施耐德电气 Modicon M580 Safety ePAC专业安全控制器


施耐德电气 modicon x80 机架和电源 硬件参考手册说明书

施耐德电气 modicon x80 机架和电源 硬件参考手册说明书

I O 0000002631.05Modicon X80机架和电源硬件参考手册原始指令翻译09/2020本文档中提供的信息包含有关此处所涉及产品之性能的一般说明和/或技术特性。

本文档并非用于 (也不代替) 确定这些产品对于特定用户应用场合的适用性或可靠性。


Schneider Electric 或其任何附属机构或子公司对于误用此处包含的信息而产生的后果概不负责。












© 2020 Schneider Electric。


目录安全信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7关于本书. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11第1章Modicon X80 机架描述. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Modicon X80 机架简介 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Modicon X80 机架描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18模块寻址 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22标准和认证. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23电气特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Modicon X80 机架尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25使用 Automation Device Maintenance 更新固件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28使用 Unity Loader 更新机架固件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29第2章Modicon X80 机架安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31本地机架安装规划 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32安装机架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36用于闲置模块插槽的 BMXXEM010 保护盖 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39屏蔽连接套件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40第3章BMXXBE1000 机架扩展模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Modicon X80 扩展机架 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44X80 机架扩展模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47机架扩展模块附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50Modicon X80 机架扩展模块安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54第4章Modicon X80 电源模块描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57电源模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58物理描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60电源冗余模式. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64报警继电器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67电源 LED 显示屏 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Reset 按钮. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72第5章Modicon X80 电源模块特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 BMXCPS2000 电源模块的特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74BMXCPS3500 电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76BMXCPS3540T 电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78BMXCPS2010 电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80BMXCPS3020 电源模块的特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82BMXCPS4002 冗余电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84BMXCPS4022 冗余电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86BMXCPS3522 冗余电源模块的特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88第6章功耗细分. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91功耗 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92有效功率. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99第7章电源模块安装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103安装电源模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104机架和电源模块接地. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106在线路起点定义保护设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109接线规则. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111交流电源模块的连接. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114直流电源模块到浮置直流供电网络的连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116直流电源模块到交流供电网络的连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119通过报警继电器的传感器和预执行器电源控制. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123附录. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125附录 A可移除连接器套件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127可移除连接器套件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127附录 B X80 模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129B.1X80 电源模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130X80 电源模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130B.2X80 基础功能模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132X80 离散量 I/O 模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133X80 模拟量 I/O 模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137X80 HART 模拟量 I/O 模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139B.3X80 专用功能模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140X80 BMXEHC0800(H) 计数模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141X80 BMXEHC0200(H) 计数模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142X80 BMXETM0200(H) 专用输入频率模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143X80 BMXMSP0200 脉冲串输出模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144X80 BMXERT1604T 时标模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145X80 BMXEAE0300(H) SSI 模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146B.4X80 通讯模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147X80 BMXEIA0100 AS-i 总线模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 X80 BMXNOM0200(H) 串行链路模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 X80 BMXNOR0200(H) RTU 模块的尺寸. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 X80 BMXNRP0200/0201 光纤转换器模块的尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151索引 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153安全信息重要信息声明在试图安装、操作、维修或维护设备之前,请仔细阅读下述说明并通过查看来熟悉设备。



CCMT特辑佚名【摘要】DMG MORI CELOS系统DMG MORI面向客户的数字化转型战略的核心是基于应用程序的CELOS系统,自3年前首次展出以来,一直沿着目标方向不断发展。

【期刊名称】《汽车制造业》【年(卷),期】2016(000)005【总页数】4页(P64-67)【关键词】MORI OS系统应用程序面向客户目标方向 DMG 数字化【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP317CELOS®系统DMG MORI面向客户的数字化转型战略的核心是基于应用程序的CELOS®系统,自3年前首次展出以来,一直沿着目标方向不断发展。






2×VL 2+VL 4 H+Trackmotion自动化系统埃马克在CCMT现场展示的齿轮生产线,由两台VL 2车床、一台VL 4 H立式滚齿机和Trackmotion组成。

VL 2车床车削工件的两个面,同时立式滚齿机VL 4H进行滚齿。



优势包括:集车床、滚齿机及自动化系统于一体;工艺为软车一面→软车另一面→滚齿,整线交钥匙解决方案;标准模块化机床集成自动化;易于连线;较少人工操作,易于维护;单件加工时间短;TrackMotion 自动化系统完成成套的工件输送任务,包括工件的翻转;采用垛式工件存储区确保连续数小时的独立作业。


● 关键特性:
● 支持X80 I/O系列模块, 这些模块基于M340控制器并且在全世界已经有大量的 应用
● 嵌入了以太网 Remote I/O (RIO) 主干 ● 使用了来自意法半导体(ST Microelectronics)的最新一代双核ARM处理器,可
以提供强大的复杂运算,网络通讯,图形显示和控制应用能力 ● 全新的以太网背板,提供了更强大的扩展性和灵活性:
Modbus TCP 或 EIP 设备
=S= 的设备有更好的集成
DTM 支持 STB, ATV, Tesys T, Power Meters…
刷新频率可配置 开放的架构
环, 星形, 网….
远程子站适配器- BME CRA 312 10
● 与背板的双连接:
● X-Bus (1) ● 以太网 (2)
M580 Configuration V1.0 Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
● 适配孔可以防止模块安装在BMX的老 机架上 (3)
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
远程子站适配器- BME CRA 312 10
● 为了利用新的M580 以太网背板, M580架构中提供了新的远程子站适配 器模块:
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020



MODICON 高端自动化边缘控制器产品目录2021目录12345697108111. EcoStruxure Plant ...................................................................22. Modicon M580可编程自动化控制器. (4)系统概述 ...........................................................................................................4处理器模块........................................................................................................5架构介绍 . (20)3. Modicon M340可编程自动化控制器 (24)介绍 .................................................................................................................24选型指南 ..........................................................................................................26型号 .. (28)4. Modicon MC80 可编程逻辑控制器 (29)介绍 .................................................................................................................29选型指南 . (30)5. Modicon X80 I/O 平台 (32)系统概述 ..........................................................................................................32背板及电源模块................................................................................................38I/O 模块............................................................................................................47专用功能模块 ...................................................................................................56通讯模块 ..........................................................................................................70安全电源 . (94)6. Modicon STB I/O 平台 (101)介绍 ...............................................................................................................101网络接口模块 .................................................................................................102内部总线扩展,CANopen 扩展,辅助电源模块.............................................104配电模块 ........................................................................................................105I/O 模块..........................................................................................................106专用功能模块 . (109)7. 软件 (110)EcoStruxure 控制专家 ...................................................................................110EcoStruxure OPC UA Server Expert ............................................................114OPC 数据服务器软件 . (116)8. 以太网网络 ............................................................................1189. 安装尺寸 ...............................................................................12610. 环境与认证 ..........................................................................12911. 快速选型表 .. (132)1与平台,适用于工业、基础设施、数据中心和楼宇。



注: 标有#的产品为进口产品。 6
Vigi NG125 #
iDPNa Vigi+
iDPNN Vigi+
iID #
IEC60947-2, GB14048.2 CCC, CE b b b b
b b 240/415 8 690 ≤63 50/60 b b b b -5˚C~+60˚C
隧道式 25 35 b b 上下均可
IEC60947-2 GB 14048.2
1P,2P 1~63 1P 60~220VDC 2P 125~440VDC
12 6 -
IV 3 b b b -
20000 10000
隧道式 25 ( ≤ 32A) 35 (>32A) 5.1 5.6 b 请注意极性
IEC/EN60898-1 GB10963.1
1P,2P,3P,4P 63~125 230/400
400 230 50/60 4 4.5kA
II 2 b II
20000 20000( ≤ 20A) 10000(>20A) IP20 IP40 30˚C
隧道式 16 16 3.5 3.5 b 上下均可
隧道式 IP20,环形 IP10 IP40
隧道式 / 环形 b 上下均可
* C60 具有多国船级社认证:ABS美国船级社、BV法国船级社、GL德国劳氏船级社、RINA意大利船级社、RS俄罗斯船级社、CCS中国船级社、KR韩国船级社。
注: 标有#的产品为进口产品。 4
C60N/H #

Modicon M580 Safety ePAC:为安全加码赋能数字制造——记Modicon M580 Safety e

Modicon M580 Safety ePAC:为安全加码赋能数字制造——记Modicon M580 Safety e

三是可靠性和可持续性 : 经 过 长
期 市 场 验 证 的 X8 0 1 0 平 台 ,充 分 保 证系统稳定、可靠 ; C P U集成大容量、 专 业 的 内存 芯 片 ,无 需 插 入 外 部 存 储
性 。同时利用可管理 Mo d i c o n平台下
所有高端 P L C 的 成熟 软 件 平 台 ,为 用 户提 供 前 所 未 有 的 卓 越 价 值 和 安 心 保
智 能 效 率 可 用 性 , 也 成 为 Mo d i c o n M5 8 0 S a l b t y e l A C功 能 设 置 上 的 重 要
理安全和常规控制 回路 : 单 通 道 接 线
即符 合 高达 S I L 3的 安 全 认 证 ; 专 业
成 的 以太 网通 讯 和 处 理 能 力 ,轻 松 构
在 去 年 他 拜 访 施 耐 德 电 气 法 国 总 部
的验 证 实 验 室 里 ,这 款 产 品 在 经 过 了
超 过 一 年 的严 格 验证 后 才 与客 户见
面。“ Mo d i c o n M5 8 0 上 的 控 制 与 安全 技 术 进 行 简 单 叠 加 , 而 是 植 入 了 诸 多 新 的 安 全 考 虑 , 并 嵌 入 相 应 的 创 新 安 全 控 制
S a f e t y e P A c ——在发 布会现场两个引人注 目的红色控制器合二为一 ,向人们形象诠释
主协配合 、安全加码的施耐德 电气安全控制器。
在Mo d i c o n e P A C 大型高端控 制器家族 中 ,从 机版 到冗余版 , 再 到今天的安全
版 ,有着 怎样不 同寻常 的市场意义与创新之 处?施耐德 电气有 限公司MO DI C ON 控制

M580 远程 IO

M580 远程 IO
M580 配置
M580 远程 I/O V1.2
M580 远程I/O
● M580 远程I/O 入门 ● M580 远程I/O 方案 ● 简单菊花链环形架构 ● Unity Pro实现 ● 子站配置
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
● 本地
● 背板通信 ● 非常高的性能 ● 短距离
● 总线/网络通信 ● 中等性能 ● 长距离
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
Ethernet BME
CRA31210 高性能
● 以太网BME CRA 支持 “仅以太网” 模 块: HART 模块, 称重模块和将来内嵌的 通信模块
● 标准CRA
● 针对小型子站的成本优化
● 基本功能
● CRA以太网口
● 作为Modbus/TCP 服务器
●子站中I/O模块的数量取决于所使用的CPU. ● 设备和子站诊断
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
X80 子站模块


以太网 应用 &网络
将以太网用作I/O网络 • 铜揽、光纤或无线连接使架构设计更加灵活 • 采用简单的菊花链环路拓扑结构,无需外部交换机(包括光纤) • 环式架构增加网络弹性
在以太网上混合使用核心控制设备 • 灵活的拓扑结构允许轻松集成核心控制设备 • 能在同一个以太网现场网络中混合使用远程I/O、分布式I/O等设备,提供无缝软件集成 • 通过以太网主干确保访问数据的透明性 简单快速地连接现场总线和其它网络 • 通过远程I/O扩展接口模块的服务端口实现简单的HMI集成 • 可连接其它常用现场总线和设备网络,包括AS-Interface、Modbus、Profibus和HART等
观看Modicon 的完整 发展历程!
Modicon M580:效率需求的产物
• 要求能够及时做出知情决策? • 希望将停机时间降至最低? • 渴望实现可观的能源节约?
新型Modicon M580不只是一款改良的PAC产品,而是全球第一款ePAC产品,内置原生的 以太网技术,帮助工业过程实现高度的灵活性和安全性,为易用性和可靠性设定了全新标准。
Modicon STB I/O Pro bus
分布式设备 (DIO 扫描)
远程设备 (RIO 扫描)
StruxureWare SCADA Expert
了解服务导向驱动器的详情! 观看驱动器高级副总裁 Alain Dedieu的视频。
智能化迁移解决方案 • 标准化部署采用X80模块的Modicon系列产品 • 减少培训和维护成本 • 可沿用现有的Modicon Premium I/O和布线


Modbus/TCP server EtherNet/IP scanner 无需跳线:使用以太网底板与其他
时间戳10 ms CCOTF 专家模块 最大模拟I/O 最大数字I/O 服务端口 总线 X 底板 兼容 ETH 底板兼容 Fast 和辅助任务 Ethernet only 模块
CPU I/O BMX CRA BME CRA BME NOC 专家模块 Ethernet only 模块
Standard rack
Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Ethernet rack
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
* M580 CPU 可用于 BusX 或以太网底板
2 000m
● 丰富的产品认证,包括海事认证
1 产品卖点 a 硬件特点 b 特殊功能和模块 c 网络架构
2 产品定位及竞争分析 3 目标行业及应用 4 总结
Schneider Electric – Industry – Plant Solutions – Control Marketing – 2013
M580 CPU
存储卡 SD card
● 7 款标准 CPU,3 款加固型 CPU
USB 2.0 服务端口
● 根据 CPU 规格划分
● 内存容量:4个等级 (P5810xx, P5820xx , P5830xx , P5840xx)
● 处理器性能:3个等级 (10&20, 30, 40)



分布式 I/O (DIO) 配置修改
删除 X80 远程站或设备
Optimise Maintain
M580 硬件特点:便捷的维护
诊断 校准 维护 FDR
操作 报警 监视
配置 调试 编程
M580 硬件特点:便捷的维护
8K In+8K Out
在 BME NOC 发布前,需使用 BMX NOC 0402。
2 个通用以太网模块 NOC
标准BME NOC带基础网络服务 高级BME NOC带FactoryCast
BME NOC 集成4个以太网端口: 2 个DID端口(暨DIO),1 个服 务端口
Modicon M580 ePAC
卓越的硬件,超越市 场水平
高性能的CPU 全新硬件构架 维护便捷 全方位的保护体系
E网到底,灵活的系 统构架
生产过程透明 符合信息安全要求 集成系统诊断
特殊功能及模块,满足 您的需求
HART 模块 事件记录模块 称重模块
Schneider Electric – Industry – Plant Solutions – Control Marketing – 2013
Memory In+Out (KB)
3 NOC0401
4+4 0.5 + 0.5
64 2+2
程序、常数和符号 (MB)
定位/非定位数据 (KB)

01. Introduction to M580 - CN

01. Introduction to M580 - CN
● BME NOC 0301 and BME NOC 0311 以太网通信模块作为 通信接口,支持在M580 PAC 与使用如下协议的其他以太网 设备间的通信:
● EtherNet/IP ● Modbus/TCP
● BME 模块的功能类似于已经在M340 PLC中使用的BMX NOC
● BME NOC 03*1 模块已经内置了网络安全功能,用来提高 在M580架构中抵御网络攻击的能力
远程子站适配器- BME CRA 312 10
● 与背板的双连接:
● X-Bus (1) ● 以太网 (2)
● 适配孔可以防止模块安装在BMX的老 机架上 (3)
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 20, 2020
描述 4槽以太网背板 8槽以太网背板 12槽以太网背板
Ethernet & X-Bus 槽数 4
仅X-Bus 槽数 0 0 4
● 在M580架构中,以太网背板在任何时候都不能被用于扩展机架
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 20, 2020
HART 模块 – BME AH* 0*12
● 提供2个HART 模块, 这些是应用新以太网背板的第一个新X80模块 :
● BME AHI 0812 – 8 通道模拟量输入模块 4 – 20 mA ● BME AHO 0412 – 4 通道模拟量输出模块 4 – 20 mA

Modicon M580 Safety 安全控制系统用户指南说明书

Modicon M580 Safety 安全控制系统用户指南说明书

I O 0000002750.02Modicon M580 SafetyStandards and Certifications(Original Document)12/2018The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the relevant specific application or use thereof. Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein. If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have found errors in this publication, please notify us.You agree not to reproduce, other than for your own personal, noncommercial use, all or part of this document on any medium whatsoever without permission of Schneider Electric, given in writing. You also agree not to establish any hypertext links to this document or its content. Schneider Electric does not grant any right or license for the personal and noncommercial use of the document or its content, except for a non-exclusive license to consult it on an "as is" basis, at your own risk. All other rights are reserved.All pertinent state, regional, and local safety regulations must be observed when installing and using this product. For reasons of safety and to help ensure compliance with documented system data, only the manufacturer should perform repairs to components.When devices are used for applications with technical safety requirements, the relevant instructions must be followed.Failure to use Schneider Electric software or approved software with our hardware products may result in injury, harm, or improper operating results.Failure to observe this information can result in injury or equipment damage.© 2018 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.Table of ContentsSafety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 About the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Platforms Conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Certificates and Declarations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Installation General Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Operating and Storage Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Environment Test Compliance Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Safety InformationImportant InformationNOTICERead these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear throughout this documentation or on the equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a procedure.PLEASE NOTEElectrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by qualifiedpersonnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of the use of this material.A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operationof electrical equipment and its installation, and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.About the BookAt a GlanceDocument ScopeThis document presents the Standards and Certifications for the M580 Safety range.For any information related to functional safety refer to the Modicon M580, Safety Manual, and Modicon M580, Safety System Planning Guide.Validity NoteThis document is valid for EcoStruxure™Control Expert14.0 or later.Related DocumentsTitle of Documentation Reference NumberModicon M580, Safety Manual QGH46982(English),QGH46983(French),QGH46984(German),QGH46985(Italian),QGH46986(Spanish),QGH46987(Chinese) Modicon M580, Safety System Planning Guide QGH60283(English),QGH60284(French),QGH60285(German),QGH60286(Spanish),QGH60287(Italian),QGH60288(Chinese)Modicon X80 Racks and Power Supplies, Hardware, Reference Manual EIO0000002626(English), EIO0000002627(French), EIO0000002628(German), EIO0000002630(Italian), EIO0000002629(Spanish), EIO0000002631(Chinese)Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual 33002439(English), 33002440(French), 33002441(German), 33003702(Italian), 33002442(Spanish), 33003703(Chinese)You can download these technical publications and other technical information from our website at https:///en/downloadProduct Related InformationWARNINGUNINTENDED EQUIPMENT OPERATIONThe application of this product requires expertise in the design and programming of controlsystems. Only persons with such expertise are allowed to program, install, alter, and apply this product.Follow all local and national safety codes and standards.Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.Platforms ConformityThe Modicon M580 Safety platform has been developed to comply with the principal national and●❍Machinery: 2006/42/EC❍Electromagnetic Compatibility: 2014/30/EU●Requirements specific to programmable controllers relative to PLC standard IEC/EN 61131-2and electrical safety standards IEC/EN/UL/CSA 61010-2-201●Requirements specific to power utility automation systems: IEC/EN 61000-6-5, IEC/EN 61850-3●Merchant navy requirements of the major international agencies unified in organization(International Association of Classification Societies) IACS E10 rules: BV, DNV-GL, ABS, LR,RINA, KRS, CCS●Ex areas:❍For USA and Canada: Hazardous location class I, division 2, groups A,B,C, and D❍For other countries: CE ATEX (2014/34/EU) or IECEx in Zone 2 (gases) and Zone 22 (dust)●Country specific passport:❍RMC, EAC, KCCertificates and DeclarationsProduct certificates and declarations are available for download on Schneider Electric website:Step Action1Connect to global website.2Click PRODUCTS → PLC, PAC and Dedicated Controllers.3Click the product range for which certificates or declarations are needed (for example Modicon M580 - ePac Controller, or Modicon X80 I/Os ...).4In the Documents & Downloads tab, click See More Documents.A new page with a menu on the left side appears.5In the left side menu, under Document Type Group category, click the type of document you are looking for (Certificate, Marine certificate, Declaration of conformity, ... ).The page content is refreshed and presents the available documents for the product range.If the type of document is not visible in the left side menu, under Document Type Group category, clickthe + button at the right side of More options... to display more document types.6Select the document for downloadNOTE: In case of Schneider Electric website evolution, the menu names and paths may slightly differ.Installation General RulesThe Modicon M580 Safety platform is intended for use in a pollution degree 2 industrialenvironment, in over-voltage Category II applications (as defined in IEC 60664-1), at altitude up to 2000m without derating and in low-voltage installations, where the main power branch is protected on both wires by devices such as fuses or circuit breakers limiting the current to 15A for North America and 16A for the rest of the world.Modicon platforms are open-type equipment as defined in IEC 61010-2-201. Mount these modules in an enclosure that is appropriate for the specific environmental conditions. Design the installation to prevent personal injury from exposure to live parts. Use an enclosure with flame-retardant properties to prevent or minimize the spread of fire.You can install these modules without enclosure in controlled-access offices and labs that do not exceed pollution degree 2 (control rooms with no dust-producing machines or activity). Pollution degree 2 does not account for more severe environmental conditions, like air pollution by dust, smoke, corrosive or radioactive particles, vapors or salts, attack by fungi, insects, and so on.Operating and Storage ConditionsCharacteristicsAltitudeThese modules are designed to operate with full characteristics (current, power) at altitudes up to 2000m.Characteristics Modicon M580 Safety Platform Ambient temperature (1)Operation -25...+60°C (-13...+140°F)Storage -40...+ 85 °C (-40...+185 °F)Relative humidity (without condensation)Cyclical humidity +5...+95% up to 55°C (+131 °F)Continuous humidity +5...+93% up to 55°C (+131°F)AltitudeOperation0…2000mFor greater altitude, refer to chapter Altitude (see page 10).(1) For non-vented equipment that is mounted in a cabinet and cooled by natural air convection, the ambienttemperature is the air temperature at a point not more than 50mm and not less than 25mm away from the equipment, on a horizontal plane located at the vertical mid-point below the equipment.The Control Expert software defines the maximum number of modules that you can use with a single power supply at those altitudes. For more detailed information, refer to chapter PowerConsumption Breakdown (see Modicon X80, Racks and Power Supplies, Hardware Reference Manual).An additional derating applies to modules that operate above 2000m altitude:●On the maximum ambient temperature or on the maximum power consumption ●On the dielectric strengthThese deratings compensate for the reduced capacity of heat transfer that owes to the relatively lower air density, pressure, and temperature at higher altitudes.Depending on the maximum operating ambient temperature of the equipment, you can decide:●Either to maintain the output capabilities of the modules and reduce the maximum ambient temperature or;●Reduce the output capabilities of the modules that allows to keep the maximum ambient temperature.Conservation of Outputs CapabilitiesThe module characteristics such as current and power remain unchanged if the maximum ambient temperature does not exceed these values:NOTE: This solution is suitable for power supplies, and modules that have only internal dissipation such as CPUs, communication modules, and so on.Conservation of Maximum Ambient TemperatureThe modules can be installed at maximum ambient temperature +60°C (140°F) if the usable output power and current are reduced:Altitude Maximum operating ambient temperature0...2000m +60°C (+140°F)3000m +54°C (+129.2°F)4000m +48°C (+118.4°F)5000m+42°C (+107.6°F)NOTE: Values for intermediate altitudes may be derived by linear interpolation.Altitude Usable output power Usable output current 0...2000mP 2000mI 2000mP 2000m : This is the maximum available power of a power supply on 3V3_BAC , 24V_BAC , or 24V_SENSORSat 2000m.I 2000m : This is the output current.NOTE: Values for intermediate altitudes may be derived by linear interpolation.After determining the maximum usable current delivered by the power supply with the above deratings, check with Control Expert that the consumption of the modules into the rack is compatible with the new calculated values.NOTE: For digital output modules, apply the calculated derating to the output current capabilities and adapt the corresponding loads.Reduced Dielectric StrengthAn increase in altitude reduces the dielectric strength characteristics. This table shows the degradation of isolation at specific altitudes:We highly recommend that you select the double-isolation BMXCPS4002S module as the main power supply 230Vac.Environment Test Compliance LevelsOverviewStandards and levels are provided for these tests:●Immunity to low frequency interference (see page 13)●Immunity to high frequency interference(see page 14)●Electromagnetic emissions (see page 15)●page 16)●Withstand to climatic variations (Power OFF) (see page 17)3000m P 2000m x 0.9I 2000m x 0.954000m P 2000m x 0.8I 2000m x 0.895000mP 2000m x 0.7I 2000m x 0.84Altitude Usable output power Usable output current P 2000m : This is the maximum available power of a power supply on 3V3_BAC , 24V_BAC , or 24V_SENSORSat 2000m.I 2000m : This is the output current.NOTE: Values for intermediate altitudes may be derived by linear interpolation.Altitude Dielectric strength loss0...2000m Dielec 2000m = Values given in module characteristics 3000m Dielec 2000m - 150V 4000m Dielec 2000m - 300V 5000mDielec 2000m - 450VNOTE: Values for intermediate altitudes may be derived by linear interpolation.●Immunity to mechanical constraints (Power ON) (see page17)●Withstand to mechanical constraints (Power ON) (see page18)●Equipment and personnel safety (see page18)NOTE:61131-2 standards.NOTE: Install, wire, and maintain the devices in accordance with the instructions in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual.Name of test Standards LevelsVoltage and frequency variations IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2;IEC 61000-4-110.85...1.10 Un –0.94...1.04 Fn; 4 stepst=30 minIACS E10; IEC 61000-4-110.80 Un...0.90 Fn; 1.20 Un...1.10 Fn;t=1.5s/5sDirect voltage variations IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61000-4-29;IACS E10 (PLC not connected tocharging battery)0.85...1.2 Un + ripple: 5% peak; 2 stepst=30minThird harmonic IEC/EN 61131-2H3 (10% Un), 0°/180°; 2 steps t=5minImmunity to conducted low frequency (only IACS)IACS E10For AC:●H2…H15(10%Un),H15…H100(10%...1%Un),H100…H200(1%Un)For DC:●H100…H200(1%Un)Voltage interruptions IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2;IEC 61000-4-11; IEC 61000-4-29;IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria):IEC61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-1Power supply immunity:●10 ms for AC and DC PS2 (20msDS criteria)●Check operating mode for longerinterruptions up to 5s, 85%UnFor IACS, 3 times 30s in 5mn, 85%UnIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-11For AC PS2:●20%Un, t0: ½ period ●40%Un, cycle: 10/12●70%Un, cycle: 25/30●0%Un, cycle: 250/300Where:PS1 applies to PLC supplied by batteryPS2 applies to PLC energized from AC or DC supplies Un nominal voltageFn nominal frequencyUdl detection level when poweredNOTE: These tests are performed without an enclosure and with devices fixed on a metal grid and wired as per the recommendations in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .Voltage shut-down and start-up IEC/EN 61131-2●Un…0…Un; t =Un/60 s ●Umin…0…Umin; t =Umin/5 s ●Umin…0.9 Udl…Umin; t =Umin/60sMagnetic fieldIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61000-4-8 (for MV power stations: IEC 61000-6-5; IEC 61850-3)For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-1Power frequency: 50/60Hz, 100A/m continuous...1000A/m; t = 3 s; 3axes IEC 61000-4-10Oscillatory: 100 kHz...1MHz, 100A/m; t =9s; 3axesConducted common mode disturbances range 0Hz…150kHzIEC 61000-4-16 (for MV power stations: IEC 61000-6-5; IEC 61850-3)For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-1For AC: 10VFor DC: 10V cont. or 100V,t =1s Name of test Standards LevelsWhere:PS1 applies to PLC supplied by batteryPS2 applies to PLC energized from AC or DC supplies Un nominal voltage Fn nominal frequencyUdl detection level when poweredName of test StandardsLevelsElectrostatic dischargesIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-2; IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-16kV contact; 8kV air; 6kV indirect contactRadiated radio frequencyelectromagnetic fieldIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-3; IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-180MHz...1GHz: 10/15V/m (20V/m DS criteria)1.4GHz...2GHz: 3V/m (10V/m DS criteria)2GHz...6GHz: 3V/mSinus amplitude modulated 80%,1kHz + internal clock frequenciesNOTE: Install, wire, and maintain the devices in accordance with the instructions in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .Electrical fast transient burstsIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-4; IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-1For AC or DC main supplies:●2kV in common mode/2kV in wire mode For AC or DC auxiliary supplies, AC unshielded I/O:●2kV in common mode For analog, DC unshielded I/O, communication and shielded lines:●1kV in common modeSurgeIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-5; IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-1For AC or DC main and auxiliary supplies, AC unshielded I/O:●2kV in common mode/1kV indifferential mode (4kV DS criteria with external protection)For analog, DC unshielded I/O:●2kV in common mode/2kV in differential mode For communication and shielded lines:●1kV in common mode (3kV DS criteria)Conducteddisturbances induced by radiatedelectromagnetic fields IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-2; IEC 61000-4-6; IACS E10For functional safety (DS criteria): IEC 61000-6-7; IEC 61326-3-110V; 0.15MHz...80MHz (20V DS criteria)Sinus amplitude 80%, 1kHz + spot frequenciesDamped oscillatory waveIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61000-4-18; IACS E10For AC or DC main supplies and AC auxiliary supplies, AC unshielded I/O:● 2.5kV in common mode/1kV in differential mode For DC auxiliary supplies, analog, DC unshielded I/O:●1kV in common mode/0.5kV in differential mode For communication and shielded lines:●0.5kV in common modeName of test StandardsLevelsImmunity to Climatic Variations (Power ON) TestsNOTE: Install, wire, and maintain the devices in accordance with the instructions in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .Name of test StandardsLevelsConducted emissionIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-4; CISPR 11 and 22, Class A, Group 1 (FCC part 15 compliance)150…500kHz: quasi-peak 79dB (μV/m); average 66dB (μV/m)500kHz…30MHz: quasi-peak73dB (μV/m); average 60dB (μV/m)IACS E10●AC or DC power (general powerdistribution zone): 10kHz…150kHz: quasi-peak 120...69dB (μV/m); 150kHz…0.5MHz: quasi-peak79dB (μV/m) 0.5…30MHz: quasi-peak 73dB (μV/m)●AC or DC power (bridge and deck zone for evaluation): 10kHz…150kHz: quasi-peak 96…50dB (μV/m) 150kHz…0.35MHz: quasi-peak 60…50dB (μV/m) 0.35…30MHz: quasi-peak 50dB (μV/m)Radiated emissionIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC/EN 61000-6-4; CISPR 11 and 22, Class A, Group 1 (FCC part 15 compliance)30MHz...230MHz: quasi-peak 40dB (µV/m) (at 10m);230MHz...1GHz: quasi-peak 47dB (µV/m) (at 10m);1...3GHz: quasi-peak 76dB (µV/m) (at 3m);3...6GHz: quasi-peak 80dB (µV/m) (at 3m);IACS E10For general power distribution zone:●0.15MHz … 30MHz: quasi-peak 80…50dB (μV/m) (at 3m)●30...100MHz: quasi-peak 60…54dB (μV/m) (at 3 m)●100MHz...2GHz: quasi-peak 54dB (μV/m) (at 3m)●156…165MHz: quasi-peak 24dB (μV/m) (at 3 m)Name of test StandardsLevelsDry heatIEC 60068-2-2 (Bb and Bd)60°C (+140°F), t =16hrs IACS E1060°C (+140°F), t =16hrs +70°C (+158°F),t =2hrsWithstand to Climatic Variations (Power OFF) TestsNOTE: The devices must be installed, wired and maintained in accordance with the instructions provided in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .Immunity to Mechanical Constraints (Power ON) TestsNOTE: Install, wire, and maintain the devices in accordance with the instructions in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .ColdIEC 60068-2-1 (Ab and Ad); IACS E10-25…0°C (–13...32°F), t =16hrs + poweron at –25°C Damp heat, steady state (continuous humidity)IEC 60068-2-78 (Cab); IACS E1055°C (+131°F), 93% relative humidity, t =96hrs (for ruggedized range: 60°C (+140°F))Damp heat, cyclic (cyclical humidity)IEC 60068-2-30 (Db); IACS E1025…55°C (77...131°F), 93…95% relative humidity, 2 cycles t =12hrs +12hrs Change of temperatureIEC 60068-2-14 (Nb)0 …60°C (32...140°F), 5 cyclest =6hrs +6hrs (for ruggedized range: -25…70°C (77...158°F))Name of test Standards LevelsName of test StandardsLevelsDry heat IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-2 (Bb and Bd); IEC/EN 6094585°C (185°F), t =96 hrs ColdIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-1 (Ab and Ad); IACS E10–40°C (–40°F), t =96hrsDamp heat, cyclic (cyclical humidity)IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-30 (Db)25…55°C (77...131°F), 93…95% relativehumidity, 2 cycles t =12hrs +12hrsChange of temperature (thermal shocks)IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-14 (Na)–40...85°C (–40...185°F), 5 cycles t =3hrs +3hrsWithstand to Mechanical Constraints (Power OFF) TestsEquipment and Personnel Safety TestsNOTE: Install, wire, and maintain the devices in accordance with the instructions in the Grounding and Electromagnetic Compatibility of PLC Systems, Basic Principles and Measures, User Manual .Name of test StandardsLevelsSinusoidal vibrationsIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-6 (Fc)Basic IEC/EN 61131-2:● 5...150Hz, ± 3.5mm amplitude (5…8.4Hz), 1g (8.4…150Hz)Enhanced profile:● 5...150Hz, ± 10.4mm amplitude (5….8.4Hz), 3g (8.4….150Hz)For basic and specific: endurance:●10 sweep cycles for each axisIEC 60870-2-2; IEC 60068-2-6 (Class Cm) (for telecontrol equipment and system) 3...8.4Hz, 7mm amplitude, 8.4...500Hz, 2gEndurance: 10 sweep cycles for each axis IACS E103...100Hz, 1mm amplitude (3…13.2Hz), 0.7g (13.2 …100Hz)Endurance at each resonance frequency: 90 min for each axis, amplification coefficient <10IEC 60068-2-6Sismic analysis: 3...35Hz, 22.5mm amplitude (3…8.1Hz), 6g (8.1…35Hz)Shocks IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-27 (Ea)15g, 11ms; 3 shocks/direction/axis Free fall during operationIEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-32 (Ed Method 1)1m (3.28ft), 2 falls Name of testStandardsLevelsRandom free fall with packaging IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-32 (Method 1)1m (3.28ft), 5 fallsFlat free fall IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-32 (Ed Method 1)10cm (0.33ft), 2 fallsControlled free fall IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 60068-2-31 (Ec)30° or 10cm (0.33ft), 2 falls Plugging/UnpluggingIEC/EN 61131-2For modules and connectors: Operations: 50 for permanent connections, 500 for non-permanent connectionsName of test Standards LevelsDielectric strength and insulation resistance IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61010-2-201;UL; CSADielectric: Min. 2Un+1000Vac (seedetails in Modicon M580, Safety SystemPlanning Guide); t=1minInsulation: Un≤50V: 10MΩ,50V≤Un≤250V: 100MΩContinuity of earth IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61010-2-201;UL; CSA30A, R≤0,1Ω; t=2minLeakage current IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61010-2-201;UL; CSA < 0.5mA in normal condition< 3.5mA in single fault conditionProtection offered by enclosures IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC61010-2-201;IP20 and protection against standardizedpinsOverload IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61010-2-201;UL; CSA50 cycles, Un, 1.5In; t=1s ON+9s OFFEndurance IEC/EN 61131-2; IEC 61010-2-201;UL; CSAIn, Un; 6000cycles, 1s ON+9s OFFTemperature rise IEC/EN 61131-2; UL; CSA; ATEX;IECExAmbient temperature 60°C (140°F)。










M580 网络安全

M580 网络安全

M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
● 下列问题将有助于检查您对本章节所包含主题的理解:
● 我们推荐禁用未使用的以太网服务吗? ● M580 方案中可以禁用未使用的以太网服务吗? ● 可以禁止无关人员访问M580 CPU吗? ● 完整性检验在何时运行?
● M580 已具备禁止所有未使用的以太网服务的能力:
● FTP ● HTTP ● telnet 等
● 关闭后门可以增加系统的整体安全性
● 访问控制列表, 可以允许哪些IP 地址可以,哪些IP 地址不可以访问CPU.
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
M580 Configuration V1.0
Schneider Electric | Industry Business | Training | March 9, 2020
● 每次启动时要进行固件完整性检测 ● Unity Pro的完整性会周期性地被验证 ● 保证系统100%安全并且不被任何恶意软件,间谍软件或病毒所破坏 ● 固件被编译并存储在内存中, 防止被任何第三方进行反编译.
● 当用过Unity Pro登录连接到PAC 时,用户认证可以被使用
● 这意味着只有授权人员可以连接、修改程序、甚至启动或停止PAC.



而富有创造性,它能够为用户的自动化系统提供最佳安施耐德电气——PreventaXY2 TP1XY2 TP2安全地毯5安全开关4XCS PL XCS PRXCS TL XCS TRXCS B XCS E XCS MP XCS M XCS D/PXCS DMRXCS DMC XCS DMP德电气公司版权所有施耐德电气——Preventa 安全解决方案Osiprox ®接近传感器 XS*横空出世,无与伦比的性价比优势+充足的国内库存=种类齐全,各种形式各种输出满足现场各种需求简易精智,智能自学习实现强大的精确定位和环境自适应功能Ositrack 紧凑设计,小型一体化工作站使系统更加简单优化网络无限,识别系统可以连接以太网信息管理,信息可追溯系统建立实现效率的大幅提升Osicoder ®旋转编码器 XCC*丰富实用,全面细分Ø40, Ø58, Ø90mm 产品线精益求精,分辨率可达80000p/r总线产品,支持PROFIBUS-DP 和CANopenOsiswitch 简化创新叹为观止物美价廉种光凭借丰富的行业应用经验推出满足各种特殊要求XPS MP XPS MC XPS AV XPS AC XPS AT安全控制器及安全模块3ASI SSLB p紧急按钮接口2XU2 S ppppppp + XPS CMXUS LT 安全光幕1XY2 SB71XY2 CH XY2 CE XPE R110XPE M310人机对话类产品汽车引擎装配线自动识别造纸机械转速控制及定位Osisonic ®超声波传感器性能优异,广受市场认可的产品提供更加可靠稳定的检测精致小巧,Ø 30产品即可实现互惠共赢,高超的性能,合理的价格,全面提升您设备的市场竞争力传送带上玻璃瓶检测漏斗的料位检测。



⚫ 以工业以太网为核心的 透明就绪
⚫ 调试和诊断不受 距离和方式 限制
⚫ 有浏览器即可通过 网页服务 (Web server) 得到诊断
⚫ 实现 SCADA 和 HMI 实时交互
Schneider Electric
Industry – Process Automation 2017
Schneider Electric
Industry – Process Automation 2017
MODICON 50年-引领自动化创新之路
Modicon 084
1968: 世界上第1 台可编程控 制器
Modicon Modicon
984 Quantum / Premium
1979: 第1个工 业现场总 线
1985: 模块化机架安 装&紧凑型控 制器
1994: 可编程自动 化控制器 (PAC)
1998: 世界上第1 台带网页服 务的控制器
2004: Modicon PAC统一软 件平台
Modicon M340
2007: 紧凑型可编 程自动化控 制器(PAC)
● 支持Quantum I/O模块
● QEIO升级140CRA31200的固件 ● 可接入新的Modicon ePAC系统
Modbus HART
HART Modbus


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ሏႜ ᆫࣅ
ፌ‫ׂิࢅీׂࣅٷ‬ၳ୲ ॔੦߾‫׍‬ሏႜጒ઄Lj዆ۨᆫ ံपਦ֧փీࠕेᅜํแԍኤ߾‫ڟڥ׍‬ᆶၳ‫ڦ‬੦዆
具有规模可延展性、灵活性、集成性、协同性四大特性 规模可延展性 协同性
您的系统对于我们来说 都是独一无二的 支持各种客户需要的系统 构架,可以实现从单站点 控制,多站点控制,分布 式控制,集中式控制,离 散控制,过程控制,安全 控制到批量控制的多种控 制方式。
Modicon Quantum-性能卓越的高端 自动化平台
Unity Pro
a Socollaborative software
Modicon Quantum 是 PLC 的发明者 Modicon 推出的高端自动化平 台,一经推出,就以其无与伦比的可靠性和稳定性,在全球范围内, 特别是中国市场上取得了巨大的成功。2005 年初施耐德电气推出全 新的 Unity 自动化平台,作为该平台的重要组成部分之一,Modicon Quantum 获得了全面的升级。 作为工厂自动化和过程自动化领域最理想的高端自动化平台, Modicon Quantum 广泛应用于以下领域:
■ 美国 ABS 认证 ■ 法国 BV 认证 ■ 挪威 DNV 认证 ■ 德国 GL 认证 ■ CEI GOST 认证 ■ 英国 LR 认证 ■ CIS 的 RRS 认证

全面升级的 CPU 的技术特征
随着 Unity 自动化平台的发布, Modicon Quantum 推出 6 款基于 Unity 平台的 CPU。这些 CPU 在指令执行速度,内存容量,通讯性能 和热备性能等方面获得了巨大的突破:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

设 备 进 行 制
求 、可低 御 劣 场环 境 的 用 徐层 。
Ⅲ 3认 、惜 诊断 功能
兀 余 源 ,胡 的EC(: J咝U 机 满 足AT
· 提升 、’ :效率 :衍 TCv认词!的 小 机 软删 件 ,所钉 横 t、 找功 能 ;丰南 易f]J『 断 f『}=、
。 助 催 化 生 7 :粜 战 交 换 机 功 以 太 背 扳 木『]c T深 度 战 以 人 通 汛 处 珲 能 /j, 铃 透 开 放 的 以 人
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与各 炎传 感 、变 送 合他 用 , 对 』 、JI(Jj、液 、容 、速
物 的 测 示 ,外 配 各种 执 行 帅 U磁 、Il!动 悯 j阀 、变 频 器
制 系统 ,保 障 场 过 巾能源 和 原 数 n勺 准 获 取 ,文 肌数 {=Il f 内 端 问及 操f,}=需求 全 支” ,,仃效 Ⅱ』j力 l 数
字 化转 禾U水进 fj 带I』造 ,
虹 润 NHR一7500/7500R系列 液晶手 动
操作器/记 录仪
Vision 视野.新品
施耐德 电气
Modicon M580 Safety ePAC: ̄_,Ik安 全 控制 器
近 口,施 德 发 布 了全 M c)dl(:(Ⅲ M |)㈣ ifet.y( ̄PAC专 州 个 器 ,以 Modicorl( A( 九勺 大 技 爪为 础 .个 M()d1(!Oil M5S() t ty ePAC;J@, 本 的常 枷 过 A% h/4 ̄l q-Jlt的 安 个 lA~ 一 ,肜 成保 障系 统功 能 奠 与信息 立个 的 “、 俸
块 ,简单 实现 供 I也… 哜的 安个 控制 ;高度
』j’扩 的系 统架 构 。
‘ 可 靠 rt ]【Jf持 续性 :经 过 长 期市 场 验 |I1 1['l/'jXS0 I()平台 ,充 分 m 系统 稳 定 、可 靠 ;C J 成 人 容 、 【『,的 内 芯
‘ 尢需 插入 外 储 ,减 少敝障 风 险 ; ,
护 ” 特 点 :
· 竹门! 厶 :J:)JfiE 个剥 个 I]l ̄ht、I 绀 『1.:州ICa1.1/I 个 ,娃 息 个 L 丑 ']Adf ill ̄ vf

‘ 保护 资 :一 系统 同时 管 安 个= 常 同 路 ; 通进 接 线 川符 介冉达 S[L3的安 食 认 ; №安 伞继 电器 输 f}{
NHR— i()OR系列液I I于动 ,^ / 仪迎合作 DCS系统…
路 响 1j控 fI J操 黔他 用 、能 接受 与系 统
而 步的 给定 I 刚 反
,根掘 给 定信 输 川 的控 制 曼 ,并 [JJ。呶 代