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With the deepening of the economic system is developing, the problem of Chinese MSES finance has aroused more and more discussion and great concern, on the one hand, the development of MSES has become motive force of national economic sustainable growth, even has become important foundation of society steady; on the other hand, the further development of MSES is more and more in embrassasse, especially the problem of financing has become the most impediment to prevent small firm growth.

Firstly, this paper defines what MSES are and analyzes current development of MSE and then gives full explanation on the current situation and the forms of performance of financial difficulties. In chapter3 we make a comprehensive analysis of the reasons and countermeasures for medium and small-sized enterprises’difficulty of absorbing capital. Finally, the paper proposes some creative strategies of how to enhance small and medium sized- enterprise’ ability of absorbing capital: (1) the establishment of new relation between banks and enterprises; (2) making efforts to enhance the market status of small and medium sized- enterprises: the adjustment of competitive strategies; (3) the strategies of collectivization.

On the basis of analyzing and researching into more incentive reasons and the countermeasures. It is believed that in order to strengthen medium and small-sized enterprise’ab ility of absorbing capital, MSES could not take the way of waiting, depending, and wanting but actively take action. MSES Should change their ideas of business, adjusting the strategies in accordance with marketing law and thereby advances the capability of financing of small and medium sized- enterprises.

Key Words: small and medium sized- enterprises; Financing




第一章绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景 (1)

1.2研究的意义 (1)

1.3文献综述 (2)

第二章中小企业概况 (3)

2.1中小企业的界定 (3)

2.2中小企业的融资渠道 (3)

2.3我国中小企业的发展状况及存在问题 (5)

第三章我国中小企业融资困境的表现形式 (7)

3.1中小企业融资难的现状 (7)

3.2中小企业融资困境的表现形式 (8)

第四章我国中小企业融资难的原因与对策分析 (10)

4.1我国中小企业融资难的主要原因分析 (10)

4.2我国中小企业融资难问题的对策分析 (11)

第五章解决中小企业融资问题的创新思路 (15)

5.1建立新型银企关系 (15)

5.2实施集团化战略 (15)

5.3提高市场地位:竞争战略的调整 (16)

结束语 (19)

致谢 (20)

参考文献 (21)

