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(2018·呼和浩特调研)I love the feeling of exchanging goods with my parents. When we visit them, we often end up 1 home more things than we brought with us. After packing up at the end of our most 2 visit, and after the last 3 and sounding of the car horn (喇叭), I took a quick look at the back 4 of our car. At the top of the pile, folded 5 and smartly, were a 50­year­old baby blanket, several doilies (装饰垫) 6 from generations of women in my family, and two small 7 .

These creative quilts, looking 8 but quite lovingly worn, remind me of my great­grandmothers who were always 9 hard. I think o f the pieces of cloth 10 over the floors of their living rooms. I think of their 11 hands and the regular pattern of 12 from their sewing machines. I think of their laughter, their smiles and the wisdom found in the corners of their eyes.

I wish I could go back in time and watch them 13 these quilt s, and I cherish the quilts my great­grandmothers 14 . I love knowing that the women who 15 the way for my own path through life have left behind touchable expressions of themselves. 16 I touch the worn cloth of each creation, I will always remember the women whose hands brought them into 17 . I will be ever 18 for the strong women in my family who have lived 19 me and with me, who have left behind unbelievable examples to 20 and lovely quilts to pass on.


1.A.leaving B.buying

C.taking D.returning

解析:选 C 根据上文中的“I love the feeling of exchanging goods with my parents”和下文内容可知,我们常常从父母那里收到东西带回家。此处“taking”与空后


2.A.official B.regular

C.special D.recent

解析:选D 此处表示在最近的一次拜访结束时,我们打包完之后。most recent 表示“最近的”,符合语境。official“官方的”;regular“有规律的”;special“特殊的”。

3.A.hugs B.handshakes

C.nods D.greetings

解析:选A 根据语境可知,我们打包完之后准备走,故此处表示在与父母拥抱过后。hug“拥抱”;handshake“握手”;nod“点头”;greeting“问候”。

4.A.door B.window

C.wheel D.seat

解析:选D 根据下文中的“At the top of the pile”可知,我们的车子里堆了很多要从父母那带走的物品,故应是“我”快速地朝车后座看了一眼。

5.A.closely B.neatly

C.loosely D.quickly

解析:选B 根据空后的“and smartly”的提示可知,此处表示在那堆东西的上面,一条有50年之久的婴儿毯整洁漂亮地叠放在那儿。closely“紧密地”;neatly“整洁地”;loosely“松散地”;quickly“快速地”。

6.A.taken down B.given away

C.passed down D.put away

解析:选 C 根据第二段第一句中“remind me of my great­grandmothers who were always 9 hard”的提示可知,这些东西是从“我”曾祖母辈传下来的。take down“记下”;give away“泄露(秘密等),赠送”;pass down“把……向下传递”;put away“把……收起来”。

7.A.quilts B.parcels

C.cloths D.machines

解析:选A 根据下文中“These creative quilts”的提示可知,此处说的是被子。quilt“被褥”;parcel“包裹”;cloth“布”;machine“机器”。

8.A.shabby B.delicate

C.ugly D.old

解析:选B 此处表示这些具有创意的被子,虽然用旧了,但看起来仍然精美。根据空后的“but”可知,空处所填词与空后“worn”表示的含义形成转折,应是表示积极含义的,故delicate“精美的”符合语境。shabby“破旧的”;ugly“丑陋的”;old“旧的”。

9.A.working B.learning

C.playing D.feeling

解析:选A 这些具有创意的被子让“我”想起了总是辛勤劳动的“我”的曾祖母们。此处work hard 表示“努力工作,辛勤劳动”。

10.A.thrown B.kept

C.covered D.spread

解析:选 D 根据上文中“folded 5 and smartly, were a 50­year­old baby blanket, several doilies (装饰垫)”的提示可知此处为“我”想起了那块铺在她们起居
