

Sun StorEdge 网络 FC 交换机指南 - 文档说明书

Sun StorEdge 网络 FC 交换机指南 - 文档说明书

Sun StorEdge™ Network FC SwitchGuide to Documentation1 Gb FC Switch With 4.02.4x Firmware2 Gb FC Switch With 2.0.0.x FirmwareFor late-breaking information about this product,see the Release Notes at:/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/Hubs_and_Switches/index.htmlNote–Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this document.Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content,advertising,products,or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources.Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content,goods,or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.Related DocumentationThese documents contain the information you need for the Sun StorEdge™Network1Gb FC Switch-8and-16 and the Sun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-8,-16,and-64and selected system hardware and software products.Product Application Title and Part Number LocationSun StorEdge Network1Gb FC Switch-8and-16Latest information,firmware version4.02.4xSun StorEdge Network1Gb FCSwitch Release Notes,Firmware4.02.4x Releasepart no.817-3716/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/Hubs_and_Switches/index.html Firmware FRUinstallation noteSun StorEdge Network FC SwitchFRU Installation,1Gb FC SwitchWith4.02.4x Firmware,2Gb FCSwitch With2.0.0.x Firmwarepart no.817-3714sameInstallation anduseSANbox-8with E_Ports Fibre ChannelSwitch Installer’s/User’s Manual,part no.816-7598/support/sunresource.aspSANbox-16STD with E_Ports FibreChannel Switch Installer’s/User’sManual,part no.816-7597sameManagement SANbox with E_Ports SwitchManagement User’s Manual,part no.816-7596sameSun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-8,-16,and -64Latest information,firmware version2.0.0.xSun StorEdge Network2Gb FCSwitch Release Notes,Firmware2.0.0.x Releasepart no.817-3717/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/Hubs_and_Switches/index.html Firmware FRUinstallation noteSun StorEdge Network FC SwitchFRU Installation,1Gb FC SwitchWith4.02.4x Firmware,2Gb FCSwitch With2.0.0.x Firmwarepart no.817-3714sameSun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-8Installation anduseSANbox2-8c Fibre Channel SwitchInstaller’s/User’s Manual,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-8part no.875-3364/support/sunresource.aspSun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-16Installation anduseSANbox2-16Fibre Channel SwitchInstaller’s/User’s Manual,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-16part no.875-3263sameSun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-8and-16Management SANbox2-8/16Switch SwitchManagement User’s Manual,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FCSwitch-8/16part no.875-3264sameSun StorEdge2G FC Switch-64Installation anduseSANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchInstaller’s/User’s Manual,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3408/support/sunresource.aspManagement SANbox2-64Switch ManagementUser’s Manual,Sun StorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3409sameRackmounting SANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchRack Mounting Guide,Sun StorEdgeNetwork2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3416sameFRU replacement SANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchFan Replacement Guide,Sun StorEdgeNetwork2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3410sameSANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchCPU Replacement Guide,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3411sameSANbox2-64Fibre Channel Switch I/OBlade Replacement Guide,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3412sameSANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchPower Supply Module Guide,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3413sameSANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchChassis Replacement Guide,SunStorEdge Network2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3415sameUpgrade to64portsSANbox2-64Fibre Channel SwitchExpansion Guide,Sun StorEdgeNetwork2Gb FC Switch-64part no.875-3414sameSun StorEdge SAN Foundation software Latest information Sun StorEdge SAN FoundationRelease Notes,part no.817-0071/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/SAN/index.htmlInstallation Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation4.1Installation Guide,part no.817-0056sameConfiguration Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation4.1Configuration Guide,part no.817-0057sameSun StorEdge host bus adapters Installation Sun StorEdge PCI Dual Fibre ChannelHost Adapter Installation Guide,part no.806-4199/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/Adapters/index.htmlSun StorEdge PCI Single FibreChannel Network Adapter InstallationGuide,part no.806-7532sameSun StorEdge CompactPCI Dual FibreChannel Network Adapter Installationand User’s Guide,part no.816-0241sameSun StorEdge SBus Dual FibreChannel Host Adapter InstallationGuide,part no.816-2489sameSun StorEdge2G FC PCI SingleChannel Network Adapter InstallationGuide,part no.816-4999sameSun StorEdge2G FC PCI DualChannel Network Adapter InstallationGuide,part no.816-5001sameTools Sun StorEdgeTraffic Managersoftware Sun StorEdge Traffic ManagerSoftware Installation andConfiguration Guide,part no.816-1420/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Software/Storage_Software/Sun_StorEdge_Traffic_ManagerDiagnostics Storage Automated DiagnosticEnvironment User’s Guide,Version2.1,part no.816-5324/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/ Software/Storage_Software/ Diagnostic_Environment/index.htmlSun™Cluster Sun Cluster3.0Installation Guide,part no.806-1419/db/doc/ 806-1419?q=806-1419Veritas Volume Manager installation VERITAS Volume Manager3.1Installation Guide,part no.875-3165/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Software/Storage_Software/VERITAS_Volume_Manager/index.htmlAccessing Sun DocumentationYou can view,print,or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation,including localized versions,at: /documentationContacting Sun Technical SupportIf you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document,go to:/service/contactingSun Welcomes Your CommentsSun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions.You can submit your comments by going to:/hwdocs/feedbackPlease include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch Guide to Documentation,1Gb FC Switch With4.02.4x Firmware,2Gb FC Switch With2.0.0.x Firmware,part number817-3712-10.Copyright2003Sun Microsystems,Inc.All rights e is subject to license terms.Third-party software,including font technology,is copyrighted and licensed from Sun suppliers.Portions may be derived from Berkeley BSD systems,licensed from U.of CA.Sun,Sun Microsystems,the Sun logo,Sun StorEdge,and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,Inc.in the U.S.and in other countries.All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International,Inc.in the U.S.and in other ernment Rights—Commercial ernment users are subject to the Sun Microsystems,Inc.standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements.Copyright2003Sun Microsystems,Inc.Tous droits réservés.Distribuépar des licences qui en restreignent l’utilisation.Le logiciel détenu par des tiers,et qui comprend la technologie relative aux polices de caractères,est protégépar un copyright et licenciépar des fournisseurs de Sun.Des parties de ce produit pourrontêtre dérivées des systèmes Berkeley BSD licenciés par l’Universitéde Californie.Sun,Sun Microsystems,le logo Sun,Sun StorEdge,et Solaris sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de Sun Microsystems,Inc.aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays.Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC International,Inc.aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays.Sun Microsystems, Inc.Part No. 817-3712-10, Rev. ASeptember 2003。

UCS FI6248直连FC存储

UCS FI6248直连FC存储

UCS F I6248直联FC存储配置UCS F I6248直联FC存储需要UCSM F irmware 2.1以上。

1.打开FC Z oning S etting;“SAN”——“VSANs”——“VSAN d efault (1)”——“FC Z oning”, 选择“Enabled”。

2.配置FC M ODE:switch;UCS FI6248处于FC交换模式(缺省是End host模式),模式切换FI6248会重启,重启后观察FC MODE: switch。

3.配置FC P ort ;“Equipment”——“Fabric I nterconnects”——“FC P orts”, 将相应的FC P ort 设成“configure as FC stroage port”。


4.配置FC W WWPN、WWWNN P OOL;“SAN”——“Pools”,设置WWWPN、WWWNN POOL,注意两个POOL的开头为20,不能更改,只能更改后6位,每个POOL根据需要分配相应数量的预留。

5.创建Service P rofile模板或单个Service P rofile;如图所示选择增加vHBA卡,指定预设好的WWNN、WWPN。

下一步,会有“Zoning”的设置界面,点击“Add”增加 vHBA I nitiator G roups。

在创建 vHBA Initiator Groups中, 填写Name, 选择“Storage Connection Policy”,如果之前还没创建,则点击“Create S torage C onnection P olicy”。

“Create S torage C onnection P olicy”:填写Name;“Zoning T ype”选择“Sist”;填写“FC Target E ndpoint”,即存储FC端口的WWPN, 另外还有路径(走FI A还是FI B)。



现任明教教主/heymo vSphere 5.0
教主 ESXi支持的存储选项
1. Fibre Channel

明 2. Fibre Channel over Ethernet

验 3. iSCSI using software and hardware initiators
MBps) IOps)
现任明教教主/heymo vSphere 5.0
教 RAID schemes embrace this by leveraging
明 室 multiple disks together and using copies of data
现任明教教主/heymo vSphere 5.0
教主 Fibre Channel 术语
教 The Fibre Channel protocol can operate in three modes: point-to-
明 室 point (FC-P2P), arbitrated loop (FC-AL), and switched (FC-SW).
实 Fibre Channel SAN are identified by a unique 64-bit identifier
现 全 called a worldwide name (WWN). WWNs can be worldwide
安 port names (a port on a switch) or node names (a port on an Yeslab endpoint).



曙光存储调试主要步骤本文引用设备为DS600—G10一、产品简介1.产品介绍DS600—G10是曙光公司推出的FC、IP一体化的网络存储产品,采用先进的设计理念和体系架构,融入热插拔双控制器,8Gb FC、1Gb/10Gb ISCSI接口,多核处理器,以及Flash缓存保护等多项先进的数据处理和传输技术,保证了系统的高可靠性、高性能和强大的扩展能力,既能通过高效的FC方式接入,又能兼容便捷的IP存储环境,同时实现FC接入和IP接入,实现IP和FC存储的有效融合。

2.硬件组成DS600-G10磁盘阵列分为单控制器、双控制器两种配置,每个控制器含4个千兆iSCSI主机接口,另可选配2个8G FC主机接口3.控制接口4.管理DS600—G10磁盘阵列DS600—G10磁盘阵列采用内置嵌入式Web管理软件Sugon RAID Manager,不需要在主机端安装任何组件,只需使用浏览器登录磁盘阵列控制器,即可实现对磁盘阵列的全面管理。

可以使用浏览器登录到DS600—G10磁盘阵列管理界面.默认网络设置为:● IP:10。



1● 子网掩码:255。



● 默认用户名:administrator● 默认密码:password5.RAID配置DS600—G10磁盘阵列建议系统工程师使用高级选项创建RAID,以便于后期维护管理。


在磁盘组选择界面,选择可配置磁盘阵列(DA),点击下一步,进入RAID 配置界面。

在弹出界面,输入RAID 分区名称,选择RAID级别,输入创建分区容量,调整条带、扇区、读写策略等参数,RAID 建立完毕后,可根据需求建立热备磁盘,以保证设备的安全可靠性。



搭建FC存储一、硬件两台电脑两块FC HBA卡(当前使用的是Qlogic 2340F 2GB PCI-X)两根光纤线(此次测试直连,所以无需光纤交换机)二、软件要求Os:3.10.13-esos.prod #1 SMP Tue Oct 15 16:46:59 EDT 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux(target)+windows 2003 server(initiator)下载地址:https:///p/enterprise-storage-os/downloads/listTarget驱动:Qlogic 2340F卡的target驱动已经集成至esos中。


三、搭建步骤1.安装HBA卡分别将HBA卡插入两台电脑主板的PCI插槽,2.连接光纤线,A电脑的tx端口接B电脑的rx端口,A电脑的rx端口接B电脑的tx 端口,形成直连。



四、FC存储简单效果图五、详细步骤Target端配置过程(宗旨是创建LUN)1.制作esos系统(该系统已经包括了SAN管理模块和scst模块)2.启动进入esos系统,配置target3.进入如下界面操作1)Hosts-Add Group添加组2)Hosts-Add Initiator 添加发起端(输入另外一台电脑的FC HBA卡的wwn号)3)Hosts-Add Device 添加存储设备4)Hosts-Map to group 将设备映射到组5)Devices-LUN layout 在存储设备中添加一个LUN至此target端配置成功,配置成功的标志:initiator端的SAN管理软件能看到target 端的磁盘。

特别注意:1.在Targets-Enable target,否则initiator端查看不到添加的LUN。


IBM 存储网络 SAN32C-6 产品指南说明书

IBM 存储网络 SAN32C-6 产品指南说明书

®IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 Product GuideIBM Redbooks Product GuideProduct OverviewThe IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 (Figure 1) provides high-speed Fibre Channel (FC) connectivity from the server rack to the SAN core. It empowers small, midsize, and large enterprises to rapidly deploying cloud-scale applications using highly dense virtualized servers by providing dual benefit of higher bandwidth and consolidation.Small scale SAN architectures can be built by using a low cost, non-blocking, line rate, and low latency fixed stand-alone SAN switch that connects both storage and host ports. Medium to large-scale SAN architectures that are built with SAN core directors can expand 32-Gbps connectivity to the server rack by using these switches either in switch mode or Network Port Virtualization mode. Additionally, investing in this switch in the server rack provides a first day option of upgrading to 32-Gbps server connectivity using the 32-Gbps HBAs that are already available in the market.Figure 1. IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6The IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 switch also provides outstanding flexibility through a unique port expansion module (Figure 2) that provides a robust cost-effective, field swappable, port upgrade option.Figure 2. IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 16-Port Expansion ModuleMain FeaturesThe following are the main features of the IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6:High performance: The SAN32C-6 architecture with chip-integrated nonblocking arbitration provides ●consistent 32-Gbps low latency performance across all traffic conditions for every FC port in the switch.Capital Expenditure (CapEx) savings: The 32-Gbps ports allow users to deploy them on existing●16/8/4-Gbps transceivers, reducing initial CapEx with an option to upgrade to 32 Gbps transceivers and adapters in the future.High availability: The SAN32C-6 provides optional redundancy on all major components, such as●power supplies and fans. Dual power supplies allow power grid redundancy.Pay-as-you-grow: The SAN32C-6 provides an option to deploy as few as eight 32-Gbps FC ports in ●the entry level variant, which can grow by eight ports to 16 ports, and thereafter with a port expansion module with sixteen 32-Gbps ports, for a maximum of 32 ports. This approach results in lower initial investment and power consumption for entry level configurations of up to 16 ports when compared toa fully loaded switch. Upgrading through the use of an expansion module also reduces the overheadof managing multiple instances of port activation licenses on the switch.Intelligent network services: Slow drain detection and isolation, VSAN technology, Access Control●Lists (ACLs) for hardware-based intelligent frame processing, smartzoning, and fabric-wide Quality of Service (QoS) enable migration from SAN islands to enterprise-wide storage networks. Trafficencyption is optionally available to meet stringent security requirements.Sophisticated diagnostics: The SAN32C-6 provides protocol decoding, network analysis tools, and●integrated Call Home capability for greater reliability, faster problem resolution, and reduced service costs.Virtual machine awareness: The SAN32C-6 provides visibility to all virtual machines (VMs) that are●logged into the fabric. This feature is available through HBAs capable of priority tagging the Virtual Machine Identifier (VMID) on every FC frame.Programmable fabric: The SAN32C-6 provides powerful Representational State Transfer (REST) and ●NX-API capabilities to enable flexible and rapid programming of utilities for the SAN.Single-pane management: The SAN32C-6 can be provisioned, managed, monitored, and troubleshot ●using Data Center Network Manager (DCNM), which currently manages the entire suite of IBMStorage Networking c-type data center products.Self-contained advanced anticounterfeiting technology: The SAN32C-6 uses on-board hardware that ●protects the entire system from malicious attacks by securing access to critical components such as the bootloader, system image loader, and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface.Main benefitsThe new 32-Gbps fabric switches address the requirement for highly scalable, virtualized, intelligent storage area networking (SAN) infrastructure in current generation data center environments. The industry is already poised to transition to 32-Gbps fixed switches with the availability of 32-Gbps HBAs and storage arrays from vendors. Additionally, as low-latency flash arrays and highly dense virtualization deployments become more pervasive, fixed switches will be expected to provide 32-Gbps connectivity to the SAN core.This solution offers several important benefits:Server Port consolidation: The demand for 32-Gbps fabric switches is driven by hyper-scale●virtualizations that will significantly increase the virtual machine (VM) density per rack, and this growth will push the need for higher bandwidth HBA ports per rack of blade or stand-alone servers. One way to meet this demand is for 32-Gbps HBA ports to consolidate the current 16-Gbps HBA installed base to meet future needs to grow the number of ports. As a result, the IBM Storage NetworkingSAN32C-6, with its lower port density, can be a preferred solution and its flexibility to grow can be an added advantage.Figure 3 shows an example of server port consolidation.Figure 3. IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 in Hyper-scale server environmentsSimplification: Through consolidation, a SAN administrator can reduce complexity and simplify●management.Multiprotocol convergence: 32-Gbps links benefit from lower latency compared to lower-bandwidth●links, bringing better-performing storage workloads to your storage array. Higher bandwidth also helps ensure less ISL congestion for newer storage protocols that are expected to be available on externally attached storage arrays. For instance, Fibre Channel Non-Volatile Memory Express(NVMe) can coexist on the same link as existing SCSI workloads.Scale and performance: This small form factor switch supports the performance and scale required to ●deploy a dedicated and stand-alone Fibre Channel SAN connecting both initiators and targets,without requiring any other switching infrastructure.Platform CompatibilityFor detailed information about hardware and software compatibility as well as product interoperability, please visit the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) website:/systems/support/storage/ssic/interoperability.wssLicensingTable 1 on page 5 describes optional licenses that can be purchased to enable additional features and capabilities on the IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6.Table 1. Optional licensesLicense type FeatureCodeDescriptionEnterprise Package - eDelivery AJJC This feature includes advanced traffic-engineering and network security features such as IVR, QoS and zone-based QoS, Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP),port security, traffic encryption, VSAN-based access control, and fabric binding foropen systems. Licensed per switch for all the ports on the switch.DCNM Advanced Edition - eDelivery AJJD This feature includes advanced management capabilities such as VMware vCenter integration, performance trending, advanced provisioning, backup, reports, anddashboards. Licensed per switch for all the ports on the switch. License is eitherhosted on the server or on each switch.8-portOn-Demand Activation - eDelivery AJJE Enables eight additional Fibre Channel ports, to up to 16 total ports on the base switch (and up to 32 total ports on the base switch with the 16-port Fibre Channelport expansion module).Product SpecificationsTable 2 lists the specifications for the IBM Storage Networking SAN32C-6 FC Switch. Table 2. Product specifications (part 1 of 5)Protocols Fibre Channel standards●FC-PH, Revision 4.3 (ANSI INCITS 230-1994)●FC-PH, Amendment 1 (ANSI INCITS 230-1994/AM1-1996)●FC-PH, Amendment 2 (ANSI INCITS 230-1994/AM2-1999)●FC-PH-2, Revision 7.4 (ANSI INCITS 297-1997)●FC-PH-3, Revision 9.4 (ANSI INCITS 303-1998)●FC-PI, Revision 13 (ANSI INCITS 352-2002)●FC-PI-2, Revision 10 (ANSI INCITS 404-2006)●FC-PI-3, Revision 4 (ANSI INCITS 460-2011)●FC-PI-4, Revision 8 (ANSI INCITS 450-2008)●FC-PI-5, Revision 6 (ANSI INCITS 479-2011)●FC-FS, Revision 1.9 (ANSI INCITS 373-2003)●FC-FS-2, Revision 1.01 (ANSI INCITS 424-2007)●FC-FS-2, Amendment 1 (ANSI INCITS 424-2007/AM1-2007)●FC-FS-3, Revision 1.11 (ANSI INCITS 470-2011)●FC-LS, Revision 1.62 (ANSI INCITS 433-2007)●FC-LS-2, Revision 2.21 (ANSI INCITS 477-2011)●FC-SW-2, Revision 5.3 (ANSI INCITS 355-2001)●FC-SW-3, Revision 6.6 (ANSI INCITS 384-2004)●FC-SW-4, Revision 7.5 (ANSI INCITS 418-2006)●Protocols (continued)FC-SW-5, Revision 8.5 (ANSI INCITS 461-2010)●FC-GS-3, Revision 7.01 (ANSI INCITS 348-2001)●FC-GS-4, Revision 7.91 (ANSI INCITS 387-2004)●FC-GS-5, Revision 8.51 (ANSI INCITS 427-2007)●FC-GS-6, Revision 9.4 (ANSI INCITS 463-2010)●FCP, Revision 12 (ANSI INCITS 269-1996)●FCP-2, Revision 8 (ANSI INCITS 350-2003)●FCP-3, Revision 4 (ANSI INCITS 416-2006)●FCP-4, Revision 2b (ANSI INCITS 481-2011)●FC-SB-2, Revision 2.1 (ANSI INCITS 349-2001)●FC-SB-3, Revision 1.6 (ANSI INCITS 374-2003)●FC-SB-3, Amendment 1 (ANSI INCITS 374-2003/AM1-2007)●FC-SB-4, Revision 3.0 (ANSI INCITS 466-2011)●FC-SB-5, Revision 2.00 (ANSI INCITS 485-2014)●FC-BB-6, Revision 2.00 (ANSI INCITS 509-2014)●FC-BB-2, Revision 6.0 (ANSI INCITS 372-2003)●FC-BB-3, Revision 6.8 (ANSI INCITS 414-2006)●FC-BB-4, Revision 2.7 (ANSI INCITS 419-2008)●FC-BB-5, Revision 2.0 (ANSI INCITS 462-2010)●FC-VI, Revision 1.84 (ANSI INCITS 357-2002)●FC-SP, Revision 1.8 (ANSI INCITS 426-2007)●FC-SP-2, Revision 2.71 (ANSI INCITS 496-2012)●FAIS, Revision 1.03 (ANSI INCITS 432-2007)●FAIS-2, Revision 2.23 (ANSI INCITS 449-2008)●FC-IFR, Revision 1.06 (ANSI INCITS 475-2011)●FC-FLA, Revision 2.7 (INCITS TR-20-1998)●FC-PLDA, Revision 2.1 (INCITS TR-19-1998)●FC-Tape, Revision 1.17 (INCITS TR-24-1999)●FC-MI, Revision 1.92 (INCITS TR-30-2002)●FC-MI-2, Revision 2.6 (INCITS TR-39-2005)●FC-MI-3, Revision 1.03 (INCITS TR-48-2012)●FC-DA, Revision 3.1 (INCITS TR-36-2004)●FC-DA-2, Revision 1.06 (INCITS TR-49-2012)●FC-MSQS, Revision 3.2 (INCITS TR-46-2011)●Fibre Channel classes of service: Class 2, Class 3, and Class F●Fibre Channel standard port types: E, F, and B●Fibre Channel enhanced port types: SD, ST, and TE●In-band management using IP over Fibre Channel (RFC 2625)●IPv6, IPv4, and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) over Fibre Channel (RFC●4338)Extensive IETF-standards-based TCP/IP, SNMPv3, and remote monitoring●(RMON) MIBsPorts Fixed switch form factor with 16 SFP+ ports base and one 16 SFP+ port expansion●slotEntry-level 8-port preactivated base model with flexibility to turn on 8 ports.●Incremental ports:●On the 8-port base model, with the 8-port On-Demand Activation license to●activate up to 16 ports on the base switchOn the 8-port base model, with the 16-port expansion module to activate up to●24 portsOn the 16-port configuration, with the 16-port expansion module to activate up●to 32 portsOn the 24-port configuration, with the 8-port On-Demand Activation license to●activate up to 32 portsSecurity VSAN fabric isolation●Intelligent packet inspection at the port level●Hardware zoning by ACLs●FC-SP switch-to-switch authentication●FC-SP host-to-switch authentication●RBAC using RADIUS, TACACS+, or LDAP Authentication, Authorization, and●Accounting (AAA) functionsSecure FTP (SFTP)●Secure Shell Version 2 (SSHv2)●Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) implementing●Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)Control-plane security●TrustSec payload encryption●Performance Port speed: 4/8/16/32-Gbps autosensing with 32 Gbps of dedicated bandwidth per●portAggregate bandwidth of 1024 Gbps end-to-end full duplex●Buffer credits: Up to 8300 for a group of 16 ports, with a default of 500 buffer●credits per port and a maximum of 8191 buffer credits for a single port in the groupPortChannel: Up to 16 load-balanced physical links grouped in one port channel●Diagnostics POST diagnostics●Online diagnostics●Internal loopbacks●SPAN●Fibre Channel traceroute●Fibre Channel ping●Fibre Channel debug●Fabric Analyzer●Syslog●Port-level statistics●Serviceability Configuration file management●Call Home●Port beaconing●System LEDs●SNMP traps for alerts●Reliability and availability In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)●Hot-swappable, dual redundant power supplies●Hot-swappable fan tray with integrated temperature and power management●Hot-swappable SFP+ optics●Hot-Swappable port expansion module●Stateful process restart●Any port configuration for PortChannels●Fabric-based multipathing●Per-VSAN fabric services●Port tracking●VRRP for management connections●Network management Access methods●2 Out-of-band 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports:●mgmt0: 10/100/1000 optical port●mgmt1: 10/100/1000 base-T port●RS-232 serial console port●USB Power-on-auto-provision●Access protocols●Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the console and Ethernet ports●SNMPv3 using the Ethernet port and in-band IP over Fibre Channel access●Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative●Specification (SMI-S)NX-API for RESTful access of HTTPS●Distributed device alias service●Network security●Per-VSAN Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) using LDAP, RADIUS, and●TACACS+-based Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) functionsSFTP●SSHv2 implementing AES●SNMPv3 implementing AES●Data Center Network Manager (DCNM)●Programming interfaces Scriptable CLI●DCNM web services API●NX-API RESTful interfaces●On-board Python interpreter●Embedded Event Manager●NX-OS Software scheduler●Physical dimensions (HxWxD) and weightOne Rack unit 43.7 cm (1.72 inches) x 43.94 cm (17.3 inches) x 51.08 cm (20.11 ●inches) excluding PSU and FAN tray handles9.1 Kg with 16 activated ports●9.82 Kg with all 32 activated ports●Power80-plus platinum certified power supplies●Power supply: 650W AC in base model, Port side exhaust variant (up to 2 per●switch)Power cord: IEC60320 C14 plug on 650W power supply connecting to a notched●C15 socket connectorAC input: 100 to 240V AC (10% range)●Frequency: 50 to 60 Hz (nominal)●Typical power consumption: 100 - 240 VC (10 percent range), 50-60 Hz (nominal)●Airflow: Back to front (toward ports) using port side exhaust fans●50 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) through system fan assembly at 25C●100 CFM maximum●IBM suggests maintaining a minimum air space of 2.5 in. (6.4 cm) between walls●and chassis air vents and a minimum horizontal separation of 6 in. (15.2 cm)between two chassis to prevent overheatingTemperature range Temperature, ambient operating:●32 to 104°F (0 to 45°C) with port side exhaust airflow variant●32 to 131°F (0 to 55°C) with port side intake airflow variant●Temperature, ambient non-operating and storage: -40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C)●Relative humidity, ambient (noncondensing) operating: 10 to 90%●Relative humidity, ambient (noncondensing) non-operating and storage: 10 to 95%●Altitude, operating: -197 to 6500 ft (-60 to 2000m)●Approvals and compliance Safety compliance●CE Marking●UL 60950●CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950●EN 60950●IEC 60950●TS 001●AS/NZS 3260●IEC60825●EN60825●21 CFR 1040●EMC compliance●FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class A●ICES-003 Class A●EN 55022 Class A●CISPR 22 Class A●AS/NZS 3548 Class A●VCCI Class A●EN 55024●EN 50082-1●EN 61000-6-1●EN 61000-3-2●EN 61000-3-3●Fabric services Name server●Registered State Change Notification (RSCN)●Login services●Fabric Configuration Server (FCS)●Broadcast●In-order delivery●Advanced functions VSAN●IVR●PortChannel with multipath load balancing●Flow-based and zone-based QoS●NoticesThis information was developed for products and services offered in the US. This material might be available from IBM in other languages. However, you may be required to own a copy of the product or product version in that language in order to access it.IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not grant you any license to these patents. 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图1 主机/存储阵列连接在FC存储网络中,主机和存储设备总是采用冗余的链路连接,以消除任何单点故障隐患。


磁盘阵列的两个控制器具有对等的地位,任何一个控制器都可以支撑整个设备的运行,两个控制器工作在双活的运行模式,既负载均衡又故障冗余.一般情况下,磁盘存储阵列都配有两个控制器,一些高端设备还可以配置多个控制器.在图1所示的交换式网络中,每个主机到每个磁盘阵列设备的物理路径有4条.图2显示了一个磁盘存储阵列控制上的FC接口.示例中的磁盘阵列有2个控制器,标识分别为A和B,每个控制器上由4个4GBps速率的FC接口.图2 存储阵列控制器上的FC接口在FC存储网络中,不论是发起方主机还是目标方存储设备都被称为节点,节点设备上的每个FC物理接口被称为N端口(Node Port)。

节点设备通过FC交换机互连被称为交换式SAN,连接设备N端口的交换机物理接口被称为F端口(Fabric Port).节点设备在网络中寻址使用设备的世界范围名(WWN:World Wide Name),WWN是设备制造商向IEEE注册得到的,可以保证每个设备WWN是全球惟一的。

WWN细分为一个64位的世界范围结点名(WWNN: World Wide Node Name)和一个64位的世界范围端口名(WWPN:World Wide Port Name)。

AX100 FC 存储设备安装调试文档

AX100 FC 存储设备安装调试文档

AX100 FC 存储设备安装调试文档一、AX100设备供电系统物理连接图示1、单SP(控制器)电源连接说明:如果系统配置是单控制器,在控制器SPA 上会配置Battery Back Up Cache Board (后备电池cache board),简称BBU,电池板的作用是当市电突然断电的情况下BBU保证给系统供电2分钟,把系统cache 中的没有处理完的数据,完整的write 到系统disk 中。

2、双SP(控制器)连接图双控制器AX100 必须配置UPS 电源,UPS 电源给SPA供电,同时USP的控制信号线要和SPA 的UPS控制端口相连(在SPA控制器上标有电池标志的端口)SPB 直接接入AC市电。

UPS 的作用是,当市电突然断电的情况下UPS 保证给系统供电2分钟,把系统cache 中的没有处理完的数据,完整的write 到系统disk 中。

二、A X100设备管理物理连接图示三、A X100存储系统主机连接拓朴图主机直接连接光纤交换机全冗余连接四、初始化AX1001、安装初始化工具Navisphere Storage SystemInitialization Utility 对其进行初始化,初始化的过程会为存储系统设置管理ip address,其中AX100 的随机光盘上会有这个初始化工具软件。

2、继续安装初始化工具,选择“I accept ”点击“下一步”安装。



5、Navisphere Storage SystemInitialization Utility系统工具,The discoveryoperation is in progress ,会发现一个Uninitialized system ,用初始化工具,选中这个Storage system,点击“下一步”进一步配置。

6、Navisphere Storage SystemInitialization Utility系统工具,The discoveryoperation is in progress ,会出现 Storage system配置界面,输入和你所用的管理机的相同网段的管理IP address ,点击“下一步”进一步配置。



交换机和路由器等网络 设备用于构建和扩展光 纤通道网络,实现主机 、存储设备等资源的互 联。
网络设备支持数据在FC 网络中的交换和路由, 确保数据能够准确、高 效地传输到目标设备。
网络设备提供网络管理 和安全功能,如访问控 制、流量监控、故障隔 离等,保障FC网络的稳 定运行和数据安全。
传输层还提供服务质量(QoS)保障机制,能够根据不同应用的需求分配不同的带宽和资源,确保关键应用的性能和 质量。
应用层提供了与上层应用程序的接口,使得光纤通道FC协议能够支持各种不同类型的应用和服务,如文 件传输、数据库访问、视频流传输等。
03 光纤通道FC协议 关键技术
1 2 3
FC协议是构建高性能、高可靠性存储区域网络( SAN)的主要技术之一,支持服务器与存储设备 之间的高速数据传输。
利用FC协议的高带宽和低延迟特性,可以实现快 速、高效的数据备份和恢复,提高数据保护能力 。
FC协议支持远程复制和容灾解决方案,确保数据 在异地备份中心的安全性和可用性。
汇报人:XX 2024-01-24
目 录
• 光纤通道FC协议概述 • 光纤通道FC协议体系结构 • 光纤通道FC协议关键技术 • 光纤通道FC协议设备与应用场景 • 光纤通道FC协议性能评估与优化方法 • 光纤通道FC协议发展趋势与挑战
01 光纤通道FC协议 概述



烽火超微刀片服务器与磁盘阵列手册目录一、外部接线图 (2)二、更改登录管理IP (3)三、更改网络模块IP (5)四、设置每个刀片的IP,可以选择节点管理,也可以直接点击刀片。

7五、给每个刀片装系统 (9)六、配置磁盘阵列 (40)七、在ESXI主机添加已映射的磁盘阵列 (40)八、创建vcenter (46)九、创建集群HA和添加主机 (52)十、创建虚拟机 (60)一、外部接线图如下图上下是主备保护的方式1为管理端口(比如10.170.6.11),2为业务(每个刀片的业务IP比如:为FC接线口,与磁盘阵列5相连,每个控制器连接前面4个口4为磁盘阵列的管理口(初始IP为10.10.1.1),后面磁盘阵列手册里面有说明5为磁盘阵列的FC接口。

二、更改登录管理IP默认刀箱管理IP :通过客户端设成同一网段IP,需要设置网关10.0.0.1再通过浏览器,打开服务器界面(下图的10.170.6.11是这边已经更改过的)用户名和密码都是admin,目前改账号密码不可更改。




节点开关机可以直接控制,节点管理IP设置可以批量设置IP也可以单个设置五、给每个刀片装系统单击进入BMC管理界面,就会打开一个新的窗口,如下图用户名和密码都是admin(可更改)如下图,单击Remote Control,在下拉菜单,选择Console Redirection如下图如果出现下面这种情况就需要更改java设置打开电脑控制面版如下图点继续,再点确认再重新如下图,打开media注:如果打开java如下图所示,这样重新打开javaConnect CD/DVD,重新启动系统如下图那里,不停的按Ctrl+C,进入3008卡里面进入硬盘raid模式设置如下图,按Enter如下图,先看SAS Topology如下图,表示已经建了raid 1,如果显示的是两个物理盘,表示没有建raid,如果需要,则在上图选择RAID Properties按ESC退回到刚才那个界面,如下图,选对红标,按回车如下图,分别用光标移动,再用空格进行更改为yes如下图,再按C,进行创建如下图,回车如下图,重启如下图,确保一下media已连接上,因为这里有可能会断开如下图回车如下图,按回车如下图,按F11选择之前创建的radi磁盘,按回车如下图,直接按回车.输入两次密码,按回车如下图按F11如下图,等到100%就安装完成如下图,按回车重启之后如下图,按F2可以进去设IP输入之前设的密码,用户名是root设置网络,如下图,选择红标,按回车如下图,里面有4个网卡,后面都显示connected,第1个和第4个是10G网卡,第2个和第3个是1G网卡,所以我们会根据我们网线所连接的选择网口,用空格选择,按回车如下图,选择IPv4,设置IP如下图,选择静态的,设好IP,按回车如下图,如果还需要设DNS的如下图设置好,按回车如下图,到这个界面,按ESC退出设置,然后按Y保存设置如下图,还可以测试一下网络如下图,输入一个已经的IP,ping一下如下图,表示网络已通。



曙光存储调试主要步骤本文引用设备为DS600-G10一、产品简介1.产品介绍DS600-G10是曙光公司推出的FC、IP一体化的网络存储产品,采用先进的设计理念和体系架构,融入热插拔双控制器,8Gb FC、1Gb/10Gb ISCSI接口,多核处理器,以及Flash缓存保护等多项先进的数据处理和传输技术,保证了系统的高可靠性、高性能和强大的扩展能力,既能通过高效的FC方式接入,又能兼容便捷的IP存储环境,同时实现FC接入和IP 接入,实现IP和FC存储的有效融合。

2.硬件组成DS600-G10磁盘阵列分为单控制器、双控制器两种配置,每个控制器含4个千兆iSCSI主机接口,另可选配2个8G FC主机接口3.控制接口4.管理DS600-G10磁盘阵列DS600-G10磁盘阵列采用内置嵌入式Web管理软件Sugon RAID Manager,不需要在主机端安装任何组件,只需使用浏览器登录磁盘阵列控制器,即可实现对磁盘阵列的全面管理。





在磁盘组选择界面,选择可配置磁盘阵列(DA),点击下一步,进入RAID 配置界面。

在弹出界面,输入RAID 分区名称,选择RAID级别,输入创建分区容量,调整条带、扇区、读写策略等参数,RAID 建立完毕后,可根据需求建立热备磁盘,以保证设备的安全可靠性。



S5820V2-52QF-U交换机FC配置指导FC(Fibre Channel,光纤通道)协议是SAN(Storage Area Networks,存储区域网络)中使用的一种数据传输协议。

在FC SAN中,服务器、FC交换机和磁盘设备都需要支持FC协议。





2.配置2.1配置IRF堆叠略2.2配置设备工作模式为高级模式:<FC> system‐view[FC] system‐working‐mode advance[FC] save[FC] quit<FC> reboot注:缺省情况下,设备工作在标准模式,要使修改的工作模式生效,必须重启设备。

2.3配置FCoE模式为FCF模式:<FC> system‐view[FC] fcoe‐mode fcf注:缺省情况下,交换机工作在非FCoE模式,即不具备任何FC和FCoE相关的功能,配置FC和FCoE功能时,必须先配置交换机的FCoE模式。

2.4创建VSAN 100和VSAN 200:[FC] vsan 100[FC‐vsan100] domain‐id 1 static //配置域ID为1[FC‐vsan100] zone default‐zone permit //配置允许默认Zone内的成员互相访问[FC‐vsan100] quit[FC] vsan 200[FC‐vsan200] domain‐id 2 static //配置域ID为2[FC‐vsan200] zone default‐zone permit //配置允许默认Zone内的成员互相访问[FC‐vsan100] quit注:初始情况下,只存在默认VSAN(VSAN 1)。

HP FC SAN Switch 详细配置及项目实例

HP FC SAN Switch 详细配置及项目实例

HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch配置手册及实例编辑:Windy.Chen目 录第一分部:SAN相关的重要概念第二部分,配置命令及实例第三部分: 附HP StorageWorks 8Gb SAN Switch的初始配置第四部分: 附Brocade光纤交换机划分Zone的案例及纠错第一分部:SAN相关的重要概念1,SAN是什么?SAN英文全称:Storage Area Network,即存储区域网络。



这三个组件再加上附加的存储设备和独立的SAN 服务器,就构成一个SAN系统。


而且,光纤接口提供了10 km的连接长度,这使得物理上分离的远距离存储变得更容易.SAN的一个概念是允许存储设备和处理器(服务器)之间建立直接的高速网络(与LAN相比)连接,通过这种连接实现只受光纤线路长度限制的集中式存储。



SAN 可在服务器间共享,也可以为某一服务器所专有,既可以是本地的存储设备也可以扩展到地理区域上的其他地方。


2,什么是SAN Switch?交换机是用于连接大量设备、增加带宽、减少阻塞和提供高吞吐量的一种高性能设备。

FC盘柜 SMU配置使用

FC盘柜 SMU配置使用

熟悉MSA2000G2 SMU 界面使用1,准备前的工作配置管理IP:默认管理IP为10.0.0.2 或10.0.0.3,子网掩码255.255.255.0。


方法如下:超级终端参数:看IP的命令:# show network-parametersNetwork Parameters Controller A-------------------------------IP Address: Mask: Address: 00:C0:FF:0A:A3:26Addressing Mode: DHCPNetwork Parameters Controller B-------------------------------IP Address: Mask: Address: 00:C0:FF:0A:A3:14Addressing Mode: DHCP修改IP的命令举例:# set network-parameters ip netmask gateway controller aSuccess: Command completed successfully. - Network parameters were changed.2,登陆SMU使用笔记本或者台式机设置同一个网段,例如10.0.0.5,直连或者通过交换机连接控制器管理端口,只要网卡灯亮,并且能ping通10.0.0.2,打开IE浏览器,输入10.0.0.2即可打开storage management utility工具,用户名manage,密码!manage。



目录第一章 系统简介·············································································································································1. 特点 ······················································································································································· 2. 性能参数·················································································································································· 3. 外形尺寸·················································································································································· 4. 兼容设备目录············································································································································ 5. 系统结构··················································································································································第二章 安 装················································································································································1. 安装过程·················································································································································· 2. 接线图····················································································································································· 3. 拨码开关设置··········································································································································7第三章 操 作················································································································································1. 界面显示·················································································································································· 2. 液晶窗口显示············································································································································ 3. 用户级别·················································································································································· 3.1 登录 ················································································································································· 3.2 退出 ················································································································································· 4. 状态类型··············································································································································20 5. 火警事件处理············································································································································ 6. 故障事件处理············································································································································ 7. 监管事件处理············································································································································ 8. 启动/反馈事件处理 ····································································································································· 9. 实时事件查询············································································································································ 10. 设备属性查询············································································································································ 11. 历史记录查询············································································································································ 12. 如何进行屏蔽/开放 ····································································································································· 13. 如何进行启动/停止 ····································································································································· 14. 如何进行测试/移动测试 ······························································································································· 15. 如何进行定位测试/定位恢复 ························································································································· 16. 如何设置蜂鸣器音量··································································································································· 17. 如何设置登录时间······································································································································ 18. 如何设置移动测试时间································································································································ 19. 如何设置 LCD 关闭时间 ······························································································································ 20. 如何设置时间··········································································································································0 21. 如何进行系统检测······································································································································ 22. 如何保存配置············································································································································ 23. 如何修改参数············································································································································ 24. 如何新建/查看联动关系 ······························································································································· 25. 如何编辑/删除联动关系 ······························································································································· 26. 如何进行组分配/FRT 分配 ··························································································································· 27. 如何查看帮助信息······································································································································ 28. 如何操作联动盘········································································································································· 29. 如何打开/关闭打印机 ·································································································································· 30. 如何替换设备············································································································································。



搭建FC存储一、硬件两台电脑两块FC HBA卡(当前使用的是Qlogic 2340F 2GB PCI-X)两根光纤线(此次测试直连,所以无需光纤交换机)二、软件要求Os:3.10.13-esos.prod #1 SMP Tue Oct 15 16:46:59 EDT 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux(target)+windows 2003 server(initiator)下载地址:https:///p/enterprise-storage-os/downloads/listTarget驱动:Qlogic 2340F卡的target驱动已经集成至esos中。


三、搭建步骤1.安装HBA卡分别将HBA卡插入两台电脑主板的PCI插槽,2.连接光纤线,A电脑的tx端口接B电脑的rx端口,A电脑的rx端口接B电脑的tx 端口,形成直连。



四、FC存储简单效果图五、详细步骤Target端配置过程(宗旨是创建LUN)1.制作esos系统(该系统已经包括了SAN管理模块和scst模块)2.启动进入esos系统,配置target3.进入如下界面操作1)Hosts-Add Group添加组2)Hosts-Add Initiator 添加发起端(输入另外一台电脑的FC HBA卡的wwn号)3)Hosts-Add Device 添加存储设备4)Hosts-Map to group 将设备映射到组5)Devices-LUN layout 在存储设备中添加一个LUN至此target端配置成功,配置成功的标志:initiator端的SAN管理软件能看到target 端的磁盘。

特别注意:1.在Targets-Enable target,否则initiator端查看不到添加的LUN。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。






图1 主机/存储阵列连接







图2 存储阵列控制器上的FC接口
在FC存储网络中,不论是发起方主机还是目标方存储设备都被称为节点,节点设备上的每个FC物理接口被称为N端口(Node Port)。

节点设备通过FC交换机互连被称为交换式SAN,连接设备N端口的交换机物理接口被称为F端口(Fabric Port)。

节点设备在网络中寻址使用设备的世界范围名(WWN: World Wide Name),WWN是设备制造商向IEEE注册得到的,可以保证每个设备WWN是全球惟一的。

WWN细分为一个64位的世界范围结点名( WWNN: World Wide Node Name)和一个64位的世界范围端口名(WWPN: World Wide Port Name)。


在规模比较大的SAN网络中,需要连接多个FC交换机,交换机间互连的接口称为E端口(Expansion Port)。

为了便于管理,可以把交换机划分成多个自治区域(Autonomous Region)。






分区建立在交换机上,以交换机端口号的静态分区被称为硬分区,以设备WWN 地址的动态分区被称为软分区,分区可以跨交换机。





图3 交换机接口视图

图4 接口连接信息



图5 分区配置

下一步就需要进行LUN映射(LUN Mapping),将存储设备上的LUN映射到指定的主机。



图6 存储阵列上的主机组








图7 主机的标识

图8 LUN的映射



图9 一个NAS集群网关映射的LUN

图10显示一个VMware ESX主机有4个HBA接口卡及WWN地址。



图10 ESX主机的存储网络路径



图11 ESX主机连接的LUN。
