



2Some Circuit Simpli¯cationTechniquesDrill ExercisesDE2.116k64=12:8−;12:8+7:2=20−;20k30=12−[a]v=5(12)=60V[b]p5A(del)=(5)(60)=300W[c]i A=60=30=2A i C=3(64)=(80)=2:4Ai B=5¡2=3A p10−=(2:4)210=57:6WDE2.2[a]v o(no load)=200(75)=100=150V[b]75k150=50k−,therefore v o=200(50)=75=133:3V[c]i=200=25;000=8mA,p25k=(8£10¡3)2(25;000)=1:6W[d]Maximum dissipation at no load since v o is maximump=v2o75;000=0:3W2728CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesDE2.3v30=6+4(0:825)=9:3V;i30=v3030=0:31Ai6=i30+0:825=1:135A;i10=0:825+0:31=1:135A¡v30¡6i b+v20¡10i10=0¢::v20=9:3+16(1:135)=27:46Vi20=27:4620=1:373A;i5=i6+i20=2:508Ai30=0:31A;i6=1:135A;i10=1:135A;i20=1:373A;and i5=2:508ADE2.4Problems29i =7212=6A [a]v =7212(8)=48V ;i 120V =120¡57:620=3:12A [b]v a =6(9:6)=57:6V ;p 120V (del)=120i a =374:40WDE 2.5[a]110V source actingalone:R e =10(14)24=356−i 0=1105+35=6=13213Av 0o=µ356¶µ13213¶=77013V 4A source actingalone:5−k 10−=50=15=10=3−10=3+2=16=3−30CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniques 16=3k12=48=13−Hence our circuit reduces to:It follows thatv00a=4(48=13)=(192=13)Vandv00o=¡v00a(16=3)(10=3)=¡58v00a=¡(120=13)V¢::v o=v0o+v00o=77013¡12013=50V[b]p=v2o10=250WDE2.670-V source acting alone:v0=70¡4i0bi0s=v0b2+v010=i0a+i0b70=20i0a+v0bi0a=70¡v0b 20Problems31¢::i 0b=v 0b 2+v 010¡70¡v 0b 20=1120v 0b +v 010¡3:5v 0=v 0b+2i 0b ¢::v 0b =v 0¡2i 0b¢::i 0b =1120(v 0¡2i 0b )+v 010¡3:5or i 0b =1342v 0¡7042¢::v 0=70¡4µ1342v 0¡7042¶orv 0=322094=161047V 50-V source actingalone:v 00=¡4i 00bv 00=v 00b +2i 00bv 00=¡50+10i 00d ¢::i 00d=v 00+5010i 00s =v 00b 2+v 00+5010i 00b=v 00b 20+i 00s =v 00b 20+v 00b 2+v 00+5010=1120v 00b +v 00+5010v 00b =v 00¡2i 00b¢::i 00b =1120(v 00¡2i 00b )+v 00+5010or i 00b =1342v 00+10042Thus,v 00=¡4µ1342v 00+10042¶orv 00=¡20047V Hence,v =v 0+v 00=161047¡20047=141047=30V32CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniques ProblemsP2.1[a]p4−=i2s4=(12)24=576W p18−=(4)218=288W p3−=(8)23=192W p6−=(8)26=384W[b]p120V(delivered)=120i s=120(12)=1440W[c]p diss=576+288+192+384=1440WP2.2[a]From Ex.3-1:i1=4A,i2=8A,i s=12Aat node x:¡12+4+8=0,at node y:12¡4¡8=0[b]v1=4i s=48V v3=3i2=24Vv2=18i1=72V v4=6i2=48Vloop abda:¡120+48+72=0;loop bcdb:¡72+24+48=0;loop abcda:¡120+48+24+48=0P2.31R eq=16+110+115=1030=13;R eq=3−v(2+8+5)−=(20)(3)=60V;i(2+8+5)−=60=15=4A P5−=(4)2(5)=80WP2.4[a]R eq=2+2+(1=4+1=5+1=20)¡1=6−i g=120=6=20Av4−=120¡(2+2)20=40Vi o=40=4=10AProblems33 i(15+5)−=40=(15+5)=2Av o=(5)(2)=10V[b]i15−=2A;P15−=(2)2(15)=60W[c]P120V=(120)(20)=2:4kWP2.5[a]R eq=R k R=R22R=R2[b]R eq=R k R k R k¢¢¢k R(n R's)=R kR n¡1=R2=(n¡1)R+R=(n¡1)=R2nR=Rn[c]One solution:700−=200−+500−=1000=5+1000=2=1k−k1k−k1k−k1k−k1k−+1k−k1k−[d]One solution:5:5k−=5k−+0:5k−=2k−+2k−+1k−+0:5k−=2k−+2k−+2k−2+2k−4=2k−+2k−+2k−k2k−+2k−k2k−k2k−k2k−34CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP2.6[a]12−k24−=8−Therefore,R ab=8+2+6=16−[b]1R eq=124k−+130k−+120k−=15120k−=18k−R eq=8k−;R eq+7=15k−1R ab=115k−+130k−+115k−=530k−=16k−R ab=6k−P2.7[a]For circuit(a)R ab=15k(18+48k16)=10−For circuit(b)1 R e =120+115+120+14+112=3060=12R e=2−R e+16=18−18k18=9−R ab=10+8+9=27−For circuit(c)48k16=12−12+8=20−20k30=12−12+18=30−30k15=10−10+10+20=40−R ab=40k60=24−[b]P a=20210=40WP b=144227=768WP c=62(24)=864WProblems35P2.8[a]5k20=100=25=4−5k20+9k18+10=20−9k18=162=27=6−20k30=600=50=12−R ab=5+12+3=20−[b]5+15=20−30k20=600=50=12−20k60=1200=80=15−3k6=18=9=2−15+10=25−3k6+30k20=2+12=14−25k75=1875=100=18:75−26k14=364=40=9:1−18:75+11:25=30−R ab=2:5+9:1+3:4=15−[c]3+5=8−60k40=2400=100=24−8k12=96=20=4:8−24+6=30−4:8+5:2=10−30k10=300=40=7:5−45+15=60−R ab=1:5+7:5+1:0=10−P2.9[a]R cond=845(0:0397)=33:5465−R total=2(1=2)R cond=33:5465−P loss=(2000)2(33:5465)=134:186MWP calif=800(2)¡134:186=1465:814MWE±ciency=(1465:814=1600)£100=91:61%[b]P calif=2000¡134:86=1865:814MWE±ciency=93:29%[c]P loss=(3000)2¢2¢(1=3)¢845¢(0:0397)=201:279MWP oregon=3000MW;P calif=3000¡201:279=2798:7MWE±ciency=(2798:70=3000)£100=93:29%P2.10i10k=(18)(15)40=6:75mAv15k=¡(6:75)(15)=¡101:25V i3k=18¡6:75=11:25mAv12k=¡(12)(11:25)=¡135Vv o=¡101:25¡(¡135)=33:75V36CHAPTER 2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP 2.11[a]v 1k =11+5(30)=5V v 15k =1515+60(30)=6Vv x =v 15k ¡v 1k =6¡5=1V [b]v 1k =v s6(1)=v s =6v 15k=v s75(15)=v s =5v x =(v s =5)¡(v s =6)=v s =30P 2.1260k 30=20−i 30−=(25)(75)125=15A v o =(15)(20)=300V v o +30i 30=750V v g ¡12(25)=750v g =1050VP 2.135−k 20−=4−;4−+6−=10−;10k 40=8−;Therefore,i g =1258+2=12:5A i 6−=(40)(12:5)50=10A;i o =(5)(10)25=2A P 2.14[a]40k 10=8−i 75V =7510=7:5A 8+7=15−i 4+3−=7:5µ3045¶=5A15k 30=10−i o =¡5µ1050¶=¡1A[b]i 10−=i 4+3−+i o =5¡1=4AP 10−=(4)2(10)=160WP2.15[a]v9−=(1)(9)=9Vi2−=9=(2+1)=3Ai4−=1+3=4A;v25−=(4)(4)+9=25Vi25−=25=25=1A;i3−=i25−+i9−+i2−=1+1+3=5A;v40−=v25−¡v3−=25¡(¡5)(3)=40Vi40−=40=40=1Ai5k20−=i40−+i25−+i4−=1+1+4=6Av5k20−=(4)(6)=24Vv32−=v40−+v5k20−=40+24=64Vi32−=64=32=2A;i10−=i32−+i5k20−=2+6=8Av g=10(8)+v32−=80+64=144V:[b]P20−=(v5k20−)220=24220=28:8WP2.16[a]Let i s be the current oriented down through the resistors.Then,i s=V sR1+R2+¢¢¢+R k+¢¢¢+R nandv k=R k i s=R kR1+R2+¢¢¢+R k+¢¢¢+R nV s[b]i s=2005+15+30+10+40=2Av1=2(5)=10V v2=2(15)=30V v3=2(30)=60V v4=2(10)=20V v5=2(40)=80VP2.17[a]v o=2525(20)=20V[b]v o=255+R eR eR e=(20)(12)32=7:5k−v o=2512:5(7:5)=15V[c]v o25=2025=0:80[d]v o25=1525=0:60P2.18[a]No load:v o=R2R1+R2V s=¾V s¢::¾=R2R1+R2 Load:v o=R eR1+R eV s=¯V s¢::¯=R eR e+R1R e=R2R LR2+R L¢::¯=R2R LR1R2+R L(R1+R2)But R1+R2=R2¾¢::R1=R2¾¡R2¢::¯=R2R LR2³R2¾¡R2´+R L R2¾¯=R LR 2³1¾¡1´+R L ¾or ¯R 2µ1¾¡1¶+¯R L ¾=R L ¯R 2µ1¾¡1¶=R L Ã1¡¯¾!¢::R 2=(¾¡¯)¯(1¡¾)R LR 1=(1¡¾)¾R 2=þ¡¯¾¯!R L[b]R 1=(0:9¡0:7)0:63(126)k −=40k −R 2=(0:9¡0:7)(0:7)(0:1)(126)k −=360k −P 2.19[a]Let v o be the voltage across the parallel branches,positive at the upperterminal,theni g =v o G 1+v o G 2+¢¢¢+v o G N =v o (G 1+G 2+¢¢¢+G N )It follows thatv o =i g(G 1+G 2+¢¢¢+G N )The current in the k th branch is i k =v o G k ;Thus,i k =i g G k[G 1+G 2+¢+G N ][b]i 6:25=1142(0:16)[4+0:4+1+0:16+0:1+0:05]=32mAP 2.20R e =48£103=500−¢::XG =1500=2mS i 1=2i 2=2(10i 3)=20i 4i 2=10i 3=10i 4i 3=i 48=20i4+10i4+i4+i4=32i4¢::i4=832=0:25mAR4=v gi4=40:25£10¡3=16k−i3=i4=0:25mA ¢::R3=16k−i2=10i4=2:5mAR2=v gi2=42:5£10¡3=1:6k−i1=20i4=5mAR1=v gi1=45£10¡3=800−P2.21[a]i o=120=40k−=3mA[b]v a=(3)(20)=60Vi a=v a100=0:6mAi b=4¡3:6=0:4mAv b=60¡(0:4)(15)=54Vi g=0:4¡54=30=¡1:4mAp75V(developed)=(75)(1:4)=105mWCheck:p4mA(developed)=(60)(4)=240mWX P dev=105+240=345mWX P dis=(¡1:4)2(15)+(1:8)2(30)+(0:4)2(15)+(0:6)2(100)+(3)2(20)=345mWP2.22Apply source transformations to both current sources to geti o=¡66=¡1mAP2.23[a]¢::v o=1(240)=120V;i o=120=24=5A2[b]p300V=¡12:5(300)=¡3750WTherefore,the300V source is developing3.75kW.[c]¡10+i6−+7:5¡12:5=0;¢::i6−=15Av10A+4(10)+6(15)=0;¢::v10A=¡130Vp10A=10v10A=¡1300WTherefore the10A source is developing1300W.[d]X p dev=3750+1300=5050Wp4−=100(4)=400Wp40−=(7:5)2(40)=2250Wp6−=(15)2(6)=1350Wp42−=(5)2(42)=1050WX p diss=400+1350+2250+1050=5050W(CHECKS)P2.24Applying a source transformation to each current source yieldsNow combine the20V and10V sources into a single voltage source and the5−,4−and1−resistors into a single resistor to getNow use a source transformation on each voltage source,thuswhich can be reduced to¢::i o=(1:25)(8)=1A10P2.25First,¯nd the Th¶e venin equivalent with respect to R o.P2.26100−k25−=20−¢::i=400=5A60+20v0o=20i=100V100−k60−=37:5−i=50025+37:5=8Av00o=37:5i=300Vv o=v0o+v00o=100+300=400V P2.27i0o=10025=4A15−k30−=10−i00o=¡5025=¡2A¢::i o=i0o+i00o=4¡2=2A P2.2815=2i0¢+50i1+3i0¢Problems4715=2i 0¢+12i 02i 0¢=i 01+i 02;i 01=27=26A;i 0¢=51=26A¢::i 02=1213A;v 0o=9613V ¡2i 00¢=5i 001+3i 00¢¢::i 00¢=¡i 001i 002=i 00¢¡i 001=2i 00¢4i 002+(8+i 002)8=¡2i 00¢¢::i 002=¡6413A;i 001=3213A;i 00¢=¡3213A ¢::8+i 002=4013A ¢::v 00o=8µ4013¶=32013V ¢::v o =v 0o +v 00o =9613+32013=32V48CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesP2.29[a]The evolution of the circuit shown in Fig.P2.29is illustrated in the following steps:[b]Starting at the left end of the circuit and working toward the right end,aseries of source transformations yields:Problems49V R=4 4R (2R)=V R8P2.30[a]The evolution of the circuit in Fig.P2.30can be shown in two steps,thus:[b]Moving from left to right,a series of source transformations yields:50CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation Techniquesv o=V R=84R(2R)=V R16Problems51 P2.31Eq.(2.34)v o=12V R(Switch1)Eq.(2.35)v o=14V R(Switch2)Eq.(2.36)v o=18V R(Switch3)Eq.(2.37)v o=116V R(Switch4)Given V R=16V:Switch Position v o12340000v o=0V000V R v o=116V R=1V00V R0v o=18V R=2V00V R V R v o=116V R+18V R=3V0V R00v o=14V R=4V0V R0V R v o=14V R+116V R=5V0V R V R0v o=14V R+18V R=6V0V R V R V R v o=14V R+18V R+116V R=7VV R000v o=12V R=8VV R00V R v o=12V R+116V R=9VV R0V R0v o=12V R+18V R=10VV R0V R V R v o=12V R+18V R+116V R=11VV R V R00v o=12V R+14V R=12VV R V R0V R v o=12V R+14V R+116V R=13VV R V R V R0v o=12V R+14V R+18V R=14VV R V R V R V R v o=12V R+14V R+18V R+116V R=15V52CHAPTER2.Some Circuit Simpli¯cation TechniquesThis page intentionally left blank。



《电路分析基础》各章习题参考答案第1章习题参考答案1-1 (1) SOW; (2) 300 V、25V,200V、75V; (3) R=12.50, R3=1000, R4=37.5021-2 V =8.S V, V =8.S V, V =0.S V, V =-12V, V =-19V, V =21.S V U =8V, U =12.5,A mB D 'AB B CU =-27.S VDA1-3 Li=204 V, E=205 V1-4 (1) V A=lOO V ,V=99V ,V c=97V ,V0=7V ,V E=S V ,V F=l V ,U A F=99V ,U c E=92V ,U8E=94V,8U BF=98V, u cA=-3 V; (2) V c=90V, V B=92V, V A=93V, V E=-2V, V F=-6V, V G=-7V, U A F=99V, u c E=92V, U B E=94V, U BF=98V, U C A =-3 V1-5 R=806.70, 1=0.27A1-6 1=4A ,11 =llA ,l2=19A1-7 (a) U=6V, (b) U=24 V, (c) R=SO, (d) 1=23.SA1-8 (1) i6=-1A; (2) u4=10V ,u6=3 V; (3) Pl =-2W发出,P2=6W吸收,P3=16W吸收,P4=-lOW发出,PS=-7W发出,PG=-3W发出1-9 l=lA, U5=134V, R=7.801-10 S断开:UAB=-4.SV, UA0=-12V, UB0=-7.2V; S闭合:12 V, 12 V, 0 V1-12 UAB=llV / 12=0.SA / 13=4.SA / R3=2.401-13 R1 =19.88k0, R2=20 kO1-14 RPl=11.110, RP2=1000第2章习题参考答案2-1 2.40, SA2-2 (1) 4V ,2V ,1 V; (2) 40mA ,20mA ,lOmA 2-3 1.50 ,2A ,1/3A2-4 60 I 3602-5 2A, lA2-6 lA2-7 2A2-8 lOA2-9 l1=1.4A, l2=1.6A, l3=0.2A2-10 11=OA I l2=-3A I p l =OW I P2=-l8W2-11 11 =-lA, l2=-2A I E3=10V2-12 11=6A, l2=-3A I l3=3A2-13 11 =2A, l2=1A ,l3=1A ,14 =2A, l5=1A2-14 URL =30V I 11=2.SA I l2=-35A I I L =7.SA2-15 U ab=6V, 11=1.SA, 12=-lA, 13=0.SA2-16 11 =6A, l2=-3A I l3=3A2-17 1=4/SA, l2=-3/4A ,l3=2A ,14=31/20A ,l5=-11/4A12-18 1=0.SA I l2=-0.25A12-19 l=1A32-20 1=-lA52-21 (1) l=0A, U ab=O V; (2) l5=1A, U ab=llV。



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20 100
20 40
100 60
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a 20
15 b
15 b
Байду номын сангаас
15 b
15 b
7 3
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1.6.3 电阻的Y形连接和形连接的等效变换
1. 电阻的 、Y连接
上页 下页
uk RkiRk RueqR Rekquu
例 两个电阻的分压:
+ u1

R1 R1 R2
R2 R1 R2
注意方向 !
上页 下页
2. 电阻并联 (Parallel Connection)
i1 +i2 +i3 = 0
u12Y=R1i1Y–R2i2Y u23Y=R2i2Y – R3i3Y (2) u31Y=R3i3Y – R1i1Y i1Y+i2Y+i3Y = 0
上页 下页
i1YR1u R 12Y 2RR 32Ru33Y 1R R32R1


目录 Contents
• 电路分析的基本概念 • 电路分析的基本定律 • 电路分析的基本方法 • 电路分析的应用
电路是由若干个元件按照一定的方式连接起来,用于实现电能或信号传输的闭 合部分组成。电源是提供电能的设备,负载是消 耗电能的设备,中间环节则包括导线和开关等用于连接电源和负载的元件。
电流是指单位时间内通过导体横截面的电荷量,电压是指电场力将单位正电荷从一点移动到另一点所做的功,功 率是指单位时间内完成的电功或电能消耗,能量则是指电荷在电场中由于电场力作用而具有的势能。这些物理量 在电路分析中具有重要的作用。
欧姆定律是电路分析中最基本的定律之一,它描述了电路中 电压、电流和电阻之间的关系。
线性元件的电压和电流关系可以用线性方程表示,而非线性元件的电压和电流关 系则不能用线性方程表示。常见的线性元件包括电阻、电容和电感,而非线性元 件有二极管、晶体管等。
网孔电流法是以网孔电流为未知量,根据基尔霍夫定律列出节点电流方程和回路电压方程,求解各网 孔电流的方法。该方法适用于具有多个网孔的电路,特别是网孔较多的复杂电路。
电阻电路是最基本的电路类型,其分析方法 主要包括欧姆定律、基尔霍夫定律等。

电路分析基础1章习题 PPT课件

电路分析基础1章习题 PPT课件

1-9 题1-9图中各受控源是否可看为电阻?并求各 图中a,b端钮的等效电阻。
uab iab

20I 3I

20 3
uab iab

10 I I
10 i 0.9i1, i 5 2A,
(1) 图(a)中的u、i为关联参考方向;图(b)中的u、 i为非关联参考方向.
(2) 图(a)中p=ui表示吸收功率;图(b)中p=ui表示 发出功率.
(3) 图(a)中p=ui<0表示吸收的负功率,实际发出 功率; 图(b)中p=ui>0表示发出的正功率,实际 发出功率.
1-3 试校核图中电路所得解答是否满足功率 平衡。(提示:求解电路以后,校核所得 结果的方法之一是核对电路中所有元件的 功率平衡,即元件发出的总功率应等于其 他元件吸收的总功率)。
元件A:∵u、i参考方向非关联; ∴PA=ui=(-5)×60=-300W<0,发出。 元件B、C、D、E: ∵ u、i参考方向关联; ∴PB=ui=1×60=60W >0,吸收;
PC=ui=2×60=120W >0,吸收; PD=ui=2×40=80W >0,吸收; PE=ui=2×20=40W >0,吸收。 ∵ P总发出=300W ;P总吸收=60+120+80+40=300W ∴电路所得的解答满足功率平衡。
1-4 在指定的电压 u 和电流 i 参考方向下, 写出各元件 u 和 i 的约束方程。



§ 1 —1电路和电路模型l —1晶体管调频收音机最高工作频率约108MHz问该收音机的电路是集中参数电路还是分布参数电路?解:频率为108MHz周期信号的波长为c 2.78mf 108 10几何尺寸d<<2.78m的收音机电路应视为集中参数电路。



§ 1 —2电路的基本物理量I —2题图I —2(a)表示用示波器观测交流电压的电路。


试确定电压u的表达式和t 0.5s、1s和1.5s时电压的瞬时值。

题图解:u(t) sinn tVu(0.5s) Sinn 0.5)V sin(90 )V 1Vu(1s) Sinn 1)V sin(180 )V 0Vu(1.5s) sinn 1.5)V sin(270 )V 1V1—3各二端元件的电压、电流和吸收功率如题图1—3所示。


0根据封闭面还可以列出更多的KCL方程-If ■? +解:二端元件的吸收功率为A, C, p吸ui 5 10 3PiE, G, pupu21 10 310 10 3"T G+ lOV--sirtfV ++tf=I“一题图I —3p=ui,已知其中任两个量可以求得第三个量。

10 3W 5mW B, P吸ui5 10 3 1 10 5 10 6W 5卩W103V10 3 Asin 2t 2 sin tcost si nt si nt§ 1 —3基尔霍夫定律I —4题图IKCL方程。

解:对节点2kV1mA2costAD, uF, iH,P吸—4表示某不连通电路连接关系的有向图。

u i123,5,7 ,可以列出以下KCL方程i1 0, i2 i3 0, i3 i4 i6,根据图示封闭面可以列出以下KCL方程i 1 i2i4iei 1 i2 i5 i4i2 i 3 i5i5i ei6—2 2V110 10 3 -^02 2e * 4e10 3A 1mAt W试对各节点和圭寸闭面列出尽可能多的8i4 i5 0, i7 i8 0I — 5题图I —5是表示某连通电路连接关系的有向图。




⑴ 若t t 1时i(t 1) 1A ,u(t 1) 3V ,求t t 1时N 吸收的功率P N (t 1)⑵ 若t t 2时i(t 2) 1A ,u(t 2)4V ,求t t 2时N 产生的功率P N (t 2)解:(1) P N (tJ U(t 1)i(t 1)3 1 3W1.3题1.3图示一个3A 的理想电流源与不同的外电路相接,求3A 电流源三种情况下供出的功率。

解: 2Q5V(b) (c)(a) 2 2P I s R 32 18W 电流源输出功率 (b)P I S V 3 515W电流源输出功率⑵ P N (t 2)U(t 2)i(t 2)41 4Wi(t)—— — N —+ u(t)-1.2 题1.2图示一段直流电路 N,电流参考方向如图中所示,电压表内阻对测试电路的影响忽略不计,已知直流电压表读数为 电流I解:P _J0 V 52A(c) P I® 3 10 30W 电流源吸收功率1.4 题1.4图示某电路的部分电路,各已知的电流及元件值已标出在图中, 求 I 、U s 、R 。

解:流过3Q 电阻的电流为12A+6A=18A流过12 Q 电阻的电流为 18A-15A=3A 流过电阻R 的电流为 3A-12A-5A=-14A可得: l=-14A+15A=1AU S 18 3 3 1290V15 1 12 3 …R1.5 141.5题1.5图示电路,已知 U=28V 解:根据电源等效,从电阻 R 两端 可等效为如下图等效电路。

1.6求题1.6图示各电路的开路电压1415 有:I 15 -A44 21R4 48可得:RU287IU15 28R2 8(c)解:(a) Uy 20V 10A 5 30V(b)开路时,流过8Q电阻的电流为391A18 9流过6Q电阻的电流为318 “2A18 9可得:U OC 2 6 1 8 4V(c)开路时, 8 Q电阻的电压为208—8V1282Q电阻的电压为5A210V可得:U OC 8V 2V 10V 0V1.7求题1.7图示各电路的电流+ U=6V(b)I。



习题参考答案习题11-11-1..(1)(a )图,u 和i 参考方向是非关联参考方向;(b )图,u 和i 参考方向是关联参考方向。


(2)(a )图,u 的实际方向与参考方向相同,i 的实际方向与参考方向相反。

(b )图,u 的实际方向与参考方向相反,i 的实际方向与参考方向相同。


(3)(a )图,8=p W ,吸收功率;(b )图,24-=p W ,发出功率。


1-21-2..030)24()4(24=+-+-++-=åp ,功率平衡。


1-31-3..(a )图,01R i u u s +-=;(b )图,02R i u u s -=1-41-4..022233311=+-+++-S S S U R I U R I R I U1-51-5..120W1-61-6.不能,实际电压将超过额定电压;可以。



1-71-7..(a)W =1R ;(b)W =2R1-81-8..(1)0=U V ,0=I A ;(2)3100=U V ,310=I A ;(3)25=U V ,5.2=I A (该题中已知条件中“W =10L R ”有误,应当改为“W =10R ”)1-91-9..5=aV V ,=bV 1V 1V。



a a 、b 两点间电流电压都等于零。


1-111-11..=aI 11A 11A,,=bI -6A -6A,,=cI -11A -11A。

1-121-12..31-=IA 、2I =5.22A =5.22A、、3I =2.22A =2.22A。

1-131-13.开关断开时.开关断开时.开关断开时,,6=AV V ,6-=BV V 。

闭合时,8=AV V ,0=BV V 。



《电路分析基础》各章习题参考答案《电路分析基础》各章习题参考答案第 1 章 习题参考答案习题参考答案1- 1 (1) 50W ; (2) 300 V 、25V, 200V 、75 V ; (3)2=12.5 QR a =100 Q, R 4=37.5 Q 1- 2 V A =8.5V =8.5V,, V m =6.5V =6.5V,, V B =0.5V =0.5V,, V C =- 12V , V D =-19V =-19V,, V p =-21.5V =-21.5V,, U A B AB =8V =8V,, U B C BC =12.5=12.5,,U DA =-27.5V1-3 电源电源((产生功率产生功率)): A 、 B 元件;负载元件;负载元件;负载((吸收功率吸收功率)): C 、 D 元件;电路满足功率平衡元件;电路满足功率平衡元件;电路满足功率平衡 条件。

1-4 (1) V A =1 00V , V B =99V, V C =97V, V D =7V, V E =5V, V F =1V, U A F AF =99V, U C E CE =92V,U BE =94V, U BF =98V, U CA =- 3 V ; (2) V C =90V, V B =92V , V A =93V, V E =-2V, V F =-6V, V G =- 7V, U AF =99V, U CE =92V, U B E BE =94V, U B F BF =98V, U C A CA =- 3 V1-5 I 〜0.18A ,6 度,度,2.7 2.7 元 1- 6 I=4A , I 1=11A =11A,,I 2=19A 1-7 (a) U=6V , , (b) U=24 V , (c) R=5Q , Q, (d) I=23.5A 1- 8 (1) i 6=-1A ; (2) u 4=10V, u 6=3 V ; (3) P 1=-2W 发出发出, P , P 2 2 =6W 吸收吸收, P , P 3 3 =16W 吸收吸收, ,P 4 =-10W 发出发出, P , P 5 5 =-7W 发出发出, P , P 6 6 =-3W 发出发出1- 9 I=1A, , U s =134V , R ~ 7.8Q 1- 10 S断开:断开:断开:U U AB =- 4.8V , U AO =- 12V , U BO =-7.2V ;S 闭合:闭合:闭合:U U AB = -12V, U A O AO = - 12V , U BO =0V 1- 11支路支路 3 3,节点,节点,节点 2 2,网孔,网孔,网孔 2 2 ,回路,回路,回路 3 3 1- 12节点电流方程:节点电流方程: (A) I (A) I 1 +I 3- I 6=0=0,,(B)I 6- I 5- I 7=0=0,,(C)I 5 +I 4-I 3=0 回路电压方程:① I6 R 6+ U S 5 S5 +I 5 R 5- U S 3 +1 3 3 R 3=0 ,②-15 R 5- U S 5+ I 7R 7- U S 4 =0 ,③-丨3 R 3+ U S3 + U S 4 S4 + I 1 1 R 2+ I 1 1 R 1=01- 13 UA B AB =11V , I 2=0.5A , l 3=4.5A , R 3~ 2.4 Q 1-14 VA =60V V C =140V V D =90V U A C AC =- 80V U AD =- 30V U CD =50V 1- 15 I 1=- 2A I 2=3A I 3=- 5A I 4=7A I 5=2A第 2 章 习题参考答案习题参考答案2- 1 1 2.42.4 Q 5 A 2- 2 (1) 4 V 2 V 1 V; (2) 40 mA 20 mA 10 mA 2-3 1.5 Q 2 A 1/3 A 2-4 6 Q 36 Q 2-5 2 2 A 1 A A 1 A 2-6 1 1 A A2-7 2 2 A A 2- 8 1 1 A A2- 9 I1 1 = -1.4 A I2 = 1.6 A I3 = 0.2 A 2- 10 I1 1 = 0 A I2 = -3 A P 1 = 0 W P 2 = -18 W 2-11 I i = -1 mA , I 2 = - 2 mA , E 3 = 10 V 2- 12 I 1 = 6 A , I 2 = -3 A ,I 3 = 3 A 2- 13 I1 1 =2 A , , I 2 = 1A , , I3 = 1 A , I4 =2 A , , I5 = 1 A 2-14 2-14 V V a = 12 V , I 1 = - 1 A ,I 2 = 2 A 2-15 2-15 V V a = 6 V , I 1= 1.5 A , I 2 = - 1 A ,I 3= 0.5 A 2-16 2-16 V V a = 15 V , , I 1 = - 1 A , , I 2 =2 A , , I 3= 3 A 2-17 2-17 I I 1 = -1 A ,, I 2 = 2 A 2-18 2-18 I I 1 =1.5 A , , I 2 = - 1 A , , I 3= 0.5 A 2-19 2-19 I I 1 =0.8 A , , I 2 = - 0.75 A , , I 3 = 2 A , I 4 = - 2.75 A , I 5 = 1.55 A 2-20 2-20 I I 3= 0.5 A 2-21 U o o = 2 V , R o = 4 Q ,Q, I 00 = 0.1 A 2-22 I 55 = -1 A 2-23 2-23 (1) I (1) I5 5 = 0 A , U ab = 0 V ; (2) I 5 5 = 1 A , U ab = 11 V 2-24 I L = 2 A2-25 I s s =11 A , , R 0 = 2 QQ 2-26 2-26 18 18 Q, - 2 Q ,Q, 12 Q 2-27 U == 5 V 2-28 I =1 A2-29 U == 5 V 2-30 I =1 A2-31 2-31 10 V 10 V ,, 180 Q 2-32 U 0 = 9 V , R 0 = 6 Q ,Q, U=15 V 第3章习题参考答案章习题参考答案3- 1 50Hz, 314rad/s, 0.02s, 141V, 100V, 120° 3-2 200V, 141.4V 3-3 u=14.1si n (314t-60 °V3- 4 (1) ®u1-贏2= 120° (2) ®1 = -90-90° °%= - 210°210°, , %1-屁=120=120° (不变° (不变) 3-5 (1) U^50 .^_90V , U 2 =50 .2.2 - 0 V ; ; (2) U 3=100 2 sin (3t+ 45 °)V , U, U 4=100 ■■ 2 sin ( ®t + 135 °)V 3- 6 (1) i 1=14.1 sin ( 72 °)A ;; (2) U 2=300 sin ( 3—60 °)V3- 7错误:(1),1),⑶,⑶,⑶,(4), (5) (4), (5) 3-8 (1) R ; (2) L ; (3) C; (4) R 3-9 i=2.82 sin (10t-30 °)A , Q~ 40 var , Q~ 40 var 3-10 u =44.9sin (3141-135 °V, Q=3.18 var 3- 11 (1) I=20A ; (2) P=4.4kW3- 12 (1)I ~ 1.4A , I 1.4 - 30 A; (3)Q~ 308 var, P=0W ; (4) i~ 0.98 sin (628t-30 °)A 3- 13 (1)I=9.67A , I =9.67450 A ,i=13.7 sin (314t+150 °) A ; (3)Q=2127.4 var, P=0W; (4) I C =0A3- 14 (1)C=20.3 尸;(2) I L = 0.25A ,l c = 16A第4章习题参考答案章习题参考答案4-1 (a) Z =5. 36.87 J, Y =0.2 / 36.87 S ; (b) ; (b) ZZ =2.5 - 2/ 45 门,Y =0.2.2/45 S 4- 2 Y=(0.06-j0.08) S , , R ~ 16.67 Q, X L =12.5 Q, L ~0.04 H 4-3 U R =6 0^0 V U L =8080//90 V , , U S =100100^^53.13 V 4-4 卩=2 0 £ 3 6.874-5 Z =100 =100 22^45 ;:;: ■,卩=1^0 A , , U R =100100^^0 V , U L =125125//90 V , , U C =2525/ /90 V 4-6 Y =0.25 2^45 S , U =4 “2/0 V ,卩R = .2. 0 A , , I L =0.^ 2 / 90 A , , I C =1.21.2..2/90 A4-7 ll =1 0.=1 0.「2 4 5,A U S =100 乙 90 V 4-8 (a) 30 V ; (b) 2.24 A 4-9 (a) 10 V ; (b) 10 A (b) 10 A 4-10 10 (a) (a) 10 V ; (b) 10 V (b) 10 V 4- 11 U=14.1 V4- 12 UL 1 =15 V , U C 2 =8 V , U S =15.65 V 4-13 4-13 U U X 1 =100 V , U 2 =600 V , , X 1=10Q, X 2=20 Q, X 3=30 Q 4-14 Z =20 .2 45 门,l =2. -45 A , h , h = 2 0 = 2 0 A , .2/-90 A , U ab ab==0V 4- 15 (1)1 =£2 2 A A , Z RC =5、2「,「, Z =5 10 门;门;(2) R (2) R =10 门,门,X X ^1010'J 'J4-16 P = 774.4 W , Q = 580.8 var, S = 968 V A- 4-17 l 1 = 5 A , l 2 = 4 A 4-18 4-18 I I 1 = 1 A , I 2 =2 A , l =.5. 26.565 A , S =44.72. -26.565 V V V A A 4-19 Z=10", I =190A I=190A ,U R2 =5 2 135 V , P =10 W 64-20 a =5X10 rad/s , p = 1000 = 1000 Q ,Q, Q = 100 , l = 2 mA , U R =20 mV , U L = U C = 2 V 4-21 30 =104 rad/s , p = 100 = 100 Q ,Q, Q = 100 , U = 10 V , I R = 1 mA , I L = I C = 100 mA 4-22 L 1 1 = 1 H , L 2 ~ 0.33 H 第5章习题参考答案章习题参考答案5- 3 M = 35.5 mH5- 4 301 =1000 rad/s ,3,302=2236 rad/s5-5 Z 1 = j31.4 Q , Q , Z 2 = j6.28 Q Q 5-6 Z r = 3+7.5 Q Q 5-7 M = 130 mH 5- 8 “2 二-2/45 A5- 9 U1 = 44.8 V 5- 10 M12 12 = 20 mH , 11 = 4 A 5- 11 U 2 = 220 V , I 1 = 4 A5- 12 n = 1.95- 13 N2 = 254 匝,匝,匝,N N3 = 72 匝 5- 14 n = 10 , P 2 = 31.25 mW章习题参考答案章习题参考答案(1) A 相灯泡电压为零,相灯泡电压为零,B B 、C 相各位为220V I L = I p = 4.4 A ,U p = 220 V ,U L = 380 V ,P = 2.3 kW (2) I p = 7.62 A ,I L = 13.2 A A 、C 相各为2.2A 2.2A,,B 相为3.8A U L = 404 VU A N =202202/ -/ -47 47 Vcos $ = 0.961 , Q = 5.75 kvar Z =334 28.4 门(1) I p p = 11.26 A , Z = 19.53 / 42.3 °Q; (2) I p p = I l l = 11.26 A , P = 5.5 kW U l = 391 Vi A =22 2sin(・t —53.13 ) Ai B =22 .2sin(・t —173.13 ) Ai C =22 2 sin(,t 66.87 ) AU V = 160 V(1) 负载以三角形方式接入三相电源负载以三角形方式接入三相电源(2) I — =3.8 T 2 -15 A , 1仁 =3.3.^-2/ ^-2/ 135 A , , 仁 =3.8、「2也105 AI A =3.8、. 6/「45 A , I B =3.8I Q 165 A , , I c =3.8.6. 75 AL = 110 mH , C = 91.9 mF 章习题参考答案章习题参考答案P = 240 W, Q = 360 var P = 10.84 W(1) i(t) 4.7sin( t 100 ) - 3sin3 t A(2) I ~ 3.94 A , U ~ 58.84 V , P ~ 93.02 W 0MU m n o L 1 r~2 ------------- 2u 2(t) msin(,t —-arctan 1)V , R 2 (丄J 2z 2 R '直流电源中有交流,交流电源中无直流直流电源中有交流,交流电源中无直流U 1=54.3 V , , R = 1 Q, L = 11.4 mH ;约为约为 8% 8% , , ( L'= 12.33 mH ) 使总阻抗或总导纳为实数使总阻抗或总导纳为实数((虚部为虚部为 0)0)的条件为的条件为的条件为 尺二尺二& = & = R x = Rx = ■ L/C ■ L/C G =9.39 折,C 2 =75.13 M F L 1 = 1 H , L 2 = 66.7 mHC 1 = 10 M F, C 2 2 = 1.25 M F章习题参考答案章习题参考答案第6 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 6- 15 第7 7- 1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-87-9 7- 10 第88- 6 8-78-8i L (0+) = 1.5mA , U L (0+) = - 15V- 15V h (0+) = 4A , i 2(0+) = 1A , U L (0+) = 2V 2V ,i 1(s )= 3A , i 2(^)= 0, U L ()= 0 i 1 1 (0+) = 75mA , i 2(0+) = 75mA , i 3(0+) = 0, U L 1 (0+) = = 0, U L 2(0+) = 2.25V 2.25V6i c (t)二 2訂 A 4t U L (t) =6e _V u C (t) =10(1 _eg )V , i C (t) =56说*人 500t 貝 u C (t) =115e~ sin(866 亠60 ) V10t 10t 山⑴=12e - V , L(t) =2(1 —e — )A 1 1 t t U R (t) =~U s e 下2C V , U R (3 J - -U S e-V (1) T = 0.1s, (2) u c (t) =10e -V , (3) t = 0.1s u C (t) =10 _9e 」° V 10t _ i L (t) =5e 一 A (a)f(t) =1(t —t 。


应用电阻串并联等效, 得电流 21
I1 3 / /6 12 / /6 1 3A
再应用电阻并联分流公式, 得

6 3

2 3

第1章 电路基本概念

6 12

13 3
对节点a应用KCL, I=I2-I3=2-1=1 A
解答 题解1.7(c)图所示电路时, 不要设很多支路电流 建立很多的KCL、 KVL方程组, 然后联立求解。 这样求解 的思路能求解正确, 但费时费力, 不如应用串并联等效求 解简便。
I 6 2 4A 2
第1章 电路基本概念
第1章 电路基本概念 图(b)电路中, 设电流I1节点a及回路A, 如题解1.7图
(b)所示。 对节点a列写KCL方程, I1=1+I
对回路A列写KVL方程, -1+1×I+1×(I+1)=0
第1章 电路基本概念 当然, 本问亦可先将1 Ω电阻与1 V电压源的串联互换等
24 10 A
[8 / /8 2] / /[4 / /4 2] 2.4
再应用电阻并联分流公式, 得电流
因I与Us参考方向非关联, 所以电压源Us Ps=UsI=15×3=45 W
第1章 电路基本概念 1.10 求图示各电路中的电流I。
第1章 电路基本概念 解 图(a):
[50 / /50 6 / /30] / /60 / /20 40



+ 42V

i2 3Ω

设网孔电流为 i1, i2 , i3 ,则 i3 = −guA = −0.1uA ,所以只要列出两个网孔方程
27i1 −18i2 = 42 −18i1 + 21i2 − 3(−0.1uA ) = 20
因 uA = 9i1 ,代入上式整理得
−15.3i1 + 21i2 = 20
⎪⎩i3 = 4A
2-1 试用网孔电流法求图题所示电路中的电流 i 和电压 uab 。



i3 i
+ 3V

设网孔电流为 i1, i2 ,i3 ,列网孔方程
− i2 − 2i3 = 7 + 8i2 − 3i3 = 9
⎪⎩−2i1 − 3i2 + 5i3 = −12
i1 = 4.26A uA = (9× 4.26)V = 38.34V i3 = −0.1uA = −3.83A
2-8 含 CCVS 电路如图题 2-6 所示,试求受控源功率。
1Ω i3

i 4Ω
50V i1 −
20Ω i2
15i −

⎧⎪⎨2−52i01i−1 +202i42i−2 −5i43 i=3
50 = −15i
⎪⎩−5i1 − 4i2 +10i3 = 0
又受控源控制量 i 与网孔电流的关系为 i = i1 − i2

《 电路分析基础 》课程练习题及答案

《  电路分析基础  》课程练习题及答案

电路分析基础第一章一、1、电路如图所示,其中电流为答( A )A 0.6 A B. 0.4 A C. 3.6 A D. 2.4 A2、电路如图示, 应为答( C )A. 0 VB. -16 VC. 0 VD. 4 V3、电路如图所示, 若、、均大于零,, 则电路的功率情况为答( B )A. 电阻吸收功率, 电压源与电流源供出功率B. 电阻与电流源吸收功率, 电压源供出功率C. 电阻与电压源吸收功率, 电流源供出功率D. 电阻吸收功率,供出功率无法确定UI S二、 1、图示电路中, 欲使支路电压之比,试确定电流源之值。

I SU解:由KCL 定律得:22328222U U U ++=V由KCL 定律得:0422=++U I U S1160-=S I A 或-5.46 A 2、用叠加定理求解图示电路中支路电流,可得:2 A 电流源单独作用时,2/3A;4 A 电流源单独作用时,-2A, 则两电源共同作用时-4/3A 。

3、图示电路ab端的戴维南等效电阻 4 ;开路电压22 V。

解:U=2*1=2 I=U+3U=8A Uab=U+2*I+4=22V Ro=4第二章一、1、图示电路中,7 V电压源吸收功率为答( C )A. 14 WB. -7 WC. -14 WD. 7 W2、图示电路在时开关闭合,时为答(D )精品文档A. B.C. D.3、图示桥式电路中,已知,欲使图中u=0,应满足的条件为答( A )A. B.C. D.二、1、试用叠加定理求图示电路中的电压。

4Ω解:4Ω电路可分为图1和图2单独作用图1U 1=-3v图2U 2=- 249+ ×(4×4)=-3V U=U 1+U 2=-6v 2、图示电路在换路前已达稳态。


100u C解:Uc(0)=100vUc(∞)=40150×20=75v 10RC ==τUc (t )=75+25e-0.1t3、求:示网络ab 二端间的戴维南等效电路。






◆目录Chapter 1 Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements1.1 Circuit Analysis: an Overview1.2 Voltage, Current, and the Basic Circuit Elements1.3 The Ideal Basic Circuit Element1.4 Power and Energy1.5 Voltage and Current Sources1.6 Electrical Resistance (OHM?s Law)1.7 Kirchhoff?s Laws1.8 Analysis of a Circuit Containing Dependent SourcesChapter 2 Some Circuit Simplification Techniques2.1 Source Transformations2.2 SuperpositionChapter 3 Techniques of Circuit Analysis3.1 Terminology3.2 Introduction to the Node-Voltage Method3.3 The Node-Voltage Method and Dependent Sources3.4 The Node-Voltage Method: Some Special Cases3.5 Introduction to the Mesh-Current Method3.6 The Mesh-Current Method and Dependent Sources3.7 The Mesh-Current Method: Some Special Cases3.8 The Node-Voltage Method Versus the Mesh-Current Method3.9 Th?venin and Norton Equivalents3.10 More on Deriving a Th?venin Equivalent3.11 Maximum Power TransferChapter 4 The Operational Amplifier4.1 Operational Amplifier Terminals4.2 Terminal Voltages and Currents4.3 The Inverting-Amplifier Circuit4.4 The Summing-Amplifier Circuit4.5 The Noninverting-Amplifier Circuit4.6 The Difference-Amplifier Circuit4.7 The ComparatorChapter 5 The Natural and Step Response of RL and RC Circuits5.1 The Inductor5.2 The Capacitor5.3 Series-Parallel Combinations of Inductance and Capacitance5.4 Natural Response of RL and RC Circuits5.5 Step Response of RL and RC Circuits5.6 The Integrating AmplifierChapter 6 Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits6.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 6.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 6.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit6.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC CircuitChapter 7 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis7.1 The Sinusoidal Source7.2 The Sinusoidal Response7.3 The Phasor7.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency Domain7.5 Kirchhoff?s Laws in the Frequency Domain7.6 Circuit Simplifications7.7 The Node-Voltage Method7.8 The Mesh-Current Method7.9 Instantaneous, Average, and Reactive Power7.10 The rms Value and Power Calculations7.11 Complex Power and Power CalculationsChapter 8 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits8.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages8.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources8.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit8.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit8.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits8.6 Measuring Average Power in Three-Phase CircuitsChapter 9 Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits9.1 Some Preliminaries9.2 Low-Pass Filters9.3 High-Pass Filters9.4 Bandpass Filters9.5 Bandreject Filters。



《电路分析基础》各章习题参考答案第 1 章习题参考答案1- 1 (1) 50W ; (2) 300 V、25V, 200V、75 V ; (3) 2=12.5 Q R a=100 Q, R4=37.5 Q1- 2 V A=8.5V, V m=6.5V, V B=0.5V, V C=- 12V, V D=-19V, V p=-21.5V, U AB=8V, U BC=12.5,U DA=-27.5V1- 3 电源(产生功率): A 、 B 元件;负载(吸收功率): C、 D 元件;电路满足功率平衡条件。

1- 4 (1) V A=1 00V , V B=99V, V C=97V, V D=7V, V E=5V, V F=1V, U AF=99V, U CE=92V, U BE=94V, U BF=98V, U CA=- 3 V;(2) V C=90V, V B=92V , V A=93V, V E=-2V, V F=-6V, V G=- 7V, U AF=99V, U CE=92V, U BE=94V, U BF=98V, U CA=- 3 V1- 5 I 〜0.18A , 6 度,2.7 元1- 6 I=4A, I1=11A,I2=19A1- 7 (a) U=6V, (b) U=24 V, (c) R=5Q, (d) I=23.5A1- 8 (1) i6=-1A ; (2) u4=10V, u6=3 V; (3) P1=-2W 发出, P2 =6W 吸收, P3 =16W 吸收, P4 =-10W 发出, P5 =-7W 发出, P6 =-3W 发出1- 9 I=1A , U s=134V , R~ 7.8Q1- 10 S 断开:U AB=- 4.8V , U AO=- 12V , U BO=-7.2V ;S 闭合:U AB =-12V, U AO =- 12V , U BO=0V1- 11 支路 3,节点 2,网孔 2 ,回路 31- 12 节点电流方程: (A) I1 +I3- I6=0,(B)I6- I5- I7=0,(C)I5 +I 4-I3=0回路电压方程:① I6 R6+ U S5 +I 5 R5- U S3 +1 3 R3=0 ,②-15 R5- U S5+ I 7R7- U S4 =0 ,③-丨3 R3+ U S3 + U S4 + I 1 R2+ I 1 R1=01- 13 U AB=11V , I2=0.5A , l3=4.5A , R3~ 2.4 Q1-14 V A=60V V C=140V V D=90V U AC=- 80V U AD=- 30V U CD=50V1- 15 I1=- 2A I2=3A I3=- 5A I4=7A I5=2A第 2 章习题参考答案2- 1 2.4 Q 5 A2- 2 (1) 4 V 2 V 1 V; (2) 40 mA 20 mA 10 mA2- 3 1.5 Q 2 A 1/3 A2- 4 6 Q 36 Q2- 5 2 A 1 A2- 6 1 A2- 7 2 A2- 8 1 A2- 9 I1 = -1.4 A I2 = 1.6 A I3 = 0.2 A2- 10 I1 = 0 A I2 = -3 A P1 = 0 W P2 = -18 W2- 11 I i = -1 mA , I2 = - 2 mA , E3 = 10 V2- 12 I1 = 6 A , I2 = -3 A , I3 = 3 A2- 13 I1 =2 A , I2 = 1A , I3 = 1 A , I4 =2 A , I5 = 1 A2-14 V a = 12 V , I1 = - 1 A, I2 = 2 A2-15 V a = 6 V , I1= 1.5 A , I2 = - 1 A ,I3 = 0.5 A2-16 V a = 15 V , I1 = - 1 A , I2 =2 A , I3 = 3 A2-17 I1 = -1 A , I2 = 2 A2-18 I1 =1.5 A , I2 = - 1 A , I3 = 0.5 A2-19 I1 =0.8 A , I2 = - 0.75 A , I3 = 2 A , I4 = - 2.75 A , I5 = 1.55 A2-20 I3 = 0.5 A2-21 U o = 2 V , R o = 4 Q, I0 = 0.1 A2-22 I5 = -1 A2-23 (1) I5 = 0 A , U ab = 0 V ; (2) I5 = 1 A , U ab = 11 V2-24 I L = 2 A2-25 I s =11 A , R0 = 2 Q2-26 18 Q, - 2 Q, 12 Q2-27 U = 5 V2-28 I =1 A2-29 U = 5 V2-30 I =1 A2-31 10 V , 180 Q2-32 U0 = 9 V , R0 = 6 Q, U=15 V第3章习题参考答案3- 1 50Hz, 314rad/s, 0.02s, 141V, 100V, 120 °3- 2 200V, 141.4V3- 3 u=14.1si n (314t-60 °V3- 4 (1) ®u1-贏2= 120°(2) ®1 = -90° %= - 210°, %1-屁=120° (不变)3-5 (1) U^50 .^_90 V , U2 =50 .2 -0 V ;(2) U3=100 2 sin (3t+ 45 °)V , U4=100 ■■ 2 sin ( ®t+ 135 °)V3- 6 (1) i 1=14.1 sin ( 72 °)A ; (2) U2=300 sin ( 3—60 °)V3- 7 错误:(1),⑶,(4), (5)3- 8 (1) R; (2) L ; (3) C; (4) R3- 9 i=2.82 sin (10t-30 °)A , Q~ 40 var3- 10 u=44.9sin (3141-135 °V, Q=3.18 var3- 11 (1) I=20A ; (2) P=4.4kW3- 12 (1)I ~ 1.4A , I 1.4 - 30 A ; (3)Q~ 308 var, P=0W ; (4) i~ 0.98 sin (628t-30 °)A3- 13 (1)I=9.67A , I =9.67450 A , i=13.7 sin (314t+150 °) A ; (3)Q=2127.4 var, P=0W;(4) I C=0A3- 14 (1)C=20.3 尸;(2) I L = 0.25A ,l c = 16A第4章习题参考答案4-1 (a) Z =5. 36.87 J, Y =0.2 /36.87 S; (b) Z =2.5 - 2/45 门,Y =0.2.2/45 S4- 2 Y=(0.06-j0.08) S , R~ 16.67 Q, X L=12.5 Q, L~0.04 H4- 3 U R=6 0^0 V U L=80/90 V , U S=100^53.13 V4- 4 卩=2 0 £ 3 6.874-5 Z =100 2^45 ;:■,卩=1^0 A , U R=100^0 V , U L=125/90 V , U C=25/ 90 V4-6 Y =0.25 2^45 S , U =4 “2/0 V ,卩R = .2. 0 A , I L =0.^ 2 / 90 A , I C=1.2.2/90 A4- 7 ll =1 0.「2 4 5,A U S=100 乙90 V4- 8 (a) 30 V ; (b) 2.24 A4- 9 (a) 10 V ; (b) 10 A4- 10 (a) 10 V ; (b) 10 V4- 11 U=14.1 V4- 12 U L1 =15 V , U C2 =8 V , U S=15.65 V4-13 U X1 =100 V, U2 =600 V, X1=10 Q, X2=20 Q, X3=30 Q4- 14 Z =20 .2 45 门,l =2. -45 A , h = 2 0 A , .2/-90 A , U ab=0V 4- 15 (1)1 =£2 A, Z RC=5、2「,Z =5 10 门;(2) R =10 门,X^10'J4- 16 P = 774.4 W , Q = 580.8 var, S = 968 V A-4- 17 l1 = 5 A , l2 = 4 A4-18 I1 = 1 A , I2 =2 A , l =.5. 26.565 A , S =44.72. -26.565 V A4-19 Z=10", I=190A, U R2 =5 2 135 V , P =10 W64-20 a =5X10 rad/s , p= 1000 Q, Q = 100 , l = 2 mA , U R =20 mV , U L = U C = 2 V4-21 30 =104rad/s , p= 100 Q, Q = 100 , U = 10 V, I R = 1 mA , I L = I C = 100 mA4-22 L1 = 1 H , L2 ~ 0.33 H第5章习题参考答案5- 3 M = 35.5 mH5- 4 301 =1000 rad/s ,302 =2236 rad/s5- 5 Z1 = j31.4 Q , Z2 = j6.28 Q 5- 6 Z r = 3+7.5 Q5- 7 M = 130 mH5- 8 “2 二-2/45 A5- 9 U1 = 44.8 V5- 10 M12 = 20 mH , 11 = 4 A5- 11 U2 = 220 V , I1 = 4 A5- 12 n = 1.95- 13 N2 = 254 匝,N3 = 72 匝5- 14 n = 10 , P2 = 31.25 mW章习题参考答案 (1) A 相灯泡电压为零,B 、C 相各位为220V I L = I p = 4.4 A ,U p = 220 V ,U L = 380 V ,P = 2.3 kW (2) I p = 7.62 A ,I L = 13.2 A A 、C 相各为2.2A ,B 相为3.8A U L = 404 V U A N =202/ -47 V cos $ = 0.961 , Q = 5.75 kvar Z =334 28.4 门 (1) I p = 11.26 A , Z = 19.53 / 42.3 °Q; (2) I p = I l = 11.26 A , P = 5.5 kW U l = 391 V i A =22 2sin(・t —53.13 ) A i B =22 .2sin(・t —173.13 ) A i C =22 2 sin(,t 66.87 ) A U V = 160 V (1) 负载以三角形方式接入三相电源 (2) I — =3.8 T 2 -15 A , 1仁 =3.^-2/ 135 A , 仁 =3.8、「2也105 A I A =3.8、. 6/「45 A , I B =3.8I Q 「165 A , I c =3.8.6. 75 A L = 110 mH , C = 91.9 mF 章习题参考答案 P = 240 W, Q = 360 var P = 10.84 W (1) i(t) 4.7sin( t 100 ) - 3sin3 t A (2)I ~ 3.94 A , U ~ 58.84 V , P ~ 93.02 W 0MU m n o L 1 r~2 ------------- 2 u 2(t) m sin(,t —-arctan 1)V , R 2 (丄J 2 z 2 R ' 直流电源中有交流,交流电源中无直流 U 1=54.3 V , R = 1 Q, L = 11.4 mH ;约为 8% , ( L'= 12.33 mH ) 使总阻抗或总导纳为实数(虚部为 0)的条件为 尺二& = Rx = ■ L/C G =9.39 折,C 2 =75.13 M F L 1 = 1 H , L 2 = 66.7 mH C 1 = 10 M F, C 2 = 1.25 M F 章习题参考答案 第66-16-36-46-56-66-76-86-96-106-116-126-136-146- 15第77- 17-27-37-47-57-67-77-87-97- 10第88- 68-78-8i L(0+) = 1.5mA , U L(0+) = - 15Vh(0+) = 4A, i2(0+) = 1A , U L(0+) = 2V, i1(s)= 3A , i2(^)= 0, U L()= 0 i1 (0+) = 75mA , i2(0+) = 75mA , i3(0+) = 0, U L1 (0+) = 0, U L2(0+) = 2.25V6i c (t)二 2訂 A 4tU L (t) =6e _V u C (t) =10(1 _eg 0t )V , i C (t) =56说*人 500t 貝 u C (t) =115e~ sin(866 亠60 ) V10t 10t 山⑴=12e - V , L(t) =2(1 —e — )A 1 t U R (t) =~U s e 下2C V , U R (3 J - -U S e-V (1) T = 0.1s, (2) u c (t) =10e -0t V , (3) t = 0.1s u C (t) =10 _9e 」°t V 10t _ i L (t) =5e 一 A (a)f(t) =1(t —t 。

电路分析基础(工程教育系列教材)第1章 作业参考答案

电路分析基础(工程教育系列教材)第1章 作业参考答案

1第1章 电路的基本概念与定律P1-9 计算图P1-9电路中每个元件吸收的功率。

p 4p p图P1-9解:各元件功率计算如下:A I 4=W I ui p 165.081=⨯==,吸收16W W ui p 48682-=⨯-=-=,吸收-48WW I ui p 48123-=⨯-=-=,吸收-48WW ui p 804204=⨯==,吸收80WP1-26 部分家用电器设备的连接如图P1-26所示,其中空气开关的电流超过A 20则自动跳闸。

(a ) 试用理想元件构造其电路模型;(b ) 确定每条并联支路的电流,判断空气开关是否会跳闸; (c ) 计算电源提供的功率?图P1-26解:1)电路模型如图所示:2)A u p i 5.0120601===A u p i 33.31204002≈==A u p i 5.0120603===由KCL 得:A A i i i i 2033.4321<≈++=,因此空气开关不会跳闸 3)电源的提供的功率:Wp 5206040060=++=P1-10 求图P1-10所示电路的1I 、2I 和U 。

图P1-10解:A I 910901==A I 5.1152530902=+-=2V I U 5.6730252=+=P1-17 求图P1-17电路中的开路电压U 。

解:设电流如图所示: mA kk I 105380=+=电压:V kI m k U 45-15-80-345=+⨯=或V kI m k U 45-15-5-45=⨯=图P1-17P1-12计算图P1-12电路的1U 。

1图P1-12解:先暂时把授控源当独立源处理,然后找出控制变量的约束表达式 KVL :0244411=--U I (1) 控制量:115.04I U ⨯= (2)联立(1)和(2)可得:AI V U 6,12-11-==P1-18 计算图P1-18电路中的电压1U 和非独立源的功率。

U 1图P1-18解:KVL :0725.0202=-+U kI (1)3控制量:kI U 202= (2) 联立(1)和(2)可得:mA I 4.2= ,V U 482=所以:电压V I k U 2.19241=⨯= 受控源的功率:受控电压源:mW I U p 6.575.02=⨯=,吸收57.6mW受控电流源:mW I U p 16.9221-=⨯-=,提供92.16mW。




(1)若元件A吸收功率10W,求:Ua=? 解:电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率:P?UaI?Ua?PI?10W1A?10V(2)若元件B吸收功率10W,求:Ib=? 解:电压电流为非关联参考方向,吸收功率:P??UIb?Ib??PU??10W10V??1A(3)若元件C吸收功率-10W,求:Ic=? 解:电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率:P?UIc?Ic?PU??10W10V??1A(4)求元件D吸收功率:P=?解:电压电流为非关联参考方向,吸收功率:P??UI??10mV?2mA??20?10?6W(5)若元件E输出的功率为10W,求:Ie=? 解:电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率:P?UIe?Ie?PU??10W10V??1A(6)若元件F输出功率为-10W,求:Uf=? 解:电压电流为非关联参考方向,吸收功率:P??UfI?Uf??PI??10W1A??10V(7)若元件G输出功率为10mW,求:Ig=? 解:电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率:P?UIg?Ig?PU??10mW10V??1mA(8)试求元件H输出的功率。




3V3V3V3V(a)(b)题图1-14(c)(d)解:(a)电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率为:P?UI?3V?2A?6W;(b)电压电流为非关联参考方向,吸收功率为:P??UI??3V?2A??6W,实际是输出功率6瓦特;(c)电压电流为非关联参考方向,吸收功率为:P??UI??3V?2A??6W, 实际是输出功率6瓦特; (d)电压电流为关联参考方向,吸收功率为:P?UI?3V?2A?6W.1-19.电路如图示,求图中电流I,电压源电压US,以及电阻R。

电路基础(第三版)Alexander and Sadiku著 课后题答案chapter 01

电路基础(第三版)Alexander and Sadiku著 课后题答案chapter 01

How many coulombs are represented by these amounts of electrons:(a) (b)1710482.6×181024.1×(c) (d)191046.2×2010628.1×Chapter 1, Solution 1(a) q = 6.482x1017 x [-1.602x10-19 C] = -0.10384 C(b) q = 1. 24x1018 x [-1.602x10-19 C] = -0.19865 C(c) q = 2.46x1019 x [-1.602x10-19 C] = -3.941 C(d) q = 1.628x1020 x [-1.602x10-19 C] = -26.08 CChapter 1, Problem 2.Determine the current flowing through an element if the charge flow is given by(a)()()mC 83+=t t q (b)()C 2)482t-t (t q +=(c) ()()nC e 5e 3t q t 2-t −−=(d) ()pC t sin 10 120t q π=(e)()C t 50cos 204μt e t q −=Chapter 1, Solution 2(a) i = dq/dt = 3 mA(b) i = dq/dt = (16t + 4) A(c) i = dq/dt = (-3e -t + 10e -2t ) nA(d) i=dq/dt = 1200120ππcos t pA(e) i =dq/dt =−+−e t t t 48050100050(cos sin ) A μPROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsFind the charge q (t ) flowing through a device if the current is:(a)()()C 10 A,3==q t i (b) 0)0(,mA )52()(=+=q t t i(c) C 2(0) A,)6/10cos(20)(μμπ=+=q t t i(d)()0(0) A,40sin 1030==−q t e t i tChapter 1, Solution 3(a) C 1)(3t +=+=∫q(0)i(t)dt q(t)(b) mC 5t)(t 2+=++=∫q(v)dt s)(2t q(t)(c) ()q(t)20 cos 10t /6q(0)(2sin(10/6)1)C t ππμ=++=++∫ (d) C 40t) sin 0.12t (0.16cos40e 30t -+−=−+=+=∫ t)cos 40-t 40sin 30(1600900e 10q(0)t 40sin 10e q(t)-30t30t-Chapter 1, Problem 4.A current of 3.2 A flows through a conductor. Calculate how much charge passes through any cross-section of the conductor in 20 seconds.Chapter 1, Solution 4q = it = 3.2 x 20 = 64 CChapter 1, Problem 5.Determine the total charge transferred over the time interval of 0 ≤ t ≤ 10s when1()2i t t = A.Chapter 1, Solution 5102010125 C 024t q idt tdt ====∫∫ PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe charge entering a certain element is shown in Fig. 1.23. Find the current at:(a) t = 1 ms (b) t = 6 ms (c) t = 10 msFigure 1.23Chapter 1, Solution 6(a) At t = 1ms, ===280dt dq i 40 A (b) At t = 6ms, ==dtdq i 0 A (c) At t = 10ms, ===480dt dq i –20 APROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe charge flowing in a wire is plotted in Fig. 1.24. Sketch the correspondingcurrent.Figure 1.24Chapter 1, Solution 7⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡<<<<<<==8t 6 25A,6t 2 25A,-2t 0 A,25dt dq iwhich is sketched below:PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe current flowing past a point in a device is shown in Fig. 1.25. Calculate the total charge through the point.Figure 1.25Chapter 1, Solution 8C 15μ1102110idt q =×+×==∫PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe current through an element is shown in Fig. 1.26. Determine the total charge that passed through the element at:(a) t = 1 s (b) t = 3 s (c) t = 5 sFigure 1.26Chapter 1, Solution 9(a) C 10===∫∫10dt 10idt q (b) C5.2255.7151521510110idt q 30=++=×+⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛×−+×==∫ (c) C 30=++==∫101010idt q 5Chapter 1, Problem 10.A lightning bolt with 8 kA strikes an object for 15 μ s. How much charge isdeposited on the object?Chapter 1, Solution 10q = it = 8x103x15x10-6 = 120 mCPROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsChapter 1, Problem 11.A rechargeable flashlight battery is capable of delivering 85 mA for about 12 h. How much charge can it release at that rate? If its terminals voltage is 1.2 V, how much energy can the battery deliver?Chapter 1, Solution 11q= it = 85 x10-3 x 12 x 60 x 60 = 3,672 CE = pt = ivt = qv = 3672 x1.2 = 4406.4 JChapter 1, Problem 12.If the current flowing through an element is given by()⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧><<<<<<=15s t 0,15st 10 A, 12-10s t 6 A,186s t 0 A,3t t iPlot the charge stored in the element over 0 < t < 20s.Chapter 1, Solution 12For 0 < t < 6s, assuming q(0) = 0,q t idt q tdt t t t()().=+=+=∫∫03015020At t=6, q(6) = 1.5(6)2 = 54For 6 < t < 10s,PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators 4q t idt q dt t t t()()=+=+=−∫∫6185418566At t=10, q(10) = 180 – 54 = 126For 10<t<15s,q t idt q dt t t t()()()=+=−+=−+∫∫1012126122461010At t=15, q(15) = -12x15 + 246 = 66For 15<t<20s,PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators 66q t dt q t()()=+=∫01515Thus,q t t t t ().,=−−+⎧⎨⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪15185412246662C,0 <t <6s C, 6 <t <10s C, 10 < t < 15s C 15 <t <20sThe plot of the charge is shown below.The charge entering the positive terminal of an element is10sin 4 mC q t π=while the voltage across the element (plus to minus) is2cos 4 V v t π=(a) Find the power delivered to the element at t = 0.3 s(b) Calculate the energy delivered to the element between 0 and 0.6s.Chapter 1, Solution 13(a) 40cos 4 mA dq i t dtππ== 280cos 4 mW p vi t ππ==At t=0.3s, 280cos (40.3)164.5 mW p x ππ==(b) 0.60.620080cos 440[1cos8] mJ W pdt tdt t dt ππππ===+∫∫∫0.61400.6sin 878.34 mJ 08W t πππ⎡⎤=+=⎢⎥⎣⎦PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe voltage v across a device and the current I through it are()()()A 110 V, 2cos 55.0t e t i t t v −−==Calculate:(a) the total charge in the device at t = 1 s(b) the power consumed by the device at t = 1 s.Chapter 1, Solution 14(a) ()()()C 2.131=−+=+===∫∫2e 21102e t 10dt e -110idt q 0.5-10.5t -100.5t -(b) p(t) = v(t)i(t)p(1) = 5cos2 ⋅ 10(1- e -0.5) = (-2.081)(3.935)= -8.188 WChapter 1, Problem 15.The current entering the positive terminal of a device is ()A 32t e t i −= and the voltage across the device is .()V / 5dt di t v =(a) Find the charge delivered to the device between t = 0 and t = 2 s.(b) Calculate the power absorbed.(c) Determine the energy absorbed in 3 s.Chapter 1, Solution 15 (a) ()=−−=−===∫∫1e 5.1e 23dt 3e idt q 4-202t 202t-1.4725 C (b)W e 90)(t 4−−==−=−==vi p e 305e 6dt di 5v 2t -2t (c) J 22.5−=−−===∫∫304t -304t -e 490dt e -90pdt w PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsFigure 1.27 shows the current through and the voltage across a device. (a) Sketch the power delivered to the device for t >0. (b) Find the total energy absorbed by thedevice for the period of 0< t < 4s.0 2 4 t(s)Figure 1.27 For Prob. 1.16.PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators(a)30 mA, 0 < t <2()120-30t mA, 2 < t<4t i t ⎧=⎨⎩5 V, 0 < t <2()-5 V, 2 < t<4v t ⎧=⎨⎩150 mW, 0 < t <2()-600+150t mW, 2 < t<4t p t ⎧=⎨⎩ which is sketched below.PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No partof this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the priorwritten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators(b) From the graph of p,40 J W pdt ==∫Figure 1.28 shows a circuit with five elements. IfW, 30 W, 45 W, 60 W, 2055421===−=p p p pcalculate the power p 3 received or delivered by element 3.Figure 1.28Chapter 1, Solution 17Σ p = 0 → -205 + 60 + 45 + 30 + p 3 = 0p 3 = 205 – 135 = 70 WThus element 3 receives 70 W.PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsFind the power absorbed by each of the elements in Fig. 1.29.Figure 1.29Chapter 1, Solution 18p1 = 30(-10) = -300 Wp2 = 10(10) = 100 Wp3 = 20(14) = 280 Wp4 = 8(-4) = -32 Wp5 = 12(-4) = -48 WPROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsChapter 1, Problem 19.Find I in the network of Fig. 1.30.V 4 A PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No partof this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the priorwritten permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsFigure 1.30 For Prob. 1.19.Chapter 1, Solution 19I = 4 –1 = 3 AOr using power conservation,9x4 = 1x9 + 3I + 6I = 9 + 9I4 = 1 + I or I = 3 AChapter 1, Problem 20.Find V 0 in the circuit of Fig. 1.31.Figure 1.31Chapter 1, Solution 20Since Σ p = 0-30×6 + 6×12 + 3V 0 + 28 + 28×2 - 3×10 = 072 + 84 + 3V 0 = 210 or 3V 0 = 54V 0 = 18 VChapter 1, Problem 21.A 60-W, incandescent bulb operates at 120 V. How many electrons and coulombs flow through the bulb in one day?Chapter 1, Solution 21600.5 A 120p p vi i v =⎯⎯→=== q = it = 0.5x24x60x60 = 43200 C18236.2410 2.69610 electrons e N qx x x ==PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsChapter 1, Problem 22.A lightning bolt strikes an airplane with 30 kA for 2 ms. How many coulombs of charge are deposited on the plane?Chapter 1, Solution 2233301021060 C q it x x x −===Chapter 1, Problem 23.A 1.8-kW electric heater takes 15 min to boil a quantity of water. If this is done once a day and power costs 10 cents per kWh, what is the cost of its operation for 30 days?Chapter 1, Solution 23W = pt = 1.8x(15/60) x30 kWh = 13.5kWhC = 10cents x13.5 = $1.35Chapter 1, Problem 24.A utility company charges 8.5 cents/kWh. If a consumer operates a 40-W light bulb continuously for one day, how much is the consumer charged?Chapter 1, Solution 24W = pt = 40 x24 Wh = 0.96 kWhC = 8.5 cents x0.96 = 8.16 centsChapter 1, Problem 25.A 1.2-kW toaster takes roughly 4 minutes to heat four slices of bread. Find the cost of operating the toaster once per day for 1 month (30 days). Assume energy costs 9 cents/kWh.Chapter 1, Solution 25cents 21.6 cents/kWh 930hr 604 kW 1.2 Cost =×××= PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsA flashlight battery has a rating of 0.8 ampere-hours (Ah) and a lifetime of 10 hours.(a) How much current can it deliver?(b) How much power can it give if its terminal voltage is 6 V?(c) How much energy is stored in the battery in kWh?Chapter 1, Solution 26(a) mA 80.=⋅=10hh A 80i (b) p = vi = 6 × 0.08 = 0.48 W(c) w = pt = 0.48 × 10 Wh = 0.0048 kWhChapter 1, Problem 27.A constant current of 3 A for 4 hours is required to charge an automotive battery. If the terminal voltage is 10 + t /2 V, where t is in hours,(a) how much charge is transported as a result of the charging?(b) how much energy is expended?(c) how much does the charging cost? Assume electricity costs 9 cents/kWh.Chapter 1, Solution 27∫∫=××====×==kC 43.2 36004 3 T 33dt idt q 36004 4h T Let (a)T 0[]kJ 475.2...)((=××+×=⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+=⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛+===×∫∫∫36001625036004033600250103dt 3600t 50103vidt pdt W b)36004020T 0t t Tcents 1.188(=×===cent 9kWh 3600475.2 Cost Ws)(J kWs, 475.2W c) PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsA 30-W incandescent lamp is connected to a 120-V source and is left burningcontinuously in an otherwise dark staircase. Determine:(a) the current through the lamp,(b) the cost of operating the light for one non-leap year if electricity costs 12 centsper kWh.Chapter 1, Solution 28A 0.25===12030 (a)V P i$31.54(=×==××==262.8 $0.12Cost kWh 262.8Wh 2436530pt W b)Chapter 1, Problem 29.An electric stove with four burners and an oven is used in preparing a meal as follows.Burner 1: 20 minutes Burner 2: 40 minutesBurner 3: 15 minutes Burner 4: 45 minutesOven: 30 minutesIf each burner is rated at 1.2 kW and the oven at 1.8 kW, and electricity costs 12 cents per kWh, calculate the cost of electricity used in preparing the meal.Chapter 1, Solution 29cents39.6.=×==+=⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛++++== 3.3 cents 12Cost kWh 6030kW 1.8hr 6045)1540(20kW 21pt wPROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsPROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsReliant Energy (the electric company in Houston, Texas) charges customers as follows:Monthly charge $6First 250 kWh @ $0.02/kWhAll additional kWh @ $0.07/kWhIf a customer uses 1,218 kWh in one month, how much will Reliant Energy charge?Chapter 1, Solution 30Monthly charge = $6First 250 kWh @ $0.02/kWh = $5Remaining 968 kWh @ $0.07/kWh= $67.76Total = $78.76Chapter 1, Problem 31.In a household, a 120-W PC is run for 4 hours/day, while a 60-W bulb runs for 8hours/day. If the utility company charges $0.12/kWh, calculate how much the household pays per year on the PC and the bulb.Chapter 1, Solution 31Total energy consumed = 365(120x4 + 60x8) WCost = $0.12x365x960/1000 = $42.05Chapter 1, Problem 32.A telephone wire has a current of 20 μ A flowing through it. How long does it take for a charge of 15 C to pass through the wire?Chapter 1, Solution 32i = 20 µAq = 15 Ct = q/i = 15/(20x10-6) = 750x103 hrsA lightning bolt carried a current of 2 kA and lasted for 3 ms. How many coulombs of charge were contained in the lightning bolt?Chapter 1, Solution 33C 61032000idt q dtdq i 3=××==→=−∫Chapter 1, Problem 34.Figure 1.32 shows the power consumption of a certain household in one day.Calculate: (a) the total energy consumed in kWh, (b) the average power per hour.Figure 1.32Chapter 1, Solution 34(a) Energy = = 200 x 6 + 800 x 2 + 200 x 10 + 1200 x 4 + 200 x 2 pt ∑ = 10 kWh(b) Average power = 10,000/24 = 416.7 WPROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsThe graph in Fig. 1.33 represents the power drawn by an industrial plant between 8:00 and 8:30 A.M. Calculate the total energy in MWh consumed by the plant.Figure 1.33Chapter 1, Solution 35energy = (5x5 + 4x5 + 3x5 + 8x5 + 4x10)/60 = 2.333 MWhrChapter 1, Problem 36.A battery may be rated in ampere-hours (Ah). A lead-acid battery is rated at 160 Ah.(a) What is the maximum current it can supply for 40 h?(b) How many days will it last if it is discharged at 1 mA?Chapter 1, Solution 36days 6,667,(A 4====⋅=day/ 24h h 0001600.001A 160Ah t b)40h A 160i (a)PROPRIETARY MATERIAL . © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educatorsA 12-V battery requires a total charge of 40 ampere-hours during recharging. Howmany joules are supplied to the battery?Chapter 1, Solution 37W = pt = vit = 12x 40x 60x60 = 1.728 MJChapter 1, Problem 38.How much energy does a 10-hp motor deliver in 30 minutes? Assume that 1 horsepower = 746 W.Chapter 1, Solution 38P = 10 hp = 7460 WW = pt = 7460 × 30 × 60 J = 13.43 × 106 JChapter 1, Problem 39.A 600-W TV receiver is turned on for 4 hours with nobody watching it. If electricity costs 10 cents/kWh, how much money is wasted?Chapter 1, Solution 39W = pt = 600x4 = 2.4 kWhC = 10cents x2.4 = 24 centsPROPRIETARY MATERIAL. © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this Manual may be displayed, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, or used beyond the limited distribution to teachers and educators。


-5V (b)
U IR 115V 15V
图b电阻电压电流为关联参考方向 图c电阻电压电流为关联参考方向
U 5 I 1A I 5
U IR ( 1 ) 10 V 10 V
1-4 求图示电路中的电压U
+ 15V 10A + U a b 10A + 2V 5Ω (b) + U -
1-13 电路如图所示,试求UAB、UBC、UCA及I 。 解:根据KCL I 2 (2) 4A
U AB (2) 10 10 20 2 15 U BC U CA 20V 2 15 20 30 4 5
15Ω 2A B A -2A 10Ω + 10V 20V
(3)设电压UR、电压U、电流I, 并求这些参数
U R 6 2 12V
- UR +

I 66 0 根据KVL:5 U R U 5
U U R 12V
+ 5V
+ 6A U + 5V
(4)求中间5V电压源的功率p3 (5)求右侧6A电流源的功率p4
p3 5I 0
1-12 电路如图,计算各电路电压,并讨论功 率平衡
2A -2A 2A 5A + U (a ) 6A 2Ω
I +
U (b)
6A I 2Ω U -
+ I 3Ω 4A (c) U -
3Ω I 4A (d)
各电路的电压为电阻的端电压,设电阻电流为I (4)电路d的计算 U 3I 3V I 5 4 1A 2 p I R 1 3 3W 电阻的功率: R 电流源的功率: pI 4U 12W 电压U的功率: pU 5U 15W



i = 0:6 mA; p = 0:6t mW
10 · t · 25 ms:
v = 10 V;
i = 0:6 mA; p = 6 mW
25 · t · 35 ms:
v = 75 ¡ 2500t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
35 · t · 60 ms:
v = ¡50 + 1000t V; i = ¡0:4 mA; p = 20 ¡ 400t mW
pabs = p100V + p40V = 3100 W
pdev = pabs = 3100 W
DE 1.7 [a] vl ¡ vc + v1 ¡ vs = 0; ilRl ¡ icRc + i1R1 ¡ vs = 0
isRl + isRc + isR1 ¡ vs = 0
[b] is = vs=(Rl + Rc + R1)
DE 1.8 [a] 24 = v2 + v5 ¡ v1 = 3i5 + 7i5 ¡ (¡2i5) = 12i5 Therefore i5 = 24=12 = 2 A
[b] v1 = ¡2i5 = ¡4 V [c] v2 = 3i5 = 6 V [d] v5 = 7i5 = 14 V
Problems 3 [e] p24 = ¡(24)(2) = ¡48 W; therefore 24 V source is delivering 48 W. DE 1.9
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i = 0:6 mA; p = 0:6t mW
10 · t · 25 ms:
v = 10 V;
i = 0:6 mA; p = 6 mW
25 · t · 35 ms:
v = 75 ¡ 2500t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
35 · t · 60 ms:
v = ¡50 + 1000t V; i = ¡0:4 mA; p = 20 ¡ 400t mW
4 CHAPTER 1. Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements [b]
25 it = 125 = 0:2 A;
p = (0:2)2(25) = 1 W:
DE 1.11 [a] Since we are constructing the model from two elements, we have two choices on interconnecting them|series or parallel. From the v ¡ i characteristic we require vt = 25 V when it = 0. The only way we can satisfy this requirement is with a parallel connection. The constraint that vt = 0 when it = 0:25 A tells us the ideal current source must produce 0:25 A. Therefore the parallel resistor must be 25=0:25 or 100−.
across the 12 V battery, therefore p = vi = ¡12(30) = ¡360 W.
Thus the power °ow is from B to A, and Car A has the \dead" battery.
[b] w = p dx = 360 dx
i2 = 120=24 = 5 A i3 = 120=8 = 15 A i1 = i2 + i3 = 20 A ¡200 + 20R + 120 = 0 R = 80=20 = 4 − DE 1.10 [a] Plotting a graph of vt versus it gives
Note that when it = 0, vt = 25 V; therefore the voltage source must be 25 V. When vt is zero, it = 0:25 A, hence the resistor must be 25=0:25 or 100−. A circuit model having the same v ¡ i characteristic is a 25 V source in series with a 100− resistor.
[a] p = vi = (¡60)(¡10) = 600 W, so power is being absorbed by the box. [b] Entering [c] Lose
P 1.6
[a] Looking from A to B the current i is in the direction of the voltage rise
dp = ¡1000e¡500t + 2000e¡1000t = 0 at t = 1.4 ms dt
pmax = p(1:4 ms) = 0:5 W
Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements
Drill Exercises
DE 1.1 q = Z 1 20e¡5000t dt = 4000 ¹C
DE 1.2 i = dq = te¡®t; dt
di = (1 ¡ ®t)e¡®t; dt
di =0
DE 1.5 p = 800 £ 103 £ 1:8 £ 103 = 1440 £ 106 = 1440 MW
from Oregon to California
DE 1.6
The interconnection is valid:
is = 10 + 15 = 25 A
p100V = 100is = 2500 W (absorbing)
p(0) = (6)(15 £ 10¡3) = 90 £ 10¡3 W
p(216 ks) = (4)(15 £ 10¡3) = 60 £ 10¡3 W
1 (216)(30)
P 1.8 P 1.9
Note: 60 hr ´ 216;000 s = 216 ks
= 21:67 ¡ 60e¡500t + 20e¡1500t + 40e¡1000t¡
25e¡2000t + 3:33e¡3000t¹J
w(1 ms) = 1:24¹J
[c] wtotal = 21:67¹J
[a] v(20 ms) = 100e¡1 sin 3 = 5:19 V i(20 ms) = 20e¡1 sin 3 = 1:04 A
p = (6)(100) £ 10¡3 = 0:6 W; w = (0:6)(3)(60)(60) = 6480 J
Assume we are standing at box A looking toward box B, then p = vi.
[a] p = (120)(5) = 600 W
from A to B
q(t) ¡ q(0) =
sin 4000y 24
P 1.2 P 1.3
P 1.4
But q(0) = 0 by hypothesis, i.e., the current passes through its maximum value at t = 0, so q(t) = 6 £ 10¡3 sin 4000t C = 6 sin 4000t mC
[b] p = (250)(¡8) = ¡2000 W
from B to A
[c] p = (¡150)(16) = ¡2400 W
from B to A
[d] p = (¡480)(¡10) = 4800 W
from A to B
P 1.5
p = vi = (40)(¡10) = ¡400 W Power is being delivered by the box. [b] Entering [c] Gain
DE 1.8 [a] 24 = v2 + v5 ¡ v1 = 3i5 + 7i5 ¡ (¡2i5) = 12i5 Therefore i5 = 24=12 = 2 A
[b] v1 = ¡2i5 = ¡4 V [c] v2 = 3i5 = 6 V [d] v5 = 7i5 = 14 V
Problems 3 [e] p24 = ¡(24)(2) = ¡48 W; therefore 24 V source is delivering 48 W. DE 1.9
pabs = p100V + p40V = 3100 W
pdev = pabs = 3100 W
DE 1.7 [a] vl ¡ vc + v1 ¡ vs = 0; ilRl ¡ icRc + i1R1 ¡ vs = 0
isRl + isRc + isR1 ¡ vs = 0
[b] is = vs=(Rl + Rc + R1)
1 ®e
1 0:03679e
DE 1.3 [a]
1 ;
Therefore (a) v = ¡20 V;
i = ¡4 A; (b) v = ¡20 V, i = 4 A
(c) v = 20 V, i = ¡4 A; (d) v = 20 V, i = 4 A
[b] Using the reference system in Fig. 1.3(a), p = vi = (¡20)(¡4) = 80 W, so the box is absorbing power.
60 · t · 70 ms:
v = ¡50 + 1000t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
70 · t · 80 ms:
v = 20 V;
i = ¡0:5 mA; p = ¡10 mW
80 · t · 90 ms:
v = 180 ¡ 2000t V; i = 0 mA; p = 0 mW
[a] p = vi = 30e¡500t ¡ 30e¡1500t ¡ 40e¡1000t + 50e¡2000t ¡ 10e¡3000t
p(1 ms) = 3:1 m¡500x ¡ 30e¡1500x ¡ 40e¡1000x+
50e¡2000x ¡ 10e¡3000x)dx
p10A = ¡100(10) = ¡1000 W (generating)
¡100 + vs ¡ 40 = 0
so vs = 140 V
p15A = ¡15(140) = ¡2100 W (generating)
p40V = 15(40) = 600 W (absorbing)