



一年级上册【英语(北京版)】UNIT FIVE I CAN SING (2)1教学设计教学内容本节课的教学内容为一年级上册英语(北京版)第五单元《I CAN SING》第二部分的第一课时。



教学目标1. 学生能够正确理解和运用动词“sing”和“dance”。

2. 学生能够用英语表达自己会做的事情,如“I can sing”和“I can dance”。

3. 学生能够理解并运用句型“I can”来表达自己的能力。

4. 学生能够通过本节课的学习,提高自己的英语听、说、读、写能力。

教学难点1. 动词“sing”和“dance”的发音和书写。

2. 句型“I can”的运用。

3. 学生能够用英语表达自己会做的事情。

教具学具准备1. 英语课本。

2. 多媒体设备,用于播放课件和音频。

3. 动词“sing”和“dance”的图片和卡片。

4. 学生自带的英语练习本和笔。

教学过程1. 导入:通过播放英语歌曲,引起学生的兴趣,引导学生进入英语学习状态。

2. 新课呈现:通过展示动词“sing”和“dance”的图片和卡片,引导学生学习这两个动词的发音和书写。

3. 操练:通过听、说、读、写等活动,让学生熟练掌握动词“sing”和“dance”的用法。

4. 句型学习:通过展示句型“I can”的图片和卡片,引导学生学习并运用这个句型。

5. 综合运用:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等活动,让学生运用所学知识,表达自己会做的事情。

板书设计1. UNIT FIVE I CAN SING (2)12. 核心词汇:sing, dance3. 核心句型:I can作业设计1. 抄写动词“sing”和“dance”各5遍。

2. 用英语写一句自己会做的事情,如“I can sing”或“I can dance”。

北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (3)

北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (3)

北师大版一年级|上册英语Unit 5 NumbersLesson 2一、教学目标1.能正确认读单词ball, doll, teddy bear, train, car .2.能认识名词复数加-s形式的表达,根本能认读复数.3.充分参与活动,实践语言,体验成功,增强自信.二、教材分析<先锋英语>Book IA ,Unit 5 这一单元的主题是Numbers ,学习数字、交通工具、玩具、表达名词的复数,一首|数字歌和学习四个以字母暗线编排的新单词insect, ink, jacket 和jeep ,以及含有这四个单词的一首|儿歌等内容.由于内容较多,本单元方案安排五课时.Lesson 2 为这一单元的第二课时,主要学习几种玩具类单词ball, doll, teddy bear和两种交通工具train, car ,继续学习数字,以及与数字联系紧密的复数形式及其读音.由于ball |b :l|与doll |d :l|读音有所相似,应注意区别记忆,孩子们对这些玩具及交通工具都很感兴趣,但要在一节课认读这些单词以及学习它们的复数形式,确实不是一件简单的事!那就要在设计上巧下功夫了!根据<英语课程标准>精神,强调课程从学习的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,开展学生的综合语言运用能力,结合我区小学英语"自主协同式〞教学模式,本课着力解决新单词的认读以及它们的复数形式,设计大量的感知、体验、模仿等活动,让学生充分参与活动、实践语言、体验成功,培养和激发学生学习积极性,促进学生综合语言运用能力和健康人格的开展,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心. 三、学校及学生状况分析我校属城市小学,电教设施配备齐全,教学条件较好.但是教学班额太大,每班六十多人;课时较少,每周两节;极不利于语言教学.一局部孩子在幼儿园或学前班接触过少量英语,大多数孩子属初识英语.这些一年级|的孩子天真、活泼、大胆、热情、积极,对英语学习兴趣浓烈,他们喜欢说、唱、玩、演、做游戏、比赛等活动,且乐于表现自己.但他们的注意力不易持久,且无意注意占主要,所以宜尽量采用活动式教学法贯穿整个教学过程.通过近三个月的学习,这些孩子已经掌握了一些简单的日常问候用语,能大胆地模仿磁带并进行跟读;能听懂一些简单的课堂用语,并作出相应的反响;并能就个人的特征,如名字、性别、年龄等进行简单介绍;学习了颜色、学习用品、动物、水果、五官局部等单词,能表达问候、致谢,初步培养起学习英语的兴趣及树立了良好的"自信心〞.四、教学设计教学课时:一课时教学模式:热身激情→情意呈现→自主模仿→拓展运用教学准备:实物、图片、录音机、磁带、多媒体课件等.教学流程:模式结构教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图一、热身激情1.问候2.唱歌3.复习数字1~5 .问候放录音利用手指,提问"Howmany ?〞问候跟唱看、答歌曲热身、营造英语气氛.运用已学知识,稳固加深,作为铺垫.二、情意呈现1.教师出示一个球,问:What ,s this?教师答:It ,s a ball.2.同法教学:doll, teddybear, train, car.3.机械操练:Doll, doll. It ,s adoll.4.分大组、小组、个人反复操练.5.做游戏:(听、说、站向正确的单词所在方向)teddy beardoll car balltrain呈现、问答同法教学机械训练调控讲规那么、作示范、发口令看、听、答、读同法学习机械操练按要求操练看、听、说、做在有意义的情景中,引入句型和单词,使学生易于理解,形成语感.强化单词的训练,以到达准确掌握.利用游戏,快速检测单词掌握情况.三、自主1.(CAI )课件内容:-What ,s this?-It ,s an apple.放课件整体呈现逐句呈现看、听、学情景教学法,突出语言交际功能,让学生在有意模式结构教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图模仿-What ,re they?-Apples.-How many apples?-Two.2.同法呈现:cats(2) ,dogs(3)pecil(1) ,bananas(5)3.模仿训练老师学生男生女生Group A Group B4.练习对话:课本P34问、答组织调控示范看、听模仿答、问模仿训练模仿编对话义的语境中进行训练,到达形成良好的语感,提高交流能力的目的.强化句型.模仿训练,让学生获得准确语言,为下一步教学实施提供了语言支持.四、拓展运用1.练习对话:课本P35-What are they?-How many?2.听音标号①Three teddy bears.②Two dolls.┊……3.两人成组"Listen andtouch〞4.看CAI课件,说出它们的复数形式:Five elephants, two eggs…示范示范发口令示范播放检测练习听音、标号听音、指图看、说让学生编对话,听音标号,指图等训练,实现动口动手,合作参与,运用语言,在实际交流中开展交流的能力.拓展名词复数形式,检测掌握情况.五、教学反思(一)创新教学方式,合理设计,时刻关注学生的情感开展与兴趣持续.在教学活动中,运用"热身激情→情意呈现→自主模仿→拓展运用〞的课堂教学模式,并围绕此模式设计链式递进性活动:意义呈现活动→控制性操练活动→半控制性操练活动→开放式运用活动(此设计贯穿一条暗线:教师启动→师生互动→学生主动) .并充分利用各种教学资源,运用以上模式将教学内容转化为听、说、唱、玩、演、赛、动的形式,给学生营造一种合谐、快乐的学习气氛,学生兴趣浓、积极性高,主动性强,在整个教学过程中,始终以自主、合作、探究、实践、交流等学习方式参与教学活动,学习效果好!1."热身激情〞:唱歌:听听做做等让孩子轻松快乐地进入英语课堂,营造出良好的英语气氛,激发学生学习英语的热情,陶醉于英语学习的妙境之中.2."情意呈现〞与"自主模仿〞中创设了生动有趣的情景,让学生置身于有意义的情景中体验、感知,更能使学生易于理解新的语言现象,增强学习兴趣,而且"听音变换站立方位〞的游戏不仅让孩子们兴趣盎然,跃跃欲试,还能快速地检测单词的掌握情况.3.拓展运用中,孩子们已能自编对话,通过"听音标号〞、"听音指图〞等训练,实现了动口动手、合作参与运用语言,为学生学习兴趣的持续打下根底.(二)科学合理的鼓励机制,开放、宽松的评价气氛,促进学生综合语言运用能力和健康人格的开展.在教学过程中,我尊重和保护每一个孩子,并注重每个孩子的学习态度,注重个性差异,对学生的成绩和点滴进步都给予充分的口头和书面的表扬.在语言上,屡次使用"Good〞、"Very Good〞、"Wonderful〞、"Excellent〞、"Super〞等鼓励语和手势鼓励语.在教学活动中,我引导学生多处展开自我和他人进行评价,实行互动化的评价- -师→生,生→生,生→师,让评价真正起到鼓励学生学习的作用,帮助学生有效地调控自己的学习过程;使学生获得成就感,增强自信心,培养合作精神及促进学生健康人格的开展.[点评](一)本课是本单元的第二课时,第|一课时的教学已为学生打下了良好的根底,因此本节课教师在教学活动的设计中,不仅通过形式多样的活动突出兴趣培养,还十分注重交流能力的培养(尤其是新旧语言在一定情景中的有机融合) .为保障每次交流活动的成功开展,教师在每次活动前对活动所需的语言通过不同的示范方式作了较好的铺垫,从课堂上看来,学生在轻松、愉快的活动中完成了交流任务.(二)英语课程的评价应根据课程标准的目标和要求,实施对教学全过程和结果的有效监控.在此次教学中,教师本着尊重和保护每一个孩子,关注每一个孩子的学习态度与情感,重视个性差异,对他们的点滴成功给以积极评价,尤其突出是的师生共同评价、教师多样化的英语评价语和与之相配的丰富的姿态语,营造了浓厚的平等的英语学习气氛,到达了评价与交流相融合的目的,有效促进了学生在英语教学活动中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信.(三)建议:在情意呈现的第|一步"ball〞的教学时,教师直接拿出一个球问:What ,s this?并自答It ,s a ball.虽然学生容易明白,但没有信息沟,对学生而言没有趣味.建议教师手提一个百宝袋,内装一些学习用品、水果(学生在Units 2~3中学过)和本课要学的ball/doll/teddy bear/train/car的实物,引导学生用英语猜一猜老师从袋里拿出什么.在此过程中间隔引出ball/doll/teddy bear/train/car ,注意猜过的东西要放回袋里,以便在引出后面的新词时可以及时复习刚呈现过的新词.这种有信息差的活动,能促进学生运用语言进行真实交流,在交流中复习已学语言,在情景中语境中理解新的语言,一举多得.。

北师大版英语 小学一年级上 unit 5

北师大版英语 小学一年级上 unit 5
Numbers: one two three, four, five.
Toys name: train, car, doll, ball, teddy bear
Structures: What are they? How many…?
Develop the students to have the feelings to love English.
3.Teaching difficult and important points:
Be able to use English to express numbers
Be able to understand songs and say the rhyme learned in this unit.
read the word and point to the card
repeat the procedure above for the word ice cream
do the same with the words jacket and jeep
practice in groups
practice individually
look at the poster, ask, who can you see? Elicit Ann, Ken, and Mocky
4. story
look at the book, say, listen, what is Mocky saying , play the tape and have the class see the picture
Teaching cards, pencil
New lesson

一年级起点英语 5A unit1(5)教案 北师大版

一年级起点英语 5A unit1(5)教案 北师大版

(北师大版)英语教案五年级上册Unit 1 Ann’s dream The fifthperiodRead the story.Have the children open their books at page 10 . Tell the children they are going to read the first part of a traditional European fairytale .The rest of the story appears in the next five Units. Before reading the story ,direct the children’s attention to the box containing new words. Explain the meaning of the words in it. You can have the children predict the meaning of the new words in the story .Or you can choose to explain the words after the children read the story ..Have the children read the text by themselves first. Tell them you will be there if they had any questions..Read the entire passage slowly with the children . Check their understanding with simple factual questions. You can also use the tape.Have the children listen to the story carefully.Number the pictures.Have the children look at the pictures. Explain to the children that each other of the five pictures illustrates a different sentence in the story .They must read the passage again and then number the pictures in the order in which the matching sentences appear in the text..Point to the pictures in turn. Have the children talk about the picture or find the sentence matches the picture. Have the children read the story again and number the pictures in the order in which the matching sentences in the text.Check the correct answer.Explain to the children that the unfinished sentences all relate to the story they read in the previous page. All the information they need to complete the sentences is in the text on the facing page..Point to the beginning of the first sentence. Then explain that only one of the possible endings is correct. The children must check the box next to the correct answer. Read the beginning of the sentence aloud with the children together andelicit the correct ending. Have the children check the box next to the words, a young man..Have the children complete the activity in pairs.Listen and write the words.Explain to the children that they are going to hear another version of the first part of Jack and the beanstalk. This time the story will be told by the cow..Point to the cows speech bubble. Tell the children that as they listen to the story on the tape they will fill in the missing words. Now point to the box of words . Explain that all the missing words are in this box.. Play the tape straight through. Have the children write the missing words in the spaces provided. Stop after each sentence if it is necessary..Review the completed sentences in a class drill..There are many extended activities for the story..Have the children write several sentences about the story from Jack’s mother’s point of view.Home work.Ask the children to tell the story to their parents.。

最新北师大版(一起)小学英语一年级上册《Unit 5 Numbers》公开课教学设计 (7)

最新北师大版(一起)小学英语一年级上册《Unit 5 Numbers》公开课教学设计 (7)

Unit5 Numbers一、Topic: Unit 5. Lesson 1 Numbers二、Teaching period: The first period三、Teaching contents:1、 Vocabulary.One, two, three, four, five, train, car, doll, ball, teddy bear.2、Sentences. How many…? What are they?四、Teaching key points:Learn the words and sentences.五、Teaching difficult points:Understand talking about two or more objects, we add “s”.六、Properties:recorder, tape , pictures, objects, computer, slide show.The first period一、Organization.1、S ing the song. “ It’ a book.”2、Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.T: Hi, I’m Miss Luo.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo3、Revision. Warm-up.T: Point to sometimes (blue).What color is it? S1:It’s blue./yellow….二、Presentation.1、Listen and say. Look at the picture(objects). T: What’s this?Ss: It’s a pencil.T: How many pencil?S1:It’s one.They are two/ three/ four/ five.2、Practice the numbers.3、Write and say.T: What’s this?S1: It’s a train. It’s one train.T: How many train?S2: It’s one train.They are two trains, three trains….4、Repeat the step above, using the flashcards to present the other new vocabulary: car doll, ball, teddy bear5、Put up the poster. ask and answer.T: Who can you see?S: it’s a doll (ball, teddy bear, car…)6、Talk about the story.7、Play a game. Touch and say.8、Open the book. Play the tape. Read unit 5.9、Extension.The children take out the number cards. The teacher says one. The pupil holds up the number card.10、Summary.三、Homework.Read the words..The BlackboardLesson One NumbersHow many trains / dolls/ teddy bears / cars/ balls ?One train.Two dolls .Three teddy bears .Four cars.Five balls.教后记:运用多媒体进行听说对话操练学习单词,通过游戏,调动学生学习积极性,采用其它扩展活动,巩固单词,培养学生动手操作能力。



Unit five单元备课一 teaching aims1 能认读1-5 英文数字2 能用how much 询问物体数量3 能认读九个新单词一课时一 teaching aims1能基本认读五个新单词2能初步听懂 how many 句型二 teaching important能基本认读五个新单词三 course1 draw a train on the blackboard and learn the new word : trainlisten to tape and followread it one by one2 sing an song about train3 draw a car doll ball and learn the words4 play game : listen to the tape and show the cards5 show a bear and learn : teddy bear6 listen to the tape and follow7 passing game8 show two trains and ask : how many trains? And answer: two trains1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky。

北师大版一起小学英语一年级上册Unit 5 Numbersword教案 1

北师大版一起小学英语一年级上册Unit 5 Numbersword教案 1

Unit5 NumbersThe first period一、教学目标:1.学生掌握新单词的听、说、读:doll, train, car, teddy bear, ball, one, two, three, four, five.2.能够较流利地说出物体的数量,如: two trains二、教学重点及难点:1.各新单词的听、说、读的掌握。




Ⅰ.Revision:1. Sing the song: “Color”.2. Ask and answer by using some color pictures or objects.T: What color is it? Ss: It’s blue.\ Blue.Ⅱ. Presentation:1.(Show a pencil) Ask and answer:T: What’s this?Ss: It’s a pencil.T: What color is it ?Ss: It’s red.T: How many pencils?(引导理解:多少支铅笔)T:One pencil.2.Show the new word card: one.3.Read the new word after the teacher .如此重复上述步骤教学单词“two”, “three”, “four”, “five”.4.Play word games.Mouth game (看口形猜单词);听单词举卡片。

5.Read the new words 1—5 together.6.Show some objects and then ask and answer:T: What’s this? ( ball )T: It's a ball.7. Stick the picture of the new word “ball” on the blackboard.8. Read the new word “ball” after the teacher and the read one by one or ask some students to read.9. 如此重复上述步骤教学单词:car, teddy bear, doll, train.10. Play a word game: 每两组轮流请两名学生到黑板上,听教师读单词,两位同学听到单词后迅速将拍在相应的图片上,与此同时跟教师说一次,看谁又快又准。

北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级上册-Unit5 Numbers 精品教案(第一课时)

北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级上册-Unit5 Numbers 精品教案(第一课时)

Listen and repeat P34-35
Show Ss two pencils, two books, two chalks or two fingers, ask “How many?”, then lead Ss to answer “Two”. 3) Repeat the procedure with the word ” three”, “four” and “five” 4) A game to practice 5 numbers: T show fingers, Ss say numbers; then T says numbers, Ss show fingers. 3 Teach new words: train, car, ball, doll, teddy bear, 1) Train Show a toy train. T “What’s this? It’s a train”. Students read the word one by one 2) Car The teacher does the action and ask the students to guess what toy it is. Read it two by two 3) Doll The teacher shows a doll. Students read the word four by four 4) Ball The teacher bounces the ball. Students pass the ball and speak out the word. 5) Teddy bear The teacher does the action and teaches the word. Students guess the word and read after the teacher. Read it line by line. 6) Ss read the all words follow T. 7) Play the game “ I point and you say” Step 4 Touch and say

北师大小学英语一起点一年级上册Unit 5 Numbers教案 (7)

北师大小学英语一起点一年级上册Unit 5 Numbers教案 (7)


北师大小学英语一年级起点伴你成长快乐学习!Unit5 Numbers 一、Topic: Unit 5. Lesson 1 Numbers二、Teaching period: The first period三、Teaching contents:1、Vocabulary.One, two, three, four, five, train, car, doll, ball, teddy bear.2、Sentences. How many…? What are they?四、Teaching key points:Learn the words and sentences.五、Teaching difficult points:Understand talking about two or more objects, we add “s”.六、Properties:recorder, tape , pictures, objects, computer, slide show.The first period一、Organization.1、Sing the song. “ It’ a book.”2、Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.T: Hi, I’m Miss Luo.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo3、Revision. Warm-up.T: Point to sometimes (blue).What color is it?S1:It’s blue./yellow….二、Presentation.1、Listen and say. Look at the picture(objects).T: What’s this?Ss: It’s a pencil.T: How many pencil?S1:It’s one.They are two/ three/ four/ five.2、Practice the numbers.3、Write and say.T: What’s this?S1: It’s a train. It’s one train.T: How many train?S2: It’s one train.They are two trains, three trains….4、Repeat the step above, using the flashcards to present the other new vocabulary: car doll, ball, teddy bear5、Put up the poster. ask and answer.T: Who can you see?S: it’s a doll (ball, teddy bear, car…)6、Talk about the story.7、Play a game. Touch and say.8、Open the book. Play the tape. Read unit 5.9、Extension.The children take out the number cards. The teacher says one. The pupil holds up the number card.10、Summary.三、Homework.Read the words..The BlackboardLesson One NumbersHow many trains / dolls/ teddy bears / cars/ balls ?One train.Two dolls .Three teddy bears .Four cars.Five balls.教后记:运用多媒体进行听说对话操练学习单词,通过游戏,调动学生学习积极性,采用其它扩展活动,巩固单词,培养学生动手操作能力。

北师大版小学英语(一年级起点)一年级上册Unit 5 Numbers 教学设计 1

北师大版小学英语(一年级起点)一年级上册Unit 5 Numbers 教学设计 1

Unit 5 Numbers 教学设计1教学目标:1 知识目标:〔1〕能熟练运用数字单词1-5及玩具单词train ,doll ,teddy bear, car, ball。

〔2〕熟练运用句子:What’s this?----------- It’s…….What color?------------ It’s…….How many…?---------- one/two…..〔3〕能区分名词的单复数表达方式,会用英语表达.2技能目标:〔1〕通过多种活动,培养学生模仿朗读的能力,使学生逐步养成用英语表达的习惯。


3 情感目标:〔1〕通过完整有趣的情境创设,激发学生的学习兴趣.〔2〕通过统计玩具的竞争机制,让学生体验成功的快乐,树立自信心。


教学重难点:熟练运用句子:What’s this?----------- It’s…….What color?------------ It’s…….How many…?---------- one/two…..数字three 的发音,单词doll ,ball,teddy bear的发音。

教学过程:一、Warming upT: Good morning, boys and girlsSs: Good morning, lisa.T:nice to meet you.Ss: nice to meet you too.T:close your eyes. I’m the best.(加上手势)Open your eyes.再跟学生一起做一遍。


)二、presentation1.Lead-in.T: Would you like to go to a toy house? Ss: …T: Now let’s go! There are many toys. We should find the door to enter into the house.T: But Mocky give us two tasks. When we finish the tasks we will find the door .2.Review.T:let’s go to task 1放火车声,汽车声并让孩子们拖动学过单词到魔镜中。

一年级英语上册 Unit 5教案1 北师大版

一年级英语上册 Unit 5教案1 北师大版

Unit 5 Numbers教学说明:1.通过第一课的学习,孩子们对英语有了初步的了解,对英语学习有了较浓厚的兴趣。


教学内容:1.认知内容:a.会说:Hello(Hi) . I’m . This is .b.能运用上面的句子,进行情境表演。

2.能力要求:能运用Hello(Hi) . Hello(Hi),I’m .This is . 进行情境表演3.会用学到的句子介绍自己,主动与他(她)人打招呼,并把自己的好朋友介绍给大家,让其他(她)的同学认识更多的新朋友。


教学关注点:a. I’m May .这句句中的“I’m”的发音学生有些困难,教师示范时要夸张一点,鼓励学生开口说,不要怕说错。

b. 三个角色的对话,对于一年级学生容易搞混,所以先要分角色练习。



设计思路:1.把Let’s talk 部分提前上是因为这部分内容可以让新同学尽快互相熟悉。













Unit 1 Hello!(The first period)一、教学目的与要求1、能听懂并会说Hi/Hello, I’m×××. Hi/Hello,×××.2、并掌握单词:Uncle Booky, Ken, Ann, Mocky.3、用刚学过的句子学会自我介绍,要求模仿正确,语调自然。

4、听懂课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please, 并作出相应的动作。

二、教学重点:学会句型Hi, I’m ×××. Hello,×××.三、教学难点:学习用句子Hi, I’m ×××.Hello,×××.进行自我介绍和打招呼。

四:教学过程1、组织教学教师面带笑容走进教室,先作自我介绍,用英语说I’m ×××(教师自己的名字)然后用中文说我是×××。



2、学习课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please。

教师说Stand up, please. 然后伸出双手,掌心向上摆动,示意学生起立。

教师再说Sit down, please. 掌心向下摆动,示意学生坐下。




3、学习单词Uncle学习用句型Hi, I’m ×××. Hello,×××.进行对话。



(2)教师再说I’m ×××(教师自己的名字)。

北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级上册-Unit5 Numbers 精品教案(第三课时)

北师大版(一起)-英语-一年级上册-Unit5 Numbers 精品教案(第三课时)
1.Hello! \Hi!Everyone\boys\girls\some Ss.
2.Nice to meet you.
3.Sing the songP37 together
e word-cards to review words.
5.listen and act
Step 2 Presentation and practice
2) Repeat the procedure with the word “jacket” and “jeep”
2.Excise the four words
a)All Ss read together
b)Bomb game
c)Ask some Ss to read the four words
Step 3 Say the rhyme
4. Have some groups try to act the rhyme.
Step 4 Listen and circle
1.Talk about the picture.,
2.listen and circle. (twice)3.ChΒιβλιοθήκη ck answer..作业
Listen and say P38-39

1.词汇:能够听懂、指认an insect, an ice cream, a jacket, a jeep等单词。
Step 1 Greeting and review



二课时一 Teaching aims1 能认读1-5 数字2 能初步运用 how many 询问数量3 复习学过的动物二 Teaching important1能初步运用 how many 询问数量2 three 和 five 的发音3 How many 的发音三 Course1 sing an English song2 T: draw a cat on the blackboard and ask:“ What’s this”?S: It’s a catT:“one cat”3 T: draw another cat on the blackboard and say: “two cats.”S: listen and followT: How many cats ? and writing blackboardLearn three to five4 show the cards and listen to the tape and follow5 play a game (拉大车)6 T:draw a monkey and ask: What’s this?T:Ask: How many monkeys?S:one student come front and ask:How many monkeys?S: answer question togetherS: put another monkey and ask: How monkeys?7 play a guessing game四 Writing blackboardHow many cats?四教学反思学生很愿意参加活动,在活动中复习了以前学过的知识也学到了新的句型。

1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I was lucky。

北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (6)

北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (6)

Unit 5 NumbersPeriod One知识目标:1. Learn to say the sentence:Give me ...,please.2. Learn to use the sentence to ask for something in the classroom. 能力目标:1. Using imperatives to give simple instructionse.g. Give me...,please.2. Using nouns to identify classroom objectse.g. rubber情感目标:同学之间要互相帮助,互借学习用品。

Difficult and key points:注意please的读音及用法。

Teaching aids:common classroom objects ,e.g. book. rubber教学步骤:一、Warming-up1. Sing a song2. Daily talk歌声能活跃气氛,营造英语氛围。

二、Revision1. Revise the classroom objects vocabulary.(1) T:What do you have in your bag?S:book pen pencil ruler rubber bag(2) Let them put their personal items on the desks.(3) Say the rhyme:Paper,a pencilI can see.Paper,a pencilFor you and me!通过师生问答既复习了所学学习用品为新课做下铺垫,又培养学生用英语交流的能力。


三、Presentation1.Learn to say:Give me a rubber.(1) Say a story like this:We’re drawing.But I haven‘t a rubber.So I say to a pupil:Give me a rubber,please.Then let the pupil give me a rubber.(2) Turn to other pupils and say:“Give me a rubber,(ruler,pen,pencil,book,bag) please.”(3) Listen and say after the tape.通过真实场景更能让学生融入其中,掌握更牢固。





















(北师大版)一年级英语上册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 1

(北师大版)一年级英语上册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 1

北师大版一年级上册英语Unit 5 NumbersLesson 1一、教学目标1.能正确认读单词one, two, three, four, five。

2.能听懂How many并作答。


二、教材分析《先锋英语》Book IA,Unit 5 这一单元的主题是Numbers,学习数字、交通工具、玩具、表达名词的复数,一首数字歌和学习四个以字母暗线编排的新单词insect, ink, jacket和jeep,以及含有这四个单词的一首儿歌等内容。


Lesson 1 为这一单元的第一课时,主要学习数字one~five,以及与数字有关的表达How many。

对于数字1~5的英语说法,大多数孩子较为熟悉,应注意正音,特别是three |θri:| 较难掌握。

在有意义的情意中,学习How many句型,理解数字与“多少”的联系,为后面学习名词的复数形式作铺垫。








北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (7)

北师大【一起】小学英语一上册《Unit 5 Numbers》word教案 (7)

Unit5 Numbers 一、Topic: Unit 5. Lesson 1 Numbers二、Teaching period: The first period三、Teaching contents:1、V ocabulary.One, two, three, four, five, train, car, doll, ball, teddy bear.2、Sentences. How many…? What are they?四、Teaching key points:Learn the words and sentences.五、Teaching difficult points:Understand talking about two or more objects, we add “s”.六、Properties:recorder, tape , pictures, objects, computer, slide show.The first period一、Organization.1、S ing the song. “ It’ a book.”2、Greetings.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.T: Hi, I’m Miss Luo.Ss: Hello, Miss Luo3、Revision. Warm-up.T: Point to sometimes (blue).What color is it?S1:It’s blue./yellow….二、Presentation.1、Listen and say. Look at the picture(objects).T: What’s this?Ss: It’s a pencil.T: How many pencil?S1:It’s one.They are two/ three/ four/ five.2、Practice the numbers.3、Write and say.T: What’s this?S1: It’s a train. It’s one train.T: How many train?S2: It’s one train.They are two trains, three trains….4、Repeat the step above, using the flashcards to present the other new vocabulary: car doll, ball, teddy bear5、Put up the poster. ask and answer.T: Who can you see?S: it’s a doll (ball, teddy bear, car…)6、Talk about the story.7、Play a game. Touch and say.8、Open the book. Play the tape. Read unit 5.9、Extension.The children take out the number cards. The teacher says one. The pupil holds up the number card.10、Summary.三、Homework.Read the words..The BlackboardLesson One NumbersHow many trains / dolls/ teddy bears / cars/ balls ?One train.Two dolls .Three teddy bears .Four cars.Five balls.教后记:运用多媒体进行听说对话操练学习单词,通过游戏,调动学生学习积极性,采用其它扩展活动,巩固单词,培养学生动手操作能力。

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Unit 5 Numbers


a.会说:Hello(Hi) . I’m . This is .

2.能力要求:能运用Hello(Hi) . Hello(Hi),I’m .
This is . 进行情境表演


a. I’m May .这句句中的“I’m”的发音学生有些困难,教师示范时要夸张一点,鼓励学

b. 三个角色的对话,对于一年级学生容易搞混,所以先要分角色练习。



1.把Let’s talk 部分提前上是因为这部分内容可以让新同学尽快互相熟悉。





