After the summer rain, the lotus smiles at the sun.2、小狗一边摇着尾巴一边跳着舞向主人跑去。
The dog danced to its master while wagging its tail.3、秋风一是位典雅的姑娘,温婉而绵长。
Autumn wind is an elegant girl, gentle and long.4、萤火虫提着小灯笼在草丛中巡查。
Fireflies patrol the grass with small lanterns.5、太阳露出脸来,蝉儿在树上愉悦的歌唱。
The sun came out and the cicadas were singing happily in the trees.6、春天来了,花儿笑了,鸟儿在唱歌。
Spring is coming. Flowers are laughing and birds are singing.7、满园的梨树换上了白碎花的外衣。
The pear trees in the garden were coated with white flowers.8、迎春花儿笑了,那笑让人感到春的温暖。
The spring flowers laughed, and the laughter made people feel the warmth of spring.9、小草对您微微笑,请您把路让一让。
Grass smiles at you, please give way.10、时间把我的童年偷走了,送来了我的青年。
Time has stolen my childhood and brought my youth.11、小河唱着动听的歌哗啦啦地向前流着。
The river was singing beautiful songs and flowing forward.12、盼望着,盼望着,秋天的脚步近了。
The moon is always so bright and bright, so people praise it with all kinds of words. As time goes on, the moon becomes proud.2、我很怕羞,请别碰我!I'm very shy, please don't touch me!3、窗外,风吹竹林,奏响一支美妙的歌。
Outside the window, the wind blows the bamboo forest, playing a wonderful song.4、花园里的花朵都低下了高傲的头。
The flowers in the garden all lowered their proud heads.5、小桥如一位德高望重的老人站着那里。
The bridge stood there like an old man of high moral standing.6、甲虫们在搬运沙子,一个个累得筋疲力尽。
The beetles were carrying sand, exhausted one by one.7、一个黄鹂在如同舞台般的树上自在的叫着。
A yellow Oriole was crying freely on a stage-like tree.8、白桦林被风吹得唱起了歌谣。
The birch forest was blown by the wind and sang a song.9、春风一吹,柳条换上了绿色的长装。
When the spring breeze blew, the wicker changed into a green dress.10、蟋蟀在自己的天地里就是一名演奏家。
用拟人的手法造句1. “The world is a stage, and we are all actors.” - William Shakespeare. I often think about this quote when I'm facing challenges.2. I was walking home from school today, and the wind was whispering to me. It was so gentle, like a friend giving me a secret message.3. I thought to myself, “This moment is so precious.” WhenI see a beautiful sunset, it makes me feel all warm inside.4. I'm not just happy when I get good grades. I'm over the moon!5. I was really excited when I found out we were going ona field trip. But then I got sad when I realized I forgot my lunch.6. I love reading books. It's like entering a whole new world. Sometimes I get so lost in a story that I forget everything else.7. Isn't nature amazing? Don't you just love when you seea rainbow after the rain?8. School is like a battlefield. There are challenges and victories.9. I was amazed by the colorful flowers in the garden. They were like jewels shining in the sun.10. So, that's why I think life is full of adventures and surprises.原创声明:创作不易,请体谅,谢谢!。
拟人英文优美句子1. 关于拟人的英语短句隐喻(暗喻)是把A说成BThe streets were a furnace, the sun an executioner.街道就像个大火炉,太阳就是刽子后。
But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill.可是我的心是孤独的猎手,在孤独的小山上狩猎。
Men's words are bullets, that their enemies take up and make use of against them.人说的话是子弹,他们的敌人掌握并拿它来反击他们。
The rain came down in long knitting needles.雨如长长的织针一样下起来。
拟人:The road isn't built that can make it breathe hard!路之所以建成不是让它们使劲儿呼吸的!(advertising slogan for Chevrolet automobiles)雪弗莱汽车的广告Fear knocked on the door. Faith answered. There was no one there.恐惧在敲门。
(proverb quoted by Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos)Oreo: Milk's favorite cookie.奥里奥:牛奶最喜爱的曲奇。
(slogan on a package of Oreo cookies)奥里奥曲奇包装上的口号The only monster here is the gambling monster that has enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor, and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!这里唯一的怪物就是赌博怪物,它将你母亲沦为奴隶!我叫它赌棍,该把你母亲从他的霓虹灯魔爪下救出来的时候了!(Homer Simpson in The Simpsons)。
Flying butterflies are as charming as fairies dancing.2、小虫子急忙地往前爬到树荫下乘凉。
The insect rushed forward into the shade of the tree to enjoy the cool.3、花园里的花都无精打采地将头低垂下去。
The flowers in the garden drooped their heads listlessly.4、我在台灯的呵护下,静静的写作业。
I write my homework quietly under the care of the lamp.5、滚滚的长江水一路欢歌奔向天边。
The rolling water of the Yangtze River is singing all the way to the horizon.6、**伸了伸懒腰,露出了好看的笑容。
Chrysanthemum stretched out and showed a good smile.7、时间用匆匆的脚步走过了春夏秋冬。
Time passes through spring, summer, autumn and winter ina hurry.8、狂风像一个调皮的小孩跑来跑去。
The wind ran around like a naughty child.9、小草伸着懒腰,呼吸着新鲜的空气。
The grass stretched and breathed fresh air.10、墨黑的夜空中撒满了调皮的星星。
The dark night sky was covered with naughty stars.11、欢腾的海浪兴奋地用裙摆拍击着海岸。
The jubilant waves beat excitedly against the shore with their skirts.12、晚上,湖面上倒映着月亮的笑脸。
A gust of wind blew and the flowers danced in the wind.2、柳树在微风中飘荡,如同婀娜多姿的少女在风中起舞。
Willows float in the breeze like graceful girls dancing in the wind.3、一只小小的甲虫正休闲地振着翅膀回洞穴。
A little beetle was flapping its wings leisurely back to the cave.4、青翠挺立的松树在疾风的冲击下,挺立在土地里。
Verdant pine trees stand upright in the ground under the impact of the gale.5、树叶挥手告别了树枝,跳着舞飘落下来。
The leaves waved goodbye to the branches and danced down.6、瓦屋左右矗立着的两坡竹子,彷佛站岗的卫兵。
The bamboo on both sides of the tiled house is like a guard standing on guard.7、那一朵朵**真像一个个骄傲的少女在展现她的优美身姿。
That chrysanthemum blossoms really look like a proud young girl showing her graceful posture.8、成熟的石榴各式各样,像一个个小女孩的脸。
Mature pomegranates are all kinds, like a little girl's face.9、春雨欢快地跳着舞蹈,最后落在竹笋上与它一起共舞。
Spring Rain dances happily and finally falls on bamboo shoots to dance with it.10、请不要向天空吐烟,那是地球妈妈的笑脸。
拟人英文作文优美开头英文:As a personification, I am often used to add a touch of personality to otherwise mundane objects or concepts. From the sun to the wind, from love to death, I have been given life in countless forms. I am the embodiment of imagination and creativity, and I am here to tell you that the possibilities are endless.中文:作为一种拟人化手法,我经常被用来为本来平凡无奇的物体或概念增添一些个性。
巧妙运用拟人的英文句子拟人的句子:1. My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time.2. His shoes told a different story. They had certainly traveled more than he said they had.3. The rain was angry; you could tell just by listening to it from indoors.4. It's the cigarette's job to tempt and lure.5. His paintings, each of them, spoke to anyone who happened to look at them.6. Every single day in office, boredom continuously stares at me.7. For days on end, her thoughts about him entertained her.8. The watch kept warning them about the time left for the race to end.9. The blanket had stretched itself to the ends of the huge bed.10. It's like the clothes were speaking to me, all of them, all at once.11. The waves ran towards the shore with furious pace.12. The leaves danced their way through the lawn.13. Every morning, the Sun glanced at them with love.14. A gentle wind caressed her cheeks as she lay on the soft grass.15. Several dew drops decorated the otherwise plain window.16. Poverty stared at him from every corner of the shattered town.17. The wires entangled themselves every day and then I spent the night disentangling them.18. All the trees danced as sunlight made an appearance after days of thunder.19. Her jewelry clearly spoke about her wealth.20. The road twisted and turned continuously for 100 miles.21. The slices of bread jumped out of the toaster suddenly, scaring me.22. The jacket hugged him so tight, he couldn't breathe.23. The wind whistled throughout the day.24. Anyone who has seen my photographs will know that the camera loves me.25.One look at the garden and you could tell that the plants were begging for water.拟人的诗句:1."Ah, William, we're weary of weather,"said the sunflowers, shining with dew.- Nancy Willard, Two Sunflowers Move in the Yellow Room2."Ten thousand (daffodils) saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced..."- William Wordsworth, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud3.The earth hath swallowed all my hopes.- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet4."Opportunity may knock, but it seldom nags."- David Mamet。
The sun shook its red head and climbed up bit by bit.2、风吹过,桑叶好像在跟我招手,桑果好像在对我微笑。
When the wind blows, the mulberry leaves seem to waving to me, and the mulberry fruit seems to be smiling at me.3、顽皮的露珠在荷叶上一边唱歌,一边舞动。
The naughty dew was dancing and singing on the lotus leaf.4、珍珠鸟小心翼翼地从绿叶间探出脑袋,好奇地张望。
The pearl bird carefully poked its head out of the green leaves and looked curiously.5、一片红叶悠闲自在的躺在在水面上晒太阳。
A red leaf lay idly in the sun on the water.6、一颗颗圆圆的露珠,在荷叶上面和同伴打滚、玩耍。
Round dewdrops rolled and played with their companions on the lotus leaves.7、马路上车来车往,"嘀嘀"声吵闹个不停。
Traffic came and went on the road and there was a lot of noise.8、大海,我的老师,我的亲人,我的挚友,我爱你!The sea, my teacher, my relatives, my close friends, I love you!9、太阳睁开笑眯眯的眼睛,和人们打招呼。
The sun opens its smiling eyes and greets people.10、春天像一个温柔的少女,踏着轻快的步伐来了。
The autumn wind is rustling, and the Bauhinia leaves the branch reluctantly and throws itself into the embrace of the earth.2、一阵风吹过,小树像是冷了一样的晃动起来。
A gust of wind blew, and the tree swayed like it was cold.3、小树长高了,一阵风吹来,小树摇曳着树枝在跳舞呢!The tree grew tall. A gust of wind blew. The tree was dancing with its branches.4、秋天的小河是浪漫的,片片叶子向他倾诉。
The River in autumn is romantic. Leaves talk to him.5、一棵棵松树精神抖擞地站立在山冈上向远方眺望着。
Pine trees stood on the hill and looked out into the distance.6、春天来了,迎春花害羞地绽放黄色的薄纱。
Spring is coming, and the spring flowers are shyly blooming yellow gauze.7、公园里的花开的特别鲜艳,恰如一个个花季少女。
The flowers in the park are very bright, just like girls in theflowering season.8、湖面是那样平静,就像一个熟睡的少女。
The lake was so calm, like a sleeping girl.9、叶子沾满了小水珠,站的错落有致,非常美丽。
The leaves are covered with small droplets of water. The stands are very beautiful.10、田里的麦苗好像口渴的人儿孜孜不倦地吸收着春天的雨水。
下面是几个我喜欢的拟人句:1. The wind whispered through the leaves.(风在树叶间轻声低语。
)2. The sun smiled down on us.(太阳微笑着照耀着我们。
)3. The moonlight danced on the water.(月光在水面上跳舞。
)4. The sea roared with anger.(大海咆哮着愤怒。
下面是一些我喜欢的拟人句:1. The flowers smiled at me.(花儿向我微笑。
)2. The tree stretched its arms to the sky.(树伸出了手臂,向天空伸展。
)3. The river laughed as it flowed.(小溪在流动的时候大笑起来。
)4. The raindrops danced on the rooftop.(雨滴在屋顶上跳舞。
Summer is like a little girl,blooming,smiling,walking.2、小草对您微微笑,请您把路绕一绕。
Grass smile to you,please take the road around.3、鹅轻盈的走着,真是傲慢极了!The goose walks lightly,is really arrogant!4、小鸟在枝头上卖弄着动人的歌喉。
The birds are showing their moving voice on the branches.5、夏天的夜晚像游戏厅,星星们在做游戏。
Summer night is like a game hall.The stars are playing games.6、铅笔犯错了,橡皮橡来纠正错误。
If the pencil is wrong,use the eraser to correct it.7、雨滴笑着闹着从蔚蓝的天空中纷纷落下。
The raindrops were laughing and falling from the blue sky.8、小溪弹凑着自己的曲子,婉转动人。
The stream plays its own music,tactfully moving.9、高梁熟了,站在那里等着农人去收割。
When the sorghum is ripe,I stand there waiting for the farmer to harvest.10、小狗在院子里高兴地走来走去。
The dog was walking up and down the yard happily. 11、春天来了,小鸟放开歌喉,尽情歌唱。
Spring is coming,the birds sing freely.12、秋天到了,稻子笑弯了腰,高梁涨红了脸。
The moon is always so bright and bright, so people praise it with all kinds of words. As time goes on, the moon becomes proud.2、我很怕羞,请别碰我!I'm very shy, please don't touch me!3、窗外,风吹竹林,奏响一支美妙的歌。
Outside the window, the wind blows the bamboo forest, playing a wonderful song.4、花园里的花朵都低下了高傲的头。
The flowers in the garden all lowered their proud heads.5、小桥如一位德高望重的老人站着那里。
The bridge stood there like an old man of high moral standing.6、甲虫们在搬运沙子,一个个累得筋疲力尽。
The beetles were carrying sand, exhausted one by one.7、一个黄鹂在如同舞台般的树上自在的叫着。
A yellow Oriole was crying freely on a stage-like tree.8、白桦林被风吹得唱起了歌谣。
The birch forest was blown by the wind and sang a song.9、春风一吹,柳条换上了绿色的长装。
When the spring breeze blew, the wicker changed into a green dress.10、蟋蟀在自己的天地里就是一名演奏家。
A gust of wind blew and the flowers danced in the wind.2、柳树在微风中飘荡,如同婀娜多姿的少女在风中起舞。
Willows float in the breeze like graceful girls dancing in the wind.3、一只小小的甲虫正休闲地振着翅膀回洞穴。
A little beetle was flapping its wings leisurely back to the cave.4、青翠挺立的松树在疾风的冲击下,挺立在土地里。
Verdant pine trees stand upright in the ground under the impact of the gale.5、树叶挥手告别了树枝,跳着舞飘落下来。
The leaves waved goodbye to the branches and danced down.6、瓦屋左右矗立着的两坡竹子,彷佛站岗的卫兵。
The bamboo on both sides of the tiled house is like a guard standing on guard.7、那一朵朵**真像一个个骄傲的少女在展现她的优美身姿。
That chrysanthemum blossoms really look like a proud young girl showing her graceful posture.8、成熟的石榴各式各样,像一个个小女孩的脸。
Mature pomegranates are all kinds, like a little girl's face.9、春雨欢快地跳着舞蹈,最后落在竹笋上与它一起共舞。
Spring Rain dances happily and finally falls on bamboo shoots to dance with it.10、请不要向天空吐烟,那是地球妈妈的笑脸。
Happy deer skipping along the stream.2、柳枝随风飘动,像是在对我们招手似的。
Willows fluttered in the wind as if waving to us.3、雪很大,雪孩子们拼命的往地上跑。
The snow was so heavy that the children ran desperately to the ground.4、雨点落进池塘里,在池塘里睡觉。
Rain falls into the pond and sleeps in it.5、小猫走起路路来醉酒一样的摇摇晃晃。
The kitten wobbled drunkenly as it walked.6、甲虫们在叫着,仿佛人们在欢呼着。
The beetles were crying, as if people were cheering.7、灯塔亮了,渔船拖着疲惫的身影回家了。
The lighthouse came on and the fishing boat dragged its tired figure home.8、雨停了,小虫子快快乐乐地往前爬。
When the rain stopped, the insect climbed forward happily.9、小熊在河水姐姐的身边走来走去。
Little Bear walks up and down beside his sister in the river.10、太阳早晨起床后,匆匆的问候万物。
When the sun gets up in the morning, he greets everything in a hurry.11、细雨如丝,一颗颗果树在跳着欢快的舞蹈。
Drizzle like silk, fruit trees are dancing happily.12、春天来了,小鸟放开歌喉,尽情歌唱。
Outside the window, Brother Feng is blowing Cuizhu's sister, dancing in the rustle.2、河水似大地的血液在慢慢的流淌着生生不息。
River water like the earth's blood is slowly flowing endlessly.3、树上的麻雀像通了电的喇叭似的叽叽喳喳一刻也不停。
The sparrows on the trees chattered like electric horns fora moment.4、甲虫们在搬运沙子,一个个累得筋疲力尽。
The beetles were carrying sand, exhausted one by one.5、那一排杨柳顺着风低着头仿佛在考虑什么问题似的。
The willows bowed their heads in the wind as if they were thinking about something.6、微风轻轻吹过,杏花展开了灿烂的笑脸。
The breeze blew gently, and the apricot blossoms opened their bright smiling faces.7、橘子戴上最喜欢的绿色发卡,在阳光下笑得很甜。
Orange wears his favorite green hairpin and laughs sweetly in the sun.8、鱼儿带着微笑,欢快的在水里游来游去。
Fish with a smile, happy swimming in the water.9、早晨的日出就像一个娇羞的少女般,鲜红欲滴。
The morning sunrise is like a shy girl, bright red.10、飘落在树的脚下,回到大地的怀抱,期待着下一次的新绿。
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1. My stomach was punishing me for not eating on time.
2. His shoes told a different story. They had certainly traveled more than he said they had.
3. The rain was angry; you could tell just by listening to it from indoors.
4. It's the cigarette's job to tempt and lure.
5. His paintings, each of them, spoke to anyone who happened to look at them.
6. Every single day in office, boredom continuously stares at me.
7. For days on end, her thoughts about him entertained her.
8. The watch kept warning them about the time left for the race to end.
9. The blanket had stretched itself to the ends of the huge bed.
10. It's like the clothes were speaking to me, all of them, all at once.
11. The waves ran towards the shore with furious pace.
12. The leaves danced their way through the lawn.
13. Every morning, the Sun glanced at them with love.
14. A gentle wind caressed her cheeks as she lay on the soft grass.
15. Several dew drops decorated the otherwise plain window.
16. Poverty stared at him from every corner of the shattered town.
17. The wires entangled themselves every day and then I spent the night disentangling them.
18. All the trees danced as sunlight made an appearance after days of thunder.
19. Her jewelry clearly spoke about her wealth.
20. The road twisted and turned continuously for 100 miles.
21. The slices of bread jumped out of the toaster suddenly, scaring me.
22. The jacket hugged him so tight, he couldn't breathe.
23. The wind whistled throughout the day.
24. Anyone who has seen my photographs will know that the camera loves me.
25.One look at the garden and you could tell that the plants were begging for water.
1."Ah, William, we're weary of weather,"
said the sunflowers, shining with dew.
- Nancy Willard, Two Sunflowers Move in the Yellow Room
2."Ten thousand (daffodils) saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced..."
- William Wordsworth, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
3.The earth hath swallowed all my hopes.
- Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
4."Opportunity may knock, but it seldom nags."
- David Mamet。