









关键词:液压机、课程设计、液压传动系统设计AbstractHydraulic machine is a kind of static pressure to the processing of metal, plastic, rubber, the powder product of machinery, in many industrial department a wide range of applications. The design of the hydraulic drive system in modern mechanical design work occupies an important position. Transmission fluid is the liquid medium for the work carried out energy transfer and control of a transmission system.This paper using hydraulic transmission to the basic principle of drawing up a reasonable hydraulic system map ,and then after necessary calculation to determine the liquid pressure system parameters , Then according to the parameters to choose hydraulic components specification. To ensure the realization of the fast down, slow pressure, pressure maintaining, rapid return, stop work cycle.Key words:hydraulic machine, course design, hydraulic transmission system design.目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 任务分析 (1)1.1技术要求 (1)1.2任务分析 (1)2 方案的确定 (2)2.1运动情况分析 (2)3 工况分析 (3)3.1工作负载 (3)3.2 摩擦负载 (3)3.3 惯性负载 (3)3.4 自重 (3)3.5 液压缸在各工作阶段的负载值 (3)4 负载图和速度图 (5)5 液压缸主要参数的确定 (6)5.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (6)5.2 计算在各工作阶段液压缸所需的流量 (6)6 液压系统图 (9)6.1 液压系统图分析 (9)6.2 液压系统原理图 (9)7 液压元件的选择 (11)7.1液压泵的选择 (11)7.2 阀类元件及辅助元件 (11)7.3油箱的容积计算 (12)8 液压系统性能的运算 (13)8.1 压力损失和调定压力的确定 (13)8.2 油液温升的计算 (14)8.3 散热量的计算 (15)结论 (17)参考文献 (18)1 任务分析1.1技术要求设计一台小型液压压力机的液压系统,要求实现快速空程下行—慢速加压—保压—快速回程—停止的工作循环,快速往返速度为V=5.6 m/min,加压速度1V=70mm/min,其往复运动和加速(减速)时间t=0.02s,压制力为320000N,运2动部件总重为40000N,工作行程400mm,(快进380mm,工进20mm),静摩擦系数fs=0.2,动摩擦系数fd=0.1油缸垂直安装,设计该压力机的液压系统传动。




【关键词】小型液压机系统设计1 工况图根据实际工作过程确定液压机工作循环是快速下行→慢速加压→快速返回→停止。

2 液压系统原理图根据工况图设计的小型液压机的液压系统原理图如下:本系统采用双泵供油方式,在快进和快退工况双泵同时向系统供油,液压缸高速运动,提高工作效率。




3 液压缸参数确定3.1 液压缸缸径确定3.2 液压缸活塞杆杆径确定压力机使用:可选速比为2;则由并由液压缸活塞杆外径系列可得液压缸活塞杆杆径为:d=110mm;D-液压缸缸径d-活塞杆杆径3.3 验算系统压力4 小泵排量确定确定系统驱动动力为三相异步交流电动机,转速为1400r/min;由液压缸压装工作速度5mm/s得工进时所需流量Q1为:泵每秒钟转数:1400/60=23.33r/s;则泵理论排量为:100.48/23.33=4.3ml/r;由泵的排量系列选择泵的排量为5ml/r。


5 大泵排量确定由快速下行速度应为工作速度的4倍,的大泵的排量应为小泵的3倍,按照3倍关系并根据泵的排量系列选择大泵排量为16ml/r。

















关键词:液压系统;液压机;毕业设计AbstractThis paper design for the bolster press of hydraulic machines. Mainframe mainly by the motion of master cylinder and the motion of cylinder head out of components etc. This paper focuses on the hydraulic system design.Through specific parameters and hydraulic mechanic situation analyzes, formulation of a master control program. By contrast,developed hydraulic control system diagram. Hydraulic systems use cartridge valve integrated control system,integrated cartridge valve control system has good sealing, flow capacity, small pressure loss characteristics etc.To solve the master cylinder express entered the shortage of oil supply in the top of the mainframe installed oil tank. Master cylinder for the speed of access restrictions and security through the trip exchanging to control switches. To ensure the quality of the work-piece molding, in the hydraulic system installed packing loop through packing work-piece stability molding; To prevent hydraulic shocks, pressure relief system with a loop to ensure that this equipment can be a safe and stable work. This system applicate electricity control system, to facilitate the system of control, we can achieve semi-automatic control and achieve overload protection, ensure normal operation system. In addition, the paper hydraulic station on the overall layout of the key components of the hydraulic structure、shape、technique for a specific design.By the loss of hydraulic system pressure and temperature checked. Hydraulic system is designed to meet the hydraulic action sequence and cycle requirements can be achieved by forging plastic materials, stamping, cold extrusion, straightening,bending, and other molding processes.KeyWords: hydraulic system, bolster press, graduation design目录摘要..................................................................................................................................................... Abstract (I)1 绪论 01.1 液压传动系统概况 01.1.1 液压传动技术的发展与研究动向 01.1.2 我国液压系统的发展历程 (1)1.1.3 液压传动技术的应用 (2)1.2 液压机的概况 (2)1.3 液压机的发展 (3)2 200T液压机液压系统设计 (5)2.1 液压系统设计要求 (5)2.1.1 液压机负载确定 (5)2.1.2 液压机主机工艺过程分析 (5)2.1.3 液压系统设计参数 (5)2.2 液压系统设计 (5)2.2.1 液压机主缸工况分析 (5)2.2.2 液压机顶出缸工况分析 (8)2.3 液压系统原理图拟定 (10)2.3.1 液压系统供油方式及调速回路选择 (10)2.3.2 液压系统速度换接方式的选择 (11)2.3.3 液压控制系统原理图 (11)2.3.4 液压系统控制过程分析 (12)2.3.5 液压机执行部件动作过程分析 (13)2.4 液压系统基本参数计算 (15)2.4.1 液压缸基本尺寸计算 (15)2.4.2 液压系统流量计算 (17)2.4.3 电动机的选择 (19)2.4.4 液压元件的选择 (21)2.5 液压系统零部件设计 (22)2.5.1 液压机主缸设计 (22)2.5.2 液压机顶出缸设计 (27)2.5.3 液压油管选择 (29)2.5.4 液压油箱设计 (31)2.6 液压系统安全稳定性验算 (32)2.6.1 液压系统压力损失验算 (32)2.6.2 液压系统温升验算 (36)3 200T液压机电气系统设计 (38)3.1 电气控制概述 (38)3.2 液压机电气控制方案设计 (38)3.2.1 液压机电气控制方式选择 (38)3.2.2 电气控制要求与总体控制方案 (38)3.3 液压机电气控制电路设计 (39)3.3.1 液压机主电路设计 (39)3.3.2 液压机控制电路设计 (39)3.3.3 电气控制过程分析 (40)结论 (42)参考文献 (43)致谢 (44)附录A 液压机使用说明书 (45)1 绪论1.1液压传动系统概况1.1.1液压传动技术的发展与研究动向液压传动是一种以液体作为工作介质,以静压和流量作为主要特性参数进行能量转换传递和分配的技术手段。



攀枝花学院学生课程设计(论文)题目:小型液压机的液压系统学生姓名: vvvvvv 学号:vvvvvvvv 所在院(系):机械工程学院专业:班级:指导教师:vvvvvv 职称:vvvv2014 年06 月15 日攀枝花学院教务处制攀枝花学院本科学生课程设计任务书目录前言 (5)一设计题目 (6)二技术参数和设计要求 (6)三工况分析 (6)四拟定液压系统原理 (7)1.确定供油方式 (7)2.调速方式的选择 (7)3.液压系统的计算和选择液压元件 (8)4.液压阀的选择 (10)5.确定管道尺寸 (10)6.液压油箱容积的确定 (11)7.液压缸的壁厚和外径的计算 (11)8.液压缸工作行程的确定 (11)9.缸盖厚度的确定 (11)10.最小寻向长度的确定 (11)11.缸体长度的确定 (12)五液压系统的验算 (13)1 压力损失的验算 (13)2 系统温升的验算 (15)3 螺栓校核 (16)总结 (17)参考文献.................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。











二、设计参数表根据压力机液压系统的设计要求,下面是一份常见的设计参数表:1. 工作压力:设计压力是指液压系统在正常工作条件下所需要的最大压力。


2. 油缸直径:油缸直径是指液压缸内部的有效工作直径。


3. 油缸行程:油缸行程是指油缸从一个极限位置到另一个极限位置的总位移。


4. 油泵流量:油泵流量是指液压系统每单位时间内输送的液压油的体积。


5. 油泵功率:油泵功率是指液压泵所需要的输入功率。


6. 油液粘度:油液粘度是指液压系统所使用的液压油的黏度。


7. 油液温度:油液温度是指液压系统工作时液压油的温度。


8. 控制方式:控制方式是指液压系统的控制方式,包括手动控制、自动控制、电子控制等。





液压与气压传动课程设计说明书目录1 任务分析 (3)1.1技术要求............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2任务分析 (3)2 方案的确定 (4)2.1运动情况分析 (4)3 工况分析 (5)3.1工作负载 (5)3.2 摩擦负载 (5)3.3 惯性负载 (5)3.4 自重 (5)3.5 液压缸在各工作阶段的负载值 (6)4 负载图和速度图 (6)5 液压缸主要参数的确定 (7)5.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (7)5.2 计算在各工作阶段液压缸所需的流量 (8)6 液压系统图 (11)6.1 液压系统图分析 (11)6.2 液压系统原理图 (11)7 液压元件的选择 (12)7.1液压泵的选择 (12)7.2 阀类元件及辅助元件 (13)7.3油箱的容积计算 (14)8 液压系统性能的运算 (14)8.1 压力损失和调定压力的确定 (14)(1)进油管中的压力损失 (14)8.2 油液温升的计算 (16)8.3 散热量的计算 (17)总结 (17)参考文献 (17)1 任务分析一、设计题目:小型压力机液压系统设计设计一台小型液压压力机的液压系统,要求实现快速空程下行—慢速加压—保压—快速回程—停止的工作循环,静、动摩擦分别为fs =0.2,fd =0.1,•工作台快进行程为0.3m , 工进行程为0.1m 其机械效率0.91cm η=,液压缸的背压负载b F =30000N ,设计该压力机的液压系统传动。

已知参数:1.切削负载F L =140KN ,2.机床工作部件总质量:31KN,铣床工作台重量:34KN ,3.快进、快退速度均为4m/min ,工进速度在80mm/min 范围内可无级调节。

二、设计内容1.明确主机的功能和对液压系统的要求;2.进行工况分析(计算载荷、运动分析和动力分析); 3.确定液压系统的主要参数; 4.拟定液压系统原理图;5.选择液压元件并确定安装联接形式; 6.绘制部件图、零件图和编制技术文件; 7.液压系统主要参数的验算。



刖百 (2)一工况分析 (3)二•负载循环图和速度循环图的绘制 (4)三•拟定液压系统原理图 (4)1-确定供油方式 (5)2.调速方式的选择 (5)4. 液压阀的选择 (8)5. 确定管道尺寸 (9)6. 液压油箱容积的确定 (9)7. 液压缸的壁厚和外径的计算 (9)8. 液压缸工作行程的确定 (9)9. 缸盖厚度的确定 (9)10 ......................................................................................................................... 最小寻向长度的确定 . (10)11 ......................................................................................................................... 缸体长度的确定.. (10)四•液压系统的验算 (10)1 •压力损失的验算 (10)2 ........................................................................................................................... 系统温升的验算 (12)3 ........................................................................................................................... 螺栓校核 (13)五•参考文献14作为现代机械设备实现传动与控制的重要技术手段,液压技术在国民经济各领域得到了广泛的应用。





















































㈡、电机的选择按照机械设计手册第五版第五卷21-732 表21-89192,叶片泵的额定功率为,Y132M-4三相异步电动机的输出额定功率符为,知足叶片泵的设计要求。

㈢、压力表开关及压力表的选择按照系统的工作压力最大为16MPa的要求选取规格为六、压力为25MPa的压力表开关,P为板式安装,如此安装在油路块上方便,美观;容易观察系统工作压力转变,由此压力表开关型号选取为AF6EP30B/Z250,压力表型号为YN-60按照流量与压力表的链接方式,故选压力表开关AF6EP30B/Z250,按照流量与压力故压力表选YN-60㈣、油箱的选择按照机械设计手册第五版第五卷 21-722中的油箱的容量与计算,结合工作最大需要16MPa的工作压力属于中压,油箱的有效容量一般为泵每分钟流量的3-7倍,按照(1)④的计算,泵的流量为60mm/s,由于该系统属于中压,取油箱的有效容量一般为泵每分钟流量的4倍,通过计算可得油箱容积约为240L,按照机械设计手册21-725中表21-8-182可得型号AB40-01/250AN1St型号符合要求。




Jun. 2016Hydromechatronics EngineeringVol. 44 No. 12Hydromechatronics Engineering http ://jd y. qks. cqut. edu. cn E-mail : jdygcyw@Design and simulation of hydrauliccontrol system of small hydraulic pressGuo-liang HU* * , Xiao-yu ZHANG, Ru-qi DING, Ming XU(School of Mechatronic Engineering,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang 330013,China )Abstract : A kind of hydraulic control system of small hydraulic press controlled by PLC is proposed. It mainly fo­cuses on design of hydraulic control system, determination of hydraulic cylinder bore diameter and configurationand selection of PLC system along with design of control program, which have advantages of quick reaction, high efficiency, easy operation and reliable work. In addition, the simulation of the system has been conducted by u­sing AMESim software. The auxiliary cylinder was adopted to achieve rapidly rising and falling in the design of hydraulic system, which owns quick reaction, high efficiency and less power loss. The relevant analysis can pro­vide some guidance for the design of hydraulic system and semi-automatic control.Hydraulic cylinder, PLC control Document code : A CLC number : TH137Key words : Hydraulic press, Hydraulic system, doi :10. 3969/j. issn. 1001-3881.2016.12.0041 IntroductionIn the late 60,s of the twentieth century, a number of large hydraulic press in our country started to be designed and built autonomously [ 1 -2 ]. A lot of dif­ferent tonnages of hydraulic press were exported after 1970s. From then on, China accomplished the estab­lishment of its own hydraulic press research and con­struction, and it reached a very high level [3-4]. Hy­draulic transmission is a new technology, which even occupies absolute advantage in a considerable number of areas. The application of hydraulic transmission is one of the important symbols of social measurement of a country ’ s industrial level [5-6] • So the design of hydraulic system is very important in the development of modem hydraulic press.Hydraulic press is widely used in the production of compression molding, which soon became indispensa­ble equipment in production since its invention [ 7 ]. With the development and using of advanced construc­Received 8 February 2016; revised 25 March 2016; accepted 5 April 2016* Corresponding author : Guo-liang HU, Professor, Doctor. E-mail : glhu2006@tion technology, micro electronics technology andcomputer technology, the hydraulic press with high load, fast speed, high efficiency of production, prod­uct harmless (no oil and noise pollution, energy sav­ing, etc. ) and other technical requirements is urgent­ly needed [8-10].A kind of hydraulic control system of small hydrau­lic press controlled by PLC is designed in this paper. It mainly focuses on the design of hydraulic control system, the determination of the hydraulic cylinder bore diameter and the configuration and selection of PLC system along with design of control program. In addition, the simulation of the hydraulic system was also carried out in this paper.2 Principle design of hydraulic system2.1 Basic structure and design parameters of hydraulicpressHydraulic press owns a four-pillar body which con­sists of upper and lower beams and four pillars of steel in this design. All kinds of valve and components are installed on the body. The working cylinder is in­stalled in the middle hole of lower beam. In addition, auxiliary cylinder is installed in holes of lower beam on the both sides; T-groove is set at lower workingDesign and simulation of hydraulic control system of small hydraulic press17face of upper beam, which is used to install the mould. The four holes of upper beam are installed on the upright post;lower of moved cross beam is con­nected with working cylinder which drives the beam up and down. The working load is all shared by the body of hydraulic press.Plunger cylinder is used as master cylinder in the design. When the hydraulic oil flows into the working chamber, the piston will be slowly raised up with beam along with a high pressure in hydraulic cylinder. Piston cylinder is chosen to be used as auxiliary cylin­der. When the hydraulic oil flows into the upper work­ing chamber, the piston will drop down with a fast re­action and low pressure in hydraulic cylinder, which will meet the ordinary requirements of slow pressure molding and fast restoration.The hydraulic pump is the power of hydraulic press. Hydraulic energy can be converted into mechanical energy through hydraulic pump. Hydraulic pump pro­vides hydraulic oil for master cylinder and auxiliary cylinder.The relationship diagram between hydraulic cylin­ders of hydraulic press is shown in Fig. 1. And the ac­tion figure of hydraulic control system has been shown in Fig. 2. Design parameters are listed as follows.(1) The maximum working pressure is 25 MPa.(2) The maximum working force is 200 kN.(3) The speed v1of fast moving onward is 60 mm/s.(4) The speed v2 of work going onward is 4. 5 mm/s. Fig. 1Relationship diagram of hydraulic cylinders Fig. 2 Action figure of hydraulic control system 2. 2 Analysis of working conditionThe mass of the moving parts is selected as 400 kg preliminary.1) Pressing force of workpiece F t is the main work­ing load.F t=200 kN (1)2)Friction load includes static and kinetic friction force. Static friction force F f s is expressed as Eq. (2)F f s= ^m g= 0. 2 x 400 x 9. 8 = 784 N (2) Kinetic friction force Ff d is expressed as Eq. (3)Ffd ==o. 1X 400 x 9. 8 =392 N (3) 3) Inertia load F n = m(^) is very small as com­pared with the working load, and then it is neglected. Self-weightGis expressed as Eq. (4).G= m g= 3 920 ^(4) 4) Load values of hydraulic cylinder in each work­ing stage are shown in Table 1.Table 1Load values in work loopWorking conditions Working load Force F/r]m Startup F = Ffs+G 4 704 NSpeed up F = Ffd+G 4 312 N Fast moving onward F = Ffd+G 4 312 N Working going onward F = Ffd+Ft+G204 312 N Fast return F = G-F fd 3 528 NIn Table 1, r j m =0.9. r j m represents the mechanical efficiency of hydraulic cylinder, which is generally be­tween 0. 9 and 0. 97.2. 3 The overall schematic design of hydraulic system Hydraulic system schematic is shown in Fig.3. When the motor (3) starts to drive the hydraulic pump (2) , the hydraulic oil will flow into the system from the oil tank ( 1 ). Then non-return valve (4 ),pressure gauge (5) , and relief valve (6) are in work. The process of fast moving onward can be described as follows. When electromagnetic ( b) of three-posi­tion, four-way, solenoid operated valve I (7) is ener­gized, the hydraulic oil will flow into the lower cham­ber of auxiliary cylinder (18) ;and at the same time, the oil in the upper chamber will go through pilot-con­trolled check valve II ( 11 ) into the master cylinder (17) to fill pressure differences due to fast rising. In addition, master cylinder (17 ) will absorb oil from oil tank ( 1 ) due to the working of two-position,three-18Guo-liang HU, et al.way, solenoid operated valve (8) and pilot-controlled check valve I (10).The process of slowly rising can be described as fol­lows. When the workbench (16) touches limit switch n(i4)in the process of fast moving onward, electro­magnetic (b ) of three-position, four-way, solenoid operated valve 1(7)will be de-energized ;electro­magnetic (c) of two-position, three-way, solenoid op­erated valve (8) will be energized;and electromag­netic (d) of three-position, four-way, solenoid opera­ted valve II (9) will be energized. At last, the oil will flow into master cylinder ( 17) to drive the plunger slowly rising. The upper and lower chambers of auxil­iary cylinder (18) are interconnected without pressure differences.The process of holding pressure and timing can be described as follows. When workbench (16) touches limit switch IH(15) in the process of slowly rising, pressure switch (12) will work to hold pressure and timing when the pressure of master cylinder (17 ) gets increased to the setting pressure. In addition, electro­magnetic (d ) of three-position, four-way, solenoid operated valve II (9) will be de-energized.The process of unloading can be described as fol­lows. When electromagnetic ( e ) of three-position, four-way, solenoid operated valve II ( 9 ) are ener­gized ,the oil will flow into control port {X x)of pilot- controlled check valve II ( 11 ) from oil-out (B2)of three-position, four-way, solenoid operated valve II (9) to open pilot-controlled check valve 11(11). The high pressure oil in master cylinder (17 ) will go into the upper and lower chambers of auxiliary cylinder (18) until the balance of pressure is reached.The process of fast return can be described as fol­lows. When the unloading is completed, electromag­netic (c) of two-position, three-way, solenoid opera­ted valve (8) will be de-energized. And pilot-con­trolled check valve 1(10) will be opened to connect the lower chamber of auxiliary cylinder (18) and mas­ter cylinder ( 17 ) with oil tank ( 1) .The backpressure will be released to achieve fast return.When workbench (16) touches limit switch I (13), all of electromagnetic valves will be de-energized. It means the work loop is accomplished.2. 4 Determination of inner diameter of master cylinderD, auxiliary cylinder Dj and piston rod d According to the type of machine, 25 MPa is select­ed as the preliminary working pressurepfor the small hydraulic press. In addition,single rod piston cylin­der is adopted to achieve technical requirements of fast moving onward and fast return. Differential connection is adopted to achieve fast moving onward. Constantly filling hydraulic oil is taken to keep the pressure. During the process of fast moving onward, a certain pressure p2must have been in the return road of oil which can equal 1 MPa according to the Table 2-2 in the book “Concise Manual Hydraulic System Design”[11]. Because of the existence of pressure dropping Ap, p2can be selected as 2 MPa.According to the normal force F e, load of movementF x and pressure level p e, etc,a preliminary calcula­tion about area of hydraulic cylinder A e and diameterD e could be conducted. Then, the D e shall be rounded up to diameter optimization of hydraulic cylinder D. At the same time, the actual pressure of hydraulic cyl­inder should be worked out based on20 x (1 +0.04) x 1 000 x 9. 8 =25 x 106~0. 008 153 6 m2(5)=F e+F,PeD e0. 101 89 m(6)D e is rounded up to 110 mm according to the diame­ter optimization D of hydraulic cylinder. Practical area can be evaluated according to the Eq. (7)丰=0• 009 5 m24A(V) Practical pressure is expressed as Eq.(8)Design and simulation of hydraulic control system of small hydraulic press19 PA20 x (1 +0.04) x 1 000 x 9. 8ivD221.45 MPa(8)Considering the small speed ratio between fast andslow of sliding block, a single quantitative pump is a­dopted in hydraulic system. The determination of aux­iliary cylinder diameter D{and working pressure p{isbased on the speed ratio and the loads of movements.2 x tt D](9)In equation (9) , D l can be carried out to equal21. 3 mm, and then it is rounded up to 25 mm.Practical area is expressed as Eq. (10)A, = ^=0.000 49 m214Practical pressure is expressed as Eq. (11)Pi28 MPa(10)(11) 4In conclusion, the parameters of hydraulic cylinder are shown in Table 2.Table 2 Parameters of hydraulic cylinderInner diameter of master cylinder D/ m m Workingpressurep/MPaInner diameterof auxiliarycylinderDl/mmWorkingpressureP/M P a11021.45258 Differential connection is adopted for auxiliary cyl­inder because the speeds in back and forth are similar according to the requirements in design. The d should equal 0. l\D l based on the equation vl/v1= (D2-d2)/d2.Based on that the working pressure of auxilia­ry cylinder is 8 MPa as shown in Table 3, the d can be selected as 0.1according to the table 23.4-5 in the book “ Handbook of Mechanical Design” [ 13 ]. At last, the d equals 18 mm which is rounded up from 17.5 mm.3 PLC control design of hydraulic press3.1 Configuration and selection of P L C system There are twelve actions in totals at work loop of hy­draulic system, including emergency stop, startup and stop of hydraulic pump and motor, selection of auto­matic/ m anual, startup and stop of automatic loop, fast moving onward, slowly rising, unloading, fast return, limit switch I (13) , limit switch II (14) , limit switch IH(15) and pressure relay. The number of final exec­utive elements in hydraulic system is seven, including motor (Ml),electromagnets (a, b, c, d, e), and trouble light.Considering the action loop of hydraulic system, twelve input points and seven output points are select­ed to adjust the working requirements. Then the FX2N-32MT type controller in the series of FX2N which is made by Mitsubishi is adopted. It has thirty- two AC power transistor output points. The 24 V pow­er of input/output points is provided autonomously. Taking into account the numbers of input/output points working at the same time, its capacity is suffi­cient. Closed point is adopted for stop button in PLC in order to avoid the fault of broken lines and damage of contacts which can cause the phenomenon of cannot stop. And opened points are adopted for other but­tons. The output points of the PLC do not drive the load directly, but drive the intermediate relay which drives the load directly to improve service life of PLC output points [ 14 ].3. 2 Design of P L C control programThe PLC control program is consisted of manual program, automatic program and output program. Manual control and startup/stop of motor are in­cluded in manual procedures. The self-lock is estab­lished after the differential of the motor starting signal. When the stop button or emergency stop button is pressed or there is a fault, the self-lock will be opened and then the motor will be stopped. Parts of manual program have been shown in Fig. 4.Longtime button is selected for manual control which does not self-lock and must be always pressed for output. When the setting position is reached, the limit switch or the pressure relay will be triggered to stop the corresponding output.The automatic loop program is shown in Fig. 5. Displacement or step by step instructions should be a­dopted in a good automatic loop to achieve reliable work without false action. Taking into account the slightly complicated of two kinds programs and the simple loop process of hydraulic press, a similar ap­proach is adopted for automatic loop program. Anau­20Guo-liang HU, et al.tomatic loop sign is set up and all outputs will stop a­long with termination of automatic loop when the sign is off. Internal relays are assigned for each action, which controls the output action of each electromag­netic valve. A self-locking is established due to the addition of the disconnected falling edge of the inter­nal relay and the trigger signal of its disconnection, and so on.Fig. 4 Parts of manual programFig. 5 Parts program of automatic loopWhen M20 is open, self-locking of M21 will be es­tablished along with the arriving of rising edge ( rising edge for the first sign of automatic loop and falling edge for other process). M21 represents the fast mov­ing onward. When the slider encounters limit switch II X014 in fast moving onward, self-lock of M21 will dis­connect and falling edge of M21 will add with X014 to establish self-lock of M22 for slowly rising. By analo­gy, until the automatic loop ending sign M27 is open and disconnected automatically sign is self-lock. The purpose of the addition of falling edges of M21 and X014 is to avoid misoperation relying on reliability of program.A centralized way is adopted in the output of PLC. It means that outputs of manual/automatic drive inside relay firstly, and then the inside relay focus on driving actuating point of PLC. This can solve the problem of repeated output effectively. The program as shown in Fig. 6 shows that Y002 is driven by manual fast rising Mil and automatic fast rising M21. Interlocking is also included in output program. For example, outputs Y002 and Y003 drive two electro­magnets of a valve and the two electromagnets are not energized simultaneously, so interlocking is added in the program. In other words, the closed points of out­put points are cascaded in the output program of each other as shown in Fig. 6.F as t falling o fmanual Electromagn die bFig. 6 Parts of output program4 System simulation of hydraulic pressThe simulation is conducted in software AMESim. AMESim offers a complete ID simulation suite to mod­el and analyze multi-domain, intelligent systems and to predict their multi-disciplinary performance. The components of the model are described by analytical models representing the hydraulic, pneumatic, elec­tric or mechanical behavior of the system. To create the system simulation model in AMESim, the user can make use of a large set of validated libraries of pre-de­fined components from different physical domains. The software creates a physics based model of the system, which doesn^ require a full 3D geometry representa­tion. This approach gives AMESim the capability to simulate the behavior of intelligent systems before the detailed CAD geometry becomes available.4. 1 Simulation of hydraulic control systemThe model is created in the software as showninDesign and simulation of hydraulic control system of small hydraulic press21Fig. 7 according to Fig. 3. Then the parameters of all elements are set up to start the simulation.4. 2 Analysis of hydraulic control system simulation re­sultsThe results can be shown in the following figures. The displacement of workbench in each process can be acquired as shown in Fig. 8. From 0 to 2. 93 s, the workbench is in the stage of fast moving onward. And the workbench is in the stage of slowly rising from 2. 93 to 9. 63 s. Then 9. 63 to 25.13 s is for the stage of increasing pressure, holding pressure and relief pressure. The last stage is fast return from 25. 13 to 27 s. The results approximately meet the design re­quirements.The velocity of workbench has been shown in Fig.9. The velocity of fast moving onward is 0. 053 m/s which is close to 0. 06 m/s due to the drop of pres­sure. The response time is about Is from startup to fast moving onward. And from fast moving onward to slowly rising, the time is about Is as well. This fully illustrates the characteristic of short response time for the system.Fig. 10 shows the pressure of master cylinder. From 0 to 2. 93 s, the pressure is -0. 6 MPa because of the connection between master cylinder and oil tank dur­ing fast moving onward. During the slow rising process, the pressure gets increased to 0. 46 MPa. When the workbench reaches to the setting position, the holding pressure will get increased to 25 MPa for about four seconds. Then the pressure will be re­leased. Lastly, workbench goes down fast after the re­lief of pressure.0.10-|广0.05 —■t/DI-0.05 --0.10-L_0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28t/sFig. 9 Velocity of workbench5 ConclusionsAccording to the usage, characteristics and require­ments of small hydraulic press, the reasonable hydrau­lic system diagram has been designed in this paper based on the basic principle of hydraulic transmission. The key parameters of the hydraulic system are deter­mined based on the calculation of key hydraulic com­ponents parameters. At the same time, the electrical programmable control design and the simulation of hy­draulic system have been conducted. The simulation results show that the performance of the system could meet the design requirements, also it shown that it is equipped with qualities of quick reaction, higheffi­22Guo-liang HU, et al.ciency, easy operation and reliable work. The semi­automatic and automatic control has been realized in the design, which could basically meet the design re­quirements. The relevant analysis can provide some guidance for the design of the hydraulic system. AcknowledgementThis paper is supported by the National Natural Sci­ence Foundation of China ( Nos. 51475165,11462004). References[1 ] Zhu Xiaoming. On the technological innovation strategies of chinese hydraulic industry [ D ]. Wuhan :China University of Geosciences, 2011.[2] Cai Yong. The developmental course of our free-forging hy­draulic press and the heavy casting and forging production [ J ]. Heavy Casting and Forging, 2007, 1 :37^14.[3] Zhang Hongjia, etc. Hydraulic and Transmission [ M ]. 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Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2003, 3(16) :281-284.[11 ] Yang Peiyuan, Zhu Fuyuan. A concise manual of hydrau­lic system design [ M]. Beijing:Beijing:Mechanical Industry Press, 1999.[12 ] Zhang Liping. Hydraulic pneumatic system design manual [M]. Beijing:Mechanical Industry Press, 1991.[13 ] Mechanical design manual editorial board. Machine De­sign Handbook [ M ]. Beijing :Beijing :Mechanical Industry Press, 2004.[14] Feng Taihe. SIEMENS S7-300 series PLC and application software STEP7 [ M ]. Guangzhou :South China University of Technology Press, 2004.小型液压压力机液压控制系统设计及仿真胡国良\张小宇,丁孺琦,徐明华东交通大学机电工程学院,南昌330013摘要:设计了一种采用PLC控制的小型液压压力机的液压系统,主要进行了系统设计、液压缸内径的确定、PLC系统配置和选型以及控制程序设计,该系统主要特点在于响应快,高效 率,操作方便,工作可靠。











关键词:液压系统; 过载保护; 机电液一体化Hydraulic system design of small pressesABSTRACTAs one of the modern machinery equipment transmission and control important technical means, hydraulic technology in the field of national economy has been widely used. Compared with other transmission control technology, hydraulic technology has high energy density, flexible and convenient configuration, large speed range, rapid and smooth work ability, easy to be controlled and overload protection, easily realized automation and electromechanical integration ,system integration design ,easy maintenance in manufacturing operation and other significant advantages in technology , which make it become the basic technology of modern mechanical engineering and the basic technologyof modern control engineering.The hydraulic press and pressure machine is the main equipment for molding plastic injection and repressing material formation, such as stamping, bending, flanging, metal sheet drawing, etc. Also it can be engaged in the adjustment, the mounting indentation, the grinding wheel formation, the swaging metal parts formation, the plastic products and the powder products suppressed formation. This article according to the usage, characteristics and requirements of the purposes of the YB32-150 type hydraulic pressure press machine uses the basic principle of hydraulic transmission, draws up a reasonable hydraulic system and undergoes the necessary calculation to determine the parameters of hydraulic system which determine to choose hydraulic components and system structure of the specification. The hydraulic system of YB32-150 hydraulic pressure press Machine is rectangular arrangement .its' external appearance is new and original beautiful, the driving force system adopts hydraulic pressure system that makes the structure simple and compact, the action quick and reliable. This machine is equipped with the foot switch which can realize the semiautomatic craft movement circulation.Keywords: hydraulic system, overload protection, electromechanical integration目录第一章前言 (1)1.1液压传动的发展概况 (6)1.2液压传动在机械行业中的应用 (7)1.3 液压机的发展及工艺特点 (8)1.4液压系统的基本组成 (9)第二章小型压力机的液压系统原理设计 (10)2.1液压压力机的基本结构 (10)2.2 工况分析 (11)2.2.1负载循环图和速度循环图的绘制 (12)2.3拟定液压系统原理图 (13)2.3.1确定供油方式 (13)2.3.2自动补油保压回路的设计 (13)2.3.3 释压回路的设计 (14)2.4液压系统图的总体设计 (15)2.4.1主缸运动工作循环 (16)2.4.2顶出缸运动工作循环 (17)第三章液压系统的计算和元件选型 (17)3.1 确定液压缸主要参数 (17)3.1.1液压缸内径D和活塞杆直径d的确定 (18)3.1.2液压缸实际所需流量计算 (19)3.2液压元件的选择 (19)3.2.1确定液压泵规格和驱动电机功率 (19)3.2.2阀类元件及辅助元件的选择 (21)3.2.3 管道尺寸的确定 (23)3.3液压系统的验算 (26)3.3.1系统温升的验算 (26)第四章液压缸的结构设计 (28)4.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (28)4.2 液压缸的结构设计 (30)第五章液压集成油路的设计 (32)5.1液压油路板的结构设计 (33)5.2液压集成块结构与设计 (34)5.2.1液压集成回路设计 (34)5.2.2液压集成块及其设计 (34)第六章液压站结构设计 (36)6.1 液压站的结构型式 (36)6.2 液压泵的安装方式 (36)6.3液压油箱的设计 (37)6.3.1 液压油箱有效容积的确定 (37)6.3.2 液压油箱的外形尺寸设计 (38)6.3.3 液压油箱的结构设计 (38)6.4液压站的结构设计 (41)6.4.1 电动机与液压泵的联接方式 (41)6.4.2 液压泵结构设计的注意事项 (41)6.4.3 电动机的选择 (42)第七章总结 (43)参考文献 (44)第一章前言1.1液压传动的发展概况液压传动和气压传动称为流体传动,是根据17世纪帕斯卡提出的液体静压力传动原理而发展起来的一门新兴技术,是工农业生产中广为应用的一门技术。









所设计控制系统能实现压力机启停、送料、手动/自动工作和安全互锁等工作要求,保证液压机安全准确工作.最后,本文对专用控制柜进行了设计,包括柜体外形尺寸、室内结构分布、器件安装、通风散热方案等.关键词压力机控制系统 PLCABSTRACTThe graduation design is general structure and control system design of 6300kN hydraulic press。

Hydraulic press mainly composed of three parts: the mainframe,the hydraulic system and the electrical control system。

This paper focuses on the design and programming of the electrical control system, and gives a simple design for the mainframe, and designed the complete electrical control cabinet of the machine。



plc课程设计Cad版本 PLC控制图纸(整套)请添加626895124题目压力机液压及控制系统设计Cad版本 PLC控制图纸(整套)请添加626895124目录1.工况分析与计算-------------------------------------------------(P5)1.1工况分析---------------------------------------------------(P5)1.2工作循环-----------------------------------------------------(P5) 1.3压力机技术参数---------------------------------------------(P5)1.4负载分析与计算---------------------------------------------(P6)2.液压系统的设计-------------------------------------------------(P8)2.1执行元件类型的选择----------------------------------------(P8)2.2控制回路选择与设计----------------------------------------(P8)2.2.1方向控制回路------------------------------------------(P8)2.2.2速度控制回路------------------------------------------(P9)2.2.3压力控制回路------------------------------------------(P9)2.2.4液压油源回路------------------------------------------(P9)2.2.5液压系统的合成----------------------------------------(P10)2.3液压元件的计算和选择--------------------------------------(P11)2.3.1液压泵的选择------------------------------------------(P11)2.3.2辅助元件的选择----------------------------------------(P12)2.3.3液压系统的性能验算----------------------------------- (P14)3.液压压力机控制系统设计--------------------------------------- (P15)3.1 plc概述---------------------------------------------------(P15)3.2 plc控制部分设计------------------------------------------(P16)3.2.1控制系统采用plc的必要性------------------------------(P16)3.2.2 PLC的功能---------------------------------------------(P17)3.2.3 PLC的选型--------------------------------------------(P18)3.2.4 PLC输入/输出分配表-----------------------------------(P19)2.2.5 PLC控制程序设计--------------------------------------(P21)4.结论----------------------------------------------------------(P22)参考文献--------------------------------------------------------(P23)10T压力机液压及控制系统设计摘要:液压压力机是一种利用液体静压力来加工金属、塑料、橡胶、木材、粉末等制品的机械。





设计要求:1. 设计尺寸:将小型压力机的设计尺寸限制在1000mm x 500mm x 500mm以内,以方便搬运和移动。


























主缸快退 顶出缸图1-1 液压缸工作循环图1.2负载分析与计算快进工进快退快进 工进保压平衡负载:1000KN1)启动:0=-=平衡F F F G 2)加速:KN t g v G F a 25.212.0608.95.21000=⨯⨯⨯=∆∆=KN F F F F G 25.21-a =+=平衡 3)快下行程:0-==平衡F F F G 4)减速:KN t g v G F a 55.192.0608.92.0-5.21000=⨯⨯⨯=∆∆=)( KN F F F F G 55.19-a =+=平衡 5)工进行程:KN F F G 800== 6)制动:KN t g v G F a 7.12.0608.92.01000=⨯⨯⨯=∆∆=7)保压:0=F8)快上启动:a G F F F += KN t g v G F a 3.10852.0608.9101000=⨯⨯⨯=∆∆=9)快退:KN F F G 1000== 10)制动:a G F F F -=KN t g v G F a 7.9142.0608.9101000=⨯⨯⨯=∆∆=以上式中F-----液压缸载荷 a F -----下行部件所受惯性力 G-----模具下行部分重力 t ∆-----活塞速度变化量t ∆-----活塞缸速度变化所用时间。



兰州交通大学博文学院毕业设计说明书题目:小型液压机液压系统设计学号: 20121651系别:机电工程系专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:12级机机制(6)班指导教师:惠振亮年月日兰州交通大学博文学院毕业设计设计任务书题目小型液压机液压系统设计1、课程设计的目的学生在完成《液压传动与控制》课程学习的基础上,运用所学的液压基本知识,根据液压元件,各种液压回路的基本原理,独立完成液压回路设计任务;从而使学生在完成液压回路设计的过程中,强化对液压元器件性能的掌握,理解不同回路在系统中的各自作用。




3、主要参考文献[1] 成大先. 机械设计手册[M]。

北京:化学工业出版社,2004.[2] 李壮云. 中国机械设计大典[M]。

南昌::江西科学技术出版社,2002.1[3] 王文斌. 机械设计手册[M] 。

北京:机械工业出版社,2004.8[4] 雷天觉. 液压工程手册。








关键词:液压机、课程设计、液压传动系统设计目录摘要 (I)1 任务分析 (1)1.1技术要求 (1)1.2任务分析 (1)2 方案的确定 (3)2.1运动情况分析 (3)3 工况分析 (4)3.1工作负载 (4)3.2 摩擦负载 (4)其中液压缸3.3 惯性负载 (4)3.4 自重 (4)3.5 液压缸在各工作阶段的负载值 (5)4 负载图和速度图 (5)5 液压缸主要参数的确定 (7)5.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (7)5.2 计算在各工作阶段液压缸所需的流量 (8)6 液压系统图 (10)6.1 液压系统图分析 (10)6.2 液压系统原理图 (11)7 液压元件的选择 (13)7.1液压泵的选择 (13)7.2 阀类元件及辅助元件 (13)7.3油箱的容积计算 (14)8 液压系统性能的运算 (15)8.1 压力损失和调定压力的确定 (15)8.2 油液温升的计算 (17)8.3 散热量的计算 (18)结论 (19)参考文献 .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。























主油缸:快进、加压、 保压、快退
顶出缸:顶出、退回; 顶出、浮动
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先导阀和主缸换向阀左位接入 系统,主油路经液压泵→顺序 阀→主缸换向阀→单向阀3 →主 缸上腔;回油路经主缸下腔→ 液控单向阀2→主缸换向阀→顶 出缸换向阀→油箱。
❖ 采用电液换向阀,适合高压大流量液压系统的要求;
❖ 系统中的两个液压缸各有一个安全阀进行过载保护; 两缸换向阀采用串联接法,这也
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这时主缸活塞连同上滑块在 自重作用下快速下行,尽管泵 已输出最大流量,但主缸上腔 仍因油液不足而形成负压,吸 开充液阀1,充液筒内的油便补 入主缸上腔。
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上滑块快速下行接触工件后,主 缸上腔压力升高,充液阀1关闭, 变量泵通过压力反馈,输出流量自 动减小,此时上滑块转入慢速加压。
当系统压力升高到压力继电器 的调定值时,压力继电器发出信号
恢复到中位。此时液压泵通过换向 阀中位卸荷,主缸上腔的高压油被 活塞密封环和单向阀所封闭,处于 保压状态。接受电信号后的时间继 电器开始延时,保压延时的时间可 在0~24min内调整。
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❖ YB32—200型万能液压机
的液压系统组成: 上滑块、下滑快、底座、 模具、 工作缸、 顶出缸。 ❖ 参数: 最大总压力 200t,压力 32MPa
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Hydraulic system design of small pressesABSTRACTAs one of the modern machinery equipment transmission and control important technical means, hydraulic technology in the field of national economy has been widely used. Compared with other transmission control technology, hydraulic technology has high energy density, flexible and convenient configuration, large speed range, rapid and smooth work ability, easy to be controlled and overload protection, easily realized automation and electromechanical integration ,system integration design ,easy maintenance in manufacturing operation and other significant advantages in technology , which make it become the basic technology of modern mechanical engineering and the basic technology of modern control engineering.The hydraulic press and pressure machine is the main equipment for molding plastic injection and repressing material formation, such as stamping, bending, flanging, metal sheet drawing, etc. Also it can be engaged in the adjustment, the mounting indentation, the grinding wheel formation, the swaging metal parts formation, the plastic products and the powder products suppressed formation. This article according to the usage, characteristics and requirements of the purposes of the YB32-150 type hydraulic pressure press machine uses the basic principle of hydraulic transmission, draws up a reasonable hydraulic system and undergoes the necessary calculation to determine the parameters of hydraulic system which determine to choose hydraulic components and system structure of the specification. The hydraulic system of YB32-150 hydraulic pressure press Machine is rectangular arrangement .its' external appearance is new and original beautiful, the driving force system adopts hydraulic pressure system that makes the structure simple and compact, the action quick and reliable. This machine is equipped with the foot switch which can realize the semiautomatic craft movement circulation.目录第一章前言 (1)1.1液压传动的发展概况 (6)1.2液压传动在机械行业中的应用 (6)1.3 液压机的发展及工艺特点 (7)1.4液压系统的基本组成 (8)第二章小型压力机的液压系统原理设计 (9)2.1液压压力机的基本结构 (9)2.2 工况分析 (9)2.2.1负载循环图和速度循环图的绘制 (10)2.3拟定液压系统原理图 (10)2.3.1确定供油方式 (10)2.3.2自动补油保压回路的设计 (10)2.3.3 释压回路的设计 (11)2.4液压系统图的总体设计 (12)2.4.1主缸运动工作循环 (12)2.4.2顶出缸运动工作循环 (13)第三章液压系统的计算和元件选型 (14)3.1 确定液压缸主要参数 (14)3.1.1液压缸内径D和活塞杆直径d的确定 (14)3.1.2液压缸实际所需流量计算 (15)3.2液压元件的选择 (15)3.2.1确定液压泵规格和驱动电机功率 (15)3.2.2阀类元件及辅助元件的选择 (17)3.2.3 管道尺寸的确定 (18)3.3液压系统的验算 (20)3.3.1系统温升的验算 (20)第四章液压缸的结构设计 (22)4.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (22)4.2 液压缸的结构设计 (24)第五章液压集成油路的设计 (26)5.1液压油路板的结构设计 (26)5.2液压集成块结构与设计 (27)5.2.1液压集成回路设计 (27)5.2.2液压集成块及其设计 (27)第六章液压站结构设计 (29)6.1 液压站的结构型式 (29)6.2 液压泵的安装方式 (29)6.3液压油箱的设计 (29)6.3.1 液压油箱有效容积的确定 (29)6.3.2 液压油箱的外形尺寸设计 (30)6.3.3 液压油箱的结构设计 (30)6.4液压站的结构设计 (32)6.4.1 电动机与液压泵的联接方式 (32)6.4.2 液压泵结构设计的注意事项 (33)6.4.3 电动机的选择............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第七章总结 (34)参考文献................................... 错误!未定义书签。



第一个使用液压原理的是1795年英国约瑟夫·布拉曼(Joseph Braman,1749-1814),在伦敦用水作为工作介质,以水压机的形式将其应用于工业上,诞生了世界上第一台水压机。











