
• 专门意义例子(2)
• 从目光的光谱特性看,波长0.38微米~0.43微米的 光射到我们的视网膜上,我们看到的是紫光;波长 0.43微米~0.47微米的光射到我们的视网膜上,我 们看到的是蓝光;依次类推,0.47微米~0.5微米 是青光,0.5微米~0.56微米是绿光,0.56微米~ 0.59微米是黄光,0.59微米~0.62微米是橙光, 0.62微米~0.76微米是红光。所有这些波长或颜色
• (二)语义的概括性和具体性
• 语义所反映的人们对事物的认识,是一种概括的认识,词 语的意义概括了它所指的各个具体对象的共同特征。
• 语义作为人们言语交际的内容,在具体的话语中,又是比 较具体的。
• (三)语义的稳固性和变异性 • 为了保证交际顺利进行,语义必须具有一
定的稳固性。 • 语义是反映人们对客观事物的认识的,而
• 此外,为什么只能够说“东西南北”、 东南西北、东西、东北、西北、东南、 西南等却不能说“北南西东”、“北西 南东”等?
• 因为:东>西>南>北(“>”表示顺序优 先。)
• 1、偏正结构中多个定语连用有一定的 条件限制,如:
• 大黄狗(*黄大狗) • 旧小木盆(*小旧木盆) • 新小白木床(*小新木白床) • 中等师范学校(*师范中等学校) • 古代哲学思想(*哲学古代思想) • 新版袖珍英汉词典(*英汉袖珍新版词典) • 大号塑料防风雨衣(*防风塑料大号雨衣)
• (二)义素
• 义素是构成义项的语义成分,是从一组相关的词语 中抽象出来的区别性语义特征,又叫语义成分、语 义特征、语义标示、语义原子等等。
• 传统语言学分析词语的意义,一般到义项为止,现 代语言学进一步把义项分析为若干义素的组合。如 “男人”这个义项可以分析为[男性、成年、人]。 其中[男性]、[成年]、[人]就是三个义素(方括号 [ ]是义素的标记),这三个义素组合起来,就构 成“男人”这个义项。

四 风格类附加意义 (一)正式的 (1)高雅、典雅的:弄璋 (2)庄严、郑重的:诞辰、父亲 (二)非正式的 (1)粗俗的:狗屁、混蛋、老狗 (2)随便的:大肚子、老外、爷们 (3)诙谐的:伸腿(死亡)
五 语体类附加意义 (一)标准语体 (1)书面语体: ①文学语体:翱翔、悠扬 ②科技语体:守恒性、信息论 ③应用语体:呈报、当否、迟复为歉 ④政论语体:下榻 ⑤其他书面语体:造访 (2)口头语体:下辈子、拉倒 (二)非标准语体 (1)方言土语语体 (2)文言古语语体
(一)语义场的性质: 语义场的性质: 1、层次性 2、系统性 3、相对性 (二)语义场的类型: 语义场的类型: 1、二元义场:关系型二元义场;异质型二 元义场 2、多元义场:有序型多元义场;无序型多 元义场。
1、纵聚合关系: 纵聚合关系:
上下义关系(A>B>C包容性、相对性、传递性)、总分关系 ( A>B>C囊括性、相对性、传递性)
炒:把食物放在锅里加热并反复翻动使熟或使干。 熘 : 烹调方法,把菜肴油炸、水煮或清蒸后,加入用作料、淀粉等 调好的卤汁,使卤汁均匀地裹在菜肴上并加热。 炸:把食物放在沸油里使熟。 煎:烹调方法,把食物放在少量的油里炸到表面变黄。 {炒}=[-用水、-油量大、+不断翻动、-加淀粉汁] {熘}=[-用水、-油量大、+不断翻动、+加淀粉汁] {炸}=[-用水、+油量大、-不断翻动] {煎}=[-用水、-油量大、+不断翻动]
一 语义和语义学 二 义素分析法 三 语义的聚合 四 语义的组合
一 语义和语义学
<指称论、观念论、用法论> 指称论、观念论、用法论>
二、语义的性质 <客观性和主观性、概括性和具体性、稳固性和变异性、明确性和模糊性> 客观性和主观性、概括性和具体性、稳固性和变异性、明确性和模糊性> 三、语义的类型 <概念意义和附加意义> 概念意义和附加意义> 四、语义单位 <义项、义素、义丛、表述> 义项、义素、义丛、表述> 五、语义学 <传统语义学、现代语义学> 传统语义学、现代语义学>
第四章 语义学

语义学•The meaning of meaning•两个分支:语义semantics语用pragmatics本章要点:一、实体,二、动作,三、体和时,四、及物性,五、指示。

【岑运强,男,1947年5月9日生于广东省广州市,北京师范大学文学院教授、 博士生导师、学术委员会委 员、语言学及应用语言学研究所所长、北京市语言学会副秘书长、北京自学考试委员会课程考试委员】
定的学科领域。比如,具备生理学知识的人,知道男性和女性的本质区别是性染色体不同[并非所有的词都有 通俗意义和专门意义的区别]
⑧ 附加意义:词语所体现的各种联意义,或色彩意味
⑨ 评价意义:词语所反映出来的说话人对所指对象的肯定或否定的感情态度
⑩ 显性评价意义:又称为感情意义,或感情色彩,反映说话人对所指对象明显的褒贬态度,大 体上分褒义和贬义两种
Се́ ма — дифференциальный семантический признак, компонент значения, который выявляется при сопоставлении значений разных слов. Является нечленимой составной частью лексического значения (семемы).
“苹果”一词所指的意义 2、并非所有的词语都有所指对象,许多表示虚概念的词语在客观世界并不存在指称的对象 比如:孙悟空,飞马这些词都有意义,但没有所指对象 3、同一词语在不同场合可以指不同的对象,但词语的意义并不因此而不同
比如:“老师,我,儿子”都可以在不同的场合指不同的人 4、不同的词语可以指相同的对象,但意义显然不同
глава 3
第一节 语义和语义学

• 4.一个词可以有几个义项,这几个义项尽管反映的对象不 同,但它应该有一般人可以感觉到的联系,如果没有这种 联系,它们就不能算是同一个词的不同义项,而只能属于 不同的词。 • 5.词义是以义项为单位的,义项不同,词所反映的对象也 就不同,附加色彩也可能不同,甚至语义组合关系也会存 在差异。 • 义素和义素分析 • 1.由分析义项得到的词义的语义特征叫做义素,又叫 语义成分、语义原子。 • 2.义素是理论分析的结果,是一种不与语音形式相联 系的抽象的语义单位。所以,义素在语言中是不能直接观 察到的,它只有以一定的方法和步骤通过分析才能得出。 • 3、义素分析就是把词语的义项进一步分析为若干义 素的组合,以便说明词义的结构,词义之间的异同以及词 义之间的各种关系。
5.义素分析结果的整理可从两方面着手: 一是加进某些符号表示分析的结果;二是如果 某对义项具有非此即彼的对立关系,应只取其 中一个义素,并在前面加上正、负号来表示这 对义素,不必把两个对立义素都列出来。 • 6.义素分析结果的描写和记录也有两种方 式,一是矩阵图,一是横排结构式。 • 7.义素分析的要求:力求做到准确、简明, 应用尽可能少的义素来分析、揭示词义的特征。
• 词义的结构 • 【词义】指词的语音形式所表达的内容。词义包括词汇意 义和语法意义。本章只讨论词汇意义。 • 词义的构成 • 1.词义是同词的语音形式结合在一起的人们对一定对 象的概括反映,除此之外,词义还包括人们对一定对象的 主观态度和其他附加色彩。 • 2.词的理性意义是通过人的抽象思维对物质世界和精 神世界的各种对象的概括反映而形成的。社会实践中各种 各样的现象通过人的感觉器官反映到人的大脑中来,人们 通过大脑对这些现象进行比较、分类,然后从同类事物中 抽象出足以同其他事物区别开来的特征,并用一定的语音 形式把这种认识成果固定下来,就形成了一个一个的词。 这种同词的语音形式结合在一起的,对一定对象的区别性 特征的认识就是词的理性意义。

二.词汇意义(Lexical Meaning):1)意义与指称(sense and reference):意义与指称是语言研究中的两个术语,它们之间既相互联系,又相互区别。
意义与指称是意义的两个相关但不同的方面,例如“morning star”和“evening star”的意义虽然不同,但其指称一样,都指代天空中的同一颗星星。
2)外延意义(denotative meaning):指词语所指称的外部世界的事物、状态、抽象情感。
3)内涵意义(connotative meaning):指源于语言使用者的个人经历、情感、评价、语境等外部因素的意义。
三.意义关系(Sense Relationship):1)同义关系(Synonymy):方言同义词(Dialectal synonyms):意义相同但方言有差异的词,例如:autumn(BrE)= fall(ArE)。
文体同义词(Stylistic synonyms):意义相同但在文体上或者正式程度上有差别的词,例如:buy(较为随意)——purchase(较为正式)。
搭配同义词(Collocational synonyms):指意义上相同,但是搭配不相同的词。
例如:provide和supply,provide sth. for sb.和supply sth. to sb.在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的同义词(Synonyms with different emotive or evaluative meaning):意义相同,但在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的词,例如:politician (政客)含贬义色彩,statesmen(政治家)含褒义色彩。

二、基本概念1. 语义的定义语义是指语言所表达的意义,包括词汇意义、句子意义和语篇意义等。
2. 语义单位语义学中常见的语义单位有词素、词汇、短语和句子等。
3. 语义特征语义特征是指词汇或语言单位所具有的特定意义属性。
三、核心理论1. 指称理论指称理论关注语言符号与外部世界的关系,探讨语言如何指代现实中的事物和概念。
2. 涵义理论涵义理论研究语言符号所蕴含的意义和情感。
3. 语义场理论语义场理论认为词汇不是孤立存在的,而是处于相互关联的语义网络中。
4. 语用学与语义学的关系语用学研究语言在实际使用中的意义和效果,与语义学密切相关。
第四章 语义(semantic)

英国著名语义学家利奇:概念意义、内涵意义、风 格意义、感情意义、连带意义、搭配意义、主题意 义 现代汉语:理性意义(概念意义)和非理性意义 (非概念意义、色彩义)
1、概念意义 词的概念意义是指词中表达概念的部分,是客观事物经过人脑的概括 并反映在语言中的意义。 2、内涵意义 内涵意义是和人的社会性紧密联系着的一种附加意义。 3、风格意义 风格意义是由不同的人在不同的交际场合使用语言时带给语言的风格 或语体上的附加意义。语体意义 4、感情意义 感情意义是用来表达说话者感情或态度的一种附加意义。 5、连带意义 连带意义是一种能引起听众或读者联想的附加意义。 6、搭配意义 搭配意义是指适合用在某一上下文中的意义。 7、主题意义 主题意义是通过词序和各种强调方式表达出来的意义。
与事:谓词动作支配的间接对象,是谓词动作的间接对象。 工具:施事时用以实现行为动作结果的工具或手段。 方位 :谓词的动作行为发生的场所、方位或方向。 时间:谓词行为动作发生的时间。
所有变元都只是名词性成分而不是述谓结构。 她昨天坐飞机去了北京。
述谓结构中的变元可以带有修饰或限定性的成分,以表示变元某方面的特征,充 当这类成分的述谓结构就是降级述谓结构。 小李正在看我昨天送给他的小说。 那个头发斑白的人就是我们的班主任。
语义学 语言学课件(共45张PPT)

• 义素分析法的缺乏(quēfá): • 第一,主观色彩较浓。例如:
• 第二,义素数量较多。 • 第三,缺乏周遍性。只适合于局部(júbù)实
词,很难对全部实词做义素分析。比方, 打、搞、为、爱、恨等等。
三 语义的聚合(jùhé)
• 炒:把食物放在锅里加热并反复翻动使熟或使干。 • 熘:烹调方法,把菜肴油炸、水煮或清蒸后,参加用作料、淀粉等调好的卤汁,
使卤汁均匀(jūnyún)地裹在菜肴上并加热。 • 炸:把食物放在沸油里使熟。 • 煎:烹调方法,把食物放在少量的油里炸到外表变黄。 • {炒}=[-用水、-油量大、+不断翻动、-加淀粉汁] • {熘}=[-用水、-油量大、+不断翻动、+加淀粉汁] • {炸}=[-用水、+油量大、-不断翻动] • {煎}=[-用水、-u)及其分析
• 1、定义:述谓结构,是指由一个谓词和假设干 谓项组成。谓词是句义的核心成分,一般(yībān) 就是句子的谓语动词〔或形容词〕。
• 2、谓词类型:根据谓词需带谓项〔一般(yībān) 只包括施事、受事、结果、与事,不包括时间、 处所、工具等〕的数目,谓词可以分为
• 2. 事物的非重要属性及对它的理性评价。比 方:
• ①木头 • 无灵性 • ②石头 • 不通人情 • ③家 • 温馨 • ④妇女(fùnǚ) • 柔弱
• 3. 理据义。比方汉语的“青蛙〞又叫“田 鸡、水鸡(shuǐ jī)、长股〞等。再来看向日 葵:
• 汉语的“向日葵〞:是“朝向+太阳+葵花 〞

这样研究语义的学科——语义学〔semantics〕,从研究角度和研究范畴来看可以分为三种:语言学的语义学〔linguistic semantics〕,逻辑学的语义学〔logical semantics〕,哲学的语义学〔philosophical semantics,即语义哲学,它是一些哲学流派,这些流派认为语言、语义是哲学分析的唯一的或主要的对象〕。
到了1893年,法国语言学家布雷阿尔〔Michel Bréal〕首先使用了语义学这个术语,并于1897年出版了他的著作?语义学探索?。

二.词汇意义(Lexical Meaning):1)意义与指称(sense and reference):意义与指称是语言研究中的两个术语,它们之间既相互联系,又相互区别。
意义与指称是意义的两个相关但不同的方面,例如“morning star”和“evening star”的意义虽然不同,但其指称一样,都指代天空中的同一颗星星。
2)外延意义(denotative meaning):指词语所指称的外部世界的事物、状态、抽象情感。
3)内涵意义(connotative meaning):指源于语言使用者的个人经历、情感、评价、语境等外部因素的意义。
三.意义关系(Sense Relationship):1)同义关系(Synonymy):方言同义词(Dialectal synonyms):意义相同但方言有差异的词,例如:autumn(BrE)= fall(ArE)。
文体同义词(Stylistic synonyms):意义相同但在文体上或者正式程度上有差别的词,例如:buy(较为随意)—— purchase(较为正式)。
搭配同义词(Collocational synonyms):指意义上相同,但是搭配不相同的词。
例如:provide和supply,provide sth. for sb.和supply sth. to sb.在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的同义词(Synonyms with different emotive or evaluative meaning):意义相同,但在情感或评价意义方面存在差异的词,例如:politician(政客)含贬义色彩,statesmen(政治家)含褒义色彩。

2生成语义学:20世纪六七十年代流行于生成语言学内部的一个语义学分支, 借鉴了结构语义学对义素的分析方法,比照生成音系学的音位区别特征理论,主张语言的最深层的结构是义素,通过句法变化和词汇化的各种手段而得到表层的句子形式。

第三章语义学 本章介绍了语义学的主要内容与语义分析方法-PPT精品文档

(二)观念论 关于语言意义的另一种具有代表性 的理论就是观念论。观念论是经典表述 是17世纪的哲学家洛克提出的。他在 《人类理解论》第三卷第2章第1节中说: “因此,词语的功用就在于能明晰地标 记出各种观念(ideas);并且,它们所代表 的那些观念便是它们所固有的和直接的 意义。”观念论不把意义看成一种客体 实体,克服了指称论的一些弊端。
[目标要求] 对于这些重点内容, 要求有比较细仔的了解。除了要求掌 握各种重要概念及其分类,还要求掌 握各种理论的要点,能够结合实例说 明各种理论问题,而且要求熟练的掌 握语义分析的方法,主要包括语义类 型的分析,义素分析、语义场的分析 和述谓语结构的分析。
第一节 语义和语义学 一、 语义是什么
指称的对象,如“孙悟空、金山、飞马”等 等,但所有的词语都有意义。可见意义不等 于所指对象。第三,同一个词语在不同场合 可以指不同的对象,但意义显然不同。如 “我、老师、儿子”都可在不同的场合指不 同的人。第四,不同的词语可以指相同的对 象,但意义显然不同。如“鲁迅”和“《阿 Q正传》的作者”,“启明星”和“长庚星” 所指对象相同,但意义显然不同。所以现在 没有人坚持指称论的观点。
从客观存在的言语活动和言语作品中抽象出 词语的意义时,又不可避免地会打上主观的 烙印,不同的人对同一词语的理解,往往会 有所不同,这是语义主观性的表现。总之, 语义存在于言语活动和言语作品中时,是客 观存在物;语义贮存在人们头脑中时,是主 观存在物,言语交际活动就是语义由主观变 成客观(表达)和由客观变成主观(理解) 的循环过程。
(三)用法论 用法论是现代语言哲学的开创者之一 维特根斯坦(L.Wittgenstein)提出来的。 维特根斯坦认为,一个词不达意在语言中 的用法就是它的意义。语言中的词语,就 像棋盘中的一个棋子,我们不会问这个棋 子的意义是什么,只会问这个棋子怎么个 走法。同样,不要问这个词语意义什么, 只要问这个词语怎么样使用。

1. Semantics:is a word derived from Greek stem “seme” which meant sign, first coined by semantique M.Breal in 1893. And it was first cited by British scholar in an English report entitled “ Reflected Meaning : a point in semantics”.2. There is no definite answer to the question “what’s the meaning of meaning”. In order to get the meaning of word, we should depend on the concrete contexts we refer to.Eg: I meant to come early. (intentional meaning)The real flag means danger. (conventional meaning)The dark cloud means rains.( natural meaning)Calligraphy means beautiful writing. ( linguistic meaning)Study linguistic phenomena within the language system, not outside.Ogden and Richard “ the meaning of meaning” in 1923, listed at list 16 different understandings of meanings.Although different scholars hold different attitudes towards what’s the meaning of meaning, they do share something in common, that is , to explicate linguistic phenomena, the knowledge that language use must have in order to make certain judgment concerning meaning of words and sentences of their language.3. judgment made by language uses(1) ambiguityPolysemous words in the sentenceEg: she cannot bear children ( put up with)Certain structures: adj + n in possessive case + NAdj + a series of nounsMore/most + adj +nV-ing + nounResulting from elliptical structureEg; serve meat when thoroughly stewed.Homonymous wordsEg: when does the baker follow his trade?Whenever he needs( kneads) the doughLiaisonEg: a train deara trained deera trained earit rained here,.(2) anomalyAnomaly refers to a phenomenon that various words in certain combination are anomalous. This means the combination violate semantic rules, though in agreement with grammatical or syntactical rules.Eg: grean idears sleep furiously-violated semantic rules, unaccepatable combinatione.g. I ate three phonemes for brbeakfast(3) ContradictionContradiction refers to a certain combination that is contradictory.Eg: 你以为咱家有金山银山啊My brother is the only childColourless green ideas sleep furiously(4) RedundancyRedundancy is very common in language, it is one of the features of language.Eg: I went yerterday你用脑袋好好想一想用鼻子闻一下毫无根据的诽谤(5)equivalenceEquivalence means that the propositions contains in sentences are equivalent, not sentences themselves--- it also used in logic, referring to certain sentences are equivalent in truth value.Eg: The textbook is on the top of the desk.(6) EntailmentSome sentences or propositions logically entail other sentences or propositions.Eg: A: Mary killed spy.B: The spy died.Proposition: a statement is a proposition if it can be judged either T or F. ( one sentence may contain different propositions) ( different referents express different propositions)Eg: I an a teacher.A: He almost manage to win the electionB: He didn’t win the electionA entails BA: Now he had a passport again. Bill will be able to leave the countryB: Bill left the country.A: John is a bachelor.B: John is unmarried.Some patternsPersuade sb to do sthPersuade sb thatEg: A: I persuade John to give the first three lecturesB: John gave the first three lectures( not entail)A: I persuade John that he was wrong.B:John accepted that he was wrong.( entail )A: If you don't come before 5 o’clock. You don’t find him at home.B: You will find him if you come before 5 o’clock.In this case, A doesn’t entail B, because “not” in A functions not only a negative mark but also shows different meanings. A means that you nay or may not find him before 5 o’clock.4 Various theories of meaning4.1 referential theory of meaningRefrence:(指称关系)Refrent:(指称物)Referring expression: (指称表达式)---the relationship between language and worldAccording to this theory, linguistic expression is what it refers to or stands for. (It is modest, because it has its own significance in the study of meaning, emphasizing relatedness of language to the world. It is too extreme, reducing language to its reference. It is the first theory to explore relation between language and world.)Why is it too extreme?It is not convincing: for example, one-one relationGeorge Bush (linguistic expression): a real person; the president of U.S.( referents)One linguistic expression has more than one referent.Problems:1. Meanings can not be equivalent with reference.e.g. Venus(金星)/启明星/长庚星Different expressions may refers to the same thing( one referent), but mean quite differently, even when meaning and referent are identical in the following sentence containing “I”.I attend the meeting Friday. One-a lot of (relation)2. This theory proves to be invalid, incapable of explaining expressions which do not have referent but intuitively speaking, they are meaningful.e.g. Marilyn Monroe spends a very wonderful life.Your apple is very sweet.The above sentences have no referent at all.This meaning is invalidated in the theory of meaning.4.2 The ideational theory of meaningAccording to this theory, the meaning of expression is the idea or the concept associated with it in the mind of anyone who knows the expression. (Changeable, flexible, different people may form different pictures when exposed to the object.)The idea or images called concepts are fleeting (changing), and then ideas are changing.4.3 Behaviorist theory of meaningAccording to this theory, the meaning of expression is either the stimulus that evokes or the response that it evokes or a combination of both in particular occasions of an utteranceThe relation between language and stimulus is not one to one, but quite complicated, perhaps one to many.e.g. One girl sees apples on the table and she want an apple. She may express this intention in different ways.a. Look at those apples. I am hungry. Would you please fetch one for me?b. You know I love apples.c. I beg you cannot get that apple with a wooden leg.- These responses are quite different in meaning, not valid to explain meaning.- Each theory has its own contribution to a certain degree in the study of meaning.4.4 The meaning-in-use theoryAccording to this theory, the meaning of expression is determined by if not in identical ways its use in the language. The language use cannot be separated from contexts, so the use meaning is also contextualism.Problems:a.Meaning shouldn’t be taken as use. Meaning is logically prior to use. The use theory is questioned.b. This theory is too over generalized and doesn’t have much actual value, because context itself is not enough for analyzing meaning.c. To equate meaning with context, we can only account for simple instance of language use.d. Context is related with objective world, and knowledge about word is so much limited, we cannot totally rely on this knowledge to analyze meaning, nor can we extend the scope of semantic study to the study of the world.4.5 The verification theory of meaning--Falsifiability--Truth value theory, truth- conditional theoryLeech’s classification of meaning--This theory is advocated by Vienna Circle ( a group of people in pursuit of empiricism) and Schick is the authority one.-- According this theory, the meaning of an expression, if it has one, is determined by verifiability of the sentences or propositions containing the expression.--This theory just provides a criterion of judging whether a proposition is meaningful or not instead of what is meaning.-- Schick said that stating the meaning of sentence amounts to stating the rules according to which the sentence is to be used.This is the same as stating the way in which it can be verified or falsified.Problems:1. It is hard to determine how many observations or statements will be enough to verify a proposition. ( infinite in number )e.g. My brother is bald.For time being, whether or not I have a brother.For time being, whether or not my brother is bald.The meaning of the above sentence is determined by a set of observations/ statements and statements are observational statements.They provide the mean for observationally verifying whether the speaker has a brother and for time being whether he is bald. If this statement is verified, the proposition is true or it is false.2. Secondly, only deals with the meaning of declarative sentence which make statements.4.6 The true-conditional theory of meaning (logic semantics)-- According to this theory, the meaning of expression is contribution to the truth conditions of sentences containing the expression.-- Truth conditions are conditions under which propositions prove to be true or false.Chapter 3. Types of MeaningThere is intrinsic connection between meaning and communication in semantics. (Intentional transmission of meaning)In semantics, intentional transmission of communication by means of some established signal system. (Language)3.1 classifications of signals1. verbalGrammatical linguistic and lexical linguistic2. non-verbal(1) Linguistic (vocal; intonation; stress)(2) ParalinguisticVocal (loudness, tone of voice, tempo)Non-vocal (eye movement; facial expression, gesture)(3) non-linguisticVocal: individual voice3 qualityNon-vocal: blush3.2 classification of meaning3.2.1 Propositional meaning/conceptual/referential/denotative/According to Herford O Hensley, propositions are things that are true or false. A proposition is that of meaning of the utterance of declarative sentence which describes some states of affairs. The difference between sentence and proposition:a. Proposition is not the same as a sentence. The same sentence can express different propositions by means of the reference, because a speaker indicates which things or persons in this world are talked about.e.g. here, there, nowb. Because of ambiguityThe same sentence may express different propositions.e.g. Vagueness----referent---- not clear ( feature of language )Possessive case:This is Jean’s picture.The picture taken by Jean.The picture belongs to Jean.The picture of Jean.3.2.2. Social meaning: language is social phenomenon(1) Illocutionary meaning(2) Speaker/ addressee(3) Stylistic / register(1) Illocutionary meaning---when we utter a sentence, we are performing a certain speech act from the perspective of semantics. It expresses a kind of logical meaning.e.g. It’s a nice day!I state it a nice day! ----- perform a sentence---illocutionary force.Propositional meaning vs. illocutionary meaningSometimes we can have illocutionary meaning without propositional meaning to perform speech act expresses illocutionary forcee.g. Good morning can’t be judged true or false.In uttering sentences, we perform speech act under felicity condition.e.g. In the evening, people are going to go asleep, it is not proper to say have a nice day.(2)Speaker/addressee relationshipPower vs. solidarityThe speaker may have the power over the addressee, vice versa.e.g. In Chinese, we have 你and 您, in French we have tu and vous, but in English we don’t have this kind of phenomena.Different pronouns indicate different relationship between speaker and addressee.Solidarity shows the equal relationship between the speaker and hearer.T/V: tu/vous formTReciprocal vs. non-reciprocalTerms of addressingWhen addressing somebody, you can use different terms. Different choices of terms in a way may reflect a speaker and addressee relationship.Terms of addressing: the point is under the topic of “power and solidarity”. This point is related to social meaning which we can study in a diachronic way.e.g.①We often call some colleagues teacher Wang or teacher Li, which shows that the speaker and the addressee is equal in status. And sometimes we call some of our colleagues XiaoLi or XiaoWang, which shows that the speaker is older than the addressee. In terms of age, the speaker has the power over the addressee.②The addressing term may change with the time. We often use “同志” in Chinese, but in English the correspondent word “comrade” has another meaning (gay or homosexual). So English people don’t use this word so often. From the 1950s to present, the meaning of “comrade” has been extended and it has derogatory meaning, thus people don’t have positive association of the word meaning.③In the 1970s or 1980s, we have the addressing terms of “师傅” and “徒弟” in the factory. At present, we call the taxi driver “师傅” instead of “comrade” or “driver”, though we don’t have the “徒弟” relationship.师傅:master, master worker徒弟:apprentice, follower, discipleThe addressing terms change with the time, which shows the changing and development of society have influence on language. The changing of addressing terms reflects the emotional meaning. Two points concerning social meaning in terms of speaker/addressee relationshipT/T form is more common than the T/V form. T/V form is more often used in grammatical system, while in English there is no such kind of grammatical terms to show solidarity and power of speaker and addressee relationship. But we can use titles, such as Mr., Miss, Mrs.e.g. when we say “This is Mr. Smith” which is very formal. We can say “This is Tom” to show the intimate relationship. If we are good friends, we use a given name only, a shortened family name, or even the nickname. Such as Charles, Charli or Chuck.(3) Stylistic/register meaning.These two are related, but not the same, both of them can be defined as the variety of language depending on the use rather than the user.User: dialectsStyle: is defined as situationally distinctive use of a variety of language.(e.g. oral form & written form; formal form & informal form, literary form, colloquial form, technical form)Register:is closely used in linguistics and sociolinguistics. It is a variety of language defined according to its use in social situation.Their conceptual/propositional meanings are the same, but register/ stylistic meanings are not.e.g.分analyze the problem (chemist)析dissect the subject (medical)问expounded the problem (missionary)题explain/ make it clear (colloquial form by common people)Three points concerning stylistic/ register meaning①formality vs. informalityWhen we talked about register, we talk about formality and informality.e.g. 流汗:informal: sweat, formal: perspireIn different context, we use different words.②provinceIt is referred to the professional or academic fields.e.g. program: computer program 计算机程序,TV program 电视节目③modeWhen we talk about mode, we talk about writing and speech. Writing is more formal than speech, but not always.Phrasal verbs are less formal than single verbse.g. 提出(理论):propose, put forward, set forth, come up with, advance, initiate, advocate, etc. The point is proposed by Leech: synonyms are used in different contexts, but the conceptual meanings are the same.e.g. Home: formal: domicile/ residence, in poetry: abodee.g. Small: little, tiny, wee(Scottish dialect), diminutive (formal)3.2.3 Emotive/ indexical meaningIt concerns the use of certain expression through which we can find speaker’s identity or status. It is not conveyed by linguistic components, but by non-linguistic components, such as voice quality (passive voice or active voice)①emotional/ emotive meaning expresses speakers or writers attitude of emotional involvement, it focus on speaker and writer. Sometimes emotional meaning overlaid on propositional meaning. e.g. when the black people were transported to America as slaves, their master often called them “nigger”, later on, they called them “negro” to show their low social status contrary to their master. In the 1960s, they were called “black people” instead of “negro” contrary to the white. Later on, they called them “Afro-American”. Form this we can see the addressing terms change with time, the emotional involvement involved in these terms change with the time.②emotional meaning is expressed without propositional meaning through tone of voice, intonation or intonation pattern. This kind of meaning can be judged as true or false as it expresses certain state of affairs.e.g. the baby which/ who you saw this morning.“Which” is acceptable according to grammatical rule. When we use “which”, it means we treat baby/ the man as something instead of a person, “which” shows the speaker is more separate/ distant from the things involved. “Who” shows more personal feeling with the person or man.3.2.4 Thematic meaningBy thematic meaning, in different sources, the terms are similar. But different scholars may use different terms: theme vs. rheme; topic vs. comment; given information vs. new information; background vs. focus. All these terms are used to show thematic meaning.Definition given by Leech: thematic meaning derives from theme. It is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organized the message in terms of ordering, focus or emphasis. Thematic meaning may be different according to what the speaker wants to emphasize or highlight. Under this one, we have three points:①normally, the propositional meaning must be the same. In this case, we can compare thematic meaning. This kind of meaning can be expressed by either verbal or non-verbal component. Verbal componen t means the arrangement of words.Non-verbal component means intonation, stress and etc, which are used to accompany verbal signals.②Thematic meaning is expressed by voiceNormally, active or passive voice counterparts express the same propositional meaning, but different lies in the thematic meaning.e.g. i. Marry donated the first prize. (The first prize is new information.)ii. The first prize was donated by Marry. (Mary is new information.)For the first sentence, the author wants to highlight “what is donated.” For the second sentence, the author wants to emphasize “who donated the first prize.”e.g. i. Everyone in this class speaks two languages.ii. Two languages are spoken by everyone in this class.For the first sentence, the people in the class can speak two languages, but the languages are not fixed. For the second sentence, the people in this class speak two fixed languages, such as English and French, or English and Germany. The propositional meaning maybe change when the thematic meaning changes.If the voice transfers, the propositional meanings are different. Quantifier and negation transfer will cause the change of propositional meanings.③ Thematic meaning is expressed through other grammatical constructions.e.g. i. A student is waiting ouside.(waiting outside is new information.)ii. There is a student waiting outside.(a student waiting outside is new information.)The proposition meaning is the same, but thematic meaning is changed. First part, “there be” is old information.Change order:e.g. i. They stopped at the end of corridor.(at the end of corridor is new information.)ii. At the end of corridor, they stopped.(they stopped is new information.)④ Thematic meaning is expressed through intonation, stress to highlight one part of sentence.e.g. i. ‘John kept the watch. (it is John, not somebody else who kept the watch.)ii. John ‘kept the watch. (it is kept, not buy or else)iii. John kept the ‘watch. (it is watch, not something else that John kept.)Connotative meaning is proposed by Leech. Connotative meaning is the communicative value, an expression has by means of what it refers to over and above its purely conceptual content.e.g. woman [+human, +adult, -male] Psychological meaning and physical characteristics, not social. Male is unmarked.Woman’s associate meaning: patient, irrational, wear skirt, gentle, kind, prone to tears, good at cooking, capable of speech, expression, sentimental.Connotative meaning is not what is included in language system. People should draw a distinction between speaker’s attitudes and what is encoded in the language system.Further discussion on proposition meaning:(1) Different between valid and invalid inferencesPremise i:Premise ii:Conclusion:e.g. premise i: All men are mortal. (T)premise ii: John is a man. (T)conclusion: John is mortal. (T) valid inferencee.g. premise i: All men are mortal. (T)premise ii: Fido is not a man. (T)conclusion: Fido is not mortal.(F) invalid inferenceIf “not” appears in premise, the conclusion is difficult to get.(2) Different between valid and truth conclusione.g. premise i: All men are mortal.(T)premise ii: God is not a man. (T)conclusion: God is not mortal.(T) conclusion is true, but it is invalid inference. Since without premise i and ii, the conclusion is still right. According to common sense, the conclusion “God is not mortal” is unrelated to premise i and ii.(3) Difference between deductive and inductiveDeductive inference: the truth of the premise guarantees the truth of conclusion. It is from general truth to particular facts.Inductive inference: the method of reasoning from particular facts to general truth.e.g. premise i: Professor Smith had 200 students in his class at beginning of the semester.Premise ii: Three weeks later, he had only 10 students in his class.Conclusion: Professor Smith course is unpopular.This adopts the deductive method, but the conclusion is invalid.There are two conditions:①The number of the students in the Mr. Smith’s class is not the convincing evidence to prove whether Mr. Smith’s class is popular or not.②Maybe, at first the students thought the course provided by Mr. Smith is interesting at the first sight, but when they attended the class for themselves, they finally find that it is very hard for them to follow the teacher; therefore they were absent form the teacher’s class.(4) Analytic proposition and synthetic propositionNormally, analytic proposition is one whose truth is independent of the way the world we live in happens to be. The truth of this kind of proposition is true in all possible words.In contrast, synthetic proposition is one whose truth is dependent on the way the world we live in happens to be.(Analytic:措辞为真,保证命题为真,synthetic:需用事态来衡量)e.g. All spinsters are unmarried.This is analysis proposition, since its truth is independent of the world we live in.e.g. My brother is a bachelor.This is synthetic proposition, since its truth is dependent on the verification of whether the speaker has a brother or not and whether or not for the time being her/ his brother is a bachelor.(5) the propositional calculusThe basic formation of proposition: simple proposition and complex proposition.Simple proposition is one that doesn’t contain any constituent propositions within it.Complex proposition is one that is formed from one or more constituent propositions by means of connective.“and”, “and then”, “or”, and “not” are logic connectives. They are also called operators.e.g. John did not buy a Ford.(it is a simple sentence, but a complex proposition with “not” in it.) e.g. they got married and they got a baby. (“and” shows the logic order. It is different from “and” in the sentence “Mary and I go to the cinema.”)(6) truth function connectiveA connective is said to be truth functional if and only if the truth value of the complex propositions formed by applying it to one or more constituent propositions. It is fully determined by the truth values of those component propositions.(如果构成复合命题的各自命题为真,则复合命题为真;如果构成复合命题的各子命题不能保证为真,则connective不具有真值涵项性)Truth Table①同真为真,一假为假p q p&qT T TF T FT F FF F F②一个为假,则为假if前件…then后件,p→qp q p qT T TT F FF T FF F Fp q p v (or)q T T TT F TF T TF F F p q p≡q p ) q T T TT F FF T FF F Te.g.: John went to Paris before Mary died1 2This is a complex proposition. Supposed that 1 and 2 are the facts, but the connective “before” is not truth functional, since we can not decide whether or not John went to Paris before or after.e.g.: The question is discussed in the aspects or syntactic structure.The connective “or” is truth functional“and” conjunction“v” “or” discojunction inclusive 讨论的是命题“)” if…then 蕴含关系implication“≡” equivalence“~” negation[8]. Formation of structure of simple proposition(1) Predicate 谓元vs argument 主元Structure of simple proposition is formed by combining predicate with one or more arguments. e.g.: Mary is tall.Argument predicateJohn loves Mary.Argument predicate argumentBy predicate, we mean a term which is used in combination with a name in order to give some information about individual that the name refers to. Usually verbs, adjectives and common names are used as predicates.Argument: According to John Lyons, something which is named or talked about usually proper names are used.e.g.: Brute is a mouseProper name common namesArgument predicateThe classification of predicate: one-place, two-place, three-placeAccording to the number of arguments, they are combined to form a simple proposition.e.g.: Mary is tall. ------------One-placeThis one is preferable to that one-------------two-placeHe gave me a rose----------three-placeI bought this clothe from Internet for 100RMByuan. -----------four-placeTraditionally, the classification of predicates is according to the number of objects.No-objects one-object two-objects4. structural semantics: sense relation4.1 Structural semantics states or analyzes the meaning of words in terms of their association with other words in the language system.Association is the key word. Words in the vocabulary form a kind of relation in the system. Semanticists focus their attention on what is called implicational lexical relations. The main concern is lexical meaning.4.2 Sense relation: refers to the relations of sense holding within sets of lexemes.“sense”, this term was used early in the last century, may at the end of the 19th century. A famous scholar Fregue drew a distinction between sense and reference. If we use the sense of a word, we mean its place in the system of relationships which it contrasts with other words in the vocabulary of certain language.Reference: studies the relation between language and the world.Sense: studies the relation within the language systemWhy people use “sense”, this term instead of “meaning”?since meaning is too general and vague, we need to be specific we use sense instead of meaning. 4.3 Six types of sense relation-----可以用蕴含公式表达Square not triangle incompatibleCat ←→ not dogEasy ←→ difficult → antonymWife ←→ husband → converseSingle ←→ married → complementary4.3.1 Hyponymy (superordinates, originally called inclusion by analogy.)Hyponym 共同下义词e.g.: He caught a sparrow.------ He caught a bird.(yes, entail)He didn’t catch a sparrow. ------ He didn’t catch a bird. (No)This is a rose. -------- This is a flower. (Yes)I hate roses. ----- I hate flowers. (No)n →谓语(蕴含关系)n →宾语(一般不是)----Hyponymy is a relative notion not absolute one, which means a certain lexemes or words maybe surperordinates in contrast with one set of words, but may also be hyponyms in contrast with other sets of words.----Vocabulary of natural language tends to have many gap related to what we are talking about. e.g.: lexical gap: (1) 阉割(2) no common superordinates for word colourcolour ←→ white shape → triangle, squareblack, yellow(The parts of speech of hyponymy must be the same)4.3.2 Synonymy----Synonyms can be categorized into 2 types:(1)Absolute synonyms: refers to the synonyms which are interchangeable in all contexts.e.g.: word-formation = word buildingNorth Korea → fatherland→ motherland→ homeland(2)Relative synonyms:refers to those synonyms with common basic meaning but slightlydifferent in terms of use or meaning. Such synonyms are abundant in any language.e.g.: beautiful---pretty---charming---attractiveempty---vacant---hollow-----In different contexts, we use different synonyms. Many synonyms may have different senses which are in contrast with different synonyms and antonyms. Different senses contrast with different linguistic item.e.g.: He is a bit high. = He is a bit drunkhigh。

1. 语义语义是指词汇、短语、句子或更大的语言单位的意义。
2. 语言符号语言符号是指语言中用来表示意义的各种单位。
3. 合成语义学合成语义学是语义学中的一个分支领域,它研究语义是如何通过词汇的合成来进行构建的。
4. 语义角色语义角色是指在一个句子中扮演特定语法功能的实体或概念。
比如,在句子"I ate an apple"中,"I"是执行动作的主体,"an apple"是被动作所影响的对象。
5. 句法-语义界面句法-语义界面是语义学与句法学之间的接口领域。
6. 语用学语用学是语义学的一个重要分支,它关注语言如何在特定上下文中被使用和理解。
7. 词义消歧词义消歧是语义学中一个重要的问题,它指的是在不同的上下文中如何确定一个词的确切意义。
例如,词语 "bank" 可以指银行,也可以指河岸,根据上下文不同,需要确定其具体含义。
8. 语义演化语义演化研究语言意义如何随时间变化。

老太太[+人 +女性 +年老 +褒义] 老太婆[+人 +女性 +年老 +贬义]
前提义素——是与邻界词共同的义素,是确定该 词义与邻界词义有共同联系的义素,是反映事 物一般特征的。
断言义素——是与邻界词不同的义素,是确定 该词义与邻界词义相区别的义素,是反映事物 本质特征的。
语法意义包括词法意义和句法意义,即指词的 形态特征、各种语法单位间的关系意义(陈述、 支配等)。
2、言语意义: 言语意义是指人们在使用语言交流时受到语
第二节 义素与义素分析
一、义素性质:词义的区别特征就是义素,义素就是 对词的语义特征进行分析以期得到的最小的语义单 位。
也就是说在不同情况下词义分解为义素可以不一 样。如: “酒精” 一般人只了解它的外表特征和可作消毒药品的一般功 能 医疗工作者还有认识它具有使人中毒的特性 化工专业的人还能认识它作试剂,化工原料,燃烧等 特征 这样,不同职业的人对该词义义素的划分就会不同:
一般人:(1)无色液体;(2)药品;(3)用 于消毒
第五节 语义的组合
下面作一简单介绍。 相当于句子的语义单位——表述。连带表述的
意思——话语。对表述进行切分就获得相当于词、 短语的“义丛”,义丛由义素组成。
在一个表述中,在句法上起谓语作用的义丛 叫“谓词”,起主、宾等作用的义丛叫谓项。 关系: 表述 分解为 义丛 分解为 义素 (意义) (谓语+谓项)
第三节 词义
一、词义的内容: 1、词汇意义: 即理性意义、概念意义。 2、语法意义 3、色彩意义: (1)情态色彩: (2)语体色彩 (3)时代色彩:
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2生成语义学:20世纪六七十年代流行于生成语言学内部的一个语义学分支, 借鉴了结构语义学对义素的分析方法,比照生成音系学的音位区别特征理论,主张语言的最深层的结构是义素,通过句法变化和词汇化的各种手段而得到表层的句子形式。
他们提出, 语句的意义与命题的真假有关。
在真值论基础上发展出真值条件语义学,可能世界语义学及各种模式 -理论语义学。
英国哲学家J.L.奥斯汀 (1911~1960)也反对真值论,他从另一个角度来弥补真值论的不足,他认为说话不仅是“言”,而且是“行”,因而话语有双重作用,一是陈述命题,二是起命令、请求、许愿、警告之类的言外作用。
语言哲学的意义第一,从方法论的角度看,20 世纪后半叶语言学和语言哲学的发展形成句法学、语义学和语用学的三分框架和三种基本的语言分析方法,这个意义很大。
外在语言(E- language)和内在语言(I- language)的区别。
首先,它是一种心脑状态(mind- brain state),是儿童在学习语言的时候所获得的东西。
1968 年,乔姆斯基在《语言与心智》一书中阐述了过去、现在和将来语言学对心智研究的贡献,自然语言的形式和意义,语言的形式特征,语言和哲学,生物语言学和人类语言能力。
在乔姆斯基的语言理论中,两个假设和理论前提是唯理主义和心理主义,由此推出的最核心的概念是先天语言能力(Innate Language Faculty, ILF)和普遍语法(Universal Grammar, UG)1历史语义学语文学家早就关注语义问题,尤其是词义演变问题。
次年卡茨和P.波斯塔尔的专著《语言描写的统一理论》出版,将语义学和句法学、音系学并列为生成语法学的 3大分支。
例如“单身汉”一词含有人、成年、男性、从未结婚等意义,因而词义可以用下面这一组元素表示:“HUMAN”、“ADULT”、“MALE”、“ NEVER-MARRIED”。
卡茨假设,在语义学中,语义元素也结合成有层次的树形结构,这叫做语义表达式,如 HUMAN的语义表达式应该是:句法学用句法规则把单词组合成词组,把词组组合成句子,把若干简单句组合成复杂句,这样便能造出无穷无尽的句子。