
律政俏佳人英文观后感篇一:律政俏佳人英文观后感A good movie reminds me of that English phrase: spread, the and love. Maybe this is the characteristics of American culture, respecting individuality, encouraging personality development, respecting personal progress and contributing to society. The difference between the development of the individual and the progress of the society, which we are accustomed to taking into consideration the whole society, can be a useful supplement to us.As a matter of fact, we are also learning to respect everyones personality, including himself. This is more beneficial and personal healthy development, at the same time, beneficial and social. Perhaps it is because of the cultural characteristics of full respect for individuality that its social competition is fierce and there is more cooperation in competition. Ancient language: there is a big size. When we can recognize and absorb others strengths, we are going to grow.Also, I appreciate the heroines personality, she boldly confess and bravely pursue his own happiness, the film is comic in the changing end of the plot. It shows that no matter where, there is no simple happiness, only the courage to express and continue to pursue happiness. In a gender equality society, whether you are male or female, if you dare not confession, you may not get anything. If you dont dare to pursue happiness, you will not get happiness.As a matter of fact, many American movies are showing the American spirit of success. Even in the very bad conditions, they still do not give up, or have a higher pursuit in the process of this pursuit. In short, they always like to flaunt that they are good at changing and difficult conditions, and still achieve success step by step. Maybe all the noble things in the world are similar. Many of our Chinese peoples understanding and pursuit of success is no worse than that of them. Although our technical condition almost, but many examples show that as long as we work hard, we can overcome them in the. The following passage probably describes Americans view of success.Happy life is what I think,If you want to succeed, you must dare to say it and dare to do it.A wide range of friends open their horizons.Only in this way can we get constant success in changing life.篇二:律政俏佳人英文观后感I have seen too many movies, I have had too much feeling, but I have never recorded. Unfortunately, there may be no chance to play it again, so lets start now.A look at the beauty of law, the hero Elle woods is always so cheerful and active, even the resume is pink and fragrant. Thats my favorite life attitude, passion. Life has been beautiful for her. As a chairman of the girls Association of thinking and so on, she went to the Department oflaw of Harvard University, at first to recover her lover, and later to prove that she was not a vase to prove his strength.Everyone has a different power of success, and she eventually becomes the best graduate of the level, not her "law is no passion" (Aristotle), but in accordance with his understanding of passion as a renewal of the law department. It is true that she ushered in a success with this passion and his fine thinking, which is not only the renewal of law, but also the essence of life.Like ending words, we must be confident and confident in ourselves according to our beliefs and strong self-consciousness.。

律政俏佳⼈观后感英语律政俏佳⼈观后感英语 《律政俏佳⼈》这是⼀部典型的好莱坞青春校园影⽚,我们⼤家看看下⾯的英⽂版的律政俏佳⼈观后感吧! 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语1 A very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her. Warner Huntington the 3rd Elle’s boyfriend, who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend that will help him with his future career in politics. Paulette A woman working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend. Vivian Warner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first. Brooke Taylor Windham A successful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband. Professor Callahan A lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke. Emmett A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant. This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the dumb blonde) 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语2 This movie is about a girl that thought she was going to propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend Warner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents to except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide comments from other students. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语3 Ditsy but kind Elle Woods (Witherspoon) lives in a practically perfect life, surrrounded by frivolous and sweet girls, hair and nail salons, and above all pink, pink and more pink. She is convinced that her boyfriend Warner (Davis,) will propose to her that night at dinner. Instead he dumps her, saying that he needs someone more serious if he's going to go to Harvard law school, and be a senater by the time he's thirty. Heartbroken, Elle decides the only way she can win him back is to go to Harvard as well. The first few classes don't go very well, but she trys hard to prove she can be a serious and intelligent law student. But the challenge to get Warner back just got bigger. He's proposed to another more serious law student named Vivian (Blair) who as well as Elle and Warner gets into a law internship. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语4 Breezy blonde Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is about to graduate from a small California college and fully expects her boyfriend Warner Huntington III (Davis) to propose marriage before he takes off to Harvard Law School. But citing his ambitions in law and politics, and saying he needs a more "serious" partner, Warner dumps her. Plucky Elle decides to follow him to Harvard (she manages to get herself admitted after majoring in fashion), and win her man back. Eventually, she finds herself a law firm intern on a heavy murder case, still hoping to win her guy back from snooty Eastern preppie gal Vivian Kensington (Blair). This fluffy comedy is rather obvious, silly, implausible, not that funny, and has a weak ending -- but it's a wonderfully charming piece of work anyway, mostly due to Witherspoon's terrific performance and a couple of mildly surprising plot turns. Raquel Welch has a cute cameo as the murdered man's ex-wife. 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语5 At one point of time or another we all have faced stereotypyed prejudices in our daily lives.This is the story of a leggy blonde who decides to take on the world & show that blondes do have more fun,but they can also prove their smarts in any field they desire.How is it different from any other movie?The blonde does this in a non-sensical & comical way. Elle Woods(Reese Witherspoon) has it all-loving par ents,cool friends,a rich lifestyle,pink stuff,a fashion designing degree,immense popularity,oggling guys everywhere she goes & a fashion conscious chihuahua.She’s madly in love with her boyfriend,Warner(Matthew Davis) & iswaiting eagerly for him to propose.On her ’special night’ he ends breaking up with her.He explains to Elle that he still does love & care for her a lot.But since he’s got ambitions to join Harvard Law school & later on take up a career in politics,he tells Elle that he would need a smarter life partner.Heartbroken,Elle decides to win Warnerback.She studies day & night to end up with an excellent LSAT score & enrolls herself at Harvard Law school.But this is just the beginning for poor Elle as she finds out that Warner has proposed to their Harvard Lawclassmate,Vivian(Selma Blair).From then on Elle has to constantly struggle to prove herself to herclassmates,professors & the general public.At first,Elle & Vivian are totally vicious to each other.But as time goeson & they begin to warm up to each other,Elle realises that she & Vivian would be great friends if it were not for the issue of Warner.Emmett Richmond(Luke Wilson) is one of Elle’s professors who keeps supporting her,no matter what.He’s genuinely impressed by her colourful character who’s got an attitude to succeed & win people’s hearts. The movie is light & funny.The cast are very definite in their roles,as tiny & comical as it may be.ReeseWitherspoon stands out in playing the dumb blonde who wants to be taken seriously.This is a totally girly filmwhich would be nice for a girl’s night out.Don’t even make the mistake of taking a guy for this movie.Go out there & embrace your feminine power! 律政俏佳⼈观后感英语6 Have you heard the one about the blonde that goes to Harvard Law School? She gets to the top of her class, is put in charge of a high-profile murder trial during her first year, and graduates with honors. No, really. This, in a nutshell, is the premise of Legally Blonde, the new film starring blonde-au-natural Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a So Cal sorority girl who follows her one-and-only, an East Coast blue blood by the name of Warner Huntington III (Matt Davis), to Harvard Law in order to win back his affections after he royally dumps her, citing that he needs someone more upscale on his arm, "a Jackie, not a Marilyn." The resulting film is cute and charming, but also diabetically sweet and with a plot that is as implausible as Dude,Where's My Car? picking up an Oscar for Best Picture. Natural comparisons would be to Amy Heckerling's Clueless, though Legally Blonde lacks the sharp satire that made that film as clever as it was. In its place are loud stereotypes and completely over-the-top sets and costumes. Regardless, the film does work, and that's due almost entirely to its star, Reese Witherspoon. Witherspoon plays Elle with such consistent perkiness that the audience can't help but play along and get swept up into her ice-cream-and-candy world. She adds just enough parody to her character to give us the feeling that it's ok to get lost in the fluffiness of the film, and not to take it too literally.> 0 0 E l l e W o o d s i s a n i n t e r e s t i n g c r e a t u r e t o b e h o l d . S h e ' s a H a w a i i a n T r o p i c s g i r l , h e a d o f h e r s o r o r i t y , h a s a p e r f e c t G P A i n F a s h i o n M e r c h a n d i s i n g , a n d s h e w e a r s a n a w f u l l o t o f p i n k . S h e ' s t h e k i n d o f g i r l w h o p r o b a b l y d o t s h e r I ' s w i t h l i t t l e h e a r t s a n d p r a c t i c e s s m i l i n g i n f r o n t o f t h e m i r r o r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 0 " > 0 0 B u t b a l a n c i n g t h e s e b l o n d e - g i r l s t e r e o t y p e s a r e E l l e ' s f e i s t i n e s s a n d h e r g e n u i n e n e s s . S h e i s g e n u i n e l y d i t z y , f o r s u r e , b u t a l s o g e n u i n e l y c h a r m i n g a n d g o o d - h u m o r e d . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 1 " > 0 0 W i t h e r s p o o n e m b o d i e s t h e s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s p e r f e c t l y , a n d i s l o v a b l e a n d b e l i e v a b l e , b l o n d e h e a d t o p i n k m a n i c u r e d t o e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 2 " > 0 0 T h e s c r e e n p l a y , c o - w r i t t e n b y K a r e n M c C u l l a h L u t z a n d K i r s t e n S m i t h a n d b a s e d o n t h e A m a n d a B r o w n ' s b o o k o f t h e s a m e n a m e , i s p u r e c o t t o n c a n d y d e l i c i o u s f r o m s t a r t t o f i n i s h , b u t n o t r e a l l y s a t i s f y i n g o r f u l f i l l i n g . T h a t ' s o k a y , s i n c e t h e p u r p o s e o f t h e f i l m i s n ' t t o g i v e y o u a n i n t e l l e c t u a l h e a d a c h e , b u t r a t h e r l i g h t l y j a b a t s o m e t y p i c a l y o u t h s t e r e o t y p e s a n d i m m e r s e t h e m i n c o m e d y a n d c h a r m . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 3 " > 0 0 S u p p o r t i n g c h a r a c t e r s a r e a l s o v i v i d a n d c o m m e n d a b l e . S e l m a B l a i r i s a p p r o p r i a t e l y c a s t a s a p r e p - s c h o o l s n o b , J a c k i e O t o W i t h e r s p o o n ' s M a r i l y n , a n d b a l a n c e s E l l e ' s s y r u p y d i s p o s i t i o n w i t h a p e r s o n a l i t y m a d e o f v i n e g a r . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 4 " > 0 0 M a t t D a v i s , a s W a r n e r H u n t i n g t o n I I I , a n d L u k e W i l s o n , a s a p a r t n e r a t t h e l a w f i r m f o r w h i c h E l l e w o r k s , a r e i n t e r e s t i n g e n o u g h a s W i t h e r s p o o n ' s t w o l o v e i n t e r e s t s , t h o u g h t h e i r c o m b i n e d s c r e e n p r e s e n c e i s s o m e w h a t l i m i t e d a n d t h e i r c h a r a c t e r s a r e d i s p l a y e d m o r e a s s u b j e c t s o f c o n v e r s a t i o n a n d l a m e n t b e t w e e n E l l e a n d h e r g i r l f r i e n d s . T h e y d o m a k e t h e i r t i m e o n s c r e e n c o u n t , t h o u g h , w i t h s t r o n g p e r f o r m a n c e s a n d l o o k s t h a t w o u l d m e l t t h e h e a r t s o f t h e f i l m ' s t a r g e t f e m a l e a u d i e n c e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 5 " > 0 0 J e n n i f e r C o o l i d g e a n d O z P e r k i n s a l s o s t a n d o u t a s E l l e ' s B o s t o n b u d d i e s , t h e f o r m e r a m a n i c u r i s t a t a l o c a l b e a u t y p a r l o r a n d t h e l a t t e r a s o n e o f E l l e ' s c l a s s m a t e s .C o o l i d g e , w h o m y o u m a y r e m e m b e r a s t h e M I L F f r o m A m e r i c a n P i e , i s e s p e c i a l l y e n d e a r i n g a s a f a s h i o n - c h a l l e n g e d d i s h w a t e r b l o n d e w h o m E l l e t a k e s u n d e r h e r w i n g . / p > p b d s f i d = " 9 6 " > 0 0 I n t h e e n d , L e g a l l y B l o n d e i s l i t t l e m o r e t h a n C l u e l e s s G o e s t o C o l l e g e , b u t W i t h e r s p o o n a n d h e r s u p p o r t i n g c a s t o f o d d b a l l s a n d s t e r e o t y p e s m a k e t h i s f i l m s t a n d o u t a s a f u n a n d c h e e r y s u m m e r f l i c k w o r t h y o f m o r e t h a n a f e w l a u g h s . / p >。

LegallyBlonde,律政俏佳人英文影评第一篇:Legally Blonde,律政俏佳人英文影评Legally Blonde zhouJun class2 In western countries the blonde suffer prejudice that they are lacking in intelligence and brilliance regardless of their outside beauty.Elle, the heroine of the movie “Legally Blonde” who has made great efforts to prove herself not a girl like that, eventually changes the world.Elle, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers.All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”.At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner.She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in t he L’SAT test to her wishes.Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony.During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.In retrospect, it seemed that all opportunities were out of reach on account of my lack of passion.If I had attended the writing contest with passion, I could have won a satisfactory prize.If I had taken part in the spring outing with passion, I would have shared my happy story with you.If I had watched the passionate movie a little bit earlier, I should have not been so regretful…All in all, timing is not that terrible and I’ve r egained my passion.Courage of conviction along with a strong sense of self is expanding rapidly in my soul.I’m ready to take my steps forward and into the st but not least, the first impressions are not always correct.I suppose it is crucial to have faith in people, most importantly, inourselves!Then the stereotype won’t exist any more and the whole world will be changed.第二篇:律政俏佳人英文影评Legally blonde Legally blonde is the movie we have at the beginning of this term.Although ,itfits into the niche market ,I still have some thinking about it.The main reason is I am also a girl.This film is a typical American story.The directorRobert Luketic use comparison to say hard work can make success and the first impressions are not always correct.Elle woods, the heroine of this film, the school beauty and the chairperson of the Sister Institute, is popular among the peers.All of a sudden, her boyfriend Warner decides to separate her simply because of her “blond”.At that point, Elle makes up her mind to study in Law School of Harvard in order to defeat Warner.She is admitted to Harvard with a high mark in the L’SAT test to her wishes.Successfully defending a case in court as one of the four trainees in her class, Elle, on behalf of all graduates, delivers an encouraging speech in the graduation ceremony.During three years’ study at Harvard, Elle believes that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.Reese Witherspoon portray the heroine elle woods has an enviable beauty—blond hair, white skin, tall, proficient dress, like a beautiful Barbie doll.Luke Wilsonas Emmett Richmond, a young attorneyshe meets during her studies and the first one not only see Elle’s beauty but also believe her wisdom.And he fill in love with Elle at the end.Matthew Davis as Warner Huntington III, Elle's ex-boyfriend a person who always only think about himself and have a terrible ending without honor,without girlfriend,without any company offer.Selma Blair as Vivian Kensington, a law student Warner’s girlfri end, but leave him when she know thelife and marry is not only need a six karat diamond.Jennifer Coolidge as Paulette Bonafonté(and later Parcelle), Elle's manicurist and confidante.Victor Garber as Professor Callahan, a Harvard law professor.He makes Elle think that she can success with her wisdom but after that we can see he is also value her beauty.In the film,at the open, Elle try her best to change herself to Warner wants but he is indifferent.At the end Elle become success and the girl Warner wants but she have known that is not a true love.He only wants a help to his enterprise.So it is also a story about a girl’s grown.When she leaves the court, her ex-boyfriend wants her come back, but she says the same thing he said if I want to become a good lawy er, I can’t have a fool boyfriend.We can see Elle grows up.Watching this film, I already loved this this girl.She was young and vibrant.Absolute self-confidence can infect each one who met her.Many people who saw this movie feel excited and all of a sudden have a power.With the power, we are no longer afraid of difficulties and have a desire to solve all trouble we have meet in the life.第三篇:影评。

My Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde"Legally Blonde" is my all-time favorite movie, a delightful blend of comedy and drama. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a fashion-forward sorority girl who decides to pursue a law degree to win back her ex-boyfriend. What starts as a seemingly frivolous endeavor transforms into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Elle's transition from a pampered socialite to a determined law student is both hilarious and inspiring. Her bubbly personality and unwavering determination in the face of adversity make her an endearing protagonist. The movie showcases the importance of not judging a book by its cover, as Elle's unconventional approach to legal cases oftenleads to surprising victories.The film's message of female empowerment and the celebration of individuality resonates strongly with me. It reminds us that regardless of our backgrounds or perceived limitations, we have the power to pursue our dreams and make a positive impact on the world. The vibrant costumes, catchy soundtrack, and charming performances add to the movie's charm, making it a timeless classic.**我最喜欢的电影:律政俏佳人**《律政俏佳人》是我最喜欢的电影,它巧妙地将喜剧和剧情融合在一起。

律政俏佳人观后感英语《律政俏佳人》这是一部典型的好莱坞青春校园影片,我们大家看看下面的英文版的律政俏佳人观后感吧!A very pretty, smart and sweet young womanwho decides to pletely change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her. Warner Huntington the 3rdElle’s boyfriend,who is snobby, who decides to leave her because he feels he needs to find a more serious lookinggirlfriend that will help him with his future career inpolitics.PauletteA woman working class hairdresser who bees Elle’s best friend.VivianWarner ’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who treats Elle very poorly at first.Brooke Taylor WindhamA suessful business woman who makes well known exercise videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.Professor CallahanA lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to defend Brooke.EmmettA young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the most popular girl in her Los Angelessorority (A house and club for female students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared tomarry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in Boston. Unfortunately, Warner decides to breakup with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he getsout of law school (Elle, unfortunately looks like the dumbblonde)This movie is about a girl that thought she was going topropose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriendWarner. Supposely She wasnt smart eough for his parents toexcept her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into HarvardLaw School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is aepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide ments from other students.Ditsy but kind Elle Woods (Witherspoon) lives in apractically perfect life, surrrounded by frivolous and sweetgirls, hair and nail salons, and above all pink, pink and more pink. She is convinced that her boyfriend Warner (Davis,) will propose to her that night at dinner. Instead he dumps her,saying that he needs someone more serious if he's going to goto Harvard law school, and be a senater by the time he's thirty. Heartbroken, Elle decides the only way she can win him back is to go to Harvard as well.The first few classes don't go very well, but she trys hard to prove she can be a serious and intelligent law student. But the challenge to get Warner back just got bigger. He's proposed to another more serious law student named Vivian (Blair) whoas well as Elle and Warner gets into a law internship.Breezy blonde Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is about tograduate from a small California college and fully expects her boyfriend Warner Huntington III (Davis) to propose marriagebefore he takes off to Harvard Law School. But citing hisambitions in law and politics, and saying he needs a more "serious" partner, Warner dumps her. Plucky Elle decides tofollow him to Harvard (she managesto get herself admitted after majoring in fashion), and win her man back. Eventually, shefinds herself a law firm intern on a heavy murder case, stillhoping to win her guy back from snooty Eastern preppie gal Vivian Kensington (Blair). This fluffy edy is rather obvious,silly, implausible, not that funny, and has a weak ending --but it's a wonderfully charming piece of work anyway, mostlydue to Witherspoon's terrific performance and a couple ofmildly surprising plot turns. Raquel Welch has a cute cameo as the murdered man's ex-wife.At one point of time or another we all have faced stereotypyed prejudices in our daily lives.This is the storyof a leggy blonde who decides to take on the world & showthat blondes do have more fun,but they can also prove their smarts in any field they desire.How is it different from any other movie?The blonde does this in a non-sensical & ical way.Elle Woods(Reese Witherspoon) has it all-loving parents,cool friends,a rich lifestyle,pink stuff,a fashiondesigning degree,immense popularity,oggling guys everywhereshe goes & a fashion conscious chihuahua.She with her boyfriend,Warner(Matthew Davis)’s madly in love & is waiting eagerlyfor him to propose.On her ’special night ’ he ends breaking up with her.He explains to Elle that he still does love & carefor her a lot.But since he’s got ambitions to join Harvard Lawschool & later on take up a career in politics,he tells Elle that he would need a smarter life partner.Heartbroken,Elle decides to win Warner back.She studies day & night to end up with an excellent LSAT score & enrolls herself at Harvard Law school.But this is just the beginning for poor Elle as she finds out that Warner has proposed to their Harvard Law classmate,Vivian(Selma Blair).From then on Elle has toconstantly struggle to prove herself to herclassmates,professors & the general public.At first,Elle &Vivian are totally vicious to each other.But as time goes on&they begin to warm up to each other,Elle realises that she&Vivian would be great friends if it were not for the issueof Warner.Emmett Richmond(Luke Wilson) is one of Elle ’s professors who keeps supporting her,no matter what.He ’s genuinely impressed by her colourful character who ’ s got an attitude to sueed & win people ’s hearts.The movie is light & funny.The cast are very definite intheir roles,as tiny & ical as it may be.Reese Witherspoon stands out in playing the dumb blonde who wants to be takenseriously.This is a totally girly film which would be nice for a girl ’s night out.Don’t even make the mistake of taking aguy for this movie.Go out there & embrace your feminine power!Have you heard the one about the blonde that goesto Harvard Law School?She gets to the top of her class, is put in charge of a high-profile murder trial during her first year, and graduates with honors.No, really.This, in a nutshell, is the premise of Legally Blonde, the new film starring blonde-au-natural Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a So Cal sorority girl who follows her one-and-only, an East Coast blue blood by the nameof Warner Huntington III (Matt Davis), to Harvard Law in order to win back his affections after he royally dumpsher, citing that he needs someonemore upscale on his arm, "a Jackie, not a Marilyn."The resulting film is cute and charming, but alsodiabetically sweet and with a plot that is as implausible asDude, Where's My Car? picking up an Oscar for Best Picture.Natural parisons would be to Amy Heckerling's Clueless,though Legally Blonde lacks the sharp satire that madethat film as clever as it was. In its place are loud stereotypes andpletely over-the-top sets and costumes.Regardless, the film does work, and that's due almostentirely to its star, Reese Witherspoon. Witherspoon plays Ellewith such consistent perkiness that the audience can't help but play along and get swept up into her ice-cream-and-candy world. She adds just enough parody to her character to give us thefeeling that it's ok to get lost in the fluffiness of the film, and not to take it too literally.Elle Woods is an interesting creature to behold. She's aHawaiian Tropics girl, head of her sorority, has a perfect GPA in Fashion Merchandising, and she wears an awful lot of pink.She's the kind of girl who probably dots her I's with littlehearts and practices smiling in front of the mirror.But balancing these blonde-girl stereotypes are Elle'sfeistiness and her genuineness. She is genuinely ditzy, forsure, but also genuinely charming and good-humored.Witherspoon embodies these characteristics perfectly,and is lovable and believable, blonde head to pink manicuredtoe.The screenplay, co-written by Karen McCullah Lutz andKirsten Smith and based on the AmandaBrown's book of the same name, is pure cotton candy –delicious from start to finish,but not really satisfying or fulfilling. That's okay, since the purpose of the film isn't to give you an intellectual headache,but rather lightly jab at some typical youth stereotypes andimmerse them in edy and charm.Supporting characters are also vivid and mendable. Selma Blair is appropriately cast as a prep-school snob, Jackie O to Witherspoon's Marilyn, and balances Elle's syrupy disposition with a personality made of vinegar.Matt Davis, as Warner Huntington III, and Luke Wilson, as a partner at the law firm for which Elle works, are interesting enough as Witherspoon's two love interests, though their bined screen presence is somewhat limited and their characters are displayed more as subjects of conversation and lament betweenElle and her girlfriends. They do make their time on screencount, though, with strong performances and looks that wouldmelt the hearts of the film's target female audience.Jennifer Coolidge and Oz Perkins also stand out as Elle's Boston buddies, the former a manicurist at a local beauty parlor and the latter as one of Elle's classmates. Coolidge, whomyou may remember as the MILF from American Pie, is especially endearing as a fashion-challenged dishwater blonde whomElle takes under her wing.In the end, Legally Blonde is little more than CluelessGoes to College, but Witherspoon and her supporting cast ofoddballs and stereotypes make this film stand out as a fun and cheery summer flick worthy of more than a few laughs.Theatre of the Stars has outdone themselves, with theopening night of Legally Blonde at the Fox. It was the bestjudicial performance I've reviewed there, thus far. I wastickled pink, that the courting theme for the night was,apparently, pink and blonde. Just wondering, who sent out that memo? There was a house full of blondes from all ages, and Iwas overwhelmed at the sight of how many of them, despite theage, wore the Elle Woods signature pink. From the stage view,the audience may have looked like the cast, providing a mirage of pink in all shades.The audience weren't the only ones with flare to offer.From start to finish the entire set was embellished with abrilliancy. Using the appropriate pastels against the blandbackdrops, of a law school or court room, provided the perfect bination of consistency and allurement. This astonishinglyvivid display was best noticed during each song and dance number, whenever the charactered lawyers were portrayed as lifeless the Delta Nu girls brought the pizazz and added some funk with anupbeat tempo and a little rump shaking.The choreography was contemporary, there was more booty shaking then I thought there would be, which, for me, was apleasant surprise at the Fox. Not to mention, Miss Woodswardrobe was, "Omigod, you guys!" Especially the hot pink getup she wore the first day of class at Harvard Law. I must say,if law students really looked like that, I think every legality would be neglected, the prosecutor may be heavily scrutinizedand justice just might prevail!I love this everything about this movie including itsstoryline, actors, actresses and so on. I think this movie isvery sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons.First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine "Elle Woods" is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elle's character. She isalways positive with everything, even if she faces serious ordifficult situations. My favorite scene is that where LawSchool students including Elle, Elle's old boyfriend, Warnerand his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elle's opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warner's, Warner and Vivian look each other with chagrined face. WhenI saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Ellethat "You did it, Elle!"I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashionsare cute, and actors as well as actresses are suitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming anddelightful, but also Elle Woodstold us that a lot of important things for human's beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I remend this movie to to everyone including young boys!。

律政俏佳人观后感100字英文"Legally Blonde" is a delightful comedy that combines the themes of female empowerment, legal drama, and romantic comedy. The film stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a sorority girl who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School in order to win him back. However, as the movie progresses, Elle's journey transforms into a personal growth story, where she proves her worth not just as a girlfriend, but as an intelligent and determined lawyer.What I found most impressive about the movie is how it breaks the stereotype of what a "typical" lawyer should be. Elle Woods, with her pink wardrobe, bubbly personality, and initial lack of legal knowledge, seems like an unlikely candidate for success in the cut-throat world of law. However, the film shows that it's not just about being book-smart or fitting a certain mold, but about having passion, perseverance, and the ability to connect with people.Another aspect that struck me is the strong female friendships portrayed in the film.Elle's friends support her throughout her journey, even when it seems like she'slost her way. This not only adds depth to the storyline but also sends a powerful message about the importance offemale solidarity and support.The romantic element of the film is also charming, with Elle's relationship with Warner (her ex-boyfriend) and her eventual romance with Emmett (a sweet and supportive classmate) providing comic relief and emotional depth. However, it's never the sole focus of the story, ensuring that the film maintains its focus on Elle's personal and professional growth.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is a fun and inspiring film that encourages viewers to believe in themselves, pursue their dreams, and never give up. It's a testament to the power of female empowerment and a reminder that appearance and conventional wisdom are not always the best indicators of someone's true worth. The film's blend of comedy, drama, and romance makes it a timeless classic that I highly recommend watching.**《律政俏佳人》观后感**《律政俏佳人》是一部令人愉悦的喜剧电影,巧妙地融合了女性励志、法律剧情和浪漫喜剧的元素。

关于律政俏佳人的读后感英文**"Legally Blonde" Movie Review****I. Introduction**"Legally Blonde" is a highly entertaining and inspiring movie that follows the journey of Elle Woods, a seemingly superficial sorority girl who defies all odds to succeed in the world of law.**II. Main Plot and Characters**1. **Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon)**- Elle is the protagonist. She is initially dismissed as a ditzy blonde. For example, when she decides to follow her ex - boyfriend Warner to Harvard Law School, everyone doubts her abilities.- Her character is full of determination. She doesn't let the negative opinions of others stop her. The phrase "keep one's head high" can be used to describe her attitude. She always keeps her head high in the face of adversity.2. **The Plot**- Elle starts law school as an outsider. The idiom "fish out of water" can be applied here as she feels completely out of placeamong the serious and studious law students.- However, she gradually proves herself. She uses her unique perspective and knowledge, like her understanding of fashion and pop culture, which are often underestimated in the academic environment. For instance, she uses her knowledge of perm maintenance to win a case.**III. Themes**1. **Overcoming Stereotypes**- The movie strongly conveys the message of breaking free from stereotypes. The word "stereotype" refers to a fixed and often inaccurate idea about a particular type of person. In the movie, Elle has to overcome the "dumb blonde" stereotype.- She shows that appearances can be deceiving. The phrase "looks can be deceiving" is very relevant here. Just because she looks like a typical sorority girl doesn't mean she lacks intelligence or determination.2. **Female Empowerment**- Elle is a great example of female empowerment. She empowers herself by believing in her own abilities. The verb "empower" means to give someone the power or authority to dosomething.- She also encourages other women around her. For example, she befriends Paulette, a hairdresser, and helps her stand up to her ex - husband.**IV. Cinematic Elements**1. **Costumes and Makeup**- Elle's costumes are an important part of her character. Her pink and fashionable outfits not only reflect her personality but also serve as a contrast to the traditional, dull - colored law school environment. The adjective "fashionable" describes her sense of style.- Her makeup is always perfect, which adds to her overall image. The noun "makeup" refers to the substances used to enhance or change a person's appearance.2. **Music**- The movie's music sets the mood. The upbeat soundtrack complements Elle's positive and energetic personality. The adjective "upbeat" means positive and lively.**V. Impact and Significance**1. **Inspiration**- "Legally Blonde" is inspiring for viewers, especially young women. It shows that with hard work and self - belief, one can achieve their goals regardless of the initial obstacles. The phrase "self - belief" means believing in oneself.- It encourages people to pursue their dreams. The verb "pursue" means to follow or strive for something.2. **Cultural Influence**- The movie has had a significant cultural influence. It has become a cult classic, and the character of Elle Woods has become an iconic figure. The noun "cult classic" refers to a work that has a small but very dedicated fan base.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is a movie that combines humor, inspiration, and important social messages. It is a must - watch for anyone who wants to see a story of transformation and the triumph of the human spirit.**English Definitions, Phrases, Words, Usages, and Bilingual Examples (20)**1. **Determination (n.)**- Definition: Firmness of purpose; resoluteness.- Usage: Her determination to succeed in law school wasunwavering.- Bilingual example: 他的决心 (determination) 使他克服了所有困难。

《律政俏佳人》影评英语作文I recently watched the movie "Legally Blonde" and I have to say, I absolutely loved it. The movie tells the story of Elle Woods, a sorority girl who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School in order to win him back, but ends up realizing her own potential and becoming a successful lawyer. The film is a perfect blend of comedy, romance, and girl power, making it an incredibly enjoyable and empowering watch.我最近看了电影《律政俏佳人》,我必须说,我非常喜欢它。
这部电影讲述了艾莉•伍兹(Elle Woods)的故事,她是一个希望可以通过追随她的前男友进入哈佛法学院挽回他,但最终意识到自己的潜力,并成为一名成功律师的女生。
One of the most inspiring aspects of the film is the way it challenges stereotypes and empowers women. Elle Woods defies people's expectations of her as a "dumb blonde" and proves that she is intelligent, capable, and determined. Through her journey at Harvard Law School, she demonstrates that women can excel in traditionallymale-dominated fields and that being feminine does not make a woman any less competent or strong.这部电影最令人鼓舞的方面之一是它挑战了刻板印象,并赋予了女性力量。

律政俏佳人英语观后感150字English:"The drama 'Legal High' is a refreshing and entertaining legal comedy that follows the quirky and unorthodox lawyer Go Tae Rim as he teams up with the ambitious and principled rookie lawyer Seo Jae In to take on various cases. The chemistry between the two leads, played by Jin Goo and Seo Eun Soo, is undeniably the highlight of the show, as they bicker and banter while working together to achieve justice. The drama is filled with humor, wit, and clever strategies that keep viewers engaged and entertained throughout each episode. Alongside the comedic elements, 'Legal High' also addresses important ethical and moral dilemmas within the legal system, creating a well-rounded and thought-provoking narrative. Overall, 'Legal High' is a delightful and enjoyable drama that offers a unique take on the legal genre."中文翻译:《律政俏佳人》是一部清新有趣的法律喜剧,讲述了古怪不拘的律师高泰林与雄心勃勃的新人律师徐在仁合作处理各种案件的故事。

律政俏佳人观后感(16篇)律政俏佳人观后感1一部不错的电影,看完让我想起那个英文短语:spread the love。

Legally Blonde FeedbackLegally Blonde is a really fantastic and profound movie, I enjoying it very much,And I derive loads of harvest.Legally Blonde" Although youth campus Films are classified, but the discerning eye will definitely look at it as inspirational film. Because they were in their prime heroine Al considered mediocre boyfriend who were abandoned, then vowed to Harvard Law School for the purpose of obtaining, knuckled down to study, and finally got his wish. But also through their own efforts and coincidence of the opportunity to become a quite famous lawyer. This is the inspirational film routine, sparking many aspiring hormone, although its style is not like "The Shaw shank Redemption" so serious, heavy, and with an almost spoof means to attract moviegoers heartfelt laughter. We made no secret of Al's favorite, because her body exudes an irresistible charm, that smile like the sun's vibrant campus in the slightly boring, such as a touch of beautiful landscape, melting hearts of countless people's indifference. Her passion is everywhere, dress enchanting, charming manners, who bring out those sanctimonious hypocrisy. Her enthusiastic treat a friend, there is no effort, even her boyfriend's new girlfriend finally bury the hatchet with her. The most important lies, her self-confidence, which is the most valuable elements of inspirational films. Al self-confidence, and sometimes for no apparent reason, even with a blind impulse of the suspects, such as into Harvard, she had no academic foundation, but her self-confidence: I want to enter! So he entered. She wants to save her boyfriend's heart, though the heart is no longer, but she self-confidence, have demonstrated, do not fall behind (but really a change of heart when her boyfriend, she do not, because it is attracted by her accomplishments). As a fledgling student parties hired by lawyers, no experience does not matter, she was confident! So won the case - confident, no time discouraged , this spirit is the spirit of optimism in today's society need this, so Al smile flew the hearts of thousands of people to become the goddess.“we did it”,This sentence will always inspire me to move forward.。

律政俏佳人读后感英文Title: Reflections on "Legally Blonde"After watching the movie "Legally Blonde," I was incredibly impressed and inspired by the storyline and the portrayal of the main character, Elle Woods, an ambitious fashionista who defies all stereotypes. The film follows Elle's journey as she goes from being a seemingly naïve and superficial blonde to proving her worth as a talented lawyer.The movie begins with Elle's life revolving around her sorority, parties, and her equally fashion-forward friends. She dreams of marrying her boyfriend, Warner, who believes that she is not serious enough to be his future wife and a successful lawyer. Determined to prove him wrong, Elle decides to enroll in Harvard Law School, much to the surprise of everyone around her.Elle's transformation throughout the movie is not only physical but also emotional. Initially motivated by a desire to win back Warner, Elle soon discovers her true passion for law. She excels academically, surprises her classmates and professors with her intelligent and creative arguments, and even manages to secure a prestigious internship. Elle's success is not just a result of her looks or relentless ambition, but alsoher determination, resilience, and ability to think outside the box.One of the most compelling aspects of the movie is the underlying message about female empowerment. Elle breaks free from societal expectations of what a successful lawyer should look and act like. She proves that intelligence and beauty are not mutually exclusive and that one should never judge a book by its cover. Elle's unapologetic embrace of her identity challenges the audience to reconsider their biases and stereotypes. Her journey encourages women to pursue their dreams regardless of societal norms and expectations.Moreover, the film highlights the importance ofself-discovery and personal growth. As Elle navigates through the challenges of law school and her personal life, she learns valuable lessons about herself, her capabilities, and her values. This journey of self-discovery adds depth to her character and makes her more relatable and inspiring.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is more than just afeel-good movie; it's a powerful narrative about breaking stereotypes, embracing one's true self, and pursuing one's dreams against all odds. Reese Witherspoon's stellar performance as Elle Woods brings this inspiring story to life,making it a must-watch for anyone looking for a dose of inspiration and empowerment.。

律政俏佳人观后感律政俏佳人观后感篇1一部不错的电影,看完让我想起那个英文短语:spread the love。

律政俏佳人英文观后感篇1I love this everything about this movie including its storyline, actors, actresses and so on. I think this movie is very sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons.First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine "Elle Woods" is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elles character. She is always positive with everything, even if she faces serious or difficult situations. My favorite scene is that where Law School students including Elle, Elles old boyfriend, Warner and his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elles opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warners, Warner and Vivian look each other with chagrined face. When I saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Elle that "You did it, Elle!"I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashions are cute, and actors as well as actresses are suitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming and delightful, but also Elle Woods told us that a lot of important things for humans beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I recommend this movie to to everyone including young boys!律政俏佳人英文观后感篇2A high concept can be a wonderful thing. Up to a point. It can get your film sold and maybe even make it look attractive, but it cant ensure much of anything else. Case in point, may itplease the court, is "Legally Blonde."Starring Reese Witherspoon as a Bel-Air airhead wending her way through law school, "Legally Blonde" is basically "Clueless Goes to Harvard." Nothing wrong with that notion, but, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Ive seen "Clueless" and this is no "Clueless."ADVERTISEMENTThats more disappointing than it may sound, because "Legally Blonde" is guilty of squandering resources. Amusing as it goes about setting up its premise, in Witherspoon, the gifted veteran of "Election" and "Pleasantville," it has an actress willing to throw herself completely into the part to excellent effect. But while "Clueless" had the use of the road-tested plot of Jane Austens "Emma," "Legally Blonde" does not. Haphazardly directed by first-timer Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith (who did the similarly bright but dramatically unfocused "10 Things I Hate About You"), this film cant figure out where to go with its concept and increasingly unravels as it marches along.Witherspoon plays Elle Woods, the way blond president of the Delta Nu sorority at a mythical Southern California university. Though were clued in early that shes way smarter than her runner-up for Miss Hawaiian Tropic lifestyle might indicate, Elles ambitions are limited to getting married to the man of her dreams.That would be Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), smug as only a III can be. On the night Elle expects Warner to propose, he takes the opportunity to break up with her. Hes going to Harvard Law with the aim of being a senator by the time hes 30, a schedule that mandates that he "marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn."Miffed, Elle decides to go to Harvard Law as well. So what if her strong GPA comes from taking courses like "The History of Polka Dots" as a fashion merchandising major. So what if her father feels law school is exclusively for people who are "boring, ugly and serious." Harvard Law is what its going to be.Elles determination is at the heart of her irrepressible character. Faultlessly played by Witherspoon, Elle is all bounce all the time, so filled with positive energy that the actress reported that it was actually tiring to play the part. Elles bikini-clad video application so flummoxes the Harvard admission committee that it lets her in in the name of, what else, diversity.She arrives with her scented, pink resume and her tiny Chihuahua Bruiser, determined to take notes not on a computer but a cozy heart-shaped pad. No one is amused. Not her ex Warner, not his snooty new fiancee Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair), not fierce professor Stromwell (Holland Taylor). Only the quietly handsome Emmett Richmond (Luke Wilson) can look past the light streaming off her hair and sees Elle for what she is.All this is passably amusing, but once the film establishes Elle at Harvard, it seems at a loss as far as building on its eminently serviceable premise. It sets off in two directions, but neither one offers much in the way of satisfaction."Legally Blonde" first gives Elle a confidant in the form of a confidence-challenged manicurist named Paulette played by Jennifer Coolidge. Though Groundlings veteran Coolidge is invariably amusing ("Best in Show," a key cameo in "American Pie"), Paulette is too phlegmatic for even her talents to energize.More misguided is the subplot concerning a murder case that Elle, as an intern for the defense team headed by one of her professors (Victor Garber), gets involved with. Though comedylegal proceedings neednt be as carefully plotted as Perry Mason, this one is so cockamamie that you can feel the interest leak out of the situation like air out of a balloon. Its unfortunate that a film premised on the notion that first impressions are not always reliable finds itself teaching that very lesson itself.。

律政俏佳人观后感英语In the world of legal dramas, "Legally Blonde" stands out as a unique blend of comedy, drama, and female empowerment. Directed by Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz and Kirsten Smith, the film stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a sorority girl who chases her dreams of becoming a lawyer despite the doubts and challenges she faces.Upon watching "Legally Blonde," I was immediately captivated by the protagonist's unwavering determination and her journey of self-discovery. Elle's transformation from a fashion-obsessed college student to a confident and competent attorney was not only visually appealing but also inspiring. The film's message of perseverance and the importance of pursuing one's passion, regardless of others' opinions, resonated deeply with me.One of the most striking aspects of the film was its portrayal of female empowerment. In a predominantly male-dominated field, Elle's rise to the top challenges the stereotype that women cannot excel in the legal profession. Her success not only depends on her intelligence and hardwork but also on her unique perspective and ability to connect with people. This aspect of the film isparticularly relevant in today's society, where women continue to face barriers and discrimination in various fields.Another noteworthy aspect of "Legally Blonde" is its humorous and light-hearted approach to a serious subject. The film manages to strike a balance between comedy and drama, keeping the audience engaged throughout. The dialogues are witty and relatable, and the characters are well-developed and three-dimensional. Reese Witherspoon's performance as Elle is particularly noteworthy, as she manages to pull off both the comedy and the drama with ease. The film also raises important questions about the role of appearance and social status in society.Elle's initial obsession with fashion and her pursuit of a perfect life partner reflect the shallow values promoted by society. However, as she embarks on her journey to become a lawyer, she learns to value inner qualities and finds truehappiness and fulfillment. This aspect of the film is particularly relevant today, where social media andmaterial possessions often overshadow true values and meaning.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not just a light-hearted comedy; it's also a powerful story of female empowerment and self-discovery. The film encourages us to pursue our passions, challenges stereotypes, and reminds us of the importance of inner growth and true values. Whether you're a fan of legal dramas or just looking for a feel-good movie, "Legally Blonde" is sure to leave you with a smile and a renewed sense of optimism.**《律政俏佳人》观后感**在法律题材影视作品中,《律政俏佳人》以其独特的喜剧、剧情和女性励志元素脱颖而出。

《律政俏佳人》影评英语作文"Legally Blonde" is a delightful comedy that challenges stereotypes and proves that one should never judge a book by its cover. The movie, released in 2001, stars Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods, a ditzy, fashion-conscious blonde who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School to prove her worth.The film is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment for Elle. Initially dismissed as a mere airhead, Elle's character evolves as she demonstrates her intelligence, determination, and resourcefulness. She not only excels academically but also manages to solve a high-profile murder case, all while staying true to her vibrant, pink-loving personality.One of the key themes of "Legally Blonde" is the importance of not underestimating others based on their appearance. Elle's peers and professors are quick to write her off because of her Barbie-like exterior, but she surprises everyone by her legal acumen and strong moral compass. The movie sends a powerful message that intelligence and capability come in many forms and that appearances can be deceiving.Reese Witherspoon's performance is the heart of the film. She brings Elle to life with her charm and wit, making the character both relatable and inspiring. The supporting cast also delivers, adding depth and humor to the story."Legally Blonde" is also a satire on the legal profession and the stereotypes associated with it. The film pokes fun at the seriousness of law school and the pretentiousness of some legal professionals, all while celebrating the diversity and potential of its characters.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is more than just a funny movie; it's a film with a heart. It encourages viewers to look beyond the surface and to believe in themselves, no matter what others may think. It's a story that will leave you feeling both entertained and inspired.中文翻译:《律政俏佳人》是一部令人愉悦的喜剧,它挑战了刻板印象,并证明了不应以貌取人。

《律政俏佳人》影评英语作文篇1Oh my goodness! "Legally Blonde" is truly an amazing film that leaves a deep impression on me. The main character's journey is simply inspiring.The protagonist, Elle Woods, is a remarkable woman. When faced with doubts and questioning, she bravely speaks up to fight for her opportunities. How courageous she was! For instance, when people underestimated her ability to enter law school, she didn't back down. Instead, she worked incredibly hard to prove them wrong.And even after encountering numerous setbacks, she remained optimistic and positive. Isn't that astonishing? No matter how tough the situation was, she never lost her faith and determination.This film shows us that women have the strength and perseverance to pursue their dreams. Elle's story makes us believe that with courage and a never-give-up attitude, any obstacle can be overcome. Don't we all need such inspiration in our lives?In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not just a movie, but a powerful reminder of the power of women's dreams and the importance of persistence. Let's all take a leaf out of Elle's book and go after our own dreams with passion and determination!篇2The movie "Legally Blonde" is not just a light-hearted comedy but a profound exploration of values and social significance. The plot unfolds with Elle Woods, a seemingly ditzy blonde, defying all odds to succeed in the legal field. This journey is not only about personal growth but also a mirror reflecting the biases and challenges faced by women in professional careers.The portrayal of friendship in the film is truly touching. When Elle faces difficulties, her friends stand firmly by her side, offering unwavering support and encouragement. This kind of sincere friendship makes us believe in the power of companionship! Isn't it wonderful how true friends can lift us up when we need it the most?The depiction of love is also quite remarkable. Elle's pursuit of love is not blind but filled with self-awareness and growth. She realizes that true love should be based on mutual respect and understanding.Through Elle's struggle in the legal world, we see the blatant prejudice against women. Why is it so hard for women to be taken seriously in professional fields? But Elle's success proves that women are equally capable and deserve equal opportunities.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not just a fun watch; it provokes thoughts and challenges societal norms. It makes us question the existing biases and encourages us to strive for a more inclusive and fair society.Don't we all need such inspirations to make our world a better place?篇3The movie "Legally Blonde" is truly a remarkable piece of cinematic art that has left an indelible mark on the hearts of its viewers! It is not just an ordinary film but a wonderful combination of comedy and inspiration.The comedy elements in this movie are simply hilarious! Take, for instance, the scene where Elle Woods shows up at Harvard Law School with her bright pink outfits and fluffy accessories, causing everyone to be taken aback. The absurdity of these situations makes us burst into laughter time and again. But it's not all about the laughs. The励志theme of the movie is incredibly powerful and uplifting! Elle's determination to prove herself in the male-dominated field of law, despite facing countless obstacles and prejudices, is truly inspiring. How could one not be moved when she overcomes one challenge after another with her unwavering spirit?This film has a profound impact on the audience. It teaches us that we should never let others' expectations or stereotypes define us. Just like Elle, we should have the courage to pursue our dreams, no matter how unconventional they may seem. It also shows us that humor can be a great tool to convey serious life lessons.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not only a source of entertainment but also a source of motivation and wisdom. It makes us believe that with perseverance and a positive attitude, anything is possible!篇4When it comes to legal-themed films, "Legally Blonde" stands out as a remarkable and distinctive entry. Compared to other movies of the same genre, its uniqueness is palpable. Take the character shaping, for instance. In many traditional legal films, the protagonists are often depicted as serious, stern, and somewhat one-dimensional. However, in "Legally Blonde", the lead character Elle Woods is a refreshing departure. She is not only charming and fashionable but also incredibly intelligent and determined. Her journey from being underestimated to becoming a respected legal professional is both inspiring and heartwarming!The plot development of "Legally Blonde" is also quite different. Instead of the typical intense courtroom battles and complex legal jargon, this film focuses on Elle's personal growth and her ability to overcome stereotypes and prejudices. How she uses her unique skills and perspective to solve cases is truly fascinating!Moreover, when it comes to presenting the power of women, "Legally Blonde" offers a fresh perspective. It doesn't rely on the usual tropes of female empowerment, such as physical strength or aggression. Instead, it showcases how Elle's confidence, kindness, and perseverance can break down barriers and achieve success in a male-dominated field. Isn't this a powerful message?In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is not just an entertaining film butalso a thought-provoking one. It challenges the conventions of the legal genre and presents a new and inspiring vision of female strength and potential. How could one not be impressed by such a wonderful film?篇5The movie "Legally Blonde" is not just a typical chick flick; it is a masterpiece that deserves in-depth exploration for its artistic value. Firstly, the cinematography is truly remarkable. Take, for instance, the scene where Elle Woods walks into the courtroom for the first time. The camera follows her from behind, capturing her nervous yet determined steps. This slow and deliberate shot builds up tension and anticipation, enhancing the story's infectiousness. The use of light and shadow also adds depth to the scenes, making them visually captivating.Secondly, the music in the film plays a crucial role. When Elle is studying hard and overcoming challenges, the upbeat and inspiring soundtrack boosts the mood and makes the audience feel her perseverance. How can one forget the emotional scene where Elle confronts her ex-boyfriend, accompanied by a poignant melody that heightens the drama and tugs at the viewer's heartstrings?Last but not least, the costumes in "Legally Blonde" are a feast for the eyes. Elle's various outfits not only showcase her fashion sense but also reflect her evolving character. From the bright pink ensembles in the beginning to the more sophisticated and professional looks later on, theclothing choices add an extra layer of charm to the story.In conclusion, "Legally Blonde" is a cinematic gem that combines excellent filming techniques, compelling music, and fabulous costumes to create an unforgettable viewing experience. It is not just entertainment; it is a work of art that leaves a lasting impression!。

观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文范例5篇观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文1一部不错的电影,看完让我想起那个英文短语:spread.the.love.也许这就是美国文化的特点,尊重个性,鼓励发展个性,尊重在个人进步同时位社会做贡献.由个人的发展而大力推动社会的进步,这不同与我们习惯于先从社会整体考虑的特点,这样的文化能成为对我们的有益的补充.事实上,我们也正在学习尊重每个人的个性,包括自己.这样更有益也个人的健康发展,同时有益与社会.也许,正是由于充分尊重个性的文化特点,造成其社会个人竞争激烈一些,以及竞争中合作多一点.古语云:有容则大.我们在能认可吸收别人的长处时,我们才算是在进步壮大.还有,我很欣赏女主人公的个性,她大胆表白并勇敢追求自己的幸福,影片在剧情不断变化中的结局是喜剧色彩的.表明无论在那里,没有简简单单得到的幸福,只有勇敢表白和不断的追求才能得到的幸福.在男女平等的社会中,不论你是男还是女,假如你不敢表白,那你可能什么都得不到.假如你不敢追求幸福,那你将得不到幸福.其实,很多美国电影都在表现美国人对成功的契而不舍追求精神,即使在相当不利的条件下,仍然这样不放弃,或者在这个追求的过程中产生了更高的追求.总之,他们总是喜欢标榜自己善于在变化的.困难的条件下,仍然逐步实现成功.也许,世界上一切高尚的事物都有相似性.我们很多中国人对成功的理解和追求水准,一点也不比他们差.虽然我们技术条件差点,可很多事例表明,只要我们努力,我们一样能胜他们一筹的.以下一段话大概能描述一下美国人的成功观: 幸福生活是我想,想要成功就要敢想敢说还敢干.广交朋友开阔视野,这样才可能在不断变化的生活之中获得不断成功!观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文2刚刚看完了很久以前的一部很不错的电影《律政俏佳人》,感触颇多.女主人翁埃尔·伍兹是一个很漂亮的〝芭比娃娃〞,为了男朋友努力地考取了哈佛法学院,为此,她放下了许多,只是一味的单纯的执着着.经历了一些挫折之后,虽然想到过放下,但坚持下来最终还是漂亮的收获了成功.于我们,虽然电影只是一种艺术化的表现方式,相对于这种快节奏,高压力的生活,看一些励志电影的确是个不错的选取.于我,埃尔的简单,执着深深打动了我,为了一个不算太伟大的目标去奋斗,就如同我们,只要一个小小的目标就足以让我们为此兴奋计划好半天,但是与埃尔不一样的是我们总是欠缺了一点行动意识,或许是顾虑的太多的缘故,以前的我们也想到做到,但父母社会等各界传授的所谓规矩让我们不得不放下了最初的梦想···慢慢地,我们也学会了忍耐.顺从,自此,我们演变为了想得多.做得少的那类了.于是,我们变得所谓的冷静.懂事,其实,这些并不是纯粹的我们······无奈,我们不得不这样所谓的成长下去了.有什么办法呢?埃尔在迈往成功的路上并没有选取最初的那个他,并与情敌还成了挚友.事情就是这么不按常理出牌,或许在我们的青涩时代心里也有这么一个他,懵懵懂懂间觉得无可挑剔,但在追逐梦想的途中,在自我充实后猛一回头发现你们或许根本不是那么适宜,但心底还是觉得甜甜的······成长的途中,我们真的大可不必为了谁而悲哀痛苦到不愿再去追逐,努力提高自我吧,谁也不会一辈子跟着谁,对吗?到头来,还不是你自我挥一挥衣袖,独自离开?所以,不管怎样样,不要给自我逐梦的途中设障碍,学会舍弃不是更伟大么?恋人或许很难是一辈子的事,但一个真正的朋友会啊,不管是以什么方式认识的,能遇到志同道合的不正是人生中一大幸事吗?埃尔的决定在我眼中无疑是明智的,推荐泡在偶像剧的朋友们看看这部电影,静下心来,相信你必须也会有自我的收获的.观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文3看完电影《律政俏佳人》,受到很大的启发.也许又是美国的一个优秀励志电影.埃尔伍兹的毕业感言:我们第一天到哈佛,一名英明的教授,引用亚里士多德的话,〝法律是没有激情的理性〞,恕我得罪了亚里士多德,但是我在哈佛多年,发现激情是修读和实践法律的关键因素,也是生命要素,要有敢于按自我的信念,以及坚强的自我意识,才能令我们踏足世界,记着第一印象不是对的,你要对人有信心,而最重要的,是你要对自我有信心.这部影片介绍了女主人公艾尔虽然拥有羡煞旁人的美貌——金发,白肤,高挑,精通打扮,就像一个精美的芭比娃娃.美貌和活泼的性格,让艾尔成为了一个完美的女生.她的男友华纳条件也不俗,拥有富贵的出身和出众的外表.两人十分般配,却想不到华纳根本就没把艾尔当成终身伴侣,在他眼中,艾尔只是一个花瓶,除了漂亮别无所长,于是他考上哈佛法学院之后,甩了艾尔,与旧女友重拾旧爱.艾尔不甘心,千方百计也考上了哈佛,她要用行动来证明自我并非徒有外表.哈佛的学习生活十分枯燥,而且这个金发美人还处处受到歧视.令大家大跌眼镜的是,艾尔竟然机智的干了一番事业.没有因为华纳的回头而停留的在原地,而是是选取了开创属于自我的一片天地.女主人翁的勇气正正是体现了美国人的那种自信.自尊.自强,只要敢想,没有什么是不可能的.还记得,艾尔在宴会上穿着兔女郎的服装站在华纳的身后哭着问他:我是不是对你还不够好?其实,这个世界没有谁是就应为谁无怨无悔的付出的,如果你付出的那个人丝毫都不在意你的话,那么那些付出都只是白费的.好在之后艾尔懂得了一个女孩子不仅仅仅是要感情而已,我们更就应懂得自尊,更就应为自我活着,而不是单纯的为了某人某事活着,那样的然人生只会让人家觉得你生来就是要依附的,完全没有自我的意愿活着,那又有什么好处呢?人的一生始终都要为自我而活着,为自我找到存在的价值,为自我精彩的创造人生而骄傲.此后,艾尔一向致力于挽回华纳,丝毫不在乎她在课堂上糟糕的表现,直到她在那个宴会上被华纳讽刺后,她说:我要让你明白艾尔有多重要.此后,艾尔致力于学习法律的过程中,在任何地方都抱着书去背诵,去学习.正是这样貌的毅力她在课堂上的表现越来越好,最后跟着他们的导师格拉汉去实习一个案件,有关泰勒的谋杀案.但是,那么艾尔就能够成为一个律师.艾尔觉得自我的努力毫无好处,觉得没有人把她当真,所有人看到她的永远只是她的外表,而不是把她的努力.她认为自我所做的一切都是错的,无论什么都没有好处.于是,她想到了放下.就在,她想要放下成为律师的时候,另一位法学院的教授stromwell说:不要让一个不值得的人毁了你的生命.就当我以为,艾尔真的会离开哈佛时,艾尔却在泰勒的案件上大放异彩,让人家看到了艾尔的机智,让人家看到了艾尔的勇敢,同时也再一次的证明了她作为女孩子的自信,自尊,自强难能可贵的特性.没有谁是必须要为谁活着的,路是自我的,人生也是自我的,我们只有相信自我,付出努力,做个坚强的女子,才会实现自我价值,才会找到属于我们自我的一片天地,创造出属于自我的奇迹.这部影片,让我感触颇多,让我看到了无论是在什么状况下,我们不能够轻易的说放下,不能够永远只是依附着人,我们要走出一条自我精彩的人生道路.我们不能够仅仅因为我们是女孩,就觉得很多东西我们是没有必要去做的,老是为自我找借口,但却忽视了自我的潜力,放下了进步的动力,看着人家创造出一个又一个神话,却忘记了自我同样能够创造出自我的神话.追求完美的东西没有错,错就错在,当他还没有完美的`时候,你摒弃了,当他完美的时候,你想拥有,但此时,你已经不是他的完美追求了!相信有激情的人,会拥有激情的生活,想想埃尔进入哈佛时的笑,多么开心,没有负担,结果她就没有负担得光荣毕业了,相信自我有潜力的时候,你才有无限的能量,想想埃尔,觉得自我能够的时候,不会去想因为没有接触过这一领域而怯懦,她做为一名女子,相信爱,追求爱,最终获得感情与事业的双重幸福.因此,最为一名_世纪的大学生,我们就应对生活充满热情,只有这样,我们才能取得成功.朋友们,让我们一齐加油吧!观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文4之前,我有机会观赏了《律政俏佳人》,一部美国不错的喜剧电影,同时也是一部立志的电影.女主角艾莉·伍兹过着无忧无虑的生活,能够说她是应有尽有.她是一个来自热带夏威夷的女孩,女大学生联谊会会长,她是一个天生丽质的金发碧眼美女.同时艾莉伍兹正在与学校中最酷的男孩华纳恋爱,并一心一意想做他的新娘——华纳亨廷顿三世夫人.但是,华纳却因为有一个出身名门,同样跟自我有着哈佛法学院上学资格的韦安女生决定抛弃艾莉伍兹.当艾莉·伍兹问其理由的时候,他说:〝你除了金发碧眼的美貌外实在没有什么可吸引人的.〞我在想,爱你的时候,你的什么都是美貌的,不爱你的时候,你的任何都是剩余的东西.看着在餐厅中的艾莉伍兹听到这个消息的时候,失态的样貌,不禁有些心酸.之后的艾莉伍兹也以前彷徨过,也以前怀疑过,也以前想要放下.然而,也许是这个小的插曲,激起了她的斗志.她觉得自我就应做点什么,而不是享受自我此刻的生活.她报考了哈佛的法学院.决定要赢回华纳的心.当时她的老师也不看好,她这样的选取,甚至许多人认为她疯了.她遇到了很多的困难,她遭受了很多的嘲笑,讥讽.结果呢?哈佛的法学院,朝她敞开了欢迎的大门,她获得了新的成功.刚进法学院,那里与她以前的舒适环境简直是天壤之别,艾莉有生以来第一次务必进行一场战斗,为了她心爱的人.为了她自我.甚至是华纳的未婚妻韦韦安的挑衅,甚至是第一次,因为没有回答出教授的问题,而被赶出课堂,但是她没有退缩,她都很勇敢的.而聪慧的应对了,这也促使她最终取得了超出所有人想象的胜利.在做实习生的时候,维护了一个律师的尊严,也苛守一个律师人,应尽的本份.最后她胜利了,她不仅仅透过自我的努力考进了哈佛大学法学院,而且成了那一届最优秀的毕业生.然而她当初追求的男友华纳却什么都没有了.她——艾莉伍兹凭着自我的真才实学和自我奋斗步入上流社会,也挑战了华纳和整个社会对金发碧眼美女的歧视.故事到此并没有结束,她依旧持续她自我的风格,美艳而张扬,带着她最亲爱的吉娃娃,成为那个沉闷的地方的一道亮丽风景,但是大家似乎对她没有什么好感.但她就是那样一个乐观而永往直前的人,最终得到了学位,打赢了一场难搞的官司,赢得了另一个优秀的男朋友的心,并顺利进入了知名的律师事务所.艾莉事业上的成功是她自我努力的结果,因为美国社会对于金发女郎徒有外表没有内涵的歧视,艾莉以前受到过很多挫折.无论是被男朋友华纳抛弃,还是即使在那之后发愤图强考上了哈佛法学院也终究摆脱不了遭人排斥的命运,虽然艾莉曾有数次想要放下一切的冲动,然而也许这仅仅是一个小插曲,是激发艾莉永不认输的一个因素.艾莉有生以来务必进行一场战斗,为了她心爱的人.为了她自我.也为了哪些每一天都无休止地承受着侮辱的金发美女.突然就有很多感悟.好莱坞式剧情发展模式虽然老套,但却最易触动人心中最为柔软的那一部分,让人感动,看过以后能让你感觉到自我又何尝不能像主人公那样坚持自我,努力学习,得到完美的结局呢.人生就应是有激情和目标的,并且要有坚定的意志和遇到挫折绝不放下的决心.不管怎样,乐观向上的人,总会有收获的.一个人,生下来不是注定你做什么的,你只能做什么?也许你,他,我,都以前经历过这样的事情,我们去做一件事情的时候,别人给你的都是反对的意见,别人给给你的都是歧视,都是嘲笑,几乎没有人支持你,每个人都不看好你.这个时候你会退缩吗?你会坚持你自我的观点吗?你会吗?你会坚持走下去吗?你会认为你自我真的错了吗?是不是开始怀疑自我了呢?有人说信任胜过信仰,你对自我自信一点,哪管什么信仰,连自我都不相信的人,还能有什么信仰呢?有什么信仰比得过相信你自我呢?别人不看好你,别人不相信你的潜力,你自我难道也不相信吗?你真的那么的一无是处吗?你真的相信自我无药可救了吗?你真的相信自我是世界上最大的笨蛋了吗?如果你这样想的话,那你真的没得救了.因为你对自我都失去信心了,其他的还有要说要做的可能吗?挺喜欢艾莉的性格,她自信.美丽.有个性,富有正义感,她明白自我在追求什么,并且为了自我的理想而努力奋斗.虽然说她刚开始是为了感情而进哈佛法学院的,但当她证明了自我的实力之后,便毅然放下了华纳.在那之后,她作为一名实习生,开始进入律师的实习.之后事务所接手了一桩刑事案件.社交名媛布鲁克·泰勒·温汉姆被指控与男仆有染,并为此谋杀了丈夫,有继女的不利证词.艾莉认识布鲁克,不相信她会杀人.也不相信她与男仆的事.很快,艾莉就让那男仆当庭泄露了他是个同性恋者.我想单单凭借当时她个人所拥有的法律知识和辩论技巧,艾莉在这个案子上可能获胜的几率是极小的.艾莉的〝幸运〞不是因为她有多聪明多理智,而是在于她凭借自我的对生活的多感与激情找到了潜在的〝巧合〞,但更重要的,是一份属于她自我的努力和慎重.经过无数的挫败,这个女孩在我们面前坚强地成长起来,从先前的拥有大小姐脾气的金发女郎蜕变成具有丰富感性认知和冷静头脑的年轻女律师,好莱坞又一次让我们见证了一个女孩奋斗的历程,让人感动.观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文5最近稍微偷一下懒,找了一部电影来看,感想良多埃在律政俏佳人电影中,艾丽是女主角.美丽,时尚的她却被追求事业的男朋友抛弃了.为此,她决定考进哈佛法学院去追回男朋友.艾莉凭借自己的努力考取了哈佛法学院.但是保守.甚至迂腐且以男性目光建构的法学院是不会接受这样的一个女生的.在法律课堂上,教师总是会找茬来质问她是否课前预习了功课.法学院的老师和学生都对她有偏见,看不起她.如果她表现出色,他们甚至会感到惊讶.艾丽在分手后不断地从自己身上找原因,将赢得爱情与婚姻作为自己进入律政行业的动力.艾丽看似是在主动追求自己的爱情,实际上却只是为了让男友注意到自己,她一直受着男性思维的禁锢.此外,影片中女性之间的竞争和比较也是围绕着男性的,女性的成功与否是以是否获得男性欢心来衡量的.艾丽的情敌维维安常在艾丽面前故意炫耀自己手上的钻戒,或者对沃纳示好.当被艾丽狠损了之后,维维安伸手看着手上的钻戒,其女友也对她说,〝至少你得到了戒指〞.从中可以看出,爱情的允诺与婚姻的保证还是女性最看重的,电影塑造的女性都要受限于〝被爱〞.〝家庭〞等传统女性角色定义.这部电影虽说是彰显女性在法律界的地位,但仍存在着种.种不平等.首先,电影大部分内容体现了爱情.婚姻和家庭是女性的第一要务,影片的女主角按照男性社会的价值观念调整自己的生活.塑造的女性形象表现了传统女性具有的〝女性特质〞,是被动的.顺从的.被观赏的.感性的.被情感支配的,她们的领域被限制在依赖于男性的社会范围中.其次,胜诉的背后也是因为她发挥了自己的女性特长,对同性恋的洞察力,以及关于烫发的美容常识;在很大程度上,她是凭借女性的感性思维和直觉才〝意外〞取胜的.因此,影片实际并没有真正认可女性与男性在理性思维能力方面的平等,实际上体现了对女性的偏见.但是即使电影没有表现出真正的男女平等,我相信那一天总会实现的.观看律政俏佳人电影的观后感作文。

最喜欢的电影英语作文100字律政俏佳人My favorite movie is Legally Blonde, a classic comedy that never fails to make me laugh and feel inspired. The film follows the journey of Elle Woods, a fashionable and seemingly shallow sorority girl who decides to attend Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend. However, as the story progresses, Elle discovers her true potential and proves herself to be a brilliant and capable lawyer.One of the reasons why Legally Blonde is my favorite movie is because of its empowering message. Elle Woods defies stereotypes and expectations, showing that a woman can be both fashionable and intelligent. Her determination to succeed in a male-dominated field is truly inspiring, and it reminds me to never underestimate myself or others based on appearances.Furthermore, the movie's humor is another aspect that I love. The witty dialogue and hilarious situations never fail to make me burst out laughing, no matter how many times I've watched it. From Elle's iconic bend and snap move to her unconventional approach to legal studies, the movie is filled with memorable and entertaining moments.In addition, Legally Blonde also touches on important themes such asfriendship and staying true to oneself. Elle's unwavering loyalty to her friends and her refusal to compromise her values are admirable qualities that I strive to embody in my own life. The movie serves as a reminder to always be authentic and to surround myself with supportive and genuine people.Moreover, the character development in Legally Blonde is exceptional. Elle's transformation from a heartbroken girl chasing after a man to a confident and successful lawyer is both heartwarming and empowering. Her growth throughout the film is a testament to the power of self-belief and hard work, and it never fails to leave me feeling motivated and uplifted.Another reason why Legally Blonde holds a special place in my heart is because of its iconic fashion moments. Elle's stylish wardrobe and impeccable taste in fashion never fail to impress me, and it's always a delight to see her rocking pink outfits and accessorizing with her beloved chihuahua, Bruiser.In conclusion, Legally Blonde is my favorite movie for its empowering message, humor, important themes, character development, and iconic fashion moments. It never fails to lift my spirits and remind me of the importance of self-belief, authenticity, and staying true to oneself. Watching Elle Woods conquer Harvard Law School with her wit and determination is a truly inspiring and heartwarming experience that I will always cherish.。
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律政俏佳人英文观后感文章律政俏佳人英文观后感文章10:31:15 律政佳人观后感(The impressions of Legally Blonde) I love this everything about this movie including its storyline, actors, actresses and so on.I think this movie is very sweet. Why do I think so? There are some reasons.First of all, Reese Witherspoon who is acting the heroine “Elle Woods” is very cute, not only cute but also her fashions are so charming. Secondly, I like Elle’s character. She is always positive with everything, even if she faces serious or difficult situations. My favorite scene is that where Law School students including Elle, Elle’s old boyfriend, Warner and his girlfriend Vivian are taking a class. As Elle’s opinion is praised by professor, and her opinion is better than Warner’s, Warner and Vivian lo ok each other with chagrined face. When I saw the scene, I felt refreshed, and I wanted to say to Elle that “You did it, Elle!”I really like this movie! The storyline, all of fashions are cute, and actors as well as actresses aresuitable for their characters. This movie is not only sweet, charming and delightful, but also Elle Woods told us that a lot of important things for human’s beings. In particular I want many ladies to see this movie, but I recommend this movie to to everyone including young boys!律政佳人观后感(The impressions of Legally Blonde)A high concept can be a wonderful thing. Up to a point. It can get your film sold and maybe even make it look attractive, but it can’t ensure much of anything else. Case in point, may it please the court, is “Legally Blonde.”Starring Reese Witherspoon as a Bel-Air airhead wending her way through law school, “Legally Blonde” is ba sically “Clueless Goes to Harvard.” Nothing wrong with that notion, but, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’ve seen “Clueless” and this is no “Clueless.”ADVERTISEMENTThat’s more disappointing than it may sound, because “Legally Blonde” is guilty o f squandering resources. Amusing as it goes about setting up itspremise, in Witherspoon, the gifted veteran of “Election” and “Pleasantville,” it has an actress willing to throw herself completely into the part to excellent effect. But while “Clueless” ha d the use of the road-tested plot of Jane Austen’s “Emma,” “Legally Blonde” does not. Haphazardly directed by first-timer Robert Luketic and written by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith (who did the similarly bright but dramatically unfocused “10 Thi ngs I Hate About You”), this film can’t figure out where to go with its concept and increasingly unravels as it marches along.Witherspoon plays Elle Woods, the way blond president of the Delta Nu sorority at a mythical Southern California university. T hough we’re clued in early that she’s way smarter than her runner-up for Miss Hawaiian Tropic lifestyle might indicate, Elle’s ambitions are limited to getting married to the man of her dreams.That would be Warner Huntington III (Matthew Davis), smug as only a III can be. On the night Elle expects Warner to propose, he takes the opportunity tobreak up with her. He’s going to Harvard Law with the aim of being a senator by the time he’s 30, a schedule that mandates that he “marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.”Miffed, Elle decides to go to Harvard Law as well. So what if her strong GPA comes from taking courses like “The History of Polka Dots” as a fashion merchandising major. So what if her father feels law school is exclusively for people who are “boring, ugly and serious.” Harvard Law is what it’s going to be.Elle’s determination is at the heart of her irrepressible character. Faultlessly played by Witherspoon, Elle is all bounce all the time, so filled with positive energy that the actress reported that it was actually tiring to play the part. Elle’s bikini-clad video application so flummoxes the Harvard admission committee that it lets her in in the name of, what else, diversity. She arrives with her scented, pink resume and her tiny Chihuahua Bruiser, determined to take notes not on a computer but a cozy heart-shaped pad. No one is amused. Not her ex Warner, not his snooty new fiancee Vivian Kensington (Selma Blair), not fierce professor Stromwell (Holland Taylor). Only the quietlyhandsome Emmett Richmond (Luke Wilson) can look past the light streaming off her hair and sees Elle for what she is.All this is passably amusing, but once the film establishes Elle at Harvard, it seems at a loss as far as building on its eminently serviceable premise. It sets off in two directions, but neither one offers much in the way of satisfaction.”Legally Blonde” first gives Elle a confidant in the form of a confidence-challenged manicurist named Paulette played by Jennifer Coolidge. Though Groundlings veteran Coolidge is invariably amusing (“Best in Show,” a key cameo in “American Pie”), Paulette is too phlegmatic for even her talents to energize.More misguided is the subplot concerning a murder case that Elle, as an intern for the defense team headed by one of her professors (Victor Garber), gets involved with. Though comedy legal proceedings needn’t be as carefully plotted as Perry Mason, this one is so cockamamie that you can feel the interest leak out of the situation like air out of a balloon. It’sunfortunate that a film premised on the notion that first impressions are not always reliable finds itself teaching that very lesson itself.。