ISO质量认证体系介绍Introduction to the ISO 9000 Quality Standard
质量管理体系(Quality Management System)ISO9000是国际标准化组织颁布的全世界范围内通用的质量管理和质量保证方面的一套系列标准,目前已被90多个国家所采用。
iso900质量体系ISO9000质量体系(ISO 9000 Quality System)是国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一系列质量管理体系标准,用于指导企业建立和运行有效的质量管理体系。
一、ISO组织简介ISO是国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)的英文简称,是由世界各国联合组成的非政府机构,成立于1947年,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。
ISO9000认证标准是国际标准化组织(ISO)在1987年提出的概念,延伸自旧有BS5750 质量标准,是指由ISO/Tc176(国际标准化组织质量管理和质量保证技术委员会)制定的国际标准。
iso900质量认证体系ISO 9001 是国际上广泛使用的质量管理体系标准,该标准由国际标准化组织(ISO)发布,全名为《ISO 9001:质量管理体系-要求》。
以下是ISO 9001 质量管理体系的主要要点:1.质量管理体系:•ISO 9001 强调建立、实施和维护一个质量管理体系,旨在帮助组织提高产品和服务的质量,并增强客户满意度。
3.全员参与:•ISO 9001 强调全员参与,包括领导层的参与以及组织内所有层次的员工。
5.不断改进:•ISO 9001 鼓励组织持续改进其质量管理体系。
ISO 9001 认证通常是由认证机构进行的,这些机构通过对组织的质量管理体系进行审核,确认其符合ISO 9001 要求。
获得ISO 9001 认证可以向客户、合作伙伴和其他利益相关方证明组织对质量的承诺和能力。
iso90000质量体系认证摘要:1.什么是ISO90000 质量体系认证2.ISO90000 质量体系认证的重要性3.如何获得ISO90000 质量体系认证4.ISO90000 质量体系认证的优势和挑战5.我国企业如何应对ISO90000 质量体系认证正文:ISO90000 质量体系认证是一种国际通用的质量管理体系标准,它是由国际标准化组织(ISO)制定并发布的一系列标准。
企业通过ISO90000 认证,可以证明其产品质量和服务水平符合国际标准,有助于提高企业的竞争力和市场信誉。
ISO90000 质量体系认证的重要性在于,它可以帮助企业建立和持续改进质量管理体系,确保产品和服务的质量满足客户和利益相关者的需求和期望。
要获得ISO90000 质量体系认证,企业需要按照ISO9001 标准的要求,建立和运行质量管理体系,并完成内部审核、管理评审等认证程序。
ISO90000 质量体系认证虽然能带来诸多优势,如提高企业形象、增强客户信任等,但同时也存在一些挑战,如认证过程复杂、需要投入大量时间和精力等。
我国政府高度重视ISO90000 质量体系认证在我国企业中的应用和推广。
近年来,我国政府出台了一系列政策和措施,鼓励和引导企业进行ISO90000 质量体系认证,提高企业的质量管理水平。
ISO质量认证体系介绍Introduction to the ISO 9000 Quality Standard
4-07-20 Introduction to the ISO 9000 Quality Standard PreviousWilliam E. PerryPayoffOrganizations developing software or contracting for its development may need to complywith ISO 9000, a quality standard published by the International Standards Organization inGeneva. This article is intended to familiarize the IS manager with the ISO 9000 standard,how it compares with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and how anorganization and its auditors prepare for certification. An overview of the softwaredevelopment standard is included.IntroductionThe International Standards Organization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of nationalstandards bodies. The work of preparing international standards is carried out through ISOtechnical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technicalcommittee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. In liaisonwith International Standards Organization, international organizations (governmental andnongovernmental) also take part in the work.The emphasis for international standards originated in the European Community's plan to become a single market with international standards becoming effective at the end of1992. At that time, organizations wishing to do business in the common market wererequired to meet those standards, which are now accepted worldwide. There are five relatedquality management standards in what is referred to as the ISO 9000 series. Each of thefive standards(numbered 9000 to 9004) addresses a different topical area.For example, ISO 9000 affects the development and maintenance of software. In addition, the International Standards Organization 9000 standard provides some basicdefinitions and concepts. It summarizes the other standards in the series and explains howto select and use them. The International Standards Organization 9001, 9002, and 9003standards ensure external quality in contractual situations. ISO 9004 contains guidance onthe technical, administrative, and human factors affecting the quality of products andservices.External and Internal QualityThe International Standards Organization 9001 standard is directed at the development of aquality product or service. It is written to ensure conformance to specified requirementsduring design and development, production, installation, and servicing. Because softwaredevelopment is focused on the creation of a product, it is a part of ISO 9001. (See theAppendix for specific guidelines on the 9001 to software development and maintenance.) ISO 9002 is used for production and installation. It is the standard that governs the manufacture of a product. It is designed to ensure conformance to production andinstallation methods.ISO 9003 is the standard directed at the final test and inspection of products. The standard preassumes an extensive quality control function and specifies what is needed forconformance to requirements.ISO 9004 is for internal use only and lists the components that compose quality systems. In the US, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award defines the model of aquality system. International Standards Organization 9004 describes a slightly different Previousquality system, but it, too, provides the detail of the quality system and the responsibilitiesof management. International Standards Organization 9004 as well as the Baldrige Awardstandard could be used to evaluate a company's quality management system to determinethe degree of maturity of that system.ISO 9000 CertificationThe worldwide emphasis on quality has resulted in many organizations evaluating theirsuppliers' processes. These audits of supplier capabilities are sometimes a prerequisite topurchasing. Companies have learned that good processes product good products.One of W. Edwards Deming's 14 quality principles is to limit suppliers to those that demonstrate they can continually produce quality products. Organizations, such as FordMotor Co., that have followed Deming's principles have reduced the number of suppliersdramatically. However, it takes a lot of time and effort for one company to certify theadequacy of the processes of another company.The objective of the International Standards Organization 9000 series of standards is to certify that an organization has quality manufacturing processes. Thus, if a supplier wantedto demonstrate competence of products, it would make application to demonstrate that itmeets the ISO 9000 standards.Countries establish, or accredit, organizations to audit companies to determine whether they are in compliance with the ISO 9000 standards. This is an audit of the organization'sprocesses. If the ISO 9000 auditors determine that the company's processes are incompliance with the standards, they issue a certificate good for three years, subject toannual validation that nothing has changed. Companies receiving the certificate can thenadvertise themselves as being in compliance with the ISO 9000 standards.Documentation RequirementsThe ISO 9000 audit is heavily focused on evaluation of documentation. Four tiers of quality system documentation are required:·First tier—the quality manual.·Second tier—quality management procedures (i.e., core procedures).·Third tier—area work instructions (i.e., standard operating procedures, test methods, calibration methods).·Fourth tier—forms, records, books, and files.The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award assessment is focused primarily on results. The ISO 9000 assessment is based solely on documentation. Organizations can becertified under the ISO 9000 standards without demonstrating continuous improvement ofquality products or demonstrating continuous improvement processes. Organizations mayneed several certifications, depending on the diversity of their products.One organization that has obtained certification and has written about it is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Quality Progress, November 1991). Du Pont had been subjected tocustomer audits for some time, in which the customers evaluated the organization'sprocesses. However, in preparing for the International Standards Organization 9000 audit,du Pont quickly realized that although it had extensive quality manuals (two at 500 pages Previouseach), most of these quality systems were not adequately defined, documented, orrigorously followed. Du Pont also realized that none of the customer audits had beenconducted with the degree of competence and thoroughness that the ISO 9000 assessmentrequires.The ISO 9000 AuditThe International Standards Organization 9000 audit is the basis for becoming certified. Itis performed by auditors trained in conducting those audits and thoroughly knowledgeableabout the standards. The audits are extensive and can last several days or weeks, dependingon the size of the organization.The audit follows the general pattern of an operational audit. It is much more typical of the audit performed by an internal audit group than that performed by an external auditor.Step 1: Preliminary Walkthrough.The auditor must gain an understanding of the area or department under review. Thisincludes determining what the organization does, getting copies of and understanding theorganizational chart, understanding the products produced, and arriving at an overview ofthe processes that produce those products or services. At the end of this step, the auditorshould have a general understanding of the business of the organization under review.Step 2: Process Control Review.During this step, the auditor attempts to understand the process and whether that process isin place and working. During this review, the auditor asks questions and reviewsdocumentation and other evidential matter. The step involves extensive questioning of thepeople doing the work. For example, if the auditor saw instructions next to a piece of dataentry equipment, the auditor might ask: If the procedure is changed, who changes the sheetof paper next to the data entry equipment? The auditor might also ask such questions asHow do employees determine which tasks they should work on first thing in the morning?How do employees determine the priority for changes made to the software?Step 3: Testing.The auditor must validate that the quality process is in place and working. These tests areusually selected at random. Some auditors use judgment sampling, whereas others usestatistical sampling. What is important is that the auditor is convinced that the qualityprocess as it exists in the manuals is operational within the organization.Step 4: Making a Certification Decision.At the end of step 3, the auditor must make a decision about whether the organizationwarrants ISO 9000 certification. There are general guidelines for this, although thoseguidelines are not well publicized. However, assuming that the ISO 9000 audit is similar inscope to that performed by the Software Engineering Institute, if an organization meets80% of the standards of ISO 9000, it would be certified. In other words, if 80% of theitems within the standard are in place and working, the organization would warrantcertification. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but it is a guideline for estimating whether anorganization would meet the ISO 9000 certification standard.Preaudit ActivitiesPreviousMany organizations take one to two years to prepare for the International StandardsOrganization 9000 audit. During that time, their processes are defined in greater detail,documented, and placed into practice.Usually, an organization will undertake a concentrated effort to reach a status of quality that warrants ISO 9000 certification before requesting the certification audit. Thesepreassessment and preaudit activities involve four basic steps.Step 1: Understanding the Applicable ISO 9000 Standard.The organization must know precisely which standard it must meet. This can involvetaking an ISO 9000 course, inviting ISO 9000 experts in-house to explain the standard, orconducting extensive self-study based on available ISO 9000 literature.Step 2: Conducting a Preassessment.The existing quality system should be measured against the standard. This would besimilar to the certification audit but not performed for certification. The purpose of thepreassessment is to identify the gap between the current quality system and that system thatwould be needed to gain accreditation.Step 3: Developing a Plan of Action for Quality Improvement.A plan of action should be developed to move the organization from the current qualitylevel to the ISO 9000 certification level. This plan should indicate what should be done, theamount of resources required, and the sequencing of implementation of the actions.Step 4: Implementing Improvements and Reassessing.Management must approve the action plan, allocate the resources, and oversee theimplementation of the action plan. Once the necessary actions have been implemented, thequality system should be preassessed again. If the preassessment does not show theorganization to have reached the ISO 9000 certification level, steps 3 and 4 are repeated asfrequently as necessary to reach the appropriate level.Guidelines for Reaching ISO 9000 CertificationOrganizations that follow certain practices or guidelines appear to be much more successfulin obtaining certification. The recommended guidelines for moving to InternationalStandards Organization 9000 certification are:·Finding a champion in senior management to drive the process for reachingcertification.·Ensuring that all involved parties to the certification programs are adequately trained in the ISO 9000 standard and the organization's objectives for obtaining certification.·Obtaining expertise from an organization knowledgeable in ISO 9000 to act as a consultant during a process. It is generally helpful to have this consultant perform thepreassessment audits.·Developing the quality manual and all quality procedures using the internal staff that Previouswill be responsible for implementing those procedures. Generally, buy-in to qualityprocedures is achieved only when the workers themselves develop those procedures.·Providing incentives and recognition programs for the staff involved in ISO 9000 to be awarded once certification has been achieved.·Communicating progress toward ISO 9000 certification on a regular basis to all employees affected by the ISO 9000 program.·In preparing for ISO 9000 certification, performing only those activities that are necessary for improving the quality of the organization's products and services.Generally, if high-quality products are the objective, the work procedures and standardsto achieve that high quality will satisfy the certification requirements—in other words,certification is a by-product of the quality management system.·Not expecting ISO 9000 certification to solve all the company's quality problems. It is merely a step on the path to continued high quality.Listing of ISO 9000 StandardsThe American National Standards Institute (ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York NY10036) is the major distributor for International Standards Organization 9000 standards inthe US. In other countries, companies should contact their government's standard-settingorganization.The five standards in the ISO 9000 series are:·ISO 9000-1. Quality management and quality assurance standards—Part 1: guidelines for selection and use.·ISO 9000. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation, and servicing.·ISO 9002. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in production, installation, and servicing.·ISO 9003. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in final inspection and test.·ISO 9004-1. Quality management and quality system elements—Part 1: guidelines.The quality management and quality assurance standards are:·ISO 9000-2, Part 2: generic guidelines for application of International Standards Organization standards 9001, 9002, and 9003.·ISO 9000-3, Part 3: guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the development, supply, and maintenance of software (see the Appendix at the end of this article).·ISO 9000-4, Part 4: application for dependability management.The quality management and quality system elements are:·ISO 9004-2, Part 2: guidelines for services.Previous·ISO 9004-3, Part 3: guidelines for processed materials.·ISO 9004-4, Part 4: guidelines for quality improvement.The guidelines for auditing quality systems are:·ISO 1011-1, Part 1: auditing.·ISO 1011-2, Part 2: qualification criteria for quality system auditors.·ISO 1011-3, Part 3: management of audit programs.ConclusionISO 9000 is an important international standard that affects the way organizations dobusiness, especially in Europe. Individuals in any profession, including IS, should beknowledgeable about the impact of this standard on business.The standard includes an audit to be performed before certification can be awarded.This article describes how an organization's auditors can assist in performingpreassessment audits and help the organization prepare for International StandardsOrganization 9000 certification. Organizations can take three specific actions to understandand prepare for International Standards Organization certification.Awareness TrainingBoth the internal auditors and organizational management need training in the standard,why it is important, and how organizations prepare and become certified. The company'sauditors can participate in this training, arrange for the training, or recommend tomanagement that the training be obtained.Obtaining Guidance in Writing Control ManualsAuditors are viewed as experts in control and should be able to provide guidance in writingcontrol manuals. The auditors can work as a team developing formats and manuals thatdefine the control procedures for the organization. The ISO 9000 is heavily adocumentation audit, and thus well-prepared documentation is important not only inperforming control procedures but in evaluating the adequacy of control procedures.Performing an ISO 9000 Preassessment.Auditors can obtain training in conducting ISO 9000 audits and use those skills to performthe preassessment audit for their own organizations. In instances in which the auditors maynot feel adequate to perform the audit, they may assist the audit team. In this way, they canboth improve their own skills and potentially reduce the cost of having an outside groupperform the ISO 9000 preassessment.Author BiographiesWilliam E. PerryWilliam E. Perry, CPA, CQA, CQE, CIA, CISA, is executive director of the Quality Assurance Institute in Orlando FL.。
*迄今为止,已有约90个国际标准化组织(ISO)的成员国采用了ISO900 0族国际标准。
*英国已将他们的BS5750,第一部分(ISO9001的等同采用标准)改为B SENISO9001:1994而现存的BS9000标准正是一个内容与质量完全无关的标准。
组织应明确各级管理人员和员工在质量管理体系中的职责和权限, 确保他们能够有效地履行职责。
组织应建立和维护一个完整、协调的质量管理体系,包括必要的程 序、过程和文件,以确保产品或服务的符合性。
1 2 3
组织应具备足够的人力资源,包括技术人员、管 理人员和员工,他们应具备必要的技能和知识, 以满足产品或服务的需求。
IS09000质量管理体系的实施可以大大减少废品和返工率,避免了材 料的浪费和成本的增加。
IS09000强调以顾客为中 心,通过了解和满足客户 需求,提高客户满意度和 忠诚度。
实施IS09000质量管理体 系可以使企业更加灵活地 应对市场变化和客户需求 的变化。
通过ISO9000认证,组织可以 提升产品和服务质量,提高顾 客满意度,从而增强竞争力。
ISO9000认证是一种国际性的质量 管理体系标准,获得认证的组织会 获得更多客户的信任和认可。
通过有效的质量控制和资源利用, 组织可以减少废品率、维修成本和 其他质量成本,从而降低总成本。
企业需持续维护并改进质量管理体系, 确保体系的有效运行,同时接受认证机 构的监督审核及复审。
通过IS09000质量管理体系认证的企业可 以获得市场竞争力提升、客户信任度提高 、管理成本降低等优势。同时,企业可以 参与国际合作与交流,拓展国际市场。
IS09000质量管理体系的 效益与挑战
ISO9000质量管理体系认证简介I SO9000系列质量管理和保证标准起源于英国BS5750标准,于1987年正式颁布(第一版),迄今已被近两百个国家或地区等同或等效采用。
ISO 9000质量体系认证是一种国际标准,用于评估和认证组
织的质量管理体系是否符合ISO 9000标准要求。
ISO 9000是
ISO 9000质量体系认证包括以下步骤:
1. 组织准备:组织确定需要认证的范围和目标,并建立一个质量管理团队来推动认证过程。
2. 文档编制:组织需要编制一套符合ISO 9000标准要求的质
3. 实施质量管理体系:组织需要实施上述编制的质量管理文件,并培训员工使其熟悉和理解质量管理体系的要求。
4. 内部审核:组织需要进行内部审核,以评估和核实质量管理体系的有效性和符合性。
5. 管理评审:组织需要进行一次管理评审,以确保质量管理体系的持续改进。
6. 认证审核:组织需要聘请独立的认证机构对质量管理体系进行审核,并根据审核结果发放认证证书。
7. 持续改进:组织需要定期进行管理评审和内部审核,以确保质量管理体系的持续改进和符合ISO 9000标准要求。
ISO 9000质量体系认证对组织有很多好处,包括提升组织的
因此,许多组织都选择进行ISO 9000质量体系认证
ISO9000质量管理体系认证(1)ISO9000简介ISO 9000族标准是国际标准化组织颁布的在全世界范围内通用的关于质量管理和质量保证方面的系列标准,目前已被80多个国家等同或等效采用,该系列标准在全球具有广泛深刻的影响,有人称之为ISO9000现象。
iso9质量管理体系什么意思ISO 9000质量管理体系是指基于国际标准化组织(ISO)发行的一系列与质量管理相关的标准,并通过企业内部的一系列活动和流程来确保产品和服务的质量的一种体系。
ISO 9000质量管理体系的意思ISO 9000是指国际标准化组织于1987年首次发布的一系列质量管理标准,旨在帮助企业建立高效的质量管理体系,提升产品和服务的质量,增强客户满意度,并实现持续改进。
ISO 9000质量管理体系的实施涵盖了组织内部的各个方面,包括质量控制、质量保证、质量评估和持续改进等。
ISO 9000质量管理体系的好处1. 提升产品和服务质量:ISO 9000质量管理体系能帮助企业建立一套完善的质量管理流程和标准,从而确保产品和服务的一致性和优质性。
2. 增强客户满意度:通过ISO 9000质量管理体系的实施,企业能够更好地满足客户的需求和期望,提供高品质的产品和服务。
3. 降低成本:ISO 9000质量管理体系着重于预防性的方法,即通过建立预防性控制措施来减少质量问题的发生。
4. 建立持续改进文化:ISO 9000质量管理体系强调持续改进的理念。
5. 促进国际贸易:ISO 9000质量管理体系是全球通用的质量管理标准,通过实施ISO 9000质量管理体系,企业能够获得国际认可和信任。
总结ISO 9000质量管理体系是一种基于国际标准化组织发布的一系列质量管理标准,旨在帮助企业建立高效的质量管理体系,提升产品和服务的质量,增强客户满意度,并实现持续改进。
质量体系,包括设计开发、生产、设备 和售后服务中的质量保证模型。
是最综合全面的达标标准。它包括 IS09002和ISO9003的所有内容,还包括 设计与售后服务的准则。它典型适用于 涉及整个产品周期的公司。
质量体系,它是生产与设备中的质量保 证模型,提出与生产和设备有关问题的 预防、发现和纠正。
The end!
它通常适用于根据客户提供的设计和规 格生产的行业。
它通常适用于产品和售后服务较简单 (可以靠检验获得充分评价)的公司。
质量管理和质量体系注意要素亦即准则。 有助于公司为达到ISO9000标准而建立 和落实内部质量体系或者评价现有质量 体系。
课程概要1、ISO9000基本知识2、ISO9000的精神3、ISO9000的品质观念4、为何需要导入ISO90005、公司/工厂通过ISO9000的好处6、推行ISO9000对员工的好处7、如何导入ISO90008、品质文件的内容与关连性9、质量管理八大原则10、ISO9000:2000内容简介1、ISO9000基本知识1.1. ISO9000的全名国际标准组织,编号9000号,有关“品质管理和品质保证”的系列标准。
1.2. ISO(International Organization For Standardization)国际标准组织成立时间:1946年1.3. ISO国际标准组织总部所在地:瑞士日内瓦1.4.ISO国际标准组织工作:制订各类国际标准1.5. ISO9000品保标准由TC-176技术委员会制订,共有46个会员国,秘书国为加拿大1.6. ISO9000修订周期:5年1.7. ISO9000现用版本:2000年12月15日版,原94年7月版可被允许使用至2003年。
1.8. ISO9000的起源----------MIL(美国军部)-Q9858A1.9. ISO9000:2000由四个核心组成:ISO9000:2000-------基本原则和术语ISO9001:2000-------要求ISO9004:2000-------绩效改进指南ISO19011:2000-------质量和环境审核指南1.10. “ISO9001、ISO9002、ISO9003”三者的区别:这是ISO9000:94版的分法,具体如下:◆ISO9001设计开发、生产、安装服务质量保证模式◆ISO9002生产、安装服务质量保证模式◆ISO9003最终检验与试验质量保证模式而ISO9000:2000版已不分ISO9001/2/3,统称ISO9001,区别在于第七章节的删减。
2. ISO9000的精神写我所做的做我所写的证明给我看3. ISO9000的品质观念3.1. 维持产品或服务的品质,并不断符合客户的需求3.2. 提供信心给管理者--------“品质已达成且维持”3.3. 提供信心给客户-----------“预定的品质已达成”3.4. 提供信心给消费者---------“价廉物美且安全”3.5. 提供信心给自己-------------“我到底做对了多少”4. 为何需要ISO90004.1. 国际共同市场WTO的建立4.2. 降低非关税贸易障碍4.3. 顺应世界潮流与客户要求,迈向国际一体化4.4. 提升质量管理与技术水平4.5. 配合政府推行国家质量标准5. 公司/工厂通过ISO9000的好处5.1. 提高生产力,减少重做/废料5.2. 规划各部门职责范围,提高效率5.3. 证明公司能持续生产/供应高素质的产品或服务5.4. 满足买家的认证要求,提高利润5.5. 有助于维持现有的及开发的新市场5.6. 成为持续改进的重要推动力6. 推行ISO9000对员工的好处6.1. 清楚工作目标,明确作业方法,减少困惑6.2. 推行中要求员工积极投入,赋予员工更多参与感6.3. 公司浪费减少,赢利提高,对员工有更多回馈6.4. 提升自身质量水平和综合能力,个人市场价值提高,使我们工作生活更加充实7. 如何导入ISO90007.1. 成立工作小组7.2. 建立文件系统7.3. 宣导、训练、稽核7.4. 善用P-D-C-A循环8. 品质文件内容与关连性9.质量管理八项原则及其应用指南(根据ISO/TC176/SC2/WG15的文件编译)在ISO9000族标准2000年版的制订过程中,引入了质量管理的八项原则,并将其作为标准制订的基础。
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4-07-20 Introduction to the ISO 9000 Quality Standard PreviousWilliam E. PerryPayoffOrganizations developing software or contracting for its development may need to complywith ISO 9000, a quality standard published by the International Standards Organization inGeneva. This article is intended to familiarize the IS manager with the ISO 9000 standard,how it compares with the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and how anorganization and its auditors prepare for certification. An overview of the softwaredevelopment standard is included.IntroductionThe International Standards Organization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of nationalstandards bodies. The work of preparing international standards is carried out through ISOtechnical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technicalcommittee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. In liaisonwith International Standards Organization, international organizations (governmental andnongovernmental) also take part in the work.The emphasis for international standards originated in the European Community's plan to become a single market with international standards becoming effective at the end of1992. At that time, organizations wishing to do business in the common market wererequired to meet those standards, which are now accepted worldwide. There are five relatedquality management standards in what is referred to as the ISO 9000 series. Each of thefive standards(numbered 9000 to 9004) addresses a different topical area.For example, ISO 9000 affects the development and maintenance of software. In addition, the International Standards Organization 9000 standard provides some basicdefinitions and concepts. It summarizes the other standards in the series and explains howto select and use them. The International Standards Organization 9001, 9002, and 9003standards ensure external quality in contractual situations. ISO 9004 contains guidance onthe technical, administrative, and human factors affecting the quality of products andservices.External and Internal QualityThe International Standards Organization 9001 standard is directed at the development of aquality product or service. It is written to ensure conformance to specified requirementsduring design and development, production, installation, and servicing. Because softwaredevelopment is focused on the creation of a product, it is a part of ISO 9001. (See theAppendix for specific guidelines on the 9001 to software development and maintenance.) ISO 9002 is used for production and installation. It is the standard that governs the manufacture of a product. It is designed to ensure conformance to production andinstallation methods.ISO 9003 is the standard directed at the final test and inspection of products. The standard preassumes an extensive quality control function and specifies what is needed forconformance to requirements.ISO 9004 is for internal use only and lists the components that compose quality systems. In the US, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award defines the model of aquality system. International Standards Organization 9004 describes a slightly different Previousquality system, but it, too, provides the detail of the quality system and the responsibilitiesof management. International Standards Organization 9004 as well as the Baldrige Awardstandard could be used to evaluate a company's quality management system to determinethe degree of maturity of that system.ISO 9000 CertificationThe worldwide emphasis on quality has resulted in many organizations evaluating theirsuppliers' processes. These audits of supplier capabilities are sometimes a prerequisite topurchasing. Companies have learned that good processes product good products.One of W. Edwards Deming's 14 quality principles is to limit suppliers to those that demonstrate they can continually produce quality products. Organizations, such as FordMotor Co., that have followed Deming's principles have reduced the number of suppliersdramatically. However, it takes a lot of time and effort for one company to certify theadequacy of the processes of another company.The objective of the International Standards Organization 9000 series of standards is to certify that an organization has quality manufacturing processes. Thus, if a supplier wantedto demonstrate competence of products, it would make application to demonstrate that itmeets the ISO 9000 standards.Countries establish, or accredit, organizations to audit companies to determine whether they are in compliance with the ISO 9000 standards. This is an audit of the organization'sprocesses. If the ISO 9000 auditors determine that the company's processes are incompliance with the standards, they issue a certificate good for three years, subject toannual validation that nothing has changed. Companies receiving the certificate can thenadvertise themselves as being in compliance with the ISO 9000 standards.Documentation RequirementsThe ISO 9000 audit is heavily focused on evaluation of documentation. Four tiers of quality system documentation are required:·First tier—the quality manual.·Second tier—quality management procedures (i.e., core procedures).·Third tier—area work instructions (i.e., standard operating procedures, test methods, calibration methods).·Fourth tier—forms, records, books, and files.The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award assessment is focused primarily on results. The ISO 9000 assessment is based solely on documentation. Organizations can becertified under the ISO 9000 standards without demonstrating continuous improvement ofquality products or demonstrating continuous improvement processes. Organizations mayneed several certifications, depending on the diversity of their products.One organization that has obtained certification and has written about it is E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Quality Progress, November 1991). Du Pont had been subjected tocustomer audits for some time, in which the customers evaluated the organization'sprocesses. However, in preparing for the International Standards Organization 9000 audit,du Pont quickly realized that although it had extensive quality manuals (two at 500 pages Previouseach), most of these quality systems were not adequately defined, documented, orrigorously followed. Du Pont also realized that none of the customer audits had beenconducted with the degree of competence and thoroughness that the ISO 9000 assessmentrequires.The ISO 9000 AuditThe International Standards Organization 9000 audit is the basis for becoming certified. Itis performed by auditors trained in conducting those audits and thoroughly knowledgeableabout the standards. The audits are extensive and can last several days or weeks, dependingon the size of the organization.The audit follows the general pattern of an operational audit. It is much more typical of the audit performed by an internal audit group than that performed by an external auditor.Step 1: Preliminary Walkthrough.The auditor must gain an understanding of the area or department under review. Thisincludes determining what the organization does, getting copies of and understanding theorganizational chart, understanding the products produced, and arriving at an overview ofthe processes that produce those products or services. At the end of this step, the auditorshould have a general understanding of the business of the organization under review.Step 2: Process Control Review.During this step, the auditor attempts to understand the process and whether that process isin place and working. During this review, the auditor asks questions and reviewsdocumentation and other evidential matter. The step involves extensive questioning of thepeople doing the work. For example, if the auditor saw instructions next to a piece of dataentry equipment, the auditor might ask: If the procedure is changed, who changes the sheetof paper next to the data entry equipment? The auditor might also ask such questions asHow do employees determine which tasks they should work on first thing in the morning?How do employees determine the priority for changes made to the software?Step 3: Testing.The auditor must validate that the quality process is in place and working. These tests areusually selected at random. Some auditors use judgment sampling, whereas others usestatistical sampling. What is important is that the auditor is convinced that the qualityprocess as it exists in the manuals is operational within the organization.Step 4: Making a Certification Decision.At the end of step 3, the auditor must make a decision about whether the organizationwarrants ISO 9000 certification. There are general guidelines for this, although thoseguidelines are not well publicized. However, assuming that the ISO 9000 audit is similar inscope to that performed by the Software Engineering Institute, if an organization meets80% of the standards of ISO 9000, it would be certified. In other words, if 80% of theitems within the standard are in place and working, the organization would warrantcertification. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but it is a guideline for estimating whether anorganization would meet the ISO 9000 certification standard.Preaudit ActivitiesPreviousMany organizations take one to two years to prepare for the International StandardsOrganization 9000 audit. During that time, their processes are defined in greater detail,documented, and placed into practice.Usually, an organization will undertake a concentrated effort to reach a status of quality that warrants ISO 9000 certification before requesting the certification audit. Thesepreassessment and preaudit activities involve four basic steps.Step 1: Understanding the Applicable ISO 9000 Standard.The organization must know precisely which standard it must meet. This can involvetaking an ISO 9000 course, inviting ISO 9000 experts in-house to explain the standard, orconducting extensive self-study based on available ISO 9000 literature.Step 2: Conducting a Preassessment.The existing quality system should be measured against the standard. This would besimilar to the certification audit but not performed for certification. The purpose of thepreassessment is to identify the gap between the current quality system and that system thatwould be needed to gain accreditation.Step 3: Developing a Plan of Action for Quality Improvement.A plan of action should be developed to move the organization from the current qualitylevel to the ISO 9000 certification level. This plan should indicate what should be done, theamount of resources required, and the sequencing of implementation of the actions.Step 4: Implementing Improvements and Reassessing.Management must approve the action plan, allocate the resources, and oversee theimplementation of the action plan. Once the necessary actions have been implemented, thequality system should be preassessed again. If the preassessment does not show theorganization to have reached the ISO 9000 certification level, steps 3 and 4 are repeated asfrequently as necessary to reach the appropriate level.Guidelines for Reaching ISO 9000 CertificationOrganizations that follow certain practices or guidelines appear to be much more successfulin obtaining certification. The recommended guidelines for moving to InternationalStandards Organization 9000 certification are:·Finding a champion in senior management to drive the process for reachingcertification.·Ensuring that all involved parties to the certification programs are adequately trained in the ISO 9000 standard and the organization's objectives for obtaining certification.·Obtaining expertise from an organization knowledgeable in ISO 9000 to act as a consultant during a process. It is generally helpful to have this consultant perform thepreassessment audits.·Developing the quality manual and all quality procedures using the internal staff that Previouswill be responsible for implementing those procedures. Generally, buy-in to qualityprocedures is achieved only when the workers themselves develop those procedures.·Providing incentives and recognition programs for the staff involved in ISO 9000 to be awarded once certification has been achieved.·Communicating progress toward ISO 9000 certification on a regular basis to all employees affected by the ISO 9000 program.·In preparing for ISO 9000 certification, performing only those activities that are necessary for improving the quality of the organization's products and services.Generally, if high-quality products are the objective, the work procedures and standardsto achieve that high quality will satisfy the certification requirements—in other words,certification is a by-product of the quality management system.·Not expecting ISO 9000 certification to solve all the company's quality problems. It is merely a step on the path to continued high quality.Listing of ISO 9000 StandardsThe American National Standards Institute (ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York NY10036) is the major distributor for International Standards Organization 9000 standards inthe US. In other countries, companies should contact their government's standard-settingorganization.The five standards in the ISO 9000 series are:·ISO 9000-1. Quality management and quality assurance standards—Part 1: guidelines for selection and use.·ISO 9000. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation, and servicing.·ISO 9002. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in production, installation, and servicing.·ISO 9003. Quality systems—model for quality assurance in final inspection and test.·ISO 9004-1. Quality management and quality system elements—Part 1: guidelines.The quality management and quality assurance standards are:·ISO 9000-2, Part 2: generic guidelines for application of International Standards Organization standards 9001, 9002, and 9003.·ISO 9000-3, Part 3: guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the development, supply, and maintenance of software (see the Appendix at the end of this article).·ISO 9000-4, Part 4: application for dependability management.The quality management and quality system elements are:·ISO 9004-2, Part 2: guidelines for services.Previous·ISO 9004-3, Part 3: guidelines for processed materials.·ISO 9004-4, Part 4: guidelines for quality improvement.The guidelines for auditing quality systems are:·ISO 1011-1, Part 1: auditing.·ISO 1011-2, Part 2: qualification criteria for quality system auditors.·ISO 1011-3, Part 3: management of audit programs.ConclusionISO 9000 is an important international standard that affects the way organizations dobusiness, especially in Europe. Individuals in any profession, including IS, should beknowledgeable about the impact of this standard on business.The standard includes an audit to be performed before certification can be awarded.This article describes how an organization's auditors can assist in performingpreassessment audits and help the organization prepare for International StandardsOrganization 9000 certification. Organizations can take three specific actions to understandand prepare for International Standards Organization certification.Awareness TrainingBoth the internal auditors and organizational management need training in the standard,why it is important, and how organizations prepare and become certified. The company'sauditors can participate in this training, arrange for the training, or recommend tomanagement that the training be obtained.Obtaining Guidance in Writing Control ManualsAuditors are viewed as experts in control and should be able to provide guidance in writingcontrol manuals. The auditors can work as a team developing formats and manuals thatdefine the control procedures for the organization. The ISO 9000 is heavily adocumentation audit, and thus well-prepared documentation is important not only inperforming control procedures but in evaluating the adequacy of control procedures.Performing an ISO 9000 Preassessment.Auditors can obtain training in conducting ISO 9000 audits and use those skills to performthe preassessment audit for their own organizations. In instances in which the auditors maynot feel adequate to perform the audit, they may assist the audit team. In this way, they canboth improve their own skills and potentially reduce the cost of having an outside groupperform the ISO 9000 preassessment.Author BiographiesWilliam E. PerryWilliam E. Perry, CPA, CQA, CQE, CIA, CISA, is executive director of the Quality Assurance Institute in Orlando FL.。