《幸福课》课程论文 英文
哈佛积极心理学幸福课【中英文实用版】英文文档:Harvard"s Positive Psychology Course on HappinessHarvard University offers a popular course on positive psychology, which focuses on the study of what makes life worth living.This course delves into the factors that contribute to happiness and well-being, providing valuable insights for students seeking to improve their own lives.The course covers various topics, including the science of happiness, positive emotions, strengths and virtues, relationships, and meaningful activities.Students learn about the latest research in the field of positive psychology and explore practical strategies for enhancing their own well-being.One of the key aspects of the course is its emphasis on self-reflection and personal growth.Students are encouraged to explore their own values and beliefs, and to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.Through assignments and discussions, they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and learn how to apply positive psychology principles to their daily lives.The course also provides practical tools for stress management and resilience, helping students to navigate life"s challenges with greaterease.By the end of the course, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of positive psychology and how to apply them to their own lives to achieve greater happiness and fulfillment.中文文档:哈佛积极心理学幸福课哈佛大学的这门积极心理学课程非常受欢迎,它专注于研究什么让生活更有价值。
The Titanium Rule
―Do not do unto those close to you what you would not have done unto others (who‘re not so close to you).‖
• Does true love (really) exist?
Fiction Versus Reality
• Does true love (really) exist?
―Perfect love is rare indeed—for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibility of the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding of the philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain.‖
John Gottman
―Cellulite and sexual potential are highly correlated.‖ David Schnarch
Growing Tip Statistics
1. 2. 3. 4. Working hard Striving to be known rather than validated Allowing for conflict Appreciating the positive
幸福课 The happy secret to better work 中文 英文
”01:54很明显这是骗她的,因为我妹妹现在最不想做的就是那个受伤的五岁小妹妹艾米,想做的是超级独角兽艾米当然,以前她是完全没有做独角兽这个想法的于是就看到我那可怜的、被我控制了的妹妹如何纠结她的小脑袋正在决定究竟是继续回味刚才经历的那些疼痛、折磨和惊讶还是仔细考虑她作为独角兽的新身份后者胜出了于是她没哭,也没有停止游戏更没有吵醒我们的父母这些负面的影响都没有产生她脸上划过一丝微笑重新爬回到双层床的上铺,带着作为一只小独角兽的荣耀(笑声)还有一条受伤的腿02:32我们在五岁或七岁无意间发现的道理其实是当然当时我们并不知情后来一个科学革命的先锋观点发生在二十年后,主要研究人脑的问题我们当时的发现叫做积极心理学这也是我今天站在这里的原因同时也是我每天早晨醒来的原因02:51当我刚开始在学术圈外谈论这个研究时在公司以及学校他们强调的第一件事就是永远不要以图表开始你的谈话我在这里想做的第一件事恰恰就是用图表开始我的演讲这个图表看起来很枯燥但是它恰恰就是我每天保持兴奋并醒来的原因而且这个表什么也不是,它是一个假数据我们从这些数据中发现——03:13如果我用这些数据来研究在座的各位,估计我会很兴奋因为很明显这里有一个趋势这意味着我可以将这个出版了这才是最关键的事实是这个曲线上方有一个奇怪的红点就是说在座有一个古怪的人我知道是哪位,刚才我看到你了这个不是问题你们都知道,这并不是问题因为我完全可以删除这个点我能删掉它是因为这明显是一个测量错误我们都知道它是一个测量错误因为它把我的数据弄乱了03:42所以通常经济学、统计学、商务学以及心理学课程都会教大家的一件事是为保持数据的有效性,我们如何删除奇怪的数据我们如何通过删除异常值来找出最合适的曲线呢?令人惊讶的是,当我试图研究每个人应该服用的雅维(解热镇痛药)数量时,我发现应该是两粒但是如果我对可能性感兴趣,如果我对你的潜力或者快乐、生产力或者精力、创造力感兴趣,我们现在所做的就是对科学里的平均概念的迷信04:07如果我问一个问题,比如说“一个孩子在教室里学习阅读能有多快?” 科学家们会把问题变成“孩子在教室学习阅读的平均速度是多少?” 然后我们会把教室里的孩子都设想成平均水平如果你低于这个平均线心理学家就会感到很惊讶因为这意味着你要么有抑郁症要么有身心障碍或者很可能二者兼具我们希望你二者兼具,因为我们的商业模式是如果你因为一个毛病来进行治疗我们希望你离开的时候知道自己其实是有10个毛病的这样你就会一遍又一遍地来进行治疗如果必要的话我们会追溯到你的童年但是最后我们想做的是使你变得正常但是正常这个概念只是指的平均水平04:40我以及积极心理学家们假设的是如果我们只研究平均水平我们就会一直停留在平均水平上因此我们不会删除那些积极的异常值我想做的是研究这些异常值的人群然后探究其中的原因为什么你们中有些人远远高于这个平均曲线?包括你的智商、运动能力、音乐才能创造力、精力面对挑战的弹性以及幽默感?不管是哪方面,我不会删除你,而是去研究你因为或许我们可以收集信息不仅仅是把平均值下面的人提高到平均曲线上去而是如何将整个平均曲线提高无论是在全世界范围内的公司还是学校都是如此05:12这个图表对我很重要因为每当我打开新闻频道时,似乎大部分的信息都不是积极的,事实上是消极的大部分都是关于谋杀、腐败、疾病、自然灾害我立即想到这才是世界上真正的消极和积极所占的比例这其实造成了一种叫做医学院综合症的东西如果你认识读过医学院的人你就会知道在医学院一年级的时候当你读完一份关于所有可能发生的疾病和相关症状的列表你马上就会感觉好像所有这些症状和疾病自己都有05:37我有一个妹夫叫波波,这是另一件事了波波和我那个“独角兽艾米”妹妹结婚了有一天他从耶鲁医学院给我打来电话他说,“肖恩,我得麻风病了” (笑声)这个病,在耶鲁都是其极罕见的但是我不知道怎么来安慰可怜的波波因为过去的整整一礼拜他一直在克服自己的更年期问题06:02所以我们发现并不一定是现实世界造就我们而是我们大脑用来看世界的那个镜片造就了我们的现实世界如果我们换一副镜片,我们不仅可以改变自己的快乐程度同时还能改变每一个教育或者商业结果06:14当年申请哈佛的时候,我完全是放手一试的我并没有期望能被录取,家里也没有钱供我去读大学两周后我拿到了军事奖学金,哈佛录取我了突然,一个连“可能”都谈不上的事情变成现实了当我到了哈佛,我以为其他人也都跟我一样把来这里读书当做一个荣耀他们到这里来肯定都特别兴奋即使你坐在一个满是比你聪明的人的教室里你也会很高兴,只是仅仅坐在那个教室就很快乐,这是我当时的感觉但是我发现同时其他人也有类似体会四年之后我从哈佛毕业然后在学生宿舍和他们住了八年这可是哈佛邀请我去的,我可不是那种八年毕不了业的人(笑声)我作为哈佛的咨询师帮助学生们在四年大学时光进行心理咨询在我的研究和教学中我发现,无论这些学生入学之前取得的成功让他们多么快乐两周之后他们的注意力就不在作为一名哈佛学子的荣耀感了也不在哲学或者物理学上面他们的注意力集中在竞争、作业、各种烦恼、压力和抱怨上面07:07当我第一次开始工作的时候,我走进了新生食堂我的来自德克萨斯州瓦克市的朋友在那里等我,我就是在瓦克市长大的我知道你们可能有人听说过这个地方他们来看望我,并在食堂里四处参观他们说,“这个新生食堂看起来有点像电影哈利·波特里面霍格瓦茨魔法学校的食堂。
And here is the point we underestimate our capacity to affect change, because we underestimate the growth of exponential function.We are influencing people and the world every minute of our lives. Idealists just have the good intentions without the effect3 Internal factors versus external factorsPeople always go back to their base level of wellbeing.Extreme circumstances make very little difference to our wellbeing. Once basic needs are commended, income makes very little difference This is good news and bad newsThe bad news is it seems like whatever we do it doesn’t matter, so why am I working hard in order to get that BCG jobShould we accept the human nature or can we perfect it ?Human nature is fixed, we could not change them what we could do is to have a better understanding of them through research and introspection, and then make the best use of it. How can we channel my natureWe all need a space of unconditional acceptance of ourselvesWhen we try to press them they strengthNature to be commanded must be obeyed. 号令自然必先遵守自然We pay high price for it 为之付出巨大代价We do not give ourselves the permission to be humanActive acceptance5happiness is the highest endAnd we have Constitution save God in our pursuit of happinessThis is a vicious cycle when we go into this narrow and constrict mode. 当我们越走越窄我们就进入了一种恶性循环 a virtual cycle 良性循环Downward spiral to upward spiralVery often manic depressives are highly creative, but that usually during their manic phases. In the depressed phase, our thinking are narrow; we do not think outside the box usually – of course there`s many exceptions, but as a whole. 当然有例外,但总体来看没有There is also a lot of research to back it up 支持The people who management their emotions better and lead to positive emotions. They are able to shift themselves to the positive respectThe grounded optimists 脚踏实地的乐观者not Pollyannaish detached optimism 盲目的乐天派While in my culture, selfishness and immorality have essentially become synonymous 自私和不道德成了同义词It is not means my happiness comes from the decline of others, because happiness in contagious.If you are happy and work on your own happiness, you are contributing indirectly to other people`s happinessBe more generous and benevolent toward others宽容和亲切And it works the other way as well 反之亦然If we do not celebrate or appreciate the positive part of our nature, that part of nature would be depreciate宣扬贬值I want to end this premise idea by talking a little bit about a person for whom, one of the chief purposes in life was to spread happiness --我想以谁的例子来结束这个前提Be the change you want to see in the world 成为你期待的改变The optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness 最佳方法Ignite my imagination 激发了我的想象Running a mile in 4 minutesDoctors, scientists, and top athletes proved that it was the limit of human ability in various field or measures.Roger Bannister said, “It is possible to run in 4 minutes.On the 6th of may, 1954, he ran the mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds. Sensation. 轰动一时And the following year 37 runners ran the dream mile in under 4 minuteTheir utmost 极限And yet, their subconscious mind limited them,prevent them from breaking that mental barrier然而他们的潜意识限制了Detach from reality 脱离现实They were more likely to advance in their organization’The power of the situation, obedience to authority情景的力量对权力的服从。
幸福课第一课的观后感英文英文回答:The first lesson of the course on happiness was an eye-opening experience. It taught me the importance of positive psychology and how it can be applied to our daily lives. Positive psychology is the study of what makes people happy and fulfilled, and it has been shown to have a number of benefits, including increased happiness, resilience, and well-being.One of the most important things I learned in the first lesson was the importance of gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of being thankful for what we have, and it has been shown to have a number of benefits, including increased happiness, reduced stress, and improved sleep. The first lesson of the course on happiness taught me how to practice gratitude in my own life, and I have already seen a number of positive benefits.I also learned the importance of positive relationships. Positive relationships are relationships that are characterized by support, trust, and respect. These relationships have been shown to have a number of benefits, including increased happiness, reduced stress, and improved health. The first lesson of the course on happiness taught me how to build and maintain positive relationships, and I am already seeing a number of positive benefits in my own life.Overall, the first lesson of the course on happinesswas an incredibly valuable experience. I learned a numberof important things about positive psychology and how itcan be applied to my own life. I am already seeing a number of positive benefits from the things I learned in the first lesson, and I am excited to continue learning more about positive psychology in the weeks to come.中文回答:幸福课的第一课给了我很多启发。
幸福课英语论文第一篇:幸福课英语论文Access to Positive PsychologyThe access to positive psychology is coming to an end.It is hard to imagine the time goes by so quickly.But I do not feel regret, for I have learnt more than my previous expectation.Tanks to the course once a week, my attitude to life have had a subtle change.To be honest, I had thought the course was really boring, at least not let me interested in.What is more, the video used as teaching material have been watched on the Internet a long time ago.The content is fascinating, but the form is boring.I have no confidence to think that teacher can speak more wonderful than Harvard professor.Of course, my original idea is that the access to positive psychology was actually not made me happy at all.But things go so different.Although I have watched the video, never seem to have a deep thinking about its meaning.Ms.Feng makes me focus attention on one point, thinking about the meaning of positive psychology on my life.It is the course that gives me a chance to apply the theory to life, trying to make myself reap more happiness because of the attitude transformation.Here in my own experience to fully illustrate the reflection and growth which the course brings me.No one will suspect that my constellation is virgo.They all believe my perfectionism well proved this point.As the personality of the most significant characteristic is to pursue perfection and avoid imperfect, such individuals are called "p erfectionist”.(said by American psychologist Holt)I believe that all people are perfectionists.We have set up a high threshold for ourselves and try our best to cross.Access to positive psychology makes the definition ofperfectionism to be clear: An incapacitating fear of failure that permeates our lives, especially those areas that we care about most.(from the text book ofAccess to positive psychology)I am a typical person practice the theory: It is all or nothing.I do not start one thing easily, once I start it, it must be done perfectly for me.However, few cases I will feel satisfied and always take the attitude that thing could be better if I pay more attention to.I still remember when I practice calligraphy at a young age, the tendency of perfectionism is exposed clearly.The initial phase is copying.I am not willing to put the famous calligrapher’s handwriting under a blank sheet of paper and drawing on it dull like most of practitioners.Ilike the way to find my own style in practice.For I am such a perfectionist, this is undoubtedly painful.As long as I am not satisfied with a small stroke, even though I will finish the whole work soon, it still can’t escape the fate of being abandoned.In other words, I will start all over again.Worst of all, I am not a person with full of patience.When I am tired, perfectionism promoted me to continue practicing and don’t let myself have a rest.In effect, due to the impatience, I have lost the best state of practicing calligraphy.I guess everyone can get the conclusion that the paper was thrown away time and time again.Perfectionist tendencies are also reflected in the other aspects of my life.Being lack of confidence that I can do the best and give up opportunities;Being afraid to make mistakes and kill all of the possibilities;And too care about others or meaningless error causes abnormal emotional fluctuations……For a long time, I seem to pursue perfectionism intentionally or not, too attention to detail and forget the ultimate goal and the significance.I invest a lot of time and energy to our work inorder to maintain high personal standards.But in this situation my passion for excellence drives me to go further, it is only waste time to make myself tired.Positive psychology has given me an outlet to liberation.Obsess over the details both monotonic and demanding, and it can't help us little to show for it.I know I should try to transform perfection into excellence.As a perfectionist to detail, a sharp eye makes me better, but, Sounds it is ironic that perfectionism has been hinder me do my best.When I write a prose, I always modify it a dozen of times, sometimes it may not worth being treated so seriously.To some degree, it is a bad habit.If my efficiency decreases, I should have a rest.Rest after back to the same thing can make us get new ideas and new focus.If I don’t stop just like before, even if I forced myself to make any progress, the result is far from satisfactory.Now I know to continue is pointless, so I learn to stop working, and have a nap for a while if necessary.When I come back, no surprise I believe I can continue to make progress.Another obvious change is the habit-formation.The beginning of college life completely disrupted the rhythm of my high school.As if I have got into a dilemma: Don't know why I am so busy or just pretending to be busy.Many good learning habits had been abandoned in casual.I still remember, no matter how busy my study in senior year, I will still take a little time, reading my favorite books.Every time when I was immersed in the world of books, I feel the world is peaceful in a trance.How long I have not read my dear books? I believe a good book is just like a living creature, it will blame me for ignoring a long period of time.The access to positive psychology reminded me that how exciting it is to have a good habit, and it will be a big loss to lose it.I can't wait to put it into practice.So I start to set aside half an hour every day to getalong with my favorite books just like ing into a habit is difficult to me, for I am not a people who have strong self-control, on the contrary, I am often absent-minded, or self-imposed exile.At first, I always forget I have a daily task.It seems every day I have so much work to do, actually I don’t know what I’m busy about.I guess I have stuck in a panic zone, as if I will suddenly lose my way if I pay little attention to adjust my own state into normal.I know it is time to make a change and self-efficacy is always helpful.I try to make myself comfortable as well as persuading constantly that I am relaxed.Maybe it is what the class has taught me that put yourself at the stretch zone, try to accept change gradually, and refuse to be impatience.Self-discipline is not easy to do, but time can put the action into my ritual.Behavioral psychology research shows that: more than 21 days repeat will form the habit.Two weeks later, I gradually used to make this task.Honestly speaking, It can no longer be called a task, for I have already enjoy this moment, a moment which I can sort out my thoughts and enjoy the silence of the night.I am really like the feeling of reading, of course, is not the kind of rushing to deal with any test.On a rainy afternoon, or a quiet night, bubble a cup of green tea, reading a good book, in a quiet little room, feeling beauty and freedom.I feel I am back to those days which make me understand my heart’s desire.Reading a good book is like talking to a great man.In the world of books, feel the glory of the great thought, personal feeling is so insignificant.I really appreciate my ritual.It makes me quiet and good at thinking.Only when the inner peace, I can have a strong feeling that I am completely belongs to my own.The access to positive psychology does not make me get profound knowledge, but a changed perspective.Now I am more willing to thinkpositively to any problems, because negative practice doesn’t get any good results.It not only help me tounderstand the meaning ofperfectionism correctly,inspired me to form a good ritual,as well as providinga soothing way for the distress I have met or will meet.第二篇:英语论文体验式教学是指根据学生的认知特点和规律,通过创造实际的或重复经历的情境和机会,呈现或再现、还原教学内容,使学生在亲历的过程中理解并建构知识、发展能力、产生情感、生成意义的教学观和教学形式。
幸福课哈佛大学公开课观后感英语As I embarked on the journey of exploring the intricate nuances of happiness through the Harvard Public Course on happiness, I found myself traversing a path that was simultaneously enlightening and thought-provoking. This course, which delves deep into the psychological, philosophical, and practical aspects of happiness, offers a comprehensive understanding of what truly constitutes happiness and how we can cultivate it in our daily lives.One of the key insights that resonated with me was the understanding that happiness is not a destination, but a journey. It's not something that we can simply acquire or possess; rather, it's a state of being that we mustactively cultivate and nurture. This perspective shifted my focus from chasing external validations of happiness, such as material possessions or social status, to seeking fulfillment and contentment within myself.Another fascinating aspect of the course was the exploration of the role of mindset in shaping our happiness. The lectures emphasized the importance of adopting apositive mindset, one that is open to new experiences,grateful for the present, and resilient in the face of challenges. This mindset, the course argued, is crucial in fostering a sense of happiness and well-being.Moreover, the course highlighted the interconnectedness of happiness with other aspects of our lives, such as our relationships, health, and career. It emphasized the need to strike a balance in all these areas to achieve a state of overall happiness. This understanding led me to reevaluate my priorities and make adjustments in my life to promote greater happiness.The practical advice and exercises presented in the course were also particularly helpful. From simple daily practices like keeping a gratitude journal to more complex strategies like reframing negative thoughts, these tools provided me with concrete ways to incorporate happiness-building habits into my daily routine.However, what truly set this course apart was its emphasis on the scientific basis of happiness. Drawing from various psychological studies and research, the lectures provided a robust framework for understanding the factors that contribute to happiness and the ways in which we caninfluence them. This scientific approach not only added credibility to the course but also made the lessons more relatable and applicable to real-life scenarios.In conclusion, the Harvard Public Course on happiness was a transformative experience that left me with a deeper understanding of the nature of happiness and how tocultivate it in my life. It shifted my perspective from a narrow, external-focused view of happiness to a broader, internal-focused one that emphasizes personal growth, fulfillment, and positive mindset. The practical advice and scientific insights provided in the course were invaluablein guiding me on this journey of seeking and nurturing happiness.**幸福课哈佛大学公开课观后感**当我踏上通过哈佛大学幸福公开课探索幸福复杂内涵的旅程时,我发现自己正在走一条既令人启迪又引人深思的道路。
第一课Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
哈佛大学幸福课观后感200字左右英文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Thoughts on the Harvard Happiness ClassI had to write about the Harvard class on happiness for my English assignment. At first, I wasn't too excited because it sounded kind of boring. Like, a whole class just about being happy? That's easy - you just play video games and eat ice cream all day! But after watching the lectures, I learned there's a lot more to it than that.The professor, Dr. Lena, seems really nice. She has a friendly smile and explains things in a way that's easy to understand, even for a kid like me. She said that happiness isn't just a temporary feeling, but a longer-lasting state of being content and satisfied with your life. And it's not about just doing fun things, but building good habits and taking care of yourself.One of the first things she talked about was gratitude. She said we should practice being thankful for the good things we have, instead of constantly wanting more stuff. That makes sense because I'm always bugging my parents for the latest videogames and toys, but then I get bored of them pretty quickly. Maybe if I appreciated what I already have more, I'd be happier.Dr. Lena also talked about relationships being really important for happiness. Having friends, family, and people who care about you is one of the biggest keys to being truly happy. That's probably why my mom is always nagging me to spend less time on screens and more time with my friends and cousins. Grown-ups can be so annoying sometimes, but I guess she has a point!Another big part of the course was about living a meaningful life that is about more than just yourself. Helping others and being part of something bigger makes people way happier than just being selfish all the time. I could see how doing nice things for my friends and community would make me feel better than just keeping everything for myself. Sharing is caring as they say!The lectures also covered taking care of your body and mind through exercise, sleep, and relaxation. Dr. Lena said you can't be truly happy if you're a tired, stressed out couch potato. She used some fancy words I didn't fully understand, but the basic idea is: go outside, play sports, and chill out sometimes. No more endless videogame marathons for this kid!One of the last big ideas was about finding activities that really engage and absorb you - you know, that feeling when you get so into something that you lose track of time? Dr. Lena called it "flow" and said it's key for happiness. For me, that happens when I'm building cool new worlds in Minecraft or coming up with funny stories with my friends. Maybe I need to find more creative hobbies like that instead of just zoning out in front of screens.Overall, I'm really glad I watched this course because it taught me happiness is about way more than just fun and jokes. It's about taking care of your mind and body, being grateful, connecting with others, doing meaningful stuff, and finding joy in simple activities. Who knew there was so much to learn about being happy?篇2My Reflections on the Harvard Happiness CourseHappiness is something that everyone wants, but not everyone knows how to find it. That's why I was really excited when my teacher told our class that we were going to watch a course from Harvard all about being happy! Harvard is a super smart university, so I knew they would have great tips.The first thing I learned is that happiness isn't just about feeling good emotions like joy or excitement. True happiness is about living a fulfilling and meaningful life. The course professors talked a lot about something called "eudaimonia" which is an ancient Greek word meaning the highest form of well-being. To have eudaimonia, you need to develop your character strengths, nurture positive relationships, find a sense of purpose, and contribute to something larger than yourself. Just chasing fun or pleasure isn't enough for deep, lasting happiness.One thing that really stuck with me was when they talked about how important it is to be grateful for the good things in your life. They said we should all keep a gratitude journal and write down a few things we feel thankful for each day. It helps train your brain to notice and appreciate the positive stuff instead of always focusing on the negative. Some days it might be easy things like a sunny day or your favorite dinner. Other days it could be bigger things like having a loving family or being healthy. I started a gratitude journal after watching those lessons and I've already filled up almost a whole notebook!Another big idea was about building篇3Happiness at HarvardMy big sister Isabella goes to Harvard University. It's a really famous school that lots of smart people go to. My sister studies really hard, but this semester she is taking a really interesting class called "Happiness." Can you believe Harvard has a whole class just about being happy?When Isabella came home for spring break, she told me all about the happiness class. She said the professor's name is Dr. Luria and that he is super nice and funny. The class is actually called "Psychology of Happiness" but everyone just calls it the "Happiness Class." Over 800 students signed up for it this semester! That's like the whole population of my tiny town.The first few weeks, they learned about what happiness really means. It's not just a feeling of being silly or giddy. Real happiness is about having meaningful lives and connections with others. It's about feeling satisfied and at peace with yourself. The class talks a lot about mindfulness, which means being present in the moment instead of worrying about the past or future.They also studied stuff about the human brain and how different neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin affect our moods. If our brain chemistry is out of whack, it can be really hard to feel happy. Things like exercise, sleep, and healthy foodshelp keep our brains in balance. Who knew eating your veggies could make you happier?Another big part of the class is all about our relationships and connections with other people. Humans are social creatures, and we need close bonds to be truly happy. Having few social ties can be as bad for you as smoking! The class talks about how to be a good friend, maintain healthy relationships, and deal with conflicts in a positive way.I thought it was really interesting how they looked at happiness across cultures too. Every society has different values and ideas about what makes a good, meaningful life. In some cultures, personal freedom is most important. In others, harmony with others or living an ethical life according to traditions matters more. There's no one-size-fits-all for happiness.The part of the class I was most curious about was all the hands-on activities and homework assignments. Instead of just reading from textbooks, Dr. Luria has his students go out and put happiness strategies into practice. Can you imagine a college kid's homework being "perform five random acts of kindness this week?" How fun!Some other assignments included keeping a gratitude journal, practicing meditation or deep breathing, and doing kindthings for yourself like taking a relaxing nature walk. My sister said her favorite was the savoring assignment where they had to really pay attention and appreciate the smallest pleasures in life, like the smell of freshly baked cookies or the beauty of a colorful sunset.At the end of the semester, each student has to come up with their own "Happiness Project" and create a long-term plan for living a more meaningful and satisfying life. My sister is thinking of ways to slow down and not become a workaholic robot when she goes off to start her career. She wants to remember what's really important - her relationships, her values, and feeding her soul as well as her mind.I know I'm just a kid, but learning about my sister's Happiness class has made me think a lot about my own life too. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in dumb stuff like video games or arguing with my annoying little brother. This class reminds me to stop and appreciate the good things I have - a safe home, parents who love me, friends to play with, books to read. Those are the things that create real happiness, not just temporary amusement.I hope every school has a Happiness class one day, even elementary schools. Can't we all use a little more positivity andlife satisfaction? The world would be a lot nicer if everyone practiced being kinder, more grateful, and focused on the important things instead of just chasing after meaningless trophies or material stuff.I'm really proud of my smart sister for taking a class that teaches such important life lessons. She always did like to learn things the fun way! When I get home from school, I'm going to start my own little Happiness Project by helping my mom cook a healthy dinner, playing outside with the neighborhood kids, and telling my dad how much I appreciate all the hard work he does for our family. Baby steps towards happiness, Harvard style!篇4The Happiness Course at Big Kid SchoolHi friends! I'm so excited to tell you all about the super cool class I just took at Harvard University! It's called the Happiness Course and it taught me so many neat things about how to be happier.First of all, can you believe a fancy school like Harvard has a whole class just about being happy? I couldn't believe it either at first! But it makes total sense when you think about it. Grownups are always stressing about work, money, and other boring stuff.They probably need some lessons on how to chill out and enjoy life more. That's what this class was all about!On the very first day, the teacher asked us "What is happiness?" That's a pretty deep question for a kid, but I tried my best to answer. I said happiness is eating pizza, playing video games, and having fun with my friends. The teacher said those things can definitely make us happy, but there's a lot more to it than that.Over the next few weeks, we learned allllll about the science of happiness. Did you know that scientists can actually study what makes people happy or sad? They do brain scans and surveys and everything! We watched some videos where these serious scientists talked about their research in big words I could barely understand. But the main idea is that happiness comes from inside your mind, not just from the things happening around you.One of the biggest happiness tricks we learned is about savoring positive experiences. That means when something really good happens, you take a moment to enjoy it instead of rushing on to the next thing. Like if you get a delicious ice cream cone, don't just scarf it down right away. Take some slow licks, let the cold sweetness sit on your tongue, and just be present andhappy about that ice cream for a little while. The happiest people know how to really soak in life's little joys.Another key to happiness is nurturing your relationships with friends and family. Your social ties are one of the biggest factors in how happy and satisfied you feel in life. That's why it's so important to be a good friend, keep in touch with family, and make time for the people you care about. Just having strong bonds with others makes a huge difference in your overall wellbeing and positive vibes.We also learned that happiness isn't just about feeling good vibes all the time. Bad things happen and everyone feels sad sometimes. But happy people are able to bounce back from those tough times more easily. They have resilience and grit to get through struggles, and they actively work on building happiness back up. It's all about mindset and keeping a positive outlook even when life gets hard.One of my favorite happiness activities was the gratitude journal. Each night for homework, we had to write down three things we felt grateful for that day. It could be anything from a delicious snack to some extra play time to cuddles with a pet. Getting in the habit of noticing and appreciating the good things,even little ones, totally gives you a happiness boost. It was actually really fun to do every night!On the last day of class, we went around sharing our biggest happiness takeaways. Mine was about unhooking yourself-worth from achievement and approval. A lot of kids (and adults too) base their whole self-worth on getting good grades, winning games, and having others think they're smart or talented. But the teacher said the happiest people don't need to prove themselves to others all the time. They know their own self-worth no matter what. I really liked that idea of giving yourself unconditional love and acceptance. It's something I want to work on for myself.Overall, the Harvard Happiness Course was one of the coolest, most enlightening classes I've ever taken. It totally opened my eyes to all the different factors that go into feeling truly happy and satisfied with your life. I learned so many wise tips and tricks that I'm going to try my best to practice every day. Like savoring life's little joys, nurturing my relationships, building resilience, and most of all, being kind to myself no matter what. Happiness is an inside job, but now I've got a whole toolbox of strategies to make it happen!If they offer this class again next year, I'm definitely signing up. Every kid (and adult) should take it! Understanding the science of happiness and practicing it in your daily life can make such a huge difference. The world would be a way happier, more positive place if we all knew these secrets. I'm feeling so grateful to have had this opportunity to learn them. Thanks Harvard, you helped make this kid's cup of happiness overflow!篇5The Happiness Course at Harvard? That's a Real Thing?When my teacher told our class we were going to watch some videos from a famous "Happiness Course" taught at Harvard University, I was like "Whaaat? They actually have a class just about being happy at Harvard?" Harvard is supposed to be this crazy hard school where they study all kinds of difficult stuff like quantum physics and ancient languages. How could they have time for a whole class focused on something as simple as happiness?But as I started watching the videos, it started making more sense. The professor teaching it, Dr. Laurie Santos, seems really nice and down-to-earth. She explained that even at an elite school like Harvard, lots of students struggle with stress, anxiety,and feeling overwhelmed. The course was designed to teach scientifically proven strategies to increase well-being and life satisfaction.I have to admit, when she first started talking about things like mindfulness meditation, I kind of zoned out. I'm an energetic kid - how am I supposed to just sit there and focus on my breathing? But then she made a really interesting point: Even just a few minutes of meditation can help rewire your brain to be more present and less caught up in worrying about the past or future. Huh, maybe there's something to this mindfulness stuff after all.Another thing I found fascinating was learning about the psychology research on what really makes people happy. Like, you'd think having more money or getting good grades would automatically make you super happy. But the studies show that once you have your basic needs covered, additional money doesn't boost life satisfaction nearly as much as quality relationships and having a sense of purpose. That's a little crazy to think about!My favorite part was probably the segment on gratitude. Dr. Santos had everyone write a gratitude letter to someone who really impacted their life in a positive way. Just reflecting on allthe kind things that person did for me gave me such a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. And the look on my grandma's face when I surprised her by reading it out loud? Priceless! Remembering to appreciate the special people in our lives is so important.Towards the end, we learned about random acts of kindness and how doing nice things for others, even total strangers, can boost your mood more than you'd expect. Our class had a "kindness contest" for two weeks where we tried to do as many anonymous good deeds as possible and kept a tally. Seeing my classmates get so enthusiastic about cheering people up or helping out was awesome. Even just holding the door for someone and watching their face light up in surprise was enough to make me smile too.Overall, while some of the lessons in the Happiness Course could seem a little obvious at first, the scientific evidence and student testimonials really drove home how powerful and transformative these simple strategies can be. Just being more mindful, feeling grateful, and prioritizing kindness can make a huge difference in your quality of life. The workload at a place like Harvard is always going to involve a ton of hard work and stress. But having tools to stay grounded, present, and focused on what really matters? That's huge.I may only be a kid, but I can already feel how easy it is to get caught up in swirling thoughts, doubts, and anxieties about the future. Having a "happiness toolkit" to turn to will be invaluable as I keep growing up and facing new challenges. Thanks to Dr. Santos' wisdom and engaging teaching style, I've now got a headstart on cultivating the habits of a truly satisfying life. Not bad for an elementary school classroom, huh Harvard?篇6The Happiness Class at HarvardI just finished taking the Happiness Class at Harvard and I have to say, it was the best class ever! My mom signed me up for it because she said I've been kind of grumpy lately. I didn't want to go at first, but now I'm really glad I did.On the first day, the professor said we were going to learn all about the science of happiness. I didn't even know there was such a thing as "happiness science"! I thought either you were a happy person or you weren't. But he said scientists have actually studied what makes people happy and unhappy.We learned that a lot of the things we think will make us super happy, like getting a new video game or a cute puppy, only make us happy for a little while. Then we get used to it and aren'tas happy anymore. The professor called this "hedonic adaptation." Basically, we adapt to our new happier situation and it becomes the new normal.But there are some things that can make people really happy for a long time. Like having close friends, helping others, exercising, meditating, and being grateful for what we have. The professor said doing stuff like that can make us build up something called "emotional reserve" so we're happier overall, even when bad things happen.One of the first happiness habits we practiced was keeping a gratitude journal. Every night we had to write down three things we felt grateful for that day. At first it was kind of hard to think of three things, but after a while it got easier. Writing about the little things that went well helped me notice and appreciate them more.We also did random acts of kindness, like making nice cards for people or helping clean up the classroom without being asked. Helping others felt really good! The professor explained that humans are hard-wired to feel happy when we cooperate and help our "tribe." Even little acts of kindness can make us happier.Another big part of the class was learning to be mindful and live in the present moment. We did breathing exercises and meditations pretty much every day. It was hard for me at first to sit still and focus on my breath. My mind kept wandering to video games or what was for lunch! But I got better at it, and being mindful really does make you more calm and happy.We had to take quizzes on all the happiness habits and strategies we learned, like savoring positive experiences, reframing situations positively, strengthening social connections, practicing gratitude and kindness, meditating, exercising, and pursuing meaningful goals. It was a lot to remember!For our final project, we had to pick one happiness habit and really work on it for a few weeks, then write about how it went. I decided to work on savoring positive experiences more. Whenever something fun happened, like scoring a goal in soccer or getting a good grade, I would pause and try to really soak it in and extend the happy feeling instead of rushing on to the next thing.It actually worked! Instead of just feeling happy for a second and moving on, I was able to stretch out those happy moments. I paid more attention and created vivid memories of feelingsuccessful and proud. Savoring is like taking mental pictures of the best parts of your day.The Happiness Class taught me that being genuinely happy is a skill you can develop, just like any other skill. Simply knowing what the happiness habits are won't automatically make you happier though. You have to actually practice them, just like practicing an instrument or a sport.It's been about a month since the class ended, and I've been really trying to keep using the strategies I learned. I've kept up my gratitude journal, did lots of acts of kindness over spring break, and have been exercising and meditating pretty regularly.I also take time each day to savor at least one positive moment or accomplishment.I can't say I'm deliriously happy every second of every day now. That's not really possible, and I still get grumpy sometimes. But overall, I do feel happier and moreupbeat than I was before the class. Little things don't bother me as much, and I feel kinder and more appreciative. I catch myself smiling for no particular reason more often.If they offered a Happiness 202 class, I would totally take it! Learning all these research-based strategies for boosting happiness was fascinating. And they really do work if you putthem into practice. Happiness might seem simple, but it's actually a pretty complex thing that's worth studying closely.I'm really glad my mom made me take the Happiness Class, even though I didn't want to at first. It has definitely made a positive difference in my attitude and well-being. I think every kid (and adult too!) should learn this powerful information about how to create more authentic and lasting happiness. Thanks Harvard!。
My Ten Reflections Of The Access To PositivePsychologyHappiness is always a human endeavor, all human efforts are to achieve the ideal of happiness. But what is happiness? How can I be happy? Countless people are still struggling to find the answers.Real life tells us that happiness is a frequently changing inequality: wealthy do not bring happiness, poverty can not take away happy; suffering does not reduce happiness, fame and fortune do not add happiness. Life experience also tells us that happiness is a contradiction. there is no standard answer options: get, you may not be happy; losing, you might get more happiness, and perhaps the loss of your happiness may give you a return of happiness doubled. So, today, you and I, even need to worry, fame, still feel that they are not happy. Many people are to achieve dreams, to gain success, will often produce such confusion: Am I a happy person? Where is my happiness? We came to this world, and in the end the pursuit of what is most important? Dr. Taylor firmly believes: happiness is a measure of the sole criterion of life is the ultimate goal of all goals. People weigh commercial success, the standard money. Use the money to assess the assets and liabilities, profits and losses, all the money will not be considered independent in, money is the highest wealth. But I think that life and business, has its profit and loss. Specifically, in view of their lives, you can put negative emotions as an expense, the positiveemotions as income. When positive emotions than negative emotions, we are happy this "high wealth" on the profit. So, happiness and meaning should be happy combination! A happy person, there must be a clear, can bring joy and meaning of goals and then strive to pursue. Truly happy person, would feel meaningful lifestyle, enjoying it bit by bit. China has an old saying: those who help themselves, God helps also. Only God himself is their help. If a person has set the correct values, enrich their accomplishment, to correctly understand and shape the self, it will cast a person's happiness and success.Dr. Taylor early in preparation for an important event, in addition to training hard, shall be strictly diet. End of the game, he did the first thing that ran their favorite burger, breath bought four burgers. When he can not wait to tear the wrap, put burgers on the mouth of the moment, but stopped. Because he realized that last month because of a healthy diet, their stamina. If you enjoy a delicious burger in front, is likely to regret it, and affect their health. Looking at the front of the burger, he suddenly discovered that they each have their own unique flavor, we can say, on behalf of four different modes of life.The first in Hamburg, where he first picked up the bird, taste tempting, but it is the standard "junk food." Eat it tantamount to enjoy immediate happiness, but also the seeds of future suffering. Metaphor of life with it, is timely pleasures, betray the future happiness of life, namely,"hedonism-type"; second burger, tastes bad, inside full of vegetables and organic foods, eat more healthy can make in the future, but it will eat very painful. Sacrifice immediate well-being, in order to pursue future goals, which he called "busy rush-type"; third in Hamburg, is the worst, neither tasty, eat will affect future health. Similarly people who lost hope of life and the pursuit of immediate things neither enjoy nor hold expectations for the future, is the "nihilism-type"; will there is a burger, delicious, and healthy? That is the fourth "happiness-type" burger. A happy person is doing both enjoy the moment, but you can get more fulfilling future. Dr. Taylor simplified for students summed up the "Happy Lesson" 10 tips, I added some of his own experience:1. follow your inner passion.First know what they want, ask what is the most wanted and most can not lose what it is. One is not worth doing, it is not worth doing well - this is the basic psychology. Followed his heart, not someone else's evaluation, but also a responsibility to give up. Minus unimportant those things inside you really need to wake up passion for life. Do that still need to express and listen to your inner voice, know what they want, and constantly dig their own happiness roots, so as to have a clear purpose, when the pursuit of happiness will be detours.2.multi and friends together.Do not be ridden daily work, intimate relationships, happiness is yoursignal is most likely to bring you happiness. With friends, you need to communicate and their own. In this way, with someone else's happiness was not a passive happiness.3. learn to fail. Everything has two results possible, which is normal. Person's life will always encounter a lot of things go wrong: a young boy troubles, youth wandering youth, middle age, middle-aged have depression, elderly with elderly suffering. Therefore, human life is a failure constantly unfolding process. Success certainly make people happy, but success is always scarce, success can not always be with you, one's life is a failure to face more, rather than success. Do not fail as a disaster, of course, can not be used to fail. Not to be overwhelmed by failure, and can continue to learn from our failures and lessons of experience, it is important that the calm face of failure, it's healthy and balanced state of mind, escape moment regarding the success or failure is success in life.4. to accept all his. Disappointed, upset, grief is part of human nature. Accept them and use them as a natural thing, allow yourself the occasional loss and sadness. Then ask yourself, can you do to make yourself feel a little better. Back without any burden for these things, "Always wipe ground, rendering the dust alight."5. simplify your life. Refinement should not in much. When the external part of the pursuit of happiness, avoid greed, to know how totemporarily stop, which is to go longer term.6. regular exercise. 3 times a week, each time as long as 30 minutes, you can greatly improve your health. For most people, the frequency of exercise three times a week is sufficient to physical and mental health.7. sleep. I slept, put aside all things, is a prerequisite to get a good sleep. Although sometimes "sit up all night" is inevitable, but every day 7-9 hours of sleep is a great investment. Thus, in the waking hours, you will be more efficient, more creative, will be more happy. "Body" and "mind" can never be only emphasizes one.8. generosity. Now, in your wallet may not have much money, but, you do not have much time, but that does not mean you can not help others. Things need to care about helping large and small, it is important that people have with convenient and helpful attitude. "Give" and "accept", two aspects of the same thing. When we help others, we also help themselves; when we help themselves, but also indirectly help others. Appreciate the attention, knowing smile, sincere tone ...... even in the most busy time, these are also very easy to do, and, without any loss, why skimp it?9. brave. Steeply Chihiro, desire is just, lay down hard, has accepted the mind, they have the courage foundation. Not afraid of failure, that is brave. Make yourself look fear things into their own things, to win their own initiative, to do their own inner master.10. expressing gratitude. Life, do not put your family, friends, health, education, etc. all of this for granted. They are your memorable gift. Record of others drip grace, and always maintain a thankful heart. Daily or at least once a week, you put them down. Do not carry any utilitarian, simply pass in the memories come to appreciate their happiness in the imagination to find ways for them to pass happy, and put into practice. Each person's happiness is actually very simple, just happy every time we came around the time he was always so gently, as if on your side, smiling and looking at you, it might be a knowing smile, possibly was handed a glass of water, it may be a momentary mood ...... try to feel it right. Intentioned people will never happy, because he understands happiness. When I Unconstrained Shaohua through this youthful years, how many look back only to find joy and happiness ah, when recalled, or is it painful to happy with, or is a warm feeling ...... In short, alive I will keep looking for happiness and joy, alive, I'll keep fighting, so I love people who love me the same happiness ......Experience happiness is a need to practice and learning process. Some people may find it strange feelings of happiness should be an innate human ability ah, as a kid lying on the mother's arms to accept milk feeding, no one told that he will feel happy sweet. So, how also need to "practice and learning" mean? In fact, happiness is not only a physical satisfaction, social well-being of the people experience the object relativehappiness, happiness main quality plays a more important role, which directly restricts the ability of people feel the happiness level. Whether a person love life, whether love life, know how to be loved, know how to love. . . It's all about the people and create feelings of happiness. That is, the person can feel and create happiness is not innate qualities, is the need to gradually improve through education and learning of. Students in school education process is to enhance the level of their feelings of happiness and the ability to create happiness in the process.Happiness does not come out of thin air in his body. I think everyone on the "passive" in this article is not new. The hero in this article by chance, scored a hare killed at the stake. Very happy, would then no longer farming, wholeheartedly waited at stake next, waiting again a rabbit killed at the stake as a result, the rabbit does not occur again, and his absence farming Land and deserted. And happiness will wait quietly in his left. I think if he does not utopian, but get down to work, and that he got would be a real happiness.Some people say that happiness is to let things slide beyond achievement. I think that people think is ridiculous. If happiness is best accomplished its course, then why is not everyone in the world one of the rich, the poor are not; why this world also existed with disabilities; also kept the size of the gap between the countries. If happiness can go with the flow can be obtained, then why Taiwan is not able to return to themotherland; Why is the U.S. invasion of Iraq, rather than take the initiative to move to attack the United States in Iraq, too much why, proved this view wrong and misleading . There are in the fortunate person, whenever I see someone waste food, I feel pity for them. If they are less waste some food, then you can save some of the people without food to eat. I think, probably only let them try to eat no food experience, they will know the food is precious, just know there is food is a blessing. Happiness for everyone askance this world is fair. It does not favor some people, some people complained that you had bad luck always come to him, the god of happiness do not always care for him. However, he did not have hard and seriously think about why he did not go good luck. Happiness has long complained when he, with his pass up. Happiness can be learned, or that happiness is not an instinct, but a skill. Whether young or middle-aged people like me, even life only last sunset time, happiness lies in the quality rather than the length of the study happiness, never too late.Happiness is not willing to tell everybody that come out of thin air, there is happiness and do not let it might be thought, only clinching happiness, grasp now, is the real happiness.李世勋建筑规划一班学号:126060012 Attention please: Dear teacher ,my vocabulary is poor ,so I have used the Google translation to help me ,maybe there are some grammar mistakes, but it’s not important because the main idea was came from my mind.。
哈佛幸福课文档名称文档密级:Open Harvard Courses Positive Psychology幸福课 Open Harvard Courses Positive Psychology**幸福课第一讲什么是积极心理学各位,早上好,很高兴能回到这里,很高兴见到你们。
It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life
It is about identifying the right questions
Education is the quest for information and transformation, and therefore must begin with a question.
CS Lewis
It is not English 10a or Math 55 It is about rigorous fun
“I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity.”
• Why a presentation?
– Teaching as learning – Spread goodness…
Why Positive Psychology?
Psychological Abstracts (1967-2000)
• Anger: 5,584 • Anxiety: 41,416 • Depression: 54,040
• 20-30 minute Presentation
– Any topic within positive psychology – Written text (10-15 pages double spaced) – Slides (word or powerpoints)
幸福课第一课的观后感英文In the modern world, the quest for happiness often seems like an elusive and challenging task. We areconstantly bombarded with messages about what will make us happy, from material possessions to social media validation. However, the true meaning of happiness often remains a mystery. Recently, I had the opportunity to watch the first lesson of a happiness course, and it profoundly transformed my understanding of what happiness truly is and how to achieve it.The lesson began with a simple yet profound question: "What is happiness?" The instructor emphasized that happiness is not a destination but a journey, and that itis not something that is solely determined by external factors. Instead, happiness is an internal state thatarises from within us, and it is influenced by our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.One of the most striking insights from the lesson was the idea of "mindfulness." The instructor explained that being mindful means being fully present in the moment,aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. Thisconcept resonated deeply with me because it reminded methat often we are so caught up in our thoughts and worries about the future that we miss out on the joy and beauty of the present moment. By being more mindful, we canappreciate the small moments of happiness that often go unnoticed.Another key takeaway from the lesson was the importance of positive psychology. The instructor discussed how focusing on positive emotions and experiences can help usto cultivate a sense of happiness and well-being. He emphasized the power of gratitude, compassion, and optimism in shaping our happiness levels. This resonated with me because it reminded me that often we focus so much on the negative aspects of life that we overlook the positive ones. By cultivating a positive mindset, we can transform ourlives and create more happiness for ourselves and others.The lesson also touched on the idea of social connections and their role in happiness. The instructor pointed out that strong social relationships are crucialfor our happiness and well-being. He emphasized the importance of spending time with people we care about,sharing our thoughts and feelings, and being supportive of each other. This resonated deeply with me because it reminded me of the power of human connection and the role it plays in our happiness.Overall, the first lesson of the happiness course was an eye-opening and transformative experience. It taught me that happiness is not something that can be found in external things or achieved through constant striving. Instead, happiness is an internal state that arises from within us when we cultivate positive mindsets, focus on the present moment, and build strong social connections. I am grateful for this lesson because it has given me a new perspective on happiness and has inspired me to make positive changes in my life.**《幸福课第一课观后感》**在当今社会,追求幸福似乎成为了一项既难以捉摸又充满挑战的任务。
幸福课哈佛大学公开课观后感英语The "Happiness Course" at Harvard University, also knownas Positive Psychology, is a profound exploration into the science of well-being. It challenges the conventional focuson the negative and instead encourages us to cultivatepositive emotions and strengths.The course resonated with me deeply, as it emphasized the importance of gratitude and the power of positiverelationships in our lives. It taught me that happiness isnot a destination but a journey, one that we actively participate in by making conscious choices.One of the most impactful lessons was the idea that happiness is not about the absence of problems but the presence of meaning and purpose. It's about finding joy inthe midst of challenges, and this perspective has been transformative for me.The course also highlighted the significance of setting achievable goals and the role of self-acceptance in happiness. It's not about being perfect; it's about embracing our imperfections and striving for progress, not perfection.Another key takeaway was the role of mindfulness in enhancing our well-being. By being present and aware, we can better appreciate the beauty in everyday moments and reduce stress and anxiety.The "Happiness Course" has given me practical tools to enhance my life, such as the practice of journaling and meditation. These habits have become integral parts of my daily routine, enriching my experience of life.In conclusion, the course was an enlightening experience that has shifted my perspective on what it means to lead a fulfilling life. It's not about external achievements but about nurturing our inner selves and creating a life that aligns with our values and passions.。
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宁波大学答题纸(2013—2014学年第2 学期)课号:课程名称:Access to Positive Psychology 改卷教师:学号:姓名:得分:Specifications for the Course paper as the Final AssessmentTopic: A Course-based Solution to My Puzzles of Life( Or:A Course-based Searching for a Happier Life)Layout:typed in size 4 minus, Times New Roman, on the prescribed paper for examination;Length: 1200-1500 English words in length;Submission date: Monday,17th weekRequirements:Concentrate on two or three problems of your life or study and give a full demonstration of your puzzles or difficulties. Stress should be given to an analysis of the causes and solutions based on what you have learned from this course. Make sure the quotations from reference books and handouts are clearly noted. Bonus points will be given to the detailed description of your solutions (or changes).Just Be Happier“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ---Aristotle Introduction:Happiness---it is not just a casual word. It is the eternal pursuit of many people. It is a psychological desire--- we feel happy when we get bread as we are hungry; we feel happy when we are appreciated by others. But we also feel unhappy when we can’t get what we want.As far as I’m concerned, the most important thing in man’s life is happiness. Happiness is really a wide concept, which includes goals, relationship, and so on. Everyone has his own understanding of happiness, so everyone has his own way to be happy. But in fact, there is something in common.Main Body:Say goodbye, so easyThere has been a moment that I just felt the world was upside down---the sky was falling down; I was stand on my head; there has also been a moment that I just felt every smile in people’ face was so hypocritical. I walked on the street, where there were so many people, but I just felt I was lonely. I was alone. Yes, that was the darkest day--- I broke up with my dearest boyfriend.I was alone. I said to myself again and again. I was sleepless. I ate little. I was always wandering from morning to night. It lasted for two weeks. Until one day, af riend of mine couldn’t tolerate anymore, “make some change s please.” Yes, I should change.Change is hard, but change is also possible. Though hard it is, I want to grasp the little possibility to change myself. So those are what I have done:1.Slow down and think. I used to walk very fast when I was alone, since I afraidthat too many people may find out my loneliness. But I persuade myself to slow down.” I need to face it straight.” I said to myself. So every night, I walked around our campus, alone. I began to walk slowly and slowly; I began to look around to find some interesting things; I start thinking when I was walking:” why are you so unhappy? Is that what you want? Is he really so perfect? Why can’t you get over it?” I asked and answered, asked and answered, every night, like this.2.Exercise.After night’s walkin g, it has become a habit of me to walk into theplayground and then run. Some days when I was so sad that I would run and run until I felt exhausted enough. And some days when I was calm, I will run for three circles and start meditating while I was running. Also, I bought a ping-pongboard and I would spend some time with my friends on it. It is really a good way to forget, because when you do sports, you relax yourself.3.Keep in touch with my families and friends. Tai point out 3 “M”s, which aremagnifying, minimizing and making up. I just start to realize that I just have magnified my problems. I have neglected the fact that there are so many people standing behind me. Breaking up, it is so small a thing; I can live a happier life without him. What should I do is to pay more attention to my friends, my families.Only with them all can my live be richer.4.Peak experience.Change is so hard, and gradual change is so slow. SometimesI felt that I had tried so hard but I was still obsessed with it. Sometimes, I was stillanxious and down. So I also tried to do some peak activities. I went to theFenghuang Harbor with some friends and joined in some exciting activities, whichI never tried before. After the trip, I felt that in face of losing life, break-up isreally really a small thing in man’s whole life. So why I waste my time being so sad?Now, I am happier than before, and I have really got rid of it from my mind. I have my own life: treasure my friends, be happy with my family, and be hard on my study. I choose to forgive, because there are also some happy things when we were together. I am trying to be a benefit finder instead of a fault finder.Anyway, say thanksThe examination week is around the corner, everyone is busy preparing for the exam. However, I was really unhappy with my roommates---they are so hard-working that they went to bed later as night. As a result, Insomnia accompanied me. I became really anxious because I couldn’t sleep well with the lights on and with their noises. I kept my temper and didn’t say anything. At last, I almost couldn’t stand it anymore and lost my temper.I didn’t even say a word to them. It lasted for a few days. Until one day, when I thought of appreciation, I began to feel remorse. Why didn’t I say “thanks” to them when they helped me? Instead, when they unconsciously affected me, I say bad words to them. I fail to appreciate because I have taken things for granted. When they give me an apple, I take it for granted. When they walk into the dormitory quietly, I take it for granted. I just see the bad things and ignore the good things---it’s so bad!So I said to myself: “You should start to appreciate instead of complaining.” The next night after I went to bed, I realized that they become quiet when they turn on the tap---they did make some changes! I really feel gratitude. The next morning, I said “thanks” to them, and I know they also feel sorry for affecting me.Tal said: “what appreciation does is in essence create a growth spiral.” We are now become more harmonious than before. I have my own understanding of appreciation:1.W e shouldn’t take good things for granted. No one has the obligation tobe care about you. So, appreciate it.2.Care about details. Some things may be small but need our appreciation.So we should find it and appreciate it.3.Understanding.Do unto others what you would onto yourself. I maysometimes influence my roo mmates also, so I shouldn’t be too strict tothem.4.Say “thanks”. If you feel gratitude, just say it. Then the others will feel itand be happy. It is really good to say “thanks”.Conclusion:Happiness is my aim of life. On the way to the pursuit of happiness, I have changed a lot. I become self-disciplined when in the changing process. I learned to appreciate. Appreciation is really good---not only for me, but also for the others. I am on the way of changing from a fault finder to a benefit finder. I am happy for this. But I still have a long way to go. But I do believe I can achieve it. Just as Napoleon Hill said:“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”(1360 words)。