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Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning
Meaning changes in different ways. 1) Extension the meaning changes from specific to generalized one or cover a broader concept. Lady: E.g. The lords and ladies are all gathered in the palace. Ladies, could I have your attention, please? Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Extension of meaning (generalization)
• From Specific to general (scarf, pipe, bag pipes, cookbook, butcher) • From concrete to abstract (place) e.g. I won’t change my place with his. Thing: 集会, 集会上讨论的事情. • From technical to general words e.g. atomic: an atomic effort allergic: to be allergic to boasting • From proper nouns to common nouns e.g. newton, ampere, watt, volt wellington boots, sandwich, boycott, chauvinism, china, nylon, rubic cube
2) Specialization/narrowing/restriction of
Originally, they mean: garage-安全的地方 poison- 饮料 hospital- 休息娱乐场所 Girl - 年轻人 e.g. Rats and mice and such small deer Have been Tom’s food for seven long days. (King Lear)
The narrowing
• From general to specific(meat, liquor, ) Life– life sentence , he got life Microwave– microwave oven • From abstract to concrete(room, dear) e.g. give me some room Probe from (调查)to (宇宙探测器) • From common nouns to proper nouns(the prophet– the Prophet) • From common nouns to technical terms e.g. memory (存储器) • The narrowing of borrowed words Liquor—液体– 酒 Garage– 储藏东西的地方– 车库 Capsule – little box– 胶囊
Elevation (升格)
a. 贬义/中性义-- 褒义(或高级别) Inn – 小客栈– 酒店(holiday inn) Lord– loaf giver– 贵族 Enthusiasm –宗教狂热情绪—热情 Angel – 信使—天使 Paradise – 花园– 天堂
Degradation (降格)
中性/褒义 贬义 Silly – happy, fortunate– innocent-- foolish Cunning有学问的--狡猾的
Causes of the changing of the meaning
The Social factors e.g. Dutch man’s land, Dutch treat, I’m Dutched. That’s all propaganda It is essential to sort the truth from the propaganda. gay – happy– homosexual The Class factors (people from different social class have different views) red, landlord, communism, bourgeoisie
Semantic shift
• Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of Words • Metaphor
– Simile, metaphor and personification based on resemblances – Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of similarity in which a word or a phase ordinarily primarily used for one thing is applied to anther.
e. g. head, mouth, face,
– Metonymy a figure of speech by which an object or idea is described by the name of something closely related to it. e.g. He took to the bottle. He ate another bowl. The kettle is boiling. Have a sharp/an artistic eye. – Synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole, or vice versa. e.g. Quick lunches at 2 yuan a head. The poor man had twelve mouths to feed. He’s a poor creature.
• Give examples to illustrate elevation and degradation? • What is the difference between metaphor and metonymy?