Later, Strickland decided to abandon the civilized life, he went to the original islandTahitiin which near the South Pacific .
Protagonist met Mr.Strickland by chance ,he found that Mr.Strickland married a native girl and alraedy had three children, spent three years of happiness.
There are many roles choose to pick up six pence and a lot of roles struggling between the moon and six pence ,but there's so few roles like Strickland that Maugham portrayed in the book who had 100% of the courage to choose dreams and never look back.
Thank you
Moixpence> is one of the three long masterpiece written by British novelist William Somerset Maugham in 1919.
Maugham is known as the Maupassant of England. He wrote a lot of books and had achievements in addition to the fields of poetry.
Later, Strickland decided to abandon the civilized life, he went to the original islandTahitiin which near the South Pacific .
Protagonist met Mr.Strickland by chance ,he found that Mr.Strickland married a native girl and alraedy had three children, spent three years of happiness.
There are many roles choose to pick up six pence and a lot of roles struggling between the moon and six pence ,but there's so few roles like Strickland that Maugham portrayed in the book who had 100% of the courage to choose dreams and never look back.
Thank you
Moixpence> is one of the three long masterpiece written by British novelist William Somerset Maugham in 1919.
Maugham is known as the Maupassant of England. He wrote a lot of books and had achievements in addition to the fields of poetry.
❖ 要求:使用第一人称,不少于100字。
❖ 兰赛太太脸色很难看,快昏倒了,她哀求我 的意思太明显了,肯定这里头有问题,说不 准我要是坚持真相说珍珠项链是真的,那兰 赛太太就要糟糕了,她肯定没有办法解释哪 儿来的钱买这项链了。可是,真的要撒谎吗? 为了帮她一个忙让自己丢脸吗?这样子我的 面子就全没了,说不之下 大家都会嘲笑我, 认为我以前说的那些都是在吹牛,这太丢人 了。说真的还是假的?看兰赛太太那样子, 很可怜,算了,就认输一回吧。免得害得人 家夫妻不和,说不定闹出人命来……
❖ 讨论作者塑万事通这个人物形象有何目的(或者 说这个人物的社会意义何在?)(联系作者的资 料和当时背景)
❖ 毛姆经常在他的作品中描写英国人在海外的表现,这 里也不例外。英国人有英国人的民族性格。在绝大多数人 的作品中,他们更偏向于表现出绅士的翩翩风度,注重礼 节,严谨体面,很明显,本文中的柯拉达先生偏离了那种 民族特点,这种性格的塑造可能更加符合离开英国本土之 后的人物的情况,柯拉达先生连投过来的微笑都带有“东 方式”了,当然,作者,在这里刻画主人公形象的作用不 仅仅在此,更关键的是作者强调柯拉达先生是健谈的,这 里的健谈既表明他乐于到处与人交际、甚至不考虑别人是 否愿意与交谈;他可以在三天之内认识船上的每一个人; 他安排船上的每一次活动;他无处不在并且无时不在。他 给我和大家都带来了许多问题。“我不喜欢柯拉达先 生。”“他肯定是全船最招人嫌的人”。所有的这一切, 都是主人公身上的美德,他要告诉人们:一战后人情冷漠, 而柯拉达先生身上表现出来的对人如一股春风,他的热情、 他的多事、他的善良无不是整个社会所缺失的内容。
❖ 兰赛太太脸色很难看,快昏倒了,她哀求我 的意思太明显了,肯定这里头有问题,说不 准我要是坚持真相说珍珠项链是真的,那兰 赛太太就要糟糕了,她肯定没有办法解释哪 儿来的钱买这项链了。可是,真的要撒谎吗? 为了帮她一个忙让自己丢脸吗?这样子我的 面子就全没了,说不之下 大家都会嘲笑我, 认为我以前说的那些都是在吹牛,这太丢人 了。说真的还是假的?看兰赛太太那样子, 很可怜,算了,就认输一回吧。免得害得人 家夫妻不和,说不定闹出人命来……
❖ 讨论作者塑万事通这个人物形象有何目的(或者 说这个人物的社会意义何在?)(联系作者的资 料和当时背景)
❖ 毛姆经常在他的作品中描写英国人在海外的表现,这 里也不例外。英国人有英国人的民族性格。在绝大多数人 的作品中,他们更偏向于表现出绅士的翩翩风度,注重礼 节,严谨体面,很明显,本文中的柯拉达先生偏离了那种 民族特点,这种性格的塑造可能更加符合离开英国本土之 后的人物的情况,柯拉达先生连投过来的微笑都带有“东 方式”了,当然,作者,在这里刻画主人公形象的作用不 仅仅在此,更关键的是作者强调柯拉达先生是健谈的,这 里的健谈既表明他乐于到处与人交际、甚至不考虑别人是 否愿意与交谈;他可以在三天之内认识船上的每一个人; 他安排船上的每一次活动;他无处不在并且无时不在。他 给我和大家都带来了许多问题。“我不喜欢柯拉达先 生。”“他肯定是全船最招人嫌的人”。所有的这一切, 都是主人公身上的美德,他要告诉人们:一战后人情冷漠, 而柯拉达先生身上表现出来的对人如一股春风,他的热情、 他的多事、他的善良无不是整个社会所缺失的内容。
【64】George was a serious man and
insensible to such enticements.George was respectable.Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start.
使某人相信或明白 定居;使安静下来;平息 拒绝对· · · 负责任或脱离关系 (根据某人需要)帮助 重视 不得不 与· · · 订婚 走进 感激某人 将就,妥协
If you are attending a local college, especially one without residence halls, you'll probably live at home and commute to classes. This arrangement has a lot of _________. It's cheaper. It provides a comfortable and familiar setting, and it means you'll get the kind of home cooking you're used to instead of the monotony (单调) that ________ even the best institutional food. However, commuting students need to __________________ to become involved in the life of their college and to take special steps to meet their fellow students. Often, this means a certain amount of initiative on your part in _____________ and talking to people in your classes whom you think you might like.
This novel, with a vivid plot, a profound words in the literary sensation, people had rushed to see after the advent of it.
Begining of the story
The protagonist is a writer, met Strickland’s family which looked like very happy, but Mr.Strickland always seem to lack vitality.Soon after,he left the family and went to Paris to find his "art" firmly.
Moon and sixpence
<Moon and sixpence> is one of the three long masterpiece written by British novelist William Somerset Maugham in 1919.
Maugham is known as the Maupassant of England. He wrote a lot of books and had achievements in addition to the fields of poetry.
re are many roles choose to pick up six pence and a lot of roles struggling between the moon and six pence ,but there's so few roles like Strickland that Maugham portrayed in the book who had 100% of the courage to choose dreams and never look back.
Begining of the story
The protagonist is a writer, met Strickland’s family which looked like very happy, but Mr.Strickland always seem to lack vitality.Soon after,he left the family and went to Paris to find his "art" firmly.
Moon and sixpence
<Moon and sixpence> is one of the three long masterpiece written by British novelist William Somerset Maugham in 1919.
Maugham is known as the Maupassant of England. He wrote a lot of books and had achievements in addition to the fields of poetry.
re are many roles choose to pick up six pence and a lot of roles struggling between the moon and six pence ,but there's so few roles like Strickland that Maugham portrayed in the book who had 100% of the courage to choose dreams and never look back.
毛姆小说《患难之交》 ppt课件
![毛姆小说《患难之交》 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/906075c8453610661fd9f42c.png)
看得出他整个儿垮了。酒喝得比平常更多,象是个五十岁的 人了。女孩子要是现在看见他,可不会看上他了。
8 Lenny Burton ‘s changes
Article analysis——Contrast(对照)
He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed his chin with his hand.
9 His Kindness and indifference
Maugham's works often through contrast, to calm, objective and critical attitude to examine life, the tone detached, with irony and compassion means.
如果有那么一个前后一贯的人,他就是了。他身材矮 小,高不过五英尺四多一点,细瘦文弱,一头白发, 一脸皱纹,气色红润,眼睛湛蓝。
I met his wife, fat, elderly, and smiling, and his two daughters. It was evidently a united and affectionate family.
遇到了他的上了年纪的妻子,胖胖的、笑盈盈的,还 有两个女儿。显然是一个融融怡怡、相亲相爱的家庭。
He and his wife
Article analysis——Contrast(对照)
He wasn't a bad chap. I liked him. He was always welldressed and smart-looking. He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks. Women thought a lot of him.
8 Lenny Burton ‘s changes
Article analysis——Contrast(对照)
He gave a little mild chuckle and he looked at me with those kind and candid blue eyes of his. He rubbed his chin with his hand.
9 His Kindness and indifference
Maugham's works often through contrast, to calm, objective and critical attitude to examine life, the tone detached, with irony and compassion means.
如果有那么一个前后一贯的人,他就是了。他身材矮 小,高不过五英尺四多一点,细瘦文弱,一头白发, 一脸皱纹,气色红润,眼睛湛蓝。
I met his wife, fat, elderly, and smiling, and his two daughters. It was evidently a united and affectionate family.
遇到了他的上了年纪的妻子,胖胖的、笑盈盈的,还 有两个女儿。显然是一个融融怡怡、相亲相爱的家庭。
He and his wife
Article analysis——Contrast(对照)
He wasn't a bad chap. I liked him. He was always welldressed and smart-looking. He was handsome in a way with curly hair and pink-and-white cheeks. Women thought a lot of him.
• 1892年初,他去德国海德堡大学学习了一年。在 那儿,他接触到德国哲学史家昆诺·费希尔的哲学 思想和以易卜生为代表的新戏剧潮流。同年返回 英国,在伦敦一家会计师事务所当了六个星期的 学习生,随后即进伦敦圣托马斯医学院学医。为 期五年的习医生涯,不仅使他有机会了解到底层 人民的生活状况,而且使他学会用解剖刀一样冷 峻、犀利的目光来剖视人生和社会。他的第一部 长篇小说《兰贝斯的丽莎》(1897),正是依据他 作为贝可医生在贫民区为产妇接生时的见闻用自 由主义写法写成的。
• 毛姆 说: 如果国家对任何事的评估高於 自由,它会丧失自由;讽刺的是,如果它评估高 的是安逸或金钱,它也会丧失安逸或金钱. -----
• 毛姆 说: 女人们不断为了爱情而自寻短见,但 是一般说来她们总是做得很当心,不让自杀成为 事实。通常这只是为了引起她们情人的同情或者 恐惧而作的一个姿态。
• 毛姆 说: 爱情中必需要有一种软弱无力的感觉, 要有体贴爱护的要求,有帮助别人、取悦别人的 热情——如果不是无私,起码是巧妙地遮掩起来 的自私;爱情包涵着某种程度的腼腆怯懦。
• 1903-1933年,他创作了近30部剧本,深受观众 欢迎。1908年,伦敦有4家剧院同时演出他的4部 剧作,在英国形成空前盛况。他的喜剧受五尔德 的影响较深,一般以家庭、婚姻、爱情中的波折 为主题,其中最著名的剧本《圈子》〔1921〕。
毛姆的作品除在英美畅销外,还译成多种外文。 1952年,牛津大学授予他名誉博士学位。ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้954年, 英王授予他“荣誉侍从〞的称号。
• 毛姆 说: 养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个 避难所,几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难。
• 毛姆 说: 一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远 是个失败者。
• 1892年初,他去德国海德堡大学学习了一年。在 那儿,他接触到德国哲学史家昆诺·费希尔的哲学 思想和以易卜生为代表的新戏剧潮流。同年返回 英国,在伦敦一家会计师事务所当了六个星期的 学习生,随后即进伦敦圣托马斯医学院学医。为 期五年的习医生涯,不仅使他有机会了解到底层 人民的生活状况,而且使他学会用解剖刀一样冷 峻、犀利的目光来剖视人生和社会。他的第一部 长篇小说《兰贝斯的丽莎》(1897),正是依据他 作为贝可医生在贫民区为产妇接生时的见闻用自 由主义写法写成的。
• 毛姆 说: 如果国家对任何事的评估高於 自由,它会丧失自由;讽刺的是,如果它评估高 的是安逸或金钱,它也会丧失安逸或金钱. -----
• 毛姆 说: 女人们不断为了爱情而自寻短见,但 是一般说来她们总是做得很当心,不让自杀成为 事实。通常这只是为了引起她们情人的同情或者 恐惧而作的一个姿态。
• 毛姆 说: 爱情中必需要有一种软弱无力的感觉, 要有体贴爱护的要求,有帮助别人、取悦别人的 热情——如果不是无私,起码是巧妙地遮掩起来 的自私;爱情包涵着某种程度的腼腆怯懦。
• 1903-1933年,他创作了近30部剧本,深受观众 欢迎。1908年,伦敦有4家剧院同时演出他的4部 剧作,在英国形成空前盛况。他的喜剧受五尔德 的影响较深,一般以家庭、婚姻、爱情中的波折 为主题,其中最著名的剧本《圈子》〔1921〕。
毛姆的作品除在英美畅销外,还译成多种外文。 1952年,牛津大学授予他名誉博士学位。ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้954年, 英王授予他“荣誉侍从〞的称号。
• 毛姆 说: 养成阅读的习惯等于为自己筑起一个 避难所,几乎可以避免生命中所有的灾难。
• 毛姆 说: 一经打击就灰心泄气的人,永远 是个失败者。
Although Maugham's first and many other sexual relationships were with men, he also had sexual relationships with a number of women. He had an affair with Syrie Wellcome, the wife of Henry Wellcome, the American-born English pharmaceutical magnate. They had a daughter named Mary Elizabeth Wellcome, (1915–1998). Henry Wellcome sued his wife for divorce, naming Maugham as co-respondent.
• The early death of his mother left Maugham traumatized; he kept his mother's photograph by his bedside for the rest of his life.
• After that, Maugham was sent to UK to be raised by a paternal uncle and the move was damaging,as Henry Maugham was cold and emotionally cruel
• 3.schoollife
• The boy attended The King's School, Canterbury, which was also difficult for him.
• The early death of his mother left Maugham traumatized; he kept his mother's photograph by his bedside for the rest of his life.
• After that, Maugham was sent to UK to be raised by a paternal uncle and the move was damaging,as Henry Maugham was cold and emotionally cruel
• 3.schoollife
• The boy attended The King's School, Canterbury, which was also difficult for him.
【19】I do not ascribe it to perversity on
my part, but rather to the inconsequence of childhood, which is deficient in moral sense, that I could never reconcile myself to the lesson.
【64】George was a serious man and
insensible to such enticements.George was respectable.Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start.
One problem that commuting students sometimes face is their parents' unwillingness to recognize that they're adults. The ________ from high school to college is a big one, and if you live at home you need to develop the same kind of independence you'd have if you were living away. Home rules that might have been __________when you were in high school don't apply. If your parents are ___________to renegotiate, you can speed the process along by letting your behavior show that you have the responsibility that goes with maturity. Parents are more willing to _______ their children as adults when they behave like adults. If, however, there's so much friction at home that it ________________ your academic work, you might want to consider sharing an apartment with one or more friends. Sometimes this is a happy solution when family ___________ make everyone miserable.
04 个人感悟与启示
• 故事情节的感悟:这部小说让我深刻感受到人生的矛盾和冲突。主人公为了追求自己的梦想 ,放弃了稳定的生活和爱情,最终在异国他乡悲惨地死去。这让我思考了人生意义和价值的 问题。
小说通过主人公的经历,探 讨了人性的复杂性和自我救 赎的可能性。主人公在追求 梦想的过程中,历经人性考 验,最终实现了自我价值, 完成了自我救赎。
小说中主人公为了追求绘画 梦想,不惜放弃现实生活中 的一切,最终以自己的生命 为代价,揭示了艺术对生活 的影响和人们对艺术的追求 。
他是一位剧作家、小说 家和散文家,被誉为20 世纪最受欢迎的作家之 一。
毛姆的作品以其深刻的 人性洞察和细腻的文笔 而著称。
创作历程 毛姆在构思《月亮与六便士》时,受到了一位法国画家高更的启发。高更为 了追求艺术梦想,放弃了稳定的生活,前往塔希提岛创作,最终成为杰出的 艺术家。
灵感来源 毛姆将高更的生平经历和自己的创作经验融入了这部小说,通过主人公查尔 斯·斯特里克兰的人生选择,探讨了艺术与生活的矛盾与冲突。
要点一 思特里克兰德的妻子
代表稳定、安逸的现实生活,与思特里 克兰德的梦想产生冲突。
要点二 塔希提岛上的土著女子
象征原始、自然的生活方式,给予思特 里克兰德灵感和支持。
03 主题思想与艺术特色
小说中主人公为了追求绘画 梦想,放弃了稳定的生活和 家庭,历经磨难,最终实现 了自我价值,但付出了沉重 的代价。这反映了人类对梦 想的追求与现实生活的冲突 。
• In his sixties, spent most of time of World War II in the United States, first in Hollywood and later in the South.
• In 1946 he returned to his villa in France, where he lived, interrupted by frequent and long travels, until his death.
• Instead of a derivative European voice or a regional voice, America had grown to the maturity of having a national literature.
• Ambulance service in WWI had helped to mould the outlook of that literary generation. They in turn helped mould the outlook of future American generations.
• For a public man of Maugham's generation, being openly gay was impossible. Whether his own orientation disgusted him (as it did many at a time when homosexuality was widely considered a moral failing as well as illegal) or whether he was trying to disguise his
• In 1946 he returned to his villa in France, where he lived, interrupted by frequent and long travels, until his death.
• Instead of a derivative European voice or a regional voice, America had grown to the maturity of having a national literature.
• Ambulance service in WWI had helped to mould the outlook of that literary generation. They in turn helped mould the outlook of future American generations.
• For a public man of Maugham's generation, being openly gay was impossible. Whether his own orientation disgusted him (as it did many at a time when homosexuality was widely considered a moral failing as well as illegal) or whether he was trying to disguise his
读后反思 作品鉴赏 人物介绍 内容介绍 创作背景 作者简介
目 录
Art not for others"Think terry grams of rand impressionist prototype is high after more. So the moon and sixpence is actually according to dramatization's novel.Title mean. For a moment I shall not the
她非常能干,家务安排得并井有 条。她还是一位贤妻良母,不受 任何灾变困扰、令人羡慕的中产 阶级家庭。
思特里克兰德太太苦心经营的安 乐窝却被丈夫的出走击得粉碎。 这样一位近乎完美的女性有一个 致命的弱点,她完全不了解、不 理解自己的丈夫却自以为如此。
solution, after material inquires the did not learn.
Defect and Saving& Maugham's Humanity Exploration
《月亮和六便士》中的英国画家是以法国后期印象派大师保罗·高更 (Paul Gauguin,1848-1903)为原型塑造的人物,这一点是无可 争议的。高更在立志从事绘画前也做过经纪人;高更一生也非常坎 坷、贫困;高更最后也到了塔希提并埋骨于一个荒凉的小岛上。但 除了生活的大致轮廓外,毛姆创造的完全是另外一个人物。 这篇小 说是毛姆在游经塔希提岛后,回到欧洲后写成的。
读后反思 作品鉴赏 人物介绍 内容介绍 创作背景 作者简介
目 录
Art not for others"Think terry grams of rand impressionist prototype is high after more. So the moon and sixpence is actually according to dramatization's novel.Title mean. For a moment I shall not the
她非常能干,家务安排得并井有 条。她还是一位贤妻良母,不受 任何灾变困扰、令人羡慕的中产 阶级家庭。
思特里克兰德太太苦心经营的安 乐窝却被丈夫的出走击得粉碎。 这样一位近乎完美的女性有一个 致命的弱点,她完全不了解、不 理解自己的丈夫却自以为如此。
solution, after material inquires the did not learn.
Defect and Saving& Maugham's Humanity Exploration
《月亮和六便士》中的英国画家是以法国后期印象派大师保罗·高更 (Paul Gauguin,1848-1903)为原型塑造的人物,这一点是无可 争议的。高更在立志从事绘画前也做过经纪人;高更一生也非常坎 坷、贫困;高更最后也到了塔希提并埋骨于一个荒凉的小岛上。但 除了生活的大致轮廓外,毛姆创造的完全是另外一个人物。 这篇小 说是毛姆在游经塔希提岛后,回到欧洲后写成的。
His works had a considerable number of readers in all levels.
He was one of the most popular novelists in the first half of the twentieth Century.
In this novel, Maugham used the first person narrative technique, narrated the whole story.
Finally, Mr.Strickland's children died,and he had leprosy. He finished a very shocking painting on the wall when he was blind. His native wife buried him, and according to his wishes,destroyed his works . Despite protagonist felt regret, he still understand Mr.Strickland's pursuitand from his painting .
Thank you
This novel, with a vivid plot, a profound words in the literary sensation, people had rushed to see after the advent of it.
Begining of the story
The protagonist is a writer, met Strickland’s family which looked like very happy, but Mr.Strickland always seem to lack vitality.Soon after,he left the family and went to Paris to find his "art" firmly.
He was one of the most popular novelists in the first half of the twentieth Century.
In this novel, Maugham used the first person narrative technique, narrated the whole story.
Finally, Mr.Strickland's children died,and he had leprosy. He finished a very shocking painting on the wall when he was blind. His native wife buried him, and according to his wishes,destroyed his works . Despite protagonist felt regret, he still understand Mr.Strickland's pursuitand from his painting .
Thank you
This novel, with a vivid plot, a profound words in the literary sensation, people had rushed to see after the advent of it.
Begining of the story
The protagonist is a writer, met Strickland’s family which looked like very happy, but Mr.Strickland always seem to lack vitality.Soon after,he left the family and went to Paris to find his "art" firmly.
英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学Unit 8 William Somerset Maugham
![英美文学欣赏最新版教学课件英国文学Unit 8 William Somerset Maugham](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d2996dbbceb19e8b9f6ba58.png)
He had no claim on her, but he could not help being exacting. 他无权向她要求什么,但又忍不住要强求于她。
(注解:在这里的意思是菲力普希望米尔德丽德对自己的热忱有所回 报。)
Mildred was driven by Philip’s behaviour to a pitch of strange exasperation. 米尔德丽德被菲力普的言谈举止弄得莫名其妙,恼怒异常。
Most people cannot see anything, but I can see what is in front of my nose with extreme clearness; the greatest writers can see through a brick wall. My vision is not so penetrating.
She cast virulent ridicule in everything upon which he was most sensitive. 凡是他很敏感的事情,她都言语刻毒地挖苦一番。
➢ Questions
1.Can you accept Philip’s way of love? Why or why not? 2.Why does the word “Crippled” hurt Philip most?
一部作品就是根据他当实习医生的经历写出的小说 《兰贝斯的丽莎》(Liza of Lambeth, 1897)。小说 成功后,他弃医从文。第一次世界大战期间,毛姆
(注解:在这里的意思是菲力普希望米尔德丽德对自己的热忱有所回 报。)
Mildred was driven by Philip’s behaviour to a pitch of strange exasperation. 米尔德丽德被菲力普的言谈举止弄得莫名其妙,恼怒异常。
Most people cannot see anything, but I can see what is in front of my nose with extreme clearness; the greatest writers can see through a brick wall. My vision is not so penetrating.
She cast virulent ridicule in everything upon which he was most sensitive. 凡是他很敏感的事情,她都言语刻毒地挖苦一番。
➢ Questions
1.Can you accept Philip’s way of love? Why or why not? 2.Why does the word “Crippled” hurt Philip most?
一部作品就是根据他当实习医生的经历写出的小说 《兰贝斯的丽莎》(Liza of Lambeth, 1897)。小说 成功后,他弃医从文。第一次世界大战期间,毛姆
Master Work
他的第一部小说《兰贝斯的丽莎》,正 是根据他从医实习期间的所见所闻写成的Traveller
Books and You The Summing Up the Novels and Their
毛姆用小说家的特殊才能为他笔下的那 些大作家们描绘了一幅幅逼真的肖像,勾画 出那些天才的性格特征——他们不再是崇拜 的偶像,而是一个个有血有肉、有个性、也 有缺点的人。
William Somerset Maugham
Li Lu
Brief Biography
William Somerset
M1.aAungOhrapmhan and A Fatalist 2.A Doctor to A Writer 3.A Reader and A Traveller 4.A British with French style
mainly about : family,love ,twists in marriage
1.describe the situations and customs in upper class 2.express the doubts about the society morality and human nature 3.more satiric than humourous
2.A Doctor to A Writer
Liza of Lambeth
1892年初,他去德国海德堡大学学习了 一年。
同年返回英国,在伦敦一家会计师事务 所当了六个星期的练习生,随后即进伦敦圣 托马斯医学院学医。为期五年的习医生涯, 不仅使他有机会了解到底层人民的生活状况, 而且使他学会用解剖刀一样冷峻、犀利的目 光来剖视人生和社会。
Master Work
他的第一部小说《兰贝斯的丽莎》,正 是根据他从医实习期间的所见所闻写成的Traveller
Books and You The Summing Up the Novels and Their
毛姆用小说家的特殊才能为他笔下的那 些大作家们描绘了一幅幅逼真的肖像,勾画 出那些天才的性格特征——他们不再是崇拜 的偶像,而是一个个有血有肉、有个性、也 有缺点的人。
William Somerset Maugham
Li Lu
Brief Biography
William Somerset
M1.aAungOhrapmhan and A Fatalist 2.A Doctor to A Writer 3.A Reader and A Traveller 4.A British with French style
mainly about : family,love ,twists in marriage
1.describe the situations and customs in upper class 2.express the doubts about the society morality and human nature 3.more satiric than humourous
2.A Doctor to A Writer
Liza of Lambeth
1892年初,他去德国海德堡大学学习了 一年。
同年返回英国,在伦敦一家会计师事务 所当了六个星期的练习生,随后即进伦敦圣 托马斯医学院学医。为期五年的习医生涯, 不仅使他有机会了解到底层人民的生活状况, 而且使他学会用解剖刀一样冷峻、犀利的目 光来剖视人生和社会。
毛姆英文简介 ppt课件
![毛姆英文简介 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/44da3fce69eae009591bec65.png)
• Since French law declared that all children born on French soil could be conscripted for military service, his father arranged for Maugham to be born at the embassy, technically on British soil.
• Maugham had been writing steadily since the age of 15 and fervently wished to become an author, but as he was not of age, he refrained from telling his guardian. For the next five years, he studied medicine at St Thomas' Hospital in Lambeth, London.
• During World War1, he worked to save the wounded soilders at the frontline, especially the firing line, in Belgium. Later, he worked as a secret agent for Britain and gathered information in Geneva. He has also been sent on a diplomatic mission to try to persuade the Russian goverment retreat from the war. And this period of time was written into some of his works.
• Maugham had been writing steadily since the age of 15 and fervently wished to become an author, but as he was not of age, he refrained from telling his guardian. For the next five years, he studied medicine at St Thomas' Hospital in Lambeth, London.
• During World War1, he worked to save the wounded soilders at the frontline, especially the firing line, in Belgium. Later, he worked as a secret agent for Britain and gathered information in Geneva. He has also been sent on a diplomatic mission to try to persuade the Russian goverment retreat from the war. And this period of time was written into some of his works.
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• One thing Maugham did while idling near Dunkirk when serving the driving was correct the proofs of his novel Of Human Bondage.
• Born on 25, JanuLairfye,1974 in Paris
• His father was an English lawyer and solicitor to the British Embassy in Paris. His elder brother Viscount Maugham enjoyed a distinguished legal career
• For a public man of Maugham's generation, being openly gay was impossible. Whether his own orientation disgusted him (as it did many at a time when homosexuality was widely considered a moral failing as well as illegal) or whether he was trying to disguise his
"Literary Ambulance Drivers"
• A remarkable number of well known authors were ambulance drivers during World War I. Among them were Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, E.E. Cummings, and W. Somerset Maugham.
• William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965) 《英美经典短篇小说阅读教程》陆道夫主编
William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965)
William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965) & The Luncheon
leanings, Maugham wrote disparagingly以贬抑的口吻
of the gay artist.
• Maugham's homosexuality is believed to have uniquely shaped his fiction. (Since he tended to see attractive women as sexual rivals, he often gave his women characters sexual needs and appetites, in a way quite unusual for authors of his time)
•an English playwright •novelist •short story writer •one of the most popular writers of his era •reputedly the highest paid author during the 1930s
Maugham’s Early
• His grandfather was also an English Lawyer and a cofounder of the English law society
• after losing both his parents by the age of 10, raised by a paternal uncle, who was emotionally cold and cruel (self-righteous)
Experience after being famous
• The first run of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897), sold out so rapidly that he gave up medicine to write full time.
• By 1914 Maugham was famous, with 10 plays produced and 10 novels published.
• Too old to enlist when World War I broke out, Maugham served in France as a member of the British Red Cross's so-called "Literary Ambulance Drivers“
• In his sixties, spent most of time of World War II in the United States, first in Hollywood and later in the South.
• In 1946 he returned to his villa in France, where he lived, interrupted by frequent and long travels, until his death.
• Studied literature, philosophyiversity at sixteen
• Not wanting to become a lawyer like other men in his family, persuaded into the profession of medicine and spent another five years studying medicine at St Thomas' Hospital in Lambeth, London
• Born on 25, JanuLairfye,1974 in Paris
• His father was an English lawyer and solicitor to the British Embassy in Paris. His elder brother Viscount Maugham enjoyed a distinguished legal career
• For a public man of Maugham's generation, being openly gay was impossible. Whether his own orientation disgusted him (as it did many at a time when homosexuality was widely considered a moral failing as well as illegal) or whether he was trying to disguise his
"Literary Ambulance Drivers"
• A remarkable number of well known authors were ambulance drivers during World War I. Among them were Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, E.E. Cummings, and W. Somerset Maugham.
• William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965) 《英美经典短篇小说阅读教程》陆道夫主编
William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965)
William Somerset Maugham(1874-1965) & The Luncheon
leanings, Maugham wrote disparagingly以贬抑的口吻
of the gay artist.
• Maugham's homosexuality is believed to have uniquely shaped his fiction. (Since he tended to see attractive women as sexual rivals, he often gave his women characters sexual needs and appetites, in a way quite unusual for authors of his time)
•an English playwright •novelist •short story writer •one of the most popular writers of his era •reputedly the highest paid author during the 1930s
Maugham’s Early
• His grandfather was also an English Lawyer and a cofounder of the English law society
• after losing both his parents by the age of 10, raised by a paternal uncle, who was emotionally cold and cruel (self-righteous)
Experience after being famous
• The first run of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897), sold out so rapidly that he gave up medicine to write full time.
• By 1914 Maugham was famous, with 10 plays produced and 10 novels published.
• Too old to enlist when World War I broke out, Maugham served in France as a member of the British Red Cross's so-called "Literary Ambulance Drivers“
• In his sixties, spent most of time of World War II in the United States, first in Hollywood and later in the South.
• In 1946 he returned to his villa in France, where he lived, interrupted by frequent and long travels, until his death.
• Studied literature, philosophyiversity at sixteen
• Not wanting to become a lawyer like other men in his family, persuaded into the profession of medicine and spent another five years studying medicine at St Thomas' Hospital in Lambeth, London