

I Listening Comprehension(共30分)

Section A(共10分,每题1分)

Directions: Choose the correct answers/responses to the statements/questions. Mark the corresponding letter in your answer sheet. Each of the words will be read once only.

1. The woman is planning to ___

A. go away

B. stay for sometime

2. What did they hear?

A. The cattle

B. The kettle

3. The speaker was talking about the ___

A. bend

B. band

4. What has been stolen?

A. The cock

B. The cork

5. Where are the girls going to?

A. The show

B. The shore 6. The speaker was talking about the ___

A. debt

B. date

7. What did she get?

A. Cheers

B. Chairs

8. The speaker was talking about the ___

A. bear

B. beer

9. The speaker was talking about the __

A. shocks

B. socks

10 The speaker was talking about cleaning the_A. dishes B. ditches

Section B(共11 分,每题1 分)

Directions: In this section, you will hear several short and long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B., C. and D., and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A. She doesn’t want to go because of the bad weather.

B. She doesn’t like the drama play.

C. She doesn’t know how to get to the picnic place.

D. She isn’t a member of the drama club.

2. A. At the airport.

B. In a shop.

C. In a bank.

D. Beside the window.

3. A. He is a carpenter.

B. He is a repairman.

C. He is a salesman.

D. He is a professor.

4. A. In the city.

B. In a peaceful place.

C. Near his work place.

D. In the rural area.

5. A. She would go though she doesn’t feel well.

B. She wouldn’t go because she is sick.

C. She would go because that exercise may do her good.

D. She wouldn’t go because she didn’t like Tom.

6. A. A trip Linda often takes.

B. Famous museums in Paris.

C. A good restaurant.

D. A trip Linda has already taken.

7. A. He should pay $1.00.

B. He should pay $1.15.

C. He should pay $0.85.

D. He should pay $6.75.

8. A. The diamond ring is desirable.

B. The diamond ring is good and cheap.

C. The diamond ring is good but expensive.

D. The diamond ring is cheaper than the silver one.

The following questions are based on the passage you have just heard.

9. A. Florida.

B. Arizona.

C. Alaska

D. Rhode Island.

10 A. In a cave 130 feet above the river.

B. In a cave 135 feet above the river.

C. In a cave 140 feet above the river.

D. In a cave 145 feet above the river.

11 A. He would like to go to Arizona some day.

B. He would like to read some books about Arizona some day.

C. He would like to see some movies about Arizona some day.

D. He would like to see some pictures about Arizona some day.

Section C(共9 分12-19题,每题0.5 分20题1.5 分, 21题1.5 分, 22 题2 分)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage

is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

A recent (12)____________of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple (13)_____________ to protect their homes.

There are some general tips on how to (14)____________ your home becoming another crime statistic. Don’t leave (15)_____________ to show that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on as well

as a radio or television, and do not leave any (16)_____________ wide open. The (17)____________ of your latest music center or computer is enough to tempt any burglar. Never leave a (18)_____________ key in a (19)____________ hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more “imaginative” could soon be uncovered by the intruder.

It is much safer to leave a key (20)_____________________________. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area, be aware that this will be a burglar’s dream, so prevent any potential criminal from approaching your house (21)_______________

If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder, far better (22)________________________________

II Vocabulary(10%)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

23. The government of every country should ______ great importance to environment

protection. A) attach B) approach C) pay D) spend

24. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _______.

A) out of condition B) out of stock C) out of reach D) out of purchase

25. It was several minutes before I was _____of what was happening.

A) aware B) realized C) awake D) curious

26. I will sum up my major points ______: It is time we did something to stop air

pollution. A) that follows B) as following C) following up D) as follows

27. The bus driver ______ the danger sign and then could not stop the bus on the hill.

A) overlooked B) neglected C) ignored D) missed

28. If you have a _____ to make about the food, I am willing to listen.

A) dislike B) trouble C) complaint D) fault

29. The large wave ______ the boat, causing many people to fall into water.

A) turned up B) turned down C) turned in D) turned over

30. He put in a special _____ for an extra day's holiday so that he could attend his

daughter's birthday party.

A) request B) proposal C) demand D) instruction

31. It is quite ______ that the famous writer will be present at the meeting.

A) exact B) certain C) bound D) immediate

32. She must have been angry because she left the party ____ without saying

good-bye. A) suddenly B) fluently C) dramatically D) honestly

33. During the holiday I would like to stay in the university_____ going home.

A) in spite of B) in addition to C) except for D) instead of

34. Good lighting in factories ______ higher efficiency and productivity, fewer

mistakes and accidents.

A) results from B) brings up C) leads to D) puts forward

35. He gave his listeners a vivid _____ of his journey through China.

A) statement B) account C) counting D) communication

36. As it had not rained for several months, there was a _____ of water.

A) loss B) waste C) shortage D) drop

37. After questioning the man for six hours, the police_____ the information they

wanted. A) obtained B) seized C) regained D) recovered

38. The parents went from house to house, ______ whether anyone had seen their lost

boy. A) demanding B) searching C) acquiring D) inquiring

39. Neither snow nor rain can stop postmen from _______ letters and parcels

A) disapprove B) discourage C) decrease D) disturb

42. The climbers _____ their greatest ambition by reaching the top of the mountain.

A) maintained B) fulfilled C) contained D) sustained

43. He _____ a position of great responsibility in the government.

A) supports B) keeps C) holds D) possesses

44. Mary spends a large _____ of time each day on the telephone.

A) amount B) moment C) period D) number

45. "What shall we do if it rains?" "Well, in that _____ we shall have to change our

plans. "A) respect B) case C) chance D) point

46. They are _____ to fall behind if they don't improve their method of work.

A) obvious B) necessary C) possible D) likely

47. The man who won the Science Prize was quite _____. Everyone admired him.

A) outstanding B) perfect C) reserved D) delightful

48. By careful _____ of his capital, he obtained a good income.

A) investigation B) investment C) insurance D) instruction

49. The police have ______ the road where a bomb was found. So there is no traffic

there at the moment. A) protected B) stopped C) occupied D) blocked 50. I wanted to hold the meeting today, but ______ the present situation it had better

be postponed. A) in the light ofB) by means of C) in the course of D) in place of

51. He asked Jane to marry him but she _____ his proposal.

A) set out B) put off C) turned down D) put out

52. I know this job of mine isn't well paid,but ______, I don' t have to work long

hours. A) of course B) on the contrary C) by the way D) on the other hand III Structure(10%)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

53. I am not sure if I _____ time. If I _____ time , I will go there with you.

A) have; have B) will have; have C) have; will have D) will have; will have

54. He is not going to buy that dictionary. _______ . It is so expensive.

A) I don't either B) Neither am I C) I am not too D) Nor am not I

55. I’d rather he ______ me tomorrow.

A) call B) could call C) will call D) called

56. Oil, exported from Iran to Europe, ______ by ship. But now some pipelines have

been built up.

A) was used to be transported B) used to being transported

C) used to be transported D) used to have been transported

57. "Must he clean the room before class?" "No, he ______. "

A) needn't B) mustn't C) won't D) doesn't need

58. Your advice that she _____ till next week is reasonable.

A) waits B) will wait C) wait D) waited

59. The teacher's lecture was three hours long and we felt very ______.

A) boring B) boredom C) bore D) bored

60. I wonder whether the samples ______ in the laboratory tomorrow have arrived.

A) tested B) being tested C) testing D) to be tested

61. We often hear about airplanes ___ because of technical faults.

A) delaying B) being delayed C) to be delayed D) be delayed

62. ______ some of the tasks done by man before, computers are sometimes called

thinking machines .

A) Taking over B) To have taken over C) To take over D) Taken over

63 . The city ________ prosperous at one time, for it enjoyed a high level civilization.

A) must be B) must have been C) should be D) should have been

64. The days _______ you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past.

A) which B) on which C) when D) at which

65. His promotion was due to _____ he had been working hard.

A) the fact that B) that C) the fact which D) what

66. _____, he faced the difficult situation calmly.

A) As he was young B) Young was he

C) Young as he was D) As young he was

67. ______ in the United States was set up to train men in music at that time.

A) Many schools B) Many a school

C) A many school D) A great many schools

68. On reaching home I discovered that I _____ my keys at the office.

A) left B) have left C) was left D) had left

69. The hotel where we are staying is believed ______ a century ago.

A) to be built B) to have been built C) to be building D) was built

70. I've thrown away my old shoes. I'll have to buy ________ .

A) a new one B) some new C) a new pair D) some new pair

71. "Frank is up late working again. This is the third time this week he's had to study

late, _____?"A) isn't it B) hasn't he C) isn't he D) hasn't it

72. She hurried when she knew that everybody was ready ______ her.

A) except for B) except C) besides D) beside

IV Reading Comprehension (共25 分)Section A(共5 分,每小题0.5 分)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

What if your child constantly complains that a teacher is “unfair” or “mean”?

(73)________ the solution is simple. “ having the teacher and the child sit down for lunch together can often (74)_________ the relationship,” observers Carole Kennedy, (75)_________ president of the National Association of Elementary School Principals.

Other time, more drastic action is needed. Shortly after (76)_________ second grade, our daughter Erin began coming home (77)_________. Her new teacher was a strict disciplinarian. Once she berated (严责) a child to the point of tears when he misread a word aloud. Erin was (78)________ she would be next.

My husband and I made a (79)_________ of incidents Erin had described and spoke to the teacher. When she confirmed her actions, we immediately asked the principal to move Erin to another class. Soon Erin had a new teacher- and a new (80)________ on school.

Remember, kids know how to play a parent (81)_______ a teacher. So if your child tells you a horror story about school, don’t (82)_________ assume you are getting the whole truth. Talk with the teacher, principal or guidance counselor. Once you identify why your child hates school, you can almost always find a solution.

Section B (共20 分,每小题2 分)

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Questions 83 to 87 are based on the following passage:

All food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.

All life depends on energy from sunlight. Only plants can use this energy directly. Their leaves are little factories that use sunlight to make food from water and things in the soil and air. Plants in turn serve as food for all other living things. Animals can

only use the sun' s energy after it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly.

What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat vegetables and fruit. We also eat meat and drink milk. This means the sun’s en ergy passes through plant to animal before it reaches us.

Nature is a great thing. Any food chain always produces enough for each of its members if it is left alone. When there isn't enough food for any link in the chain, some of its members die off. So the balance is always kept.

83. If one of its members dies off, any food chain will ____.

A) come off C) become better

B) fall apart D) come into being

84. Which of the following is true?

A) All animals feed on plants indirectly.

B) Some animals can use energy from sunlight directly.

C) The sun’s energy can reach human beings directly.

D) Plants can use the sun s energy directly.

85. What do you learn about the food chain?

A) It is a chain made of food for animals and plants.

B) It is a short chain to be easily broken up.

C) It refers to the relationship among living things in nature.

D) It is a chain for feeding plants and animals.

86. According to the passage, we may conclude that it is important to ____.

A) keep the balance of nature

B) make full use of the sun's energy

C) plant a lot of vegetables and fruit trees

D) protect meat-eating animals

87. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A) Energy from Sunlight

B) Plants and Animals

C) Food Chains

D) The Making of Food

Questions 88 to 92 are based on the following passage :

The UN(联合国) was started for two reasons. First, when the idea was born, people all over the world were tired of war. They were tired not just of World War II, but of war itself. They felt that there must be peaceful answers to the world' s problems. They felt that only an international organization could keep world peace.

The second reason was that modern science had developed new bombs and airplanes. These weapons made it almost impossible for a country to defend itself. National borders were beginning to lose their meaning. There was also a feeling that this was only the beginning. Science would develop even more dangerous weapons in the future.Only an international organization would be able to control modern science.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt , who was President of the United States at the time, believed that the Allies (同盟国) should plan for peace before the war ended. On December 1, 1943, Roosevelt, Winston Churchill of Great Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union agreed to start an organization for world peace. They asked all countries, large and small, to join them.

During the next year and a half, the idea of such an organization was debated in all the capitals of the world. Then came a big day in modern history. On April 11, 1945, thefirst international meeting of the United Nations took place in San Francisco.

The goal of the meeting was to write the UN Charter (宪章). All of the fifty-one nations at the meeting had their own ideas to offer for the Charter. After a long debate, a Charter was agreed upon. Every nation present voted for the Charter; no one voted against it.

88. The UN was started to ____.

A) help to promote world economy

B) keep world peace

C) form an international organization

D) assist developing countries

89. The founding of the UN was planned by ____.

A) Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union

B) the U. S. A. , the Soviet Union and France

C) the U. S. A. , the Soviet Union and China

D) the U. S. A. , the Soviet Union and Great Britain

90. The preparation for the founding of the UN lasted ____.

A) half a year B) a year and a half C) two years D) about a year

91. The aim of the first meeting of the UN was ____.

A) to elect chairman of the UN B) to discuss world peace

C) to write the UN Charter D) to end the war

92. The first international meeting of the UN was held in ____.

A) New York B) Moscow C) Los Angeles D) San Francisco

V Translation(共 20 分,每小题 4 分)Directions: Complete the sentences on the Answer Sheet by translating the Chinese into English.

93. 我们将为您购买的洗衣机提供免费修理。

94. 工人们被要求生产尽可能多的电视机。

95. 对不起,你能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗?

96. 就我而言,我不反对这项计划。

97. “你对这个小镇的印象如何?”“我印象很深。”

I Listening Comprehension(共30分)Section A(共10分)Directions:Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letter in your answer sheet. Each of the sentenceswill be read once only.

1. A. Miss B. Mrs

2. A. 1913 B. 1930

3. A. can B. can’t

4. A. 20th B. 28th

5. A. Mary B. married

6. A. Black B. Blake

7. A. is B. isn’t

8. A. said B. sad

9. A. bill B. beer

10. A. Ann B. Anna

Section B()Directions: In this section, you will hear eight short conversations and a passage. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A. Ellen is polite. B. Ellen is rude.

C. Ellen is pleasant.

D. Ellen is friendly.

2. A. The mystery story. B. The hiring of a shop assistant.

C. The search for a reliable witness.

D. An unsolved case of robbery.

3. A. A movie. B. A lecture.

C. A play.

D. A speech.

4. A. It's a bad movie.

B. Cowboy movies are interesting.

C. Palace Theater seldom has good film on show.

D. He doesn't like to go to the movies with the woman.

5. A. On the whole, the man liked the film.

B. The man didn't see the film.

C. The film was very exciting.

D. The film wasn't as good as the man had expected.

6. A. He has been to Seattle many times.

B. He has chaired a lot of conferences.

C. He holds a high position in his company.

D. He lived in Seattle for many years.

7. A. No, he missed it. B. Yes, he did.

C. No, he didn't.

D. Yes, he probably did.

8. A. It's too expensive. B. It isn't needed.

C. It should be built.

D. A college would be better.

9. A. Some people pretend to know what they really don't.

B. What the woman said is true.

C. What the woman said is wrong.

D. He knows more than the woman does.

10. A. The woman is a forgetful person.

B. The typewriter is not new.

C. The woman can have the typewriter later.

D. The man misunderstood her.

Section C(共10 分,每题1 分)Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage Only one time. You should listen carefully and you are required to fill in the missing information.

When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to ___11____ a number of wooden boxes which contained __12_____. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was __13_____ heavy. It suddenly __14_____ to one of the workers to open up the box. He was __15_____ at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of __16_____ goods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away. After he was __17_____ , the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had a long and ___18____ trip, for he had been ___19____ to the wooden box for over eighteen hours. What the man has to do is to pay $3,500 for the cost of the trip. The ____20___ price of a ticket is $2,000!


第二单元综合测试卷 时间:60分钟,满分100分 题号一二三四总分得分 一、基 jī 础 chǔ 知 zhī 识 shí 。(66分) 1.在 zài 正 zhènɡ 确 què 的 de 读 dú 音 yīn 下 xià 画 huà “_____”。(6分) 2.读 dú 拼 pīn 音 yīn ,写 xiě 词 cí 语 yǔ 。(8分) yǐ hòu huǒ bàn yí piàn yīn wèi chī shuǐ jiào shēnɡ běi jīnɡ méi yǒu 3.写 xiě 出 chū 下 xià 列 liè 字 zì 的 de 笔 bǐ 顺 shùn 。(9分) 路 lù lǜ 趣 qǜ qù 站 zhán zhàn 暖 nuǎn luǎn 村 c hūn cūn 却 qiè què 北

走 过 :___________________________________________________ :____________________________________________________ :__________________________________________ 4.选xu ǎn 字z ì填ti án 空k ōn ɡ 。(5分) 主 住 (1)妈妈说我是个有( )意的孩子。 (2)我跟奶奶( )在一起。 (3) 我们都想念毛( )席。 火 伙 (4)我和小( )伴一起把( )扑灭了。 5.用y òn ɡ下xi à列li è生sh ēn ɡ字z ì组z ǔ成ch én ɡ词c í语y ǔ。(9分) 6.读d ú一y ì读d ú ,连li án 一y ì连li án 。(6分) 多彩的 香甜的 美丽的 洁白的 壮观的 遥远的 水果 天山 季节 仪式 地方 雪莲 7.把b ǎ下xi à列li è的de 字z ì填ti án 在z ài 合h é适sh ì的de 括ku ò号h ào 里l ǐ 。(只zh ǐ填ti án 序x ù号h ào )(3分) ④尝 京 秋 ②跳 没


幼儿园学前班期末考试数学试卷一、计算。( 20分) 8+12= 14+5= 17-3= 7+12= 10+13= 19-7= 13+5= 12-3= 19-5= 19-6= 20-7= 16-5= 15-9= 17-4= 14-8= 12+13= 4+6= 17-5= 9+6= 10+10= 二、给下面的分合式填空。(20分) 15 17 18 19 20 18 15 /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 11( ) 15( ) ( )5 13( ) 7( ) ( ) 12 ( )2 三、连线。( 10分) 9+3 10 15-5 9 10+6 12 9+0 6 9+1 5 7+1 3 4+5 16 10-7 10 8-3 9 6-0 8 四、填写下列各数的相邻数。( 12分) ____5____ ____8____ ____9____ ____10____ ___6____ ____ 7____ 五、在括号内填上“〈” “〉”或“=”号。( 10分)

8○5 3○6 9○9 6○0 5○7 10○8+2 4○4 2○3 9○4+2 7○1 六、连加连减计算。(10分) 3+5+1= 8-7+6= 2+5+3= 9-4-5= 8+2-5= 10-5-3= 5+4-7= 8+0-8= 3+7+0= 9-3+2= 七、填写数的组成及加减法。( 18分) 7 6 9 /\ /\ /\ 5 ( ) 4 ( ) 6 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) 八、看下面的数按要求填空。(10分) 0 4 8 6 5 3 9 10 7 从左数第5个数是(),从右数第6个数是(),一共有()个数,中间的一个数是(),第8个数是() 九、应用题。(10分) 1、小红有4朵花,小明有3朵花,小刚有2朵花,三人一共有多少朵花?


第二单元综合测试卷 一、基础知识。 1.在正确的读音上面打上“√”。(6分) 散.步(sàn sǎn)试卷.(juǎn juàn)躲藏.(cáng zàng) 出发.(fāfà) 转.告(zhuǎn zhuàn) 停当.(dāng dàng) 2.看拼音,写词语。(7分) 春天到了,阳光明媚,我挺起xiōng pú()到小花园去sàn bù(),去寻找春天的踪迹。我dī()下头发现草儿刚刚长出嫩芽,不知是谁,竟gǎn()无视草的存在,在草坪上踩踏。我想:人类应该珍xī()小草,爱护小草,chéng()心chéng()意地和小草做朋友。 3.比一比组词。(8分) 惜()郊()纪()悄() 借()胶()记() 消() 4.在括号里填上带有“然”的词语。(6分) (1)列宁来到白桦树下,()又看到了那只灰雀。 (2)()一阵大风吹来,天要下雨了。 (3)他是一名长跑运动员,学校要举行长跑比赛,他()要参加了。 5.给下面的句子加上标点。(6分) (1)()一定会飞回来()男孩肯定地说() (2)()是个小男孩吗()高尔基问()如果是就让他进来()(3)小男孩哭着说()我把胶卷忘在家里了() 6.我是积累小冠军。(8分) (1)________________________,天才在于积累。 (2)________________________,只要肯登攀。 (3)为中华之崛起而________________________。 (4)任何成就都是刻苦劳动的________________________。 7.我会填空。(4分) 在第二单元的学习中,我们学习了许多名人的故事,受到很多启发,有善于保护孩子自尊心的();有善于观察,爱动脑筋,执着探索的();还有诚实守信的()。我喜欢读成语故事,这段时间我读了晋朝一个名叫祖逖的青年刻苦练剑的故事——《》。 二、阅读理解。(20分) (一)课内阅读。(10分) 一天,列宁又来到公园,走到白桦树下,发现那只胸脯深红的灰雀不见了。他在周围的树林中找遍 ..了,也没有找到。 这时,列宁看见一个小男孩,就问:“孩子,你看见过一只深红色胸脯的灰雀吗?” 男孩说:“没……我没看见。” 列宁说:“一定是飞走了或者是冻死了。天气严寒,它怕冷。” 那个男孩本来想告诉列宁灰雀没有死,但又不敢讲。 1.下面句中加点字“深”的正确解释是什么。写序号。(2分) 那只胸脯深.红的灰雀不见了。() A..深奥 B .十分C(颜色)浓


数学测试(一) 一.分解组合 6 5 7 9 8 ∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨ ( ) 2 3 ()() 4 5 ( ) ( ) 3 ( ) 3 ( ) ( ) 5 2 ( ) ( ) 6 4 ( ) \/\/\/\/\/ 7 9 8 10 6 10 6 8 2 4 ∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨∕﹨ ( ) 4 2 ( ) ( ) 5 ( ) ( ) 1 ( ) 5 ( ) ( ) 4 3 ( ) 6 ( ) 7 ( ) \/\/\/\/\/ 10 9 8 9 8 二、计算 2+6= 4+5= 6+3= 2+8= 3+4= 1+9= 3+7= 2+5= 6+4= 5+3= 2+4= 2+7= 1+9= 2+4= 5+5= 8+1= 4+4= 3+2= 5+1= 3+6= 10-2= 6-3= 7-5= 9-1= 10-5= 6-4= 5-3= 8-1= 9-2= 7-6= 10-4= 8-3= 7-2= 4-1= 5-5= 5-3= 6-1= 7-3= 6-4= 10-6= 8+()=10 9-()=4 ()+5=10 10-()=6 ()-2=8 ()+6=9 ()+5=9 6-()=4 ()-5=5 2+()=8 4-()=1 5-()=3 三、填单、双、序、倒和倍数 (1)、____ ____ ____ ____ 5 ____ ____ ____ 9 10 ____ ____ _____ _____ 15_____ _____ 18 19 _____ (2)、____ ____ 18 17 ____ _____ _____ 13 _____ _____ 10 9 _____ _____ ____ _____ 4 ____ ____ ____ (3)、2____ _____ 8 _____


走 过 第二单元综合测试卷 时间:60分钟,满分100分 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 一、基j ī础ch ǔ知zh ī识sh í 。(66分) 1.在z ài 正zh èn ɡ确qu è的de 读d ú音y īn 下xi à画hu à “_____”。(6分) 2.读d ú拼p īn 音y īn ,写xi ě词c í语y ǔ 。(8分) y ǐ h òu hu ǒ b àn y í pi àn y īn w èi ch ī shu ǐ ji ào sh ēn ɡ b ěi j īn ɡ m éi y ǒu 3.写xi ě出ch ū下xi à列li è字z ì的de 笔b ǐ顺sh ùn 。(9分) :___________________________________________________ :____________________________________________________ :__________________________________________ 路 l ù l ǜ 趣 q ǜ q ù 站 zh án zh àn 暖 nu ǎn lu ǎn 村 c h ūn c ūn 却 qi è qu è 北

4.选 xuǎn 字 zì 填 tián 空 kōnɡ 。(5分) 主住 (1)妈妈说我是个有()意的孩子。 (2)我跟奶奶()在一起。 (3)我们都想念毛()席。 火伙 (4)我和小()伴一起把()扑灭了。 5.用 yònɡ 下 xià 列 liè 生 shēnɡ 字 zì 组 zǔ 成 chénɡ 词 cí 语 yǔ 。(9分) 6.读 dú 一 yì 读 dú ,连 lián 一 yì 连 lián 。(6分) 多彩的香甜的美丽的洁白的壮观的遥远的水果天山季节仪式地方雪莲7.把 bǎ 下 xià 列 liè 的 de 字 zì 填 tián 在 zài 合 hé 适 shì 的 de 括 kuò 号 hào 里 lǐ 。(只 zhǐ 填 tián 序 xù 号 hào )(3分) ______故事 ______影子 ______水果 _______房子 8.在 zài 括 kuò 号 hào 里 lǐ 填 tián 上 shànɡ 合 hé 适 shì 的 de 量 liànɡ 词 cí 。(6分) ④尝 ③讲 京 秋 ②跳 没 ①踩


第二单元综合测试卷 (时间:90分钟,满分:100分) 题号总分 得分 一、基础百花园。(48分) 。(9分) 1.选择正确的读音,并在下面画“____” 苇秆.(ɡānɡǎn)饲.养(sìcì)骤.然(zòu zhòu) 濒.临(bīnpín) 车厢.(xiānɡxānɡ) 污浊.(zhuóchóng) 濒.临(pín bīn) 清廉.(liá n nián) 楔.子(xiēqiè) 2.读拼音,写词语。(8分) (1)满zài()着救灾物资的车辆经过长途跋shè(),终于抵达灾区,看到那yí dòng dòng ()倒塌的楼房和luǒ()露的山体,救援人员不顾pí()劳,马上投入救灾行动。 n ()蓝的天空飘着朵朵白云,远处的青山yù yù cōnɡ  cōnɡ(),就连那石 (2)zhà bì()的缝隙里,也都开满小花。 3.给句子中加点的字选择正确的解释,将序号写在括号里。(3分) 疾:①病②快③恨,痛恨 (1)翠鸟鸣声清脆,爱贴着水面疾.飞。() (2)恶疾.缠身,使我不能远行。() (3)包公贪官污吏是疾.恶如仇。() 4.照样子写词语。(6分) 廉对(贪)奖对()善对()勤对() (锋利)的斧头()的河水()的公路()的心 5.把下面的词语补充完整,再选择恰当的词语填空。(3+5分) 成()上()沉默()()各()各() ()有()有()()飞舞小巧()() 饥寒()() 不约()() 郁郁()() (1)冬天,__________的大雪给树木披上了一件件银装。 (2)__________只燕子__________,濒临死亡。 (3)人们__________地来到山上植树,几年过后,山上的森林又变得__________。 6.句子大变身。(6分) (1)一棵高大的橡树挺立在路旁。 改写成比喻句:_________________________________________________ (2)北风刮着。 扩句:________________________________________________________ (3)咆哮的洪水卷走了小村庄。 改成“把”字句:__________________________________________________ 改成“被”字句:________________________________________________ 7.连一连。(4分) 池上碧苔三四点阴阴夏木啭黄鹂杜甫 雨里鸡鸣一两家叶底黄鹂一两声王维 穿花蛱蝶深深见竹溪村路板桥斜晏殊


第2单元综合测试 考试时间:60分钟满分:100分卷面(3分)。 知识技能(73分) 一、我会填。(每空1分,共27分) 1.用竖式计算56+26时,()数位对齐,个位相加满十,向()位进1。 2.最大的两位数与最大的一位数相差(),最大的两位数比()多27。 3.在里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 4.下面的里应该填几? 5.一部电视剧共有60集,第一周播放了12集,第二周播放了15集,两周一共播放了()集,还剩()集没有播放。 6.找规律填数。 7.一本《红楼梦》售价70元。国庆促销,每本书可优惠15元,此时买这本《红楼梦》要付()元。 二、我会算。(共36分) 1.看谁算得又对又快。(8分) 78-25= 86+13= 5+67= 94-34= 61-8= 28+21= 40+29= 14+26= 2.用竖式计算下面各题。(12分) 43+29= 84-56= 36+18+18=

22+49-37= 75-53+24= 85-(27+39)= 3.小火车开起来。(8分) 4.下面各数分别是多少?(8分) 三、我会连。(小猫该吃哪条鱼,用线连一连)(4分) 四、我会判。(下面各题做得对吗?对的画“√”,错的画“×”,并改正)(6分)

生活应用(27分) 五、解决问题。(共27分) 1.小朋友们去春游,二(1)班和二(2)班一起乘这辆车,能坐下吗?(3分) 2.“江南三大名楼”的湖南岳阳楼主楼高约20米,湖北黄鹤楼主楼比岳阳楼主楼高29米。黄鹤楼主楼高约多少米?江西滕王阁主楼比黄鹤楼主楼还要高8米,江西滕王阁主楼高约多少米?(4分) 3.某旅游团共有92名游客,还有多少名游客没上车?(5分) 4.图书室有95本故事书。一组和二组一共借了多少本故事书?如果三组要借35本,剩下的故事书够吗?(6分)


数学试卷(十五) 一、计算。( 20分) 8+12= 14+5= 17-3= 7+12= 10+13= 19-7= 13+5= 12-3= 19-5= 19-6= 20-7= 16-5= 15-9= 17-4= 14-8= 12+13= 4+6= 17-5= 9+6= 10+10= 二、给下面的分合式填空。(20分) 15 17 18 19 20 18 15 /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 11( ) 15( ) ( )5 13( ) 7( ) ( ) 12 ( )2 三、连线。( 10分) 9+3 10 15-5 9 10+6 12 9+0 6 9+1 5 7+1 3 4+5 16 10-7 10 8-3 9 6-0 8 四、填写下列各数的相邻数。( 12分) ____5____ ____8____ ___ _9____ ____10____ ___6____ ___ _ 7____ 五、在括号内填上“〈” “〉”或“=”号。( 10分)

8○53○69○96○0 5○7 10○8+24○42○39○4+2 7○1

六、连加连减计算。(10分) 3+5+1= 8-7+6= 2+5+3= 9-4-5= 8+2-5= 10-5-3= 5+4-7= 8+0-8= 3+7+0= 9-3+2= 七、填写数的组成及加减法。( 18分) 7 6 9 /\ /\ /\ 5 ( ) 4 ( ) 6 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) 八、看下面的数按要求填空。(10分) 0 4 8 6 5 3 9 10 7 从左数第5个数是(),从右数第6个数是(),一共有()个数,中间的一个数是(),第8个数是() 九、应用题。(10分) 1、小红有4朵花,小明有3朵花,小刚有2朵花,三人一共有多少朵花? 2、树上有10只鸟,飞走了3只,还剩几只?


一年级上学期数学第二单元测试题 一、判断题 1.姐姐在弟弟的左面,弟弟在姐姐的右面. 2.蜻蜓在荷花的下面,荷花在蜻蜓的上面. 3.请你来当小法官. 红红面向北,她的左面是东. 4.蜜蜂在小狗的上面,小狗在小猴的右面. 5.判断题. (1)商场在广场的北面. (2)花店在医院的南面. (3)花店在超市的西北面.

(4)商场在电影院的东面. (5)邮局在花店的东南面. 二、填空题 6.读一读,想一想,再在横线上填出她们的名字. 小红住在小英楼下,小英住在小兰楼下,________在最下面,________在最上面. 7. (1)小红在小强的后面,小强在小红的________面. (2)小月在小红的________面,小聪在小月的________面. (3)小月的________面有3人,小红的________面有3人. 8.按图中位置在填入“上、下、左、右、前、后”. ________ 9.根据图中的信息填空 小明家在学校的________面,学校在小明家的________面; 小兰家在图书馆的________面,图书馆在小兰家的________面. 小红家在学校的________面,学校在小红家的________面; 丁丁家在图书馆的________面,图书馆在丁丁家的________面.

10.________在最前面? 11.选一选,把正确答案圈出来. 的(左、右)________面是. 的(左、右)________面是. 在的(上、下)________面. 在()________的右面. 12.小动物们排成一队去游玩.一共有________只动物去游玩,小兔排在第一个,________排在第7个. 13.你能分辨出左手和右手吗? 左手的号码是________ ,右手的号码是________. 三、单选题


学前班数学测试题班次:姓名:分数: 一、比较大小 3 2 6 8 7 7 0+6 4+2 2+7 9 4-2 3 9-3 4 4+5 7 5 5 0 10-10 8-1 9 6+3 8 二、组合与分解 8 2 5 7 9 7 2 5 3 2 4 9 5 4 4 10 三、连线 2+5 9 4+3 6 3+3 8 3+7 7 5+4 6 9-3 10 6+2 7 四、看图列算式 △△△△/△△△△●●●●/●●●●● +=一= +=一=

★★★★★/★★●●●●●/● +=一= +=一= 五、填空 ○○○○○○○○□□□□□ 1.有个○,有个□。 2.○比□多个。= 3. □比○少个。= 六、计算题 1+5=4+6=10-3=3+6=5-5=10-7=七、应用题 1.妈妈买了4个6个, 比少几个? =()答:比少个。 2.草地上有3只羊,又来了4只羊,一共几只羊? =()答:一共有只羊。 八、填“十”“一” 7 2=9 1 4=5 8 4=4 2 8=10 3 3=0

6 4=2 九、填数字 10 7 6 3 十、数一数画一画 △△△△△(共8个) ○○○○(共7个) 十一、把0~10从大到小写出来 〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉〉十二、算一算,再把得数相等的算式用线连接起来 3+4 5+5 2+5 5+4 9-2 7+2 8+2 3+6 7+3 4+4 5+1 2+6 0+6 3+5 3+3 一、按照由大到小的顺序填数字

二、数一数,按要求在___上画上△或○ △△△(共6个) ○(共4个) 三、计算 1.填一填 9 □ 5 □7 2 □8 6 □ 4 4 2 □10 6 □ 3 2.我会把算式与正确答案用线连起来 2+5 6 1+4 2 3+7 7 5-3 7 10-4 10 7+0 5 3.算一算 1+5=4+6=10-3=3+6 =5-5=8-2= 4.在○里填上“十”或“一”号 10 7 6 3


西里古欣欣幼儿园学前班下学期期末考试语文试卷 班级:姓名: 得分:_________ 一、按要求默写拼音(21分): 1、默写23个声母 2、默写6个单韵母。 3、默写9个复韵母。 5、默写4个后鼻韵母。 二、拼读填空(6分): b—ǐ→( ) h—( )—ā→huā j—ǘ→( ) x—i—à→( ) 三、找出整体认读音节画并用○圈出来(4分) zhìzhècíqìwūyùsāyèfúxiè yābàsūn tèsīchèzi shìfú 四、写反义词。(9分)

大——( ) 上——( ) 前——( ) 左——( ) 开——( ) 多——( ) 五、组词语。(16分) 大( ) 上( ) 日( ) 小( ) 下( ) 左( ) 马( ) 鱼( ) 风( ) 牛( ) 羊( ) 雨( ) 花( ) 水( ) 手( ) 右( ) 六、照样子写笔顺。(8分) 例子:三一二三 (三)画 火 ( )画 小 ( )画 水 ( )画 马 ( )画 牛 ( )画 七、读一读,写一写。(14分) 八、看图连线(4分)

电话机大象小老鼠电视机 九、造词填空(共6分) 飞关出来走 1、爸爸()了。 2、大门()了。 3、小鸟()了。 4、星星()了。 十、按要求给下列音节分类(5分)


西里古欣欣幼儿园学前班下学期期末考试数学试卷 班级: 姓名: 得分: 一、按顺序填数(4分): 二、动手算一算(14分): 11+2= 19-11= 16+4= 3+11= 18-3= 17+1= 15-3= 16-2= 15+5= 10-5= 5+14= 3+10= 13-3= 3+14= 17-3= 13-2= 15+3= 11-9= 9+6= 7+6= 6-3-2= 4+5-3= 9-4+5= 6+3-5= 10+7-3= 15-9+7= 11-2+3= 7+6-8= 三、数一数,并写在下面的方框里(8分): ★★★ ●●●● ◎◎◎◎◎◎ □□□□□□□ ▲▲▲▲▲ 四、填空(5分) :


一年级下册第二单元综合测试卷 时间:60分钟,满分100分 一、基j ī础ch ǔ知zh ī识sh í 。(66分) 1.在z ài 正zh èn ɡ确qu è的de 读d ú音y īn 下xi à画hu à “_____”。(6分) 2.读d ú拼p īn 音y īn ,写xi ě词c í语y ǔ 。(8分) y ǐ h òu hu ǒ b àn y í pi àn y īn w èi ch ī shu ǐ ji ào sh ēn ɡ b ěi j īn ɡ m éi y ǒu 3.写xi ě出ch ū下xi à列li è字z ì的de 笔b ǐ顺sh ùn 。(9分) 北:___________________________________________________

过:____________________________________________________ 走:____________________________________________________ 4.选xu ǎn 字z ì填ti án 空k ōn ɡ 。(5 分) 主 住 (1)妈妈说我是个有( )意的孩子。 (2)我跟奶奶( )在一起。 (3) 我们都想念毛( )席。 火 伙 (4)我和小( )伴一起把( )扑灭了。 5.用y òn ɡ下xi à列li è生sh ēn ɡ字z ì组z ǔ成ch én ɡ词c í语y ǔ 。(9分) 6.读d ú一y ì读d ú,连li án 一y ì连li án 。(6分) 多彩的 香甜的 美丽的 洁白的 壮观的 遥远的 水果 天山 季节 仪式 地方 雪莲 7.把b ǎ下xi à列li è的de 字z ì填ti án 在z ài 合h é适sh ì的de 括ku ò号h ào 里l ǐ 。(只zh ǐ填ti án 序x ù号h ào )(3 分) ______故事 ______影子 ______水果 _______房子


创新幼儿园学前班语言期末测试卷 班级:姓名: 一、你能默写6个单韵母吗?(每小题1分,共6分) 二、请写出()的拼音字母及声调(每小题2分,共12分) ūúǔ()ō()ǒò ī()ǐìēé()è ǖǘ()ǜ()áǎà 三、下面字母的笔顺及在四线格中的位置,正确的在()里面上,错 误的在()里画上。(每小题1分,共9分)。 ()()()()()()()()() 四、请将缺少的拼音字母填上(每小题2分,共24分) b m f g j q z r z y w

五、拼读音节,并写在()里。(每空1分,共9分) sh-é→()z-ú→()x-ǖ→() j- ǜ→()l-ù→()k-ū→() t- ǎ→()f-ó→()d-ú→() 六、写一写,再算算共有几笔(每小空1分,共12分) 共有笔共有笔山共有笔 共有笔共有笔中共有笔 七、请给书写正确的字打√,错误的打×。(每小空1分,共8分) 山母T 日 ()()()()()()()() 八、把上下两排字连线组成词词,并读一读。(每小空1分,共5分) 礼贺花快燕 物乐子卡籽 九、你知道下面图中藏了什么字吗? ?

创新幼儿园学前班数学期末测试卷 班级: 姓名: 一、看图找数字。(每小题3分,共9分) □□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□□□13 12 20 二、你能把空缺的数字填上吗?(每小题1分,共19分) 159 68 1111 248 6 11

1347 三、请把花朵分成两堆,请你圈一圈,写一写。(每小题3分,共12分) 四、看图写算式。(每小题3分,共12分) 五、看图编题。(每小题2分,共16分) + = + = + = + - = = - = = 六、你会算吗?(每小题1分,共16分) 10-9= 10-6= 9-5= 8-4= 7-3= 7-5= 6-4= 3-2= 5+4= 6+3= 5+2= 7+1= +()=()()+()= () +=+= -= ()-()=()()-()= () -=


上学期学前班期末考试数学试卷 姓名______ 分数______ 一. 在划线处正确书写数字1-----10.(10分) ____________________________________________________________二.口算题..(10分) 3+1= 4-2= 2+1= 2+3= 5-4= 1+2= 2+2= 3-1= 4-3= 5-3= 三.写出相邻数..(12分) ( ) 5( ) ( )4( ) ( ) 7 ( ) ( ) 6( ) ( ) 8( ) ( ) 2 ( ) ( ) 3( ) ( ) 9 ( ) 四.写分合式.(10分) 3 5 ( ) /\ /\ /\ ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 3 1 4 2 4 /\ /\ /\ ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 3( ) 五,写出1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 的双数和单数(6分) 双数___________________________________________________________ 单数___________________________________________________________ 六,小朋友,拿出你的小画笔,看数涂色,数字是几就涂几个符号。(10分) △△△△□□□□□⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙⊙ 2 3 4 ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 5 6 8 七.看图写算式.(16分) ( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( )

( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )+( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) 八、试着照样子做做看(8分) 例:○○+○○○=5△△△△-△△=2 ○○+○○=△△△△△-△△△= ○+○○○○=△△△△△-△△= 九、最后一道了,细听老师读一读,再做好吗?(12分,其中答题2分) 1.河里有2只鸭子,又游来3只,河里共有多少只鸭子? 列式计算: 答:河里共有()只鸭子。 2.树上有4只小鸟,飞走了3只,树上还剩有多少只小鸟? 列式计算: 答:树上还剩有只小鸟。


第2单元综合测试 一、填空。(共31分) 1.1000公顷=()平方千米 4平方千米=()公顷 2.9时整,时针与分针所组成的角是()°;下午4时,时针和分针成()角。 3.∠1+∠2+∠3=180°,其中∠1=52°,∠2=46°。∠3=()° 4.经过一点能画()条直线,经过两点能画()条直线。 5.把平角分成两个角,一个是锐角,另一个一定是()。 6.角的大小与()有关,与角的()没有关系。 7.在括号里适当的单位名称。 (1)上海市的面积约是6340() (2)足球场的面积是7000() (3)北京天坛公园占地面积约是273() (4)我国钓鱼岛的面积约 4() (5)一间教室的面积约是50() 8.在括号填上合适的数。 3公顷=()平方米 1平方千米=()公顷 20平方千米=()公顷 3平方米=()平方厘米 9平方千米=()公顷=()平方米 2平方米60平方分米=()平方分米 9.把下面的这些角分别填入相应的圈里。(9分)

96°16° 100° 134° 90° 53° 102° 84° 39° 98° 二、选择题。(每小题2分,共10分。) 1.进率是100的两个面积单位是()。 A、平方米和公顷 B、公顷和平方千米 C、平方米和平方千米 2.小强画了一条长5厘米的()。 A、直线 B、射线 C、线段 D、角 3.一个锐角和一个直角可以组成一个()。 A、锐角 B、钝角 C、平角 4.平方米和公顷之间的进率是()。 A、10000 B、100 C、1000000 5.用一副三角板不能拼出()。 A、15° B、20° C、135° 三、判断题(正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。)(每小题1分,共5分)


人教版学前班期末考试试题 姓名:分数: 一、请你算一算(32分) 3 + 4 = 2 + 3 = 4 + 4 = 5 + 5 = 2 + 0 = 10 – 3 = 12 – 4 = 7 – 3 = 8 – 5 = 9 – 5 = 9 – 6 = 15 – 5 = 3 + 3 = 4 + 5 = 1 7 + 3 = 1 8 – 5 = 0 + 5 = 2 + 4 = 5 – 3 = 7 – 4 = 2 + 3 – 4 = 3 + 4 – 5 = 5 + 5 – 3 = 10 – 5 + 4 = 20 + 30 = 12 + 23 = 55 – 44 = 69 – 34 = 二、在括号里填上适当的数(6分) 6 + ()= 9 9 – 5 = ()()+ 5 =7 4 + ()= 8 7 +()= 10 1 5 – 5 =() 三、在括号里填上“+、–、=”(6分) 8()2 =10 8()2=6 7 ()1=6 15()3=18 10()10=0 4()4=8 四、在○里填上“>、<、=”(12分) 3 + 2 ○6 – 3 6 + 2 ○10 – 3 3 + 4 ○2 + 5 7 – 3○10 – 3 6 + 4 ○5 + 5 13 + 5○11 + 8

五、分分合合(20分) 5 6 8 10 9 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5 4 ( ) ( ) 2 2 6 8 9 7 3 ( ) 4 5 3 7 8 2 ( ) ( ) 4 1 ( ) ( ) 4 4 ( ) 1 ( ) 3 ( ) ( ) 5 7 10 6 8 ( ) 1 六、看图列算式(4分) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ( ) + ( ) = ( ) ( ) + ( ) = ( ) ( ) –( ) = ( ) ( ) –( ) = ( ) 七、我会画(8分) 1、画○比★多3个。 ★★★★★★ 。 2、画△比●少4个。 ●●●●●●●● 。


二年级上学期语文第二单元测试题 一、照样子,连一连。 huǐ xīnɡ lǎn wěi mó jì 兴.奋后悔.委.员航模.展览.纪.念 二、看拼音,写词语。 1.nào zhōnɡ响了,丁玲不想起床。正在tán ɡānɡ qín 的哥哥走过来说:“赶快起床,不然要chí dào了!” 2.爷爷每天早上都要去公园锻炼 shēn tǐ。 3.今天妈妈xiū xi,一早起来,她就在yuàn zi里练歌。 三、照样子,在括号里填上合适的词语。 例:(扫)地 ()鱼()车()花草()二胡 ()书法()电脑()鸽子()图画 例:(难忘)的日子 ()的笑容()的小院()的心情 ()的阳光()的老师()的月亮 四、把下列各组中不是同一类的词语用“____”画出来。 1.航模飞船飞机汽车 2.鸽子金鱼花草画眉 3.钢琴二胡京戏小号 4.菊花橙子梨苹果 五、照样子,写句子。 例:我抓住了妈妈的手。(紧紧地)→我紧紧地抓住了妈妈的手。

1.邓爷爷看了我的表演。(仔细地) _____________________________________ 2.妹妹笑了。(开心地) _________________________________ 例:陈洁是我们班的体育委员。→我们班的体育委员是陈洁。 3.李小月是我的同桌。 _________________________________ 六、课外阅读。 一分钟能干什么 一分钟的时间虽然很短,但可以干的事很多。 一分钟,我可以 ..读150个字,可以 ..跑200米,还可以 ... ..做20道计算题,可以 把被子叠好。妈妈可以钉一颗纽扣,爸爸可以给一双皮鞋擦好油……你们看,一分钟可以做的事有这么多,我们千万不可以小看它。 每一天,每一个人,都浪费了很多一分钟;每一天,每一个人,也可以挤出很多个一分钟做点有用的事。 所以,我们要珍惜时间,认真做好每一件小事,积少成多,就可以做很多大事。 1.读短文,填一填。 一()钟一()计算题一()纽扣 一()人一()皮鞋一()小事 2.请用“可以……可以……可以……还可以……”写一句话。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3.短文告诉我们一个什么道理?在正确的说法后面打“√”。 (1)每一天,每一个人都浪费了很多一分钟。() (2)我们千万不可以小看一分钟。() (3)我们要珍惜时间,认真做好每一件事。() 七、看图写话。 图上画的是谁?他在干什么?他发现了什么?又是怎么做的?请仔细看图,写一段通顺的话。


数学试卷(一) 一、我会算。(8分) 15- 8= 17- 9= 90-40= 16-7= 80+15= 76+20= 32+6 = 64+30= 二、比一比大小,在○里填上“>”“<”或者“”。(12分)。 例子:20--- 15-+- 8+-+ ( 20 )>( ) >( ) >( ) >( ) >( ) >( ) >( 1 )

五、我会填。(16分) (1)我会算。(8分) 11 ( ) 12 ( ) 13 ( ) 14 ( ) 15 ( ) 16 ( ) 17 ( ) 18 ( ) (2)我会照样子填。(8分)

七、我会认钟表。 ( 8分,每空 2分) 八、解决问题。(10分) 1、如下图,小明买了一个橡皮擦、一把剪刀和一个笔盒,需要多少元? 1元 2元 5元 8元 买的物品需要多少钱? 需要()元 5∶05 8∶20 6∶10 3∶15 ∶∶

2、有6条小鱼,游走2条,又游来3条, 现有多少条()? ()-()+()=()条 九、附加题:你能数一数有多少个(三角形)吗?(6分) ( )个

数学试卷(二) 一、计算。(30分) 6+2= 3+7= 18-3= 19-2= 8-2= 5-5= 8-8= 9-4= 18-2= 0+10= 7+7= 4+5= 18+2= 5+6= 7+3= 16+3= 二、在 ○填上 > < 或 =。(10分) 4 ○ 4 4 ○ 3 3 ○ 4 10 ○ 0 9 ○ 2 8 ○ 9 2 ○ 7 7 ○ 8 三、在-----线上填上多几或少几(10分) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○比 。 。 四、填空。(10+10+10分) ①


幼儿园学前班期末考试试卷 言)姓名__________ 得分 一、按要求分一分(15分)ɑ c e u w y zh r chi yin ɑo ui wu yinɡɡie韵母:声母:整体认读音节: 二、照样子,填一填(10分)zh-u-ɑ→(zhuɑ) bi→( )-( ) q-e→( ) xiɑ→( )-( )-( )x-i-ɑ→( ) qionɡ→( )-( )-( )j-n→( ) quɑn→( )-( )-( ) 三、连线(10分)shuǐ sh yn zi tioxuě bēi xiǎo y fēiyo diǎn mǎ yǐ yuz ɡāo qīng wā p 四、唱反调(12分)大()上()去()左()开()前()多()黑() 五、加一笔,变新字(16分)二()人()王()土()厂()日()牛()大()六、看拼音写汉字(20分)bi yn mo jīn m tou yu y( ) ( ) ( ) ( )fēi li fēi q kāi shuǐ xiǎo chnɡ( ) ( )

( )七、学写话(17分) 1、用“有……有……还有……”说一句话。远处的草地上有,有,还有。 2、用“一边一边”说一句话妈妈一边,一边。幼儿园学前班xx-xx学年度第一学期期末试题 (数学) 姓名__________ 得分 一、我会算(18分)4 +5=3 +7=4 +10=148=13-10=7 +7= 0 +8=8 +7=5 +7=6 +5=1510+9=8+3-1= 二、填空(30分) 1、2、13的个位上是(),位上是()。 3、6个一和1个组成的数是()。 4、19里面有()个和()个一。 5、()个和()个一组成14。 6、和7相邻的两个数是()和()。 7、13和11中间的数是()。 8、03 79、分与合810354632 10、画○和△同样多。△△△△△△ 三、比一比,在○里填上“﹥” “﹤”或“=”。(10分)9○57○48○810○94○65-2○34+1○83+2○41○5-43○4-0


第二单元达标检测卷时间:90分钟满分:100分 班级:姓名: 一、基础训练营(37分) 1.用“/”划掉加点字的错误读音。(6分) 镌刻(juān juàn) 迸裂(bìnɡbènɡ) 姊妹(zhǐzǐ) 踉跄(cānɡqiànɡ) 幔子(màn wàn) 顽劣(lièlüè) 2.读拼音,写词语。(8分) (ch é ng) 相(bèng)发 (liàng) 跄(cu ā n)出3.选字填空。(4分) 【寨塞】村()要() 【榜膀】臂()()文【喘揣】()息()摩【泄泻】发() 倾() 4.查字典填空。(7分) “截”是__________结构的字。用音序查字法,先查大写字母______,再查音节______。它在字典中的解释有:A.切断,割断;B.阻拦;C.量词,段;D.截止。下列词语中加点的“截”应选哪种解释?①斩钉截铁();②截住他();③断了一截()。用剩下的一个意思组一个词:()。 5. 把下列词语补充完整,并照样子写词语。(4分) (1)抓()挠() 伸()缩()_________________ (2)七()八() 半()三() ________________ 6.按要求完成句子练习。(8分) (1)一万多名弓弩手一齐朝江中放箭。(改为比喻句)

_____________________________________________________ (2)周瑜长叹一声,说:“诸葛亮神机妙算,我真比不上他!”(改为转述句) _____________________________________________________ (3)大虫见掀他不着,吼一声。(改为夸张句) _____________________________________________________ (3)但有过往客商,可趁午间结伙成队过冈,请勿自误。 (说说这句话的意思) _____________________________________________________ 二、综合展示厅(13分) 7.读一读,猜猜名著人物。(3分) 两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。人物:( ) 8.积累运用。(10分) (1)正月初一,我和妹妹出去拜年,空手出去,回来时却收获满满,这真是草船借箭——________________啊! (2)店家道:“我是一片好心,你反当做恶意。”他也可以把“____________________”这句俗语送给武松。明知山上有老虎,武松还是不听劝告独自上景阳冈,让我想到了俗语:______________________________________。 (3)歇后语:孙猴子的脸——________________
