
英文版工作收入证明1This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ as a _____.Hereby certify.This certificate is only used to prove my company staff's work, not to the employee to any situation, as our company's guarantee files.Company name:Chapter cover:Date: (year on ___ ___Income proofWe have our company staff, id card number: _____________________, ___ years of work experience in our department of office...... (position), the annual income of RMB ______.英文版工作收入证明2This unit commitment this certificate is true, correct, is limited to apply for a credit card.(build official seal)(date) (month) (year)英文版工作收入证明3Proof of work should pay attention several questionsFrom the employer to provide work certificate should pay attention to the following points:( a ) certificate to print on company letterhead.( two) the pa-pe-r should have the company 's addreand telephone number.( three) letter should have the signature of the person responsible for unit, also should have the company seal.( four) content needs to be made it clear that position, when in work, the total annual income how many, whether to include annual salary, housing allowances, bonuses and dividends etc..( five) the letter the best able to provide if need to ask it, looking for someone with a phone number.Due to the above information is provided, the visa officer in telephone trouble causes a lot of inconvenience and misunderstanding.Because this was supposed to be the application has been rejected.Certificate certificateThis is to certify that XXX for my employees, since the XXXX XX month XX day in my Department of XX XX post.Hereby certify that.XXX companyXXXX XX month XX dayProveXXXXXX comrades in our work, we hereby certify!XXXX ( cover radish )Date英文版工作收入证明4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and inmy company's income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明6This is to certify that XX comrades I fighter (if it is a cadre to describe the position ).Hereby certify thatThe XXXXX unit (seal )X X month X dayThe departments that workIt is my ministry Comrade XX in the XX sector, engaged in XX, hereby certify that.Department contact: contact telephone number:The XXXXX unit ( seal)X X month X day format,Have a XXX, gender, identity card number, XXXXXXXXXX, XX XX month XX day entry, has XX years work experience, engaged in XX!Hereby certify that!Unit name (seal )Year month day。

收入证明-英文版(外国银行用)(五篇模版)第一篇:收入证明-英文版(外国银行用)Certificate of Employment and IncomeTo whom it may concern,We certify that Mrs.Chum(SAU SUM CHUM),born on Dec 02 1973,has been working in our company for 4 years.Her current position is Purchasing Manager.We also certify that her current monthly income is RMB 67000.Shenzhen hengfeng ocean trade Co.,LtdManager of Personnel Department:(signature)Add:Room 1506,Huishang center,No.3027,Shennan middle road,Futian district,Guangdong,China Tel: *************Fax: *************第二篇:签证用收入证明英文格式July 1, 201XVISA SECTION EMBASSY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM(英国使馆签证处)To whom it may concern Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that Ms.Zhang Lili(申请人姓名), the visa applicant, whose national passport number is G111111(护照号), has been working for __________(公司名)for __ years(工作年限)since 1999(入职时间)and has heretofore kept a good record of performance.Her current title is _______(职位)and her current salary(after-tax)is about RMB_____(税后年薪)per year.Ms.Zhang Lili(申请人姓名)applied for a leave of 10(休假天数)days from September 28, 2012(休假开始日期)for travel and she planned to spend in your country at her own expense.She assures to comply with laws in your country and return to her position when the vacation is over.We have approved her application and made sure that we will reserve her position and salary during her leave.Please kindly afford her any appropriate assistanceconcerning visa affairs if needed.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr._____(公司人力资源部经理姓名), the General Manager of Department of Human Resource at +86(10)XXXXXX(人力资源部联系人电话).Yours faithfully,XXXXX (公司人力资源部经理签字)General Director of DHR 公司名(盖章)第三篇:收入证明英文模版收入证明英文模版proofofincomeforabankloanBankofChinaBankofChinabranchofthecityof*************:Thisistocertifythatsir(madam)ismyunitstaff,workingyears,tow orkinourunitforyears,post,post,Titleis.TheIDnumberis:.Theaverag emonthlyincomeofRMByuan(uppercase).Theprooffortheworkers toapplyforaloanortheworkersfortheotherpersonappliesfortheloa nofthirdpartyguaranteewhenusing.Unit(seal):Year,monthanddayBankloanincomecertificatetemplatetwoChinaConstructionBankChinaConstructionBankCorporationLimitedBeijingbranchTheinvestigationcontent:(a)theapplicantJobTitleCulturedegree;(two)theapplicantinyourworklife:years,continuousserviceyea rs;(three)theactualmonthlyincome(aftertax)yuan(uppercase);(four)theapplicanttopaywagesaccount(bankonbehalfof);(five)theidentitycardnumber;(six)theapplicantunitphonehomephonemobilephone;(seven)applicant'shomeaddress;(eight)theapplicantpersonnelandlaborrelationsLongtermcontractbusinecontracttermofyears(nine)whethertheapplicanthadviolationspunishment(ten)theexpensiveunitpropertiesNationalorganizationinstitution-nationalenterprisecollectiveenterprises-privateenterprisesjointventureenterprisesolelyinvestedenterprise ofothertype(eleven)theunitpersonnelandlabordepartmenttelephone:Theunithandlingstaffsignature:TheofficialsealoftheentityorpersonneldepartmentsealYear,monthanddaySpecialnote:thecreditsurveyletterstampedwiththeofficialseal unitsorunitsHRsealforce,issuedbyunitsofcreditsurveyletterinform ationintegrity,responsibleforaccuracyBankloanincomeproofofFanBensanShenzhenOccupation,incomecertificateItisComrade,gender,identitycardnumber(militaryID,passport number:),sinceDecemberhasbeeninmywork,andIsignedthelabor contract,thecontractperiod.Atpresent,inthedepartmentsofpositio n,after-taxmonthlywages,salaryincomeofRMB(uppercase)yuan,monthly housingprovidentfundunitsamountspaidtotheRenminbi(upperca se)yuan,monthlyhousingsubsidyofRMByuan(uppercase).Thestre ngthofthecertificate.Theofficialsealoftheentity(orpersonnelchapt er)Year,monthanddayIn1,theunitname:In2,theunitaddress:3,phone:postalcode:In4,thepersonnel(labor)departmentsresponsiblepersonnam e:BankloanincomecertificatetemplatefourBeijingRuralCommercialBankSinceSir/madam(typesofdocuments:Documents:)Iunitsoftheofficialstaff,currentposition(Education:,Title:).Thec omradesofficephone:,homephone,mobilephone:.Thecomradesfr omyearmonthdateinmywork,inmyunitworkinglifeforyears,Thefix edincome(uppercase)RMB,otherincome(uppercase)forrmb.Curre ntmaritalstatus:(withmarried,unmarried,divorced,widowed).Verifi edtheaboveistrueandcorrect,Iunithasbeencompletelyknowthissh owthattheresultinglegaleffect,andtoprovetheauthenticityofbeart hecorrespondinglegalresponsibility.Unit(orhumanresources,labo rmanagementdepartmentofficialseal):Head.Year,monthanddayRemarks.Corporationaddress:postalcode:Humanresourcesorlabormanagementdepartmentcontact:po stalcode:BankloanincomecertificatetemplatefiveAgriculturalBankofChinaCardMingItisComrade,identitycardnumber:Fromyearmonthdateinmyworkunit,post.Hismonthlyincomeis RMByuan(uppercase),herebycertifythat.Theaboveinformationistr ue,Iunitstoundertakethecorrespondinglegalresponsibilities.Theo fficialsealoftheentityYear,monthanddayRemarks.1,fullunits:2,legaladdress:3,unitpersonnel(labor)departmentsresponsiblepersonname:4,contacttelephone:5,facsimilenumber:In6,thepostalcode:BankloanincomecertificatetemplatesixChinaEverbrightBankChargeintothecardMingItisComrade,gender,identitycard(militaryID,passportnumber, month):sincehasbeentoworkinourunit,currentlyinthesectorpositi ons,after-taxmonthlywages,salaryincomeofRMB(uppercase)yuan,monthly housingprovidentfundunitsamountspaidtotheRenminbi(upperca se)yuan,monthlyhousingallowanceforRenminbiyuan(uppercase). Herebycertifythat!Iunitsoftheincometoprovetheauthenticityofthecontentofthe bearfulllegalresponsibility.Unitpersonnel(labor)Departmentseal Year,monthandday1,fullunits:In2,theunitaddress:In3,telephonenumber,zipcode:In4,thepersonnel(labor)departmentsresponsiblepersonnam e:(signature)BankloanincomecertificatetemplatesevenIndustrialandCommercialBankofChinaOccupationandincomecertificateItisComrade,IDnumber:,Iunitstaff,toworkinourunit,post,itsan nualincomeforthemillionyuan.Herebycertifythat.Theproofoftrue andcorrect,Iunitstoundertakethecorrespondinglegalresponsibilit y.Thepersonneldepartmentseal(labor)Year,monthanddayRemarks.1,fullunits:2,legaladdress:In3,thepersonnel(labor)departmentsresponsiblepersonnam e:4,phone:postalcode:BankloanincomecertificatetemplateeightShanghaipudongDevelopmentBankShanghaipudongdevelopmentbank:Itismydepartmentstaffsir(lady)toyouApplicationforpersonalloan,shouldyourrequest,herebycertif ythat:Sir(madam)atpresentinourunitpositions,andhaspracticalYearsofwork,education,goodperformance,physicalhealth,fix edincomeelement(uppercase),Otherincomeelement(uppercase). Theoffice:contacttelephonenumber:Theofficialsealoftheentity:dayperiod:Incomecertificateverifiedrecord:-Telephone-thedoorwayOtherwayToverifythesituation:-truedonotmatchAttn:dateofsignatureverification:第四篇:英文收入证明格式英文收入证明格式英文收入证明格式TOWHOMITMAYCONCERNRE:(姓名)-INCOMECERTIFICATIONThisistocertifythat(姓名)hasbeenabonafideemployeeofthisorganizationsince(开始任职年份).Mr./Ms.(姓)hasbeenundermysupervisionsince(开始任职该部门年份).His/Hercurrentlypositionis(职位名称).His/Herannualincomeforthepastthreeyearsareasfollow: 2008-RMB¥XX,0002009-RMB¥XX,0002010-RMB¥XX,000(签名)NameandTitleofSignatory:(直属部门主管或负责人的姓名及职衔)(Ihaveauthoritytoissuethiscertification.)Contact:XXXTel.:XXXXXXXXX(BONAFIDE是拉丁文,英文即INGOODFAITH:即,货真价实的,而且诚信的,多用于确认文件或身份的真实性。
【精编范文】中英文收入证明模板word版本 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==中英文收入证明模板篇一:收入证明模板中英文收入证明兹证明XXX(女,19XX年X月XX日生),自XXXX年X月起在XXXX工作,现担任XXXXX,其年收入约为人民币XXXXX元特此证明!人事联系人:XXX电话:XXXXXXXX地址:XXXXXXXX邮政编码:XXXXXXXXXX单位XXXX年X月XX日CertificateThis is to certify thatXXX(female, born on month\date\year), he has been working in XXXX since month\year,she now works as the Laboratory Technician, her annual income is about RMB XXXX.Hereby certify!Personnel Contact: XXXTel: XXXXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXXXPostcode: XXXXXXXXXXXX corporationmonth\date\year篇二:中英文工资收入证明范文个人收入证明(中英文) 个人收入证明(中英文)收入证明兹证明XXX同志为我公司(单位)职员,自年起在我公司(单位)工作,年收入约为RMB 万元。
单位名称(盖章):日期: 英文:Income CertificateThis is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our company. He/She started to work here since (年份). His/her annual income is about RMB pany name and seal:Date:第一:开收入证明要注意必须的格式。

英文收入证明怎么写(精选17篇)英文收入证明怎么写篇1Statement of Employment and IncomeThis is to certify that Ms. Zhijin Liu, born on June 12, 19xx,is a staff member of our school. She is now in position of mathematic teacher. Her monthly income is RMB 3,600 yuan and annually income is RMB 43,200 yuan.No. 76 Middle School,Tangshan City,Hebei Province,China Date.Your,英文收入证明怎么写篇2This is to certify that Mr. has been working in the for 2 years from to present. Currently, works as the general director.Mr. 's personal income in recent 2 years are as followings:SALARY (MONTH) 30000RMBTOTAL (YEAR) 450000RMBYours,英文收入证明怎么写篇3To whom it may concern,We certify that Mr. and Ms. have their own business in . We also certify that their current yearly income is RMB . This letter has been only issued to assist their child for the application of Canada Student Visa.Yours sincerely,Trade and Industry Bureau英文收入证明怎么写篇4离职证明先生/女士/小姐(身份证号为 )自20xx年01月01日入职我公司担任人力资源部人力资源助理职务,至20xx年07月31日因个人原因申请离职,在职期间无不良表现,经协商一致,已办理离职手续。

英文版工作收入证明英文版工作收入证明英文版工作收入证明1This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ as a _____.Hereby certify.This certificate is only used to prove my company staff's work, not to the employee to any situation, as our company's guarantee files.Company name:Chapter cover:Date: (year on ___ ___Income proofWe have our company staff, id card number: _____________________, ___ years of work experience in our department of office...... (position), the annual income of RMB ______.英文版工作收入证明2This unit commitment this certificate is true, correct, is limited to apply for a credit card.(build official seal)(date) (month) (year)英文版工作收入证明3Proof of work should pay attention several questionsFrom the employer to provide work certificate should pay attention to the following points:( a ) certificate to print on company letterhead.( two) the pa-pe-r should have the company 's addreand telephone number.( three) letter should have the signature of the person responsible for unit, also should have the company seal.( four) content needs to be made it clear that position, when in work, the total annual income how many, whether to include annual salary, housing allowances, bonuses and dividends etc..( five) the letter the best able to provide if need to ask it, looking for someone with a phone number.Due to the above information is provided, the visa officer in telephone trouble causes a lot of inconvenience and misunderstanding. Because this was supposed to be the application has been rejected.Certificate certificateThis is to certify that XXX for my employees, since the XXXX XX month XX day in my Department of XX XX post.Hereby certify that.XXX companyXXXX XX month XX dayProveXXXXXX comrades in our work, we hereby certify!XXXX ( cover radish )Date英文版工作收入证明4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's income, not as my company 's employeesin any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明6This is to certify that XX comrades I fighter (if it is a cadre to describe the position ).Hereby certify thatThe XXXXX unit (seal )X X month X dayThe departments that workIt is my ministry Comrade XX in the XX sector, engaged in XX, hereby certify that.Department contact: contact telephone number:The XXXXX unit ( seal)X X month X day format,Have a XXX, gender, identity card number, XXXXXXXXXX, XX XX month XX day entry, has XX years work experience, engaged in XX!Hereby certify that!Unit name (seal ) Year month day。

工资总额:RMB XXXXX元/年度
I hereby authorize the release of this information for the purpose of visa application.

中英文对照收入证明中英文对照收入证明兹证明,XXX 为我公司(单位)职员,自****年起在我公司(单位)工作,年收入约为RMB 万元。
单位名称(盖章):日期:D/M/Y This is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our company. He/She started to work here since (年份). His/her annual income is about RMB yuan.Company name and seal中英文对照收入证明 [篇2]XXX 为我公司(单位)职员,自年起在我公司(单位)工作,年收入约为RMB 万元。
单位名称(盖章):日期:英文:This is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our company. He/She started to work here since (年份). His/her annual income is about RMB yuan.Company name and seal:Date:中英文对照收入证明 [篇3]Certificate of Employment and IncomeMay 17, 2015This is to certify that *****, male, born on March 29 1956, has been working in China Pingmei Shenma (Group) for 24 years. His current position is political assistant. Mr. Liu’s annual income (after tax) of the last three is as follows:In 2011, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 103,800.00.In 2012, his annual income (after tax) is RMB 87,700.00.From January 2015 to May 2015, his income (after tax) is RMB 30,500.00.His annual income includes salary, rewards, and year-end bonus. (His personal income tax is deducted by the company) ******Payroll SpecialistThe name of the companyAddress,Postcode, China,Tel: 86-*************工作收入证明兹证明****,男,1956年3月29日出生,在中国平煤神马(集团),现任协理员一职。

特此证明!单位证明人姓名:XXX(职务)XXXXXX联系电话:地址:邮编:日期:Work and Income CertificateThis is to certify that XXX, male, born on MM DD, YYYY,ID No. XXXX, has been working at XXXXXX since YYYY. Currently, he takes the position of XXXXXX, and he is mainly in charge of XXXXXX, Mr. XXX’s annual income in the past three years is about RMB XX Yuan, including salary, bonus, and welfare. His personal income tax has been deducted and paid by the unit on his behalf. Herewith Certify!Certifier: XXX (Position)XXXXXXOffice Phone:Add:Zip Code:Date:工作及收入证明兹证明XXX,女,出生于YYYY年MM月DD日,身份证号XXXX,自YYYY年起在XXXXXX工作,现担任XXXXXX一职,主要负责本公司的XXXXXX工作。

教学目标1. 了解中国历史的基本时期和重要事件。
2. 培养学生对历史文化的兴趣和热爱。
3. 培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力。
教学内容1. 时期概述时期概述- 介绍中国历史的主要时期(包括夏商周、秦汉、隋唐、宋元明清等),同时讲解各时期的社会制度、文化特点和重要事件。
2. 重要事件重要事件- 依次讲解中国历史上的重要事件,如黄河文明的兴起、秦始皇统一六国、唐朝的开放与繁荣、元明清的政治体制等,使学生对重要事件的时序和影响有较为清晰的了解。
3. 名人故事名人故事- 介绍中国历史上的著名人物和他们的故事,如孔子、汉武帝、李白、郭沫若等。
4. 地理环境与历史发展地理环境与历史发展- 结合地理知识,讲解中国地理环境对历史发展的影响。
5. 历史活动历史活动- 安排一些与历史相关的活动,如历史博物馆参观、历史模拟演绎、历史研究报告等,激发学生的研究兴趣和参与性,同时培养学生的合作能力。
教学方法1. 讲授与讨论讲授与讨论- 通过老师的讲解和学生的互动讨论,向学生传授历史知识和启发思考。
2. 多媒体呈现多媒体呈现- 利用多媒体教学手段,如投影片、视频等,帮助学生更加生动形象地了解历史事件与人物。
3. 小组合作研究小组合作学习- 组织学生进行小组合作研究,通过小组交流和合作任务,培养学生的合作能力和批判性思维。
4. 课外拓展课外拓展- 鼓励学生参加历史研究、写作比赛等课外活动,拓宽视野和知识面。
教学评估1. 作业和考试作业和考试- 设计合理的作业和考试,测试学生对历史知识的掌握和理解程度。

单位收入证明中英文版单位收入证明中英文版收入证明兹证明__同志为我公司(单位)职员,自年起在我公司(单位)工作,年收入约为RMB 万元。
单位名称(盖章):日期:英文:e CertificateThis is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our pany. He/She started to work here since (年份). His/her annual e is about RMB yuan.Company name and seal:Date:第一:开收入证明要注意必须的格式。
其身份证号码为:其平均月收入为人民币(大写) 元填表人签字:证明单位(盖公章)单位联系电话:单位营业执照编号:单位办公地址:本单位承诺该职工的收入证明真实。

英文版工作收入证明(精选6篇)英文版工作收入证明篇1This is to certify that... is my company employees, in the department of _____ as a _____.Hereby certify.This certificate is only used to prove my company staff's work, not to the employee to any situation, as our company's guarantee files.Company name:Chapter cover:Date: (year on ___ ___Income proofWe have our company staff, id card number: _____________________, ___ years of work experience in our department of office...... (position), the annual income of RMB ______.英文版工作收入证明篇2This unit commitment this certificate is true, correct, is limited to apply for a credit card.(build official seal)(date) (month) (year)英文版工作收入证明篇3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's wage income, not as my company 'semployees in any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明篇4Proof of work should pay attention several questionsFrom the employer to provide work certificate should pay attention to the following points:( a ) certificate to print on company letterhead.( two) the pa-pe-r should have the company 's addreand telephone number.( three) letter should have the signature of the person responsible for unit, also should have the company seal.( four) content needs to be made it clear that position, when in work, the total annual income how many, whether to include annual salary, housing allowances, bonuses and dividends etc..( five) the letter the best able to provide if need to ask it, looking for someone with a phone number.Due to the above information is provided, the visa officer in telephone trouble causes a lot of inconvenience and misunderstanding. Because this was supposed to be the application has been rejected.Certificate certificateThis is to certify that for my employees, since the month day in my Department of post.Hereby certify that.companymonth dayProvecomrades in our work, we hereby certify!( cover radish )Date英文版工作收入证明篇5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is my staff, in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Department _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ duties. So far, year groincome of about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element.Hereby certify that.This proved only prove that my company's employees work and in my company's income, not as my company 's employees in any situation in the security document.Seal:Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ month _ _ _ day英文版工作收入证明篇6This is to certify that comrades I fighter (if it is a cadre to describe the position ).Hereby certify thatThe unit (seal )X X month X dayThe departments that workIt is my ministry Comrade in the sector, engaged in , hereby certify that.Department contact: contact telephone number:The unit ( seal)X X month X day format,Have a , gender, identity card number, , month day entry, has years work experience, engaged in !Hereby certify that!Unit name (seal )Year month day。

Salary Income CertificateMr. xx, male, born in September xxxx, began his career in xxxx and worked in xx Co. Ltd. since 1996. His present occupation is the vice manager. Here is the list of his income and bonus in the past five years.deducted accordingly.It is hereby certifiedGeneral Managerxxxxxxxt Co. Ltd.September 20, 2014Anshan State-owned Light Industry & Textile Property Management Co. Ltd.Salary Income CertificateMs. Wang Lijun, female, born in January, 1954, began her career in 1970 and worked in Anshan State-owned Light Industry & Textile Property Management Co. Ltd since 1984. She is a middle-level administration officer. Here is the list of her income and bonus in the past five years.1999~2000: Salary Income: 24,000 Annul Bonus: 25,0002000~2001: Salary Income: 24,000 Annul Bonus: 28,0002001~2002: Salary Income: 30,000 Annul Bonus: 33,0002002~2003: Salary Income: 32,000 Annul Bonus: 38,0002003~2004: Salary Income: 33,000 Annul Bonus: 43,000The income during the past five years is based on Y uan RMB. It proves to be true and the personal income tax has been paid and deducted accordingly.It is hereby certified.General ManagerQiu JingAnshan State-owned Light Industry & Textile Property Management Co. Ltd October 20, 2004Anshan Teidong District Lishishan ParkPension CertificateMs. Wei Chunyi, a retired employee from Anshan Teidong District Lishishan Park. She worked in the Park since 1974 and retired in May 1978. Her pension is 923 Y uan RMB per month, dispensed by her employer regularly. Her endowment insurance and Medicare insurance have been covered by her employer accordingly.All these above prove to be true.It is hereby certified.Chief: Zhang JianboAnshan Teidong District Lishishan ParkOctober 20, 2004Letter of Study SupportDear Visa Officer, Sir or Madam,First of all, I will venture to have a self-introduction.I am Wei Chunyin, the grandmother of Shan Zhen. I worked in Anshan Tiedong District Construction Company from 1958 to 1974, in Anshan Lieshishan Park from 1974 to 1978. The monthly income from 1968 to 1974 is 65Yuan RMB, 102 Yuan RMB from 1974 to 1978.In May 1978 I was retired. Since I was in good condition, I ran clothing business with my friends in the Park. I earned more than 200,000 Yuan RMB from 1980 to 1988. I had paid tax accordingly.I have been with my daughter and son-in-law since my granddaughter Shan Zhen was born. I took care of my granddaughter when running my clothes business. My purpose at that time was to earn more money to support my granddaughter in her future study. I was much delighted when she became a college student, so I drew some of my deposits 128,000 Yuan RMB and saved for her sake in the bank so that it might be helpful for her overseas study.My daily life will not be impacted after I financially support Shan Zhen for her study. Now I am still healthy and live with my daughter and son-in-law. I also enjoy the national welfare, monthly pension 923 Yuan RMB in addition to the national Medicare insurance. So I am totally carefree.Yours SincerelyShan Zhen’s GrandmotherWei ChunyiOctober 20, 2004。

收入证明英文模板【1】Certification of Employment and IncomeHere is the certification of the past two years’ employment and income of Ms XXXXX, who was born on July 26th, 1957, and who has served as the General Manager of XXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. Wujiang Branch since December 30th, 2007. In 2008, her total income including bonus and allowance was around 300,000 RMB. And during the past five months of 2009, her income including bonus and allowance was around 150,000 RMB. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd收入证明英文模板【2】Personal income proof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _:This is to certify that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for this unit worker, has continued to work in our unit _ _ _ _ _ _ years, record of formal schooling is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduation, at present in me the unit served as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ occupation. For nearly a year the worker in my unit average monthly income (after tax) for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element, ( Capital: _ _ _ _ million _ _ _ _ thousand _ _ _ _ Bai _ _ _ _ picked up _ _ _ _ yuan ). The workers' physical condition _ _ _ _ ( good, bad).This unit committed the proved to be correct, true, as a result of the above proof of inconsistent withthe facts lead to your economic loss, this unit to assume all legal liability of compensation.Hereby certify that.The official seal of the entityYear, month and dayName of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _The telephone unit: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The office: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ day。
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This is to certify that (姓名) has been a bona fide employee of this organization since (开始任职年份).
Mr./Ms. (姓) has been under my supervision since (开始任职该部门年份). His/Her currently position is (职位名称).
His/Her annual income for the past three years are as follow:
2008 - RMB ¥XX,000
2009 - RMB ¥XX,000
2010 - RMB ¥XX,000
Name and Title of Signatory:
(I have authority to issue this certification.)
Contact: XXX
(BONA FIDE是拉丁文, 英文即IN GOOD FAITH: 即, 货真价实的, 而且诚信的, 多用于确认文件或身份的真实性。
工资收入证明英文版2 Income Certificate(
This is to certify that Mr. --- has been working in the ----- for 2 years from -- to present. Currently, -- works as the general director.
Mr. ----'s personal income in recent 2 years are as followings:
兹证明XXX 为本公司员工,已连续在我单位工作2年,目前其在我单位担任总经理职务,目前该员工在我公司每月工资为三万元整,预计年总收
兹证明先生(女士)是我单位职工,工作年限年,在我单位工作年,职务为,岗位为,工作性质为(正式制;合同制;临时制;其他 ),职称为,该员工是否有违规违纪行为(有 ;无 )。
其平均月收入为人民币(大写) 元