
Sample Letter to Document Disability From Primary Care PhysicianTo Vocational RehabilitationDateTO: NAME OF VR COUNSELOROffice of Rehabilitation ServicesADDRESSCITY, STATEFROM: DOCTOR’s NAME (its better if this is on the physician’s letterhead)RE: John (XXXXXX) XXXXXXX, Age 18, DOB XX/XX/1986Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXGraduate of XXXXXX High School as of June 9, 2004Dear NAME OF VR COUNSELOR,The purpose of this letter is to document significant chronic health conditions that impair activities of daily living for XXXXXXX – XXXXXX. I have been his primary care physician for18 years.XXXXXX’s health issues and their effect on school and potential employment do meet the definition of disability by Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation criteria [Title 53A Chapter 24, 102(3)] and ADA and Section 504 requirements (see fact sheet on last page).SIGNIFICANT HEALTH IMPAIRMENTS• Endocrine System - TYPE ONE DIABETES• Digestive System - ULCERATIVE COLITIS• Immune System - ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITISCONFIDENTIALITY SAFEGUARDS - In compliance with HIPAA confidentiality mandates permission for this personal health information has been obtained by the patient, and as such this letter should be treated as highly confidential records and not shared without the patient’s permission.What follows is an overview of the health issues that XXXXXX lives with. Enclosed are relevant reports and findings of recent and past health related medical testing.TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT & IMPORTANT OF HEALTH CARE BENEFITSIt is important to consider what XXXXXX could do to meet his potential, live independently, and remain as healthy as possible. XXXXXX is a very bright young man who has displayed numerous talents in music, art, writing, literature, and science.Given his educational performance, intellectual abilities and aspirations, he certainly has the potential to do well in competitive employment through post-secondary college courses – if supported. It will be essential that career development be aimed at stable; well-paying jobs that offer comprehensive benefits to assure maintain health status and financial independence.In sum, I believe that offering XXXXXX financial and technology support through the Office of Rehabilitative Services would ensure not only employability but also would support all important aspects of independent living and optimal quality of life. Please contact me if you require further information.Sincerely,XXXXXXXXX, M.D.Etc.XXXXXX XXXXXX Chronic Health Issues1. TYPE ONE DIABETES, ICD-9 CODE: 250.01, Diagnosed: 1998; age 12 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – He requires daily insulin, strict dietary management, and daily/hourlymonitoring and management of blood sugar levels. He has been hospitalized several times, either forsevere hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis.2. ULCERATIVE COLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 556.9, Diagnosed: Diagnosed 2000; age 14 yearsXXXXXX required surgery for this. He had a colectomy.Health Impact to XXXXXX – Although he technically no longer has ulcerative colitis due to the absence of a colon, he continues to suffer from acute episodes of pouchitis. Symptoms, including steadily increasingstool frequency that may be accompanied by incontinence, bleeding, fever and/or feeling of urgency. Most cases can be treated with a short course of antibiotics. Additionally, absence of a colon causes problemswith nutritional absorption and is associated with XXXXXX’s below-average weight.3. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 720.0, Diagnosed: 2000; age 14 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – his degenerative spinal arthritis that causes episodes of severe pain andlimitations on his physical capabilities, requiring medication and a physical therapy regime formanagement.ACCOMODATIONS REQUIRED – SCHOOL /EMPLOYMENT TRAINING/PREPARATIONIn order to maximize XXXXXX’s performance level that will not jeopardize health status, some accommodations and modifications are required:1. DAILY MONITORING- XXXXXX’s diabetes management requires that he be able to take frequent breaks whenthe need arises to a) treat low blood sugars, b) use the restroom, c) test his glucose levels, and d) administer insulin. Although XXXXXX’s diabetes management has been relatively stable, the presence of additionalautoimmune diseases puts his future diabetes management and long-term health at risk.2. WATER INTAKE & BATHROOM BREAKS - XXXXXX’s lack of a colon causes him to use the restroom frequently,and he must drink a large amount of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.3. LIMIT PHYSICAL EXERTION - His ankylosing spondylitis causes him days with severe back pain, makingrigorous activity very painful. Tasks requiring heavy lifting or having to sit or stand for a prolonged period of time without breaks exacerbate his condition and are harmful to his spine. Class schedules and location of classrooms, time needed to change travel to next class need to be evaluated. There may be a need foradditional accommodations in the future, such as mobility assistance, elevator use, use of laptop or cell phone to alleviate unnecessary physical travel.4. ATTENDANCE - Episodes of severe hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis, pouchitis infections, and severe spinal paincan result in XXXXXX’s need for additional sick days to treat the accompanying fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Teachers will need to allow for increased time to make up schoolwork or other forms of instruction if absenteeism is due to noted health issues.5. ACCOMODATIONS - XXXXXX has had a 504 plan in place at school (K-12) to ensure these accommodationshave been allowed. The individualized employment plan / individual written rehabilitation plan, that will be developed between VR and XXXXXX will need to specify needed accommodations. While in college, XXXXXX will need to coordinate accommodations (health, learning and testing) for maximized performance with the Disability Resource Centers on campus.。

XXX(中英对照)XXX that are often seen as being at odds with each other。
as the Chairman and CEO of IBM from 1985 to 1993.I firmly believe that these two concepts can and should coexist inthe business world.One of the key reasons for this is that XXX and a strong sense of ethics。
it can build trust with its XXX。
in turn。
can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business。
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ethical r can help a company attract and XXX。
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In the long run。
these consequences XXX than any short-term gains that might be XXX.However。
For example。
a company may be XXX ns。
it'XXX in the best interest of the company。
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companies XXX。

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx软件需求规格说明书yyyy网络技术有限公司目录1. 引言 (6)1.1目的 (6)1.2文档约定 (6)1.3预期的读者和阅读建议 (6)1.4产品的范围 (6)1.5参考文献 (7)2. 综合描述 (7)2.1产品的背景 (7)2.2产品的功能 (7)2.3用户类和特征 (8)2.4运行环境 (8)2.5设计和实现上的限制 (8)2.6假设和依赖 (8)3. 外部接口需求 (8)3.1用户界面 (9)3.2硬件接口 (9)3.3软件接口 (9)3.4通信接口 (9)4. 系统特性 (9)4.1数据查询 (10)4.1.1按建设项目投资构成查询 (10)4.1.3横向查询 (13)4.1.4海域信息查询 (14)4.2数据录入 (15)4.2.1.建设项目信息录入 (15)4.2.2采办合同数据录入 (16)4.2.3平台合同数据录入 (17)4.2.4海底管线合同数据录入 (19)4.2.5海底电缆合同数据录入 (20)4.2.6油轮合同数据录入 (21)4.2.8水下生产系统合同数据录入 (23)4.2.9 陆上终端合同数据录入 (24)4.2.10码头合同数据录入 (26)4.2.11钻井工程合同数据录入 (27)4.2.12完井工程费合同数据录入 (27)4.3报表打印 (28)4.3.1说明和优先级 (28)4.3.2输入和响应序列 (28)4.3.3功能需求 (28)4.4系统维护 (29)4.4.1 用户管理 (29)4.4.2 用户权限管理 (29)4.5帮助 (30)4.5.1说明和优先级 (30)4.5.2输入/响应序列 (30)4.5.3 功能需求 (30)5. 其他非功能需求 (31)5.1性能需求 (31)5.2安全设施需求 (31)5.3安全性需要 (31)5.4软件质量属性 (31)5.4.1灵活性 (31)5.4.2完整性 (31)5.4.3有效性 (31)5.4.5可用性 (31)5.5业务规则 (31)5.5.1造价费用构成 (31)5.5.2 合同费用数据构成 (32)6. 用户文挡 (32)7. 其他需求 (32)1. 引言1.1目的及时完整地收集到已经竣工的海上油气田开发项目的竣工造价资料,并以整理、分析、处理这些资料为基础,的出一系列的计价数据,为jj的工程项目投资决策、投资审查、投资测算、投资控制、投资审计等提供工作支持。

第四章公司注册资本及股东的姓名(名称)、出资方式、出资额、出资时间第六条公司注册资本:10万元人民币第七条股东的姓名(名称)、认缴出资额、出资时间、出资方式如下:股东姓名股东证件号码认缴情况(万元)出资数额出资期限出资方式孟XX 200000000000000000 10 2036.12.1货币第五章公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则第八条公司不设股东会,股东行使下列职权:(一)决定公司的经营方针和投资计划;(二)决定非由职工代表担任的执行董事、监事,决定有关执行董事、监事、经理的报酬事项;(三)审议批准执行董事的报告;(四)审议批准监事的报告;(五)审议批准公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;(六)审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损的方案;(七)对公司增加或者减少注册资本作出决定;(八)对发行公司债券做出决定;(九)对公司合并、分立、解散、清算或者变更公司形式做出决定;(十)修改公司章程;第九条股东做出修改公司章程、增加或者减少注册资本的决议,以及公司合并、分立、解散或者变更公司形式的决定,应当采用书面形式,并由股东签名后置备于公司。

生平介绍会主持词生平介绍会主持词篇一:xxx同志遗体告别仪式主持词、生平介绍 XXX同志遗体告别仪式主持词各位亲朋、同志们:云蒙低沉,草木含悲。
今天,我们怀着沉痛的心情在这里深切悼念中国共产党的优秀党员、我们的好干部X XX同志。
XXX 同志的一生是勤劳苦作的一生,是无私奉献的一生。
仪式进行第二项,请县XX局党组书记、局长X XX同志介绍XXX同志生平。
仪式进行第三项,列队向X XX 同志遗体告别,奏哀乐。
XXX同志生平介绍 XXX同志于1931年1月出生在XX县X X镇XX村的一个农民家庭,自小勤奋好学,吃苦耐劳,1946年在本村参加儿童团;1951年2月入党;1951年11月毕业于XX师范,是XX师范第一届毕业生;1951年12月参加革命工作,在XX 冯庄小学任教师;1956年1月任XX公社文化教员;1958年3月在教育局从事教研工作,业务突出;1960年任XX党校理论教员;1967年1月任县革委政治部宣传组干事;1973年8月任县电影管理站站长;1978年7月任县文教局副局长;1979年3月任文化局副局长,主持全面工作。


特别是2015年以来,我及我单位在市水务局和电站三家的英明领导和带领下,较好地完成了各项工作,主要表现在:1、抓思想教育、调动干群积极工作本人上任伊始,正值电站扩新改造工作当中——新建XXXXXX 电站.对于修建XXXXXX电站,当时职工中存在各种议论,本人在职工会上多次向职工们说明修建缘由,解决了职工们的思想情绪。


xxx 公会管理规定第一章xx 设置第一条公会成员马甲由人事部门进行设置,公会管理马甲由相关部门负责人及高管负责设置,马甲等级的确定严格根据《xxx 公会职务分配表》进行。
第三条高管及管理人员,不得乱给别人马甲,每个部门的特招管理的马甲要经过该部门的部长或会长同意之后才可以,并且发马甲之后要把所发马甲人员的《xxx 公会人事登记表(管理人员)》填写完整并发给人事部,由人事部发给编号并进行登记(初审、复审由特招部门负责人填写“特招”并进行登记,部门意见按照规定进行填写)。
第七条申请个人住宅需同时满足① 蓝马,② 贡献达到1000,然后到人事部进行申请;申请个人别墅需同时满足①红马,②贡献达到900,③任职时间达到6个月或同时满足①黄马,②贡献达到800,③任职时间达到3个月,然后到人事部进行申请。
第八条如因违反第一章第二条之规定下蓝马,需申请恢复的,应在贡献累计增加100 后向人事部进行申请恢复蓝马身份。

最美XXXXXX人--- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX五组:胡传亚XXXXX,男,汉族,生于XXXXX年1月,初中文化,中共党员,现为XXXXX农民建筑施工队领头人。


属重大的,经具体负责人批准后,可适当延期,但不超过10 个工作日。
需两个或两个以上工作组承办的公文,主办工作组应在3 个工作日内与协办工作组联系。

总体规划:xxx 项目总占地约34亩。
xxxxxx 2011 Quality Roadmap RevB

Quality Roadmapxxxxxx Quality PlanQuality Manager –Primary Responsibilities:Overall Quality responsibilityMaintain TS-16949 requirements internal/ ExternalPlan and achieve quality goals and requirements to customerExpectations and Amphenol RF goalsContinuous improvement activities to achieve zero defectsRecruit and enhance quality staffing strength.xxxxxx Strategic goals for RF25% Reduction in customer returned materials25% Improvement in Customer SatisfactionStaffing Requirements: Priority1. PPAP Quality CoordinatorCoordinate all PPAP requests from customers withFakra Project manager and all required departmentsof ARFA and Danbury.3 Week turnaround for Danbury accepted PPAP2. Quality Improvement Project ManagerDotted line Project Manager with Danbury/ARFAfor managing continuous improvement goals.Suppliers (SQA)Concessions (Deviations) under TS-16949 are not permitted. For RFproduct, concessions are permitted with agreement of the MRB.Per TS-16949, all automotive suppliers shall be qualified against documented requirements and listed on the Approved Supplier List. They shall submit on a timely basis PPAP documentation to facilitate our level 3 PPAP requirements within a 3 week goal.Suppliers shall demonstrate process capabilities for all manufacturing processes to meet 1.33 minimum CPk. Suppliers shall demonstrate capabilities and provide statistical data to verify conformance to requirements and continuous improvement activities to achieve zero defect goals for all products.Automotive suppliers will not change processes without approval of Amphenol ARFA and customer. Process change requests shall be made formally and if approved, shall be complete with required statistical data, control plan revisions DFMEA and PFMEA revisions.ARFA shall perform incoming inspections on each lot of purchased material with a sampling plan adequate to verify 1.33 minimum CPk performance for key dimensions. Monthly reports by supplier shall be published and provided to Danbury. Deviations are not permitted for PPAP material. All rejections shall result in a corrective action request.Suppliers shall perform detailed and documented root cause corrective actions within 5 days of any product failing to meet specifications. All corrective actions and verifications are subject to periodic reviews..Quality manager or assignee shall respond to C/A requests derived from customers verbally within 1 day and by formal written format within 5 days to Danbury.Suppliers shall be periodically visited for quality reviews of their retained statistical and inspection records and to review performance since last review. Improvement plans shall be active and directed to zero defect goals. Corrective action validations will be included in audit visits. ARFA SQA shall schedule audits as required.Suppliers not performing to required standards shall provide a detailedquality improvement plan and time line for recovery. Adequate product screens shall be in place to assure defective product does not reachAmphenol facilities. Multiple or repeat problems shall result inreplacement of supplier.SQA shall provide Danbury with a comprehensive monthly supplierperformance report, for top suppliers and overall procured materialperformance metrics against goals.Suppliers shall be encouraged to have their Quality Management Systems comply with recognized TS registrations for automotive suppliers andISO-9000 for RF product.Internal ARFA Component Manufacturing(PQA)All internal manufacturing processes shall demonstrate 1.33 CPkcapabilities as minimum. Statistical data must be available todemonstrate capabilities.Internal automotive processes shall not be changed withoutprior approval of Customer.Sufficient data shall be presented to demonstrate any alternate process is capable and acceptable. Control documentation must be provided to complete PPAP re-submissions.ARFA shall perform statistical, set-up, Key dimensional inspections to assure production will be acceptable before beginning production runs.Process production shall be monitored using SPC trending to assure a minimum 1.33 CPk quality is maintained. Random internal inspectionsshall continuously be performed in addition to the KDC characteristics being monitored and recorded.Routine production quality performance reports shall be maintained and reviewed by part and process to monitor conformance.Detailed root cause corrective actions shall be performed by manufacturing engineers within 5 days of any product failing to meet specification, internally found or from customer.Processes shall be periodically verified for machine and process capability and fault proofing utilized wherever possible.Overall production quality performance measures shall be compiled and distributed to ARFA and RF Quality management teams on a monthly basis. Separation of Automotive and RF product lines will be reported.Tool maintenance guidelines shall be created and followed to assure consistency throughout the lot production. A tool database must be maintained to monitor Revision levels. No revisions to tooling for automotive products without pre-approval.Any product found defective during a production run shall result in all product produced during that run to be suspect and segregated for screening.All process changes shall be completed along with respective PFMEA , Control plan and statistical data PPAP updates for approval before being cut in.Final Product QAFinal assembly PPAP documentation submitted within 3 weeks of request for all automotive products.Final processes must not change to plan without customer approvalAll final processes must be adapted to fault proofed tooling as possible.All final processes should be automated to minimize human error for repetitive operations as possible.Routine production quality reports and CPk data must be maintained for each process and reviewed by each unique part KDC and process for trends.All assembly processes must be verified using process capability studies to assure 1.33 CPk minimum capabilities prior to full production start up.Any product found defective during a production run must result in all product produced during that run to be suspect and segregated for screening or scrap as MRB directs.Quality Manager must provide monthly production quality performance reports to Danbury.Any defective product occurring in a production, run or at customer must result in a verified root cause and corrective action report within 5 daysARFA must perform statistical, set up; first piece inspections to assure production will be acceptable before beginning production runs.Quality AssuranceQuality improvements must be strategic and focused toward the 2 Customer directed goals for 2008.Quality Improvement Project manager will be assigned initiatives in co-operation with Danbury Quality Director and ARFA Quality Manager.Scrap and MRB holding practices to be reviewed to assure scrap product is removed from facility.An MRB consisting of Quality, Design Engineering and Manufacturing PIE engineers must agree upon material dispositions. Quality shall administer the MRB.A dedicated PPAP project person will be added to reduce PPAP turnaround submissions to 3 weeks maximum for standard level 3 submission.Participate in the centralized C/A and customer complaint database systems. Integrate the Danbury and ARFA database.Encourage team involvement in quality awareness and responsibility by having 4 engineers across department lines, trained for certified green belt status.Train and encourage increased usage of Poka-Yoke tools throughout manufacturing processes.Amphenol Product ComplianceAdopt and implement RF Product Compliance Policy and procedures to assure present and future compliance to Global environmental directives and that due diligence is practiced.Project Manager - Quality Initiatives Scheduled Project initiativesTooling Database for revision control and maintenance schedulesCertified training matrix for operatorsStatistical Process for Production set-upCreate a formal Material Review Board using CrossDepartment reps.Hold notice systemCustomer Satisfaction database shared with DanburyCorrective Action database and procedureStandardize Metrics to Danbury guidelinesScrap and disposition controlsStatistical acceptance set-up and control policy (CPk)Unit metrics1st article requirements for daily start-up production。

XXXXXX 有限公司XXXX发[2014]2号签发人:XXXX关于×××的通知各部门:为了贯彻落实《中华人民共和国安全生产法》及有关法律法规,始终贯彻“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,加强对生产安全事故的防范,确保安全事故发生后的应急救援工作能迅速有效展开,最大限度地减少事故损失,保障公司和职工的生命财产的安全,公司决定颁布安全生产工作方针和目标,请各部门认真贯彻执行。
19XX年我由一名老师成为信用社的一员,19XX年我就开始了不同寻常的人生 .那年弟弟许长青响应开发建三江的号召,揣着发家致富的梦想去八五九XX 农场种地。

ContentsDescription Page IntroductionPreliminary comments andsafety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Warranty and liability information . . . . . . . . . . . .2Safety precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2DescriptionCatalog number identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Catalog number example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Receiving, handling, and storageReceiving and handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Installation and wiring General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Mounting location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Mounting procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Knockout procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Field wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Door-locking means . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8m WARNINGREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED HEREINAFTER BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO UNPACK, ASSEMBLE, OPERATE, OR MAINTAIN THIS EQUIPMENT.m WARNINGHAZARDOUS VOLTAGES THAT CAN CAUSE DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY ARE PRESENT INSIDE ENCLOSURE. FOLLOW PROPER INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES TO AVOID THESE VOLTAGES.m WARNINGALL POSSIBLE CONTINGENCIES THAT MAY ARISE DURING INSTALLATION, OPERATION, ORMAINTENANCE, AND ALL DETAILS AND VARIATIONS OF THIS EQUIPMENT DO NOT PURPORT TO BE COVERED BY THESE INSTRUCTIONS. IF FURTHER INFORMATION IS DESIRED BY PURCHASER REGARDING THE PARTICULAR INSTALLATION, OPERATION, OR MAINTENANCE OF PARTICULAR EQUIPMENT, CONTACT AN EATON REPRESENTATIVE.Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Meter2Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton IntroductionPreliminary comments and safety precautionsThis technical document is intended to cover most aspects associated with the installation, application, operation, andmaintenance of enclosed Power Xpert T Multi-Point Meter (PXMP) equipment . It is provided as a guide for authorized and qualified personnel only .Warranty and liability informationNo warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose of merchantability, or warranties arising from course of dealing or usage of trade, are made regarding the information, recommendations, and descriptions contained herein . In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or the user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or the user by its customers resulting from the use of the information and descriptions contained herein .Safety precautionsAll safety codes, safety standards, and/or regulations must be strictly observed in the installation, operation, and maintenance of this device .m CAUTIONCOMPLETELY READ AND UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE ATTEMPTING INSTALLATION, OPERATION, OR APPLICATION OF THE EQUIPMENT. IN ADDITION, ONLY QUALIFIED PERSONS SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO PERFORM ANY WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT. ANY WIRING INSTRUCTIONS PRESENTED IN THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FOLLOWED PRECISELY. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD CAUSE PERMANENT EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.m CAUTIONREFER ALSO TO PXMP DEVICE INSTRUCTION BOOKS. REFER TO INSTALLATION MANUAL MN150001EN.DescriptionCatalog number identificationThe enclosed PXMP catalog number provides a description of the features provided with your device . The catalog number is included on labels both on the shipping carton and on the equipment enclosure .The first set of characters identifies the type of monitoring device mounted in the enclosure . (Refer to PXMP Installation Manual MN150001EN for detailed information on the monitoring device .) See T able 1 on Page 6, which references the PXMP catalog numbering system .otee:N The second character denotes the type of enclosure .2NEMA T 12 enclosure 3NEMA 3R enclosure 4NEMA 4X enclosureotee:N The third character denotes 24 Vdc power supply .A None—24 Vdc supplied by other sourceB Single-phase, 100–240 Vac to 24 Vdc, 60 wattC Three-phase, 400–500 Vac to 24 Vdc, 60 wattD Three-phase, 480–600 Vac to 24 Vdc, 55 wattotee:N The fourth character denotes the display type .A NoneD 6-inch color touchscreenCatalog number exampleThe catalog number PXMP-MB-2B-D denotes a PXMP-MB monitoring device mounted in a NEMA 12 enclosure with a single-phase power supply and a display (PXMP-DISP-6) .3Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton Receiving, handling, and storageReceiving and handlingEvery effort is made to ensure that the enclosed PXMP equipment arrives at its destination undamaged and ready for installation . Crating and packing are designed to protect internal components as well as the enclosure . Do not remove protective packing until the equipment is ready for installation .When the equipment reaches its destination, the customer should inspect the shipping container for any obvious signs of roughhandling and/or external damage that occurred during transportation . Record any external and internal damage for reporting to the transportation carrier and Eaton, once a thorough inspection is complete . All claims should be as specific as possible and include general order numbers .A plastic bag of instruction booklets and/or CDs will be found in the shipping container . Store these documents in a safe place .StorageAlthough well packaged, this equipment is not suitable for storage outdoors . And if the equipment is to be stored indoors for any period of time, it should be stored with its protective packaging in place . Refer to the Power Xpert Multi-Point Meter User and Installation Manual MN150001EN for suitable conditions for these devices .Installation and wiringGeneralEnclosed PXMP devices are factory wired and tested . Installation requires solidly mounting the enclosed unit and connecting field wiring . Included in this booklet are diagrams of the factory wiring and various field wiring options . Review and understand the appropriate diagrams for the catalog number of the unit you have ordered .The system voltage application is assumed to be either a three-phase, four-wire system or a single-phase, three-wire system . The enclosed PXMP is provided with a meter base that can accept a variety of modules to allow for maximum flexibility for theapplication . Up to 10 different PXMP Meter Modules (PXMP-MMs) can be mixed and matched within a PXMP Meter Base (PXMP-MB) to accommodate a total of up to 60 poles of metering channels from a variety of single-, two-, and three-pole loads . For applications that are three-phase, three-wire, and different CT configurations, as well as the different modules available with the meter bases, please see Chapter 4 of the User and Installation Manual MN150001EN for further details and configuration options . All models containing an I/O module and RJ45 communications connections will be required to have the external wires connected directly to the PXMP device .Mounting locationChoose a location that offers a flat, rigid mounting surface capable of supporting the weight of the equipment (Figure 1 through Figure 3) . Units will weigh 100 lbs (45 .5 kg) maximum . Mount the equipment in a suitable environment . These enclosures are designed forNEMA 12, 3R, and 4X environments . The catalog number identifies the enclosure . If there are any doubts as to location suitability, discuss them with your Eaton representative . Check to make certain that there are no pipes, wires, or other mounting hazards in the immediate mounting area that could create a problem . Carefully remove all packing material from the unit . Even though an equipment inspection was made when the equipment wasreceived, make another careful inspection of the enclosure and the devices inside as packing material is removed . Be especially alert for distorted metal, loose wires, or damaged components .Mounting procedureThe enclosures are provided with four elongated mounting holes, two at the top and two at the bottom .Knockout procedureUse an appropriate knockout punching tool for incoming power connections . In addition, the use of an appropriate NEMA-rated hub is required to maintain enclosure NEMA rating .Figure 1. Dimensions of Enclosed PXMP —NEMA 124Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton Figure 2. Dimensions of Enclosed PXMP—NEMA 3RFigure 3. Dimensions of Enclosed PXMP—NEMA 4X5Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton m CAUTIONEXTREME CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE EQUIPMENT FROM DRILL CHIPS, FILINGS, AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS WHEN MAKING THE WIRE ENTRY HOLES AND MOUNTING THE ENCLOSURE TO PREVENT COMPONENT DAMAGE OR A FUTURE MALFUNCTION.Step 1: Locate the four mounting holes that are on the back of the enclosure, two on the top and two on the bottom .Step 2: Install required mounting bolt anchors and mounting bolts in top two holes, but do not completely tighten the bolts .Step 3: While still supporting the enclosure, install the two lower mounting bolts in the lower holes, but do not completely tighten . Use shims, if required, to prevent deformation of the enclosure when tightening the bolts, if the mountingsurface is distorted .Step 4: Tighten all four mounting bolts after any required shimming is completed .Wiringm WARNINGCONTROL WIRING MAY HAVE VOLTAGE PRESENT THAT CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. DE-ENERGIZE ALL CONDUCTORS BEFORE BEGINNING TO PERFORM ANY WIRING ACTIVITY TO OR WITHIN THE ENCLOSED PXMP DEVICE.m WARNINGTHE DISCONNECT SWITCHES IN THIS UNIT DISCONNECT CONTROL OR SENSING VOLTAGE TO THE PXMP DEVICE. WHEN THESE DISCONNECTS ARE IN THE “OFF” POSITION, THE CURRENT TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT, FUSES, WIRING, RECEPTACLE, AND INPUTS/OUTPUTS ARE ENERGIZED. A DISCONNECTING MEANS AND UPSTREAM PROTECTION SHOULD BE INSTALLED FOR ALL CIRCUITS. A SHORT-CIRCUIT–TYPE TERMINAL BLOCK IS PROVIDED FOR THE CURRENT TRANSFORMER CIRCUIT.Understand the diagram(s) that pertain to your order before you begin the field wiring.Refer to Installation Manual MN150001EN for more information regarding the PXMP .Field wiringotee:N All field wiring must be #14 AWG minimum .Figure 4 through Figure 6 show the field wiring options available . Not all of these diagrams will pertain to your order . Understand your system and use the appropriate figures .Factory wiring is shown solid; field wiring is shown dashed .Door-locking meansThe enclosure has been fitted with means for securing the door so that it cannot be opened or tampered with . The lower wing latch can be secured in place with a padlock or other multiple padlocking device . With the wing latch in the vertical position, the door can be locked in the OPEN position . With the wing latch in the horizontal position, the door can be locked in the CLOSED position . A padlock, can be placed in the left or right slots . The left slot is sized for a 3/8-inch padlock, and the right slot is sized for a 1/4-inch padlock . Please see image below for an example of a padlock installed inthe wing latch .Padlock Installed in Wing Latch6Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton T able 1. Power Xpert Multi-Point Meter Catalog Numbering SystemPXMP-MB - 2 B - DMeter BaseMB = Three-phase / single-phase, three-wire with ABCN voltage inputsMB–AB = Single-phase / three-wire with ABN voltage inputsEnclosure Rating2 = NEMA 123 = NEMA 3R4 = NEMA 4XPower SupplyA = None—24 Vdc supplied by other sourceB = Single-phase, 100–240 Vac to 24 Vdc, 60 wattC = Three-phase, 400–500 Vac to 24 Vdc, 60 wattD = Three-phase, 480–600 Vac to 24 Vdc, 55 wattDisplayA = NoneD = 6-inch color touchscreenExample: PXMP-MB-2B-DThe catalog number above represents a Power Xpert Multi-Point Meter with three-phase / single-phase, three-wire with ABCN voltageinputs, NEMA 12 enclosure, single-phase 120–240 Vac to 24 Vdc power supply, and display (PXMP-DISP-6) .Figure 4. 120–240 Vac, 50/60 Hz, Single-Phase, Three-Wire System7Instruction Booklet IB150002ENEffective August 2013Enclosed meter—Power Xpert Multi-Point Metereaton Figure 5. 120–240 Vac, 50/60 Hz, Three-Phase, Four-WireWye SystemFigure 6. 480–600 Vac, 50/60 Hz, Three-Phase, Four-Wire Wye SystemEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United StatesEaton .com© 2013 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No . IB150002EN / Z13706 August 2013Eaton is a registered trademark . All other trademarks are property of their respective owners .Instruction Booklet IB150002EN Effective August 2013Enclosed meter— Power Xpert Multi-Point MeteroperationRefer also to PXMP device instruction books . Refer to Installation Manual MN150001EN .The Enclosed PXMP is equipped with a two-position fused disconnect switch to enable switching voltage on and off to the PXMP device . This switch is marked SERVICE DISCONNECT .The terminal blocks for the current circuits are short-circuit type . Shorting screws are included .The disconnect switch in this unit disconnects control or sensing voltage to the PXMP device . When this disconnect is in the ON position, the current transformer circuit, fuses, wiring, receptacle, and input/output are energized . A disconnecting means and upstream protection should be installed for all circuits . A short-circuit type terminal block is provided for the current transformer circuit .Maintenancem WARNINGHAZARDOUS VOLTAGE CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. MULTIPLE SUPPLY SOURCES ARE PROVIDED. DISCONNECT EACH BEFORE SERVICING.m WARNINGREFER ALSO TO PXMP DEVICE INSTRUCTION BOOKS. REFER TO INSTALLATION MANUAL MN150001EN.m WARNINGIN GENERAL, THE ENCLOSED PXMP UNIT IS DESIGNED TO BE RELATIVELY MAINTENANCE-FREE UNDER NORMAL USAGE. HOWEVER, BECAUSE OF THE VARIABILITY OF APPLICATION CONDITIONS AND THE IMPORTANCE PLACED ON DEPENDABLE OPERATION AND INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE ON A REGULARLY SCHEDULED BASIS. VISUALLY INSPECT FOR LOOSE PARTS, WIRES,AND/OR HARDWARE. INSPECT FOR DISCOLORATION OF INSULATION AND DAMAGED OR DISCOLORED COMPONENTS. BE ALERT FOR ACCUMULATION OF DIRT AND/OR MOISTURE ON STRUCTURE. CHECK OPERATION OF DISCONNECT SWITCH(ES) AND CONTINUITY OF FUSES, WHERE APPLICABLE.。

XXX单词归类表词汇不完全归类表一、研究用品(school things)nary词典二、人体(body)foot脚head头face脸XXX头发nose鼻子XXX嘴eye眼睛XXX耳朵arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿tail尾巴三、颜色(colours)red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红purple紫orange橙brown棕4、植物(animals)cat猫dog狗pigXXX大象ant蚂蚁fish鱼XXX海狸XXX 狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸zebra斑马deer鹿giraffe长颈鹿goose 鹅hen母鸡XXX火鸡lamb小羊sheep绵羊goat山羊cow奶牛donkey驴squid鱿鱼lobster龙虾shark鲨鱼XXX虎鲸五、人物(people)XXX同伙XXX男孩girl女孩XXX母亲XXX父亲XXX 姐妹XXX兄弟XXX叔叔;舅舅man汉子woman女人Mr.师长教师Miss蜜斯lady密斯;XXX妈妈XXX爸爸XXX怙恃XXX(外)祖母XXX(外)祖父aunt姑姑cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹XXX儿子XXX女儿baby婴儿XXX小孩XXX同XXX女王visitor观光者XXX邻人XXX校长XXX大学生XXX笔友XXX游览者people人物XXX呆板人6、职业(jobs)1teacher教师student学生doctor医生XXX护士driver司机XXX农民singer歌唱家XXX作家XXX男演员actress女演员artist画家XXX记者XXX(男)警察salesperson销售员XXX 棒球运动员assistant售货员police警察七、食品、饮料(food & drink)rice米饭bread面包beef牛肉milk牛奶water水egg蛋fish鱼tofu豆腐cake蛋糕hot dog热狗hamburger汉堡包French fries炸薯条cookie曲奇biscuit饼干jam果酱noodles面条meat肉chicken鸡肉pork猪肉mutton羊肉vegetable蔬菜salad沙拉soup汤ice冰ice-cream冰淇淋Coke可乐juice果汁tea茶coffee咖啡breakfast早餐XXX一餐8、生果、蔬菜(XXX)n洋葱carrot胡萝卜cabbage卷心菜九、衣服(clothes)XXX上衣凉鞋scarfjacket夹克衫shirt衬衫T-shirt丅恤衫skirt短裙子dress连衣裙牛仔裤pants长裤socks袜子shoes鞋子sweater毛衣coatraincoat雨衣shorts短裤sneakers网球鞋slippers拖鞋sandalsboots靴子hat(有沿的)帽子cap便帽sunglasses太阳镜tie领带围巾gloves手套trousers裤子cloth布十、交通工具(vehicles)XXX自行车bus大众汽车train火车boat划子ship汽船yacht快艇car小汽车XXX出租车jeep吉普车van小货车;面包车plane/airplane飞机XXX摩托车十一、杂物(other things)puter计算机board写字板fan电扇light灯XXX’sdesk讲台picture丹青;照片wall墙壁floor地板curtain窗帘trash ner 空调key钥匙lock锁photo照片chart图表plate2盘子knife刀fork叉spoon勺子chopsticks筷子pot锅gift礼品toy玩具doll洋娃娃ball球balloon气球XXX鹞子jigsaw lin小提琴yo-yo溜溜球nest鸟窝hole洞tube管子toothbrush牙刷menu菜单e-card电子卡片e-mail电子邮件traffic light交通灯money钱medicine药十2、地点(ns)home家room房间XXX卧室XXX卫生间XXXXXX书房playground操场XXX食堂XXXXXX家乡bus 公交车站十三、课程(classes)n头脑品德课SocialStudies社会课Chinese语文math数学PE体育课English英语课十4、国度、城市(countries & cities)China/PRCXXX美国UK结合王国XXX十五、气象(weather)XXX冰冷的warm暖和的cool风凉的snowy下雪的XXX 明朗的hot炎热的rainy下雨的windy有风的cloudy多云的weather report气候预告十6、风景(nature)river河流lake湖泊stream河;溪forest森林path小道road公路house房子bridge桥building建筑物rain雨cloud云sun太阳mountain山sky天空rainbow彩虹wind风air空气moon月亮3十七、植物(plants)flower花grass草tree树seed种子sprout苗plant植物rose 玫瑰leaf叶子十八、星期(week)XXX星期一XXX星期二XXX星期三XXX星期四XXX 星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期天XXX周末十九、月份(months)XXX.(January)一月Feb.(February)二月Mar.(March)三月April四月May五月XXX六月July七月Aug.(August)八月Sept.(September)九月Oct.(October)十月Nov.(November)十一月Dec.(December)十二月二十、季节(seasons)spring春summer夏fall/XXX二11、方位(ns)XXX北east东west西left左边right右边二十2、抱病(illness)have XXX发烧hurt疼痛have a cold感冒have a toothache 牙疼have aheadache头疼have a sore throat喉咙疼二十三、数词(numbers)y九十forty-XXX二十4、描述词(adj.)4big大的small小的long长的tall高的short短的;矮的young年轻的old旧的;老的strong健壮的XXX瘦的XXX积极活跃的quiet安静的nice好看的kind和蔼亲切的strict严格的smart聪明的XXX滑稽可笑的XXX好吃的sweet甜的salty咸的sour酸的fresh新鲜的favourite最喜爱的clean干净的XXX疲劳的excited兴奋的angry生气的happy高兴的bored 无聊的sad忧愁的taller更高的shorter更矮的stronger更强壮的older年龄更大的younger更年轻的bigger更大的heavier更重的longer更长的XXX更瘦的smaller更小的good好的fine 好的great很好的heavy重的new新的fat胖的happy快乐的right对的hungry饥饿的cute逗人喜爱的little小的lovely可爱的beautiful漂亮的colourful色彩鲜艳的pretty漂亮的cheap便宜的expensive昂贵的juicy多汁的XXX嫩的healthy健康的ill 有病的helpful有帮助的high高的easy简单的proud骄傲的sick有病的better更好的higher更高的二十五、介词(prep.)in在……XXX在……上;在……时候under在……下面near在……的旁边XXX在……后边XXX与……相邻over 在……上面in front of在……前面二十六、代词(pron.)I我we我们you你;你们XXX他she她it它they他(她,它)们my我的our我们的your你的;你们的his他的her她的二十七、动词(v.)play(.ed)玩;踢swim(swam)游泳skate滑冰fly(flew)飞jump跳walk走run(ran)跑climb爬fight(fought)打架swing(swung)荡eat(ate)吃sleep(slept)睡觉like像,喜欢have(had)有;吃turn转弯buy(bought)买XXX(took)买;带live 居住teach(taught)教go(went)去study(studied)研究learn研究sing(sang)唱歌dance跳舞row划do(did)做dohomework做作业do housework做家务watch TV看电视read(read) books读书cook the meals做饭water the flowers浇花sweep(swept) the floor扫地clean the bedroom打扫卧室make(made) the bed铺床set(set) the table摆饭桌wash the clothes洗衣服do the dishes洗碗碟use a computer使用计算机domorningexercises晨练;做广播操eatbreakfast吃早饭eatdinner吃晚饭go to school上学have English class上英语课play sports进行体育运动get(got)up起床climbmountains爬山go shopping买东西play XXX弹钢琴visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母go XXX去远足flykites放风筝XXX(drew)pictures画画cook XXX做饭read a book看书answer the phone接电话XXX打扫房间write(wrote)aletter写信writeane-mail写电子邮件drink(drank)water喝水takepictures照相watchinsects观察昆虫pickupleaves采摘树叶doanexperiment做实验catchbutterflies捉蝴蝶countinsects数昆虫collectinsects收集昆虫collect leaves收集树叶write a report写报告play chess下棋have a ic举行野餐getto到达ride(rode)abike骑自行车XXX拉小提琴makekites制作风筝collectstamps集邮meet(met)e欢迎thank谢谢love爱work工作drink(drank)喝taste尝smell闻feed(fed)喂养shear剪milk挤奶look看guess猜help帮助pass 传递show展示use使用clean打扫open打开close关上put放paint绘画tell(told)告诉kick踢bounce反弹ride(rode)(ped)停wait等find(found)寻找到drive(drove)驾驶fold折send(sent)寄wash洗shine照耀XXX变成feel(felt)感觉到think(thought)思考meet(met)遇见fall(fell)落下leave(left)离开wake(woke) up醒来put on穿上XXX off脱掉hangup挂起wear(wore)putergames 玩电脑游戏playchess下棋XXX倒垃圾putaway the XXX收拾衣服get off下车take a trip去旅行read a magazine阅读杂志go to XXX去看电影go XXX向前直走。
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