
启用这项功能后,当您的朋友进行问题操作时,该记录器将会逐一记录您的操作步骤,并将它们压缩在一个MHTML 文件中。
而Windows 7就不同了,右击电脑,选择属性,系统保护,系统还原,然后选择您想要的还原点,点击“扫描受影响的应用程序”,Windows就会告知您哪些应用程序受到影响,通过选择还原点进行删除或者是修复。
3、桌面幻灯片Windows 7中有许多吸引人的新的墙纸,因此您很难决定是使用哪一张,那么为什么不使用桌面幻灯片功能呢?右击桌面的空白位置,选择个性化,桌面背景,然后在选择喜欢的图片的时候按住Ctrl键,接着再选择您想要的图片的变换周期,选择Shuffle使得图片随机显示,自此,桌面幻灯片的功能就设置完成了。
4、自动排列您的桌面如果您的Windows 7桌面上的图标分散得到处都是,那么您只需右击桌面,选择“查看”——自动排列即可。
快捷键的使用Windows 7比Vista要好用而且有很多新功能。
把当前窗口停靠在屏幕右侧按WIN+右键可以把窗口靠到右侧显示或隐藏浏览预览面板按 ALT+P 隐藏或者显示浏览的预览窗口锁定屏幕Windows 7的开始菜单里不再有锁定按钮,所以现在用户要按WIN+L去锁定它。

确保计算机硬件满足Win7系统的最低 配置要求。
获取Win7系统的安装光盘或下载对应 的ISO镜像文件,并制作成可启动的 安装U盘。
在安装系统前,务必备份计算机中的 重要数据,以防数据丢失。
安装完成后,务必及时更新系统补丁和硬件 驱动程序,以确保系统的稳定性和安全性。
根据网络环境和需求,配置网络连接方式 (如宽带拨号、局域网连接等),并设置合 适的网络参数。
通过调整系统设置(如关闭不必要的视觉效 果、优化磁盘读写性能等),提高Win7系统 的运行速度和响应能力。
如Acronis True Image等,提供更多备份选 项和功能
通过Windows Update获取并安 装更新
将准备好的安装介质插入计算机,重启计算机并进入BIOS 设置界面,将启动顺序设置为从安装介质启动。
从安装介质启动后,进入Win7安装界面,选择安装语言、 时间和货币格式以及键盘和输入方法。
选择“自定义(高级)”安装类型,以便在安装过程中进行 分区和格式化操作。
开启防火墙,安装杀毒软件,定 期进行全面扫描

win7使用手册快捷键一、Windows键 + 空格键“Space”[作用]:透明化所有窗口,快速查看桌面(并不切换) [快捷键]:win+空格[小结]:当你打开了很多程序窗口的时候,这招非常有用,而且桌面还会有华丽的光影效果哦。
没用过的赶紧试试先二、Windows键 + D[作用]:最小化所有窗口,并切换到桌面,再次按又重新打开刚才的所有窗口[快捷键]:win+d[小结]:这个功能在以前的系统里是都有的,只不过win7的显示桌面放到了任务栏的右下角了(就是最右边的那个长方形小条)三、Windows键 + tab键[作用]:传说中的3D桌面展示效果[快捷键]:win+tab[小结]:记得本区应该有一个帖就是关于这个效果的,不过感觉这招最简单了四、Windows键 + ctrl键+tab键[作用]:3D桌面浏览并锁定(可截屏)[快捷键]:win+ctrl+tab[小结]:见识了它的效果想留个图,win+tab是办不到di,win7说了 -- I can!五、Windows键 + 数字键[作用]:针对固定在快速启动栏中的程序,按照数字排序打开相应程序[快捷键]:win+数字(1-9)[小结]:吼吼,这个功能爽吧六、Windows键 + P[作用]:打开“外接显示”的设臵窗口[快捷键]:win+p[小结]:办公室一族,对这个功能肯定不会陌生吧。
七、Windows键 + X[作用]:打开“移动中心”设臵窗口[快捷键]:win+x[小结]:设臵窗口里包括显示器亮度控制、音量控制、笔记本电池监控、Mobile手机同步设臵、外接显示器管理...等多种功能八、修复系统默认文件关联[作用]:修复系统默认文件关联[快捷键]:无[小结]:当我们无意中破坏了系统默认的文件关联,这招就派上用场了。
win7下可不像winxp那样容易修改文件关联的,不信?试试*_*[操作方法]:开始->cmd,按如下格式输入assoc.XXX=XXXfile XXX代表文件类型,比如修复TXT和BAT的文件关联,命令就是assoc.TXT=TXTfile 和assoc.BAT=BATfile 九、关闭系统休眠功能[作用]:关闭系统休眠功能[快捷键]:无[小结]:windows7下的休眠功能需要硬件和操作系统的功能支持,目前该功能出现多种问题,建议在正式版出来之前先关闭它,而且还可以为系统盘节省大量磁盘空间(大约4G)。


➢微软宣布自2014年4月8日起停止对Windows XP的 技术支持。
2.1.2 Windows 7的运行环境与安装
Windows 7的运行环境
架构 中央处理器 內存 显卡 显存 硬盘最小容量 光盘驱动器 激活要求
Windows 7的桌面 Windows 7常用基本操作 桌面图标管理 任务栏和开始菜单设置
2.2 项目1:文件和文件夹
小丽同学在电脑操作中积累了大量的文件, 现在想对这些文件进行整理,将有用的文件分门 别类地放置在不同的位置。
该项目涉及到文件和文件夹的创建,文件的 搜索、删除、移动、复制及重命名和属性的设置, 库的操作,收藏夹的使用,回收站的操作,快捷 方式的创建。
➢ 用户通过文件名对计算机的文件进行操作,在文件或文件夹的名 字中,最多可使用255个字符。用汉字命名,最多可以有127个汉 字,组成文件名或文件夹的字符可以是空格,但不能使用下列字 符:+、*、/、?、“、<、>、|,在同一文件夹中不能有同名文 件。
➢ 文件名通常是由主文件名和扩展名组成,主文件名和扩展名之间 用“.”分隔,如果文件名中出现多个“.” 分隔符,以最后一个 “.”后的字符做为扩展名。
➢剪贴板(ClipBoard)是内存中的一块区域,用于临 时存储被剪切或复制的信息。
➢剪切或复制时,信息保存到剪贴板;粘贴时,粘贴 的是剪贴板上的信息。
➢剪贴板是Windows内置的一个非常有用的工具,通 过剪贴板可在各种应用程序之间传递和共享信息。

背景:Microsoft 已完成重寫 Windows 7 版本的 1394 (Firewire) 匯流排介面。
根據 Microsoft:「1394 匯流排驅動程式已針對 Windows 7 進行重寫,從而支援 IEEE-1394b規格中定義的更高速度和替代材質。
遺憾的是,此新的預設 Firewire 被發現會導致現有的 Firewire裝置發生問題,包括柯達生産型擷取掃瞄機。
我們的測試顯示預設 Firewire匯流排驅動程式剛開始時可能操作良好,但最終會無法再與 TWAIN 或 ISIS驅動程式通訊。
此問題已在建議的柯達供應的 Firewire 卡或其他製造廠商的 Firewire 卡上進行觀察。
問題的症狀是,柯達 i600/i700/i1800 將會在「裝置管理員」中被正確識別為正常執行的裝置,但 TWAIN 和 ISIS 驅動程式將無法連接至掃瞄機。
幸運的是,Microsoft 加入了能夠在柯達 Firewire 掃瞄機上可靠操作的「舊」Firewire驅動程式。
每張 Firewire卡都獨立進行設定,以便在必要時讓主機上的其他 Firewire 卡保留預設值。
若掃瞄機主機 PC具備未設定為使用「舊」驅動程式的 Firewire 卡,建議您清楚標記掃瞄機介面卡以避免混亂。
附註:將 Windows 7 預設 USB 驅動程式與具備 USB 介面的柯達掃瞄機配合使用時尚未發現任何問題。
如需詳細說明:(設定 IEEE1394 (Firewire) 來與柯達掃瞄機配合使用)開始之前:若是全新安裝,首先在主機電腦上的可用 PCI 插槽內安裝柯達供應的 IEEE1394 (Firewire)卡。
Lenovo D30(D3000 D3005)系列电脑使用说明书 (Win7) V1.0

用于连接使用 DisplayPort 接口的高性能显示器、
注意 :如果你的电脑配置了无线键盘、鼠标设备,请根据相应的说明连接。
1.4 蓝光光碟播放说明(部分机型配置蓝光光驱)
由于蓝光标准限制,在播放蓝光光碟时,请参照下表接口类型选择对应线缆连接 主机与显示器。如显示器未配备对应线缆,请您单独购买。
6 Lenovo D30 系列电脑使用说明书
1.6 插接电源适配器(部分机型配置)
如果机型配置了电源适配器,请按照如图所示的方式插接电源线 :
1. 在插接电源线接口的同时,将电源线后部卡入旁边的卡扣内。 2. 注意 :如果未将电源线按照如图所示的方式进行固定,影响了电脑的正常使用,
本章主要内容 :
注意 :
• 使用一键恢复可以将电脑中的系统盘(C
2 在此操作中,系统盘(C 盘)上原有的所
有数据将丢失,硬盘上的其他分区的内容 及格式将不改变。
• 如果你使用 Windows 光盘安装操作系统
Lenovo D30 系列
电脑使用说明书 ( Win7 )
重要安全信息 :
在使用本手册之前,阅读和了解本产品的所有相关安全信息十分重要。请 参阅本产品随附的《安全与保修指南》以获取最新的安全信息。阅读和了 解这些安全信息有助于减少造成人身伤害或损坏产品的风险。
危险 :对高度危险要警惕
警告 :对中度危险要警惕
USB 接口
USB 接口
光驱 注意 :

欢迎使用 Windows 7。
Windows 7 的兼容性很好,在设计之初,Windows 7 的兼容性就被视为重要一部分。使用 Windows 7,您无需担心 Windows 7 的兼容性问题,因为在中国,已有 92%的主流软件、92% 的硬件以及 95%的网站及互联网应用与 Windows 7 良好兼容。从网上支付方面来说:在 Windows 7 发布之前,就已经达到了“6+1”的兼容目标:中国银行、农业银行、工商银行、建设银行、招 商银行、交通银行+支付宝,从而能够充分满足您网上购物、网上交易等需求。而且,微软还将 继续悉心聆听市场反馈,不断完善 Windows 7 的兼容性,以保证您享有更加顺畅的用户体验。 Windows XP 模式
有了 Windows 7,您可以使新的事情成为可能。您会找到新的方式来随时随地享受和分享 您的音乐、照片、视频和录制的电视节目,而不管它们的存储方式和存储位置。Windows 7 提 供了更多的方式,使您能在任何位置有效地访问您的数据和工作,包括更容易连接到无线网络。 我们还增加了新的办法,使您能够通过触摸屏与电脑交互。电脑在家庭中的作用是不断变化的。
如果您想解有关 Windows 兼容性中心的更多信息,您可以访问以下网址: /windows/compatibility
Windows 7的硬件配置要求(推荐配置)
常有用户问我们这样一个问题,Windows 7 对硬件配置的要求高吗?配置不高的 PC,能运 行 Windows 7 么?

❖ Windows 7默认提供了多个外观主题,其中包含不同颜色窗口、 多组风格背景图片以及与其风格匹配的系统声音以满足个性化 需求。
初次接触Windows 7
❖ 自定义桌面背景
❖ 如果需要自定义桌面背景,单击鼠标右键--个性化设置面 板下方的“桌面背景”图标,在“桌面背景”面板中可以 单选或多选系统内置的图片,多选时注意鼠标指针对准图 片左上角的复选框,单击“保存修改”按钮即可生效。
❖ 1.在“个性化”面板中对桌面的背景、风格、颜色 等方面进行修改,打造一个属于自己风格的外观界面。
❖ 2.通过“任务栏”和“开始菜单”的属性设置,改 造“任务栏”和“开始菜单”的显示样式。
✓ 添加程序图标到“快速启动”栏:按下鼠标左键将图标 拖动到“快速启动”工具栏处,放开鼠标。
✓ 删除“快速启动”工具栏中的图标:右键单击“快速启 动”栏程序图标→单击 “将此程序从任务栏解锁”。
✓ 单击图标可以切换到该图标所对应的应用程序窗口。
指向操作 左键单击 左键双击 右键单击 拖动操作
✓ 位于桌面最下方的一个小长条,显示系统正在运行的程 序、当前时间等。用户通过任务栏可以完成许多操作, 也可以对它进行一系列的设置。
✓ 任务栏由“开始”菜单按钮、“快速启动”工具栏、“ 窗口”按钮栏、语言栏、通知区域等组成。
指示器” 。
❖ 本课介绍Windows 7系统的基本知识,帮助读者能够使用 Windows 7完成一些常见的操作。
Windows 7操作系统使用文档

至: 从: Windows XP 或更低版本 Windows Vista (RTM) Windows Vista Starter (SP1+) Windows Vista Home Basic (SP1+) Windows Vista Home Premium (SP1+) Windows Vista Business (SP1+) X X X X X X X X X 是 X X X X X 是 是 X X X X X X 是 X X X X X 是 X X X 是 是 是 简易版 家庭普通版 家庭高级版 专业版 企业版 旗舰版
跳转列表:可快速访问应用程序相关的最常见任务,以及用户在运行该应用程序时最有可能用到的文档、媒体或其他文 件。
Windows 7---安全性
新增控制面板界面(四个选项) 改进了 UAC 设臵屏幕 降低了 UAC 提示频率 增加了无需管理权限即可执行的
Windows 操作
最佳做法 使用默认 UAC 设臵或更高设值。 除非客户请求或要排除故障, 否则不要建议客户降低 UAC 级别。 确保客户使用标准用户帐户。
操作中心 * 疑难解答*
Windows 7---疑难解答工具
通过这个新的疑难解答控制面板,可以访问与 PC、Windows 和疑难解答程序的状态 相关的消息,这些消息可帮助诊断和解决许多常见问题。 此界面提供自动诊断和修复实用程序。


Windows 7 Developer GuidePublished October 2008Updated June 2009; May 2009; February 2009; December 2008; November, 2008;For more information, press only:Rapid Response TeamWaggener Edstrom Worldwide(503) 443-7070rrt@The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corp. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This guide is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKE S NO WARRANTIE S, E XPRE SS OR IMP LIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.Complying w ith all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of thi s document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other w i s e), or for any purpose, w ithout the express written permission of Microsoft.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. E xcept as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furni s hing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Unless other w i s e noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association w ith any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred.© 2009 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.CONTENTSABSTRACT (1)INTRODUCTION (2)Solid Foundation 2Richer Application Experiences 2The Best of Windows and the Web 3SOLID FOUNDATION (4)Compatibility and Reliability 4Applications 4Drivers 4Devices 5Reliability Access Monitor 5Management and Deployment 5Windows PowerShell 2.0 6Windows Installer 7Security 7Windows Filtering Platform 8User Account Control 8Performance 9Building Power-Efficient Applications 9Service Control Manager 10Windows Troubleshooting Platform 10Documents and Document Peripherals 11Open Packaging Conventions 12X PS Documents 12Accessibility and Global Support 13Windows Automation 14Accessibility Support Tools 14Improved Multi-Language User Interface Support and Linguistic Services14RICHER APPLICATION EXPERIENCES (16)Intuitive User Experience 16Multi-Touch Gestures, and Manipulation and Inertia API s 16Single-Finger Panning 17 Raw Touch Input Data 17 Handwriting and Ink 18 Math Recognition 18 Handwriting with Personalized Custom Dictionary 19 The Desktop Experience 20 Jump Lists—Getting Users into Your Application Quickly 21 Enhanced Taskbar 22 Gadgets Platform 23 Windows Ribbon 23 Animation 24 Managing Files and Data 25 Libraries 25 File Formats and Data Stores 26 High DPI 27 High-Fidelity Graphics with DirectX 28 Direct2D 29 DirectWrite 29 Windows Imaging Component 30 Direct3D 11 30 Direct3D 10 improvements 31 DirectX/GDI Interoperability 32 Media Platform 32 Format Support 32 Hardware Devices 32 Simplified Programming Model 33 Platform Improvements 33 Devices 34 Device Experience Platform 34 Windows Biometric Framework 35THE BEST OF WINDOWS AND THE W EB (36)Services 36 Windows Web Services 36 Distributed Routing Table 37 Windows BranchCache™37 Federated Search 37 Sensor Platform 39 Internet Explorer 8 40ABSTRACTBuilding applications that are easy to use, visually appealing, and offer highperformance is a challenge that developers face every day. Innovativeapplications can greatly improve the user experience, empoweringcompanies to differentiate their services and solutions. However, developersare increasingly asked to do more in less time, while also optimizing thepower and performance requirements of their applications.The Windows 7 platform makes it easy for developers to create engaging,user-friendly applications by providing familiar tools and rich developmentfeatures that allow them to take advantage of the latest PC capabilities.INTRODUCTIONDeveloping software has never been more exciting. The world has neverbeen more connected, interactive and mobile. User experiences and contenthave never had higher fidelity. Advances in connectivity, mobility, naturalinterfaces, graphics and media are enabling new scenarios and opportunitiesfor developers. At the same time, expectations have never been higher forperformance, flexibility and interoperability. A world-class developer platformmust provide a flexible and complete foundation for developers and theirsolutions, empowering them to build applications that set them apart from thecompetition while maximizing their investments.The Windows® 7 operating system is the essential platform for developers.Listening to our customers, looking ahead to the scenarios of tomorrow, andbuilding on the capabilities of Windows Vista®, Microsoft offers developers awide variety of choices and capabilities within the Windows developerplatform, while empowering developers to deliver creative solutions that aremobile-aware, connected, high-fidelity, and provide a highly intuitive userexperience. Most importantly, developer platform fundamentals such assecurity, performance, and compatibility are top p riorities in Window 7.This guide summarizes the key developer advances in each of the followingthree areas:Solid FoundationGreat user experiences start with a solid foundation. Windows 7 delivers asolid development platform and innovative tools that give you more options,increased application compatibility, better performance, and sophisticateddocument support. This results in a simple, more reliable environment foryour applications and a familiar, intuitive one for your users.We’ve kept the user interface consistent, predictable and easy to use, whileadding multi-touch support, scrolling, and other intuitive interaction featuresthat take advantage of the latest PC and mobile device capabilities. WithWindows 7, developers have the power to build the right user experiences fortheir applications. For more information see Windows User ExperienceInteraction Guidelines (/?linkid=9669659).Richer Application ExperiencesWindows 7 enables developers to build applications today that will run on thePCs of tomorrow. Service-enabled software and devices, such as mobilephones, portable media players, and digital cameras, demand constantconnectivity and advanced applications. Windows 7 delivers a platform forboth, making it easy for developers to take advantage of the functionality andfeatures of next generation hardware, while ensuring that users are alwayson, and always connected. For more information see Windows Hardware Developer Central (/?linkid=9669663)The Best of Windows and the WebWith Windows 7, it’s easy to get connected and stay connected. Windows networking offers developers options for better caching and sharing of data to improve network performance. Network diagnostics in Windows 7 give developers relevant information for monitoring network issues. Internet Explorer™ 8 is the essential platform for building fast, rich Web experiences. Whether the goal is to connect devices, connect to a network, or connect to the Internet, Windows 7 provides an enhanced platform. For more information see Web Development in the MSDN Library (/?linkid=9669664)SOLID FOUNDATIONWindows 7 provides a highly productive developer platform and tools thatdeliver on core operating system fundamentals. Windows 7 builds upon theWindows Vista platform, giving developers the power to build applicationsthat are compatible with both platforms while limiting application compatibilityissues. Windows 7 dramatically improves performance and powermanagement so that you can create applications that optimize the mobileexperience. As a result, your applications will be more visually appealing,easier to create, and support a wider range of international standards.Advances have also been made in global support, accessibility, andapplication deployment.Compatibility and ReliabilityWindows 7 is designed to run on the same hardware as Windows Vista, andto be compatible with applications and device drivers that work withWindows Vista.Windows 7 is the most reliable version of Windows yet. Designed on animproved technology foundation, Windows 7 allows users to reliably start up,shut down, or hibernate their computers without having to worry about losingvaluable work. Furthermore, Windows 7 makes it easier than ever to back upand restore data to network drives or DVDs. Windows 7 also improves uponprint reliability and performance. For more information see Windows 7Application Quality Cookbook (/?linkid=9669662).ApplicationsTo help ensure compatibility, Windows 7 has been designed in closepartnership with software vendors and PC manufacturers. Early engagementhas enabled Microsoft to build a comprehensive list of the most widely usedapplications. Automated testing cycles ensure that compatibility issues aredetected and fixed early in the development cycle. For more information seeWindows Application Compatibility (/?linkid=9669665).DriversThe Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.0.0 provides the build environment,tools, documentation, and samples that developers need to create qualit ydrivers for Windows. The WDK 7.0.0 supports static source code analysis,using PREfast to detect certain classes of C and C++ coding errors. PREfastincludes a specialized driver component, known as PREfast for Drivers(PFD), which detects errors in kernel-mode driver code. In addition, the WDKhas been enhanced by annotating all kernel header files for PFD support.New sample drivers have been added that demonstrate new technologies,and the documentation has been expanded.Windows 7 supports a large variety of software and hardware products designed to integrate seamlessly with the platform. Drivers that were created for Windows Vista should not require updating to run correctly in Windows 7. For more information see the Windows Driver Kit (/?linkid=9669667).DevicesWindows 7 provides flexible, robust support for a wide variety of applications and devices, including music players, storage devices, mobile phones, and other types of connected devices. Automatic testing of these devices is used to ensure that compatibility issues are fixed early in the development cycle. For more information see Windows Device Class Fundamentals (/?linkid=9669666).Reliability Acce ss MonitorReliability Analysis Component is an in-box agent that provides detailed customer experience information on system usage and reliability.This information is exposed through a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface, making it available for consumption by Portable Readers Systems. By exposing Reliability Analysis Component through a WMI interface, developers can monitor and analyze their applications, increasing reliability and performance,Windows 7 uses the built-in Reliability Analysis Component to calculate a reliability index which provides information about your overall system usage and stability over time. Reliability Analysis Component also keeps track of any important changes to the system that are likely to have an impact on stability, such as Windows updates and application installations. You can use the Reliability Monitor snap-in to see trends in your system's reliability index correlated with these potentially destabilizing events, making it easy to trace a reliability change directly to a particular event. For more information see MountVHD Function (/?linkid=9669668).Management and DeploymentIT professionals or developers preparing to deploy Windows 7 will have increased confidence and experience a shorter evaluation cycle due to improvements in imaging features and tools. These include support for managing applications, drivers, and operating systems in offline image files. Additionally, image creation and management will be easier and will be available to a broader range of IT organizations. Deploying Windows 7 to business PCs will also be easier and faster because of new IT migration tools and automated deployment technologies.Windows PowerShell 2.0Windows PowerShell™ is a complete .NET managed scripting language with both an interactive command line shell and a graphical Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). It supports branching, looping, functions, debugging, exception handling, and internationalization. PowerShell 2.0 is part of Windows 7 and delivers many enhancements and a growing set of cmdlets for Windows Diagnostics, Active Directory®, Internet Information Services (IIS) and more.The PowerShell 2.0 remoting feature now allows users to run commands on one or more remote computers from a single computer running Windows PowerShell. Developers can also host Windows PowerShell on Internet Information Services to access and manage their servers.PowerShell 2.0 supports partitioning and organizing PowerShell scripts using modules that can be distributed and deployed as self-contained, reusable units. It also includes transactions support in the PowerShell engine and APIs, which means that developers can start, commit, and rollback transactions using built-in transaction cmdlets. Further, the PowerShellengine includes eventing support for listening, forwarding, and acting on management and system events. PowerShell applications can be written to subscribe to certain events for synchronous or asynchronous processing. For more information see Windows PowerShell (/?linkid=9669669).Windows InstallerWindows Installer has been updated to increase developer efficiency by reducing the amount of custom code required to create an installation package and create true per-user software installations.Multiple Package Transaction allows developers to create a single transaction from multiple packages, using a ―chainer‖ to dynamically i nclude packages in the transaction. If one or more of the packages do not install as expected, simply roll back the installation.Embedded UI Handler makes custom UIs easier to integrate by embedding a custom user interface handler in the Windows Installer package.Embedded Multiple Package Chainer allows developers to enable installation events across multiple packages. For example, they can enable install-on-demand events, repair events, and uninstall events across multiple packages.New features also enable the creation of true per-user installations, including support for per-user program files and "elevate now" functionality, and provide support for offline software inventory and patch applicability checks through Deployment Image Servicing and Management. For more information see What's New in Windows Installer 5.0 (/?linkid=9669677).SecurityWindows 7 includes new and improved security features that make it easier for developers to improve, use, and manage the security of their applications. It comes with a variety of new security features that not only help protect against threats but also limit the damage that attackers can do if they gain access to a computer.Enhancements to the Windows Filtering Platform allow developers to create applications that interact with the packet processing in the networking stack of the operating system. Network data can be filtered and also modified before it reaches its destination.Also, due to changes to the Windows privilege model, system security is more manageable by both developers and their end users. New improvements make it easy to identify critical prompts to ensure that users can access the applications and features they need without compromisingtheir systems. For more information see the MSDN Security Developer Center (/?linkid=9669672).Windows Filtering PlatformIn Windows 7, the Windows Filtering Platform has been enhanced to give developers more control over firewall functionality. The level of filtering has been increased and ISVs can now plug in custom protection and detection at lower levels. In addition, firewall developers can selectively turn parts of the Windows Firewall on or off.Using Windows Filtering Platform, developers can build firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs, network monitoring tools, and parental controls into their applications. Windows Filtering Platform integrates with and provides support for a wide variety of firewall features, including authenticated communication and dynamic firewall configuration based on applications' use of sockets API (application-based policy). Windows Filtering Platform also provides infrastructure for policy management, change notifications, network diagnostics, and stateful filtering.The initial architecture of Windows Filtering Platform in Windows Vista®provided capabilities for IP-based traffic. Other non-IP protocols—such as such as Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and media access control (MAC)-layer protocols for network management and authentication—also require filtering, inspection, or logging. In Windows 7, an NDIS inspection layer that supports MAC and ETHERNE T filtering has been provided to satisfy this need. For more information see Windows Filtering Platform (/?linkid=9669676).User Account ControlUser Account Control is a security component in Windows 7 that allows developers to build applications that enable users to perform common tasks as non-administrators. Developers can reduce security risks by running applications under a standard user token, reducing the risks of mistakes or attacks.User accounts that are members of the local Administrators group will run most applications as a standard user. By separating user and administrator functions while enabling productivity, User Account Control gives developers greater control over the level of access that users have over protected areas of an application. User Account Control requests credentials in a Secure Desktop mode, where the entire screen is protected to prevent spoofing of the user interface or the mouse. For more information see User Account Control Dialog Updates (/?linkid=9669674) and User Account Control and WMI (/?linkid=9669675).PerformanceWindows 7 maximizes hardware energy efficiency and scalability while maintaining high performance. Energy efficiency is improved through reduced background activity and new support for the trigger starting of system services. Windows 7 also offers improvements in the Windows kernel that enable applications and services to scale efficiently between platforms.Performance of many features and APIs is improved in Windows 7 versus Windows Vista. For example, driver performance on servers is optimized by new user-mode and kernel-mode topology APIs. Graphics rendering is considerably smoother and faster. Accessibility performance is also significantly faster than before.Building Power-Efficient ApplicationsBuilding energy efficient applications that take advantage of the latest power management technologies is a significant challenge developers are facing today.Typically, processor and device manufacturers get all of the attention as their latest offerings are measured and benchmarked. However, a single application can easily prevent the latest generation of hardware from realizing its energy-efficiency potential. For example, a single application that increases the platform timer resolution can decrease battery life by 10 percent.Extended operation on battery power and the use of energy efficient technologies are key requirements for today’s developers. Windows 7 greatly reduces the number of activities that the operating system performs that prevent use of power-saving modes. It also supports the trigger-starting of system services to enable processors to become idle more often and stay idle longer, which decreases power consumption. In addition, Windows 7 takes advantage of the latest energy-efficient hardware, including network adapters, storage devices, and graphics cards.Windows 7 provides the infrastructure and tools that make it easy for developers to determine the energy impact of their applications. A set of event callbacks enable applications to reduce their activity when the system is on battery power and automatically scale up when the system is on AC power. For applications that involve a background process or service, Windows 7 features new infrastructure to automatically enable background tasks when most appropriate in order to maximize energy efficiency. For more information see WHDC Performance Central (/?linkid=9669670) and Power Management in Windows 7 Overview (/?linkid=9669671).Service Control ManagerThe Windows 7 Service Control Manager has been extended so that a service can be automatically started and stopped when a specific system event, or trigger, occurs on the system. Trigger-start capabilities remove the need for services to start up automatically at computer startup and then poll or wait for an event to occur, such as device arrival. Common trigger events for services include:▪Device-class interface arrival:Start a service only when a certain type of device is present or attached on the system.▪Domain join:Start a service only if the system is joined to a Windows domain.▪Group policy change:Start a service automatically when group policies are refreshed on the system.▪IP address arrival: Start a service only when the system is connected to the network.Software developers can use the predefined trigger types for Windows 7 and the configuration options to enable trigger-start capability. The Windows 7 Service Control Manager exposes a new set of APIs that enable a service to register for specific custom trigger events. For more information see Service Control Manager (/?linkid=9669673).Windows Trouble shooting PlatformWindows 7 delivers a comprehensive and extensible Troubleshooting Platform that uses a PowerShell-based mechanism to troubleshoot and resolve problems. The key components of the Troubleshooting Platform include a troubleshooting package, troubleshooting engine, and troubleshooting wizard. The troubleshooting pack is a collection of PowerShell scripts and relevant metadat a. The troubleshooting engine launches a PowerShell runtime to execute a troubleshooting pack, and exposes a set of interfaces to control troubleshooting pack execution.The troubleshooting wizard provides a consistent experience across troubleshooting packs, communicating with the troubleshooting engine to troubleshoot and resolve problems that are specified in a troubleshooting pack. Execution of a troubleshooting pack can also be controlled through a set of PowerShell commandlets.The Troubleshooting Platform seamlessly integrates with the Windows 7 PC Solution Center, enabling other applications to execute diagnostics in a similar manner as part of their PC management regimen. The Troubleshooting Platform is configurable by IT professionals through GroupPolicy for use within the enterprise, and a Windows Troubleshooting Toolkit that allows developers to author troubleshooting packs is also available. For more information see Windows Troubleshooting Platform (/?linkid=9669687).Documents and Document PeripheralsWindows 7 provides developers with a robust platform for working with documents and integrating document peripherals. Two new document and storage technologies were introduced in Windows Vista: the X ML Paper Specification (XPS) and Open Packaging Conventions (OPC). These technologies, which were available in Windows Vista only to developers of managed-code applications through the .NET Framework, are now available in the Windows 7 SDK for use by developers of unmanaged code.Open Packaging ConventionsWindows 7 supports all Open Packaging Conventions file formats, including those from Microsoft as well as those from third parties. OPC is a component of the Office Open XML (OOXML) international specification defined through ISO/IEC DIS 29500 and ECMA-376. Based on the ZIP file format, OPC enables applications to store a combination of data items within a single package file. Application developers can use the Packaging APIs in Windows 7 to create, read, and manipulate multiple data elements in OPC-based files.Using the Packaging APIs in Windows 7, developers can create new package formats to accommodate application-specific data storage requirements.X509 digital signatures are also supported by the Packaging APIs. Developers can use the digital signature features to sign and validate selected parts of an OPC package or the entire package. Applications can give their documents an added level of security by using digital signatures to detect when the content of an OPC-based file has been altered after the file was signed.For more information see Open Packaging Conventions Overview (/?linkid=9669685).XPS DocumentsWindows application developers can create applications that produce XML Paper Specification documents with Windows 7. This enables them to integrate tightly with the document peripheral ecosystem (devices like scanners and printers) and to work with secure electronic paper to support publication and archiving.In previous versions of Windows, X PS was not supported for Win32 developers. X PS was introduced in Windows Vista but the API surface was limited to .NET developers working with managed code. With Windows 7, Win32 developers can use the new X PS Document APIs to reduce the amount of work required when working with X PS. Since X PS is the foundation for the new Windows print platform, that’s a significant benefit.In previous versions of Windows, access to the X PS Print Path from Win32 applications was limited to driver escapes. This significantly reduced the utility of the print path for developers not using managed codeFor Win32 developers, the new XPS Print API reduces significantly the amount of work required to benefit from the advantages of the XPS Print Path and eliminates the need for parallel print code.Application developers can use X PS documents to share and archive content as electronic paper in a high-fidelity, efficient, and trustworthy format. Just like Windows Vista, the print path in Windows 7 is built on the X PS format to provide enhanced printing capabilities. The X PS document APIs in Windows 7 give developers the power to create, access, and manipulate XPS documents easily. For more information see XPS Document Programming Guide (/?linkid=9669688).Accessibility and Global SupportThe Windows 7 platform makes it easier to build solutions that are accessible to more users and that meet or exceed accessibility compliance standards. The Assistive Technology Vendor (ATV) community can now build solutions for a broader variety of client applications, and application developers will find it easier to build and validate accessible user interfaces.Windows 7 also makes supporting multiple global languages easier than in previous versions of Windows. From the time a user selects a language and location, Windows 7 presents dates, numbers, calendars, collations, and other information using the cultural conventions that customers expect.。

第1章手机基本信息 (4)1.1外观与配件 (4)1.2使用者入门 (8)1.3首页界面 (10)1.4手机状态与通知面板 (12)状态栏 (12)通知面板 (13)1.5应用程序 (13)1.6设置 (14)1.7调整音量 (14)1.8使用手机储存卡做为U盘 (15)第2章使用手机功能及管理联系人 (16)2.1拨打电话 (16)使用拨号 (16)2.2接听来电或拒接来电 (16)通话选项 (16)2.3使用通话记录 (18)2.4调整手机设置 (19)2.5开启和关闭手机功能 (19)2.6建立及管理联系人 (19)添加联系人 (19)导出联系人 (20)搜索联系人 (20)查看联系人 (20)新增好友联系人 (20)编辑及自定义联系人 (21)与联系人进行通讯 (21)拨打联系人 (21)第3章输入文字 (22)3.1使用屏幕键盘 (22)3.2 输入法切换 (22)3.2.1中文输入法文字录入 (23)3.2.2 Android键盘文字录入 (23)3.3 设置 (23)第4章时间管理 (24)设置闹钟 (24)自定义闹钟 (25)删除闹钟 (25)第5章信息 (25)5.1传送文本信息和多媒体信息 (25)开启信息 (25)建立及传送文本信息 (25)建立及发送多媒体(MMS)信息 (26)5.2接收文本信息和多媒体信息 (27)信息设置 (28)5.3使用电子邮件 (29)撰写及发送电子邮件 (30)接收电子邮件 (30)第6章设置连接 (32)6.1连接到网络 (32)GPRS (32)Wi-Fi (32)3G (33)6.2使用浏览器 (34)管理链接、记录和下载 (35)管理书签 (36)6.3使用蓝牙功能 (36)第7章相机、多媒体和文件 (38)7.1使用相机和摄影机 (38)拍摄相片 (38)拍摄影片 (39)浏览界面 (39)相机菜单面板 (39)7.2文件浏览器 (40)查看图片 (40)查看影片 (42)7.3 音乐 (42)音乐媒体库 (43)使用播放列表 (44)将歌曲设成来电铃声 (45)删除储存卡上的音乐 (45)第8章更多应用 (45)8.1 管理应用程序 (45)8.2计算器 (46)8.3记事本 (46)第9章管理手机 (47)9.1管理基本设定 (47)显示设置 (47)来电铃声设定 (48)手机服务 (48)语言设定 (49)9.2保护手机 (49)以PIN码保护SIM卡 (49)以屏幕锁定保护手机 (50)9.3管理记忆体 (51)9.4重设手机 (51)第10章电池信息 (52)10.1使用信息 (52)10.2注意事项 (52)第11章重要的安全信息 (52)11.1使用环境 (52)11.2电子设备 (52)11.2.1起搏器 (52)11.2.2助听器 (53)11.2.3其它医疗设备 (53)11.2.4车辆 (53)11.3有可能发生危险的环境 (53)第12章维护和保养 (53)第1章 手机基本信息1.1外观与配件前视图1. 听筒此处接听来电。

∙windows7操作系统∙能够使用windows7操作系统成为了许多电脑用户的一大喜悦之事,相比之前的Vista系统,windows7系统真的是好看了,快了,好用了,但你是否担心自己的windows7系统就像新安装其他Windows系统一样仅仅是刚开始运行飞快,随着使用时间的增加就会导致效率越来越低呢?想要保持自己的windows7系统一直运行如飞并非是难事,下面将介绍十个有效的小方法帮助你保持windows7的高速度,放心非常简单,老少皆宜!1. 加快windows7系统启动速度正在使用windows7操作系统的用户也许已经有明显感受,windows7的启动速度的确比Vista快了很多,但你想不想让它更快一些呢?来吧按照我说的做。
2. 加快windows7系统关机速度上面教大家加速windows7系统的开机,那自然关机也是可以加快速度的。
虽然windows7的关机速度已经比之前的Windows XP和Vista系统快了不少,但稍微修改一下注册表你会发现关机会更迅速。

正版windows7使用手册(产品说明) 正版Windows 7使用手册(产品说明)1、产品简介Windows 7是微软公司推出的操作系统,其特点是界面简洁、易于使用,拥有强大的功能和稳定性。
本使用手册旨在帮助用户更好地了解Windows 7的使用方法和特色功能。
2、安装Windows 72.1 硬件要求:列出安装Windows 7所需的最低硬件配置2.2 安装步骤:详细介绍如何安装Windows 7操作系统2.3 激活与注册:介绍如何激活和注册Windows 7,以保证正版使用3、Windows 7桌面3.1 开始菜单:介绍开始菜单的使用方法,包括程序和文件的快速访问3.2 任务栏:介绍任务栏的功能和操作,如打开应用程序、切换窗口等3.3 桌面小工具:介绍如何使用桌面小工具,如时钟、天气等实用工具4、文件管理4.1 文件资源管理器:详细介绍Windows 7的文件资源管理器,包括文件夹的创建、复制、粘贴等操作4.2 文件搜索:介绍如何使用Windows 7的文件搜索功能,快速找到需要的文件4.3 文件压缩与解压缩:介绍如何使用Windows 7自带的压缩工具对文件进行压缩和解压缩5、网络和互联网5.1 网络设置:介绍如何配置和管理网络连接,包括有线和无线网络5.2 浏览器:介绍如何使用Windows 7附带的Internet Explorer浏览器,进行网页浏览和操作5.3 安全防护:介绍Windows 7的安全防护功能,包括防火墙、杀毒软件等6、系统维护与优化6.1 更新与升级:介绍如何进行系统更新和升级,以保证系统安全和性能稳定6.2 磁盘清理:介绍如何使用Windows 7的磁盘清理工具,清理无用文件,释放硬盘空间6.3 系统备份与恢复:介绍如何进行系统备份和恢复,以防止系统崩溃或数据丢失7、附件附件1:Windows 7安装光盘附件2:Windows 7激活密钥8、法律名词及注释8.1 正版软件:指购买或使用合法授权的软件,符合著作权法和相关法规的要求8.2 黑客:指通过非法手段侵入他人计算机系统,获取和篡改他人数据的行为8.3 著作权:指对于作品享有的法定权利,包括复制权、发行权、修改权等。

什么是 Windows 7
更为人性化、个性化的崭新桌 面, 更多便捷的操作新方法, 新 一 代 IE 浏 览 器,加 上 Windows 以及与数码设 Live 的完美组合, 备的直观互联——让您的电脑 生活轻松加速!
索引擎中方便切换!如中文搜索, 翻译搜索, 音乐搜索, 购物 搜索……搭配 即时显示相关图片, 搜索更直观。 “可视化搜索”
上方, 窗口就能最大化, 再向下拖拽一下, 又可以恢复原来的窗口尺寸。
只要点击快捷键 : ① . 一键切换投影 : 的投影状态中轻松切换。
即可在不同 ,
内置的截图工具, 不仅可以全屏截取, 还可以矩形、 ④ . 截图工具 : 任意形状、 窗口截取, 还可方便的添加批注、 插入到其它软件。 内置的便笺小工具, 可以开机自动启动, 时刻提醒 ⑤ . 便笺工具 : 您需要记住的事情! 只需在任务栏右下角点击网络图标, 所有可用 ⑥ . 一键连接网络 : 网络都会一览无余, 鼠标一点, 即可连接。
及时和持续的技术支持, 安全更新, 功能 扩展……将会保证我们始终拥有一个安 全、 稳定、 可靠的操作系统。
技术和产品的新旧交替是自然规律, 唯有如此才能不断进步, 带来创新!
更多产品功能对比,请参阅封底附录:《Windows 7、Windows XP、Windows Vista 功能特性对比》
Part 3. 为何要升级到 Windows 7
超过 10,000 家软硬件厂商已经开始测试 Windows 7, 并 基于 Windows 7 平台设计他们的产品。

主要是因为系统中的网卡驱动与您的网卡不匹配造成的。如果您使用的是Windows 7自带
的网卡驱动,请到相应的硬件供应商的网站下载该网卡最新的For Vista/7驱动。如果您已经
质好的(如三菱、SONY等高质量的盘片)。有条件的朋友可以先用VMWare、Virtual PC等
另请注意Windows 2000/XP/2003的驱动一般不适用于Windows 7,所以请尽量使用硬件厂
商官方提供的Windows Vista/7驱动。
3.为什么我在安装Windows 7后硬盘上会多出一个200MB的分区?
这是微软为Windows RE和BitLocker功能预留的分区。如果不希望看到这个分区,请在安
装Windows 7前先对硬盘划分好分区,保证硬盘上没有未划分的空间,并把将要安装Windows 7

内置的图片查看工具,支持多种图片格式,提供基本的图片查看 和编辑功能。
远程控制软件,可远程访问和控制其他电脑或移 动设备,实现远程协作和技术支持。
使用Windows资源管理器进行 文件管理,可进行文件的创建、 打开、复制、移动、删除等操作 。同时支持文件的搜索和预览功
通过“工具”菜单下的“文件夹 选项”可进入文件夹设置页面, 对文件夹的查看方式、搜索选项
• Windows7概述与安装 • Windows7基本操作与界面介绍 • Windows7网络配置与应用 • Windows7多媒体娱乐体验 • Windows7系统维护与优化 • Windows7常用软件推荐与安装
Windows7常用软件推荐 与安装
Microsoft Office
安装Word、Excel、PowerPoint等组件,用于文档编辑、数据分 析和演示文稿制作。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Windows 7 是专门为与今天的多核处理器配合使用而设计的。所有 32 位版本的 Windows 7 最多可支持 32 个处理器核,而 64 位版本最多可支持 256 个处理器核。
Windows 7 面向中国市场的版本
Windows 7 家庭普通版
使用 Windows 7 家庭普通版,您的日常操作将更快、更简单 Windows 7 家庭普通版可以帮助您更快、更简单地找到和打开最常使用的应用程序和文档,
Windows 7 特性介绍 ......................................................................................................14
让您更便捷、更直观地操作电脑 ......................................................................................... 15 轻松找到您所需要的内容 ..................................................................................................... 18 轻松创建家庭网络,充分发挥设备作用 ............................................................................. 21 您的生活与 Windows Live 保持同步.................................................................................27 拥有一台更高速、更稳定、更环保的电脑 ......................................................................... 30 保障您的系统与数据安全 ..................................................................................................... 33 更加安全的网上冲浪 ............................................................................................................. 40 帮助快速解决电脑故障 ......................................................................................................... 43
版权宣言 ...................................................................................................................................47 附一:Windows 7 的新特性 ......................................................................................48 附二:手把手教您安装或升级至 Windows 7 .................................................56
• 支持最新的硬件和软件。 • 设置家庭网络比以前更简单。 家庭联网更轻松
• 可以轻松加入一个创建好的家庭组。 • 连接无线网络也很方便。 • IE 8 提高了上网浏览的安全性。 Windows 7 家庭高级版
实现在电脑上的最佳娱乐体验 使用 Windows 7 家庭高级版可以轻松地创建家庭网络和共享您收藏的所有照片、视频及音
有了 Windows 7,您可以使新的事情成为可能。您会找到新的方式来随时随地享受和分享 您的音乐、照片、视频和录制的电视节目,而不管它们的存储方式和存储位置。Windows 7 提 供了更多的方式,使您能在任何位置有效地访问您的数据和工作,包括更容易连接到无线网络。 我们还增加了新的办法,使您能够通过触摸屏与电脑交互。电脑在家庭中的作用是不断变化的。
Windows 7 产品说明
Windows 7 简介
Windows 7 产品说明
欢迎使用 Windows 7 产品说明
电脑是全世界数十亿人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。它们的功能远远超出了人们若干年前 的想象,随着电脑更加深入我们的日常生活,我们的期望也越来越高。借助 Windows 7 的卓越 性能,我们更好地满足了您对电脑的期望。
如果您想解有关 Windows 兼容性中心的更多信息,您可以访问以下网址: /windows/compatibility
Windows 7的硬件配置要求(推荐配置)
常有用户问我们这样一个问题,Windows 7 对硬件配置的要求高吗?配置不高的 PC,能运 行 Windows 7 么?
Windows 7 产品说明
Windows 7 产品说明
Windows 7 简介...................................................................................................................3 欢迎使用 Windows 7 产品说明..................................................................................4
如果您有某个比较老旧的应用程序不能与 Windows 7 兼容,您可以通过 Windows 7 中的 Windows XP 模式(适用于 Windows 7 专业版/企业版/旗舰版),在 Windows 7 的环境中灵活地 使用虚拟 Windows XP 环境以运行更老的应用程序。 Windows 7 兼容性中心
在 Windows 7 中,我们做出了数百种小改进和一些大改进。坦率地说,这些改进带来了一 系列的“更少”优点:更少的等待、更少的点击、连接设备时更少的麻烦、更低的功耗和更低的整 体复杂性。
简化了许多不必要的程序,运行 Windows 7 的电脑将帮助您更简单方便地处理日常任务,。 通过 Windows 7,您可以更好地控制最常使用的程序,管理多个窗口更加轻松。与此同时,我 们还改ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ了搜索性能,以便您可以快速找到所需的信息。
我们还使下列操作变得更加轻松:将电脑添加到您的家庭网络,在联网电脑之间共享文件, 使用和管理手机、相机及 MP3 播放器等连接设备。由于 IE 8 的改进,浏览网页也更加轻松。
我们还改进系统性能、响应性、安全性、可靠性和兼容性等基本功能。我们将 Windows 7 设计成能够快速启动、关闭和睡眠唤醒,因此您不必等待很长时间;我们减少了可能打扰您工作 的系统提示次数;您还可以更好地指导并管控孩子对电脑的使用;更妙的是,您可以找到创新的 方法来保护您的个人资料,同时获得更多的方式来个性化您的电脑,使之真正成为您自己的电脑。
使用 Windows 7 家庭普通版,您将享受到更便捷的电脑使用体验。 使用 Windows 7 家庭普通版,电脑使用变简单
Windows 7 产品说明 • 通过 Windows 搜索、改进的任务栏和 JumpList,以及特色鼠标拖拽功能,您的电脑的
使用将更加便捷。 • 连接打印机和设备比以前更简单。 支持新技术
Windows 7 产品说明
y 根据分辨率,播放视频时可能需要额外的内存和高级图形硬件 y 一些游戏和程序可能需要图形卡与 DirectX 10 或更高版本兼容,以获得最佳性能 y 对于一些 Windows 媒体中心功能,可能需要电视调谐器以及其他硬件 y Windows 触控功能需要特定硬件 y 家庭组需要网络和运行 Windows 7 的电脑 y 制作 DVD/CD 时需要兼容的光驱 y BitLocker 需要受信任的平台模块 (TPM) 1.2 y BitLocker To Go 需要 USB 闪存驱动器 y Windows XP 模式 需要额外的 1GB 内存和 15GB 可用的硬盘空间 y 音乐和声音需要音频输出设备 y 产品功能和图形可能会因系统配置而异,有些功能可能需要高级或附加硬件 y 带有多核处理器的电脑:
本产品使用指南面向广大用户和电脑爱好者,介绍 Windows 7 的功能及用法,旨在帮助您 更好地了解 Windows 7 特性、加速和简化现在的任务,并实现各种新增功能。
欢迎使用 Windows 7。
Windows 7 产品说明
Windows 7的兼容性
Windows 7 的兼容性很好,在设计之初,Windows 7 的兼容性就被视为重要一部分。使用 Windows 7,您无需担心 Windows 7 的兼容性问题,因为在中国,已有 92%的主流软件、92% 的硬件以及 95%的网站及互联网应用与 Windows 7 良好兼容。从网上支付方面来说:在 Windows 7 发布之前,就已经达到了“6+1”的兼容目标:中国银行、农业银行、工商银行、建设银行、招 商银行、交通银行+支付宝,从而能够充分满足您网上购物、网上交易等需求。而且,微软还将 继续悉心聆听市场反馈,不断完善 Windows 7 的兼容性,以保证您享有更加顺畅的用户体验。 Windows XP 模式