渣打银行网测试题含答案哦numerical test
2024年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验自测提分题库加精品答案单选题(共45题)1、According to the job posting, what is an advantage of working for Whirlwinds? ()A.The company will pay for living expensesB.The company offers education scholarshipsC.Workers can choose the countries they go toD.Skilled laborers receive a monthly bonus【答案】 A2、2014 年8 月,英国资产市场迎来了历史最大的抛售潮,一共有270 亿美元的资金流出英国。
A.苏格兰B.爱尔兰C.北爱尔兰D.威尔士【答案】 A3、大兴安岭在我国地理分界上的作用是( )。
A.②②B.②③C.①③D.②④【答案】 D4、40,3,35,6,30,9,(),12,20,()A.15,225B.18,25C.25.15D.25,18【答案】 C5、循环经济实质上是一种自觉的经济形态,需要公共部门、经济主体和金融界三方转变观念,共同__________,在全社会形成发展循环经济的良好__________。
A.营建环境B.努力氛围C.营造局面D.建造局势【答案】 C6、以下说法中,不正确的一项是()。
A.从输出地看,2008年东部地区农民工不足1亿人B.2009年.全国男性外出农民工超过9千万人C.2009年,全国外出农民工中,已婚的与未婚的人数之差大于2千万人D.2009年.月工资在1200元以上的外出农民工不足8千万人【答案】 D7、下列有关国家与本国货币名称不匹配的是()A.英国一欧元B.俄罗斯一卢布C.印度—卢比D.印度尼西亚一盾【答案】 A8、--It's said it's going to turn colder later on.A.As long asB.Ever sinceC.Even ifD.As soon as【答案】 A9、四位厨师聚餐时各做了一道拿手菜。
汇丰银行笔试题目简介1.越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL 的机构。
SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。
一,numerical test给出一张图或表,需要面试者根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的是考察基本运算,经济学常识,数字敏感度,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力。
numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。
Question 1What was the population of Ethiopia in the year 2000?a.55mb.65mc.75md.85me.95mQuestion 2How many unemployed people were there in 1999,given that the work force was 60%of the population?a,3,200,000 b.3,300,000 c.3,400,000 d.3,500,000 e.None of theseQuestion3What was the percentage increase in Total GDP1999 over 1998?a.11.2%b.14.8%c. 17.3%d.21.8%e.25.3%Question 4What would the GDP per person in the workforce have been in 1997,given that the workforce was 55%of the population?a.$250b.$500c.$1,000d.$2,000e.Cannot sayAnswers:B E B D二,verbal test给出一段100~200多字的短文,然后让面试者根据文章意思,判断题干信息正确与否,主要考察应聘者的英语阅读能力和逻辑判断能力。
2019渣打SC笔试经验1.我申请的是上海XX年暑期实习financial market部门,首先要求注册及填写基本信息,这个非常简单。
2.进行online test。
分两个部分,第一个是图形逻辑题logical test,第二个是数理题numerical test。
以上就是我的笔试经验,接下来我要完善申请表了,祝大家好运!· subscribers by age and gender· the 75+ age group shows the greatest proportional gender difference in the percentage of subscribers of all the age group listed: true· what percentage of the female subscribers was over 54 years old: 30%· the majority of male subscribers are less than 35 years old: false· there were more male subscribers in the unv er 18 than female subscribers: not possible to say· annual average oil price· on how many occasions did both the annual average prices of oil and gold fall compared with the previous year: 2 · in percentage terms, the annual average price of oil increased more than that of gold between year 9 and 10: false · the ratio of gold to oil annual average prices was at its highest in year2: true· in which year did the annual average price of gold increase while that of oil fall: year6· club membership trends· year 3 to 5 continues, what would be the membership of activate in year 7: 2,000· what percentage did total membership of all four increase over the 5 years: 50%· which club the greatest proportional change from 3 to 4: zone one· river fitness and carter’s showed the same proportional increase between year 1 and 3: false· company market share· company b accounted for total units sold in quarter 2: 35%· how many units did company f sell less in q2 to q1: 13· how many units were sold by c in q1: 357· which company accounted for the greatest market share in terms of units sold in q1: company b· computer games review· how much higher was the total revenue for the ncg platform compared to the bgd platform from year 4 onwards: 47?· by what percentage di d the revenue for the xbx platform drop from year 1 to year 2: 70%· in percentage terms, which platform showed the largest decrease in annual revenue from year 3 to year 4: cba · in percentage terms, pa platform showed a larger decrease in annual revenue from year 1 to year 2 than pd 1 platform: true · customer service calls· what percentage regarding payment last year: 25%· asia-pacific countries increase from last to this year: 300,000 · what percentage of calls last year was from north america:18%· 1/3 of complaints calls last year were from countries in europe: not possible to say· employee company statistics· according to the graph 455804 people work for companies that employ less than fifty people: true· how many percentage of all employees are employed in companies with less than 50 people: 37.9%· how many more employees work in companies that employ over 250 than in companies less than 5: 350,000· how many employees are employed in companies with less than 250 people: 730,000· employee perf ormance ratings· which department has less than 100 employees: sales· how many employees were rated as “good or excellent”: 210· 20% of part-time employees were rated as “good or excellent”: not possible to say· what percentage of employees in sales are full time: 75% · expressions of interest in online financial products or services· what percentage of males under 35 expressed interest in using financialproducts:9%· which group females express most interest in online financial: 25-34· ration of ma les 45-54 to those 18-24: 3:7· import & exports(有问题看一下)· in year 2, the value of exports was greater in region 2 than 1: not possible to say· in region 2 in year 5: exports were three times the value ofimports: not possible to say· in region 1 the value of import was higher in year 5 than in year 2: true· market research survey· tv least useful for receiving detailed product information: false· of four, tv is less likely to influence someone’s decision to purchase: true· how much lower is: 5%· internet is the most useful for discovering new products: false· online retail sales as a percentage of total retail sales· total value of online retail sales for year 2: 56· what was the value of total retail sales for q4 of year 2: 460.79· the steepe st proportion increase was between q3 and q4 of year2: false· the only quarter fell compared to previous was q1 of year2:true· pesticide sales by type√· sales of herbicides to the regional market represent world market: 40%· insecticides of regional ma rket sales to the agriculture sector: 1.599· how much does home sector in the regional market spend on other pesticides: 145· the agriculture sector is responsible what fraction of all regional market expenditure on other pesticides:2/3· population chan ges· population of indonesia in 2025 if it were to rise by 20%from the figure: 264· what is the predicted increase in population of india, pakistan and bangladesh: 867 million· india in 2030 if it were to rise by 10% in each decade: 1423million· the predicted population drop is proportionally greater for japan than russia: true· primary energy fuel consumption· which source of fuel went down over the last 20 years: coal · what was the increase in the percentage of primary energy provided by natural gas over the last 20 years: 16%· how much more about coal than electricity last year: 12.5 million· how much energy delivered than other than petroleum last year: 162.5· profit & loss profit loss account· if gross sales increased at the same rate, with would the year 3 gross sales be: 46.898· the tax rate increased from year 1 to 2: true· how much did depreciation add onto the expenditure on raw and expenses in year2: 4.3%· from year 1 to 2, expenditure on raw increased more, in percentage terms, than income from net sales: true· quality index chart· if the trend for factory 3 from year 1 to 5 continues, what would be the quality index in year7: 75· in which year did the index for all 3 fall compared with previous year: no year· what percentage di d the index in factory 2 increase from year 1 to 5: 20%· factory 1 index showed between year 4 & 5 the same as year 2 & 3: false· sales breakdown by product group· increase to 150 million, what percentage: 10%· the value of sales of building materials and garden equipment for store 2 was less than half of store 5: false · the value of sales of household applications for store 2 was higher than store 3: true· total sales ratio of store 2 to store 4: 4:5· sales costs of raw materials· which raw generat ed the largest profit: iron ore· total sales revenue excluding aluminum: 222.8· how much profit expressed as a percentage of sales revenue: 20%· what proportion of total sales revenue was generated by silver: 15%· gold accounted for more than half of total sales revenues: true· unit production across plants· plant 3 accounted for total year 1: 39%· plant 1 produced the least units in the first quarter of year2: not possible to say· how many units were produced by plant 2 in the fourth quarter of year1: 32,000· plant 1 decreased in the first 3 quarters of year2 compared with the same in year1: 37.5%· vehicles production· in which year were the most vehicles exported: year 3· ration of commercial to passenger in year 5: 1:10· percentage change in commercial in year 5 compared withyear 4: 10% decrease· what percentage of all vehicles produced in year 1 were exported: 50%。
现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(onlinetest或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为S HL的机构。
SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。
一,numerical testnumericaltest就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力。
online test的numericaltest大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。
答案选项有的时候会有个noneof these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。
做过num ericaltest的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择none ofthes e。
1.why choose SCB? Why choose Consumer Banking?KEY: SCB rank among the top 20 companies in the FTSE-100 by market capitalization, and provide a wide-range of products and services for personal and business customers across 70 markets.There is a strong emphasis on growth opportunities, so SCB recruites people not just for the current role but their potential to make a greater contribution in the long run. I also liked the Bank's strengths-based approach; it resonated with what I believed in. You are what you are and you need to like and leverage your strengths to make you the best person. the people-oriented culture is above everything else.In Consumer Banking, I can work with talented colleagues, a sizeable portion of my time will be spent in engaging different teams and peers from within the country, region and groups. As Consumer Banking business expands in an already complex and fast-changing world, SCB will bring everyone on to the same page by fostering the right conversations and making the right connections, so that collectively everyone is working towards the same destination, with ownership and accountability.2. 3 qualities to succeed in SCBKEY: 1.o ptimistic , I'm an optimistic person - the glass is always half full rather than half empty. Though I need to see both sides of everything in my job, I tend to focus on the positives.2.The ability to encourage others. I believe that no man is an island. You need to work with others to help you deliver great results. I may encourage my colleagues to switch from customer-facing roles to that of a support function and vice versa so they get to see things from each other's perspective. It also helps people see the bigger picture and reduces our error rate because everybody knows what everybody else is doing and how they can support one another better for the greater.3.Self-control, I knew how to plan my career path and which direction to take. Balancing the pursuit of growth with a disciplined management of costs and risks and keeping a firm grip. I've always believed in the importance of being authentic -- doing things to the best of your abilities while maintaining the highest standards of pride and integrity in what you do. This is one of the reasons why I joined the Bank.3.what is important in consumer banking?KEY: Most importantly is having a customer-oriented mindset ingrained in whatever we do. SCB’s aspiration is to become the world's best international consumer bank and having a customer focused strategy is critical to helping us achieve this.4.How do you try to get support from other people?KEY: 1 I will make my objective as clearly as possible to my manager, and make sure that he has total know the objective.2 Next will make the manager know the meaning of the objective to me, good communication is the first way to help.3 Then I will make him know the difficulty, I will firstly consult some advice, if the difficulty can be solved by myself, I think it is a good way to improve myself, else, I will let him help me.7.If you find someone in the team difficult to dealt with? What is your action?KEY: I am a firm believer in taking risks on my colleague. Mostly it main caused by the reason that the person is not suit for the position, If I see a keen interest and strong potential in the person, I'll do my very best to recommend a right role for this person in the business. Doing things to the best of your abilities while maintaining the highest standards of pride and integrity in what you do. This is one of the reasons why I joined the Bank.8.Anything would like share with me in order to have a better understanding of you? KEY: Feb. 2010-Mar. 2010 Traveler, Went across the world’s second large desert --The Taklimakan desertLed another 4 partners cross the desert form the north to the south about 380 km during 20 days, ended for one team member’s cold injuryPrepared for the travel combine the car for sleep and pedestrianism during the day, and I responded for the water, food and emergency medicineConquered the shortage of gasoline and difficulty of starting the car, achieved most of the plan, and form the journey, I really got to know the importance of teamwork and the encouragement, which are benefit all my life.9.How do you define success?KEY: Work I can maintain a position that match my interests and strengths.Doing things to the best of your abilities while maintaining the highest standards of pride and integrity in what you do. The success is just a process but not a result for me.11. what do you think banks do?KEY:Through international network and expertise, facilitate trade across markets, enable multinational clients to conduct complex business transactions and service the needs of an increasingly international consumer base. The bank should also provide a wide-range of products and services for personal and business customers12. what will you do in a new placement?KEY:Knowing about new friends who is familiar with the placement or even the local people, and next I will list some advantages and disadvantages of the placement on my work. Ig. The condition there is suit for the bang business or not, our brand is well known for them or just opposite, by doing this I will make a evaluation. Then I will solve the or conquer the disadvantages, by consulting form the experienced workers or just create a new way.13. when you are a new comer, if you find an improvement for your team project, what will you do?KEY:Firstly I will confirm that the improvement really works, then I will consult my partners about the right way to come up the improvement, for example, it is better in the morning meeting or should I write a report to my boss, by this I can make the success ratio much larger.14. how can you get yourself familiar with the job in a new position?Firstly, I will look through some guide books, sometimes the very frequent questions are listed already, it will give you the most efficient solution for many circumstances.Secondly, as the situation is dynamic, I will meet some vex or paradoxical problem, ant at that time I will consult for my experienced partners, they must will give me an good solution.Last, I will ask the question to my boss.15. what is your personal aim for future career?In the short time, I will focus the work for famous international cooperation such as SCB, in such environment, I can make my new excellent friends from all over the world, I can learn the ability form them, and get to work better for my position.In the long term, I want to be a CEO of an international company, and can help the world be a more balance world. Because I want to change the economic situation all over the world, I do not want to see the poor children, economic crisis. I want to decrease the unfortunate in the world.16. what do you think is a good service?Admittedly, the good service contains many aspects, such as the attitude, the service environment and even the fee. All above those, however, I think a good service is that it really works, I mean it really can solve the problem or make the consumer more convenient. For example, the service can make my security or many more safe and even can increase, that is a really good service.17. Why to choose the foreign banking?In such environment, I can make my new excellent friends from all over the world, I can learn the ability form them, and get to work better for my position.In the long term, I want to be a CEO of a international company, and can help the world be a more balance world. Because I want to change the economic situation all over the world, I do not want to see the poor children, economic crisis. I want to decrease the unfortunate in the world.18. How to make a success in a team?1.The ability to encourage others. I believe that no man is an island. You need to work with others to help you deliver great results. I encourage my staff to switch from customer-facing roles to that of a support function and vice versa so they get to see things from each other's perspective. It also helps people see the bigger picture and reduces our error rate because everybody knows what everybody else is doing and how they can support one another better for the greater good. 2.Self-guided, I knew how to plan my career path and which direction to take. balancing the pursuit of growth with a disciplined management of costs and risks and keeping a firm grip. I've always believed in the importance of being authentic -- doing things to the best of your abilities while maintaining the highest standards of pride and integrity in what you do. This is one of the reasons why I joined the Bank.20. If you are new on a team, how do you contribute to the team?I will be willing to become the eyes of my group, if I acquire the opportunity to work in SCB, using my distinctive horizons and my creative thinking mode. First of all, as a member in thegroup, my adaptive to multi-culture could make contribution to group’s harmony. When coworkers from different areas can’t understand with each other, I can see the essence of the problem and explain the diversity to them. I will work hard to better the atmosphere for working and discussing. In addition, some work puzzles can’t be solved only using the methods in the textbooks because none of theories are applied for every situation and every society. In order to analyze work problems better, workers should learn to be flexible and find the answer based on the specific situation. Using my flexible brain and being familiar with information system and finance, I am able to think deeper in some issues, and my teamwork and leadership make me lead my group to find brightness in the dark.23. What kind of technical knowledge do you think you need when processing business? Negotiation, the skill of negotiation can make the benefit more profitable, and decrease the time wasted. Manners, good manner is half of the success, if you leave a good impression to the customer, you will increase the ratio of success.Talking way, make your heart to the business, let others believe you are really want to make business with you24. If you have a significant objective to achieve, how could you ask your manager help you to plan?1 I will make my objective as clearly as possible to my manager, and make sure that he has total know the objective.Next will make the manager know the meaning of the objective to me, good communication is the first way to help.Then I will make him know the difficulty, I will firstly consult some advice, if the difficulty can be solved by myself, I think it is a good way to improve myself, else, I will let him help me.25. Are you a quick learner?Yes! Give you an example, Apr.2012- Jun. 2012V olunteer Researcher, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of geographic science and energy, you know the team is made up 32 masters and 2 doctors, only me maintain a BS degree, I need to know all the background about 2000 pages in just 3 days, and get familiar with the way they use to do the research, finally, I really did it, not only this, I even pointed as a group leader.26. What are you going to sacrifice in this Int'l Graduate Program?Fist is of course my valuable youth life, I can devote my most precious time for the program, and second is I will give up a relative stable working environment, you know, in a government cooperation, everyday have some tea, read some newspaper, or such.27. Are you a quick decider?As the president of my work-study association, I need to do many decision, for example, in a activity, there are many small things need to decide, what about the style of the dormitory and theorder of the programs, many of the decision do not to be made by myself, however, if there is something that all the people cannot decided, it turns to me. I will usually decide immediately, since there are many other things needs to be done.35. Are you good at presentation? How can you make sure of it?Yes! I may give you an example, the competition I have attended, Harvard business analysis competition, in the first round of the competition, we just rank at the 23 in 105 teams after we only hand on the plan book, but the final competition is a presentation for every group, I was the speaker won the applaud for the longest time, and one of the three professors even pointed me as the excellent speaker which is not admitted by the rule, since only the excellent team has the excellent speaker. Finally, we only rank13, but we still improved 10 grades.39. If you are given three choice middle-east, singapore, london for a business trip, with the same task, which you prefer?These three cities are all my dream cities, for the mystery Middle-east, the beautiful, and the serious and historical London, but I prefer Singapore, cause the culture there is the most similar with mine, and the situation is also the most familiar, and I think it can makes me better handle the work. But to improve my adaptation of the cross culture, I also willing go to middle-east and London.30. Give an example about people trust you just because they like you.Financial minister of my class, you know the money is not so much in a whole class, however it is not so little, everybody can maintain the position, but why me? Just because they like me.31. Will you compromise when doing a job?It depends. Firstly I want to say that I am not a stubborn person, if it is really my wrong, I will not insist. But if I have tested that the things I am doing now is right in any circumstance, will firstly look forward to persuade them, you known, since we in the different culture and the thinking model, the difference is common. And will communicate with the others.32. Are you creative? Give examplesI have created Perpetual motion machine, do you believe that? I will give you a description, drama stick in a paper, use a nail and fix the stick in the middle of the stick to the back, and make sure that the stick can roll around, make the stick horizontal, put a 9 pond thing in the left side, and 6 pond in the right side, common sense tell me that the stick will turn around, then the stick will roll, when the left 9 come to the right, it becomes 6 pond, and the right 6 pond becomes the 9 ponds, thus, the machine will turn around and around, the Perpetual motion machine is finished. The problem solved!33. Are you analytical? Give examples34. How can you make people trust you?。
测试说明:1. 请根据您的实际情况选择最符合您性格特点的选项。
2. 每个问题只有一个正确答案,请您在规定时间内完成测试。
3. 测试结束后,请将您的答案提交。
一、个人品质1. 在面对困难时,您通常:A. 主动寻求解决方案B. 寻求他人帮助C. 选择放弃D. 拖延时间,寻找其他途径2. 当您与同事发生矛盾时,您会:A. 尽快沟通,寻求和解B. 忽略矛盾,继续工作C. 找领导评理D. 采取报复行为3. 在团队合作中,您通常:A. 积极参与,发挥自己的专长B. 保持中立,避免冲突C. 被动参与,完成任务即可D. 喜欢独来独往,不愿与他人合作4. 您认为自己在以下哪方面有较强的能力:A. 自我激励B. 沟通能力C. 组织协调能力D. 抗压能力二、抗压力1. 当您的工作压力较大时,您会:A. 主动调整工作节奏,寻求帮助B. 试图调整心态,保持乐观C. 选择逃避,减少工作量D. 被动承受,等待压力减轻2. 在面对挫折时,您通常:A. 从中吸取教训,总结经验B. 寻找原因,调整策略C. 选择放弃,寻找新的机会D. 埋怨他人,寻找替罪羊3. 当您遇到突发事件时,您会:A. 保持冷静,迅速应对B. 稍显慌乱,但能快速调整C. 惊慌失措,不知所措D. 选择逃避,避免冲突4. 您认为自己在以下哪方面有较强的抗压力:A. 调整心态B. 应对压力C. 承受压力D. 消除压力三、交际能力1. 在与人交往时,您通常:A. 主动打招呼,关心他人B. 保持距离,避免冲突C. 倾听他人,尊重他人D. 自我为中心,不考虑他人感受2. 当您遇到问题时,您会:A. 寻求他人帮助,共同解决B. 保持沉默,独自承受C. 找领导反映问题D. 将问题推给他人3. 在团队合作中,您通常:A. 积极沟通,分享想法B. 保持中立,避免冲突C. 被动参与,完成任务即可D. 喜欢独来独往,不愿与他人合作4. 您认为自己在以下哪方面有较强的交际能力:A. 沟通能力B. 组织协调能力C. 倾听能力D. 人际交往能力四、职业价值观1. 您认为以下哪个因素对您来说最重要:A. 收入B. 发展空间C. 工作环境D. 工作稳定性2. 您希望从事以下哪个行业:A. 金融行业B. 互联网行业C. 制造业D. 其他3. 您认为以下哪个方面对您来说最有意义:A. 个人成就B. 社会贡献C. 个人成长D. 休闲生活4. 您希望在工作中实现以下哪个目标:A. 职业发展B. 财务自由C. 个人价值D. 家庭幸福请您根据自己的实际情况,选择最符合您的选项。
银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验模拟题库附带答案单选题(共20题)1. LANDSCAPING FIRMA.WhichB.thatC.thoseD.what【答案】 B2. The invisible scars of the drivers mentioned in the second paragraph refersto__________.A.the regrets left by their fathersB.the fears left by their fathersC.the cars left by their fathersD.the heritage left by their fathers【答案】 A3. 某容器中装有盐水。
那么第三种盐水的浓度是多少?()A.20%B.30%C.40%D.50%【答案】 B4. 10,11, 36, 185,( )。
A.1302B.1344C.930D.1116【答案】 A5. 如果人们工资增加,则增加的将是( )。
A.货币的交易需求B.货币的预防需求C.货币的投机需求D.上述三方面需求中的任何一种【答案】 A6. 生产函数表示的是生产中()和()之间的依存关系,这种关系普遍存在于各种生产过程之中。
A.成本利润B.投入量产出量C.成本收入D.固定资本流动资本【答案】 B7. Looking for AuthorA.He has written a book and needs it to be editedB.He has proposed a book and needs it to be writtenC.He wants media coverage for his bookD.He wants a second opinion on his book【答案】 B8. 从目前销售情况来看,全球一个季度可卖出iPad约切0万台,接近同期笔记本电脑全球销量的1/10。
渣打银行xx面试题目 性格测试
您需要后才可以 |去年我也申请了各家银行,相比之下今年的渣打要比去年火的多,原因在于新的网申方案让更多人有时机走的更远,试想那些有实力拿不少面试的人,兴许在第一轮被性格测试淘汰了,那些很难拿到面试的人,渣打给了我们时机走到面试环节。
性格测试实在是刷人利器,从网上的帖子和身边认识的不少朋友发现,通过率大概是 1/4, 下面给出一个朋友做失败的答案,他用马甲做了好屡次,觉得这一次一定过结果还是失败了,但是他记录下来答案了:As a part of a restructure1. You meet with2. After meeting, listening3. You call the client4. You prepare as much5. Be open and seeSome recent changes1. Excited2. Intrigued3. Concerned4. Motivated5. ApprehensiveYou have been told1. Notify your2. Make efforts to3. Investigate the impact4. Be open with5. Be honest and admit Your team has recently1. You feel2. You immediately offer3. You sympathise4. You think this5. You would love toYour manager has just1. You have a peer2. Consciously3. Meet with4. Aept your differences5. Speak toYou are due to go1. You explain that2. Try and answer3. During the break4. Inform the client5. You go onlineYour manager has asked1. Meet with2. Speak to3. Approach the meeting4. Extensively prepare5. Prepare lots ofYou are rotating into1. You seek to understand2. You love analysing3. You should4. It is likely5. You are slightlyYou have recently finished1. You contact the leader2. You send a group3. You know the senior4. Now the deal is plete5. You really enjoyedYou are a few months into1. You persevere2. You speak to3. You are not too concerned4. You are used to challenges5. It is important to doYou have just finished1. You think the best2. You are not daunted3. You want to learn from4. Given your experience5. You feel quite nervousYou have just relocated1. You thank your Manager and ask2. You immediately3. If you are4. You than your Manager , but explain5. You think this sound greatIt is 3pm1. You think the best2. You decide you can3. You send one4. You decide you5. You think the mostYour team have been working1. You are concerned2. You want to show3. You speak to your4. Although not ideal5. You focus onOne of your most promising clients1. As it is a2. You love3. You ask your4. Given the in5. You analyseYou have been asked by1. You immediately2. Explain that you3. You want to aept4. Ask your current Manager5. Explain honestly thatYou have been working on a client deal1. You are determined to2. This is a setback3. This is a frustrating4. You are naturally5. You feel quiteYou have recently joined a new team as part of1. You offer to2. You can see3. You appreciate your4. You are focused on5. You know how下面是官方的提示解析汇总:Remember... People learn in different ways. Don’t be surprised if you need to adapt your style when working with others who may pick up information differently.Remember... Don’t hold back telling others about your aims and ambitions. Capture personal goals you achieve onyour CV and LinkedIn profile. Be ready to showcase your hard work.Remember... Summarising and exploring things that you find plicated will help you to fine tune your analytical skills.Remember... At the start of your career, a broad work of meaningful contacts is extremely valuable. Work hard to maximise your work and put extra effort into maintaining connections over time. You never know when you might be able to help your connections or they might help you.Remember... Part of earning the trust of others is about trusting yourself in the first instance. Use your instincts and judgement to know when to give advice and when to ask for it.Remember... Focussing on your performance will increase your self confidence and likelihood of achieving what you want.Remember... Not everyone thrives in a team. How can you support people who prefer working alone? Think about how you motivate yourself when you have to plete work on your own.Remember... Some people find it hard to adapt their style so you may find you are always the one doing the adjusting. It is important to be authentic and consistent when interacting with people professionally and socially.Remember... Great service means repeat business. Working hard to exceed the expectations of others will create future opportunities.Remember... People learn in different ways. Don’t be surprised if you need to adapt your style when working with others who may pick up information differently.Remember... Setbacks happen to everyone. It is important to understand why a setback has happened and explore how you can learn and move forward from it.如果你一不小心过了,你就是那 1/4 性格特异的人,哈哈。
2023年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验历年经典题含答案单选题(共50题)1、有红、黄、蓝、白四种颜色的小球若干个,每个人可以从中任意选择两个,问至少需要多少个人才能保证至少有4 人选的小球的颜色相同?A.4B.27C.31D.49【答案】 C2、数据库设计包括两个方面的设计内容,它们是()。
A.概念设计和逻辑设计B.模式设计和内模式设计C.内模式设计和物理设计D.结构特性设计和行为特性设计【答案】 D3、 E—mail邮件的本质是( )。
A.一个文件B.一份传真C.一个电话D.一个网页【答案】 A4、大众传媒应该成为真正公共讨论的______,让纷纭繁复的表象在充分讨论中______出真实的逻辑,让各种观念在交锋和沟通中______出共识。
A.平台浮现碰撞B.空间呈现撞击C.课题展现达成D.界面涌现获得【答案】 A5、下列记账差错中.能通过编制试算平衡表判断的是( )。
A.漏记了某项经济业务B.错误地使用了借方会计科目C.只登记了借方或贷方.漏记了另一方D.颠倒了记账方向【答案】 C6、逻辑数据独立性是指( )。
A.写信申请B.电话申请C.电子邮件申请D.在线注册申请【答案】 D7、以下不属于交银理财专属产品的是( )。
A.理财锦囊B.贷利通C.利得盈D.交银添利【答案】 C8、根据欧洲专利局3月6日公布的数据,2013年中国企业申请欧洲专利的数量为22 292项,占全部欧洲专利申请数的8.4%,增长率高达16.2%。
A.三B.四C.五D.六【答案】 B9、A new system()the latest data analysis methods was implemented this week.A.is incorporatingB.that incorporatesC.incorporation ofD.had incorporated【答案】 B10、Questions refer to the following article.A.to call for actions to tackle the problems of climate changeB.to Co-ordinate for the implementation of international agendaC.to lay out a plan for environmental problemsD.to find reasons for recent global warming【答案】 A11、经济学家萨缪尔森在其经典著作《经济学》中,对通货膨胀的定义是( )。
A.Online To OfflineB.Offline To OfflineC.Offline To OnlineD.Online To Online【答案】A2、PARTⅠ:INCOMPLETE SENTENCESA.participateB.participantC.participatedD.participative【答案】C3、一项工程如果交给甲乙两队共同施工,8天能完成;如果交给甲丙两队共同施工.10天能完成;如果交给甲丁两队共同施工,15天能完成;如果交给乙丙丁三队共同施工.6天就可以完成。
A.16B.20C.24D.28【答案】C4、Had the town's residents been allowed to vote on the measure,it surely__________.A.would be passingB.would have passedC.passedD.would pass【答案】B5、企业在市场体系中进行竞争的目标是()。
A.实现销售收入最大化B.实现市场销售份额最大化C.实现利润最大化D.实现企业形象最优化【答案】C6、The truth__________Jesus loved me and gave himself for me was an incredible transformation for him.A.thatB.asC.whichD.where【答案】A7、在word的编辑状态.设置了一个由多个行和列组成的空表格,将插入点定在某个单元格内,用鼠标单击“表格”命令菜单的“选定行”命令,再用鼠标单击“表格”命令菜单中的“选定列”命令,则表格中被选择的部分是()。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入的现金,未经整点,不得对外付出 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错出纳业务用印章应妥善保管,营业期间离柜时入箱上锁,营业终了进入库或入柜保管 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入现金,当面清点,一笔一清,不得几笔款项混收 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错调入(交接)的钱捆必须卡把、检验封签,核点大数 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错收入现金发现假币时,可由柜面经理一人自行收缴 [判断题] *对错(正确答案)半额残损人民币兑换应当面在残损币上加盖“半额”戳记和经办人名章 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业中尾箱经办人不能随便离开岗位,中午休息或如需临时离开,应随即锁箱,如为换人上岗,必须交接尾箱款和重要凭证后方能离岗。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业终了应及时清点尾箱现金,换人核点大数,无误后双人装箱,双人双锁,钥匙分管 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错封包票币开箱、拆包,以及款项清点时,必须由二人以上业务人员在监视器下操作。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错出纳人员办理交接时,可以直接由接收人当面点交清楚,本人无需进行清查核对[判断题] *对错(正确答案)出纳柜台与其他部门的票据传递,必须办理登记签收手续。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错营业终了可以直接换人核点大数,本人无需清点尾箱现金。
[判断题] *对错(正确答案)口头挂失仅限凭证挂失? [判断题] *对(正确答案)错挂失申请原则上应由存款人办理,存款人因特殊原因无法前往,可以委托他人代理。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错办理个人挂失业务后,账户只收不付 [判断题] *对(正确答案)错基本存款账户是存款人因办理日常转账结算和现金收付需要开立的银行结算账户。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错存款人只能在银行开立一个基本存款账户。
[判断题] *对(正确答案)错企业类客户开立基本存款账户,须于开户当日在人行账管系统进行备案,并于当日将开户资料影像通过辅助管理系统报送人行。
一、自我认知篇1. 当你面对困难时,通常会如何应对?A. 冷静分析,寻求解决办法B. 感到焦虑,寻求他人帮助C. 拒绝面对,逃避问题D. 沉默不语,独自承受2. 在团队合作中,你更倾向于哪种角色?A. 领导者,带领团队完成任务B. 执行者,完成领导分配的任务C. 观察者,从旁协助,不参与决策D. 独立完成,不愿与他人合作3. 当你遇到不公时,你会怎么做?A. 挺身而出,维护正义B. 寻求法律途径,解决问题C. 保持沉默,不干涉是非D. 随波逐流,不发表意见4. 你在日常生活中,更注重以下哪个方面?A. 事业成功B. 人际关系C. 精神追求D. 生活品质5. 你认为自己在以下哪个方面具有优势?A. 沟通能力B. 组织协调能力C. 创新能力D. 执行力二、情绪管理篇6. 当你遇到挫折时,情绪波动会很大吗?A. 是的,情绪波动很大B. 有时会,但很快能调整C. 很少,情绪稳定D. 没有感觉,不会影响情绪7. 你在遇到压力时,通常会如何应对?A. 积极寻求解决办法B. 通过运动、娱乐等方式缓解压力C. 保持沉默,独自承受D. 选择逃避,暂时离开压力环境8. 你在以下哪种情况下容易感到焦虑?A. 工作压力大B. 人际关系复杂C. 生活琐事D. 未知事物9. 你认为自己在情绪管理方面做得如何?A. 很好,能够很好地控制情绪B. 一般,有时会失控C. 很差,经常情绪失控D. 没有意识到情绪管理的重要性10. 当你感到快乐时,你会如何表达?A. 大声欢笑,分享喜悦B. 内心喜悦,不表露出来C. 保持沉默,独自享受D. 通过购物、旅游等方式庆祝三、人际交往篇11. 你在与人交往时,更注重以下哪个方面?A. 诚实守信B. 礼貌待人C. 实用主义D. 共同利益12. 当你与朋友发生争执时,你会怎么做?A. 主动沟通,寻求解决方案B. 保持沉默,避免冲突C. 离开现场,让时间解决D. 反驳对方,激化矛盾13. 你认为自己在以下哪个方面具有优势?A. 沟通能力B. 情绪感知能力C. 社交技巧D. 说服力14. 当你遇到陌生环境时,你会怎么做?A. 积极融入,主动交流B. 保持沉默,观察周围C. 选择逃避,不参与其中D. 借助他人,寻求帮助15. 你认为自己在人际交往中做得如何?A. 很好,能够与人建立良好关系B. 一般,有时会感到困扰C. 很差,难以与人相处D. 没有意识到人际交往的重要性四、职业发展篇16. 你对以下哪种职业领域感兴趣?A. 金融行业B. 科技行业C. 文化艺术行业D. 其他行业17. 你认为自己在以下哪个方面具有优势?A. 分析能力B. 创新能力C. 团队协作能力D. 沟通能力18. 你对以下哪种工作方式更适应?A. 独立完成,自我驱动B. 团队合作,共同进步C. 管理团队,发挥领导力D. 学习研究,不断提升自己19. 你认为自己在职业发展方面有哪些优势和劣势?A. 优势:沟通能力、团队合作能力;劣势:缺乏实践经验B. 优势:创新能力、执行力;劣势:缺乏专业知识C. 优势:组织协调能力、领导力;劣势:缺乏耐心D. 优势:分析能力、专业知识;劣势:缺乏实践经验20. 你对未来职业发展有何规划?A. 专注于提升专业技能,成为行业专家B. 积极拓展人际关系,寻求更好的发展机会C. 不断提升自身综合素质,成为复合型人才D. 专注于创业,实现自我价值请您根据自己的实际情况,选择最符合您的选项。
现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。
偶曾经参加过一些投行(UBS,ML, HSBC IB),HSBC BDP program, 渣打等笔试,积累了一定的经验(感觉总体来说投行online test难度相对较高,其他稍低),借此机会和大家分享一下,希望从来没有接触过这种类型test的同学能对此有个感性认识,也希望参加过该类test的同学能获得有用的信息,结合自己的特点加以改进。
SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。
一,numerical testnumerical test就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的(个人以为)是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力(换句话说,就是眼睛要快,手要快,脑子更要快)。
印象中,online test的numerical test大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。
答案选项有的时候会有个none of these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。
做过numerical test 的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择none of these。
另外,作numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。
企业笔试常考题型笔试是一种与面试对应的测试,是考核应聘者学识水平的重要工具,下面就是小编给大家带来的企业笔试11大常考题型,希望大家喜欢!(1)技术类笔试题1) 类型简介对于研发类和技术类职位,一般都会要求应聘者参加技术类笔试。
2) 应对方法对于技术性笔试,尤其是你今天晚上刚接到通知,第二天早上就要去参加笔试的情况下,时间已经不允许你再系统地、全面地复习相关的专业知识的时候。
(2)Numerical Test1) 类型简介Numerical Test,即数字能力测试。
Numerical Test题目一般会给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题目要求,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算。
外企招聘面试笔试题库shl1现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,而其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。
那么,这家名为SHL的公司出的题目到底是些什么东东?它由缘何得到如此多跨国企业的亲睐呢?今天,让HIALL团队与您来共同来剖析一下SHL的出题风格!一般来说SHL类型test的分两部分:numerical test和verbal test。
第一部分:verbal test所谓verbal test(verbal:口头的),就是给出一段100~200多字的短文,然后让你根据文章意思,判断题干信息正确与否,主要考察应聘者的英语阅读能力和逻辑判断能力。
verbal test 一般会分为TEST1 和TEST2 ,每个TEST都会有两篇PASSAGE。
我们来剖析一下真题:The verbal questions which follow are multiple choice. For each question, you are given severalpossible answers. When you have selected your answer, click in the appropriate circle.…………………… verbal test一般都会遵从的要求下面我们来分别看一看TEST1和TEST2TEST1In this test you are given two passages, each of which is followed by several statements. Your task is to evaluate the statements in the light of the information or opinions contained in the passage and to select your answer according to these rules.(1)If you think the statement is patently trueor follows logically given the information or opinions contained in the passageClick on A(2)If the statement is patently untrue or the opposite follows logically, given the information or opinions contained in the passageClick on B(3)If you cannot say whether the statement is true or untrue or follows logically without further informationClick on C……………………TEST1的具体要求PASSAGE 1:the big economic difference between nuclear and fossil fuelled power stations is that nuclearreactions are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to run. so disputes over the relative efficiency of the two systems revove not just around the prices of coal and uranium today and tomorow, but also around the way in which future income should be compared with current income.Question:(1) The main difference between nuclear andfossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one.(2) The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the efficiency of nuclear reactors.(3) If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil fuelled power stations, they would definitely have the economic advantage.PASSAGE2(哈哈,地方不够,今天就不说PASSAGE2)TEST2In this test you are required to evaluate each statement in the light of the passage. Read through the passage and evaluate the statements according to the rules.(1) TRUE: If the statement follows logically from the information or opinions contained in the passage Click on A(2) FALSE: If the statement is obviously false from the information or opinions contained in the passageClick on B(3) If you CANNOT SAY whether the statement is true or false without further informationClick on C…………………………TEST2的具体要求PASSAGE1:Many organizations find it beneficial to employ over the summer. permanent staff often wish to take their holidays over this period. Fouture more,it is not companies to experience peak workloads in the summer and so require extra staff. summer employmentalso attracts students who may return as well qualified recruits to an organization when they have completed their education.(1)It is possible that permanent staff who are on holiday can have their work carried out by students.(2) Students in summer employment are given the same paid holiday benefit as permanent staff.(3) Students are subject to theorganization's standard disciplinary and grievance procedures.(4) Some companies have more work to do in summer when students are available for vacation work.PASSAGE2(哈哈,地方不够,今天就不说PASSAGE2)第二部分:numerical test所谓numerical test(numerical:数字的),就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的(个人以为)是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力(换句话说,就是眼睛要快,手要快,脑子更要快)。
2024年银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验通关题库(附带答案)单选题(共45题)1、—个两位数的中间加上一个0,那么所得的这个数是原数的9倍,原来这个两位数是多少?()A.15B.25C.35D.45【答案】 D2、It can be known from the passage that increase in the salinity of ocean water is caused by___________.A.melting of sea iceB.precipitationC.evaporationD.supplement of salt【答案】 C3、 Samuel Johnson Machines guarantees that any defective photocopy machine will be__________immediately with a new one.A.consumedB.revisedC.preparedD.replaced【答案】 D4、某人做一道整数减法题时,把减数个位上的3看成了8,把减数十位上的8看成了3,得到的差是122,那么正确的得数应该是()。
A.77B.88C.90D.100【答案】 A5、管理方格理论把领导者的基本风格划分为五种,其中只对人极端关注的领导风格被称A.无为而治式B.任务式C.中庸式D.乡村俱乐部式【答案】 D6、Questions refer to the following article.A.possibleB.availableC.conceivableD.achievable【答案】 B7、在一项关于求职人员的调査中,2/5的人承认至少有一些不诚实。
A.一些接受调査的不诚实的人可能在调查中宣称自己是诚实的B.一些接受调查的,在一般情况下诚实的人可能在调査中宣称自己是不诚实的C.一些在调査中宣称自己至少有一些不诚实的人可能非常不诚实D.一些非求职人员可能至少有一些不诚实【答案】 A8、广告是指为了商业目的,由商品或服务之生产、经营者承担费用,通过一定媒介或一定公诸于众的形式,直接或间接地对其经营的商品或服务予以宣扬的公开活动。