ERI PX能量回收装置介绍 pressure exchanger











反渗透海水淡化(SWRO )具有设备投资省、能耗低、建设期短、占地面积少、对设备材质要求低等特点。

其在能耗方面占有很大的优势,无能量回收装置的反渗透海水淡化的能量消耗约为8~10kW·h/m 3,采用能量回收装置能耗可降到3~4.5kW·h/m 3。



下表为反渗透海水淡化能耗的基本发展情况:年代能耗能量回收方式1980年8kW·h/m 3无1990年4.8kW·h/m 3透平式图1-1反渗透海水淡化操作成本分项图1-2反渗透海水淡化电力消耗成本分项2000年 3.7kW·h/m3涡轮式2005年 2.2~2.5kW·h/m3PX压力式可见,想要有效的降低能耗,采用合适的能量回收装置是十分必要的。



























关键词:反渗透海水淡化;能量回收装置;研究1 分类和工作原理反渗透海水淡化能量回收装置按照其工作原理主要可分为液力透平式、正位移式和泵-马达式3种类型,见表1。









表1 反渗透海水淡化能量回收装置优缺点比较图1第一代与第二代回收装置的原理基于“功交换”原理的正位移式第三代能量回收装置利用流体的不可压缩性可直接实现高压盐水和低压海水间的能量传递。





ERI PX能量回收装置介绍 pressure exchanger

ERI PX能量回收装置介绍 pressure exchanger

Seawater RO: Positive Displacement Energy Recovery Devices
95 – 98% efficiency
Smaller pump, high constant efficiency, flexible operation 较小尺寸的高压泵、恒定的高效率和灵活的操作性能
Other Energy Improvements 采用先进 能量回收
Future Improvements 未来目标
The PX Pressure Exchanger™ Device
An Isobaric Energy Recovery Solution 等压式能量回收系统解决方案
Capital Expense 投资成本 Operating Expense 操作成本
ASSUMPTIONS 基准 Power Cost 电费USD/kWh 0.09 Debt Equity Ratio 债权比 80/20 Debt Interest Rate 利率 8% Equity Return on Inv 投资回报率 18%
Low-pressure feed water fills rotor chamber, displacing brine 经过过滤的低压原海水进入转子的一个通道,取代浓盐水
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Steps 1 – 4 步骤1到4
Rotor chamber seals, containing low-pressure feed water 经过过滤的低压原海水充满一个转子通道,被密封在密封区



7ENERGY RECOVERY, INC.INSTALLATION, OPERATION, & MAINTENANCEMANUALERI™65 Series Pressure Exchanger™Energy Recovery DeviceEnergy Recovery, Inc.™1908 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577 USATel: +1 510 483 7370 / Fax: +1 510 483 7371 / sales@© Energy Recovery, Inc., 2004INSTALLATION, OPERATION, & MAINTENANCE MANUAL65 SERIES PRESSURE EXCHANGER ENERGY RECOVERY DEVICETABLE OF CONTENTS1.0 INTRODUCTION32.0 SAFETY33.0 QUALITY & ARRIVAL INSPECTION44.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS44.1 H OW THE PX E NERGY R ECOVERY D EVICE W ORKS44.2 PX E NERGY R ECOVERY D EVICES IN SWRO S YSTEMS54.3 PX E NERGY R ECOVERY D EVICE P ERFORMANCE74.4 T HE PX B OOSTER P UMP74.5 C ONTROL OF F EED F LOW, P RESSURE AND Q UALITY74.6 F RESH W ATER F LUSHING84.7 P ARTICULATE M ATTER AND I NITIAL F LUSHING84.8 H IGH P RESSURE R EMAINS A FTER S HUTDOWN94.9 L OW P RESSURE I SOLATION AND O VER P RESSURIZATION94.10 M ULTIPLE PX U NIT M ANIFOLD D ESIGN95.0 INSTALLATION 106.0 OPERATION 116.1 S YSTEM P ERFORMANCE S PECIFICATIONS, P RECAUTIONS ANDC ONDITIONS 116.2 S TART AND S TOP P ROCEDURES 126.2.1 S YSTEM S TART U P S EQUENCE 126.2.2 S HORT T ERM (1-3 D AYS) S YSTEM S HUT D OWN S EQUENCE 136.2.3 M EDIUM T ERM (4-14 D AYS) S YSTEM S HUT D OWN S EQUENCE 136.2.4 L ONG T ERM (O VER 2 W EEKS) S YSTEM S HUT D OWN S EQUENCE 136.2.5 M EMBRANE C LEANING 146.3 F LOW C ONTROL AND B ALANCING THE S YSTEM 146.3.1 H IGH P RESSURE F LOW C ONTROL 146.3.2 L OW P RESSURE F LOW C ONTROL 146.3.3 B ALANCING THE PX E NERGY R ECOVERY D EVICE 156.3.4 V ERIFICATION OF PX E NERGY R ECOVERY D EVICE F LOW B ALANCE 156.3.5 M EASUREMENT OF PX D EVICE L UBRICATION F LOW R ATE 157.0 SPARE PARTS AND TOOL KITS 168.0 MAINTENANCE AND START UP 168.1 D ISASSEMBLY P ROCEDURE 178.2 A SSEMBLY P ROCEDURE 209.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING 2610.0 ENERGY RECOVERY, INC. FIELD COMMISSIONING 2811.0 REVISION LOG 2812.0 WARRANTY & LIABILITY 2913.0 DRAWINGS AND DATA 301.0 INTRODUCTIONThis manual contains instructions for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the Energy Recovery, Inc.™ ERI ™ 65 Series PX Pressure Exchanger ™ energy recovery device in sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems. This information is provided to ensure the long life and safeoperation of your PX ™ energy recovery device. Please read this manual thoroughly before installation and operation and keep it for future reference. The instructions in this manual are intended for personnel with general training and experience in the operation and maintenance of fluid handling systems.2.0 SAFETYThe PX Pressure Exchanger energy recovery device is designed to provide safe and reliable service. However, it is both a pressure vessel and a piece of rotating industrial machinery. Therefore,operations and maintenance personnel must exercise good judgment and proper safety practices to avoid damage to the equipment, to avoid damage to surrounding areas, and to prevent injury. It must be understood that the information contained in this manual does not relieve operation and maintenance personnel of the responsibility of exercising normal good judgment in the operation and care of this product and its components. The safety officer at the location where this equipment is installed must establish a safety program based on a thorough analysis of local industrial hazards. Proper installation and care of shutdown devices and over-pressure and over-flow protection equipment must be an essential part of any such program. In general, all personnel must be guided by all the basic rules of safety associated with high-pressure equipment and processes. Operation under conditions outside of those stated in Table 6-1 can result in damage to the ERI device and will void the warranty.The flags shown and defined below are used throughout this manual. They should be given special attention when they appear in the text.™E nergy Recovery, Inc., ERI, PX, Pressure Exchanger, and PX Pressure Exchanger are trademarks of Energy Recovery, Inc.3.0 QUALITY & ARRIVAL INSPECTIONEnergy Recovery, Inc.’s commitment to quality includes the procurement of top quality materials and fabrication to extremely tight clearances. Every part is checked to ensure it meets all dimensional specifications at each stage of the manufacturing process. Assembled ERI devices are subjected to extensive testing in our wet test facility. Each PX unit is tested for efficiency, noise levels, operating pressures, and flow rates. Testing records are maintained and each unit is tracked with a serial number. Each PX unit should be inspected immediately upon arrival at a customer’s site and any irregularities due to shipment should be reported to the carrier. PX Pressure Exchanger devices are packed inpolystyrene foam with plugs in the fittings to protect the unit from damage during transportation. The PX unit has been run with a dilute biocide solution to minimize the possibility of biological growth during shipment and storage. The PX unit must never be exposed to temperatures less than 33 deg F [1 deg C] or greater than 113 deg F [45 deg C] during storage or operation. Care must be taken during4.0 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS4.1 How the PX Energy Recovery Device WorksThe PX Pressure Exchanger energy recovery device facilitates pressure transfer from the high-pressure brine reject stream to the low-pressure seawater feed stream by putting the streams in direct,momentary contact. The transfer occurs in the ducts of a rotor. The rotor is fit into a ceramic sleeve between two ceramic endcovers with precise clearances that, when filled with high-pressure water, create an almost frictionless hydrodynamic bearing. At any given instant, half of the rotor ducts are exposed to the high-pressure stream and half the ducts are exposed to the low-pressure stream. As the rotor turns, the ducts pass a sealing area that separates high and low pressure. Thus, the ducts that contain high-pressure are separated from the adjacent ducts containing low-pressure by the seal formed with the rotor’s ribs and the ceramic endcovers.A schematic representation of the ceramic components of the PX energy recovery device is provided in Figure 4-1. Seawater supplied by the seawater supply pump flows into a duct on the left side at low pressure. This flow expels brine from the duct on the right side. After the rotor turns past a sealing area, high-pressure brine flows into the right side of the duct, pressurizing the seawater. Pressurized seawater then flows out to the booster pump. This pressure exchange process is repeated for each duct with every rotation of the rotor such that the ducts are continuously filling and discharging. At 1,200 rpm, one revolution is completed every 1/20 seconds.Figure 4-2 illustrates the typical flow path of a PX energy recovery device in an SWRO system. The reject brine from the SWRO membranes (G) passes through the PX unit, where its pressure istransferred directly to a portion of the incoming raw seawater at up to 97% efficiency. This pressurized seawater stream (D), which is nearly equal in volume and pressure to the reject stream, passes through a booster pump (not the main high-pressure pump) to add the small amount of pressure lost to frictionTable 4-1. Example Flow Rates and PressuresLow-pressure seawaterin the PX unit, the membranes and the associated piping. The booster pump also serves to drive the flow of the high-pressure stream through the PX unit (G and D). Fully pressurized seawater then merges with the main seawater to the SWRO system after the main high-pressure pump.Figure 4-2. Typical Flow Path of an SWRO System with a PX UnitPermeate4.2 PX Energy Recovery Devices in SWRO SystemsThe PX energy recovery device fundamentally changes the way an SWRO system operates. The issues presented in this and the following sections should be taken into consideration when designing an SWRO system. In addition, engineers at Energy Recovery, Inc. are available for design consultation and review of process and instrument diagrams.Example flow rates and pressures for an SWRO system with one PX-220 are listed in Table 4-1 below with reference to Figure 4-2. In an SWRO system with an ERI energy recovery device installed, the main high-pressure (HP) pump is sized to equal the SWRO permeate flow plus a small amount of bearing lubrication flow, not the full SWRO feed flow. Therefore, PX energy recovery technology significantly reduces flow through the main HP pump. This point is significant because a reduction in the size of the main HP pump results in lower capital and operating costs. In a typical SWRO systemwith a PX unit operating at 40% recovery, the main HP pump will provide 41% of the energy, the booster will provide 2% and the PX unit will provide the remaining 57%. Since the PX unit uses no external power, a total power savings of 57% is possible compared to a system with no energy recovery.Table 4-1. Typical SWRO System Flows and PressuresAn SWRO system with ERI energy recovery device(s) can operate efficiently at low recovery rates because PX units replace all of the reject-brine flow with a nearly equal volume of feed-seawater at up to 97% efficiency. One advantage of operating at lower recoveries with PX energy recovery devices is that a lower operating pressure is required to produce a given amount of permeate. Since the main high-pressure-pump flow rate always equals the permeate flow rate plus the hydrodynamic bearinglubrication flow rate, low energy consumption at low recovery rates is possible with ERI technology. The overall energy consumption of an SWRO plant using the PX energy recovery device(s) typically has a minimum point at recovery rates of between 30-40%. Outside this recovery range, the plant will start to consume slightly higher amounts of power. Figure 4-3 illustrates the relationship between SWRO recovery rate and overall SWRO power consumption.STREAM DESCRIPTION FLOW RATE GPM / M3/HRPRESSURE. PSI / BAR ASeawater Supply 330 / 75 25 / 1.7 BPX LP IN / Seawater 195 / 44 25 / 1.7 CMain HP Pump outlet 135 / 311000 / 69 DPX HP OUT / Seawater 195 / 44 957 / 66 EBooster Pump Outlet / Seawater 195 / 44 1000 / 69 FSWRO Feed Stream 330 / 75 1000 / 69 GPX HP IN / Reject 200 / 45 971 / 67 HPX LP OUT / Reject 200 / 45 15 / 1.0 I SWRO Product Water 130 / 30 5 / 0.3Figure 4-3. SWRO Plant Energy Consumption as a Function of Recovery Rate4.3 PX Energy Recovery Device PerformancePX Pressure Exchanger device performance information for a range of possible flow and pressure conditions is provided on Energy Recovery, Inc.’s website. The following information is given in the form of performance curves:• High- and low-pressure pressure drop as a function of flow rate• Minimum discharge pressure as a function of flow rate• Volumetric mixing as a function of flow rate• Noise as a function of flow rate• Lubrication flow as a function of high-pressure pressure4.4 The PX Booster PumpIn the typical SWRO system illustrated in Figure 4-2, a booster pump is required to add pressure to the seawater from the PX unit before it merges with the high-pressure feed to the membranes. A pressure boost is necessary to compensate for friction losses in the membranes, the PX unit and the associated piping. The flow and pressure supplied by the booster pump must be controlled with a variable frequency drive or control valve because the booster pump controls the high-pressure flow rate through the PX unit. Recommended practice is to use a slightly oversized booster pump to handle projected RO membrane flows taking into account seasonal variations, membrane fouling and manifold losses. Energy Recovery, Inc. carries a line of PX Booster Pumps with capacities up to 300 gpm (68 m3/hr). PX Booster Pumps can be manifolded to run in parallel to achieve higher capacities. Alternately, several suppliers of high-capacity booster pumps are listed on Energy Recovery, Inc.’s website.4.5 Control of Feed Flow, Pressure and QualityThe flow rate, pressure and quality of the feed streams to the PX unit(s) must be monitored and controlled. Operation and control of a PX unit in an SWRO system can be understood by considering two parallel pipes, one of high-pressure water and one of low-pressure water flowing through the PX unit. With reference to Figure 4-2, the high-pressure water flows in a circuit through the membranes, the PX unit or PX unit array, the booster pump and back to the membranes (F→G→D→E) at a rat e controlled by the booster pump with a variable frequency drive or a throttle valve at the booster pump discharge. The low-pressure water flows from the seawater supply pump through the PX unit or PX unit array to the system discharge (A→B→H) at a rate controlled by the supply pump and a throttle valve in the brine discharge from the PX unit or PX unit array (H). Since the high- and low-pressure flows are independent, the SWRO plant must be designed for monitoring and control of the flow rates of both streams.Special consideration should be given to flow and pressure control of the seawater supply. As mentioned, a throttle valve in the brine discharge from the PX unit can be used to control low-pressure flow through the PX unit. Once this valve is set, flow will remain constant as long as the feed pressure does not change. However, if the feed pressure changes, the LP pressure flow through the PX unit will change accordingly. As long as the maximum allowable feed flow to the PX unit is not exceeded, the PX unit will automatically adjust to small pressure and flow variations. However, dramatic feed pressure changes can result in flow spikes that could overflow and damage the PX unit.Pressure/flow spikes require particular consideration in systems with multiple SWRO trains as trains go on- and off-line. An automatic flow control system is typically not responsive enough to provideconstant flow during sudden pressure changes. Emergency shutdown sequences should include shutting down the seawater supply pump(s) to avoid overflow. Designers of large plants should consider installing a dedicated pump for supplying seawater to the PX unit or PX unit array at a constantcontrolled flow rate. If large low-pressure spikes and overflow cannot be avoided, a pressure regulator and/or relief valve should be installed before the PX units to help stabilize flow. Where feasible, Energy Recovery, Inc. recommends incorporation of a high flow alarm on the seawater supply set at 95% of PX unit capacity and an automatic high flow shutdown at a maximum of 100% of capacity.The feed streams to be the PX unit should be kept clear of debris and/or air. All piping systems shouldbe purged prior to initial startup to remove any debris. All air must be purged from both the low- and high-pressure circuits before the system is SWRO pressurized. If the SWRO is to be started up automatically, sufficient time must be allowed in the startup sequence for air to be purged from the system before pressurization. Debris and/or air in the feed streams to the PX unit can damage thedevice.4.6 Fresh Water FlushingThe SWRO system should include provisions for flushing the PX energy recovery device with fresh water. Flushing is necessary to prevent biological growth in the PX unit during prolonged shutdowns. Biological grown can cause the PX unit’s rotor to stick upon start-up. See Section 6.2 for detailed startup and shutdown procedures.4.7 Particulate Matter and Initial FlushingPrior to initial start up, all piping associated with the PX energy recovery device should be thoroughly flushed to assure that no particulates enter and/or damage the PX unit. Energy Recovery recommends installation of basket strainers at both inlets to the PX device or PX device array. Such devices protect the PX unit(s) from damage by debris generated by upstream failures that often occur over time related to corrosion, wearing parts or filter failures. Alternately, Energy Recovery recommends installation of temporary startup strainers during startup and commissioning activities. Startup strainers should be removed after startup. Energy Recovery can provide a list of strainer vendors upon request.4.8 High Pressure Remains After ShutdownThe high-pressure section of an SWRO system with a PX energy recovery device can remain pressurized for a long time after a shutdown. Pressure decreases as water flows through thehydrodynamic bearing of the PX unit. If more rapid system depressurization during shutdowns is required, the system should be designed with accommodating valves and piping.4.9 Low Pressure Isolation and Over PressurizationIf the low-pressure side of the PX energy recovery device is isolated before the high-pressure side is depressurized, there is a risk that the PX unit or the low-pressure piping could be damaged by over-pressurization. High-pressure water continuously flows through the PX device’s hydrodynamic bearing to low pressure regions in the PX unit, and if the low-pressure side is isolated, damage to the PX unit, piping or equipment could occur. To prevent this over-pressurization scenario, appropriate relief valves and procedures should be implemented to assure that the high-pressure side of the PX unit is depressurized prior to isolation of the low-pressure side.4.10 Multiple PX Unit Manifold DesignThe performance of PX energy recovery devices in arrays is identical to the performance of individual PX units as long as the manifolds are correctly designed. As with membrane manifolds, there are two ways to assure even flow distribution in a PX unit array. The first is to orient the inlet and outlet manifolds to provide co-current flow. Two manifold orientation schemes are illustrated in Figure 4-4. In a counter-current or “U” scheme, flow enters and leaves the array from the same side. In a co-current or “Z” flow scheme, flow enters on one side of the array and leaves on the other. A “Z” flow scheme provides relatively constant pressure drops across the PX unit array. Since the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the PX unit determines the flow through the PX unit, manifolds that provide constant pressure drops across the array assure even flow distribution. The advantage of the “Z” flow is that even if the pressure drop along the manifold is relatively high as a result of constrictions of volume loss, the pressure drop across the PX units will be approximately constant.The second way to assure even flow distribution in a membrane rack or a PX unit array is to eliminate manifold constrictions by using large manifold pipe diameters. In a sufficiently large manifold, the pressure drop along the manifold is much less than the pressure drop through a PX unit such that the manifolds serve as constant-pressure reservoirs regardless of flow orientation. In general, a pressure Figure 4-4 – Manifold Flow Schemesdrop of 1 psi (0.07 bar) or less along the length of the manifold will provide even flow distribution in either a “Z” or “U” flow scheme. With a properly designed manifold, the PX units in an array naturally distribute flow evenly.A sample connection at the low-pressure outlet of each PX unit in a PX unit array can be used to confirm the performance of individual units. Low-pressure sample ports are recommended over high-pressure sample ports because low cost, corrosion resistant plastic valves can be used. When PXdevices are operating normally at balanced flow, the salinity of the low-pressure outlet water from each PX unit will be approximately equal to the salinity of the reject water from the membranes. If the PX units are not balanced, the salinity of the low-pressure discharge from the unit will be low. If one of the PX units is not functioning properly, the salinity of the low-pressure discharge from the unit will be lower than the other units. If a rotor is stuck, the salinity from the stuck unit will be close to the salinity of the seawater feed.5.0 INSTALLATIONThe PX-180 and -220 have four connections labeled HP IN, HP OUT, LP IN, and LP OUT. The PX-140S has dual HP OUT and LP IN connections and single HP IN and LP OUT connections. • HP IN is the high-pressure reject/brine inlet.• HP OUT is the high-pressure seawater outlet.• LP IN is the low-pressure seawater inlet.• LP OUTis the low-pressure reject/brine outlet.The external fittings on the PX energy recovery device are made with AL-6XN ®, 254 SMO ®, orequivalent stainless steel. The vessel is made of glass-reinforced plastic. Proper piping, piping support, and vessel support must be implemented to minimize external stresses on all piping fittings. Bearing pads should be used to avoid abrasion of the vessel. Flexible couplings should be used for joiningfittings and piping. Use only water-soluble lubricants such as glycerin or soap on all O-rings and seals. Do not use grease! Section 13.0 contains an installation diagram/piping detail for use for piping, manifold, and support rack design.®Trademark of Allegheny Ludlum Corp. ® Trademark of Avesta Sheffield AB6.0 OPERATION6.1 System Performance Specifications, Precautions and ConditionsSuccessful operation of the PX Pressure Exchanger energy recovery device requires observation ofsome basic operating conditions and precautions. The PX unit must be installed, operated, andmaintained in accordance with this manual and good industrial practice to assure safe operation and along service life. Failure to observe these conditions and precautions can result in violation of thewarranty, damage to the equipment, and/or harm to personnel. Table 6-1 provides a summary ofsystem performance limits.Table 6-1. System Performance LimitsParameter Specification English UnitsSI UnitsMaximum high pressure 1,200 psig82.7 barMaximum seawater inlet pressure (LP IN) 150 psig 10.3 barMinimum seawater inlet pressure (LP IN) 23 psig 1.6 bar Minimum reject water discharge pressure (LP OUT) 15 psig (1) 1.0 barMinimum filtration requirement 5 micronSeawater temperature range 33-113 ºF 1-45 ºCpH range 1-12 (short term at limits) Allowable flow rates (2)PX-180 140-180 gpm 32-41 m 3/hrPX-220 180-220 gpm 41-50 m 3/hr(1)The low pressure discharge stream from the PX must be constricted to provide backpressure on the unit. Without backpressure, the noise profile will increase and destructive cavitation may occur thereby voiding the warranty. (2) Unlimited system capacities are achieved by using multiple units in parallel.The following precautions / conditions apply:• Allowable flow ranges for individual PX units are listed in Table 6-1. PX units are not designed to operate outside of these ranges.• Seawater feed to PX units must be filtered to 5 microns or less and should be subjected to the same pretreatment as seawater being fed to the SWRO membranes.• Piping connections to PX units must be designed to minimize stress on the fittings and vessel.• The PX unit vessel bearing plates (end caps) incorporate interlocking restraining devices which must be kept dry and free of corrosion. Deterioration of these devices could lead to catastrophic mechanical failure of the PX device.• The PX unit must never be exposed to temperatures less than 33 deg F [1 deg C] or greater than 113 deg F [45 deg C].• Under no circumstances shall the brine inlet pressure (HP IN) exceed 1,200 psig (82.7 bar).• The seawater feed inlet pressure shall not exceed 150 psig (10.3 bar). The minimum discharge pressure from the PX unit shall be 15 psig (1.0 bar).• The PX unit(s) must be removed from the SWRO system when performing hydrostatic testing on piping or other SWRO system components. Never attempt to hydrostatically test a PX device.• Some chemical additives are known to be the cause of operational failure of PX units. These chemicals include, but are not limited to polyacrylates, occasionally used for scaling prevention.These chemicals can cause PX device failure by forming a sticky substance which physically jams the PX unit.• Install piping and fittings so that the PX unit(s) can be isolated from membrane reject flow during membrane cleaning. Failure to do so may introduce debris that may damage the PX unit.6.2 Start and Stop Procedures6.2.1 System Start Up Sequence1. All valves should be in their normal operating positions.2. Start the seawater supply pump. The feed flow through the PX unit may or may not cause therotor to begin to rotate. Rotation will produce a humming noise that is audible at closeproximity to the PX unit.3. Adjust the seawater flow to the desired flow rate.4. Bleed air from the system.5. After the PX device has run with seawater for 5 to 10 minutes, start the PX booster (brine)pump. Rotor speed will increase and remaining air will be released from the PX unit. Bleed any remaining air from the system.6. Adjust the brine flow to balance the high- and low-pressure flows to the PX unit.7. After the PX unit and booster pump have run for 5 to 10 minutes, start the main high-pressurepump. The SWRO system pressure will increase to the point where the permeate flow willequal the flow from the main high-pressure pump. The noise level from the PX unit willincrease. Small variations in noise level and rotor speed are normal.8. Verify the high- and low-pressure flow rates. Adjust flows as necessary to achieve balanced flow to the PX unit.6.2.2 Short Term (1-3 Days) System Shut Down Sequence1. Stop the main high-pressure pump.2. Wait until the system pressure drops below 400 psig (28 bar). Open a purge valve if necessary to expedite depressurization.3. Stop the PX booster pump.4. Stop the seawater inlet supply pump.6.2.3 Medium Term (4-14 Days) System Shut Down Sequence1. Feed the PX unit and SWRO system with fresh water. A feed pressure of 27 psi (1.9 bar) is necessary to assure complete flushing.2. Make sure booster pump is operating. Run the system for 5 to 10 minutes until all the seawater is purged.3. Stop the booster pump.5. Isolate the fresh water supply source.6.2.4 Long Term (Over 2 Weeks) System Shut Down SequenceIf a plant is to be shut down for an extended period of time, the SWRO system including the PX units must be thoroughly flushed with fresh water to remove any salt and precautions should be taken to inhibit biological growth. The high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the PX unit must be flushed separately. The low-pressure flush should flushed with fresh water through the seawater feed line to the PX unit and to the brine drain. The high-pressure flush is typically performed by circulating water through the PX unit and the membranes using the booster pump. The PX units should receive a final flush with the same solution used to preserve the SWRO membranes.6.2.5 Membrane CleaningPX unit(s) must be completely isolated from the reverse osmosis system whenever a chemical cleaning of the membranes is being performed. If isolation valves are not provided in the system design, the PX units must be removed during such cleanings.6.3 Flow Control and Balancing the SystemFlow rates and pressures in a typical SWRO plant will vary slightly over the life of a plant due totemperature variations, membrane fouling, and feed salinity variations. The PX unit’s rotor is powered by the flow of fluid through the device. The speed of the rotor is self-adjusting over the PX unit’s operating range.The following subsections make references to PX unit installation process and instrument diagrams provided in Section High Pressure Flow ControlThe high-pressure flow through the PX unit is set by adjusting the booster pump with a variablefrequency drive or by throttling with a control valve in the PX unit high-pressure outlet line. The flow rate of the high-pressure seawater out of the PX unit equals the flow rate of the high-pressure brine to the PX unit minus the bearing lubrication flow. The high-pressure flow rate must be verified with a high-pressure flow meter.6.3.2 Low Pressure Flow ControlThe low-pressure flow through the PX unit is controlled by the seawater supply pump and a throttle valve in the brine discharge from the PX unit(s). This valve also adds backpressure on the PX device required to prevent destructive cavitation. The low-pressure flow rate must be verified with a flow meter. The flow rate of the low-pressure brine from the PX unit equals the flow rate of the low-pressure seawater to the PX unit plus the bearing lubrication flow rate.。



目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 能量回收装置简介 (1)1.2 研究的背景及意义 (1)1.3国内外发展现状及趋势 (2)1.3.1 国外发展现状 (2)1.3.2 国内发展趋势 (2)2 理论基础 (3)2.1 减震器 (3)2.2 电磁发电技术 (4)2.2.1 法拉第电磁感应定律 (4)2.2.2 电磁感应发电装置结构 (4)2.3 压电发电技术 (5)2.3.1 压电材料 (5)2.3.2 压电效应 (5)3基于压电叠堆储能的新式能量回收装置的结构及工作原理 (7)3.1 压电叠堆发电装置的结构 (7)3.2 能量回收装置的工作原理 (7)4能量回收装置的等效模型分析 (8)4.1 模型假设 (8)4.2 等效模型 (8)4.3 发电装置的性能分析 (8)4.4油压频率f 对回收装置输出特性的影响 (9)4.5压电叠堆长度对输出特性的影响 (9)4.6压电叠堆截面面积S 对输出特性的影响 (10)4.7 本章小结 (11)5能量回收装置输出电路 (11)6 结论与展望 (12)参考文献 (13)汽车减震器能量回收装置设计摘要:传统的被动悬架以及半主动悬架只能起到加速车架和车身震动的衰减作用,而起不到对振动能量回收的作用。








海水淡化能量回收装置编辑目录1概述2技术途径2.1 差压交换式能量回收装置(ER-CY)2.2等压交换式能量回收装置(ER-DY)1概述能量回收装置是反渗透海水淡化系统的关键装置之一,对大幅降低系统运行能耗和造水成本至关重要。









目前,国外功交换式能量回收产品主要有美国ERI公司的PX (Pressure Exchanger)压力交换器、瑞士CALDER AG公司的DWEER(Work Exchange Energy Recovery)功能交换器、挪威阿科凌的Recuperator能量回收塔。




绪论1.1 研究背景及目的过程工业(Process Industry)是我国能源行业的重要领域,也是能源消耗量最大的领域,占能源消耗总量的70%以上[1]。






旋转容积式液体压力能交换器(Rotary Pressure Exchanger,RPE)[14]是一种通过高低压液体直接接触实现压力能(或功量)回收利用的设备,其结构紧凑、操作控制简便、费用低廉、运行稳定以及近100%的能量回收效率,在过程工业中的应用前景十分广阔[10]。





1.2 液体压力能回收技术压力能回收装置从工作原理上主要分为容积式和液力透平两类[11],以下是简要介绍。



Low Pressure Brine
PX Booster Pump
58.8 flow 2 bar
58.8 flow 1 bar
58.8 flow 0 bar
58.8 flow 2 bar
58.8 flow 1 bar
PX High Pressure Inlet
PX Low pressure Outlet
58.8 flow 0 bar
0 flow 2 bar
58.8 flow 2 bar
58.8 flow 1 bar
PX High Pressure Inlet
PX Low pressure Outlet
PX Rotor
Step 3: Set PX booster flow rate and start main HP pump.
PX Low Pressure inlet
Seal Zone
Low Pressure Brine
PX Booster Pump
Main High Pressure Pump
-- flow 2 bar
0 flow 2 bar
0 flow 2 bar
-- flow 2 bar
58.8 flow 2 bar
Seal Zone
PX High Pressure Outlet
PX Rotor Rotation
Seal Zone
PX Rotor Rotation
58.8 flow 66 bar
58.8 flow 2 bar
PX High Pressure Inlet
PX Low pressure Outlet


PX High Pressure Outlet
Seal Zone
FM 58.8 flow 2 bar
PX Low Pressure inlet
FWF Pump
58.8 flow
Seal zone
End View
PX Rotor
0 flow
Air Vent
0 flow 2 bar
Air Vent
0 flow
2 bar
Stop V
Booster D
PX Booster Pump
58.8 flow 0 bar
PX High Pressure Outlet
Seal Zone
FM 58.8 flow
2 bar
PX Low Pressure inlet
Seawater Pump
58.8 flow 1 bar
Low Pressure Brine
Step 3: Set PX booster flow rate and start main HP pump.
HP Pump
Main High Pressure Pump
58.8 flow 2 bar
0 flow
58.8 flow
Seal zone LP
End View
PX Rotor Rotation PX Rotor
PX Rotor Rotation
58.8 flow 1 bar
PX High Pressure Inlet Seal Zone





1.海水淡化设备供应商美国能量回收公司在纳斯达克上市 [J], ;
2.PX能量回收装置流量控制和节能策略试验研究 [J], 张晋涛;淘如钧;郭捷;包青平;孙志锋;朱春佳
3.PX能量回收装置流量控制和节能策略试验研究 [J], 张晋涛;淘如钧;郭捷;包青平;孙志锋;朱春佳;
4.化纤工厂PX及PTA装置的能量利用 [J], 陈安民;张宝贵
5.PX能量回收装置在纳滤精制卤水中的应用分析 [J], 潘玉强; 宁尚海; 吴奇; 赵光年; 陈砚祥

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Seawater RO Process Simulator
Energy Recovery, Inc. (ERI®) 美国能量回收公司
HEADQUARTERS/CERAMICS 美国能量回收公司总部及陶瓷研发和制造中心 San Leandro (San Francisco), California USA 总部位于美国加州旧金山市湾区
Seawater RO Before Energy Recovery Devices 无能量回收装置的膜法海水淡化系统
Issues: high pumping costs, wasted energy 问题:高压泵高投资和能量的浪费
Constant High Efficiency 恒定的高效率
Isobaric Energy Recovery Systems Have High Efficiency Regardless of System Size 无论系统大小等压式能量回收装置具有恒定的高效率
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Low-pressure feed water filbrine 经过过滤的低压原海水进入转子的一个通道,取代浓盐水
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Low-pressure feed water fills rotor chamber, displacing brine 经过过滤的低压原海水进入转子的一个通道,取代浓盐水
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Steps 1 – 4 步骤1到4
Seawater RO: Positive Displacement Energy Recovery Devices
95 – 98% efficiency
Smaller pump, high constant efficiency, flexible operation 较小尺寸的高压泵、恒定的高效率和灵活的操作性能
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Rotor chamber seals, containing high pressure brine 浓盐水被密封在另一个密封区
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
Operating Expenses— Breakdown 操作成本分项
Office 办公费用3% Parts Replacement 备品备件13% Operating Margin 运营利润17% Labor, G&A 劳动力9% Power电能 41%
Perth Phase I Seawater Desalination Plant 2008 珀斯一期海水淡化工厂 2008
Isobaric Turbocharger
Efficiency %
60 40 20
Pelton Turbine
Increasing Flow
Desalination Systems 海水淡化系统
1980 1990 2000 2010
Francis Turbine
Rotor chamber seals, containing low-pressure feed water 经过过滤的低压原海水充满一个转子通道,被密封在密封区
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
3 High-pressure brine pressurizes and displaces feed water
Membranes 膜更换费8%
Chemical / Consumables 化学品消耗9%
Power Use — Breakdown (Seawater RO) 电力消耗成本分项
Permeate Treatment
后处理系统 1%
Permeate Distribution
Technical Expertise
高效、耐用和可靠 • Precision Manufacturing and Ceramics Expertise 精密的制造及加工技术,陶瓷专家 技术专家 • 24/7 Service and Support 全方位、全天候服务和技术支持 • Technical Review, On-site Commissioning, Start-up 技术审核、现场调试和启动 • Isobaric and Turbine Energy Recovery Solutions 提供等压式和透平式能量回收解决方案
• Highest Efficiency, Durability and Reliability
Market Technology Awards 市场和技术成就
Over 180 Clients 180多个客户
Desalination Plant Capital & Operating 膜法海淡工厂投资和操作成本
产品水输送系统 7%
预处理系统 8%
Reverse Osmosis Process
反渗透 68%
Source: Affordable Desalination Collaboration, 2008 资料来源:ADC,2008
RO power consumption is approximately 20% RO (up to 45%) of total SWRO cost 反渗透系统电力消耗大约占总的操作成本的20-45%
construction 耐用的陶瓷结构
• Adds flexibility to reverse
osmosis process 让RO工艺操作更加灵活
Making Desalination Affordable
Desalination Systems
Other Energy Improvements 采用先进 能量回收
Future Improvements 未来目标
The PX Pressure Exchanger™ Device
An Isobaric Energy Recovery Solution 等压式能量回收系统解决方案
REGIONAL OFFICES 区域办公室 Spain, UAE, China & Florida 西班牙、阿联酋、中国和美国佛罗里达 ,
PUMP ENGINEERING Monroe 全资子公司PEI Michigan, USA 美国密歇根州
Company Profile 公司简介
PX® Energy Recovery Technology PX®能量回收技术
High-Pressure Pump Flow 40% 高压泵流量
Fresh Water Flow 40% 产水流量
• Waste energy recycled at
up to 98% efficiency 能量回收效率高达98%
The PX® Device PX®压力交换器
• 2 high pressure connections 2个高压接口 • 2 low pressure connections 2个低压接口
• Ceramic cartridge 陶瓷组件
End cover Rotor / Sleeve End cover 端盖 转子/外套 端盖
Capital Expense 投资成本 Operating Expense 操作成本
ASSUMPTIONS 基准 Power Cost 电费USD/kWh 0.09 Debt Equity Ratio 债权比 80/20 Debt Interest Rate 利率 8% Equity Return on Inv 投资回报率 18%
• Simple, elegant, modular
Sea Water Flow 60% 海水流量
Sea Water 海水 Concentrate 浓盐水 Concentrate Flow 60% 浓盐水流量 Circulation Pump 循环泵
design 简单、完美的膜块化设计
• Robust ceramic
Background 公司背景
• Established in 1992, Headquarters in California
• Global Sales and Technical Presence