的 重要 性 , 者 最 后 结 合 实 际提 出 文化 导 入 教 学 的 策略 和 方 法 。 笔
【 关键词】 英语教 学; 文化导入 ; 文化差异
引言 师应该给学生讲解有关圣诞节的来 历以及 圣诞 节的一 些习俗 , 圣诞 如 随着科技的飞速发展以及经济 全球化的进 程加快 , 国家与 国家之 老人 、 圣诞礼物、 圣诞晚宴和圣诞歌 曲等 , 进而 让学生就 圣诞节 和中国 间的交流也 日益增多 , 英语作为 国际公认的交际语 言, 是跨 文化交际 的 的春节进行对比 , 如果时 间允许的话可以给学生 介绍 西方的其它节 目. 重要媒介 , 然而仅仅掌握英语语言形式本身即词汇 、 法等等是远远不 比如 : 语 万圣节、 情人节、 恩节和复活节等 , 感 并且还可 以让 学生把这些西
1 背 景 知 识 导入 法 、
知道 , 如果教师不给与相关文化 介绍的话 学生就会无 法理解句 子甚至
是整篇课文 的意思 。大学英语课文里有这样一句话 : B i t ce i “ e g ahrs n ae bigpeet trai , hnteca eist bete ”在上课时 , e rsn a cet n w e l bgn rah . n o h y o 如果
避免地要涉及文化学习 , 这就必然 涉及到 英语 国家文 化背景 和社会 习
达方式大都含有褒义 , “ vr d g a i y ;l k g ; o e 如 E e s td ” “u y o ” y o h s a c d Lv m , e
俗的学习和理解应该了解本国 与他固文 化之 间的差异 , 否则 会导致文 Jv o ” oemydg 等表达 。 化失误 , 文化休克现象的出现 。为了达 到语言学 习者 的真正 目的~交 4、 故 和 习语 导 入 法 典
根据SOLO 分类标准,学生的英语学习水平可以分为“前结构水平”“单点结构水平”“多点结构水平”“关联结构水平”“拓展抽象水平”等。
译林版小学《英语》四年级上册“Unit 7 How much?”这一课,笔者引导学生思考“如何表达‘你想要买些什么?’”这样的问题,催生了学生的表达欲望,但遗憾的是学生的表达非常不规范,有学生说出了如“What do you want to buy?”这样的语句。
外语学习中的社会文化因素——中国环境中的社会文化因素及学习者英语成绩的相关分析外语学习中的社会文化因素——中国环境中的社会文化因素及学习者英语成绩的相关分析湘潭大学硕士学位论文外语学习中的社会文化因素中国环境中的社会文化因素与学习者英语成绩的相关分析姓名谭江竹申请学位级别硕士专业英语语言文学指导教师文卫平20050501摘要第二语言习得简称二语习得的研究于20 世纪60 年代末70 年代初作为一门独立的学科发展起来了从那时起到现在的三十多年里这一领域的研究在各方面都取得了较大的成就一般说来二语习得的研究可以分为三类中介语研究学习者内部因素研究学习者外部因素研究学习者外部因素包括社会环境家庭环境学校环境课堂环境和教学方法总的来说可以归纳为社会文化因素国内外的研究者对二语习得中的社会文化因素做了大量的调查研究但是国外的研究多于国内的研究且多局限于二语习得环境在中国环境里进行的研究则很少国内学者虽然关注社会文化因素和外语学习但他们研究的中心大多是学习动机及其与外语成绩的关系而对于社会文化因素只是附带的研究主要关注中国环境中的社会文化因素及其与外语成绩的相关性研究也相对较少并且在有限的社会文化因素和外语学习研究中大都是理论研究缺乏实证检验此外国内研究者一般将态度和动机看作是一个情感因素涉及学习者态度与成绩关系的研究也很少因此本研究试图在Gardner 社会教育模式的基础上运用定量的方法探讨中国环境中影响学习者态度的社会文化因素及其与外语成绩之间的关系包括学习者态度与成绩的相关性本研究对 339 名湘潭大学非英语专业二年级的学生进行了问卷调查调查所得数据资料利用SPSS120借助描述性统计以及相关检验统计方法进行分析研究发现1社会主导性不同文化民族间的接触未来使用外语的机会文化间的差异说该语言的人的数量社会对外语水平的要求以及外语课堂情境因素包括外语课的质量外语教师外语教材和外语学习氛围会对学习者的语言学习产生影响2 社会主导性不同文化民族间的接触未来使用外语的机会说该语言的人的数量社会对外语水平的要求以及外语教师与学习者的语言成绩的关系呈正相关而外语课的质量与学习者的语言成绩呈负相关3学习者对外语课堂情境因素的态度与学习者的外语成2绩呈正相关而对外国文化外国人的态度与外语学习成绩的相关检测未获得支持这说明了外语情境与二语情境中影响学习者外语学习的社会文化因素存在差异另一方面也说明了社会文化环境影响学习者的态度继而影响学习者成绩的过程中还受其他多种因素的影响该研究具有以下教学启示中国环境中的社会文化因素对学习者的态度产生影响继而作用于学习者的动机并最终影响学习成绩因此激发处于特定社会文化环境中的学习者的语言学习动机很有必要1教师应加强对学生关于社会环境特点的正面宣传教育激发学生的社会责任动机和个人发展动机2教师应通过将西方文化知识融入英语教学提高学生对英语语言文化的内在兴趣具体来说教师在分析课文时应有意识地导入相关的文化知识教师应创造一个高效率的学习环境将学生置身于真实或虚拟的英语文化场景中以提高学生的英语学习效率同时教师应鼓励学生将其对英语的兴趣延伸至课外3教师应帮助建立一个和谐的英语课堂氛围关键词二语习得社会文化因素态度成绩中国环境3AbstractSecond language acquisition SLA research began to be recognized as a discipline in its own right around the end of 1960s and the early1970s and has a history of 35 years so far During this period SLA research has made great achievements which involve a broad range of questions from a wide variety of perspectives In general SLA researchmainly involves three major aspects interlanguage research learners internal factors research and learners external factors research Learners external factors mainly include social context homeenvironment school surroundings classroom and teaching methods all of which can be called socio-cultural factors Both western and domesticresearchers have conducted a great number of researches concerning socio-cultural factors in SLA However western researches far outweighdomestic researches with theories and practice are concerned and mostare confined to the L2 acquisition context while few studies are carriedout in the Chinese context Though domestic researchers have paid attention to socio-cultural factors and foreign language learning theirresearch focus is always on the learning motivation or its relation withachievement with socio-cultural factors as a side research Fewresearches focus on the socio-cultural factors in Chinese milieu and thecorrelation between socio-cultural factors and learners achievements Inthe rare studies that focus on socio-cultural factors and foreign languagelearning most are theoretical illustrations without abase of statisticaldata to support the theory In addition in many domestic researches both attitude and motivation are regarded as one affective factorfewresearches deal with the relation between attitude and achievement So this thesis is to conduct the quantitative study on socio-culturalfactors in Chinese milieu influencing learners in EFL classroom and thecorrelation between socio-cultural factors and learners achievements4including the correlation between learners attitudesand achievementson the basis of Gardners socio-educational model The questionnaire investigation was held among 339 non-English major second yearcollege students randomly selected from Xiangtan university All the data statistics are analyzed and obtained by means of SPSS120 for windows with descriptive statistical method and relevant test method Results of the research show 1 social dominance inter-group contacts cultural difference opportunities of using English in the futurelifenumber of English speakers societal requirement of Englishproficiencysituational factors of EFL classroom including the quality ofEnglishclass the climate of English study the content of English teaching materials and English teachers have effects on learners 2 social dominance inter-group contacts opportunities of using English in the future life number of English speakers societal requirement of Englishproficiency and English teachers have positive correlation with learnersEnglish achievements but the quality of Englishclass have negativecorrelation with learners English achievements 3 attitudes toward situational factors of EFL classroom have positive correlation with learners English achievements while attitudes toward target language culture and native speakers of target language have no correlation withlearners English achievements This indicates that socio-cultural factorsaffecting target language learning in foreign language situation are different from those in second language situation On the other hand this indicates that there are various factors involved in theprocess ofEnglish learningSince the socio-cultural factors in Chinese milieu are causally relatedto students attitudes which in turn influence their motivation whichhave direct effect on English learning outcomes it is necessary to arousethe learning motivation of students in the specific socio-cultural milieuThe study provides some implications for English teaching 1 Teachers5should strengthen the positive publicity and guidance about thesocialmilieu to arouse students social responsibility motivation and individualdevelopment motivation 2 Teachers should elevate students intrinsic interest in English language and culture by integrating culture into theEnglish teaching Firstly teachers should introduce the related culturalknowledge consciously while analyzing a text Secondly teachersshould create a high-efficient learning environment put students in realor virtual English culture scenes to improvestudents efficiency inEnglish learning Thirdly teachers should encourage students toextendtheir interest in English outside classroom 3 Teachers should helptocreate a harmonious atmosphere in the English classroomKey Words second language acquisition socio-cultural factor attitude achievement Chinese milieu6IntroductionSince China has implemented the reform and open policy especially China joined the WTO international association among our country and other countries have become frequent day by dayOpportunities forintercultural communication have been increasingly growing Thus the people who are capable of communicating with both native andnon-native speakers will be in greater demand throughout the society Soforeign language study has become a primary task It is a commonphenomenon that foreign language learners reach the linguistic and communicative competence to different degrees and at different paces for there are many factors involved in the differences To be more exactthe differences are partly caused by psychological factors eglanguageaptitude learning style motivation personality and anxiety etc and also partly determined by socio-cultural factors However in many casesresearchers pay more attention to internal factors in analyzing thedifferences while their researches into external factors are restrainedSecond language acquisition SLA is a complex process by whichpeople develop proficiency in a second or foreign language involving many interrelated factors Second language acquisition research began to be recognized as a discipline in its own right around the end of 1960sand the early 1970s and has a history of 35 years so far Block 2003 During this period SLA research has made great achievements which involved a broad range of questions from a wide variety of perspectivesFor example interlanguage and the natural route of development in second language acquisition individual learner differences and the universal hypothesis etc In general SLA research mainly involves three major aspects interlanguage research learners internal factors research and learners external factors research Wen Wang 20049Learners external factors mainly include social context homeenvironment school surroundings classroom and teaching methodswhich can also be called socio-cultural factors As far as learners external factors research is concerned researchers are always interestedin two aspects one is to investigate their effects on interlanguage theother is about their effects on learners internal factors which may havedirect effect on learners L2 proficiencyLanguages are social mechanism and are learned in social context Spolsky 1989 Hymes 1972 and else where has also continuallystressed the social nature of language Social accounts of second language learning have been primarily concerned with second language proficiency Ellis 1994 Social factors have an important but indirect effect on L2 proficiency Their effect is mediated by a number of variables among which attitudes are one set of important variables Social factors help to shape learners attitudes which in turn influencelearning outcomes Ellis 1994 Then the questions arise What are the socio-cultural factors affecting learners attitudes What is the relationbetween socio-cultural factors and L2 proficiency What about the relation between attitudes and L2 proficiencyGenerally second language acquisition is a general term thatincludes foreign language learning unless there is need todistinguishthe two The term second language acquisition means that thelanguage is not a native language in a country but is widely used as amedium of communication and is usually used alongside anotherlanguage or languages For example English as a second language is learnt in Fiji Singapore and Nigeria In contrast foreign language learning takes place in settings where the language is taught as a subject in schools but not used as a medium of instruction in educationor as a language of communication eg in government business orindustry within the community10In Chinese milieu English is taught and learnt mainly in theclassroom as a foreign language which means that students learn the language mostly by formal instruction and that they have fewopportunities to interact with speakers of target language compared withsecond language learners Foreign language learners will beinfluencedby specific socio-cultural factors Socio-cultural factors in the specificsocial milieu will influence not only the process of language learningbut also the result of language learning language proficiencyachievementThe present study sets out to identify the socio-cultural factors in foreign language learning and tries to explore whether there is a correlation between socio-cultural factors and learners Englishachievements in Chinese milieu including the correlation between learners attitudes and achievements It is mainly to make English teachers more aware of the important role socio-cultural factorsplayinEFL learning and benefit teachers to take effective teaching methods helping learners to improve English achievements and develop high English proficiencyThis thesis consists of five parts The first part is theintroductionabout the background to the present study including the development ofSLA research the social context in which Chinese students learnEnglish and the objective and significance of the present study The second part is a literature review of the major achievementsobtained instudying socio-cultural factors in SLA The third part is anempiricalstudy on socio-cultural factors and their effects on learnersEnglishachievements in Chinese milieu on the basis of Gardnerssocio-educational model The fourth part is implications and suggestionsbased on the analysis The last part is the conclusion includinglimitations of the present study and suggestions for the future research11Chapter 1 Literature Review of the Studies on Socio-culturalFactors in SLA11 Western Researches on Socio-cultural FactorsIn western countries there are a number of researches carried out on L2 learners external factors including the exploration of political social cultural factors influencing second language acquisition Conklin, Lourie 1983 the effect of social economic and political factors on language policy and planning in various contexts Fierman 1991Phillipson 1992 Twine 1991 the relationship between society andsecond language learning with learners age gender social class and ethnic identity involved Ellis 1994 the social models of secondlanguage acquisition Gardner 19791985 Schumann 1978a 1978b1986 Giles , Byrne 1982 and the social conditions for secondlanguage learning Spolsky 1989 In addition the role of attitude in second language learning has been extensively researched by Lambert and Gardner and their associates For exampleGardner and Lambert1972 Gardner 1985 The researches have laid a solid foundation for socio-cultural factors in SLA research In the following are themajorachievements of the researchers such as Gardner R Schumann JSpolsky B Ellis R Lambert W and etc which provide theoreticbasis for the present studycom Socio-educational ModelSince 1958 Gardner began to research on motivational variables from social views in second language acquisition whichwas guided by hisadvisor Wallace E Lambert The socio–educational modelwas firstproposed in 1974 in a final grant report authored by Gardner Smythe12Kirby and Bramwell although it was never published Schumann 1975 observed in an article that the model provides a powerful framework within which the dynamic social and psychological facts involved in second language acquisition can be understood The model hasundergone a series of versions Gardner 1979 1981 1983 1985 totake into account more information involved in the processGardners socio–educational model focuses on four variables social milieu individual differences language acquisition contexts andoutcomes which are causally interplay in second language acquisition process Second language acquisition takes place in a social milieuinwhich the cultural beliefs influence the development of two sets ofattitudinal variablesintegrativeness and attitudes toward the learningsituation –which in turn influence motivation that has directeffecton L2proficiency The following figure Figure 11 is the socio-educational model that emphasizes its major operational characteristicsLANGUAGESOCIAL ACQUISITIONMILIEU INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES CONTEXTS OUTCOMESIntegrative motiveIntegrativenessCulturalbeliefs MotivationFormalLinguisticAttitudes towardthe learningsituationNon-Informal linguisticLanguageaptitudeFigure 11 Gardners 1985 socio-educational model13Integrativeness is a cluster of attitudes relating to outgroups and foreign languages in general as well as attitudes toward thespecificlanguage community and integrative orientations to language study Gardner Lalonde and Pierson 1983 While attitudes toward thelearning situation involve two primary aspects evaluation of the language teacher and evaluation of thelanguage course such aslearners attitudes toward teachers L2 class and textbooks etcCompared with other parts this part is more dynamic Gardner 2000 The social and cultural milieu in which learners grow up determines their beliefs about language and culture and influences the extent towhich they identify with the TL culture and also the extent to which theyhold positive attitudes toward the learning situationThe strength of the model explains how setting is related toproficiency one of the primary goals of any social theory of SLAby positing a series of intervening variables attitudes motivation self-confidence and by trying to plot how these are interrelated and howthey affect learning Gardner recognized the need to pay close attentionto the social milieu but he didnt give more account of socio-culturalfactors that determine the attitudinal variables of the modelbesides thetwo 1 importance of language objectives and 2 opportunities to use thelanguage Spolsky 1989In terms of socio-educational model Gardner himself emphasized the fact that his model is empirical and developing So from 1970snumerous researchers and practitioners carried on a series of researchesrelated to Gardners model For example Gardner Lalonde and Pierson 1983 Lalonde , Gardner 1984 and Dornyei 1990 tested thevalidity of the model Tremblay and Gardner 1995 expanded the model by adding three elements ie goal salience valence and self-efficacy One research by Genesee Rogers and Holobow 1983 stressed thesocial context of the relevance of integrativeness and found that L214learners perceptions of the TL Groups support for learning their language is positively correlated with the learners self rated proficiencyin the language and to their reported willingness to belong tosocialgroups that include members of the TL groupcom Other Models concerning Socio-cultural FactorsApart from Gardners socio-educational model there are many other models involving researches on socio-cultural factors and second language proficiency among which thewell-known model isSchumanns acculturation modelSince 1975 John Schumann has been working on the acculturationmodel that tries to clarify the importance of both social and effectivefactors on L2 learning The acculturation model is designed to identifymajor causing variables underlying natural L2 acquisition Gardner 1985 and explain social factors effects on L2 learning in natural setting That is to say the model excludes the learners who receive formal instruction in formal contextAcculturation is defined generally as the process of becomingadapted to a new culture Brown 1980 129 According to Schumann1978a 1978b 1978c learners will acquire the L2 only to the degree that they acculturate and the extent to which learners acculturate depends on two sets of factorssocialpsychological factorsthatdetermine learners levels of social and psychological distance The various social and psychological factors that Schumann identified are ofimportance Social factors are primary Ellis 1994231 whichdetermine social distance including social dominance integration pattern enclosure cohesiveness size cultural congruence attitude and intended length of residenceAs Schumann 1986 acknowledged the acculturation model hasreceived only limited support Maples 1982 study might be taken as15support for the model which found a strong relationship betweensocialdistance and measures of L2 English proficiency Seven out of the eightsocial factors were negatively correlated with proficiency Thesocialfactors in descending area of importance were attitudes social class cohesiveness intended length of residence size of L2 group enclosure and perceived status which were found to have a significant effectonL2 English proficiency It should be pointed out that the subjects werereceiving L2 instruction in classrooms While other studies for exampleStauble 1984 Schmidt 1983 failed to support the model because no relationship between social distance and development was found Oneofthe reasons for the mixed results is the problem of measurement ofacculturation Schumann has ever proposed that the direct effect of thedifferent social factors on L2 acquisition is mediated in terms of theamount of learners contact with TL speakers However the greatest failing of the acculturation model is that there is no explanation abouthow social factors influence the quality of contact that learners experience Ellis 1994Spolsky s 1989 general theory of L2 learning tries to solve theproblem ie Who learns How much of What languageunder Whatconditions It calls on a model to explore how to specify the conditionsunder which learning takes place Spolsky concluded 74 conditions for L2 learning There are a number of conditions described for thesocialcontext such as Number of Speakers condition Great Traditioncondition and Linguistic Convergence condition etc which areconditions that affect attitudes and opportunities for learning The Exposure condition Integrative Motivation condition and Language Values condition etc are conditions relating to attitudes and motivationof second language learnersAccording to Spolsky the conditions described for the social context influence second language learning in two ways one is that they lead to16a learners attitudes which are divisible into those toward the communityspeaking the target language and into those toward the learningsituations These two kinds of attitude are parallel to Gardnersintegrativeness and attitudes toward learning situation insocio-educational model The other lies in the provision of opportunitiesfor language learning which may be grouped into formal and informal situations The variables in the model so far are social context attitudesof various kinds motivation personal characteristics such as age personality capabilities previous knowledge learning opportunities formal or informal and linguistic and non-linguistic outcomes forthelearner The whole process can be showed in the following figureFigure 12AgeLinguisticAttitudes PersonalityAndSocialof various n Learning Non-linguisticoicontext takinds v opportunities outcomesitoMCapabilities For the learnerPreviousknowledgeFigure 12 Spolskys 1989 model of second language learningIn this regard the causal relation that social context leads to attitudeswhich appear in the learner as motivation that joins with other personalcharacteristics and finally the interplay between learner and situationdetermines learners language proficiency is similar to the linear relationof the socio-educational model However its difference from Gardners17model is partly in details of the theory and partly in the implications ofthe preference modelcom Social Context of SLASecond language learning of any kind takesplace in a socialcontext Spolsky 198925 In general the language-learning contexts include formal context and informal context Dulay Burt and Krashen 1982 which are also called educational context and natural context correspondingly In educational contexts formal learning takes place through conscious attention to rules and principles and the emphasis ison mastery of linguistic knowledge While informal learning occurs in natural contexts which is considered to result from direct participationand observation and what is learnt is its social significance aswell as thesubject matter Krashen 1976 1985 claimed that there are twoindependent ways of learning a second language acquisition andlearning ie conscious learning process and subconscious learning process corresponding to what occurs to language learners ineducational and natural contexts separatelyLearners L2 learning is influenced by the context they are in whichhas been shaped by socio-cultural factors Social factors determine thelearning opportunities which individual learners experience Ellis 1994Following Judd 1978 natural contexts can be identified into three typesmajority language context official language context andinternationallanguage context due to the various speakers with whom the L2 learnersmay communicate for example native speakers of the language or other L2 users Skuttnab-Kangas 1986 1988 distinguished four broad types of educational context segregation mother tongue maintenancelanguage shelter submersion and immersion among which L2learners are all in multilingual settings but what occurs in various educational contexts are different which is crucial to learners L218proficiency Ellis 1994 added a fifth type foreign language classroomsas an additional context found in monolingual situations The languageclassroom is a setting where the target language is taught as a subjectonly and is not commonly used as a medium of communication outsidethe classroom It includes both foreign language classrooms andsecond language classrooms With regard to the language classroom the role relationships between teacher and student are likely to be crucialEllis 1994 227 According to Ellis informal learning is not onlypossible but is actively encouraged in classroom learning situation com Researches on Attitudinal Variables in SLAIn exploring the role of attitudes in SLA many researchers madegreat contributions Gardner and Lambert began to research bilingual skill development from the perspective of emotions and attitudes Gardner , Lambert 1959 1972Social factors influence L2 proficiency indirectly and attitudes are one set of important variables involved in the process of L2acquisitionEllis 1994 As far as attitude is concerned L2 learners havedifferentattitudes toward the target language target language speakers the target-language culture the social value of learning the L2particularuses of the target language and themselves as members of their own culture In general positive attitudes toward the target language the target ethnolinguistic group and its culture may enhance learning whilenegative attitudes to impede learning see Gardner , Lambert 1972Gardner , Smythe 1975 Gardner and Smythe 1975 have foundthat persistence in language study and eagerness to interact in languageclasses also hinge on learners attitudes and motivation Gardner 1981 However it does not follow that learners with negative attitudes towardthe target language culture will invariably fail to learn the L2 for thereare other factors affecting the outcomes Ellis 1994210 noted thatthe19relationship between attitudes and L2 learning is almost certainly bi-directional and dynamic and is likely to vary according tosettingLearners attitudes have an impact on their level of L2 proficiency andare themselves influenced by this success The attitudes would become more tolerant as proficiency in the second language increased Lambert1987 While some researchers didnt find neat relation betweenattitudes and second language achievement For example Genesee and Hamayan 1980Another result concerning attitude is about measurement of variouskinds of attitude Among the main characteristics of attitudes providedby Baker 1988 there is one concerning that attitudes are dimensional rather than bipolarthey vary in degree of favorabilityunfavorabilityAttitudes can be measured both directly and indirectly For example theSemantic Differential Technique Spolskys 1969 Identity Scale are indirect measurement while direct measurement of attitudes usually involves self-report questionnaires taking the form of a series of statements to which learners respond on a five-point scale Gardner andLambert 1972 used this kind of question extensively in their studies ofattitudes According to Lambert 1977 the stereotype the feeling and the reaction tendency are three major components of attitude Typical measurement methods are used to reflect mainly one component oranother For example the stereotype component is measured through rating scales the feeling and reaction components are measured throughdirect questioning and multidimensional scaling procedurescom Researches on Situational Factors in Language ClassroomGardners socio-educational model 1985 involves the great socialcontext that may influence learners attitudes and motivation while。
语 言形 式的能力, 还要注重对语用能力的培 养 , 用能 力受到诸 多社会 因素的影响 , 语 文化 因素是其 中之一 。 这里 旨在 用社会语 言学的观
点 分 析 文化 , 言 及 其 关 系 , 而找 出语 言 学 习 中一 些 与 文 化 相 关 的 问题 产 生 的 原 因 , 语 从 并从 中得 出启 示 。 关键词 : 化 ; 言; 系; 文 语 关 外语 教 学 ; 响 ; 示 影 启 1 社 会 语言 学相 关概 念 信 息或感 隋。 如果这个 目的没有达到 , 通常归因于语用失误。 孟东伟和 社会语言学是一个非常宽泛的概念 , 总的说来 , 它可以被划分为 王 戈 (9 7介 绍 了 两种 类 型 的语用 失 误 , 是语 用 语 言失 误 , 一种 19 ) 一 另 微观社会语言学和宏观社会语言学两类 ( 戴炜华 ,0 7 7 ) 2 0 : 6 。作为微 是社 会语 用失 误 。前 者可 以通过 提高 学生 的基 础语 言能 力 如语音 、 7 词 观社会语言学的代 表, y e 和他 的同伴们关注对人际交流 的各个 汇和语法能力来得到改善。而后者的解决则更为复杂 , H ms 因为这种失误 方面的研究 , 包括言语行为 , 言语事件等; 而俄罗斯和东欧的宏观社会 源自于社会因素对语言使用的影响。例如 , 中国学生在上课时会说 在 语言学家则更加注重对双语或多语集团中的语言选择 、语言政策 、 语 “ 老师好 ”在这里 ,老师” , “ 既是一个通用名词也是—个称呼语 。 但英语 言规划等问题的研究。 从广义上来讲 , 文化是人类社会化 、 历史化进程 中相应的“ ahr这个名词 只能被用于表示职业身份 , t c e’ e ' 如果学生在交 中所产 生 的所有 物质 和精 神财 富之 和 。从狭 义上 来看 , 被定 义 为 际中错误的把它使用为称呼语 , 文化 就会引起社会语用失误。再比方说中 个特定国家或群体的习俗 、 、 信仰 生活习惯等( x r 2 0 :1 )社 国人 习惯 用 “ 0 fd 04 2。 0 4 吃饭 了没 ”“ 去 哪里 ” , 你 等句 子来 打招 呼 或表 示对 对 方 的 会 语 言学 家从 人 类学 的 角度 来 定 义文 化 , 认 为 , 是 区分 一 个 关心。如果这样的句子对外国人讲出来 , 他们 文化 他可能会误解为说话者是在 社 会群 体 和另 一社 会群 体 的重要 因素 , 可 以被在社 会 生活 中直 接 向他提出邀请, 它是 或是隐私受到干涉。这样的例子在很多领域都能够找 或 间接 地 习得 的“ 识 ”Hu sn2 0 : 7_ ) 由于一 个特 定 的社会 到 , 知 ( do 0 8 pO4 。 p 它们生动地展示了文化背景和社会语用失误的关系 , 因此要解决
19世纪英国人类学家泰勒(Edward Tylor)在《原始文化》一书中,给文化下了一个比较经典的定义:文化是一个复合体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他能力和习惯。
张梅[5]采用文本分析法,按照Risager和Cortazzi&Jin 的文化分类模式,从微观文化方面、宏观文化方面、国际性和跨文化方面对教材中的文化内容进行分析和评估。
三、 如何在英语教学中进行社会知识 的导入 诚然, 感受英语 国家文化的最佳途径 , 莫过于置 身 其中, 耳濡 目染 , 不断熏 陶 , 以便达 到英语 国家 的文 化 心理 的理 想境界 , 但是 , 身 临其境 ” “ 并非 是唯一途 径 , 我们 的学生多半都 是在课 堂里学英语 。教室是学生 学
族渊源 、 历史变迁 、 宗教信仰 、 济发展水平 等 而成 为至尊的帝 王的象征,炎黄子孙都 自称是 经 的不同 , 说明 了人类思维方式 的不同 , 而体现 种类似鳄鱼的凶残动 物 , 从 丑陋无 比, 令人生厌 刻细致地 了解英语 国家 的历史 、 文化 、 传 统、 风俗 习惯 、 生活方式 , 就越能正 确理解 和准确地使
文 学 和 音乐 等 。所 以 , 文 化的 内涵 来 看 , 包 从 它
如, 打电话 也有一个语言习惯问题 , 英语国家人
拿起 电话 常 先 报 一 个 自己的 电话 号 码 或 单 位 名
括 了人类的物 质财富和精神财富两个 方面。而 语 寿正是人类在进化过程中创造出来的一种精 神财富 , 是文化的主要 表达形式和传播工具 , 是 文化的载体。 但是 , 由于地理位置 、 自然环境 、 种 的差异 。 每个 民族都形成 了 自己的文化。 而文化 了语言表达的差异性 。 因此 , 语言学习不能仅局 限于语 言系统本身的学习 ,应把语 言放 到一 定 的文化背景 下进行研究与吸收 。注意语 言运 用 的得体性 。 =、为什 么英语教学中耍I视社会文化因 素 学习语言不是~个孤立的过程 ,任何一 种 语 青都是由生活在一定语言使用区域 中的人们
的拳击手等不到裁判数到 l ,便爬起来 再战 。 语教学在很长~段时间里把 主要精力集中在语 O 不意味着输 了这场 比赛 。寓意为 :当你 遇到挫 学生语言形式的正确 与否或使用得 是否准确 ,
英语教学不仅仅是单纯的语音 知识 、 语言 言知识 。 培养学生 的语言技能仍是教学主体。 输 是一句 “ 你吃了吗?” 这是 中国人之间在饭前饭 规则的学习和传授 , 它还是一种文化的传播 。 入文化知识是为 了补充和完善外语教学 ,使学 后 的常用语相当于英语 中的 H l 或 m 但如 eo l 是面对特定文化语境 的交际 能力的培养 。学英 习者能够准确 、恰 当而得体地运用 目的语进行 果 照字面译成 H v o a r yt Haeyu ae y el I e? u e 或 v o 练” 语就应该了解英美文化 ,文化在英语教学中具 和谐交际 。因此不能把以“ 为主的实践课变 hd y u l c ? a or u h 外国人听起来就很怪 。美 国人 n 有不可忽视的作用 。 言是交 际工具 ’ 语 语言教学 为 以“ 为 主的文化知识课。 讲 会 以为 , 这种打招呼似乎是说 :我也没有吃。 “ 走 的最终 目的是培养学生 以书面或 口头方式进行 文化 背景知识分为两种 一 知识文化和交 吧 , 我们一起去吃点东西吧。” 或者说 :没有吃 “ 交际的能力。 因此炭 语教学应把语 言教学和文 际文化 。 所谓知识文化 。 是指文化背景不 同的人 的话 , 我正要请你一起 去吃呢。 总之 , 打招 这样 化知识教学融为—个整体。 促使 学生把语言知 进行交 际时 ,文化背景知识的差异不会直接影 去 吃 识 、 言技能 和文化 知识有 机地结合起来。 语 从而 响对某些词语 的理解和解释。 所谓交际文化 。 是 4 表颜色的词。在不 同的文化背景下除 j 培养学生 的文化意讽 提高英语实 际应用能力 。 指两 种不 同文 化背景熏陶下的人们在交 际时 , 了词义 的范围可能有所不 同,其表达意义或社 语言和文化的关系既指人们在交际过程中所用 由于对某些词语 的联想意义、社会意义及运用 会文化意义也可能不相同。“ 红色” 在汉 民族文 的一种符号 系统, 又指人们在交 际过程中说 出 规 则 一 语用规则 ,缺乏必要 的文化 背景 知识 化 中象征“ 吉祥” 而西方 文化里却无此含义。 , 中 的话。 出的书信、 写 文件、 文章等 。 而产生误解 , 至造成交际失误 。 乃 这种 文化知识 国新娘结婚时穿红色礼服 以表示吉祥 ,而西方 l学 习英语 文化背 景有利 于让学 生认 识 多属于人类 文化学 中的“ 普通文化 ” 。如一个 民 新娘 穿白色婚纱以表示纯 洁。 在英美 国家。 举行 到学英语的重要性 族 的 日常言语行为 , 包括问候、 致谢 、 道歉 、 呼 葬礼 时人们一般穿黑色礼服 以表示庄重或对死 称 对英语 初学者 来说 , 给他们 : 语是 当 等语 言习惯 和对带有鲜明民族 文化特色的委婉 者 的哀悼 。 教 英 而在中国 , 人们多 以穿 白戴孝。 今世界 E 使用最广泛的语言 ,是联合 国的 日 常 语 、 谦逊 语、 客套语 、 禁忌语等词语 的运用 。 4 . 6母语迁移。许多学生不 了解或不熟悉 工 作语言 之一 。以英语 为母语 的国家有 英 国 4语 言交际要注意不同国家 的文化背景 外语 的规则 , 以致在交际需要时求助于母语 。 例 ( n d 、 国( mei )加拿大 ( a| a 、 E 如 )美 A ra、 c C Id )澳 l I 41谦虚 。 . 中国人认为谦虚是美德 。 常常 以 如 , 对于一般疑问句的回答, 、 英 汉是相 同的 。 而 大利亚 ( u缸 l ) ^ sa & 和新 西兰 ( e el d 等 , “ i N w z a n ) 自贬” a 表谦虚。 听到别人 的赞扬时 , 即使J里高 对于英 、 中反意疑问句的回答就不 同了。 汉 共有 近 4亿人 , 也就是 说 , 世界上每 1 O人中就 兴 , 但嘴上却总是 讲“ 不行不行” 之类 的话 。 一个 作为一名英语学习者 ,除 了要 掌握语音 、 有 1 人讲英语。把英语 作为官方语言或第二语 中国女学者 在美国宴会上听到别人赞扬她 的衣 语法 、 词汇和习语外 , 还要知道和熟识使用该语 “ ht oeydes yu h v n. s ” 言使用的国家有 2 多个 , 计约 8 0 共 亿人 , 也就 服 说 : T a。 a lvl rs o ae o . 她 种的人是如何看待事物 , 如何观察世界 ; 了解 要 是 说,世界 匕 差不多每 5 中就有 1 人 人在一定 不知 答“ hn o. 按汉语 习惯谦 卑 的说 , 他们如何用他们 的语言来 反映他们 的思想 、 T a k yu 却 ” 习 程度上懂英语 。 全世界 5 % 6 %的报刊杂 志 “ o t utavr ri r rs. 0至 O N ,isjs eyodn ydes l a ”这使西方 惯和行 为; 更要 了解他们的社会文化 , 语言是文 是用英语 出版的 ;o 6 %以上 的广播节 目是用英 听者认为 ,她的话 说明她连衣服的好坏都分 不 化的一部分 ,它对社会和文化 的进步起着重要 语 播送 的;O 7 %以上 的邮件是用 英语 书写或用 清。 作用 。它们之间相互影响、 互相作用 ; 要理解语 英 语写信封 地址的 ;5 8%的科技 资料是 用英语 4 . 忌语 。不 同语言的禁忌语可 以反 映 言必须了解文化 ,而要理解文化又必须 了解语 2禁
“ 少先队、 警察叔叔、 月饼” 译成英语就是: "Young Pioneer,
Uncle Policeman,mooncake"。 这些词都很简单、 常见, 可是外 国人却很难懂, 因为他们不了解有关的文化背景。 再以“ dog
” 一词为例 , 在语言意义上, 中国的“ 与英美国家的“ 狗” 狗”
"Howold are you” 是一句极简单的问话, 但在英美人日
常生活中, 除了孩子们之间, 实际上很少使用这句问话 , 问 问某位先生年龄倒还无所谓 , 对于女士或小姐 , 年龄是个非
类最好的 朋友, 忠诚可靠。 所以‘ ” `dog 在英语中 往往含有褒 义, love me,love mydog.(爱屋及乌) ;a lucky dog(幸运儿)。 如
please.” 若不想要, 只要说“ thanks.” No, 就行了。 这也充分体
奖”先译成Golden Cock Prize, , 谁料到cock一词除了“ 公鸡” 外还有“ 雄性器官” 的意思, 在英语里属于禁忌语。 后改译为 Golden Rooster Prize。伸出食指和中指,我们中国人表示 “ ,可美国人表示V (胜利) ; 我们用大拇指和食指表示 二” “ , 八”可我们的“ 字造型在美国人眼里却是“ , 八” 二”就这个 “ 和“ 在东西方交往中惹出不少笑话。 二” 八”
人仿佛是面朝过去站着, 把已经发生的事情看成在前面, 而 把待发生的事情看在后面, 例如:“ 前无古人, 后无来者” 而 。 英美人的说法则恰好相反。例如: 中国人讲故事有时会说, “ 不过我们说到故事的后头去了”而英国人这样说, we , "But
1. 人文:人文方面的文化教育主要包括文学、音乐、艺术等等。
2. 历史:历史方面的文化教育主要涉及到英语国家的历史文化与传统。
3. 政治:政治方面的文化教育主要包括英语国家的政治制度、司法体系等等。
4. 经济:经济方面的文化教育主要涉及到英语国家的经济发展、商业机构与市场文化等等。
5. 社会:社会方面的文化教育主要涉及到英语国家的社会生态、教育体系、宗教信仰等等。
不同的人有不同的理解.malinowski(1987)认为文化是“the collection of all materials, institutional and psychological aspects of the community, that is to say, it is the constellation of materials, goods, techniques habits and traditional values of a community.”而语言是用理解和描述该民族生活方式的一种工具,她是文化的载体和重要的组成部分,二者是部分与整体的关系(戴维栋,1995)。
一种语言既是一种文化的一部分,又是该文化其他部分的主要表现手段,影响到交际双方的文化传统(robert lado,1964).所以说语言学习的过程同时也是学习文化的过程。
我们不掌握文化背景就不可能教好语言(robert lado,1964)。
1. 引言英语教材中的文化元素对于学生的英语学习至关重要。
2. 文化元素在英语教材中的作用英语教材中的文化元素是指反映英语国家历史、地理、人文、社会等方面的内容。
文化元素在英语教材中的作用主要体现在以下几个方面:2.1 增加学习的兴趣学习英语并不仅仅是为了掌握一门外语,还是为了了解和欣赏不同国家的文化。
2.2 提高跨文化交际能力英语已成为全球性的语言之一,掌握英语的同时也需要具备一定的跨文化交际能力。
2.3 培养国际视野英语教材中的文化元素能够帮助学生了解不同文化间的异同之处,提高他们的国际视野和文化素养。
3. 英语教材中文化元素的挖掘方法为了在英语教材中挖掘和传承中国的文化元素,教材编写者需要采用合适的方法和策略。
以下是一些常用的挖掘方法:3.1 选取适当的材料教材编写者可以通过选取适当的材料,加入中国的历史、文化、名人、风俗习惯等方面的内容。
3.2 创设情境在教材中创设情境,将学生置身于中国文化的背景中,让学生通过情境的体验,更好地理解和学习英语知识。
3.3 采用多媒体教学手段利用多媒体教学手段,如图片、音频、视频等,直观地展示中国的文化元素。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
学生根据汉语习惯很有礼貌地说“are you going to see the film?”这位外籍教师觉得很奇怪,心想你明明知道我朝礼堂走是去看电影,为什么还问这样的问题?事后的评论是:what a stupid question!
最后他在黑板上写道:“i’m ok. please don’t ask me more.”对此中国教师和学生都觉得莫名其妙。
普赖斯(j.b.pride)在《社会语言学》一书的序言中讲的是很有道理的:what’s your name?
my name is li ping.
how old are you?
i’m twenty.
where do you come from?
i come from beijing.
* * * * * *
where are you going?
i’m going to the library.
英美人对于where are you going?在心理上的反映是:why do you ask?甚或是it’s none of your business。
交际能力是“话语民族学”(the ethnography of speaking)的一个非常重要的概念,它已经成为应用语言学领域里的交际教学法的核心思想。
如讲解hot dog和hamburger 的时候,实物或图片是最直观最有效的手段。
有些专门介绍社会情况的电影也能够提供丰富的材料,如美国电影two kinds of love 《两种爱》,它反映了美国的社会、家庭的一个侧面。
教材中一些英美人士的文章中,有些东西中国教师没有接触过,只能通过字典中的definition 讲授给学生。
如newsagent’s shop。