沃尔玛Fault Finder和Fault Finder Remote操作手册与保修说明书

Operator’s ManualFault Finder and Fault Finder / Remote WaRRanty InstRuctIOns LIMITED WARRANTY - A Fault Finder orFault Finder / Remote Warranty is provided to the original purchaser for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the operating instructions. Y ou must retain your receiptfor proof of purchase. This warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship to the Fault Finder or Fault Finder / Remote. TERMS THAT APPLY TO THE WARRANTY Improper installation, misuse, neglect and tampering of any kind are NOT covered under the Limited Warranty. Fault Finderor Fault Finder / Remote, returned under the Warranty will be inspected and if the problem is determined to be the result of neglect or abuse, then no warranty will be applied. No warranty other than the above is expressed or implied. Implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular application are hereby disclaimed unless the law specifically precludes this disclaimer. The manufacturer and seller have no liability for damages, incidental or consequential, resulting from or caused by any failure, malfunction or defect of any product.TO MAKE A WARRANTY CLAIM -1. Fault Finder or Fault Finder / Remote, returned for warranty work must be accompanied by a copy of the original sales receipt/invoice and a note showing the customer name, phone number, return address (where the unit will be returned to) and a brief description of the problem.2. Pack product carefully in oversized carton with crushed newspaper (or other appropriate packing materials) for cushioning.3. The product should be shipped PREPAID and insured against shipping loss or damage.4. Send warranties to:Power Wizard10375 ST RT 43 Streetsboro, OH 44241 1-800-866-2161IntROductIOnDepending on the model purchased, there are 3 major functions that the Fault Finder or Fault Finder / Remote can perform.1. VOLTMETER - Displays theelectric fence voltage in kilovolts ( kV ). 1kV = 1000 volts. Benefit: Measuring fence voltage helps determine the effectiveness of the electric fence system.2. CuRRENT METER - Displays the current in (amps) that is flowing through the fence wire. Benefit: Measuring the current through the hot fence wire will help locate faults (shorts) inthe fence system. Fence shorts reduce fence energizer [shock] effectiveness.3. R EMOTE CONTROL - Allows the user to turn the Energizer on-or-off from any location on the fence. (This unique function is only available in the Fault Finder with “Remote” andonly works with remote-ready electric fence Energizers). Benefit: Conveniently save time by turning the energizeron-or-off from any location on the fence (through the hot wire).*Fault FIndeR specIFIcatIOns • Voltage range - .3 to 18 kV• Current range - 2 to 150 amps • Battery - 9 Volt Alkaline*Specifications are subject to changepaRts and theIR FunctIOn IMaGe 1IMPORTANT: The Fault Finder or Fault Finder / Remote does not have a lighted display and was not designed to work in low light conditions. It is not recommend to install or repair electric fencing in low light conditions.pOWeRInG the Fault FIndeR On-OR-OFFON - Press and release the Fault Finder ( ) power button.VoltagecurrentFault direction arrow Fence pulse low Battery power Button and kV / a toggle energizer Off Button (With RemoteVersion Only)energizer On Button (With Remote Version Only)Battery cover and Ground plate Belt clipFence hook Fault direction arrowOFF - When turned on, the Fault Finder will automatically turn off in 1 minute if not in use. To turn the Fault Finder off manually, press and hold the ( ) power button for a few seconds.MeasuRInG Fence VOltaGe1. T urn the Fault Finder on.2. Press the ( ) power button to toggle between the volt and amp function until the kV symbol is displayed on the right hand side of the display(See image 1).3. Firmly hold the Fault Finder with your bare hand (do not wear gloves). Pressing your thumb firmly on top of the Fault Finder, position your fingers to make contact with the metal ground plate (battery cover) on the back. Since the Fault Finder does not require any additional wires for grounding, the Fault Finder relies on your body for the ground. Therefore, making good contact with the metal ground plate is important (See image 2).4. Place the Fault Finder’s fence hook onto the fence wire(See image 3).Each time the energizer pulses, a “lightning bolt” will appear at the top of the display to indicate a fence pulse has been measured. The fence voltage will then be displayed, in kilovolts (kV), at the center of the display. NoTE: If the “lightning bolt” is flashing and voltage readingis “Lo”, then the voltage being measured by the Fault Finder is below the range of measurement.If the “lightning bolt” is flashing and voltage reading is “HI”, then the voltage being measuredby the Fault Finder is above its range of measurement.IMaGe 2MeasuRInG Fence cuRRent1. T urn on the Fault Finder.2. Press the Fault Finder ( ) power button to toggle between the volt and amp function until the “A” symbol is displayed on the right hand side of the display.3. Firmly hold the Fault Finder with your bare hand (do not wear gloves). Pressing your thumb firmly on top of the Fault Finder,position your fingers to make contact with the metal ground plate (battery cover) on the back. Since the Fault Finder does not require any additional wires for grounding, the Fault Finder relies on your body for the ground.Therefore, making good contact with the metal ground plate is important (See image 2).Place the Fault Finder’s fence hook onto the fence wire(See image 3).Each time the energizer pulses, a “lightning bolt” will appear on the top of the display to indicate a fence pulse has been measured. The fence current will be displayed, in amps (A), at the center of the display. Above the current reading an arrow pointing to either theleft or the right will also be displayed. These arrows indicate the direction of the current flow and will help to locate the faults (shorts) in the fence.NOTE: If the “lightning bolt” is flashing and current readingis “Lo”, then the current being measured by the Fault Finder is below the range of measurement. If the “lightning bolt” is flashing and current reading is “HI”, then the current being measuredby the Fault Finder is above its range of measurement.The current reading should not be taken if the fault finder is in close proximity to the energizer as it will give inaccurate readings.tuRnInG the eneRGIzeROn-OR-OFF(Fault FIndeR / ReMOte Only) Please check with the manufacturer as to which Energizer is compatible with the Fault Finder / Remote.1. Turn on the Fault Finder / Remote.2. Firmly hold the Fault Finder with your bare hand (do not wear gloves). Pressing your thumb firmly on top of the Fault Finder, position your fingers to make contact with the metal ground plate (battery cover) on the back. Since the Fault Finder does not require any additional wires for grounding, the Fault Finder relies on your body for the ground. Therefore, making good contact with the metal ground plate is important (See image 2).3. Place the Fault Finder’s fence hook onto the fence wire (See image 3).Fence hook to fence wire contact is needed to transmit the on/off signals.OFF – press and release the ( ) OFF button and the display will show “OFF” indicating that a signal was sent to the Energizer. After the signal is sent, the Fault Finder / Remote will return to measuring current or voltage.ON – press and release the ( ) ON button and the display will show “ON” indicating that a signal was sent to the Energizer. After the signal is sent, the Fault Finder / Remote will return to measuring current or voltage.IMpORtant tIps When usInG the ReMOte FeatuRe:Before removing the Remotefrom the fence, always check the voltage on the fence to ensurethe Energizer received the on-or-off signal. The easiest way to determine if the Energizer is on,is to check the display for the “lightning bolt” indicator.If the Energizer did not turn on-or-off, ensure that the wire being used to send the signal is not open and is connected to the Energizer’s hot wire. If the hot fence wire being used is rusted or corroded and the Remote will not work, move to a different fence location where the fence wire is not rusted or corroded.A low battery will reduce the Remote’s ability to effectively transit the on-off signal to the energizer. Replace the battery if the battery indicator is shown on the display. IMaGe 3selectInG and chanGInG the channel On the Fault FIndeR / ReMOte and eneRGIzeR (Fault FIndeR / ReMOte Only) By default from the factory the Fault Finder / Remote and the Energizer are both set to channel 1.It is not necessary to change to a different channel if you do not have multiple Energizers with remote ca-pability next to or on adjacent fences. To select and change the channel on the Remote and the Energizer:1. Turn on the Fault Finder / Remote.2. Hold the Remote next to the Energizer and press the ( ) OFF button to put the Energizer into standby mode. See the Ener-gizer’s operator manual for details as Energizer models may vary.3. Press and hold down the ( ) power button then press the ( ) OFF button. The current channel set in the Remote will be displayed. Example “ch1”.4. Press and release the ( ) OFF button to toggle through the available channels on the Remote.5. Once the desired channel is displayed on the Remote hold the Remote next to the Energizer and press the ( ) ON button.The Energizer will now confirm that the new channel has been accepted. “See the Energizer’s operator manual for details as Energizer models may vary”. note: If changing the channel on the Remote is needed to match the channel on the energizer, perform steps 3 through 5 without holding the Remote next to the energizer. What tO KnOW BeFORe lOOKInG FOR a Fault On yOuR FenceIt is important to know, when using the Fault Finder for the first time, that a large current reading on the fence does not necessarily mean that there is a critical fault on your fence. The larger the Energizer and the fence that is connected, as well as vegetation on the fence, are all factors that will increase the current reading.It is recommended to first go around the perimeter of the fence and take voltage readings at various locations to determine the effectiveness of your fence system. If, at various fence locations, you have around 3000 volts or moreit is probably not necessary to troubleshoot your fence.If locations on your fence measure less than 3000 volts (depending on the size of the Energizer),then it is recommended that you troubleshoot your fence. Check the Energizer and grounding systemto ensure they are adequate for your electric fence size. If eitherthe Energizer or the groundingsystem is insufficient, for yourfence size, then correct this beforetroubleshooting your fence. (Checkyour fence Energizer manualfor details on the Energizer andchecking the grounding system).Y ou should check your ground sys-tem 2 times a year, even if the fenceseems fine. The ground system isone of the most important aspectsof your electric fence system. Itcompletes the circuit between thehot fence wire, animal contact, andthe Energizer ground terminal. undeRstandInG the Fence cuRRent and VOltaGe ReadInGs To understand how the Fault Finderwill help you find a fault on thefence, it is helpful to understand theconcept of what you are measuring,as it relates to the effectiveness ofyour electric fence system.Let’s use a water hose analogyto understand your electric fence.Think of the Energizer as a waterpump and the electric fence wireas a water hose.The Fault Finder (amp) readingcan be thought of as showingthe amount of water leaks in thehose, with small holes (leaks), atvarious locations along the hose.All fences, even under normalcondition, will have small leaks(fence hot to fence ground leaks).Expect a larger fence to showlarger current readings since it willnaturally have more leaks (faults).Using a larger Energizer will have more flow and this causes the fence to have bigger leaks (faults). More flow will result in a larger current (amp) reading. Vegetation on the fence is alsoa leak and this will also cause a larger current reading. Common leak locations will be grass/weeds in contact with a hot fence wire, tree limbs that are in contact with a hot wire, old cracked insulators, or any other object that comes in contact with both the ground and the hot fence wire.When you are measuring the current at the beginning of the fence you are measuring all the leaks (faults) in the fence. The farther you go from the Energizer the less the current is on the fence. This is because you are measuring less of the fence total leaks (faults) the farther you walk away.The voltage reading on the Fault Finder can be thought of as the amount of water in the hose. This is why the more leaks (faults) there are, the lower voltage reading. This is the reason why fence voltage can be less as you go farther from the Energizer. The less the voltage is on the fence is a result of all the small leaks. (There is less and less water in the hose.)hOW dO yOu use the ReadInG tO FInd a Fault On the Fence?2 types OF Fence cOnFIGuRatIOnsTYPE 1: Fence does not loop back to the Energizer - When using the Fault Finder in a non-looping fence (See example A or B), the current arrow direction is not needed to determine the location of the fault, and can be ignored.TYPE 2: Fence loops back to the Energizer - When using the Fault Finder with a fence that loops back to the Energizer (See example C), the current arrows are used to determine the location of the fault.In normal conditions, as youtest along a fence with no loopsor faults, the fence current will decrease the farther you are from the Energizer (See example A).If you have a fence with oneor more major faults, as youtest along the fence there will beexcess amounts of current on the fence. As you pass the point of the fault, the current will rapidly drop. At this point simply go backwards on the fence and find the exact point, where, on each side, thereis the large change in current. Thisis where your fault is located (See example B).With a fence with loops and faults, as you test along the fencethe current will point in the direction of the current and as you passthe point of the fault the current direction will change. At this point simply go backwards on the fence and find the exact point, where, on each side, there is a change in the direction of the current. This is where your fault is located.ReplacInG the BatteRyWhen the ( ) low batterysymbol appears on the display it is time to replace the 9 volt battery. For longer battery life it is recommend using a 9 volt alkaline type battery.1. Remove the battery cover by unscrewing the 2 screws on the bottom/back metal piece of the Fault Finder. It’s recommended you do this over a table so you do not lose the 2 small battery cover screws.eXaMple a - nOn-lOOpInG Fence WIthOut FeXaMple B - Fence WIth One OR MORe Maj- 14 -eneRGIzeR6.0aMps 3.0aMps eneRGIzeR20.0aMps 18.0aMpsFault(Short toGround)eXaMple a - nOn-lOOp thROuGh BOth WIRes eXaMple c - Fence lOO 2. Remove the old battery and replace it with the new battery. When replacing the new battery check the polarity as shown in the battery compartment to ensure the battery is connected correctly. If you must force the battery then the polarity is most likely reversed.3. Put the battery cover back inplace and carefully screw in the 2 screws. tighten the screws but don’t apply excessive force to prevent stripping the screw. caRInG FOR the Fault FIndeR / ReMOte• Do not leave the Fault Finderin direct sunlight, for instance on the dash of a vehicle. TheFaultsjOR Faults- 15 -2.0aMps 1.0aMps eneRGIzeR10.0aMps3.0aMps 1.0aMps eneRGIzeReneRGIzeRpInG Fence WIth cuRRent shaRed Ops BacK tO eneRGIzeRextreme heat may damage theFault Finder.• Use only a lightly damp cloth to clean the Fault Finder.• Y our Fault Finder is waterresistant not water proof. Donot submerge the Fault Finderin water.• Remove the battery if the Fault Finder is not being used for anextended period of time. Thiswill prevent damage to the FaultFinder from battery leakage.- 16 -5.0aMps5.0aMps1.0aMps1.0aMpsFaultIndicatescurrentdirection。

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13 沃尔玛常用消防安全知识手册-17


虽然公司已经从几家店发展到今天的家,但是我每天依然能够感受到以往3000 多“大家庭”的温暖。

沃尔玛采购人员KPI 沃尔玛采购人员
采购员的考核 采购员有否衡量所取得的供应商的支持? 运费,广告费和仓储费是否计入开票价格? 有无减价 毛利 毛利率 装货量 沃尔玛频繁地调动员工的岗位,尤其是采购员,因为: 沃尔玛频繁地调动员工的岗位,尤其是采购员,因为 调动可以促使内部的交流. 轮转可以丰富采购员的经验 可以融合采购和营运之间的隔阂
如何与沃尔玛建立良好关系 1. 与客户各部门建立“透明”的关系 2. 在“天天平价”上扮演积极的角色 交往原则 1. 帮助沃尔玛培训人 2. 要数据帮助你衡量人和事 3. 主动向采购员提供解决问题的方案 供应商需要知道:(零售链均可提供): 1. 销售品种 2. 价格 3. 毛利率
确认补货申请,有权安排第二点陈列、紧急订单的确认,负 责价格调整、具备调价权利(可以比竞争商场的最低价低 4-6%,不论是否低于进货成本)
KA运作经理、KA销售主管、 KA销售代表
沃尔玛的组织结构-总部采购的职能 沃尔玛的组织结构 总部采购的职能
订货、送货 1、新商品\海报商品\季节 性商品\免费货 2、总部采购有权直接下 订单分货到分店。 陈列 1、正常货架的陈 列图由总部采购负 责制定,并随时根 据销售情况更新陈 列顺序/位置/面积。 2、分店不能更改 正常货架的陈列。 售价控制 1.总部采购负责制定商品各 地区的系统统一价。分店制 订售价只能低不能高。 2.总部采购对分店具体售价 不能干涉 促销 1、负责特价 让利、店头促 销活动的安排 2、促销员的 申请

沃尔玛管理手册HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】Overview概述This manual will familiarize you with the basic sales floor procedures and Merchandising Standards related to product presentation and merchandising. At times, however, you may need to deviate from these guidelines, with a Coach's approval, in order to get the sales that you need.这本手册将会使你熟悉基本的店面运作程序及有关商品陈列与管理的一些指导知识。
Merchandising is, for the most part, based on opinion. Do not be afraid to try new things if you feel that it will help increase sales. However, there are many proven concepts that should be applied in all buildings. Also, you must be willing to try someone else's ideas if your techniques are not getting results. Just remember to have fun with it.商品布置这一工作是建立在主观想法的基础上的。

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促销展示 部 索赔部 市场部 收货部
• 合同确认
• 提醒门店下单人员在订单后备注“货送DC”字样, 生成订单为03单
• 订单生效查询:第二天可通过沃尔玛UPC(条码)在票
据办公室的零售链系统查询是否在沃尔玛系统生成订 单及相应订单号 • 结合Wal*Mart订单生成流程及我司送货安排,周三 是最理想的下单时间,能够配合到公司系统订单
• 门店订单由DC汇给到供应商,供应商送货到DC
• AD商品的到货时间长于WR商品
92 - 35 部门 杂货
- 33
陈列位 第33个陈列位 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4#货架 5#货架
奶粉 第10号货架
2#货架 3#货架 通道
• 你不能不知道的沃尔玛价签小秘密
• 沃尔玛的陈列图是什么?
• 沃尔玛补货系统是如何运作的? • 沃尔玛有哪些不同的促销 活动?
产品条码 价签信息生效日期 产品所属部门
箱规格 产品陈列位置 产品陈列面位
• WR – 正常状态商品,且在DC有库存

订货至水平 = (预测销量/7)* (LT+订货策略) + 安全库存
订货策略一般等于或大于补货周期 送货周期LT :7 天 补货周期RT: 7 天 DD平均周销量:10 销售趋势图指数: 1.5 预测销量:DD*销售指数 安全库存:12 现货:16 已订货:15 箱包装数量:15 订货至水平 = (预测销量/7)*( 7天 + 7天) + 安全库存 = 15 + 15 +12 = 42 订货数量=订货至水平-(现货+已订货)=42-(16+15)=11
销售规模 率 毛利
基本需求 生意驱动 元素
有供应商 正确的产品 产品供应稳定 顾客忠诚度 新顾客 客流量 客单价 促销活动 长期的价格优势 价格的稳定性 信息 优化店面空间使用 库存周转 节省人力成本 更长的付款周 期 返利和折扣
全球最大的企业就是零售领域的国际超市,综观沃尔玛、家乐福、 TESCO、麦德龙、欧尚等,都是在二战后短短几十年快速发展起来的 世界巨头,他们的成功不是偶然的,他们的成功得益于他们具有符合 时代历史潮流的经营理念和先进的企业管理技术。 我们生活在与狼共舞的时代,狼来了不可怕,怕的是我们不了解 狼而狼了解我们的一切。
如果基础指数1代表1000,那么第27周的预测需求量则为2200。第27周 的基础指数为2.2,乘以平均销6/95
5 4 3
2 1 0
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26L 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


LIST OF COMPONENTSDISPLAY DEVICEBUTTON FUNCTIONALITYNAVIGATING TIPS:•button.•can press either OK or button to•certain features.USB CABLE PROTECTIVE BAG BEFORE YOU BEGIN CARB/EPA COMPLIANCE NOTE: The stickers included in some products apply to products that have received CARB exemption for emissions compliance. This product may meet the emissions compliance requirements of the California Air Resources Board and Federal Environmental Protection Agency. If so, it is legal for sale and use on pollution-controlled vehicles operated on public streets and highways. The device must be installed and operated according to the instructions provided in this user’s manual. Included with these compliant products is a sticker (similar to the one pictured above) for you to keep in your vehicle. You can either adhere it somewhere on the vehicle (e.g., the inside end of driver’s door) or simply store it in your glove box. The purpose of these stickers is to inform anyone who may have questions regarding the use of your Superchips product and how it affects emissions.1 Double-click the Ignition Icon2 Connect your device to the computer using the supplied USB cable.(Ignition will automatically search for updates related to your device.)6 If required, read and Accept the disclaimer .7 Fill in the required information and click Go to Review .(Here you can check the information you filled in before submitting the order .)8 Click the Place Order button to complete your order .9 If a purchase was made, follow steps 1-3 above to complete the update.1453678PRODUCT UPDATES USING IGNITIONIgnitionand the internet (if possible).11QUICK TUNESTEP 6 - Select a tuning level.Loading your Vehicle Application...Please Wait Stock Files are Saved Successfully!Press OK to continue Select TuningPage 1 of 1Performance Tow 87 Octane Mileage XS SAVE Stock w/ OptionsSTEP 7 - Push left arrow to close out of custom options.STEP 8 - Install the “Tune” File by pressing OK.STEP 8 - Turn the Ignition Off. Press OK to continue.KEY:x= Towing is not recommended for this tune .S= Octane Requirements vary for gas vehicles. Follow recommended guidelines on the device.$= Tow rated up to Superchips recommended tow limits. See limits for your vehicle displayed by the Flashpaq during the programming process.0= Tow rated up to OEM max towing recommendation.Availability of specific tunes may vary based on your vehicle’s make and model:x S Performance - Designed for maximum engine and transmission performance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x87 Performance - Designed for non-towing applications and requires the use of 87 octane gas for best results.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x91 Performance - Designed for premium horsepower, torque, and driveability. The tune is calibrated for 2WD, 4WD-HI, and 4WD-LO. Requires 91 octane gasfor best results.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x93 Performance - Designed for maximum horsepower, torque, and driveability. The tune is calibrated for 2WD, 4WD-HI, and 4WD-LO. Requires 93 octane gasfor best results.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x87 Octane - Designed to allow you to run 87 octane regardless of themanufacturer’s recommendation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S$Light Load Tow - Optimizes engine and transmission performance for mid-weight range towing applications---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0Heavy Load Tow - Requires the use of 91 octane gas or better and is used for optimized engine and transmission performance for heavy towing applications.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Towing - Requires the use of 91 octane gas or better and is used for optimized towing up to the OEM recommended towing limits. This tune is safe to use in 4WD-HI or 4WD-LO and is available for all Jeeps covered by Superchips.NOTE: If a towing tune is not available, use 87 Tune with 91 Octane fuel.Crawling Tune - Is a Superchips exclusive tune offering low throttle response and high low-end torque designed for precision low-speed maneuvers. This tune is currently only available for JK Jeep models.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x Extreme - This is an aggressive tune used for maximum horsepower, torque, and driveability.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mileage XS - Requires 87 octane gas and is used for fuel mileage gains. The tune is calibrated for 2WD, 4WD-HI, and 4WD-LO uses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stock - Returns vehicle to factory stock. Removed all Superchips tuning from your vehicle. It is recommended that you calibrate your vehicle back to stock prior to taking it in for service or maintenance.Mileage XS SAVE Stock w/ Options specific requirements.the OBDII port.Rev LimiterSpeed LimiterGear RatioTire SizeFan TempAFM / DODContinueSelect OptionsRev LimiterSpeed LimiterGear RatioTire SizeFan TempAFM / DODContinue Installing EnginePerformance Tuningis now InstalledPress OK to Continue STEP 9 - Allowthe file to beinstalled.STEP 10 - Turnthe ignition Off.STEP 11 - PressOK to return tothe main menu.1415 ADVANCED TUNING OPTIONSi T he vehicle must have appropriate speed rated tires.i Do not exceed proper operating conditions. i O bey all traffic laws. i F or use only on a controlled track. Never exceed legal limits on publicroadways.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rev Limiter - Adjusts engine rev limiter by increments or fixed values.i D o not exceed proper operating conditions.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tire Size - This feature has been moved to the “Vehicle Functions” menu, underAdditional Features.Axle (Gear) Ratio - Corrects the speedometer , odometer and automatic transmission shift points for rear end gear changes. i Confirm aftermarket parts are installed before adjusting this option.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Automatic Transmission Shift Points - Adjusts transmission shift points for optimized driveability and operation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Automatic Transmission Shift Pressure - Adjust transmission shift pressure in PSI to allow for a more aggressive shifts.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cooling Fan - Adjusts fan turn ON temperature. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Manual Transmission Skip Shift - Enables or disables Computer Aided Gear Selection (CAGS) for manual transmissions.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spark Advance Set - Reduces the spark timing.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MDS Disable - Enables or disables the factory Multi- Displacement System. NOTE: On 13-14 Hemi Trucks, the dash light will continue to illuminate even when the feature is actually disabled.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Increasing the height ofyour vehicle raises thecenter of gravity and canaffect stability and control.Use caution on turns andwhen making steeringcorrections.WARNINGAvailability of specific options may vary based on your vehicle’s make and model:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Speed Limiter - Adjusts the top speed limiter by increments or fixed values.alQuestions and Answers Q: Can my Flashpaq program more than one vehicle at a time?A: No, only after you return your first vehicle back to factory stock. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Does Superchips support custom tuning?A: Not at this time. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: What aftermarket accessories will my Flashpaq work with?A: Flashpaq programmers are engineered to work with the following parts right out of the box: throttle body spacers, shorty headers, cat-back exhaust system, and cold air intake kits. Compatibility may vary by make and model. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I change my vehicle’s calibration?A: Refer to the TUNING sections of this guide for detailed instructions.NOTICE:Before taking your vehicle into a service center, return your vehicle to stock. The service center might reprogram your vehicle with an updated program without your knowledge. If you do not use this device to return your vehicle to factory stock and your vehicle is reprogrammed by the service center, the programmer will no longer be able to program your vehicle. STEP 1 - Plug the OBDII port.Installing EngineSTEP 6 - Allow the stock settings to be re-installed.Install the Stock File?18RETURNING YOUR VEHICLE TO STOCK COMMON TUNING QUESTIONS STEP 2 - Enter STEP 3 - Turn STEP 4 - Select Select TuningPerformance Tow 87 Octane Mileage XS SAVE Stock w/ Options StockSTEP 5 - Install the Stock File by pressing OK.STEP 7 - Turn the Ignition Off. Press OK to continue.STEP 8 -PressOK to return to the main menu.Select TuningVehicle was Returned toStock SuccessfullyPress OK to continueFor specific Dodge vehicles, the option to modify various features using Quick Options is available. WARNINGNOTICE:Do not remove or bump the OBD-II connector while changing Quick option settings. If you do, the vehicle may not start.Do not make adjustments to your vehicle while parked in unsafe locations including heavy traffic or places without cell phone service.STEP 1 - Enter the Tuning Menu by pressing OK.STEP 3 - the list. STEP 2 - Select Quick Options.specific needs.Select TuningFog Light w/ Highs Cutoff Engine Idle : This feature allows the user to increase the engine Idle RPM momentarily.Gear Ratio : This feature allows you to adjust the gear ratio after they have been modified.Mobile Desoot: For diesel engines with particulate filters, use this feature to activate a regeneration cycle.Spark Adv : This feature gives the option to retard the timing down a min. of 6 degrees.Tire Size : This feature allows you modify the programmed Tire Height. Transfer Case LO Adjustment : Allows you to adjust the transfer case settingswhile in 4-LO.The availability of the following features depends on the year & model of your vehicle.QUICK OPTIONS QUICK OPTIONS EXPLAINEDREAD DTCThis feature allows you to troubleshoot issues that your vehicle may be experiencing. Most vehicles will illuminate the in-dash check engine light. A Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) arises when a vehicle’s computer detects a sensor failure or a parameter outside of specific range.CLEAR DTC This feature allows you to clear the DTC and turns off the check engine light.NOTE: If a DTC persists, this could indicate a vehicle malfunction. We recommend seeking a qualified professional in resolving the issue. Program the vehicle back to stock prior to service.STEP 5 - Allow the device to search for DTCs.STEP 6 - Read andfollow the on-screeninstructions.Pressing UP or DOWNwill cycle through theDTCsPressing OK or LEFTwill exitPress OK to ContinueSTEP 7 - Push the/ arrows toview each DTC.DTC - 1of2P0090Fuel Pres Reg Ctrl CircSTEP 8 - Press OKto return to theDTC menu.STEP 5 - Allow thedevice to search forDTCs to clear.STEP 6 - Read andfollow the on-screeninstructions.Vehicle DTCsSuccessfully ClearedPress OK to ContinueSTEP 8 - Press OK to return to the DTCmenu.If you would like to view Parameter IDs (PIDs) specific to your vehicle, following these instructions to learn how to view them using your Flashpaq device.Do not exceed legal speed limits on public roadways.VIEWING GAUGESSTEP 5 - Select a PID Group, then select a total of 4 PIDs. Use the / arrows to switch between screens. OK to select.While viewing gauges, press OK to startDatalogging Press OK again to stopDatalogging Press OK to continueSTEP 6 - Follow the on-screeninstructions. Note the RED highlights.See DataLogging for more information. Select 4 PIDs within thefollowing menu Press OK to continue...PID Groups 1/1Engine MiscFuel Trim/Press Time/Distance Oxygen Sensors Misc Non-Engine Egr/EvapCatalyst Temp Throttle DetailDATA LOGGINGbutton again, to stop the recording.The separator lines will change from Red to which indicates that the device is actively (datalogging).Data logging allows you to record specific vehicle information while driving. Follow these instructions to find out how to datalog, and how it may be helpful to your particular needs.Do not exceed legal speed limits on public roadways.The information will be stored on the device and may be retrieved using a computer . For more information continue to the next section.Engine Misc 1/1Calc Eng LoadEngine Coolant Temp Manifold Abs Pressure Engine RPM Spark AdvanceIntake Air Temperature Mass Air FlowAbs Throttle PositionWARNING WARNINGBATTERY VOLTAGESTEP 1 -Plug the device into the OBDII port.STEP 2 - Enterthe Scan Menu.STEP 3 - Select the Battery Voltage option.STEP 4 - Press OK to return to the previousscreen.DATA LOGGING RETRIEVALfiles.STEP 4 -STEP 5 - Open the folder named DataLogs.STEP 6 -VEHICLE INFOTUNING LEVELStockVIN#################Vehicle Files########DEVICE INFOSTEP 1 - Plug the device into the OBDII port.STEP 2 - Enterthe Info Menu.STEP 3 - Selectthe Device Infooption.STEP 4 - PressOK to returnto the previousscreen.I left Flashpaq tuning in my vehicle and went to my dealer for service, now my Flashpaq will not work?P The dealership likely updated your vehicle’s calibrations, and saved over the tuning. The Flashpaq does not recognize the new iles in your vehicle.----------------------------------------------------------------------------My programmer did not complete programming and went into recovery mode? P Flashpaq programmers are designed with ‘Recovery Mode’which means if, for any reason, the programming process does not finish, the programmer will automatically program your vehicle back to the factory stock settings.It is necessary to follow the screen prompts, possiblyrequiring several ‘Ignition On’ and ‘Ignition Off’ sequences. When recovery is complete your vehicle is at factory stock.My Flashpaq does not power up when plugged into the OB-DII port?P Your vehicle’s OBDII port is powered through a fuse the fuse may be blown. (In most vehicles, this is the same fuse shared by the cigarette lighter)P Try the Flashpaq on another vehicle to make sure it powers up. If it does, then the wiring on the vehicle you are trying to program may be the issue (See your dealer for service).----------------------------------------------------------------------------My Flashpaq Says: “Non-Stock File Detected...” P Your vehicle may have been programmed by anotherdevice. Use that device to set your vehicle back to stock before using the Flashpaq.----------------------------------------------------------------------------When reading the vehicle’s trouble codes (DTCs), I received a P1000 error code? P P1000 is a DTC that sometimes appears after a vehicle isprogrammed or the battery cables are unplugged from the battery. It will automatically clear after several drive cycles.It cannot be removed using the ‘DTC Clear’ function.You are now able to start your vehicle normally. Youmay now attempt to program your vehicle again. In the event that recovery is unsuccessful or fails to complete the programming cycle, a status message will display on the programmer. NOTICE: It is NOT recommended to store your programmer in your vehicle in extreme heat, direct sunlight or extreme cold (temperatures near or below freezing). These conditions can cause malfunction or damage to the programmer.IgnitionSTORAGE AND MAINTENANCESAFETY GUIDELINESThroughout this User Manual you will see important messages regarding your safety or the protection of your vehicle. These messages are designated by the words WARNING, CAUTION, or NOTICE.A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, willresult in death or serious injury.A CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.NOTICEA NOTICE indicates a condition that could cause damage to the product or your vehicle.The Superchips Product you have purchased is a high-performanceproduct. As such, it does present some risks of which you should be fully aware. Do not use this product until you have carefully read the following safety information and the Owner Agreement.WARNINGCAUTIONBefore using device, read and understand the user manual, including these additionalsafety instructions. Failure to do so could result in DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY.•Do not exceed legal speed limits on public roadways. Violating traffic laws is dangerous and could result in injury or vehicle damage or both.•Use any enhanced speed capabilities of this product only in closed circuit, legally sanctioned racing environments expressly for this purpose. Violating traffic laws is dangerous and could result in injury or vehicle damage or both.Do not operate the device while driving. Distracted driving could result in traffic accidents,death or serious injury, and/or damage to your vehicle.•Always perform all adjustments or changes while stopped. Changing a setting while driving can interfere with your attention to roadway conditions and could result in injury or vehicle damage or both.•Do not stack products. “Stacking” performance-enhancing devices or other improper installation can cause power train failure on the road. Other products may have features incompatible with your Superchips device. Follow all installation and operating instructions.•Some modifications may affect other parts of your vehicle. For example, if you remove/adjust the speed limiter in your vehicle, be sure your tires and other components are rated for the increased speeds they will have to withstand. Not doing so can lead to loss of vehicle control. Modify the speed limiter only for use in closed circuit, legally sanctioned racing environments, not for use on public roadways.WARNINGSAFETY WARNING & CAUTIONCheck out the performance chips and programmers we offer.。

运营策略:沃尔玛在全球的经营原则基本一样:天天低价 (Everyday Low Price/EDLP),天天新鲜,良好的购物环境,高质量的产品以及尽可能多的产品品种来满足消费者一站式购物 (One Stop Shopping) 的习惯。
同时,有覆盖全球的信息系统(Retail Link)和高效率的物流系统来支持运营。
生产商与沃尔玛采购的合作策略:(1)制定全年联合生意计划(JBP)和全年生意计分卡(Score Card)(2)提高沃尔玛在特定品类产品,特定市场中的市场占有率(3)提高产品在沃尔玛整体品类中的销售份额(4)每月和每季度的促销计划,保证足够的沟通与协调(5)产品卖入阶段就应该制定产品组合策略(6)定期提供市场信息,帮助采购制定整体品类的价格策略物流:沃尔玛的零售链(Retail Link)系统是一个目前零售业最为先进的系统。

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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注意事项: 注意订单的到期时间,在订单取消日前送货. 要求100%送货,不得缺交与漏送.(沃尔玛会对缺货进行50%罚款) 及时将送货回单寄回,避免影响结款与划拨
的当日,统计门店的零售库存补差额。 评估——条件①促销期的销售数量>库存数量;②促销期的进货量>促销期的销售数量,是比
较合理,反之仍然是为沃尔玛库存进行买单,且进货量<销售数量<库存数造成前台毛利率 不达标。 ✓ 费用补偿:通过费用补差承担了因价格变动造成沃尔玛的利润部分的损失。 评估——供应商买单,但费用补差并未对前台毛利部分有任何贡献,反而是因零售价的变动, 造成前台毛利的缺失。 ✓ “0”成本补偿:由于毛利率指标在JBP供应商中有约定,故当前台毛利不达标时,供应商会 通过免费货给予沃尔玛的支持。 评估——对商品的选择相对重要,除考虑公司的自身利益,必须要权衡补货的商品会否造成库 存周数加大,而引起退货,造成双重损失。
✓ 沃尔玛社区店--------营业面积3000平米, SKU 4000种,经营理念“天天平价”, 坚持便利、优质、平价坚持便利、优质、平价 ,为社区居民服务。
✓ compact hyper --------营业面积2000-4000平米,SKU 6000-10000经营理念是低 成本高效率运作,定位与购物广场区隔.面对的是低收入顾客群, 选址是三四线城 市的低收入顾客群, 2010年目标是江西和湖南首开.
门店缺货现象发生 ➢ 门店业务需核实门店的时机库存,并以网上共享的库存进行
核对,确认缺货的实际状况。 ➢ 收集门店信息的反馈,照片、缺货时间,正常商品缺货的频
率,是否建议修改系数。 ➢ 系统经理每周查阅门店库存及积分报告,在核实缺货情况后,
协助省办下建议订单。 促销商品缺货 ➢ 系统经理应根据门店的等级下促销建议订单。 ➢ 在沃尔玛正式订单生成后,将订货数据共享给所辖省办及门
订货的满 足
BA人员操 作
利益与陷 阱
• 类型
✓ 购物广场 -------------营业面积10000平米, SKU 15000种,经营理念“天天平 价”。
✓ 山姆会员商店--------营业面积10000平米, SKU 4000种,经营理念“我们所做 的一切是为你省钱”,大包装、低利润。
• 送货周期LT :7 天
补货周期RT: 7 天
• DD平均周销量:DD*销售指数
安全库存:12 (货架上限: 20)
• 订货点 = (预测销量/7)* ( 7天 + 3.5 天) + 安全库存
= 15 + 7.5 + 12
= 34.5 or 35
• 2010年8月起需提供社保工伤凭证、提供商业意外保 险证明或公司意外伤害的证明。
• 加盖供应商或供应商授权的第三方公章的《供应商促 销员入场清单》原件;
• 委托第三方进行人员促销的,必須提供供应商出具的 授权书原件;
• 符合要求的有效健康证及卫生知识培训合格证原件; • 身份证原件及复印件; • 1寸彩色证件照片2张。
在沃尔玛的理念中所给予的促销支持是不仅仅以供应商费用的高低而支 持投入的——也就是说,不是所有促销支持都可以抬高费用来抢占促销资 源的,必须以多样化的促销拉动终端、及销量提升为目标。
地堆(或TG)、边篮、包柱的资源投入到门店是以采购下发的促销批复 件洽谈进场。
省办需要提前两周向沃尔玛系统经理助理申请促销员的名额(目前对接人是龚永 丽)。 沃尔玛总部采购签批后的《供应商展示促销确认书》,将由沃尔玛总部市场部发 至门店促销部或展示部,采购助理在邮件中下发门店促销员的序列号。 省办在接到促销展示序列号后 ,及时到门店办理促销人员进场手续。促销展示 序列号也可在门店促销部查询,发生查询不到的情况及时联络沃尔玛系统经理或 助理协助处理。 省办根需要办理促销员退场时,必须提交促销员退场申请,沃尔玛系统经理向沃 尔玛总部提交《变更/取消/终止促销申请表》,待沃尔玛总部审批后方可办理退 场手续。 注意事项: 各省办必须根据签订的《供应商展示促销确认书》的时间及人数及时安排BA人 员并办理进场手续,否则会导致出现每周200元的展示促销违约金罚款。 促销员申请每半年申请一次(沃尔玛周1-30周、31-51周),临时促销员可根据 沃尔玛周按需求临时申请,门店以现金形式收取10元/周的围裙管理费用。
• 具体资源和费用明细
✓ DM -------------周期10天~14天不等, 收费是60000元/档。 ✓ 厂商周---------周期10天~14天不等, 收费是300000元/档,品项数量
不少于4个SKU。 ✓ 地堆------------以月签订,收费2000元/店/月。 ✓ 边篮 -----------侧架,收费是500元/店/月。 ✓ 包柱------------收费是500元/店/月。
收到门店直送订单后,沃尔玛KA助理通过KASP将订单发给各门店区域负责人,并电话沟 通.
各门店区域负责人打印沃尔玛订单及制作沃尔玛门店送货单,并根据订单数量组织货品, 提前联系当地门店收货部门,安排在预约时间内将货品送达门店。(注:送货时需带上订 单及我司送货单)
送完货后需认真检查送货回单,送货回单需盖有沃尔玛门店收货专用章写明收货单号, 收货日期,收货数量等信息。并及时将送货回单寄至相对应的沃尔玛KA助理处(注:送货 回单为重要的结算依据不得遗失)
结论:除海报商品可选择零售补差、或公司策略选择梳理的产品进行必要的零售补 差外,其他的无利可图。 “0”成本补偿必须考虑商品的消化能力,切忌积压。
• 在沃尔玛的订货首先要了解商品的类型。
➢ 33类型订单,系统补货订单,DC收货. ➢ 37类型订单,系统补货订单,商场收货. ➢ 03类型订单,手工补货订单,DC收货. ➢ 07类型订单,手工补货订单,商场收货. ➢ 53类型订单,彩页订单,DC收货. ➢ 57类型订单,彩页订单,商场收货. ➢ 63类型订单,新店订单,DC收货. ➢ 67类型订单,新店订单,商场收货. ➢ 20类型订单,仓库固定库存订单,系统自动补货,DC收货.
• 在沃尔玛影响订货的因素 ➢ 供应商的库存周数 ➢ 商品的库存周数. ➢ 细分类的系数设定.
• 送货周期、再定货时间和安全存货决定了我们应该保持多少天的可供销售天数。 商品包装的大小和货架容量也是其中的因素。送货时间越短和补货越频繁,所需 的可供销售天数越少。
• 订货点 = (预测销量/7)* (LT+1/2RT) + 安全库存
寻求以下两个指标的平衡是集采购已供应商因视销售的 差异性(利益的交集点)不可避免的主要关键指标。
• 在沃尔玛的具体操作对接中,设置了很多的陷阱,主要如下: ✓ 库存零售补差:沃尔玛的任何涉及价格变动的促销,都需要进行补差,且以递交库存变价表
店业务人员。 ➢ 省办对促销装活动的要货信息要进行随时跟踪,对门店促销