第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The athletes, especially the winners, should remain modest ________ rapid progress they have made.A.whatever B.howeverC.how much D.no matter2.—All the containers have been unloaded! Can it have been done by Frank? —Impossible! He ________ his car last night.A.has fixed B.had fixed C.would fix D.was fixing3.________ left the door unlocked must be held responsible for the accident. A.Whomever B.WhoeverC.Whatever D.Whenever4.Their products enjoy 30 percent ________ of the market in this country because both the quality and their service are fine.A.features B.shares C.interests D.sales5.Don't defend him any more. It's obvious that he ________ destroyed the fence of the garden even without an apology.A.accidentally B.carelessly C.deliberately D.clumsily6.Your letter will get attention! They know you’re expecting the answer. A.careful B.common C.instant D.general7.I ______ tell you with certainty that he won’t be able to finish it before the deadline.A.will B.must C.can D.may8.Mary rea lly hard on his book and thinks he’ll have finished it by Friday. A.worked B.has been workingC.had worked D.has worked9.How could I lie to her she lived for the truth,whether it was found in music or people?A.unless B.whenC.while D.though10.The shocking news made me realize _____________ terrible problems we would face.A.that B.howC.why D.what11.makes me stressed is the entrance examination is coming nearer and nearer.A.It; what B.What; that C.What; what D.That; that12.Membership of this club is open to those who are its aim.A.in salute to B.in honour ofC.in line with D.in sympathy with13.We ___have hurried all the way to the airport—the flight was called off because of the foggy weather.A.mustn’t B.couldn’t C.needn’t D.wouldn’t14.This semester our school offers many optional courses for the students, _______ appeals to many students.A.each of which B.all of whomC.each of whom D.all of which15.Reporters asked him to ______ his position on welfare reform.A.clarify B.divide C.instruct16.Not until he left his home __________ to know how important the family was for him.A.did he begin B.had he begun C.he began D.he had begun17.The man was in a ________ condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland.A.skeptical B.criticalC.practical D.physical18.We can communicate________people in every part of the world ________the Internet.A.with;with B.with;throughC.through;through D.through;with19.Although Mailer was not alone in welcoming the flowering of creativity, the authorities hated it, ______ did many passengers.A.which B.as C.that D.so20.Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than it is when _____ alone.A.seen B.seeing C.see D.to see第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
贵州省遵义市遵义市四城区联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.下列与999︒角终边相同的角为( ) A .91︒-B .91︒C .81︒-D .81︒2.已知向量()2,5a =-r ,()4,b λ=r ,若//a b r r ,则( )A .52-B .85-C .10D .10-3.已知集合{}1M x x a =<<,{}26N x x =<<,若N M ⊆,则a 的取值范围是( ) A .{}6a a ≥ B .{}6a a > C .{}6a a ≤D .{}6a a <4.某厂家生产的钢笔有蘸水式钢笔、自来水式钢笔和墨囊钢笔,这三种钢笔某月的产量分别为5万支,15万支,20万支.为检验该厂家的钢笔质量,现用按比例分层随机抽样的方法从该月生产的钢笔中抽取1000支进行检验,则自来水式钢笔应抽取( ) A .375支B .350支C .125支D .500支5.设0.22a =,0.2log 2b =,πsin 4c =,则( )A .b<c<aB .c<a<bC .c b a <<D .b a c <<6.函数()2240xf x x =+-的零点所在的一个区间是( )A .()2,3B .()3,4C .()4,5D .()5,67.已知tan 3α=,则3cos cos sin ααα-的值为( )A .34B .310C .35D .238.已知函数()()lg 31kf x x =+,若不等式()1f x <在()0,33x ∈上恒成立,则k 的取值范围为( )A .1,2⎛⎤-∞ ⎥⎝⎦B .1,2⎛⎫-∞ ⎪⎝⎭C .()0,2D .1,22⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭二、多选题9.下列关于平面向量的说法正确的是( )A .若a r ,b r 是共线的单位向量,则a b=r r B .若a r ,b r是相反向量,则a b =r rC .若0a b +=r rr ,则向量a r ,b r 共线 D .若//AB CD u u u r u u u r,则点A ,B ,C ,D 必在同一条直线上10.若角α的终边在第三象限,则sin2cos 3tan 222sincostan222αααααα+-的值可能为( )A .0B .2C .4D .4-11.在平行四边形ABCD 中,设AQ AB AD λμ=+u u u r u u u r u u u r,其中[],0,1λμ∈,则下列命题是真命题的是( )A .当1λ=时,点Q 在线段DC 上B .当点Q 在线段AC 上时,λμ= C .当1λμ+=时,点Q 在对角线BD 上 D .当132λμ+=时,点Q 在某线段上运动三、填空题12.已知1e r ,2e r 是两个不共线的向量,127a e e =-r r r ,123b ke e =+r r r,若a r 与b r 共线,则k =. 13.已知角α的终边经过点)()0Pm m ≠,且1sin mα=,则2m =. 14.某班成立了A ,B 两个数学兴趣小组,A 组有5名学生,B 组有10名学生.在某次测验中,A 组学生的成绩如图所示,B 组学生的平均成绩为117分,方差为14.若从A 组学生中随机抽取2人作为兴趣小组组长,则这2个组长的成绩均在120分以上的概率为;若将A 组学生、B 组学生该次测验的成绩混合在一起,产生一组新的数据,则这组新数据的方差为.四、解答题15.已知π,π2α⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,πsin 2α⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭(1)求sin α,cos α,tan α的值;(2)求()()()()3πcos tan πsin 2π2sin 7πcos πααααα⎛⎫-+- ⎪⎝⎭-+的值. 16.某地文化和旅游局统计了春节期间100个家庭的旅游支出情况,统计得到这100个家庭的旅游支出(单位:千元)数据,按3,5),5,7),7,9)][,9,11)[,11[[,13[分成5组,并绘制成频率分布直方图,如图所示.(1)估计这100个家庭的旅游支出的平均值(同一组中的数据用该组区间的中点值作为代表);(2)估计这100个家庭的旅游支出的第70百分位数(结果保留一位小数);(3)以这100个家庭的旅游支出数据各组的频率代替各组的概率,在全国范围内随机抽取2个春节期间出游的家庭,每个家庭的旅游支出情况互相不受影响,求恰有1个家庭的旅游支出在[3,5)内的概率.17.玉雕在我国历史悠久,拥有深厚的文化底蕴,数千年来始终以其独特的内涵与魅力深深吸引着世人.如图1,这是一幅扇形玉雕壁画,其平面图为图2所示的扇形环面(由扇形OCD 挖去扇形OAB 后构成).已知该扇形玉雕壁画的周长为320厘米.(1)若280OD OA ==厘米.求该扇形玉雕壁画的曲边CD 的长度; (2)若2AD OA =.求该扇形玉雕壁画的扇面面积的最大值.18.如图,在直角梯形ABCD 中,3,5,,BC AD DC DE AB BC BE ==⊥u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r与AC 交于点F ,点M 在线段AD 上.(1)用BA u u u r 和BC u u ur 表示,BD BE u u u r u u u r ;(2)设BF BE λ=u u u r u u u r,求λ的值;(3)设BD xAC yBM =+u u u r u u u r u u u u r ,证明:49xy ≤.19.已知函数22()log 2()3()f x x ax a =-+∈R . (1)若()f x 在21,)[a -+∞上为增函数,求a 的取值范围;(2)若函数2()()1log 4)(g x f x x =+-+在1(,2)2上恰有两个零点,求a 的取值范围.。
如图所示是北斗导航系统中部分卫星的轨道示意图,已知a、b、c三颗卫星均做匀速圆周运动,轨道半径,其中a 是地球同步卫星,不考虑空气阻力。
已知引力常量为G,则这颗行星的质量为()A.2mvGFB.4FvGmC.4mvGFD.2FvGm4、如图所示,M N、两根通电长直导线在同一水平面内,且垂直纸面固定放置,通电电流相等且均垂直纸面向外,在M N、两根导线正中间竖直放有一可自由移动的通电导线ab,通电导线ab的电流方向竖直向上,则通电导线ab在安培力作用下运动的情况是()A.静止不动B.沿纸面顺时针转动C.a端转向纸外,b端转向纸内D.a端转向纸内,b端转向纸外5、雨滴从空中由静止落下,若雨滴下落时空气阻力对其阻力随雨滴下落速度的增大而增大,则图所示的图像中,能正确反映雨滴下落运动情况的是:( )A.B.C.D.6、某理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数之比为10:1,当输入电压增加20V时,输出电压()A.增加200V B.增加2V C.降低200V D.降低2V二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题2021年初冬时节,大庆市区下了一场暴雪,降雪量达30毫米,是1957年以来最大的次降雪,某环卫工人利用手推式风力清雪车进行道路清雪,如图所示,已知推力F斜向下且与水平方向夹角为,清雪车沿水平方向以速度v做匀速直线运动,则下列说法中正确的是( )A.清雪车对人的作用力大小为B.清雪车受到的阻力大小C.推力的功率为D.无论推力与水平方向夹角多大,都可以推车前进第(2)题如图所示,一足够长的水平传送带以恒定的速度运动,每隔时间T在A端轻轻放上相同的物块,当物块与传送带相对静止后,相邻两物块的间距大小()A.与物块和传送带间的动摩擦因数的大小有关B.与物块的质量大小有关C.恒为vTD.由于物块放上传送带时,前一物块的速度不明确,故不能确定其大小第(3)题2024年1月17日22时37分,天舟七号货运飞船发射升空,顺利进入近地点200km、远地点363km的近地轨道(LEO)。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题下列式子不属于比值法定义物理量的是()A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图,一质量为m的正方体物块置于风洞内的水平面上,其一面与风速垂直,当风速为时刚好能推动该物块.已知风对物块的推力F正比于,其中v为风速、S为物块迎风面积.当风速变为时,刚好能推动用同一材料做成的另一正方体物块,则该物块的质量为A.4m B.8m C.32m D.64m第(3)题某节水喷灌系统如图所示,水以的速度水平喷出,每秒喷出水的质量为2.0kg。
已知水泵的抽水效率(水泵的输出功率与输入功率之比)为75%,忽略水在管道中运动的机械能损失,则( )A.每秒水泵对水做功为75JB.每秒水泵对水做功为225JC.水泵输入功率为440WD.电动机线圈的电阻为10第(4)题如图甲是一种常见的持球动作,用手臂挤压篮球,将篮球压在身侧。
为了方便问题研究,将该场景模型化为如图乙,若增加手臂对篮球的压力,篮球依旧保持静止,则下列说法正确的是( )A.篮球受到的合力增大B.篮球对人的静摩擦力方向竖直向上C.人对篮球的作用力的方向竖直向上D.手臂对篮球的压力是由于篮球发生形变而产生的第(5)题一物块以某一初速度从倾角的固定斜面底端上滑,到达最大高度处后又返回斜面底端,已知物块下滑时间是上滑时间的3倍,取,则物块与斜面间的动摩擦因数为( )A.0.1B.0.29C.0.45D.0.58第(6)题如图所示,泳池底有一个点光源P,只有在锥形范围内的光线才能从水面射出,MN为圆锥底面的一条直径。
x轴上场强大小为零的坐标位置是( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题如图所示,一列横波在x轴上沿x轴正方向传播,实线表示t=0时刻的波形图,虚线是t=0.2s时刻的波形图,下列说法错误的是()A.质点的振动周期一定是0.8sB.该波的波速可能是10m/sC.t=0时刻,x=4m处的质点振动方向向上D.t=0.4s时刻,x=6m处的质点恰好位于波峰第(3)题如图所示,通过可调自耦变压器给阻值为R、额定功率为P的电热器供电,在原线圈两端加上正弦交流电压,此时变压器原副线圈匝数比为10:1,闭合电键S后,发现定值电阻的功率只有0.64P,要使定值电阻能正常工作,应( )A.将滑片P向上移。
使原副线圈匝数比变为12:1B.将滑片P向上移,使原副线圈匝数比变为25:2C.将滑片P向下移,使原副线圈匝数比变为8:1D.将滑片P向下移,使原副线圈匝数比变为32:5第(4)题如图为一用透明材料做成的中心是空腔的球,其中空心部分半径与球的半径之比为,当有红光、绿光、紫光组成的细光束以的入射角射入球中,其中b光线为绿光,其折射光线刚好与内壁相切,则下列说法正确的是( )A.a光线是红光B.增大入射角i,b光线在空腔外表面可能发生全反射C.该透明材料对绿光的折射率为D.c光在该透明材料中传播速度最小第(5)题如图为交流发电机的示意图,线圈在转动时可以通过滑环和电刷保持与外电路的连接。
线圈以角速度绕轴逆时针匀速转动,如果以图示位置为计时起点,则( )A.图示时刻电压表示数为B.通过电阻的电流瞬时值表达式为C.线圈从图示位置转过的过程中,通过电阻的电流平均值为D.线圈从图示位置转过的过程中,电阻产生的焦耳热为第(6)题2023年7月10日,经国际天文学联合会小行星命名委员会批准,中国科学院紫金山天文台发现的、国际编号为381323号的小行星被命名为“樊锦诗星”。
如图所示为一行白直线加速“上青天”的示意图图中12,F F 为某白鹭在该位置可能受到的空气作用力其中2F 方向竖直向上。
下列说法正确的是( )A .该作用力的方向可能与1F 相同B .该作用力的方向可能与2F 相同C .该作用力可能等于白鹭的重力D .该作用力可能小于白鹭的重力2、在一次观察光的衍射实验中,观察到如图所示的清晰的亮暗相间的图样,那么障碍物是下列给出的( )A .很小的不透明圆板B .很大的中间有大圆孔的不透明挡板C .很大的不透明圆板D .很大的中间有小圆孔的不透明挡板3、为了抗击病毒疫情,保障百姓基本生活,许多快递公司推出了“无接触配送”。
某次配送快递无人机在飞行过程中,水平方向速度V x 及竖直方向V y 与飞行时间t 的关系图像如图甲、图乙所示。
关于无人机运动说法正确的是( )A .0~t 1时间内,无人机做曲线运动B .t 2时刻,无人机运动到最高点C .t 3~t 4时间内,无人机做匀变速直线运动D .t 2时刻,无人机的速度为2202v v + 4、已知长直导线中电流I 产生磁场的磁感应强度分布规律是B =I k r(k 为常数,r 为某点到直导线的距离)。
如图所示,在同一平面内有两根互相平行的长直导线甲和乙,两导线通有大小分别为2I 和I 且方向相反的电流,O 点到两导线的距离相等。
2024届贵州省遵义市高三上学期第一次质量监测统考全真演练物理试题(基础必刷)学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:75分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择题(本题包含8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
在使BP板逆时针缓慢转动60°的过程中,忽略“V”型挡板对小球的摩擦力,下列正确的是( )A.如图BP板水平时,小球受到三个力的作用B.小球对BP板的压力先增大后减小C.小球对AP板的压力一直增大D.当BP板转过30°时,小球对AP板和BP板的作用力大小不相等第(2)题雷雨天带有负电的乌云飘过一栋建筑物上空时,在避雷针周围形成电场。
下列说法中正确的是( )A.避雷针附近形成了匀强电场B.A、B、C三点中,B点场强最大C.A、B、C三点中,C点电势最高D.一带负电的雨点从乌云中下落,电场力做正功第(3)题近期,华为公司打破西方技术封锁,发布了Mate60Pro智能手机,其卫星通话功能成为最引人瞩目的黑科技之一。
下列关于天通一号卫星的说法正确的是( )A.天通一号卫星处于平衡状态B.天通一号卫星运动的线速度大于第一宇宙速度C.天通一号卫星运动的线速度大于月球公转的线速度D.天通一号卫星运动的加速度小于月球公转的加速度第(4)题质量为的小车静止在光滑水平面上,其上表面水平,如图所示。
【校级联考】贵州省遵义市第四教育集团2024届高三上学期第二次联考物理试题一、单选题:本题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分 (共7题)第(1)题一定质量的理想气体封闭在汽缸中,气体由状态A经状态B、C最终变化到D,该过程中气体的V-T图像如图,O、A、D三点共线。
下列说法正确的是( )A.气体由A到B一定是从外界吸收热量B.气体在状态A单位时间对单位面积器壁的冲量小于在状态B的冲量C.气体由B到C对外界放热D.气体由C到D对外做的功大于从外界吸收的热量第(2)题如图所示,L是自感系数很大、电阻很小的线圈,A1、A2是两个相同的小灯泡。
下列说法正确的是( )A.开关S闭合瞬间,A2先亮A1后亮B.开关S闭合瞬间,A1中的电流大于A2中的电流C.开关S闭合稳定后再断开时,A1、A2同时熄灭D.开关S闭合稳定后再断开时,A1闪亮一下后熄灭第(3)题如图所示,光滑圆环竖直固定,ac为水平直径,bd为竖直直径,一根轻绳P端固定在竖直墙面上,轻绳跨过圆环后另一端Q与重物B相连,轻质动滑轮挂在轻绳上,动滑轮下吊着重物A,Pbd所在平面与圆环所在平面垂直,A、B均处于静止状态,不计一切摩擦,下列说法正确的是( )A.若将竖直圆环向右平移,则PQ绳中拉力变大B.若将竖直圆环向右平移,则PQ绳对圆环拉力不变C.若将轻绳Q端悬系在竖直圆环上,则悬点从a到b移动的过程中绳中拉力保持不变D.若将轻绳Q端悬系在竖直圆环上,则悬点从a到b移动的过程中绳中拉力一直增加第(4)题如图甲所示,劲度系数为k的轻弹簧竖直放置,下端固定在水平地面上,一质量为m的小球,从离弹簧上端高h处自由释放,接触弹簧后继续竖直向下运动。
贵州省遵义市遵义市第四中学2025届高三第一次调研测试数学试卷请考生注意:1.请用2B 铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。
1.已知随机变量i ξ满足()()221kkk i i i P k C p p ξ-==-,1,2i =,0,1,2k =.若21211p p <<<,则( ) A .()()12E E ξξ<,()()12D D ξξ< B .()()12E E ξξ<,()()12D D ξξ> C .()()12E E ξξ>,()()12D D ξξ<D .()()12E E ξξ>,()()12D D ξξ>2.在ABC ∆中,D 在边AC 上满足13AD DC =,E 为BD 的中点,则CE =( ). A .7388BA BC - B .3788BA BC - C .3788BA BC + D .7388BA BC +3.函数()2ln xf x x x=-的图象大致为( ) A . B .C .D .4.设向量a ,b 满足2=a ,1b =,,60a b =,则a tb +的取值范围是 A .)2,⎡+∞⎣B .)3,⎡+∞⎣C .2,6⎡⎤⎣⎦D .3,6⎡⎤⎣⎦5.若,则( )A .B .C .D .6.三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,底面边长和侧棱长都相等,1160BAA CAA ︒∠=∠=,则异面直线1AB 与1BC 所成角的余弦值为( )A .33B .66C .34D .367.如图,长方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,1236AB AA ==,112A P PB =,点T 在棱1AA 上,若TP ⊥平面PBC .则1TP B B ⋅=( )A .1B .1-C .2D .2-8.已知双曲线C :22221x y a b-=(0a >,0b >)的焦距为2c .点A 为双曲线C 的右顶点,若点A 到双曲线C 的渐近线的距离为12c ,则双曲线C 的离心率是( ) A 2B 3C .2D .39.设()f x 是定义在实数集R 上的函数,满足条件()1y f x =+是偶函数,且当1x ≥时,()112xf x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,则()3log 2a f =,312b f ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,()3c f =的大小关系是( ) A .a b c >>B .b c a >>C .b a c >>D .c b a >>10.下列四个结论中正确的个数是(1)对于命题0:p x R ∃∈使得2010x -≤,则:p x R ⌝∃∈都有210x ->;(2)已知2(2,)XN σ,则 (2)0.5P X >=(3)已知回归直线的斜率的估计值是2,样本点的中心为(4,5),则回归直线方程为ˆ23yx =-; (4)“1x ≥”是“12x x+≥”的充分不必要条件. A .1B .2C .3D .411.已知ABC 是边长为3的正三角形,若13BD BC =,则AD BC ⋅=A .32- B .152 C .32D .152-12.已知双曲线C :22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的左、右两个焦点分别为1F ,2F ,若存在点P 满足1212::4:6:5PF PF F F =,则该双曲线的离心率为( )A .2B .52C .53D .5二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
每小题只有一个选项符合题目要求)1.下列关于遗传物质的探索的叙述,正确的是()A.将加热杀死的S型菌与R型活菌混合后注射到小鼠体内,小鼠体内的S型菌都由R型菌转化而来B.赫尔希和蔡斯的实验中,离心后细菌主要存在于沉淀物中,新形成的噬菌体都带有35SC.将S型菌的DNA、蛋白质、多糖等物质分别与R型活菌混合培养,培养基中均有R型菌D.用B型TMV(烟草花叶病毒)的RNA 和A型TMV的蛋白质重组而成的病毒感染烟草,会得到2种子代病毒2.真核细胞有边界,有分工合作的若干组分,有对细胞的遗传和代谢进行调控的信息中心,下列有关真核细胞的叙述,正确的是()A.细胞壁是植物细胞的边界B.细胞的信息中心就是细胞代谢和遗传的中心C.含叶绿体的细胞,其色素均存在于原生质层内D.高等动物体内的大多数细胞不会形成纺锤体3.腓骨肌萎缩症(CMT)是一种特殊的遗传病,其遗传方式有多种类型。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
1.在钝角ABC 中,角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,B 为钝角,若cos sin a A b A =,则sin sin A C +的最大值为( ) A .2B .98C .1D .782.a 为正实数,i 为虚数单位,2a ii+=,则a=( ) A .2B .3C .2D .13.若||1OA =,||3OB =,0OA OB ⋅=,点C 在AB 上,且30AOC ︒∠=,设OC mOA nOB =+(,)m n R ∈,则mn的值为( ) A .13B .3C .33D .34.一个陶瓷圆盘的半径为10cm ,中间有一个边长为4cm 的正方形花纹,向盘中投入1000粒米后,发现落在正方形花纹上的米共有51粒,据此估计圆周率π的值为(精确到0.001)( ) A .3.132 B .3.137C .3.142D .3.1475.1x <是12x x+<-的( )条件 A .充分不必要B .必要不充分C .充要D .既不充分也不必要6.在各项均为正数的等比数列{}n a 中,若563a a =,则3132310log log log a a a +++=( )A .31log 5+B .6C .4D .57.如图,在中,点M 是边的中点,将沿着AM 翻折成,且点不在平面内,点是线段上一点.若二面角与二面角的平面角相等,则直线经过的( )A .重心B .垂心C .内心D .外心8.已知定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足()()11f x f x +=-,且当[]0,1x ∈时,()2xf x m =-,则()2019f =( ) A .1B .-1C .2D .-29.将函数()cos2f x x =图象上所有点向左平移4π个单位长度后得到函数()g x 的图象,如果()g x 在区间[]0,a 上单调递减,那么实数a 的最大值为( ) A .8π B .4π C .2π D .34π 10.已知正项等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为2317,,927n S S S ==,则12n a a a 的最小值为( ) A .24()27B .34()27C .44()27D .54()2711.已知函数2,0()4,0xx f x x x -⎧⎪=⎨+>⎪⎩,若()02f x <,则0x 的取值范围是( )A .(,1)-∞-B .(1,0]-C .(1,)-+∞D .(,0)-∞12.如图,2AB =是圆O 的一条直径,,C D 为半圆弧的两个三等分点,则()AB AC AD ⋅+=( )A .52B .4C .2D .13+二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
【校级联考】贵州省遵义市第四教育集团2024届高三上学期第二次联考高效提分物理试题(基础必刷)学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:75分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、单项选择题(本题包含8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
下列关系式正确的是( )A.B.C.D.第(2)题下列四幅图所描述的情景中,人对物体做功的是( )A.①②B.②③C.②④D.①④第(3)题如图所示为远距离输电的原理图,正弦交流发电机输出电压保持不变,升压变压器、降压变压器均为理想变压器,且的原、副线圈匝数之比为。
则两变压器间输电线的总电阻等于( )A.B.C.k D.第(4)题救援机器人的手臂前端装有铁夹。
若水泥制品受铁夹的最小压力为N时,才能使水泥制品不滑出铁夹,最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,则( )A.铁夹对水泥制品的压力是因为水泥制品发生了形变B.铁夹对水泥制品的摩擦力和水泥制品对铁夹的摩擦力是一组平衡力C.铁夹与水泥制品间动摩擦因数D.铁夹与水泥制品间动摩擦因数第(5)题对于红、黄、绿、蓝四种单色光,下列表述正确的是A.在相同介质中,绿光的折射率最大B.红光的频率最高C.在相同介质中,蓝光的波长最短D.黄光光子的能量最小第(6)题如图所示,为双缝干涉实验装置示意图,其中双缝位于图中的( )A.甲处B.乙处C.丙处D.丁处第(7)题如图所示为电流天平,可以用来测量匀强磁场的磁感应强度。
2019-2020学年遵义第一中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANothing beats live music, but the venue makes a difference. When you're able to score tickets to an incredible concert in an incredible place, you won't forget the experience. Here are some of the coolest music venues from around the world. If you haven't been to any of these, you've got some traveling to do.Red Rocks, Morrison, the United StatesRed Rocks might be the most beautiful and famous venue in the United States. At 6,450 feet above sea level, Red Rocks is a geologically formed natural stage. Its massive sandstone provides a perfect stage for jam bands. If you're into the blues and jazz, you'll have no trouble finding something in line with your interests.Meet Factory, Prague, Czech RepublicSmallest venues on this list, Meet Factory is an art gallery, theater, and music venue. The venue only accommodates 1,000 people, so you won't see any huge names come through. Still, it's a great place to see up-and-coming local acts, and if you've got an eye for contemporary art, you'll love your time here.Arena of NÎmes, NÎmes, FranceOriginally built around A. D. 70, the Arena of Nimes presents concertgoers with an interesting question: Should they enjoy the music, or marvel at the architecture? The Arena is, after all, one of the world's best-preserved Roman theaters. Many major touring acts plan stops at the Arena of Nimes, especially during the venue's annual festival.Sydney Opera House, Sydney, AustraliaThe Sydney Opera House is one of the world's most famous performing venues. I's also one of the most distinctive buildings in Sydney, thanks to the breathtaking design by Danish architect Utzon. It hosts about 40 events per week, so whether you're into jazz, rock, classical music, or opera, you'll find something to watch.1.Where can you enjoy music in natural beauty?A.At Red Rocks.B.At Meet Factory.C.At Arena of Nimes.D.At Sydney Opera House.2.What is special about Meet Factory?A.It enjoys breathtaking scenery.B.It hosts both musical and artistic events.C.It is the largest venue of all.D.It is famous for contemporary music.3.What do the listed music venues have in common?A.They have a long history.B.They are built near the sea.C.They accommodate thousands of people.D.They are beautiful tourist attractions.BA smiling panda and a walking Chinese lantern will be the mascots of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics (残奥会)in Beijing .The mascots were known to the public on Sept.17, 2019 at a ceremony inBeijing. Beijing Mayor Chen Jining described them as adorable, unique , and exquisite (精致的)。
2021届遵义第一中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ABob and Sue Harvey spent nine years as resident fellows in a dormitory at Sanford and in their bookVirtual Reality and The College Freshman, they write “The Freshman oftenfaces an identity problem during the first semester.” College is a more pressured environment than it used to be, in part because the academic gap between high school and college has increased. Many college freshmen have never had to make independent decisions about sex, drugs and alcohol. Most don’t know how to manage their time or money. They often feel lonely and overwhelmed, resulting in anxiety and depression.Nancy Corbin, director of clinical service for student-counseling (咨询) services at Iowa State University, says her office is seeing a significant increase in requests for counseling from freshmen who are having trouble making the adjustment to college life. She says older teenagers increasingly lack the skills to deal with personal problems that aren’t easily defined or fixed. And they get homesick but have a hard time admitting it.Parents and high schools can make things easier on freshmen by preparing them differently. For example, by teaching them to budget their hours and dollars. The Harveys think high schools should offer a college-life course. “Parents need to focus more on relationship and personal issues and less on how many sheets and towels to take,” they say. Many homesick freshmen think they’ll be regarded as failures if they come home before Thanksgiving. So parents can help by letting them know they’re welcome to return if they feel the need. In the meantime, parents have to find new ways to keep in touch with their college kids. One of the best ways is e-mail. It’s less unpleasant and less expensive than constant phone calls and is more likely to be answered than a handwritten letter.1. Why is the first semester difficult for freshmen in college?A. Because they often fail in exams.B. Because they lack time and money.C. Because they are too homesick to make new friends.D. Because they have to settle personal issues on their own.2. In the last paragraph, it is suggested that ________.A. parents should stop buying anything for their kidsB. parents should develop a good relationship with their kidsC. parents should be taught how to send e-mails to their kidsD. parents should work with high schools in college-life courses3. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. Hard Life of College FreshmenB. Approaches to Trouble in CollegeC. Freshmen’s Adaptation ProblemsD. A Strange Phenomenon in CollegeBSince I was born and brought up in a rural town, I have a great interest in nature. Using the chance of studying abroad in my second year at college, I decided to go toCanadajust because I wanted to see the beautiful phenomena there So after I finished the study program, I went toYellowknifein theNorthwest Territories.I clearly remember the sixth night inYellowknife. Suddenly my host mother came to my room around 8 p.m. and told me to change clothes and go outside quickly carrying her camera.The northern lights were flickering (闪烁) in the sky! I was shocked and just stood there with my mouth open.I forgot to take pictures of the mysterious lights.Since that night, whenever it was sunny, I went outside at night and looked at the sky. It was so cold that I lost all feeling in myhands and feet.As I took pictures of the northern lights, I came to find a characteristic movement of the lights. They first appear in the north part of the sky and then they gradually come down to the south part of the sky. After that, suddenly, they come in the middle of the north and south only for a while, which is the time when the best northern lights can be seen. Since it is only a few seconds for the northern lights to come down to the middle of the sky, it is very hard to get good pictures.The stronger the sun acts, the better and stronger the northern lights flicker in the sky. That’s because they come about from the collisions (碰撞) between atmospheric gases and the solar wind. Much more solar wind comes to the earth when the sun is active, whichleads to the best northern lights. And the color1 s of the northern lights depend on the height of the collisions and the kinds of gases.4. Why did the host mother ask the author to go out?A. She wanted to take a picture of him.B. She wanted to take a walk with him.C. She wanted to tell him something important.D. She wanted him to see the northern lights.5. The author forgot to take pictures after going out because ______.A. the host mother didn’t remind him to take the cameraB. he was shocked by the wonderful sightC. the lights flickering in the sky disappeared too soonD. he lost all feeling in his hands and feet6. When is the best time to see the northern lights?A. When they appear in the north part of the sky.B. When they come down to the south part of the sky.C. When they are between the north and south.D. When they rise in the east part of the sky.7. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. Waysto take good pictures.B. The relationship between the sun and the northern lights.C.The color1 s of the northern lights.D. The time of the best northern lights.CThis past year, I've found myself returning again and again to lines of poetry by Emily Dickinson. Like many people, I've needed the curing effects of reading more than ever. As scientists and psychologists will tell you, books are good for the brain and their benefits are particularly vital now.Books expand our world, providing an escape and offering novelty, surprise and excitement. They broaden our view and help us connect with others. Books can also distract us and help reduce ourmental chatter.When we hit the “flow state" of reading where we're fully lost in a book, our brain's mode network calms down. It's a network of brain that is active and gets absorbed in thinking and worrying endlessly when we are not doing anything else.There is so much noise in the world right now and the very act of reading is kind of meditation. You disconnect from the chaos around you.You reconnect with yourself when you are reading. And there's no more noise.In 2020, the NPD Group recorded the best year of book sales since 2004. Yet even as people are buying more books,many are reporting they're having a harder time getting through them. It's difficult for your brain to focus on a book when it's constantly scanning for threats to keep you alive.Our fight-or-flight response has beenconsistently activated.Sometimes I picture my brain as a cartoon brain with little arms and legs, fighting with a book I am holding and screaming: “Can't you see I'm busy!” Anxiety causes our brain to produce a flood of stress,which consumes our energy and makes it harder to concentrate.Then one day in December sitting on my couch, I remembered how much I like to read"The House of Mirth" every few years around the holidays. The memory inspired me to pick up the familiar book, opened it up and started reading.I just kept going.The comfort and distraction and brain-opening experience gave me peace.So return to something familiar.8. What does the underlined part “mental chatter” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Getting lost in a book.B. Non-stop inner anxiety.C. Chatting with the author.D. Powerful network of brain.9. What do we know about reading according to the text?A. It can treat our headache.B. It can calm down the noisy people.C. It forces us to concentrate.on thinking.D. It makes us communicate with ourselves.10. Why was it difficult for people to finish reading books in 2020?A. People bought too many books.B. The books were too difficult to understand.C. People just wanted to escape from the threat.D. The life threat disturbed people's focus on books.11. Why is the author's experience mentioned in the last paragraph?A. To rid people of concern for safety.B. To present an effective reading way.C. To wake up memories of an old book.D. To recommend the book he/she reads.DIf you've ever had a dog, you know just howdeep a connection you can develop with “man's best friend”. Buta dog's life is much shorter than humans, about 12 to 15 years long, which means every dog owner has to go through the heartbreaking moment when their loving pet passes away.Why not make a clone of that dog then? This is the solution offered by a South Korean company, Sooam Biotech Research Foundation. The company has already successfully cloned at least 400 dogs, mostly for US customers, ever since it pioneered the technique in 2005. Now, Sooam Biotech has introduced its business toUKdog owners as well, offering them dogs that look just like their lost ones.To clone a dog, researchers first need to take a skin cell from a living dog or one that has just died. Meanwhile,another dog is selected to supply an egg. Researchers then replace the DNA in the egg with that from the skin cell and implant the egg into the womb (子宫) of a female dog. The egg grows into a puppy over the following two months. The whole process takes less than a day, but it comes at a shockingly high price — around £63,000.But if you can't afford it now, you can also save the cell in a laboratory andaccess it at a later date.However, magical as cloning might sound, there is no guarantee that the cloned dog will be a perfect copy of the original one. Just like identical twins of humans, they share the exactly same DNA but there will still be small differences between them. “The spots on a Dalmatian (斑点狗) clone will be different, for example” Insung Hwang, head of Sooam Biotech, told The Guardian.Dog owners will also have to accept the fact that personality is not “cloneable”. Apart from genes, personality is also determined by upbringing and environment, which are both random elements that cloning technologies simply cannot overcome, Professor Tom Kirkwood atNewcastle University,UK, told The Telegraph.Perhaps bringing our dogs back by cloning is not the best way to remember them after all.Kirkwood, a dog owner himself, pointed out, “An important aspect of our relationship with them is coming to terms with the pain of letting go.”12. What service does Sooam Biotech Research Foundation offer?A. Making copies of pet dogs.B. Giving pet dogs identical twinsC. Helping dogs give birth to more puppies.D.Helping dog owners love their dogs more.13. Which order is correct in the dog cloning process?a. An egg is taken from another dog.b. A skin cell is taken from the pet dog.c. The egg grows into a puppy in two months.d. The egg is placed in the womb of a female dog.e. The DNA in the egg is replaced by the DNA from the skin cell.A.a→d→b→e→c.B. a→e→b→d→cC. b→a→d→e→c.D. b→a→e→d→c.14. What can we learn about dog cloning from the passage?A. It has not been put into practice until recently.B. It is very popular among US andUKpet owners.C. It might not give the owners an exactlysame dog.D. It is very expensive and usually takes half a year to complete.15. What doesKirkwoodthink of dog cloning?A. He disagrees with it.B. He supports it.C. He is curious about it.D. He thinks it unbelievable.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2021年遵义第一中学高三英语第四次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASwimming Holes in AmericaIn America, these secret swimming holes are hidden and hard to reach but well worth the adventure.Cummins FallsLooking for the best place to escape the summer heat in the heartland of America? For more than 100 years, Cummins Falls, a scenic,75-foot waterfall located in Jackson County, TN, has been a treasure for Tennessee natives. But now, the secret is out! Although it’s a bit tough to get to, once in the park, the mountains and river provide unmatched beauty on your way to taking a swim in Tennessee's eighth-largest waterfall.Sliding RockA popular place to cool off during those hot North Carolina summers, Sliding Rock waterfall is located in the Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County. A flattened rock about 60 feet lies in a nearly 7-foot-deep pool at the bottom, making this natural waterslide a great place to visit with people of all ages.Mooney FallsIt is the tallest water feature in the Grand Canyon, rising 190 feet above the surface. Named after an explorer in the 1800s, Mooney Falls is accessible only by crawling(爬)through 2 underground passages and then climbing down a sheer cliff(峭壁)face with just a couple of chains to hold on to. Although it is tough to get to, the view and the cool alone make it worth the trip.Lihue EstateA private swimming hole at the old Lihue Sugar Farm on Kauai, HI, was changed into an inner-tube water ride by Kauai Backcountry Adventures in 2003 and opened to adults. The waters for this 2.5-mile journey, which come from near the top of Mount Waialeale—one of the wettest spots in the world—are channeled through ditches(沟渠)that were hand-dug by farm workers over a century ago.1. Which hole may be the favourable destination for families?A. Lihue Estate.B. Sliding Rock.C. Mooney Falls.D. Cummins Falls.2. What can we learn about Mooney Falls from the text?A. It wasfound by an explorer.B. It was hand-dug in the 1800s.C. It is dangerous to arrive there.D. It is the tallest fall in the world.3. What is special about Lihue Estate?A. It is man-made.B. It is a private area.C. Its water is from underground.D. It lies on the top of Mount WaialealeBThere will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans by 2050. That is what a new report from the World Economic Forum and Ellen MacArthur Foundation warns. If the current trend continues, the report said, oceans will contain one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish in 2025. By 2050, plastics will weigh more than fish. The problem is that each year at least 8 million tons of plastics end up in oceans around the world. This is the same as dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the ocean every minute.Not all plastic ends up in the ocean because someone throws a plastic bottle into the water. Plastic containers and other trash thrown onto streets and sidewalks often are swept into oceans. Unlike other types of trash in the ocean, the plastic never bio-degrades. There is a way to slow the amount of plastics going into the oceans — people can recycle more. Currently only about 14 percent of plastics are recycled. Research in Europe shows as much as 53 percent of plastic could be recycled using available technology. The report says that another solution is using less plastic for packaging products. But that is not likely to happen.“Given plastic packaging’s many benefits, both the possibility and desirability of an across-the-board dramatic reduction in the volume of plastic packaging used is clearly low, ”the report said. But the authors note reducing the use of plastics should be tried“where possible. ”For decades, scientists warned that plastics are killing fish. Research shows that fish are dying from choking after eating plastics. Another cause of death is that plastics cause“intestinal blockage and starvation, ”the environmental group said.4. Why is the garbage truck mentioned in Paragraph 1 ?A. To explain how plastics end up in the ocean.B. To warn people against the ocean pollution.C. To clarify the seriousness of the problem.D. To point out some details of the report.5. Why is plastic more dangerous than other types of trash?A. There is too much of it.B. It poisons the ocean water.C. It is from different sources.D. It is hard to break down.6. What is the author’s attitude to the suggested solutions?A. Pessimistic.B. Curious.C. Unconcerned.D. Terrified.7. What can we infer from the text?A. People are not aware of the problem.B. Recycling is limited by lack of technology.C. Plastic packaging has become part of our life.D. Fish in the ocean will be replaced by plastics.CTwo years ago, I decided to study at theUniversityofSt. Edwardsin the city ofAustin,Texas. When I was on my research to find the perfect place to study in, I considered many aspects: a safe place, a city where there were companies devoted to marketing or technology, a place where speaking Spanish and English was an advantage and a school where I could learn about digital strategies (数字策略). After comparing and evaluating many cities and universities. I finally decided onAustin.Since I arrived inAustin,Texas. I had been living inside the university where I had a private room and shared common areas with more students. University life was not very different from the life inMexicoand classes weresemblableand the way of socializing too. However, in theUnited States, the classes were more practical and teachers encouraged you to be self-responsible and complete your tasks.The classes that I was taking were related to social media, digital marketing and advertising. I was very excited to be able to study technology-related courses.What I liked most about the experience was being able to live with students from many places, which allowed me to learn from other cultures and to share mine with other students. Also, international student services usually organized events and tours that helped me to get to know the city and the school.I certainly think that studying abroad is a beneficial experience. It makes us capable of understanding cultural differences and accepting diversity. Personally, I would suggest that you first determine what your goals are by going abroad, research the opportunities and lifestyle, evaluate your universities,and finally decide on the one where you feel more comfortable, connecting with your values and way of seeing life.8. Which of the following can best describe the author according to paragraph 1?A. Casual.B. Cautious.C. Changeable.D. Adventurous.9.What does the underlined word “semblable” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Worthwhile.B. Practical.C. Same.D. Similar.10. What made the author most pleased?A. Speaking Spanish and English inAustin,Texas.B. Working as a designer in a technology company.C. Having a chance to learn about different cultures.D. Organizing many events and tours independently.11. What are the students who intend to study abroad advised to do?A. Be careful to choose the university to study in.B. Set no limits on theiracademic performances.C. Study where they're familiar with everything.D. Adjust personal lifestyles for the university.DIf you’re looking for a reason to care about tree loss, this summer’s record-breaking heat waves might be it. Trees can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, according to arecent study. But tree cover in US cities is shrinking (缩减). A study published last year by the US Forest Service found that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. “If we continue on this path, cities will become warmer, more polluted and generally unhealthier for inhabitants,” said David Nowak, a senior US Forest Service scientist and co-author of the study. Nowak says there are many reasons why our tree cover is declining, including hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, insects and disease. But the one reason for tree loss that humans can control is sensible development.Nowak says there is a downside to trees too, such as pollen allergy (花粉过敏) or large tailing branches in storms, and people don’t like sweeping leaves. But, he says, there are ways cities and counties can manage trees to help communities thrive (繁荣). Urban forests especially need our help to replace fallen trees. Unlike rural areas, it is very difficult for trees to repopulate themselves in a city environment with so much pavement and asphalt (沥青). “A lot of our native trees can’t actually find a place to drop a seed so they can regenerate,” explains Greg Levine, co-executivedirector of Trees Atlanta. “That’s why the community has to go in and actually plant a tree because the areas just aren’t natural anymore.”Nowak says the first step is caring for the trees on your own property (财产). “We think we pay for our house, and sowe must maintain it. But because we don’t pay for nature, we don’t need to. And that’s not necessarily true.”12. Why does the author mention “trees can lower summer daytime temperatures”?A. To tell the temperatures in summer are high.B. To explain the reason of tree loss.C. To tell trees are helpful.D. To introduce the topic.13. How can humans control tree loss according to Nowak?A. Develop cities in reasonable ways.B. Prevent fires form damaging trees.C. Improve climate to let trees grow.D. Decrease insects in cities.14. Why do forests in cities need our help?A. Because trees don’t grow in a city environment.B. Because native trees don’t drop seeds any more.C. Because trees in urban areas can’t regenerate naturally.D. Because humans want to plant more trees.15. What is the purpose of this passage?A. Describe the importance of trees in cities.B. Appeal people to protect trees in their surroundings.C. Ask people to plant trees with the author.D. Show the number of trees in theUSis declining.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
若某流星距离地面高度为一个地球半径,地球北极的重力加速度为g,则流星的加速度为()A.B.C.D.第(2)题下列叙述中正确的是( )A.在真空中,频率越高的电磁波传播速度越大B.汤姆孙发现了天然放射现象,说明原子核具有复杂的结构C.普朗克提出组成黑体的振动着的带电微粒的能量只能是某一个最小能量的整数倍D.玻尔认为氢原子中的电子轨道是量子化的,但原子的能量不是量子化的第(3)题如图所示,静止在水平地面上的重锤,上端系一橡皮筋,初始状态橡皮筋恰好伸直且处于原长,手抓着橡皮筋的上端迅速从A点上升至B点后,手在B点保持静止,重锤离开地面并上升一定高度。
不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的是( )A.重锤离开地面前,对地面的压力逐渐减小,处于失重状态B.重锤加速上升的过程处于超重状态C.重锤的速度最大时,处于完全失重状态D.重锤上升至最高点时,速度为零,处于平衡状态第(4)题如图所示,小球从距地面高度的A点由静止释放,经地面第一次反弹,竖直上升至最高点B,B点距地面高度,不计空气阻力,下列说法正确的是( )A.小球在B点处于静止状态B.小球下降过程处于失重,上升过程处于超重C.小球与地面作用过程速度变化量的大小为1m/sD.小球下降过程的平均速度大小大于上升过程的平均速度大小第(5)题在近代物理发展的进程中,实验和理论相互推动,促进了人类对世界认识的不断深入。
对下列四幅图描述不正确的是( )A.图甲中随着温度的升高,辐射强度的极大值向波长较短的方向移动B.图乙中光电效应现象说明光具有粒子性C.图丙中氢原子从能级跃迁到能级辐射出的光照射逸出功为6.34eV的金属铂,能发生光电效应D.图丁中由原子核的核子平均质量与原子序数Z的关系可知,若D和E能结合成F,结合过程一定会吸收能量第(6)题下列处于失重状态的物体是( )A.匀速下落的雨滴B.向下减速运动的电梯C.斜向上抛出的小球D.摆动到最低点时的摆球第(7)题氚是氢的一种放射性同位素,简写为H,氚核发生β衰变后变成另一种新原子核,氚的半衰期为12.43年,下列关于氚核衰变说法正确的( )A.经过12.43年,6个氚核还剩余3个没有衰变B.经过12.43年,质量为m的氚核还剩余仍没有衰变C.增加气体中氚的浓度可以缩短其半衰期D.改变氚核存放环境可改变其半衰期第(8)题如图,沿水平直轨道运行的地铁车厢内,有一拉环(可视为质点)用轻绳与套于水平杆中的固定限位块相连,某段时间内拉环与竖直方向夹角始终为θ。
在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)(共8题)第(1)题智能手机上装载的众多app软件改变着我们的生活,如图所示为某度地图app软件的一张截图,表示了某次导航的具体路径,其推荐路线中有两个数据,16分钟,6.7公里,关于这两个数据,下列说法正确的是( )A.研究汽车在导航图中的位置时,可以把汽车看作质点B.16分钟表示的是某个时刻C.6.7公里表示了此次行程的位移的大小D.根据这两个数据,我们可以算出此次行程的平均速度第(2)题甲、乙两车在同一条直道上行驶,它们的位置坐标x随时间t变化的关系如图所示,已知乙车做匀变速直线运动,其图线最低点为P,则下列说法正确的是( )A.甲车的初速度为B.两车第一次相遇时运动方向相同C.乙车的加速度大小为D.乙车的初始位置坐标第(3)题如图所示,固定的斜面上叠放着A、B两木块,木块A与B的接触面是水平的,水平力F作用于木块A,木块A、B保持静止。
下列说法正确的是( )A.木块B可能受到4个力作用B.木块A对木块B的摩擦力可能为0C.木块B对木块A的作用力方向竖直向上D.斜面对木块B的摩擦力方向沿斜面向下第(4)题U(铀核)衰变产生新核Th(钍核),钍核具有放射性,钍核衰变后产生新核Pa(镤核),从U衰变为Pa,共经历了( )A.2次α衰变B.2次β衰变C.1次α衰变,1次β衰变D.2次β衰变,1次α衰变。
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班级学生姓名语文数学英语总分政治历史地理文综总分级序20刘君瑶11860125.684847624454848 20左益116.569.5127.164778822954259 20吴雪飘11587.5111.078688022654064 20何兰兰12498.5112.557737420453967 20龚修洋114.585103.777827022953283 20王茜11686102.965788422753285 20王希叶127.582.5121.357697420053187 20徐颖11477121.376687421853089 20李旭108.587105.674797622953092 20华蕊11667.5126.978756621952994 20王谦114.583110.467847022152995 20朱丹丹125.566109.775767622752896 20张世念116.570.5122.365797221652599 20毛先雯11759114.2648388235525100 20雷炀12387102.9588272212525102 20鲁长春119.587119.3616868197523109 20姚康11394.5104.3656570200512139 20李云云122.552105.9697768214494203 20阮炜青10473111.2586780205493211 20龙丽娟11475.584.2688162211485241 20代永娅11647.5120.9545884196480260 20汤云璐11452121.3646464192479267 20雷霖101.557.596.8587584217473301 20柏在杰11258.5105.6676166194470322 20周媛媛114.558.595.4447284200468330 20赵璇121.527103.7757862215467337 20熊小路100.58286.6487374195464348 20李翰羽11349.594.3667268206463351 20吴美霖106.554.5105.6586474196463353 20邹冰清11252.588.3676772206459370 20李科翰1117679.5557560190457381 20陈颖11439.5103.3636866197454395 20潘鹏8649.5107.4667864208451410 20汪斯杏10835102.2607366199444432 20张兴黎10257.5107.3496860177444435 20雷超110.56284.2496870187444436 20谢梦妮113.529102.0736956198443444 20陈艺璇12128.591.7607070200441450 20杨雨辰1115788.5486076184441452 20田雨心11347.5103.3576950176440456 20王天文1144390.9517266189437467 20黄铭瑶10535.5101.6615972192434479 20罗晋115.54077.1477868193426511 20张馨予11761.567.5506158169415543 20靳丹丹110.560.581.6406352155408572 20陈婷婷100.541.588.1557346174404578 20王然102.532.593.6567344173402584 20陈俊州10442.580.1436562170397597 20肖玥10741.572.0387362173394610 20窦娜8530.5100.7586736161377642 20李子奕11031102.8385242132376646 20杨涵110.519.570.1506458172372655 20陈萧依108.53259.6366668170370661 20苟议莹982570.9516758176370662 20郑策90.5595.1575650163354680 20文锦106.54065.1464846140352686 20韩艳10826.568.1347632142345698 20张文雯96.520.576.5345954147341702 20易世雪97.521.541.4456666177337709 20尤中媛102.52569.6385050138335711 20杨洋97.51524.9557564194331713 20刘思源9840.527.2504946145311726 20何林1031525.5356752154298736 20蒋田野1052032.1324760139296738 20张怀志8940.537.3424242126293740 20余泽章74.52025.7286144133253757 20郑豪85.52532.318224888231769 20刘芳华11097.5208776 20杨睿36.574.3111784 20王芷娴20陈薪池20刘瑞20郑莎莎20陈翰20刘根铸20罗进然20陈思励20高遇20郭涛21李沛凌12499.5126.980787423258215 21袁雨梅120.577.5135.475818424057322 21陈永嘉12769127.769679423055438 21曾靓婧11183.5112.182818024355042 21徐林新11582129.870787422254945 21王小英11683.5114.880767423054453 21彭倩12167129.669778022654455 21陈航11758.5131.176847423454162 21江洁11261.5118.979769224753965 21王先敏121.564.5103.3778176234523107 21冯杨107.566.5131.1657772214519117 21杨洁122.564101.8757182228516126 21王亚11361.5116.1758466225516127 21王雅萱11276103.5787768223515130 21袁青12264103.7707476220510142 21钟立刚115.548120.2817864223507155 21后世海11867112.3597178208505165 21唐冰清11163.5116.3697768214505168 21周惜君111.546124.1726780219501180 21宋雪梅11662.5101.1786770215495202 21刘玲102.567.5123.6637364200494207 21姚应华102.553118.9688166215489223 21杨骥11550.5122.4657856199487233 21何浪109.564104.3727364209487234 21黄红锦107.558109.7767162209484243 21王锦楠10973103.3636668197482247 21周迪10940.5103.3658576226479269 21黄婷11044102.6707874222479273 21李莎莎11037109.9707378221478277 21罗有洁102.552.5101.6747962215472309 21朱姝姝11347.5109.5677460201471312 21李钦116.536.5103.5776572214471318 21杜凤霞10645115.5587768203470324 21张炼1075193.9737172216468333 21陶丽旭95.559.596.4726876216467335 21韩蜜妮99.58294.5616862191467338 21杨新叶11141115.5586870196464349 21姚孟君9752118.9597164194462357 21李娜娜109.561107.1645860182460365 21周义娟11346.593.6558268205458373 21刘兴1095685.5557772204455391 21商嘉113.55596.0626860190455392 21代华101.541107.6687164203453402 21刘佳灵101.549.592.4488668202445423 21张恒嘉117.55080.3716462197445427 21陈橙111.53790.2546284200439460 21舒远迪1065973.7636766196435476 21曹军军1023697.5667358197433483 21张禹1074695.1686351182430495 21苏茂悦101.53793.6607756193425512 21田铖11222.5111.0616848177423522 21余梦杰98.526.592.3666370199416540 21尹君98.542107.3535260165413551 21李浩然102.541.588.3457164180412554 21张源清973597.3446664174403581 21杨华凤1072779.3616364188401585 21何叶1144379.9585154163400588 21张瑶瑶9852.599.9554050145395604 21杨凯9658.581.9366654156392613 21王磊111.53396.8446046150391621 21肖倩102.541.575.4705446170389626 21黄玉琳98.539.576.7525266170385631 21李晓旻97.540114.2375340130382633 21杨雪1012975.0586450172377643 21孔令进915275.4356948152370659 21朱玉叶893848.9565676188364669 21易经10010.593.9364550131335710 21陈婧婕913575.0343650120321719 21陈川影88.52568.6395540134316722 21王洁100.53052.3435712112295739 21郑扬833523.3446231137278750 21饶迅9215.531.7316628125264754 21杨宇航921536.4264236104247760 21徐闫沙丹912513.3254346114243763 21李艳791035.3384334115239765 21欧阳能70.51531.5373344114231768 21韦辰晨89.543.330561096229770 21周光洪21吴宇22向天南134109142.98383862526381 22胡瑶瑶123121.5136.98482902566372 22邓义涵120.5135138.27776902436373 22罗琳132119.5128.18580842496294 22余锦华119.5127118.78490862606255 22赵晓稷123.5118.5138.47785762386186 22罗芮118.5101140.48485842536137 22肖欣欣118.5117133.38080842446138 22何宁123117129.07777842386079 22岳筱艳124.5117.5127.975807823360310 22游芸125.594134.386818024760111 22曾鑫123109132.080807423459812 22刘洋123.5110.5120.286797423959313 22赵启圳122.5113.5120.079688222958514 22王钰120.5102125.676778023358116 22梁婷12687131.382817223557917 22吴茂梅115.5114.5123.675727822557918 22朱仁凤120105122.371807822957619 22龚明熙121111.5120.669777622257520 22李其芮121.584125.475907824357421 22张琬婧12292.5136.367708021756823 22罗玉玲11886.5126.878788023656724 22赵兴会11599124.370708822856625 22杨秀旭12477123.274888024256626 22陈玉立115.599131.664748021856427 22毛红12479134.884717022556328 22吴畏12580.5120.975758623656229 22李程120.570137.373768423356131 22杨应群122.582.5126.075728022755834 22李颖11281.5129.875807823355635 22熊桐119.568128.182708824055636 22夏浩然11584127.366808222855437 22张治112109.5127.568657020355240 22吴小凤12466.5127.381807023154944 22罗光君12086.5118.776747222254749 22包昱歆113.5100122.870677020754356 22罗文君116.566.5126.074847022853771 22王静11889123.865697220653772 22李凌霄11293.5115.963708221553673 22黎秋钦11666.5133.572787022053676 22王静118.576116.371837022453577 22张玲菲118.580.5120.274776421553478 22钱锐11764116.678827423453286 22魏承程11561125.369788222953090 22杨清清11269.5114.679777623252897 22周陆净11972.5126.864707420852698 22吴疾10684123.9677568210524105 22唐天兰11361.5122.1717474219516128 22王米兰11543128.4776486227513133 22周玲嘉109.570.5116.6737072215512140 22舒兰11244114.9628294238509145 22翁锐11471125.4697356198508148 22孙进109.547112.7758180236505166 22李泽鑫118.552.5113.1688168217501179 22陈曦明97.577.5110.3718060211496197 22陈迪11962.5119.3617064195496198 22周至衡11856.5110.4558060195480263 22曹维雪109.549.5119.4716858197475286 22陈粟11813.5127.1667768211470323 22蔡浩然10436110.466776620945936622赵元婧117.532.5102.2636758188440455 22郭洪宇103.53691.3508160191422524 22王姝璇1101381.2565578189393611 22陈坤艺1041673.1546852174367666 22陈遨博1002852.1456266173353683 23吴建122.595.5128.164648621456032 23周鑫鑫11678.5124.177838024055933 23夏兴淑12178122.173827422955041 23王艳114.574.5122.668728822854063 23周予寒11678.5117.87567822245367423王祝艺11688.5122.169597620453188 23张波11288.594.9697980228523106 23罗丹11089103.5667480220523110 23田平平118.582101.8865974219521113 23冯莎莎10763.5109.7678288237517123 23黄朝欣113.580114.4527870200508151 23陈锐104.59189.8657680221506159 23赖绪燕11375108.8647074208505169 23王家豪117.549111.8707972221499185 23邱雯10586.5107.4656272199498188 23李曾珍11051116.4777366216493208 23赵宇110.55995.8677388228493210 23李兴睿10358.5109.9656690221492216 23张洁11267109.5617762200489226 23吴承玮101.553120.2628070212487235 23张丹丹111.58688.5676468199485240 23邬纯叶11541111.2647278214481255 23银安玲11062103.1598166206481256 23肖映月11447.5105.6696180210477278 23顾先翔1095888.9687776221477282 23李紫虹106.556.5106.5666474204474299 23陈小霞112.565.587.4506682198463350 23张莉媚113.536107.1597176206463354 23袁婷婷111.553.582.1618074215462355 23冷梦鹤104.554.590.4657176212461360 23黎婉华107.546.5107.8706760197459369 23张凤111.54796.6636374200455389 23谭书嫔111.547.592.4666274202453398 23李忠侠11448105.2676158186453401 23唐健108.578.577.3595764180444431 23吴文琦11451.596.4507060180442447 23祝钰108.536105.2567458188438464 23吴彬11144100.9496860177433481 23郑伟10070.574.8547558187432484 23肖力107.566.569.9486868184428501 23杨学卫11046.569.9517674201427506 23王巧巧106.550.598.4346770171426508 23肖佳璇11136109.1465866170426509 23杨烨卿105.521.5117.8526854174419531 23刘帆1035580.4436472179417535 23余雅兰1002398.1576772196417537 23冯靓雯110.55364.9467070186414545 23李倩如109.54188.1596254175414546 23郑歆奕105.533.593.9485477179412556 23田雯雯110.53891.7446462170410563 23姚佳君1016245.8626474200409567 23朱小康106.551.561.5477556178398595 23王娅如1093982.7376464165396602 23张振野110.526.581.0426766175393612 23张飞1055661.7455866169392617 23徐静怡10229.593.9435658157382632 23张家侨108.54575.2386154153382634 23夏仁皓1084154.8655556176380638 23刘璐10543.568.6526446162379639 23刘海婷99.520.585.1555462171376645 23石胜霞103.52387.2415558154368665 23陈永琪101.537.574.8525150153367667 23骆运方94.549.570.3484952149363670 23李妍9326.575.8475360160355679 23黄野951580.1416060161351687 23闫哲100.54537.7325470156339705 23帅吉1021648.041627017333970623王雨茹10222.543.7615752170338708 23秦旖旎99.52750.6555024129306730 23冯陈陈103.518.555.3383442114291741 23王珊珊93.53534.7405136127290742 23凌子豪90.51528.9374843128262755 23罗钦963530.625363495257756 23何启莹96.045562812922577323苟先炯25 6.8296156146178780 23李梦23李彦澄24王清12385.5116.367807622354847 24姚瑶11776114.269818823854551 24陈瑞115.575128.383717022454357 24赵园满111.581119.468837822954160 24周小珊12372123.867688421953870 24刘丹11770.5114.878718223153380 24罗彤11389.5107.1687766211521114 24袁玉馨11565.5126.2667074210517124 24李洪华1206898.4767872226512136 24朱先忧11474.5109.9607278210508149 24陈静10964.5121.9647770211506158 24王鸿109.566.597.9697382224498190 24付玉笛11178.5108.0577864199497194 24陈星宇11649.5104.3718568224494205 24母应韬114.543108.9707482226492215 24冷露露104.584107.1516974194490222 24陈若曦11444.5116.8718458213488227 24周长芳11077100.1597368200487232 24吴婷婷10554.5118.3517380204482248 24郑敬圣11448.5106.9537584212481251 24易宗敏109.555100.1766278216481258 24刘珂帆107.565.584.0687778223480262 24陈成114.553102.2607080210480265 24陶文君11247.5105.6746772213478276 24毛秋淳1085682.9687882228475289 24刘畅11055.5104.4617370204474297 24唐湛112.556.596.2557674205470320 24向欣昀120.53599.2637180214469329 24敖晓光1085486.3727374219467336 24蔡宜霖114.546.5107.4607364197465346 24刘莉105.571.591.5436976188457380 24王红1115897.7576468189456387 24袁媛104.58071.1557766198454397 24葛蓝晶10230.5104.4647072206443437 24杨飞1126269.8607366199443440 24李春雨1036080.6597070199443441 24谢滔110.542.578.9537472199431489 24毛重麟10953.573.9566474194430494 24高丽娜10547.576.5646176201430497 24杨小敏109.53998.8526362177424514 24于奇101.54085.1546874196423521 24刘林95.56574.8566160177412553 24吴显提1156640.3486874190411559 24刘倩105.538.580.1676649182406574 24张羽鑫103.535.581.2456470179399590 24饶静1084167.7487360181398594 24佘洪奕984496.4525848158396598 24向建泓10353.567.5466458168392615 24王婷钰104.553.574.6377250159392618 24张印楠1034857.6416458163372657 24喻云松104.5 6.589.6456362170371658 24周炜1053723.1457380198363671 24李璞10936.529.1397474187362672 24陈立洋9635.539.9406478182353681 24敖艺10228.550.849645817135268424吴伟103.51834.7356568168324717 24景佳林90.51639.847486215730373224吴睿103.51232.6356350148296737 24胡晓丹981041.840335612927974724阳顺旭99.53025.3314944124279748 24王立新103.526.8315364148278749 24郭莹93.51127.0335352138270752 24李浩901625.1365842136267753 24黄字亿741023.8144442100208775 24龙毅56.51037.1242850102206777 24李亚檑25汪甜甜118.586.5123.863817622054946 25张倩11958117.279739224453869 25周丹阳11370123.9706776213520116 25王紫珣111.552118.3807780237519118 25李忆婵11265.5120.0717274217515131 25苟逐贫10364129.4686778213509144 25康洋12745118.7658072217508152 25王璇112.566116.6697172212507154 25胡永平10878.5111.0707366209507157 25王文飞11165.5125.8557574204506160 25黄璐11462.5127.1636376202506163 25娄丽兰108.572.5110.3646778209500181 25谭益钦11662.5110.3637474211500183 25张靖文112.564102.2647184219498191 25宋弢115.557120.9616776204497193 25陈竹11834113.4777376226491217 25钱盛册107.58190.9647374211490220 25陈铖10956.5107.6717372216489224 25申展11750.5118.7626872202488229 25陈紫玮11463118.9537364190486238 25杨媛媛1115199.8816772220482249 25冯孝丽1106181.6717974224477283 25牟洋10261112.5566976201477284 25杨友源117.564.592.4646176201475287 25郑维鑫10557.5108.6646970203474296 25张艳9851.5101.4767668220471313 25姚诚12242110.6546574193468334 25梁英114.55199.9458076201466342 25许桂川106.55887.4557480209461362 25李洁1047487.9437474191457376 25周列欢11542105.6696956194457379 25康银银113.55298.8636660189453399 25凌凌1155675.8577176204451411 25吴娅9449.586.4717276219449414 25韩辰104.549.598.3657060195447417 25吴培根106.575.552.1577284213447419 25戴燚101.56775.4706958197441451 25周义翠11350.564.3656878211439459 25谭浩100.543.597.1596276197438462 25蒲鑫105.533.5103.3546770191433480 25田景瀚11828.588.7587762197432485 25唐宇彤97.53694.5625876196424515 25杜驰10545.577.1368474194422525 25吴浩燃111.553.565.3406882190420528 25张瑢珮11138.576.3597260191417538 25印玲亚1004462.8597872209416541 25熊中徽107.556.565.1556662183412555 25梁文毓94.534.586.8546674194410564 25王茹9832.597.1297082181409568 25赵鹏怡10541.560.9518066197404577 25皮鑫媛104.52999.9456354162395605 25雷菊娅10054.557.4496568182394609 25刘鑫115.52574.6725154177392614 25陈孟纳110.535.554.6587162191392619 25周涵943074.4486478190388629 25王颖8825108.4496050159380636 25何美希11515.560.8536172186377641 25殷绍玥10023.570.1546462180374652 25彭海粟96.531.551.2595758174353682 25赵亮993096.8484236126352685 25张明洁8532.566.8535854165349691 25赵鑫95.52466.8545848160346694 25彭继弘952367.537586415934569925罗婕瑜95.53458.7456050155343700 25谭力8740.533.0506762179340703 25刘瑞洁103.53745.9533946138324716 25刘一品104.535 6.0526260174320720 25赵杰102.52535.4424468154317721 25何雪婧9016.541.6546846168316723 25邓王鑫111.51029.141675416231372525陈聪97.51530.2396256157300734 25文远翔92.51527.4244350117252759 25杨谊25令狐绍海25卢佳佳26袁庆庆113.588118.575807823355339 26刘倩119.585119.673717622054454 26陈涵120.569127.374747422253968 26刘先禄116.568131.666747421453091 26穆彦妮11967.5116.4777372222525101 26张蕊125.573.5110.3786274214523108 26罗露117.559127.5766872216520115 26何韵114.589.5108.0677366206518120 26邓文雯104.566.5120.8638182226518122 26杨涛11658122.8687178217514132 26胡芸芸115.558.5115.3647288224513134 26钟厚雪116.565.5117.2796272213512137 26罗成119.573.592.4677776220505164 26李林洁11959119.1577576208505167 26杨梅11556.5120.0537684213505170 26梁旭113.583.5118.7467162179495201 26彭智馨11840.5109.1717282225493214 26李程程10862.591.5658480229491218 26谢字棋113.549.591.7756988232487236 26李长艳11847.5118.3666868202486239 26王旭111.560115.5676861196483244 26朱晓璐11543.5108.2706676212479272 26王欢109.57298.4587960197477280 26陈清清10063.5102.4637078211477281 26钟阳109.553103.7657766208474294 26邱平杰123.566.597.1517264187474295 26卢青青113.546106.9577376206472303 26杨亲瑶11940.5108.2646574203471316 26陈垚杰10560.595.1487484206467341 26毛天淦11362.591.5597268199466343 26韩昀珂114.559.5103.9675962188466344 26江厘君114.552100.1737056199466345 26郑裕玲10857100.5646270196462359 26陈萍萍10047108.8636874205461363 26朱跃璇109.55088.9647176211459367 26赵茸茸10037.5103.3677278217458375 26袁丹丹10940.594.7716466201445425 26付世锦11546.584.9675966192438461 26卢亮亮1026098.6517056177438465 26陈丹妮113.552.566.4628162205437466 26赵玟钦113.536.596.4565876190436469 26何玲玲105.563.576.3627158191436470 26孙军1047480.4586154173431487 26张霞1143883.1527568195430496 26韩易109.54683.4526176189428503 26郑旺1085378.9595966184424516 26杨艺124.533.582.1486669183423519 26李燕1054276.5586080198422526 26冯莹98113.1676772206417536 26王丰112.52788.9546168183411558 26李俊黎111.54466.9596762188410562 26杨冲100.52482.3576678201408569 26蔡乐9834.596.2565964179408571 26汤诗文10047.553.4697065204405576 26刘雅静1161590.9546858180402582 26邓家琪90.530.5100.1556258175396599 26刘钧玉93.525.5114.6425460156390625 26杨安妮102.538.571.1464572163375650 26蔡孟10635.563.2395858155360675 26廖乾锋9021.558.9566064180350689 26李冰玉1033846.746506215834669526赵晟玮844644.6486360171346696 26肖诗杭952620.8555948162304731 26王曦9215.533.8415250143284745 26黄稀922022.3355226113247761 26张玉婷862023.1234744114243764 26王雪松85.521.527.0292452105239766 26赵诚宇93 6.810078526彭乾康63 5.368787 26柳阳琳58 4.563788 26王宇26杨朝伟26刘鸿民26胡镱亮26王阳盛26李豪27全永先119.585111.680756822353966 27沈宇鸿11781.5105.868867422853282 27李洪伟113.577.594.5798278239525104 27李登梅109.566.5117.4808266228521112 27张念念11074.5105.4777576228518121 27陈中婷114.557.5115.7727578225513135 27张娣娜118.576.5108.0607376209512138 27杨婷120.565.5111.8657076211509146 27明玥113.574106.7587284214508150 27陈新115.557125.3628458204502176 27梁裕11743.5117.9598280221499184 27张顺芳1208096.9617961201498189 27张荻秋11075.597.9726576213496195 27罗娣10763.5114.4647072206491219 27张滔9973.5113.3606770197483246 27张平11961.571.6668378227479268 27杨永100.571.584.8598182222479270 27任建军109.54899.2617982222479271 27林乾冰10245127.3667062198472304 27张鑫1066495.1686870206471311 27湛如敏10664.593.9637072205469325 27罗萧1075599.8677860205467340 27任源源104.560108.4567858192465347 27张元辉1045392.4677072209458371 27李璐1165482.5677166204457382 27罗国微1074787.2707866214455388 27杨振欣109.560.569.2746276212451409 27罗鹏1046663.6728164217451412 27沈翔宇10845.587.8567280208449413 27杨霭琳102.56175.8448280206445424 27葛鑫104.54874.6677378218445426 27何林威1155268.8627274208444434 27赵兴朋1034885.3577176204440453 27熊德露104.53295.8766566207439457 27刘念10348.578.4657368206436472 27朱蕾11444.587.9646856188434478 27黄润102.54581.6606176197426510 27周贇豪109.55647.6628264208421527 27余佳芮101.541.584.4567660192419530 27祝深铭1123279.1636468195418533 27马祯键993086.4416470175390622 27缪君10934.574.8575956172390623 27吴优106.53566.6665461181389627 27唐婧雯102.53938.6457184200380637 27王婵婵1055060.0505852160375651 27黄雪瑞10740.551.8415168160359676 27陈传锐101.544.4657070205351688 27陈庆波104.531.528.9426182185350690 27李正屹753976.3236470157347692 27邹元朝103.529.519.9546470188341701 27付一然9822.543.9496858175339704 27付鑫10421.540.1296550144310727 27田屯96.5540.9295954142284744 27刘智1061033.4333654123272751 27陈旭东83.525.524.232414611925275827娄航950.0275352132227771 27朱晋宏10245.578.0226772 27徐贝贝3411.3415978178223774 27张万里27赵兴27何林27周芳名27蒲姝琪27郑禹27张齐豪27曾重27陈鑫27周雪颖36李艳115.581.5114.483698623854943 36杨群11978.5102.982788224254258 36潘函11477120.271767822553675 36陆飞110.510993.671787222153479 36刘学伟117.579110.178707822653381 36李冉11363118.5697274215510143 36杨丹丹108.571.5107.3647184219506161 36张婷婷107.57498.4727678226506162 36余 澜103.587103.1707366209503174 36林欣悦11740.5119.1717876225502177 36吴小奇113.589.591.1696870207501178 36冉胡浪122.56190.0697482225499187 36杨 倩1178175.4597886223496196 36李一冰119.563.595.1627678216494204 36沈连鼎1126091.7677984230494206 36罗义勇11291.552.9697890237493209 36李红艺1197197.9656872205493212 36曾勰12695102.2524174167490221 36朱银银11662.587.8628278222488228 36胡梅109.556103.5747768219488231 36冯满玉111.558.597.3647080214481252 36田春艳103.57391.7638466213481254 36甘芝松122.56884.9705974203478274 36欧杜琴1106686.1637378214476285 36杨超110.579.5102.4566858182474291 36许铭铭11361.579.3697376218472308 36穆春容109.56289.4786864210471314 36涂尊琴1165385.5708066216471317 36马妮12359.596.8547364191470319 36高欢11360.595.6585984201470321 36张钦112.5105.528.1648178223469326 36牟建林1136291.1506786203469327 36李金梅110.56296.8636868199468331 36刘春兰114.549.596.9596978206467339 36邓朝英1166891.7596662187463352 36王菊10969.592.3517664191462358 36冯英115.541.588.3627874214459368 36周 艳1017181.8616478203457377 36罗旺103.56195.6766456196456384 36张赟10948102.9556178194454393 36李 豪113.556.585.9576180198454394 36申宇120.555.565.3707270212453400 36田凯10665.585.560686819645340436杨红强10871.565.8717264207452406 36申腾飞10347.586.1626782211448415 36蓝雅莉100.546.584.4696582216447416 36罗婵1113983.3667276214447418 36陈倩茜111.56876.9566666188444429 36杨胜利10652.574.3596784210443439 36徐秋琴1183868.6597782218443442 36申佳露113.558.578.2557760192442446 36朱力帆106.524.5104.1746660200435473 36周城116.54468.1676968204433482 36赵晓君109.55664.7696468201431488 36谢文森108.55070.3627268202431490 36田佳佳10653.586.1526964185431493 36胡永10462.572.6585774189428500 36苏照勇1084348.9738570228428502 36李波兰10460.579.9466770183427507 36张辽11438.557.4707272214424517 36杜瑶瑶113.534.562.4737564212422523 36梁后丹110.563.552.9566570191418534 36邬伦青1145272.6685752177416542 36徐立109.54062.4568362201413549 36张颖111.539.573.7546668188413552 36彭昱榿1163472.6417672189412557 36覃炼102.565.555.7566664186410565 36高文刚107.535.563.0637268203409566 36赵东北92.558.574.8497062181407573 36王静静110.57653.3486058166406575 36李思海112.555.555.1675262181404579 36王兴11262.528.1437482199402583 36周颖倩110.536.551.2607864202400587 36罗 斌108.539.551.2527078200399591 36肖依天974168.1537664193399592 36徐钰玫1048734.9514772170396600 36陈依铭10942.566.9643578177395606 36袁晓艳113.52059.1607264196389628 36孔令伟107.53954.8526372187388630 36李星973584.4307164165381635 36王栅1053333.2627372207378640 36杨玉洁95.52979.9566052168372653 36陈叶1174527.0476670183372656 36吴巡99.54832.6446878190370660 36何崟民10148.547.3476560172369663 36段艳玲102.53742.4397858175357677 36桂久丽103.51447.8437276191356678 36苏 华992632.6556864187345697 36胡 欣9225.547.3546152167332712 36陈航1002028.7375172160309728 36张思琴100.52825.3395850147301733 36王璐10540.5236962154300735 36冯 奇1061537.1215654131289743 36袁涛84.520.3385252142247762 36杜海逸9639.528.716302470234767 36张 宇40530.9303345108184779 36肖 答49.95078937骆运进11896.5112.974798223556230 37王清清10598.599.076789024454750 37夏克敏116101106.977727222154552 37陆定金119.598.597.971787622554161 37刘青11883.599.67772822315328437王美琪11691.581.073927624153093 37杨颖11972.5100.1738278233525103 37杨阳11381.595.4648583232522111 37周艺120.581.589.3678674227518119 37周炫113.58093.9757084229516125 37罗睿敏11272102.9628086228515129 37马子秀109.584.5102.4707866214510141 37吴长贵116.581.581.6756688229509147 37闫徐10780111.6707366209508153 37樊丹艺105.560.5119.6658274221507156 37熊燕梅115.567.591.1757778230504171 37李明诚10093.5100.9756866209503172 37陈凯旋10284.5114.8616972202503173 37代立立106.568100.7757280227502175 37徐睿110.564.587.8768378237500182 37刘应江11074.590.0737180224499186 37万光来110.58584.0667280218498192 37冯玉梅11162.587.2737884235496199 37皮 伟121.561.581.0697686231495200 37陈安琪109.584.5105.8596866193493213 37任龙青109.57679.3787472224489225 37官倩倩11650106.1727074216488230 37闵婕112.57882.7667968213486237 37任显平1175095.6807270222485242 37杨伊112.558.581.0757482231483245 37李小波10959.5100.1746772213482250 37王克敏967892.3717272215481253 37李发明104.57579.3707478222481257 37王 倩109.55890.0677977223481259 37王洪美11751.588.9757276223480261 37孙瑶瑶11469.587.4757460209480264 37熊 娅1116078.4697784230479266 37江福腾104.580.5106.1556270187478275 37杨楠1049375.9727656204477279 37罗瑶107.551.595.1727574221475288 37佘燕112.573.571.4567388217474290 37吕兴115.56679.9686778213474292 37尹常梅1096374.3776586228474293 37冉真真99.58468.1718170222474298 37吴维维10467.5100.5696270201473300 37杨 栋10866.589.3527978209473302 37刘廷娟10687.577.6595686201472305 37涂冰玉10442104.1617982222472306 37严雪蓝10280.585.5637368204472307 37周路路112.554105.058727020047231037王小河1088261.9647382219471315 37罗小华110.758.585.7636784214469328 37周千寻106.555100.7607472206468332 37穆良勇10176.576.5637174208462356 37张艳100.560.593.9656378206461361 37罗 霞11442.583.6718168220460364 37赵朝城1006865.368698822545837237王洪113.574.577.1526576193458374 37丁滔111.542104.1637462199457378 37杨 林12259.588.9557160186456383 37赵军1057072.0677864209456385 37严甜甜10749.585.5637774214456386 37汪 杨11256.570.3697770216455390 37穆雪梅1016486.6646276202454396 37李小娟10947.586.6718158210453403 37申蕾熙104.556.591.7786458200453405 37李松110.56457.4657778220452407 37马琦10855.575.9667076212451408 37吴玲玉10234105.8736270205447420 37黄滔96.56469.6547488216446421 37李姣姣10143.575.9687780225445422 37何 花103.544.590.6686474206445428 37周乾成101.54492.8617372206444430 37李华瑞10733.586.6757666217444433 37郑永99.55684.4548168203443438 37唐朝丽1105176.5706372205443443 37彭 西110.546.590.2766356195442445 37刘文艳12067.592.1555750162442448 37田超10991.546.7607856194441449 37陈旺10747.588.7506780197440454 37李吉110.550.583.3626964195439458 37冯倩1073579.9767664216438463 37汪航11032.587.2527580207437468 37赵振隆1135383.3457072187436471 37陈 凯10070.574.3586864190435474 37张利维10538.587.2716766204435475 37魏明浪106.568.568.6396686191435477 37周霞敏1055077.1616574200432486 37安俊丽111.564.574.8595566180431491 37杨芳连107.556.568.6715770198431492 37胡建梅1063184.9687466208430498 37兰琴97.56475.4685570193430499 37张长春11270.520.3697680225428504 37杨道勋105.573.532.6627480216428505 37邓忱995061.3608272214424513 37郑火勇984974.3676174202423518 37黄平111.547.584.9556064179423520 37李松松1105977.1476562174420529 37计全洪1023872.6617768206419532 37冉茂玲101.54170.9646970203416539 37李明玲1074768.6606468192415544 37吕星星10649.568.6587358189413547 37欧 静1104293.0645252168413548 37刘薇薇1033783.8547164189413550 37温玉晗1065374.3556756178411560 37文康909018.6567878212411561 37王迪1065765.8607148179408570 37王沙沙117.53375.6585268178404580 37何盼11050.566.4605163174401586 37曾艺莲1076038.3586274194399589 37陶玉瑾8647.572.6536772192398593 37傅艺彤9632.582.7595572186397596 37龚彬阳107.52556.3737262207396601 37徐欢104.535.554.6666372201396603 37林颜颜104.533.542.8717766214395607 37母永亮983764.7636072195395608 37李毅9854.570.3486556169392616 37岑沙102.526.579.3706152183391620 37秦 琴10340.576.5555956170390624 37聂彬烽107.56362.4504846144377644 37田荡10367.546.1405762159376647 37罗凯1034343.3317580186375648 37胡进104.56047.8555058163375649 37陈立佳10032.560.8546164179372654 37王昆1114043.3546258174368664 37刘成成9334.559.657576417836566837孔平平1034643.3515464169361673 37陈豪11530.526.4417870189361674 37刘搴旗10954.547.8562356135346693 37吉胤霖1062548.9515850159339707 37闫翰迪94.53533.9494470163326714 37王洋107.52130.4555556166325715 37丁 宁994420.824548015832271837李万韬110.52639.4246154139315724 37余昌如972852.9512158130308729 37田宇峰873837.1402854122284746 37王仲烈92.5510.715244079187778 37石通871151.2149781 37付阳2527.616165385138782 37吴昊24.222244692116783 37石照诚19.71820347292786 37何 垚37陈涛37庹俊37王淞37姚尚班序1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 691 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 771 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 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