chapter one Introduction
III. Why should you study it?
4.It is a guide for scientific research . The theoretical knowledge is very helpful to raise your research level . 5.It is a turning point. 6.Get rid of prejudice against Pedagogy. 1) You can teach well if you can study well. 2) It’s fine in theory, but it doesn’t work in practice. It’s too abstract to be used in English teaching.
II Contents
2) the principle of developing the four skills integratedly with a stress on particular skills at different stages 3) the principle of integrating the teaching of language features 4) the principle of moderate monoglot 5) the principle of student-centered
IV. Requirements
1. Preview 2. Be active in class 3. Attend the class
V. Check plan for the course
1. Daily performance(30%) 1) Asking and answering (20%) 2) Attendance (10%) 2. Final tests(70%) 1) Paper writing-research ability 2) Paper presentation-teaching ability(15min.) 3) Oral test on the concepts and questions of each chapterprofessional knowledge
Chapter One全--lesson one
![Chapter One全--lesson one](
1.1.4 Major Distinctions in Linguistics
Descriptive vs. Prescriptive
They represent two different types of linguistic study. The former aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, while the latter aims to lay down rules for correct and standard behavior in using language. Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive. For modern linguists, their job is to describe and analyze whatever occurs in the language, instead of setting models for language users to follow.
called pragmatics. It deals with particular utterances in particular situations.
1.1.3 Branches of Applied Linguistics
The branches of study which relate linguistics to the research of other areas: sociolinguistics anthropological linguistics psycholinguistics computational linguistics Applied linguistics refers to the study of linguistics and other theories in relation to any language-related problems. It combines psychology, sociology, anthropology etc. with linguistics. The problems it attempts to solve include the study of foreign language learning and teaching, machine translation, national language planning policy as well as various aspects of communication research.
(0057)《词汇学》复习大纲Chapter One Introduction1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with at least examples.) exicology (p. 1)V ocabulary (p. 1)Morphology (p.1)Etymology (p. 2)Semantics (p. 2)Stylistics (p. 2)Phonetics (p.2)2. Some fundamental ideas (the five points in section 1.3.2)1) The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but is constantly changing, growing and decaying, together with the development of human society.2) The word is the principal and basic unit of the language. The word is a structural and semantic entity within the language system. 3) The word is a two-facet unit possessing both form and content. 4) Structurally words are inseparable lexical units taking shape in a definite system of grammatical forms and syntactic characteristics, which distinguishes them both from morphemes and words groups.5) Two approaches of investigations lexicology. The synchronic approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists are given time, for instance, at the present time. The Diachronic approach deals with the changes and the development of vocabulary in the course of time. The two approaches should be interconnected and interdependent.3. The Division of the History of English 1) The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) periodDuration: roughly from 450-1150The three characteristics of Old English (page 7-8)(1) pronunciation difference; (2) Teutonic vocabulary; (3) full of inflectional 2) The Middle English period Duration: 1150-1500 The three Characteristics of Middle English (page 8) (1) resemblance to Old English; (2) borrowing and loss in vocabulary; (3) less inflectional 3) The Modern English period (page 8) Early Modern English (1500-1700) Late Modern English (Since 1700)Chapter Two Sources of English V ocabulary1. The naive elements of English V ocabulary 1) The nine characteristics of the native element (pp. 10-11) a. all-national character b. great stability c. mono-syllabic words d. Great word-forming ability e. wide collocability f. plurality of meanings g. high frequency value h. stylistically neutral2. The foreign elements of English V ocabulary (pp. 11-26) 1) The three ways of the foreign elements entering into the English vocabulary (p. 12) a. through oral speech b. through written speech c. through invaders2) Classification of the foreign borrowings (or, the four types of foreign elements in English vocabulary) (pp. 12-13) a. aliens ; b. denizens; c. translation loan; d. semantic loan3) Some useful Latin phrases and abbreviations vice versa, per cent, per cap., persona non grata; a.m., p.m., i.e., e.g., c.f., viz.4) doublets, hybrids and international words in English (pp. 26-30)5) The three types of assimilated words: completely assimilated words, partly assimilated words and non-assimilated words. (pp. 32-33)Chapter Three Word-Building1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): morpheme, free morpheme, bound morpheme, root, stem2. Ways of word-building (attentions should also be paid to the examples appearing the ways of word-building) 1) affixation (pp. 39-51) 2) conversion (pp.51-55) 3) compounding (pp.55-59) 4) backformation (pp. 59-60) 5) shortening (pp. 60-63) 6) blending (pp. 63-64) 7) imitation (p. 64)3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Four Semantics1. definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):polysemy (p. 72), homonymy (p. 77), perfect homonym (p. 77), homograph (p. 78), homophone p. 78), synonym (p. 80), antonym (p. 86),2. important points1) the relation between a word and its meaning (p. 70)2) the relation between words and concepts (p. 70-71)3) the meaning of “nice” (p. 72)4) types of synonyms (pp. 83-84)5) the origin of synonyms (p. 84)6) the example words of antonym (pp. 86-88)7) ways of coining neologism (p. 91)8) the exercises of Chapter Four (pp. 94-100)Chapter Five Change of Meaning1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):extension of meaning (p. 101), narrowing of meaning (p. 102), degradation of meaning (p. 104), metonymy (p. 114), synecdoche (p. 116), oxymoron (p. 119)2.All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Six English Idioms1. Characteristics of English idioms (four points) (pp. 124-128) 2. Characteristics of phrasal verbs (three points) (pp. 133-134) 3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Seven Varieties of English1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): slang (p. 149), jargon (p. 149), 2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam! Chapter Eight American English 1. Characteristics of American English (pp. 158-162) 2. Differences between British English and American English (pp. 162-164)3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Nine Application and Comprehension 1. Attention should be paid to the example words given in this chapter2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Ten English Lexicography1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):monolingual dictionary (p. 185), bilingual dictionary (p. 185), encyclopedia (p. 186), encyclopedic dictionary (p. 186).。
英语论文范文精选篇一Chapter OneINTRODUCTION1.1 Research BackgroundHigh proficiency in writing is a key to success in a wide variety of situations andprofessions; meanwhile it is of critical importance for students to apply for promising jobs.Writing skills for university students are among the overwhelming indicators of success inacademic work during their freshmen year of college (Geiser & Studley, 2001). Writingskills for professionals are critical for their daily work and essential for application andpromotion within their disciplines (Light, 2008). Writing induces the capability ofconstructing logics, articulating ideas, debating opinions, and sharpening multipleperspectives. As a result, effective writing is conducive to associating convincingly withcommunication targets, including teachers, peers, colleagues, coworkers, and thecommunity at large (Crowhurst, 1990). No wonder that writing skill is an indispensible partto be checked for every test at home and abroad,such as TOELF, lELTS,GRE, BEC,CET4, CET6, TEM4,TEM8 and so on.Notwithstanding such manifestation of the significance of writing, it is reported in the2002 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) report in the U.S.A. that lessthan a third of students in Grade 4 (28%),Grade 8 (31%), and Grade 12 (21%) scored at orabove proficient levels,and only 2% wrote at advanced levels for all three samples.Moreover, only 9% of Grade 12 Black students and only 28% of Grade 12 White studentswere able to write at a proficient level (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2003).……………1.2 Significance of the ResearchBased on the CET 4 and CET6 compositions extracted from the CLEC,the study aimsto reveal the relationship between the linguistic features and the writing quality by meansof the advanced software,namely Lexical Frequency Profile, Coh-Metrix3.0 and L2Syntactic Complexity Analyzer for the analysis of vocabulary, syntax and textual cohesion.This study will be of great value mainly for the following two aspects:Firstly, theoretically speaking, the study is going to offer guidance and reference forthe teachingmethodology of L2 writing. The study reveals the contribution of lexicaldiversity, syntactic complexity, textual cohesion to writing quality, reflects the mostdecisive factor of the writing quality and analyzes the mutual relationship between thelexical diversity and quality of writing, the syntactic complexity and quality of writing aswell as the textual cohesion and quality of writing. Hopefully, this research will shedsome light on the instruction of CET 4 and 6 writing and provide practical advice.Secondly, practically speaking, the study demonstrates a new direction for thedevelopment of automatic assessment of the writing. The study is to be carried out bothby means of software and labor work to comprehensively examine more than 28variables that might have an impact on writing quality and build the relation modelbetween these related variables and writing scores. ……………Chapter TwoLITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Lexical Features and Quality of WritingIn the process of L2 writing,students are always perplexed by vocabulary. Leki&Carson (1994) surveyed 128 L2 learners to know about their feelings on the courseEnglish for Academic Purposes (EAP). It is discovered that the strongest zeal for studentsis to improve their language proficiency, especially lexical proficiency. Jordan (1997)obtained the similar conclusion in his study on Chinese students in UK applying for theirmaster degrees, 62% of whom regarded vocabulary as their biggest problem in the processof English writing. Over the past two decades,researchers have attached more and more importance toL2vocabulary studies. As an important element of language proficiency, lexical proficiency isdefined from different perspectives and evaluated by a series of measurements. Meanwhile, lexical proficiency, to a large extent, is embodied by lexical features. As a matter of fact,studies on lexical features have received more and more attention from home and abroadresearchers mainly focusing on total words, lexical diversity (LD) or lexical richness (LR)and lexical complexity (LC), among which lexical diversity or lexical richness has gainedmore popularity for lexical proficiency study.……………2.2 Syntactic Features and Quality of WritingSyntactic complexity (also called syntactic maturity,or linguistic complexity),isimportant in the prediction of the quality of student writings. Wolfe-Quintero et al. (1998)pointed out that a syntactically complex writer uses a wide variety of both basic andsophisticated structures,while a syntactically simple writer uses only a narrow range ofbasic structures. In the past half century, researchers adopted many different indices tostudy the syntactic complexity and attempted to find out the relationship among the scores,the grades, the ages and the writing quality. Syntactic complexity is defined as “the range of forms that surface in languageproduction and the degree of sophistication of such forms” (Ortega, 2003). It is animportant factor in the second language assessment construct as described in Bachman's(1990) conceptual model of language ability, and therefore is often used as an index oflanguage proficiency and development status of L2 learners. Various studies have proposedand investigated measures of syntactic complexity as well as examined itspredictivenessfor language proficiency, in both L2 writing and speaking settings, which will be reviewedrespectively.Syntactic complexity is also called syntactic maturity, referring to the range oflanguage production form and the degree of the form complexity. Therefore,the length ofthe production unit, the amount of the sentence embeddedness and the range of thestructure type are all the subjects of the syntactic complexity (Ortega 2003: 492).………CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY (20)3.1 Composition Collection (20)3.2 Tools (21)3.3 Variables (23)3.3.1 Dependent variables (25)3.3.2 Independent variables (26)3.4 Data Analysis (28)CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS (30)4.1 Quantitative Differences in High- and Low- Proficiency Writings-1ivviv (30)4.2 Comparison between Quantitative Features of CET4 (38)4.3 Impacts of Quantitative Features on Writing Quality (47)5.1 Lexical Diversity and Writing Quality (47)5.2 Syntactic Complexity and Writing Quality (48)5.3 Textual Cohesion and Writing Quality (49)Chapter FiveDICUSSION5.1 Lexical Diversity and Writing QualityU index assessing lexical diversity has showed significant difference between high-and low-proficiency writing both in CET4 and CET6. It may suggest thathigh-proficiencywritings have displayed more diverse vocabularies, which is different from the study ofWang (2004). In his study, the target students have a similar lexical diversity. Among theindices assessing lexical study in his study, none index has showed significant differencebetween high- and low-proficiency writings or correlated with writings scores. In his study,he explained the possible reason for such a result that there issignificant difference inaverage words. However, this result is probably attributed to his measurement of lexicaldiversity. In his study, TTR was employed as an index of lexical diversity, but asmentioned above, TTR is reliable only when texts have the same length. In Wang's study,texts vary in length; thus longer texts tend to have lower TTR. That is why the relationshipbetween lexical diversity and writing quality is blurred. But in this study, we adopted Uindex to measure lexical diversity in CET compositions, for U index can avoid theweakness of TTR and eliminate the influence of text length. Besides, Liu (2003) studied 57second- year college students in two natural classes and found out that vocabulary size hadno immediate effect on writing score. However, the result that lexical diversity has apositive impact on the quality of writing in this study is in accordance with the study ofMcNamara et al. (2001).……………ConclusionThis study aims to explore the relationship between lexical features and L2 writingquality with the help of Lexical Frequency Profile, the relationship between syntacticfeatures and L2 writing quality through the use of the computational tool L2 SyntacticComplexity Analyzer and the relationship between cohesive features and second languagewriting quality with the help of the computational tool Coh-Metrix3.0. Meanwhile, thestudy gives us information about the textual representation of different writingproficiencies along multiple textual measurements.This section summarizes the major findings of this study and presents theoretical,methodological and pedagogical implications for L2 writing research. Limitation of thepresent study and suggestions for further studies are raised in the end.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇二Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the ResearchEnglish writing is an important way of communication, which can enhance the ability oflanguage acquisition in the process of second language learning. As one of the language skills,English writing is very difficult to master. After many years, students still find that their writingis unsatisfactory and have many problems. It is widely acknowledged that much attentionshould be paid to English writing. At present our college English writing teaching is time-consuming and low effectiveness, for teachers spend a lot of time and energy reading andcorrecting students’ compositions, but the efficiency is not high; at the same time, studentsspend a lot of time writing, and the results are not satisfactory.The following conspicuous problems tend to exist in the English writing. First, when givena topic, students tend to think in Chinese and do a translation job. Second, students spend toomuch time avoiding grammatical errors in the process of writing, which leads to the ignoranceof the organization of the compositions in a comprehensive view. Third, enriching the contentduring the writing process is difficult for students, for they fail to support their viewpointswithappropriate examples and strong arguments. English writing is the weakest part in Englishlearning especially for Chinese Vocational college students. According to Basic Teaching Requirements for Vocational College English Course,developing students’ comprehensi ve abilities to use English language is the teaching aim ofvocational college English. In terms of writing, students should have the ability to master thebasic writing skills and accomplishing writing tasks of different types, including narration,description, argumentation and practical writings like business email or announcement.Besides,their writing should have a clear organization and proper coherence; at the same time, studentsshould be able to write or describe something with adequate content and proper form indifferent situations, such as business situation.…………1.2 Purpose and Significance of the ResearchAs we can see, most English class in the vocational colleges is always a big class which contains at least sixty students and in the class students may not receive the feedbackfromteacher immediately, although offering feedback is one of the essential tasks. It is helpful andefficient for teachers that students themselves can check other s’ writing and give comments. Sothese two feedbacks have their own roles in the revision. Considering the vocational collegeeducation, examining the practice of teacher feedback and peer feedback on EFL writing is ofgreat importance and necessity. This study is aimed to discuss the effects of teacher feedbackand peer feedback in the English class in order to provide some useful English writing teachingmethod and studying ways for vocational college education. This is not only consistent with thespirit of the new curriculum; at the same time reflects the “student-c entered” teachingphilosophy.…………Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Feedback TheoryFeedback is widely seen in education as crucial for both encouraging and consolidatinglearning (Anderson, 1982; Brophy, 1981; Vygotsky, 1978), and the importance has alsobeenacknowledged in the field of English writing.In language learning, feedback means evaluative remarks which are available to languagelearners concerning their language proficiency or linguistic performance(Larsen-Freeman,2005). In the filed of teaching and learning, feedback is defined as many terms, such asresponse, review, correction, evaluation or comment. No matter what the term is, it can bedefined as “comments or information learners receive on the success of a learning task, eitherfrom the teacher or from other learners (Richards et al., 1998)”.A more detailed description of feedback in terms of writing is that the feedback is “inputfrom a reader to a writer with the effect of providing information to the writer for revision”(Keh, 1990). From the presentation of general grammatical explanation to the specific errorcorrection is all the range of feedback. The purpose is to improve the writing ability of studentsby the description and correction of the errors.The role of feedback is to make writers learn where he or she has misled or confused thereader by supplying insufficient information, illogical organization, lack ofdevelopment ofideas, or something like inappropriate word-choice or tense (Keh, 1990).…………2.2 Theoretical Foundations of FeedbackCollaborative learning, also called cooperative learning, is the second theoretical basis thatback for the application of feedback in writing class. It is feasible that students communicateactively with each other in the classroom.There is a clear difference betweenstudents-centered and traditional teacher-ledclassrooms. Students’ enthusiasm of participating in group discussion strengthens whenstudents are completely absorbed in collaborative learning in the students-centered class. Whenstudents get together to work out a problem, ideas are conveyed among them and immediatefeedback is received from their group members.Collaborative learning emphasizes that both students and instructors participate and interact actively (Hiltz, 1997). Collaborative learning is viewed from both behavioral andhumanistic perspectives (Slavin 1987). The behavioral perspective stresses that students areencouraged to study under a cooperativesituation and rewarded in the form of group rather thanindividual ones. As for the humanistic perspective, more understanding and better performanceare gained from the interaction among peers. So it is obvious that collaborative learning putsmore attention to the influence of peers, which is different from the previous English writingteaching theories(Johnson and Johnson,1986).Collaborative learning make the students work and learn together to maximize their ownand other’s study.…………Chapter Three Research Methodology (21)3.1 Research Questions (21)3.2 Subjects (21)3.3 Instruments (22)3.3.1 Writing Tasks (23)3.3.2 Questionnaires (23)3.3.3 Pre-test and Post-test (24)3.4 Research Design (24)3.5 Data Collection (27)Chapter Four Results Presentation and Discussion (29)4.1 Students’ Changed Writing P roficiency (29)4.2 Students’ Changed Interest in English Learning and Writing (36)Chapter Five Conclusion (43)5.1 Major Findings (43)5.2 Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions (44)5.3 Limitations of the Study (46)5.4 Suggestions for Further Study (46)Chapter Four Results Presentation and Discussion4.1 Students’ Changed Writing ProficiencyThe data from the pre-test and post-test of the EC and CC were all collected and analyzedthrough SPSS 13.0 to investigate the difference before and after the adoption of teacherfeedback and peer feedback in the English writing class. As table4-1 shows, the mean score of the control class (11.43) is rather similar to theexperimental class (11.56). Moreover, the standard deviation of experimental class (9.357) isalso rather similar to that of the control class (9.421). The mean score of the experimental groupisa little bit higher than that of control the group(11.56>11.43), but the disparity is only 0.13,and thelowest score and the highest score of the two groups are quite close to each other.On the basis of the group statistics of the pre-test, the author carried out an independentsamples t-test in order to further compare the mean scores of the pre-test between CC and EC.Table 4-2 shows the Sig is 0.624, higher than 0.05, showing the writing proficiency of twogroups have no significant difference. Thereby, the statistics in the row of “Equal variancesassumed” should be observed. The Mean Difference is merely 0.338, and the Standard ErrorDifference is only 2.086. In addition, Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.836 (>.05), which indicates that thestudents from both EC and CC share almost the same level of English writing proficiencybefore the study.…………ConclusionFeedback plays a key role and is quite effective in enhancing students’ writingproficiency. The comparison of mean scores in pre-test and post-test indicates that both groupsof EG and CG make more progress in their writingafter this feedback-initiated writinginstruction. Teacher feedback and peer feedback can lead to achievements in students’ writing,which means that the two kinds of feedback are all helpful, effective for promoting students’writing competence to some degree and there is no definite answer for the research question,which one will enhance students’ writing ability the more effective method between teacherfeedback and peer feedback. Teacher and peer feedback play different roles in improvingstudents’ writing. When giving teacher feedback, students in the control class make greaterprogress in organization and content, which was different from the experimental class. Theresults and discussion on students’ focus on the five language aspects had been mentioned in theprevious chapter. Those deep-level language aspects, like the content and organization are theweakest points for most of the students especially for the vocational students, so teacher has theability to point out the mistakes more deeply. As for peer feedback, students may havedifficultyin recognizing the errors in those deep -level aspects so they put more attention to the grammarand vocabulary.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇三Chapter I Introduction1.1 Theoretically analytical tool of the thesisAiming to analyze the features of English advertisements, the author picks English1advertisements which closely relate to people's daily life and rank first on the list ofcommercial advertisements as the studying material and applies thematic structure andthematic progression patterns as the theoretical tool of analysis.Now, quite a large number of linguists have studied theme and rheme, usingthematic structure and thematic progression patterns to conduct studies on detaileddiscourses,such as novels, sports news and students' theses. Taking thematic structureand thematic progression patterns as the analytical tool can help to explore how textsare developed. Halliday,a great linguist who has made many contributions tolinguistics, claims thematic structure as "basic form ofthe organization of the clause asmessage" (Halliday 1985:34). Each clause can be divided into theme part and rhemepart. The relation between themes and rhemes of the text can reveal how the text isconducted, which is known as thematic progression. Through thematicprogression,coherence of the text can be established. …………1.2 Purpose of the studyThrough the perspective of Systemic-Functional Grammar, 42 written texts ofEnglish advertisements are taken as the corpus and their thematic structures andthematic progression patterns are analyzed one by one. The author will analyze thedistribution of different themes and explore the use of four basic thematic progressionpatterns in this type of advertisements, trying to answer three questions:(1) What are the features of the usage of different themes in English advertisements?(2) Which thematic progression is used most often and why?(3) What pragmatic effects do these four thematic progressions have in Englishadvertisements?In the whole thesis, these three questions will be answered through analyzing theparticularEnglish advertisements. Halliday's(1994) theory of thematic structure and XuShenghuan's(1982) four basic thematic progression patterns will be adopted asanalytical framework, the reason of which will be explained later in Chapter 2.…………Chapter II Literature review2.1 Studies on thematic structureTheme and rheme distinction was firstly described by V. Mathesius in 1939 (HuZhuanglin 1994:137). In his mother tongue, Czech,he tries to analyze sentences fromthe perspective of communication and function and show how the information in asentence is expressed. Firbas translates Mathesius' definition of theme as: "[the theme]is that which is known or at least obvious in the given situation and from which thespeaker proceeds."(Martin 1992:434) Therefore, according to him, theme is the startingpoint of the message, which is known or given in the utterance and from which thespeaker proceeds, while rheme plays a role as new information, which is about what thespeaker says ontheme and represents the very important information that the speakerwants to convey to the hearer. In his opinion,a clause is divided into three parts: theme,rheme and transition. Of course, it is obvious that Mathesius does not use the exactexpression of "theme" and "rheme".Though Mathesius' point of view has some deficiencies, it influences Praguescholars greatly. One of his well-known followers, Firbas, proposes a view to improvethe thematic theories. He believes that theme is one that has lower degree ofcommunicative dynamism in some certain context while rheme has higher one.Different from Mathesius in dividing a clause into three parts (Hu Zhuanglin et al1989),Firbas (1992) merges the concept of transition into rheme and divides a clauseinto two.Following with their opinions, there are two groups differing from each other. Onegroup thinks that theme is equal to "given" while the other one, Systemic School,accepts 'separating approach' which disentangles the two. Systemic School argues thatthere are differences existing between information structure (given-new) and thematicstructure (theme-rheme).…………2.2 Studies on thematic progression patternsIn discourse analysis,a sentence is understood as a message,conveyinginformation from the speaker to the listener. It can be separated into two segments:theme and rheme. Mathesius' (1976) concept of theme and rheme leads to a surge ofinterest in discourse analysis operated at the level of clause. The different choices andorders of discourse themes, the mutual connection and hierarchy between themes andrhemes, as well as their relationship to the hyperthemes of the superior discourse (suchas the paragraph, chapter, etc.) to the whole text or to the situation would influence theinternal structure of the text. Halliday (1985:227) subscribes to that opinion too,statingthat "the success of a text does not lie in the grammatical correctness of its individualsentences,but in the multiple relationships established among them". Therefore,thematic progression performs an important role in discourse analysis.Both scholars abroad and at home make great contributions to the study ofthematic structure together with thematic progression.…………Chapter III Analytical framework of the study and research design (20)3.1 Analytical framework of the study (20)3.1.1 Analytical framework of thematic structure (21)3.1.2 Analytical framework of thematic progression patterns (22)3.2 Research design (24)3.2.1 Consideration on selecting data used in the analysis (25)3.2.2 Analytical procedures (27)3.3 Summary (30)Chapter IV Analysis of thematic structure (33)4.1 Some rules of identifying and counting themes........334.2 Simple theme, multiple theme and zero theme (35)4.2.1 Distribution of simple theme, multiple theme and zero theme (36)4.2.? Data analysis (38)4.3 Textual theme, interpersonal theme and experiential theme (39)4.3.1 Distribution of three functional themes (40)4.3.2 Data analysis (42)4.4 Summary (43)Chapter V Analysis of thematic progression patterns........445.1 Distribution of thematic progression patterns (44)5.2 Data analysis (44)5.3 Summary (45)Chapter V Analysis of thematic progression patterns5.1 Distribution of thematic progression patternsBefore discussing the distribution of thematic progression patterns, anadvertisement sample will be taken as an example, which is selected from Michelin.Example 3:GE(T1) is building the world by providing capital, expertise and infrastructure for a globaleconomy(Rl). GE Capital(T2) has provided billions in financing so businesses can build and growtheir operations and consumers can build their financial futures(R2). We(T3) build appliances,lighting, power systems and other products that help millions of homes, offices, factories and retailfacilities around theworld work better(R3).^In this example given above, themes and rhemes have already been marked forconvenience. T1 refers to the theme of the first clause while R1 refers to the rheme, andso on. These three sentences in this piece of advertisement are all concerned about GEenterprise, although there is a slight difference among them. According to ZhuYongsheng (1985),these themes can be seen as the same one and these clauses aresharing the same theme. ……………ConclusionThis thesis is focused on the thematic structure and thematic progression patternsof English advertisements, aiming to find some features and favored patterns.A literature review on thematic structure,thematic progression patterns andEnglish advertisements is made before the detailed analysis and finds that fewresearches are done on advertisements with a perspective of thematic organization andby a case study of one specific kind of advertisements. Therefore, the author conducts astudy on English advertisements by setting a theoretical framework,including theHalliday's theory of thematic structure and Xu Shenghuan's classification of thematicprogression patterns. Through these methods,the research is done by investigating thestatistics and results are given below: English advertisements prefer to use simpler themes to convey' informationquickly and directly. Multiple themes and clauses with themes omitted are used not sooften and differ from each other not so much in number because of the uniquecharacteristics of advertisements.……………Reference (omitted)英语论文范文精选篇四第一章引言1.1研究背景传统的课堂英语教学已经不能满足日益提高的英语学习要求,而网络化的英语在线学习系统提供大量不断更新的资源,突破地域和时间的限制,为学生和教师提供课内或课外的网络学习平台。
Linguistics课后习题必背与答案Chapter One Introduction4.Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic? why Modern linguistics is mainly synchronic, focusing on the present-day language. unless the various states of a language are successfully studied, it will not be possible to describe language from a diachronic point of view.现代语言学主要是共时性的,重点研究现代语言。
5.For what reasons does modern linguistics give priority to speech rather than to writing?Speech is prior to writing;The writing system is invented when needed;Today there are languages which can only be spoken but not written;Speech plays a greater role than writing in daily communication; Each human being first acquires speech and then learns writing; Modern linguistics tends to pay more attention to authentic speech.9.what are the major functions of language? Think of your own examples for illustration.The descriptive function.It is the function to convey factual information,which can be asserted or denied,and in some cases even verified,e.g.”The Sichuan earthquake is the most serious one China has ever suffered.”The expressive function,supplies information about the user’s feelings,preferences,prejudices.and values,e.g.”I will never go camping with the Simpsons again.”The social function,serves to establish and maintain socialrelations between people,e.g.”How can I help you, sir?Chapter Two Phonology1.What are the two major media of communication? Of the two, which one is primary and why?Speech and writing are two major media of linguistic communication. Modern linguistics regards speech as the primary one for some reasons. From the point of view of linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing. The writing system is to record speech. Even today, there are some tribes without writing system. From the view of children’s development, children acquire his mother tongue before they learn to write.5.what criteria are used to classify the English vowels?The criteria used to classify English vowels are:The height of the tongue raising: high, mid, and lowThe position of the highest part of the tongue: front, central, and back The degree of lip rounding: rounded, un-rounded The degree of tenseness/the length of sound: tense (long) or lax (short) The change of sound quality: pure(monophthong), gliding(diphthong)7.How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? . Phonetics is of a general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages: how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified, etc.Phonology, on the other hand, aims to discover how speech sounds in a language from patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.8.What is a phone? How is it different from a phoneme? How are allophones related to the phoneme?A phone is a phonetic unit or segment. The speech soundswe hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones.A phoneme is a phonological unit; it is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit. It is not any particular sound, but rather it is represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context. The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phoneticenvironments are called the allophones of that phoneme.。
Chapter One Introduction
![Chapter One Introduction](
Translation Theory and Practice刘辉I cannot make you into a good translator; I cannot cause you to write well. The best I can do is to suggest to you some general guidelines for translating. … By offering plenty of examples I hope to provide enough practice for you to improve your performance as a translator.(Peter Newmark: A Textbook of Translation. p4)Chapter One IntroductionDefinition of translationNature of translationTypes of translationThe makings of a good translatorI. Definition of translationTo turn from one language to another(从一种语言转换成另一种语言)(The Oxford English Dictionary)To turn into one’s own or another language(转换成本族语或另一种语言)(Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language)⏹把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(《辞海》《汉语大词典》)⏹翻译是两种语言之间“转换”活动,转换的内容是“意义”⏹Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of thesource-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.---Eugene A.Nida所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次是文体上。
Descriptive vs. prescriptive
Synchronic vs. diachronic Langue vs. parole Competence vs. performance
Prescriptive vs. Descriptive
Don't say X. People don't say X. The first is a prescriptive command, while the second is a descriptive statement. The distinction lies in prescribing how things ought to be and describing how things are.
Prescriptive vs. Descriptive
Prescriptive: to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language. (modern linguistics) Descriptive: to describe and analyze the language people actually use. (traditional grammar)
Prescriptive vs. Descriptive
The nature of linguistics as a science determines its preoccupation with description instead of prescription.
Synchronic vs. Diachronic
新编简明英语语言学 第一章
![新编简明英语语言学 第一章](
What is linguistics?
---It is a scientific study because it is based on the systemetic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.
> Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. Traditional grammarians tended to emphasize the importance of the written word.
---Hall, 1968
语言是“人类利用约定俗成的任意性视听符号借以相互交流和影响的习惯体 系”。
---霍尔 , 1968
What is language?
From now on I will consider language to be a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.
synchronic and diachronic
>The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study.
对历史上某一时间点的语言状况 所作的研究是共时研究
>The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.
Chapter One Introduction
![Chapter One Introduction](
Chapter One IntroductionWith the development of the global cross-cultural communication, the introduction of film and television works which serve as a type of culture carrier promotes the exchange and collision between two different cultures. In recent years, increasing number of foreign films and television works were introduced into China and people can get access to them through many different ways like theaters, television or just internet which is more convenient. However, because of the language barrier and cultural differences, only with the help of Chinese captions can a great majority of the audience could understand the meaning,even the spirit in it better, and experience an audio-visual feast while getting their inner heart deeply touched. Subtitle is not only recreation of the original language, but also it is a kind of aesthetic activity. With the growing call for the return of aesthetics in the realm of translation recently, there is increasing need to study subtitle translation from the perspective of aesthetics.In China, aesthetics is of special significance to Chinese translation, in which the combination of aesthetics and translation is one of its greatest characteristics. Some scholars believe that aesthetics is the base of Chinese traditional translation. Although western translation theory builds on philosophy, it also has a long history in terms of aesthetics. So it is reasonable to integrate aesthetics and translation together. Beauty is everywhere even in the language itself and it is one of the basic properties of language as well. Preference for beauty is a common nature of human, which is a universal phenomenon. Take the following as examples, in China when people refer to the old, they use probably “双鬓斑白” instead of “满脸皱纹”. Again, “oval” is adopted to describe a girl’s face rather than using the image of the duck egg. Also because of the beautiful rhythm of language, “mathematics, physics, chemistry” is preferred than any other group of combination o f the three subjects. This potential principle applies to English as well. In English, it is not the“work at another job at night” but the “moonlight” suggests that someone takes a second job during night. In addition, there is no exception for translation. Collecting the most classical part of novel, drama, music, arts, dance and photography in it, movie is a kind of comprehensive art. Therefore, how to reappear the beauty of subtitle to audience becomes the focus of filmtranslation.Chapter Two Translation Aesthetics2. 1 Definition of Translation AestheticsAccording to the “A Dictionary of Translation Studies” edited by Fang Mengzhi, translation Aesthetics reveals the aesthetical origin of translation, studies the special significance of aesthetics on translation, discovers the scientific and artistic feature of translation from the aesthetic perspective and put forwards aesthetic standards towards different type of translation texts, in order to analysis, interpret and solve the aesthetic problems in intercultural conversion by using basic aesthetic principles.With full understanding of the basic properties of translation aesthetic subject (the original work) and the aesthetic object (translator), we can analysis the made up of aesthetic object and the dynamic effect of the aesthetic subject, clarify the relationship between aesthetic subject and aesthetic object and provide the reproduction of aesthetic with means and different forms; therefore, it all can be used to instruct translation practice.2.2 The Development of Translation AestheticsIn China, translation has a rather long history dating back to about 1800 years ago in terms of the translation of Buddhist texts. Taking a look at this, it is not difficult to find that almost all the translation theories is inseparable with aesthetics, and this is also the general trend of history and cultural pattern in future. From the theory “Exquisite Diction” by Zhi Qian, “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” by Yan Fu, “Spiritual Conformity” by Fu Lei, the “Theory Sublimation” promoted by Qian Zhongshu to the “Three Beauties” by Xu Yuanchong and so on, each provides strong support to the natural birth of translation aesthetics in history. Having absorbed the essence of beauty, all of these theories suggest obvious aesthetic features —emphasis on faithfulness, parataxis and beauty of connotation, which glitters just like gold.In modern period, translation theories mainly focus on the translation standards, translation processes and translation methods before 1970s. While after that, increasing researchers use descriptive methods to study translation theory and therefore has developed a deep understanding towards it. Translation aesthetics enter the systematical researching period in this background. “Practical Translation Aesthetics” by Fu Zhong in 1993 is the first translation aesthetic monograph in our country. It talks about the main categories of translation aesthetic, namely aesthetic subject, aesthetic object, aesthetic activity, standards of translation aesthetics and the method of reappearance of beauty. “Comparative Aesthetics of Literary Translation”published in 2000 by Xi Yongji is one of representative works studying comparative literary translation. While “Aesthetics Process during Liter ary Translation: the Reconstruction of Gestalt Image”authorized by Jiang Qiuxia in 2002 primarily focuses on the aesthetic process. In 2005 Mao Ronggui published “Translation Aesthetics”which is made up of four parts and expands the research scope of translation theory and practice. However, the most important work in the field may be “An Introduction to Translation Aesthetics” by Liu Miqing. It has fully reflected the author’s thought about Chinese translation aesthetics and posed a rather important position in the connection between western aesthetics and basic Chinese translation theory.Globally, the developing trend of translating field and the “Cultural Turn” have created suitable environment for the birth of translation aesthetics. It is widely acknowledged that aesthetics belong to culture and translation is a kind of communication, so translation is a way to transfer beauty in essence. Therefore, we got to know that the outcome of translation aesthetics can not be resisted.2.3 Achievements of Translation AestheticsThe book Aesthetic Progression inLiterary Translation: Image- G Actualization, written by Jiang Qiuxia in herdoctorial paper in 2002, holds that there is no way to unveil the “black box” existing in human psychology. So it uses descriptive method to explore the psychological mechanism of the reconstruction of gestalt image in literary translation. Besides, it emphasizes how the reader (the translator) can make use of gestalt psychology to recreate the whole image of the original works and present the target readers with the equivalence between original works and target works. This is, from the Angle of aesthetics, development of Nida's functional equivalence theory (2000). Since there is no complete equivalence translation, “functional equivalence” may be the best choice, generally speaking. In general it is best to speak of “functional equivalence” in terms of a range of adequacy, since no translation is ever completely equivalent. A number of different translations can in fact represent varying degrees of equivalence. This means that “equivalence” cannot be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but only in terms of proximity, i.e. on the basis of degrees of closeness to functional identity. (Nida , 2000 :117)This type of aesthetic has taken advantage of Gestalt psychology. (Lakoff, 1982:20)defined Gestalt in such a way —take the thing as an independent gestalt from the perspective of wholeness on that level. While at a lower level in order to give confirmation, specific details needs to be picked out. Gestalt recreation is the basic principle of translation aesthetics —interdisciplinary subject, which benefits from translation studies, literary studies, aesthetic and cognitive psychology. Gestalt image is a new conception out of the old idea of “image” as literary metaphor or symbol mainly concerned in poetry. When explored in this context as a holistic whole, it is taken as a relatively independent contextual entity rather than a single word or words constitution.) ( 姜秋霞,2002 : 241) Broadly speaking, translation studies,a discipline in the development period, is in constant growth and expansion. “An Introduction of Translation Aesthetics (revision, Peter, 2005)”reprinted by China Translation and Publishing Corporation greatly enriched and developed the theory of translation aesthetics.2.4 Prospect of Translation AestheticsFrom the perspective of prose translation, Wang Hongtao (2006:2006-4) categorizes Western and Chinese Comparative Aesthetic into three levels: Western and Chinese Comparative Translation Aesthetics; prose translation under the Chinese and western Comparative Aesthetics; the meaning of application of Chinese and Western Comparative Aesthetics in prose translation. As can be seen, translation aesthetic has marched no matter in terms of aesthetic subject, aesthetic reception or gestalt aesthetics. This is of great benefit to future translation aesthetic development. However, we should not only strongly opposite the overuse of aesthetics in translating field but also fight against the pseudo translation aesthetics. What we pursuit are the unity of formal beauty, implicational beauty and receiving beauty, and the unity of universal law and special performance of translation aesthetics. Meanwhile, we can not promise translation is filled with aesthetics, but translation can also not be totally separated from aesthetics. There are not only inheritance, experience from others but also merit and recreation in itself. So it is necessary to find out whether “Tr anslation Aesthetics”, created by Chinese scholars, has fully absorbed the widely acknowledged theories — Aesthetics of Reception and Gestalt. This is a blessing as well as a new issue for China’s translation studies.Chapter Three Subtitle Translation3.1 Definition of Subtitle TranslationUp to now, there is not an authorized definition about translating subtitles. Following are some definitions:(1)Subtitling can be defined as the process of providing synchronizedcaptions for film and television dialogue (and more recently for live opera)(2)Subtitling, sometimes referred to as captions, are transcriptions of film orTV dialogue, presented simultaneously on the screen.(3) A subtitle is a printed statement or fragment of dialogue appearing on thescreen between the scenes of a silent motion picture or appearing as a translation at the bottom of the screen during the scenes of a motion picture or television show in a foreign language.(4)··· the words printed or super imposed on a film in a foreign language totranslate what is being said on the sound track ···Although all these definitions explained subtitle in some degree, it is far from enough. The first definition points out that subtitle translation is used as a process to provide synchronization instruction for film and television dialogue. The second definition is similar to the first one, but the category where the subtitle suits is too narrow in those two definitions for the following two reasons: first of all, it is limited to film and television. In fact, if possible, subtitle is applied to any kind of multimedia. Secondly, apart from film and television, subtitle can also be used to give illustration to even the non-dialogue texts. The third definition refers to the caption that is displayed in the silent film or at the bottom of television screen. It serves as interpretation to another language or just illustrative fragments and this definition has fully explained the concept of subtitles. Definition four indicates translating the language being played in the sound track into another and printing it on the film. However, translating subtitle does not refer to the language that is being said at themoment.From the above, we also get to know that subtitle is a kind of text but with a different presenting mode like the common one. And it is this special presenting form that makes subtitle limited in many aspects.3.2 Characteristics of Subtitle TranslationSubtitle provides the audience with a large mount of information about the multimedia works. Following are four of its characteristics:3.2.1 ComprehensivenessComprehensiveness refers that subtitles must appear together with other factors of the film and television programs like sound and picture image at the same time instead of showing alone. The audience are willing to hear the actors as well as the music, background sounds and seeing the picture changes. The audience enjoy the film and television by watching the motion picture, listening to the dialogue and reading the subtitles and so on. So without pictures and sounds, the film and television can not convey the information fully; without captions, the effect of sounds and pictures can not achieve the best level. Generally speaking, in all of the factors mentioned above, pictures and sounds are the most important, while subtitles serve only as an auxiliary factor. Therefore, comprehensiveness offer subtitle some convenience namely subtitles can be omitted where the information can fully express through sounds and pictures. Thus translator should take full advantage of this characteristic and omit as much subtitles as possible.3.2.2 InstantaneityInstantaneity indicates that the subtitle, which is unrepeatable, appear and disappear simultaneously with the corresponding pictures and sounds. Although subtitle exists in the form of language, it is still different from the desk literature, such as poetry, prose and fiction for desk literature all appear in independent text form. Readers can appreciate desk literature over and over again at any time and any place as long as he wants. By contrast, subtitle can not be appreciated repeatedly withoutlimitation because of its instantaneous characteristic. While watching the plots the audience has to give up if he did not catch up with the subtitles because there is only one chance. Instantaneity decides that the audience cannot spend more time to understand the content of the captions; otherwise, it will affect the understanding of follow-up plots.3.2.3 PopularityPopularity means that the film and television subtitle translation must use a popular language or has the characteristic of popular language. Following are three main reasons: In the first place, film and television works aiming at the masses belong to the public. Majority of the audience are common people despite that some are well-educated and have higher artistic accomplishment. Therefore, we should use the most popular language to translate the original language to convey information, considering about the acceptance ability and appreciative level of majority part of the audience. The reason lies in that most audiences will be impeded while understanding too much elegant and abstract language. Secondly, with the characteristic of instantaneity, translation subtitle appears only once at the bottom of the screen. So only by using the popular and colloquial translation texts can the audience grasp the general meaning. Thirdly, the principle of “acceptance first” aims at helping the audience to understand the plot better. If too much euphemistic and expressive language is adopted as subtitle, the audience can not follow the plots closely while spending a long time trying to understanding the language.3.2.4 ConcisenessConciseness means that the language of film and television subtitle is concise and refined. There are two causes contributing to this characteristic.Firstly, the translation of film and television subtitle is limited by time and space, so the translator has to finish tasks in the limitation while keeping the picture and subtitle appear simultaneously. This determines subtitles can not use over-complicated language. The second reason is about the instantaneous acceptance of the audience, which indicates the simpler and easier the language the better while providing themore rich contents to the audience.Chapter Four Application of Translation Aesthetics in SubtitleTranslation4.1 Aesthetic Principles and Aesthetic strategy4.1.1 Aesthetic PrinciplesFirstly, the translation version shall accord the characters’ emotion and personality. So it is rather important for the translator to devote his own aesthetic emotion to the four stages of the whole work —“watching, understanding, analyzing and translating”. Only by understanding and appreciating the original work, integrating the emotions and characteristics of different roles into the translation, thinking from the perspective of different roles, speaking for them can the translator produce vivid, individualized characters, corresponding translational texts with the original dialogues as well as creating an immersive feeling for the audience.Secondly, the translation shall measure up the original work’s style. Film and television work is mainly made up of four different types, namely national style (a stable artistic character which reflects the national life in a particular area), period style (reflecting the life style of different time period), directing style (owing subjective or objective factors, different director prefer different theme, language and acting ways) and aesthetic style (such as drama, documentary, romantic style). So in the translating process (more accurately, that is adding, omitting and changing the original dialogue), the translator should abandon their preferring style, overcoming as many limiting factors as possible to get close to the original style.The third one is alienation, an important method to get to know about an exotic culture. How to help the audience to understand more about foreign history and costumes is a vital task. In order to incarnate the cultural diversity, translators can adopt alienation. For example, in American TV play, Rose said proudly: “I got 1450 on my SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test, which is a kind of academic test in America when students graduating from high school)”. When SATs is translated into “毕业会考”, it will be much easier for people to understand. Also some words, like NBA and FBI have already been popular between Chinese, so there is no need to translate.Next is about domestication. In the practice of translation, the existence of cultural differences between the two languages led to the production of translation variation and sometimes the semantic meaning changed or even lost. Adoption of domestication decreased the exoticism. More importantly, it can avoid ambiguity in order to present the audience with a more natural and easier way to understand the translation version. Liberal translation, substitution and even rewriting all these methods can help to translators to comprehend the original language better. For instance, in the movie “A Beautiful Mind”, the sentence “Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?” can be translated into “我们该谈谈剑了,绅士们。
Chapter One Introduction
![Chapter One Introduction](
1.2 The nature of translation
Definitions of translation
Definitions given by Chinese scholars
翻译是将一种文字之真义全部移至另一种文字而绝不失其风格 的神韵。(吴献书,1949) 翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整 地重新表达出来的语言活动。(张培基,1980) 翻译的实质是语际的意义转换。(刘宓庆,1990) 翻译的定义应该是:“将一种语言传达的信息用另一种语言传 达出来。”(蔡毅,1995) 翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出 来的文化活动。(王克非,1997) 翻译是语际之间的信息传递和语族之间的文化交流。(萧立明, 2001)
Come, let us go down, and confuse their language there, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. Therefore it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
Different views on translation
Chapter One Introduction
![Chapter One Introduction](
Chapter One Introduction“炎黄子孙”Chinese descent,“四大发明”the four great inventions (of ancient China);“三十六计, 走为上计”the best thing to do now is to quit ;“苛政猛于虎” A bad government is more fearful than a tiger.“to meet one’s Waterloo”遭遇失败as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗,穷到极点“临时抱佛脚”make effort at the last moment/ last-minute efforts抽象词具体化异化译法cowboy牛仔Trojan horse特洛伊木马(源于希腊神话《木马屠城记》)golden age黄金时代soap opera肥皂剧(通常指一出连续很长时间的、虚构的电视剧节目,每周安排为多集连续播出,因此又称系列电视连续剧)dark horse黑马(出人意外获胜的赛马或参赛人);(美)“黑马”候选人(常因各方妥协而意外获得提名或当选)hot dog热狗sour grape酸葡萄(形容妒忌而贬低自己得不到的东西)honeymoon蜜月Pandora’s box潘朵拉的盒子forbidden fruit禁果bottleneck瓶颈ivory tower象牙塔double-edged sword双刃剑(指对双方皆不利的局面,或敌我不分的计谋);armed to the teeth武装到牙齿crocodile tears鳄鱼眼泪(利用眼眶中专门处理盐分的器官功能,把多余的盐分浓缩起来,借道眼睛,像泪珠似的流出来)walls have ears隔墙有耳new wine in old bottles旧瓶装新酒铁饭碗the iron rice-bowl (铁饭碗是名词,意指长期安稳而没有失业风险的工作,因为它的永久性和稳定性,使工作本身如铁一般的坚硬,所以便有铁饭碗这一称号。
Chapter one Introduction
![Chapter one Introduction](
6. Features of lls(Pf13 Cohen)
_communicative competence as the main goal; _Greater Self-direction for learners
_ New roles for teachers
_ Other feature: problem-oriented; Action based Involvement beyond cognition direct &indirect support of learning Degree of observability
Learning strategies use is determined at a metacognitive level (Garner, 1988: 64). LLS can be taught to students (Oxford, 1990b: 9).
• Learning strategies are under the active, strategic control of the student while in use (Garner, 1988: 64). • Learning strategies have certain broad dimensions relating to their functions, their generalizability across texts, the scope of the learning task, and the extent to which they demand cognitive effort (Dansereau, 1985). Transfer of a strategy from one language to another or from a language skill to another is a related to the goal of LLS (Pearson, 1988; Skehan, 1989).
KETTLE水壶英语作文范文Chapter One: IntroductionKETTLE: The Ultimate Solution for Boiling WaterThe KETTLE water boiler has become an indispensable household item, providing a quick and efficient way to boil water for various purposes. This essay aims to explore the history, benefits, and various types of KETTLE water boilers.Chapter Two: The History of KETTLE Water BoilersThe origin of KETTLE water boilers can be traced back to ancient times. Early civilizations, such as the ancient Greeks and Romans, used kettles made from clay to heat water. Over time, advancements in technology led to the development of metal kettles, which were more durable and efficient. It wasn't until the invention of electricity that KETTLE water boilers as we know them today came into existence.Chapter Three: Benefits of Using KETTLE Water Boilers KETTLE water boilers offer several advantages over traditional methods of boiling water. Firstly, they are incredibly time-efficient, allowing water to reach the boiling point in a matter of minutes. Secondly, KETTLE water boilers are convenient, as they can be easily operated with the push of a button. Additionally, KETTLE water boilers are energy-efficient, heating only the necessary amount of water at a time. Lastly, KETTLE water boilers are safe to use, with built-in safety measures to prevent accidents. Chapter Four: Types of KETTLE Water BoilersThere are various types of KETTLE water boilers available in the market today. The most common type is the electric kettle, whichoperates by heating water through an electric element. Electric kettles come in different sizes and designs, catering to various needs and preferences. Another type is the stove-top kettle, which is placed on a stove burner and heated directly. Stove-top kettles are often made of stainless steel and are known for their durability. Lastly, there are travel kettles designed for portability, making them ideal for those who are always on the go.In conclusion, the KETTLE water boiler has a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. With its time-efficiency, convenience, energy-efficiency, and safety features, it has become a staple in households worldwide. Whether it's an electric kettle, stove-top kettle, or travel kettle, there is a KETTLE water boiler to suit every need.Chapter Five: Evolution of KETTLE Water Boilers In recent years, KETTLE water boilers have undergone significant advancements and innovations to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers. Manufacturers have introduced several new features and technologies to enhance the overall user experience. One notable development is the introduction of variable temperature settings on electric kettles. This allows users to select their preferred water temperature for different beverages, such as green tea, black tea, or coffee. It ensures that each cup of hot beverage is brewed at the perfect temperature, optimizing taste and quality.Furthermore, many modern KETTLE water boilers come with programmable settings and LED displays. Users can set the desired temperature and duration, and the kettle will automatically shut off once the water reaches the desired temperature or the selected time is up. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals whowant precision and control in their boiling process, whether it's for delicate teas or specific recipes that require precise water temperatures.Another noteworthy innovation is the inclusion of water filters in certain KETTLE water boilers. These filters help remove impurities and improve the taste of the water, ensuring that every cup is as pure and flavorful as possible. Some kettles even have built-in water level indicators and water filtration indicators, so users can easily monitor and maintain the quality of their boiled water.Additionally, manufacturers have made efforts to improve the design and aesthetics of KETTLE water boilers. Many models now boast sleek and modern designs, with features like cool-touch handles and cordless bases for easy pouring and serving. Some even come in a variety of colors to match different kitchen decors. These design enhancements aim to make the KETTLE water boiler not only a practical appliance but also a stylish addition to any kitchen countertop.Chapter Six: Sustainability and Environmental ConsiderationsAs society becomes increasingly concerned about sustainability and the environment, KETTLE water boilers have also evolved to address these issues. Many manufacturers have developed energy-saving models that consume less electricity while still maintaining high performance. These kettles often have energy-saving features like automatic shut-off and rapid boiling functions to reduce energy consumption and save time.Moreover, some KETTLE water boilers are made from eco-friendly materials such as stainless steel or BPA-free plastics. These materials are more durable and less harmful to the environment compared to traditional materials. Manufacturers are also working towards making their products more recyclable and using packaging made from recycled materials.Furthermore, there is a growing market for electric kettles that have a reduced carbon footprint. These kettles are designed to be more energy-efficient and to be used with renewable energy sources, such as solar power. These initiatives not only benefit the environment but also help consumers minimize their energy consumption and reduce their utility bills.Chapter Seven: ConclusionThe KETTLE water boiler has come a long way since its humble origins, evolving into a versatile and essential appliance in modern households. From ancient clay kettles to today's high-tech electric kettles, KETTLE water boilers have continuously improved in terms of efficiency, convenience, safety, and sustainability. With the introduction of features like variable temperature control, programmable settings, and water filters, KETTLE water boilers offer a customizable experience and ensure the perfect cup of hot beverage every time. As manufacturers continue to innovate and address environmental concerns, the future of KETTLE water boilers looks promising.。
Chapter one Introduction
![Chapter one Introduction](
is the institution whereby human communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oralauditory arbitrary symbols. Hall, 1968 (5)from now on I will consider language to be a set of sentences (finite and infinite), each finite in length and constructed out of a set of elements.---Chomsky, 1957
introduction Three questions related to linguistics
Why? How?
is linguistics? morpheme division: linguist (economist, scientist, biologist, zoologist)) -ics(physics, economics, statistics, stylistics): it is a discipline in which some people are involved in the study of languages, and it takes all the language in the world into consideration.
examples of morpheme analysis Such as universe
Linguistics is a branch of science
二、章节的英语表达1. Chapter(章节):这是最常用的表示章节的词汇。
例如,“Chapter One: Introduction”(第一章:引言)。
2. Section(部分):Section也可以用来表示文章的部分,与Chapter相比,更侧重于某个具体的部分。
例如,“Section One: Background”(第一部分:背景)。
3. Part(部分):Part也可以用来表示文章的部分,与Section 相比,更侧重于某个大的部分。
例如,“Part One: Introduction”(第一部分:引言)。
4. Division(部分):Division也可以用来表示文章的部分,但更常用于较长的文章或书籍。
例如,“Division One: Introduction”(第一部分:引言)。
三、章节的英语表达注意事项1. 明确主题:在表达章节时,应明确该章节的主题和内容,以便读者能够更好地理解该章节的目的和重要性。
2. 使用适当的标题:为了方便读者理解,每个章节都应有一个适当的标题。
3. 注意顺序:在表达章节时,应注意章节的顺序。
同样,写英语论文没有大纲的指引,任凭思想的奔驰,随意下笔,思绪容易错乱,甚至不知所云,本文为大家分享了2篇“英语专业本科论文提纲范文”,以供参考英语专业本科论文提纲一(英文版):论文题目:目的论视角下的金融英语翻译报告CONTENTSABSTRACT摘要1 Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Translation1.2 Description of the Translation1.3 Framework2 Chapter Two Task Description2.1 TextualAnalysis2.1.1 The Lexical Features2.1.2 The Syntactic Features2.1.3 The Cultural Features2.2 Translation Procedures2.2.1 Preparation before Translation2.2.2 The Process of Translation2.2.3 Proofreading after Translation3 Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation of the Report3.1 Skopos Rule3.2 The Principle of Coherence3.3 The Principle of Fidelity4 Chapter Four CaseAnalysis4.1 Literal Translation Strategy4.1.1 The Reason of Using Literal Translation Strategy4.1.2 TheApplication of Literal Translation Strategy4.2 Contextual Translation Strategy4.2.1 The Reason of Using Contextual Translation Strategy 4.2.2 TheApplication of Contextual Translation Strategy4.3 Domesticating Translation Strategy4.3.1 The Reason of Using Domestication Translation Strategy4.3.2 TheApplication of Domesticating Translation Strategy5 Chapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations and SuggestionsBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPER英语专业本科论文提纲二(中文版):论文题目:《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨目录摘要第一章绪论1.1研究动机1.2研究目的1.3研究范围1.4研究方法1.5论文结构第二章文献分析2.1关联理论的研究2.2口语背景的语言研究观2.3语意对等的口译观2.4口语口译研究第三章《绝望的主妇》语意关联成分探讨3.1情境喜剧《绝望的主妇》简介3.2人物特质和关联方式3.3言语关联语言分析3.4口译中的关联手法第四章《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨4.1 口译合作原则4.2口译中的礼貌原则4.3口译言语行为准则研究4.3.1口语用语习惯4.3.2语法的正确表达4.3.3语意的精确表现4.3.4准确口译原文句子的意境第五章结论与建议5.1结论5.2研究应用5.3研究限制5.4未来研究方向参考文献致谢。
ContentsChapter One Introduction1.1Research Background1.2Research Methodology1.3 Thesis StructureChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies on Subtitles Translation2.2 The Difficulties in Translating the Subtitles of Coco2.3 The Combination of Subtitle Translation about Coco and the Adaption TheoryChapter Three Introduction to the Adaptation Theory3.1 Continuous Choice-making3.2 Three Properties of Language3.3 Four Angles of AdaptabilityChapter Four Application of Adaptation Theory in the Subtitles Translation of Coco 4.1 Adaptation to the Linguistic Context4.2 Adaptation to the Mental World4.3 Adaptation to the Social World4.4 Adaptation to the Physical World4.5 The Limitation of the Adaptation TheoryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitation of the Research5.3 Suggestion for the Future StudiesContentsChapter One Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundAt the end of 2017, Disney launched the latest animated film Coco, which gained a huge success all over the world. In China, it made a great achievement in aspect of reputation as well as box office, for which subtitle translation played an important and essential role.With a large number of foreign movies and television works rushing into China, people's foreign language level has improved a lot. Viewers will be more inclined to watch the original or subtitle version of the films so that they can enjoy more authentic film and television works. Bilingual subtitles, which combine the original language and the target language, are more suitable for adults. Coco as an animated film is not only popular with children, but also attracts many adults to watch. A lot of couplets in the film are impressive, and the theme is thoughtful and memorable, in which subtitle translation plays a great role.After viewing Coco in the movie theater, the author takes the adaptation theory of Jef Verschueren as the theoretical basis, probing into the application of adaptation theory in animated subtitle translation, and concludes the principles and strategies to be followed in the subtitle translation.1.2 Research MethodologyThe subtitles are chosen from one of the most influential subtitle exchange website (/), which is rather popular and famous among Chinese. The author selected some of the improper translations and polished them after analyzing.This thesis attempts to adopt the descriptive-explanatory method as the main research method to explore the subtitles translation of Coco.And as for the adaptation theory, also known as survival theory or survival of the fittest, is an organism's ability to adapt to changes in its environment and adjust accordingly over time. Adaptations occur over generations of a species with those traits that help an individual animal eat and mate most profusely being passed down from generation to generation until the whole species changes to be better suited to their environment.1.3 Thesis StructureThere are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter contains the research background, research methodology and the structure. The second chapter is a literature review of studies on subtitles translation and how the subtitles translation of Coco and the adaptation theory are combined together. The third chapter will introduce the adaptation theory, including the choice-making in translation, three properties of language and four angles of adaptability. The fourth chapter is about how the adaptation theory is applied to the subtitles translation of Coco according to the adaptation to the mental world, the social world and the physical word as well as the limitations of the adaptation theory. In the last chapter, the author focuses on the conclusion which included the main findings, the limitations of the study and the advice for future researches.Chapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies on Subtitles TranslationHenrik Gottlieb from the perspective of linguistics divides subtitle translation into "Intra-lingual subtitling" and "Inter-lingual subtitling", in which the inter-lingual subtitle translation, also known as "diagonal subtitling translation", is to translate the original language into the target language in the case of preserving the original sound, and the target language overprints in the screen or the lower part of the picture simultaneously. What we usually call subtitle translation is inter-lingual subtitling translation. Since the subtitle translation is limited by space, time and context, the translator must make use of the words incisively and syntactically, so that the audience can understand the content in the shortest time. Li Yunxing (2001) proposed that subtitles should select commonly used words, small words and short phrases and the sentence should be concise, strictly avoiding complicated insert composition, word structure and clause.In recent years, foreign films and television productions have flooded into China, and subtitle translation has developed rapidly. Subtitle translation, as a kind of film and television translation, is often regarded as a general translation of works, which has not attracted enough attention. The West has formed a certain scale and system of film and television translation research, however, compared with the western countries, domestic subtitle translation research is far from enough. Wang Yan and Zheng Xiangui think that the translation of subtitles should be based on functional equivalence, and achieve conciseness at the same time. Qian Shaochang thinks that film and television language has the following five characteristics, listening, comprehensiveness, instantaneity, popularity and no-note. The author finds that there are few studies on subtitle translation in China, and functional equivalence is mainly chosen as the instructive theory.As an important theory in pragmatics, adaptation theory is widely used in translation studies. Verschueren proposed the theory of language adaptation in Understanding Pragmatics. He believes that the use of language should conform to different communicative objects and situations, and that the use of language is a process of constantly choosing language according to different language objects and situations. In the process of translating, translators should constantly choose the language or translation strategies to meet the requirements of the target language readers. Therefore, translation is a process of adaptation in essence.In the process of subtitle translation of animated films, the social relations, situational relationships and psychological environment of the characters in the film need to be reflected in dialogues and translations. Different languages have different pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax, style and culture. The ultimate goal of animated movie translation is that the target language audience will see the effect of the dubbed film, experiencing the same as original language audience while they watch the original film. Therefore, the successful subtitle translation should be adapted to meet the target audience's characteristics and satisfy the target audience's appreciation requirements.2.2 The Difficulties in Translating the Subtitles of CocoThe first is the difficulty of the subtitle text content. Chinese and Western cultural differences make the translation of English movies itself a cross-cultural communicative behavior. There are cultural differences in geography, history, customs, religion, values and so on. Consequently, the translator should not only convey the cultural features in the source language, but also ensure that the target language audience can accept it effectively.In view of the fact that the English and Chinese languages belong to different language families, the rules of sentence formation are not the same in translation. In order to ensure the transmission of the information and the effect of translation, it is necessary to take differenttranslation strategies. What’s more, there are a large number of songs in Disney animated movies, which is a major feature but also a undoubtedly big difficulties. Translator needs to not only convey the lyrics message, but also ensure that the translation of Chinese can have the same music effect of the original English. These are the problems that need to be solved in the subtitle translation of animated movies.Secondly, the limitation of subtitle translation is a barrier. In view of the characteristics of subtitle translation, translators are also limited by time and space in the process of translation. In the case of ensuring the quality of translation, it is also necessary to modify the caption according to the film screen to make it concise, effective and creational. This is another difficulty in the translation task. For example, the translation of the following sentence has been a good job:She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.根本就没有时间为这个出走的负心汉而伤心。
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• 使用教材: • 美国文化背景(第三版)英玛丽安娜· 卡尼· 戴特斯曼 乔
• • • •
安· 克兰德尔 爱德华· N· 卡尼著 世界图书出版社2006.1. 美国文化背景_541308289.PDF 美国社会与文化 吴斐编著 武汉大学出版社,2003.11 美国社会与文化(中英双语).pdf 美国文化与社会十五讲 袁明主编 北京大学出版社, 2003.12. 美国文化与社会十五讲.pdf 当代美国 社会与文化(第二版)王恩铭 吴敏 张颖编著 上海外语教育出版社,2007.1. 美国文化与社会 王恩铭编 上海外语教育出版社,2009,7.
The national Flag
Stars and Stripes
国玺Great Seal of the United States
Great Seal of the United States
• 当中的秃鹰a bald eagle是美国国鸟,秃鹰的右爪
握着橄榄枝olive branch ,橄榄枝上有13片叶子, 代表和平;左爪握着13支利箭a bundle of 13 arrows ,代表战争。 秃鹰的嘴里含着一条飘带,飘带上是13个拉丁文 大写字母“E PLURIBUS UNUM”,翻译成英语是 “Out of many,one”,中文意思是“合众为一”, 符合美国是不同肤色、不同民族大融合的特点。
• 1. A general survey • 2. American history • 3. American People (Ethnic and racial diversity)
• • • • •
in the U.S. 4. American values and beliefs
5. 6. 7. 8.
帝的话,与上帝同在,上帝保佑着美国。眼睛上 部,按弧形排列的是两个拉丁文单词“ANNUIT COEPTIS”,共13个字母,译成英语是 “Providence had favored out undertakings”,中 文是“天佑国事”。金字塔的象征意义是力量与 永恒,底层有大写字母“MDCCLXXVI”,表示建国 年代是1776年。
The Star-Spangled 闪烁发亮Banner
星条旗永不落 (美国国歌) • Oh, say !can you see, by the dawn’s early light, • What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
10. THE Las Vegas Strip 拉斯维加斯大道
• One of the most visible aspects of Las Vegas
cityscape 都市风景 is its use of dramatic architecture. The modernization of hotels, casinos 赌 场 , restaurants and residential high-rises 高 层 建 筑 on the Strip has established the city as one of the most popular destinations for tourists.
gallantly 雄伟,庄严streaming飘扬? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. 烈火熊熊,炮声隆隆, 我们看到要塞上那面英勇的旗帜 在黑暗过后依然耸立!
What is culture?
• Some would define it as the art, literature, and •
music of a people, their architecture, history, religion, and traditions. Others may focus more on the customs and specific behavior of a people. A sociological definition of culture should be the way of life of a group of people, developed over time and passed down from generation to generation. This broad definition includes every aspect of American culture.
美国国歌级 上帝保佑美国 God Bless America Q群 11298200(流畅)_320x240_2.00M_h.264.avi
• • Land that I love. 我无比热爱的国家。 Stand beside her, and guide her 站在她身旁带领着她, Thru the night with a light from above. 让圣光引她通过黑夜 From the mountains, to the prairies, 从丛山峻岭到草原 To the oceans, white with foam 直到浪花如雪的海洋, God bless America, My home sweet home 愿上帝保佑美国,我的家乡可爱的家乡。
Two things we must remember
• 1. the immense size of the United States • New York, Los Angeles, Florida, Miami • 2. its great ethnic diversity. • Most immigrants were from Northern Europe, •
• 在金字塔下方有一条彩带,呈半圆形摆放与印章
的圆同心,彩带上有大写的拉丁字母“NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM”,译成英语是“A new order of the ages”,中文为“旷世新政”。这个金字塔 只修建到13层,表示美国的缔造者为美国立国、 建国打好了基础,但仍旧需要一代代的人继续努 力,去完成建设美国这项宏伟的事业。
the majority were from England. These people shape the values and traditions that became the dominant, traditional culture of the U.S.
A short introduction to this course
玛丽亚 凯莉演唱美国国歌(流畅) _384x288_2.00M_h.264.avi
• O,say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? 啊!你说那星条旗是否会静止, 在自由的土地上飘舞, 在勇者的家园上飞扬?
• 秃鹰胸前是盾形纹章,代表自我防御和自
我依靠。纹章上部是蓝色横纹,共13条横 纹,代表1777年加入美国联邦的13个州。 • 纹章下部是红白相间的竖纹,白七红六, 象征美国国旗。秃鹰的上方是圆形的蓝色 天空图案,当中有13颗星星,也是代表当 年加入联邦的13个州。
• 金字塔尖上的眼睛,取意自《圣经》创世纪中上
《愿上帝保佑美国》 (God Bless America)
• • • • • • • • • •
“While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, 当乌云孕育着风雨在大海的远处聚集, Let us swear allegiance to a land that„s free, 让我们宣誓效忠于一个自由的国度, Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, 让我们深深感激美丽的祖国大地, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. " 让我们庄严地祈祷这是我们的声音。 God Bless America, 愿上帝保佑美国,
美国国歌为《星条旗永不落》,它诞生于 1812-1814年的美英战争期间,由一个名叫弗朗 西斯·斯科特·克伊的美国青年填词并借《致 天上的酒神》之曲而成。1931年,经国会立法 并由胡佛总统正式签署为美国国歌。
• The Star-spangled Banner was recognized
for official use by the Navy in 1889 and the President in 1916, and was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931, which was signed by President Herbert Hoover.
When visiting another country, we may ask:
• What is life like in their country? • What kind of houses do they live in? • What kind of food do they eat? • What are their customs? • What do the people believe in? • What do they value most? • What motivates them? • Why do they behave the way they do?