







面向网络上的Socket 预防不依赖选择的一基于Socket的API 涂上拓扑学,并且可能成形为不同的面向网络工作上的拓扑学。


这篇文章描述面向网络上的Socket设计并且讨论API 和配置选择。






我们提出一个软件模块,叫Ovlay Socket,打算简化面向网络上的网络程序设计的任务。





基于python的socket⽹络编程基于python的socket⽹络编程1. socket简介⾸先我们需要理解什么是⽹络编程,⽹络编程就是编写程序使两台联⽹的计算机之间能够进⾏通信,即能相互交换数据。


socket 的⼀个典型应⽤就是 Web 服务器和浏览器:浏览器获取⽤户输⼊的 URL,向服务器发起请求,服务器分析接收到的 URL,将对应的⽹页内容返回给浏览器,浏览器再经过解析和渲染,就将⽂字、图⽚、视频等元素呈现给⽤户。



2. 基于python的TCP Socket编程思路:1. TCP服务端创建套接字,并绑定到本地IP与端⼝开始监听客户端的连接进⼊循环,不断接受客户端的连接请求然后接收客户端传来的数据,并发送给客户端数据传输完毕后关闭套接字2. TCP客户端创建套接字,根据服务器的IP地址和端⼝号连接上服务器成功连接后发送数据并接收服务器传来的数据传输完毕后主动关闭套接字编程实现:客户端:import sockets = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)#设置服务器的ip地址和端⼝号#本地回环地址,范例为:同⼀台机器上两个进程间的通信host = ''port = 9999s.connect((host,port))while True:sendmsg = input("请输⼊要发送的数据:")s.send(sendmsg.encode("utf-8"))msg = s.recv(1024)if sendmsg == "exit":breakprint("收到来⾃服务器的消息:",msg.decode("utf-8"))s.close()服务端:import sockethost = ''port = 9999s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)s.bind((host,port))s.listen(5)#开始等待客户端的连接client_s,addr = s.accept()print("连接上的客户端的ip地址和端⼝号:",addr)while True:recvmsg = client_s.recv(1024)data = recvmsg.decode("utf-8")print("收到来⾃客户端的消息:",data)if data == "exit":breakmsg = input("请输⼊要发送的数据:")client_s.send(msg.encode("utf-8"))s.close()效果:先启动server,再启动client使⽤netstate -an命令查看已建⽴的连接:3. Python语⾔提供的⽹络接⼝API与Linux Socket API之间的关系 (很规整)Python API Linux Socket APIs = socket.socket()socket()s.bind()bind()s.listen()listen()s.accept()accept()s.connect()connect()s.recv()recv()s.send()send()s.close()close()4. 为了证明API调⽤之间的对应关系,简要跟踪分析调⽤栈直到socket API接⼝⽆论何种语⾔提供的Socket API,底层都会调⽤BSD Socket,python也不例外。



毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。














15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。




IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。



Socket 中英文翻译

Socket 中英文翻译

Socket 设计网络通讯程序协议是通讯双方的约定, 对于计算机通讯来讲, 协议有高低层之分, 有些协议直接描述物理网络上的通讯( 如以太网协议) , 有些协议描述较复杂抽象的功能( 如TCP/ IP 协议族) , 也就是说协议是分层次的, 各层协议互相协作, 构成了一个整体。

TCP/ IP 协议是一个应用于Internet 的非常重要的协议族, 它包括IP 协议、TCP 协议、UDP 协议、ICMP 协议等。

对应于ISO( International Standard Organization)组织制定的OSI( Open System Interconnection)网络模型, IP 协议是应用于网络层的负责将信息从一个网络设备传送到另外一个网络设备; 而TCP 协议是应用于传输层的, 这层的作用是在会话层和网络层之间提供信息( 数据) 传输服务, 并校验以确保信息成功到达目标设备。

与TCP 协议相对应的是UDP 协议, 这也是一个应用于传输层的协议, 与TCP 协议不同的是该协议是无连接的协议。

传输层和网络层在功能上的最大区别是: 前者提供进程通讯能力, 后者不提供进程通讯能力。

在进程间通讯的意义上, 网络通讯的最终地址就不仅仅是主机地址, 还包括描述通讯进程的一种标识符。

为此,TCP/UDP 提出了协议端口的概念, 用于标识通讯的进程, 端口也就是进程访问网络传输服务的入口点。

Internet 中全局地标识一个本地进程需要一个三元组: 协议, 本地地址, 本地端口号。

而一个完整的Internet 进程通讯实例是由通讯两端的各一个进程组成, 因此需要一个五元组来标识: 协议, 本地地址, 本地端口号, 远地地址, 远地端口号。

这里的本地地址、远地地址是用来标识计算机的, 一般是指计算机的IP 地址。

Socket 是一个网络编程接口, 可以适用于不同的网络协议。

Windows 环境下使用的Socket 称为Windows Socket, 简称为Winsock。

基于socket的即时通讯软毕业设计(论文) 推荐

基于socket的即时通讯软毕业设计(论文) 推荐

长沙学院CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY毕业设计(论文)资料目录第一部分毕业论文一、毕业论文第二部分外文资料翻译一、外文资料原文二、外文资料翻译第三部分过程管理资料一、毕业设计(论文)课题任务书二、本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告三、本科毕业设计(论文)中期报告四、毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅表五、毕业设计(论文)评阅教师评阅表六、毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表2009届本科生毕业设计(论文)资料第一部分毕业论文(2009届)本科生毕业论文基于socket的即时通讯软件2009年 6 月长沙学院本科生毕业论文基于socket的即时通讯软件系(部):电子与通信工程专业:通信工程学号: 2005043201学生姓名:闫成超指导教师:张明高级工程师2009 年6 月摘要近些年来,随着计算机技术的飞快发展,尤其是计算机网络方面的发展,人们的生活得到了彻彻底底的改变,人们能以非常低廉的价格,甚至不用花钱,就可以用上更方便、更实用的网络通信软件。











1 . Introduction To Objects1.1The progress of abstractionAll programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re able to solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction。

By “kind” I mean,“What is it that you are abstracting?” Assembly language is a small abstraction of the underlying machine. Many so—called “imperative” languages that followed (such as FORTRAN,BASIC, and C) were abstractions of assembly language。

These languages are big improvements over assembly language,but their primary abstraction still requires you to think in terms of the structure of the computer rather than the structure of the problem you are trying to solve。

The programmer must establish the association between the machine model (in the “solution space,” which is the place where you’re modeling that problem, such as a computer) and the model of the problem that is actually being solved (in the “problem space,” which is the place where the problem exists). The effort required to perform this mapping, and the fact that it is extrinsic to the programming language,produces programs that are difficult to write and expensive to maintain,and as a side effect created the entire “programming methods” industry.The alter native to modeling the machine is to model the problem you’re trying to solve。



The Network is the PlatformAbstract:The network is the most cost-effective platform companies can use to integrate complex interactions for increased value and growthMost chief executive officers (CEOs) today are concerned about growth - and building their companies' capacity to grow, according to Cisco CEO John Chambers. "It doesn't matter where we are in the world," says Chambers. "Wherever I go, the first thing CEOs talk about is growth.""The second thing they want to discuss is how to build in the capability to grow, to use information technology (IT) to help enable - and perhaps even change - their business strategy, and how to do that with flexibility and agility," he adds.Today, business leaders are realizing that, by increasing the value of each transaction rather than simply trying to increase the number of transactions, they can enjoy a greater growth trajectory and better return on investment. By encouraging employees, partners and vendors to work more creatively and providing them with the IT tools to be more effective in their roles, companies are successfully transforming simple transactions into much more valuable interactions."In the next decade or two, interactions will bring a whole new level of innovation to us -- the ability to drive productivity at results that are five, ten maybe twelve times greater than what we have seen in the past. And one of the technologies that helps them increase the value of their transactions - and to move from transactions to interactions - is the network," Chambers explains.The Interactions NetThis 'Interactions Net' - an evolution of the way people communicate - signals that the technology sector's center of gravity is shifting to a standards-based platform: the Internet Protocol (IP) network. In this context, a platform has three basic attributes: it is based on open standards or interfaces; it is extensible and customizable, providing new market development possibilities; and it is pervasive. When these characteristics align, a huge new window of opportunity opens.As this new phase of interactions-centric development unfolds, the ubiquity and extensibility of IP is being combined with new levels of intelligence and capability to create the right network to serve as the basis for real-time business interactions. And the applications of the future are increasingly empowered by this network platform."The network is no longer just infrastructure, not just bandwidth," Chambers observes. "Instead, it is emerging as a secure platform for delivering the customized experience that 21st century consumers expect - whether that means delivering new services as a carrier, boosting productivity for businesses of any size or consumers looking for real-time, personalized entertainment and services." Blogs, wikis, social networks and collaborative applications all exemplify the new types of communication environment that the network enables."As the ever-more-intelligent network evolves into a platform, each of us will be able to communicate from any device and in whatever mode we choose," Chambers says. As the center of the Interactions Net, the network itself is emerging as an important IT platform - like the microprocessor, which has led innovation for the past 25 years. And the emergence of the network as a platform is changing the entire value chain of IT and placing the network squarely at the center of innovation: as many as 14 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2010, fueled by more and more computing tasks now being handled online, from phone calls to personalized searches to downloading entertainment.The communications transformation has many facets:Storage provides an example of this evolution. "Our storage at Cisco is used much more intelligently today than it was just a few years ago," Chambers points out. "More and more, we're using a network-based, intelligent storage model in which resources are added to and deleted from the network independent of the applications they support. Instead of allocating storage to particular processor tasks, we just put it up on the network, make it available and the network can intelligently map which resources go with which application resources." This virtualization increased storageutilization by 20 to 30 percent, dramatically increased operational efficiency and led to millions of dollars in annual savings.The Communications Company of the FutureCisco is leading the transition to a network-centric technology environment. By combining its core strength (IP) with intelligence, the company is creating a powerful communications platform that will serve as the basis for the convergence of data, voice, video and mobile communications systems in a secure, integrated architecture. The success that Cisco has achieved in recent years has come from continuously planning three to five years ahead, thereby managing to get ahead of important market transitions. That foresight continues to be the basis of its strategy moving forward. "Historically, the transitions we've been a part of have been technological; they've been relatively orderly and predictable," Chambers notes. "Now, however, we're seeing a wider-reaching, more dramatic transition. So our ability to predict successfully where the market will go is even more critical and offers much greater potential import for the company."Recent moves outline the company's strategy for maintaining its leadership position as the Interactions Net takes shape over the next decade. For example, Cisco has named three new 'Advanced Technology' markets that extend the company's position across the service provider, consumer and business environments. (Advanced Technologies are areas with the potential to create billion-dollar revenue streams; they also expand the Cisco value proposition to customers, as each is integrated into the core of the network.) These recent announcements - Linksys One, the intent to acquire Scientific Atlanta, and Application Services - underscore the company's firm commitment to its long-term architecture strategy."We continue to predict the directions we think the market will take," says Chambers. "These Advanced Technologies are indicative of how we believe the network will become the preferred service platform of the future."Whereas in the past, investment was focused primarily around applications that were built on microprocessor-based platforms (e.g., work stations, servers, desktops, laptops) and the applications they used, C isco believes that future investment will shift to applications that rely more on the network as the platform for their delivery. Real-time interactions are the future of business. As the network becomes a platform and changes the entire IT value chain, companies that take advantage of it will bebetter positioned to facilitate - and successfully manage - those interactions for future growth and increased value.网络就是一个平台网络作为最具成本效益的公司可以整合其增值和成长之间复杂的相互作用当今大部分行政人员(行政总裁)都在关注的成长和培养自己公司的这种成长的能力-此话出自于思科公司的首席执行官约翰钱伯斯。




TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)协议作为网络通信的基本协议就解决了这一通信难题,它引入了一种称之为“Socket”的应用程序接口。

Socket 是建立在传输层协议上的一种套接字规范,基于Socket的网络编程已是一项现如今被广泛利用的技术,很大程度上方便了人们的生活。







关键字:Socket;VC++;网络编程;远程控制AbstractWith the rapid development of network technology, computer has brought human civilization aundergone enormous changes, the original physical interface has been unable to meet the requirements of network communication. As the network communication protocol TCP / IP protocol solved the basic problem of this communication, the introduction of a technique called "Socket" application program interface. Socket network based on programming is a widely utilized nowadays .In this paper, VC 6.0 development environment, socket-based network programming, implementation and process control system that allows the local computer through the LAN to access different remote computers, and its operation can also be carried out Internet host.This article first briefly introduces the remote desktop monitoring system key technologies, as well as system requirements analysis. The basic framework of the system design and function of each module; then introduces the various functional modules of the specific implementation steps. Finally, test methods and results, the advantages and disadvantages of the system are summarized.Keywords:Socket;VC++;Network Programming;Remote Control目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题的背景和意义 (1)1.2 课题的国内外研究现状 (1)1.3 课题的结构安排 (2)2 Socket网络编程的关键技术 (3)2.1 Socket网络编程理论基础 (3)2.1.1 OSI七层网络模型与TCP/IP四层网络模型 (3)2.1.2 Socket编程基本原理 (7)2.2 Windows Socket网络编程技术 (11)2.2.1 Winsock简介 (11)2.2.2 Winsock通信机制 (11)2.2.3 Winsock编程模型 (12)2.3 图像技术 (15)2.4 图像压缩编码解码 (17)2.4.1 霍夫曼压缩 (18)2.4.2 Run Length压缩 (18)3 远程控制系统总体设计 (21)3.1 系统需求分析 (21)3.1.1 用户需求 (21)3.1.2 可采用的技术方案 (21)3.2 可行性技术方案 (22)3.2.1 技术可行性 (22)3.2.2 经济可行性 (22)3.3 系统的基本框架 (22)3.4 模块划分及功能设计 (24)4 系统的详细设计与实现 (25)4.1 界面设计 (25)4.1.1 客户端界面 (25)4.1.2 服务器端界面 (28)4.2 客户端模块设计与实现 (29)4.3 服务器模块设计与实现 (30)4.4 消息模拟功能的实现 (32)4.5 流数据的实现 (33)4.6 图形编码 (34)5 系统实施及测试 (38)5.1 测试环境搭建 (38)5.2 系统功能和性能测试 (38)5.2.1 客户端显示测试 (38)5.2.2 鼠标键盘功能测试 (44)5.3 测试结果 (47)结论 (48)致谢 (49)参考文献 (50)附录A 英文原文 (52)附录B 中文翻译 (65)附录C 源程序 (72)1 绪论1.1 课题的背景和意义随着计算机网络技术的发展,原来物理上的接口(如键盘、鼠标、网卡、显示卡等输入、输出接口)已不能满足网络通信的要求了。

计算机 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献及译文一种新的网络应用程序开发框架——MVC

计算机 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献及译文一种新的网络应用程序开发框架——MVC





关键词:MVC、设计模式、网络应用程序1.简介网络应用系统是一个基于B(rowser)/ S(erver)模型应用系统。







1)模型:是应用对象,2)视图:是它的屏幕的显示,3)控制器: 定义用户界面并对输入的信息做出响应。


















1. 确定通信协议:通信协议的选择对于服务器程序的编写至关重要,常见的通信协议有TCP和UDP,根据需要选择合适的协议。

2. 确定端口号:通信需要通过端口进行,因此需要确定服务器程序使用的端口号,在选择端口号时需要避免与其他程序冲突。

三、编写服务器程序一般来说,编写基于socket通信的服务器程序可以分为以下步骤:1. 创建socket:调用socket()函数创建一个socket对象,该对象将用于后续的通信。

2. 绑定位置区域和端口:调用bind()函数将socket对象绑定到特定的位置区域和端口上,使得其他计算机能够通过该位置区域和端口连接到服务器。

3. 监听连接:调用listen()函数开始监听来自客户端的连接请求,使得服务器能够接受客户端的连接。

4. 接受连接:调用accept()函数接受客户端的连接请求,并返回一个新的socket对象,通过该对象和客户端进行通信。

5. 数据交换:利用新的socket对象和客户端进行数据交换,可以发送和接收数据,实现实际的通信功能。

6. 关闭连接:通信结束后,调用close()函数关闭socket对象,释放资源。


1. 错误检测:在创建socket对象、绑定端口、监听连接等关键步骤中,需要检测可能出现的错误情况,例如端口被占用等。

2. 异常处理:在接受连接、数据交换的过程中,可能出现网络异常、客户端断开连接等情况,需要进行相应的异常处理,保证程序的稳定性和可靠性。



Keywords:Java; Peer-to-peer; Socket connection
2011年5月 28日





v1.1版本是针对Internet而设计的,在v2.0版本中已经不再局限于TCP/IP协议,而是根据Microsoft提出的Windows开放系统架构(Windows Open System Architecture,WOSA)模型,定义了一个标准服务提供接口(Standard Service Provider Interface,SPI)。


.NET Framework在.Sockets名空间提供了对WinSock的托管封装,提供在这些类中,Socket类为核心类,它提供了使用WinSock进行网络通信的基本功能。


目前,存在两种网络通信协议模型:开放系统互连(Open System Interconnection,OSI)参考模型和TCP/IP模型。


OSI参考模型最初是由国际化标准组织(International Standard Organization,ISO)开发,1983年成为国际标准。

OSI参考模型将网络划分成7层,从上之下分别是:应用层(Application Layer)、表示层(Presentation Layer)、会话层(Session Layer)、传输层(Transport Layer)、网络层(Network Layer)、数据链路层(Data Link Layer)和物理层(Physical Layer)。

电子信息 外文文献译文

电子信息 外文文献译文

XXXX学院毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文本2012届原文出处A Novel Cross-layer Quality-of-service ModelFor Mobile AD hoc Network毕业设计(论文)题目基于COMNETIII的局域网的规划与设计院(系)电气与电子信息学院专业名称电子信息工程学生姓名学生学号指导教师A Novel Cross-layer Quality-of-service ModelFor Mobile AD hoc NetworkLeichun Wang, Shihong Chen, Kun Xiao, Ruimin Hu National Engineering Research Center of Multimedia Software, Wuhan UniversityWuhan 430072, Hubei, chinaEmail:******************Abstract:The divided-layer protocol architecture for Mobile ad hoc Networks (simply MANETs) can only provide partial stack. This leads to treat difficulties in QoS guarantee of multimedia information transmission in MANETs, this paper proposes Across-layers QoS Model for MANETs, CQMM. In CQMM, a core component was added network status repository (NSR), which was the center of information exchange and share among different protocol layers in the stack. At the same time, CQMM carried out all kinds of unified QoS controls. It is advantageous that CQMM avoids redundancy functions among the different protocol layers in the stack and performs effective QoS controls and overall improvements on the network performances.Keyword: Cross-layers QoS Model, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), Network Status Repository (NSR), QoS Controls.1 introductionWith the rapid development of multimedia technologies and the great increase of his bandwidth for personal communication, video and video services begin to be deployed in MANETs. Different from static networks and Internet, multimedia communications in MANETs such as V oice and Video services require strict QoS guarantee, especially the delay guarantee. In addition, communication among different users can be integrated services with different QoS requirements. These lead to great challenges in QoS guarantee of multimedia communication in MANETs. There are two main reasons in these: 1) MANETs runs in atypical wireless environment with time-varying and unreliable physical link, broadcast channel, and dynamic and limited bandwidth and so forth. Therefore, it can only provide limited capability for differentiated services with strict QoS requirements [1].2) It is difficult that traditional flow project and access control mechanism are implemented because of mobility, multiple hops and self-organization of MANETs.At present, most researches on QoS based on traditional divided-layer protocol architecture for MANETs focus on MAC protocol supporting QoS [2], QoS routingprotocol [3] and adaptive application layer protocol with QoS support [4], and so on. It is avoid less that there will be some redundancies on functions among the different protocol layers in the stack. This will increase the complexity of QoS implementation and cause some difficulties in overall improvement on the network performances. Therefore, it is not suitable for MANETs with low processing abilityIn recent years, the cross-layers design based on the partial protocol layers in MANETs was put forward.[1] proposed the mechanism with QoS guarantee for heterogeneous flow MAC layer.[5,6,7,8] did some researches on implementing video communication with QoS guarantee by exchange and cooperation of information among a few layers in MANETs. These can improve QoS in MANETs’communication to some extent. However, MANETs is much more complex than wired system and static network, and improvements on QoS guarantee depend on full cooperation among all layers in the protocol stack. Therefore, it is difficult for the design to provide efficient QoS guarantee for communication and overall improvements on the network performances in MANETs.To make good use of limited resources and optimize overall performances in MANETs, this paper proposes a novel cross-layer QoS model, CQMM, where different layers can exchange information fully and unified QoS managements and controls can be performed.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. CQMM is described in section 2 in detail. In section 3, we analyze CQMM by the comparison with DQMM.The section 4 concludes the paper.2. A CROSS-LAYER QOS MODEL FOR MANETS-CQMM2.1 Architecture of CQMMIn MANETs, present researches on QoS are mostly based on traditional divided-layer protocol architecture, where signals and algorithms supporting QoS are designed and implemented in different layers respectively, such as MAC protocol supporting QoS in data link layer [9], routing protocol with QoS support in network layer[10.11],and so forth. It can be summarized as A Divided-layer QoS Model for MANETs, DQMM (see fig.1).In DQMM, different layers in the protocol stack are designed and work independently; there are only static interfaces between different layers that are neighboring in logic; and each protocol layer has some QoS controls such as error control in logic link layer, congestion control in network, etc. On the one hand, DQMM can simplify the design of MANETs greatly and gain the protocols with high reliability and extensibility. On the other one, DQMM also has some shortcomings: 1) due to the independent design among he different protocol layers, there are some redundancy functions among the different protocollayers in the stack, 2) it is difficult that information is exchanged among different layers that are not neighboring in logic, which leads to some problems in unified managements, QoS controls and overall improvements on the network performances.Fig.1Therefore, it is necessary that more attention are focused on the cooperation among physical layer data link layer, network layer and higher when attempting to optimize performances of each of layer in MANETs. For this reason, we combine parameters dispersed in different layers and design a novel cross-layer QoS model, CQMM, to improve the QoS guarantee and the overall network performances. The architecture of CQMM is provided in fig 2From fig.2, it can be seen that CQMM keeps the core functions and relative independence of each protocol layer in the stack and allows direct information exchange between two neighboring layers in logics to maintain advantages of the modular architecture .On the basic of these, a core component is added in CQMM, Network Status Repository (simply NSR).NSR is the center, by which different layers can exchange and share information fully. On the one hand, each protocol layer can read the status information of other protocol layers from NSR to determine its functions and implementation mechanisms. On the other one, each protocol layer can write its status information to NSR that can be provided with other layers in the protocol stack. In CQMM, the protocol layers that are neighboring in logics can exchange information directly orindirectly by NSR, and the protocol layers that are not neighboring in logics can exchange information using cross-layer ways via NSR. Therefore, information exchange is flexible in CQMM.All kinds of QoS controls in CQMM such as management and scheduling of network resources, network lifetime, error control, and congestion control and performance optimization and so on are not carried out independently. On the contrary, CQMM is in charge of the unified management and all QoS controls by the cooperation among different protocol layers in the stack. Each QoS control in MANETs is related to all layers in the protocol stack, and also constrained by all layers in the stack. The results of all QoS operations and managements are fed back to the different layers and written back to NSR, which will become the parameters of all kinds of QoS controls in MANETs.2.2 protocol design in CQMMIn CQMM, the protocol designs aims at the full and free information exchange and cooperation among different protocol layers to avoid possible redundancy functions when maintaining the relative independence among different layers and the advantages of the modular architecture.Physical layer: Physical layer is responsible for modulation, transmission and receiving of data, and also the key to the size, the cost and the energy consumption of each node in MANETs. In CQMM, the design of physical layer is to choose the transmission media, the frequency range and the modulation algorithm wit the low cost, power and complexity, big channel capability and so on, according to the cost of implementation, energy constraint, and capability and QoS requirements from high layer.Data link layer: The layer is low layer in the protocol stack and can be divided into two sub-layers: logic link sub-layer and MAC sub-layer. Compared with high layers, data link layer can sense network status in MANETs earlier such as the change of channel quality, the network congestion and so on. Therefore, on the one hand data link layer can perform the basic QoS controls such as error control and management of communication channel. On the other one, the layer can be combined with high layers to establish, choose and maintain the routing faster, prevent the congestion of the network earlier, and choose appropriate transport mechanisms and control strategies for transport layer.Network layer: The design and implementation of network layer protocol in CQMM is to establish, choose and maintain appropriate routings by taking into consideration the power, the cache, the reliability of each node in a routing. QoS requirements of services from high layer such as the bandwidth and the delay, and implementation strategies oferror control in logic link sub-layer and the way of the channel management in MAC sub-layer.Transport layer: In CQMM, the protocol design of transport layer needs to be aware of both functions and implementation mechanism of lower layers such as the way of error control in data link layer, the means to establish, choose and maintain routing in the network layer, and QoS requirements from the application layer, to determine corresponding transmission strategies. In addition, the transport layer also needs to analyze all kinds of events from low layers such as the interrupt and change of the routing and the network congestion, and then respond properly to avoid useless sending data.Application layer: There are two different strategies in the design of the application layer: 1) differentiated services. According to the functions provided by the low layers applications are classed as the different ones with different priority levels. 2) Application-aware design. Analyze specific requirements of different applications such as the bandwidth, the delay and the delay twitter and so on, and then assign and implement the functions for each layer in the protocol stack according to the requirements.2.3 QoS Cooperation and Management in CQMMIn CQM, the core of QoS cooperation and management is that NSR acts as the exchange and share center of status information in protocol stack, and by the full exchange and share of network status among different protocol layers the management and scheduling of the network resources and the overall optimization of the network performances can be implemented effectively. The management and scheduling of the network resources, the cross-layer QoS cooperation and the overall optimization of the network performances.Management and scheduling of network resources: Network resources include all kinds of resources such as the cache, the energy and the queue in each node, and the communication channel among nodes and so froth. In CQMM, the management and scheduling of the network resources are not to the unified management and scheduling of the network resources and full utilization of limited resources in order to increase the QoS of all kinds of communication.QoS cooperation and control: In CQMM, all kinds of QoS controls and cooperation such as the rate adaptation, the delay guarantee and the congestion control and so on, are not implemented by each layer alone, but completed through the operation of all layers in the protocol stack. For example, the congestion in MANETs can be earlier prevented and controlled by the cooperation among different layers such as ACK from MAC sub-layer,the routing information and the loss rate and delay of package from network layer, and the information of rate adaptation in transport layer and so on.Performances Optimization: In CQMM, the optimization of the network performances aims to establish a network optimization model constrained by all layers in the protocol architecture and finds the “best”ways according to the model in order to improve the overall performances in MANETs.3. ANALYSIS OF CQMMPresent QoS models for MANETs can mainly be classed as a QoS model based on traditional divided-layer architecture DQMM and a cross-layer QoS model proposed by this paper CQMM. QoS model used by [1, 5-8] is to some extent extended on the basis of DQMM in nature. Here, we only compare CQMM with DQMM3.1 Information ExchangeDifferent protocol architecture and principle between CQMM lead to great differences in the means, the frequency, the time and the requirement of the information exchange, (see table 1)From Table 1, it can be seen that compared wit DQMM CQMM has some advantages: 1) more flexible information exchange. Neighboring layers can information by the interfaces between layers or NSR, and crossing layers may exchange information through NSR; 2) simpler transform in information format. Different layers can exchange information by NSR, so these layers only need to deal with the format transform between the layers and NSR;3)lower requirements. The protocol layers can read them in proper time Information from different protocol layers temporarily stored in NSR, so the layers exchanging information are not required to be synchronous in time;4) more accurate control. NSR in CQMM can store information of some time from the different layers, which is advantageous to master the network status and manage the network more accurately. However, these require higher information exchange frequencies among the different layers,, more processing time of each node, and more communication among them.。



第3卷第3期2004年6月 江南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Southern Yangtze U niversity(N atural Science Edition) Vol.3 No.3J un. 2004 文章编号:1671-7147(2004)03-0249-03 收稿日期:2003-11-26; 修订日期:2004-03-04. 作者简介:刘骏(1979-),男,江苏泰州人,控制理论与控制工程专业硕士研究生.颜钢锋(1959-),男,浙江永康人,教授,博士生导师.主要从事纺织CAD/CAM 、非线性等方面的研究.基于Socket 的网络编程技术及其实现刘骏, 颜钢锋(浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310027)摘 要:在介绍TCP 协议客户端和服务器端进程通信流程和具体实现的基础上,以Delphi 为环境编程语言,说明了在Windows 下利用Socket 进行网络编程的方法和特点.给出了一个用局域网进行文件传输和系统远程控制的实例.关键词:Socket ;网络编程;远程控制;TCP 协议中图分类号:TP 311.52文献标识码:AN et work Programming T echnique and Its R ealization B ased on SocketL IU J un , YAN G ang 2feng(College of Electrical Engineering ,Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou 310027,China )Abstract :The paper introduces the process communication procedure and its specific realization between the client and server based on TCP protocol.Based on the introduction ,the paper propose the methods and features of network socket programming using Delphi.An instance of file transfer and distant system control is also presented.K ey w ords :Socket ;network programming ;remote control ;TCP protocol Socket 是建立在传输层协议(主要是TCP 和UDP )上的一种套接字规范,最初由美国加州Berkley 大学提出,为UN IX 操作系统开发的网络通信接口,它定义了两台计算机间的通信规范(也是一种编程规范).如果两台计算机是利用一个“通道”进行通信,那么这个“通道”的两端就是套接字.Socket 屏蔽了底层通信软件和具体操作系统的差异,使得任何两台安装了TCP 协议软件和实现了Socket 规范的计算机之间的通信成为可能.Socket接口是TCP/IP 网络最为通用的API ,也是在Internet 上进行应用开发最通用的API [1].文中介绍了Socket 程序设计的基本原理,并结合实例介绍了Socket 程序设计的基本方法,给出了局域网文件传输和计算机系统远程控制的实例.1 Socket 基本原理在Windows 网络编程中,套接字接口主要有3种类型:流式套接字,数据报套接字以及原始套接字、流式套接字定义了一种面向连接的服务,实现了无差错无重复的顺序数据传输,无长度限制.数据报套接字接口定义了一种无连接的服务,数据通过相互独立的报文进行传输,是无序的,并且不保证可靠.原始套接字允许对低层协议IP 或ICMP 直接访问,主要应用网络协议的测试,例如Windows 带的Ping 程序,就是通过ICMP 实现的[2].在现在的网络应用中,通信双方最常见的交互模式便是Client/Server 模式.客户/服务器模式通常采用监听/连接的方式实现.服务器端应用程序在一个端口监听对服务的请求,也就是说,服务进程一直处于休眠状态,直到有一个客户对这个服务提出了连接请求,此时服务线程被“唤醒”并为客户提供服务,即对客户的请求做出适当的反应[3].采用面向连接的协议(如TCP )时,服务器处理的请求比较复杂,并不是简单的请求应答所能够解决的,而且大多数TCP 服务器是并发服务器,因此需要经过反复的交互[2].使用面向连接的协议时,典型的套接字接口调用流程如图1所示.图1 Socket 通信过程示意Fig.1 The diagram of Socket communication procedure 具体实现时,服务器进程首先在约定的端口处开启一个监听Socket ,负责监听客户端的请求,用Accept ()循环从接受队列依次取出每一个客户进程,连接后生成新的Socket ,此时服务器Fork ()出一个子进程专门处理该客户,父进程则关闭新的Socket ,继续处理下一个客户进程.而服务器监听用的Socket 对Fork 出的子进程无用,所以子进程将其关闭,用产生的新Socket 与客户交换信息,直到对方关闭此连接,子进程终止.2 Delphi 环境下的网络编程虽然现在有很多工具如F TP 程序可以在网络上传输数据和文件,但是通过WinSock 编程有更大的灵活性,它不需要关心网络连接的细节,作者也可以用它来实现自己定义的一些协议.如果一开始就编写分布式系统进程通信恶程序,则必须对相关的网络协议、系统的低层知识以及网络软硬件技术有较深的了解与掌握.而在Windows N T 下,可以使用很多编程语言,如VC ++,Java ,Delphi 等.其中,Delphi 对原来的Windows Sockets 库函数进行了很好的包装,封装了各种功能,使编程更加简单.Delphi 6中网络组件分为Client Socket 和ServerSocket ,分别用于客户端和服务器端.对于Client Socket ,它是请求方,即它是主动地建立联接;而Serversocket 用于响应方,其动作是侦听以及被动接受联接.组件Serversocket 属性是动态的,伴随着一个新的Client Socket 与之链接的同时,就会产生一个新的Socket 与该Client Socket 对应,进行单独的通信.因此,在同一个ServerSocket 中,可以与多个Client Socket 保持同时链接和各自的通信.ServerSocket 的属性Socket.ActiveConnections 用于表示客户端联接的数量,属性Socket.Connections [index ]用于访问单个与Client Socket 联接的Socket.下面以3个实例介绍Socket 编程的一些关键技术.2.1 局域网文件传输的实现指定TClient Socket 服务器有两种方式:如指定http :// 或者机器名.这种方式较直观,但要进行域名解析,速度会慢一些;另一种方法是指定主机的IP 地址.指定连接服务器的端口号,也有两种方式,一是设置Service 使用默认端口号,一是直接设置Port 端口号.在1024的端口号中,很多已经分配,如F TP 端口为20和21,SM TP 的端口为25,Web 服务器端口为80,建议最好将端口设置为1024以上.建立起客户和服务器的联接后,就可以进行通信.Delphi 为TServerSocket 和TClient Socket 提供了几种通信用的方法,用Send Text 发送文本信息,用SendStream 发送流,用SendBuf 发送指定数据的长度.需要注意的是,由于Windows 默认缓冲区大小为8K ,所以当发送大于8K 的信息时,必须采用分组循环发送的方式.服务器程序主要负责监听客户端的联接,开始先通过Send Text 向客户机发送服务器名、IP 地址,文件大小和文件名.客户机发送“send ”,服务器把文件保存到内存流中,开始按照BufferSize (此处为2K )大小来分段发送数据,直到发送完为止,此时再清空内存流,等待下次发送[2].052 江南大学学报(自然科学版) 第3卷 图2 分组循环发送文件示意Fig.2 Diagram of f ile transmitting by groups 发送文件的核心程序如下:Const Buf Size =2048;Procedure TMyPicture.SendFilePart ;VarSendSize :longint ;//待发送的字节数Buf :array [0..Buf Size 21]of char //建立一块2K 的字符缓冲区beginIf MyStream.Size =0then G et FileReady ();//内存流大小为0,则读取文件到内存流if Left Size >Buf Size then SendSize :=Buf Size ;//余下的文件>2K ,则发送Buf Size (2K )else SendSize :=Left Size //余下的文件不足2K ,则全部发送完MyStream.ReadBuffer (Buf ,SendSize );//把内存流写入缓冲区Left Size :=Left Size 2SendSize ;//Left Size 标志剩余字节数If Left Size =0then MyStream.Clear ;//全部发送,则清空内存流TryClient Socket1.Socket.SendBuf (buf ,SendSize );//发送缓冲区ExceptMyStream.Clear ;End ;End ;同样,在客户机接受的时候,要判断接受到的流的大小,如果流的大小等于2K ,则发送继续,服务器继续发送Buf Size 大小,客户机循环接受,直到介绍到的大小小于2K ,最后再从流中读取文件[4].2.2 通过Socket 编程实现计算机的远程控制有一些共享软件(如Netmeeting ,PcAnyWhere )可以实现远程控制,通过共享桌面的形式,多远程主机作任何操作,就像控制本机一样.这种控制技术在远程设备(软件)的维护,监控与故障诊断等方面有很大的应用前景.在一些网络型的监控系统中,监控软件由设备厂家提供,不可能自己修改.但使用者通过Socket 通信技术结合计算机系统控制的一些API ,从而实现对计算机的远程控制.比如屏幕捕捉、开关机、对对方的鼠标及键盘和运行的进程、线程实行监控、视屏传输等.控制端和被控端连接成功后,在控制端ButtonClick 事件中ControlSocket.Socket.Send Text (‘reboot ’);在被控端UnderControlSocket 的OnClient Read 事件中加入:if Socket.Receive Text =’reboot ’then Exit WindowsEx (EWX -REBOO T ,2);//重启的API 函数当然可以把上面的重启的API 函数换成其他的API 函数,就可以实现其他的远程控制.3 结 语本文以Delphi 语言为例,重点介绍了利用Socket 编程技术实现局域网的文件传输,计算机的远程监控等技术.目前计算机网络持续而高速地发展,其中基于TCP/IP 协议网络已经成为计算机之间组网的常见形式.基于TCP/IP 的网络编程,也得到了广泛的应用[5].目前,大多数远程进程间通信代码是用Socket 编写的,实际应用中用Socket 传输信息并不是独立的,它在多线程的处理环境中应用更为广泛.参考文献:[1]周炎涛,李立明.TCP/IP 协议下网络编程技术的实现[J ].航空计算技术,2002,32(3):122-125.[2]李存斌,汪兵.Delphi 深度编程及项目应用开发[M ].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2002.180-188.[3]阮戈.最新UN IX 程序设计与编程技巧[M ].北京:清华大学出版社,2001.[4]刘骏.Delphi 数字图像处理及高级应用[M ].北京:科学出版社,2003.307-318.[5]Martin Hall Etc.Windows S ockets 2An open interface for network programming under microsoft windows[EB/OL ].http :///burks/pcinfo/progdocs/winsock/winsock.htm ,1993-01-20.(责任编辑:彭守敏)152 第3期刘骏等:基于Socket 的网络编程技术及其实现。


addr:输出一个sockaddr_in变量的地址,该变量用来存放发 起连接请求的客户端的协议地址;
addrlen:作为输入时指明缓冲器的长度,作为输出时指明 addr的实际长度。
原型:int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *serv_addr, int addrlen) 功能描述:connect()通常由TCP类型客户端调用,用来与 服务器建立一个TCP连接,实际是发起3次握手过程,连接成 功返回0,失败则返-1。 参数解释:
原型:int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *myaddr, socklen_t addrlen) 功能描述:将创建的socket绑定到指定的IP地址和端口上, 通常是第二个调用的socket接口,调用成功返回0,失败则 返回-1。 参数解释:
src_addr:数据来源端的地址; fromlen:作为输入时,fromlen常置为sizeof(struct sockaddr);当输出时,fromlen包含实际存入buf中的诗句字 节数;
启动visual studio 2013,进入【文件】->【新建】->【项 目】,然后在【新建项目】的对话框中选择【win32控制台 应用项目】,项目名称和路径自定义,点击【确定】进入下 一步。右键【源文件】->【添加新建项】建立cpp文件。



题目Programming Overlay Networkswith OverlaySocketsProgramming Overlay Networks with Overlay SocketsThe emergence of application-layer overlay networks has inspired the development of new network services and applications. Research on overlay net-workshas focused on the design of protocols to maintain and forward data in an overlay network, however, less attention has been given to the software development process of building application programs in such an environment. Clearly,the complexity of overlay network protocols calls for suitable application programming interfaces (APIs) and abstractions that do not require detailed knowledge of the overlay protocol, and, thereby, simplify the task of the application programmer. In this paper, we present the concept of an overlay socket as a new programming abstraction that serves as the end point of communication in an overlay network. Theoverlay socket provides a socket-based API that is independent of the chosen overlay topology, and can be configured to work for different overlay topologies. The overlay socket can support application data transfer over TCP, UDP, or other transport protocols. This paper describes the design of the overlay socket and discusses API and configuration options.1 IntroductionApplication-layer overlay networks [5, 9, 13, 17] provide flexible platforms for develop-ing new network services [1, 10, 11, 14, 18–20] without requiring changes to the network-layer infrastructure. Members of an overlay network, which can be hosts, routers, servers, or applications, organize themselves to form a logical network topology, and commu-nicate only with their respective neighbors in the overlay topology. A member of an overlay network sends and receives application data, and also forwards data intended for other members. This paper addresses application development in overlay networks. We use the term overlay network programming to refer to the software development process of building application programs that communicate with one another in an application-layer overlay_This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation through grant ANI-0085955.work. The diversity and complexity of building and maintaining overlay networks make it impractical to assume that application developers can be concerned with the complexity of managing the participation of an application in a specific overlay networktopology.We present a software module, called overlay socket, that intends to simplify the task of overlay network programming. The design of the overlay socket pursues the following set of objectives: First, the application programming interface (API) of the overlay socket does not require that an application programmer has knowledge of the overlay network topology. Second, the overlay socket is designed to accommodatedif-ferent overlay network topologies. Switching to different overlay network topologies is done by modifying parameters in a configuration file. Third, the overlay socket, which operates at the applicationlayer,can accommodate different types of transport layer protocols. This is accomplished by using network adapters that interface to the un-derlying transport layer network and perform encapsulation and de-encapsulation of messages exchanged by the overlay socket. Currently available network adapters are TCP, UDP, and UDP multicast. Fourth, the overlay socket provides mechanisms for bootstrapping new overlay networks. In this paper, we provide an overview of the overlay socket design and discuss over-lay network programming with the overlay socket. The overlay socket has been imple-mented in Java as part of the HyperCast software distribution [12]. The software has been used for various overlay applications, and has been tested in both local-area as well as wide-area settings. The HyperCast software implements the overlay topolo-gies described in [15] and [16]. This paper highlights important issues of the overlay socket, additional information can be found in the design documentation available from[12]. Several studies before us have addressed overlay network programming issues. Even early overlay network proposals, such as Yoid [9], Scribe [4], and Scattercast [6], have presented APIs that aspire to achieve independence of the API from the overlay network topology used. Particularly, Yoid and Scattercast use a socket-like API, how-ever, these APIs do not address issues that arise when the same API is used by different overlay network topologies. Several works on application-layer multicast overlays inte-grate the application program with the software responsible for maintaining the overlay network, without explicitly providing general-purpose include Narada [5], Overcast [13], ALMI [17], and NICE [2]. A recent study [8] has proposed a common API for the class of so-called structured overlays, which includes Chord [19], CAN [18], and Bayeux [20], and other overlays that were originally motivated by distributed hash tables. Our work has a different emphasis than [8],since we assume a scenario where an application programmer must work with several, possibly fundamentally dif-ferent, overlay network topologies and different transmission modes (UDP, TCP), and, therefore, needs mechanisms that make it easy to change the configuration of the un-derlying overlay network..Internet Overlay socket Application Overlay socket Application Application Overlay socket Application Application Overlay socket Application Overlay Network.Fig. 1. The overlay network is a collection of overlay sockets. Root (sender) Root (receiver) (a) Multicast (b) Unicast.Fig. 2. Data forwarding in overlay networks.The rest of the paper is organized as following. In Section 2 we introduce con-cepts, abstractions, and terminology needed for the discussion of the overlay socket. In Section 3 we present the design of the overlay socket, and discuss its components. In Section 4 we show how to write programs using the overlay socket. We present brief conclusions in Section 5.2 Basic ConceptsAn overlay socket is an endpoint for communication in an overlay network, and an overlay network is seen as a collection of overlay sockets that self-organize using an overlay protocol (see Figure 1). An overlay socket offers to an application programmer a Berkeley socket-style API [3] for sending and receiving data over an overlay network. Each overlay socket executes an overlay protocol that is responsible for maintaining the membership of the socket in the overlay network topology. Each overlay socket has a logical address and a physical address in the overlay network. The logical address is dependent on the type of overlay protocol used. In the overlay protocols currently implemented in HyperCast , the logical addresses are 32- bit integers or_x_y_coordinates, where x and y are positive 32-bit positive integers. The physical address is a transport layer address where overlay sockets receive messages from the overlay network. On the Internet, the physical address is an IP address and a TCP or UDP port number. Application programs that use overlay sockets only work with logical addresses, and do not see physical addresses of overlay nodes. When an overlay socket is created, the socket is configured with a set of configu-ration parameters, called attributes. The application program can obtain the attributes from a configuration file or it downloads the attributes from a server. The configuration file specifies the type of overlay protocol and the type of transport protocol to be used,.but also more detailed information such as the size of internal buffers, and the value of protocol-specific timers. The most important attribute is the overlay identifier (overlay ID) which is used as a global identifier for an overlay network and which can be used as a key to access the other attributes of the overlay network. Each new overlay ID corresponds to the creation of a new overlay network. Overlay sockets exchange two types of messages, protocol messages and application messages. Protocol messages are the messages of the overlay protocol that main-tain the overlay topology. Application messages contain applicationdata that is encap-sulatedn an overlay message header. An application message uses logical addresses in the header to identify source and, for unicast, the destination of the message. If an overlay socket receives an application message from one of its neighbors in the over-lay network, it determines if the message must be forwarded to other overlay sockets, and if the message needs to be passed to the local application. The transmission modes currently supported by the overlay sockets are unicast, and multicast. In multicast, all members in the overlay network are both unicast and multicast,the com-mon abstraction fordata forwarding is that of passing data in spanning trees that are embedded in the overlay topology. For example, a multicast message is transmitted downstream a spanning tree that has the sender of the multicast message as the root (see Figure 2(a)). When an overlay socket receives a multicast message, it forwards the message to all of its downstream neighbors (children) in the tree, and passes the mes-sage to the local application program. A unicast message is transmitted upstream a tree with the receiver of the message as the root (see Figure 2(b)). An overlay socket that receives a unicast message forwards the message to the upstream neighbor (parent) in the tree that has the destination as the root. An overlay socket makes forwarding decisions locally using only the logical ad-dresses of its neighbors and the logical address of the root of the tree. Hence, there is a requirement that each overlay socket can locally compute its parent and its children in a tree with respect to a root node. This requirement is satisfied by many overlay network topologies, including [15, 16, 18–20].3 The Components of an Overlay SocketAn overlay socket consists of a collection of components that are configured when the overlay socketis created, using the supplied set of attributes. These components include the overlay protocol, which helps to build and maintain the overlay network topology, a component that processes application data, and interfaces to a transport-layer network. The main components of an overlay socket, as illustrated in Figure 3, are as follows:The overlay node implements an overlay protocol that establishes and maintains the overlay network topology. The overlay node sends and receives overlay protocol messages, and maintains a set of timers. The overlay node is the only component of an overlay socket that is aware of the overlay topology. In the HyperCast . Overlay socketForwarding EngineApplication Programming InterfaceStatistics InterfaceProtocol MessagesApplicationReceiveBufferApplicationTransmitBuffer Overlay NodeO verlay NodeInterfac eNode AdapterAdapter InterfaceSocket AdapterA dapter InterfaceApplication MessagesApplication ProgramTransport-layer NetworkApplication MessagesFig. 3. Components of an overlay socket.software, there are overlay nodes that build a logical hypercube [15] and a logical Delaunay triangu-lartion [16].The forwarding engine performs the functions of an application-layer router, that sends, receives, and forwards formatted application-layer messages in the overlay network. The forwarding engine communicates with the overlay node to query next hop routing information for application messages. The forwarding decision is madeusing logical addresses of the overlay nodes. Each overlay socket has two network adapters that each provides an interface to transport-layer protocols, such as TCP or UDP. The node adapter serves as the in-terface for sending and receiving overlay protocol messages, and the socket adapter serves as the interface for application messages. Each adapter has a transport level address, which, in the case of the Internet, consists of an IP address and a UDP or TCP port number. Currently, there are three different types of adapters, for TCP, UDP, and UDP multicast. Using two adapters completely separates the handling of messages for maintaining the overlay protocol and the messages that transport application data.The application receive buffer and application transmit buffer can temporarily store messages that, respectively, have been received by the socket but not been deliv-ered to theapplication, or that have been released by the application program, but not been transmitted by the socket. The application transmit buffer can play a role when messages cannot be transmitted due to rate control or congestion control con-straints. The application transmit buffer is not implemented in the HyperCast overlay socket has two external interfaces. The application programming in-terface (API) of the socket offers application programs the ability to join and leave existing overlays, to send data to other members of the overlay network, and receive data from the overlay network. The statistics interface of the overlay socket provides access to status information of components of the overlay socket, and is used for monitoring and management of an overlay socket. Note in Figure 3 that some components of the overlay socket also have interfaces, which are accessed by other components of the overlay socket. The overlay manager is a component external to the overlay socket (and not shown in Figure 3). It is responsible for configuring an overlay socket when the socket is created. The overlay manager reads a configuration file that stores the attributes of an overlay socket, and, if it is specified in the configuration file, may access attributes from a server, and then initiates theinstantiation of a new overlay socket.4 Overlay Network ProgrammingAn application developer does not need to be familiar with the details of the components of an overlay socket as described in the previous section. The developer is exposed only to the API of the overlay socket and to a file with configuration parameters. The configuration file is a text file which stores all attributes needed to configure an overlay socket. The configuration file is modified whenever a change is needed to the transport protocol, the overlay protocol, or some other parameters of the overlay socket. In the following, we summarize only the main features of the API, and we refer to [12] for detailed information on the overlay socket API.Overlay Socket APISince the overlay topology and the forwarding of application-layer data is transparent to the application program, the API for overlay network programming can be made simple. Applications need to be able to create a new overlay network, join and leave an existing overlay network, send data to and receive data from other members in the overlay.The API of the overlay socket is message-based, and intentionally stays close to the familiar Berkeley socket API [3]. Since space considerations do not permit a description of the full API, we sketch the API with the help of a simplified example. Figure 4 shows the fragment of a Java program that uses an overlay socket. An application program configures and creates an overlay socket with the help of an overlay manager (o m). The overlay manager reads configuration parameters for the overlay socket from a configu-ration file p), which can look similarly as shown in Figure 5. The applica-tion program reads the overlay ID with command (“OverlayID”) from the file, and creates an config uration object (confi g) for an overlay socket with the.4. Program with overlay sockets.# OVERLAY Server:OverlayServer =# OVERLAY ID:OverlayID = 1234KeyAttributes= Socket,Node,SocketAdapter# SOCKET:Socket = HCast2-0= 255= 200# SOCKET ADAPTER:SocketAdapter = TCP= 16384# NODE:Node = DT2-0= 400# NODE ADAPTER:NodeAdapter = NodeAdptUDPServer= 8192=Fig. 5. Configuration file (simplified) given overlay ID. The configuration object also loads all configuration information from the configuration file, and then creates the overlay socketOverlaySocke t).Once the overlay socket is created, the socket joins the overlay network p). When a socket wants to multicast a message, it instantiates a new message and trans -mits the message using the sendToAll method. Other transmission options aresend-To-Parent, send-To-Children, sendToNeighbors, and sendToNode, which, respectively, send a message to the upstream neighbor with respect to a given root (see Figure 2), to the downstream neighbors, to all neighbors, or to a particular node with a given logical address.Overlay Network Properties ManagementAs seen, the properties of an overlay socket are configured by setting attributes in a configuration file. The overlay manager in an application process uses the attributes to create a new overlay socket. By modifying the attributes in the configuration file, an application programmer can configure the overlay protocol or transport protocol that is used by the overlay socket. Changes to the file must be done before the socket is created. Figure 5 shows a (simplified) example of a configuration file. Each line of the configuration file assigns a value to an attribute. The complete list of attributes and the range of values is documented in [12]. Without explaining all entries in Figure 5, the file sets, among others, the overlay ID to ‘1234 ’, selects version of the DT protocol as overlay protocol (‘Node=DT2-0 ’), and it sets the transport protocol of the socket adapto r to TCP(‘SocketAdapter=TCP ’).Each overlay network is associated with a set of attributes that characterize the properties of the over-lay sockets that participate in the overlay network. As mentioned earlier, the most important attribute is the overlay ID, which is used to identify an network, and which can be used as a key toaccess all other attributes of an overlay network. The overlay ID should be a globally unique identifier.A new overlay network is created by generating a new overlay ID and associating a set of attributes that specify the properties of the overlay sockets in the overlaynetwork. To join an overlay network, an overlay socket must know the overlay ID and the set of attributes for this overlay ID. This information can be obtained from a configuration file, as shown in Figure 5.All attributes have a name and a value, both of which are strings. For example, the overlay protocol of an overlay socket can be determined by an attribute with name NODE. If the attribute is set to NOD-E=DT2- 0, then the overlay node in the overlay socket runs the DT (version 2) overlay protocol. The overlay socket distinguishes between two types of attributes: key attributes and configurable attributes. Key attributes are specific to an overlay network with a given overlay ID. Key attributes are selectedwhen the overlay ID is created for an overlay network, and cannot be modified after-wards.Overlay sockets that participate in an overlay network must have identical key attributes, but can have different configurable attributes. The attributes OverlayID and KeyAttributes are key attributes by default in all overlay networks. Configurable at-tributes specify parameters of an overlay socket, which are not considered essential for establishing communication between overlay sockets in the same overlay network, and which are considered ‘tunable’.5 ConclusionsWe discussed the design of an overlay socket which attempts to simplify the task of overlay network programming. The overlay socket serves as an end point of commu-nication in the overlay network. The overlay socket can be used for various overlay topologies and support different transport protoc-ols. The overlay socket supports a simple API for joining and leaving an overlay network, and for sending and receiving data to and from other sockets in the overlay network. The main advantage of the overlay socket is that it is relatively easy to change the configuration of the overlay network. An implementation of the overlaysocket is distributed with the soft-ware. The software has been extensively tested. A variety of different applications, such as distributed whiteboard and a video streaming application, have been developed with the overlay sockets.Acknowledgement. In addition to the authors of this article the contributors include Bhupinder Sethi, Tyler Beam, Burton Filstrup, Mike Nahas, Dongwen Wang, Konrad Lorincz, Jean Ablutz, Haiyong Wang, Weisheng Si, Huafeng Lu, and Guangyu Dong.基于Socket的网络编程应用层覆盖网络的出现增进了新网络服务和应用的进展。

socket 与网络编程

socket 与网络编程

socket 与网络编程主讲人:yifeng.wang展讯通信•socket 简介–socket 起源与发展–OSI层次与TCPIP层次–TCPIP 协议族•socket 通信基础–面向连接与无连接–地址与端口–网络字节序•socket 程序设计–展讯socket 架构–网络程序基本流程–TCP socket 流程–UDP socket 流程–socket 事件监视select–socket 异步消息通知机制–socket 辅助接口•展讯平台网络功能–TCPIP 目录与头文件–TCPIP 特征LOG–网络数据保存功能–模拟器网络功能–手机连接以太网功能•socket –套接字/插口•BSD –Berkeley 软件套件(一种Unix系统)•OSI –开放系统互连•TCP –传输控制协议•UDP –用户数据报协议•IP –网际协议•ICMP –网络控制报文协议•IGMP –网络组管理协议•DNS –域名系统(协议)•DHCP –动态主机配置协议•HTTP –超文本传输协议•WSP –无线会话协议•GPRS –通用分组无线服务•ARP –地址解析协议•ETHER –以太网•FTP –文件传输协议•RTSP –实时流传输协议•RTP –实时传输协议•socket 简介–socket 起源与发展–OSI 模型与TCPIP 层次•socket 通信基础•socket 程序设计•展讯平台网络功能•SOCKET 起源–80年代初,美国加利福尼亚大学Berkeley 分校开始在UNIX 系统下实现TCP/IP 协议。

在实现过程中,开发者为TCP/IP 网络协议开发了一套API,称为SOCKET 接口(又称“套接字”)。

Berkeley 的SOCKET/TCPIP 稳定版本基于4.4BSD-Lite2(1995)•SOCKET 扩展:WinSocket–90年代初,由Microsoft 主导共同制定了一套WINDOWS 平台下的网络编程接口,即Windows Socket 规范。

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在这文章内,我们提供一面向网络上的Socket设计的概述并且讨论过于放网络程序设计与涂上的Socket一起。面向网络上的Socket作为HyperCast的部分2.0种软件配给在java是imple-mented[12].软件已经用于各种各样的面向网络上的应用,并且已经被在两个局部地区以及广阔地区测试确定。HyperCast2.0软件实现描述在里的面向网络上的topolo-gies[15]并且[16].这文章最精彩场面面向网络上的Socket,另外信息的重要期刊可能被在可以从设计文献编制中获得内发现[12].几项研究在我们面前已经提出面向网络上的网络程序设计问题。即使早期的覆盖网络提议,例如Yoid[9],划线于[4],并且Scattercast[6],已经提出立志争取从使用的面向网络取得API的独立上的网络拓扑的APIs。尤其,Yoid和Scattercast使用Socket一样的API,到底怎样,当相同的API被不同的面向网络使用上的网络拓扑时,这些APIs不处理出现的问题。几工作在应用层多路传送上涂上inte磨擦应用程序与负责没有明确地提供通用APIs保持覆盖网络的软件一起。这些包括Narada[5],阴暗[13],ALMI[17],并且好[2].一项新近的研究[8]因提议普通API 所谓组织涂上,包括弦[19],能[18],并且Bayeux[20],并且那最初被促进通过的涂上的另一个分配切碎的食物桌子。我们的工作有不同的重点比[8],我们以为情况在哪里程序员使用几个必须的应用,也许基本上dif-ferent,涂上网络拓扑和不同的传输方式(UDP,TCP)。因此,需要使它易于转换非derlying的覆盖网络的构造的机制。
一个面向网络上的Socket是在一个覆盖网络里的通讯的endpoint,并且一个覆盖网络被作为一次面向网络看见上自我组织的Socket使用一份面向网络。一个面向网络上的Socket把一伯克利Socket风格API提供给一个申请程序员 [3]为送和得到在一个覆盖网络上的数据。每一个面向网络Socket上执行是负责保持Socket在被涂上的网络拓扑内的会员的一份面向网络上的协议。面向网络Socket上的每一个在覆盖网络里有逻辑地址和物理地址。面向网络使用的协议上,逻辑地址依赖类型。在面向网络里上的协议目前在HyperCast2.0实现,逻辑地址是32位整数。物理地址是涂上Socket的运输层地址从覆盖网络得到消息。在因特网上,物理地址是IP 地址和一TCP或者UDP港口数目。使用的应用程序涂上Socket只与逻辑地址合作,并且面向网络上的节点的物理地址。物理地址在哪里涂上Socket得到消息从一个涂上的Socket被创造的overlayWhen那里的一运输层地址,Socket与叫的一套configu口粮参数一起成形把归于。应用程序能从一件配置文件获得属性或者它从一台服务器上下载属性。 配置文件指定这类型面向网络上的协议和被使用的这类型传送协议,但是也更多的详细资料(例如内分缓冲器的大小,和具体协议的定时器的价值)。最重要的属性是 面向网络上的标识符(涂上ID),哪个为一个覆盖网络被用作一个全球标识符和能被用作一把钥匙访问覆盖网络的其它属性。每个新面向网络上的ID相当于创造一个新覆盖网络。
我们提出一个软件模块,叫OvlaySocket,打算简化面向网络上的网络程序设计的任务。面向网络上的Socket的设计追随这套以下的目标:首先,面向网络上的Socket的设计追随这套以下的目标:首先,面向网络上的Socket的应用程序设计接口(API)不要求一个应用程序员有面向网络上的网络拓扑的知识。其次,面向网络网络拓扑上,面向网络上的Socket被用于适应。转向不同的面向网络通过在一件配置文件里修改参数被做上的网络拓扑。第三,面向网络上的Socket,在应用层操作,能适应不同的类型传送层协议。这通过使用联接于非derlying的运输层网络并且通过面向网络执行信息交换的封装和解封装上的Socket的网络转接器被完成。目前可得到的网络转接器是TCP,UDP 和UDP多路传送。第四,面向网络上的Socket为bootstrapping新覆盖网络提:
摘要:应用层覆盖网络的出现促进了新网络服务和应用的发展。对面向网络的研究集中于协议的设计,并且在网络中传输数据,无论怎样,在应用程序软件的开发过程中已对这个问题引起了一定的注意。显然,面向网络的网络协议的复杂性要求合适应用程序设计接口(API)和抽象观念,不需要面向网络协议的详细知识,因此,简化了应用程序员的任务。在这篇文章里,我们提出作为联系在一个覆盖网络内的终点的新程序设计抽象观念的一个面向网络上的Socket的概念。面向网络上的Socket预防不依赖选择的一基于Socket的API 涂上拓扑学,并且可能成形为不同的面向网络工作上的拓扑学。 面向网络上的Socket能在TCP,UDP或者其他传送协议上方支持应用数据传输。 这篇文章描述面向网络上的Socket设计并且讨论API 和配置选择。