无线传感器网络测距技术外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:RANGING TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSThe RF location sensors operating in different environments can measure the RSS, AOA, phase of arrival (POA), TOA, and signature of the delay - power profile as location metrics to estimate the ranging distance [4,7] . The deployment environment (i.e., wireless RF channel) will constrain the accuracy and the performance of each technique. In outdoor open areas, these ranging techniques perform very well. However, as the wireless medium becomes more complex, for example, dense urban or indoor environments, the channel suffers from severe multipath propagation and heavy shadow fading conditions. This finding in turn impacts the accuracy and performance in estimating the range between a pair of nodes. For this reason, this chapter will focus its ranging and localization discussion on indoor environments. This is important because many of the WSN applications are envisioned for deployment in rough terrain and cluttered environments and understanding of the impact of the channel on the performance of ranging and localization is important. In addition, range measurements using POA and AOA in indoor and urban areas are unreliable. Therefore, we will focus our discussion on two practical techniques,TOA and RSS.These two ranging techniques, which have been used traditionally in wirelessnetworks, have a great potential for use in WSN localization.The TOA based ranging is suitable for accurate indoor localization because it only needs a few references and no prior training. By using this technique, however, the hardware is complex and the accuracy is sensitive to the multipath condition and the system bandwidth. This technique has been implemented in GPS, PinPoint, WearNet, IEEE 802.15.3, and IEEE 802.15.4 systems. The RSS based ranging, on the other hand, is simple to implement and is insensitive to the multipath condition and the bandwidth of the system. In addition, it does not need any synchronization and can work with any existing wireless system that can measure the RSS. For accurate ranging, however, a high density of anchors or reference points is needed and extensive training and computationally expensive algorithms are required.The RSS ranging has been used for WiFi positioning in systems, for example, Ekahau, Newbury Networks, PanGo, and Skyhook.This section first introduces TOA based ranging and the limitations imposed by the wireless channel. Then it will be compared with the RSS counterpart focusing on the performance as a function of the channel behavior. What is introduced here is important to the understanding of the underlying issues in distance estimation, which is an important fundamental building block in WSN localization.TOA Based RangingIn TOA based ranging, a sensor node measures the distance to another node by estimating the signal propagation delay in free space, where radio signals travel at the constant speed of light. Figure 8.3 shows an example of TOA based ranging between two sensors. The performance of TOA based ranging depends on the availability of the direct path (DP) signal [4,14] . In its presence, for example, short distance line - of - sight (LOS) conditions, accurate estimates are feasible [14] . The challenge, however, is ranging in non - LOS (NLOS) conditions, which can be characterized as site - specific and dense multipath environments [14,22] . These environments introduce several challenges. The first corrupts the TOA estimatesdue to the multipath components (MPCs), which are delayed and attenuated replicas of the original signal, arriving and combining at the receiver shifting the estimate. The second is the propagation delay caused by the signal traveling through obstacles, which adds a positive bias to the TOA estimates. The third is the absence of the DP due to blockage, also known as undetected direct path (UDP) [14] . The bias imposed by this type of error is usually much larger than the first two and has a significant probability of occurrence due to cabinets, elevator shafts, or doors that are usually cluttering the indoor environment.In order to analyze the behavior of the TOA based ranging, it is best to resort to a popular model used to describe the wireless channel. In a typical indoor environment, the transmitted signal will be scattered and the receiver node will receive replicas of the original signal with different amplitudes, phases, and delays. At the receiver, the signals from all these paths combine and this phenomenon is known as multipath. In order to understand the impact of the channel on the TOA accuracy, we resort to a model typically used to characterize multipath arrivals. For multipath channels, the impulse respons 错误!未找到引用源。
无线传感器网络应用无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种由大量分布式无线传感器节点组成的网络,用于感知、采集和传输环境中的各种信息。
无线传感器网络的应用无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,简称WSN)是一种由多个分布式无线传感器节点组成的网络系统。
中英文资料外文翻译文献外文资料AbstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range ofapplications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.Keywords:Infrared radiation,Wireless Sensor Node1.1 Introduction to InfraredInfrared radiation is a part of the electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength lying between visible light and radio waves. Infrared have be widely used nowadaysincluding data communications, night vision, object tracking and so on. People commonly use infrared in data communication, since it is easily generated and only suffers little from electromagnetic interference. Take the TV remote control as an example, which can be found in everyone's home. The infrared remote control systems use infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to send out an IR (infrared) signal when the button is pushed. A different pattern of pulses indicates the corresponding button being pushed. To allow the control of multiple appliances such as a TV, VCR, and cable box, without interference, systems generally have a preamble and an address to synchronize the receiver and identify the source and location of the infrared signal. To encode the data, systems generally vary the width of the pulses (pulse-width modulation) or the width of the spaces between the pulses (pulse space modulation). Another popular system, bi-phase encoding, uses signal transitions to convey information. Each pulse is actually a burst of IR at the carrier frequency.A 'high' means a burst of IR energy at the carrier frequency and a 'low'represents an absence of IR energy. There is no encoding standard. However, while a great many home entertainment devices use their own proprietary encoding schemes, some quasi-standards do exist. These include RC-5, RC-6, and REC-80. In addition, many manufacturers, such as NEC, have also established their own standards.Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range ofapplications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.1.2 Wireless sensor networkWireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network which consists of a vast number of autonomous sensor nodes using sensors tomonitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, acoustics, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. Each node in a sensor network is typically equipped with a wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, one or more sensors, and an energy source, usually a battery. The size of a single sensor node can be as large as a shoebox and can be as small as the size of a grain of dust, depending on different applications. The cost of sensor nodes is similarly variable, ranging from hundreds of dollars to a few cents, depending on the size of the sensor network and the complexity requirement of the individual sensor nodes. The size and cost are constrained by sensor nodes, therefore, have result in corresponding limitations on available inputs such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth. The development of wireless sensor networks (WSN) was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. Due to the advancement in micro-electronic mechanical system technology (MEMS), embedded microprocessors, and wireless networking, the WSN can be benefited in many civilian application areas, including habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, and home automation.1.3 Types of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless sensor network nodes are typically less complex than general-purpose operating systems both because of the specialrequirements of sensor network applications and the resource constraints in sensor network hardware platforms. The operating system does not need to include support for user interfaces. Furthermore, the resource constraints in terms of memory and memory mapping hardware support make mechanisms such as virtual memory either unnecessary or impossible to implement. TinyOS [TinyOS] is possibly the first operating system specifically designed for wireless sensor networks. Unlike most other operating systems, TinyOS is based on an event-driven programming model instead of multithreading. TinyOS programs are composed into event handlers and tasks with run to completion-semantics. When an external event occurs, such as an incoming data packet or a sensor reading, TinyOS calls the appropriate event handler to handle the event. The TinyOS system and programs are both written in a special programming language called nesC [nesC] which is an extension to the C programming language. NesC is designed to detect race conditions between tasks and event handlers. There are also operating systems that allow programming in C. Examples of such operating systems include Contiki [Contiki], and MANTIS. Contiki is designed to support loading modules over the network and supports run-time loading of standard ELF files. The Contiki kernel is event-driven, like TinyOS, but the system supports multithreading on a per-application basis. Unlike the event-driven Contiki kernel, the MANTIS kernel is based on preemptivemultithreading. With preemptive multithreading, applications do not need to explicitly yield the microprocessor to other processes.1.4 Introduction to Wireless Sensor NodeA sensor node, also known as a mote, is a node in a wireless sensor network that is capable of performing processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes in the network. Sensor node should be in small size, consuming extremely low energy, autonomous and operate unattended, and adaptive to the environment. As wireless sensor nodes are micro-electronic sensor device, they can only be equipped with a limited power source. The main components of a sensor node include sensors, microcontroller, transceiver, and power source. Sensors are hardware devices that can produce measurable response to a change in a physical condition such as light density and sound density. The continuous analog signal collected by the sensors is digitized by Analog-to-Digital converter. The digitized signal is then passed to controllers for further processing. Most of the theoretical work on WSNs considers Passive and Omni directional sensors. Passive and Omni directional sensors sense the data without actually manipulating the environment with active probing, while no notion of “direction” involved in these measurements. Commonly people deploy sensor for detecting heat (e.g. thermal sensor), light (e.g. infrared sensor), ultra sound (e.g. ultrasonic sensor), or electromagnetism (e.g. magneticsensor). In practice, a sensor node can equip with more than one sensor. Microcontroller performs tasks, processes data and controls the operations of other components in the sensor node. The sensor node is responsible for the signal processing upon the detection of the physical events as needed or on demand. It handles the interruption from the transceiver. In addition, it deals with the internal behavior, such as application-specific computation.The function of both transmitter and receiver are combined into a single device know as transceivers that are used in sensor nodes. Transceivers allow a sensor node to exchange information between the neighboring sensors and the sink node (a central receiver). The operational states of a transceiver are Transmit, Receive, Idle and Sleep. Power is stored either in the batteries or the capacitors. Batteries are the main source of power supply for the sensor nodes. Two types of batteries used are chargeable and non-rechargeable. They are also classified according to electrochemical material used for electrode such as NiCd(nickel-cadmium), NiZn(nickel-zinc), Nimh(nickel metal hydride), and Lithium-Ion. Current sensors are developed which are able to renew their energy from solar to vibration energy. Two major power saving policies used areDynamic Power Management (DPM) and Dynamic V oltage Scaling (DVS). DPM takes care of shutting down parts of sensor node which arenot currently used or active. DVS scheme varies the power levels depending on the non-deterministic workload. By varying the voltage along with the frequency, it is possible to obtain quadratic reduction in power consumption.1.5 ChallengesThe major challenges in the design and implementation of the wireless sensor network are mainly the energy limitation, hardware limitation and the area of coverage. Energy is the scarcest resource of WSN nodes, and it determines the lifetime of WSNs. WSNs are meant to be deployed in large numbers in various environments, including remote and hostile regions, with ad-hoc communications as key. For this reason, algorithms and protocols need to be lifetime maximization, robustness and fault tolerance and self-configuration. The challenge in hardware is to produce low cost and tiny sensor nodes. With respect to these objectives, current sensor nodes usually have limited computational capability and memory space. Consequently, the application software and algorithms in WSN should be well-optimized and condensed. In order to maximize the coverage area with a high stability and robustness of each signal node, multi-hop communication with low power consumption is preferred. Furthermore, to deal with the large network size, the designed protocol for a large scale WSN must be distributed.1.6 Research IssuesResearchers are interested in various areas of wireless sensor network, which include the design, implementation, and operation. These include hardware, software and middleware, which means primitives between the software and the hardware. As the WSNs are generally deployed in the resources-constrained environments with battery operated node, the researchers are mainly focus on the issues of energy optimization, coverage areas improvement, errors reduction, sensor network application, data security, sensor node mobility, and data packet routing algorithm among the sensors. In literature, a large group of researchers devoted a great amount of effort in the WSN. They focused in various areas, including physical property, sensor training, security through intelligent node cooperation, medium access, sensor coverage with random and deterministic placement, object locating and tracking, sensor location determination, addressing, energy efficient broadcasting and active scheduling, energy conserved routing, connectivity, data dissemination and gathering, sensor centric quality of routing, topology control and maintenance, etc.中文译文移动目标点数与红外传感器网络摘要无线传感器网络(WSN)已成为最近的一个研究热点。
Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network in Environmental MonitoringApplicationsI. ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGYZigbee is a wireless standard based on IEEE802.15.4 that was developed to address the unique needs of most wireless sensing and control applications. Technology is low cost, low power, a low data rate, highly reliable, highly secure wireless networking protocol targeted towards automation and remote control applications. It’s depicts two key performance characteristics –wireless radio range and data transmission rate of the wireless spectrum. Comparing to other wireless networking protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB and so on, shows excellent transmission ability in lower transmission rate and highly capacity of network. A. Zigbee FrameworkFramework is made up of a set of blocks called layers.Each layer performs a specific set of services for the layer above. As shown in Fig.1. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the two lower layers: the physical (PHY) layer and the medium access control (MAC) layer. The Alliance builds on this foundation by providing the network and security layer and the framework for the application layer.Fig.1 FrameworkThe IEEE 802.15.4 has two PHY layers that operate in two separate frequency ranges: 868/915 MHz and 2.4GHz. Moreover, MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel using a CSMA-CA mechanism. Its responsibilities may also include transmitting beacon frames, synchronization, and providing a reliable transmission mechanism.B. Zigbee’s TopologyThe network layer supports star, tree, and mesh topologies, as shown in Fig.2. In a star topology, the network is controlled by one single device called coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for initiating and maintaining the devices on the network. All other devices, knownas end devices, directly communicate with the coordinator. In mesh and tree topologies, the coordinator is responsible for starting the network and for choosing certain key network parameters, but the network may be extended through the use of routers. In tree networks, routers move data and control messages through the network using a hierarchical routing strategy. Mesh networks allow full peer-to-peer communication.Fig.2 Mesh topologiesFig.3 is a network model, it shows that supports both single-hop star topology constructed with one coordinator in the center and the end devices, and mesh topology. In the network, the intelligent nodes are composed by Full Function Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD). Only the FFN defines the full functionality and can become a network coordinator. Coordinator manages the network, it is to say that coordinator can start a network and allow other devices to join or leave it. Moreover, it can provide binding and address-table services, and save messages until they can be delivered.Fig.3 Zigbee network modelII.THE GREENHOUSE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGSYSTEM DESIGNTraditional agriculture only use machinery and equipment which isolating and no communicating ability. And farmers have to monitor crops’ growth by themselves. Even if some people use electrical devices, but most of them were restricted to simple communication between control computer and end devices like sensors instead of wire connection, which couldn’t be strictly defined as wireless sens or network. Therefore, by through using sensor networks and, agriculture could become more automation, more networking and smarter.In this project, we should deploy five kinds of sensors in the greenhouse basement. By through these deployed sensors, the parameters such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity can be detected real time. It is key to collect different parameters from all kinds of sensors. And in the greenhouse, monitoring the vegetables growing conditions is the top issue. Therefore, longer battery life and lower data rate and less complexity are very important. From the introduction about above, we know that meet the requirements for reliability, security, low costs and low power.A. System OverviewThe overview of Greenhouse environmental monitoring system, which is made up by one sink node (coordinator), many sensor nodes, workstation and database. Mote node and sensor node together composed of each collecting node. When sensors collect parameters real time, such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity, these data will be offered to A/D converter, then by through quantizing and encoding become the digital signal that is able to transmit by wireless sensor communicating node. Each wireless sensor communicating node has ability of transmitting, receiving function.In this WSN, sensor nodes deployed in the greenhouse, which can collect real time data and transmit data to sink node (Coordinator) by the way of multi-hop. Sink node complete the task of data analysis and data storage. Meanwhile, sink node is connected with GPRS/CDMA can provide remote control and data download service. In the monitoring and controlling room, by running greenhouse management software, the sink node can periodically receives the data from the wireless sensor nodes and displays them on monitors.B. Node Hardware DesignSensor nodes are the basic units of WSN. The hardware platform is made up sensor nodes closely related to the specific application requirements. Therefore, the most important work isthe nodes design which can perfect implement the function of detecting and transmission as a WSN node, and perform its technology characteristics. Fig.4 shows the universal structure of the WSN nodes. Power module provides the necessary energy for the sensor nodes. Data collection module is used to receive and convert signals of sensors. Data processing and control module’s functions are node device control, task sche duling, and energy computing and so on. Communication module is used to send data between nodes and frequency chosen and so on.Fig.4 Universal structure of the wsn nodesIn the data transfer unit, the module is embedded to match the MAC layer and the NET layer of the protocol. We choose CC2430 as the protocol chips, which integrated the CPU, RF transceiver, net protocol and the RAM together. CC2430 uses an 8 bit MCU (8051), and has 128KB programmable flash memory and 8KB RAM. It also includes A/D converter, some Timers, AES128 Coprocessor, Watchdog Timer, 32K crystal Sleep mode Timer, Power on Reset, Brown out Detection and 21 I/Os. Based on the chips, many modules for the protocol are provided. And the transfer unit could be easily designed based on the modules.As an example of a sensor end device integrated temperature, humidity and light, the design is shown in Fig. 5.Fig.5 The hardware design of a sensor nodeThe SHT11 is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. It can test the soil temperature and humidity. The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor, which has 3 pins and data pin can link MSP430 directly. It can detect temperature in greenhouse. The TCS320 is a digital light sensor. SHT11, DS18B20 and TCS320 are both digital sensors with small size and low power consumption. Other sensor nodes can be obtained by changing the sensors.The sensor nodes are powered from onboard batteries and the coordinator also allows to be powered from an external power supply determined by a jumper.C. Node Software DesignThe application system consists of a coordinator and several end devices. The general structure of the code in each is the same, with an initialization followed by a main loop.The software flow of coordinator, upon the coordinator being started, the first action of the application is the initialization of the hardware, liquid crystal, stack and application variables and opening the interrupt. Then a network will be formatted. If this net has been formatted successfully, some network information, such as physical address, net ID, channel number will be shown on the LCD. Then program will step into application layer and monitor signal. If there is end device or router want to join in this net, LCD will shown this information, and show the physical address of applying node, and the coordinator will allocate a net address to this node. If the node has been joined in this network, the data transmitted by this node will be received by coordinator and shown in the LCD.The software flow of a sensor node, as each sensor node is switched on, it scans all channelsand, after seeing any beacons, checks that the coordinator is the one that it is looking for. It then performs a synchronization and association. Once association is complete, the sensor node enters a regular loop of reading its sensors and putting out a frame containing the sensor data. If sending successfully, end device will step into idle state; by contrast, it will collect data once again and send to coordinator until sending successfully.D. Greenhouse Monitoring Software DesignWe use VB language to build an interface for the test and this greenhouse sensor network software can be installed and launched on any Windows-based operating system. It has 4 dialog box selections: setting controlling conditions, setting Timer, setting relevant parameters and showing current status. By setting some parameters, it can perform the functions of communicating with port, data collection and data viewing。
无线传感器网络在西班牙南部精确农业上的使用J.A. López Riquelme a, F. Soto a, J. Suardíaz a, P. Sánchez a, A. Iborra a,∗, J.A. Vera ba Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, División de Sistemas e Ingeniería Electrónica, Campus Muralla del Mar, s/n, Cartagena E-30202, Spainb Edosoft Factory S.L., María Manrique 3, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria E-35011, Spain摘要近年来,许多使用已经涉及到无线传感器网络。
关键词:无线传感器网络精确农业园艺1 导言精确农业的概念已经出现有一段时间了。
无线传感器网络研究现状与应用一、本文概述无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN)是一种由许多在空间上分布的自动装置组成的网络,这些装置能够使用传感器协作地监控不同环境或对象的物理或化学现象,并通过无线方式进行信息传输。
二、无线传感器网络研究现状无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)是近年来物联网领域研究的热点之一。
AbstractA1(1)In the recent years, as the rapid development of MEMS, wireless communication network, embedded system, and the interaction of all kinds of new technologies, many new modes of information obtaining and process come into being. A2(2)Wireless sensor network (WSN) is one of them. A2(3)WSN can be used to monitor the environments, the machines and even the people; hence “ubiquitous computing” will come true. A2(4)WSN has wide application fields, so it has been paid high attention by the military, the academes, and the industrial from all over the world. A2(5)Meanwhile, this provides many challenges in the academe foundations and technologies.A3(6)This dissertation introduces the recent researches on WSN, and analyzes its key technologies:the setup of wireless communication network, the design and implementation of network nodes and the design steps of WSN, in an architecture view.A4(7)By analyzing and comparing, ZigBee technology is adopted to setup wireless communication network. A4(8)The topology of the network and hierarchical protocol stacks are designed. A4(9)The embedded network nodes are designed and developed, and the hardware and software are implemented. A4(10)An experimental WSN is deployed and the experimental data is collected and analyzed. A5(11)Finally, a typical example of wireless sensor network, personnelidentification and positioning system in mine, is presented. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Embedded systems, IEEE802.15.4 protocols, ZigBee摘要近年来,随着微机电系统(MEMS)、无线通信网络和嵌入式系统等技术的飞速发展,各种新技术的融合,出现了许多信息获取和处理的新模式,无线传感器网络就是其中一例。
无线传感器网络应用文章(英文) Wireless Sensor Network ApplicationsIntroduction:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential for numerous applications in various fields. A WSN consists of a large number of small, low-cost sensor nodes that are wirelessly connected to monitor physical or environmental conditions. These nodes can collect, process, and transmit data to a central base station for further analysis. This article aims to explore some of the most promising applications of WSNs.Environmental Monitoring:One of the most common applications of WSNs is environmental monitoring. These networks can be deployed in remote or hazardous areas to monitor parameters such as temperature, humidity, air pollution, and water quality. For instance, in forest fire detection, sensor nodes can detect abnormal temperature increases and transmit an alert to authorities, enabling timely intervention. In agriculture, WSNs can monitor soil moisture levels and provide farmers with real-time data to optimize irrigation.Healthcare:WSNs have also found applications in the healthcare industry. They can be used to monitor vital signs of patients, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Sensor nodes attached to patients can wirelessly transmit data to healthcare professionals, enabling continuous monitoring and early detection of any abnormalities. WSNs areparticularly useful in remote patient monitoring, allowing patients to receive medical attention from the comfort of their homes.Smart Homes and Buildings:WSNs can play a crucial role in creating smart homes and buildings. By deploying sensor nodes throughout a building, various parameters such as temperature, lighting, occupancy, and energy consumption can be monitored and controlled. This enables energy-efficient operations by optimizing heating, cooling, and lighting systems based on real-time data. Additionally, WSNs can enhance security by detecting unauthorized access or unusual activities within a building.Industrial Automation:WSNs are widely used in industrial automation to monitor and control different processes. For example, in manufacturing plants, sensor nodes can collect data on machine performance, temperature, and vibration levels, allowing for preventive maintenance and reducing downtime. WSNs can also be used for inventory management, tracking the movement of goods within a warehouse, and ensuring timely restocking.Traffic Management:WSNs can significantly contribute to improving traffic management in urban areas. By deploying sensor nodes along roads, real-time traffic data, such as vehicle density and speed, can be collected. This information can be used to optimize traffic signal timings, detect congestion, and provide drivers with alternative routes, reducingoverall travel time and fuel consumption. WSNs also enable the implementation of intelligent transportation systems, enhancing safety and reducing accidents.Conclusion:Wireless Sensor Networks have found numerous applications in various fields, ranging from environmental monitoring to healthcare, smart homes, industrial automation, and traffic management. These networks offer a cost-effective and scalable solution for collecting and analyzing datain real-time. As technology continues to advance, it is expected thatthe applications of WSNs will continue to expand, revolutionizing different industries and improving the quality of life for people around the world.。
Translation of Texts
环境丨地球监测 环境传感器网络这个术语已逐步包含了无线传感器网络 在地球科学研究领域中的多种应 用。这包括传感火山、 海洋、冰川和森林等。例如,它可以用来监测森林火灾。 网络传感器 节点可以安装在森林中,当火灾开始时就检 测到。配备了传感器的节点可以测量由火突引起 树木或 植物的温度、湿度和气体变化。对于消防队员来说’行动 能否成功’早期侦测至关重 要。通过无线传感器网络, 消防队能够知道火灾是何时发生以及如何传播的。
Environmental/Earth monitoring
The term Environmental Sensor Networks has evolved to cover many applications of WSNs to earth science research. This includes sensing volcanoes, oceans, glaciers, forests, etc. For example, forest fire detection. A network of Sensor Nodes can be installed in a forest to detect when a fire has started. The nodes can be equipped with sensors to measure temperature, humidity and gases which are produced by fire in the trees or vegetation. The early detection is crucial for a successful action of the firefighters; thanks to Wireless Sensor Networks, the fire brigade will be able to know when a fire is started and how it is spreading.
无线传感器网络论文 英文版
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Wireless sensor networksNowadays,the use of wireless communication is more and more widely.Now I will talk about one of the most widely used wireless communication--Blue Tooth.What is Blue Tooth?Blue Tooth is a kind of technology that support short distance wireless communication. It is divided into two kinds.One is class 1 that the transmission distance is 100 meters ,the other is class2 that the transmission distance is 10 meters.Blue Tooth standard is the IEEE802.15.Bluetooth works at 2.4GHz and its bandwidth up to 3 Mb/s.The convenience of bluetooth are as follows:First of all,the use of Blue Tooth makes the transmission very convenient.W e can transmit data wen and where.Secondly,Blue Tooth is wireless.This make us no need to carry data line anymore.Thirdly,the use of greatly convenient the drivers by using the vehicle Blue Tooth system so that they can make calls when drive a car.Blue Tooth also has many advantages over other style of wireless communication. Above all,Blue Tooth has the on-off function and the state of can be found.Secondly,Blue Tooth has security Settings.Bluetooth need to match, after the success of the pairs can transmit data.Thirdly, Blue Tooth transmit very fast. Transmissionrate can reach 2.4GHz.On the other hand,Blue Tooth also has some shortages.In the home automation and industrial telemetry remote sensing, Bluetooth seems too complex, power consumption, from the past, network size is too small.Otherwise,the high price of Bluetooth impact the using will of customers.Bluetooth is widely used in our daily life. As is known to us all,most of the mobile phones,notebooks and some cars have the function of Blue Tooth. I believe most of the youth must have the experience of using Blue Tooth.Every coin has its two sides,Blue Tooth also has its advantages and its disadvantage,too.Bluetooth is most used on mobile phone,computer and other digital devices these years.I think there are many places where Bluetooth can be used.I believe Bluetooth has a broad application prospect.First,Bluetooth can be used on a wireless electronic locks.This kind of lock has a higher security and applicability.I think this kind lock is very suit for cars.People can use Bluetooth remote control to lock or unlock the car. Bluetooth remote control will be more powerful than other remote controls,for exsample infrared remote control.Second,we can use Bluetooth to build our electronic purses.Whenwe go shopping we can pay the bill without pulling out our purses.The cashier desk will detect your credit card and deducted your bill automatically.In this way we can go to a shop,a hotel,a airline company or a restaurant with ease.Third,Bluetooth system can be used in our household electrics.W e can put Bluetooth system into microwave oven's system,washing machine's system,refrigerator's and air-condition's systems.In this way,we can use a remote control to control all the household electrics.And the Bluetooth system of every electric can feedback its information to network at anytime.The mast can know the running state and control his electrics when and where.In summary,Bluetooth has been widely used in our life.And I believe the use of Bluetooth will be more and more widely. I also believe Bluetooth has a broad prospect.Maybe some of us can devoting themselves to study Bluetooth technology in the near future.。
传感器节点关键技术(中英文版)Title: Key T echnologies of Sensor NodesTitle: 传感器节点的关键技术Sensor nodes are a critical component in wireless sensor networks, playing a significant role in data collection and transmission.传感器节点是无线传感器网络的关键组成部分,在数据收集和传输中起着重要的作用。
These nodes are designed to be compact and energy-efficient, enabling them to be deployed in various environments for a wide range of applications.这些节点被设计为小巧和节能,使它们能够在各种环境中部署,用于广泛的应用。
One of the key technologies in sensor nodes is the ability to sense and process environmental information.传感器节点的关键技术之一是感知和处理环境信息的能力。
This allows the nodes to detect changes in their surroundings and respond accordingly, such as sending alerts or adjusting their monitoring parameters.这使得节点能够检测周围环境的变化并做出相应的响应,例如发送警报或调整其监测参数。
Another important technology is the communication protocol usedfor data transmission.另一个重要的技术是用于数据传输的通信协议。
无线传感器网络技术应用无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种由大量无线传感器节点组成的网络系统,主要用于数据采集、信息传输和事件监测等应用。
四、医疗应用无线传感器网络在医疗领域的应用被称为无线医疗传感器网络(Wireless Medical Sensor Network,WMSN)。
无线传感器网络的应用在当今科技飞速发展的时代,无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)正逐渐成为我们生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分。
Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network in Environmental MonitoringApplicationsI. ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGYZigbee is a wireless standard based on IEEE802.15.4 that was developed to address the unique needs of most wireless sensing and control applications. Technology is low cost, low power, a low data rate, highly reliable, highly secure wireless networking protocol targeted towards automation and remote control applications. It’s depicts two key performance characteristics – wireless radio range and data transmission rate of the wireless spectrum. Comparing to other wireless networking protocols such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB and so on, shows excellent transmission ability in lower transmission rate and highly capacity of network.A. Zigbee FrameworkFramework is made up of a set of blocks called layers.Each layer performs a specific set of services for the layer above. As shown in Fig.1. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the two lower layers: the physical (PHY) layer and the medium access control (MAC) layer. The Alliance builds on this foundation by providing the network and security layer and the framework for the application layer.Fig.1 FrameworkThe IEEE 802.15.4 has two PHY layers that operate in two separate frequency ranges: 868/915 MHz and 2.4GHz. Moreover, MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel using a CSMA-CA mechanism. Its responsibilities may also include transmitting beacon frames, synchronization, and providing a reliable transmission mechanism.B. Zigbee’s TopologyThe network layer supports star, tree, and mesh topologies, as shown in Fig.2. In a star topology, the network is controlled by one single device called coordinator. The coordinatoris responsible for initiating and maintaining the devices on the network. All other devices, known as end devices, directly communicate with the coordinator. In mesh and tree topologies, the coordinator is responsible for starting the network and for choosing certain key network parameters, but the network may be extended through the use of routers. In tree networks, routers move data and control messages through the network using a hierarchical routing strategy. Mesh networks allow full peer-to-peer communication.Fig.2 Mesh topologiesFig.3is a network model, it shows that supports both single-hop star topology constructed with one coordinator in the center and the end devices, and mesh topology. In the network, the intelligent nodes are composed by Full Function Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Device (RFD). Only the FFN defines the full functionality and can become a network coordinator. Coordinator manages the network, it is to say that coordinator can start a network and allow other devices to join or leave it. Moreover, it can provide binding and address-table services, and save messages until they can be delivered.Fig.3 Zigbee network modelII.THE GREENHOUSE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGSYSTEM DESIGNTraditional agriculture only use machinery and equipment which isolating and no communicating ability. And farmers have to monitor crops’ growth by themselves. Even if some people use electrical devices, but most of them were restricted to simple communication between control computer and end devices like sensors instead of wire connection, which couldn’t be strictly defined as wireless sens or network. Therefore, by through using sensor networks and, agriculture could become more automation, more networking and smarter.In this project, we should deploy five kinds of sensors in the greenhouse basement. By through these deployed sensors, the parameters such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity can be detected real time. It is key to collect different parameters from all kinds of sensors. And in the greenhouse, monitoring the vegetables growing conditions is the top issue. Therefore, longer battery life and lower data rate and less complexity are very important. From the introduction about above, we know that meet the requirements for reliability, security, low costs and low power.A. System OverviewThe overview of Greenhouse environmental monitoring system, which is made up by one sink node (coordinator), many sensor nodes, workstation and database. Mote node and sensor node together composed of each collecting node. When sensors collect parameters real time, such as temperature in the greenhouse, soil temperature, dew point, humidity and light intensity, these data will be offered to A/D converter, then by through quantizing and encoding become the digital signal that is able to transmit by wireless sensor communicating node. Each wireless sensor communicating node has ability of transmitting, receiving function.In this WSN, sensor nodes deployed in the greenhouse, which can collect real time data and transmit data to sink node (Coordinator) by the way of multi-hop. Sink node complete the task of data analysis and data storage. Meanwhile, sink node is connected with GPRS/CDMA can provide remote control and data download service. In the monitoring and controlling room, by running greenhouse management software, the sink node can periodically receives the data from the wireless sensor nodes and displays them on monitors.B. Node Hardware DesignSensor nodes are the basic units of WSN. The hardware platform is made up sensor nodes closely related to the specific application requirements. Therefore, the most important work is the nodes design which can perfect implement the function of detecting and transmission as a WSN node, and perform its technology characteristics. Fig.4 shows the universal structure of the WSN nodes. Power module provides the necessary energy for the sensor nodes. Data collection module is used to receive and convert signals of sensors. Data processing and control module’s functions are node device control, task sche duling, and energy computing and so on. Communication module is used to send data between nodes and frequency chosen and so on.Fig.4 Universal structure of the wsn nodesIn the data transfer unit, the module is embedded to match the MAC layer and the NET layer of the protocol. We choose CC2430 as the protocol chips, which integrated the CPU, RF transceiver, net protocol and the RAM together. CC2430 uses an 8 bit MCU (8051), and has 128KB programmable flash memory and 8KB RAM. It also includes A/D converter, some Timers, AES128 Coprocessor, Watchdog Timer, 32K crystal Sleep mode Timer, Power on Reset, Brown out Detection and 21I/Os. Based on the chips, many modules for the protocol are provided. And the transfer unit could be easily designed based on the modules.As an example of a sensor end device integrated temperature, humidity and light, the design is shown in Fig. 5.Fig.5 The hardware design of a sensor nodeThe SHT11is a single chip relative humidity and temperature multi sensor module comprising a calibrated digital output. It can test the soil temperature and humidity. The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor, which has 3 pins and data pin can link MSP430 directly. It can detect temperature in greenhouse. The TCS320is a digital light sensor. SHT11, DS18B20and TCS320are both digital sensors with small size and low power consumption. Other sensor nodes can be obtained by changing the sensors.The sensor nodes are powered from onboard batteries and the coordinator also allows to be powered from an external power supply determined by a jumper.C. Node Software DesignThe application system consists of a coordinator and several end devices. The general structure of the code in each is the same, with an initialization followed by a main loop.The software flow of coordinator, upon the coordinator being started, the first action of the application is the initialization of the hardware, liquid crystal, stack and application variables and opening the interrupt. Then a network will be formatted. If this net has been formatted successfully, some network information, such as physical address, net ID, channel number will be shown on the LCD. Then program will step into application layer and monitor signal. If there is end device or router want to join in this net, LCD will shown this information, and show the physical address of applying node, and the coordinator will allocate a net address to this node. If the node has been joined in this network, the data transmitted by this node will be received by coordinator and shown in the LCD.The software flow of a sensor node, as each sensor node is switched on, it scans allchannels and, after seeing any beacons, checks that the coordinator is the one that it is looking for. It then performs a synchronization and association. Once association is complete, the sensor node enters a regular loop of reading its sensors and putting out a frame containing the sensor data. If sending successfully, end device will step into idle state; by contrast, it will collect data once again and send to coordinator until sending successfully.D. Greenhouse Monitoring Software DesignWe use VB language to build an interface for the test and this greenhouse sensor network software can be installed and launched on any Windows-based operating system. It has 4 dialog box selections: setting controlling conditions, setting Timer, setting relevant parameters and showing current status. By setting some parameters, it can perform the functions of communicating with port, data collection and data viewing.Zigbee无线传感器网络在环境监测中的应用I.Zigbee技术Zigbee是一种基于IEEE802.15.4的无线标准上被开发用来满足大多数无线传感和控制应用的独特需求。
无线传感器网络论文英文版Wireless Sensor Networks: A Research PaperAbstract:Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged as a revolutionary technology in the field of wireless communication. This research paper aims to provide an overview of WSNs, their applications, challenges, and future prospects.1. Introduction:Wireless Sensor Networks are interconnected nodes that can communicate with each other through wireless protocols. These nodes, equipped with sensors, provide real-time data from physical environments. WSNs have gained significant attention due to their applicability in various industries such as healthcare, agriculture, environmental monitoring, and surveillance.2. Architecture of Wireless Sensor Networks:The architecture of WSNs consists of three main components: sensor nodes, sinks or base stations, and a network infrastructure. Sensor nodes gather information from the environment and transmit it to the sink or base station via multi-hopping or direct transmission. The network infrastructure manages the routing and data aggregation processes.3. Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks:3.1 Environmental Monitoring:WSNs play a crucial role in monitoring environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, air quality, and water quality. This data is essential for environmental research, disaster management, and habitat monitoring.3.2 Healthcare:WSNs have revolutionized the healthcare industry by enabling remote patient monitoring, fall detection, and medication adherence. These networks assist in providing personalized and timely healthcare services.3.3 Agriculture:In the agricultural sector, WSNs are deployed for crop monitoring, irrigation management, and pest control. The data collected by these networks help farmers enhance crop productivity and reduce resource wastage.3.4 Surveillance:WSNs are extensively employed in surveillance systems to monitor public areas, monitor traffic congestion, and ensure public safety. These networks provide real-time data for efficient decision-making and threat detection.4. Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks:4.1 Energy Efficiency:Sensor nodes in WSNs are usually battery-powered, making energy efficiency a critical challenge. Researchers are focused on developing energy-efficient protocols and algorithms to prolong the network's lifespan.4.2 Security and Privacy:As WSNs collect sensitive data, ensuring the security and privacy of transmitted information is crucial. Encryption techniques, intrusion detection systems, and secure routing protocols are being developed to address these concerns.4.3 Scalability:Scalability is a critical challenge in large-scale deployment of WSNs. Designing scalable architectures and protocols enable efficient communication and management of a large number of sensor nodes.5. Future Prospects of Wireless Sensor Networks:The future of WSNs is promising, with advancements in technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Integration of WSNs with IoT devices will enable seamless communication and data exchange. AI algorithms can facilitate intelligent data analysis and decision-making.Conclusion:Wireless Sensor Networks have shown tremendous potential in various fields and continue to evolve with advancements in technology. Addressing energy efficiency, security, and scalability challenges will contribute to the widespread adoption of WSNs. As researchers continue to explore new possibilities, WSNs will become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming industries and enhancing our quality of life.。
无线传感器网络的应用与安全第一章:引言无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是一种由许多小型节点组成的自组织网络,拥有自我企图修复的功能。
但是随着WNS 的应用越来越广泛,其安全问题也越来越引人关注,本文将结合WNS的应用和安全问题进行探讨。
第二章:无线传感器网络的应用2.1 智慧城市WSN可以被广泛地应用于智慧城市中,主要用于城市管理和诸如多媒体广播、环境监测和无线电召出租车等智能化应用。
2.2 环境监测环境监测是WSN的另一个重要应用领域,包括测量温度、湿度、气压和空气质量等环境参数的测量和控制。
2.3 交通管理WSN可以被应用于交通管理中,以提高城市交通的效率和安全性。
2.4 测绘WSN有望在高精度测绘中得到广泛应用,其传感器数据的高稳定性和准确性使得其在3D重建和地质勘探中具备优异的优势。
WSN所拥有的庞大的节点数量和分散的网络特性使得其安全性难以保证,下面列举一些WSN的安全问题:3.1 窃听攻击窃听攻击通常是指黑客监听传感器节点之间的通信,从而窃取数据或掌握网络结构,危害传感器的安全性。
3.2 数据篡改由于WSN间的通信大部分是通过无线信号进行的,这就增加了数据篡改这一风险,这种攻击通常是在消息从一个节点传输到另一个节点的过程中进行的。
3.3 拒绝服务攻击拒绝服务攻击(Denial of Service Attack,DoS)是一种常见的攻击手段。
Exere spatially distributed in a WSN to monitor physical or environmental conditions
2、Nowadays, wireless sensor networks are only used in industrial and consumer applications.
1. The WSN is built of "nodes" which is connected to one or several sensors.
2. The topology of the WSNs can be a star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network (WMN).
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Data logging Wireless sensor networks are also used for the collection of data for monitoring of environmental information. The statistical information can then be used to show how systems have been working. The advantage of WSNs over conventional loggers is the "live" data feed that is possible.
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智能家居监控 使用嵌入在日常物品内的无线传感器网络对在 智能家居中的活动进行监视已经实现。物 品因人 为操作而发生状态上的变化被提供活动支持服务 的无线传感器网络捕获。
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Optimizing Signal Propagation for 2.4 GHz In-field WSN Systems over Outdoor Line-of-Sight ChannelsZhen Li, Tiansheng Hong*College of Engineering South China Agricultural University Guangzhou, China, 510642E-mail: {lizhen, tshong}@Ning WangDept. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Oklahoma State UniversityStillwater, OK, USA, 74078E-mail: ning.wang@Abstract—The objective of this study was to evaluate in-field radio frequency signal propagation at 2.4GHz band wireless sensor network (WSN) links. Commercial wireless sensor motes using this band as transmitter was wirelessly connected to its corresponding receiver and a hand-held spectrum analyzer. Indexed packets transmitted from the transmitter were captured by a spectrum analyzer to measure path-loss and synchronously received by a receiver using equal mote model to calculate packet delivery rate. Experiments were implemented in a research field of Oklahoma State University where wheat was planted. Impact factors considered were: plant canopy height, transmitter height, receiver height, carrier frequency, transmitter-to-receiver distance (T-R distance). Results indicated that RF signal was subject to plant canopy height. Univariate ANOVA results indicated in-field RF signal path-loss was subject to system configurations and plant height as well as their interactions. Estimated marginal means plots indicated that the best performance in general, if taking all plant canopy heights into consideration, might happen when the transmitter was installed at a height of 2 m and the receiver was mounted at the height of 3 m.Keywords-path-loss; wireless sensor networks; signal propagation; precision agricultureI.I NTRODUCTIONThe current state-of-the-art wireless sensor network (WSN) technology is a promising solution for remote, large-scale, real-time, and continuous environmental data acquisition [1,2]. It offers the advantages of simplified wiring and harnessing thus has particular benefits for agricultural applications such as field physical property monitoring. Successful WSN implementations have already demonstrated improved precision agricultural management and operation in a real-time fashion and continue to progress [3-6].ZigBee technology is a low cost and low power consumption solution for WSN applications which need long battery lives but does not require high data transfer rates [7]. Four physical layers (PHYs) in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) bands were specified for the low-rate wireless personal area networks (IEEE 802.15.4/LR-WPANs) in *Corresponding author which three of them were in the 868/915MHz bands and one in the 2.4GHz band [8]. Advantages of using 2.4GHz high frequency band include 250kbps data rate compared to 20kbps or 40kbps of using 868MHz or 915MHz bands, usability of small size antennas, frequency reuse, and low power consumption. However, the low frequency bands achieve longer signal propagation range and larger cover area due to receiver sensitivity reached -92dBm for 868/915MHz bands at lower data rate compared to -85dBm for 2.4GHz band [9].Quantified relationships between path-loss and the impact factors during data transmission and radio propagation coverage will be useful to design and deploy a reliable, high-performance WSN. However, research on radio performance as affected by agricultural configuration and environment was limited and no standard tests were available. This research aimed to carry out quantitative studies on the effects of the pass-loss introduced by various system configurations and vegetations including transmitter height, receiver height and plant canopy height on the in-field radio-wave path-loss in 2.4GHz band. The specific objectives include:1.To find and compare the major factors that affectRF path-loss at 2.4GHz band for in-field WSNthroughout the wheat growing stages.2.To evaluate and compare impact factor effects onRF signal path-loss and packet delivery rate at theselected RF band.3.To determine the optimal configurations for reliabledata communications in a field WSN 2.4GHz RFband.II.M EHOD AND M ATERIALSA.Definition of In-field Path-lossPath-loss measures the average radio frequency (RF) attenuation along the path of radio propagation imposed on a transmitted signal when it arrives at the receiver. In this study, the experiment relied on the narrow-band measurements of continuous radio wave (CW) signals at 2.4GHz. Path-loss within a distance d was calculated using in-field measured transmitted and received power, respectively[10]. Logarithmic transformations on path-loss,transmitted and received power were carried out as described in [11].The logarithmic transformed equation for path-loss calculation does not hold when the measured received power equals the measured transmitted power. The result is that the actual power coming out of the antenna is inaccessible. In this study, a representation for a close-in distance (d 0) and the received power reference point were introduced into the path-loss calculations [12]. Here, d 0 was set to 1 m during the experiments. The path-loss within distance d was calculated as in0()rmd rmd PL d P P =- (1)where P rmd 0 is the power of the received signal at d 0 = 1 m (dBm), P rmd is the measured signal strength at d (dBm), and PL (d ) is the path-loss within d (dB). Further analysis of path-loss at 2.4GHz band was generalized using Eq.1. It was assumed that there was no significant difference between signal attenuation at a distance of 1 m during the experiments. B. Selection of Impact FactorsThe impact factors considered in the experiments included the distance between a transmitter and a receiver (T-R distance, d ), the height of a transmitter (h t ), the height of a receiver (h r ), the height of plant canopy (h p ), carrier frequency (f ), antenna gain (G ) of both transmitter and receiver (G t and G r ). The height of plant canopy served as a blocking factor. Values of the impact factors used in the experiments are shown in Table 1. The maximum separation distance tested was 130m, the maximum values of the heights of the transmitter and receiver were set at 3 m. These values were determined based on the results from previous tests [11].TABLE I. S ELECTED IMPACT FACTORS AND THEIR LEVELSFactors d (m) h t (m) h r (m) f (MHz) G (dBi) Values20~130 with 10 interval1 2 31 2 324700 (G t ) 2.15 (G r )C. Measurement DevicesTransmitters : One type of node developed by Crossbow Technology [11] named IRIS was applied as transmitters. Once a node received a predefined request from a paired controller using equal model of node, it transmitted indexed packets to a receiver which measured both received signal strength and packet delivery rate (PDR) at the base station. A tri-pole was built to fix the transmitter at the heights of 1, 2, and 3 m (Fig. 1a). A plastic mounting pad was fixed at each height. The transmitter was attached to the pads using Velcro, as shown in Fig.1b. The tri-pole could be carried to any source spots, and it introduced minimum interference to the antenna polarization pattern.The IRIS node used Atmel’s AT86RF230 (Atmel Crop., San Jose, CA, USA) as the IEEE 802.15.4 compliant RF transceiver. The transmission power was set to be 3.2dBm and the selected carrier frequency was 2470MHz (Channel 24) for not disturbing the working nodes in the same field. The modulation technique was the direct-sequence spread-spectrum and quadratic phase shift keying (DSSS/QPSK). A 1/4 wave dipole antenna with 0dBi gain was used.Receivers : The receivers were located at the receiving spot for different measurements. It was composed of four major components: a Laptop computer (D630, Dell, USA) for displaying and restoring experimental results including spectrum and packets in real-time, a handheld RF spectrum analyzer (N9340B, Agilent Technology, USA) for path-loss and signal attenuation analysis, an IRIS mote attached to a MIB510 mother board, and a cattle mote attached to a CC1010 development kit mother board both as base stations to receive indexed packets from different transmitters for packet PDR calculation.A frame was built to hold the spectrum analyzer while the two mother boards were mounted on the side for retrieving similar heights. The frame was fixed on a flag-pole which was placed on the edge of the field. The height of the base station (Laptop not included) was adjustable. Key configurations of the spectrum analyzer were: pre-amplifier on, frequency span: 5MHz, resolution bandwidth (RBW): 100kHz, video bandwidth: 30kHz, attenuation: -10dB, reference level: -30dBm. By using the configurations above, the DANL was -100dBm in the experiments.(a) (b)Figure 1. Transmitter fixtures. (a) Tri-pole overview. (b) Cattle node onmounting pad.D. Measurement SoftwareTwo software were used during the field experiments: Agilent N9340 PC Software (Version A.01.04, Agilent Technologies, USA) and Realterm (Version, open source). The N9340 PC Software could (1) display real-time graphical RF power spectrum in span of certain carrier frequency, (2) export power spectrum to spread sheets, and (3) make basic configurations of the analyzer. The XSniffer and Realterm were used to display and restore the received indexed data for PDR calculations.E. Criterion of Using Wheat Canopy Heights as Blocks In the field, wheat canopy is the major attenuation source along transmission paths. In this study, canopy height was used as a blocking factor to make signal attenuation pattern similar within each block. The height thresholds for different blocks were calculated based on the principles of the Rayleigh roughness [13] and the Fresnel zone clearance [14]. These thresholds blocked the wheat growth into three stages [11].Eq. 2 was derived from the Rayleigh roughness criterion but took the transmitter and receiver heights into1t rH(2)where H1 was the first threshold of crop height in m, h t and h r were the heights of a transmitter and a receiver in m, respectively, d was the separation distance in m and λwas the wavelength in m. If the wheat height was lower than H1, the reflected waves from both the ground and plant were in phase and led to the situation of specular reflection. If the wheat height is higher than H1, more diffusion reflection is introduced which means waves are not in phase. The minimum H1is 0.14 m for 915MHz carrier frequency and 0.05 m for 2470MHz. As a result, H1=0.05m was considered as the first plant height threshold.The second principle applied for the height threshold determination was the Fresnel zone clearance. It was commonly used to analyze interference introduced by obstacles near the path of a radio beam for line-of-sight communications [15]. The first Fresnel zone ellipsoid is the highest in the center of the line-of-sight RF transmission. It must be kept largely free from obstructions to avoid interference with the radio reception. However, some obstruction of the Fresnel zones can often be tolerated, as a rule of thumb, the maximum obstruction allowable is 40%, but the recommended obstruction is 20% or less. The second plant height threshold (H2) was calculated for using both 915MHz and 2470MHz carrier frequencies in previous studies as 0.40 m [11].Using the two calculated thresholds, the growth of wheat was divided into three stages (blocks) based on plant canopy height (h p). Thresholds and signal attenuation patterns within each stage were explained in Table 2. H1 equaled 0.05 m as the threshold for dividing specular and diffusion reflection and H2 equaled 0.4 m for dividing whether or not the Fresnel zone was clear when both transmitter and receiver were at the height of 3 m.TABLE II. T HRESHOLDS AND SIGNAL ATTENUATION PATTERNS OFDIFFERENT PLANT HEIGHT BLOCKSPlant height blocks Canopy heightrange*Radio-wave attenuationpattern1 0 ≤ h p < H1Specular reflection, Fresnel zone clear2 H1≤h p < H2Diffusion reflection, Fresnel zone clear3 H2≤h p < 0.80mDiffusion reflection, Fresnel zone not clear* H1 = 0.05 m, H2 = 0.40 mThe maximum plant height for the third stage was measured during field experiments valued around 0.8 m. In the following sections, the three stages of wheat growth were referred to as plant height blocks 1, 2, and 3 with plant height intervals of [0m, 0.05m], [0.05m, 0.4m] and [0.4m, 0.8m], respectively. F.Experimental Field SetupField experiments started on 6 January 2009 and endedon 22 May 2009, which covered a complete wheat growthseason in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The testing plots werelocated in the experimental field where a WSN for soilproperty monitoring was deployed [9,10]. Crop heights andreceived signal strength data were collected during theexperiment period.A receiving spot was located at one edge of the field.Twelve spots with different T-R distances from Table 1, namely “source spots”, were marke d inside the field. Theseparation distance between the first source spot and the basestation was 20 m ± 0.5 m. The following source spots werelocated in series with a 10 m ±0.5 m interval toward theother end of the field. A tri-pole with the node acting astransmitter was placed at each source spot during the experiment. The strengths of the received signal and amount indexed packets, when the transmitters were at different T-R distances and under different system configurations, were recorded by a hand-held spectrum analyzer and two base stations corresponding to the two transmitters separately at the receiving spot.G.Evaluation of Signal Propagation PerformanceThree dimensional (3D) surface curves were plottedusing Matlab (Version 2008a, The MathWorks, Natick, MA,USA) to evaluate the effects of T-R distance andtransmitter/receiver elevation differences on the performanceof the RF signal propagation under field conditions blocked in different plant growth stages with ling-of-sight communication.H.Evaluation of Impact Factors’ Influence on Path-LossUnivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carriedout to identify and compare which impact factor(s) hadsignificant influences on the path-loss using 2.4GHz carrier frequency. Independent variables included transmitter height, receiver height, plant canopy height, and T-R distance. Treatment levels were as displayed in Table 1. Evaluated interactions included transmitter height and plant canopy height, receiver height and plant canopy height, and transmitter height and receiver height. A significance level of 0.05 was used. Estimated marginal means plots were generated to find the optimal transmitter height and receiver height when using 2.4GHz carrier frequency.Marginal analysis was carried out and estimated marginalmeans were plotted to evaluate and compare transmitter or receiver height affecting RF signal performance when taking all plant canopy heights into consideration. Two pairs of optimized transmitter and receiver heights were obtained for using both carrier frequencies based on estimated marginal means plots when the at which the marginal means reached the lowest point.III.R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONA.Signal Strength at the Received-Power Reference PointTo determine the signal strength at the received-powerreference point, both base station and motes were kept at 1 min height and 1 m apart from each other. The transmission power was 4.0 dBm for the cattle mote. The effective radiated power as measured signal strength at the received-power reference point was -18.76 dBm. The path-loss from using 2.4GHz carrier frequency used in the following analysis were calculated as inPL(d) = -18.76 - P rmd (3) where P rmd was the measured signal strength at d in dBm, PL(d) was the path-loss within d in dB.B.Signal Propagation Performance Evaluation3D surface curves of path-loss versus T-R distance and transmitter/receiver elevation difference were depicted in Fig.2. In general, there were combined effects of transmitter/receiver height and T-R distance on path-loss. The surface areas colored from green to orange extended from Fig. 2a to Fig. 2c, indicating that the transition from low path-loss (dark blue) to high path-loss (dark red) went smoothly along with plant growth for 2.4GHz carrier frequency.(a)(b)(c)Figure 2. Measured path-loss along the T-R distance under different transmitter/receiver heights. (a) to (c) Path-loss blocked in plant growthstages 1 to 3 at 2.4GHz band. C.Evaluation of Impact Factors’ Influence on Path-lossUnivariate ANOVA results of the impact factors’influences to the path-loss were shown in Table 2. Results from using 2.4GHz carrier frequency indicated that: (1) all the single impact factors had significant influence to path-loss (Sig < 0.01); (2) all the impact factor interactions had significant influences to path-loss (Sig < 0.01).TABLE III. U NIVARIATE ANOVA RESULTS OF THE IMPACT FACTORS’INFLUENCES ON THE PATH-LOSSSource df F Sig.Corrected Model 125 15.731 0.000*TH 2 23.998 0.000*RH 2 42.895 0.000*Dist 11 120.112 0.000*PH 2 100.681 0.000*TH * PH 4 12.629 0.000*RH * PH 4 11.142 0.000*TH * RH 4 6.652 0.000*Total 320Corrected Total 319*Factor influence was significant at the 0.01 levelTwo out of seven analyzed affecting sources had significant influences to path-loss from using 2.4GHz carrier frequency. It can be concluded that in-field RF signal path-loss was more subject to system configurations and plant height as well as their interactions for using higher carrier frequency.(a)(b)Figure 3. Estimated marginal means of path-loss. (a) and (b), Transmitter height or receiver height as influencing source using 2.4GHz carrierfrequency.Estimated marginal means of the path-loss to transmitter height or receiver height from using 2.4GHz carrier frequency were depicted in Fig. 3 (a) and (b), respectively. InFig.3 a, the minimum path-loss marginal mean was achieved at the transmitter height of 2 m. However, even it was at the valley of the curve, there was no significant difference between marginal means achieved at the transmitter heights of 2 m and 3 m. In Fig.3 b, the minimum path-loss marginal mean was achieved at the receiver height of 3 m. The trend of the curve in Fig.3 b was suggesting that lower marginal means of path-loss may be achieved at a higher receiver elevation. As a result, the best performance in general, if taking all plant canopy heights into consideration, might happen when the transmitter was installed at the height of 2 m and the receiver at the height of 3 m using 2.4GHz carrier frequency in this study.D.Reliable Communication Distance Based on PDRDuring the field experiments, the scenario when both transmitter and receiver heights were at one meter height at plant stage 3 was considered to be the worst case when the lowest PDR was found using the maximum transmission power. Another extreme case was that both transmitter and receiver heights were 3 meter at plant stage 1 which was considered to be the best case. As a result, a reliable communication distance for in-field WSN application using 2.4GMHz carrier frequency was considered to be 70 m, since the one-time PDR values for both the best and worst cases were higher than 80% at this distance.IV.C ONCLUSIONIn this study, wireless sensor motes using 2.4GHz carrier frequency as transmitters were wirelessly connected to their corresponding receivers and a hand-held spectrum analyzer. Plant canopy height, transmitter height, receiver height and transmitter-to-receiver distance were considered as impact factors on the radio propagation.Univariate ANOVA results indicated that all seven analyzed affecting sources had significant influences to path-loss from using 2.4GHz carrier frequency. It can be concluded that in-field RF signal path-loss was more subject to system configurations and plant height as well as their interactions for using higher carrier frequency.Estimated marginal means plots indicated that the best performance might happen when the transmitter was installed at a height of 2 m and the receiver was mounted at the height of 3 m for using both kinds of motes. However, it was possible to further lower the path-loss marginal means thus to achieve better communication with higher receiver elevations for using 2.4GHz carrier frequency.Environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, wind and solar radiation are still unclear factors for in-field radio signal propagation. Further experiments are needed to include them in the models to better understand radio propagation behavior in crop field.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis work was supported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China (No. 200903023), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30871450), and the National Science Foundation of USA (CNS-0709329).R EFERENCES[1]R. Beckwith, C. Teibel, and P. Bowen. 2004. Report from thefield: Results from an agricultural wireless sensor network. In Proc. 29th Annual IEEE Intl. Conf., 471-478. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE.[2]H. Liu, Z. Meng, and S. Cui. 2007. A wireless sensor networkprototype for environmental monitoring in greenhouses: Wireless communications, networking, and mobile computing.In Proc. WiCom 2007 Intl. Conf., 2344-2347. Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE.[3]J. Burrell, T. Brooke, and R. Beckwith. 2004. Vineyardcomputing: sensor networks in agricultural production. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(1):38–45.[4]N. Wang, N. Zhang, M. 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