



红外传感器调试方法说明书说明书编号: IRCS-2023引言红外传感器是一种广泛应用于各个领域的传感器,能够通过感知红外辐射并将其转化为可测量的电信号。


1. 设备准备为了顺利进行红外传感器的调试工作,您需要准备以下设备和材料:- 红外传感器 (型号:XXXX)- 开发板 (型号:YYYY)- 万用表- 电源供应器- 计算机2. 硬件连接在开始调试之前,请确保正确连接以下硬件,并按照如下步骤进行操作:1) 将红外传感器通过导线连接到开发板上的对应引脚,并确保连接稳固。

2) 使用万用表检查传感器的电源和地线连接是否正确、稳定。

3) 确保开发板与计算机通过串口或USB线缆连接,以进行数据传输和调试。

3. 软件配置在进行红外传感器调试之前,需要进行相关的软件配置。

请按照以下步骤进行操作:1) 下载并安装红外传感器驱动程序,以确保计算机能够正确识别和操作传感器。

2) 打开相关调试软件,并选择适当的设置选项。


4. 传感器校准在正式使用红外传感器之前,需要对其进行校准以保证测量的准确性和稳定性。

请按照以下步骤进行传感器校准:1) 将红外传感器放置于环境温度和湿度合适的环境中,等待传感器稳定。

2) 使用万用表或计算机软件读取传感器的输出信号。

3) 以标准物体或场景作为参照,通过更改传感器的参数和配置,使传感器输出的数值与标准数值一致或相近。

4) 多次校准,直至传感器输出准确稳定。

5. 功能验证在传感器校准完成后,需要进行功能验证以确保传感器能够正常工作。

请按照以下步骤进行功能验证:1) 将红外传感器放置在待测目标物体或场景前。

2) 观察传感器输出的电信号变化或使用计算机软件分析传感器输出的数据。

3) 验证传感器是否能够准确、稳定地检测目标物体或场景,并输出相应的电信号。

6. 故障排除如果在传感器调试过程中遇到任何问题或异常情况,请参考以下常见故障排除方法:- 检查硬件连接是否正确,确保所有线缆和插头牢固连接。

FST600-400 高精度在线式红外温度传感器 产品说明书

FST600-400 高精度在线式红外温度传感器 产品说明书

高精度在线式红外温度传感器产品说明书(V1.0)湖南菲尔斯特传感器有限公司Hunan Firstrate Sensor Co.,Ltd●重要声明非常感谢您购买菲尔斯特传感器(变送器),我们为您真诚服务到永远。











红狮(Red Lion)红外光电传感器说明书

红狮(Red Lion)红外光电传感器说明书

MiniaturePhoto ‐Electric Sensors•EASILY FITS MOST ANY MOUNTING SITUATIONS •EXCEPTIONAL OPTICAL PERFORMANCE•+10 to +30 VDC OPERATION WITH REVERSE POLARITY PROTECTION•DISPLAY OPERATING STATUS LEDs ARE VISIBLE FROM 360°•RUGGED SEALED HOUSING, PROTECTED CIRCUI TRY •LESS THAN 1 MILLISECOND OUTPUT RESPONSE FOR EXCELLENT SENSING REPEATABILITYGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThese miniature self-contained and powerful Retroreflective, Proximity (Diffuse) and Opposed Beam Pair Photo-electric sensors provide application flexibility in counting, positioning and object detection. Their small size, in addition to various mounting options, greatly increases alignment ease and application possibilities.All units can be powered by supplies ranging from +10 to +30 VDC and are reverse polarity protected. Green and amber LED’s display operating status from 360 degrees, indicating “power on” and “light sensed”. You can tell operating status of your sensors at a glance.MODELS EMDC2 & RCDC2 ‐ OPPOSED BEAM EMITTER/ RECEIVER SENSOR PAIRThe Models EMDC2 (Emitter) and the RCDC2 (Receiver) are miniature, DC powered, Opposed Beam photo-electric sensor pairs with a 66’ (20 M) sensing range. The Emitter contains a high power modulated “infrared” LED. The Receiver contains a sensitive photo-transistor and output transistor.In operation, the output will turn on when the Receiver detects that an object has broken the Emitter beam. Due to their high gain, they are ideally suited for detecting opaque objects in dirty and dusty areas or when condensation or oil film environments are present.MODEL RRDC2 ‐ RETROREFLECTIVE SENSORThe Model RRDC2 is a miniature, DC powered, retroreflective photo-electric sensor. The “visible” LED light beam allows for easy alignment and is modulated, to provide immunity to ambient light. The small beam size makes it a good choice for detecting relatively small objects.In operation, the visible LED light beam is directed at a retro reflective target. An object breaking this beam will trigger the output.MODEL PRDC2 ‐ PROXIMITY SENSORThe Model PRDC2 is a miniature, DC powered, Proximity (Diffuse)photo-electric sensor with a 18" (450 mm) maximum detecting distance.This sensor requires no special reflectors or reflective tapes and the limited sensing range reduces detection of background reflections. It is ideally suited for detection of transparent or translucent objects, parts ejected from presses, and rotating targets such as pulley spokes. A modulated “infrared” LED light beam provides immunity to ambient light.In operation, the modulated light beam is reflected by the detected object. This reflected light beam is sensed by a photo-transistor, which in turn energizes the output. Actual sensing range is determined by the surface area and the amount of reflectivity of the object.SAFETY SUMMARYAll safety related regulations, local codes and instructions that appear in this literature or on equipment must be observed to ensure personal safety and to prevent damage to either the instrument or equipment connected to it. If equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Do not use this unit to directly command motors, valves, or other actuators not equipped with safeguards. To do so can be potentially harmful to persons or equipment in the event of a fault to the unit. An independent and redundant temperature limit indicator with alarm outputs is strongly recommended.SPECIFICATIONS1.SUPPLY VOLTAGE: 10 to 30 VDC (10% maximum ripple) at less than25 mA, exclusive of loadProtected against reverse polarity and transient voltages2.LIGHT SOURCE:Opposed and Diffuse mode models: Infrared, 940 nmRetroreflective mode models: Visible red, 660 nm3.ADJUSTMENTS:Diffuse, and Retroreflective mode models: Single-turn sensitivity (Gain) adjustment potentiometer4.INDICATORS:2 LED indicators on sensor top:Green solid: Power onAmber solid: Light sensedGreen flashing: Output overloadedAmber flashing: Marginal excess gain (1 to 1.5x excess gain)5.REQUIRED OVERCURRENT PROTECTION:application per the supplied table.Overcurrent protection may be provided with external fusing or via Current Limiting, Class 2 Power Supply.Supply wiring leads < 24 AWG shall not be spliced.6.REPEATABILITY:Opposed Mode: 100 microsecondsDifuse and Retroreflective Mode: 150 microseconds7.OUTPUT CONFIGURATION:Solid-state NPN (current sinking)Rating: 100 mA maximum at 25°COff-state Leakage Current: less than 50 μA @ 30 VDCON-state Saturation Voltage: less than 1 V @ 10 mA; less than 1.5 V @ 100 mAProtected against false pulse on power-up and continuous overload or short circuit of output8.OUTPUT RESPONSE:Opposed Mode: 750 microseconds ON; 375 microseconds OFFDifuse and Retroreflective Mode: 600 microseconds ON/OFFNote: 100 millisecond delay on power-up; output does not conduct during this time9.CONSTRUCTION:ABS housing3 mm mounting hardware included10.CONNECTIONS: 2 m (6.5 ft) 4-wire PVC cable.11.ENVIRONMENTAL:IEC IP67; NEMA 612.OPERATING CONDITIONS:Temperature: –4°F to 158°F (–20°C to 70°C)Relative Humidity: 90% @ 50°C (non-condensing)13.CERTIFICATIONS:UL Recognized Component(Banner Engineering QPS186 Series File #E71083)14.WEIGHT: 2.0 oz (62.2 g)SUPPLYWIRINGREQUIRED OVERCURRENTPROTECTION20 5.0 A22 3.0 A24 2.0 A26 1.0 A280.8 A300.5 AWIRINGRCDC2, RRDC2, & PRDC2EMDC2PERFORMANCE CURVESOpposed ModeRetroflective ModeDiffuse Mode(Performance is based on a 90% reflectance white test card.)SET‐UP AND INSTALLATIONUSING THE PHOTOELECTRICLED INDICATORSThe photoelectric has two bright LEDs; both are visible from 360 degrees. They indicate the following:The unit features an extremely simplemethod for setting sensitivity (gain). Reducegain by turning the pot counter-clockwise. If thegain is set too low, turn the pot clockwise to theappropriate level. Gain may be readjusted inthis way at any time.BRACKET DIMENSIONS InMBMAB200MBMSB200Green solid:Power onAmber solid:Light sensedGreen flashing:Output overloadedAmber flashing:Marginal excess gain (1 to 1.5x excess gain)ORDERING INFORMATIONEMDC2DC Emitter (Opposed Beam Pair)EMDC2000 RCDC2DC Receiver (Opposed Beam Pair)RCDC2000 RRDC2Retroreflective DC Photo-Electric Sensor RRDC2000 PRDC2Proximity (Diffuse) DC Photo-Electric Sensor PRDC2000 MBMA Right-Angle Mounting Bracket MBMAB200 MBMS Side-Mount Mounting Bracket MBMSB200RT 1.5'' Reflective Target RT100000 3'' Reflective Target RT200000RRTAPE50 mm x 2.5 m Reflective Tape RRTAPE00LIMITED WARRANTY(a) Red Lion Controls Inc., (the “Company”) warrants that all Products shall be free from defects in material andworkmanship under normal use for the period of time provided in “Statement of Warranty Periods” (available at) current at the time of shipment of the Products (the “Warranty Period”). EXCEPT FOR THE ABOVE-STATED WARRANTY, COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THEPRODUCTS, INCLUDING ANY (A) WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY; (B) WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE; OR (C) WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYRIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY; WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OFPERFORMANCE, USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE. Customer shall be responsible for determining that aProduct is suitable for Customer’s use and that such use complies with any applicable local, state or federal law.(b) The Company shall not be liable for a breach of the warranty set forth in paragraph (a) if (i) the defect is a resultof Customer’s failure to store, install, commission or maintain the Product according to specifications; (ii) Customeralters or repairs such Product without the prior written consent of Company.(c) Subject to paragraph (b), with respect to any such Product during the Warranty Period, Company shall, in itssole discretion, either (i) repair or replace the Product; or (ii) credit or refund the price of Product provided that, ifCompany so requests, Customer shall, at Company’s expense, return such Product to Company.(d) THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN PARAGRAPH (c) SHALL BE THE CUSTOMER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVEREMEDY AND COMPANY’S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTHIN PARAGRAPH (a).。

红外线传感器 WX-LS100 CH 使用说明书

红外线传感器 WX-LS100 CH 使用说明书



































J-11OMEGA 无线红外温度传感器说明书

J-11OMEGA 无线红外温度传感器说明书

OMEGA’s new infrared sensor with wirelesstransmitter features a remote IR sensor and radio wireless transmitter in a NEMA enclosure. The miniature sensor head is ideal for measuring temperatures from -18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F) in confined, hard-to-reach places and harshenvironments. The wireless transmitter is mounted in a NEMA 4 (IP65) plastic enclosure. When activated the unit will transmit readings continuously at pre-set time interval that was programmed by the user during the initial setup. Each unit measures and transmits: IR sensor reading, ambient temperature, RF signal strength and battery condition to the host and is displayed on the PC screen in real time using the provided software. Each unit includes free software that converts your PC into a strip chart recorder ordata logger so readings can be saved and later printed or exported to a spread sheet file.Operating TemperatureWireless Transmitter: -10 to 70°C (14 to 158°F)Sensor Head: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)Sensor Head with OS100-WC (Water Cooling Jacket): 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F)Operating Relative Humidity: Less than 95% RH, non-condensingWater Flow Rate (OS100-WC): 0.25 GPM, room temperature Thermal Shock: About 30 minutes for 25°C (77°F) abrupt ambient temperature change Warm-Up Period: 3 minutesAir Flow Rate (OS100-AP):1 CFM (0.5 L/s)Battery Life (Typ): 1.5 @ 1 sample/minute reading rate @ 25°C (77°F)Laser Sight Accessory (OS100-LS)Wavelength (Color): 630 to 670 nm (red)Operating Distance (Laser Dot): Up to 9.1 m (30')Max Output Optical Power: Less than 1 mW @ -6°C (22°F) ambient temperatureEuropean Classification: Class 2, EN60825-1/11.2001Specifications(See for complete specifications)Temperature Range: -18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F)Accuracy @ 22°C (72°F) Ambient Temperature and Emissivity of 0.95 or Greater: ±2% rdg or 2.2°C (4°F), whichever is greaterOptical Field of View: 6:1 (distance/spot size)Sensor Head Cable: 1.8 m (6') standard; up to 15 m (50') total length capable Repeatability: ±1% rdgSpectral Response: 5 to 14 micronsResponse Time: 100 ms (0 to 63% of final value)Emissivity Range: 0.1 to 1.00, adjustableU -18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F) Measurement Range U A djustable Emissivity from 0.10 to 1.0U F ree Software ConvertsYour PC Into a Multi- Channel Chart Recorder or Data Logger U L ow Power Operation and Sleep Mode For Long Battery Life U W eather Resistant NEMA 4X (IP65) EnclosureF C C /I n d u str y C a n a d a A p p r o v e dF o r A v ai l a b l e R e c e i v er s , S e e o me g a .c o mUWIR-2-NEMA shown smaller thanactual size.IR sensor head.W e a t h e rP r o o f /W al lM o u n t ed Non-Contact Infrared Temperature SensorWith Wireless Transmitter6:1 spot size ratioOS100-AP air purge collar to keep the lens free of particles or debris.Both shown smallerthan actual size.Maximum Operating Current: 45 mA @ 3 VdcFDA Classification: Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10, Class II laser product Beam Diameter: 5 mm (0.20")Beam Divergence: <2 mradOperating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Operating Relative Humidity: Less than 95% RH, non-condensingbattery assembly.Ordering Examples: UWIR-2-NEMA, wireless infrared transmitter, UWTC-REC1, 48-channel USB receiver, UWTC-BATT-C, spare battery, and OS100-MB, sensor head bracket.UWIR-2-NEMA, wireless infrared transmitter, UWTC-REC2-D-MA, 48-channel transceiver/host with 1-channel 4 to 20 mA analog output, alarm and local display, UWTC-BATT-C, spare battery, and OS100-MB, sensor head bracket. OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-yearwarranty to a total of 4 years.Power:(1.5 x 2")LASER RADIATION - DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM CAUTIONTYPE AND RULES PRINT BLACK 100%BACKGROUND YELLOW 100%Shown actual size.OS100-LS laser sight fits in front of the IR head for accurate positioning.。



12Ti 警告:不遵守适用的说明以及不当地操作设备都可能导致严重或致命的伤害。



工业门用微波红外二合一传感器原版说明书(译文)概述1安全说明中文395520A 02/20此设备只能由经过训练且符合资格的人员安装和操作。







1.1 制造商声明1. 本产品是设计为安装在墙壁或天花板上并结合工业门一起使用的非接触式探测器。

2. 调节探测器区域的设置时,请确保该区域内没有移动的物体。

3. 接通电源之前,作为预防措施,请检查接线以防止任何会影响与本产品相连之设备的损坏或故障。

4. 只能按照本操作说明所述来使用本产品。

5. 请确保按照产品安装所在国家/地区的适用法律和标准来安装和调节探测器。

6. 如果您要离开安装现场,请确保产品工作正常且安装正确。


7. 只有安装人员或维修技术人员可以更改产品设置。


592883021234[mm]iGoogle Play 和 Google Play 徽标是 Google LLC 的商标。

App Store 是 Apple Inc. 的服务标志。

*B luetooth ® 文字标志和徽标是 Bluetooth SIG, Inc. 拥有的注册商标,BBC Bircher AG 对此类标志的任何使用均已获得许可。

使用 App 之前一旦使用此移动 App ,即表示您同意指定的授权和数据隐私政策,并同意使用智能手机/平板电脑定位信息和 Bluetooth* 功能。



热释电红外线传感器D204S标准规格和尺寸窗口尺寸4*3mm红外接受电极2.6*1mm,2elements封装TO-5接收波长5—14μm 透过率≥75%输出信号峰值[Vp-p]≥3500mV 灵敏度≥3300V/W 探测率(D*) 1.4×108cmHz 1/2/W噪声峰值[Vp-p]<80mV 输出平衡度<10%源极电压0.3~1.2V 电源电压3~15V 工作温度范围-30~70ºC 保存温度范围-40~80ºC注意:1.不要在超出产品规格范围的情况下使用本产品.2.在产品封样过程中,双方对承认书需书面确认。







S18-L262B-2 数字型热释电红外传感器 使用说明书

S18-L262B-2 数字型热释电红外传感器 使用说明书

MINI SMD数字型热释电红外传感器S18-L262B-2使用说明书V2.3性能及特点■小型化■SMD回流焊贴装工艺■数字信号处理■可进行光控使能调节,实现节能■内置滤波电路,抗干扰能力强■灵敏度、定时、光控可调■低电压、微功耗■适合超薄的产品外观设计应用领域■红外移动探测■物联网■可穿戴设备■智能家电:电视机、空调、数码相机、电脑■自动照明开关:智能家居、智能灯具■安防、汽车防盗设备■LCD显示屏■空气净化器■网络监控系统等■其它注意:1.不要在超出产品规格范围的情况下使用本产品.2.在产品封样过程中,双方对承认书需书面确认。







ISO9001认证公司获得国际标准化机构(ISO)的品质保证标准-即“ISO 9001”的认证。






人体红外传感器说明书V1.0北京聚英翱翔电子有限责任公司2023年2月目录目录 (2)一、产品介绍 (1)1、产品概述 (1)2、产品特点 (1)3、产品功能 (1)4、型号说明 (1)二、主要参数 (2)三、接口说明 (3)1、拨码开关 (3)2、电位器 (4)四、通讯接线说明 (4)1、RS485级联接线方式 (4)五、开发资料说明 (5)1、通讯协议说明 (5)2、Modbus寄存器说明 (5)3、指令列表 (7)4、指令详解 (7)六、测试软件说明 (9)1、软件下载 (9)2、软件界面 (9)3、模拟量数据输入说明 (9)七、参数及工作模式配置 (11)1、设备地址 (11)2、波特率的读取与设置 (11)八、外壳尺寸 (12)九、常见问题与解决方法 (13)十、技术支持联系方式 (13)一、产品介绍1、产品概述人体红外传感器是将人体移动信号转换成开关量输出或者485输出。



2、产品特点●DC7-30V宽压供电;●热释红外检测●RS485和继电器开关量输出●触发延时可调节●报警输出延时可设置●长寿命、高精度、高重复性、高稳定性;3、产品功能●热释红外检测●支持RS485通讯;●支持标准Modbus RTU协议;●0-255设备地址可通过软件设置;●支持波特率:2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,115200(默认9600)。

4、型号说明序号产品名用途1JY-DAM-PIR1:人体红外传感器标准品2:触发时间调节:拨码开关3:保持时间调节:电位器2JY-DAM-PIR-4851:人体红外传感器485版本2:modbus地址可配置:软件基地址+拨码开关3:触发时间调节:软件4:保持时间调节:软件或者电位器二、主要参数参数说明供电范围7-30VDC直流供电数据接口RS485(标准MODBUS RTU协议)功耗24V14mA约0.3W继电器输出触点120VAC2A 24VDC2A工作环境温度-30~70℃湿度15~95%无冷凝默认通讯格式9600,n,8,1波特率2400,4800,9600,19200,38400,115200尺寸(具体见外壳尺寸)重量60g三、接口说明1、拨码开关1、五个拨码全都拨到“ON”位置时,为“31”;2、五个拨码全都拨到“OFF”位置时,为“0”;3、最左边1为二进制最低位。

红外温度传感器 RD-500 系列说明书

红外温度传感器 RD-500 系列说明书

INSTRUCTION MANUAL Infrared Temperature SensorRD-500SERIESNo.RD51E32012.09PrefaceThank you for purchasing our Infrared Temperature Sensor RD-500series.This manual contains instructions for the mounting,functions,operations and notes when operating the RD-500.To ensure safe and correct use,thoroughly read and understand this manual before using this sensor.To prevent accidents arising from the misuse of this sensor,please ensure the operator receives this manual.Caution•This sensor should be used in accordance with the specifications described in the manual.If it is not used according to the specifications,it may malfunction or cause a fire.•Be sure to follow all of the warnings,cautions and notices.If they are not observed,serious injury or malfunc-tion may occur.•The contents of this instruction manual are subject to change without notice.•Care has been taken to assure that the contents of this instruction manual are correct,but if there are any doubts,mistakes or questions,please inform our sales department.•This instrument is designed to be used in close proximity with the target object.Measures must be taken to ensure that the operator cannot touch power terminals or other high voltage sections.•Any unauthorized transfer or copying of this document,in part or in whole,is prohibited.•Shinko Technos CO.,LTD.is not liable for any damage or secondary damage(s)incurred as a result of using this product,including any indirect damage.Safety Precautions (Be sure to read these precautions before using our products.)The safety precautions are classified into categories:“Warning”and “Caution”.Depending on the circumstances,procedures indicated by Caution may cause serious results,so be sure to follow the directions for usage.Warning Warning•T o prevent an electric shock or fire,only Shinko or other qualified service personnel may handle the inner assembly.•To prevent an electric shock,fire or damage to the instrument,parts replacement may only be undertaken by Shinko or other qualified service personnel.Safety Precautions•To ensure safe and correct use,thoroughly read and understand this manual before using this instrument.•This instrument is intended to be used for industrial machinery,machine tools and measuring equipment.Verify correct usage after purpose-of-use consultation with our agency or main office.(Never use this instrument for medical purposes with which human lives are involved.)•External protection devices such as protective equipment against excessive temperature rise,etc.must be installed,as malfunction of this product could result in serious damage to the system or injury to personnel.Also proper periodic maintenance is required.•This instrument must be used under the conditions and environment described in this manual.Shinko Technos Co.,Ltd.does not accept liability for any injury,loss of life or damage occurring due to the instrument being used under conditions not otherwise stated in this manual.Caution with Respect to Export Trade Control OrdinanceTo avoid this instrument from being used as a component in,or as being utilized in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction (itary applications,military equipment,etc.),please investigate the end users and the final use of this instrument.In the case of resale,ensure that this instrument is not illegally exported.Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death or seriousinjury,if not carried out properly.Procedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial to medium injury or physical damage or may degrade or damage the product,if not carried out properly.1.Model1.1ModelR D -5Temperature Range H0to 500Output0Direct current:4to 20mA DC (2-wire type)(*1):For field of view 2:1,its temperature range is 0to 250.1.2How to Read the Model LabelThe model label is attached to the side of the sensor.(Fig.1.2-1)2.Target Objects•Non-problematic objectsFood,paper,plastics,cloth,leather,cigarettes,medicine,chemicals,rubber,asphalt,coal,etc.•Difficult objectsPlated lustrous metals,uncoated or unpainted metals,etc.•Slightly problematic objectsLow lustrous metals,thin transparentplastics,etc.If measurement is difficult,black body tape can be used to raise emissivity.3.InstallationEnsure the installation location corresponds to the following conditions.•The sensing head should be kept as close as possible to the object.•The ambient temperature of this sensor should not exceed 70).•The sensor lens should be protected from being covered with powder,dust,etc.•Use an air purge collar (APSW or APSN,sold separately)when using this sensor in a place where a lot of fumes,dust or moisture is present (Airflow:0.5to 1.5liter/sec)•Install this sensor away from electrical noise,motors or generators.For the mounting method of the Fixed-mounting bracket (FBS,sold separately)and Adjustable-mounting bracket (ABS,sold separately),see page 3.For the mounting method of the Air purge collar (APSW or APSN,sold separately),see page 4.ModelSerial number3.1Diameter of Target Spot Measured versus Distance from Sensing HeadRD-502-M0(Field of view 2:1)RD-515-M0,RD-515-H0(Field of view 15:1)(Fig.3.1-1)(Fig.3.1-2)RD-5CF-H0(Close focus)(Fig.3.1-3)3.2Mounting Method of the Fixed-mounting Bracket (FBS,sold separately)and Adjustable-mounting Bracket (ABS,sold separately)bracket with screws size:M4–not included)mounting nut,and fasten the sensor into the bracket.with screws at the not included]and fasten the nut sensor into the hole of or downward,12123.3Mounting Method of the Air Purge Collar(APSW or APSN,sold separately)The air purge collar is used to suppress the temperature rise of the sensor body,and to keep dust,etc.away from the lens.•Applicable airflow for the air purge collar:0.5to1.5liter/min•The sensor will operate in ambient temperature up to70of ambienttemperature when using the sensor.•Blow air clean and suitable for measurement.nut.sensor into the hole of thethe air purge collarset-aside the mounting nut.)Connect a tube,connector or pump to the airpurge collar.nut.sensor into the hole of thethe air purge collar toset-aside the mounting nut.)Connect a tube,connector or pump to the airpurge collar.4.WiringWarningTurn OFF the power supply to the indicator/controller before wiring.Working on or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in severe injury or death due to electric shock.4.1Note about Wiring•When using the sensor in an environment where electrical noise is present,use a shielded wire,and connect it to the ground terminal of the indicator/controller.If the indicator/controller does not have a ground terminal,connect to the ground terminal of the control panel.334.2Wiring ExampleThe wiring example for the RD-500and the power supply (RDP-24)and indicator/controller are shown below.The code in the []is written on the mark tube of the sensor terminal.RD-502-M0,RD-515-M0,RD-515-H0Emissivity can be set on the ACS-13A-/A.If a fixed emissivity of 0.95is used,any indicator or controller can be used.(Fig.4.2-1)RD-5CF-H0Emissivity can be set on the ACS-13A-/A.If a fixed emissivity of 0.95is used,any indicator or controller can be used.(Fig.4.2-2)5.Operation Attention•If ambient temperature is rapidly changing,leave the sensor for more than 20minutes as it is,then measure the temperature.•Do not measure temperature near a large magnetic field (example:Arc welding machine,induction heater,etc.).Measurement errors will becaused due to electromagnetic disturbance.After completing installation for the target object and wiring,start operation following the procedures below.(1)Turn the power to the sensor ON (RDP-24).(2)Turn ON the power to the indicator/controller (ACS-13A-/A)Power supply (RDP-24)[PWR-]Power supply Indicator/Controller (ACS-13A-6.Specifications6.1Name,ModelName Infrared temperature sensorModel RD-506.2RatingTemperature RangeModel Temperature rangeRD-502-M00to250RD-515-H00to500Power Supply24V DC(Max28V DC),25mA6.3General StructureExternal Dimensions,whichever is greaterRepeatability0.5/A,soldseparately)is used]Response240ms(90%response)Spectral Range8to14(Direct current output)(for24V DC)6.5OtherAmbient Temperature0to70•Digital indicating controller(ACS-13A-RD-5CF-H0Nut (Accessories included)(Fig.7-2)8.TroubleshootingIf problems arise,please check the following content.ProblemPossible Cause and SolutionNo output•No power.Ensure that the power is being supplied properly.Abnormal temperature•Wiring may be incorrect.Check the wiring.•Sensor may be disconnected or burnt out.Check if the sensor is conducting properly.•Sensor lens may be dirty.Remove any dirt on the lens.Always keep the lens clean.Foreign particles on the lens affect measurement accuracy.*****Inquiries *****For any inquiries about this unit,please contact our agency or the vendor where you purchased the unit after checking the model and serial number.In addition to the above,please let us know the details of the malfunction,or discrepancy,and the operating conditions.18M16x 112103100018M16x 118421SHINKO TECHNOS CO.,LTD.OVERSEAS DIVISION:Head Office URL:E-mail:2-5-1,Senbahigashi,Minoo,Osaka,Japanhttp://www.shinko-technos.co.jp **************************.jp Tel :Fax:81-72-727-610081-72-727-7006。

OMEGA OS102系列微型红外传感器系统说明书

OMEGA OS102系列微型红外传感器系统说明书

OMEGA’s new low-cost OS102 Series mini infraredtransmitter system features a remotely mounted infrared temperature sensor and high-performance, microprocessor-based signal conditioner with built-in LED display.The OS102’s miniature sensor head design is ideal for measuring temperature in confined, hard-to-reach places and harsh environments. The sensor head isconnected to the main electronics housing via a 1.8 m (6') shielded cable standard on all models. The signal conditioner’s main electronics are mounted in a rugged NEMA 4 (IP66) rated diecast aluminum housing and feature adjustable emissivity,linear voltage, and current output calibrated for the temperature range of -18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F). A user-adjustable high/lowalarm output is standard on all models.Shown smaller than actual sizeSpecificationsAccuracy:±2% of reading or 4°F, whichever is greaterRepeatability:±1% of reading Spectral Response:5 to 14 µmResponse Time:150 msec (0 to 63% of final reading)Emissivity Range:0.10 to 1.0Field of View:6:1Open Aperture: 10 mm (0.4")Ambient Operating Range:Main electronics: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Sensor head: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)High-temp sensor head option (-HT):0 to 85°C (32 to 185°F)Sensor Head with Water Cool Jacket: 0 to 200°C (32 to 392°F)Power:12 to 24 VdcAlarm:Adjustable, open drain (100 mA)Temperature Range:-18 to 538°C (0 to 1000°F)Transmitter Output:1 mV/deg, 0 to 5 Vdc or 4 to 20 mA. Internal screw terminal corrections.Display: Built-in LED, °F/°C switchable Electronics Housing:NEMA 4, diecast aluminumSensor Head Cable Length:1.8 m (6') standard Box Dimensions:11.4 x 6.3 x 5.6 cm (4.5 x 2.5 x 2.2")Weight:300 g (0.66 lb)Sensor Head: 2.5 Dia. x 6.3 cm long (1 x 2.5") with 3⁄4-16 UNF threadOS102-MV-(*)Starts at$Strain-reliefport for power and output leadsMiniature Low-Cost, Non-Contact IR Temperature Sensor/Transmitterwith Built-In LED displayCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。



1800 人体红外感应器SA-180-WM-P1非常感谢您购买“欧瑞仕”产品。



















规格及包装配件:型号SA-140-WM-P1侦测方式被动式红外线工作电压AC 230V 50/60HZ开关容量(瓦)200W节能灯2000W钨丝灯防水等級IP44侦测距离(米)12 米侦测角度(度)140-180度亮灯时间约5秒~5分钟(可调整)环境亮度调整0-1000照度使用环境温度-20°~ +45°适用场所室内/室外产品尺寸125*70*110 (mm)产品重量约150g配件感应器,中文安装说明书,螺丝2支,水泥套筒2个※延长感应器使用寿命秘诀1、如负载是日光灯或省电灯泡等电子式光源(电感性负载),其功率达120W以上时,建议用AC继电器或电磁阀转控,可增加器材寿命。

S18-L242B-2 SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器 使用说明书

S18-L242B-2 SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器 使用说明书

S18-L242B-2使用说明书V1.0Mini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器森霸传感科技股份有限公司Senba Sensing Technology Co.,Ltd. MINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器MINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器When PIR signal is above the triggered threshold, there will be a count impulse inside. And when PIR sensor receives this impulse signal, it will think this signal as the second impulse. Once the second impulse was received within 4S, the PIR sensor will alarm, meanwhile, the REL pin will be triggered.Besides, when the PIR signal is above 5 times of the triggered threshold, only one impulse is enough to trigger REL output as below. For multiple triggers, the delay time of REL output begins from the last valid trigger.Ⅶ The Output Trigger ModeⅥ Working Conditions (T=25°C, Vdd=3V,Except other requirements) Characteristics SymbolMin Type Max.Unit RemarksSupply Voltage V DD 2.23 3.7V Working Current I DD 99.511μA Sensitivity V SENS 90μV Non-adiustable Output RELOutput Low Current I OL 10mA VOL<1VOutput High Current I OH -10mA VOH>(VDD-1V)Low REL output locking time T OL 2.3s Non-adiustableHigh REL output delay time T OH 2.33600s SENS/ONTIME Input voltage0VDD/2V 0V to VDD/2Input Bias Current-11μA Oscillator &Band Pass Filter(BPF)Band Pass Filter(BPF) Low cut-off frequency7Hz Band Pass Filter(BPF) High cut-off frequency0.44Hz Oscillator frequency on Chip F CLK64kHzMini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器When the motion signal is detected, there will be a REL output. A voltage applied to the ONTIME input set the time the REL output is active with a single trigger event. Any REL output signal will reset the REL ONTIME, and re-timing again.In analog REL mode, connect ONTIME Pin to voltage with a resistance which could adjust in 100 KΩ~510 KΩ. In analog mode, the ONTIME pin will have a corresponding oscillation frequency, the analog time delay Td=230400/f, f is the oscillation frequency. For more time delay, the ONTIME Pin can connect one more capacity GND except resistance. Capacitor should be selected according to different requirements, but the capacitance value ≤10nF, and the resistance value between 100K to 510KΩ.The operating current is inversely proportional to the selected resistance R. The larger the resistance value, the smaller the operating current. If the power consumption requirement is high, it is recommended to use a larger resistor (300K-510K) or a digital REL timing mode. To obtain accurate timing time, select the appropriate capacitor resistance value, first calculate the timing time according to the oscillation frequency, and then adjust the capacitor resistance parameter.Ⅷ ONTIME SettingMini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD数字型热释电红外传感器Diagram 1 ONTMIE Pin without CapacityDiagram 2 ONTMIE Pin with 10pF CapacityDiagram 3 ONTMIE Pin with 560pFCapacity GNDD i a g r a m 4 O N T M IE P i n w i t h 1n FCapacity GNDThe operating current is inversely proportional to selected resistance. The average consumed current of resistance during REL validity period is: IR 0.75VDD/R. During REL invalidity period, the resistance has no consumption. For high consumption and always REL validity, the digital REL is recommended. 2. In digital REL mode, ONTIME Pin connect with a fixed potential less than VDD/2(in application, the REL can adjust by adopting resistance divider). It is better to make the RH is 1MΩ. The REL output retention time is set by input voltage of ONTIME through the only trigger. The output time delayMini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器Ⅸ Reliable TestNumber Time Td(s)ONTIME Voltage Range (VDD)ONTIMEVoltageCentral Value (VDD)Recommend Divider Resistance (±0.1%)resistance-highresistance-low120~1/32VDD 1/64VDD 1M 0R 251/32VDD~2/32VDD 3/64VDD 1M 51K 3102/32VDD~3/32VDD 5/64VDD 1M 82K 4153/32VDD~4/32VDD 7/64VDD 1M 124K 5204/32VDD~5/32VDD 9/64VDD 1M 165K 6305/32VDD~6/32VDD 11/64VDD 1M 210K 7456/32VDD~7/32VDD 13/64VDD 1M 255K 8607/32VDD~8/32VDD 15/64VDD 1M 309K 9908/32VDD~9/32VDD 17/64VDD 1M 360K 101209/32VDD~10/32VDD 19/64VDD 1M 422K 1118010/32VDD~11/32VDD 21/64VDD 1M 487K 1230011/32VDD~12/32VDD 23/64VDD 1M 560K 1360012/32VDD~13/32VDD 25/64VDD 1M 634K 1490013/32VDD~14/32VDD 27/64VDD 1M 732K 15180014/32VDD~16/32VDD 29/64VDD 1M 825K 16360015/32VDD~16/32VDD31/64VDD1M953KTestStandardTest Result Salt spray testGB/T 10125-2012OK High temperature test 100℃,500 hours OK Low temperature test -40℃,500 hoursOK HumidityRelative humidity 95%, 500 hours OK Heat resistance 250℃,10SOK Vibration Frequency: 10Hz-55H, Time: 2 hours OK Fall 1m free fall OKMINI SMD数字型热释电红外传感器lens name:SB-F-11单位:mmMini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器Widely used in human bodysensor switches, alarms, infrared testers, smart-house appliances, and household appliances, it can provide users Fresnel lenses with different sensing angles, sensing distances and sizes.Standard package: 1000pcs. According to different model types,the quantity and size of the packages will change slightly.Unit: mm:Mini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器Sensor reflow soldering instructionsPlease follow the temperature curve shown in the figure below during reflow soldering. Any reflow temperature that exceeds the figure below must be consulted with the sales engineer in advance.•Caution 1. S18-L242B-2 is a PIR sensor to detect changes of infrared ray. The sensor can only detect the heat source which is changing or moving from human body. The following items should be noticed. Please confirm the performance and reliability by practical application.1.1 When detect the heat source besides human body (1)Pet get into detection area.(2)In a place exposed directly to sunlight or headlight of automobile.(3)Ina place exposed directly to blow from air-conditioner or heater which make drastic change of temperature in detection area. 1.2 The heat source is hardly detected(1)In such a place where infrared ray is shaded by glass, propenyl, etc.(2)The heat source does not move or high-speed move in the detection area.2. The detection area extendedEven outside the designated detection area, there also exists broad detection area when there is a large temperature difference(above 20℃) between environment and human body.3. Other usage3.1 Optical filter of sensor should not be soiled because it may cause failure or malfunction.3.2 The lens is made by polyethylene. Please avoid stress or impact on the lens, or it will cause performance reduction and work unusually.3.3 Electronics(above±200) should be avoid. Please do not touch terminal by hand.3.4 Please solder wires with an electric iron under 350℃ in 3sec by hand. Please avoid soldering by soldering tin groove.3.5 Please avoid cleaning the sensor. The cleaning fluid may cause malfunction.3.6 In order to avoid the interference effect of wires, the shielded wire is recommended and tries to make it short.•Soldering considerations:Mini SMD Digital Pyroelectric Infrared SensorsMINI SMD 数字型热释电红外传感器Do not exceed the maximum temperature curve shown above. or it may cause the sensorfalse performance.Do not repeatedly reflow soldering and repeated heating repair, which will seriously affect the life and performance of the sensor, and this is not belong to the scope of product warranty.Do not use corrosive chemical to clean the optical filter (available with absolute ethanol), which may cause the sensor to malfunction or fail.Do not use immediately after the sensor mounting is completed. It is recommended that the cooling time should be at least 1 hourDo not touch the terminals with metal or hand.。

星科创科技红外传感器 XKC-KD200M MC 说明书

星科创科技红外传感器 XKC-KD200M MC 说明书

深圳市星科创科技有限公司Shenzhen XingKeChuang Technology Co., Ltd.XKC-KD200M/MC-V17Infrared sensor instruction manualXKC-KD200M/MC(Relay output)table of Contents1st. Overview (2)2nd.Product Features (2)3rd.T echnical Parameters (2)4th.product selection (2)5th. wiring diagram of various models (3)6th. Installation method (5)7th. Sensing distance adjustment (5)8th. Product size and physical map (6)9th.Sensing range and angular displacement (7)10th.Product warranty terms and instructions (7)11th. Manual version (9)1st. OverviewXKC-KD200X is an intelligent non-contact sensor switch. The sensor uses the principle of diffuse reflection of infrared light on the object. When a person or object enters the sensing range directly in front of the sensor, the sensor immediately judges that there is a sensor, thereby controlling the output signal ; After the person or object leaves the sensing range, it is immediately judged that there is no sensing, and the output signal is released to achieve the purpose of intelligent control (reverse output can also be customized).2nd.Product FeaturesCan be used for: security alarm, sensor light, smart trash can, mirror light box, advertising machine, shoe polisher, sensor water dispenser, vending machine, faucet, shower head and other functions. It integrates infrared emission, reception, and intelligent control, with stable and reliable performance.3rd.Technical Parameters4th.product selection5th. wiring diagram of various modelsWorking principle of relay NC point output:1. When the black wire is connected to VCC:When liquid is sensed, the relay is closed and the relay NC point is disconnected;When no liquid is sensed, the relay is disconnected, the NC point of the relay is turned on, and the VCC voltage is output.2. When the black wire is connected to GND:When liquid is sensed, the relay closes, and the relay NC point opens;When no liquid is sensed, the relay is disconnected, the relay NC point is turned on, and the GND voltage is output.Working principle of relay NO point output:1. When the black wire is connected to VCC:When the liquid is sensed, the relay is closed, the NO point of the relay is turned on, and the VCC voltage is output;When no liquid is sensed, the relay is disconnected, and the relay NO point is disconnected.2. When the black wire is connected to GND:When liquid is sensed, the relay is closed, the NO point of the relay is turned on, and the GND voltage is output;When no liquid is sensed, the relay is disconnected, and the relay NO point is isconnected.6th. Installation methodOpen a hole on the panel where the sensor needs to be installed. The hole diameter is 28mm. Install the sensor into the hole from the front of the panel and tighten the nut behind the sensor.7th. Sensing distance adjustmentThe sensor is energized and working normally. Place approximately 80x60cm kraft cardboard in front of the sensor less than or equal to 80cm. The steps for adjusting the sensing distance are as followsEnter the distance adjustment mode: open the back cover, long press the light touch button, when the red LED indicator flashes, enter the automatic distance adjustment mode。

ES1C 红外热敏传感器产品说明书

ES1C 红外热敏传感器产品说明书

New ProductAchieve Superior Environmental Resis-tance and a Wide Measurement Range of 0 to 400°C.•Flexible placement with slim cylindrical shape and long focus with a distance of 500 mm and area diameter of 80 mm.•The SUS body and silicon lens resist ambient operating tempera-tures of up to 70°C and resist dust and water to the equivalent of IP67.•Fast measurement with high-speed response of 100 ms/90%. •Strong resistance to noise with output of 4 to 20 mA.Ordering InformationApplication ExamplesRefer to the Safety Precautions on page 6.Specification (measuring temperature range)Model0 to 400°C ES1C-A40Do not use the ES1C in locations subject to rapid changes in ambient temperature.Use a heat shield to suppress temperature changes if the ES1C is used in a location that is subject to rapid changes in ambient temperature due to radiating heat or hot air.1ES1C2Ratings and CharacteristicsNote:EN61326-1 : Industrial electromagnetic environment (EN/IEC 61326-1 Table 2)Connections Measurement RangeDimensions (Unit: mm) Item Model ES1CPower supply voltage12 to 24 VDCOperating voltage range 90% to 110% of rated voltageCurrent consumption 70 mA max.Measuring temperature range 0 to 400°CMeasurement accuracy0 to 200°C: ±2°C, 201 to 400°C: ±1% PV (emissivity: 0.95)Influence ofEMSRadiated electromagneticfield immunity±10°C max.Imunity ConductedDisturbance±10°C max.Response time 100 ms/90%Reproducibility±1% of reading valueMeasurement wavelength8 to 14 μmLight-receiving element ThermopileEmissivity0.95 fixedCurrent output 4 to 20 mA DC, Load: 250 Ω max.Ambient temperature range Operating: 0 to 70°C, Storage: −20 to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)Ambient humidity range Operating and storage: 35% to 85%Vibration resistance (destruction) 1.5-mm amplitude at 10 to 55 Hz for 2 hours each in the X, Y, and Z directionsWeight180 gDegree of protection Equivalent to IP67Applicable safety standards CE Marking (See note.)Power supply:4 to 20 mA DCF.G.Note:The measurement range is the measurement diameter for an opticalresponse of 90%. Make sure that the actual object to be measured issufficiently larger than the measurement diameters in the above figure.(cable length)ES1CES1C3Characteristics of Infrared Thermosensors1. Principles of Infrared ThermosensorsThe ES1C uses thermopile light-receiving elements to receive the specific wavelengths (8 to 14 μm) in the infrared range ra-diated from the measurement range of the measurement ob-ject, converts the received light into an output signal in the internal circuits, and outputs a current that corresponds to the measured temperature.2. Measurement Error due to EmissivityThe ES1C outputs a current of 4 to 20 mA for measurement object temperatures of 0 to 400°C at a emissivity of 0.95. If the emissivity of the measurement object is less than 0.9, the ef-fects of the ambient temperature will cause measurement er-ror. Glossy metal surfaces generally have an extremely low emissivity, and so operation is easily affected by the ambient temperature, and it is difficult to measure the temperature of the measurement object. (Refer to the emissivities that are given on page 5.)In an application like this, select a location with a high emissiv-ity, or use Black spray or Black tape as necessary.Setting and Adjusting the Connected DeviceThis section describes an example of making settings and adjustments when a Digital Temperature Controller and Digital Panel Meter are connected.1. Mounting•Select a location with a high emissivity for the object to be measured. If required, use Black spray or Black tape.•Secure the Thermosensor with the enclosed lock nuts. Use a tightening torque of 20 N·m max.•Mount the Thermosensor so that it is perpendicular to the object to be measured.•Mount the Thermosensor in a location that is not subject to ambient temperatures above 70°C, to direct hot air, etc.2. Setting the Connected DeviceMake the settings so that 0.0 to 400.0°C is displayed for an output of 4 to 20 mA for the ES1C.*For details, refer to the User’s Manual for the connected device.3. Adjusting the Connected DeviceError may occur due to the emissivity of the measurement en-vironment or measurement object. There are two easy meth-ods that can be used to adjust the error: simple shifting and two-point shifting, as described in the following section. ●Adjustment Example for the E5@N-L (Analog Input) **E5@N Series have been discontinued at the end of March 2017.A Shift Method1. Measuring the Temperature of the Measurement Object Use the thermometer (B) to measure the actual tempera-ture when using the measurement object (C).2. Shifting the Display Value of the Connected Device Adjust the settings of the connected device after checking the following value:Temperature B (thermometer) − Temperature A (connect-ed device)If temperature B minus temperature A is 10.0, adjust the settings so that measurement value of the connected de-vice is +10.0.•Scaling upper limit = 4,000 to 4,100 •Scaling lower limit = 0 to 100(The setting for the decimal point position is 1, and so the scaling set value will be increased by 100 for a displayed value of +10.0.)E5@N-@L Digital Temperature Controller (Analog Input) K3GN-ND @ Digital PanelMeter (DC Input)Input type 0 (4 to 20 mA) Input typeAnalog Scaling upper limit 4,000Analog rangescaling input value 14 to 20 4.00Scaling lower limit 0Scaling display value 1scaling input value 2020.00Decimal point position1Scaling display value 24,000Decimal point position0000.0ES1C4B Two-point Shift1. Measuring the Temperature of the Measurement ObjectSet the temperature of the measurement object to roomtemperature and to the temperature during operation, andcheck the values indicated by the connected device (A)and the temperatures of the measurement object (B).2. Shifting the Indicated ValueUse the following formula to calculate the upper limit andlower limit of input scaling after the shift from the values Y1and Y2 indicated by the connected device and tempera-tures X1 and X2 of the measurement object.(1) Scaling upper limit after shift (°C)(2) Scaling lower limit after shift (°C)Change the values to the scaling upper and lower limitsfrom the result considering the decimal point position. Forexample, if the scaling upper limit after shift is 487.5 (°C)and the scaling lower limit after shift is −12.5 (°C), the dec-imal point position of the connected device will be set to thefirst decimal position, and so the scaling upper limit will beset to 4,875 and the scaling lower limit to −125.●Adjustment Example for the K3GNA Shift Method1. Measuring the Temperature of the Measurement ObjectUse a thermometer (B) to measure the actual temperaturewhen using the measurement object (C).2. Shifting the Display ValueAdjust the settings of the connected device after checkingthe following value:Temperature B (thermometer) − Temperature A (connect-ed device)If temperature B minus temperature A is 10.0, adjust thesettings so that measurement value of the connected de-vice is +10.0.•Scaling display value 1 = 0 to 100•Scaling display value 2 = 4,000 to 4,100(The setting for the decimal point position is 0000.0, and sothe scaling set value will be increased by 100 for a dis-played value of +10.0.)B Two-point ShiftUse the teaching function of the K3GN to make adjustmentsusing the ES1C's actual analog input value and the actual tem-perature. Set one of the two teaching points to room tempera-ture and the other to the actual temperature of themeasurement object during operation.1. Move the K3GN to the initial setting level.2. Set the temperature of the object to be measured to roomtemperature and set scaling input value 1 using teaching.Next, set the temperature (B) of the thermometer to scal-ing display value 1. (Point A in the following figure. Thedecimal point position for the K3GN is set to the first deci-mal position, and so set 250 for 25.0°C.)3. Next, set the measurement object to the actual operatingtemperature and set scaling input value 2 and scaling dis-play value 2 in step 2. (A value of 1,000 is set to specify100.0°C for point B in the following graph.) Value indicated byconnected device (A)Temperature of mea-surement object (B)Room tem-peratureY1X1Temperatureduring opera-tionY2X2(e.g., 100.0)shift (e.g., 90.0)shift (e.g., 30.0)(e.g., 25.0)X2X1–Y2Y1–--------------------400Y1–()X1+=X2X1–Y2Y1–--------------------0Y1–()X1+=Value indicated by connected device (A)(e.g., 100.0)Value indicated beforeshift (e.g., 90.0)Temperaturedisplayed bythermometer (B)°C)(e.g., 8.02 mA)(e.g., 5.01 mA)(e.g., 100.0°C)(e.g., 25.0°C)ES1C5EmissivitiesNote:Operation will be easily affected by the ambient temperature if the emissivity of the measurement object is lower than 0.9. Glossy metal surfaces generally have an extremely low emissivity, and it is difficult to measure the temperature of the measurement object. Use Black spray or Black tape.ItemEmissivityItemEmissivity MetalsAluminumIron oxide 0.78 to 0.82Pure aluminum, high-gloss alumi-num0.04 to 0.06Red rusted iron 0.69Aluminum oxide0.76Gray oxidized lead 0.28Commercially available aluminum sheets 0.09Mercury0.09 to 0.12BrassMolybdenum filament 0.10 to 0.20High-gloss sheets of pure brass 0.10NickelBrass oxide 0.56 to 0.64Glossy 0.07Glossy chrome 0.08 to 0.36Nickel oxide 0.90Chrome oxide 0.81PlatinumCopperGlossy platinum sheets 0.05 to 0.10Glossy 0.05Platinum wire rods 0.07 to 0.18Copper oxide0.78Glossy pure silver 0.03 to 0.28Bronze with uneven surface 0.55Stainless steelGlossy pure gold0.02 to 0.03Glossy0.07Iron and steel (except stainless)Rolled stainless steel 0.45Glossy iron 0.14 to 0.38Glossy tin0.06Glossy cast iron 0.21Etched tungsten filament 0.03 to 0.35Glossy wrought iron0.28ZincOxidized dull-colored wrought iron 0.94Commercially available glossy pure zinc 0.05Rusty iron sheet 0.69Galvanized sheets 0.21Glossy steel0.07Zinc oxide 0.11 to 0.28Thin rolled steel sheets 0.66Titanium oxide0.40 to 0.60Unpolished steel sheets0.94 to 0.97ItemEmissivity ItemEmissivity Non-metalsAsbestos 0.93 to 0.94Water 0.92 to 0.96BricksIce 0.96 to 0.98Red, unpolished 0.93Snow 0.83Fireclay 0.75Glass 0.85 to 0.95CarbonCeramics0.90 to 0.94Filament 0.53Marble 0.94Soot film0.84 to 0.95Fluorite 0.30 to 0.40Paint, lacquer, varnishGypsum 0.80 to 0.90Coated lacquer0.80 to 0.95Plaster 0.89 to 0.91White enamel 0.91Brick (red)0.93 to 0.95Black lacquer 0.96 to 0.98Fibers 0.90Aluminum paint 0.27 to 0.67Cloth (black) 0.9816-color oil-based paint 0.92 to 0.96Skin (human)0.98Glazed porcelain 0.92Leather0.75 to 0.80Opaque crystals (quartz)0.68 to 0.92Charcoal (powder) 0.96Asphalt 0.90 to 0.98Rubber (black) 0.94Concrete 0.94Plastic 0.85 to 0.95Cement 0.96Lumber0.90Sand0.90Paper0.70 to 0.94Dirt 0.92 to 0.96ES1C6Safety Precautions(1)This Product is designed for indoor use only. Do not usethe Product outdoors or in any of the following locations.•Locations directly subject to heat radiated from heating equipment.•Locations subject to splashing liquid or oil atmosphere.•Locations subject to direct sunlight.•Locations subject to dust or corrosive gases (in particu-lar, sulfide or ammonia gases).•Locations subject to intense temperature changes.•Locations subject to icing or condensation.•Locations subject to excessive vibration or shock. (2)Use and store the Product within the rated ambient tem-perature and humidity. If there is heating equipment in the vicinity of the Product, heat radiated from the equipment will cause the temperature inside the Product to rise and shorten its service life. In such a case, use forced cooling by fans or other means of air ventilation.(3)Be sure to wire properly with correct polarity of terminals.(4)Attach a surge protector or noise filter on nearby noise-generating devices (in particular, motors, transformers, solenoids, magnetic coils, or devices that have an induc-tance component). If a noise filter is used on the power supply, check the voltage and current, and attach the noise filter as near as possible to the Product. Allow as much space as possible between the product and devices that generates high frequencies (such as high-frequency welders and high-frequency sewing machines) or surges.(5)Use the product within the rated load and power supply.(6)The current output and power supply are not isolated. Besure that unwanted currents do no occur with the connect-ed device.(7)Do not measure glossy surfaces.(8)Do not let the Product touch the object to be measured.(9)Do not touch the lens.(10)Do not allow charged objects in the vicinity of the Product.CAUTIONA malfunction in the product may occasionallyresult in property damage to connected equip-ment or devices. To maintain safety in theevent of malfunction of the product, takeappropriate safety measures, such as install-ing a monitoring device on a separate line.Precautions for Safe UseWarranty and Application ConsiderationsRead and Understand This CatalogPlease read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.WARRANTYOMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTA TION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUIT ABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYOMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY.In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted. IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY, REPAIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESS OMRON'S ANAL YSIS CONFIRMS THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERL Y HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOT SUBJECT TO CONTAMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR.SUITABILITY FOR USEOMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.Take all necessary steps to determine the suitability of the product for the systems, machines, and equipment with which it will be used.Know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to this product.NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCTS ARE PROPERL Y RATED AND INST ALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.PERFORMANCE DATAPerformance data given in this catalog is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRON Warranty and Limitations of Liability.CHANGE IN SPECIFICATIONSProduct specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. Consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased product.DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSDimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown.Authorized Distributor:In the interest of product improvement,specifications are subject to change without notice.Cat. No. H163-E1-01Printed in Japan 0209© OMRON Corporation 2009 All Rights Reserved.OMRON Corporation Industrial Automation CompanyOMRON ELECTRONICS LLCOne Commerce Drive Schaumburg,IL 60173-5302 U.S.A.T el: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787Regional Headquarters OMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69-2132 JD Hoofddorp The NetherlandsTel: (31)2356-81-300/Fax: (31)2356-81-388 Contact: Tokyo, JAPANOMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD.No. 438A Alexandra Road # 05-05/08 (Lobby 2), Alexandra T echnopark, Singapore 119967T el: (65) 6835-3011/Fax: (65) 6835-2711OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD.Room 2211, Bank of China Tower, 200 Yin Cheng Zhong Road,PuDong New Area, Shanghai, 200120, China T el: (86) 21-5037-2222/Fax: (86) 21-5037-2200CSM_5_4_0419。



1800 人体红外感应器SA-180-WM-P1非常感谢您购买“欧瑞仕”产品。



















规格及包装配件:型号SA-140-WM-P1侦测方式被动式红外线工作电压AC 230V 50/60HZ开关容量(瓦)200W节能灯2000W钨丝灯防水等級IP44侦测距离(米)12 米侦测角度(度)140-180度亮灯时间约5秒~5分钟(可调整)环境亮度调整0-1000照度使用环境温度-20°~ +45°适用场所室内/室外产品尺寸125*70*110 (mm)产品重量约150g配件感应器,中文安装说明书,螺丝2支,水泥套筒2个※延长感应器使用寿命秘诀1、如负载是日光灯或省电灯泡等电子式光源(电感性负载),其功率达120W以上时,建议用AC继电器或电磁阀转控,可增加器材寿命。



SERIES ARJ-150A ARJ-150C ARJU31B ARJ-196 ARJU31A ARJ-150B ARJE-0029 ARJ-169 ARJE-0032
MOUNT Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole Thru Hole
No LED Green - Yellow Green - Yellow
ORIENTATION 90° Angle (Right) 90° Angle (Right) 90° Angle (Right) 90° Angle (Right) 90° Angle (Right)
10/100 Base-T, SMD
90° Angle (Right)
Thru Hole
10/100 Base-T
90° Angle (Right)
Thru Hole
10 Base-T
90° Angle (Right)
Thru Hole
FUNCTIONALITY 1000 Base-T, PoE++ 10/100 Base-T, PoE+ 10/100/1000 Base-T, PoE 10/100 Base-TX, PoE 10/100 Base-T, PoE
LED Green, Yellow - Green Green, Orange - Yellow



HY17M28红外线传感器应用说明书Infrared Thermopile Measurement Application Note.Table of Contents1.简介 (4)2.原理说明 (5)2.1.红外线波长介绍 (5)2.2.物体辐射 (5)2.3.量测光点与窗口 (8)2.4.传感器简介 (8)2.5.控制芯片 (10)3.设计规划 (13)3.1.硬件电路 (13)3.2.电路说明 (14).3.3.软件说明 (17)3.4.HY17M28红外测温演示板介绍 (23)4.技术规格 (27)5.演示板相关档案 (29)6.参考文献 (30)7.修订记录 (31).1. 简介常见的红外线传感器应用可分为医疗、工业、消费性用途,如耳温枪、额温枪、工业用温度仪、红外线温度计…等。


在红外线温度计应用中,需注意待测物距离、透镜的聚焦距离…等,本文仅说明如何使用纮康科技HY17M28芯片,以量测传感器转成的电信号,尤其需要注意范例程序demo code仅供应用时设计参考,不能直接作为实际生产用程序。

.2. 原理说明2.1. 红外线波长介绍图1波长频谱图,红外线常用的量测波长范围:700nm~14000nm依红外线的波长范围和红外线辐射源可区分 近红外线(Near Infra-red, NIR);700~2,000nm 中红外线(Middle Infra-red, MIR);3,000~5,000nm 远红外线(Far Infra-red, FIR);8,000~14,000nm2.2. 物体辐射图 2 物体辐射与传感器接受辐射的关系.传感器除了侦测到物体本身的辐射外,还会侦测到反射的辐射和让辐射穿透,彼此间的辐射关系可用A+R+T=1表示。

2.2.1黑体与非黑体散射以公式而言,固体T=0R 1E R 1A 1R A -=⇒-=⇒=+ 黑体:R=0非黑体:R≠0,R=0.1或0.2…图 3 黑体与灰体的波长与散射关系2.2.2金属图 4 金属吸收波长在不同温度下的量测误差.由于金属物质常反射,所以不容易散射,以特定的波长、温度量测金属物质,会造成金属物质的高散射可能性,因此以特定波长、温度会提高对金属物质的量测准确性,金属的散射与波长、温度具有相当密切的关系。

DS-520 BUS 红外传感器用户手册说明书

DS-520 BUS 红外传感器用户手册说明书

Manual delUsuarioSENSOR INFRARROJOPASIVO BARRAMENTODS-520 BUS Felicitaciones,usted ha adquirido un producto con la calidad JFL Alarmes, producido en Brasil con la más alta tecnología de fabricación.Este manual presenta las funciones y las características principales del equipo.ÍNDICE1 INTRODUCCIÓN (3)1.1 CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALES (3)2 COMPONENTES PRINCIPALES (3)3 INSTALACIÓN (4)4 FUNCIONAMIENTO (4)5 PROGRAMACIÓN (4)6 RANGO DE DETECCIÓN (5)7 PRECAUCIONES/RECOMENDACIONES (6)1INTRODUCCIÓNEl DS520Bus tiene un circuito de bajo consumo de corriente administrado por un microcontrolador, que garantiza detecciones de movimiento precisas y evita disparos no deseados. La tecnología de bus combinada con la confiabilidad del algoritmo de detección preciso proporciona más seguridad al medio ambiente. Tiene un circuito de compensación de temperatura y su elemento PIR (sensor infrarrojo piroeléctrico). El sensor de bus DS 520 tiene una lente Fresnell especial, con protección contra la luz blanca y los rayos UV (ultravioleta) además de la tecnología IMMUNITY PET, es decir, no detecta animales pequeños (hasta 30 kg), como perros, gatos y ratones que eventualmente pueden circular en el área de cobertura del sensor. Estas características, junto con la tecnología de bus, hacen que el sensor de bus infrarrojo pasivo sea pionero en sensores en el mercado.1.1CARACTERÍSTICAS GENERALESDetección máxima/ángulo: 14 metros / 90º.Sensor: dos sensores piroeléctrico digital.Sensibilidad: 3 niveles de sensibilidad de detección (mínima, media, máxima);Tiempo de estabilización: 15 segundos.Tensión de alimentación: 11 a 14Vc.c..Lente: Leitosa especial PET IMMUNITY 30Kg.Consumo: 2mA.Dimensiones: 80x60x43 mm.Peso aproximado: 96 gramas.Indicación: semiabiertos.2COMPONENTES PRINCIPALESLa figura 1 presenta el sensor “abierto” y sus componentes principales: ArrayFigura 11- (- BUS +)- Conector de alimentación / comunicación2- TAMPER- Llave para protección y apertura de la tapa.3- SENSOR- Sensor piroeléctrico digital..br34-LED DISPARO(AZUL)-Encendido indica que el sensor estáactivado y transmitiendo, parpadeando alternativamente indica que el sensor se está estabilizando.5- SENSOR- Sensor piroeléctrico digital.3INSTALACIÓNInstale el sensor a una altura mínima de 2.10 metros y una altura máxima de 2.40 metros en posición vertical, sin el uso de un articulador (preferiblemente). Conecte la alimentación al sensor y espere hasta que el LED de disparo(azul)deje de parpadear.Este es un procedimiento de estabilización de circuito y dura aproximadamente1minuto.Si es necesario, ajuste la sensibilidad y el posicionamiento del sensor. Para una mejor detección, es aconsejable instalar el sensor de manera que la trayectoria del intruso sea transversal a los haces del sensor, como se muestra en la figura 2. Array Figura 24FUNCIONAMIENTOEl sensor se comunica con el panel de control a través de un solo par de cables. Al conectar el sensor al bus y programar en el panel de control, el LED permanece parpadeando hasta que el panel de control lo reconoce. Este proceso puede llevar de 10 segundos a 5 minutos.5PROGRAMACIÓNEl bus DS-520 es compatible con paneles de alarma con tecnología de bus JFL. Todos los ajustes de funcionamiento para este sensor se realizan directamente en el panel de control. Para obtener más información, consulte el manual del panel de control.Aprender y borrar: siga las instrucciones en el menú de programación del dispositivo de bus del panel de control.Sensibilidad: esta configuración se realiza en el atributo de zona del panel de control en el que se aprende el sensor. Hay tres niveles:sensibilidad de detección máxima, media o mínima.Supervisión del sensor: se puede habilitar en el menú del panel de control..br4.br 6RANGO DE DETECCIÓNLas figuras 3 y 4 a continuación muestran el rango de detección del sensor, vista superior y vista lateral.Figura 3Figura 45.br7PRECAUCIONES/RECOMENDACIONES Siga las instrucciones a continuación para evitar vacunas no deseadas.NO instale el sensor dirigido/orientado haciauna escalera cuya una mascota pueda teneracceso.NO instale el sensor dirigido/orientado hacia superficiesreflectoras, fuentes de luz infrarroja o cerca de objetos que generen cambios abrutos de temperatura como ventana,ventiladores o calefactores.NO coloque objetos o muebles con altura superior a0,8m, en el cual una mascota pueda subir (porejemplo, un gato en un sofá).NO instale el sensor en exteriores.612JFL EQUIPAMENTOS ELETRÔNICOS IND. COM. LTDARua João Mota, 471 - Jardim das PalmeirasCEP 37.540-000 - Santa Rita do Sapucaí / MGFone: (35) 3473-3550.brMANUAL DS-510 BUS REV.:04 14/07/20207ECR-18 cloud, ECR-18i cloud e ECR-18 lite rev. 00 04/05/2018。

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工作电压范围:11.0V~19.0V DC;
1、概 述
工作温度: 0℃~40℃;
环境大气压 :80kPa~110kPa;