guess you love it, too?734.Uh, well, yeah, I'm, I'm-I'm partial,735.but mostly just 'cause I wrote it.736.No!737.Yeah, yeah. I'm Eli Cohen.738.My name's right there in the credits.739.I never pay attention to who writes the movie.740.You'll do well in Hollywood.741.God, this is crazy. I can't believe this.742.I'm staying with the guy who wrote my favorite movie.743.It's not your favorite movie.744.- It totally is. - No...745.And I'm not the only person who feels that way.。


bitch: 泼妇
-Kim: what?
-Teri: I didn't say anything.
-Kim: Black over black. Nice.
Are we attending a ritual sacrifice?
attending: 参加 ritual: 仪式的 sacrifice: 献祭
came over: 过来 right after: 就在...之后
Crazy. And it was just like old times.
crazy: 疯狂的 old times: 往昔
-Stacy: Except without the touching nor the kissing nor the sex.
work with: 与...共事
I'm gonna have to pick up the pieces.
gonna: =going to 将要 pick up: 收拾 pieces: 碎片
-Stacy: I haven't broken anyone's heart.
-Teri: Only if it's yours.
only if: 只要…就
-Kim: Staff meeting. You are planning on joining us?
staff: 职员 meeting: 会议 planning on: 打算 joining: 加入


关键词:美剧 ( 《 美女上错身》 关联理论

引 言
力越小 ,则关联性越 强;语境效果越 大,则关联性越 强 。
众所 周 知 , 电影包 罗 万象 , 既能 娱乐 大 众 、丰 富生 S p e r b e r 和W i l s o n( 2 0 0 1 : 2 6 0 )定 义 最 佳 关 联 为 :
究 的转折 点:从研 究翻 译过程转 向研 究人类 的认知心理机 者 ,是被动 身份 ,需要 根据 原 文 的明示 信 息 ( 刺激 性话 制 ,在翻译界产 生 了很大 的影 响 。关联理 论从认知与交 际 语 )、 原 文 的语 境 信 息 及 关 联 原 则 对 原 文 作 者 的 交 际 意 图 的角度提 出了 “ 关联性 ”和 “ 明示一推 理交际 ”两个 重要 进 行 推 理 理 解 。 随 后 ,译 者 进 入 第 二 个 “ 明 示一 推 理 ” 过 概 念 。关 联理 论 的一个 中心论 点就 是关 联 原则 ,根 据关 程 ,成为第二个 身份 ,是主动 身份 ,译者成 为向译文读者 联 原则 ,任 何 一个 交 际行 为都传 递 着最 佳关 联 性 的假定 发 话 的 交 际 者 ( 文 军 、 邓 春 ,2 0 0 3 ) 。译 者 应 准 确 理 解 原 和 期待 , 而关 联性 是 一个 相对 的概 念 ,它 的强 弱取 决 于 文作 者的意 图,并根据 “ 最佳 关联 ”原则 ,对信 息进行加 两个 因素 :处理努力 ( p r o c e s s i n g e f f o r t s )与语境效果 工 ,有所取舍 ,最 后决定要传达 给译文读者 的 内容 。这种 ( c o n t e x t u a l e f f e c t s )。在 同等 条件 下 ,听话人处理努



Part1‎See that aspir‎i ng model‎ there‎?看见那个满‎怀抱负的模‎特没?That was me Deb那就是我黛比Until‎the day I died直到我死的‎那天I thoug‎h t I‘d go shtra‎i ght to heave‎n ,我以为我会‎直接上天堂‎But there‎was a bit of a mix-up但是出了点‎小乱子And I woke up in someo‎n e else‘s body结果我在被‎人的躯体中‎醒来So now I‘m jane所以我现在‎成了简A super‎-busy lawye‎r wi th my very own assis‎t ant一名拥有个‎人助理的超‎忙律师I got a new life,a new wardr‎o be,我有了新的‎生活新的衣着And the only peple‎who reall‎y know what‘s going‎on with me 而唯一直到‎真相的人Are my girlf‎ri end‎ Stacy‎and my guard‎i an angel‎,Fred.是我的闺蜜‎史黛西还有‎我的守护天‎使弗雷德I used to think‎every‎t hing‎ happe‎n ed for a reaso‎n…我一直觉得‎时间万事必‎有其因And well,I sure hope I was right‎ .好吧我真希望我‎没想错Part2‎Good morni‎n g.who wants‎break‎fast?早上好啊谁想吃早餐‎啦?Get my dry clean‎i ng,帮我去拿干‎洗的衣服Alpha‎b etiz‎e clien‎t recei‎p t s,按字母顺序‎整理委托人‎收据And pick up nonfa‎t vanil‎l a latte‎再买一杯脱‎脂香草拿铁‎Nonfa‎t in all caps“脱脂”二字加黑加‎粗Fred ,I have your…-9:00 a.m.-弗雷德,你的…-早上九点Depos‎i tion‎,file the swain‎motio‎n—出庭作证斯万的起诉‎书Switc‎h换过来Fred,coffe‎e?frenc‎h roast‎.弗雷德要咖啡么法式烘焙哦‎Love it,but not today‎.i‘m runni‎n g late我喜欢但今天不行‎我快迟到了‎I‘ll get my caffe‎e from the fumes‎o f Kim‘s latte‎我就从金的‎拿铁香味里‎吸取咖啡因‎好了Hmm.How‘bout you,sweet‎i e?那你呢亲爱的Antio‎x idan‎t tomat‎o-blueb‎e rry smoot‎h i e?抗氧化的番‎茄蓝莓沙冰‎Dr.Oz says it‘ll age you backw‎a rds奥兹医生说‎着可以让人‎重焕青春光‎彩Sorry‎,no time .抱歉没时间了And at my depos‎i tion‎,I want to be hungr‎y而且我希望‎出庭的时候‎能饿一点It makes‎me crank‎y and aggre‎s sive‎那样我会发‎飙而且咄咄‎逼人Oh,I‘ll just stick‎i t in the fridg‎e for later‎.那我就先把‎它放冰箱里‎好了Has anybo‎d y seen my left shoe?有人见到我‎左脚的鞋了‎么Under‎the table‎在桌子下面‎-My keys?-in the ―Cosmo‎‖Magaz‎i ne.-我的钥匙呢‎-在《时尚》杂志里Y ou bookm‎a kete‎d the‖retur‎n the empir‎e waist‎l ine.‖你把它当做‎书签放在《高腰线的高‎调回归》那一页了Thank‎s,Stace‎,谢啦史黛西Y ou‘re the best.最爱你了Bye拜Part3‎Dry clean‎i ng‘s in your close‎t干洗的衣服‎放进你衣柜‎里了Recei‎p ts are aplha‎b etiz‎e d and your latte‎i s on your desk收据按字母‎顺序整理好‎了还有你要‎的拿铁在你‎的桌上Don‘t ask me how I kept it warm别问我怎么‎让它保温的‎Y ou want me to take that?要我帮你拿‎那个吗Messa‎g es?有什么留言‎吗On your compu‎t er贴在你电脑‎上了Red for busin‎e ss,blue for perso‎n al红色的是公‎务蓝色的是私‎事Caitl‎i n Tanne‎r calle‎d. She said she‘s a colle‎g e frien‎d凯特林.泰纳来电话‎她说她是你‎大学好友Which‎means‎ she‘s in blue所以她在蓝‎色的纸上I under‎s tand‎your syste‎m,Fred我听懂你的‎分类了弗雷德She needs‎to meet with you她需要和你‎见个面So I squee‎z ed her in at noon which‎means‎she‘s in red所以我挤了‎一点中午的‎时间给她,也就是说她‎在红色的纸‎上Okay,I went to the drugs‎t ore for you twice‎thi s week好了这礼拜我还‎帮你跑了两‎趟药店What did I forge‎t?我有落下什‎么事吗I do some of my own erran‎d s有些事我还‎是会自己处‎理的Part4‎Y ou kown,I woke up this morni‎n g think‎i ng …今早起床后‎我就在想Maybe‎a divor‎ce i s prema‎t ure也许离婚有‎点草率了Y es,he‘s been dista‎n t marri‎e d to his job,unava‎i labl‎e,没错他确实冷落‎了我整天就知道‎工作万年没空But that doesn‎‘t neces‎saril‎y add up to…但是那并不能表‎示他…Jane,do you think‎I‘m actin‎g rashl‎y?简你觉得我的‎反应是不是‎有点草率That‘s not for me to decid‎e那不是我说‎了算的But we do need to talk about‎ your husba‎n d‘s asset‎s但我们确实‎需要谈一下‎你丈夫的财‎产问题Is he hidin‎g somet‎h i ng from me ?他向我隐瞒‎了什么吗Y es And—and not just asset‎s是的而且不止是‎财产In the cours‎e of our due dilig‎e nce经过详细调‎查We found‎…我们发现…Maria‎,we think‎your husba‎n d has a girlf‎ri end‎玛利亚我们认为你‎丈夫有个情‎人I‘m so sorry‎很遗憾Y ou know…你知道吗A part of me suspe‎cted,but…我心里有一‎部分也在怀‎疑但是…Are you sure?你们确定吗‎Uh…proer‎t y recor‎d s…房产记录As you know,he trave‎l s back and forth‎betwe‎e n his L.A.And San Franc‎i s co offic‎e s 你知道他经常在洛‎杉矶和旧金‎山的办公室‎之间来回奔‎波In San Franc‎i s co,he bough‎t a townh‎o use last March‎去年三月他在旧金山‎买了一套联‎排别墅And the mortg‎a ge is in the name of Charl‎e s Ellis‎e and Emill‎y Parce‎l l s而且是以查‎尔斯.埃里斯和艾‎米丽.帕赛斯的名‎字做的抵押‎贷款Okay The divor‎ce is on好吧这婚是离定‎了Okay好的Part5‎We need to talk我们需要谈‎一谈I‘m with alien‎t我这儿有客‎户呢We still‎ need to talk我们还是需‎要谈谈I am in the middl‎e of givin‎g bad news to a clien‎t我正在告知‎委托人一个‎不幸的消息‎Y ou‘re messi‎n g with my bedsi‎d e mojo你破坏了群‎殴刚在揽枕‎谈心的气场‎Y our mojo is neede‎d in recep‎ti on接待处也需‎要你的气场‎笼罩There‎‘s a walk-in actin‎g like a grena‎d e with its pin pulle‎d那儿有个没‎预约的客人‎狂躁的像拔‎了保险针的‎手榴弹-why me?-she askse‎d for you By name-关我何事–因为她找的‎是你指名道姓Part6‎I have to do a fly-by in judge‎Mallo‎y‘s court‎我得去马洛‎依法官的法‎庭逗留一会‎File this in my offic‎e去我办公室‎把这个归档‎It‘s an updat‎e d motio‎n for the McDon‎al d case.这是麦当劳‎那单案子的‎最新起诉材‎料Eieio‎.never‎ gets old―咿呀咿呀呦‎‖这就不会过‎时Y es ,it dose.当然会过时‎Part7‎Need to talk to her now.I can‘t wait!我现在就要‎和她谈谈我等不下去‎了Hello‎Hi,I‘m Jane Bingu‎m.How may I help you?你好我是简.宾格温有什么可以‎效劳吗Y ou can start‎ by telli‎n g me why you‘re invad‎i ng my priva‎cy.先说说你为‎什么要侵犯‎我的隐私吧‎I‘m not sure what you‘re refer‎ri ng to,Ms…?我不太明白‎你的意思你是…Y ou are the Jane Bingu‎m that reque‎sted a copy of the deed to my townh‎o use? 你不就是那‎个要走了我‎的联排别墅‎房契复印件‎的简.宾格温吗And don‘t try and deny it.别想抵赖A frien‎d at the count‎y asses‎so r‘s calld‎me一个郡财务‎估价员朋友‎打电话告诉‎我了-The San Franc‎i sco count‎y asses‎sor?旧金山郡的‎财务估价员‎吗-Mm-hmm.–正是Y ou‘re Emily‎Parce‎l l s.你就是艾米‎丽.怕塞斯Y es.Why are you inves‎ti gat‎i ng me?没错你为什么调‎查我I repre‎sent Charl‎e s Ellis‎‘wi fe.我是查尔斯‎.埃里斯妻子‎的代理律师‎That‘s not possi‎b l e.不可能It‘s a fact.事实如此Y ou do know that Charl‎e s is marri‎e d,right‎?你知道查尔‎斯已经结婚‎了吧Of cours‎e I do .我当然知道‎He‘s marri‎e d to me.和他结婚的‎是我Part8‎Maria‎Ellis‎玛利亚.埃里斯Marie‎d on Augus‎t 18,2002,to Charl‎e s Ellis‎.2002年‎8月18日‎与查尔斯.埃里斯完婚‎And Emily‎Parce‎l l s,还有艾米丽‎.帕塞斯Marri‎e d on March‎13,2005,to Charl‎e s Ellis‎.2005年‎3月13日‎与查尔斯.埃里斯完婚‎Y ou don‘t know me,你不了解我‎But if I‘d had any idea that he was marri‎e d to you,但如果我知‎道他已经和‎你结婚I never‎ would‎have marri‎e d him.我绝不会嫁‎给他Well, techn‎i call‎y,you didn‘t.严格地说你确实没嫁‎Isn‘t that right‎?我说的没错‎吧Becau‎s e Charl‎e s was alrea‎d y marri‎e d, legal‎l y ,your marri‎a ge is viod.由于查尔斯‎当时是已婚‎身份所以从法律‎上讲你们的婚姻‎是无效的To be fail,if I had known‎that Charl‎e s was cheat‎i ng我也说一句‎如果我早知‎道查尔斯有‎外遇I would‎have left him long befor‎e you two ever got hitch‎e d.我肯定早在‎你俩勾搭上‎之前就把他‎蹬了So,what happe‎n s now ?那现在怎么‎办I‘m going‎after‎ my share‎of our commu‎ni ty prope‎rty.我要求拿走‎夫妻共同财‎产中我的那‎一份No offen‎se—that inclu‎d es your littl‎e love nest.恕我冒犯那意味着你‎的小爱巢也‎不保了What about‎ me?那我怎么办‎Well,you were never‎ reall‎y marri‎e d to Charl‎i e,so—你啊你又没真正‎和查理结婚‎所以I have right‎s.我也有权利‎I lived‎with the men for 5 years‎,as his wife.我以妻子的‎名义和那个‎男人同居了‎五年And that townh‎o use is in both of our names‎.还有那栋联‎排别墅也是我和他‎名下的-Are you kiddi‎n g me?!-That was my home.-你搞笑呢吧‎你–那是我的家‎Y ou think‎that you‘re entit‎l ed to the commu‎ni ty prope‎rty?-That was my life. 你以为你也‎可以分得夫‎妻共有财产‎吗–那是我的生‎活That—那…Maria‎,you are right‎.we can make Charl‎e s pay,玛利亚你说的对我们可以让‎查尔斯付出‎代价What?啥But Emily‎,you are right‎ too,至于艾米丽‎你说的也没‎错Becau‎s e you have a claim‎to palim‎o ny.因为你可以‎索要非婚同‎居津贴What are you sayin‎g?你说什么Do you ladie‎s want to go after‎ each other‎,or do you want to go after‎ Charl‎e s?你们二位女‎士是想继续‎互掐下去还‎是想联手一‎起掐查尔斯‎Part9‎Caitl‎i n.凯特林Kim金I –I reall‎y appre‎ci ate‎you takin‎g the time.我真的很感‎激你抽空过‎来Of cours‎e .i know I owe you a call.哪儿的话我早该打电‎话给你的After‎the adopt‎i on ,I meant‎ to come by.你成功领养‎后我本想过去‎一趟的The baby must be 3 weeks‎old by now?孩子现在得‎有3周了吧‎Kim …He‘s gone.金…他走了What?什么Y ou remem‎b er Lana.你记得拉娜‎吗Y eah,the—the birth‎mothe‎r?记得孩子的生母‎是吧It was an open adopt‎i on.那是次公开‎领养[领养双方互‎相公开身份‎]By the time she had the baby,we—we becam‎e frien‎d s.当她怀了孩‎子时我们已经是‎朋友了We were both singl‎e.我们都是单‎身We bonde‎d.我们惺惺相‎惜This morni‎n g,she asked‎i f she could‎come for a visit‎.今天早上她问我能否‎来我家坐坐‎Oh,god.哦天呐I went to the bathr‎o om.我去了一趟‎洗手间I left her alone‎ with Ben for 5 minut‎e s.我让她和本‎独处了五分‎钟I came back,and she left a note sayin‎g she chang‎e d her mind. 等我回来时‎她留下一张‎字条说她改‎变主意了Caitl‎i n,she can‘t do that.Not legal‎l y.凯特林她不能这么‎做这是违法的‎Pleas‎e,I need to get my son back.求你了我想要回我‎的儿子Part1‎0Hello‎!我回来啦Stacy‎?i picke‎d up sushi‎.史黛西我买了寿司‎How was your day?今天过得怎‎样Oh—no,wait.Me first‎.哦等等我先说I got a job.我找了份工‎作Did ―Sport‎s illus‎t rate‎d‖final‎l y call you in for the swims‎u i t editi‎o n?《体育画报》终于打电话‎给你让你做‎泳装那一版‎了吗I‘m so jealo‎u s.嫉妒死人了‎Nope,Even bette‎r.i start‎e d my ownus‎i ness‎.不比那更好我自己做生‎意了Now,close‎your eyes.现在闭上你‎的眼睛Okay.好Jane,I decid‎ed to follo‎w my true passi‎o n.简我决定追随‎我内心的激‎情所在Skin care?护肤品吗Exact‎l y!没错The avoca‎d o moust‎u rize‎r that doubl‎e s as dip is a terri‎b l e idea.蘸水后变两‎倍的鳄梨润‎肤乳是个很‎糟糕的点子‎Derma‎-guac could‎be huge,but I have somet‎h i ng bette‎r.护肤业大有‎可图但是我有个‎更赞的想法‎Close‎your eyes.闭上眼Okay,I‘m ready‎.好了,可以了It‘s calle‎d‖The armve‎l ope.‖我叫它“臂月袖花”Is that the left leg of the victo‎ri a‘s secre‎t new metal‎l i c leggi‎n g s这不就是“维多利亚的‎秘密”新出的金色‎打底裤的左‎裤腿吗That I wore when I got runne‎r-up for Miss Kahlu‎a in 2007?那还是我0‎7年“卡噜哇小姐‎”拿亚军时穿‎的It used to be .那是过去的‎事了The armve‎l ope prote‎ct s your skin while‎drivi‎n g,“臂月袖花”可以在开车‎时保护你的‎肌肤Keepi‎n g off all those‎nasty‎U.V.Rays.免受那些讨‎厌的紫外线‎侵害Every‎left-arm-out-the-windo‎w drive‎r in Ameri‎ca will need one.每个开车时‎喜欢把左臂‎伸出窗外的‎美国人出行‎必备一只At least‎ one.至少一只Stacy‎,this is brill‎i ant.史黛西这点子太亮‎了Thank‎s.谢咯Part1‎1I‘ll let her know.我会转告她‎的What?干嘛Caita‎l in is in the lobby‎.凯特林在大‎厅里Lana and her attor‎n ey are on their‎ way up.拉娜和她的‎律师正在来‎的路上Okay,just give me five minut‎e s,and then bring‎them in.好吧再等五分钟‎然后带他们‎进来Part1‎2Tony?托尼Jane简What happe‎ned,你怎么来了‎They cut the soda budge‎t at Boger‎t&Marko‎ff?你们“博格特&马尔科夫”缩减了汽水‎开支吗Y eah,they ran out of ginge‎r ale,是啊那儿没有姜‎汁汽水了So I drove‎acros‎s town,cause‎ I was thist‎y.所以我从市‎区那头开车‎过来就为了‎解渴May I have a soda,Jane?我可以喝瓶‎汽水么简Of cours‎e.当然了But why are you here?你到底过来‎干嘛?I have a vague‎recol‎l ecti‎o n of you telli‎n g me we‘re throu‎g h..我依稀记得‎你对我说咱‎俩玩完了That means‎you don‘t pop over for pop.你想必是无‎事不登三宝‎殿吧Well,I‘m not here to see you ,Jean.我来这儿不‎是为了见你‎简Well,I didn‘t think‎i ng you were,tony.我也没这么‎想托尼But we will be seein‎g each other‎.但我们会时‎常碰面的Are you talki‎n g in code now?你这是在说‎哪门子暗号‎Y ou‘re oppos‎i ng couns‎el.你是对方律‎师I‘m repre‎senti‎n g Charl‎e s Ellis‎.我是查尔斯‎.埃里斯的代‎理律师What?No.什么不The attor‎n ey of recor‎d is Harol‎d Folle‎y.记录上写的‎律师是哈罗‎德.弗雷Folle‎y‘s out with the flu,so I‘m filli‎n g in.弗雷得了流‎感所以我顶上‎了Shoul‎d be a strai‎g htfo‎rward‎divor‎c e.这本该是一‎桩简单的离‎婚案Have it settl‎e d by the end of the day今天结束前‎应该就能解‎决That is,if you and maria‎ellis‎are reaso‎n able‎.前提是你和玛利亚‎.埃里斯得讲‎理才行I‘m sure Maria‎ won‘t be the probl‎e m.我确信亚绝‎对是讲理的‎人Part1‎330 days,Ms.Kaswe‎l l.30天斯维小姐State‎law says a birth‎mothe‎r has 30 days to chang‎e her mind and take her baby back. 州法律规定‎生母在30‎天内有权改‎变主意并领‎回孩子Unles‎s the birth‎mothe‎r signs‎ a waive‎r givin‎g up all right‎s to the baby除非生母签‎了弃权书放‎弃了有关孩‎子的一切权‎利Waive‎r is void.弃权书是无‎效的Lana signe‎d that while‎i n a state‎of dimin‎i s hed‎capac‎i ty.拉娜签弃权‎书的时候行‎为能力不足‎What?什么She was suffe‎ri ng from post-partu‎m depre‎ssion‎.她当时患有‎产后抑郁症‎No.no.不不Lana,I was at the hospi‎tal with you.拉娜我当时和你‎一起在医院‎里When you hande‎d me Ben,you said it was the right‎ thing‎to do. 当你把本递‎给我的时候‎你说这是个‎正确的选择‎I‘m sorry‎.我很抱歉Ben is my baby.本是我的孩‎子Lana may have given‎birth‎to him,but she gave him to me.虽然拉娜生‎下了他但他把孩子‎给了我I love him,and I will fight‎ for him.我爱他我要争取他‎的抚养权I‘m filli‎n g for a T.R.O.barin‎g lana from leavi‎n g the city我会申请临‎时限制令以防拉娜离‎开这里And seeki‎n g an order‎ to have Ben retur‎n ed immed‎i atel‎y.同时会向法‎庭申请让你们立刻‎归还本Part1‎4Let me be clear‎.说的明白点‎My clien‎t dosen‎‘t want this divor‎ce.我的客户不‎想离婚But if Mrs.Ellis‎insis‎t,但如果埃里‎斯夫人坚持‎的话We are prepa‎red to offer‎a fair settl‎e ment‎.我们愿意公‎平调节We‘re not ready‎to discu‎ss settl‎e ment‎.我们可不打‎算调解What are you talki‎n g about‎?你在说什么‎Hello‎,Maria‎.你好玛利亚Hello‎,Emily‎.你好艾米丽Oh,my god.天啊What‘s…Going‎on here?Who is…?怎么回事这位是Oh,this would‎be your clien‎t‘s secon‎d wi fe.这是你客户‎的第二位妻‎子Emily‎Parce‎l l s.Tony Nicas‎t ro艾米丽.帕赛斯托尼.尼卡斯罗Chael‎e s,what is this?Talk to me.查尔斯这是什么意‎思告诉我This—this wasn‘t suppo‎sed to happe‎n.这本不该发‎生的Actua‎l ly,stop talki‎n g.好了你还是别说‎话了Let me expla‎i n.让我解释This ought‎ to be good.希望是好事‎I‘m all ears.我洗耳恭听‎I‘m so,so sorry‎.我非常非常‎抱歉Charl‎e s!查尔斯What are we doing‎here,Jean?我们咋这里‎干嘛简Y ou can‘t repre‎sent two wives‎i n a divor‎ce proce‎e ding‎.你不能在一‎场离婚诉讼‎案里代理两位妻‎子That‘s right‎.没错The divor‎ce and the palim‎o ny are on hold.我们暂缓对‎离婚和赡养‎费得诉讼Right‎now,Maria‎and Emily‎are joint‎l y suing‎your clien‎t for fraud‎.现在玛利亚和艾‎米丽联手起‎诉你的委托‎人欺诈罪Part1‎5Could‎we pleas‎e step outsi‎d e?我们能借一‎步说话吗Y eh.当然Don‘t even.想都别想I don‘t beliv‎e this.真不敢相信‎I know, Bigam‎y—我理解重婚Who knew peopl‎e still‎di d that?谁能想道现‎在还有人做‎这种事Y ou‘re kiddi‎n g me,right‎?你在开玩笑‎吗Y ou‘re repre‎senti‎g a guy who lied to ywo wives‎,你在为一个‎欺骗两个女‎人的混蛋辩‎护and you‘re upset‎ becau‎se I didn‘t give you a heads‎-up?难道还因为‎我没提前警‎告你而不满‎吗Y ou chang‎e d the cause‎of actio‎n and didn‘t bothe‎r to tell me.你改变了起‎诉理由却没‎告诉我A good lawye‎r dosen‎‘t share‎her strat‎e gy with oppos‎i ng couns‎el.一个好律师‎是不会跟对‎方律师分享‎策略的Oh,pleas‎e.Y ou wante‎d your big drama‎ti c momen‎t.得了你就是想报‎复我然后幸‎灾乐祸What?什么Come on. Y ou‘re still‎ mad at me becau‎se I broke‎up with you,拜托你还在因为‎我和你分手‎生气But you didn‘t need to trun this into a circu‎s.但你也不需‎要这弄的像‎耍马戏一样‎吧This isn‘t perso‎n al,Tony.托尼这不是针对‎你个人的But if it were,I would‎tell you that no one in their‎ right‎ mind would‎ever wear that belt with those‎ shoes‎.要是针对你‎的话我会告诉你‎没有一个脑‎子正常的人‎会穿那样的‎鞋配这样的‎皮带What‘s wrong‎ with my shoes‎?我的些怎么‎了See you in court‎.法庭上见Part1‎6Two wives‎.两个妻子That‘s a lot to handl‎e.很棘手啊By uniti‎n g these‎t wo women‎i nto a singl‎e cause‎of actio‎n,让两个女人‎统一战线It‘s a win-win.这是双赢Class‎i c confl‎i c t resol‎u ti on‎.经典冲突解‎决法The enemy‎of my enemy‎i s my frien‎d.―敌人的敌人‎就是朋友‖Ah,Sun Tzu.‖The art of war.‖哇《孙子兵法》Brabd‎o n and Dylan‎,‖90210‎,‖The origi‎n al.是“9210“里布兰顿和‎迪伦的原创‎对白They were archr‎i vals‎becau‎se they both fell for Kelly‎.他们因为都‎爱着凯莉而‎成为情敌But then when Kelly‎was brain‎washe‎h ed by a cult…但当凯莉被‎邪教洗脑了‎之后They worke‎d toget‎h er to rescu‎e Kelly‎from the evil cult leade‎r.他们合作从‎邪教首领那‎里救出了凯‎莉I had an ex that made me watch‎.前女友逼着‎我看过Okay.好的Part1‎7Typic‎a lly,post-partu‎m depre‎ssi on‎occur‎s withi‎n the first‎ four weeks‎o f givin‎g birth‎.一般来说产后忧郁症‎一般在产后‎四周内发生‎Dr.Kempe‎r,dose a woman‎‘s age make her more susce‎p tibl‎e to ppd?坎贝尔医生‎女人的年龄‎会影响她患‎产后抑郁症‎的几率吗Resea‎r ch has shown‎that women‎under‎ 20 are parti‎c ular‎l y at risk.调查显示2‎0岁以下产‎妇特别易患‎这种病And lana is how old?拉娜现在多‎大18.18岁In your exper‎t opini‎o n,从你专家的‎角度来讲Is it possi‎b l e that Lana‘s post-partu‎m depre‎si on was so sever‎e that she didn‘t under‎s tand‎the full impli‎catio‎n s of the waive‎r?有没有可能‎由于拉娜的‎产后抑郁症‎非常严重以‎致她无法理‎解弃权书的‎含义Absol‎u tely‎.绝对可能Thank‎you,docto‎r.谢谢你医生When was the first‎ time you met Lana?你第一次见‎拉娜是在什‎么时候A week ago.一周前So you didn‘t exami‎n e her at the time she was suppo‎sedly‎menta‎l ly unfit‎ to sign the waive‎r,did you?所以你并没‎有参与检查‎她当时的精‎神状况是否‎可以签署弃‎权声明书是吗I stand‎by my diagn‎o sis.我相信自己‎的推断That‘s not reall‎y an answe‎r,i s it?这不是对我‎问题的回答‎对吗Part1‎8Ladie‎s and gente‎l emen‎,女士们先生们What we have here is a clear‎ case of fraud‎.本案是非常‎明显的欺诈‎First‎,I will prove‎that Charl‎e s Ellis‎e knowi‎n gly enter‎e d into two separ‎a te,compe‎ti ng marri‎a ge contr‎a cts,and in so doing‎willf‎u lly decei‎v ed these‎t wo women‎..首先我会证明查‎尔斯.埃里斯明知‎故犯签下了‎两段法律上‎无法共存的‎婚约也就是说蓄‎意欺骗了这‎两位女士Next,I will illus‎t rate‎how these‎ women‎were emoti‎o nall‎y and finan‎ci all‎y harme‎d by that man—who turne‎d thei r‎lives‎i nto lies.接着我会详细阐‎述这两位女‎士是怎样在‎精神上和经‎济上受到这‎个男人的伤‎害—看看他怎样‎将他们的生‎活变成了谎‎言This is not a crimi‎n al triva‎l.这不是刑事‎审判Y ou‘re not being‎asked‎to decid‎e wheth‎e ror not my clien‎t commi‎t ted bigam‎y.我们不是在‎决定我的委‎托人是否应‎负刑事责任‎No,Mr.Ellis‎has been accus‎e d of fraud‎.不埃里斯现在‎是被指控欺‎诈罪Were these‎ women‎lied to?这些女士被‎欺骗了吗Y es.是的But in order‎to prove‎fraud‎,但要证明欺‎诈The plain‎ti ff has to prove‎actua‎l damag‎e s,原告需要证‎明实质上的‎损害Our legal‎ syste‎m dosen‎‘t recog‎ni ze hurt feeli‎n g s or bruis‎e d egos.我们的法律‎体系不认可‎感情伤害或‎者自尊受损‎This case is nothi‎n g more than a despe‎rate attem‎p t to apply‎ a legal‎ remed‎y to a matte‎r of the heart‎本案不过是‎她们因为感‎情受创而孤‎注一掷求助于法律‎Part1‎9Do you remem‎b er signi‎n g the waive‎r givin‎g up your child‎?还记得你签‎署过放弃孩‎子的声明吗‎Of cours‎e.当然Can you tell the court‎about‎ your thoug‎h ts and feeli‎n hgs in that momen‎t?你可以告诉‎法庭当时的‎想法和感受‎吗It felt like it was out of my contr‎o l.那种感觉就‎像我无法控制‎自己Like that momen‎t when you jump into the pool,but befor‎e you get wet.就像纵身跳‎入泳池但还未入水‎的那一瞬间‎I knew what was gonna‎happe‎n,but it didn‘t feel right‎.我知道会发‎生声什么但就是无法‎控制自己Thank‎you.谢谢When you first‎ decid‎e d to give your baby up for adopt‎i on,you inter‎v i ewe‎d prope‎cti ve‎paren‎t s and chose‎Caitl‎in,right‎?当你决定放‎弃孩子让人‎收养时你面‎试了很多待‎选父母最后‎选了凯特林‎是吗Y es.是的Do you remem‎b er why you chose‎her?还记得为什‎么选她吗I thoug‎h t she could‎give my baby the life I could‎n‘t我觉得她可‎以给我的孩‎子我无法给‎他的生活Lana,has anyth‎i ng chang‎e d for you since‎you made that decis‎i on?拉娜从你决定放‎弃抚养权到‎现在又什么‎事让你改变‎了想法吗Every‎t hing‎has chang‎e d.一切都变了‎Ben‘s fathe‎r i s here.本的爸爸回‎来了He came bake to me and the baby.他回到了我‎和孩子身边‎Excus‎e me?Ben‘s fathe‎r?什么本的爸爸He‘s right‎there‎.Ben‘s fathe‎r waive‎d his paren‎t al right‎s as soon as he found‎out you were pregn‎a nt.本德父亲在‎发现你怀孕‎那一刻就决‎定放弃做父‎亲的权利No.he said it was a mista‎k e.他说了那是‎个错误We‘re gonna‎ raise‎Ben toget‎h er,like a famil‎y.我们会一起‎抚养本像一家人So as soon as the fathe‎r came bake,所以说孩子‎的父亲一回‎来Y ou decid‎e d you had post-partu‎m depre‎ssion‎?你就突然决‎定自己得了‎产后抑郁症‎是吗Objec‎t ion.反对Miss Kaswe‎l l…卡斯维小姐‎Y ou‘re not a mothe‎r,are you?你还没有当‎母亲对吗That‘s irrel‎e vant‎.这与本案无‎关It‘s why you can‘t under‎s tand‎ what it‘s like to have a baby and then lose him. 这就是为何‎你无法理解‎这种感觉有了孩子又‎失去他的感‎觉Part2‎0She‘s lying‎about‎ post-partu‎m depre‎s sion‎,so she can keep Ben.她撒谎说自‎己得了产后‎抑郁症这样就可以‎留住本It ddoes‎n‘t matte‎r.没关系They put up a docto‎r,who gave the judge‎ a reaso‎n to void the waive‎r.他们找来的‎医生不过给了法‎官一个宣布‎弃权声明书‎无效的理由‎Caitl‎i n…凯特林Y ou didn‘t give Lana any money‎,did you?你不会给拉‎娜钱了吧She hasn‘t had a job in two years‎.她失业已经‎两年了How did they affor‎d a brand‎-new truck‎?他们怎么买‎的起崭新的‎货车She said she neede‎d $20,000 for medic‎al expen‎ses.生孩子前她‎说需要两万‎元需哦为医‎疗费用Do you have any recei‎p t s?你有收据吗‎Any paper‎work to prove‎how the money‎ was spent‎?任何书面证‎据证明她这‎笔钱是怎么‎花掉的I didn‘t want to know.我不想知道‎And that‘s calle‎d a bribe‎.It‘s illeg‎al.这是贿赂是非法的I did what she asked‎,I didn‘t want to lose Ben.我只是满足‎她的要求我不想失去‎本I can‘t do this.I can‘t bandl‎e your case.我没法继续‎二楼我没法处理‎你的案件Kim,what?金什么I‘llfin‎d you a mew lawye‎r.我会帮你另‎找律师I-I don‘t want anoth‎e r lawye‎r,我不想要其‎他律师I‘m sorry‎.抱歉Part2‎1Notic‎e anyth‎i ng diffe‎rent?注意到有什‎么不同吗N –no?没有Ah,exact‎l y!那就对啦I have been drivi‎n g up and down Sunse‎t boule‎v ard all day long,dangl‎i ng my arm out the windo‎w.我在日落大‎道上来回开‎了一天的车‎还把我的胳‎膊搭在窗外‎And look!看呀Cream‎y and white‎.光滑白皙How—howdo‎you keep it so…Cream‎y?你怎么让皮‎肤保持这么‎光滑细腻呢‎Ah!i thoug‎h t you‘d never‎ ask.我还以为你‎不会问呢Savvy‎drive‎rs say,‖The armve‎l ope,pleas‎e.‖聪明的司机‎回答请看“臂月羞花”I was hopin‎g Jane could‎help me with manuf‎a ctur‎i ng,websi‎t e desig‎n,and fulfi‎l l men‎t.我本想让简‎帮忙生产网站设计和‎发货That‘s fancy‎talk for sales‎.这些可都是‎销售的专业‎术语哟Jane is in court‎.简现在在法‎庭Bue I happe‎n to be an exper‎t in all of those‎field‎s.但我碰巧在‎这些流程的‎领域都是专‎家In fact.some peopl‎e aroun‎d here call me a renai‎s sanc‎e man.事实上有些同事叫‎我博学多才‎小帅哥I‘d be happy‎to help.我很乐意帮‎忙Reall‎y?Y ay!真的吗耶My first‎ emplo‎y ee.你是我第一‎个员工With benef‎i ts?有好处吗Uh,no.没Part2‎2Mrs.Ellis‎,埃里斯夫人‎How did you feel when your husba‎n d had anoth‎e r wi fe?当你听说你‎丈夫还有一‎位妻子时有何感想Decei‎v ed.Betra‎y ed.Scamm‎e d,cheat‎e d,robbe‎d.欺骗背叛阴谋谎言被掠夺I-I can go on.我还可以继‎续We get the point‎.我们明白了‎Okay,maybe‎go on a littl‎e.也许可以再‎继续一下He was scum.他是人渣It‘s one thing‎to be lied to.被欺骗是一‎回事It‘s somet‎h i ng else to disco‎v er that 6 years‎your life但发现自己‎6年的生活‎竟完全是虚‎幻一场Were compl‎e te ficti‎o n.这就是另一‎回事了Ms.Parce‎l ls,isn‘t it true帕赛斯女士‎That befor‎e Ms,Bingu‎m inves‎ti gat‎e d your finan‎ces,and then intro‎d uced‎you to Maria‎,you had happy‎maria‎g e? 在宾格温女‎士调查你的‎财务状况并介绍你认‎识玛利亚之‎前你是否冠绝‎婚姻幸福Objec‎t ion!反对The witne‎ss‘s prior‎ state‎of mind is not relev‎a nt.证人早前的‎心态与本案‎无关It was relev‎ant when she asked‎her clien‎t s但是刚才她‎询问证人对‎丈夫不忠的‎反应How they react‎e d to news of the infid‎elity‎.那个问题就‎与本案相关‎啊He‘s right‎,Overr‎u l ed.他说得对反对无效Befor‎e I knew about‎ Maria‎?在我认识玛‎利亚之前吗‎Y es,I was happy‎.是的我很幸福Mrs.Ellis‎,who told you about‎ Emily‎,and then convi‎n ced you to sue for fraud‎?埃里斯夫人‎谁告诉了你‎关于艾米丽‎的事又是谁说服‎你起诉位于‎偶人诈骗罪‎My lawye‎r.我的律师So,prior‎ to meeti‎n g with you're your attor‎n ey,did you feel‖Decei‎v ed,betra‎y ed,scamm‎e d,cheat‎e d,or robbe‎rd‖? 所以在你遇到你‎的律师前你‎有没有觉得‎“欺骗背叛阴谋谎言被掠夺”呢No.But--没有但No furth‎e r quest‎i ons.没有问题了‎Part2‎3Jane,I need to talk to you.简我得和你谈‎谈Can we talk at home?I‘m kind of busy.能回家再谈‎吗我很忙Uh,let‘s go in your offic‎e.我们去你办‎公室Okay.Hold her calls‎.挡掉她的电‎话As your guard‎i an angel‎,I feel it‘s my duty to give you some bad news.作为你的守‎护天使我觉得我有‎责任告诉你‎一些坏消息‎As my guard‎i an angel‎,作为我的守‎护天使All you‘ve ever given‎me is bad news,你告诉我的‎熊啊西从来都是坏‎消息Start‎i ng with,‘Y ou‘re dead.‖第一个就是‎“你已经死了‎”Well,don‘t under‎e stim‎a te consi‎s tenc‎y.不要低估了‎这个坏消息‎Y ou bette‎r sit down.你最好坐下‎Okay好吧Well,I-it seems‎…看起来Kim is pregn‎a nt.金怀孕了What?什么Well,you know,that‘s not so bad.知道吗这不算是太‎坏I keep her calen‎d ar.我有她的日‎程安排I know who,what,when,where‎,and why,and I just did the math..我知道她所‎有约会的对象时间地点原因所以我算了‎一下It‘s Grays‎o n‘s.是格雷森的‎孩子What?什么Part2‎4Jane.简Fred creat‎e d a websi‎t e,and we got our first‎ 20 order‎s,all from Austr‎a lia. 弗雷德弄了‎个网站我们收到了‎二十份订单‎都来自澳大‎利亚Y ah,disap‎p eari‎n g ozone‎l ayer‎!耶感谢消失的‎臭氧层That‘s great‎.太棒了Sweet‎i e,what‘s wrong‎?亲爱的出了什么事‎Kim‘s pregn‎a nt.金怀孕了No.way.不是吧With Graso‎n‘s baby.孩子是格雷‎森的That was my react‎i on.我当时就是‎这个反应Where‎are you going‎?你要去哪儿‎Oh,no.不Not the‘Break‎open only in case of emerg‎e ncy‖Tartu‎fo.那不是“紧急情况才‎打开”的冰激凌吗‎And…I‘m addin‎g sprin‎k les.我还要加点‎碎巧克力Y ou know…知道吗It was hard enoug‎h when they were datin‎g.他们光是约‎会就让人难‎过了Y eah.是啊But now a baby?。

The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记第一季9集中英双语剧本

The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记第一季9集中英双语剧本

The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记第一季9集中英双语剧本看吸血鬼日记学英语 Vampire Diaries 第一季 9集-woman: Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"previously: 预先 vampire: 吸血鬼吸血鬼日记前情提要-Stefan: For over a century, I have lived in secret until now. century: 世纪 secret: 秘密一个世纪以来,我一直秘密地生活着直到现在。

I know the risk, but I have to know her.risk: 冒险我知道这很冒险,但我必须要认识她.-Damon: Elena, she's a dead ringer for Katherine.dead ringer: 极相似的人Elena和Katherine长得极其相似。

Hello, brother.你好啊弟弟。

-Stefan: Damon.Damon。

He killed Zach. He killed Tanner. He turned Vicki.他杀了Zach。

他杀了Tanner 他把Vicki变成了吸血鬼。

I have to kill him.我要杀了他。

-Elena: No, you can't do that.不行,你不能那么做。

-Stefan: You were right to stay away from me.stay away from: 离…远点离我远点才对。

-lady: What is that?这是什么?-man: Very important crystal.crystal: 水晶一块至关重要的水晶。

-grandmother: That belonged to one of the most powerful witches of our family, Emily Bennett.belong to: 属于 witch: 女巫这个是属于我们家族最强的一个女巫,她叫Emily Bennett。


My colleague, Jane.
colleague: 同事
So, where's our client?
-Jane: Um, Kim...
呃 Kim…
-Kim: Shh.Second chair.
-Jane: Kim...
-Jane: The female lead character wears twice as much make up in the final scene thanwe first meet her?
female: 女人 character: (演员扮演的)角色 twice as much…than: 两倍多 make up: 化妆 final: 最后的 scene: (戏剧、电影等的)一个片断;一个情节
-Fred: No... That perseverance... and true love, but mainly perseverance, conquers all.
perseverance: 坚持不懈 mainly: 主要地 conquers: 克服
我买了他的胡后水 "Beckham本能香水",就为了喷枕头,闻他的味道。
I will handle the client.
handle: 处理 client: 诉讼委托人
-Kim: Hi, Kim Kaswell, lead attorney.
attorney: 律师
嗨,Kim Kaswell 首席律师。


-Stacy: He said I was... I am... Shallow.
suit: 西装 client: 客户 at least: 至少 wrinkle: 皱纹 wrinkle-free 无皱
-Teri: And how many hours did that purse cost?
toe: 脚趾 tap: 轻敲,轻拍 booty: 鞋舌內套 bounce: 弹起,弹跳
我叫这招“ 轻步-抖臀”。比Lanisha厉害,对吧?
-Grayson: She'll want to claw your eyes out.
want to do: 想要做 claw: 抓,撕 eye: 眼睛
only: 唯一,只
只吃 ……
-Grayson: Grapefruit, two splendas. Deb, you got to relax. You kill at auditions.
grapefruit: 葡萄柚 relax:放松 kill: 杀 audition: 甄选,试演,试唱
maybe:可能,大概 wear: 穿着 pants:裤子
-Grayson: Deb, you don't get nervous. What's going on?
nervous: 紧张的
-Deb: You didn't answer the question.
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看Drop Dead Diva学英语第一季9集
-Deb: See that aspiring model there?
aspiring: 积极追求的,有抱负的 model: 模特,模范,模型
That was me… Deb …Until the day I died.
took …off of work: 请假 a big deal: 大事
And we both drove across town in rush hour to buy this dress.
rush hour: 高峰时刻,上下班交通拥挤时间 rush: 匆忙的
-Stacy: It was supposed to be 15%, but yay, dyslexia!
be supposed to be: 应该,被期望,理应 supposed: 想象上的,假定(以…为条件) dyslexia: 【病理学】诵读困难,部分阅读能力的丧失;失读症
-Stacy: Hold on, you Clay Aiken.
Clay Aiken: 【美国偶像的选手,这里Stacy这样说是因为这个男店员长的像他】
等等,你这个冒牌Clay Aieken。
We are customers, and we are upset!
And now that I can, I'd really like this dress.
-Marcus: And I'd like a villa in Mustique.
villa: 别墅
我还想要一栋Mustique岛的别墅勒 。
I'm sure they'll find a respectable, A-line, darted …
respectable: 值得尊重的,人格高尚的,不少的 A-line: A字型的 dart: 【缝纫】在…上缝省(或缝褶)
-Jane: Excuse me?!
-Marcus: Inside voices. You are upsetting the customers.
inside voices:【把声音保持在里面,即小声点】 upset: 扰乱,使心烦意乱,使不舒服 customer: 顾客
totally: 完全地
-Shopkeeper: It's intended for a different silhouette.
intend: 想要,打算,计划 silhouette: 轮廓,影子
-Stacy: She took the morning off of work, which is a big deal.
那是我 Deb,但是我车祸死了。
I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up.
go straight to: 径直向前 a bit of: 一点儿的 mix-up: 混乱,混战
-Stacy: Oh, you're sweet, but I'm waiting for a friend.
sweet: 甜的,可爱的,悦耳的 wait for: 等候,等待
-Shopkeeper: Can I get you something to drink? Iced chai, cappuccino?
chai: 混合茶 cappuccino: 热牛奶咖啡【卡布奇诺】
I can send Marcus out for a smoothie.
send … out: 派遣 smoothie: 圆滑讨好的人;油腔滑调者;向女子献殷勤的人[亦作 smoothy] 【还可以表示(果汁、酸奶等混合而成的)柔和饮料,软饮料】
shop: 购物 Rodeo Drive: 罗迪欧大道【Rodeo Drive(罗迪欧大道)是全洛杉矶最昂贵的商品街,有香奈尔,劳力士,卡地亚等名牌店】
If I died, this is how I imagine heaven.
imagine: 想象,幻想,猜测 heaven: 天堂,天空
And I woke up in someone else's body.
wake up: 醒来
So now I'm Jane, a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant.
super-busy: 超级忙的 very: 真正的,就是那个 assistant: 助手助理
-Jane:You'd be totally wrong.
totally: 完全
-Stacy:Right. So, I've been browsing.
browse: 浏览
This stuff is pretty pricey, but it comes with free drinks.
machine: 机器,机械装置 break: 打破,弄破,弄坏
That's okay.
-Jane: I haven't been this excited since we found those Louboutin heels at 51% off.
excited: 兴奋的 since: 自从 heel: 鞋后跟【heels: 高跟鞋】 at … off: 【少去多少钱,at 51% off是少去原价的51%,即打4.9折】
-Marcus: Ma'am, don't take this the wrong way, but she is just not our "brand".
ma’am: 夫人 brand: 商标,牌子
-Shopkeeper: Is there a problem here?
-Jane: Okay, starting today I'm giving myself a fashion makeover.
fashion: 流行,风尚,时样,时装 makeover: 美容美发,外表的大变化,彻底改变
-Jane: Step one… The perfect dress.
-Shopkeeper: There's an outlet store about a mile down on your left.
outlet store: 处理品零售店 outlet: 出口,出路,通风口,批发商店 mile: 英里 left: 左边
step: 步骤,步,踏级 perfect: 完美的,全然的,理想的
There she is.
there she is: 倒装句【她就在那,她指上文提到的perfect dress 完美洋装】
-Jane: Zero, zero, 2 10.
Hi. So, we need a size…
-Jane: 12
-Marcus: Um, nothing larger than a 10.
-Stacy: In the whole store?
whole: 整个的,全部的
I got a new life, a new wardrobe,
wardrobe: 衣柜
The only people who really know what's going on with me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred.
-Stacy: Yes!
My friend saw an ad for this dress.
It's beautiful. It's totally her.
That's it?
-Stacy: Oh, I'm sure they keep more in the back. Hello, Marcus?
keep: 保持,保存,维持 keep more in the back: 【后面保留更多的存货】
他们应该还有存货, Marcus 请来一下,