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1 令人难以置信,哪家银行在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。
It is incredible that the bank was robbed in broad daylight.
The little is badly spoiled and given whatever she asks for by her parents.
Reading habits vary from person to person.
They share the same hobby but differ completely in thinking.
Lack of cooperation cost them a good\golden opportunity.
He can't stand working with those who never stop talking.
He couldn't make a decision whether to admit his mistakes to the teacher or to hide the truth.
The shoe shop claimed that the prices of all the shoes had been reduced by 60 percent, but there were still few customers.
Nowadays, we can be informed of what is happening\going on around the country without leaving our houses.
10. 他凡事没有自己的主张,总是人云亦云。(repeat)
He has no opinion of his own about everything and always repeats what others say.
He always repeat what others say without having his own ideas about everything.
11. 与你相比,我所做的微不足道。(compare)
Compared with what you have done, what I have done is trivial / insignificant.
Compared with your contributions, what I have done is not worth mentioning.
Although the old man has no one to depend on, he is till ready to help others.
13. 主队赢得比赛后,球迷们欣喜若狂。(wild)
After the host team won the game, its fans were wild with joy.
14. 十年来,老教授不遗余力地帮组那位素不相识的病人。(effort)
In the past decade, the old professor has spared no effort to help the patient he didn’t know at all.
15. 有时候父母会对孩子的合理要求置之不理。(notice)
Sometimes, parents take no notice of their children’s reasonable demands / requirements / requests.
16. 犯了这么严重的错误,你再怎么解释也无济于事。
It is no use explaining after you have made such a serious mistake.
17. 轮到她作自我介绍时,她紧张得不知所措。(turn)
When it was her turn to introduce herself, she was so nervous that she was a loss.
18. 同学们在班会课上各抒己见,提出了许多节约资源的建议。(advice)
At the class meeting all the classmates expressed their own opinions and gave much advice about saving resources.
19. 上海科技馆一直以来都是老少咸宜的好去处,
The Shanghai Science Museum has long been a right place for visitors of all ages.
20. 她不负众望,在演讲比赛中夺得第一名。(come)
She lived up to everyone’s expectation and came out first in the speech contest.
21. 既然她不愿意和你们去远足,就不要强人所难了。(join)
Since she is not willing to join you in hiking, you’d better not force her.
22. 在如何处理废旧电池问题上我们俩的观点不谋而合。(happen)
We both happened to hold the same opinion about how to deal with the used batteries.
Both of us happened to agree with each other on how to deal with the used batteries.
23. 如果你一意孤行,后果将不堪设想。(persist)
If you always go\persist in going your own way, the consequence will be beyond imagination. 24. 尽管输给了对手,他却假装若无其事。(pretend)
Although he was beaten by his opponent, he pretended as if nothing had happened.
25. 消息传来,被绑架的七名人质获释,人们如释重负。(relieve)
When word came that the seven hostages who had been kidnapped were set free, people were\felt greatly relieved.
26. 如果我们找不出失败的真正的原因,就有重蹈覆辙的危险。(risk)
If we can not find out the real cause that led to the failure, we will run the risk of repeating the same mistake.
27. 她迫不及待要和家人分享成功的喜悦。(wait)
She couldn’t wait to share the joy of success with her family members.
28. 我决不会与口是心非的人交朋友。(make)
I will never make friends with those who say one thing but mean another.
In no case / Under no circumstances / By no means will I make friends with those who say one thing but mean another.
29. 她说话的方式让我忍俊不禁。(can’t help)
I couldn’t help laughing at the way he talked.
I can’t help but laughing at his way of talking.
30在生活中,有些事听天由命(碰运气)是不明智的。(leave it to chance)
There are some things in life that it is unwise to leave to chance.
31. 她在债务中越陷越深,我们爱莫能助。
We were powerless to help as she plunged deeper and deeper into debt.
32. 这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及。
The gang live abroad, beyong the reach of the British police.
33. 我想在30岁以前结婚,但是事与愿违。
I wanted to get married before I was thirty, but it turned out contrary to my wish.
34. 他煞费苦心(不辞辛劳),把派对办得非常成功。
She took great pains to make the party a great success.
35. 如果你有麻烦,我必将鼎力相助。
If you get into trouble, I will do whatever I can to help.
36. 他们在山洞里找到失踪的登山运动员,他安然无恙。
They found teh missing climber safe and sound in a cave.
37. 我将全心全意致力于这项艰巨的任务。
I will devote myself heart and soul to the demanding task.
38. 这个问题千头万绪,三言两语解释不了。