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1. apple-polisher马屁精. 例如:She is a real apple-polisher for the way she's crawling around the boss and

making eyes at him.她是一个马屁精,整天围着老板眉来眼去的。

2. as busy as a bee(象蜜蜂)忙忙碌碌的

3. as graceful as a swan (象天鹅)姿态优雅的

4. as gentle as a lamb (象羊羔)性情温顺的

5. as cunning as a fox (象狐狸)一样狡猾的

6. as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗

7. I'm beat. 我非常疲乏。

8. beat gums空洞无物、废话连篇的讲话

9. bell the cat 为众人的利益承担风险

10. black sheep害群之马

11. Buddy, where is john?要上厕所?

12. Bungee jumping蹦极跳

13. Stop bugging me, man! 喂,别烦我了。

14. blue collar蓝领

15. white collar白领

16. pink collar粉领族(指和蓝领体力工人相当的女性工人)

17. gold-collar workers 金领族(一般都有一技之长,对公司工作的方方面面都十分了解,甚至对公司的利润大小和收


18. dog-eared books读得卷了边的书

19. dog sleep 不时惊醒的睡眠

20. dog-tired 像狗一样的累

21. dog watch夜班

22. old dog 上了岁数的人、老手

23. a sly dog偷鸡摸狗者

24. a yellow dog 杂种狗、卑鄙可耻的小人

25. a big dog看门狗、保镖;要人

26. You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿!

27. hot dog热狗

28. dog nose 啤酒与杜松子酒的混合酒

29. a dog in a blanket葡萄卷饼或卷布丁

30. as faithful as a dog像狗一般的忠诚,在西方文化中,狗是"忠实、卖力、辛劳"的化身,

31. He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑

32. A good dog deserves a good bone. 西方人论功行赏时常说"好狗应有好骨头"

33. a dog in the manger 占着马槽(不拉屎)

34. Honey, I forget to duck. 亲爱的,我忘记闪开了。

35. eat crow由于夸大其词或过分自信,最后不得不承认错误。

36. eat his words 食言

37. out at elbows捉襟见肘

38. elbow one's way用胳膊肘挤来挤去为自己开道

39. get a black eye被别人打青了眼睛

40. mind your eye叫别人当心

41. blink our eyes眨眼睛

42. flash our eyes at sth.瞟一眼

43. make eyes 抛媚眼

44. cast sheep's eye暗送秋波

45. You have an eye for something. 有眼光有见解

46. finely arched eyebrows纤细的弓形眉

47. pencil the eyebrows描眉

48. eyebrow pencil 眉笔

49. rough bushy eyebrows浓密的粗眉

50. eyelash grower睫毛膏

51. eyelash curler 卷睫毛器

52. without turning an eyelash 泰然自若,不动声色

53. not bat an eyelid 没合眼睡觉

54. not bat an eyelid对事情泰然自若

55. hang on by the eyelids 事情危在旦夕

56. face the music不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面

57. a matter of face面子攸关的事情

58. lose face丢面子例如:He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it for fear of losing face. (他知道自己错


59. save one's face 挽回面子

60. pull a long face 拉长了脸

61. make a face at you 对你做个鬼脸

62. have the face 厚颜无耻.例如:I'm so surprised that you have the face to do so! (你怎么有脸做出这样的事!)

63. cold fish态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人。

64. drink like a fish牛饮

65. flats平跟鞋

66. footfall 客流量例如:We strive to show booksellers what we are doing to support them and

67. drive footfall into their stores. (我们要努力向图书商展示我们将如何支持他们,并使更多的客人进入他们的商店。 )

68. green eyed嫉妒

69. green finger(thumb)?把大伙干不好的活都干得漂漂亮亮. 例如:A person with green finger has a magic touch

that makes plants grow well and quickly. (长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。)

70. green hand生手. 例如: I'm still green at my job.(我依然是个新手。)

71. green light允许、许可.例如: I'm only waiting for the green light from you. (我在等您的允许。)

72. green revolution绿色革命 .例如:These developing countries produced enough food to serve their people after

73. green revolution. (绿色革命后,这些发展中国家就生产出足够的粮食来满足国民的需要。)

74. the green years 青春年华

75. He is ripe in years but green in heart. 形容某人是老当益壮

76. lose your heart to someone 和某人谈恋爱

77. lack heart 缺乏勇气

78. win your heart 赢得你的心

79. broken heart 破碎的心

80. heart of stone石头心肠

81. pour out your heart倾吐你的心事

82. have a heart可怜可怜你

83. his heart in the right place 他的心肠是很好的

84. not to wear your heart on your sleeve不要太情绪化

85. Don't take the failure to your heart. 别为失败而难过

86. lose heart失去信心

87. your heart of gold 金子般的心,美好心灵

88. write a letter to her and declared your heart. 写信表达爱慕之情

89. Don't let your heart get cold. 不要让你的热情冷却下来

90. a man after her own heart 正和她心意的人

91. put your heart at rest 放下心来

92. straight from the horse's mouth 来自权威和可靠的消息。

93. I was welcomed with open arms. 我被热烈欢迎。

94. Jargon行话

95. keep a good house招待周到. 例如:I haven't got a good house, but I'll keep a good house.(我没有好的房子,


96. kill someone with kindness热情的让人受不了

97. know sth. like the palm of one's hand了如指掌

98. lashes睫毛

99. lead a cat-and-dog life过着不和睦的、敌对的生活。

100. lead a double life 婚外恋、婚外情

101. leather boots 皮靴
