Automatic fire alarm system based on MCU Abstract: The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI.INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced aprocess from the simple to the complex and intelligence systemincreasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic firedetection and alarm technology has a great progress along withcomputing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storageplant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels andother places. They were used in a number of collectionsfocused on one area of intelligent alarm control method withhigher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in someresidential areas and commercial buildings were installed by asingle automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarmdetection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation.Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detectionsystem.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardwareby temperature sensors, smoke sensors, signal processingmodule, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Nonelectrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-sitetemperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into anelectrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing toconvertanalogquantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampleddata were processed and compared with the limits by MCUsystem. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarmsignals.Temperature IonizationTransducersmoke detectorsignalprocessingPD0 PD1SCMauto alarmmoduleT ephoneelInter f ace…Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. Atmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s microcontrollerATmega16 microcontroller. ATmega16 is based on the AVRRISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOSmicrocontroller. Because of its advanced instruction set and asingle clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 datathroughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between theprocessing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability toread and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytesEEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O portlines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAGboundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging andprogramming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T/ C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serialUSART, there are initial conditions detector universal serialinterface, 8-channel 10-bit with optionaldifferential input stageprogrammable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chiposcillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatilememory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows theprogram memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on theAVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program canuse any interface to download the application to the Flashmemory area (Application Flash Memory). Application ofFlash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (BootFlash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operationachieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful microcontroller by8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a singlechip, for many embedded control applications provides aflexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set ofprogramming and system development tools, including: Clanguage compiler, macro assembler, program debugger /software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLASSemiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperaturesensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / Oport lines and computer interfaces,without going throughother conversion circuits Direct output measured temperaturevalue (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃, measurementresolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-onlymemory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upperand lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown inFigure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, atthe same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistorembedded in the high places, resistance at the same timecurrent-limited . Program from the DQ pin in high impedancestate to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on thepull-upresistor to the high DQ. At the same time the main chipalso can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors whenthe flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamberionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector chargescurrent until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionizationcurrent statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain abalance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke intothe ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chambersmoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of theaffected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-chargeuntil the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can beused to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such asTable 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATATable Head Table Column headEquilibrium potential collector5.5±0.3VCollector potential with the smokeReduced light rate of 1% / ft0.6VReduced light rate of 4% / ft2.2VCapacitor6PFSmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is theMotorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pinpackage, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logiccircuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When notdetected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillationcycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply isprovided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept d etect anysmoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm andsmoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40mswhen the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this timepiezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start tobe able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after thecessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smokecessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeperwill not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCMwhen the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smokedetection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processingcircuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out highmicrocontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is setto facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and thebuzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when thedepartment has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCMwhen the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smokedetection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processingcircuitprocessing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out highmicrocontroller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is setto facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and thebuzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when thedepartment has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up moduleis a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integrationcommunications circuits. Module built-in microcontroller anddial-up management process can provide users with a varietyof signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signalacquisition, automatic control, remote communication andinformation transmission areas such as flexible application. 5groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephonenumbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone linestatus detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone /external switching two kinds of dial-up state control; Triggertime, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To workindependently, independent dial-up, donot rely on telephoneand other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin toconnect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarmwhen PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFFpin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, theinput does not work when this pin become low, ERR pinconnected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6 output 1 begun to testwhether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCUPD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is endwhen PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNstartATmega16InitializeN whether there aresmoke signals?YR0=1collectiontemperaturesignalwhether the Nalarm value?YR1=1dial-up alarmREADY=1?YFigure 5.The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smolderingphase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in thecombustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make thesmoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, firstwith the smoke sensor detects whether there is smokegeneration, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When thesmoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test thetemperature when the temperature reaches the value ofseasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonaltemperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this timecompared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when thedial-up alarm.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smokesensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouseand send the message to managers of warehouse in the earlytime by the form of short messages.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic FireAlarm System Design and Research, Equipment ManufacturingTechnology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. 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JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕业设计题目智能火灾报警系统设计英文题目Intelligent fire alarm system design院系机械和材料工程学院专业测控技术和仪器姓名年级指导教师二零一二年六月摘要目前,随着电子产品在人类生活中的使用越来越广泛,由此引起的火灾也越来越多,在我们生活得四周到处潜伏着火灾隐患。
关键词:单片机火灾报警传感器ABSTRACTNow, with electronic products used in human life more and more widely, the resulting fire, more and more, we live in fire hazards lurking around everywhere. To avoid fires and reduce fire losses, we must follow the "hidden dangers fire in prevention is better than disaster relief, the responsibility is extremely heavy," the concept design and improvement of automatic fire alarm system, fire nipped in the bud, the maximum reduce the loss of social wealth.Intelligent fire alarm system is microelectronics technology, information technology and communication technology, the computer technology, contemporary new technology and the traditional fire detection and fire prevention safety technology of the organic combination of product. Fire electronic products and its application development of technology development, high efficient and reliable fire detection method and the many kinds of forms of intelligent automatic fire alarm system forms of appear, brought a number of new technology related to the topics, including intelligent fire detection and alarm, system engineering design and application, system engineering construction machine maintenance management is intelligent fire safety system important segment.Keywords:SCM fire alarm sensor目录第一章绪论................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
火灾自动报警外文翻译及外文原文(1)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1淮阴工学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:电子与电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化姓名:谭森发学号:1081206122外文出处:IEEE/IET(用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
关键词:火灾报警传感器,烟雾传感器系统; ATmega16的温度传感器,烟雾传感器1 序言火灾自动报警控制系统经历了一个过程,从简单到复杂和情报系统在中国越来越多。
2 该系统的一般项目硬件框图如图1所示,由温度传感器,烟雾传感器,信号处理模块,MCU模块和自动报警模块的硬件。
消防系统、弱电系统设计说明中英文对照消防报警及控制系统设计说明【Design Despcrition of Fire-safety Alarming and Control System】一、设计依据:【Basis of Design】《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-98【Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System GB50116-98】《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95 (2005版)【Code for fire protection design of tall building GB50045-95 (2005 Version)】二、系统保护对象分级:【Classification of the target protected by the system】根据火灾自动报警系统设计规范第3.1.1条,系统保护对象为一级。
【according to Item 3.1.1, Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System, the object protected is Grade I】三、自动报警系统形式:【Form of automatic alarming】采用集中报警系统。
【centralized alarming system is adopted】四、备用照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of backup lighting】在消防控制室、疏散楼梯、走道、电梯厅、门厅、排烟机房、变配电室、电梯机房、消防泵房等场所设置备用照明。
【Backup lighting shall be installed in fire-safety control room, evacuation stairs, elevator hall, smoke evacuation plant room, transformer and switch room, and stair plant room and fire-safety pump room.】五、疏散照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of evacuation lighting】在疏散楼梯间出入口、疏散走道、安全出口处、走道、门厅等场所设置疏散【Evacuation lighting shall 照明,疏散照明自带蓄电池连续供电时间不小于40分钟。
火灾自动报警系统中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文资料外文翻译文献Automatic fire alarm systemThe traditional electron safe alarm system mainly is through thesensor automatic detection, produces the alarm, sends out the alarmfrom the scene or reports to the police through the special electriccable near distance, thus causes people's vigilance. Through manyyears research and the development, the present alarm apparatus maysay is the class is multitudinous. As a result of the alarm apparatusrapid development and the social each domain anxious need, can theapplication domain be more and more many, specially is rapidlydevelops in the civil domain.In recent years, the infrared alarmapparatus already became reports to the police a domain hot spot,because it used was not the obviously infrared acquisition, thereforehad the hiding to be good, characteristic and so on security. Theinfrared sensor is different according to the mechanism may divideinto the light survey and the hot survey. The light acquisition sensor is uses the photon effect the infraredacquisition aid. This kind of sensor speed of response quick, thesensitivity high, the examination characteristic is good, but needs tocool, uses not conveniently. Moreover the component examinationsensitivity and the infrared wave length concern. The hot acquisitionsensor is uses hotly releases the electricity effect the infraredacquisition aid. After receives the goal the infrared radiationtemperature increment, the temperature elevates causes the sensorinterior certain physical quantities changes, through examinationphysical quantity change definite infrared emission. This kind ofsensor works under the room temperature condition,examinationsensitivity also very high, speed of response also very quick,moreover has nothing to do with with the infrared emission wavelength, may survey the power only to receive the background radiationthe limit, the application is very convenient. This article designs isthe passive form hotly releases the electricity infrared acquisitionaid. In the article mainly elaborated has hotly released theelectricity the principle, hotly releases content and so on manyalarm circuit which the electric detector the characteristic,the BISS0001 signal processor, 555 timers composed. Finallydesigned completes has hotly released the electricity infrareddetection alarm apparatus the hardware electric circuit.With the modern family use of fire, electricity consumption increases, the frequency of home fires is getting higher and higher. The family of fire, it is easy to fight does not occur promptly, the lack of fire-fighting equipment and the presence of panic-stricken people, to escape unfavorable factors, such as retardation, which eventually led to a significant loss of life and property. Explore the characteristics of the family of fire and fire prevention measures.For the prevention of domestic fires, reducing the fire losses have practical significance .In the modern urban family, because of lot of people do not understand common sense home security caused by fire, so that the happy family Goog leruined blink of an eye, and some lead to destruction, but the event of household fires, improper disposal, alarm delay is caused so that people should get to know more about the main causes of household fires, master to prevent the fire of knowledge and in case of fire to protect his or her own way, timely elimination ofThe United Kingdom each year more than 50000 families of serious fires, most of them fire casualties and significant loss of household assets, and some result in the neighbors, more heavy fire losses. Investigate the causes of fire in time, the vast majority of home fires happen parties said that the fire always feel that things are other people with their own far away, did not think this will happen even in the top of his head.Home fires are the main reason for negligent not to take timely preventive measures .In some of our large and medium-sized cities, almost every day family fires, fire prevention is so each family must always pay attention to. If your home based on the actual situation in advance to take simple fire prevention measures, a number of tragedies are entirely avoidable.Automatic fire alarm system is in order to inform the early detection of fire, and take effective measures to control and fight fires, and set in a building or other place of an automatic fire facilities, is that people with a powerful tool to fight the fire. Fire alarm system, fire detectors generally, regional centralized alarm alarm and composition; also be required under the project with various fire-fighting facilities and communication devices linked to form a central control system. From automatic alarm, automatic fire fighting, evacuation guidance, system process shows that, fire up a complete file management, fire control system.Fire detectors are fire detection devices, as in the stage of fire will produce smoke with high temperature flame cells. The smoke, heat and light into electrical signals through the detector alarm or automatic fire extinguishing system to start fighting the fire in time. Area where the floor of alarm detector can send the signal into sound and light alarm, and fire on the screen showing theroom number; while also monitoring the concentration of certain floors of alarm (if the monitor is located in the building fire Control Center) output signal or control automatic fire extinguishing system. Concentration of alarm signal is received by way of sound and light show, and the screen also shows the specific fire floor and room number, the plane stopped taking the first alarm clock to record the timing, use of themachine-specific phones, but also quickly to the fire alarm to give directions and. In addition, you can control the fire extinguishing system or signal transmission to the fire control room.Automatic fire alarm system is by the trigger devices, fire alarm, fire alarm devices and other auxiliary functions of the device with the composition of a button fire alarm system fire alarm system. It can fire early stages of burning smoke, heat and light radiation and other physical quantities, by temperature.Photographic and other smoke and fire detectors into electrical signals, transmitted to the fire alarm controller, and also shows the site of the fire, the fire record of the time. General fire alarm system and automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant systems, smoke control systems, ventilation systems, air conditioning system, fire doors, fire shutter, smoke screen and other related equipment interaction, automatically or manually issue commands to start the corresponding device.(A) of the trigger devices in automatic fire alarm system, automatic or manual fire alarm signal devices generate called trigger conditions, including fire detectors and manual fire alarm button. Fire detector is able to fire parameters (smoke, temperature, flame radiation, gas concentration, etc.) response, and automatically generate a fire alarm signal devices. Fireresponse parameters according to different fire detectors into heat detectors, smoke detector, sensitive fire detectors, combustible gas detectors and fire detectors five basic types of composite. Different types of fire detectors for different types of fires and different places. Manual fire alarm button fire alarm signal generated manually start the automatic fire alarm system devices, automatic fire alarm system is an indispensable component of the.(B) the fire alarm device in automatic fire alarm system to receive, display and transmit fire alarm signals, and can send control signals and control functions with other auxiliary equipment as the fire alarm device instructions. Fire alarm control is one of the most basic kind. Charged with the fire alarm control fire detectors provide a stable working power; detector and the working status of the system itself; the reception, conversion, processing a warning of fire detectors Shuchu; Jinxing sound and light alarm; Zhishi specific location and alarm time; the same time supporting the implementation of appropriate control and many other tasks. Fire alarm system is a core component. In the fire alarm devices, some devices such as break, regional monitors, fire shows and other functions can not complete disc alarm device, which can be regarded as the evolution of fire alarm controller or supplement. Under certain conditions applied, and the fire alarm device fire alarm control belong.The basic function of fire alarm control are: the main power, backup power automatically converted, standby power charge function, power failure monitoring function, power functions working status indicator, power supply for the detector circuit function, control sensors or system failures, sound and light alarm, fire sound, light alarm, fire alarm and memoryfunction, clock function unit, with priority being given fault function fire alarm, sound alarm sound audible alarm mute and again.(C) fire alarms in automatic fire alarm system to send different from the environment, sound, light the fire alarm signal device called the fire alarms. It sound, light and sound approach to the issue of fire alarm signals alarm area to warn people to adopt safe evacuation, fire fighting and rescue measures.D) Fire control equipment in automatic fire alarm system, when receiving the fire alarm, automatically or manually start the related fire-fighting equipment and display devices of their state, known as the fire control equipment. Include fire alarm control, automatic fire extinguishing system control device, fire hydrant system control devices, smoke exhaust system and air conditioning and ventilation system control device, normally open fire doors, fire shutter control device, the lift back down control equipment, and fire emergency radio, fire alarms, fire communications equipment, fire evacuation signs and emergency lighting control devices, control devices in some or all. Fire control equipment normally installed in the fire control center to facilitate the implementation of centralized control.While others set fire control equipment, fire fighting equipment is located in the charged field, but its actions must be returned fire control signal, combined with the implementation of centralization and decentralization of control.(E) fire alarm system power supply electrical equipment belonging to the fire, the main power should be in the fire power, standby power use of battery. In addition to fire alarm system power controller, power supply, but also related to the system for the fire control equipment such as power supply.火灾自动报警系统传统电子安全报警系统主要是通过传感器自动检测,产生报警信号,从现场发出报警信号或通过专门电缆近距离报警,从而引起人们的警觉。
外文翻译---美国FBII 防盗报警联网系统
附件1:外文资料翻译译文美国FBII 防盗报警联网系统随着社会经济的不断发展,安防技术也不断更新和进步。
二、美国FBII公司简介:美国FBII公司(FIRE BURGLARY INSTRUMENTS, INC.)是世界著名的防盗器材供应商。
火灾自动报警系统研究Huide Liu Lili Gao Suwei Li Tao Wu摘要:火灾在现代建筑中不断发生,给人们的生命财产带来了巨大的损失。
毕业设计说明书外文文献原文及译文 学号:系 别:专 业:指导教师:2009年 6 月信息与通信工程 通信工程The Fire Auto-alarm System DesignAlong with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fire auto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out mistakes.First, design basisThe fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis:1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the meaning.2nd, must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval opinion.Second, fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire detector.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector.The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level installs.The elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift well.2nd, the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the button.In the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than 12.5 meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the speaker.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with the fire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the instruction.4th, fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the instruction.The fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to thepolice the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground 1.8 meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case controls.Is equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, fire hydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone receptacle.Third, fire linkage control1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp).2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition.3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific stipulation.Fourth, fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking.Fifth, concluding remark The author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated the design basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances the fire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.。
系统正常工作。由于 P0 口开路,需要接上拉电阻,在接好上 感器与微系统.2007,12:81-83.
是一线式开路结构,所以要接上拉电阻,在保证接线无误的 技术.2007,12:51-54.
电路制作完成的基础上进行整个电路的系统整合,最终完成 put Devices. Proceeding s of the Industrial Computing Confer-
ence,Chicago: 1993: 473~480.
4 结束语
该火灾自动报警设备具有告警灵敏、自动控制、自动报 作者简介
threat, in a safe hidden trouble to timely alarm, at the same time, cut off power supply system, and opened fire extinguishing equipment.
Thus begins to a certain degree of fire suppression. This system based on micro controller for the core, temperature sensors, smoke sen-
报 警
[5]刘成.基于图像处理的嵌入式自动报警系统[J].计算 系
测 18 引脚的信号频率是否为 12MHz,如果正常说明单片机 机工程,2007,17:15-19.
签名:李潘2016年5 月5 日火灾自动报警系统设计On the design of automatic fire alarm system摘要随着我们家庭规模的不断增大,居民用电用气的增加,一些不安全的因素正在不断影响着我们每个家庭的安全,若不能按照正常的操作规范来进行,非常容易导致火灾的发生。
关键词:火灾火灾报警器系统AbstractWith the increasing of the size of our family, residents electricity gas increases, some factors of insecurity is constantly affect each of our families safe, if not in accordance with the norms of normal operation to carry out, very easy to cause a fire. When fire occurs, the first time should take remedial measures for fire fighting and at the same time, if in the field can be the first time to detect fire and extinguishing by professional fire extinguishing equipment, it can effectively reduce losses, disaster reduction.The main purpose of this subject is to use the basic knowledge of the University, the independent development of a fire alarm system. This system has many special functions, for example, it can realize real-time detection of fire alarm signal, the first time the information of the fire occurred to the alarm. This paper describes in detail the overall knowledge of the fire alarm. The main content of this paper is the design of the sensor selection of fire alarm and the control system of the fire alarm.Keywords: Fire A Fire alarm Sysyem目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1 绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 研究目的和意义 (2)1.3 本文的主要研究工作 (2)2 系统总体设计方案 (3)2.1火灾产生的原因 (3)2.2系统总体框架 (3)2.2系统总体软件框架 (5)3 火灾报警器的传感器选择 (7)3.1火灾探测器的分类 (7)3.2温度传感器的选定 (8)3.2烟雾传感器的选定 (9)4 火灾自动报警系统的控制系统设计 (13)4.1前端信号调理电路 (13)4.2 晶振电路与复位电路 (13)4.3 声光报警电路 (15)4.4 整体总电路图的绘制 (16)5 火灾自动报警系统软件仿真调试 (18)5.1 Keil开发软件介绍 (18)5.2 程序设计流程 (18)。
基于ZigBee技术的无线火灾报警系统的构建(英——中 外文翻译)
第五届基于火灾及消防工程会议基于ZigBee技术的无线火灾报警系统的构建MA Shu-guang消防指挥部,武警学院,廊坊,065000,中国摘要本文指出了现在使用中的有线火灾自动报警系统的缺陷,以及构建无线火灾报警系统的需要性和可能性。
基于IEEE802.15.4的ZigBee 技术及其特点的介绍。
2011年由Elsevier出版关键词:ZigBee 无线传感器火灾自动报警1.简介大部分当前使用的火灾自动报警系统传感器网络是基于CAN-BUS总线建立的,系统信号和数据是通过电缆传输的。
2.ZigBee 技术ZigBee是IEEE802.15.4的另一种名称,是一个发布于2005年的无线网络协议。
ZigBee 有如下特征:低功耗,由于短的工作循环,它发送和接收信心的功耗很低,以及有睡眠状态。
低费用,极大的简化了协议和通信控制器的要求,取得较少的花费,系统的组件也很便宜,以及ZigBee 协议的专利也是免费的。
本科毕业设计附源程序代码及外文献及译文中文译文:ISP软件应用方法论文题目:智能火灾报警监测系统的设计学生姓名:专业年级:电子信息科学与技术指导教师:职称:2016年 5 月 28 日目录摘要 (I)1 前言 (2)1.1 系统开发的目的 (2)1.2 系统开发的意义 (2)2系统方案及功能概述 (2)2.1方案论证 (2)2.2系统功能概述 (3)3.2系统各模块的设计 (4)3.2.1 AT89S52单片机的简介 (4) AT89S52介绍 (4)主要性能 (4)芯片引脚图及引脚功能说明 (4) 中断及定时介绍 (5)3.2.2温度采集模块 (7) 温度传感器DS18B20介绍 (7) 主要特点 (7)单线技术 (8)芯片引脚图及引脚功能说明 (8) DS18B20内部结构 (8) DS18B20供电方式 (10)3.2.3烟雾传感器MQ-2的介绍 (11)3.2.4步进电机模块 (12)步进电机介绍 (12)步进电机的主要特性 (13) 本次设计所用电机 (13)3.2.5电源系统设计 (15) LM2576T-5.0介绍 (15) LM2576T-5.0的引脚功能 (16)3.2.6数码管显示 (16)静态显示介绍 (17)芯片74LS64的介绍 (17)3.2.7时钟模块 (19) 时钟芯片DS1302的简介 (19) 性能指标 (19) 管脚排列及功能 (19) DS1302数据操作原理 (20) DS1302控制字节 (20) 数据输入输出(I/O) (20) DS1302的寄存器 (21)3.2.8 报警模块 (21)4系统软件设计 (22)4.1主程序 (22)4.2温度传感器DS18b20 (22)4.3时钟芯片DS1302 (24)4.4步进电机 (26)5总结 (27)5.1火灾报警监控系统展望 (27)5.2设计火灾自动报警系统的新思路 (28)5.3结束语 (28)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)附录一系统各个模块硬件原理图 (30)附录二程序清单 (30)附录三外文科技文献阅读 (40)智能火灾报警系统的设计摘要:随着科学技术的进步,火灾报警系统逐步向智能化发展。
消防报警及控制系统设计说明【Design Despcrition of Fire-safety Alarming and Control System】一、设计依据:【Basis of Design】《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-98【Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System GB50116-98】《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95 (2005版)【Code for fire protection design of tall building GB50045-95 (2005 Version)】二、系统保护对象分级:【Classification of the target protected by the system】根据火灾自动报警系统设计规范第3.1.1条,系统保护对象为一级。
【according to Item 3.1.1, Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System, the object protected is Grade I】三、自动报警系统形式:【Form of automatic alarming】采用集中报警系统。
【centralized alarming system is adopted】四、备用照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of backup lighting】在消防控制室、疏散楼梯、走道、电梯厅、门厅、排烟机房、变配电室、电梯机房、消防泵房等场所设置备用照明。
【Backup lighting shall be installed in fire-safety control room, evacuation stairs, elevator hall, smoke evacuation plant room, transformer and switch room, and stair plant room and fire-safety pump room.】五、疏散照明的设置范围:【Scope of installation of evacuation lighting】在疏散楼梯间出入口、疏散走道、安全出口处、走道、门厅等场所设置疏散【Evacuation lighting shall 照明,疏散照明自带蓄电池连续供电时间不小于40分钟。
关键词:烟雾;报警器;传感器;单片机Research and Design of Fire AlarmSystemAbstract:With the advent of intelligent building, modern construction electrical technology also emerged. Fire alarm control system is a very key and indispensable subsystems in the building electric technology, it is electronic communications, sensor, computer and other technology on the basis of a system.Is designed in this paper using DS18B20 temperature sensor technology, MQ - 2 smoke sensors and AT89C51 as the core, with a variety of electronic technology combined with each other, so as to complete the smoke alarm. The system is composed of single chip computer control module, A/D conversion module, data acquisition module, alarm circuit module, display module five modules.Keywords:Smog; alarm apparatus; sensor; single chip目录1 引言 (1)1.1火灾自动报警系统的作用 (1)1.2选题的目的、价值及意义 (2)1.3国内外的发展趋势 (2)2 系统设计 (4)2.1 设计任务及要求 (4)2.2系统框图及工作原理 (4)3 系统主要元器件 (5)3.1单片机AT89C51 (5)3.2温度传感器 (6)3.3烟雾传感器 (7)3.4 液晶显示屏 (7)4 单元电路的设计 (8)4.1单片机最小系统 (8)4.2 蜂鸣器驱动电路 (10)4.3 键盘电路 (11)4.4 显示电路 (12)4.5时钟模块及接口电路 (13)4.6A/D转换电路 (14)5 软件设计 (16)5.1主程序设计 (16)5.2A/D转换器程序设计 (19)5.3 时钟模块程序设计 (20)6 系统仿真 (21)6.1初始状态下的仿真效果 (21)6.2 烟雾报警的仿真效果 (21)6.3温度报警的仿真效果 (21)7 结束语 (23)致谢 (23)附录....................................................... (错误!未定义书签。
火灾自动报警系统毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献nal electronic fire alarm system relies on sensors to automatically detect a fire and trigger an alarm。
which can alert people on the scene or notify the authorities through a special electric cable。
Over the years。
the development of alarm devices has led to a wide range of ns for different ns。
particularly in the civil domain.One popular type of alarm system is the infrared alarm。
which has gained n due to its ability to detect fires without us infrared signals。
making it more secure。
Infrared sensors can be classified into two types: light survey and hot survey。
based on their n mechanisms.To improve the effectiveness of fire alarm systems。
many modern devices also incorporate advanced technologies such as wireless n。
remote monitoring。
and intelligent analysis。
These features enable faster response times and more accurate n。
关键词:火灾自动报警系统;火灾探测器;高层建筑;危险性AbstractThis design is just for the Automatic Fire Alarming System of The Building of rizhao. This paper was written in reference to the design and calculation of fire-fighting in the Building of Xiamen Institute of National Accounting given economic budget of the project as the same time,which is according to the related codes.Along with the quick economic development of our country and continuous increasing of the people’s life level,the city is increasingly nervous with the ground,urging the buildings just develop in the direction of high and density. The architectural characteristics of high buildings decides the risk of fire and the importance of the automatic fire alarming system. A set of integrity automatic fire alarming system is the beneficial guarantee of the people’s lif e and property when a high building fire occurs and it’s the key of if people can discover the fire quickly and accurately to put it out at the embryotic place of the appearance of fire.Key word: Automatic fire alarming system;detection devices of automatic fire alarming system;high buildings;risk目录ABSTRACT (I)第一章引言......................................................... - 1 -1.1建筑情况 . (1)1.2火灾自动报警系统的作用 (1)第二章火灾自动报警系统简介...................................... - 3 -2.1火灾自动报警系统概述 (3)2.2火灾自动报警系统的组成 (4)2.2.1火灾探测器................................................. - 4 -2.2.2 手动火灾报警按钮........................................... - 7 -2.2.3 火灾报警控制器............................................. - 7 - 第三章系统的设置................................................. - 10 -3.1区域报警控制系统. (10)3.2集中报警控制系统 (10)3.3控制中心报警系统 (11)第四章火灾自动报警系统设计..................................... - 12 -4.1系统选型. (12)4.2防火区域和报警区域的划分 (12)4.2.1 防火分区的划分 ........................................ - 12 -4.2.2 探测区域和报警区域的划分............................. - 13 - 4.3火灾探测器的选择. (14)4.3.1 火灾探测器的发展...................................... - 14 -4.3.2 火灾探测器的选择...................................... - 15 -4.3.3 火灾探测器的布置和计算............................... - 15 - 4.4手动报警按钮的设置. (20)4.5消防联动的设计 (21)4.5.1 消防联动控制设备的组成............................... - 21 -4.5.2 消防联动控制系统设计 ................................. - 21 - 第五章经济预算[8]................................................. - 25 -致谢 ............................................................. - 27 -参考文献 ........................................................... - 28 -第一章引言1.1 建筑情况行征楼是学院各党政部门集中办公的场所,办公楼内来往人员较多,在其内部还有各种贵重设备、资料、文献等,所以一定要做好防火等工作。
目录摘要 (1)1前言 (2)2 办公楼消防火灾报警系统的设计 (4)2.1 办公楼情况说明 (4)2.2控制器系统总述 (4)2.3 火灾探测器的平面布置 (4)2.3.1探测器的选择 (5)2.3.2探测器的数量和布置要求 (6)2.4外部联动设备 (7)2.4.1消火栓用消防水泵 (7)2.4.2自动喷水灭火系统消防水泵 (7)2.4.3电动防火卷帘 (8)2.4.4设置在疏散通道上的防火卷帘 (8)2.4.5设置在防火分区处用做防火分割的防火卷帘 (8)2.4.6.排烟风机 (8)2.4.7防电源切断 (9)3 系统调试 (10)3.1调试前的准备工作 (10)3.2 系统调试 (11)结论 (14)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)火灾自动报警系统的设计内容摘要:火灾自动报警系统(AFAS)是当今现代化建筑中不可缺少的组成部分,在火灾发生初期它能及时的发出信号,为人们的生命和财产提供重要保障。
目录摘要11前言12 办公楼消防火灾报警系统的设计32.1 办公楼情况说明32.2 控制器系统总述42.3 火灾探测器的平面布置42.3.1探测器的选择42.3.2探测器的数量和布置要求52.4外部联动设备72.4.1消火栓用消防水泵72.4.2自动喷水灭火系统消防水泵72.4.3电动防火卷帘72.4.4设置在疏散通道上的防火卷帘82.4.5设置在防火分区处用做防火分割的防火卷帘82.4.6.排烟风机82.4.7防电源切断83 系统调试93.1调试前的准备工作93.2 系统调试10结论13参考文献14致谢15火灾自动报警系统的设计内容摘要:火灾自动报警系统(AFAS)是当今现代化建筑中不可缺少的组成局部,在火灾发生初期它能及时的发出信号,为人们的生命和财产提供重要保障。
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外文原文The Fire Auto-alarm System DesignAlong with the our country economic development rapid development, the lives of the people level unceasing enhancement, the city uses to be day by day anxious, urges the building to face the direction is developing. This kind of high level civil construction repair needed materials and the way also more hasten the diversification, and along with uses electricity the load and coal gas consumption quantity enlarging, proposed to the fireauto-alarm system design is higher, a stricter request. In order to guarantee the people life and property the security, the fire auto-alarm system design has become in the high level civil construction design one of most important design contents. Presently based on the author fire of auto-alarm system design overseeing work in the high level civil building experience, proposed in present national related standard and standard unclear true detail shallow opinion, by for the colleagues to discuss and to point out mistakes.First, design basisThe fire auto-alarm system design is a specialized very strong technology work, at the same time also has the very strong policy-type. Therefore, first should be clear about the following design basis:1st, must grasp the architectural design fire protection standard, the system design standard, the equipment manufacture standard, the installment construction approval standard and the administration laws and regulations and so on five big aspects fire laws and regulations, and in practical understanding present country related standard and standard positive word: "Must", "be supposed", "to be suitable", "may" and the reverse side word: "Strictly prohibits", "should not", "not have", "not to be suitable" the meaning.2nd, must aim at high level civil building function, use and the protection object fire protection rank, earnestly carries out the present national related standard and the standard, earnestly treats the public security fire prevention surveillance department the examination and approval opinion.Second, fire auto-alarm system equipment establishmentFire detector establishmentOpens wide either the seal or the stair hall should alone divide the search coverage, and each 2 ~ 3 establish a fire detector.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against the front room which smoke stair hall comes in handy) and the aisle should distinguish alone to divide the search coverage, specially front the room and the lift well, the scattered stair hall and the aisle are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be easier to gather or to flow, is the personnel disperses which saves goal with the fire prevention, therefore should install the fire detector. Regarding common elevator in front of room although is not the personnel disperses , but this front room and the lift well are interlinked, has time the fire haze to be also easy to gather or to flow, suitably alone divides the search coverage and installs the fire detector.The electric cable shaft therefore is easy to form pulls out the smoke inflammation the channel; Has when the fire the fire intensity not easily extends along the electric cable burns, for this, "the high level civil construction design fire protection standard" and "the civil construction electricity design standard" separately proposes the detailed specific stipulation in the construction and in the electric wire or on the electric cable shaping. But considered implements specifically the difficulty and the present situation, the electric cable shaft installs the fire detector is extremely essential, and coordinates the shaft the fire protection separation request, each 2 ~ 3 or each level installs.The elevator machine room should install the fire detector, its elevator is the important vertical transportation vehicle; Its two elevator machine room has has the fire risk; Its three lift well existence essential opens the hole, like the level gate opens between the hole, the air vent, the between permanence opens the hole with the elevator machine room or the pulley and so on; Its four when has the fire, the lift well often becomes the fire intensity spread the channel, is easy to threaten the elevator machine room the facility. Therefore, the elevator machine room establishes the fire detector is necessary, crown of also suitable establishment fire detector lift well.2nd, the manual fire reports to the police the button establishment(Including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in view of various floors front room in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hallto come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, should report to the police the button first choice spot as the establishment manual fire. In addition, the room also should establish the manual fire to the common elevator in front of to report to the police the button.In the public active place (including hall, hall, dining room, multi-purpose hall and so on) and the main thoroughfare and so on place, the personnel very is all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should report to the police the button in these public active places main access establishment manual fires; The manual fire establishes which in the main thoroughfare reports to the police the button to guarantee "to a manual fire which most is close to reports to the police the button distance from a fire protection district any position not to be supposed to be bigger than 30 meters".3rd, the fire emergency broadcasts the speaker the establishmentThe aisle, the hall, the dining room and so on the public place personnel very are all centralized, and mainly disperses the channel. Therefore should press in these public places "to a recent speaker distance is not bigger than 25 meters from a fire protection district any spot" and "in the aisle last should not be bigger than 12.5 meters the speaker to the aisle terminal distance" the establishment fire emergency to broadcast the speaker; Next also should establish the fire in the public bathroom place emergency to broadcast the speaker.The first room (including guards against in front of smoke stair hall in front of room, fire elevator room, fire elevator with guards against which smoke stair hall to come in handy the front room) is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with fire prevention, also has the fire door separation and the sounds of people is confused and noisy, therefore should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. In front of the common elevator the room also should establish the fire emergency to broadcast the speaker. Disperses the stair hall also is has when the fire the personnel to disperse which saves goal with thefire prevention, also the sounds of people are confused and noisy, therefore should establishthe fire emergency to broadcast the speaker, by favors the fire emergency broadcast to disperse the instruction.4th, fire alarm installment establishmentThe establishment fire emergency broadcast fire auto-alarm system, the author thought also should install the fire alarm installment, but its control procedure should be: The alarm apparatus should confirm after the fire, uses manual or the automatic control mode unification to the fire correlation region transmission warning, stops the alarm apparatus work in the stipulation time, the rapid linkage fire emergency broadcast and broadcasts to the people disperses the instruction.The fire alarm installment establishment position, the author thought should report to the police the button position with the manual fire to be same, its wall surface installment should for be apart from the ground 1.8 meters highly5th, fire special use telephone establishmentInstalls the fire special use telephone extension telephone, should be located the engine room which related also some people is on duty frequently with the fire linkage control (including fire water plant, spare electricity generation engine room, matches substation, mainly ventilates with air conditioning engine room, discharges fume engine room, fire prevention elevator machine room and other), the fire fighting control system operates the equipment place or the control room, the fire duty officers observation room, the security manages spot and so on public room. Sedan of theater box the fire elevator and in the ordinary elevator all should suppose the special use telephone, requests the elevator machine room and the elevator sedan theater box, the elevator machine room and the fire control room, the elevator sedan theater box and the fire control room and so on three compositions is reliable to speaks the correspondence telephone system. Usually in fire control room; The establishment elevator monitoring demonstration plate (including position indicator, direction indicating lamp, to speaks correspondence telephone, trouble lamp and so on), in order to carries on the necessity to the elevator running status which in the surveillance and the emergency case controls.Is equipped with the manual fire to report to the police position and so on button, firehydrant button also should install the fire special use telephone receptacle.Third, fire linkage control1st, the fire linkage control should include the control fire pump to open, to stop, also should demonstrate opens pumps the button the position and the fire pump work and the malfunction. When the fire hydrant is equipped with the fire hydrant button, its electric installation work spot also should demonstrate the fire pump the working mode active status (namely establishment fire pump work indicating lamp).2nd, the fire linkage control should include the control spraying of water and the water atomization fire fighting system opens, stops, also should demonstrate the fire pump the work and the malfunction and the fluent display, reports to the police the valve, the safety signal valve working mode active status. In addition, to the basin, the water tank water level also should carry on the demonstration monitor; In order to prevent the overhaul signal valve is shut down, the author thought should use the belt electric signal the control signal valve by to demonstrate it opens the condition.3rd, the fire linkage control other controls and the demonstration function, should carry out the present national related standard and the standard specific stipulation.Fourth, fire auto-alarm system wiringIn order to prevent the fire occurs when the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line severance, causes the fire fighting work to be unable to carry on, creates the bigger economic loss; Also for the suppression electronmagetic interference (for example transformer, electric motor, electric cable and so on) the influence which produces to the fire auto-alarm system. The fire auto-alarm system transmission line and the fire control, the correspondence and the warning line should use the being flame-resistant electric cable, and should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. The fire manual positive governing installment line should use the fireproof electric cable, its electric cable also should use the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking protection. Uses Ming Fushi, should takes the fire protection protective measures on the metal tube or the enclosed metal trunking.Fifth, concluding remarkThe author rests on the concrete project to implement the experience, elaborated thedesign basis, fire auto-alarm design actual problem and so on system equipment establishment, fire linkage control and its wiring pulls out some shallow opinions, its goal is enhances thefire auto-alarm system the design quality, discovered early and the notification fire, prevented and reduces the fire to harm, by protects the person and the property safety.。