

WorkingPaper 模拟联合国工作文件 模板

WorkingPaper 模拟联合国工作文件 模板

Sponsors:Bangladesh, Bosnia, Switzerland, Turkey, Norway, United Arab Emirates, United States of AmericaAcknowledging ​t he need to pre-empt future border disputes from escalating.Acknowledging ​t he right of sovereign States to determine internal security1)With acknowledgement of the Responsibility to ProtectCommends ​t he success of American efforts of the Afghan Police Training program.Further commends ​t he continuing military and strategic advice provided by American forces in Northern AfricaRecognises ​t hat state self-determination and sovereign policy on border security is the most preferred mechanism in meaningful policy regarding border security.Noting ​t hat whilst such a preference may exist, not all states, particularly in armed conflict zones are severely underfunded and under-resourced making meaningful and enforceable border security policy nigh impossible.Further notes ​t he situation in the Middle-East and Northern Africa as a key example of such states struggling with border security.Resolves ​t hat in circumstances where states are underfunded, they may be assisted through training programs, using the Export Control and Related Border Security Program (EXBS) and Afghan Police Training Program as models in establishing training facilities and advisors for border security individuals.Further recommends ​t hat such trainers and advisors be supplied from well-resourced nations within NATO and advised by the United Nations Security Council and the European Union.In accordance with ​U N Peacekeeping reports in affected areas in order to reduce the inefficiency and further strengthen the ability of affected states to protect their territoriality, security and bordersCondemning ​i n particular the illicit flows of oil across international borders in conflict zonesUnderstands ​t hat the illicit flows of oil constitutes a major role in the financing of terrorist organisations in conflict zones.Encouraging​increased military/security cooperation between disputing parties.1)Encouraging​relevant States to engage in “bilateral borderinitiatives”:a)“bilateral border initiatives” encompassing member statesagreeing to enter cooperative agreements to secure andcoordinate border actions in disputed regions.i)Aiming to diffuse cross-border tensions.ii)Contingent on member states agreeing to equal andcomprehensive sharing of relevant:(1) Military intelligence concerning border disputes(a)Aiming to jointly police and securedisputed regions.(2)Police/Security/Border force Intelligence.(a)Border forces constituting relevantnational bodies concerned with thepatrol/control of borders.(b)Aiming to jointly police and securedisputed regions.iii)Encouraging the liaising of relevantborder/security/military officers:(1) With the objective of encouraging increasedunderstanding.(2)With the objective of improving cross-borderdialogue.(3)With the objective of fostering increasedcooperationEncouraging​regional engagement to secure disputed territory.1)Encouraging​Military/Security coordination through “regionalborder initiatives”a)“Regional border initiatives” encompassing member statesagreeing to enter cooperative agreements to secure andcoordinate border actions in disputed regions.i)Acknowledging Security Council Members desire andsupport to facilitate and coordinate regionalcooperation.(1)With acknowledgement of the United States,Russiaii)Aiming to diffuse cross-border tension.iii)Aiming to monitor and secure disputed territories.Recognises ​t hat the international community has an important role to play in reducing the utility of illicitly produced and traded oil as a method of funding terrorist organisations.Reminds ​s tates that they have the primary responsibility to secure their international borders during conflict.Reminds ​t hat states have a responsibility to protect their citizens against breaches of their sovereignty from outside influence while●Acknowledges ​t hat states, developing states in particular;○May lack the physical or financial capacity to secure their international borders during conflict○Are unable, rather than unwilling, to combat the movement of illicitly produced oilRequests ​t hat should a state fail to acceptable ensure the security of its borders, that the international community should offer logistical, economic, or material support so as better to maintain their sovereignty as defined in ​C lause (X) while●Acknowledges​the discretion of the affected state in acceptingaforementioned assistance from the international community●Defines ​‘illicitly produced oil’ as oil which is produced outside oflegitimately recognised corporations and entities●Condemn ​s tates which knowingly purchase illicit oil●Recommends ​t hat the 2​nd​ Committee of the General Assemblypublish an annual paper which○Lists the sources of illicit oil production○Lists the purchasers of illicit oil○Cooperates with leading corporations and bodies including, but not limited to, the Organisation for PetroleumExporting Countries.Recommends ​t he establishment of a UN funded institution, tasked with the specific purposes of protecting state sovereignty, that shall●Identify state borders to identify those that are most likely to beunable to resist breaches of sovereignty, such as the transfer ofdangerous non-state actors,○Advise other UN institutions of the security status of state borders that threaten international peace and security ○Develop solutions that seek to reinforce reinforce state border security to advise other policy-synthesizinginstitutions○Inform internal decision making processes that prioritize states that are most at risk from dangerous breaches ofsovereignty●Offer legal, logistical, economic or material support to states withvulnerable borders, but requires that they○Utilize provided support for the purposes of reinforcing their border security, lest further support be revoked ○implement domestic reforms that reinforce border security, assisted by the institution○join or ratify pre-existing bilateral and multilateral treaties and security agreements, so that the support given mosteffectively improves the security status of its border●Request that states submit annual reports on the status of theirborder security。



模联文件写作一、立场文件Position Paper每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼要的阐述。









二、工作文件Working Paper当一国或国家集团对议题产生初步的解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件,提交给大会,向各国介绍己方的解决办法。



三、决议草案Draft Resolution决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法。


起草国Sponsors: 完全赞成该项决议草案附议国Signatories: 不一定赞成该决议草案,但是认为这份决议草案很值得讨论。

四、修正案Amendment修正案分为:友好修正案( Friendly Amendment ): 原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案,直接被添加到原决议草案的最后。

非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment ): 没有使得原起草国都赞成该修改意见,该修正案是非友好修正案,需要征集到与会代表20%的附议国签名,才可以向大会主席递交。




模拟联合国文件的书写文件写作应从5 “W” and 1 “H”入手:what——什么是文件?when——什么时候需要用到它?where——提交到哪里?who——由谁撰写?由谁参看?why——为什么要写该文件?how——怎样写该文件?第一节立场文件(position paper)一、立场文件是什么立场文件是代表在调查研究之后观点的汇总,是关于某一议题的代表国立场,我们的大会要求所有国家在大会开始前提交立场文件,很多代表的第一次发言也是根据立场文件修改的。













模联文件的写作指导与范本立场文件position paper工作文件working paper决议草案draft resolution修正案amendment一、立场文件 position paper每个国家在会前都要针对各个议题提交一份立场文件,对本国的基本观点做出简明扼要的阐述。



2.功能:a. 立场文件对于了解别国动向有极其重要的意义;b. 同时立场文件也是各国在“正式辩论”时的重要发言参考;c. 阅读各国立场文件有利于确定利益集团归属,也是各国间协商、合作、斡旋的重要参考。

3.格式:立场文件格式分为两大部分,即“title+text”具体要求如下:a. 页边距:上下左右皆为“2cm”b. 英文字体:times new romanc. 字符大小:12号d. 间距:段前段后皆为“自动”;行间距“1.2倍”e. title作为一段(即段前段后间距设定为“0”)f. 立场文件一般不得超过a4纸2页。


4.写作要求a. 建议首段概要简述与本国有关的该议题的历史现状与趋势b. 建议第二部分重点阐述联合国、所代表国家曾经参与或组织的行动,通过的决议以及重要发言c. 建议第三部分重点阐述所代表国家的基本立场、所拥有的基本政策、正在进展的措施、理由、具体案例d. 建议第四部分“宽口径”的列举解决此类系列问题的建议e. 建议最后一部分进行呼吁和展望5.小帖士a. 不要过于具体阐述细节b. 用词简练、正式,尽量运用外交辞令c. 文章结构清晰、条理分明d. 正式发言可以参考立场文件,但要随着会议进程实时修改二、工作文件 working paper当一国或国家集团对议题产生初步的解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件,提交给大会,向各国介绍己方的解决办法。




SAMPLE WORKING PAPERWorking Paper 1.1Committee: UN Conference on Trade and Development Topic: Generalized System of PreferencesSubmitted by Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador believe that a GSP should be set up so that Lesser-Developed Countries (LDCs) receive preferential treatment from Developed Countries (DCs). To that end we propose:1. Each DC reduces their tariffs to the lowest level possible. This level will be determined by the below created subcommittee,2. Bilateral trade agreements should be pursued for further reductions in tariffs.3. Trade preferences should be granted in the following areas:AgricultureManufacturesSemi-manufacturesRaw materials4. Decisions on product coverage by preference givingnations must be made in consultation with the affected LDC. Annual re-evaluation of coverage shall take place with the LDC with disputed going to the below-created subcommittee.5. A subcommittee of UNCTAD should be created with equal membership of developed and developing countries. This subcommittee would have the following powers:a. To mediate disputes between preference givers and receiversb. Make recommendations that all countries should followc. Serve as a forum for airing grievances relating to the GSPd. Report regularly to the Secretary-GeneralMembership should be as follows:a. Five permanent nations from the DCsb. Five permanent nations from the LDCs and LLDCsc. Ten members elected annually by UNCTAD。


对于该议题代表国所持有的立场、态度。可包括与该国相关的国内事物和外交政策,以 及在过去的国际工作中所支持过的决议。
第四部分: 代表国对委员会的建议,课包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施,以及国际社会应当担 当的角色。 4. 写作要求以及注意事项 (1)首段概要简述与本国有关的该议题的历史现状与趋势 (2)第二部分重点阐述联合国、所代表国家曾经参与或组织的行动,通过的决议以及 重要发言。
部领土、领海、领空。 二、 各国坚持履行《不扩散核武器条约》,防止核扩散,推动核裁军和促进和
平利用核能的国际合作。 三、 各国坚持履行《全面禁止核试验条约》,停止一切有害于中东地区和平稳
定的核试验。 四、 各国坚持和平使用核能,大力发展民用核能,绝不把核能用于军事领域。 五、 各缔约国承诺不不经过规范的操作随意排放核废料从而造成环境污染,并
2014HZ4Z 养正模拟联合国大会
这部分中主要陈述该议题的历史,讨论该议题的必要性并回顾在该议题上过去的决议和 条约。
每一款以一个动词开头,并以逗号结尾。 (2)行动性条款 具体列举解决问题的措施和建议。每一款以一个动词开头,并以分好结尾。这些条款应 该按照正确的逻辑顺序予以排列并进行标注,每一款只包含一个建议或想法。如果每一款需 要更进一步的解释,可以在该款下分条逐一说明,格式不变.最后一款的结尾处用句号结束 全文。 注:序言性条款可以涉及到: A)联合国宪章 B)联合国在该问题上曾经通过的决议或条约 C)联合国秘书长或其他联合国组织机构就此问题发表过的言辞 D)地区或非政府组织对次问题的见解
巴勒斯坦、巴林、土耳其、也门、利比亚等该条约的缔约国希望与敦促有关国家和地区 尽早放弃发展核武器,早日加入该条约,共同开展中东无核、和平的新时代。

模联working paper 示范

模联working paper 示范

Working paper 1.1Author:Afghanistan,Syria,Iran,Iraq,Parkistan,India,Libya,Rwanda,Jordan,Ethiopi -acation:1.1 We mean to establish a holonomic educational system,which contains occupational education、 basic education and advanced education to enha nce women’s diathesis. We strongly believe that with high quality women can get jobs more easilly.1.2 In order to provide wonem with specialized education, we pay great attention to women school’s foundment. We also stress on normal education’s developm ent to strengthen the teachers strength, including improving the training of local talents teachers' overall quality and cultural level to provide more local talents.1.3 We government should strengthen the construction of teaching facilities, including inceased construction and capital investment research and encourage and guide the folk capital into education field.1.4 We Government ought to expand technology and education international and regional cooperation, to strengthen the self absorption of imported technology innovation ability in the joke.1.5 We appeal to the United Nations Committee and the Education International to offer more help.We also hope the International Fund’s could alleviate the financial burden of developing countries and help enhance our domestic education. We also appeal International bank lending restrictions on the development of education in developing countries, and the reduce interest.1.6 We should strengthen civic education in order to improve the social meaning of gender equality.1.7 We promise to consider the religion factor and make proper arrangement for girls who cannot go to school and raise people’s awearness of gender equality and improve women’s diathesis.1.8 We appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross to provide more assistance to the low level of countries, and calls for the development of national education fund to reduce the threshold of the target country.Some specific solutionI. set up target schools for womenIi. Enhance the Ideological and moral education of women, to change traditional idea , spread the values of equality of men and women,energetically spread the values of equality of men and women in society.Iii. Carry out woman vocational education for community members to learnskills.Improve the quality of the laborers.Iiii. Free complusory basic education for girls is the fudation .Iiiii. Provide schoolarship for those girls who lack school fees.2) send teacher groups .3)send volunteer groups .4)appeal some NOGs .5) Training local teachers in the assisted areas, and establish a local long-term mechanism on the ground2.The idea of equality and encourage women to brave fight for their rights through the promotion of women in media2.1 Films shot female States to cooperate with the local cultural flavor2.2Founder of international or regional newspapers on the topic of women3 Provide more assistance to female occupation through economic cooperation among countries in order to improve the economic status of women3.1 Strengthening economic cooperation among the countries, the development of labor-intensive industries in poor areas to provide more employment opportunities for poor women3.2Encourage female entrepreneurship and to provide relevant vocational training 3.3Promote women's employment and regional employment transnational cooperation in developing countries3.4 Build vocational schools in low unemployment areas to offer training.3.5Lower employment barriers3.6Government regulates the ratio of female and male employment and requires state-owned enterprises to employ women.3.7Develop secondary industries like manufacturing industries(lighting industries) which is suitable for women.4 Establish organizations to help women4.1 The establishment of economic cooperation between the countries, the Middle East and you would like to actively help improve their economic situation, the two sides actively explore the domestic currency settlement mechanism.4.2 Opening up new sources of energy, oil development cooperation, mineral resource development projects4.3 International and regional cooperation organization established survey, organizations in the Member States, in accordance with their specific cultural tradition, the people of satisfaction as the fundamental basis for evaluation, andcooperation between the region and the region by the Fund Cooperation Organization.4.4 Publish an annual report, the world is divided into the United States - European region, the Middle East - Central Asian region, East Asia - South-East Asia region, the African region, the Oceania region, the regional environment for a reasonable evaluation of the region.4.5 Report correctness among regions shall be evaluated as the leading regional member country members, with the determination of the reasonableness of the report and denied the right to4.6 Cooperation Fund, dedicated to helping improve women's poverty in the region to help solve the employment of women, the suffering of everyday life, the establishment of female school or the establishment of vocational education for women.5. Urges states to show more concern towards women who are especially vulnerabl e, including disabled women, and women living in chaos caused by violence5.1 Send volunteer groups to advertise the importanc e of fight for women’s rights .Educate the younger generation to prevent women from violence5.2 Appeal to strengthen the legislation for mild -east countries abolish the gender discrimination and those old traditional concepts .Strengthen the punishment of crime against women including the death penalty to rapists.5.3 Establish some national federation to give the women help,found more national women center ,especially in rural areas ,offering free treatment physically and mentally ,also some relevant information help them to gain compensation5.4Decides to provide assistances to prevent the coerced pregnancies, especiall y the female in the conflict regions, where sexual violence sometimes comes out as a way of invasion and exploitation。

模拟联合国中的position paper模板以及motion提纲

模拟联合国中的position paper模板以及motion提纲

Committee: General AssemblyTopic: Child Protection In Armed ConflictCountry: China1.Background:Armed conflicts are happening constantly in several area of the world. The vulnerabilities and needs specific to children are often made more acute by situations of armed conflict. The protection of children is a topic to which the international community has devoted significant attention. Over 250,000 child soldiers are still participating in armed conflicts around the world and tens of thousands of girls are being sexually exploited by combatants.1.actions taken by the United NationsThe protection of children is a thematic issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council. With the recent expansion through Resolution 1882 of the triggers for the MRM on grave violations, it is an opportune time to examine the successes of the MRM, as well as the challenges it faces. For instance, who are the key actors involved, how are they coordinated, and how might their contribution to the MRM complicate their presence on the ground in certain areas? What concrete steps are being taken to respond to violations and to combat impunity? How might action plans, “naming and shaming,” and targeted sanctions be employed more effectively? This live seminar examined these and other related questions.United Nations experts called for universal ratification of the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) - on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and on protection for children in armed conflict - at a special event to be held at UNICEF House today.Campaigns aimed at getting all countries to ratify and implement the protocols by 2012 will be announced at the meeting, which will be addressed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake, Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, and Special Representative on Violence Against Children, Marta Santos Pais.3.China’s positionViolence does not discriminate. It cuts across race, religion, class, and culture. It occurs in homes and families, schools and workplaces; care homes and communities.Regardless of where it occurs, the end result can be the same: A child diminished by fear…even crippled by a lack of self-confidence. A child who does not perform well in school, is more likely to be unemployed in adulthood. A child who more easily falls preys to sexual abuse and exploitation. These children need our help now. And we can help them grow up to be teachers, health workers, community leaders, employers, and skilled employees. Preventing violenceagainst children is critical not only for their own well-being, but for the health and progress of our global community.3.actions in the futureAn increasing number of countries have abolished voluntary recruitment for persons below the age of 18 year for use in armed conflict, noted Ms. Yanghee Lee, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the body that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Protocols. She also noted that States are stepping up measures and international cooperation to combat child prostitution, child pornography and sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism.In addition to calling on all countries to ratify the Optional Protocols and to effectively implement them by incorporating them into national legislation, policy and planning, and providing victim protection and rehabilitation programs; the UN is calling on governments to comply with reporting obligations to the Committee on the Rights of the Child.Speech list of topic BReason for topic AHow can we be here?How can we delegates from all over the world gathering here for this conference? Because this place is safe. This room, this city, this country is protected by armed force, by soldiers, by police, and by the infinite power of peace. Peace, yes, that is why people can work and live without threaten, that is why our children can play in the garden, our sisters can walk along the street in the evening safely and our grandmas can go out in weekends to learn Chinese. If peace is such important, why shouldn’t the people who live in the Middle East and North Africa get it?China stands firmly with the countries involved in w ars and instability, let’s set topic A in the agenda. Let’s try to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East. Let’s try it.Motion1.China motions for a moderated cacus, the topic istotal time is 15 minutes, 10 delegates are involved. Each delegate has 90 seconds.strongly condemn "the continued grave and systematic human rights violations by the Syrian authorities" and threatened punitive measures against the Middle East countrynon-interference(sovereignty, International assistance)sovereignty is vital and basic to a country. It can not be partition or transfer. It is not conferred by International law. It born when a country born. Each country has it foreign independent right, which cannot be interfered by others. State is entitled to their own will, according to national circumstances, freedom to choose their own social system, the state forms, organize their own government, a national law, the state's domestic and foreign policies, etc. China suggests the countries, especially in north America and western Europe, respect the sovereignty , independence and territorial integrity of Syria. Do not let a second Lybia born.International assistance(supervise mode)Principle of state sovereignty has been widely recognized by the international community. China strongly condemn "the continued grave and systematic human rights violations by the Syrian authorities" and threatened punitive measures against the Middle East country”. To ensure the sovereignty of Middle East and North African countries be effectually protected, China suggests to form a supervise mode. The details of the supervise mode will be discussed in the next unmoderated cacus.CompensationAccording to history, 4800,000000,00000。




大多数情况下,会前文件只有一种,叫做“立场文件(position paper)”。


比如09 年北大的模联就增加了国家介绍等会前文件。

会议文件是文件主体,包括:1. 工作文件(Working Paper) 2. 决议草案(Draft Resolution) 3.修正案(Amendment) 4. 指令草案/紧急决议(Draft Directive/Emergency Resolution)◆立场文件立场文件(Positon Paper)就是在会前写的表达自己国家在这个议题上的立场报告。













大会规则流程Rules of Procedure 大会流程图解:确定议题Setting the Agenda点名Roll Call产生发言名单Open the Speaker’s List非正式辩论Informal Debate正式辩论Formal Debate 结束辩论形成各种会议文件投票表决“决议草案”文件通过/不通过大会流程简述:一、点名 (Roll Call)点名的作用:确定到场国家总数,由此计算简单多数 (1/2多数) 和三分之二多数。


点名的方式:主席助理按照国家名单上的顺序点名,点到的国家高举国家牌并答“到(Present) ”。


二、正式辩论 (Formal Debate)辩论的概念:不同于平时的辩论比赛,模联中的发言、磋商、游说等均被视为辩论。





追加发言机会 (国家名未在发言名单上或已经完成发言) ,可向主席台传意向条(Page) 要求在发言名单上添加其代表国家,主席会将该国家名加在发言名单最后。


发言时间:每位代表有90秒的初始发言时间 (Speaking Time) ,可通过动议(Motion to Change Speaking Time) 更改。


①让渡给他国代表 (Yield Time to Another Delegate) :让渡国A代表和被让渡国B代表协商一致后 (传意向条,会前游说等) ,B代表在A代表剩余的时间内进行发言。



修正案,在后面会 详细讲解
三种文件在内容和格式上 具有联系性
工作文件(WP)、决议草案(DR)、决议案(res)都具 备以下三部分,但内容上有所区别 统一要求字号10号,字体Times New Roman
Heading(案头:为文件存档查询用,提供基本信息) Preambular Clauses(序言性条款 ,现有的情况和以前做

可以修正的:内容上的增加或更改,例如某项 条约经过讨论后需要增加或修改,常用于阐明 一个讨论时尚未明确的方面;只能修正和新增 operative clause 不可以修正的:标点错误,拼写错误,格式错 误,理论上讲这些错误都会在最终版WP形成 时修改掉,一但还存在,也不需正式提交修改

Operative Clauses(行动性条款,要做什么?)
Chair和Director 填写
Code: Committee: African Development Bank
由主要起草国填写 给其他代表看,没 Subject: Analyzing the Impact of Intra-Regional Migration on 有疑问后可以索要 Development signatory以递交主 席进行审阅

体现出问题并提供一个框架 (framework)

对UN宪章的引用和以往的决议案和条 约的引用



——让渡给评论(Yield Time to comments)
五、指令草案 Draft Directive
2、自由磋商 Unmoderated Caucus

模拟联合国工作文件WHA Working Paper

模拟联合国工作文件WHA Working Paper

Working paper1.1Committee:WHATopic:the Ebola outbreakSponsors:Sudan,Angola,R.O.C,Kenya,and D.R.C.Short term1.Financial aid:a.Principlei)Accountability:assure the transparency and responsiveness on the use of capital.b.Initial allocation:Include but not limited to:dignifying burial,subduing the pain of the patients,and providing medical research.2.Medical equipmenta.Mobile labsb.Basic medical equipment(e.g.clean needles,gloves,standard medical uniforms,degassing liquid)3.Isolationa.Establishment of the isolation wardi)Potential place:AirportRemote suburbs(the possibility of further spread would be relatively lower.) ii)Administration:the united administration of the World Health Organization(WHO)and the local governments.b.Send more the medical staff into the isolation areas and assure the safety of the front-line medical staff.3.Data basea.Purpose:i)To record the update of symptom of EVD and collect the new information of EVD.ii)To Share the newest progress of the medical research.iii)To establish a platform to present the need of the medical staff(e.g.the number of the professional doctors and nurses in certain region.)4.Safe BurialThe government should educate their citizens not to touch the patients’bodies otherwise they would be infected by EVD.Long term1.Prevention of the possible recurrencea.Do ensure that we have already disinfect the medical equipment in order to not to infect other patients again.ernments are supposed to spread the knowledge of EVD,including giving lectures of EVD,requestingschools to teach students about EVD and the necessary hygiene habits of disease prevention etc.c.To cooperate with developed countries and keep on the research on the Ebola virus disease.2.Further the development upon vaccinea.To facilitate the research and further development of vaccine as quick as possible.b.The technology sharing among developed countries and the epidemic areas.。



模拟联合国会议文件写作1.工作文件 Working Paper (WP)代表在会议进行期间,在各自立场文件的基础上,综合草拟出针对某一或若干问题的看法和观点,以及解决办法。







2.决议草案 Draft Resolution (DR)按照联合国决议文件格式起草的对该议题的解决办法,未通过表决的决议。









格式严格,包括:标题 (Heading)、序言条款 (Preambulatory Clauses)、行动性条款 (Operative Clauses)。

3.修正案 Amendment修正案分为友好修正案以及非友好修正案;友好修正案(Friendly Amendment):原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成(需要在友好修正案的附议国中签字)该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案。





模拟联合国的W o r k i n g P a p e r格式Make a little progress every day, January 5th, 2020W o r k i n g P a p e r Committee: General AssemblyTopic: Marine Issues and Resource Development of Asia-Pacific RegionSubmitted by: Australia; Japan; USA; PeruFishery resource1.Make good use of this advantage; focusing on developing oceanfishing and fishery resources on continental shelf.2.Designate fishery healthcare districts and increases effortsto protect the fishery resources.3.Divide the development and utilization of fishery resourceinto the following levels: ①exhausted usage; ②excessiveusage; ③sufficient usage; ④insufficient usage.4.Establish the International Fishery Organization tostrengthen the surveillance and control on the depletion of fish stocks; forbid and punish over-fishing and illegalfishing; ensuring the sustainable development of fisheryresources.5.Appear to widespread the new technology about fishing; whichreduce the harm to fish stocks6.Realize transferring quantitative fishery to qualitativefishery.Mineral resource1.Exploit and develop nodule; oil and gas resource actively2.Make a deep research over the feasibility of the developmentand protection of mineral resource to further improve thelevel of the development and utilization of mineral resource.3.Coexist independent mining and external cooperation andinsist on scientific and technological innovation.New energy1.We hope every country can focus on ocean which containsrenewable energy like tidal energy and solar energy.Cooperation between developed countries which haveexploitation technology and developing countries withpotential new energy is needed eagerly.Ecosystem protectionAct in accordance with the laws and rules produced by the UN. Special measures should be taken to ensure the countries’ own ecological environment received sufficient protection.1.Coastal countries should take the responsibility to build itsecosystem protection zone to guarantee the diversity ofliving resource.2.Get the pollution which inflow the sea controlled so thatevery country has the duty to ensure its detection process strict.3.Establish an agreement to regulate the marine miningactivities to not damage marine animal habitats.4.Maximize the use of renewable energy and minimize the amountof fossil energy.5.By means of preserve the ocean to develop our tourismindustry.6.Appeal the heavy industry countries to make promise onreducing the emission of carbon dioxide;weakness the global warming;prevent the rising of sea level ;protect thediversity of marine species and habitat to all lives7.Encourage globe speed up the researches on new energy andmake more technology communication; in order to avoid the exploitation about fossil fuels destroy the habitats andcause air pollution.Maritime transportation safety1.Intensify the attack on terrorism2.Strengthen global and regional cooperation in safeguardingthe merchant ships3.Give economical assistants to developing countries andincreases investment in these countries4.Suggest the IMO set a new standard on building ship;such asusing new material and double bottom;ensure the securityabout ship;in case the accident of oil leak happens. Alsoappeal IMO strength the monitor to ship transportation; in case the old ship shipping causing accident.5.Appeal to set a more effective project to deal with theaccident of air leak;including reduce the time to arrive at accident scene and improve technology to salvage anddecompose leaked oil6.Appeal globe to cooperate and fight against the marinecriminal activities7.Set up a supervisory system to monitoring; control andsurveillance of both fishing and carrier vessels; such asvessel registers; mandatory notification of the intention to transship and the application of vessel monitoring systems. Marine tourism1.Strengthen the tourism infrastructure and ecologicalenvironment construction.2.Planning the construction of tourist attraction is benefit tothe full development and utilization of marine resources.3.Determine tourism environmental capacity scientifically.。



2、正文 第一部分:简要陈述议题,并说明代表 国认为该议题对于整个国际社会所具有 的重要性。
第二部分:简介及评价该问题联合国所 采取过的措施和成效。
第三部分:对于该议题代表国所持有的 立场、态度。可包括与该国相关的国内 事物和外交政策,以及在过去的国际工 作中所支持过的决议。
第四部分:代表国对委员会的建议,课 包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施, 以及国际社会应当担当的角色。
决议草案(Draft Resolution)是“决议案(Resolution)”的草案,简称DR, 是在一份或多份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论议题的实质性解决 方案与具体措施的书面提案。 通过即成为合法的国际条例或约定,影响全世界。而DR 也是我们模联会议 的最终结果,因此具有非常重要的地位。
形成过程 (1)游说和结盟 (2)形成观点(对问题的认识及解决措施) (3)起草 (4)提交主席团审核 (5)主席通过、编号并印发全场 (6)动议讨论
抬头格式 Working paper (由主席编号)
Committee:XXX Topic: XXX Sponsor: XXX 【工作文件需要有至少一个起草国(sponsor), 不需要附议国(signatory)】
Position Paper
工作文件 决议草案
Working Paper Draft Resolution
立场与观点的综合 正式的提案与建议
无格式要求 有严格格式要求
Friendly Amendment
非友好修正案 Unfriendly
Delegate(代表姓名): Wang



模联会议之立场文件(Position paper)立场文件是表达某个国家或组织在某个特定议题上的立场概要的文件。





为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:1.英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;2.英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;3.英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;4.英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;5.英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;6.国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。



WORKING PAPER SAMPLECommittee: UN Conference on Trade and DevelopmentTopic: Generalized System of PreferencesSubmitted by: Bolivia, Peru, EcuadorBolivia, Peru and Ecuador believe that a GSP should be set up so that Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) receive preferential treatment from More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs). To that end we propose:1. Each MEDC reduces their tariffs to the lowest level possible. This level will be determined by the below created subcommittee.2. Bilateral trade agreements should be pursued for further reductions in tariffs.3. Trade preferences should be granted in the following areas: a) Agriculture; b) Manufactures; c) Semi-manufactures; d) Raw materials;4. Decisions on product coverage by preference giving nations must be made in consultation with the affected LEDC. Annual re-evaluation of coverage shall take placewith the LEDC with disputed going to the below-created subcommittee.5. Asubcommittee of UNCTAD should be created with equal membership of developedand developing countries. This subcommittee would have the following powers: a) Tomediate disputes between preference givers and receivers; b) Make recommendationsthat all countries should follow; c) Serve as a forum for airing grievances relating to theGSP; d) Report regularly to the Secretary-General.DRAFT RESOLUTION SAMPLECommittee: Rio+20, The First CommitteeTopic: Climate Change and Disaster Risk ReductionSponso rs: China, Czech, Egypt, HaitiSignatories: Russia, Brazil, Argentina, MaldivesThe First Committee,Acknowledging that warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and that delay in reducing emissions significantly constrains opportunities to achieve lower stabilization levels and increases the risk of more severe climate change impacts,Reaffirming the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change passedin 1992 and the principal update, the Kyoto Protocol passed under the framework of UNFCCC in 1997, and the two-year process finalized a binding agreement in 2009 in Copenhagen, the Bali Road Map adopted in the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference,Emphasizing the importance of disaster risk reduction and the circumstances of climate situation in great need of change,Deeply appreciating the assistance and cooperation from all countries joined the Rio+20, and governments and organizations pay attention to the issue,Welcoming further cooperation from all of the countries and organizations willing to sacrifice themselves for a better future,1. Further develops global climate observing movement based on GCOS(GlobalClimate Observing System):a) Reports the latest climate data divided in three aspects: atmospheric, ocean, andterrestrial observation,b) Lists the corresponding arrangements for any contingency in particular strickenarea due to the climate changes;2. Recognizes the crucial role biodiversity plays in global ecological environment andthe significance of the sense of upholding biodiversity;3. Recommends following ways for all regions generally in biodiversity:a) Assisting wildlife conservation society or nature reserve:i. Advocating the recruit volunteers,ii. Calling upon individual organizations or public beneficial activities for financial support and investments,iii. Setting up effective institutions to periodically supervise the existing nature reserve,b) Keeping ecological features, dynamics, environmental movements and climatechanges understudied in order to find more favorable ways to prevent devastation,c) Expanding existing achievements globally:i. establishing panels to express and pass down their concepts, goals andcontributions,ii. utilizing the power of media to propagandize committee’s movements and the efforts have been made,d) Developing technical methods to facilitate the conservation of circumstance,wildlife habitats,e) Providing technical assistance to relatively underdeveloped regions;4. Reaffirms the influence of human activities on biodiversity world widely andseveral preventive measures by:a) Reducing unnecessary slaughter of marine animals and fully condemn dolphinhunting actionsi. Establishing a reservation system for marine area beyond national jurisdiction,ii. Punishing dolphin hunting actions in financial ways,b) Calling upon the control of human habitation areas in the scope of activities ofwild animals:i. Facilitating a series of strict ratification procedures of setting habitation areas,ii. Emphasizing the unfavorable outcome of the decrease of wildlife habitat due to human race.。



模拟联合国流程规则介绍第一篇:模拟联合国流程规则介绍大会规则流程(Rules of Procedures)1点名(Roll Call)主席按照首字母顺序点国家名时,代表需举国家牌(Playcard)并答“到(Present)!”。

e.g:Chair: Distinguished delegates, now we’re going to have the roll call.Please raise you placard and answer ‘present!’” China:“Present!”例:主席助理:“尊敬的各位代表,现在我们开始点名。




”点名完毕后,主席助理公布实到代表数,以及简单多数——与会国家代表的50%+1(Simple Majority)和三分之二多数——与会国家代表的2/3(Two-thirds Majority)。



设定议程(Setting of Agenda)当委员会的议题超过1个时,与会代表必须表决,决定首先讨论的议题。




由某国动议结束讨论(close the debate)。







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W o r k i n g P a p e r格式集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)
W o r k i n g P a p e r Committee: General Assembly
Topic: Marine Issues and Resource Development of Asia-Pacific Region
Submitted by: Australia, Japan, USA, Peru
Fishery resource
1.Make good use of this advantage, focusing on developing ocean
fishing and fishery resources on continental shelf.
2.Designate fishery healthcare districts and increases efforts
to protect the fishery resources.
3.Divide the development and utilization of fishery resource
into the following levels: ①exhausted usage; ②excessive
usage; ③sufficient usage; ④insufficient usage.
4.Establish the International Fishery Organization to
strengthen the surveillance and control on the depletion of fish stocks, forbid and punish over-fishing and illegal
fishing, ensuring the sustainable development of fishery
5.Appear to widespread the new technology about fishing, which
reduce the harm to fish stocks
6.Realize transferring quantitative fishery to qualitative
Mineral resource
1.Exploit and develop nodule, oil and gas resource actively
2.Make a deep research over the feasibility of the development
and protection of mineral resource to further improve the
level of the development and utilization of mineral resource.
3.Coexist independent mining and external cooperation and
insist on scientific and technological innovation.
New energy
1.We hope every country can focus on ocean which contains
renewable energy like tidal energy and solar energy.
Cooperation between developed countries which have
exploitation technology and developing countries with
potential new energy is needed eagerly.
Ecosystem protection
Act in accordance with the laws and rules produced by the UN. Special measures should be taken to ensure the countries’ own ecological environment received sufficient protection.
1.Coastal countries should take the responsibility to build its
ecosystem protection zone to guarantee the diversity of
living resource.
2.Get the pollution which inflow the sea controlled so that
every country has the duty to ensure its detection process strict.
3.Establish an agreement to regulate the marine mining
activities to not damage marine animal habitats.
4.Maximize the use of renewable energy and minimize the amount
of fossil energy.
5.By means of preserve the ocean to develop our tourism
6.Appeal the heavy industry countries to make promise on
reducing the emission of carbon dioxide,weakness the global warming,prevent the rising of sea level ,protect the
diversity of marine species and habitat to all lives
7.Encourage globe speed up the researches on new energy and
make more technology communication, in order to avoid the exploitation about fossil fuels destroy the habitats and
cause air pollution.
Maritime transportation safety
1.Intensify the attack on terrorism
2.Strengthen global and regional cooperation in safeguarding
the merchant ships
3.Give economical assistants to developing countries and
increases investment in these countries
4.Suggest the IMO set a new standard on building ship,such as
using new material and double bottom,ensure the security
about ship,in case the accident of oil leak happens. Also appeal IMO strength the monitor to ship transportation, in case the old ship shipping causing accident.
5.Appeal to set a more effective project to deal with the
accident of air leak,including reduce the time to arrive at accident scene and improve technology to salvage and
decompose leaked oil
6.Appeal globe to cooperate and fight against the marine
criminal activities
7.Set up a supervisory system to monitoring, control and
surveillance of both fishing and carrier vessels, such as
vessel registers, mandatory notification of the intention to transship and the application of vessel monitoring systems. Marine tourism
1.Strengthen the tourism infrastructure and ecological
environment construction.
2.Planning the construction of tourist attraction is benefit to
the full development and utilization of marine resources.
3.Determine tourism environmental capacity scientifically.。
