[Company Name]Article 1: Name and Registered Office1.1 The name of the Company is [Company Name].1.2 The registered office of the Company is situated at [Registered Office Address].Article 2: Objects and Purposes2.1 The objects of the Company are [Specify the primary objectives and purposes of the Company, e.g., to carry on the business of [Business Description]].2.2 The Company shall have power to promote and support any charitable, educational, scientific, religious, or other objects and purposes which are beneficial to the community and consistent with its objects.Article 3: Share Capital3.1 The share capital of the Company shall be divided into [Number of Shares] shares of [Nominal Value] each, fully paid up on issue.3.2 The Company shall have the power to issue further shares of the same class as the existing shares from time to time.Article 4: Membership4.1 Membership of the Company shall be open to any individual or corporate body who agrees to the terms of the Articles of Association.4.2 The Directors shall have the power to admit new members and may refuse admission to any applicant if, in their absolute discretion, they consider it to be in the best interests of the Company.Article 5: Rights and Obligations of Members5.1 Members shall have the right to receive dividends and other distributions declared by the Directors.5.2 Members shall be entitled to attend General Meetings of the Company and to vote on matters submitted to the Members.5.3 Members shall comply with the provisions of the Articles of Association and any rules made by the Directors.Article 6: Directors6.1 The Directors of the Company shall be appointed by the Members in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association.6.2 The Directors shall act in the best interests of the Company and shall be subject to the direction and control of the Members.6.3 The Directors shall be indemnified by the Company against any liabilities, costs, or expenses incurred in or arising out of their duties as Directors.Article 7: Meetings7.1 General Meetings of the Company shall be held at such times and places as the Directors may determine.7.2 The Directors shall call an Annual General Meeting of the Company not later than [Number of Months] months after the end of the financial year.7.3 Special General Meetings may be called by the Directors or upon the requisition of [Number of Percentage] of the Members.Article 8: Financial Year8.1 The financial year of the Company shall commence on [Start Date] and end on [End Date].Article 9: Accounting and Auditing9.1 The Directors shall cause proper books of account to be kept at the registered office of the Company.9.2 The accounts of the Company shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Members.Article 10: Amendments to the Articles of Association10.1 Any amendment to the Articles of Association shall be made by a Special Resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Company.Article 11: Dissolution11.1 The Company may be dissolved by Special Resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Members.11.2 Upon the dissolution of the Company, any surplus assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed to the Members in proportion to their shareholdings.---公司章程[公司名称]第一章:名称和注册办公地址1.1 本公司的名称为[公司名称]。
公司章程英文本1Articles of AssociationOfChongqing, ChinaDate: [ ],资料内容仅供参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系本人改正或者删除。
Table of ContentsArticle 1 - Name of Company (3)Article 2 - Name of Investor (3)Article 3- The Company (3)Article 4- Purpose and Scope of Business of the Company (5)Article 5- Total Amount of Investment and Registered Capital (5)Article 6- Encumbrance of Investment (7)Article 7- Board of Directors (7)Article 8- Management Organisation (15)Article 9- Labour Management (18)Article 10 -Trade Union (21)Article 11 - Taxes, Finance, Audit and Distribution of Profits (21)Article 12 -Bank Accounts and Foreign Exchange (24)Article 13 -Term (26)Article 14 -Early Termination (27)Article 15 -Liquidation (29)Article 16 - Insurance (32)Article 17 - Rules and Regulations (32)Article 18 -Miscellaneous (33)The prese nt articles are hereby formulated by . (here in after referred to as the ” Investor ” ) imscowrthathe Law of the People s Republic of China ( ” PRC ) on Wholly Fore-gOwned Enterprises and other applicable Chin ese laws and regulati ons, for the establishme nt of the wholly foreign- owned enterprise (the ”Company” ) in Chongqing, PRC.Article 1 - Name of Compa ny2Name of the Compa ny in En glish:Name of the Compa ny in Chin ese:Legal Address:Legal Represe ntative:Positi on:Nati on ality:Article 2 - Name of Inv estorName of the Inv estor in En glish:Legal Address:Legal Represe ntative:Positi on:Nati on ality:Article 3 - The Compa ny3.1 Legal PersonThe Compa ny shall be a legal pers on un der the laws of the PRC subject to the protection and jurisdiction of PRC law. All of the activities of the Compa ny shall comply with applicable PRC laws and regulati ons.3.2 Limited Liability Compa nyThe Company shall be a limited liability company under the laws of the PRC.The liability of the Inv estor for the losses, risks, liabilities and any other obligati ons whatsoever of the Compa ny shall be limited to the registered capital of the3Compa ny.3.3 Date of Establishme ntThe date of the establishme nt of the Compa ny shall be the date on which the Compa ny is issued its Busin ess Lice nse.3.4 Bran chesThe Compa ny may establish branch offices and subsidiaries any where in the PRC and abroad upon the approval of the Board of Directors and the Chongqing Foreig n Trade and Econo mic Commissio n or its successor and any othergover nmen tal age ncies whose approval may be required by law with respect to the matters herein ( ” Exam in ati onand Approval Authority ” ).Article 4 - Purpose and Scope of Bus in ess of the Compa ny4.1 PurposeThe purpose of the Compa ny shall be to stre ngthe n econo mic cooperatio nand tech ni cal excha nge, to improve and promote retail services in Chongqing and other cities in China by adopting adva need and appropriate tech no logies and scie ntific man ageme nt methods and to bring satisfactory econo mic ben efits to the inv estor.44.2 Busin ess Scope(The bus in ess scope men tio ned above shall be subject to the approval of the related in dustrial and commercial authority.)Article 5 - Total Amount of Inv estme nt and Registered Capital5.1 Total Amount of Inv estme ntThe total amount of inv estme nt of the Compa ny shall be.5.2 Registered CapitalThe registered capital of the Compa ny shall be .5.3 Con tributi on to Registered CapitalInvestor ' s contribution to the registered capital of the Company shallbe in cash. The registered capital of the Compa ny shall be paid by the Investor in instalments. Fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount of the registered capital shall be paid by the Investor within three (3) mon ths after the Date ofEstablishme nt. The bala nce of the registered capital shall be fully paid withthree (3) years after the Date of Establishme nt accord ing to releva nt Chin ese laws and regulatio ns.5.4 Inv estme nt Certificates5The Compa ny shall retain at its expe nse a certified public acco untantregistered in China to verify the capital contribution by the Investor and issue a capital verification report. The Company shall then issue an investmentcertificate to the Investor evidencing the contribution by the Investor on the basis of such report.5.5 Differen ces betwee n Total Amount of Inv estme nt and Registered CapitalThe differe nce betwee n the total amount of inv estme nt and registered capital of the Compa ny may, pursua nt to the decisi on of the Board in accorda ncewith the bus in ess n eeds of the Compa ny, be raised by the Compa ny through loa ns from domestic an d/or foreig n finan cialin stituti ons.5.6 Changes of Registered Capital and Total Amount of Inv estme ntAny cha nges in the registered capital an d/or total amount ofinv estme nt in the Compa ny shall be approved by a unanim ous vote ofall of the Board of Directors prese nt in pers on, by telepho ne or by proxy at aduly convened meeti ng of the Board and submitted, if required by law, to theExam in ati on and Approval Authority for approval. Upon receipt of suchapproval, the Compa ny shall register the changes in the registered capitaland/or total amount of inv estme nt with the origi nal departme nt of administratio n of in dustry and commerce.Article 6 - En cumbra nee of Inv estme nt6The Investor shall have the right to assign, sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of its registered capital in the Company upon the unanim ous approval of the Board of Directors and the carrying out procedure to change registration with the original registrati on body.Article 7 - Board of Directors7.1 Formati on of Board(a) The date of issua nee of the Compa ny ' s Busin ess Lice nse shallbe the date of the establishme nt of the Board of Directors(” Board ” ).(b) The Board of Directors shall be composed of three (3)Directors who shall be all appo in ted by the Inv estor. TheDirectors shall each have a term of office of four (4) years, and each shallbe eligible for con secutive terms of office upon reappo in tme nt by the Investor. Any vaca ncy created in the Board of Directors shall be immediatelyfilled by the Inv estor.The Inv estor may at any time remove with or without cause any Directorand appo int in lieu thereof any other pers on to serve the remainder of theremoved Director ' s term. TheInvestor will appoint the chairman of the board from among the Directors.(c) Subject to Article 15, the chairma n of the Board shall be thelegal represe ntative of the Compa ny and shall have the power to represe7nt and act on behalf of the Compa ny. When ever the chairman is unableor fails to discharge his duties, the Director hav ing served the Ion gest onthe Board shall represe nt the Company and perform the chairman 'sduties.7.2 Powers of Board(a) The Board of Directors shall be the highest authority of the Compa ny andshall have the right to make decisi ons on all matters of the Compa ny.8资料内容仅供参考,如有不当或者侵权,请联系本人改正或者删除。
Article 9: Corporate registered capital will be subscribed in two phases. EachShareholders, funding in the form of currency, should deposit its capital adequately to the bank account opened by company; those who make non-monetary investment should have its properties evaluated and legally complete its transfer of property rights after all shareholders approval.Article 10: Shareholders should subscribe their own sufficient capital contributions on schedule and obtain the certificate issued by legally authorized institution.Chapter ⅣShareholdersArticle 11: Shareholders enjoy such rights as:(1) Acquire profits according to their real subscribed contributions; haveprivilege to make subscribed capital contributions based on their previousreal investment when new additional investment demanded by company.(2) Attend the shareholders' meetings or consign attorney to it; exercise theirvotes under the ratio of subscribed contributions(3) Enjoy preference to purchase stock equity transferred by other shareholders.(4) Make inspections over corporate business managements; bring forwardrelevant proposals and inquiries.(5) Assign directors or supervisors.(6) Check financial accounts; look up and duplicate corporate statute, theshareholders' meeting minutes, the directorate conference resolutions, theconference resolutions of board of supervisors and accounting reports.(7) Share residual properties in accordance with subscribed contributions whencompany comes to an end.(8) Other rights by law, rules or company regulations.Article 12: Relevant Obligations as Follows:(1) Comply with laws, rules and corporate regulations. Shall not misapplyentitled rights to harm corporate and other shareholders' interests.(2) Make limited subscribed capital contributions on schedule.(3) Refuse to withdraw investment after company is established.(4) Other obligations and liabilities regulated in laws, rules and companyarticles of association.Chapter ⅤStock Rights TransferArticle 13: Shareholders can transfer their part or whole stock rights internally.Article 14: Shareholders shall not transfer their stock equity to those who are not primary stockholders before they successfully win more than 50% support from the board. Meanwhile, shareholders are supposed to inform the rest shareholders of relevant transfer in writing which should be regarded as approval if no responses from the other shareholders in 30 days from the date when they receive written informs. The rest shareholders should purchase the stock rights designed to transfer if others disagree with transfer, otherwise they are redeemed to agree with it. The rest shareholders have priority to purchase the stock equity approved for transfer under equal conditions. If more than two shareholders have ambitions for purchasing right, they may negotiate the percentage of purchase. In case of no consensus on proportion of transfer they can exercise their privileges based on the ratio of their subscribed contributions.Chapter Ⅵ Shareholders' MeetingArticle 15: Shareholders' meeting, made up of all shareholders, performs as the authorities of company and have the following duties:(1)Determine business policies and investment plans.(2)V ote and change directors and supervisors; decide the remunerationsconcerning directors and supervisors.(3)Deliberate directorate report.(4)Discuss supervisors’ reports.(5)Consider the company’s proposed annual financial budget and finalprogram.(6)Discuss and approve profit distribution and program to cover deficit.(7)Make resolutions on increasing or decreasing registered capital.(8)Make resolutions on issuing debenture stock.(9)Make resolutions on company’s incorporation, separation, dissolution,liquidation or form change.(10)Amend articles of association.(11)Exercise other duties listed in laws, rules and company regulations.Article 16: Shareholders can exercise their vote rights by attending shareholders’ meeting themselves or entrust attorney to do so instead. If assigned to joining the meeting, attorneys should show the letter of authorization of shareholders to the rest.Article 17: The initial conference of shareholders’ meeting shall be summoned and held by SRPT.Article 18: Shareholders exercise their vote under the proportion of subscribed contributions in the conference of shareholders’ meeting.Article 19: The conference of shareholders’ m eeting can be classified into regular conference and interim conference. The former shall be convened once a year and arranged in 6 months after last fiscal year comes to an end. The latter should beheld under the approval of over 1/10 shareholders who enjoy votes and more than 1/3 directors and supervisors.If the call for summoning conference has been made, it should come to all shareholders 15 days in advance. After the consensus of whole shareholders, notification time can be modified.Article 20: Shareholders’meeting is summoned by directorate and held by chairman. If the chairman seems not be able to or refuse to undertake his duty, the deputy chairman should hold the meeting. Provided the deputy chairman cannot or fails to undertake his duty, more than half of directors can recommend one director to preside at the meeting.Supposing the directorate cannot or do not exercise summoning shareholders’ meeting, over 1/10 shareholders who enjoy vote rights in the meeting can voluntarily summon the other shareholders and hold the conferenceArticle 21: Any resolution made in shareholders’meeting cannot come into effect without the approval from the shareholders who have more than 50% vote of the meeting. However, resolutions about amending articles of association, incorporation and separation, increasing or decreasing registered capital, or changing forms can be acceptable if advocated by shareholders who enjoy more than 2/3 vote rights in the meeting.Chapter Ⅶ Directorate, President and SupervisorsArticle 22: There are 5 members in the directorate which contains 3 directors assigned, 2 directors from. The term of office of director is restricted to 2 years and the directors can be re-elected when expiration arrives. In directorate there is one chairman assigned and one deputy chairman appointed.Article 23: The directorate is responsible to shareholder s’ meeting and entitled to following duties:(1) Summoning shareholders’ meeting and making work reports for shareholders’meeting.(2) Executing the resolutions of shareholders’ meeting.(3) Determining business programs and investment plans.(4) Drafting annual fiscal budget and final plans.(5) Drafting profit distribution and program to cover deficit.(6) Working out plans to increase or decrease registered capital and programsconcerning debenture stock issuance.(7) Making proposals on company’s incorporation, separation, dissolution,liquidation or form change.(8) Deciding internal management structures.(9) Deciding on employing or dismissing general manager and his remuneration;determining on employing or dismissing deputy general manager, financial officer and their salary according to the general manager’s nomination.(10) Drafting basic management rules.(11) Other authorities invested by company’s regulations and shareholders’meeting.Article 24:Directorate conference is summoned by directorate and held by chairman. If the chairman seems not be able to or refuse to undertake his duty, the deputy chairman should hold the meeting. Provided the deputy chairman cannot or fails to undertake his duty, more than half of directors can recommend one director to preside the meeting.Article 25: The directorate should have at least 2 conferences annually which are summoned by the chairman who is supposed to inform all directors and supervisors in writing 10 days ahead of conference.Article 26: Interim meetings cannot be held unless shareholders who enjoy more than 1/10 vote right in the meeting and more than 1/3 directors, general managers and supervisors have made relevant proposal. The chairman shall summon and preside at the directorate conference within 10 days when he receives the proposal.Article 27: The ways of directorate’s informing interim conference can be written letters, correspondences, telephones, faxes or emails. The time limit should be 5 days ahead of conference (exclusive of the day of conference). Yet, under someemergent conditions interim conference should be held as soon as possible. In such cases, telephone and other oral notification can be acceptable. The convener should make detailed specification about it later.Article 28: Directorate conference only can be held under over 50% directors’attendance. The directorate resolutions shall be voted for by more than half of the whole directors, under conditions of one person one vote.Article 29: Affiliated transactions should go through the discussion of directorate. Those related to affiliated transactions shall not exercise their vote rights or vote on behalf of other directors during the examination. Summoning such conference can be acceptable if more than 50% unrelated directors attend it. The resolution should be admitted by over half of all unrelated directors. If less than 3 unrelated directors attend the conference, the affairs should be submitted to shareholders’ meeting.Article 30: Directors vote for the submitted affairs by ballot, which is the way of vote for directorate resolution. The directorate conference shall be held on the spot.Article 31: Directors shall be themselves present at the conference. Provided for some reasons they fail to join the meeting, they can assign other directors to attend it. The letter of commitment shall cover attorney’s name, the items entrusted, scope of authority, valid period, signature or stamp of principal. The directors entrusted can exercise director rights within the scope of authority. Failure to participate in directorate conference or entrust some representative to show up will be deemed waiver in the meeting.Article 32: The directorate shall convert the decisions of items discussed into minutes with the signatures of directors attending the conference. Directorate minutes should be preserved as company archives for at least 10 years.Article 33: Directors shall sign the board resolutions and undertake its obligations. If the board resolutions violate laws, rules, company articles of association or the resolutions of shareholders’meeting and result in great loss, the directors attending the conference shall take responsibility for compensation. However, if it can be proven that a director expressly objected to the resolution whenthe resolution was voted on, and that such objections were recorded in the minutes of the meeting, such director may be exonerated from liability.Article 34: Company creates the job of general manager employed by the board. General manager, responsible to directorate, fulfils such duties as:(1) Take charge of production and business management, carry out directorateresolution.(2) Fulfill annual business program and investment plan.(3) Draft internal management structure plan(4) Draw up basic management regulations(5) Formulate concrete rules.(6) Nominate or dismiss deputy general manager and financial officer.(7) Decide on the nomination and dismissal of the officers except those decidedby directorate.(8) Enjoy other legal power authorized by directorate. Attend the directorateconference as non-vote delegate.Article 35: Company creates a job of supervisor appointed by CSIPE. The supervisor’s term of office is limited to 3 years and can be continued when expiration arrives. Directors and senior management are not permitted to serve as supervisors concurrently.Article 36: Powers for supervisor follows:(1) Inspect corporate finance.(2) Supervise the performance of directors and senior management. Makeremoval proposal to the directors and senior management who offend laws, rules, articles of association or the resolution of shareholders’ meeting.(3) Rectify the deeds by directors and senior management that result in harms tocompany benefits.(4) Propose interim shareholders’meeting. Summon and preside shareholders’meeting when directorate refuse to fulfill the duties listed in articles ofassociation.(5) Bring forward proposal for shareholders’ meeting.(6) Conduct prosecution to directors and senior management under provision 152of the Company Law.(7) Enjoy other powers authorized by articles of corporation. Supervisor ispermitted to attend the board conference as non-vote delegate and make inquiries or suggestions to the items listed in directorate resolution.Meanwhile, supervisor can commence an investigation related to any abnormal business management. When necessary, supervisor is allowed to employ a certified public accountant to assist his work with relevant charges covered by company. The necessary expenses during his performance will be provided by company.Chapter Ⅷ Financial Accounting and Profit SharingArticle 37: Company shall conform to laws, administrative rules and regulations authorized by financial department of State Council and establish financial accounting regulations, and should work out financial accounting report each fiscal year and have it legally verified and audited by public accounting firm. Financial accounting report should be delivered to each shareholder within 3 months at the end of each fiscal year.Article 38: Profit should be shared in such an order after income tax has been paid:(1)Cover previous deficit.(2)Collect 10% profit as statutory common reserve (company’s reserve fund).Statutory reserve fund may be waived once the cumulative amount of fundstherein exceeds 50 percent of the company registered capital.(3)Collect 15% profit as discretionary reserves (company development fund).Extract 10% profit as innovation fund. Preserve 15% benefit as staff awardsand welfare fund. The proportion and usage of each reserves may beadjusted through consensus of shareholders’meeting subject to annualbusiness management.(4)Pay shareholders the dividend. Company shall share profit in accordancewith the proportion of subscribed contribution in registered capital afterpaying income tax and collecting reserves. In principle, the dividend shouldexceed 25% annual net profit.Chapter Ⅸ Dissolution and LiquidationArticle 39: Company can be dissolved if meeting one of following occurrences:(1) Either Business period stipulated in articles of association expires, or other dissolution reasons defined by regulations occurs except for those surviving amendment by company.(2) The resolutions of shareholders’ meeting to dissolution.(3) Dissolution due to merger or division.(4) Business license has been revoked under laws. Ordered to close down orwithdraw.(5) Courts fulfill dissolution under article 183 of the Company Law.(6) Other occurrences stipulated by laws and administrative rules.Article 40: If the dissolution meets the occurrences mentioned in clause 1, 2, 4, 5 of former article, a liquidation group should be formed and start to work within 15days from the date of liquidation confirmation, draft liquidation report and submit it to shareholders’ meeting for confirmation after completing liquidation. They should also file liquidation report to registration authority, apply for cancellation of registration and claim termination of company.Article 41: Liquidation group, made up of shareholders, shall act under the Company Law, relevant laws and rules, and assume their liabilities.Chapter Ⅹ Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 42: Registration matters verified by registration authority shall prevail.Article 43: if the articles of association contradict state laws or administrative rules, the latter shall prevail.Article 44: The term of ‘more than’should be inclusive; ‘more than half’should be exclusive.Article 45: The board of directors is responsible for the interpretation of the article of association.Article 46: The articles of association are made quadruplication. One copy shall be submitted to registration authority.Legal Representative:Legal Representative:11。
……公司章程ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATIONof……CO., LIMITED……公司章程ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF ……CO., LIMITED根据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)及其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,特制定本章程。
In accordance with the PRC Company Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and other relevant laws and regulations, these articles of association are hereby formulated.第一章公司名称和住所CHAPTER 1 The Name and Domicile of the Company第一条公司名称:Article 1The name of the Company is第二条公司住所:Article 2The domicile of the Company is第二章公司经营范围CHAPTER 2 Business Scope of the Company第三条公司经营范围:Article 3The business scope of the Company is (subject to approval in business license and the Administration for Industry and Commerce ) --------第三章公司注册资本CHAPTER 3 The Registered Capital of the Company第四条公司注册资本:人民币---万元。
公司章程英文版本Company BylawsArticle 1: Name and Registered Office1.1 The name of the company shall be [Company Name].1.2 The registered office of the company is located at [Registered Office Address].Article 2: Objectives2.1 The objectives of the company are:2.1.1 To carry out business activities as permitted by law.2.1.2 To engage in any activities related to the main business as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.2.1.3 To pursue investment opportunities that are in line with the company's goals.Article 3: Share Capital3.1 The total share capital of the company amounts to [Amount in Currency].3.2 The share capital is divided into [Number of Shares] shares with a nominal value of [Value in Currency] each.3.3 The shares may be in the form of registered or bearer securities as determined by the Board of Directors.Article 4: Shareholders4.1 Any individual or legal entity can become a shareholder of the company by subscribing to the share capital.4.2 The shareholders have the right to attend and vote at General Meetings.4.3 Shareholders may transfer their shares to third parties, subjectto any restrictions imposed by law or the company's Articles of Association.Article 5: Board of Directors5.1 The company shall be managed by a Board of Directors.5.2 The Board of Directors shall consist of [Number of Directors] directors.5.3 The directors shall be appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a term of [Term Length].5.4 The Board of Directors shall have the power to make decisions concerning the management and operation of the company.5.5 The Board of Directors meetings shall be held at least [Frequency of Meetings], with written notice provided to all directors.Article 6: General Meetings and Shareholder Rights6.1 General Meetings of Shareholders shall be held at least once a year.6.2 Shareholders have the right to attend and vote at General Meetings.6.3 Decisions taken in General Meetings require a majority vote of shareholders present or represented.6.4 Shareholders have the right to examine the company's financial statements and other relevant documents.Article 7: Dividends and Reserves7.1 The company may distribute dividends to shareholders as determined by the Board of Directors.7.2 The company may allocate a portion of its profits to reserves for future investment or other purposes deemed necessary by theBoard of Directors.Article 8: Amendment of the Bylaws8.1 The Bylaws can be amended by a decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders.8.2 Amendments to the Bylaws require a majority vote of shareholders present or represented.8.3 Any amendment to the Bylaws shall be filed with the relevant authorities and become effective upon registration.Article 9: Dissolution and Liquidation9.1 The company may be dissolved by a decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders.9.2 In the event of dissolution, liquidation shall be carried out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.Article 10: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution10.1 The company shall be governed by the laws and regulations of [Jurisdiction].10.2 Any disputes arising from or related to the company's activities shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with [Arbitration Rules].These Bylaws were adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders on [Date].。
PreambleWHEREAS, the undersigned individuals (hereinafter referred to as “the Founders”) are desirous of organizing a corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Corporation”) for the purpose of [describe the purpose of the Corporation, e.g., conducting business, providing services, etc.];WHEREAS, the Founders believe that the formation of such a Corporation will be in the best interests of the public and of the individuals and entities that may become shareholders and directors of the Corporation;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Founders agree as follows:Article I - Name and LocationSection 1. The name of the Corporation shall be [insert the name of the Corporation].Section 2. The principal place of business of the Corporation shall be [insert the address of the principal place of business].Article II - PurposeSection 1. The purpose of the Corporation shall be [describe the purpose of the Corporation, e.g., to engage in [list specific activities or industries]].Section 2. The Corporation shall have the power to do all things necessary or convenient to accomplish its purposes, including, but not limited to, the power to:a. Acquire, hold, and dispose of property;b. Enter into contracts;c. Borrow money and secure the same by mortgage or other liens;d. Sue and be sued in its own name;e. Make and amend bylaws;f. Do all things necessary to carry out its corporate purposes.Article III - IncorporationSection 1. The Corporation is incorporated under the laws of [insert the state or jurisdiction of incorporation].Section 2. The Corporation is organized as a [insert type of corporation, e.g., “for-profit,” “nonprofit,” “membership,” etc.] corporation.Article IV - MembershipSection 1. The Corporation shall be a membership corporation, and the membership shall consist of [describe the criteria for membership, e.g., shareholders, employees, etc.].Section 2. Membership in the Corporation shall be subject to [describe any requirements for membership, e.g., payment of dues, acceptance bythe Board of Directors, etc.].Section 3. Members shall have the right to vote on matters submitted to the membership for a vote, subject to the provisions of these bylaws.Article V - Board of DirectorsSection 1. The management and control of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) consisting of [insert the number of directors].Section 2. The Board shall have the power to make, alter, and repeal bylaws, to select and remove officers, to determine their duties, to appoint and remove agents, and to transact all business of the Corporation not otherwise directed by the membership.Section 3. The Board shall hold meetings at such times and places as may be determined by the Board.Article VI - OfficersSection 1. The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each of whom shall be electedby the Board.Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:a. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board and of the membership, shall execute all contracts and instruments in the name of the Corporation, and shall perform all other duties incident to the office.b. The Vice President shall act as President in the absence ordisability of the President.c. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board and of the membership, shall keep the seal of the Corporation, and shall perform all other duties incident to the office.d. The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Corporation,shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, and shall perform all。
公司章程英文范本模板Article of Association of [Company Name]Article 1: Name and Registered Office1.1 The name of the Company is [Company Name].1.2 The registered office of the Company is located at [Registered Office Address].Article 2: Objectives2.1 The objectives of the Company are as follows:2.1.1 To engage in [primary business activity].2.1.2 To conduct any other business that is related or incidental to the primary business activity.2.2 The Company may establish branch offices, subsidiaries, or affiliated companies, both domestically and internationally, to further its objectives.Article 3: Share Capital3.1 The authorized share capital of the Company is [number of shares] shares, each with a par value of [par value currency].3.2 The shares may be issued in any form permitted by applicable law, including but not limited to ordinary shares, preferred shares, and non-voting shares.3.3 The shares may be transferred freely, subject to any restrictions imposed by applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of this Article.Article 4: Board of Directors4.1 The Company shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of [number] directors.4.2 The directors shall be elected by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for a term of [number] years, or until their successors are appointed.4.3 The Board of Directors shall have the power to manage and administer the affairs of the Company in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of this Article.Article 5: Shareholders' Meetings5.1 The Company shall hold an Annual General Meeting of the shareholders within [number] months after the end of each financial year.5.2 Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened by theBoard of Directors or by shareholders holding at least [percentage]% of the voting rights.5.3 Shareholders' meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Company's bylaws.Article 6: Amendments to the Articles of Association6.1 These Articles of Association may be amended by a resolution passed at a shareholders' meeting by at least [percentage]% of the voting rights.6.2 Any amendment to these Articles of Association shall be filed with the relevant authorities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.Article 7: Dissolution7.1 The Company may be dissolved by a resolution passed at a shareholders' meeting by at least [percentage]% of the voting rights.7.2 In the event of dissolution, the assets of the Company shall be liquidated and distributed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.Article 8: Governing Law8.1 These Articles of Association shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Articles of Association shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the undersigned have executed these Articlesof Association as of [date].[Signatures of the founders/directors] [Names of the founders/directors] [Company Name][Date]。
公司章程英文范本BYLAWS OF COMPANY ABCArticle I: Name and OfficesSection 1. Name. The name of the corporation shall be Company ABC.Section 2. Offices. The registered office of the corporation required by law to be maintained in the State of [State], and the principal office of the corporation shall be located at [Address]. The corporation may have such other offices, either within or outside the State of [State], as the Board of Directors may designate or as the business of the corporation may require from time to time.Article II: PurposeSection 1. Purpose. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the laws of [State].Article III: ShareholdersSection 1. Annual Meeting. An annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held each year on a date and time designated by the Board of Directors.Section 2. Notice of Meetings. Notice stating the place, date, and hour of the annual meeting shall be given to each shareholder entitled to vote at the meeting not less than [number] days nor more than [number] days before the date of the meeting.Article IV: Board of DirectorsSection 1. Powers and Duties. The board of directors shall managethe business and affairs of the corporation and shall have all the powers of the corporation, except as otherwise provided by law or in the articles of incorporation.Section 2. Number and Election. The number of directors of the corporation shall be [number], and the directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of shareholders.Section 3. Term of Office. Each director shall hold office for a term of [number] years or until a successor has been elected and qualified.Section 4. Meetings. The board of directors shall meet as often as necessary, but at least [number] times per year, at a time and place designated by the board.Article V: OfficersSection 1. Officers. The officers of the corporation shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by the board of directors.Section 2. Duties. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall have general and active management of the business of the corporation.Section 3. Term of Office. Each officer shall serve for a term of [number] years, or until a successor has been elected and qualified. Article VI: AmendmentsSection 1. Amendments. These bylaws may be amended or repealed, or new bylaws adopted, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the board of directors.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed these bylaws as of [Date].____________________________ [Name][Title]。
公司章程范本中的公司章程中英文对照范例公司章程(Articles of Association)第一章:总则第一条【公司名称】本公司的名称为[公司名称](简称“本公司”)。
公司章程英文PreambleThe Articles of Association of the Company are hereby established in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, for the purpose of regulating the organization and behavior of the Company, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the Company, shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior management, and promoting the sustained, stable, and healthy development of the Company.Article 1 - Name and domicile of the CompanyThe name of the Company shall be ________________, andits domicile shall be at ________________.Article 2 - Purpose of the CompanyThe purpose of the Company shall be to engage in the business of ________________, in accordance with laws and regulations, and to earn profits for the shareholders.Article 3 - Form and registered capital of the CompanyThe Company shall be a limited liability company with a registered capital of RMB ____________.Article 4 - Shareholders and their rightsThe shareholders of the Company shall enjoy the following rights:(1) To attend or be represented at the Shareholders' Meeting and exercise voting rights in accordance with their shareholding ratio;(2) To enjoy dividend distributions in accordance with their shareholding ratio;(3) To be informed of the Company's business operations, financial condition, and profit and loss status;(4) To elect and be elected as directors or supervisors;(5) To sell or transfer their shares in accordance with laws and regulations;(6) To obtain compensation for losses suffered due to the Company's violation of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Association; and(7) Other rights prescribed by laws and regulations.Article 5 - Obligations of shareholdersThe shareholders of the Company shall fulfill the following obligations:(1) To comply with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Association;(2) To timely contribute capital in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association;(3) Not to withdraw their capital contributions without authorization;(4) To safeguard the interests of the Company;(5) To provide information and materials as requested by the Company for business operations; and(6) Other obligations prescribed by laws and regulations.Article 6 - Organization and powers of the Shareholders' MeetingThe Shareholders' Meeting shall be the highest governing body of the Company, and shall exercise the following powers:(1) To decide on major matters related to the Company's business;(2) To elect and replace directors and supervisors;(3) To decide on the remuneration of directors and supervisors;(4) To review and adopt the annual financial statements and profit distribution plans of the Company;(5) To decide on the increase or reduction of registered capital;(6) To adopt resolutions on the merger, division, dissolution, or transformation of the Company;(7) To amend the Articles of Association; and(8) Other powers prescribed by laws and regulations.Article 7 - Board of DirectorsThe Company shall establish a Board of Directors, which shall exercise the following powers:(1) To decide on the Company's business plans and investment plans;(2) To appoint and remove the Company's general manager, deputy general managers, and other senior management personnel, and decide on their remuneration;(3) To formulate the Company's basic management system;(4) To formulate the Company's specific plans for implementing the Shareholders' Meeting resolutions;(5) To propose dividend distribution plans and compensation plans for shareholder losses;(6) To decide on the Company's daily management matters; and(7) Other powers prescribed by laws and regulations or authorized by the Shareholders' Meeting.Article 8 - Powers and obligations of directorsThe directors shall exercise their powers in good faith, in the best interests of the Company, and in accordance with laws, regulations, and the Articles of Association. Theyshall fulfill the following obligations:(1) To diligently perform their duties and exercise their powers in good faith, and maintain the interests of the Company;(2) Not to abuse their authority for personal gain;(3) Not to engage in activities that compete with the Company or damage the Company's interests;(4) To disclose any conflicts of interest promptly;(5) To preserve the confidentiality of the Company's business secrets; and(6) Other obligations prescribed by laws and regulations.Article 9 - Supervisory BoardThe Company may establish a Supervisory Board, whose powers shall include:(1) To supervise the conductof the directors and senior management personnel of the Company;(2) To review and adopt the Company's financialstatements and other financial information;(3) To investigate and handle any violations of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Association by the directors, senior management personnel, or other staff of the Company;(4) To propose suggestions to the Board of Directors on improving the Company's management and supervision systems; and(5) Other powers prescribed by laws and regulations or authorized by the Shareholders' Meeting.Article 10 - Powers and obligations of supervisorsThe supervisors shall exercise their powers in good faith, in the best interests of the Company, and in accordance withlaws, regulations, and the Articles of Association. Theyshall fulfill the following obligations:(1) To diligently perform their duties and exercise their powers in good faith, and maintain the interests of the Company;(2) Not to abuse their authority for personal gain;(3) To disclose any conflicts of interest promptly;(4) To preserve the confidentiality of the Company's business secrets;(5) To attend and vote at meetings of the Supervisory Board; and(6) Other obligations prescribed by laws and regulations.Article 11 - Amendments to the Articles of AssociationAny amendments to the Articles of Association shall be adopted by a resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting, and shall be effective upon approval by the company registration authority. Amendments shall be made in accordance with laws, regulations, and the procedures prescribed by the Articles of Association.These are just some basic provisions of a company's Articles of Association. The specific content and structure may vary depending on the company's circumstances, business model, and legal requirements.。
第一章总则Chapter 1 General Provisions第一条本章程根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《深圳经济特区有限责任公司条例》和有关法律法规,制定本章程。
Article 1 These articles are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the P.R.C., the Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Limited Liability Companies, and relevant laws and regulations.第二条本公司(以下简称公司)的一切活动必须遵守国家的法律法规,并受国家法律法规的保护。
Article 2 The current business (hereinafter “the Company”) shall conduct all activities in accordance with state laws and regulations, and subject to the protection thereof.第三条公司在深圳市工商行政管理局登记注册。
Article 3 The Company is registered with Shenzhen Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau.名称: Company name:住所: Domicile:第四条公司经营范围为:投资兴办实业(具体项目另行申报);汽车配件的销售,国产汽车(不含小轿车),国内商业、物质供销业(不含专营、专控、专卖商品);旧机动车交易;汽车租赁;经济信息咨询(不含限制项目);货物及技术进出口。
Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises Articles ofAssociationCHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle1Country (district) company (with country (district) company……)In accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, with the principle of equality and mutual benefit, through amicable negotiations, consenting to set up the Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises in Beijing of the People's Republic of China.Article 2Investment parties forParty A: (Contents include name, the registered address, registered country names, legal representative, positions, nationality, etc.)Party B: (the same as above)Party C: [note: If there is Party C, Party D, and so on ,remark it like this.]If the investor is the natural person, so he/she needs to offer the contents which include name, nationality, etcArticle 3Name of the Company: (Hereinafter referred to as the “company”) Registered Office Address:Article 4The legal representative of the company will hold the post by the director / executive director / manager, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of China for registration.Article 5The company is a limited liability company.The liability of each Party with respect to the Company shall be limited to its respective capital contributions to the registered capital of the Company.Article 6As a Chinese corporate, the Company is under the governance and protection of Chinese laws. While conducting its business, the company must comply with the stipulations of the Chinese laws, decrees and relevant regulations, observe the public virtue, accept the supervision from the government and the public and shall bear the social responsibility.CHAPTER 2 SCOPE OF BUSINESSArticle 7The objective of the company:The business scope of the company:Article8The projects which in the business scope belong to the laws, administrative rules and regulations must be approved according to law. After the approval, it can have the business activities.CHAPTER 3 TOTAL INVESTMENT AND REGISTERED CAPITALArticle9The amount of the total investment of the company: (includescurrency ).Article10The registered capital: (includes currency ).Included: Party A subscribed capital contribution: (includescurrency) , %of the registered capital. The way of funding is . Party A subscribed capital contribution: (includes currency) , %of the registered capital. The way of funding is .(It is applied to the conditions which have the shortfall between aggregate investment and registered capital.)The shortfall between the aggregate investment and registered capital, the company will solve it by itself.The capital contribution of each party shall be converted according to the current numeraire exchange rate of the People's Bank of China.Article11The deadline of the company registered capital:Paying off the all the capital within six months upon the issuance of business license. If the registered capital is paid in instalments, the contribution to the first instalment shall not be less than 15% of its subscribed capital. It is not less than the statutory minimum amount of registered capital; the first instalment shall be paid within three months upon the issuance of business license. The rest part of the capital contribution time shall be conformed by the provisions of the Company Law, the relevant foreign investment laws and the regulations on the Administration of Company Registration Regulations. Other laws, administrative regulations shall pay the whole capital by shareholders when the company founded, with its provisions. Article12Generally, the company in the business period does not reduce its registered capital. Article13(such as foreign investors joint venture)any of the investment parties transfer of all or part of its equity to a third party, investors shall be consented by the other parties and report to the original examination and approval authority for approval.One party of the investors transfer all or part of its stock rights, the other parties shall have the pre-emptive rights.CHAPTER 4 the shareholders' committee/shareholdersArticle14(If the company has two or more shareholders)The company set up the shareholders' committee by all the shareholders.The shareholders' committee is the company's organ of power; ensure all the activities of the company in accordance with Chinese laws, regulations and relevant provisions, the company decided to all major issues.(If the company is only one shareholder)The company has not set up the shareholders' committee;Shareholder is the company's organ of power,when the shareholders perform their functions and powers, shall be made in written form and signed by the shareholder and preserved in the company.Article15The board of shareholders/ shareholder shall perform the following functions and powers:(1) To decide on the business policy and investment plan of the company;(2) To elect and recall director and supervisor whose posts are not taken by the representatives of the staff and workers, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of directors and supervisors;(3) To examine and approve reports of the executive director;(4) To examine and approve reports of the supervisor;(5) To examine and approve the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company;(6) To examine and approve plans for profit distribution of the company and plans for making up losses;(7) To adopt resolutions on the increase or reduction of the registered capital of the company;(8)To the issuance of corporate bonds(9) To adopt resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, transformation, dissolution and liquidation of the company;(10) To amend the articles of association of the company.(11) Others:As specified in the preceding paragraph matters need all shareholders agreed ,and by all the shareholders in the decided to file signature, stamp.(The following Article 16 to Article 19, it is chosen for setting up the board of shareholders.)Article16The shareholders meeting shall be convened at least times every year.The shareholders represent one-tenth or more of the voting rights, one-third or more of the directors, supervisors would propose to convene an interim meeting, and the interim meeting shall be convened.Article17(If it sets up a board of directors)The shareholders' meeting convened by the board of directors, and presided over by the chairman.The chairman is unable to perform duties or does not perform his duties, and presided over by the vice-chairman; the vice chairman of the board of directors is unable to perform duties or does not perform his duties, the half or more of the directors jointly held up a director to host. (If it doesn’t set up a board of directors)The shareholders' meeting convened and presided over by the executive director.The board of directors/ executive director cannot perform his duties or fails to convene the shareholders' meeting of the responsibility,convened and presided over by the supervisors;the supervisors don’t convene and presided over, representing one-tenth or more of the voting rights of the shareholders can gather and presided over it.The shareholders' committee shall write the minutes of the meeting by the decisions, the shareholders who attended the meeting would sign in the minutes of the meeting.CHAPTER 5 boards of directors/executive directorArticle18(If it sets up a board of directors)The company shall establish the board of directors,by members (3-13 persons). Each term for three years, included one chairman, vice-chairman, directors. The director from the board of directors produces by . The term expires, can be reappointed.The way to produce the chairman and vice-chairman of the board:(If it doesn’t set up a board of directors) The executive director produced by . The term expires, can be reappointed.Article19Board of directors/executive director shall be responsible to the shareholder, and exercise the following functions and powers:(1) To be responsible to shareholder and to report its work to the shareholder;;(2) To implement the resolutions of the shareholder;(3) To decide on the business plans and investment plan of the company;(4) To formulate the annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan of the company;(5) To formulate plans for profit distribution and plans for making up losses of the company;(6) To formulate plans for the increase or reduction of the registered capital and issuance of company bond of the company;(7) To formulate plans for the merger, division, transformation and dissolution of the company;(8) To decide on the establishment of the company's internal management organs;(9) To decide on appointment and dismiss the company's manager and the matter on the manager's remuneration, and, upon recommendation of the manager, to decide on appointment and dismiss the company's deputy manager(s) and persons in charge of the financial affairs of the company and the matters concerning their remuneration;(10) To formulate the basic management system of the company.(11)Others:(The following terms suitable for establishing the board of directors)The board of directors meeting convened by the board of directors, and presided over by the chairman. The chairman is unable to perform duties or does not perform his duties, and presided over by the vice-chairman; the vice chairman of the board of directors is unable to perform duties or does not perform his duties, the half or more of the directors jointly held up a director to host.The procedure for the board of directors and voting procedures (Enterprise formulated according to law) .The board of directors shall write the minutes of the meeting by the decisions, the board of directors who attended the meeting would sign in the minutes of the meeting.CHAPTER 6 boards of supervisors/ supervisorsArticle20The company shall set up a board of supervisors (if shall set up a board of supervisors), in total members by . (More than 3 persons)Included shareholders: ; representatives . (The worker supervisors shall not be lower than the proportion of a third).Shareholders represent supervisors elect by the shareholders' meeting, or the shareholders appointed. The staff and workers' congress, worker’s congress or other forms finish the democratic election to produce the employee representatives.The board of supervisors shall have one chairman, and by more than half of all the supervisors election. The chairmen of the board of supervisors convene and preside over the meetings of the board of supervisors,the board of supervisors is unable to perform duties or does not perform his duties, the supervisor recommended by half or more common the supervisors shall convene and preside over the meetings of the board of supervisors.Supervisor’s period is three years. The term expires, can be reappointed.(If you don't choose to set up a board of supervisors)The company doesn’t set up the supervisors, produces supervisors, (1 or 2 persons) Elected by the shareholders' meeting.Supervisor’s period is three years. The term expires, can be reappointed.Article21The supervisor of the company shall exercise the following functions and powers:(1) To examine the financial affairs of the company;(2) to supervise the acts of the director and senior executives performing their functions, and to bring the proposal to dismiss those directors and senior executives violating the laws, administrative regulations, the articles of association of the company or the resolutions of the shareholder;(3) To demand directors and senior executives to make corrections if any of their acts is found to have damaged the interests of the company;(4)Propose to convene an interim shareholders' meeting, the board of directors fails to convene and preside over the shareholders' meeting duties convene and preside over the shareholders' meeting.(5)Put forward proposal to the shareholders' meeting(6)To bring a lawsuit against the directors or senior executives in accordance with the provisions of Article 152 of the company law of the people’s republic of China.(7) Others:Article 22Supervisors may attend the meetings of the board of directors and the board of directors to raise questions or Suggestions matters.(The following terms suitable for establishing the board of directors)The board of supervisors found the company operating condition is unusual, it can undertake survey; if it is necessary, they may hire an accounting firm to help their work, and the expenses to be borne by the company.Article23The board of supervisors shall held _ (at least once) the meeting.The supervisors may propose to convene temporary meetings of the board of supervisors.The resolution of the board of supervisors shall be subject to the more than half by supervisors.The board of supervisors shall write the minutes of the meeting by the decisions, the board of supervisors who attended the meeting would sign in the minutes of the meeting.Article24Supervisors perform their functions and powers of the necessary expenses shall be borne by the company.CHAPTER 7 Business Management OfficesArticle25Company management institutions and their functions and powers decided by the shareholders' meeting/shareholders/board/executive director.(The following terms suitable for establishing the manager)It is allowed to set up managers, the board of directors/executive director, who shall be hired or dismissed. The manager is accountable to the board of directors, perform the functions and powers.1. Presided over the company's production and operation management work, organize the implementation of the decision of the board of directors.2. Organize the implementation of the annual business plan and investment plan.3. Developing company internal management organization setup scheme.4. Developing company basic management system.5. Developing company specific regulations.6. Who shall be hired or dismissed the deputy manager, person in charge of finance.7. decided to hire or dismissed except the board of directors shall/executive director the responsible for management personnel.8. The board of directors/executive director and other functions and powers granted. CHAPTER 8 labor management and financial other systemArticle26The company follow the "Labor contract law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant provisions of the laws and regulations,Deal with employees' employment, dismissal, resignation, wages and benefits, labor insurance, labor discipline and other matters.The company supports staff according to the labor law of the People's Republic of China ", "Chinese union articles of association" for setting up trade unions.Article27The company in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations to establish and execute finance, accounting, auditing, foreign exchange, statistics, insurance system. CHAPTER 9 Duration, Dissolution and LiquidationArticle28The operating period of the Company is ___________ years and shall start from the date on which the business license of the Company is issued.Article29Should the investing party decide to extend the operating period, it shall submit a written application to the original examination and approval authority at lease 6 months prior to the expiry date of the operating period. The duration can beextended upon the approval of the examination and approval authority and completion of registration formalities in the original registration authority.Article30The company can decide to terminate the Company ahead of time due to the following reasons:1. Expiration of the operating period.2. Shareholders decided to do the dissolution.3.Merger or division of a company needs to dissolve4. Revoked according to law due to violation of Chinese laws and regulations and damage to public interests.5. The people's court in accordance with the company law of the provisions of article one hundred and eighty-three to dissolve it.6. Other reasons .Article31Upon the expiration or termination of the operating period of the Company, the company shall do the liquidation.CHAPTER 10 Supplementary ProvisionsArticle32Of this contract, its validity, dissolution, execution and settlement of the disputes shall apply to the law of the People's Republic of China.Article33These articles of association are written in Chinese.Article34The present Articles of Association will become valid only upon the approval of the examination and approval authority. The same applies to the amendment to these Articles of Association.Article35This Articles of Association is signed in .Article36The formation, validity, execution and interpretation of the present Articles of Association shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. In case there is no applicable Chinese law for a specific issue, international practices shall be used as reference.The investor promised that to sign by the parties other business agreement and this article of association does not conflict, in conformity with PRC laws and regulations and the relevant provisions, and bear corresponding legal responsibility.Party A: (chop here) Party B: (chop here)Party C: ……Legal representative of the Company or its authorized representativeSignatureDate:(The company registration of changing in the articles of association or the record or modify, amends the articles of association still needs the company’s legal representative’s signature with the company stamp.)。
Articles of Association目录 Contents第一章总则Chapter 1: General Principle第二章公司的成立Chapter 2: The Establishment of the Company第三章公司经营范围Chapter 3: Business Scope of the Company第四章公司注册资本及股东的姓名(名称)、出资方式、出资额、出资时间Chapter 4: The Registered Capital of the Company, Names of the Shareholders, the Type, Amount and Schedule of Capital Contribution第五章公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则Chapter 5: The Company's Organizational Structure, its Establishment and Power, and Procedures第六章公司的法定代表人Chapter 6: The Legal Representative of the Company第七章股权转让Chapter 7: Share Transfer第八章经营场地Chapter 8: Operation Site第九章劳动管理Chapter 9: Labour Management第十章财务与会计Chapter 10: Financial Affairs and Accounting第十一章税收和保险Chapter 11: Tax and Insurance第十二章知识产权Chapter 12: Intellectual Property第十三章营业期限Chapter 13: The Term of the Company第十四章终止、解散和清算Chapter 14: Termination, Dissolution and Liquidation第十五章附则Chapter 15: Supplemental Provisions第一章总则Chapter 1: General Principle第一条依据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)及有关法律、法规的规定,由_____方共同出资,设立______公司(以下简称“公司”),特制定本章程。
第1篇I. IntroductionThis Company Charter (the "Charter") sets forth the fundamental principles, objectives, and governance structure of [Company Name] (the "Company"). The Company is established for the purpose of engaging in [brief description of the Company's business activities], in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated. The Charter shall govern the conduct of the Company and its directors, officers, and employees.II. Name and Registration1. The name of the Company shall be [Company Name].2. The Company is incorporated and registered in [Jurisdiction], under registration number [Registration Number].III. Purpose and Objectives1. The purpose of the Company is to carry out [brief description of the Company's business activities] in an efficient, effective, and ethical manner.2. The objectives of the Company are:a. To achieve sustainable growth and profitability;b. To provide high-quality products and services to its customers;c. To foster a positive and inclusive work environment;d. To contribute to the economic and social development of the communities in which it operates.IV. Share Capital1. The authorized share capital of the Company shall be [amount in currency] divided into [number of shares] ordinary shares of [par value per share].2. The Company may issue additional shares of its capital, subject to the provisions of this Charter and applicable laws and regulations.V. Directors1. The management and administration of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors (the "Board").2. The Board shall consist of [minimum number of directors] to [maximum number of directors], who shall be elected by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM").3. Directors shall hold office until the conclusion of the AGM following their election and may be re-elected.VI. Officers1. The officers of the Company shall be appointed by the Board, subject to the provisions of this Charter and applicable laws and regulations.2. The officers shall include the following positions:a. President/Chief Executive Officer (CEO);b. Chief Financial Officer (CFO);c. Chief Operating Officer (COO);d. Secretary;e. Such other officers as may be deemed necessary by the Board.VII. Shareholders1. The shareholders of the Company shall have the right to:a. Receive dividends, if declared, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter and applicable laws and regulations;b. Attend and vote at general meetings of the shareholders;c. Examine the Company's financial statements and other relevant documents;d. Propose resolutions at general meetings of the shareholders;e. Inspect the Company's books and records;f. Such other rights as may be provided by applicable laws and regulations.VIII. General Meetings1. The Company shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) within six months of the end of its financial year.2. The Company shall also hold such other general meetings as may be required by the Board or upon the requisition of shareholders.IX. Dividends1. Dividends, if any, shall be declared and paid by the Board at its discretion, subject to the provisions of this Charter and applicable laws and regulations.2. Dividends shall be paid to shareholders on the basis of their shareholdings, provided that the Board may make exceptions to this rule in the case of special circumstances.X. Financial Year1. The financial year of the Company shall commence on [start date] and end on [end date].2. The Board shall cause the financial statements of the Company to be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and to be audited by a qualified auditor.XI. Restrictions on Diversion of Corporate Opportunities1. No officer or director of the Company shall, without the priorwritten consent of the Board, use or employ any property or information of the Company for the purpose of deriving personal profit or benefit.2. The Board shall have the power to take all necessary actions to prevent the diversion of corporate opportunities from the Company.XII. Conflict of Interest1. A director or officer who has a direct or indirect interest in any transaction or arrangement with the Company that might reasonably be expected to conflict with the interests of the Company shall disclose the nature of such interest to the Board.2. The Board shall determine whether a conflict of interest exists and, if so, whether the transaction or arrangement should be approved.XIII. Termination of Directors and Officers1. A director or officer may resign from their position by delivering a written resignation to the Board.2. The Board may remove a director or officer from office for cause, including but not limited to:a. Failure to perform their duties with due care and diligence;b. Breach of the provisions of this Charter or applicable laws and regulations;c. Any act or omission that is detrimental to the interests of the Company.XIV. Amendments to the Charter1. Any amendment to this Charter shall be proposed by the Board or by a resolution passed by the shareholders at a general meeting.2. An amendment to this Charter shall be effective only if it is approved by a majority of the shareholders present in person or by proxy at the general meeting at which it is proposed.XV. Dissolution of the Company1. The Company may be dissolved by a resolution passed by the shareholders at a general meeting, provided that at least [percentage] of the shareholders vote in favor of the dissolution.2. Upon dissolution, the assets of the Company shall be distributed to the shareholders in accordance with their shareholdings, aftersatisfying all the Company's liabilities.XVI. Miscellaneous1. This Charter may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.2. If any provision of this Charter is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned directors of the Company have executed this Charter as of this [date].[Signatures of Directors][Company Name][Company Address][Company Registration Number][Company Jurisdiction][Company Logo]第2篇PREAMBLEWHEREAS, the founders of [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") recognize the need for a comprehensive set of governing documents to establish the Company's purpose, structure, and operational procedures;WHEREAS, the founders desire to ensure the integrity, stability, and continuity of the Company's operations;WHEREAS, the founders believe that the adoption of this Company Charter will facilitate the achievement of the Company's objectives;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the founders of [Company Name] hereby adopt this Company Charter as the governing document of the Company.ARTICLE I: NAMESection 1.01. The name of the Company shall be [Company Name],hereinafter referred to as the "Company."ARTICLE II: PURPOSESection 2.01. The purpose of the Company shall be to engage in the business of [describe the Company's primary business activities], in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.Section 2.02. The Company shall endeavor to achieve the following objectives:(a) To provide high-quality products and services to its customers;(b) To generate profits for its shareholders;(c) To maintain a safe and healthy work environment for its employees;(d) To contribute positively to the community and the environment.ARTICLE III: SHARESSection 3.01. The Company shall have [number of authorized shares]shares of [par value or no par value] common stock, par value [amountper share, if applicable], and [number of authorized shares] shares of [par value or no par value] preferred stock, par value [amount per share, if applicable].Section 3.02. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, without further action by the shareholders, increase or decrease the number of authorized shares of common stock and preferred stock, and may fix the par value thereof, if any.Section 3.03. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, without further action by the shareholders, issue and sell such shares of common stock and preferred stock as they may determine to be in the best interests of the Company.ARTICLE IV: BOARD OF DIRECTORSSection 4.01. The management and affairs of the Company shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), which shall consist of [number of directors] directors, each of whom shall be elected by the shareholders at the annual meeting or such other meetings as may be required by law or by-laws.Section 4.02. The Board shall have the authority to make, alter, and repeal by-laws for the management of the Company.Section 4.03. The Board shall meet at such times and places as may be determined by the Board, but not less than once annually. Special meetings of the Board may be called by any director or upon the written request of a majority of the directors.Section 4.04. The Board shall have the power to appoint and remove officers of the Company and to delegate such powers and duties as the Board may determine.ARTICLE V: OFFICERSSection 5.01. The officers of the Company shall be a President, a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a Secretary, and such other officers as may be appointed by the Board.Section 5.02. The officers of the Company shall have such powers and duties as may be determined by the Board, but such powers and duties shall not conflict with the provisions of the Company's by-laws or the Company Charter.Section 5.03. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Company and shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the shareholders.Section 5.04. The CEO shall be the principal administrative officer of the Company and shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Company's business.Section 5.05. The CFO shall be the principal financial officer of the Company and shall be responsible for the financial management and reporting of the Company.Section 5.06. The Secretary shall be the principal record-keeper of the Company and shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Company's minutes and records.ARTICLE VI: SHARES AND DIVIDENDSSection 6.01. The Board of Directors may declare dividends upon the common stock from time to time in such amounts as the Board may determine, subject to the availability of funds and the requirements of applicable laws and regulations.Section 6.02. Dividends on preferred stock shall be declared and paid in accordance with the terms of the preferred stock certificates.ARTICLE VII: MEETINGSSection 7.01. The annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held on [date] at [location], or at such other time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors.Section 7.02. Special meetings of the shareholders may be called by the Board of Directors or upon the written request of [percentage] of the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting.Section 7.03. Notice of meetings shall be given to shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Company's by-laws and applicable laws and regulations.ARTICLE VIII: AMENDMENTSSection 8.01. This Company Charter may be amended or altered by the shareholders at any regular or special meeting, provided that the proposed amendment or alteration has been duly presented to theshareholders and has been approved by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting.ARTICLE IX: DISSOLUTIONSection 9.01. The Company may be dissolved by the shareholders at any regular or special meeting, provided that the proposed dissolution has been duly presented to the shareholders and has been approved by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting.Section 9.02. Upon dissolution, the assets of the Company shall be distributed among the shareholders in accordance with their respective interests, after payment of all liabilities and expenses of the winding up.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned founders of [Company Name] have executed this Company Charter as of this [date].[Founders' Signatures][Company Name][Date][Company Address][Company Contact Information]Note: This Company Charter is a general template and should be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of the Company. It is recommended that the Company consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.第3篇Article 1: Name and Address1.1 The name of the company shall be [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as "the Company."1.2 The registered office of the Company shall be located at [Registered Office Address], which may be altered from time to time by a special resolution of the members.Article 2: Objective and Business2.1 The objective of the Company is to engage in [specify the primary business activities of the Company], and any other ancillary activities as may be necessary for the effective conduct of the business.2.2 The Company may carry on any business that is lawfully capable of being carried on by a company and any other activities as may be authorized by the provisions of this Constitution.Article 3: Incorporation3.1 The Company is incorporated under the [insert applicable legal framework, e.g., Companies Act 2006] and shall be a body corporate with a separate legal personality.3.2 The subscribers to this Constitution shall be the first members of the Company.Article 4: Membership4.1 Membership of the Company shall be open to individuals and corporate bodies that agree to be bound by the terms of this Constitution.4.2 An individual shall become a member of the Company upon payment of the subscription fee, if any, and acceptance of this Constitution.4.3 Corporate bodies shall become members of the Company upon the subscription of shares or by agreement to be bound by this Constitution, as determined by the directors.4.4 The Company may, at its discretion, refuse admission to any applicant for membership.Article 5: Classes of Membership5.1 The Company may have different classes of membership, each with different rights and privileges, as determined by the directors.5.2 The rights and privileges of each class of membership shall be set out in the Articles of Association, which may be amended from time to time by special resolution of the members.Article 6: Share Capital6.1 The share capital of the Company shall be divided into shares of [insert nominal value], each of which shall be fully paid up.6.2 The Company may issue shares of any class at par, premium, or discount, as determined by the directors.6.3 The Company may also issue bonus shares or redeemable preference shares, as determined by special resolution of the members.Article 7: Financial Year7.1 The financial year of the Company shall commence on [insert start date] and end on [insert end date].Article 8: Directors8.1 The management of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors, which shall consist of not less than [insert number] directors.8.2 The directors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting or appointed by the Board.8.3 A director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Company.8.4 A director shall be removed from office by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the members.Article 9: Powers of Directors9.1 The directors shall have the general power to manage the affairs of the Company and to perform all acts necessary for the effective conduct of the business.9.2 The directors may make such regulations as they consider necessary for the conduct of the business of the Company.9.3 The directors shall keep proper books of account and shall prepare annual financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the [insert applicable legal framework].Article 10: Meetings of Members10.1 General meetings of the members shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the directors.10.2 An Annual General Meeting shall be held once in every calendar year at such time and place as the directors may determine.10.3 Special general meetings may be called by the directors or upon the requisition of [insert percentage] of the members.10.4 The notice of a general meeting shall be given to members not less than [insert number] days before the date of the meeting.Article 11: Notice of Meetings11.1 Notice of meetings shall be given to members in writing and may be given by email, post, or any other means of communication as determined by the directors.11.2 The notice shall specify the place, time, and purpose of the meeting.Article 12: Voting at Meetings12.1 Each member shall have one vote at general meetings.12.2 In the case of an equality of votes, the chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.12.3 Resolutions shall be passed by a majority of the votes cast at a general meeting, unless otherwise provided by law or this Constitution.Article 13: Directors' Remuneration13.1 The directors may be paid such remuneration for their services as may be determined by the members at a general meeting.13.2 In addition to any remuneration, directors may receive such other benefits as may be determined by the members at a general meeting.Article 14: Resolutions14.1 Special resolutions shall require the consent of not less than [insert percentage] of the members present in person or by proxy at a general meeting.14.2 Ordinary resolutions shall require the consent of a simple majority of the members present in person or by proxy at a general meeting.Article 15: Miscellaneous Provisions15.1 The Company shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations.15.2 The directors may, from time to time, make such rules and regulations as they consider necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Company.15.3 The directors may delegate any of their powers to such persons as they may think fit, provided that such delegation is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution.15.4 The Company may enter into contracts and do all such acts and things as are necessary for the purpose of, or in connection with, the promotion, formation, or carrying on of the business of the Company.Article 16: Amendments to the Constitution16.1 Any amendment to this Constitution shall be made by special resolution passed at a general meeting.16.2 The proposed amendment shall be set out in the notice of the general meeting.16.3 The proposed amendment shall be passed by a majority of not less than [insert percentage] of the votes cast at the general meeting.Article 17: Dissolution17.1 The Company may be dissolved by special resolution of the members.17.2 Upon the dissolution of the Company, any surplus assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to some public charitable purpose as may be determined by the members at the time of dissolution.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned subscribers to this Constitution hereby signify their agreement to be bound by the same.[Signature of subscriber 1][Name of subscriber 1][Title of subscriber 1][Signature of subscriber 2][Name of subscriber 2][Title of subscriber 2]...[Signature of subscriber N][Name of subscriber N][Title of subscriber N][Date]Note: This is a general template for a company constitution and shouldbe customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of the company. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional when drafting or amending a company constitution.。
第1篇PreambleWHEREAS, the undersigned parties desire to establish a company for the purpose of engaging in business activities, with the intention of promoting economic growth, creating employment opportunities, and contributing to the development of the local and global community;WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to set forth the rules and regulations governing the conduct of the company’s business, the rights and obligations of its members, and the procedures for its governance;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the undersigned parties do hereby agree to form a company under the laws of [Jurisdiction], to be known as [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).Article 1: Name and Office1.1 The name of the Company shall be [Company Name].1.2 The principal office of the Company shall be located at [Address], [City, State, ZIP Code], or at such other place as the Board ofDirectors may from time to time determine.Article 2: Purpose2.1 The purpose of the Company is to carry on business activities for profit, including but not limited to [List of Business Activities], in accordance with the laws and regulations of the [Jurisdiction].2.2 The Company shall engage in such activities as may be necessary or convenient to achieve its purposes, including the acquisition, ownership, and operation of property, the employment of personnel, the borrowing of money, and the entering into of contracts.Article 3: Membership3.1 The Company shall have members (hereinafter referred to as “Members”) who shall be individuals or corporations.3.2 Membership in the Company shall be evidenced by a certificate of membership issued by the Company.3.3 The admission of new Members shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.3.4 Members shall have the right to vote at meetings of the Members and shall be entitled to receive dividends, if any, as may be declared by the Board of Directors.3.5 Members shall be subject to the provisions of this Charter and any by-laws adopted by the Members.Article 4: Classes of Membership4.1 The Members of the Company shall be divided into the following classes:a. Founding Members: Individuals or corporations who were theoriginal subscribers to the Company’s shar es.b. Regular Members: Individuals or corporations who have been admitted to membership after the formation of the Company.4.2 The rights and obligations of each class of Members shall be as set forth in the Articles of Association and any by-laws adopted by the Members.Article 5: Shares5.1 The Company shall have a share capital divided into shares of [par value or no par value] each.5.2 The shares of the Company shall be issued to Members or to any other person as may be determined by the Board of Directors.5.3 The transfer of shares shall be subject to the provisions of the Articles of Association and any by-laws adopted by the Members.5.4 The Company shall not issue any shares at a discount.Article 6: Directors6.1 The management and control of the business of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) consisting of not less than [number] Directors.6.2 The Directors shall be elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting or at any special meeting called for that purpose.6.3 The term of office of each Director shall be [number] years, unless otherwise determined by the Members.6.4 The Board shall meet at least [number] times a year, and special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman or by [number] Directors.6.5 The Board shall have the power to appoint such committees as it deems necessary for the conduct of the Company’s business.Article 7: Meetings of Members7.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Members shall be held in [month]of each year at [time] on [date], or at such other time and place as may be determined by the Board of Directors.7.2 Special meetings of the Members may be called at any time by the Board of Directors or by [number] Members.7.3 Notice of meetings shall be given to Members in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Jurisdiction].7.4 The quorum for meetings of the Members shall be [number] Members present in person or by proxy.Article 8: Directors’ Meetings8.1 Meetings of the Board shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Directors.8.2 Notice of meetings of the Board shall be given to each Director in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Jurisdiction].8.3 The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be [number] Directors present in person or by proxy.Article 9: Officers9.1 The officers of the Company shall be the Chairman, the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board of Directors.9.2 The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be as set forth in the Articles of Association and any by-laws adopted by the Members.Article 10: Financial Year10.1 The financial year of the Company shall commence on [start date] and end on [end date].Article 11: Accounts and Auditors11.1 The Company shall keep proper books of account and records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Jurisdiction].11.2 The accounts of the Company shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Members at the Annual General Meeting.Article 12: Dividends12.1 Dividends, if any, shall be declared by the Board of Directors and shall be paid to Members in proportion to their shareholdings.Article 13: Winding Up13.1 The Company may be wound up in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Jurisdiction].13.2 In the event of the winding up of the Company, the assets of the Company shall be distributed to the Members in proportion to their shareholdings.Article 14: Amendments to the Charter14.1 Any amendment to this Charter shall be made by resolution of the Members at a meeting called for that purpose.14.2 The notice of any proposed amendment shall be given to the Members in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Jurisdiction].Article 15: Interpretation15.1 In the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency in this Charter, the interpretation that gives effect to the true intent and intention of the parties shall prevail.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Charter as of this [date].[Signature of each party][Name of each party][Title of each party][Date of execution][Address of each party][City, State, ZIP Code][Country][Email address of each party][Phone number of each party]---Please note that the above document is a template and should be customized to fit the specific needs and legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which the company will operate. It is also advisable to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.第2篇I. IntroductionThe following Articles of Association (the "Articles") set forth the rules and regulations governing the Company Name (the "Company"), a corporation incorporated under the laws of [Jurisdiction] (the "Jurisdiction"). These Articles shall be binding upon all members of the Company and its officers, directors, employees, and agents.II. Name and Incorporation1. The name of the Company shall be "Company Name."2. The Company is incorporated under the laws of the Jurisdiction and shall be a corporation with limited liability.III. Objectives and Powers1. The objectives of the Company shall be as follows:a. To engage in the business of [business description];b. To promote the interests of its members;c. To provide services and products to the public;d. To carry out any other activities that are conducive to the achievement of the above objectives.2. The Company shall have all the powers necessary to carry out its objectives, including, but not limited to, the following:a. To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire any property, real or personal, for the purposes of the Company;b. To enter into contracts, agreements, and arrangements with any person or entity;c. To borrow money and issue securities;d. To invest in securities and other financial instruments;e. To raise funds through subscriptions, loans, or any other means;f. To enter into joint ventures or alliances with other entities;g. To make donations and contributions to any charitable, educational, or other organizations;h. To do all things necessary or incidental to the achievement of its objectives.IV. Membership1. Membership in the Company shall be open to any individual or entity who accepts the terms of the Articles and applies for membership in accordance with these Articles.2. The membership of the Company shall be divided into the following classes:a. Shareholders;b. Employees;c. Associate Members;d. Honorary Members.3. The rights and privileges of each class of membership shall be as follows:a. Shareholders: The right to receive dividends and participate inthe management of the Company, subject to the provisions of these Articles.b. Employees: The right to receive employment benefits andparticipate in the Company's employee share ownership plan, if applicable.c. Associate Members: The right to attend general meetings andreceive newsletters and other communications from the Company.d. Honorary Members: The right to attend general meetings and receive newsletters and other communications from the Company, but without the right to vote or receive dividends.4. The number of members in each class shall be determined by the directors of the Company.V. Share Capital1. The authorized share capital of the Company shall be [amount] divided into [number] shares of [par value] each.2. The Company shall issue shares only in accordance with the provisions of these Articles and the laws of the Jurisdiction.3. The directors of the Company may, from time to time, increase or decrease the authorized share capital of the Company.VI. Shares and Shareholders1. Shares of the Company shall be of the following types:a. Common Shares;b. Preferred Shares.2. The rights and obligations of the different types of shares shall be as follows:a. Common Shares: The right to receive dividends, if any, after the payment of dividends on Preferred Shares, and the right to vote at general meetings.b. Preferred Shares: The right to receive dividends before Common Shares, at a fixed rate or at the discretion of the directors, and the right to participate in the winding up of the Company.3. No shareholder shall be entitled to withdraw his or her shares from the Company except in accordance with the provisions of these Articles or the laws of the Jurisdiction.4. The directors may, at their discretion, issue shares to any person or entity in accordance with the provisions of these Articles and the laws of the Jurisdiction.VII. Directors1. The management of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors (the "Board").2. The number of directors shall be [number], which may be increased or decreased by resolution of the Board.3. The directors shall be elected by the shareholders at the annual general meeting or at any other general meeting called for that purpose.4. The term of office of each director shall be [term], which may be renewed from year to year.5. The directors shall serve without remuneration unless the shareholders otherwise resolve at a general meeting.6. The directors shall act in the best interests of the Company and its members.VIII. General Meetings1. The Company shall hold an annual general meeting (the "Annual General Meeting") within [number] months after the close of the financial year of the Company.2. The Company shall also hold extraordinary general meetings as required by law or as determined by the Board.3. The notice of any general meeting shall be given to all members of the Company at least [number] days before the date of the meeting.4. The proceedings at any general meeting shall be governed by the provisions of the Companies Act [Year] and these Articles.IX. Financial Year and Accounting1. The financial year of the Company shall commence on [start date] and end on [end date].2. The Company shall maintain proper books of account and shall prepare annual financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Year].3. The directors shall lay before the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting a report on the financial position of the Company and a report on the management of the Company during the financial year.X. Dividends1. Dividends, if any, shall be declared by the directors and paid to the shareholders in accordance with the provisions of these Articles and the laws of the Jurisdiction.2. Dividends shall be paid to shareholders on the basis of the number of shares held by them.3. The directors may, from time to time, declare special dividends or bonus shares.XI. Winding Up1. The Company may be wound up in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act [Year].2. In the event of the winding up of the Company, the assets of the Company shall be distributed to the shareholders in proportion to their shareholdings.XII. Amendments to the Articles1. These Articles may be amended by resolution of the shareholders at a general meeting.2. Any amendment to these Articles shall be binding upon all members of the Company.XIII. Miscellaneous1. The provisions of these Articles shall be severable, and if any provision is held to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.2. These Articles may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused these Articles of Association to be executed as of this [date].[Signature of the person executing the Articles][Name of the person executing the Articles][Position of the person executing the Articles][Date of execution][Company Name][Registered Office Address][Jurisdiction][Company Registration Number]第3篇PREAMBLEWHEREAS, the subscribers hereto are desirous of forming a company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) and the provisions of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”);AND WHEREAS, the subscribers have agreed to form a company under the name “[Company Name]” (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”);NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, agreements and understandings herein contained, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the subscribers hereto agree as follows:ARTICLE 1 – NAME AND OFFICE OF THE COMPANY1.1 The name of the Company shall be [Company Name].1.2 The registered office of the Company shall be situated at [Registered Office Address], which may, from time to time, be altered by special resolution of the members of the Company.ARTICLE 2 – OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY2.1 The objects for which the Company is incorporated are as follows:(a) To carry on the business of [describe the principal business of the Company, e.g., manufacturing, trading, etc.];(b) To acquire, hold, develop, manage, and dispose of any property, rights, and interests, whether movable or immovable, for the purposes of the said objects;(c) To borrow or raise money and to secure the same by mortgage, charge, hypothecation, or any other mode of charge or by giving guarantees, bonds, or debentures;(d) To construct, alter, repair, or maintain any buildings or other structures, whether for the purposes of the Company or for letting to tenants;(e) To carry on any trade, business, or activity, whether for profit or not, which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the said objects;(f) To invest in securities, debentures, loans, or other property;(g) To do all such acts and things as may be necessary or expedient for the attainment of the said objects.ARTICLE 3 – MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION3.1 The Memorandum of Association of the Company shall be as follows:[Include the full text of the Memorandum of Association, which should contain the objects, authorized share capital, and any other matters as required by the Act and the Rules.]ARTICLE 4 – ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION4.1 The Articles of Association of the Company shall be as follows:Part I – Constitution4.2 The Company shall be a private limited company.4.3 The Company shall have a share capital divided into shares of [face value of each share], each share being of equal value.4.4 The Company shall have [number of directors] directors, including at least one director who is an Indian resident.Part II – Membership4.5 Any person who has subscribed to the Memorandum of Association and whose name has been entered in the register of members shall be a member of the Company.4.6 The membership of the Company shall be transferable in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules.4.7 The members of the Company shall have the right to attend general meetings, vote, and receive dividends, if any, in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules.Part III – Directors4.8 The directors of the Company shall be elected by the members of the Company at the annual general meeting.4.9 The directors shall hold office for a term of [number of years], or until their successors are elected and shall be eligible for re-election.4.10 The directors shall act in the best interests of the Company and shall not make any profit out of their position as directors.Part IV – Meetings of the Company4.11 The annual general meeting of the Company shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the directors.4.12 Special general meetings may be called at any time by the directors or upon the requisition of [number] per cent of the members of the Company.4.13 The proceedings at all meetings of the Company shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules.Part V – Financial Provisions4.14 The financial year of the Company shall be [starting date] to [ending date].4.15 The books of accounts of the Company shall be kept at the registered office of the Company and shall be open to inspection by any member of the Company at any reasonable time.4.16 The directors shall prepare an annual financial statement in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules and shall lay the same before the members at the annual general meeting.Part VI – Dividends4.17 Dividends shall be declared and paid to the members of the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules.Part VII – Miscellaneous4.18 The Company may, by special resolution, alter or add to these Articles of Association.4.19 These Articles of Association may be enforced by or on behalf of the members of the Company.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the subscribers hereto have executed this instrument as Articles of Association of the Company as aforesaid on this [date].SUBSCRIBERS:[Name, Address, and Signature of each subscriber]CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATIONThe undersigned hereby certify that the above Articles of Association have been duly executed and adopted by the subscribers hereto and that the Company has been incorporated in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has executed this instrument as its Certificate of Incorporation on this [date].SEAL OF THE COMPANY[Seal of the Company]By:[Name of the person executing the Certificate of Incorporation]Date: [Date of execution]。
公司章程英文版范文Article 1: General Provisions1.2 Registered Office1.3 Business Scope1.3.2 [Description of any additional business activities, if applicable].1.4 DurationArticle 2: Capital and Shares2.1 Authorized Capital2.2 Share Types and Classes2.3 Shareholders' Ownership and Voting RightsEach share shall confer voting rights to the shareholder. The proportionate voting rights shall be calculated based on the number of shares held by each shareholder.2.4 Transfer of SharesArticle 3: Shareholders' Meetings3.1 Annual General Meeting3.2 Extraordinary General MeetingAn extraordinary general meeting may be convened by the board of directors, upon request by shareholders representing atleast [Percentage] of the total voting shares, or as otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations.3.3 Notice of General MeetingsArticle 4: Board of DirectorsThe board of directors shall consist of [Number] directors. Each director shall be elected by the shareholders at the general meeting. The board of directors shall elect a Chairman from among its members.4.2 Duties and Powers4.3 MeetingsThe board of directors shall hold regular meetings at least [Number of Times] per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairman or upon written request of at least [Number] of directors. Notice of board meetings shall be given in writing at least [Number of Days] prior to the meeting.4.4 ResolutionsDecisions of the board of directors shall be made by a simple majority vote. In case of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.Article 5: Financial Reporting and Audit5.1 Financial Year5.2 Financial Reporting5.3 AuditArticle 6: Amendments and Termination6.1 AmendmentsAmendments to these Articles of Association shall require approval by at least [Percentage] of the total voting shares, or as otherwise required by applicable laws and regulations.6.2 TerminationArticle 7: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 Governing LawThese Articles of Association shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].7.2 Dispute ResolutionAny dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation of these Articles of Association shall be settled through negotiation. If negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to [Arbitration Institution or Court] for resolution.。
公司章程 英文版
![公司章程 英文版](
公司章程英文版English:The company's articles of association, also known as the company constitution, outline the fundamental principles and regulations governing the internal management and operation of the company. These articles typically cover a wide range of topics, including the company's name, registered office, objectives, share capital, rights and responsibilities of shareholders, procedures for holding meetings, appointment and powers of directors, financial matters, and procedures for amending the articles themselves. They serve as a crucial document in providing clarity and structure to the company's governance framework, ensuring smooth functioning and decision-making processes within the organization. Additionally, the articles of association also play a significant role in delineating the rights and obligations of various stakeholders, including shareholders, directors, and officers, thus helping to maintain transparency and accountability within the company.中文翻译:公司章程,也称为公司章程,概述了管理和运营公司内部的基本原则和规定。
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公司章程英文版Articles of AssociationOfChongqing, ChinaDate: [ ], 2005Table of ContentsArticle 1 - Name of Company. 3Article 2 - Name of Investor 3Article 3- The Company. 3Article 4- Purpose and Scope of Business of the Company. 4Article 5- Total Amount of Investment and Registered Capital 5Article 6- Encumbrance of Investment 6Article 7- Board of Directors. 6Article 8- Management Organisation. 9Article 9- Labour Management 11Article 10 -Trade Union. 13Article 11 - Taxes, Finance, Audit and Distribution of Profits. 13Article 12 -Bank Accounts and Foreign Exchange. 14Article 13 -Term (15)Article 14 -Early Termination. 16Article 15 -Liquidation. 17Article 16 - Insurance. 18Article 17 - Rules and Regulations. 18Article 18 -Miscellaneous. 19The present articles are hereby formulated by .(hereinafter referred to as the “Investor”) in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and other applicable Chinese laws and regulations, for the establishment of the wholly foreign-owned enterprise (the “Company”) in Chon gqing, PRC.Article 1 - Name of CompanyName of the Company in English:Name of the Company in Chinese:Legal Address:Legal Representative:Position:Nationality:Article 2 - Name of InvestorName of the Investor in English: .Legal Address:Legal Representative:Position:Nationality:Article 3 - The Company 3.1 Legal PersonThe Company shall be a legal person under the laws of the PRC subject to the protection and jurisdiction of PRC law. All of the activities of the Company shall comply with applicable PRC laws and regulations.3.2 Limited Liability CompanyThe Company shall be a limited liability company under the laws of the PRC. The liability of the Investor for the losses, risks, liabilities and any other obligations whatsoever of the Company shall be limited to the registered capital of the Company.3.3 Date of EstablishmentThe date of the establishment of the Company shall be the date on which the Company is issued its Business License.3.4 BranchesThe Company may establish branch offices and subsidiaries anywhere in the PRC and abroad upon the approval of the Board of Directors and the Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Commission or its successor and any other governmental agencies whose approval may be required by law with respect to the matters herein (“Examination and Approval Authority”).Article 4 - Purpose and Scope of Business of the Company4.1 PurposeThe purpose of the Company shall be to strengthen economic cooperation and technical exchange, to improve and promote retail services in Chongqing and other cities in China by adopting advanced and appropriate technologies and scientific management methods and to bring satisfactory economic benefits to the investor.4.2 Business Scope(The business scope mentioned above shall be subject to the approval of the related industrial and commercial authority.)Article 5 - Total Amount of Investment and Registered Capital5.1 Total Amount of InvestmentThe total amount of investment of the Company shall be.5.2 Registered CapitalThe registered capital of the Company shall be .5.3 Contribution to Registered CapitalInvestor’s contribution to the registered capital of the Company shall be incash. The registered capital of the Company shall be paid by the Investor in instalments. Fifteen percent (15%) of the total amount of the registered capital shall be paid by the Investor within three (3) months after the Date of Establishment. The balance of the registered capital shall be fully paid with three (3) years after the Date of Establishment according to relevant Chinese laws and regulations.5.4 Investment CertificatesThe Company shall retain at its expense a certified public accountant registered in China to verify the capital contribution by the Investor and issue a capital verification report. The Company shall then issue an investment certificate to the Investor evidencing the contribution by the Investor on the basis of such report.5.5 Differences between Total Amount of Investment and Registered CapitalThe difference between the total amount of investment and registered capital of the Company may, pursuant to the decision of the Board in accordance with the business needs of the Company, be raised by the Company through loans from domestic and/or foreign financial institutions.5.6 Changes of Registered Capital and Total Amount of InvestmentAny changes in the registered capital and/or total amount of investment in the Company shall be approved by a unanimous vote of all of the Board of Directors present in person, by telephone or by proxy at a duly convened meeting of the Board and submitted, if required by law, to the Examination and Approval Authority for approval. Upon receipt of such approval, the Company shall register the changes in the registered capital and/or total amount of investment with the original department of administration of industry and commerce.Article 6 - Encumbrance of InvestmentThe Investor shall have the right to assign, sell or otherwise dispose of all or any part of its registered capital in the Company upon the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors and the carrying out procedure to change registration with the original registration body.Article 7 - Board of Directors7.1 Formation of Board(a) The date of issuance of the Company’s Business License shall be the date of the establishment of the Board of Directors (“Board”).(b) The Board of Directors shall be composed of three (3) Directors who shall be all appointed by the Investor. The Directors shall each have a term of office of four (4) years, and each shall be eligible for consecutive terms of office upon reappointment by the Investor. Any vacancy created in the Board of Directors shall be immediately filled by the Investor. The Investor may at any time remove with or without cause any Director and appoint in lieu thereof any other person to serve the remainder of the removed Director’s term. The Investor will appoint the chairman of the board from among the Directors.(c) Subject to Article 15, the chairman of the Board shall be the legal representative of the Company and shall have the power to represent and act on behalf of the Company. Whenever the chairman is unable or fails to discharge his duties, the Director having serve d the longest on the Board shall represent the Company and perform the chairman’s duties.7.2 Powers of Board(a) The Board of Directors shall be the highest authority of the Company and shall have the right to make decisions on all matters of the Company.(b) Resolutions involving the following matters shall be adopted only by the unanimous affirmative vote of all Directors present in person, by telephone or by proxy at a duly convened Board meeting:(i) amendment of the Articles of Association;(ii) increase or assignment of registered capital or the total amount of investment;(iii) merger of the Company with any other economic organisation; and(iv) termination, dissolution or liquidation of the Company, or filing for debtor relief or other related protection by or on behalf of the Company under the Chinese bankruptcy laws or analogous laws or regulations.(c) Resolutions involving the following matters shall be subject to and adopted by the simple majority affirmative vote of all Directors present in person, by telephone or by proxy at a duly convened Board meeting:(i) issuance of any guarantees for the payment obligations of any person or entity or the making of any other financing arrangements, the amount of which is more thanRMB 1 million;(ii) mortgage, pledge or granting of a security interest or other types of liens in any building, office space or other fixed assets or capital equipment of the Company, the amount of which is more than RMB 1 million;(iii) loan and/or borrowing, the amount of which is more than RMB 1 million;(iv) rental agreements, the amount of which is more than RMB 1 million;(v) investment and/or disposal of tangible and intangible assets, the amount of which is more than RMB 1 million;(vi) addition of items to or change of the scope of business of the Company;(vii) establishment of branch offices and/or subsidiaries;(viii) change of the legal address of the Company;(ix) distribution and payment of the Company’s profits;(x) appointment, suspension and dismissal of the general manager, deputy general manager and chief financial officer, as well as each of their scope of authority;(xi) approval of remuneration and benefits of the general manager, deputy general manager and chief financial officer under Article 8.1(b);(xii) approval of equity investment with the amount more than RMB 1 million by the Company ;(xiii) contribution, use or expenditure of the general reserve fund, the bonus and welfare fund and the enterprise expansion fund to be established under PRC law;(xiv) approval of the annual business plan and annual budget of the Company;(xv) approval of the annual auditing report of the Company; and(xvi) other matters the Board considers subject to its approval.7.3 Meetings(a) The first Board meeting shall be held within sixty (60) days from the date of the issuance of the Business License.。