



cdr重要知识点总结一、CDR的结构1.1 CDR的整体结构CDR一般由三个部分组成,包括个人信息部分、工程技能部分和职业发展目标部分。


1.2 CDR的详细结构在以上三个部分中,工程技能部分是最为重要的,一般包括三个子部分:三个主要的子部分是:第一部分是三篇扣押报告,包括一份职业目标声明(CPD)、一份三方活动报告(SA)和一份技能报告。


二、CDR的内容要求2.1 CDR报告要求首先,CDR的内容必须是真实的、完整的,并且要保证自己是原创的。



2.2 工程项目经验的呈现在CDR的工程技能部分,申请人需要详细介绍自己在工程领域的项目经验,包括项目的名称、项目的目的、项目的实施过程以及项目的成果等方面的内容。


2.3 职业目标的规划在CDR的职业发展目标部分,申请人需要对自己在澳大利亚从事工程工作的目标和规划进行清晰的阐述,包括自己对澳大利亚工程行业的认识、对澳大利亚工程行业的发展趋势的了解以及对自己未来在澳大利亚发展的展望等方面的内容。

三、CDR的写作技巧3.1 写作风格在CDR的写作过程中,申请人需要尽可能使用简洁清晰的语言,避免使用太过复杂的词汇和句式。


3.2 写作材料的整理在CDR的写作过程中,申请人需要充分准备自己在工程领域的工作经历和项目经验的相关材料,包括项目报告、项目计划、工作证明等。





证书内容和格式1. 标题:在证书的顶部,放置一个醒目的标题,例如“专业证书”或“认证证书”。


2. 背景图案:可以在证书的背景上添加适当的图案或纹理,以增加证书的美观性。


3. 证书图标:在证书的顶部或底部,加入一个代表该领域的图标或标志,以突出证书的专业性。


4. 颁发机构信息:在证书的左上角或右上角,填写颁发该证书的机构的名称和标识。


5. 证书内容:在证书的中间位置,列出获得者的姓名,并明确证书的目的和领域。


6. 证书详情:在证书的下方,包括颁发日期、证书编号以及其他相关细节,以增加证书的正式性。


7. 签字处:在证书的底部,留出一定空间用于签名和日期,以突出证书的合法性和真实性。


打印和使用1. 纸张选择:选择适合证书打印的高质量纸张,以确保证书的清晰度和质感。


2. 打印设置:在打印时,将页面设置为横向,并调整边距,以适应证书的大小和布局。


3. 框架选择:将打印好的证书放入适当的框架中,以保护证书免受损坏,并增加展示时的专业感。



澳洲签证在职证明英文模板[Company Logo][Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Company Phone Number] [Company Email Address]Date: [Insert Date]To Whom It May Concern,This is to certify that [Employee Full Name], with the employee ID number [Employee ID Number], has been employed by our company as [Employee's Position/Title] since [Start Date of Employment].During his/her employment, [Employee's Name] has demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication to our organization, contributing significantly to the success of our operations. His/Her responsibilities include [List of Key Responsibilities or Duties], which require a high degree of expertise and commitment.With regards to his/her leave entitlement, [Employee's Name] has been granted leave from [Start Date of Leave] to [End Date of Leave] for the purpose of traveling toAustralia. This leave has been approved by our company, and all necessary arrangements have been made to ensure thathis/her absence will not have any negative impact on our operations.We further confirm that [Employee's Name] is currently employed full-time/part-time (as applicable) and thathe/she will continue to be employed by our company uponhis/her return from Australia. His/Her salary and all other employment benefits will remain unchanged.We kindly request that you grant the necessary visa to [Employee's Name] for his/her intended travel to Australia. We assure you that he/she will comply with all the relevant regulations and requirements during his/her stay in Australia.If you require any further information or clarification, please feel free to contact us at the above-mentioned phone number or email address.Thank you for considering this request.Sincerely,[Name of Authorized Signatory] [Position/Title] [Signature]**[公司名称]** **[公司地址]** **[城市,州,邮编]****[公司联系电话]** **[公司联系邮箱]****日期**:**[填写日期]****致相关人士**:兹证明**[员工全名]**(员工编号:**[员工编号]**)自**[雇佣起始日期]**起至今,一直在我公司担任**[员工职位/职务]**一职。



EA认证澳大利亚技术移民工程师相关职业的评估由澳大利亚工程师协会EA (EngineersAustralia) 负责。

【评估要求】一、学历a. 本科学历被EA 直接认证·澳洲本科学历·华盛顿协议所承认的学历·悉尼协议所承认的学历·都柏林协议所承认的学历2016 年以前,EA 认证主要是对相关的本科学历,换言之,硕士及以上学位只能作为工作能力的参考因素。

但在2016 年1 月27 日后,EA 正式承认116 个澳大利亚硕士学位以及17 个澳洲Diploma 学位。

b. 本科学历未被EA 认证除了提供本科学历证明外,还需提交能力证明报告(Competency Demonstration Report, CDR )CDR 报告CDR 主要可评估的是用英文写三段职业经历和各方面能力的总结陈述,内容(列表形式)主要包括以下几方面内容:1. 毕业后的正式培训或学习;2. 曾经递交论文或参加的会议;3. 参加的短期班、研习会、研讨会、讨论组、会议、技术检验和技术会议;4. 课程学习、会议、研讨会、主题报告会的准备报告和演讲报告;5. 对工程专业的贡献 ( 志愿工作、董事会或委员会志愿者工作、监督工作等) ;6. 个人学习 ( 包括书、期刊、学报和手册等) 。

二、英语·雅思各单项不低于 6(G类和A类均可);·托福听力12 、阅读13 、写作21 、口语18 ;·PTE 各单项不低于50 。


三、工作经验没有明确要求,但对于技术移民申请者来说,至少要有一年的相关工作经验,4 年以上的工作经验比较容易申请。

【评估周期】收到后5-7 天发 CID (ContactID Number ),海外学历13 周(3 个月),认可学历3-4 周(1 个月)。

结果出来后的12 个月内可以上诉。




下⾯⽆忧考就给⼤家介绍下澳洲技术移民的职业评估,欢迎阅读!澳洲技术移民的职业评估 ⼀、职业评估的定义 1.对于我们常说的技术移民189,190以及489/491签证申请,职业评估是必须的⼀个流程。




⼆、职业评估与语⾔ 申请做职业评估的时候,是否需要提交语⾔成绩(⽐如雅思,托福,PTE等),以及对应的语⾔成绩要求多少,⼀般在职业评估机构的官⽅指南⾥会有说明。



三、职业评估与学历认证 澳洲技术移民没有要求申请⼈必须做学历认证,但是学历认证或者学历认可⼀般都是包括在职业评估中的。



四、职业评估与⼯作年限认证 ⼀般说来,职业评估机构的标准评估服务就是评定申请⼈是否符合提名职业的要求,是否能⽤该提名职业来申请移民,但是对于申请⼈哪些年的⼯作履历可以算作是与提名职业相关的(换⾔之,哪些⼯作年限可以⽤于移民加分)可能是职业评估机构的附加服务。



资格认证WORD模板1. 引言本文档旨在为用户提供一份资格认证的WORD模板。



2. 模板内容该WORD模板包含以下主要部分:2.1 标题模板提供了合适的标题位置,用户可根据需求填入相应的资格认证标题。

2.2 基本信息填写区域模板中有一块专门用于填写基本信息的区域,用户可在该区域填入以下信息:- 姓名/机构名称- 身份证号/统一社会信用代码- 联系方式- 地址- 其他基本信息2.3 认证要求说明该模板在认证要求说明部分提供了一块空白区域,用于用户填写资格认证的具体要求和说明。


2.4 认证结果确认模板中还包含认证结果确认的部分,用户可在该区域填写认证结果确认的相关信息,如:- 认证日期- 认证机构名称- 认证结果- 认证过程中的备注等3. 使用说明用户在使用该模板时,可以根据自身需求进行相应的修改和定制。

以下是一些建议:- 适当调整字体样式和大小,以使文档整体看起来更专业。

- 根据认证过程的需要,添加或删除特定的填写区域。

- 确保填写的信息准确无误,并根据需要进行手写签署或电子签名。

4. 免责声明本模板仅供参考和使用,所有使用者均应自行确认认证的具体要求和规定。









1. 原工作单位:
2. 职务:
3. 所在部门:
4. 入职时间:
5. 离职时间:
6. 工作表现评价:

1. 最高学历:
2. 毕业院校:
3. 所学专业:
4. 毕业时间:
5. 学历:

1. 相关技能:







ea职业评估 cdr 模板

ea职业评估 cdr 模板

ea职业评估 cdr 模板EA职业评估CDR模板1. 个人信息- 姓名:- 国籍:- CDR 参考号码:2. 职业目标- 简要描述你的职业目标和未来规划。

3. 教育背景- 按时间顺序列出你的学历和相关证书资质。

- 包括学位、证书以及获得时间和地点。

4. 工作经验- 列出你在过去三个职业阶段的工作经验,最近的经验排在前面。

- 包括雇主名称,职位名称,雇佣期限和岗位职责。

5. 项目经验- 列出最多三个你在过去三个职业阶段参与的相关项目经验。

- 包括项目名称,项目起止时间,项目规模,你的角色和职责以及项目成果。

6. 职业能力- 描述你的专业技能和能力。

- 包括但不限于管理能力、技术能力、沟通能力等。

7. 质量保证- 描述你在过去项目中所承担的质量保证和质量控制工作。

- 包括质量计划、检验过程、纠正措施等。

8. 解决问题的技能- 描述你在工作中如何解决问题的能力。

- 包括问题分析、解决方案的制定、实施和评估。

9. 职业发展- 描述你的职业发展计划和意愿。

- 包括进一步的学习、培训、认证等。

10. 职业目标陈述- 描述你的职业目标和为什么你选择EA职业道路。

- 简要描述你的职业目标陈述。

11. 致谢- 对评估人员的时间和关注表示感谢。

注意事项:- 在填写CDR时,请参考并遵守工程师澳大利亚理事会(Engineers Australia, EA)的CDR要求和指南。

- 确保CDR中的所有内容真实、准确,并使用正式和专业的语言表达。

- 遵守评估要求和要求的字数限制。

- 仔细核对和审查你的CDR以确保没有拼写和语法错误。



[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Position][Visa Application Department][Australian Embassy/Consulate General/High Commission][Embassy/Consulate General/High Commission Address][City, State, Zip Code]Subject: Recommendation Letter for Visa Photo for My Mother's Visit to AustraliaDear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to you on behalf of [Your Mother's Name], who is my [relationship, e.g., mother, sister, etc.]. She is planning to visit Australia for a short period of time to reunite with me and experience the beautiful sights and culture of your country. In order to support her application for a visa, I am enclosing this letter as a recommendation for the required visa photo.I have known [Your Mother's Name] for [number of years you have known her] and can confidently attest to her character and suitability for this visit. She is a [occupation, e.g., teacher, engineer, etc.] with a strong academic background and has always been a responsible and law-abiding citizen. Below, I provide further details regarding [Your Mother's Name] and her visit to Australia.Personal Background:[Your Mother's Name] was born on [Date of Birth] and is a citizen of [Her Country of Birth]. She has been residing in [Her Current Residence] for [number of years she has lived there]. Throughout her life, she has demonstrated a strong sense of duty and commitment to her family and community.Professional Background:[Your Mother's Name] holds a [degree or certification] in [field of study or profession]. She has been employed as a [occupation] for [number of years she has been in the field], and her expertise has been recognized by her colleagues and superiors. She is known for her [specific qualities, e.g., leadership, teamwork, etc.] and has received numerous accolades throughout her career.Financial Stability:[Your Mother's Name] is financially stable and maintains a secure employment status. She has been working with [Employer's Name] for [number of years she has worked there], and her salary is sufficient to cover her expenses during her stay in Australia. I have enclosed proof of her employment and financial statements for your review.Purpose of Visit:The primary purpose of [Your Mother's Name]'s visit to Australia is to spend quality time with me and explore the unique attractions and cultural experiences that your country offers. She has expressed a keen interest in visiting [specific places of interest, e.g., Sydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, etc.]. During her stay, she will stay with me at [Your Address] and will not overstay her visa duration.Accommodation and Support:I am committed to ensuring that [Your Mother's Name] has a comfortable and enjoyable stay in Australia. I have made arrangements for her accommodation at [Accommodation Details] and have informed her about thelocal customs and practices. I will provide all necessary support and guidance throughout her visit.Visa Application:I understand that the visa application process is thorough and requiresa visa photo as part of the documentation. Enclosed with this letter is a high-quality, recent photo of [Your Mother's Name] that meets the Australian visa photo requirements. Please find the photo attached to this email or enclosed in a separate envelope.Conclusion:In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend [Your Mother's Name] for a visa to visit Australia. She is a responsible, law-abiding citizen with a strong sense of duty and commitment to her family. I am confident that her visit will be beneficial and that she will leave a positive impression on the people and places she encounters. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone。







































Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) (Electrical & Electronic-avionics)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) (Electrical & Sustainable Energy)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) (Electrical Engineering)
Ø EA职业评估的专业及申请条件:

Engineer Australia评估指导手册(EA认证)

Engineer Australia评估指导手册(EA认证)

MSA Online Application User’s Guide30 October 2014ContentsMSA Online Application Process Guide (1)Purpose (3)General Tips for Navigation (4)Registering for an EA ID & password (6)Engineers Australia Online Portal (myPortal) (9)MSA Application (10)Begin Application (11)Personal (12)Application (15)Education (16)Report (CDR Application Only) (17)Relevant Skilled Employment (CDR Application Only) (18)Additional Assessment services (19)Relevant Skilled Employment (19)Overseas PhD Assessment (20)Summary (21)Fee Payment (23)Payment details (23)Credit Card Payment (23)Payment on Invoice (24)Terms and Conditions (25)Additional Information Request (26)Application Status (27)PurposeThis document details the online MSA application process.Engineers Australia (EA) offers Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) for applicants intending to apply for migration to Australian via the Points Test Skilled Migration scheme. There are five pathways of assessment. They are as follows:1. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR);2. Accredited Australian Qualifications;3. Washington Accord Qualifications;4. Sydney Accord Qualifications and;5. Dublin Accord Qualifications.Applicants seeking migration skills assessment of the following qualifications should submit a CDR for assessment:•Candidates with Australian engineering qualifications that have not received full accreditation or approval by Engineers Australia;•Candidates with engineering qualifications from overseas countries from which Engineers Australia does not recognise the qualifications;•Candidates with non-accredited qualifications in engineering or in fields closely related to engineering and who may have post-graduate qualifications in engineering, substantial work experience and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in an engineering occupation for which Engineers Australia is the appropriate assessing authority.Applicants seeking migration skills assessment of accredited qualification should submit via the relevant pathway as described below:•Candidates holding Australian engineering qualifications that have been accredited or approved Engineers Australia should submit an Application for Migration Skills Assessment Australian Engineering Qualifications;•Candidates holding engineering qualifications from overseas countries that have been accredited for recognition under the Washington Accord (Professional Engineer) should submit an Application for Migration Skills Assessment Washington Accord Qualifications; •Candidates holding qualifications in engineering or fields related to engineering, which are not recognised by Engineers Australia, but who may have post-graduate qualifications inengineering and substantial experience in engineering work.Please refer to the list of published assessing authorities on the Department of Immigration’s website.General Tips for NavigationThe system is optimised for the following internet browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 8 (and above). Other browsers are not tested and not supported.Please note that uploading documents may take time. Uploading several documents may trigger an error. Please upload only one document at a time.Tooltips - Additional information is provided at several points in the portal in the form of tooltips. To view the information in the tooltips, hover your cursor over the tooltip icon as illustrated below:You can navigate through your application by clicking on the tabs on the left hand side of the screen.Using the previous page button of your web browser as well as the reload button can trigger errors. It is recommended that you do not use these features.Uploading a full application can take time. It is recommended that you save your application regularly.To return to your Applicant landing page at any time click on the Save & Exit button on the bottom right hand side of your screen or simply save the application using the Save button at the bottom left of the screen.•To log out of the portal, click the "Sign out" link in the menu bar on the top right hand corner of the page:•If you experience technical difficulties while using the portal, please contact our Member Services Team on 1300 653 113. Overseas applicants should call +61 2 6270 6555 (Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm AEST). This phone number is located in the Talk to our Support Team section on the right hand side by clicking on the Contact us button.Registering for an EA ID & passwordIf you do not currently have an Engineers Australia ID and password you will need to register online via .au as shown below:If you do have an Engineers Australia ID number you need to click on Register for a password button which will lead you to the page as shown below:* Please make sure you use the email address you have previously provided to Engineers Australia.If you do have an Engineers Australia ID number, you will have to apply for both an EA ID and password.In order to register your details, you need to click on myPortal link as shown above. This will lead you to the below page which you can fill out in order to receive an EA ID number:Please click on the "Create an Account" button and fill out the form. Create a New AccountI P lease SelectI DD/MM/YYYYE.g.•30/1012014Male FemaleMa imum file uploadrTJiJNote that there may be a delay of 1-2 days in creating the account pending verification for some users. Once your account has been created, you can use your personalised EA ID and password to log in to myPortal and submit your MSA Application.Engineers Australia Online Portal (myPortal)Log into the Engineers Australia (EA) customer portal using your Engineers Australia ID and online password. This will take your portal landing page.When you are on the myPortal home page click on the menu on the top right hand side of the screen. In the drop down menu, select MSA as shown below.MSA ApplicationSelect Start MSA Application.Additional information regarding MSAassessment can be found by clickingon the MSA booklet link.After selecting start MSA application please select the relevant options from the drop down menus. Please note that if you request an Overseas PhD assessment or Relevant Skilled Employment assessment these will incur an additional assessment fee.Make sure that before you continue with your MSA application that you have read the MSA booklet. If you have read the MSA booklet and agree to the statement "by submitting an application I am aware that Engineers Australia may require original copies of documents to be sent via post in some instances", place a tick in the check box then click the "Begin MSA Application" button. Please note that you cannot change your choice of assessment and additional assessment(s) once the application has been started.Begin ApplicationWhen you begin your MSA application there will be a list on the left hand side of the screen. You can navigate to any of these tabs at any point in your application. The MSA assessment will take you through them in order, starting with your Personal Details. The PhD and Skilled Employment tabs will only be visible if you answered yes to either of the related questions on the previous page.Please note that you can switch from one tab to another at any time without impacting the progress of your application.PersonalThe Personal Details page requests that you upload a passport style photo, primary identification document, name change document (if relevant), Curriculum Vitae (CV) and your English language competency document.To add a file to your application click in the upload document field or on the “Choose File” button next to it. Select the file you would like to add to your application from your personal documents. There is the option to add multiple files if needed, just select the Add File button as shown:When attaching documents - please note that we prefer that written documents are in a .PDF format. Where an image has been scanned we require a colour scan of the original document with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Files should not be larger than 5MB, with a maximum file size allowance of 10MB.Passport-Style Photograph & Primary Identification DocumentAll MSA Applications must include: a passport style photo; and a passport bio-data page or Australian driver's licence. Where a passport or Australian drivers licence are not available, a copy of your Birth Certificate or Official Identity Document may be acceptable in lieu.Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume)Please attach your most recent resume.Can you demonstrate English Language Competency?Please refer to the MSA Booklet as to whether you are required to submit a satisfactory English Language Competency Result. You can click on the link to the MSA Booklet as shown below.Upload your English language competency form. You should also include your English Language Competency test result reference by typing in the text field indicated below. Once completed please select Next to proceed to the next step.If you are seeking an exemption select the box as shown below. Upload an explanation for your exemption and supporting evidence by clicking on the upload document field or Choose File button next to it. Exemptions are granted on a case by case basis. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for detail about the exemption criteria.Once you have uploaded your justification click on the Next button.Can you demonstrate E ng l ish La n guage Competency? 0I f you hole! ocr:rP.clitP.c1 QIJAiifir;,tions from signAtory r:ountriP.s whP.rP. thP. offir.iA IAnguagP. is no t Fnglis h ,you ArP. rP.IlllirP.d to suhmit A sat sfactory [nglish Language Competency test result form as per the MSA Oooklet.0 eeking exempt i on from prov i ding Eng l ish Language Competency test resu l ts as per the MSA BoJk l et.Jus t i f i cationP l a up l oaJ a11 :xpla ll a .i oll ro1 yoll exempnon\lo Rle se-l ected( NextFor a CDR application, this Tab allows you to nominate the occupation the applicant wishes to be assessed for.For an Australian Qualification, a Washington, Sydney or Dublin Accord application, this Tab will show only the field for evidence of registration, which can be left empty if it does not apply to the applicant.Select your Engineering Occupation from the drop-down box. The Skill Level and ANZSCO Code will be automatically filled in. For some Occupations you may select a Specialisation. For additional information on these Occupations please refer to MSA Booklet. Click Next.In the Education section, please provide the requested information for your most relevant qualification. The required information is:•Qualification - write the title of you qualification (e.g. Bachelor Degree in Engineering);•Discipline - write the discipline of your qualification (e.g. Civil Engineering);•Institution - write the name of the institution where you completed your qualification (e.g.University of New South Wales);•Country – select the country of completion of your qualification from the drop-down list;•Degree/Qualification - upload your degree certificate;•Transcript - upload your transcript;•Date of completion- select the date of completion or the date of award for your qualification.If you have not completed this qualification please select the expected completion date. You can add additional qualifications by clicking on Add additional qualifications button.Report (CDR Application Only)•Please upload your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) statement. The CPD statement should describe how you keep up-to-date with developments in your field ofengineering after you have gained your undergraduate qualification and should be no more than one A4 Page. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for further details.•Please upload your Career Episodes. The Career Episodes should describe how you applied your engineering competencies either during your studies or during yourprofessional career. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for further details.•Please upload your Summary Statement. The Summary Statement must cross-reference the competency elements detailed in the paragraphs in your Career Episodes. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for further details.Select Next button to continue with your MSA application.Relevant Skilled Employment (CDR Application Only)You are required to provide evidences of employment for each period of Employment of 12 months or more, or if a period of employment is used as the basis for a career episode.Please refer to the Migration Skills Assessment Booklet for detail about the evidences of Employment.Select "Next" button to continue with your MSA application.Additional Assessment servicesUpon selection of the application type, you will be able to apply for our additional assessment services for the purpose of awarding points for migration purposes:- The Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment- The Overseas PhD AssessmentIn a further release of our online system, you will also be able to apply for these services separately if a standard assessment has already been completed.Relevant Skilled EmploymentIf you request a Relevant Skilled Employment Assessment please fill out the following form with the requested details and documents. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for further information. Select the Next button to continue with your MSA application.Overseas PhD AssessmentIf you request an Overseas PhD Assessment please fill out the following form and submit the requested documents. Please note that this is not required as part of a standard Assessment Application, and will incur an additional fee. Please refer to the MSA Booklet for further information. Select the Next button to continue with your MSA application.You have app for tne assessmeot of your overseasPhD Pease sut>m•evidence of your Doctorate Degree (PhD) for assessrl'ent aod dentlfoea:10n o!oomparabi y l'lli'e Aus!falo.an Cua foeoton Frameworl< IAQ•)P l ease note th s 1S no1re-quias part of a standard Assess.me"'t Applca ion a:rd w:i11eur an additiona l f"eeNo1e tf'oa:t th1s assessonem rs nom!a-naatoryNeed more .nfOJmi.non'? Check out tne Aad1b0na Assessm e n t Senr<:es section of the MSA 9oo kl e tT i tle0 •I nst i tute0 •Disc i p l i ne0 •Country 0 •-S e l e ct-T esta m ur 0 •1U'i'iT hesis Abstract0•Trans c r ipt 0E x am i ners0 •Cl'tODUFUeP ublications 0 •Date of Co mp l et io n o r Awa r d 0 •1'--...JjllSummaryThis tab shows the application overview.The heading You still need to provide will list any documents that you still need to submit. You can navigate to these pages by using the task bar menu on the left hand side of the screen. (Refer to Tips for General Navigation).You will not be able to proceed to payment and submit your application until all mandatory documents are submitted.Once you have provided all the required documents you can continue to the payment section. Please put a tick in the Declarations to confirm your MSA application and to continue to the payment section.Select Continue to Payment, Select OK to confirm your intention to submit your documents for application and proceed to payment.Uploading the documents and submitting the application can take several minutes. Do not reload the page during this time.Fee PaymentPayment details1. You can click on "Return to Application" at any time before you submit your payment. Youhave the option of paying now via credit card or to have an invoice emailed to your listed email address.Credit Card Payment2. If you would like to pay now via credit card select the radio button "I'll pay now via CreditCard".Please enter the payment details as requested including:•the type of credit card you are paying with – please select the radio button next to the type of card you are using. Engineers Australia accepts Amex, Visa and Mastercard and our preferred payment type is the Engineers Australia Amex;•the cardholder’s name;•the credit card number;•the credit card expiry date; and•the CCV of your credit card – this is the 3 or 4 digit number located on the back of your credit.Payment on InvoiceIf you would like the invoice emailed to you please select the Please invoice me. Please note that the invoice will be sent to the email address assigned to you. To have the email sent to a different email address, please update your details and resume your application.Note that if the payment is not received by the invoice’s due date, the application will be cancelled. It will not be sent for assessment.If you asked to pay on invoice, the invoice will be available for payment on your profile. Click the $ icon to see a list of pending invoices.Click on View all financial transactions to see the list and access other options.An invoice balance of $0 indicates that the fee has been paid.You will be able to pay the invoice directly per credit card by clicking the credit card icon.You will be able to get a copy of the selected invoice sent to your email address by clicking the envelope icon.You will be able to view the invoice online by clicking the eye icon.Terms and ConditionsFor a Credit Card payment, after providing your payment details, please carefully read the Payment Terms and Conditions at the foot of the page. If you agree with these Terms and Conditions, please indicate this by marking the tick-box which states “I have read, understood and agree to these Terms and Conditions”. You will be unable to proceed with your application if you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions listed. After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, please click the red “Submit” button to submit your application for MSA and payment or select “Return to Application” at the top of the page if you do not wish to continue with your MSA application at this time.You will receive confirmation that your application has been submitted and is awaiting assessment.Note that after submitting the payment for this application, you will no longer be able to access this application. It will be sent to the Assessors queue for processing, and you will be advised in due course.Additional Information RequestIn due course, your application will be claimed by an assessor, and the assessment process will be started.If the application is suitable to make a decision, a letter advising you of the assessment outcome will be sent to your email address (as registered in your profile).If there are shortcomings that you are required to address prior to your assessment being finalised, your case officer will send you a request for additional information.You will see a notification appear in the menu in MyProfile, as well as a new status for you application.Click on “Provide Additional Information” to see the detail of the shortcomings and submit additional information as per your assessor’s request.Application StatusSubmitting the application and uploading the documents in our database may take a few minutes. After this delay, you will be able to see the status of your MSA application submission on the eMSA landing page.- If the payment is successful via credit card, the second block would be directly marked as paid- If the payment is required via invoice, the second block would be blue and show Awaiting payment until the payment is received.- Upon successful payment, the second block will show Queued for assessment until the time the application is claimed by an assessor- The application status will remain in the queue until an assessor claims the application. At this stage, the status in the third box will change to Assessment in progress- If the assessor needs to request additional information, the third box will switch to Awaiting applicant’s response and the button Provide additional information will be available.- Once an outcome has been determined, the forth box will change to Outcome Granted. The outcome will be sent to you per emailMigration Skills AssessmentEngineering House 11 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600。

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澳大利亚签证 在职证明模板

澳大利亚签证在职证明模板[Your Name][Your Title/Position][Company/Organization Name][Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Consular Officer's Name]Consulate General of Australia[Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Employment Verification for [Applicant's Full Name] Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to verify the employment of [Applicant's Full Name] at [Company/Organization Name]. [He/She] is currently employed as a [Position/Job Title] and has been working with us since [Joining Date].Employment Details:- Employee Name: [Applicant's Full Name]- Employee ID: [Employee ID Number]- Position: [Position/Job Title]- Date of Joining: [Joining Date]- Salary: [Monthly/Annual Salary]- Hours per Week: [Number of Hours per Week]- Employment Status: [Full-time/Part-time/Contractual]Responsibilities and Duties:[Provide a brief description of the applicant's job responsibilities and duties. Highlight any notable achievements or contributions made by the employee.]Performance Evaluation:[Include a brief assessment of the employee's performance, work ethic, and overall suitability for the role. Mention any promotions, awards, or recognition received during the employment period.]Authorized Signatory:[Provide your full name and title][Company/Organization Name][Contact Information: Phone Number and Email Address]Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or have any specific questions regarding [Applicant's Full Name]. We appreciate your consideration and prompt attention to this matter.Thank you for your cooperation.Yours sincerely,[Your Name]。






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CAREER EPISODE – 1C E 1.1 I n t ro du ct i o n:Duration : Dec 2002 - Jan 2003Location : Bajaj Auto Ltd:Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra, IndiaOrganization : Bajaj Auto Ltd.Position :Trainee EngineerProject : Industrial TrainingThe successful completion of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical required a compulsory industrial training for the period of one month after completion of sixth semester of engineering. Through a campus interview held at my college, I got a chance to work in India’s reputed and largest automotive manufacturers called “Bajaj Auto Ltd”as a Trainee engineer.C E 1.2 b a c kg ro u n d:CE 1.2.1Partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical required an industrial training during sixth semester break of engineering. I got an opportunity to serve in a Bajaj Auto Ltd as a Trainee engineer for the duration of one month. The successful completion of training was followed by report submission of training report in the company and in my university along with a professional presentation. This is the largest automotive manufacturer in India, which has three manufacturing plants. The plant based at Pune is the biggest of all and has a major automotive production. Multiple varieties of automobiles are manufactured within this plant. During this training session I got practical exposure of all the theoretical concepts learnt during engineering. Also I learnt all the minute details in the manufacturing of vehicles starting from the concept design to the manufacture.CE 1.2.2The main aim of training session was focused on utilization of engineering principle and its practical application. I was placed initially in CPED (Central Plant Engineering Division), which deals with energy conservation of the whole plant i.e. it handles compressor section, boiler section and generator section. I was required to learn the process of monitoring and continuous improvement of the process flow path, once initial fault was identified. I was able to get hands on experience in various sections of CPED.I got valuable support from my supervisor and HR division who emphasized me to find out route-cause analysis for each major fault occurred in the boiler section, which gave me chance to learn fundamentally. I was required to submit the report at end of this training period to the works manager and to my professor as well.C E 1.2.3 Organizational structure:My position in the organization structureMr. Sarode Senior Electrical Engineer (CPED) Mr. J. Joshi Maintenance EngineerMr. Swamy AGM (ERC) Mr.L.K. Duseja Senior Design Engineer (ERC) Mr. M. Ghodmare Design Engineer (ERC) Other employees/workers Trainee Engineer (Myself) Myself Mr. Nitin Deshpande AGM (CPED)C E 1.3P er so na l w o r k p la c e a ct iv it i e s:CE 1.3.1Working with one of the biggest firms in the country, with the hope of gaining practical knowledge in my field was a successful stepping stone towards my career. I had mainly focused to gather as much as practical exposure in my field and the implementations of the theoretical concepts.During the first two days, I visited all the sections of CPED like the compressor section, boiler section and generator section and tried to expose myself to all the practices. The CPED division covered many tasks of engineering and management practices used in an engineering firm. I also learnt various aspects of labor management, inventory control, and product & process flow chart as well.Furthermore, I also became aware of some core issues of occupational health and safety & environmental care. I got hands on experience in problem analyzing, inspection and trouble shooting aspects. It also made me aware of performing things as per standard procedures to get certified and pass through acceptable quality level.CE 1.3.2I took first two days of the training to learn the whole working of CPED division. I focused on brief working of each section for its basic functioning along with their duties. I learned the process of problem identification, rectification and its solving. I got very good chances of learning different parameters like cost and time used to judge for part reparability or replacement. During this learning process, I attained good support from all the levels of staff. I kept constant communication to technical staff, workers and professor to satisfy my queries. I analyzed statistical data available for different faults and worked out root causes for the same and gave valuable inputs in order to reduce frequency of faults.CE 1.3.3After understanding the working of CPED division, I was placed on the boiler section. This section dealt with supply of pressurized steam to whole plant canteensand paint division which was used for cooking and cleaning purposes respectively. During this period I learnt all the functioning of the whole boiler mechanism, before to which I was restricted to only theoretical knowledge. I learned the technical details of boiler mechanism and its troubleshooting. I was assigned a particular boiler and was to be analyzed for its flue analysis for three days with the use of different oils to control environmental pollution. Hence I could even explain the workers in that section regarding environmental care and safety. There was a statistical report submission to my supervisor Mr. Sarode (Senior Electrical Engineer) at the end of every day.I was involved in repairing one of the faulty boilers by assisting the maintenance engineer who provided me valuable advices on occasions. This repair work made me clear that the design of this boiler was too old (around 60’s) and was over designed. Therefore, I carried out a literature review, design catalogues and accessed the internet and made a detail study of a boiler design. Hence at the end of the training in this division, I could recommend a modified design of the reciprocating pumps used to pump pressurized oil to the boiler. Due to the scarcity of time, I could not submit the modified design which could save the company up to Rs.10,00,000/year (Approx. $29,000) as per my calculations. This recommendation had impressed my superiors, and hence I was promoted to ERC (Engineers Research Centre).CE 1.3.4My professional performances in my work left a very good impression on my supervisor and who suggested promoting me to the ERC (Engineers Research Centre). ERC was split in to three levels HVC (Heavy Vehicles), LVC (Light Vehicles) and Passenger cars. I was appointed in to passenger cars section which is responsible for designing start from scratch till end.Here I learnt the basic concepts of designing and practical approach to the applications. I was given a task to design the component for Pulsar vehicle called as Lower link. This component was a proposed model, which needed to be designed and send the drawings to QA (Quality and Analysis) department. The major problem analyzed with the older component was made of sheet metal and showed failure rates. Hence proposed lower link was a forged component.CE 1.3.5My role was to study and compare the sheet metal component and the forged component of other version of Pulsar vehicle and design the new forged product using standard dimensions with safety factor. Hence I split my work in to two parts, first theoretical study of part to be modeled and then designing of components using CAD. During this work I learnt very important thing of dealing the problems arose during design and their way of solving. Also I learnt the professional procedure of designing, producing the manufacturing drawings and submitting them to QA department for prototype production. I kept continuous contact with my supervisor and the QA department who wanted modifications on proposed model. Here I learnt the process of communication with two different departments, and with two different bosses. I tried to develop culture among employees that by doing work effectively, and satisfactorily.CE 1.3.6I got practical exposure of working on designing software’s and testing machines etc. By doing so, I was able to understand the difficulties faced by design engineers and manufacturing department. I was also involved in analytical process of lower link and its testing in the same research centre. This testing process required a lot of accuracy and precision which was done in very controlled condition to achieve perfection in results. The process ended with producing the report after collecting and plotting data on graph. The regular work at testing place developed in me safety related issues also I made the employees aware about safe workplace procedures.CE 1.3.7Successful completion of training period was followed by submission of training report to the company and another to the university along with a class presentation. My inputs for the company were found appreciative and were finished in desired time and quality.Summary:Since this was my first industrial experience which bought me an exposure to real professional world. It really helped me bridge my knowledge from theory to practice.At the end of training, I learnt many things like having enough idea of working industries, ability to define co-relation with different departments and communication with each level of hierarchy effectively. I also understood different aspects of work from their point of view. I was able to implement some standard procedure. I successfully completed all assigned tasks within specified time, this really helped me boost my confidence to work in real professional world and conform my ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.。
