
1. Yuri Gagarin was a Soviet cosmonaut (前苏联宇航员). On 12 April 1961, he became the first human in outer spaceand thefirst to orbit (环绕) the Earth. He received medals from around the world for his pioneering tour inspace.2. Christopher Columbus was a navigator (航海家) and explorerwhose voyages across the AtlanticOcean led to general European awareness of theAmericancontinents.Withhisfourvoyagesof exploration , he initiated the process of Europeancolonization of the New World .3.MountEverest,orMountQomolangma,isthe highest mountain on Earth, as measured by theheight above sea level of its summit, 8,848 meters. Itattracts climbersof all levels, from well-experiencedmountaineers to new climbers willing to pay substantial sums to professional mountain guides to complete a successful climb.1. What achievements have humans made in space exploration since the beginning of the Space Age? What are China's recent achievements in space exploration? Your answer :The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer : Humans have succeeded in landing on the moon / exploring Mars. On Oct. 15, 2003, China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V.On Oct. 12, 2005, Shenzhou Ⅵ, the second manned spaceflight from China, was launched into space. On Sept. 12, 2008, Shenzhou Ⅶ, carrying three crew members, was launched into space. 2. Can you name any explorers? Do you know their achievements? Your answer :The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer : Marco Polo was a great explorer. He traveled across Asia in the 1200s.Louis Joliet was a famous Canadian explorer who explored the Great Lakes and discovered the Mississippi River.1. 2/32. 1/53. 10.0334. 0.155. 1.31%6. 93.18%7. telephone8. telephone number 38201152number 66/13200(66743200)9. Room 20110. Room 1161) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.How did NASA carry out its experiment to discover water on the moon?a. NASA crashed a rocket into the moon to expel soil from its surface.b. NASA sent an astronaut to the moon to gather soil from its surface.c. NASA sent a rocket to the moon to dig out soil from its surface.d. NASA crashed a rock into the moon to eject soil from its surface.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. Which of the following is the result of NASA's experiment?a. There are about one hundred kilograms of water on the moon.b. There is more water on the moon than originally thought.c. There is no water on the moon.d. There is more water on the moon than there is on Earth.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following methods for sending information is NOT mentioned in the report?a. By ship.b. By horse.c. By sheep.d. By bird.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. What do you know about the telegraph?a. The first useful telegraphs were developed in the 18th century.b. The telegraph used wires and electricity to send information.c. Each word and each number had to be sent separately by a device called a telegraph key.d. Birds are a faster way to send information than the telegraph.first human [Reference Answer:first human ] 2. moon [ReferenceAnswer:moon ]3. freedom [Reference Answer:freedom1. When did Yuri Gagarin go into space?a. On April 2nd, 1961.b. On April 12th, 1961.c. On April 20th, 1961.d. On April 22nd, 1961.2. In "America's new president needed to make his own grand gesture", what does the "grand gesture" refer to?a. America would launch a war against the Soviet Union.b. America would send more people into space.c. America would build a rocket with more advanced technology.d. America would send a man to the moon.3. How far is the moon from the Earth?a. 24,000 miles.b. 240,000 miles.c. 25,000 miles.d. 250,000 miles.1. For the eyes of the world, now took into (look into) space, to themoonandthe planetsbeyond.2. And we have vowedthat we shall not see it governedby hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedomand peace.3. We choose to go to the moon in this decadeand do the otherthings, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.4. We shall send to the moon a giant rocket more than 300 feettall, made of new metal alloys, some of which have not yetbeen invented.5. And do all this and do it right and do it first before thisdecade is out, then we must be bold.1. Name one or two early ideas about the origin of the universe.Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe arrived after a snail's shell mysteriously released a hen and a pigeon. / A giant emerged from an enormous egg.2. Describe Professor Hoyle's theory about the origin of the universe.Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe has always been around. It had no beginning, it'll have no end, but is pretty much the way we see it today.3. What does the big bang theory tell us?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe somehow was created out of nothing in an almighty explosion.A: Do you know anything about the origin of the universe?B: Yes, I've read some books concerning this issue. There are two major theories.A: You mean the steady state theory and the big bang theory?B: Exactly. I find the first one really amazing. I believe the universe has always been around. It had no beginning and it'll have no end.A: So you prefer the steady state theory?B: That's right.A: I hate to disagree with you, but I think the big bang theory is more convincing. Astronomers have found that the old universe did not look the same as it does now, so the steady state theory does not seem correct. In fact, the big bang theory is the standard view today.B: I'm afraid there are many problems with the big bang theory as well.A: Like what?B: The theory says the big explosion took place about 15 billion years ago, right?A: Right.B: Then how can you explain the fact that some stars are thought to be older than 15 billion years?A:Well…B: And there are other questions. Why did the universe explode into existence? What happened before the big bang? A: I'm afraid I can't answer your questions. Maybe neither of the theories is perfect.B: I agree with you on this point. It may take a long time for human beings to find a satisfactory theory to explain the origin of the universe.On the first day God created the cow. God said, "(1) You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years."The cow said, "(2) That's a kind of tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty years and I'll give back the other forty."And God agreed.On the second day, God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and (3) bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give back the other ten."So God agreed.On the third day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, and make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span."The monkey said, "How boring! Monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"And God agreed again.On the fourth day God created man. God said, "(4) Eat,sleep,play.Do nothing,just enjoy,enjoy(Eat, sleep, play. Do nothing, just enjoy, enjoy). I'll give you twenty years."Man said, "What? Only twenty years? No way! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and the forty cow gave back, and the ten dog gave back, and the ten monkey gave back. That makes eighty, okay?""Okay," said God. "You've got a deal."So this is why for the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, enjoy, and do nothing; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; for the next ten years (5) we do monkey thcks to entertaln our grandchildren(we do monkey tricks to entertain our grandchildren); and for the last ten years we sit in front of the house and bark at everybody.U3A nuclear family contains amarried couple and their children,and both parents arethe biological parents of theirchildren.2. An extended family consists of thebiological or adoptive parents, theirchildren, and other close relatives, such asthe grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins,and sometimes more distant relatives.3. A homosexual family consists of acouple of the same biological sex or socialgender, and they might have adoptedchildren.4. specificgender(Single-parent) families arefamilies with children under age 18 headedby a parent who is widowedor divorced and not remarried, or by aparent who has never married.1. Can you name any family type?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: There are quite a few family types, such as the nuclear family, the extended family, the homosexual family, the international family or cross-cultural family, the stepfamily (also known as a blended family or reconstituted family, i.e. a family in which one or both members of the couple have children from a previous family), the single-parent family, and the polygamist family.2. Which family type do you prefer, the extended family or the nuclear family? Why?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: It depends. If I have a full-time job and my child is still young, I prefer an extended family to a nuclear family, that is, living together with my parents or parents-in-law, because they can help take care of the baby.3. Who is the breadwinner (挣钱养家的人) in your family? Whose income is larger? Who has the final say?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer : Both my father and my mother are the breadwinners in my family. Unlike most traditional couples, my mother earns more than my father, and it seems that the one who earns more has the final say in my family. 1. 1:15 2. 12:303. 9:004. 11:105. 5:056. 16:157. 23:51 8. 2:009. 10:4510. 18:351) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. Where is Jenna Bush's wedding ceremony going to be held?a. At the White House.b. In Crawford, Texas.c. In the University of Virginia.d. InBaltimore, Maryland.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which statement about Henry Hager is NOT true, according to the report?a. He is a former schoolteacher.b. He was a White House intern in 2003.c. He worked on Bush's reelection campaign in 2004.d. He has not got his master's degree in business yet.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following countries is the best place for mothers and children?a. America.b. Britain.c. Sweden.d. Denmark.2) Now listen to thereport again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is NOT a condition that the report is based on?a. The risk of early death.b. The rate of use of modern birth control methods.c. The percentage of pregnant women with a shortage of sugar in the blood.d. The percentage of births with the aid of trained medical workers.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Why are some people interested in genealogy?a. For religious reasons.b. For membership in somehistorical or cultural organizations.c. For personal interest.d. All of the above.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. Which is NOT a way to start a genealogical investigation?a. Starting with oneself.b. Searching old family books.c. Going to small libraries.d. Using the Internet.stays at home [ReferenceAnswer:st ays at home ] 2.teeds [Referen ceAnswer:feeds ]3.switch [Reference Answer:s witch ]4.both men and women [Referen ce Answer:bothmen andwomen ]1. What's Sean's wife Regan'sjob?a. She's an architect.b. She's an attorney.c. She's a doctor.d. She's a researcher.2. Compared with men who traditionally work outside the home, how much bigger is the percentage of chance of dying for men who have beenstay-at-home dads for at least 10 years?a. 8%b. 18%c. 80%d. 3%3. What is the reason all the men interviewed stay at home?a. Their babies need Dad's care more than Mom's.b. They have heart disease.c. Their wives' incomes are higher.d. Their wives like high-demand and high-control jobs1. New research showsthis role reversal may,in fact, be stressfulfor the heart.Mr.Mom, characterized in the1980's movie,husbandsand wives switchingtraditional(switchingtraditionalroles).3. This findingabout househusbands , as far as we know,has never beenexamined, andit's reallyan unanticipatedfinding. 4. Since wewere kids, wewere raised to,you know, bethe breadwinner ,youknow, take careof the family,youknow, financially and, youknow, be themachomale guy.5. The samestudyalso foundwomen likeher are threetimes more likelyto developheartdisease than womenlow-authorityjobs.1. What are the legal ages for girls and boys to marry in India?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: 18 for girls, and 21 for boys.2. What do the two boys think of marriage?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Marriage to them is staying together, looking after each other, and looking after the house. 3. What kind of cultures may have difficulty accepting child marriage, according to the reporter?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Cultures that base marriages on romantic love.4. When will the newlyweds live together?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustainingtherest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: They won't live together until the brides are at least 16.1.Marriage is a union between aman and a woman approvedby law. Marriages can bedivided into arrangedmarriages and love marriages.An arranged marriage is amarriage in which the parentschoose the husband or wife fortheir child. A love marriage is aunion of two individuals basedupon mutual love, affection,commitment, and attraction.2. Arranged marriages arefound in cultures in which theextended family is common. Inextended families, marriage isinevitably a family affair, andindividuals are expected toconform to the overall wishesof the group. Parents wouldlike to provide their childrenwith protection, wealth,security, and happiness, andthey might assume thatchildren are inexperienced inlife, so they would ratherselect marriage partners forchildren.3. Love marriages offer moreindependence and freedom ascompared to arrangedmarriages. In arrangedmarriages, there is a pressureto conform to parentalexpectations like producing amale heir, taking part in familyrituals and traditions, puttingup with sisters-in-law,contributing to familyexpenses, etc. Love marriagesprovide time for a mutualunderstanding between thepartners. Knowing somebodybefore marriage allowspartners to have betterrespect and understanding foreach other’s needs anddesires. Then they are betteradjusted in the marriage whenthey finally take their weddingvows. Love and romance arenecessary conditions for asuccessful marriage, whilethere is no dating or romancebefore the wedding in anarranged marriage. However,arranged marriages offer moreprotection and security to thewomen. Parents employmature and wise judgmentwhen choosing suitablespouses for their children.2. We met on a blind date. For me,it was love at first sight.He was perfect. He was myPrince Charming. (1) I was aterrible romantic when I methim and I gave up myheart the day he smiled atme. The first time I saw him,he was dressed in a tuxedo.His skin was dark like brownsugar and his black hair wascombed into carefully casualwaves over his forehead. Hischeeks were high and broadand his jaw was strong. Whenhe smiled at me, the smilespread across his whole faceand (2) lit his eyes so thatthey turned to golden honey .He was strong, thoughtful, and quiet. When we were dating, he was such a gentleman, opening doors, letting me pick the movies, and stuff like that. He was sweet. He brought me flowers sometimes, or he would get my favorite ice cream, and sometimes he would bring me lunch from my favorite Chinese place down the street. He isn't quite the talker that I am, and (3) I think that's why we hit it off . As they say, opposites attract! We dated for about a year before he proposed, and were married six months later. (4) I believe that fate or destiny brought us together . He was Mr. Right.Things were so great. We got a cute apartment, bought nice furniture, we entertained friends, we went out to eat all the time, and I got a new car.(5) Marriage wasn't the "big adjustment"ebery one said itwould be(Marriage wasn't the "big adjustment" everyone said it would be) . It was exactly what I wanted: great guy, great apartment, great furniture, great car, great friends. Life was great!。

应⽤型⼤学英语视听说2Unit3A. Look and listenLook at the pictures about various environmental problems. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.forests polluted overpopulated hunting animals sportsmillions billion melting drinking greenhouse protectionactivities p opulation1. The Earth is (overpopulated). There are over 6(billion) people in the world.2. Many rivers and lakes are seriously (polluted). More andmore people are (drinking ) dirty water.3. (Millions ) of trees are cut down each year. The Earth iscovered by fewer and fewer (forests).4. Due to the (greenhouse ) effect, the ice in the Atlanticand Antarctic is (melting). In a century, several countriesand many cities will be covered by water.5. Illegal (hunting ) still exists. Because of human(activities), many species have disappeared, and more willdisappear in the near future.vB. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. What kinds of environmental problems do you think we have?Your answer:Reference answer: There is water, air, and noise pollution. / The Earth is becoming warmer. There are more and more people and the Earth is becoming more crowded.2. What is the cause of these problems?Your answer:Reference answer: The problems are caused by industrial development / the invention of automobiles.3. What can we do to solve these problems?Your answer:Reference answer: We should stop dumping waste into rivers and lakes. / Laws should be established to regulate human behavior.Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the following statements and mark the stressed words.1. Mary painted her living room blue. (living room )Mary painted her living room blue. (Mary )Mary painted her living room blue. (her )Mary painted her living room blue. (painted )Mary painted her living room blue. (blue)2. This is my book. (book)This is my book. (This )This is my book. (is )This is my book. (my )3. I bought a red shirt. (I )I bought a red shirt. (shirt)I bought a red shirt. (bought )I bought a red shirt. (red )Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements is true?(c)a. People living in large cities have a higher risk of getting lung cancer than other diseases.b. 16 percent of people in large cities die of lung cancer.c. People living in seriously polluted areas have as high a risk of dying of lungcancer as those living with a person who smokes cigarettes.d. Air pollution can cause lung cancer, but not other diseases.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. How many years did the study cover?(b)a. 12 years.b. 16 years.c. 18 years.d. 20 yearsSection Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.A severe winter storm in __________ killed hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies. (c)a. southern Mexicob. northern Mexicoc. central Mexicod. eastern Mexico2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer tothe following question.Under what conditions are monarch butterflies likely to die? (b)a. When they become cold and the temperature is high.b. When they become wet and the temperature is very low.c. When they become dry after a storm.d. When they become wet and the temperature increasesSection Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is NOT an effect of rising temperatures on wildlife?(d)a. Many animals and plants leave their native environments.b. Trees flower earlier than before.c. Birds migrate earlier than before.d. Many animals become more fierce.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.According to many scientists, __________ the major cause of the warmer weather.(b)a. the disappearance of some species isb. industrial gases arec. earlier flowering of plants isd. long-distance travel of birds isSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the underlined parts.1. The study shows that air pollution increases the risk of death from lung cancer and other diseases.2. It is the largest number of monarch butterflies killed at one time. However, scientists say the loss is not expected to threaten the species.3. Their studies found that warmer weather is causing many kinds of wildlife to leave their native environments Section Four Real world B. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions.1. What was the first artificial source of air pollution?(b)a. Volcanic eruptions.b. Fire.c. Wood. d. Coal. 2. Marco Polo learned of the uses of coal when __________.(c)a. traveling in Russiab. working in Italyc. traveling in Chinad. traveling in Europe3. What punishment did theblacksmith receive forviolating the sea coal law inthe 14th century?(c)a. He was put in prison.b. He was burned to death.c. He was hanged.d. He was whipped.4. When did coal become animportant fuel in York of oldEngland?(b)a. In 1731.b. In 1371.c. In 1307.d. In 1273Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. In the distant past, frequent eruptions of volcanoes polluted the(atmosphere), killing plants, animals, and (any people) who could not escape.2. Agricultural practices such as slash and burn, which is still(in use)today, (contributed to) the pollution of the air.3. In(1273), the burning of sea coal was banned in England. This is the(earliest record) of an actual air pollution regulation. 4. As communities grew(in size), the (problems) with air pollutionincreased.5. The change from(traditional fuel) to coal caused many (objections)because of the smoke.Section One Making complaints B. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you'vejust watched.1. How does the man start his complaint? Your answer :Reference answer : By saying "I'm afraid I have a complaint to make." 2. What is the man complaining about? Your answer :Reference answer : The dirty environment and the noise caused by the construction.3. What does the woman promise to do?Your answer :Reference answer : She will report the man's complaints to the manager.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs. Suppose you live near a lake which used to be very beautiful. However, a factory was set up by the lake recently and a lot of waste water flows into the lake from the factory. As a representative of the angry residents, you go to see the manager to complain about the problem. The manager is not in and you are received by the secretary.Your answer:Reference answer:Secretary: Good morning. Is there anything I can do for youComplainer: Good morning. Can I speak to the manager? I have a complaint to make. Secretary: I'm sorry. The manager is not in at the moment. May I ask what is wrong? Complainer: Well. I live near the lake. It used to be clean and beautiful. But since your factory was opened here last year, the lake has become dirtier and dirtier. Secretary: I'm sorry to hear that. But how do you know it is our factory that's making the lake dirty?Complainer: Please go out and look at the pipes leading from your factory to the lake.A lot of waste water is drained from the factory into the lake every day. Secretary: Oh, I do apologize for that. I've only worked here for a short time, and don't know much about it. I assure you that I will report this to the manager as soon as he comes back.Complainer: I hope he will consider this seriously.Secretary: I'm sure he will.Complainer: Thanks. Goodbye.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.Now listen to the story:One day the Lord came to Noah, who was now living in England, and said, "Once again, the earth has become overpopulated, and (1)(I see the end of alllives )before me. Build another Ark and save two of every living thing along with a fewgood humans. You have six months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard — but no Ark."Noah!" He asked, "(2)(I'm about to start the rain)! Where is the Ark?""Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I have come across many difficulties.My neighbors claimed that I had (3)(no permission to build the Ark), even in my garden.We had to go to the Secretary of State for a decision.Then the Department of Transport asked how much it would cost for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.(4)(Getting the wood was another problem). I was forbidden to cut down any trees.When I started gathering the animals, people argued that it was cruel to put so many animals in such a small space.Then the government said that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on the possible flood.I'm still having another problem about whom to hire for my building team. The trade unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with Ark-building experience.To make matters worse, the customs house claims (5)(I'm trying to leave the country illegally) with endangered species. So, forgive me, Lord, but it seems impossible for me to finish this Ark."Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow appeared across the sky. "I'm not going to end the world. Your government beat me to it!" said the Lord.。
应用型大学英语视听说教程2册 Unit2答案

应用型大学英语视听说教程2册 Unit2答案Submitted: 2021-4-9 15:55:40 (Thursday) Score: 100.00%A. Look and listenListen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.felt work self-trustkey word importantplay success succeedmine mindAction secretfailed kid1. I've failedover and over and over again in my life and that is why Isucceed. ― Michael Jordan2. Actionis the foundational key to all success. ― Pablo Picasso3. self-trustis the first secret of success. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson4. If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. workis X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut. ― Albert Einstein5. Always bear in mindthat your own resolution (决心) to succeed is more important than any other one thing. ― Abraham LincolnB. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. Who do you think is the most successful person in the world? Why? Your answer:Reference answer: I think Michael Jordan is the most successful person, because he was not simply a basketball player but a spiritual leader. He showed the spirit of \lose confidence\encounter, I will always remember his words: I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. 2. How do you understand success? Your answer: Reference answer: I thinkstriving to the very end of the game is success. Ibelieveenjoyingthechallengeissuccess.In my opinion, success is to do what you can and enjoy it.Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the following sentences and underline the words which are readin their weak forms.1. I love them.them2. I would rather have a drink than a smoke. would a than a3. Both of them will come tomorrow. of them4. Can I have some more? have some5. Tell him to ask her. him to her6. They told us to leave.us to7.We will wait till the end of the movie.the of the(a) (c)(b)(a)(d)(d) (a) (d) (d)SectionFour Real C. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. Well, first of all, let me tell you that I don't know if there's a curriculum or course of study that leads you to win the Nobel Peace Prize.2. Obviously all of you are workingvery hard. You're studyingvery hard. You're curious. You're willing to think about new ideas and think for yourself.3. Are there things that I could be doing differently? Are there new approaches to problems that nobody has thought of before, whether it's in science or technology or in the arts?world4. So they want to make a contribution to society. They want to make a contribution to their country, their nation, their city.5. And I'm sure that young peoplelike you are going to be able to make that kind of difference as long as you keep working the way you've been working.1. How does the speaker express his disagreement? Youranswer:He says, \Reference answer: He says, \2. How does the speaker express his agreement? Youranswer:He says, \Reference answer: He says, \3. How does the speaker state his opinion? Youranswer:He says, \my opinion, finding a career means doing something larger than yourself and making a contribution to our society.\\Reference answer: He says, \\4. How does the speaker summarize his idea? YourHe says, \Reference answer: He says, \answer:Section Two Your turnWork in pairs to discuss the topic \Luck Have Anything to Do with Success?\Then make a presentation to the class. Your presentation should include:1. 2.GivingStating reasonstoyour supportyouropinion; opinion;3. Summarizing your idea. Youranswer:When we talk about what can contribute to a person's success, many words, such as perseverance, creativity, luck, and so on, will appear in our minds. Some people argue that luck has nothing to do with a person's success and attribute a person's success to many other factors. In my opinion, however, luck sometimes plays an indispensable role in one's success. Luck is not something that we can control, but being lucky really helps in one's success. Personally I think it is better to be lucky than to be rich. If you are poor but lucky, you might berich someday. If you are rich but unlucky, you are in trouble.Though persistence and some other factors contribute to one's success, luck will help one to be successful more quickly. For example, the famous inventor Edison, who invented the electric bulb in the 19th century. Throughout his invention process, we can see what an important role persistence and other factors played, but at the same time we must admit luck also played apart.IfithadnotoccurredtoEdisontousemetalinhisexperiment, thelightmightnothaveappeareduntilthenextcentury.creativity, and some other things, luck will help a person to succeed to some extent.Reference answer: When we talk about what can contribute to a person's success, many words, such as perseverance, creativity, luck, and so on, will appear in our minds. Some people argue that luck has nothing to do with a person's success and attribute a person's success to many other factors. In my opinion, however, luck sometimes plays an indispensable role in one's success.Luck is not something that we can control, but being lucky really helps in one's success. Personally I think it is better to be lucky than to be rich. If you are poor but lucky, you might be richsomeday.Ifyouarerichbutunlucky,youareintrouble.Though persistence and some other factors contribute to one's success, luck will help one to be successful more quickly. For example, the famous inventor Edison, who invented the electric bulb in the 19th century. Throughout his invention process, we can see what an important role persistence and other factors played, but at the same time we must admit luck also played apart. If it had not occurred to Edison to use metal in his experiment, the light might not have appeared until the next century.creativity, and some other things, luck will help a person to succeed to some extent.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.Now listen to the story:Several months ago, my friend, Jerry, was shot by three armed robbers. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of care, Jerry was released from the hospital with parts of the bullets still in his body.I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, \ I refused to see his woundsbut did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. Jerry replied, \ I rememberedthat I had two choicescould choose to die. I chose to live.\. But when they wheeled me into the operation room and,: I could choose to live or II saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed to take action.\ \ She asked if I was allergic to anything. 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nursesstopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and shouted, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'\Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. (5) Attitude, after all, changeseverything.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

A. Look and listenLook at the pictures. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the list.Sunday narrows levels lasting normal fail and raisefall and rise highs andlowsties immediate honor understandinggolden1. Childhood friendship is usually formed when young kids get toknow their(immediate ) classmates and neighbors. Althoughthey fight and cry at first, just like(normal ) kids, with timethey get to develop a good level of understanding.2. Long-lasting friendship does not happen in a day. It takesyears to develop(understanding ) and higher(levels )oftrust, if you want to boast of having old friends.3. Friendship Day, celebrated every year on the first (Sunday )of August, is in (honor ) of the unique bond shared by friends.4. Friends who have been with each other through the(highsand lows), those who have seen each other (fall and rise)again, would definitely be true to each other.5. Friendship is the (golden ) thread that (ties ) the heartof all the world.B. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. What is a friend?Reference answer: A friend is a person whom you can rely on / talk to / count on.A friend is a person who can share your joy and sorrow / laugh and cry with you.A friend is a person who will help you / lend you a hand when you are in trouble.A friend is a person with whom you can discuss your problems / troubles.2. Do you think there are life-long friends?Your answer:Reference answer: Yes. I think there are real and life-long friends. Real friends are friends forever.No. I don't think there are life-long friends, because it is easy to find friends but very difficult to maintain a friendship for a long time.3. Who is your best friend? And why?Your answer:Reference answer: Tom is my best / closest / dearest / loyal friend / pal, because he always helps me when I'm in trouble.My best friend is my desk-mate, because he and I have been studying together since we were in elementary school.Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the following statements and divide each of them into several sense groups.1.There are seven days in a week.Your answer:Reference answer: There are seven days / in a week.2. I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be an issue.Your answer:Reference answer: I was kind of hoping / that wouldn't be an issue.3. He's the one who breaks my heart and plunges me into depression.Your answer:Reference answer: He's the one / who breaks my heart / and plunges me into depression.4. I'm just wondering where you got that great idea.Reference answer: I'm just wondering / where you got that great idea.5. I wish I had never met you.Your answer:Reference answer: I wish / I had never met you.6. Physics was the hardest of my courses.Your answer:Reference answer: Physics / was the hardest of my courses.7. Up to now, we have been thinking that bringing more students into college would solve the problem.Your answer:Reference answer: Up to now, / we have been thinking / that bringing more students into college / would solve the problem.8. There are so many Chinese dialects that two people from different provinces or even from the same province cannot understand each other.Your answer:Reference answer: There are so many Chinese dialects / that two people from different provinces / or even from the same province / cannot understand each other.9. At a counter on the right a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap. Your answer:Reference answer: At a counter / on the right / a woman / is showing an old man / a towel and some soap.10. During the Spring Festival, as a rule, the Chinese people have family get-togethers or visit friends.Your answer:Reference answer: During the Spring Festival, / as a rule, / the Chinese people / have family get-togethers / or visit friends.Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the followingquestion.How many foreign students are there in Indiana University, according to the report?(d)a. About 400.b. About 40,000.c. About 40.d. About 4,000.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is in charge of foreign student affairs in Indiana University?(a)a. The Office of International Services.b. A special conference.c. The New International Student Orientation.d. Bloomington Worldwide FriendshipSection Two Special English programs B. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the followingquestion.Socrates' Triple Filter Test can be used to __________.(c)a. check whether someone is a real friendb. check whether the words of a friend are goodc. decide whether to say something behind a friend's backd. explain your view on how to maintain friendships2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.According to the report, which of the following statements is true?(d)a. Socrates was respected because he never criticized his friends behind their backs.b. Socrates didn't want to hear bad things about his friends.c. One of Socrates' friends did something wrong.d. Socrates felt that talking behind a friend's back was usually wrong.Section Two Special English programs C. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.The following statements about the study led by Nicholas Christakis andJames Fowler are all true EXCEPT _________.(d)a. Almost five thousand people were involved in the study.b. The information they used was gathered over twenty years.c. It was based on a study that began sixty years ago in Framingham, Massachusetts.d. The major purpose of the study was to find the relationship between heart attacks and mental health.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is NOT a finding of the study?(b)a. Having a happy next-door neighbor increased a person's chance of being happyby 34%.b. Sadness spreads among friends as much as happiness does.c. Friends of happy people had a greater chance of being happy themselves.d. Happiness really is contagiousSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the sense groups.1. This group / helps international students / at the university / meet and get to know people / who live in Bloomington.2. Is what you want to tell me / about my friend / going to be useful to me?3. For example, / a person was twenty percent more likely to feel happy / if a friend living within one and a half kilometers / was also happySection Four Real worldB. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions.1. All the people over the fence wear pyjamas all day because _________.(c)a. the so-called pyjamas are their work uniformsb. they are too poor to buyother clothesc. the pyjamas are actually(d)c. but they don't like Brunod. but they don't really get along3. When talking about soldiers, _________.(a)a. Shmuel doesn't like them, while Bruno doesb. neither Shmuel nor Bruno likes themc. Bruno doesn't like them, eventhough his father is a soldierd. Shmuel doesn't like them,while Bruno has no opinion Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. —What are you doing?2. We're not (supposed) to be friends, you and me. We're (meant) to be3. I just walked in and he (was helping himself). I've never seen him before in my4. I saw a film (about the camp) and it looked so nice. I don't know why I did it.5. Gretel and everyone are saying all these things and that soldier's (so scary). Section One How to maintain friendshipsB. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you've just watched.1. How can we maintain friendships?Your answer:Reference answer: Share informationand feelings with each other, and donot criticize friends in public.2. What information should we shareespecially?Your answer:Reference answer: Successes.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs to discuss the topic "Friendship". Then give a speech based on the following outline:1. What is friendship?2. How can you save or maintain a friendship?Your answer:Reference answer: Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between people. In this sense, friendship involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect, along with an element of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helpful behavior, such as the exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship.Friendship is a relationship which takes time to build and takes work and understanding. If there is something wrong with your friendship, in order to save it you really need to understand what exactly has taken place and had a negative influence on the relationship. It requires communication. It requires sitting down with your friend and saying, "What happened?" "What did I do?" "What did I do that was offensive?"If you want to maintain a friendship, you should always stand up for your friend, especially in his or her absence. Always give emotional support to your friends. When you and your friends are together, try to make your friends happy. You should always offer tohelp your friends in times of need. You also should keep confidences. When your friends tell you something, they only want you to know; it's for your ears only.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.<TRNow listen to the story:A hare was very popular with the other animals in the jungle, who all claimed to be her friends. One day she heard the hounds approaching her and hoped to escape them through the aid of her friends. So she went to the horse, and (1)(asked him to carry her away) from the hounds on his back. But he declined, stating that he had important work to do for his master. He felt sure, he said, that all her other friends would come to her assistance. She then applied to the bull, hoping that (2)(he would repel the hounds) with his horns. The bull replied, "I am very sorry, but I have an appointment with a lady; but I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want." The goat, however, feared that his back (3)(might do her some harm ) if he took her upon it. The ram, he felt sure, was the proper friend to ask for help. So she went to the ram and told him her case. The ram replied, "Another time, my dear friend. I do not want to interfere on the present occasion, as hounds have been known to eat sheep as well as hares." The hare then applied, as a last hope, to the calf, (4)(who regretted that he was unable to help her), as he did not want to take the responsibility upon himself, as so many older persons than himself had declined the task. By this time the hounds were quite near, and the hare took to her heels and (5)(was lucky to escape). The moral of the story is that he that has many friends has no friends.。

大学英语视听说2答案Unit 1 - Social Networking SitesListening Comprehension1. A2. B3. C4. D5. B6. A7. C8. A9. D10. CSpeaking1.Personally, I think social networking sites have both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they provide a platform for people to connect and communicate with each other. We can easily find and reconnect with old friends and relatives. On the other hand, excessive use of social networking sites can lead to addiction and distraction from more important tasks. It is important to find a balance and use social networking sites in a responsible and meaningful way.2.In my opinion, social networking sites have had a significant impact on society. They have made it easier for people to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of geographical distance. They have also facilitated the sharing and exchange of ideas and information. However, they have also contributed to the spread of fake news and cyberbullying. It is crucial for individuals to use social networking sites responsibly and critically evaluate the information they encounter.3.I believe that social networking sites have changed the way we communicate. They have made communication more convenient and instantaneous. We can easily share our thoughts, photos, and videos with a wide audience. However, this ease of communication can also lead to impulsive and thoughtless posting. It is important to think before we post and consider the potential consequences of our online actions.WritingSocial networking sites have become an integral part of our daily lives. They provide a platform for people to connect, communicate, and share information. However, with the increasing popularity of these sites, there are concerns about their impact on society. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites.One of the main advantages of social networking sites is that they facilitate communication. People can easily connect with friends, family, and even acquaintances from different parts of the world. It is now possible to stay in touch with loved ones, regardless of geographical distance. Social networking sites also provide a platform for individuals to express themselves, share their thoughts and ideas, and engage in meaningful conversations.Another advantage of social networking sites is the easy access to information. Through these sites, users can stay updated on current events, follow their favorite celebrities or organizations, and discover new trends. Social networking sites have become a source of news and information, allowing individuals to be informed and engaged.However, there are also disadvantages associated with social networking sites. One of the main concerns is privacy. Users often share personal information on these sites, which can be accessed by strangers or even used for malicious purposes. It is important for individuals to be cautious about the information they choose to share and to adjust their privacy settings accordingly.Another disadvantage is the potential for addiction. Social networking sites can be addictive, with users spending excessive amounts of time scrolling through feeds, liking posts, and seeking validation. This addiction can lead to a loss of productivity and a neglect of real-life relationships. It is important for individuals to set boundaries and use social networking sites in moderation.In conclusion, social networking sites have changed the way we communicate and share information. They offer advantages such as convenient communication and easy access to information. However, they also have disadvantages like privacy concerns and addiction. It is essential for individuals to use social networking sites responsibly and strike a balance between online and offline interactions.。
应用型大学英语视听说教程发展篇2 第四版 Unit 2 Green Business

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Part One Lead-in
C. It led to a sudden drop in fish prices. D. It led to destructive fishing.
4. Which is true under the new system of fishing?
1. Why could we see the future in the 1970s? Because the oil crises warned us of the limited resources.
2. What did we depend on during the oil crises?
Individual Work
视频 视频原文
Watch the video. Write down various energy mentioned and then translate them into Chinese. Do you know other forms of energy? Share your findings with your classmates.
2. What is the disadvantage of “catch shares” programs? A. The programs do harm to the fishery business. B. The programs put many fishermen out of business. C. The programs reduce the output of the fishery business. D. The programs reduce the income of many fishermen.

1. At a formal dinner, it is customary for the man to help the lady on his right2. A suit is a good choice for a job interview. Don't wear too3. In business situations, it is appropriate to answer the phone with your4. Always look people in the eye while you are talking tothem1. He gave me an apple. gave(gave apple)2. He'll come here on Sunday. sunday(come Sunday)3. I did tell him the news. did(did news)4. They did it well. did(did well)5. I'd like a steak, please. steak(like steak please)6. Leave me alone. alone(Leave alone )7. I've got to be going. got(going)8. She told us to leave. leave(told leave)9. Tom and Mary are good friends. good(Tom Mary good friends )10. I t really wasn't my idea. idea(really wasn't idea )CBCAACCDD1. Whether a man or a woman, you will always enter your chair from the rightside of the chair. Just pull it out and take a seat.2. We've got the little(little "b") standing for your bread plate, and the little "d" standing for your drinks .3. The "but" is, when there's clearly a host or hostess, you must wait for him or her to place their napkin on their lap before you do it.4. Keep in mind: salting your food before you've tasted it is considered rude .5. So there you have it — the basics to business dining from start to finish.1. What is the program mainly about?Your answer:proper cell phone etiquetteReference answer: Proper cell phone etiquette.2. How many simple rules have been mentioned in the program?Your answer:nineReference answer: Nine.3. Generally speaking, what do you need if you want to behave properly when using cellphones?Your answer:consideration and common senseReference answer: Consideration and common sense.Customers in restaurants behave differently. Here are three stories about their funny and disgusting behavior.1. One lunchtime, I was waiting on a man who was dining alone. He looked like a typical businessman: (1) he was wearing smart clothes and he had a cell phone and a newspaper with him. He talked on his phone for most of the meal. When I brought his dessert, he told me that he had to leave the restaurant for a few minutes. He left his phone on the table.Well, after about ten minutes, he still hadn't come back to the table. I went over to the table and realized that the mobile phone was actually a toy. (2) The man never came back to pay his bill.2. I work as a server in a fast-food restaurant. It's a drive-through restaurant:(3) customers drive up to the window and speak into the intercom. "May I take yourorder?" I said into the intercom as usual. A voice replied, "Hamburger, cheeseburger, double cheeseburger, small and large roast beef sandwich, chicken sandwich, regular fries, large fries, apple pie, chocolate shake, strawberry shake, Coke, diet Coke, 7UP and orange juice." The staff prepared the large order and filled several bags. When the customer got the food, she was shocked. "But that wasn't my order," she said. "(4) I was reading the menu to my little girl."3. Our restaurant has tables outside, on the street. People often stop for a coffee or a glass of wine while they are out for a walk. One day a woman came along with a big dog. She tied her dog to the table, sat down and ordered a glass of white wine.Everything was fine for a few minutes — then a man rode by on a moped. The dog chased the moped, pulling the table behind it, and of course the woman's wine fell to the ground. So we cleaned everything up, and brought the customer another glass of wine. Later we gave her the bill for her drinks. She refused to pay for the second glass of wine because"(5) itwasn't(it wasn't her fault)" that she couldn't drink the first one!。

《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案BOOK II单元名称:Unit 1 Internet单元话题:The InternetPart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will focus on the Internet. We will learn relevant vocabulary and expressions. We will also learn how to avoid some topics you don’t want to discuss in oral communication. Oral activities in different forms will be conducted to practice these language skills.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)●Teachers are expected to make the students understand the category of theInternet . It is better to lead students to discuss the topic of the Internet, and then lead them to do the warm-up exercises.Activity 1 Listening●Teachers let the students listen to the lecture from the beginning to the end onceto see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions. Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause, making the students take down the answers.Activity 2 Viewing●Direct students to read questions first and predict what they are going to hear.●Play the recording.●Check answers and explain.ⅡCommunication Skills (20 minutes)Activity 1 Oral Functions●Go over the listed expressions one by one.●Lead the class to read these expressions, and help the students practice them. Activity 2 Oral PracticeTask 1 Listening●Play the recording and check answers.Task 2 Viewing●Play the video (twice if possible).●Check answers.Task 3 Speaking●Prepare several groups of words related to the possible topics that may bediscussed by students. Advise them to focus on just one topic.●Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.●Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.●Encourage students’ progress in oral practice.ⅢIn-putting & Out-putting (30 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to learnTask 1 Listening for information●Have students read statements first and play the recording.●Check answers.Task 2 Listening for details●Play the recording once again.●Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing to learn●Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage them to name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Viewing for information●Play the video and check answers.Task 2 Viewing for details●Play the video once again and check answers.ⅣFollow-up Activities (15 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to LearnTask 1 Listening for information●Have students read questions first and play the recording.●Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing for information●Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage them to name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Viewing for Information●Play the video and check answers.Part Four: Oral Practice (10 minutes)Oral practices listed as follows are optional.Part 1 Activity 3 Speaking●Have students preview question in this part in advance.●Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions.●Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion. Part 3 Activity 1 Task 3 Oral Practice●Direct students to interview their classmates and briefly note answers in thetable.●Make a conclusion orally based on the information in the table.Part 3 Activity 2 Task 3 Oral Practice●Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions.●Direct students to interview their classmates and briefly note answers in thetable.●Make a conclusion orally based on the information in the table.Part 4 Activity 1 Task 2 Oral Practice●Ask students to prepare for this part before class.●Let students limit their presentation with three-minutes.●Presentation skills are expected to introduce to students.●Evaluation is necessary after students’ presentation.Part 4 Activity 2 Task 2 Oral Practice●Ask students to prepare for this part before class.●Let students limit their presentation with three-minutes.●The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group.●Presentation skills are required while students discuss the questions.Part 5 Entertainment●Time for fun!●Give students some time to guess the answers.Part Five: AssignmentChoose one of the oral practices in Part Four and have students prepare for it after class.Review Checklist(5 minutes)●Guide and encourage students to spend 5 minutes to go through the checklist.●To use the checklist simply check off the results of learning.●This checklist is useful in determining the way in which students evaluatethemselves.《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案单元名称:Unit 2 Myth单元话题:MythPart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will focus on how to use words and expressions to talk about myth. We will learn something about Greek mythology and the Bible. We will also learn how to find more information on the cultural roots of the mythology as well as the communication skills of asking information. Oral activities in different forms will be conducted to practice these language skills.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)Teachers are expected to make the students understand mythology, and it is better to lead the students to talk about mythologies in different countries especially Greek Mythology.Culture LinkActivity 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students be familiar with the culture link.⏹Teachers let the students listen to the dialogue from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Activity 2 ViewingWord Bank⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions.ⅡCommunication Skills (20 minutes)Activity 1 Oral Functions⏹Go over the listed expressions one by one.⏹Lead the class to read these expressions, and try to find more structures inasking information.Activity 2 Oral PracticeTask 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Task 2 Viewing⏹The dialogue is a little long and fast, the teachers are expected to play the videothree times and guide the students to grasp the main points in the dialogue according to the questions.Task 3 Speaking⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students to progress in oral practice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.ⅢIn-putting & Out-putting (30 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to learn⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions and do the true or false questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers and finish the choices.Task 2 Listening for details⏹Play the recording once again.⏹Check answers.Word BankActivity 2 Viewing to learn⏹Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage themto name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Viewing for information⏹Play the video and check answers.Task 2 Viewing for details⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions.⏹For the first and second time guide the students to finish task one and task two.For the third time check the answers with them.ⅣFollow-up Activities (15 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to LearnTask 1 Listening for information⏹Have students read questions first and play the recording.⏹Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing for informationTask 1 Viewing for Information⏹Play the video and check answers.Part Four: Oral Practice (10 minutes)Oral practices listed as follows are optional.Part 1 Activity 3 Speaking⏹Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions according to the questions in the form.⏹Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion.Culture LinkPart 3 Activity 1 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Direct students to interview their classmates and briefly note answers in thetable.⏹Make a conclusion orally based on the information in the table.Part 3 Activity 2 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Direct students to tell the stories of the goddesses.⏹Make student work in three or four. Ask them to tell the reasons why they like ordislike some goddesses and discuss the relationships among these goddesses. Part 4 Activity 1 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students to progress in oral practice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.Part 4 Activity 2 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to have a discussion with their partners.⏹Each group should nominate a group leader to gather facts and proofs for theirdebate.⏹The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group.Part 5 Entertainment⏹Challenge your imagination!1) Divide students into two groups; let them have a competition on the funny riddles.2) Let the students to explain the answers in English to practice their thinking style and oral English.3) The group who gets the most correct answers is the winner. Ask the students to think more English riddles and try to remember them.Part Five: Assignment1) Choose one of the oral practices in Part Four and have students prepare for itafter class.2) Ask the students to retell one story about myth and do it in front of the class.3) Make a comparison of the mythology between Chinese and other countries. Review Checklist(5 minutes)●Have students finish the checklist in class or after school.《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案单元名称:Unit 3 Money Matters单元话题:Money MattersPart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will learn the functions of money and its special role in daily life. We will learn how to use money properly and bargain with people. We will learn some useful expressions in meetings and learn how to host a meeting and express ideas in the meeting. Oral activities in different forms will be conducted to practice these language skills.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)⏹Teachers are expected to make the students have a discussion about moneymatters, the functions of money in our daily life as well as the ways people spend money.⏹Lead the students to get familiar with the names of money in different countries.Culture LinkActivity 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Activity 2 ViewingWord Bank⏹Direct students to read questions first and predict what they are going to hear.⏹Play the recording.⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions.⏹Check answers and explain.ⅡCommunication Skills (20 minutes)Activity 1 Oral Functions⏹Go over the listed expressions one by one.⏹Lead the class to read these expressions, and try to find more expressions for ameeting.Activity 2 Oral PracticeTask 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Task 2 Viewing⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the dialogue according to the questions.⏹Ask the students to pay attention to the numbers.⏹Check answers.Task 3 Speaking⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students’ progress in oral practice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.ⅢIn-putting & Out-putting (30 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to learn⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions and do the true or false questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers and finish the choices.Task 2 Listening for details⏹Play the recording once again.⏹Check answers.Word BankActivity 2 Viewing to learn⏹Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage themto tell something about thanksgiving day.Task 1 Viewing for information⏹Play the video and check answers.Task 2 Viewing for details⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions.⏹For the first and second time guide the students to finish task one and task two.For the third time check the answers with them.ⅣFollow-up Activities (15 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to LearnTask 1 Listening for information⏹Have students read questions first and play the recording.⏹Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing for informationTask 1 Viewing for Information⏹Play the video and check answers.Part Four: Oral Practice (10 minutes)Oral practices listed as follows are optional.Part 1 Activity 3 Speaking⏹Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions according to the questions in the form.⏹Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion. Part 3 Activity 1 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Ask the students to Work in groups of three to four, and fill in the followingquestionnaire.⏹Then report the result to the whole class.Part 3 Activity 2 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Direct students to understand the back ground information about economiccrisis.⏹Make student work in pairs. Discuss the reasons, suggestions to solve theproblem of economic crisis.Part 4 Activity 1 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students to progress in oral practice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.Part 4 Activity 2 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to have a discussion with their partners.⏹Each group should nominate a group leader to gather facts and proofs fortheir debate.⏹The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group. Part 5 Entertainment⏹Challenge your knowledge!1) Ask the students to find the meanings of the idioms.2) Group the students and let them give the examples of the usages of the idioms.3) Ask the students to find more idioms about money, and explain the meanings and usages to the classmates.Part Five: Assignment1) Choose one of the oral practices in Part Four and have students prepare for itafter class.2) Practice some other topics about money, and further the discussion of how to use and save money.Review Checklist(5 minutes)●Have students finish the checklist in class or after school.《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案单元名称:Unit 4 Calligraphy单元话题:CalligraphyPart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will learn expressions and words to talk about Chinese calligraphy and learn the features and development of Chinese calligraphy. We will try to f ind more information on Chinese calligraphy. We will also learn the communication skills of asking permission.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)⏹Teachers are expected to make the students have a discussion about calligraphy,especially Chinese Calligraphy.⏹Guide the students to know more about calligraphy.Culture LinkActivity 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Activity 2 ViewingWord Bank⏹Direct students to read questions first and predict what they are going to hear. ⏹Play the recording.⏹Check answers and explain.ⅡCommunication Skills (20 minutes)Activity 1 Oral Functions⏹Go over the listed expressions one by one.⏹Lead the class to read these expressions, and try to find more expressions forpermission.Activity 2 Oral PracticeTask 1 Listening⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers.Task 2 Viewing⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the dialogue according to the questions.⏹Ask the students to pay attention to the numbers.Task 3 Speaking⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students’ progress in oral pract ice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.ⅢIn-putting & Out-putting (30 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to learn⏹Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the endonce to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions and do the true or false questions.⏹Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause,making the students take down the answers and finish the choices.Task 2 Listening for details⏹Play the recording once again.⏹Check answers.Word BankActivity 2 Viewing to learn⏹Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage themto name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Viewing for information⏹Play the video and check answers.Task 2 Viewing for details⏹The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the studentsto grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions.⏹For the first and second time guide the students to finish task one and task two.For the third time check the answers with them.ⅣFollow-up Activities (15 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to LearnTask 1 Listening for information⏹Have students read questions first and play the recording.⏹Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing for informationTask 1 Viewing for Information⏹Play the video and check answers.Part Four: Oral Practice (10 minutes)Oral practices listed as follows are optional.Part 1 Activity 3 Speaking⏹Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions according to the questions in the form.⏹Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion.Culture LinkPart 3 Activity 1 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Work in groups of three to four, and fill in the following questionnaire.⏹Then report the result to the whole class.Part 3 Activity 2 Task 3 Oral Practice⏹Tell the differences between Chinese modern calligraphy and traditionalcalligraphy.⏹Describe the status of calligraphy among other contemporary arts.⏹Discuss the functions of calligraphy in the communication between China andsome western countries?Part 4 Activity 1 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.⏹Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.⏹Encourage students to progress in oral practice.⏹Discuss some other topics together.Part 4 Activity 2 Task 2 Oral Practice⏹Allow enough time for students to have a discussion with their partners.⏹Each group should nominate a group leader to gather facts and proofs for theirdebate.⏹The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group.Part 5 Entertainment⏹Challenge your ability!1) Group the students and let them practice the tongue twister.2) Organize the students to have a competition. Ask them to practice thepronunciation and intonation.3) Ask the students to find more tongue twisters, and practice them in the daily life.Part Five: Assignment1) Choose one of the oral practices in Part Four and have students prepare for itafter class.2) Direct the students to find more information about Chinese calligraphy.3) Discuss other forms of Chinese Arts.Review Checklist(5 minutes)⏹Have students finish the checklist in class or after school.《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案BOOK II单元名称:Unit 5 Mental health单元话题:Mental healthPart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will focus on stress and mental health. We will learn relevant vocabulary and expressions. We will also learn how to ask personal questions in oral communication. Oral activities in different forms will be conducted to practice these language skills.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)●Teachers are expected to make the students understand the category of collegepressures in modern society. It is better to lead students to discuss their college pressures, and then lead them to do the test of rating the risk for depression by checking (√) the answers.Activity 1 Listening●Teachers let the students listen to the lecture from the beginning to the end onceto see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions. Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause, making the students take down the answers.Word TipsActivity 2 Viewing●Direct students to read questions first and predict what they are going to hear.●Play the recording.●Check answers and explain.ⅡCommunication Skills (20 minutes)Activity 1 Oral Functions●Go over the listed expressions one by one.●Lead the class to read these expressions, and help the students practice them. Activity 2 Oral PracticeTask 1 Listening●Play the recording and check answers.Task 2 Viewing●Play the video (twice if possible).●Check answers.Task 3 Speaking●Prepare several groups of words related to the possible topics that may bediscussed by students. Advise them to focus on just one topic.●Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.●Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.●Encourage students’ progress in oral practice.ⅢIn-putting & Out-putting (30 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to learn●Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage them to name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Listening for information●Have students read statements first and play the recording.●Check answers.Task 2 Listening for details●Play the recording once again.●Check answers.Word BankActivity 2 Viewing to learnTask 1 Viewing for information●Play the video and check answers.Task 2 Viewing for details●Play the video once again and check answers.ⅣFollow-up Activities (15 minutes)Activity 1 Listening to LearnTask 1 Listening for information●Have students read questions first and play the recording.●Check answers.Activity 2 Viewing for information●Direct students to check those familiar words and expressions. Encourage them to name any word they think is new and briefly explain it.Task 1 Viewing for Information●Play the video and check answers.Word BankPart Four: Oral Practice (10 minutes)Oral practices listed as follows are optional.Part 1 Activity 3 Speaking●Have students preview question in this part in advance.●Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions.●Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion. Part 3 Activity 1 Task 3 Oral Practice●Direct students to interview their classmates and briefly note answers in thetable.●Make a conclusion orally based on the information in the table.Part 3 Activity 2 Task 3 Oral Practice●Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask oneor two groups to present their own discussions.●Direct students to interview their classmates and briefly note answers in thetable.●Make a conclusion orally based on the information in the table.Part 4 Activity 1 Task 2 Oral Practice●Ask students to prepare for this part before class.●Let students limit their presentation with three-minutes.●Presentation skills are expected to introduce to students.●Evaluation is necessary after students’ presentation.Part 4 Activity 2 Task 2 Oral Practice●Ask students to prepare for this part before class.●Let students limit their presentation with three-minutes.●The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group.●Presentation skills are required while students discuss the questions.Part 5 Entertainment●Listen to a song and fill in the blanks!●Teach students to sing it.Part Five: Assignment1) Choose one of the oral practices in Part Four and have students prepare for itafter class.2) Direct students to make a chart and note down what pressures they have.Students have to find solutions to these situations.Review Checklist(5 minutes)●Guide and encourage students to spend 5 minutes to go through the checklist.●To use the checklist simply check off the results of learning.●This checklist is useful in determining the way in which students evaluatethemselves.《应用型大学英语——视听说》教案BOOK II单元名称:Unit 6 Communication单元话题:Communication skills and body languagePart One: Purpose of TeachingIn this unit, we will focus on communication skills and body language. We will learn relevant vocabulary and expressions. We will also learn how to talk about your personal interests in oral communication. Oral activities in different forms will be conducted to practice these language skills.Part Two: Time ArrangementPart Three: Teaching ContentsⅠLead-in (10 minutes)●Teachers are expected to make the students understand the category ofnon-verbal communication in different cultures. It is better to lead students to discuss non-verbal communication, and then lead them to do the warm-up exercises.Activity 1 Listening。
应用型大学英语视听说教程 (2)

Sentence Patterns
(I/We)+wish/Wishing sb./sth....
◆ I wish you good luck. ◆ I wish you every success in your new post! ◆ Wish/Wishing you many happy returns on your
Δ carbohydrate Δ vitamins Δ fat
Δ protein Δ minerals Δ sugar
Part 1 Lead-in
Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer for each question. Before that, please check (√) the words and phrases that you know.
Part 1 Lead-in
What is your breakfast like?
People say that eating a good, well-balanced breakfast is an important way to start your day because food can help you do better at school and at work. Having a good breakfast will also keep your energy level up so you can concentrate, so don’t skip it. A healthy breakfast should keep a balance with the following nutrients:

A. Look and listenLook at the pictures about some ways of finding jobs. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.relativesinterviewfairsregisterrequireapplicantsemployees resources application information co-workers newspapers workdetails1. You can tell everyone you know that you are looking forwork, like friends, (relatives), neighbors, former(co-workers) and employers, and other people you meet.2. You may use the(resources ) available to you, such asdaily (newspapers), job websites, and books on jobhunting.3. You can visit job(fairs). Employers bring informationabout their company and look for eager(applicants).4. You can(register ) with headhunting (猎头) agencies.Many companies hire new(employees ) through agencies.B. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. If you were being interviewed for a job, how would you describe yourself? Your answer :Reference answer : I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty. Also, I'm able to work under pressure. 2. Why are you interested in this position? Your answer :Reference answer : I'm interested in this job because I hope to prove my competence and improve my abilities.3. What are your goals for the future?Your answer:Reference answer: My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can. Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the sentences and answer the following questions.1. Tom said, / "My sister is the best player in the team."Question: Who is the best player?(Tom's sister.)2. "Tom," / said my sister, "is the best player in the team."Question: Who is the best player?(Tom.)3. He sold his tea, / house, / and car.Question: How many things did he sell?(Three.)4. He sold his teahouse / and car.Question: How many things did he sell?(Two.)5. The president said, / "That reporter is lying."Question: Who was speaking?(The president.)6. The president," / said that reporter, "is lying.Question: Who was speaking?(That reporter.)7. The teacher said, / "That boy is lazy."Question: Who is lazy?(That boy.)8. "The teacher,"/ said that boy, "is lazy."Question: Who is lazy?(The teacher.)Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which months are the traditional months for graduations?(d)a. May and July.b. June and July.c. July and August.d. May and June.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.What percentage of graduates in the US planned to go to graduate school a year ago?(b)a. 22%.b. 24%.c. 25%.d. 27%Section Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.What was the unemployment rate for men in October?(b)a. 50%.b. 11%.c. 8%.d. 18%.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements is NOT true?(d)a. Companies tend to hire men for top positions.b. Thirty years ago, women earned less than men.c. The recession has a larger effect on men than on women.d. Women hold fewer good-paying management and professional jobs than mendoSection Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.What inspired the five young people to form a company called Assured Labor? (c)a. Many job seekers contact employers with mobile phones.b. 80% of people use the Internet every day.c. Most people use mobile phones and live within reach of a wireless telephone signal.d. Not mentioned.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements about Assured Labor is true? (b)a. It was launched in January, 2007, in Boston.b. It helps people get more job opportunities.c. All of its founders were graduate students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.d. It is building partnerships with universities and international companies in Northern AmericaSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the sense groups.1. The most recent student survey showed / that just one fifth of those / who looked for jobs before graduation / have one by now.2. The latest government report shows / that their share of nonfarm jobs / nearly reached fifty percent in September.3. The young people wrote a business plan / and formed a company / called Assured Labor.Section Four Real worldB. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the followingquestions.1. According to Alison Doyle, it's important to always have one good__________ to wear when you're looking for a job.(c)a. shirtb. tiec. suitd. jacket2. What is NOT mentionedin terms of the plan for the big day?(a)a. Preparing a fashionable suit.b. Printing out extra copies ofyour resume.c. Planning the logistics ofgetting to the company.d. Requesting time off fromwork if you're employed.3. What can show you are truly interested in thejob?(b)a. Refusing to ask questions atthe end of the interview.b. Asking a question at the endof the interview.c. Trying to build up a personalrelationship with the interviewer.Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. Pay attention to (detail)— your hair, nails, shoes, should all (lookpolished) and professional.2. If you're a member of professional networking sites, use your (connections)to get inside information that will help show the interviewer that you areknowledgeable about the company, its (mission), and its employees.3. Print out (extra copies) of your resume and a list of (references).4. Practice interviewing by having (a friend or family member) run throughtypical (questions) with you.5. You've spent time (practicing and preparing), so you'll be ready tointerview (effectively).Section One Job interviewB. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you've just watched1. What is the man's greateststrength?Your answer:Reference answer: He's veryreliable and always tries to do hiswork on time.2. What is the man's greatestweakness?Your answer:Reference answer: He has difficultysaying no, so he often works late.3. Why does the man want to workfor this company?Your answer:Reference answer: Because it is avery successful internationalcompany.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs. One acts as the interviewer, and the other the interviewee, referring to the following outline:1. Education background;2. Work experience;3. Strong and weak pointsYour answer:Reference answer:Interviewer: Which university did you attend, and what degrees have you received? Interviewee: I received my bachelor's degree in English Literature from Fudan University, and then an MBA from Tsinghua University.Interviewer: What course did you like best?Interviewee: Project Management. I was very interested in this course, and I think it was very useful for my present work.Interviewer: May I ask what your major weak point is?Interviewee: I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. I'm not comfortable talking with peoplewhom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I've been practicing public speaking.Interviewer: Can you tell me your greatest strength?Interviewee: I can work well under pressure. Working under pressure is exciting and challenging.Interviewer: Very impressive. Well, do you have any work experience in this field? Interviewee: Yes. After my graduation, I worked as a customer service coordinator in a foreign representative office, and then I worked at a joint venture as a market development manager. So I'm familiar with the market in China.Interviewer: Very good. Thank you for your interest in our company. You'll be hearing from us very soon.Interviewee: OK. Thank you very much.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.<TRNow listen to the story:There was a man who was in a horrible accident, and was injured. However, the only permanent damage he suffered was the amputation of both of his ears. As a result of this unusual handicap, (1)(he was very self-conscious).Because of the accident, (2)(he received a large sum of money) from the insurance company. It was always his dream to own his own business, so he decided, with all this money, he had to buy a small computer firm. Since he had no business knowledge at all, he had to hire someone to run the business.(3)(He picked out three top candidates), and interviewed each of them. The first interview went really well. He really liked this guy. His last question for this first candidate was "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy said, "Now that you mention it, you have no ears." The man got really upset and threw the candidate out.The second interview went even better than the first. Again, to conclude the interview, the man asked the same question again, "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy also noticed, "Yes, you have no ears." The man was really upset again, and threw this second candidate out.Then he had the third interview. The third candidate was even better than the second, (4)(the best out of all of them). Almost certain that he wanted to hire this guy, the man once again asked, "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy replied, "Yeah, you're wearing contact lenses."Surprised, the man then asked, "Wow! That's quite perceptive of you! How could you tell?" The guy burst out laughing and said, "(5)(You can't wear glasses) if you don't have any ears!"。

1. Yuri Gagarin was a Sovietcosmonaut (前苏联宇航员). On 12April 1961, he became the firsthuman in outer space and thefirst to orbit (环绕) the Earth. Hereceived medals from around theworld for his pioneering tour inspace.2. Christopher Columbus was a navigator (航海家)and explorer whose voyages across the AtlanticOcean led to general European awareness of theAmerican continents. With his four voyagesof exploration, he initiated the process of Europeancolonization of the New World.3. Mount Everest, or Mount Qomolangma, isthe highest mountain on Earth, as measured by theheight above sea level of its summit, 8,848 meters. Itattracts climbers of all levels, from well-experiencedmountaineers to new climbers willing topay substantial sums to professional mountainguides to complete a successful climb.1. What achievements have humans made in space exploration since the beginning of the Space Age? What are China's recent achievements in space exploration?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Humans have succeeded in landing on the moon / exploring Mars.On Oct. 15, 2003, China successfully launched its first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V.On Oct. 12, 2005, Shenzhou Ⅵ, the second manned spaceflight from China, was launched into space.On Sept. 12, 2008, Shenzhou Ⅶ, carrying three crew members, was launched into space.2. Can you name any explorers? Do you know their achievements?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Marco Polo was a great explorer. He traveled across Asia in the 1200s.Louis Joliet was a famous Canadian explorer who explored the Great Lakes and discovered the Mississippi River.1. 2/32. 1/53. 10.0334. 0.155. 1.31%6. 93.18%7. telephone8. telephone number 38201152number 66/13200(66743200)9. Room 20110. Room 1161) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.How did NASA carry out its experiment to discover water on the moon?a. NASA crashed a rocket into the moon to expel soil from its surface.b. NASA sent an astronaut to the moon to gather soil from its surface.c. NASA sent a rocket to the moon to dig out soil from its surface.d. NASA crashed a rock into the moon to eject soil from its surface.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. Which of the following is the result of NASA's experiment?a. There are about one hundred kilograms of water on the moon.b. There is more water on the moon than originally thought.c. There is no water on the moon.d. There is more water on the moon than there is on Earth.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following methods for sending information is NOT mentioned in the report?a. By ship.b. By horse.c. By sheep.d. By bird.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. What do you know about the telegraph?a. The first useful telegraphs were developed in the 18th century.b. The telegraph used wires and electricity to send information.c. Each word and each number had to be sent separately by a device called a telegraph key.d. Birds are a faster way to send information than the telegraph.first human [Reference Answer:first human ] 2. moon [ReferenceAnswer:moon ]3. freedom [Reference Answer:freedom1. When did Yuri Gagarin go into space?a. On April 2nd, 1961.b. On April 12th, 1961.c. On April 20th, 1961.d. On April 22nd, 1961.2. In "America's new president needed to make his own grand gesture", what does the "grand gesture" refer to?a. America would launch a war against the Soviet Union.b. America would send more people into space.c. America would build a rocket with more advanced technology.d. America would send a man to the moon.3. How far is the moon from the Earth?a. 24,000 miles.b. 240,000 miles.c. 25,000 miles.d. 250,000 miles.1. For the eyes of the world, now took into (look into) space, to themoonandthe planetsbeyond.2. And we have vowedthat we shall not see it governedby hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedomand peace.3. We choose to go to the moon in this decadeand do the otherthings, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.4. We shall send to the moon a giant rocket more than 300 feettall, made of new metal alloys, some of which have not yetbeen invented.5. And do all this and do it right and do it first before thisdecade is out, then we must be bold.1. Name one or two early ideas about the origin of the universe.Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe arrived after a snail's shell mysteriously released a hen and a pigeon. / A giant emerged from an enormous egg.2. Describe Professor Hoyle's theory about the origin of the universe.Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe has always been around. It had no beginning, it'll have no end, but is pretty much the way we see it today.3. What does the big bang theory tell us?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceased functioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogram for a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition of death. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining the rest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: The universe somehow was created out of nothing in an almighty explosion.A: Do you know anything about the origin of the universe?B: Yes, I've read some books concerning this issue. There are two major theories.A: You mean the steady state theory and the big bang theory?B: Exactly. I find the first one really amazing. I believe the universe has always been around. It had no beginning and it'll have no end.A: So you prefer the steady state theory?B: That's right.A: I hate to disagree with you, but I think the big bang theory is more convincing. Astronomers have found that the old universe did not look the same as it does now, so the steady state theory does not seem correct. In fact, the big bang theory is the standard view today.B: I'm afraid there are many problems with the big bang theory as well.A: Like what?B: The theory says the big explosion took place about 15 billion years ago, right?A: Right.B: Then how can you explain the fact that some stars are thought to be older than 15 billion years?A:Well…B: And there are other questions. Why did the universe explode into existence? What happened before the big bang? A: I'm afraid I can't answer your questions. Maybe neither of the theories is perfect.B: I agree with you on this point. It may take a long time for human beings to find a satisfactory theory to explain the origin of the universe.On the first day God created the cow. God said, "(1) You must go to the field with the farmer all day long and suffer under the sun, have calves, and give milk to support the farmer. I will give you a life span of sixty years."The cow said, "(2) That's a kind of tough life you want me to live for sixty years. Let me have twenty years and I'll give back the other forty."And God agreed.On the second day, God created the dog. God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and (3) bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll give back the other ten."So God agreed.On the third day God created the monkey. God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, and make them laugh. I'll give you a twenty-year life span."The monkey said, "How boring! Monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"And God agreed again.On the fourth day God created man. God said, "(4) Eat,sleep,play.Do nothing,just enjoy,enjoy(Eat, sleep, play. Do nothing, just enjoy, enjoy). I'll give you twenty years."Man said, "What? Only twenty years? No way! Tell you what, I'll take my twenty, and the forty cow gave back, and the ten dog gave back, and the ten monkey gave back. That makes eighty, okay?""Okay," said God. "You've got a deal."So this is why for the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, enjoy, and do nothing; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to support our family; for the next ten years (5) we do monkey thcks to entertaln our grandchildren(we do monkey tricks to entertain our grandchildren); and for the last ten years we sit in front of the house and bark at everybody.U3A nuclear family contains amarried couple and their children,and both parents arethe biological parents of theirchildren.2. An extended family consists of thebiological or adoptive parents, theirchildren, and other close relatives, such asthe grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins,and sometimes more distant relatives.3. A homosexual family consists of acouple of the same biological sex or socialgender, and they might have adoptedchildren.4. specificgender(Single-parent) families arefamilies with children under age 18 headedby a parent who is widowedor divorced and not remarried, or by aparent who has never married.1. Can you name any family type?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: There are quite a few family types, such as the nuclear family, the extended family, the homosexual family, the international family or cross-cultural family, the stepfamily (also known as a blended family or reconstituted family, i.e. a family in which one or both members of the couple have children from a previous family), the single-parent family, and the polygamist family.2. Which family type do you prefer, the extended family or the nuclear family? Why?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: It depends. If I have a full-time job and my child is still young, I prefer an extended family to a nuclear family, that is, living together with my parents or parents-in-law, because they can help take care of the baby.3. Who is the breadwinner (挣钱养家的人) in your family? Whose income is larger? Who has the final say?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer : Both my father and my mother are the breadwinners in my family. Unlike most traditional couples, my mother earns more than my father, and it seems that the one who earns more has the final say in my family. 1. 1:15 2. 12:303. 9:004. 11:105. 5:056. 16:157. 23:51 8. 2:009. 10:4510. 18:351) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question. Where is Jenna Bush's wedding ceremony going to be held?a. At the White House.b. In Crawford, Texas.c. In the University of Virginia.d. InBaltimore, Maryland.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which statement about Henry Hager is NOT true, according to the report?a. He is aformer schoolteacher.b. He was aWhite House intern in 2003.c. He worked on Bush's reelection campaign in 2004.d. He has not got his master's degree in business yet.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following countries is the best place for mothers and children?a. America.b. Britain.c. Sweden.d. Denmark.2) Now listen to thereport again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is NOT a condition that the report is based on?a. The risk ofearly death.b. The rate ofuse of modern birth control methods.c. The percentage of pregnant women with a shortage of sugar in the blood.d. The percentage of births with the aid of trained medical workers.1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Why are some people interested in genealogy?a. For religiousreasons.b. Formembership in somehistorical or cultural organizations.c. For personal interest.d. All of the above.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question. Which is NOT a way to start a genealogical investigation?a. Starting with oneself.b. Searching old family books.c. Going to small libraries.d. Using the Internet.stays at home [ReferenceAnswer:st ays at home ] 2.teeds [Referen ceAnswer:feeds ]3.switch [Reference Answer:s witch ]4.both men andwomen [Referen ce Answer:bothmen andwomen ]1. What's Sean's wife Regan'sjob?a. She's an architect.b. She's an attorney.c. She's a doctor.d. She's a researcher.2. Compared with men who traditionally work outside the home, how much bigger is the percentage of chance of dying for men who have beenstay-at-home dads for at least 10 years?a. 8%b. 18%c. 80%d. 3%3. What is the reason all the men interviewed stay at home?a. Their babies need Dad's caremore than Mom's.b. They have heart disease.c. Their wives' incomes arehigher.d. Their wives like high-demandand high-control jobs1. New research showsthis role reversal may,in fact, be stressfulfor the heart.Mr.Mom, characte rized in the 1980's movie, husbands and wives switchin gtraditional(s witching traditional roles).3. This finding about househu sbands, as far as we know, has never been examined, and it's really an unanticipat ed finding.4. Since we were kids, we were raised to, you know, be the breadwinn er,you know, take care of the family, youknow, financial ly and, you know, be the macho male guy.5. The same study also found women like her are three times more likely to develop heart disease than womenlow-authorityjobs.1. What are the legal ages for girls and boys to marry in India?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: 18 for girls, and 21 for boys.2. What do the two boys think of marriage?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Marriage to them is staying together, looking after each other, and looking after the house. 3. What kind of cultures may have difficulty accepting child marriage, according to the reporter?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustaining therest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: Cultures that base marriages on romantic love.4. When will the newlyweds live together?Your answer:The brain of a person who is brain-dead has completely ceasedfunctioning, as evidenced by absence of brain activity on an electroencephalogramfor a specific length of time. Brain death is sometimes used as a legal definition ofdeath. The significant point is that the brain is no longer capable of sustainingtherest of the body's systems without artificial life support.Reference answer: They won't live together until the brides are at least 16.1.Marriage is a union between aman and a woman approvedby law. Marriages can bedivided into arrangedmarriages and love marriages.An arranged marriage is amarriage in which the parentschoose the husband or wife fortheir child. A love marriage is aunion of two individuals basedupon mutual love, affection,commitment, and attraction.2. Arranged marriages arefound in cultures in which theextended family is common. Inextended families, marriage isinevitably a family affair, andindividuals are expected toconform to the overall wishesof the group. Parents wouldlike to provide their childrenwith protection, wealth,security, and happiness, andthey might assume thatchildren are inexperienced inlife, so they would ratherselect marriage partners forchildren.3. Love marriages offer moreindependence and freedom ascompared to arrangedmarriages. In arrangedmarriages, there is a pressureto conform to parentalexpectations like producing amale heir, taking part in familyrituals and traditions, puttingup with sisters-in-law,contributing to familyexpenses, etc. Love marriagesprovide time for a mutualunderstanding between thepartners. Knowing somebodybefore marriage allowspartners to have betterrespect and understanding foreach other’s needs anddesires. Then they are betteradjusted in the marriage whenthey finally take their weddingvows. Love and romance arenecessary conditions for asuccessful marriage, whilethere is no dating or romancebefore the wedding in anarranged marriage. However,arranged marriages offer moreprotection and security to thewomen. Parents employmature and wise judgmentwhen choosing suitablespouses for their children.2. We met on a blind date. For me,it was love at first sight.He was perfect. He was myPrince Charming. (1) I was aterrible romantic when I methim and I gave up myheart the day he smiled atme. The first time I saw him,he was dressed in a tuxedo.His skin was dark like brownsugar and his black hair wascombed into carefully casualwaves over his forehead. Hischeeks were high and broadand his jaw was strong. Whenhe smiled at me, the smilespread across his whole faceand (2) lit his eyes so thatthey turned to golden honey .He was strong, thoughtful, and quiet. When we were dating, he was such a gentleman, opening doors, letting me pick the movies, and stuff like that. He was sweet. He brought me flowers sometimes, or he would get my favorite ice cream, and sometimes he would bring me lunch from my favorite Chinese place down the street. He isn't quite the talker that I am, and (3) I think that's why we hit it off . As they say, opposites attract! We dated for about a year before he proposed, and were married six months later. (4) I believe that fate or destiny brought us together . He was Mr. Right.Things were so great. We got a cute apartment, bought nice furniture, we entertained friends, we went out to eat all the time, and I got a new car.(5) Marriage wasn't the "big adjustment"ebery one said it would be(Marriage wasn't the "big adjustment" everyone said it would be) . It was exactly what I wanted: great guy, great apartment, great furniture, great car, great friends. Life was great!。

A. Look and listenListen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.felt key play mine Action failed workwordsuccess mind secretkid self-trust importantsucceed1. I've(failed) over and over and over again in my life andthat is why I(succeed). — Michael Jordan2.(Action) is the foundational (key) to allsuccess. — Pablo Picasso3.(Self-trust)is the first(secret)of success.—Ralph Waldo Emerson4. If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z.(Work) is X; Y is (play); and Z is keeping your mouthshut. — Albert Einstein5. Always bear in(mind) that your own resolution (决心) to succeed is more(important) than any other onething. — Abraham LincolnB. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. Who do you think is the most successful person in the world? Why? Your answer : Reference answer : I think Michael Jordan is the most successful person, because he was not simply a basketball player but a spiritual leader. He showed the spirit of "nevergive up and never lose confidence". What's more, his perseverance and diligence influenced his teammates a lot, making them exceed their own abilities. He has had a great influence on me. Whatever I encounter, I will always remember his words: I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.2. How do you understand success?Your answer:Reference answer: I think striving to the very end of the game is success.I believe enjoying the challenge is success.In my opinion, success is to do what you can and enjoy it.Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the following sentences and underline the words which are read in their weak forms.1. I love them. (them)2. I would rather have a drink than a smoke. (would a than a )3. B oth of them will come tomorrow. (of them )4. C an I have some more? (have some )5. T ell him to ask her. (him to her )6. T hey told us to leave. (us to )7. W e will wait till the end of the movie. (the of the )2. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements is NOT true?(a)a. The McDonald brothers opened their restaurant in California in 1934.b. The McDonald brothers' restaurant was small but very successful.c. The McDonald brothers sold only a few kinds of simple food.d. The fast food industry began with the McDonald brothers.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements about Ray Kroc is true? (c)a. He opened several restaurants similar to the McDonald brothers' without theirpermission.b. At first, he didn't recognize the importance of the McDonald brothers' idea.c. He sold restaurant supplies before opening his own restaurants.d. He opened the first McDonald's restaurant near Chicago in 1915.Section Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements about Mary Kay Ash is true?(b)a. She started her second company in 1963 with a $5,000 investment.b. Her first book has been translated into several languages.c. She used the money earned from her book sales to help fight strokes.d. She died in 1996.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Mary Kay Ash wrote three books: __________.(a)a. <em>Mary Kay, Mary Kay on People Management,</em> and <em>Mary Kay: You Can Have It All</em>b. <em>Mary Kay, Mary Kay on Human Resources,</em> and <em>Mary Kay: You Can Have It All</em>c. <em>Mary Kay and Her Story, Mary Kay on People Management,</em> and<em>Mary Kay: You Can Have It All</em>d. <em>Mary Kay, Mary Kay on People Management,</em> and<em> Mary Kay: You Can Win It</emSection Two Special English programs C. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements about the song is NOT mentioned in the report?(d)a. The song's name is <em>When You Wish Upon a Star.</em>b. The song is from a Walt Disney animated movie.c. People always link this song with Walt Disney and his work.d. This song was written by Walt Disney early in his life. 2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.According to the speaker, Walt Disney Company is a company which ________.(d)a. produces films to make dreams come trueb. produces movies that attract only childrenc. produces films with beautiful songsd. produces films about dreamsSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the underlined words which are read in their weak forms.1. Today, we tell about Ray Kroc, the man who helped make the fast food industry famous.2. The money earned from its sales went to help fight cancer.3. It produces movies that capture the imagination of children and adults all over the world.Section Four Real world B. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions.1. What does Obama mean by "thinking in new(a)new questions.2. Obama mentions many paths to success, EXCEPT __________.(d)a. going into governmentserviceb. being a teacher or professorc. being a businesspersond. being a scientist3. According to Obama,which of the following showsthat you are a person whothinks about somethinglarger than yourself? (d)a. You are not only willing towork very hard but are constantlytrying to improve yourself.b. You try to work out newapproaches to problems thatnobody has thought of before.c. You make money to buy anice car and a nice house.d. You teach children whodon't have an education Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. Well, first of all, let me tell you that I don't know if there's a curriculum or(course) of study that leads you to win the (Nobel Peace Prize).2. Obviously all of you are (working) very hard. You're (studying) veryhard. You're curious. You're willing to think about (new ideas) and think foryourself.3. Are there things that I could be doing differently? Are there new(approachesto problems) that nobody has thought of before, whether it's in science or technology or in the (arts)?4. So they want to make a contribution to(society). They want to make acontribution to their(country), their nation, their city.5. And I'm sure that (young people) like you are going to be able to make that kind of (difference) as long as you keep working the way you've been working.Section One Stating your opinion B. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you'vejust watched.1. How does the speaker express his disagreement? Your answer :Reference answer : He says, "Does any of that equal success, though? :: He says, "Some think one of the most How does the speaker state his Your answer :Reference answer : He says, "In my opinion, finding a career means doing something larger than yourself and making a contribution to our society.""No, the only thing that determinessuccess, I think, is the amount youaccomplished."4. How does the speaker summarizehis idea?Your answer:Reference answer: He says, "I willfinally conclude that money doesn'tequal success."Section Two Your turnWork in pairs to discuss the topic "Does Luck Have Anything to Do with Success?" Then make a presentation to the class. Your presentation should include:1. Stating your opinion;2. Giving reasons to support your opinion;3. Summarizing your idea.Your answer:Reference answer: When we talk about what can contribute to a person's success, many words, such as perseverance, creativity, luck, and so on, will appear in our minds. Some people argue that luck has nothing to do with a person's success and attribute a person's success to many other factors. In my opinion, however, luck sometimes plays an indispensable role in one's success.Luck is not something that we can control, but being lucky really helps in one's success. Personally I think it is better to be lucky than to be rich. If you are poor but lucky, you might be rich someday. If you are rich but unlucky, you are in trouble.Though persistence and some other factors contribute to one's success, luck will help one to be successful more quickly. For example, the famous inventor Edison, who invented the electric bulb in the 19th century. Throughout his invention process, we can see what an important role persistence and other factors played, but at the same time we must admit luck also played a part. If it had not occurred to Edison to use metal in his experiment, the light might not have appeared until the next century.In conclusion, though success mainly depends on hard work, perseverance, creativity, and some other things, luck will help a person to succeed to some extent.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.<TRNow listen to the story:Several months ago, my friend, Jerry, was shot by three armed robbers. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of care, Jerry was released from the hospital with parts of the bullets still in his body.I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "Don't worry. I'm fine. Do you want to see my scars?" (1)(I refused to see his wounds), but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. Jerry replied, "As I lay on the floor, (2)(I remembered that I had two choices): I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.""Weren't you scared?" I asked. Jerry continued, "The doctors were great. (3) (They kept telling me I was going to be fine). But when they wheeled me into the operation room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read 'he's a dead man'. I knew I needed to take action." "What did you do?" I asked. "Well, there was a nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "(4)(She asked if I was allergic to anything). 'Yes,' I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and shouted, 'Bullets!' Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'"Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. (5)(Attitude, after all, changes everything).。

A. Look and listenLook at the pictures about some ways of finding jobs. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.relativesinterviewfairsregisterrequireapplicantsemployees resources application information co-workers newspapers workdetails1. You can tell everyone you know that you are looking forwork, like friends, (relatives), neighbors, former(co-workers) and employers, and other people you meet.2. You may use the(resources ) available to you, such asdaily (newspapers), job websites, and books on jobhunting.3. You can visit job(fairs). Employers bring informationabout their company and look for eager(applicants).4. You can(register ) with headhunting (猎头) agencies.Many companies hire new(employees ) through agencies.B. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. If you were being interviewed for a job, how would you describe yourself? Your answer :Reference answer : I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty. Also, I'm able to work under pressure. 2. Why are you interested in this position? Your answer :Reference answer : I'm interested in this job because I hope to prove my competence and improve my abilities.3. What are your goals for the future?Your answer:Reference answer: My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can. Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the sentences and answer the following questions.1. Tom said, / "My sister is the best player in the team."Question: Who is the best player?(Tom's sister.)2. "Tom," / said my sister, "is the best player in the team."Question: Who is the best player?(Tom.)3. He sold his tea, / house, / and car.Question: How many things did he sell?(Three.)4. He sold his teahouse / and car.Question: How many things did he sell?(Two.)5. The president said, / "That reporter is lying."Question: Who was speaking?(The president.)6. The president," / said that reporter, "is lying.Question: Who was speaking?(That reporter.)7. The teacher said, / "That boy is lazy."Question: Who is lazy?(That boy.)8. "The teacher,"/ said that boy, "is lazy."Question: Who is lazy?(The teacher.)Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which months are the traditional months for graduations?(d)a. May and July.b. June and July.c. July and August.d. May and June.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.What percentage of graduates in the US planned to go to graduate school a year ago?(b)a. 22%.b. 24%.c. 25%.d. 27%Section Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.What was the unemployment rate for men in October?(b)a. 50%.b. 11%.c. 8%.d. 18%.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements is NOT true?(d)a. Companies tend to hire men for top positions.b. Thirty years ago, women earned less than men.c. The recession has a larger effect on men than on women.d. Women hold fewer good-paying management and professional jobs than mendoSection Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.What inspired the five young people to form a company called Assured Labor? (c)a. Many job seekers contact employers with mobile phones.b. 80% of people use the Internet every day.c. Most people use mobile phones and live within reach of a wireless telephone signal.d. Not mentioned.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements about Assured Labor is true? (b)a. It was launched in January, 2007, in Boston.b. It helps people get more job opportunities.c. All of its founders were graduate students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.d. It is building partnerships with universities and international companies in Northern AmericaSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the sense groups.1. The most recent student survey showed / that just one fifth of those / who looked for jobs before graduation / have one by now.2. The latest government report shows / that their share of nonfarm jobs / nearly reached fifty percent in September.3. The young people wrote a business plan / and formed a company / called Assured Labor.Section Four Real worldB. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the followingquestions.1. According to Alison Doyle, it's important to always have one good__________ to wear when you're looking for a job.(c)a. shirtb. tiec. suitd. jacket2. What is NOT mentionedin terms of the plan for the big day?(a)a. Preparing a fashionable suit.b. Printing out extra copies ofyour resume.c. Planning the logistics ofgetting to the company.d. Requesting time off fromwork if you're employed.3. What can show you are truly interested in thejob?(b)a. Refusing to ask questions atthe end of the interview.b. Asking a question at the endof the interview.c. Trying to build up a personalrelationship with the interviewer.Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. Pay attention to (detail)— your hair, nails, shoes, should all (lookpolished) and professional.2. If you're a member of professional networking sites, use your (connections)to get inside information that will help show the interviewer that you areknowledgeable about the company, its (mission), and its employees.3. Print out (extra copies) of your resume and a list of (references).4. Practice interviewing by having (a friend or family member) run throughtypical (questions) with you.5. You've spent time (practicing and preparing), so you'll be ready tointerview (effectively).Section One Job interviewB. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you've just watched1. What is the man's greateststrength?Your answer:Reference answer: He's veryreliable and always tries to do hiswork on time.2. What is the man's greatestweakness?Your answer:Reference answer: He has difficultysaying no, so he often works late.3. Why does the man want to workfor this company?Your answer:Reference answer: Because it is avery successful internationalcompany.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs. One acts as the interviewer, and the other the interviewee, referring to the following outline:1. Education background;2. Work experience;3. Strong and weak pointsYour answer:Reference answer:Interviewer: Which university did you attend, and what degrees have you received? Interviewee: I received my bachelor's degree in English Literature from Fudan University, and then an MBA from Tsinghua University.Interviewer: What course did you like best?Interviewee: Project Management. I was very interested in this course, and I think it was very useful for my present work.Interviewer: May I ask what your major weak point is?Interviewee: I'm afraid I'm a poor talker. I'm not comfortable talking with peoplewhom I have just met for the first time. That is not very good for business, so I've been practicing public speaking.Interviewer: Can you tell me your greatest strength?Interviewee: I can work well under pressure. Working under pressure is exciting and challenging.Interviewer: Very impressive. Well, do you have any work experience in this field? Interviewee: Yes. After my graduation, I worked as a customer service coordinator in a foreign representative office, and then I worked at a joint venture as a market development manager. So I'm familiar with the market in China.Interviewer: Very good. Thank you for your interest in our company. You'll be hearing from us very soon.Interviewee: OK. Thank you very much.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.<TRNow listen to the story:There was a man who was in a horrible accident, and was injured. However, the only permanent damage he suffered was the amputation of both of his ears. As a result of this unusual handicap, (1)(he was very self-conscious).Because of the accident, (2)(he received a large sum of money) from the insurance company. It was always his dream to own his own business, so he decided, with all this money, he had to buy a small computer firm. Since he had no business knowledge at all, he had to hire someone to run the business.(3)(He picked out three top candidates), and interviewed each of them. The first interview went really well. He really liked this guy. His last question for this first candidate was "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy said, "Now that you mention it, you have no ears." The man got really upset and threw the candidate out.The second interview went even better than the first. Again, to conclude the interview, the man asked the same question again, "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy also noticed, "Yes, you have no ears." The man was really upset again, and threw this second candidate out.Then he had the third interview. The third candidate was even better than the second, (4)(the best out of all of them). Almost certain that he wanted to hire this guy, the man once again asked, "Do you notice anything unusual about me?" The guy replied, "Yeah, you're wearing contact lenses."Surprised, the man then asked, "Wow! That's quite perceptive of you! How could you tell?" The guy burst out laughing and said, "(5)(You can't wear glasses) if you don't have any ears!"。
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A. Look and listenLook at the pictures about various environmental problems. Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks with the words in the list.forests polluted overpopulated hunting animals sportsmillions billion melting drinking greenhouse protectionactivities p opulation1. The Earth is (overpopulated). There are over 6 (billion)people in the world.2. Many rivers and lakes are seriously (polluted). More andmore people are (drinking ) dirty water.3. (Millions ) of trees are cut down each year. The Earth iscovered by fewer and fewer (forests).4. Due to the (greenhouse ) effect, the ice in the Atlantic andAntarctic is (melting). In a century, several countries andmany cities will be covered by water.5. Illegal (hunting ) still exists. Because ofhuman (activities), many species have disappeared, andmore will disappear in the near future.vB. Ask and answer the questionsAsk and answer the following questions with a partner.1. What kinds of environmental problems do you think we have?Your answer:Reference answer: There is water, air, and noise pollution. / The Earth is becomingwarmer. There are more and more people and the Earth is becoming more crowded.2. What is the cause of these problems?Your answer:Reference answer: The problems are caused by industrial development / the invention of automobiles.3. What can we do to solve these problems?Your answer:Reference answer: We should stop dumping waste into rivers and lakes. / Laws should be established to regulate human behavior.Section One Listen for pronunciation skillsA. Listen and practiceListen to the following statements and mark the stressed words.1. Mary painted her living room blue. (living room )Mary painted her living room blue. (Mary )Mary painted her living room blue. (her )Mary painted her living room blue. (painted )Mary painted her living room blue. (blue)2. This is my book. (book)This is my book. (This )This is my book. (is )This is my book. (my )3. I bought a red shirt. (I )I bought a red shirt. (shirt)I bought a red shirt. (bought )I bought a red shirt. (red )Section Two Special English programsA. Item 12. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following statements is true?(c)a. People living in large cities have a higher risk of getting lung cancer than other diseases.b. 16 percent of people in large cities die of lung cancer.c. People living in seriously polluted areas have as high a risk of dying of lungcancer as those living with a person who smokes cigarettes.d. Air pollution can cause lung cancer, but not other diseases.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.How many years did the study cover?(b)a. 12 years.b. 16 years.c. 18 years.d. 20 yearsSection Two Special English programsB. Item 22. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.A severe winter storm in __________ killed hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies. (c)a. southern Mexicob. northern Mexicoc. central Mexicod. eastern Mexico2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.Under what conditions are monarch butterflies likely to die? (b)a. When they become cold and the temperature is high.b. When they become wet and the temperature is very low.c. When they become dry after a storm.d. When they become wet and the temperature increasesSection Two Special English programsC. Item 32. Listen for details1) Listen to the report and choose the best answer to the following question.Which of the following is NOT an effect of rising temperatures on wildlife?(d)a. Many animals and plants leave their native environments.b. Trees flower earlier than before.c. Birds migrate earlier than before.d. Many animals become more fierce.2) Now listen to the report again and choose the best answer to the following question.According to many scientists, __________ the major cause of the warmer weather.(b)a. the disappearance of some species isb. industrial gases arec. earlier flowering of plants isd. long-distance travel of birds isSection Three Read after meListen to the following statements and read after the speaker, paying attention to the underlined parts.1. The study shows that air pollution increases the risk of death from lung cancer and other diseases.2. It is the largest number of monarch butterflies killed at one time. However,scientists say the loss is not expected to threaten the species.3. Their studies found that warmer weather is causing many kinds of wildlife toleave their native environmentsSection Four Real world B. Watch for detailsWatch the video clip. Choose the best answers to the following questions.1. What was the first artificial source of air pollution? (b)a. Volcanic eruptions.b. Fire.c. Wood. d. Coal.2. Marco Polo learned of the uses of coal when __________. (c)a. traveling in Russiab. working in Italyc. traveling in Chinad. traveling in Europe3. What punishment did theblacksmith receive for violating the sea coal law in the 14th century?(c)a. He was put in prison.b. He was burned to death.c. He was hanged.d. He was whipped.4. When did coal become an important fuel in York of oldEngland?(b)a. In 1731.b. In 1371.c. In 1307.d. In 1273Section Four Real worldC. Listen and writeListen to the sound clips and fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you've heard.1. In the distant past, frequent eruptions of volcanoes pollutedthe (atmosphere), killing plants, animals, and (any people) who could not escape.2. Agricultural practices such as slash and burn, which is still (in use)today, (contributed to) the pollution of the air.3. In (1273), the burning of sea coal was banned in England. This isthe (earliest record) of an actual air pollution regulation.4. As communities grew (in size), the (problems) with air pollutionincreased.5. The change from (traditional fuel) to coal caused many (objections) because of the smoke.Section One Making complaintsB. Get the themeAnswer the following questions according to the video clip you've just watched.1. How does the man start hiscomplaint?Your answer:Reference answer: By saying "I'mafraid I have a complaint to make."2. What is the man complainingabout?Your answer:Reference answer: The dirtyenvironment and the noise causedby the construction.3. What does the woman promise todo?Your answer:Reference answer: She will reportthe man's complaints to themanager.Section Two Your turnWork in pairs. Suppose you live near a lake which used to be very beautiful. However, a factory was set up by the lake recently and a lot of waste water flows into the lake from the factory. As a representative of the angry residents, you go to see the manager to complain about the problem. The manager is not in and you are received by the secretary.Your answer:Reference answer:Secretary: Good morning. Is there anything I can do for youComplainer: Good morning. Can I speak to the manager? I have a complaint to make.Secretary: I'm sorry. The manager is not in at the moment. May I ask what is wrong?Complainer: Well. I live near the lake. It used to be clean and beautiful. But since your factory was opened here last year, the lake has become dirtier and dirtier. Secretary: I'm sorry to hear that. But how do you know it is our factory that's making the lake dirty?Complainer: Please go out and look at the pipes leading from your factory to the lake.A lot of waste water is drained from the factory into the lake every day. Secretary: Oh, I do apologize for that. I've only worked here for a short time, and don't know much about it. I assure you that I will report this to the manager as soon as he comes back.Complainer: I hope he will consider this seriously.Secretary: I'm sure he will.Complainer: Thanks. Goodbye.B. Story dictationListen to a story and fill in the missing words. The story will be read three times. The first and the third times it will be read at normal speed, and the second time there will be a 10-second pause for each missing part.<TRNow listen to the story:One day the Lord came to Noah, who was now living in England, and said, "Once again, the earth has become overpopulated, and (1)(I see the end of alllives )before me. Build another Ark and save two of every living thing along with a few good humans. You have six months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard — but no Ark."Noah!" He asked, "(2)(I'm about to start the rain)! Where is the Ark?""Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed. I have come across many difficulties.My neighbors claimed that I had (3)(no permission to build the Ark), even in my garden.We had to go to the Secretary of State for a decision.Then the Department of Transport asked how much it would cost for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.(4)(Getting the wood was another problem). I was forbidden to cut down any trees.When I started gathering the animals, people argued that it was cruel to put so many animals in such a small space.Then the government said that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on the possible flood.I'm still having another problem about whom to hire for my building team. The trade unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with Ark-building experience.To make matters worse, the customs house claims (5)(I'm trying to leave the country illegally) with endangered species. So, forgive me, Lord, but it seems impossible for me to finish this Ark."Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow appeared across the sky. "I'm not going to end the world. Your government beat me to it!" said the Lord.(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。