

《你不是 Superman》歌词 WHY

《你不是 Superman》歌词 WHY

你不是Superman你不是SupermanWHY坐你隔壁04wl咖啡还是茶你也要想一下我太晚回家你不让我洗头发从发质变差联想到埃索比亚城市太吵杂你每一天挣扎你担心老家最后一棵树倒下从一口沙拉联想到冰雪融化你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天才能救世界远离危险你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天在你身边我就安全哎呀呀You are my man,不要变每一天反正太多事不能所愿Baby just be my man,别太远每一天只要你抱紧一点,幸福领先咖啡还是茶你也要想一下我太晚回家你不让我洗头发从发质变差联想到埃索比亚城市太吵杂你每一天挣扎你担心老家最后一棵树倒下从一口沙拉联想到冰雪融化你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天才能救世界远离危险你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天在你身边我就安全哎呀呀You are my man,不要变每一天反正太多事不能所愿Baby just be my man,别太远每一天只要你抱紧一点,幸福领先你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天才能救爱情远离危险你不是superman怎么变怎么练每一天在你身边我就安全哎呀呀You are my man,不要变每一天反正太多事不能所愿Baby just be my man,别太远每一天只要你抱紧一点,幸福领先以上就是关于你不是Superman的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

SJ歌曲《SUPER MAN》韩语发音对照 (搜狗韩语输入发标准)

SJ歌曲《SUPER MAN》韩语发音对照 (搜狗韩语输入发标准)

세상에서하나밖에없는se saeng e seo ha na bagg e abs neun그룹에서멋지게춤을추고neu rub e seo meos ji je cum eur cu go유니크한읊조림을할때yu ni keu han eulp jo lim eul har ddae세상모든요정들이내게se sang mo deun yo jeong deul yi nae ge반해반해내게로달려와달려와달려와ban hae ban hae dae ge lo dal lyeo wadal lyeo wa dal lyeo wa이순간을함께즐겨볼까i sun gan eul ham gge zeur gyeo bor gga진지하게조용하게나를사랑해준jin ji ha gyeo jo yong ha gyeo na leul sa ling hae sun 사람들을나는감동시켜sa lam deul eul na neun gam dong si kyeo괜히허세부리고솔직하지못하고goaen hi heo se bu li go sol jin ha ji mos ha go내게그런순간이라고는없었다.nae ge geu leon sun gan I la go neun abs ass da우리는규모도최고스케일도최고u li nen gyo mo do coi go seu ke il do coi go모든지최고가아니면안되mo deun ji coi go ga a ni myeon an doi슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진syu peo zu ni eo neun won lae maen ja man bba jin 이름하여힘센돌이슈퍼맨I leum ha yeo him sen dol I syu peo maen열정도최고정신력도최고yeor seong do coi go seong sin lyeon do coi go누가우릴감히끌어낼텐가nu ga u lir gam hi ggeur eo near ten ga슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진syu peo zu ni eo neun won lae maen ja man bba jin이름하여날쌘돌이슈퍼맨자자자I leum ha yeo nar ssaen dor I syu peo maen za za za다음누구(신동)da eum nu gu(sin dong)그러게왜들그렇게뒤를돌아보나geu leo ge oae deur geu leoh ge dwi reur a bo na여기있는데나yeo gi iss neun de na도대체누구를찾는거야do dae ce nu gu reur caj neun geo ya내가신동nae ga sin dong하늘에별을따다줄까ha deur e byeor eur dda na zur gga세봐한개두개세개se bwa han gae du gae se gae우리는원래잃어버린별을합쳐별이열세개u li neun won lae ilh a beo lin byeor eur hab cyeo byeor I yeor se gae 그렇지만나우린외롭지않아geu leoh ji man na u lin oi lob ji우린SM Family랑요정들이있지않나u lin sm family lang yo jeong deur I iss ji anh na주저하지마애써외면하지마zu seo ha ji ma ae sseo oi myeong ha ji ma이미취해버린그댄슈퍼홀릭I mi cwi hae beo lin geu daen syu peo hor lin노랠불러봐이젠춤을따라해no laer bur leo I gen cum eur dda la hae같이신나게얼씨구절씨구gat I sin na ge ir ssi gu seor ssi gu우리는규모도최고스케일도최고u li n gyu mo do coi go seu ke ir do coi go모든지최고가아니면안되mo deun ji coi go ga a ni myeon an doi슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진syu peo zu ni eo neun won lae maen ja man bba jin 이름하여힘센돌이슈퍼맨i reum ha yeo him sen dor I syu peo maen열정도최고정신력도최고yeor geong do coi go jang jin lyeon do coi go누가우릴감히끌어낼텐가gu ga u lir gam hi ggeur eo near ten ga슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진syu peo zu ni eo neun won lae maen ja man bba jin 이름하여날쌘돌이슈퍼맨맘이I reum ha yeo nar ssaen dor I syu peo maen mam i 울적할때노랠듣고싶을때ur jeon har ddae no laer deud go sip eur ddae기분을달래줄뭔가필요할때gi bun eur dar lae jur mueon ga pir yo har ddae우리가곁에있어있는힘껏외쳐봐u li ga get e iss eo iss neun him ggeos oi cyeo boa(Super Junior We Are Super Super Man)되게심심할때인터넷검색할때doi ge sim sim har ddae in teo nes geom. Saeg har ddae슈퍼자만치면나와주르륵주르륵주르륵syu peo ja man ci myeon na oa ju leu leun ju leu leun ju leu leun언제나곁에있어소리질러외쳐봐eon je na gyeot e iss eo so li jin leo oi cyeo boa(Super Junior We Are Super Super Man)거기아무도몰라줘도매일최선을다해간다geo gi a mu do mor la jueo do mae ir zoi seon eur da hae gan da누구다누구다누구다해도기록이말해준다.Nu gu da Nu gu da Nu gu da hae do gi lon iMar hae jun da함께걷는길이비록험난할지라도결국슈퍼주니어!Ham gge geod deud gil I bi lon heom lan har ji la do gyeor nog syu peo ju nieo。



오늘은무슨일인거니oh ner lern mu sern ir lin ko ni今天到底怎么了울었던얼굴같은걸uu lot don or kur ka tern kor好像哭泣过的脸庞一样그가너의마음을아프게했니ker ka no ae ma er mer ah per kae haet ni他伤了你的心吗나에겐세상젤소중한너인데na ae kaen sae sang jae so jung han no in dae 对我来说是世上最珍贵的你자판기커피를내밀어ja pan ki ko pi ler nae mi to给你一罐自贩机咖啡그속에감춰온내맘을담아ker so kae kam jwo un nae ma mer da ma那里面装着的是我的心意고마워오빤너무좋은사람이야ko ma wo oh bban no mu chu ern sa lam mi ya 谢谢你哥你真是好人그한마디에난웃을뿐ker han ma di ae nan ut ser bbun那句话让我笑了혹시넌기억하고있을까hok si non ki oh ka go it ser gga或许你还记得吗내친구학교앞에놀러왔던날nae chin ku hak keo ah pae nor lo wat don nar 在朋友学校前面玩闹的日子우리들연인같다장난쳤을때wu li der yon nin kat da jang lan cheot ser ddae 我们俩像是恋人一样这样开玩笑的时候넌웃었고난밤지새웠지non ut so go nan bam ji sae wot ji你笑了这让我彻夜未眠*니가웃으면나도좋아* ni ka ut ser myeon na do ju ah你笑着的话我就觉得很开心넌장난이라해도non kang lan ni la hae do你就算只是开着玩笑널기다렸던날널보고싶던밤nor ki da lyeot don nar nor bo go sip don bam 等待着你的日子想念你的夜晚내겐벅찬행복가득한데nae kaen bok chan haeng bok ka der kan dae 也让我充满了的幸福나는혼자여도괜찮아na nern hon ja yo do kwaen cha na就算我还是独自一人也没关系널볼수만있다면nor bur su man it da myeon只要还能看着你늘너의뒤에서늘널바라보는ner no ae dwi aw so ner nor ba la bo nern总是在你背后总是凝望着你그게내가가진몫인것만같아ker kae nae ka ka jin mok sin kot man ka ta那样我就好像也有份了친구들지겹다말하지chin ku der ji kyeop da mar ha ji朋友们都说这样令人心烦늘같은노랠부르는나에게ner ka tern no laer bu ler nern na ae kae对总是歌唱着的我说하지만그게바로내마음인걸ha ji man ker kae ba lo nae ma er min kor 可是那个就是我的真心그대먼곳만보네요ker dae mon kot man bo nae yo我只能望向有你的地方혹시넌그날내맘을알까hok si non ker nar nae ma mer ar gga或许那一天你也知道我的心吗우리들아는친구모두모인밤wu li der ah nern chin ku mo du mo in bam 我们跟所有认识的朋友聚会的夜晚술취한널데리러온그를내게sur chwi han nor dae li lo un ker ler nae kae 把喝醉的你接走的他인사시켰던나의생일날in sa si kyeot don na ae saeng ir nar他向我问候那个我生日的夜晚니가좋으면나도좋아ni ka ju er myeon na do ju ah你高兴的话我也开心니옆에그를보며ni yo pae ker ler bo myeo在你身边遇见他나완너무다른난초라해지는na wan no mu da lern nan cho la hae ji nern和很憔悴的我我不一样的他그에게널부탁한다는말밖에ker ae kae nor bu ta kan da nern mar bak kae除了把你托付给他널울리는사람과위로밖에못하는나nor ur li nern sa lam kwa wi lo bak kae mo ta nern na 那个弄哭你的人除了安慰你什么都无能为力的我*Repeat。



Superman翻译SelCampbell (转载请加上这个,谢谢你~)Tall ,dark and superman 个子高高、皮肤黝黑, 他是个超人He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away 他把文件放进公文包内,驱车而去To save the world or go to work 他是去拯救这个世界了吧,还是去工作呢?Its the same thing to me 对我来说都一样Hes got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition 他有着和他妈妈一般温柔的眼神,爸爸一样远大的理想I wonder if he knows how much that I miss him 我猜想着,他是不是知道,我有多想念他And I know every word that you say, yay 我明白你所说的每一个字You smile and say how are you你微微笑着,说,你好吗?I say just fine我回答道,还不错I always forget to tell you, I love you, I love you ... forever 我总是忘记告诉你,我爱你,我爱你,,,,,,永远爱你I watched superman fly away我看见超人,飞走了Youve got a busy day today 你有个忙碌的一天To save the world ill be around 拯救了这个世界,而我,会一直在这里守候I watched superman fly away 我看见超人,就这样飞走了Come back ill be with you someday 回来吧,我会一直在你身边Ill be right here on the ground我会一直在这里,在原地守候When you come back down当你回来的那一刻Talk dark and beautiful个子高高、皮肤黝黑, 帅气无比Hes complicated hes irrational 他是如此复杂,他是如此无理But I hope someday you take me away and save the day, yeeeeahhh但是我依旧希望,你会带我离开,拯救我的一天(让我的一天变得美好)Something in his deep browns eyes has me sing 他褐色的眼睛是这样的深邃,勾起我放声歌唱的渴望Hes not as bad like this, reputation 他不像他的坏名声,那样的不乖I can't hear one single word they said, noooooo 我听不见他们所说任何一个字,我听不见,听不见You'll leave, you've got places to be and I'll be OK 你,会离开这里,你, 会找到属于你的地方,而我,会没事的I always forget to tell you I love you I loved you from the very first day我总是不记得告诉你,我爱你,当我们的眼神第一次交汇的时候,我就爱上了你I watched superman fly away 我看见超人,飞走了Youve got a busy day today 你有个忙碌的一天To save the world ill be around 拯救了这个世界,而我会一直在这里I watched superman fly away 我看见超人,就这样飞走了Come back ill be with you someday 回来吧,我会一直在你身边Ill be right here on the ground我会一直在这里,在这片土地上守候着When you come back down 当你降落地面的时候And I watch you fly around the world 我看见你,绕着地球,飞转一周And I hope you don't see some other girl我希望,你不会喜欢上别的女孩Don't forget, dont forget about me 我希望,你不会忘记我,一定不要忘记我Im far away but i'll never let you go 我在离你很远的地方,但是我永远也不会让你离开我的心上Im lovestruck and looking out the window我是如此痴情,抬头仰望着天空Dont forget dont forget where ill be 我希望,你不会忘记,我在地球的哪一个角落Right here就在这里wishing the flowers were from you 祈祷着,花朵是你传递的爱意Wishing the card was from you 祈祷着,卡片是你传达的问候Wishing the call was from you 祈祷着,铃声是你传达的情话Cuz I loved you from the very first day 因为,在我们眼神初次交汇的时候,我就爱上了你I watched superman fly away 我看见超人,就这样飞走了Youve got a busy day today to save the world 你今天很忙碌吧,拯救了这个世界Ill be around forever and ever here 我会一直守候在这里,直到白发苍苍的那一天I watched superman fly away 我看见超人,就这样飞离地面I swear ill be with you someday 我发誓,我会一直在你身边Ill be right here on the ground 我会一直在这里,守候着你When you come back down当你重新降落的时候La, la, laWhen you come back down 当你回来的那一刻。



미인아(BONAMANA)(韩文)딴따란딴, 딴따란딴, 딴따란딴, 따다따라빠.*2(拼音)Da la land a, Da la lan da, Da la lan da, Da la da la ba.*2 (韩文)[始源] 넌알까말까알까말까너무예쁜미인아.날미쳤다고말해도난니가좋다미인아(中文)跟不跟你说跟不跟你说太漂亮了美人呀就算说我疯了我也还是喜欢你美人啊(拼音)neol algga malgga algga malgga neomu yebbeun miinanal michyeotdago malhaedo nan niga johda mina(韩文)[希澈]누가전해줘 My baby, to my baby 내가여기있다고말야.기다린다말야 (Baby, you turn it up now)(中文)谁来转告 My baby, to my baby 告诉她我在这里正在等她(Baby, you turn it up now)(拼音)nuga jeonhaejwo My baby to my baby naega yeogi itdago malyagidarinda malya (Baby, you turn it up now)(韩文)[圭贤]넌, 가타부타, 가타부타말좀해라미인아.니마음을가졌다면그냥나는삶의 Winner.(中文)你,可否可否说说话美人呀如果能赢得你的心我就是人生的Winner.(拼音)neon gatabuta gatabuta mal jomhaera miinani maeumeul gajyeotdamyeon geunyang naneun salmui Winner(韩文)[艺声]이세상의이치란,이치란,용기있는자를따라나같은놈말야. (中文)这世上的法则法则是属于充满勇气的人像我这样的家伙(拼音)i sesangui ichiran ichiran yonggi itneun jareul ddarana gateun nom malya(韩文)[厉旭]옛말에 Say, 열번찍으면넘어간다. 으쓱, 으쓱, 으쓱(中文)古语Say,滴水穿石。



Trouble maker1!2!3!니눈을보면난 trouble makerni nu ner bou maon nan trouble maker(看着你的眼我是trouble maker)니곁에서면난 trouble makerni gao tai sao maon nan trouble maker(在你的身边我是trouble maker)조금씩더더더jou gem xi dao dao dao(渐渐地更更更)갈수록더더더gar su lou dao dao dao(越来越越越越)이젠내맘을나도어쩔수없어yi jen nai mam er na dou ao zaor su aob sao(现在我也对我的心没有办法)니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또ni ga na le li ji mou ta gai ja gu ni a pai sao dou (为了不让你忘了我,总是在你面前)니맘자꾸내가흔즐어벗어날수없도록ni mam za gu naiga he ze lao bao sao nar su ao dou louk (你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱)니입술을또훔치고멀리달아나버려ni ib sur er tou hum ci gou maor li da la na bao lyao (你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走)난 trou a a a ble ! trouble! trou! Trouble makernan Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!(我是trou a a a ble ! trouble! trou! Trouble maker) Trouble maker Trouble maker니맘을깨물고도망칠거야고양이처럼ni ma mer gai mur gou dou man cir gao ya gou yang yi cao laom (像撕咬你心脏而逃跑的猫一样)넌자꾸안달이날거야내앞으로와어서화내보렴naon zagu an dar yi nar gao ya nai ab e lou wa aosao huanaiboulyaom (你总是急切的飞到,在我的面前向我发火)내섹시한걸음니머리속에발동을거는nai saik si han gao lem ni maoli sou gai bar dou er gao nen (我性感的脚步在你的脑海中发动)은근한스킨십얼굴에비친못참아죽겠단니눈빛engenhan sekinsib aorgulai bicin mou cama jugaidan ni nunbi (适当的skinship 你的脸庞映出无法忍受的你的眼神)갈수록깊이더빠져들어알수록나가더맘에들어 babygarsulouk gipi dao bajyaodelao arsulouk naga dao mamai delao Baby (越是陷入地深就越能进入你的心里 baby)아무래도니갱각에취했나봐 ladya mu lai dou ni gain ga gao cwei ha na bwa Lady(到底还是沉醉于你的感觉 lady)I never never never stop!니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또ni ga na ler yi ji mou sa gai ja gu ni a bai sao dou(为了不让你忘了我, 总是在你面前)니맘자꾸내가흔들어벗어날수없도록ni mam ja gu nai ga hen de lao bao sao nar su aob dou louk(你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱)니입술을또훔치고멀리달아버려ni ib sur er tou hum ci gou mar li da la bao lyao(你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎么都挥不走)난 trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!nan Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!(我是trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!)Trouble maker Trouble maker어떻게널내맘에담아둘수있는지ao dao kai naor nai ma mai da ma dur su yi nen zi(Trouble Maker) (怎么样让我在你的心里占据)그냥내맘이가는대로이젠ge nyan nai ma mi ga nen dai lou yi zan(只是这样随着我的心现在)I never never stop!멈출수없어maom cur su aob sao(无法停止)니가나를잊지못하게자꾸니앞에서또ni ga na le li ji mou ta gai ja gu ni a pai sao dou(为了不让你忘了我,总是在你面前)니맘자꾸내가흔즐어벗어날수없도록ni mam za gu naiga he ze lao bao sao nar su ao dou louk(你总是让我的心动摇,让我无法逃脱)니입술을또훔치고멀리달아나버려ni ib sur er tou hum ci gou maor li da la na bao lyao(你的嘴唇也是在脑海中怎样也挥不走)난 trou a a a ble ! trouble! trou! Trouble makernan Trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble Maker!(我是trou a a a ble! Trouble! Trou! Trouble maker!)Trouble maker Trouble maker。



SUPERMAN超人1. The year the war began I was in the fifth grade at the Annie F. Warren Grammar School in Winthrop, and that was the winter I won the prize for drawing thebest Civil Defense signs. That was also the winter of Paula Brown's new snowsuit,and even now, 13 years later, I can recall the changing colors of those days, clearand definite as a pattern seen through a kaleidoscope.战争爆发的那一年,我在温斯罗普的安妮·F.沃伦文法学校读五年级,那年冬天我获得了民防图标设计赛冠军。


2. I lived on the bay side of town, on Johnson Avenue, opposite the Logan Airport,and before I went to bed each night, I used to kneel by the west windowof my room and look over the lights of Boston that blazed and blinked far off acrossthe darkening water. The sunset flaunted its pink flag above the airport, and thesound of waves was lost in the perpetual droning of the planes. I marveled at themoving beacons on the runway and watched, until it grew completely dark, the flashingred and green lights that rose and set in the sky like shooting stars. The airportwas my Mecca, my Jerusalem. All night I dreamed of flying.我的家位于城里靠海湾的一侧,在洛根机场对面的约翰逊大道上。





至上励合《Superman》歌词你的`新恋情烂尾又喝醉扛你走几条街 I’m superman关键点才出现 superman拯救无知人类够朋友对不对 give it all. give it all.give it all. give it all.最铁血最无邪jamaicam 你爱上了谁就退一位人类最后的防线I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.万岁灵魂和身体都是钢铁所以从来不会累I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.超人只能在天上飞他不可以爱上谁剧情又一脸狗血也是醉出席你热恋派对 feel so good介绍我是闺蜜他面前我竟无言以对够朋友对不对 give it all. give it all. give it all. give it all.最铁血最无邪jamaicam 你爱上了谁就退一位人类最后的防线I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.万岁灵魂和身体都是钢铁所以从来不会累I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.超人只能在天上飞他不可以爱上谁像我不需要爱生活更愉快也从来不会失败jamaicam 你爱上了谁就退一位人类最后的防线I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.万岁灵魂和身体都是钢铁所以从来不会累I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.I’m superman. I’m superman. Babe.超人只能在天上飞他不可以爱上谁他不可以爱上谁他只能拯救世界他是最佳的后卫【至上励合最新歌曲《Superman》歌词】1.《Superman》歌词2.2016最新歌曲的歌词汇总3.我的superman作文1000字4.2016年陈奕迅最新歌曲《I Do》歌词5.容祖儿最新歌曲《第一百个我》歌词6.至上励合小镇青年歌词在线看7.有关Superman的SAT作文素材分享8.忘记歌词的歌词上文是关于至上励合最新歌曲《Superman》歌词,感谢您的阅读,希望对您有帮助,谢谢。

superman 音译歌词

superman 音译歌词
狼诶 猪擦狼do里 拿了感动西kiao
圭贤:快你 好塞不利高 扫及卡吉 木他高 内gi 克劳孙干 一娜高嫩 闹不搜哒
合:wuli kiu毛都 最高 思kei一到 最高 某den的 最高嘎 啊你妙 安duai
Superjunior 要呢 弯来班将吗八近
一里妈要 hin上do利superman
super junior要呢 弯来班将吗八近
Hey SJ Like this
银赫:乃噶塞桑爱扫 哈啦不该奥嫩kiu录拜扫 猫机给出木粗固 又你kei难叫里么 海得
东海:塞上某都妖精do里 内跟趴累 趴累 乃噶撩 太料哇 太料哇 太料哇 一顺干内 韩木给清给不儿嘎
利特:哈呢来 飘率 大大 竹嘎 赛吧 韩给 图给 谁给 wuli本来 一老跑林 票利 哈俏 表里 要儿 赛给
希澈:克劳机慢那 wuli 为老机安娜 wuli SM Famliy鸟精du里 一家那
丽旭:猪记哈吉妈 爱扫 外闹娜金妈 一米 猪利包里 歌奥带 Super holic
晟敏:闹嫩扑漏吧 一贼 粗们 打蜡嘿 卡其 心那该 恩熙股 早熙股
合:wuli kiu毛都 最高 思kei一到 最高 某den的 最高嘎 啊你妙 安duai
Superjunior 要呢 弯来班将吗八近
一里妈要 hin上do利superman
热经到 最高 精神了到 最高 怒嘎 wuli 噶密 歌老 乃挺嘎
Superjunior 要呢 弯来班将吗八近
一里妈要 喃上do利superman
圭贤:妈妹 要叫卡得 闹瞭 一固扑得 ki本呢 他来就 问嘎 屁六哈得
晟敏:wuli噶 giao太 一搜 一能hin高 外俏吧



SJM《太完美》全部歌词(附主打歌应援歌词和韩文音译)中文版太完美合:她迷住我视线她迷住我视线始源:在爱情里的宝藏被我发现(崔始源)你就是我寻找的稀世宝贝圭贤:你就不断地在正反我世界(曺圭贤)连冰块遇见你都燃起火焰Henry:太过心急不对(不对)赫宰:用力爱会碎Henry:太过缓慢不对(不对)赫宰:我随你进或退东海:Oh 太完美(SU JU M)你眼里我出现Oh 不让谁(太完美)替我在你身边Woo~Oh~Woo~Oh圭贤:你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈肩你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾我已沦陷圭贤:我的心变成了口袋的一面(曺圭贤)Just For You 不停地给不停地给厉旭:这样子爱你到底是对不对(金厉旭)我一边迷惑一边更加迷恋晟敏:太过心急不对(不对)赫宰:用力爱会碎晟敏:太过缓慢不对(不对)赫宰:我随你进或退圭贤:Oh 太完美(SU JU M)你眼里我出现Oh 不让谁(太完美)替我在你身边Woo~Oh~Woo~OhHenry:你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈肩你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾我已沦陷间奏xi….(李晟敏李赫宰周觅赞李东海崔始源金厉旭曺圭贤Henry赞撒浪嗨呦SU JU M 完全大发SU JU M Su.Per.Juni.Or.M.太.完.美)(圭贤:Oh 太完美Oh 不让谁Oh 太完美)周觅:每一次见面时脉搏就当机了她在我全身狂跳不由己赫宰&东海:一直跳一直跳想见你一直跳一直跳喜欢你一直跳一直跳都是你一直跳一直跳我爱你一直跳一直跳一直跳一直跳晟敏:太过心急不对(不对)厉旭:用力爱会碎晟敏:太过缓慢不对(不对)厉旭:我随你进或退始源:Oh 太完美(SU JU M)你眼里我出现Oh 不让谁(太完美)替我在你身边Woo~Oh~Woo~Oh圭贤:你的眉眼你的侧脸你的颈间你的妩媚你的一切从头到尾我已沦陷赫宰:Bounce to the music let your feet go round,To the floor and I'ma break it down.Let me in let me show you all my bling blingAnd all my kicks kicks baby dance with me.合:Boom Boom BoomHenry:Can I get another Clap Clap ClapLet's go shake your body move your bodyPick your feet upI'ma move to the groove baby I'ma go all out (厉旭:Yeah~)合:给我说你想我(我想你)给我说你爱我(我爱你)给我说你想我说你想我给我说你爱我(圭贤:Yeah~)合:给我说你想我(我想你)给我说你爱我(我爱你)给我说你想我给我说你想我给我说你爱我(Su.Per.Juni.Or M)韩文版太完美All:jia neng mai ge sing midei you man gou yi ji10:hei sa li han nen a lai sa la ji geiBa la mi sai sang sou gei oup sao ju dei13:ba la ga mo de qiao lou ma la bai geiKe dei na yi sa la ha mio ku gei hai geiH:kei niao nong wan da kan8:Shin na bi jiao moeH:kei niao nou wa zhen han8:man ma la bi sa zhai9:Oh tiai wan mi nei xin jie jiu jie liOh my lady nei di yi gei wu jiWoo~Oh~Woo~OhZ:ke niao lai mu sou pa du nongKe niao lai ya song ba mu songKe niao lai ke a neng da wu Oh tiai wan mi 13:qia mi den ka ci mi du gei yon a deiJust For You nao ner wei han nong ner de dei 65:ao nem jiu jia boe gou ji yi long me deiKe de ne yi sa la niu bi ao de nei7:kei niao nong wan da kan8:Shin na bi jiao moe7:kei niao nou wa zhen han8:man ma la bi sa zhai13:Oh tiai wan mi nei xin jie jiu jie liOh my lady nei di yi gei wu jiWoo~Oh~Woo~OhH:ke niao lai mu sou pa du nongKe niao lai ya song ba mu songKe niao lai ke a neng da wu Oh tiai wan mi (间奏xi…)(13:Oh tiai wan mi~Oh my lady~)Z:wan yi jiu nan ye a long ne wen ge me sangNa sa la mi s nei ji long bou la8&9:ke me ji nag a ji gou shim jike me ji sa lang ha gou shim jike me ji nag a ji gou shim jike me ji sa lang ha gou shim jike niao wa ke niao wa ke niao wa ke niao wa7:kei niao nong wan da kan65:Shin na bi jiao moe7:kei niao nou wa zhen han65:man ma la bi sa zhai10:Oh tiai wan mi nei xin jie jiu jie liOh my lady nei di yi gei wu jiWoo~Oh~Woo~Oh13:ke niao lai mu sou pa du nongKe niao lai ya song ba mu songKe niao lai ke a neng da wu Oh tiai wan mi8:Bounce to the music let your feet go round,To the floor and I'ma break it down.Let me in let me show you all my bling blingAnd all my kicks kicks baby dance with me.All:Boom Boom BoomH:Can I get another Clap Clap ClapLet's go shake your body move your bodyPick your feet upI'ma move to the groove baby I'ma go all out (65:Yeah~)All:na wu ai mu da wo na wu ai mu da wona wu ai mu da wo ai mu da wo na wu ai mu da wo (13:Yeah~)All:kei si gu tong bao you kei si gu tong bao youkei si gu tong bao you gu tong bao you kei si gu tong bao you 幸福微甜圭贤:这城市夜晚闹哄哄人潮像快转的时钟这不是我要的感动廉价的妆都太浓这感觉我不知怎麼形容周觅:街道上闪烁的霓虹就像是短暂的笑容能不能给我一分钟安安静静跟你沟通亲爱的我真的跟他们不同东海:话不多我天生慢熟不是不想牵你手厉旭:只是在等你微笑点头对你我始终温柔晟敏:请别怪我沉默害羞慢熟为拥抱找理由厉旭:我真的爱上不罗嗦可以很勇敢大声地说全:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸开心明显我们往对方的身上互黏周觅:快乐不避嫌我们住在彼此心里面一天天累积眷恋全:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸结局鲜艳故事里我们一起走很远周&贤:完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新鲜我轻咬下永远厉旭:这城市夜晚闹哄哄人潮像快转的时钟这不是我要的感动廉价的妆都太浓这感觉我不知怎麼形容东海:街道上闪烁的霓虹就像是短暂的笑容能不能给我一分钟安安静静跟你沟通亲爱的我真的跟他们不同赫宰:话不多我天生慢熟不是不想牵你手Henry:只是在等你微笑点头对你我始终温柔周觅:请别怪我沉默害羞慢熟为拥抱找理由我真的爱上不罗嗦可以很勇敢大声地说全:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸开心明显我们往对方的身上互黏圭贤:快乐不避嫌我们住在彼此心里面一天天累积眷恋全:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸结局鲜艳故事里我们一起走很远厉旭:完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新鲜我轻咬下永远Rap:赫宰:你要什麼其实其实我懂那恋爱就该放轻松跑车拉风不需要眼红过多的掌声是种虚荣你也懂Henry:我不会编织那美梦但却会让你很受宠给的真心很受用圭贤:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸开心明显我们往对方的身上互黏厉旭:快乐不避嫌我们住在彼此心里面一天天累积眷恋全:幸福上演剧情微甜我轻尝你的脸结局鲜艳故事里我们一起走很远周&贤:完美一整遍爱刚出炉正新鲜我轻咬下永远命运线[00:15.48](贤)世界是座孤独的城堡[00:19.16]彼此寻找[00:22.65]当天使吹响爱的号角[00:26.08]看到你的微笑[00:29.59](周觅)我在这里你在彼岸寻觅[00:32.43]日夜从我们之间流去[00:36.01](旭)在人海里把手伸给了你[00:39.70]我想抓住命运的勇气[00:43.63](敏)爱一路崎岖我终于能拥抱你[00:49.50](M)遇上你的命运线[00:51.99]触碰到真爱的一瞬间[00:56.12]两个人的命运线[00:58.66]两条路有了一样终点[01:03.73](源)别的风景再美不留恋[01:07.51]你是我最明媚四月天[01:11.05](海)回忆的每段碎片[01:13.87]做成爱的书签[01:18.05](M)遇上你的命运线[01:19.89]原来天堂就是你身边[01:24.52]两个人的命运线[01:26.96]幸福握在交缠指缝间[01:31.63](HENRY)用眼神无需任何语言[01:35.76]只要望向彼此就听见[01:39.70](旭)一首无声的和弦[01:42.04]奏着永恒不变[01:45.52](赫)爱你的每一天[01:54.48](海)旋转木马唱着d小调[01:58.56]童话多好[02:01.55](敏)我们不用幸福的青鸟[02:04.88]只要互相依靠[02:08.47](贤)我在这里你在彼岸寻觅[02:11.30]日夜从我们之间流去[02:14.94](赫)在人海里把手伸给了你[02:18.37]我想抓住命运的勇气[02:22.45](周觅)爱一路崎岖我终于能拥抱你[02:28.07](M)遇上你的命运线[02:30.46]触碰到真爱的一瞬间[02:35.04]两个人的命运线[02:37.38]两条路有了一样终点[02:42.56](源)别的风景再美不留恋[02:46.39]你是我最明媚四月天[02:50.17](海)回忆的每段碎片[02:52.61]做成爱的书签[02:56.24](M)遇上你的命运线[02:58.33]原来天堂就是你身边[03:02.86]两个人的命运线[03:05.45]幸福握在交缠指缝间[03:11.37](HENRY)用眼神无需任何语言[03:14.90]只要望向彼此就听见[03:19.03](周觅)一首无声的和弦[03:20.92]奏着永恒不变[03:24.51](源)爱你的每一天[03:27.35](周觅)每一页爱的书签[03:30.68](旭)在每一页爱的书签[03:33.61](贤)每一句永恒不变[03:37.39](旭)oh~永恒不变[03:52.85](周觅)遇上你的命运线[03:55.19]触碰到真爱的一瞬间[03:59.82](旭)两个人的命运线[04:02.41]两条路有了一样终点[04:07.58](贤)用眼神无需任何语言[04:10.92]只要望向彼此就听见[04:15.55](旭)一首无声的和弦[04:17.39]奏着永恒不变[04:21.02](周觅)爱你的每一天表白Girl 我一看到你I go Cra Cra Crazy我只想要你做我的 Baby我想看透你的心但是我没有办法我可不可以牵你的手也许你也正在想着我You got me goincrazy, crazy, crazy, yea如果我们在一起做什么都愿意Oh Baby baby baby我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya,off ya我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya, off ya (off my mind) 天塌下来无所谓一定不后悔再大的事都有我背 (有我 Babeh)只要说一声ok 就跟我走So take my hand and baby don't let go也许你也正在想着我You got me goin crazycrazy, crazy, yea如果我们在一起做什么都愿意Oh Baby baby baby我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya,off ya我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya, off ya (off my mind) Oh 我要怎么对你说到底要该怎么做付出的够不够对你的感情太重太重 My Love我绝对不想放手我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya, off ya,off ya我的爱全都给你我就在这里我的心不会放弃你是我唯一Girl 这不是意外你是我的女孩I can't get my mind off ya, off ya (off my mind) off my mindoff my mindTrue Love[00:01.00]It’s True Love It’s True Love[00:16.22]看窗外下起了白雪[00:19.53]有幸福的感觉[00:23.86]写张卡片寄给了冬天[00:27.16]甜蜜飘过喧闹的街[00:31.56]我和你拥抱在白色世界[00:34.79]听钟声响起誓言[00:38.62]想对着流星许下心愿[00:42.19]在这特别的夜[00:45.51]也许某一天某一个瞬间[00:49.69]梦境全都实现 because[00:53.32]It’s true love[00:55.04]快乐的节奏闭上眼尽情的享受[01:00.99]感受我掌心里的温度[01:05.03]用微笑当做我的礼物[01:08.43]It’s true love[01:09.74]飞舞的雪花降落在银色世界上[01:15.94]深呼吸感觉浪漫瞬间[01:19.87]它就在我们身边[01:22.44]It’s just for you.just for you [01:29.77][01:30.70]看月光投射出弧线[01:34.48]像是你的笑脸[01:38.85]这音乐停留在耳边[01:42.10]让寒冷在爱裏冬眠[01:46.29]我和你拥抱在白色世界[01:49.72]听钟声响起誓言[01:53.81]想对着流星许下心愿[01:57.14]在这特别的夜[02:00.71]也许某一天某一个瞬间[02:04.51]梦境全都实现 because[02:08.52]It’s true love[02:10.07]快乐的节奏闭上眼尽情的享受[02:15.91]感受我掌心里的温度[02:20.20]用微笑当做我的礼物[02:23.32]It’s true love[02:24.71]飞舞的雪花降落在银色世界上[02:30.99]深呼吸感觉浪漫瞬间[02:34.93]它就在我们身边[02:37.48]It’s just for you.just for you [02:44.37][02:46.50]一个人是孤单两个人是浪漫[02:50.12]要给你我最好的温暖[02:53.57]我在这特别的夜心像跳动火焰[02:57.57]我要让你沉浸在喜悦[03:01.06]It’s true love[03:02.31]快乐的节奏闭上眼尽情的享受[03:08.63]感受我掌心里的温度[03:12.51]用微笑当做我的礼物[03:15.89]It’s true love[03:17.25]快乐的节奏闭上眼尽情的享受[03:23.67]感受我掌心里的温度[03:27.46]用微笑当做我的礼物[03:30.84]It’s true love[03:32.44]飞舞的雪花降落在银色世界上[03:38.33]深呼吸感觉浪漫瞬间[03:42.45]它就在我们身边[03:44.89]It’s just for you.just for you [03:52.70]深呼吸感觉浪漫瞬间[03:57.40]它就在我们身边It’s just for you吹一样的风阳台上吹着风有一些难过累积在胸口还不懂为什么有一个女孩和一片天空还只是我的一个梦熟悉的脉搏又开始跳动云朵的河流车窗外快速的流动现在的你在城市的哪一个角落多想看见你笑容的温柔*如果在小时候草地上我回头你亲口说爱我我没装做不懂如果你能来找我唱相同的歌吹一样的风(一样的风)我会牵起你的手漫步踏上微风走到了空中田野里开了花当时我们好懵懂所以那时没有过带走你的念头太阳在云背后慢慢地移动直到我终于失去了有你的那一段时空(如果) 熟悉的脉搏又开始跳动云朵的河流车窗外快速的流动现在的你在城市的哪一个角落多想看见你笑容的温柔如果在小时候草地上我回头你亲口说爱我我没装做不懂如果你能来找我唱相同的歌吹一样的风(一样的风)我会牵起你的手陪你看着夕阳落下的每一个午后有多少的话想对你说还能不能再次拥有你我都错过的以后如果在小时候草地上我回头你亲口说爱我我没装做不懂如果你能来找我唱相同的歌吹一样的风(一样的风)我会牵起你的手草地上我回头你失望的感受我现在全都懂如果你能来找我唱相同的歌吹一样的风(吹一样的风) 我会牵起你的手漫步踏上微风走到了空中漫步踏上微风架起了彩虹。



He was “faste‎r than a speed‎i ng bulle‎t, more power‎ful than a locom‎o tive‎, able to leap tall build‎ings in a singl‎e bound‎.”He was the world‎’s great‎e st super‎h ero. When Chris‎t ophe‎r Reeve‎ was picke‎d to play this role in films‎i n 1977, audie‎n ces acros‎s the count‎ry cheer‎e d with appro‎v al. Like Super‎m an, Chris‎t ophe‎r was dashi‎n g, hands‎o me, and stron‎g. Like Super‎m an, he seeme‎d nearl‎y invin‎ci ble‎. He skied‎, saile‎d, flew plane‎s, went scuba‎divin‎g, rode horse‎s, playe‎d tenni‎s——and did it all with skill‎and ease. No one could‎i magi‎n e Chris‎t ophe‎r Reeve‎any other‎ way.他“比飞驰的子‎弹还快,比火车头更‎有力,轻轻一跃就‎能跳上高大‎的建筑物。






All that chang‎e d on May 27, 1995. Chris‎t ophe‎r was in V irgi‎n ia with his wife, Dana Moros‎i ni, and their‎young‎son, Will. He had enter‎e d a three‎-day horse‎ridin‎g compe‎ti tio‎n there‎. His horse‎, Easte‎rn Expre‎s s, appea‎red to be in fine shape‎. The 42-year-old Chris‎t ophe‎r looke‎d equal‎l y fit and relax‎e d. 1995年‎5月27日‎,一切都改变‎了。






super man 歌词

super man 歌词

Dina Rea:You high baby?Yeahh...Yeah?hahaha..Talk to me...You want me to tell you somethin?I know what you wanna hear... 'CuzUh huh...I know you want me baby I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too...I'm here to save you girl,Come be in shady's world,I wanna grow together,Let's let our love unfurl.You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I'm here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,come be in Shady's world...oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl...They call me Superman,Leap tall hoes in a single bound,I'm single now,Got no ring on this finger now,I'll never let another chick bring me down,In a relationship, save it bitch, babysit? you make me sick,Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady's dick,Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,I'll tell a mo'fuckin slut to her face,Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what's her face, I'm a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i'd rather have you whip my ass,Don't put out? i'll put you out,Won't get out? i'll push you out,Puss blew out, copin shit,Wouldn't piss on fire to put you out,Am I too nice? buy you ice,Bitch if you died, wouldn't buy you life,What you tryin to be, my new wife?What you Mariah? fly through twice,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come, they go,Saturday through sunday monday,Monday through sunday yo,Maybe i'll love you one day,Maybe we'll someday grow,Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe... 'Cuz I can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,I can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Your superman, your superman...Don't get me wrong,I love these hoes,It's no secret,Everybody knows,Can't we fuck?Bitch so what?That's about as far as your buddy goes,We'll be friends,I'll call you again,I'll chase you around every bar you attend,Never know what kind of car i'll be in,*Woman Screaming*We'll see how much you'll be partying then,You don't want that,Neither do I,I don't wanna flip when I see you with guys,Too much pride,Between you and I,Not a jealous man, but females lie,But I guess that's just what sluts do,How could it ever be just us two?Never loved you enough to trust you,We just met and I just fucked you,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I'll love you one day,Maybe we'll someday grow,'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...I know you want me baby I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too...I'm here to save you girl,Come be in shady's world,I wanna grow together,Let's let our love unfurl.You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I'm here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,come be in Shady's world...oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl...First thing you said...I'm not phazed,I hang around big stars all day,I don't see what the big deal is anyway,You're just plain ol' Marshall to me...Ooh yeah girl run that game...Haily Jade...I love that name,Love that tattoo...what's that say?'rot in pieces' aww that's great...First off you don't know Marshall,Add also, don't grow partial,That's ammo for my arsenal,I'll snap you off that bar stool,There goes another lawsuit,Leave handprints all accross you,Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle, You want what you can't have,Ooh girl that's too damn bad,Don't touch what you can't grab,End up with two back hands,Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can't stand, Girl you just blew your chance,Don't mean to ruin your plans,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday Monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I'll love you one day,Maybe we'll someday grow,'Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...I know you want me baby,I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too,I'm here to save you girl,Come be in Shady's world,I wanna grow together,Lets let our love unfurl,You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I'm here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,Come be in shady's world...Oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl.'Cuz I can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,I can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Your superman, your superman... 'Cuz I can't be your superman, Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,I can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Can't be your superman,Your superman, your superman...。



1.MiracleLife couldn’t get betterLife couldn’t get better[희철希澈] 지금까지너없던시간은어둠이였죠(Without you baby)[희철希澈] 迄今为止没有你的生活那样黑暗(Without you baby)[희철希澈] Jigumkaji no obdon shiganun odumiojyo (without you baby)[시원始源] 너를만난후나의생활은꿈만같아요(baby)[시원始源] 见到你后我的生活仿如做梦(baby)[시원始源] Norul mannan hu naui senghwarun kumman gathayo (baby)[한경韩庚] 너를처음본순간(처음본순간) a Miracle (a Miracle)난느꼈죠기적은바로너란걸[한경韩庚] 第一次见到你的瞬间(见到你的瞬间)a Miracle (a Miracle)我能感受到奇迹就是你[한경韩庚] Norul chum bon sungan (choum bon sungan)a miracle (a miracle)nannukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol[All] Life couldn't get better(hey)[All] Life couldn't get better(hey)[성민晟敏] 난널품에안고날아푸른달을향해날아(ho)잠든너의입맞출거야Life couldn't get better(hey)[성민晟敏] 我把你拥在怀里飞向蓝色的天空(ho)亲吻熟睡的你Life couldn't get better(hey)[성민晟敏] Nan nol pume ango nara,jamdun noui ib machul koya,Life couldn't get better[려욱丽旭] 너의맘의문을열어줘그대내손을잡아요,Life couldn't get better [려욱丽旭] 向我敞开你的心请紧握我的手,Life couldn't get better[려욱丽旭] Noui mame munul yoro jwo,Life couldn't get better[동해东海] 매일매일평범했던날들이이젠달라졌어요(a holiday)[동해东海] 原来很平凡的一天现在变的不同(a holiday)[동해东海] Meil meil pyongbomhetton nal duri ijen dalla jyossoyo (a holiday)[이특李特] 세상모든사람들이행복해보여요(I wanna thank you,baby)[이특李特] 世上所有的人看起来都很幸福(I wanna thank you,baby)[이특李特] Sesang modun saramduri hengboghe boyoyo (I wanna thank you baby) [려욱丽旭] 너를처음본순간(너를처음본순간) a miracle (a miracle),난느꼈죠기적은바로너란걸[려욱丽旭] 第一次见到你的瞬间(见到你的瞬间) a Miracle (a Miracle),我能感受到奇迹就是你[려욱丽旭] Norul choum bon sungan (choum bon sungan) a miracle (a miracle),Nan nukkyojyo gijogun baro norangol[All] Life couldn't get better (hey)[All] Life couldn't get better (hey)[강인强仁] 난널품에안고날아푸른달을향해날아(ho)잠든너의입맞출거야,Life couldn't get better (hey)[강인强仁] 我把你拥在怀里飞向蓝色的天空(ho)亲吻熟睡的你,Life couldn't get better(hey)[강인强仁] Nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)Jamdun noui ib machul koya,life couldn't get bette(hey~)[예성艺声] 너의맘의문을열어줘그대내손을잡아요,Life couldn't get better,Life couldn't get...better[예성艺声] 向我敞开你的心请紧握我的手,Life couldn't get better,Life couldn't get...better[예성艺声] Noui mame munul yoro jwo gude ne sonul jabayo,Life couldn't get better,Life couldn't get...better[시원始源] 네게원하는건영원히함께한단그약속[시원始源] 我想要的是永远在一起的约定[려욱丽旭] 다시태어나도너를다시사랑을할거야[려욱丽旭] 即使重生我依然会再次爱上你的[기범基范] 널처음본순간a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby,and I'm never gonna stop [기범基范] 见到你的瞬间a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and I'm never gonna stop [기범基范] Nol choum bon sungan a miracle (a miracle) I love you baby, and I'm never gonna stop[All] Life couldn't get better (hey)[All] Life couldn't get better (hey)[예성艺声] 난널품에안고날아푸른달을향해날아(ho)잠든너의입맞출거야,Life couldn't get better (hey)[예성艺声] 我把你拥在怀里飞向蓝色的天空(ho)亲吻熟睡的你,Life couldn't get better(hey)[예성艺声] Nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)Jamdun noui ib machul koya,life couldn't get better (hey~)[성민晟敏] 너의맘의문을열어줘그대내손을잡아요 Life couldn't get better (hey)[성민晟敏] 向我敞开你的心请紧握我的手Life couldn't get better (hey)[성민晟敏] Noui mame munul yoro jwo Life couldn't get better[강인强仁] 난널품에안고날아푸른달을향해날아(ho)잠든너의입맞출거야,Life couldn't get better (hey)[강인强仁] 我把你拥在怀里飞向蓝色的天空(ho)亲吻熟睡的你,Life couldn't get better(hey)[강인强仁] Nan nol pume ango nara purun darul hyanghe nara (ho~)Jamdun noui ib machul koya,life couldn't get better (hey~)[려욱丽旭] 너의맘을문을열어줘그대내손을잡아요, Life couldn't get better [려욱丽旭] 向我敞开你的心请紧握我的手,Life couldn't get better[려욱丽旭] Noui mame munul yoro jwo,Life couldn't get better2.Twins[시원始源] 그녀를찾지마더이상너에게,아무런감정도남아있질않대[시원始源] 不要再去找她,她对你已不再有感情[시원始源] Gunyorul chajima doisang noege, amuron gamjongdo nama ijil anhde[한경韩庚] 이제더는비굴해지려고하지마,이미네자존심은바닥에있는걸[한경韩庚] 不要再变得更加卑鄙,你的自尊心已经一钱不值[한경韩庚] Ijedonun bigurhe jiryogo hajima, imi ne jajonshimun badage inungol[성민晟敏] (아냐그건아니야)[성민晟敏] 不是的不是那样的[성민晟敏] Anya gugon aniya[이특李特] 아냐그건아니야[이특李特] 不是的不是那样的[이특李特] Anya gugon aniya[성민晟敏] (그녀하나뿐인데)[성민晟敏] 我只有一个她[성민晟敏] Gunyo hana puninde[희철希澈] 내겐보이지않는내가슴의그림자,또다시날패배자의어둠안에가두지[희철希澈] 虽然我自己看不到,但是内心的黑暗已经把自己囚禁在了失败者的黑暗当中[희철希澈] Negen boji anhnun ne gasume gurimja,to dashinal pemejaui odumane gaduji。

Superman Returns《超人归来(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本

Superman Returns《超人归来(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本

在即将毁灭的氪星上一位睿智的科学家将他的独子放进前往地球的太空船孩子被一对善良的农家夫妇抚养长大成为世上最伟大的超级英雄--超人当天文学家发现氪星尚未全毁时超人失去踪影你将前往遥远的星球我的小凯尔You will travel far, my little Kal-El.但是我们永远不会离开你But we will never leave you...甚至死后也会与你同在...even in the face of our deaths.你将遗传我的能力You will make my strength your own.透过你的双眼你会看到我的一生You will see my life through your eyes...我也将永远守护着你 your life will be seen through mine.有其子必有其父而有其父...也必有其子The son becomes the father, and the father the son. 主演:布兰登·罗素主演:凯特·柏丝沃主演:詹姆斯·马斯登主演:法兰克·兰吉拉主演:伊娃·犸丽仙主演:帕克·波西主演:凯尔·潘主演:凯文·史贝西服装设计:露易丝·明格贝配乐:约翰·奥特曼剪接:约翰·奥特曼艾略特·葛拉罕美术设计:盖·戴亚斯摄影:纽顿·汤犸斯·席格制片:强·彼得斯布莱恩·辛格吉柏特·爱德勒原创者:杰瑞·西格乔·舒特故事:布莱恩·辛格麦可·道荷帝丹·哈瑞斯编剧:麦可·道荷帝丹·哈瑞斯导演:布莱恩·辛格你过去干过不少坏事In spite of your past...但我知道你是好人...I know you're a good man.好人都应该And all good men...有第二次机会...deserve a second chance.我第一次收到你的来信From the moment I received your first letter...就知道你与众不同...I knew you were not like the rest.你一无所有、白手起家You came from nothing...努力取得今日的成就...and you worked so hard to get where you are.你也许犯过一些错You might have made a few mistakes.-葛楚拜托 -可恶让我们进去- Gertrude, for God's sake! - Damn it, Gertrude, let us in now! 你说如果我帮助你出狱You said that if I helped you get out of prison...就会照顾我一辈子'd take care of me.你也没有食言And you have.你让我得到从来没有过的欢愉You've shown me pleasures that I've never known.我要你继承That's why you deserve...我的一切...everything.我爱你I love you...雷克斯·路瑟...Lex Luthor.让我们进去他是个骗子Gertrude, let us in. He's a crook.他不爱你葛楚He doesn't love you, Gertrude!他是个怪物葛楚!He's a monster! Gertrude!-你留着吧 -天啊- You can keep that. - Oh, God.其它的都是我的了The rest is mine.搞定了We're done.再见犸莎Bye, Martha.噢克拉克!Oh, Clark.我的孩子Oh, my boy.把那玩意拿开Will you get that thing out of my face!雷克斯你朋友超邪门的Lex, your friends give me the creeps.监狱是个邪恶的地方琪蒂Prison is a creepy place, Kitty.需要邪门的朋友才能生存One needs to make creepy friends in order to survive.我这种超级天才在牢里的价值Even a man with my vast talents is worth less inside...比不上一盒香烟和一根扁钻...than a carton of cigarettes and a sharp piece of metal in your pocket.你知道普罗米修斯的故事吗?你当然不知道Do you know the story of Prometheus? No, of course you don't.普罗米修斯是神他盗走天火Prometheus was a god who stole the power of fire from the other gods... 把火的力量交给人类...and gave control of it to mortals.也就是说他给了人类科技和力量In essence, he gave us technology. He gave us power.所以我们要在北极盗走天火?So we're stealing fire? In the Arctic.实际上掌控科技就能统治世界Actually, sort of. You see, whoever controls technology controls the world. 罗马帝国靠修筑道路统治世界The Roman Empire ruled the world because they built roads.大不列颠帝国靠船坚炮利统治世界The British Empire ruled the world because they built ships. 美国靠原♥子♥弹♥成为世界霸主America, the atom bomb, and so on and so forth.我只要普罗米修斯要的I just want what Prometheus wanted.听起来很了不起雷克斯可惜你并不是神Sounds great, Lex, but you're not a god.神都是穿着红色披风的自私家伙Gods are selfish beings who fly around in little red capes... 永远不肯和人类分享超能力...and don't share their power with mankind.老大Hey, boss.我们找到了We found something.不我不想当一个神No, I don't wanna be a god.我只想把天火带给人类I just wanna bring fire to the people.然后...分一杯羹And I want my cut.这就是他的家?Was this his house?你和多数的人都会这么想You might think so. Most would.这其实是一个早已消失的This is more of a monument to a long dead...强盛古老文明的纪念碑...and extremely powerful civilization.这是他发现自己身分的地方This is where he learned who he was.这是他寻找引导的地方This is where he came for guidance.可能性Possibilities.这里有无限的可能性Endless possibilities.你看起来好像来过这里You act like you've been here before.我的儿子你不记得我了 do not remember me.我是乔尔I am Jor-El.你的父亲I'm your father.以地球时间计算我已经死好几千年了By now, I will have been dead many thousands of your years.他以为我是他儿子- He thinks I'm his son.你是氪星唯一的幸存者- You are the only survivor of Krypton.你面前的水晶蕴藏着Embedded in the crystals before you is the total accumulation of all literature... 我从二十八座银河系的文明世界...and scientific fact from dozens of other worlds...收集到的重要文献和科学知识...spanning the 28 known galaxies.你心中一定充满疑问There are questions to be asked.在这一座Here in this...孤独要塞This Fortress of Solitude...我们父子俩将一起寻找答案...we shall try to find the answers together.他看得到我们吗?Can he see us?看不到他死了No, he's dead.我的儿子...So, my son...凯尔...Kal-El...说话吧...speak.告诉我所有的事Tell me everything...就从这些水晶开始...starting with crystals.Hey, boy.肯特家礼拜二在支持者之间...- on Tuesday, between support...延误了消防队的工作...- hindered the firefighting efforts for all those...警方无法控制激动的群众Police have finally arrived and it's still complete mayhem down here. 气氛火爆一触即发冲突在最南部爆发...Fighting broke out in the southernmost region...以轻型武器在边境开火...with border fire and small-arms attacks prevalent.放心我把太空船埋起来了Don't worry, I buried it this morning.强迫他在大陪审团前作证的努力无法奏效- it was futile trying to force him to testify before a grand jury.妈?Mom?五年了Five years.如果你♥爸♥还活着他绝对不会让你走If your father was alive, he never would have let you go.我几乎放弃希望了I almost gave up hope.我以为再也见不到你了I just thought I would never see you again.克拉克Oh, Clark.你找到你要找的东西了吗?Did you find what you were looking for?我以为...我希望...I thought, hoped...它仍然存在 might still be there.你的故乡吗?Your home?那地方一片死寂That place was a graveyard.只剩下我一个人I'm all that's left.克拉克宇宙很大Clark, the universe is a big place.你不知道谁在哪里And you don't know who's out there.就算只剩下你一个人And even if you are the last...你也不会孤单're not alone.我知道I know.-抱歉 -小心!- Sorry. - Look out!走路要看路Watch out, will you?-不好意思 -对不起- Excuse me. - Sorry.抱歉Sorry.这下可好了小心点行吗?Great. Would you be careful?-吉米 -克拉克先生我是说肯特先生- Jimmy. - Mr. Clark! I mean, Kent! Mr. Kent!欢迎回来天啊!Welcome back! Oh, my God!来吧...等一下我马上回来Hey, come... Wait right there. I'll be right back.不好意思我还在找地方住Oh, hey, sorry, guys, I'm still looking for a place to live...如果有便宜的公♥寓♥......if you know of anything reasonable.在你后面肯特先生我自己烤的蛋糕Behind you, Mr. Kent. I made it myself. It's a cake.欢迎回来拉克看起来...Oh, it looks...很好吃...delicious.欧森生日小丑大屠♥杀♥的照片呢?Olsen! Where are the photos of that birthday-clown-massacre thing? 我这就去搞定你看谁回来了I'm on it, chief. Hey, look who's back.-肯特? -嗨老板- Kent? - Hey, chief.-多谢你让我复职 -别谢我- Thank you for giving me my job back. - Don't thank me.多谢诺曼挂了吧Thank Norm Palmer for dying.他的大限已到It was his time.-我带你去你的办公桌 -欧森!- Let's get you set up, huh? - Olsen!我得走了Okay, so I gotta run...但是我会马上回来看你肯特先生...but I will be back to check on you in a sec, Mr. Kent.你知道露薏丝...在哪里吗?Oh, hey, do you know where I can find Lois?了解你居住的星球自动倒数计时发射The timing of this automated-ignition countdown...ESN现场连线报导 the most precarious part of the launch.是这项任务成功的关键露薏丝·莲恩《每日星球报》Lois Lane, Daily Planet.你说太空梭将开启全新旅游时代You also stated that the shuttle will usher in a new era of travel... 让普通人也能以合理价钱进行洲际飞行...enabling the average person to afford transcontinental flights. 请问合理价钱到底是多少?But can you tell us the exact price...答案就在你拿到的资料中 "average person" will be expected to pay?地球被一层空气笼罩The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air...也就是所谓的大气层...which we call the atmosphere.它达到...It reaches over...露薏丝·莲恩普立兹奖得主露薏丝·莲恩于新闻报导的卓越成就其标题为"世界为何不需要超人"的社论"世界为何不需要超人" 露薏丝·莲恩他长得跟他妈一模一样Yeah. He looks just like his mom.个性也很像超会惹麻烦Already takes after her too, especially when it comes to getting into trouble. 妈妈?Mother?是啊你不在的时候Oh, yeah, well, I guess you've been gone.英勇女记者露薏丝·莲恩当妈妈了Fearless reporter Lois Lane is a mommy.让我来没关系Oh, you know, I'll just... I'll take that. That's good.-抱歉 -没问题她还有很多张- Sorry. - No. She's got plenty.-等等她结婚了? -对- Wait, she's married? - Yes.其实不算是啦她订婚很久了一直拖着没结婚No. Not really. It's more like a prolonged engagement.不过别问起她的婚期因为...But don't ask Miss Lane when they're tying the knot...她不喜欢别人问...because she hates that question.民间出资打造的太空梭安检标准like this follow the same stringent和太空总署一样严格吗?safety guidelines set by NASA?这是和空军的合作案我们都同意...Since this is a joint venture with the Air Force...你还好吧?看来你需要喝一杯You all right? You look like you could use a drink.这地方好恐怖我们干嘛回来这里?This place is so tacky. Why are we back here?琪蒂你在做指甲彩绘、上网买♥♥毛皮大衣时Kitty, while you were doing your nails and ordering fur coats online...我在忙着解开...I was busy unlocking the secrets...宇宙最高文明之一的秘密...of one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe.本来不是有两只狗吗?Weren't there two of those?地球的科技很落后You see, unlike our clunky earthbound forms of construction...超人家乡氪星的科技...the technology on Krypton, Superman's home world...来自于对于水晶成长的操控...was based on manipulating the growth of crystals.听起来像是胡扯Sounds like hocus-pocus to me.对原始人来说先进科技Well, naturally, to the primitive mind, any sufficiently advanced technology... 听起来就像是魔术...would be indistinguishable from magic.但是想像一下城市、交通工具、武器But imagine: cities, vehicles, weapons...所有的陆地......entire continents...全来自这些水晶...all grown.我可以用这小小的东西To think that one could create a new world...创造出一个美丽新世界...with such a simple little object.就像一粒种子It's like a seed.浇水就会长大And all it needs is water.就像...Like...海里的猴子...Sea-Monkeys.没错琪蒂Exactly, Kitty.就像海里的猴子Like Sea-Monkeys.克拉克到处旅行自我探索Clark has been doing a little soul-searching for the last couple years.-他看过骆驼 -真的吗?- He saw Ilamas. - Yeah?-真的 -回来一定很不习惯- Yeah. - Must be tough coming back.-回来? -回来工作呀- Coming back? - To work.是啊Yeah.是啊很多事情都变了Well, you know, things change.事情是一定会改变的I mean, of course things change...有时你以为不变的事还是变了...but sometimes things that you didn't think would change could change. 就像露薏丝Take Lois.我以为她这种女强人不会定下来A woman like her, I never thought she'd settle down.老实说...不过她永远不会承认的You know, if you ask me... Because she'll never tell you this...我觉得...她还爱着你知道的那个人...but if you ask me, she's still in love with you-know-who.太空梭在发射时产生The original space shuttle generated 7.5 million pounds of thrust...七百五十万顿推动力...just in the initial launch phase.但波音777客机载运的太空梭...是的?But, by piggybacking on this Boeing 777... Yes?如果这次发射任务这么重要If this launch is as pivotal as you claim...为什么不让其它媒体采访?...why is it being covered by one news network?发射后我们再开记者会Why don't we save those questions for the post-launch briefing.好吗莲恩小姐?How about that, Miss Lane?我们爬升到四万尺高空太空梭会和客机分离When we hit 40,000 feet, the shuttle will detach, ascend...发射第一个液体燃料推动系统...and then fire the first of two propellant systems, the liquid fuel boosters. 太空梭进入平流层后When the shuttle reaches the stratosphere...就会发射第二个推动器...the secondary insertion booster will fire...以4G的重力进入中气层...propelling the craft at 4gs into the mesosphere.-小心 -我知道- Careful. - I know.-小心点 -我知道啦- Careful. Careful. - I know.真是太神奇了雷克斯Wow, that's really something, Lex.等着瞧Wait for it.真是太神奇了雷克斯Wow, that's really something, Lex.没见过这么神奇的景象It's freaking Gone With the Wind.-关掉摄影机 -我快拍到了- Shut off the camera. - But I'm getting it.我叫你关掉那该死的摄影机I said, shut off the damn camera.我想我搞砸了I think I did something wrong.不不是你的问题No. That wasn't you.《每日星球报》一分钟后发射准备分离Ignition is at T minus one minute and we are prepping for separation. 开始倒数计时CDR., start the clock.三分钟倒数计时Three minutes and counting.生命迹象正常组员状况良好Body signs normal. Crew is looking good.太空梭仪器正常Shuttle readouts are holding steady.-准备发射 -收到- We're still a go for launch. - Roger.-休士顿收到了吗? -休士顿收到了吗?- Houston, you copy? - Houston, do you copy?天啊Oh, God.电力变动Electrical variance.搞什么?What the...?请不用担心Please, there's nothing to worry about.只是小小的停电问题It seems that we are experiencing a slight power outage.-你做了什么? -没有呀电力自动恢复- What did you do? - It wasn't me. It just cycled back up.创世纪号♥ 快与休士顿联络Genesis, radio check from Houston.没问题了只是停电而已There we have it. We were experiencing a power outage.-爬升到四万英尺 -收到四万英尺- Climbing to 40,000 feet. - Roger, 40,000 feet.飞了出去!一记惊人的快球And it's gone! A blazing fastball...就这样而已?Is that it?应该不止I don't think so.引擎失效又恢复正常Dual engine failure, but they're up and running again.创世纪号♥ 我有坏消息Genesis, I hate to say this,看来必须取消任务but it looks like we're gonna have to scrub the launch.-取消发射推动器 -收到取消发射推动器- Aborting booster ignition. - Roger. Aborting booster ignition.推动器没反应继续倒数计时发射Boosters are non-responsive. We're still counting down for ignition. -运输机我们出了问题 -快说- Platform, we have a problem. - Go.停电时机件发生故障Looks like something faulted during the power outage.推动器仍在倒数计时准备发射Both boosters are counting down for ignition.运输机你只剩下三十秒Platform, you have 30 seconds.-什么? -打开联轴器- What? - Release couplings.我们关不掉推动器We can't shut down boosters.这样一来还有机会紧急迫降We should be able to manage the launch and recover to the emergency field. 二十三秒后发射T minus 23 seconds to ignition.准备执行紧急撤离程序Genesis, you're a go for evac procedures.二十一、二十Twenty-one, 20...十九......19...联轴器没反应Couplings are non-responsive.-无法分离 -十七- We're still attached. - Seventeen.-运输机联轴器卡住了 -十五- Platform, couplings are jammed. - Fifteen.十四Fourteen.别紧张这很正常Don't be alarmed. It's absolutely normal.联轴器卡住无法分离We're still attached. Couplings are non-responsive.-九、八... -休士顿请使用遥控操作- Nine, eight... - Houston, can you do a remote override?七遥控操作失效 -六、五...- Remote override is unresponsive. ...six, five...-重覆遥控操作失效 -四、三...- I repeat, remote override is unresponsive. ...four, three...幸运的话还能听到轻微的超音速音爆声And if you're lucky, you may hear the faint pop of the sonic boom.-休士顿推动器发射 -收到了- Houston, we have ignition. - Roger, ignition.这是蟒蛇二十一号♥This is Python 21,太空梭失控了 -管制员请注意she's pulling away. - Okay, all flight control is on the...这不是演习疏散闲杂人等This is not a drill. Clear nonessential personnel.切到紧急通话频率Switch to emergency band frequencies.警告...警告...Warning, warning.不!不!Oh, no! Oh, no!谁来帮帮忙?Can I get a little help?UPV电台来自华府的新闻快报This is UPV breaking news. From Washington, Frank Jacobs.我们刚接到最新消息We've just received word...创世纪号♥太空梭的处♥女♥航......that the inaugural flight of the Genesis space shuttle...在半空发生紧急事故 experiencing a midair emergency.创世纪号♥太空梭出事- a problem with the launch of the new orbital shuttle, Genesis.太空梭无法与客机分离The reports are telling us the shuttle failed to disengage...双双以高速冲向外太空...sending both crafts rocketing towards space.这是来自发射现场的连线报导We're now going live to Cape Canaveral for the latest update on this story. 吉姆我们现有的消息显示Jim, all we know right now...客机和太空梭之间的联轴器故障 that the couplings which hold the shuttle to the 777...无法按照计划分离...malfunctioned and did not release as planned.-我们不确定... -我应该...- We're uncertain... - I should do...为什么启动程序并未停止仍然发射推动器...why the ignition sequence continued and boosters fired.疑似断电引起的机件故障...However, there's speculation here that the blackout, which...帮助我坐上去Help me sit up.-一马赫 -四万英尺仍然连接着太空梭Mach one. Still tied to the shuttle at 42,000 feet.-休士顿我们需要帮忙 -检查进行中请稍候- Houston, we need some help. Houston! - Running diagnostics check. Stand by. 五秒后发射推动器Insertion booster ignition in five seconds.手动控制失效警告...警告...Warning, warning.那是什么东东?What the hell is that?不明飞行物接近中有一个不明飞行物来自北方There's some kind of unidentified bogey coming from the north.-收到了 -速度很快- Roger that. - And it's coming in fast.宣布进入紧急状态Declaring an emergency.超速超速Overspeed, overspeed.高度Altitude...你有没有看到?Do you see that?向上飞向上飞Fly up, fly up.大家没事吧?Is everyone all right?你没事吧?Are you okay?希望这次经验不会让你们从此不敢坐飞机Well, I hope this experience hasn't put any of you off flying.根据统计搭机仍是最安全的旅行方式Statistically speaking, it's still the safest way to travel.超人!超人!Superman! Superman! Superman!超人!Superman!美国空军小镇出口大伙儿听好了Okay, everybody, listen up.我要知道所有的事全部I wanna know it all, everything.欧森我要他的照片我要最耸动的照片Olsen, I wanna see photos of him everywhere. No, I want the photos.体育版他们怎么把飞机运出球场?Sports, how are they gonna get that plane out of the stadium?旅游版超人这些年去了哪里?Travel, where did he go?他是去度假吗?去哪里度假?Was he on vacation? If so, where?狗仔队去挖他的绯闻时尚版Gossip, has he met somebody? Fashion,介绍那超人装是不是新的is that a new suit?健康版他有没有变胖?他都吃什么?Health, has he gained weight? What's he been eating?财经版这对股市有影响吗?长线或短线?Business, how is this gonna affect the stock market? Long-term, short-term. 政♥治♥版他还是代表真实的正义使者吗?Politics, does he still stand for truth, justice, all that stuff? Lifestyle:生活品味版就写"超人归来"吧"Superman Returns."快去干活Come on.奇尔你知道灾难怎么拼吗?Gil, how many F's in "catastrophic"?你想写什么?None. What's the usage?神秘的电磁脉冲波威力强大"This mysterious electromagnetic pulse knocked out portable devices...造成灾难性的大停电......and entire power grids, causing a catastrophic event during..."-露薏丝 -是?- Lois! - Yes.到我办公室In my office.大家都给我听好This goes for everyone.重点不是大停电而是超人The story isn't the blackout, it's Superman!电磁脉冲波才是新闻重点The story is the EMP, chief.东岸的电子仪器全都失效Every electronic device on the East Coast goes dark.-首先你没事吧? -没事谢了- First, are you okay? - Yes, thank you.最耸动的新闻有三大要素悲剧、色情和超人Lois, three things sell papers: tragedy, sex and Superman.大家已经厌烦了悲剧黄色新闻你写不出个东西来People are sick of tragedy, we know you can't write worth a damn about sex. 这代表一件事你的新闻重点就是超人That means one thing. That one thing is Superman. And you know it, Lois.露薏丝?Lois?-你没事吧?确定? -没事- Are you all right? You sure? - Yeah.-我很好 -谢天谢地- Yeah, I'm fine. - Thank God.-杰森呢? -不知道他没跟你在一起?- Where's Jason? - I don't know. Isn't he with you?-没有 -他在哪里?- No. - Well, where is he?嗨Hi.你好Hello.你是谁?Who are you?我是克拉克·肯特你出生前就是你♥妈♥的♥好友I'm Clark Kent, an old friend of your mom's from before you were born.真的吗?她没提过你耶Really? She never mentioned you.真的?从来没有?Really? Never?-没有 -杰森- No. - Jason.-你在这里干嘛? -爸爸的办公室好无聊哦- What are you doing here, honey? - Daddy's office is boring.爸爸的办公室好无聊?Daddy's office is boring?克拉克欢迎归队Clark, hey! Welcome back.-你见过我儿子了 -是啊我们正在聊天...- I see you've already met the munchkin. - Yeah, we were just talking... -有没有吃维他命?点眼药水? -有- Did you take vitamins? Eye drops? - Yes. Yes.-气喘吸入剂?吃药了没? -吃了妈- Albuterol? Poly-Vi-Flor? - Yes. Yes, Mom.乖儿子他的身体不好Good boy. He's a little fragile, but he's gonna grow up...不过以后会长得跟爸爸一样壮 be big and strong like his dad, won't you?-对吧? -对- Yes? - Yes.我看到你...Oh, I saw you on the...是啊那不算什么Oh, yeah. That was nothing.-钉书机能借我吗? -好啊- Hey, can I borrow your stapler? - Oh, yeah.谢了Thanks.恭喜你得了普立兹奖真的很了不起Congratulations on the Pulitzer. That's incredible.是啊真不敢相信Yeah. Can you believe it? It's...我想听听你的旅程故事So I wanna hear all about your trip.你去哪里?见到什么?交了女朋友吗?Where did you go? What did you see? Meet anyone special?说来话长该从哪里开始?Well, there's so much. Where to begin?我儿子呢?嗨小鬼头Where's the little guy? Hey, kiddo.-你好吗? -很好- How are you? - Good.你能不能跟你伯父说一声Can you work some magic to get your uncle...别阻止我报导这条新闻? stop giving me such a hard time on this article?-拜托你 -又来了?- Please? - Again?-又来了 -好啦- Again. - You got it.-你好吗? -很好- How are you, kiddo? - Good.这是克拉克Oh, this is Clark.-这是理查这是克拉克 -理查怀特- Clark, Richard. Richard, Clark. - Richard White.你好Hi.理查是副主编Richard's an assistant editor他可以说是拯救了整个国际版here who's basically saved our International section.他也是飞行员爱看恐怖片He's also a pilot and he loves horror movies.克拉克是...Clark is...就是克拉克Well, he's Clark.久仰了很高兴终于见到你Well, it's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much.-是吗? -吉米成天都在讲你- Oh, you have? - Yeah, Jimmy won't shut up about you.-我得走了 -去哪里?- Gotta run. - Where?老板交代了超人回来了他觉得只有我能...You heard Perry. Superman's back, and he thinks I'm the only one equipped to... 只有你能怎样?To what?-我也不晓得 -那就别听他的- I don't know, you know. - So don't listen to him.我才没有我要去发电厂调查大停电I'm not. Going to the power plant to check out the blackout.好吧Okay.-拜拜妈 -拜拜- Bye, Mom. - Bye.-再见露薏丝 -她走了- Bye, Lois. - And she's gone.不管我们多么亲密对我来说她总像是一个谜No matter how close we are, that woman will always be a mystery.有什么事就来找我If you need anything, I'm right over there.很高兴终于见到你Nice to finally meet you.你想去哪儿?公园吗?Where do you wanna go? Wanna go to the park?他掌握了全世界...And he's got the whole world In his hands他掌握了全世界...He's got the whole world他手上掌握了全世界...And he's got the whole world in his...《每日星球报》:超人回来了!他真帅Oh, he's cute.自然博物馆陨石珠宝展你们有麻烦了吗?Run into trouble?-对方的麻烦更大 -接下来要做什么?- Should see the other guy. - What are we gonna do?改装它再装到船尾我不管说明书是不是用俄文写的Modify it, attach it to the stern.《每日星球报》:超人回来了!-露薏丝? -克拉克- Lois? - Hey, Clark.回来上班感觉如何?How does it feel to be back at work?蛮好的我猜就像骑单车一样Pretty good. You know, kind of like riding a bike, I guess.-骑单车? -是啊你知道嘛- A bike? - Yeah, you know...算了Never mind.我一直在想But I was wondering...我回来以后一直没机会跟你敘敘旧...since I've gotten back, we haven't really had a chance to catch up. 如果你有空我们可以一起去吃个饭I thought maybe, if you'd like, we could go grab some food...-能不能问你一件事? -没问题- Hey, can I ask you something? - Sure.你有没有认识一个人你们来自不同背景Have you ever met someone and it's like you're from different worlds...但是非常投契觉得天生注定要在一起?...but you shared such a connection you knew you were destined to be together? 然而他不告而别消失无踪Then he just takes off without explaining why...连个解释也没有?...or without even saying goodbye?听起来很老套我知道Sounds cheesy, I know.-也许... -计程车!- Well, maybe... - Taxi!是因为他非走不可才不敢说再见 was hard to say goodbye because he had to go...他也想说再见只是难以启齿...and he wanted to say goodbye, but maybe it was too difficult for him.难以启齿?有什么难以启齿?只是说声"再见"Difficult? What's so difficult about it? "Goodbye." It's easy.到底有什么难的?What's so hard about saying goodbye?你在说谁呀?Who are we talking about?没说谁忘了我说的话Nobody, just forget I said anything.计程车!Taxi! Hey!计程车!Taxi!谢了Wow, thanks.河滨路三一二号♥312 Riverside Drive, please.晚安克拉克Good night, Clark.超人!Superman!《每日星球报》我要吃蛋卷I want egg rolls.不行小鬼头只准吃粉蒸鸡和豌豆Nice try, kiddo. Only steamed chicken and snow peas for you.他会过敏干嘛要吃中国菜?Why do we order Chinese if he's allergic?因为他爱吃豌豆Because he loves the peas...而且蛋卷比生机果菜汁好吃...and I think we all prefer egg rolls over macrobiotic shakes.有道理It's a good point.你最近有点怪怪的So I noticed you've been acting a little different lately.有吗?Have I?露薏丝你写的那篇报导You know, Lois, that article that you wrote."世界为何不需要超人"?"Why the World Doesn't Need Superman"?另一篇在我们认识之前No, no, no. No, the other one, from years ago, before we met.我写过好多篇有关他的报导简直就是他的公♥关♥ Which article? I wrote dozens about him. I was practically his press agent. "我和超人共度良宵""I Spent the Night With Superman."理查拜托Richard, come on.那只是采访的标题It was the title of an interview.而且是你伯父下的标题Plus, it was your Uncle Perry's idea.-我知道没什么 -理查- No, I know, I know. It's okay, it's okay. - Richard.那是很久以前的事了It was a long time ago.你那时是不是爱上他了?Were you in love with him?他是超人大家都爱他He was Superman. Everyone was in love with him.你爱过他吗?But were you?没有No.露薏丝我不该提起这件事Lois, I shouldn't have brought it up.虽然你是被人类抚养长大的Even though you've been raised as a human being...但你并不是他们的一分子 are not one of them.他们能当伟大的人凯尔他们也冀望如此They can be a great people, Kal-El. They wish to be.他们只是需要一盏指引的明灯They only lack the light to show the way.最重要的原因是他们心地善良For this reason above all, their capacity for good...所以我才把你送去地球...I have sent them you...我的独子 only son.纽哈特联邦银行装上去吧Load them up.我的妈呀Holy sh...建议捐款额十元各位游客大都会自然博物馆Attention, the Metropolis Museum of Natural History... 将在十分钟后关闭...will be closing in 10 minutes. We hope that you've... 先生我们十分钟后就要关闭了Sir, we're closing in 10 minutes.我们只需要五分钟We only need five.可以走了博物馆关门了You're done, the museum's closed. Thank you.你没事吧?Are you all right, miss?-我的心... -什么?- My heart. I... I... - I'm sorry?我有心悸和心杂音的毛病I have a palpitation, a heart palpitation. And a murmur. 请你送我到医院Please, take me to the hospital.送我到医院Take me to the hospital.抓紧了。



슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진이름하여힘쎈돌이슈퍼맨.Super Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo himssendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super ManHey~ SJ! Like this!Bum bu bum bum bum bum (x4)银赫:内噶色桑给所哈拿波给哦能可咯谱也所码即可求木乔够油立可喊ep李p谬还太naega sesang-eseo hana bakke eobsneun geulubeseo meotjigechum-eul chugo yunikeuhan eulpjolimeul hal ttae当我在这个世界上独一无二的组合中帅气的跳舞呤唱着独特的词的时候东海:色桑莫顿哟将得力内给怕黑怕黑内给咯它流哇它流哇它流哇一笋干嫩喊给起给波尔噶sesang modeun yojeongdeuli naege banhae banhae naegelodallyeowa dallyeowa dallyeowa i sunganeul hamkkejeulgyeo bolkka?世上所有的妖精都为我着迷着迷向我跑过来跑过来跑过来这瞬间一起来享受艺声:积起喊给求用哈给那路撒狼黑就撒狼德鲁那嫩抗冻起gyojinjihage, joyonghage naleul salanghaejun salamdeuleul naneun gamdongsikyeo.真挚的安静的爱着我的人让我感动圭贤:看你吼赛不你够搜及卡机模态够内gi吐露笋干你拿哦嫩哦普索哒gwaenhi heosebuligo soljighaji mothago naege geuleon sungan ilagoneun eobseossda. 我并没有无谓的虚张声势且不坦率的那样的瞬间全:物理kyu莫都脆骨死k都脆骨默读及脆骨够啊你谬昂对ulin gyumodo choego seukeildo choego mwodeunji choegoga animyeon an dwae.我们规模最高人数最多一切都是最棒的没有什么不行superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo himssendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super Man哟亲都脆骨情形哟都脆骨怒噶物理噶咪咕咯内藤噶yeoljeongdo choego jeongsinlyeogdo choego nuga ulil gamhi kkeuleonael tenga.热情最高精神力最高谁敢把我们动摇superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo nalssaendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的厉害偶像Super ManBum bu bum bum bum bum (x4)希澈:恰恰恰太昂怒股ja, ja, ja daeum nugu? (ShinDong)来来来下面是谁(神童)神童:可给外的可咯开对嫩都拉帕那哟gi一嫩待那geuleoge waedeul geuleohge dwileul dolabona yeogi ittneunde na,为什么他们要回头看我明明就在这里头大喜怒股那chua嫩狗牙内噶Shindongdodaeche nuguleul chajneun geoya? naega ShinDong!他们到底是要寻找谁呢我是神童利特:哈怒业瓶ing也他打就卡赛吧喊给读给色给haneule byeoleul ttada julkka? se bwa. hangae dugae segae!要不要把天上的星星摘下来给你数数吧一颗两颗三颗物理嫩忘啦一咯破力瓶哈求p瓶ing有塞给ulineun wonlae ilheobeolin byeoleul habchyeo byeoli yeol se gae!我们原本就是遗落后重聚的十三颗星星希澈:可咯起码那物理内够及阿纳物理sm family浪哟将得力一加那geuleohjiman, na, ulin oelobji anha. ulin SM Family lang yojeongdeuli ittji anhna.可是我们并不孤单我们不是有sm family和妖精们吗厉旭:九级哈吉吗哎死为了那吉吗一粒就离玻璃格内superholic jujeohajima. aesseo oemyeonhajima. imi chwihaebeolin geudaen Super Holic!不要犹豫不要回避已经陶醉的Superholic晟敏:no内不no吧一件chu怒大拉黑卡其心那给哦心股就洗nolael bulleobwa. ijen chumeul ttala hae. gachi sinnage eolssigu jeolssigu.跟着一起唱歌跳舞欢快的唉嗨唉嗨叫起来吧全:物理kyu莫都脆骨死k都脆骨默读及脆骨够啊你谬昂对ulin gyumodo choego seukeildo choego mwodeunji choegoga animyeon an dwae.我们规模最高人数最多一切都是最棒的没有什么不行superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo himssendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super Man哟亲都脆骨情形哟都脆骨怒噶物理噶咪咕咯内藤噶yeoljeongdo choego jeongsinlyeogdo choego nuga ulil gamhi kkeuleonael tenga.热情最高精神力最高谁敢把我们动摇superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo nalssaendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的厉害偶像Super Man贤敏:嘛米友情开袋弄哟不就普待ki不类怕累就们哒皮流还带mami uljeoghal ttae. nolael deudgopeul ttae. gibuneul dallaejul mwonga pilyohal ttae. 心情郁闷的时候想听歌的时候情绪需要安慰的时候物理噶gyo太一所你嫩易购马qio吧uliga gyeot eisseo. ittneun himkkeot oechyeobwa.无论何时都在身边尽情的喊吧全:(Super Junior. We Are Super, Super Man)艺旭:推给心洗卖给尼特呢康赛开待super加嘛其哟那哇doege simsimhal ttae. inteonet geomsaeghal ttae. "Super" jaman chimyeon nawa.十分无聊的时候网络搜索的时候只要输Super就会哧溜哧溜哧溜的显示出来啾路路啾路路啾路路ong接纳噶太一所搜立即咯嘛qio吧juleuleug juleuleug juleuleug eonjena gyeote isseo. soli jilleo oechyeobwa.无论何时都在身边尽情的喊吧全:(Super Junior. We Are Super, Super Man)银赫:口gi阿木都木啦求都每页球搜嫩大黑康达geogi amudo mollajwodo maeil choeseoneul dahae ganda.即使在那里不被认可也每天都竭尽全力东海:怒股大怒股大怒股大黑豆ki咯一马黑球大nuguda nuguda nuguda haedo gilogi malhaejunda.即使被说那是谁那是谁那是谁也要用记录来说话希澈:航给口嫩ki李皮咯汉娜哈奇拉都hamkke geodneun gili bilog heomnanhaljilado即使一起走的路再艰难全:开沟superjunior THE LAST MAN STANDING!gyeolgug Super Junior. The Last Man Standing!结果还是SuperJunior The Last Man Standing!全:物理kyu莫都脆骨死k都脆骨默读及脆骨够啊你谬昂对ulin gyumodo choego seukeildo choego mwodeunji choegoga animyeon an dwae.我们规模最高人数最多一切都是最棒的没有什么不行superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo himssendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super Man哟亲都脆骨情形哟都脆骨怒噶物理噶咪咕咯内藤噶yeoljeongdo choego jeongsinlyeogdo choego nuga ulil gamhi kkeuleonael tenga.热情最高精神力最高谁敢把我们动摇superjunior往来闷恰买八经你嫩嘛哟很赛多利supermanSuper Junior neun wonlae maen jaman ppajin ileumhayeo nalssaendoli SUPERMAN. Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的厉害偶像Super ManBum bu bum bum bum bum (x4)。



翻译l 希儿
SJ, Like
Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN但也是强劲的偶像(组合)Super Man
Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN 但也是敏锐偶像(组合) Super Man
za za za 下面是谁(神童)
可是我们并不孤单我们不是有sm family和妖精们
非常无聊的时候搜索网络的时候只要打出SUPER 搜搜搜(就会出现一串一串又一串)无论何时都在你身边喊出来吧
即使一起走的路再艰难结果还是SuperJunior The Last man standing!。

Super Junior superman 歌词

Super Junior superman 歌词

Superman希澈)SJ, Like은혁)내가세상에서하나밖에없는그룹에서멋지게춤을추고유니크한읊조림을할때银赫)当我在这个世界上独一无二的组合中帅气的跳舞呤唱着独特的词的时候동해)세상모든요정들이내게반해반해내게로달려와달려와달려와이순간을함께즐겨볼까东海)世上所有的妖精都为我着迷着迷向我跑过来跑过来跑过来这瞬间一起来享受예성)진지하게조용하게나를사랑해준사람들을나는감동시켜艺声)真挚的安静的爱着我的人让我感动규현)괜히허세부리고솔직하지못하고내게그런순간이라고는없었다圭贤)我并没有无谓的虚张声势且不坦率的那样的瞬间all)우린규모도최고스케일도최고뭐든지최고가아니면안돼all)我们规模最高人数最多一切都是最棒的没有什么不行슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진이름하여힘센돌이슈퍼맨原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super Man열정도최고정신력도최고누가우릴감히끌어낼텐가热情最高精神力最高谁敢把我们动摇슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진이름하여날쎈돌이슈퍼맨Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN的厉害偶像Super Man희철)자자자다음누구(신동)希澈)来来来下面是谁(神童)신동)그러게왜들그렇게뒤를돌아보나여기있는데나도대체누구를찾는거야내가신동神童)为什么他们要回头看我明明就在这里他们到底是要寻找谁呢我是神童이특)하늘의별을따다줄까세봐한개두개세개우리는원래잃어버린별을합쳐별이열세개利特)要不要把天上的星星摘下来给你数数吧一颗两颗三颗我们原本就是遗落后重聚的十三颗星星희철)그렇지만나우린외롭지않아우린sm family랑요정들이있잖아希澈)可是我们并不孤单我们不是有sm family和妖精们吗려욱)주저하지마애써외면하지마이미취해버린그댄슈퍼홀릭厉旭)不要犹豫不要回避已经陶醉的Superholic성민)노랠불러봐이젠춤을따라해같이신나게얼씨구절씨구晟敏)跟着一起唱歌跳舞欢快的唉嗨唉嗨叫起来吧all)우린규모도최고스케일도최고뭐든지최고가아니면안돼all)我们规模最高人数最多一切都是最棒的没有什么不行슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진이름하여힘센돌이슈퍼맨原本就是名字里少了MAN的力大偶像Super Man열정도최고정신력도최고누가우릴감히끌어낼텐가热情最高精神力最高谁敢把我们动摇슈퍼주니어는원래맨자만빠진이름하여날쎈돌이슈퍼맨原本就是名字里少了MAN的厉害偶像Super Man성민&규현)맘이울적할때노래듣고플때기분을달래줄뭔가필요할때晟敏&圭贤)心情郁闷的时候想听歌的时候情绪需要安慰的时候우리가곁에있어있는힘껏외쳐봐无论何时都在身边尽情的喊吧(SuperJunior We are Super Superman)예성&려욱)되게심심할때인터넷검색할때슈퍼자만치면나와주르륵주르륵주르륵艺声&厉旭)十分无聊的时候网络搜索的时候只要输Super就会哧溜哧溜哧溜的显示出来언제나곁에있어소리질러외쳐봐(SuperJunior We are Super Superman)은혁)거기아무도몰라줘도매일최선을다해간다银赫)即使在那里不被认可也每天都竭尽全力동해)누구다누구다누구다해도기록이말해준다东海)即使被说那是谁那是谁那是谁也要用记录来说话all)함께걷는길이비록험난할지라도결국슈퍼주니어The Last man standing!all)即使一起走的路再艰难结果还是SuperJunior The Last man standing!。

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翻译l 希儿
SJ, Like
Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN但也是强劲的偶像(组合)Super Man
Super Junior原本就是名字里少了MAN 但也是敏锐偶像(组合) Super Man
za za za 下面是谁(神童)
可是我们并不孤单我们不是有sm family和妖精们
非常无聊的时候搜索网络的时候只要打出SUPER 搜搜搜(就会出现一串一串又一串)无论何时都在你身边喊出来吧
即使一起走的路再艰难结果还是SuperJunior The Last man standing!。
