

























二、选择题:1.作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是:( )A.互相对立的 B.没有任何联系的 C.相互补充的 D.既有区别又互相补充2.根据供给定理:( )A.产品价格低,生产者愿意提供更多产量,反之,提供更少的产量D.消费者在某产品价格高时少买,价格低时多买C.产品价格高,生产者愿意提供更多产量,反之,提供较小的产量D. 产品价格高,生产者愿意提供更少产量, 反之,提供更多产量3.已知消费者的收人为50元,商品X的价格为5元,商品Y的价格为4元。




每套题10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10答案1.以萨缪尔森为首的新古典综合派把经济学分为微观经济学和宏观经济学。



∨4.若某商品的需求价格弹Ed =0.6,卖者提高价格肯定增加销售收入。





∨9.若某商品的Ed<1,表明当该商品价格下降20% 时,该商品需求量减少小于20%。











第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?)A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?)A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:(A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。

5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。




6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。


A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。

A.生产什么,生产多少 B.如何生产 C.为谁生产 D.以上都包括12.计划经济体制解决资源配置问题的方式有()。
















本章答案:1、ABD2、ABD3、AC4、ABCDE第⼆章⼀.名词解释1. 需求消费者在⼀定时期内在各种可能的价格⽔平愿意⽽且能够购买的该商品的数量。

2. 供给⽣产者在⼀定时期内在各种价格⽔平下愿意并且能够提供出售的该种商品的数量。

3. 均衡价格⼀种商品的均衡价格是指该种商品的市场需求量和市场供给量相等时的价格。

4. 需求量的变动和需求的变动需求量的变动是指在其它条件不变时由某种商品的价格变动所应起的该商品需求数量的变动。


5. 供给量的变动和供给的变动供给量的变动是指在其它条件不变时由某种商品的价格变动所应起的该商品供给数量的变动。


6. 弹性当⼀个经济变量发⽣1%的变动时,由它引起的另⼀个经济变量变动的百分⽐。

7. 需求的价格弹性表⽰在⼀定时期内⼀种商品的需求量变动对于该商品的价格变动的反应程度。


8. 供给的价格弹性表⽰在⼀定时期内⼀种商品的供给量的变动对于该商品的价格的变动的反应程度。




A、宏观经济学B、微观经济学C、实证经济学D、规范经济学答案: B2、社会经济资源的基本特征是()。

A、经济性B、有用性C、无限性D、稀缺性答案: D3、下列问题不属于宏观经济学的是()。

A、货币量变动对通货膨胀的影响B、企业关于雇用多少工人的决策C、高储蓄对经济增长的影响D、政府管制对汽车废气的影响答案: B4、当胶卷的价格上升时,照相机的需求量将会()。

A、增加B、减少C、不变D、变化不定答案: B5、以下引起需求变动的因素是()。

A、生产要素价格B、生产能力水平C、人们的消费偏好D、商品价格水平答案: B6、微观经济学以个体及个体行为为研究对象。





















微观经济学题库第一章导论一、选择题2、下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题?(B )A、通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B、政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C、消费者如何对较低的价格做出反映?D、收入和储蓄之间的关系是什么?7、一国生产可能性曲线以)A、供给大于需求B、失业或者资源未被充分利用C、该国可利用的资源减少以及技术水平降低D、资源得到最适度分配使用8、生产可能性曲线说明的基本原理是( B )。


A、失业B、通货紧缩C、资源增加或者技术进步D、消费品生产减少,资本品生产下降11、下列命题中哪一个不是实证经济学命题(C )。









微观经济学考试题库及答案一、选择题1. 在完全竞争市场中,单个厂商对市场价格的影响是:A. 能显著影响B. 几乎无影响C. 完全控制D. 部分控制答案:B2. 需求弹性是指:A. 价格变化对需求量的影响B. 收入变化对需求量的影响C. 价格变化对生产量的影响D. 收入变化对生产量的影响答案:A3. 边际成本与平均成本的关系是:A. 边际成本始终高于平均成本B. 边际成本始终低于平均成本C. 当边际成本低于平均成本时,平均成本下降D. 当边际成本高于平均成本时,平均成本上升答案:C二、简答题1. 请简述边际效用递减原理。


2. 什么是机会成本?答案:机会成本是指为了获取某种资源或进行某种活动而放弃的其他选择中价值最高的那个选择的成本。

三、计算题1. 假设某公司生产商品的总成本函数为TC(q) = 10q + 0.5q^2,求该公司生产10件商品的平均成本和边际成本。

答案:首先计算总成本TC(10) = 10*10 + 0.5*10^2 = 100 + 50 = 150。

平均成本AC(10) = TC(10)/10 = 150/10 = 15。

边际成本MC(10) = dTC/dq | q=10 = 10 + 0.5*2*10 = 10 + 10 = 20。

四、论述题1. 论述市场失灵的原因及其可能的解决措施。









微观经济学考试题库(含答案完整版)第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?()A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?()A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业;3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:()A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。

5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。




6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。


A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。









A、SAC曲线与SMC曲线的交点B、MR曲线与SMC曲线的交点C、AVC曲线与SMC曲线的交点D、MR曲线与SAC曲线的切点参考答案:D11. 一个消费者想要一单位X商品的心情甚于想要一单位Y商品,原因是()。




第一章引论一、单选题(70题)1. 下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?()A.医生;B.苹果;C.铁矿石;D.空气;2. 下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?()A. 一般物价的膨胀;B. 整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D. 汽车行业中的劳动就业;3. 下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题? ()A. 通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C. 消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么?4. 经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:()A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C. 它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D. 规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。

5. 经济学家的理性行为假定:()A.仅仅在其提供有效预测的限度内才是有用的。




6. 微观经济学研究(),宏观经济学研究()。


A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C.研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C.资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上.10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加,资本品生产下降. 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。

A.生产什么,生产多少 B.如何生产 C.为谁生产 D.以上都包括12.计划经济体制解决资源配置问题的方式有()。







微观经济学试题及参考答案大全一、选择题1. 完全竞争市场的特点不包括以下哪一项?A. 市场上存在大量买家和卖家B. 产品是同质的C. 市场信息完全透明D. 存在市场壁垒答案:D2. 边际效用递减原理指的是:A. 随着消费量的增加,消费者从每增加一个单位商品中获得的额外满足逐渐减少B. 随着消费量的增加,消费者从每增加一个单位商品中获得的额外满足逐渐增加C. 消费者对商品的总满足是固定的D. 消费者对商品的总满足随着消费量的增加而减少答案:A3. 以下哪一项不是生产者剩余?A. 市场价格B. 边际成本C. 供给曲线D. 边际收益答案:B二、简答题1. 简述需求弹性的概念及其影响因素。




2. 什么是边际成本和平均成本?它们之间的关系是什么?答案:边际成本是指生产额外一单位产品所增加的总成本。



三、计算题1. 假设某公司生产函数为Q = 2L^(1/2)K^(1/3),其中Q是产量,L 是劳动投入,K是资本投入。


答案:将L=4和K=27代入生产函数Q = 2L^(1/2)K^(1/3),得到Q = 2 * (4)^(1/2) * (27)^(1/3) = 2 * 2 * 3 = 12。

2. 假设某商品的市场需求函数为Qd = 100 - 2P,供给函数为Qs = 5P。


答案:市场均衡时,需求量等于供给量,即Qd = Qs。

将需求函数和供给函数相等,得到100 - 2P = 5P,解得P = 16。




2、下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题?()A、通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的?B、政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗?C、消费者如何对较低的价格做出反映?D、收入和储蓄之间的关系是什么? 3、经济学可定义为( )。

A、政府对市场经济的调节B、企业获取报酬的活动C、研究如何最合理地分配稀缺资源及不同的用途D、人们靠工资生活 4、经济学主要是研究( )。

A、与稀缺性和选择有关的问题B、如何在证券市场上盈利C、何时无法作出选择D、用数学方法建立模型 5、“资源是稀缺的”是指( )。

A、世界上大多数人生活在贫困中B、相对于资源的需求而言,资源总是不足的C、资源必须保留给下一代D、世界上的资源最终要被消耗光 6、经济物品是指( )A、有用的物品B、稀缺的物品C、市场上贩卖的物品D、有用且稀缺的物品 7、一国生产可能性曲线以内的一点表示( ) A、供给大于需求 B、失业或者资源未被充分利用 C、该国可利用的资源减少以及技术水平降低 D、资源得到最适度分配使用8、生产可能性曲线说明的基本原理是( )。


A、失业B、通货紧缩C、资源增加或者技术进步D、消费品生产减少,资本品生产下降 10、经济学研究的基本问题是( )。

A、怎样生产B、生产什么,生产多少C、为谁生产D、以上都包括 11、下列命题中哪一个不是实证经济学命题( )。

A、 1982年8月美联储把贴现率降到10% B、1981年失业率超过9%C、联邦所得税对中等收入家庭是不公平的D、社会保险税的课税依据现己超过30000美元 12、微观经济学所要论证的根本思想或目的是 A、一般均衡论 B、“看不见的手”的原理 C、整个资本主义经济可以实现有效率的资源配置 D、完全竞争市场下可以实现帕累托最优二、简答题1、什么是西方经济学?2、试述西方经济学企图解决的两个问题及两重属性。





A.右下方B. 右上方C. 左下方D.左上方2、一种行为的机会成本是指()A.为这种行为所花费的钱B.C. 当你不必为这种行为付钱时就等于零3、收益是指()。

A.成本加利润B. 成本C. 利润D. 利润减成本4、垄断势力来源于()A.规模经济性;B.专利权;C.对资源的控制;D.以上都是。

5、同一条无差异曲线的不同点表示()A.对不同消费者具有相同效用水平;B.对同一消费者具有相同效用水平;C.具有相同支出水平;D. 具有相同收入水平。

6、如果等成本曲线与等产量曲线没有切点和交点,要生产等产量曲线所代表的产量,应该A.增加投入;B. 减少投入;C.7、下列哪一种情况会导致需求量的变动?(A.消费者的偏好发生变化;B.该物品价格发生变化;C.其他物品价格发生变化;D.消费者收入发生变化;8、生产要素(投入)和产量水平的关系叫(A.生产函数B. 生产可能性曲线9、竞争性厂商的供给曲线是它的()。

A.平均成本曲线B.C. 平均可变成本曲线D.保持投入不变; D. 以上说法都不正确。

)为这种行为所花费的时间的价值D. 投入这种行为的全部资源的其它可能的)。

C. 平均成本曲线D. 总成本曲线 平均不变成本曲线 停止生产点以上的边际成本曲线A B C D11、已知物品 X 和 Y 的需求交叉弹性为- 1.2 ,则()。

A. X 和 Y 是正常品;B. X 和 Y 是替代品;10、已知消费可能性线的方程为 2X+5Y=10,则该消费可能性曲线是()C. X 和 Y 是互补品;D. X 和 Y 是劣质品;12、某在职人员准备脱产攻读硕士学位,需花费三年时间,每年需交学费 机会成本为 ( )。

A. 2.4 万元;B. 2.4 万元加三年生活费;C. 因脱产读书而损失的薪金及晋升机会;D. 2.4 万元加三年生活费和薪金及晋升机会损失。




∨二、选择题3.21世纪30年代,西方经济学经历的第二次修改和补充ACDA.出现于1936 年B.涉及垄断问题C.代表人物是凯恩斯D.为国家干预经济生活奠定了理论基础三、简答题1.什么是西方经济学?2.试述西方经济学企图解决的两个问题及两重属性。



∨3.若某商品的需求价格弹Ed =0.6,卖者提高价格肯定增加销售收入。





∨8.若某商品的Ed<1,表明当该商品价格下降20% 时,该商品需求量减少小于20%。











微观经济学考试题库及答案详解一、选择题1. 需求法则表明,其他条件不变时,商品的价格与其需求量成反比。

()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A2. 完全竞争市场的特点包括以下哪项?A. 产品同质化B. 买卖双方众多C. 买卖双方对市场信息完全了解D. 所有选项答案:D3. 边际效用递减原理指的是随着消费者消费某一商品数量的增加,每增加一个单位商品所带来的额外满足感逐渐减少。

()A. 正确B. 错误答案:A二、简答题1. 请简述完全竞争市场与垄断市场的区别。

答案:完全竞争市场与垄断市场的主要区别包括:- 完全竞争市场存在众多买家和卖家,没有单个买家或卖家能够影响市场价格;而垄断市场中,一个卖家控制整个市场,能够影响价格。

- 完全竞争市场中的产品是同质的,没有品牌差异;垄断市场中的产品可能是独特的,具有品牌差异。

- 完全竞争市场中进入和退出市场没有障碍;垄断市场中存在进入障碍,新企业难以进入。

2. 什么是价格弹性?请举例说明。

答案:价格弹性是指需求量或供给量对价格变化的敏感度,用公式表示为:弹性 = (需求量的百分比变化 / 价格的百分比变化)。


三、计算题1. 假设某商品的需求函数为 \( Q_d = 100 - 5P \),供给函数为\( Q_s = 2P \)。


答案:市场均衡时,需求量等于供给量,即 \( Q_d = Q_s \)。

\( 100 - 5P = 2P \)\( 100 = 7P \)\( P = 100 / 7 \)将价格 \( P \) 代入需求或供给函数求得数量 \( Q \):\( Q = 2 \times (100 / 7) = 200 / 7 \)四、论述题1. 论述市场失灵的原因及其可能的解决措施。




微观经济学考试题1. 定义和解释以下概念:- 边际成本和边际效益- 弹性(价格弹性、收入弹性、交叉价格弹性)- 市场需求曲线和供给曲线- 市场均衡和供需决定价格和数量2. 用供需分析解释以下情景:a) 当气温升高时,冰淇淋的价格和数量如何变化?b) 当技术进步减少生产成本时,汽车的价格和数量如何变化?c) 当学生数量增加时,公共交通工具的价格和数量如何变化?3. 说明以下市场形式的特征和例子:a) 完全竞争市场b) 垄断市场c) 寡头垄断市场d) 寡头竞争市场e) 垄断竞争市场4. 解释以下市场失灵的原因:a) 外部性b) 公共物品c) 垄断d) 不完全竞争市场e) 信息不对称5. 解释以下政府政策对市场的影响:a) 最高价格控制b) 最低价格控制c) 税收d) 补贴e) 公共货币政策6. 解释并比较以下成本理论:a) 固定成本与可变成本b) 总成本、平均成本和边际成本c) 短期成本与长期成本d) 经济尺度报酬递增与经济尺度报酬递减e) 存在经济利润和会计利润的原因7. 解释以下生产和消费效率的概念:a) 生产可能性曲线b) 边际效率和边际成本c) 消费者剩余和生产者剩余d) 社会福利最大化8. 使用边际效益分析解释以下决策:a) 消费者决策b) 生产者决策c) 政府决策9. 解释以下价格理论:a) 垄断定价b) 价格歧视c) 寡头定价10. 使用弹性分析创建和解决以下问题:a) 企业如何确定价格和销售策略?b) 政府如何决定税收策略?c) 企业如何应对竞争对手的价格变化?以上是微观经济学的考试题,题目涵盖了微观经济学的基本概念、市场分析、市场失灵、政府政策、成本理论、效率和福利、决策理论、价格理论以及弹性分析。



第一章引论一、单选题( 70 题)1.下列哪一种资源是最不具有稀缺性的?)A.医生; B.苹果; C.铁矿石; D.空气;2.下列中的哪一个问题是最有可能被微观经济学家所研究的?)A. 一般物价的膨胀;B.整个经济中的失业;C. 总产出的增长率;D.汽车行业中的劳动就业3.下列中的哪一个属于规范经济问题 ? ()A.通货膨胀和失业是由什么引起的 ?B. 政府应该雇用所有失业的工人吗 ?C.消费者如何对较低的价格做出反应 ?D. 收入与储蓄之间的关系是什么 ?4.经济学有时被称作社会科学的皇后,这是因为:(A.它强调经济增长和经济发展;B. 几乎所有的学生都必须学习经济学;C.它的边际分析方法广泛应用于其他学科;D.规范经济学和实证经济学的区别。






A.现实的经济问题,抽象的经济理论; B .个量经济,总量经济C.理性行为,非理性行为;D.企业行为,政府行为7.经济学可定义为()。

A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业赚取利润的活动C. 研究稀缺资源如何有效配置的问题D.个人的生财之道8.“资源是稀缺的”是指()A.资源是不可再生的 B.资源必须留给下一代C. 资源终将被耗费殆尽D.相对于需求而言,资源总是不足的.9.失业问题如果反映在生产可能性曲线图上,可记为()A.生产可能性曲线内的一点 B.生产可能性曲线上的一点C.生产可能性曲线以外的一点D.不在该平面直角坐标系上 .10.下列哪一项会导致一国生产可能性曲线的外移?()A.股市持续走强 B.通货膨胀C.有用资源被发掘或技术进步D.消费品生产增加 , 资本品生产下降 . 11.一个经济体系必须作出的基本选择是()。

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SECTION A: Multiple choice questions. Students should attempt to find the best answer for each question. Each question is worth two mark (2).Section B: Short answers. Students should attempt to answer any three (3) from the following five (5) short answer questions. Each short answer question is worth fifteen (15) marks.II. Term definition (2 points per each. 20 points in total)III. Discussion (4 points per each. 20 points in total)Chapter 1What is the opportunity cost of seeing a movie?ANW:the opportunity cost of seeing a movie includes the monetary cost of admission plus the time cost of going to the theater and attending the show. The time cost depends on what else you might do with that time; if it's staying home and watching TV, the time cost may be small, but if it's working an extra three hours at your job, the time cost is the money you could have earned.What does the “invisible hand” of the market-place do?ANW:The "invisible hand" of the marketplace represents the idea that even though individuals and firms are all acting in their own self-interest, prices and the marketplace guide them to do what is good for society as a whole.Chapter 2Draw and explain a production possibilities frontier for an economy that produces computer and car.Draw and explain a circular flow for an economyChapter 4The case study presented in the chapter discussed cigarette taxes as a way to reduce smoking.Now think about the markets for other tobacco products such as cigars and chewing tobacco.a.Are these goods substitutes or complements for cigarettes?ing a supply-and-demand diagram, show what happens in the markets for cigars and chewing tobacco if the tax on cigarettes is increased.c.If policymakers wanted to reduce total tobacco consumption, what policies could they combine with the cigarette taxANS:a. Cigars and chewing tobacco are substitutes for cigarettes, since a higher price for cigarettes wo uld increase the demand for cigars and chewing tobacco.b. An increase in the tax on cigarettes leads to increased demand for cigars and chewing tobacco. The result, as shown in Figure 25 for cigars, is a rise in both the equilibrium price and quantity of cigars and chewing tobacco.c. The results in part (b) showed that a tax on cigarettes leads people to substitute cigars and chewi ng tobacco for cigarettes when the tax on cigarettes rises. To reduce total tobacco usage, policyma kers might also want to increase the tax on cigars and chewing tobacco, or pursue some type of pu blic education program.90. A very hot summer in Atlanta will causea.the demand curve for lemonade to shift to the left.b.the demand for air conditioners to decrease.c.the demand for jackets to decrease.d. a movement downward and to the right along the demand curve for tank tops.91. If a study by medical researchers found that brown sugar caused weight loss while white sugarcaused weight gain, then we likely would seea.an increase in demand for brown sugar and a decrease in demand for white sugar.b. a decrease in demand for brown sugar and an increase in demand for white sugar.c.an increase in demand for both brown sugar and white sugar.d.no change in demand for either type of sugar because weight loss is not a determinant ofdemand.92. Which of the following events could shift the demand curve for gasoline to the left?a.The income of gasoline buyers rises, and gasoline is a normal good.b.The income of gasoline buyers falls, and gasoline is an inferior good.c.Public service announcements run on television encourage people to walk or ride bicyclesinstead of driving cars.d.The price of gasoline rises.93. An increase in the number of college scholarships issued by private foundations woulda.increase the supply of education.b.decrease the supply of education.c.increase the demand for education.d.decrease the demand for education.94. Today, people changed their expectations about the future. This changea.can cause a movement along a demand curve.b.can affect future demand, but not today’s demand.c.can affect today’s demand.d.cannot affect either today’s demand or future demand.95. If Juan expects to earn a higher income next month, he may choose toa.save more now and spend less of his current income on goods and services.b.save less now and spend more of his current income on goods and services.c.decrease his current demand for goods and services.d.move along his current demand curves for goods and services.96. You love peanut butter. You hear on the news that 50 percent of the peanut crop in the South has been wiped out by drought, and that this will cause the price of peanuts to double by the end of the year. As a result,a.your demand for peanut butter will increase, but not until the end of the year.b.your demand for peanut butter increases today.c.your demand for peanut butter decreases as you look for a substitute good.d.your demand for peanut butter shifts left today.Let the demand and supply for a good be given byqd = 1600−38pqs = 2 p + 400What is the equilibrium quantity and price?Figure 4-4Panel (a) Panel (b)pricePD'Dquantity110. Refer to Figure 4-4. The graphs show the demand for cigarettes. In Panel (a), the arrows are consistent with which of the following events?a.The price of marijuana, a complement to cigarettes, increased.b.Mandatory health warnings were placed on cigarette packages.c.Several foreign countries banned U.S. cigarettes in their countries.d. A tax was placed on cigarettes.111. Refer to Figure 4-4. The graphs show the demand for cigarettes. In Panel (a), the arrows are consistent with which of the following events?a.Tobacco and marijuana are complements and the price of marijuana decreased.b.Tobacco is a “gateway drug” and the price of marijuana increased.c.The price of cigarettes increased.d.The arrows are consistent with all of these events.112. Refer to Figure 4-4. The graphs show the demand for cigarettes. In Panel (b), the arrows are consistent with which of the following events?a.The price of cigarettes increased.b. A tax was placed on cigarettes.c.The prohibition of cigarette advertisements on television.d.Tobacco and marijuana are complements and the price of marijuana decreased.108. When supply and demand both increase, equilibriuma.price will increase.b.price will decrease.c.quantity may increase, decrease, or remain unchanged.d.price may increase, decrease, or remain unchanged.109. Suppose that demand for a good increases and, at the same time, supply of the good decreases.What would happen in the market for the good?a.Equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.b.Equilibrium price would increase, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.c.Equilibrium quantity would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.d.Equilibrium quantity would increase, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.110. A weaker demand together with a stronger supply would necessarily result ina. a lower price.b. a higher price.c.an increase in equilibrium quantity.d. a decrease in equilibrium quantity.111. Suppose that demand for a good decreases and, at the same time, supply of the good decreases.What would happen in the market for the good?a.Equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.b.Equilibrium price would increase, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.c.Equilibrium quantity would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.d.Equilibrium quantity would increase, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.112. Suppose the number of buyers in a market increases and a technological advancement occurs also.What would we expect to happen in the market?a.Equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.b.Equilibrium price would increase, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.c.Equilibrium quantity would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.d.Equilibrium quantity would increase, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.113. Suppose the incomes of buyers in a market for a particular normal good decrease and there is alsoa reduction in input prices. What would we expect to occur in this market?a.Equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.b.Equilibrium price would increase, but the impact on equilibrium quantity would beambiguous.c.Equilibrium quantity would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.d.Equilibrium quantity would increase, but the impact on equilibrium price would beambiguous.114. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of coffee if the wages of coffee-bean pickers fell and the price of tea fell?a.Price would fall and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.b.Price would rise and the effect on quantity would be ambiguous.c.Quantity would fall and the effect on price would be ambiguous.d.Quantity would rise and the effect on price would be ambiguous.115. Music compact discs are normal goods. What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of music compact discs if musicians accept lower royalties, compact disc players become cheaper, more firms start producing music compact discs, and music lovers experience an increase in income?a.Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.b.Price will rise and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.c.Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous.d.Quantity will rise and the effect on price is ambiguous.ANS: D DIF: 3 REF: 4-4NAT: Analytic LOC: Equilibrium TOP: Equilibrium MSC: Analytical116. What will happen to the equilibrium price of new textbooks if more students attend college, paper becomes cheaper, textbook authors accept lower royalties, and fewer used textbooks are sold?a.Price will rise.b.Price will fall.c.Price will stay exactly the same.d.The price change will be ambiguous.ANS: D DIF: 3 REF: 4-4NAT: Analytic LOC: Equilibrium TOP: Equilibrium MSC: Analytical117. New oak tables are normal goods. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for oak tables if the price of maple tables rises, the price of oak wood rises, more buyers enter the market for oak tables, and the price of wood saws increased?a.Price will fall and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.b.Price will rise and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.c.Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous.d.Quantity will rise and the effect on price is ambiguous.Chapter 5When consumers face rising gasoline prices, they typicallya. reduce their quantity demanded more in the long run than in the short run.b. reduce their quantity demanded more in the short run than in the long run.c. do not reduce their quantity demanded in the short run or the long run.d. increase their quantity demanded in the short run but reduce their quantity demanded in thelong run.*Which of the following is likely to have the most price inelastic demand?a. mint-flavored toothpasteb. toothpastec. Colgate mint-flavored toothpasted. a generic mint-flavored toothpaste*If the price of natural gas rises, when is the price elasticity of demand likely to be the highest?a. immediately after the price increaseb. one month after the price increasec. three months after the price increased. one year after the price increase*Studies indicate that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is about 0.4. A government policy aimed at reducing smoking changed the price of a pack of cigarettes from $2 to $6. According to the midpoint method, the government policy should have reduced smoking bya. 30%.b. 40%.c. 80%.d. 250%.If a 15% increase in price for a good results in a 20% decrease in quantity demanded, the price elasticity of demand isa. 0.75.b. 1.25.c. 1.33.d. 1.60.Refer to Figure 5-10. If rectangle D is larger than rectangle A, thena. demand is elastic between prices P1 and P2.b. a decrease in price from P2 to P1 will cause an increase in total revenue.c. the magnitude of the percent change in price between P1 and P2 is smaller than the magnitudeof the corresponding percent change in quantity demanded.d. All of the above are correct.*If the price elasticity of demand for tuna is 0.7, then a 1.5% increase in the price of tuna will decrease the quantity demanded of tuna bya. 1.05%, and tuna sellers' total revenue will increase as a result.b. 1.05%, and tuna sellers' total revenue will decrease as a result.c. 2.14%, and tuna sellers' total revenue will increase as a result.d. 2.14%, and tuna sellers' total revenue will decrease as a result.*When a supply curve is relatively flat,a. sellers are not very responsive to changes in price.b. the supply is relatively inelastic.c. the supply is relatively elastic.d. Both a and b are correct.*A 10 percent increase in gasoline prices reduces gasoline consumption by abouta. 6 percent after one year and 2.5 percent after five years.b. 2.5 percent after one year and 6 percent after five years.c.10 percent after one year and 20 percent after five years.d.0 percent after one year and 1 percent after five years.206. When demand is inelastic the price elasticity of demand isa.less than 1, and price and total revenue will move in the same direction.b.less than 1, and price and total revenue will move in opposite directions.c.greater than 1, and price and total revenue will move in the same direction.d.greater than 1, and price and total revenue will move in opposite directions.14. If corn farmers know that the demand for corn is inelastic, and they want to increase their totalrevenue, they should alla.plant more corn so that they would be able to sell more each year.b.increase spending on fertilizer in an attempt to produce more corn on the acres they farm.c.reduce the number of acres they plant in corn.d.contribute to a fund that promotes technological advances in corn production.15. There are fewer farmers in the United States today than 200 years ago because ofa.increases in farm technology.b.increased government regulations in farming.c.an elastic demand for food.d.environmental programs designed to reduce soil erosion.16. How did the farm population in the United States change between 1950 and 2008?a.It dropped from 10 million to fewer than 3 million people.b.It dropped from 20 million to fewer than 5 million people.c.It dropped from 30 million to just over 6 million people.d.It increased from 10 million to almost 13 million people.17. Between 1950 and 2008 there was aa.20 percent drop in the number of farmers, but farm output more than tripled.b.30 percent drop in the number of farmers, but farm output more than tripled.c.50 percent drop in the number of farmers, but farm output more than doubled.d.70 percent drop in the number of farmers, but farm output more than doubled.5. Using the graph shown, in which the vertical distance between points A and B represents the taxin the market, answer the following questions.a.What was the equilibrium price and quantity in this market before the tax?b.What is the amount of the tax?c.How much of the tax will the buyers pay?d.How much of the tax will the sellers pay?e.How much will the buyer pay for the product after the tax is imposed?f.How much will the seller receive after the tax is imposed?g.As a result of the tax, what has happened to the level of market activity?86ANS:a.Equilibrium price was $8 and equilibrium quantity was 8,000 units.b.The tax is $5.c.Buyers will pay $3.d.Sellers will pay $2.e.$11.f.$6.g.Instead of 8,000 units bought and sold, only 6,000 will be bought and sold.How does elasticity affect the burden of a tax? Justify your answer using supply and demanddiagrams.The tax burden falls more heavily on the side of the market that is more inelastic.DIF: 2 REF: 6-2 NAT: Analytic60. To say that a price floor is binding is to say that the price floora.results in a shortage.b.is set below the equilibrium price.c.causes quantity supplied to exceed quantity demanded.d.All of the above are correct.61. A surplus results whena. a nonbinding price floor is imposed on a market.b. a nonbinding price floor is removed from a market.c. a binding price floor is imposed on a market.d. a binding price floor is removed from a market.62. The imposition of a binding price floor on a market causes quantity demanded to bea.greater than quantity supplied.b.less than quantity supplied.c.equal to quantity supplied.d.Both (a) and (b) are possible.63. If a price floor is a binding constraint on a market, thena.the equilibrium price must be above the price floor.b.the quantity demanded must exceed the quantity supplied.c.sellers cannot sell all they want to sell at the price floor.d.buyers cannot buy all they want to buy at the price floor.73. When a binding price floor is imposed on a market to benefit sellers,a.every seller in the market benefits.b.every buyer in the market benefits, too.c.every seller who wants to sell the good will be able to do so, but only if they appeal to thepersonal biases of the buyers.d.some sellers will not be able to sell any amount of the good.76. An example of a price floor isa.the regulation of gasoline prices in the U.S. in the 1970s.b.rent control.c.the minimum wage.d.any restriction on price that leads to a shortage.77. The minimum wage is an example ofa. a price ceiling.b. a price floor.c. a wage subsidy.d. a tax.78. Which of the following is correct?a.Rent control and the minimum wage are both examples of price ceilings.b.Rent control is an example of a price ceiling, and the minimum wage is an example of aprice floor.c.Rent control is an example of a price floor, and the minimum wage is an example of a priceceiling.d.Rent control and the minimum wage are both examples of price floors.2.If a tax is levied on the sellers of a product, then the demand curvea.will shift down.b.will shift up.c.will become flatter.d.will not shift.3. If a tax is levied on the sellers of a product, then the supply curvea.will shift up.b.will shift down.c.will become flatter.d.will not shift.4. If a tax is levied on the sellers of a product, then there will be a(n)a.downward shift of the demand curve.b.upward shift of the demand curve.c.movement up and to the left along the demand curve.d.movement down and to the right along the demand curve.5. If a tax is levied on the sellers of a product, then there will be a(n)a.downward shift of the supply curve.b.upward shift of the supply curve.c.movement up and to the right along the supply curve.d.movement down and to the left along the supply curve.138. Suppose that the demand for picture frames is elastic and the supply of picture frames is inelastic.A tax of $1 per frame levied on picture frames will increase the price paid by buyers of pictureframes bya.less than $0.50.b.$0.50.c.between $0.50 and $1.d.$1.139. Suppose that the demand for picture frames is elastic and the supply of picture frames is inelastic.A tax of $1 per frame levied on picture frames will decrease the effective price received bysellers of picture frames bya.less than $0.50.b.$0.50.c.between $0.50 and $1.d.$1.140. In which of these cases will the tax burden fall most heavily on sellers of the good?a.The demand curve is relatively steep and the supply curve is relatively flat.b.The demand curve is relatively flat and the supply curve is relatively steep.c.The demand curve and the supply curve are both relatively flat.d.The demand curve and the supply curve are both relatively steep.Chapter 7What is consumer surplus, and how is it measured?Consumer surplus measures the benefit to buyers of participating in a market. It is measured as the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount a buyer actually pays for it. For an individual purchase, consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay, as shown on the demand curve, and the market price. For the market, total consumer surplus is the area under the demand curve and above the price, from the origin to the quantity purchased.What is producer surplus, and how is it measured?Producer surplus measures the benefit to sellers of participating in a market. It is measured as the amount a seller is paid minus the cost of production. For an individual sale, producer surplus is measured as the difference between the market price and the cost of production, as shown on the supply curve. For the market, total producer surplus is measured as the area above the supply curve and below the market price, between the origin and the quantity sold.Table 7-5For each of three potential buyers of oranges, the table displays the willingness to pay for the first three oranges of the day. Assume Alex, Barb, and Carlos are the only three buyers of oranges, and only three oranges can be supplied per day.37. Refer to Table 7-5. If the market price of an orange is $1.20, how many the market quantityof oranges demanded per day is? Explain it.Chapter 102. Using a supply and demand diagram, demonstrate how a positive externality leads tomarket inefficiency. How might the government help to eliminate this inefficiency?ANS:When a positive externality exists, the private value (or demand curve) is less than the social value. The market equilibrium quantity will be less than the socially optimal quantity. The government could help eliminate this inefficiency by subsidizing the product. In this example, the size of the per-unit subsidy would be P3 - P1.DIF: 2 REF: 10-1 NAT: AnalyticThe Coase theorem suggests that efficient solutions to externalities can be determined through bargaining. Under what circumstances will private bargaining fail to produce a solution? ANS:Private parties may fail to bargain to an efficient solution under a variety of circumstances. First, the transaction costs of bargaining may be so high that one or both of the parties decides not to bargain. Second, the bargaining may not take place if one or both of the parties believes that the agreement cannot be enforced. Third, one or both of the parties may try to hold out for a better deal, in which case the bargaining process breaks down. Fourth, if there are a large number of parties taking part in the negotiations, the costs of coordination may be so great that the bargaining is not successful.DIF: 1 REF: 10-3 NAT: Analytic12. An externality exists whenevera.the economy cannot benefit from government intervention.b.markets are not able to reach equilibrium.c. a firm sells its product in a foreign market.d. a person engages in an activity that influences the well-being of a bystander and yet neitherpays nor receives payment for that effect.13. When externalities are present in a market, the well-being of market participantsa.and market bystanders are both directly affected.b.and market bystanders are both indirectly affected.c.is directly affected, and market bystanders are indirectly affected.d.is indirectly affected, and market bystanders are directly affected.14. Dog owners do not bear the full cost of the noise their barking dogs create and often take too fewprecautions to prevent their dogs from barking. Local governments address this problem bya.making it illegal to "disturb the peace."b.having a well-funded animal control department.c.subsidizing local animal shelters.d.encouraging people to adopt cats.15. Which of the following statements about a well-maintained yard best conveys the general natureof the externality?a. A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the home's marketvalue.b. A well-maintained yard conveys a negative externality because it increases the property taxliability of the owner.c. A well-maintained yard conveys a positive externality because it increases the value ofadjacent properties in the neighborhood.d. A well-maintained yard cannot provide any type of externality.16. Since restored historic buildings convey a positive externality, local governments may choose toa.regulate the demolition of them.b.provide tax breaks to owners who restore them.c.increase property taxes in historic areas.d.Both a and b are correct.17. All externalitiesa.cause markets to fail to allocate resources efficiently.b.cause equilibrium prices to be too high.c.benefit producers at the expense of consumers.d.cause equilibrium prices to be too low.Figure 10-53. Refer to Figure 10-5. Which of the following statements is correct?a.To induce firms to internalize the externality in this market, the government should impose atax measured by P2 - P0.b.To induce firms to internalize the externality in this market, the government should offer asubsidy measured by P2 - P0.c.To induce firms to internalize the externality in this market, the government should impose atax measured by P2 - P1.d.There is no externality in this market.4. Suppose that an MBA degree creates no externality because the benefits of an MBA areinternalized by the student in the form of higher wages. If the government offers subsidies for MBAs, then which of the following statements is correct?a.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will equal the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.b.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be greater than the socially optimal quantity ofMBAs.c.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be less than the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.d.There is not enough information to answer the question.5. Suppose that an MBA degree creates no externality because the benefits of an MBA areinternalized by the student in the form of higher wages. If there are no government subsidies for MBAs, then which of the following statements is correct?a.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will equal the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.b.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be greater than the socially optimal quantity ofMBAs.c.The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be less than the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.d.There is not enough information to answer the question.6. Since externalities tend to keep markets from reaching a socially optimal equilibrium,government actiona.is always needed because private solutions can never be attained.b.is needed when private solutions fail to arise.c.will be needed only to correct for positive externalities.d.will be needed only to correct for negative externalities.7. Firms that are involved in more than one type of business could be evidence of an attempt toa.increase private profit at the expense of consumers.b.internalize some forms of positive externalities.c.reduce the impact of government regulations on their business.d.increase the private marginal cost of production.8. Private contracts between parties with mutual interestsa.will reduce the well-being of society.b.will lead to market outcomes in which the public interest is sacrificed for personal gain.c.can solve some inefficiencies associated with positive externalities.d.will create negative externalities.9. Which of the following statements is not correct?a.Private markets tend to over-produce products with negative externalities.b.Private markets tend to under-produce products with positive externalities.c.Private parties can bargain to efficient outcomes even in the presence of externalities.d.Private parties are usually more successful in achieving efficient outcomes than governmentpolicies.10. Private solutions may not be possible due to the costs of negotiating and enforcing these solutions.Such costs are calleda.transaction costs.b.corrective costs.c.input costs.d.private costs.Chapter 11。
