IceMap System测冰雷达操作手册


SnoTrace RGS 雪和冰消融系统安装说明书

SnoTrace RGS 雪和冰消融系统安装说明书

INSTALLATION PROCEDURESSnoTrace TMRGSTMSnow and Ice Melting for Roof and GuttersRefer to the “SnoTrace RGS Cable Testing Report” for required recording of test data and circuit information.A. Upon Receiving Cable . . .1.Upon receiving heating cable, check to make sure theproper type and output have been received. All cables are printed on the outer jacket with part number, voltage rating and watt output.2.Visually inspect cable for any damage incurred during shipment. The heating cable should be tested to ensure electrical integrity with at least a 500 Vdc megohmmeter (megger) between the heating cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid. IEEE 515.1 recommends that the test voltage for polymer insulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc. Minimum resistance should be 20 megohms.(Record 1 on Report Form.)B. Installation of Cable . . .1.Snow melting cable systems must be installed in accor-dance with Article 426 of the National Electrical Code as well as any applicable local codes. Review the requirements prior to installation.2.The layout of heating cable on roof and gutters will bedependant on roof material, roof pitch, amount of roof overhang, gutter layout or gutter width. The amount of cable required can be calculated using the Roof and Gutter Design Guide.3.Gutters and downspouts should be free from debris. Allsharp edges that may come in contact with the heating cable should be flattened, smoothed or otherwise pro-tected to prevent possibility of damage to cable.4.Begin installation at power connection point. Junction box (supplied by contractor) shall be NEMA 4, UL Listed weatherproof and should be located and mounted insheltered area.SnoTrace TMRGSTMI N S T A L LA TI O N P RO C E D U R E SConnect the positive lead of the megger to the cable bus wires and the negative lead to the metallic braid.CAUTI CAUTIO O N: D N: DO N O N O NOO T connect power to heating cable while it is on reel or in shipping carton.5.Form a drip loop with the heating cable as it leaves the junction box. Cable should be anchored with a RG-CMC cable clip as close as possible to the junction box, after the drip loop.6.Once the installation is complete, recheck the heating cable with at least a 500 Vdc megohmmeter (megger)between the heating cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid. IEEE 515.1 recommends that the testvoltage for polymer insulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc.Minimum resistance should be 20 megohms. (Record 2 on Report Form.)7.To prevent accumulation of moisture inside of the junction box, use the RGS-CFK heater cable circuit fabrication kit that includes a strain relief fitting and moisture barrier grommet.8.Refer to the Circuit Fabrication Kit instructions for details on making proper heater cable end terminations.9.If junction box will be mounted to vertical wall or underside of sloped roof overhang, locate heating cable termination kit on lower side of junction box.10.ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING CAUTION LABELS must be installed on circuit breaker panels, contactor panels and junction boxes.11.Before putting the system into operation, make sure the heating cables have been tested and that the documenta-tion has been completed for each heat tracing circuit. This will ensure that the system has been installed permanufacturer’s recommendations. (Record 3 on Report Form.)T he National Electric Code Article 426.28,requires ground-fault protection be provided for branch circuits supplying electric heat tracing on fixed outdoor electric de-icing and snow-melting equipment.SnoTrace TM RGSTMC. Heating Cable Layout - Roof Overhang Only . . .1.Refer to the RGS Design Guide to determine appropriateheating cable lengths required, as well as spacing pitchrequired for various overhang distances and roof types.2.The attachment clips should be anchored to the roof/fasciawith fasteners or adhesive suited for the roof and theweather. A waterproofing sealant should be used whereverscrews penetrate the roof or fascia.3.Where large roof areas will be present above the heatingcable a snow fence should be installed to prevent damage tothe cable from sliding snow and ice.AL-20PRG-DCHRG-CRFRG-CRFRG-DCHRG-CRF RG-CRFRG-CRFRG-CRF RG-CRFP i t chD. Heating Cable Layout - Gutter and Downspouts Only . . .1.Refer to the RGS Design Guide to determine appropriateheating cable lengths required for gutters and downspouts.2.The attachment clips should be anchored to the fascia/gutter edge with fasteners or adhesive suited for the roofand the weather. A waterproofing sealant should be usedwherever screws penetrate the gutter or fascia.3.Heating cable should be attached to the bottom of thegutter with aluminum tape. Be sure the bottom surface ofthe gutter is clean to promote maximum adhesion of thetape. Heating cable in the downspouts should not extendpast the downspout opening to prevent vandalism.4.Protect heating cable from sharp edges of gutter anddownspouts.E. Heating Cable Layout - Roof Overhang Plus Gutter andDownspouts . . .1.Refer to the RGS Design Guide to determine appropriateheating cable lengths required.2.The attachment methods outlined in sections C and Dwould apply to installing heating cable on both roofoverhang and gutter/downspout areas.INSTALLATION PROCEDURESAlternate Roof Types…SnoTrace RGS on Membrane Type RoofsDue to the design of membrane type roofs, the methods typi-cally used to secure electric heating cable to the roof may not be suitable. The best alternative is to construct “loops” ap-proximately 2" x 10" from the same material as the membrane and attach these loops to theroof at the points wherethe cable will pass andrequire anchoring, us-ing the same adhesiveas used on the roof.Typically these an-chors will be requiredevery two feet alongthe length of the cableor wherever the cablechanges direction. The sketch atright shows a typical loop with heating cable passing through it. Allow sufficient room in the loop for the cable to pass without binding.The location of the cable and loops should be coordinated be-tween the roofing and electrical contractors in accordance with design layout provided by the engineer and project manager. Using the loop method for attaching the heating cable to the roof will eliminate the need to penetrate the roof membrane with fasteners.SnoTrace RGS on Copper Type RoofsThe standard RGS mounting clips and tape are not compatible with copper roofing and copper gutters. The best alternative is to use a plastic cable mounting plate along with a cable tie wrap. The materials in the mounting plates, adhesives and tie wraps should be rated for outdoor use. These should be placed in the same spacing as used on the RG-CRF and RG-CMC clips for roof use. In gutters, the cable attachments should be no more than two feet apart. These types of mounts are not carried by Thermon, but are available from suppliers of general conduit attachment items.Please contact Thermon for additional information and design assistance for other roof types.SnoTrace™ RGS™ Cable Testing Report1.Refer to Thermon RGS Installation Procedures, FORM CPD1020, for general installation procedures, requirements and guidelines.2.Upon receiving heating cable, check the cable to make sure the proper type and output have been received. All cables areprinted on the outer jacket with part number, voltage rating and watt output.3.Visually inspect cable for any damage incurred during shipment.The heating cable should be tested to ensure electrical integritywith at least a 500 Vdc megohmmeter (megger) between theheating cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid.IEEE 515.1 recommends that the test voltage for polymerinsulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc. Minimum resistanceshould be 20 megohms.(Record 1 on Report Form.)A.Connect the positive lead of the megger to the cable bus wires.B.Connect the negative lead of the megger to the metallic braid.C.Energize the megger and record the reading. Readings between 20 megohms and infinity are acceptable. Readings below20 megohms may mean the electrical insulation has been damaged. Recheck the heating cable for physical damage betweenthe braid and the heating element; small cuts or scuffmarks on the outer jacket will not affect the megger reading unless there was actual penetration through the braid and dielectric insulation jacket.4.After installation is complete, visually inspect cable for any damage incurred during installation. Recheck the heating cable with atleast a 500 Vdc megohmmeter (megger) between the heating cable bus wires and the heating cable metallic braid. IEEE 515.1 recommends that the test voltage for polymer insulated heating cables be 2500 Vdc. Minimum resistance should be 20 meg-ohms.(Record 2 on Report Form.)5.Once power supply is completed, record the panel and circuit breaker information. Ensure all junction boxes, temperaturecontrollers, cable glands, etc. are properly secured. Set the temperature controller (if applicable) to the manual setting and apply rated voltage to the heat tracing circuit(s) for 10 minutes. Record the ambient temperature, measure and record the circuit(s) voltage and current. (Record 3 on Report Form.)NOTE:To ensure the heating cable warranty is maintained through installation, the testing outlined on this sheet must be completed on the installed heating cables, and the test results recorded andmailed/faxed to:Thermon Customer Service100 Thermon DriveSan Marcos, Texas 78666Fax: 512-754-2420SnoTrace™ RGS™ Cable Testing ReportCustomer:Contractor:Address:Address:Phone No:Phone No.Project Reference:Record 1: Prior to InstallationCable Type:Heater Length:Heater Number:Insulation Resistance M Ohms:Tested By:Date:Witnessed By:Date:Record 2: After InstallationInsulation Resistance M Ohms:Tested By:Date:Witnessed By:Date:Record 3: Final CommissioningPanel Number:Breaker Number:Volts:Ambient Temperature (deg. F):Recorded Amps:Tested By:Date:Witnessed By:Date:F O R M C P D 1020-0805 © T h e r m o n M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o . P r i n t e d i n U .S .A .100 Thermon Dr. • PO Box 609 • San Marcos, TX 78667-0609Phone: 512-396-5801 • Facsimile: 512-396-3627 • 800-820-HEAT In Canada call800-563-8461Other Products . . .Thermon offers additional cut-to-length cables or complete turn-key systems for the following applications:• Hot Water Temperature Maintenance • Pipe Heating• Freezer Floor Frost Heave Prevention • Rail and Rail Switch Heating • Tank and Hopper Heating • Instrument Heating Systems • Control and Monitoring Systems。

Micropilot FMR20 HART 雷达物位仪简明操作指南说明书

Micropilot FMR20 HART 雷达物位仪简明操作指南说明书

Products Solutions Services简明操作指南Micropilot FMR20HART雷达物位仪本文档为《简明操作指南》;不得替代设备的《操作手册》。

设备的详细信息请参考《操作手册》和其他文档资料:所有设备型号均可通过以下方式查询:•网址:/deviceviewer•智能手机/平板电脑:Endress+Hauser Operations AppKA01248F/00/ZH/01.1671331405Micropilot FMR20 HART2Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR20 HART 目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1特定信息图标.........................................................................41.2安全图标............................................................................41.3图中的图标 (4)2术语和缩写 (53)注册商标 (5)4基本安全指南 (6)4.1人员要求............................................................................64.2指定用途............................................................................64.3工作场所安全.........................................................................64.4操作安全............................................................................74.5产品安全............................................................................75产品描述 (8)5.1产品设计 (8)6到货验收和产品标识 (9)6.1到货验收............................................................................96.2产品标识 (10)7安装.............................................................................127.1安装条件 (12)8电气连接 (22)8.1电缆分配...........................................................................228.2供电电压...........................................................................228.3连接...............................................................................238.4连接后检查 (26)9可操作性 (27)9.1操作方法...........................................................................279.2采用Bluetooth®无线技术...............................................................279.3通过HART 通信 (28)10调试和操作 (28)10.1安装检查和功能检查..................................................................2810.2通过SmartBlue (app)进行操作和设置.....................................................2810.3通过HART 通信实现系统集成...........................................................3510.4通过RIA15进行操作和设置.............................................................3610.5通过调试工具进行液位测量设置..........................................................3910.6数据访问 - 安全性....................................................................4211补充文档资料 (44)11.1标准文档资料........................................................................4411.2补充文档资料........................................................................4411.3《安全指南》(XA).. (44)文档信息Micropilot FMR20 HART 1 文档信息1.1 特定信息图标1.2 安全图标1.3 图中的图标4Endress+HauserMicropilot FMR20 HART 术语和缩写Endress+Hauser 52术语和缩写3 注册商标组织(奥斯汀,美国)的注册商标Bluetooth®名称和LOGO 是Bluetooth SIG 公司的注册商标,Endress+Hauser 拥有使用权。






1.棱镜2.盖板3.校正钉4.把套5.目镜二、基本参数:JT-2T/JT-4T测量范围分度值准确度防冻液冰点-50~0℃1℃±0.5℃电池液比重 1.10~1.400.01±0.01玻璃液冰点-40~0℃1℃±1℃1、本仪器可测量防冻液冰点、铅酸蓄电池电解液的比重以及玻璃清洗剂冰点。


JT-4T铜镀络温补型,内附温度补偿装置,保证在10o C~30o C环境温度下测量准确。

2、视场说明:中间标尺:(ETHYLENE GLYCOL)乙二醇型防冻液冰点。


左侧标尺:(BATTERY FLUID)电池液比重。















一、开机操作1. 在开始使用雷达FR-7062之前,首先要确保雷达系统的供电已经接通,并检查供电是否正常。

2. 打开雷达系统的主电源开关,待系统启动完成后,再打开显示器和操作终端的开关。

3. 在系统启动完成后,会自动进入雷达系统的主界面,此时雷达系统已经可以正常工作。

二、雷达监控操作1. 在雷达监控模式下,可以显示周围海域的雷达图像和相关信息。


2. 在雷达工作过程中,需要不断检查雷达图像,确保其清晰度和准确性。

3. 随时留意雷达的告警信息,如海上目标告警、雷达异常等,及时采取相应措施。

2. 在航迹显示界面,可以查看目标的速度、方向等信息,帮助使用者更好地判断目标的动态情况。

3. 随时注意目标的变化,做好目标航迹的记录和跟踪,确保船只的航行安全。

1. 在雷达测距模式下,可以进行海上目标的距离测量。


2. 在进行测距时,注意保持雷达的稳定性,避免目标距离测量不准确。

3. 在测距操作中,可以使用雷达的标识功能,为目标设置标识,便于后续跟踪。

五、雷达信号处理1. 在雷达信号处理过程中,可以对雷达系统接收到的信号进行处理和优化,以提高雷达系统的性能。

2. 确保雷达信号处理的参数设置合理,并根据实际情况进行调整,以获得更清晰、更准确的雷达图像。

3. 在信号处理过程中,随时留意雷达的反馈信息,及时进行调整和优化,确保雷达系统的正常工作。



Observers Guide toU. S. Department of Commerce • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Ocean Service • Office of Response and RestorationNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service • National Ice CenterU. S. Department of CommerceNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNOAA Ocean Service • Office of Response and RestorationNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service • National Ice CenterFor additional information contact:NOAA Emergency Response Division7600 Sand Point Way NESeattle, WA 98115This Observers’ Guide to Sea Ice was prepared by Dr. Orson P. Smith, University of Alaska Anchorage, School of Engineering for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration with thanks to Kathleen Cole, Anchorage Forecast Office Ice Forecaster. It is a product of the Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound Navigation Safety and Ef-ficiency project. To order additional copies of this document, fax your request to (206) ************************************.1O B S E R V E R S ’ G U I D E T O S E A I CETable of ContentsIntroduction2 Completing an Observation Report 4 Sea Ice Observation Report Form 5Glacier Ice Observation Report Form 6Concentration 7Stages of Development 11Sea Ice Forms 16Glacier Ice Forms23IntroductionThis booklet is intended for use by volunteers to report aerial, ship-board, or shoreline observations of ice conditions at sea to authorities such as the National Weather Service, National Ice Center, U.S. Coast Guard, pilots’ associations, port authorities, or other maritime interests. Emphasis here is on conditions of concern to mariners with regard to safe passage of ships. Scientific observers may wish to note additional details following guidance of the World Meteorological Organization.Sea ice consists of frozen sea water. River (freshwater) ice is often indistinguishable when mixed with sea ice, especially with snow cover. Glacier ice, broken away from a tidewater glacier, is usually more irregular than river ice or frozen sea water. Tidal estuaries may also have thick, irregular pieces of sediment-laden beach ice, which have been grounded on tidelands, repeatedly submerged, and floated free by spring tides.Sea ice is observed in terms of three basic parameters: concentra-tion, stage of development, and form. Concentration refers to the fraction of the sea surface covered by ice, reported in tenths by international conven-tion. Stage of development refers to age and structural characteristics ofthe ice that may be inferred from specific visible features and knowledgeof regional conditions prior to the observation. Stage may be more directly observed from shipboard when ice breaking reveals the prevailing thickness of the ice. Stage classification does not apply to glacier ice. Form refers to the horizontal shape and dimensions of pieces of ice. The form of glacier ice is also reported in terms of freeboard, or maximum height above the sea surface.Observers should report sea ice conditions with reference to the date, time, and geographical position of the observation and the particular perspective, or field of view. The field of view from an airplane is much dif-ferent from the field of view from the bridge of a ship or from the shoreline.A reporting form for sea ice and a separate form for glacier ice are provided to aid observers in noting this essential information.2U.S. Sea Ice Reporting AgenciesNational Weather ServiceAlaska Region, Forecast Office6930 Sand Lake RoadAnchorage, Alaska 99502Ice Desk: (907) 266-5138Marine Desk (24 hours): (907) 266-5106Fax: (907) 266-5188e-mail:*******************/ice.phpNational Ice CenterFederal Office Building #4, Room 23014231 Suitland RoadWashington, D.C. 20395Telephone: (301) 394-3100Fax: (301) 394-3200e-mail:*******************.gov3Completing an Observation Report1. Use a dry-erase marker to fill out either the sea ice or the glacier iceobservation report form, or to make a permanent record on a copy ofthe form.2. Note the date, time, and time zone of the observation, e.g., “AlaskaStandard,” “Alaska Daylight Savings (summer) Time,” or “Greenwich Mean Time” (GMT).3. Note the latitude and longitude of the observation by reference to achart or Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS also give accurate time of day.4. Describe your position in words, as you would over the radio ortelephone, noting the water body and nearby charted geographicalfeatures, e.g., “central Cook Inlet, 3 nautical miles east of Middle GroundShoal.”5. Describe your perspective in terms of altitude above the water, the com-pass direction toward which you are looking, and the most recognizable geographical features directly in view, e.g., “10 m (30 ft) above the water(bridge-level), looking west toward the center of Trading Bay.”6. Check the choices of concentration that apply to the conditions youobserve, noting the average and the range of concentrations in view. 7. Sea ice: Circle the stages of development you judge to be in view. Directknowledge of recent local weather and prior nearby ice observations,as well as the appearance of the ice, may be applied to judge stage ofdevelopment.8. Use the length, or beam, of the ship or recognizable objects in view (likeships, docks, or oil platforms) to estimate the size of ice pieces observedand note the prevailing form and the range of ice forms visible.9. Glacier ice: Note the form in terms of estimated maximum freeboardand waterline length. Also note the above-water shape.10. Note any other observed features that might help mariners followingyou across the water body or that would help ice reporters match yourobservation with others.11. Transmit your report as soon as possible to the National WeatherService, National Ice Center, or other marine service organization.4Sea Ice Observation Report FormDate: Time: Time zone: Latitude:Longitude:Description of position:Altitude of observer:Looking toward (compass bearing):Charted landmarks in view:Concentration:(see pages 7-10)012345678910Stage of Development: (see pages 11-15)New Ni YN-GYN-GWFL FM FT OldForm:(see pages 16-22)New Brash Belts Strips PancakesCakes Small floes MediumfloesBig floes Vast floes Giant floesOther description:5Glacier Ice Observation Report FormDate:Time:Time zone: Latitude:Longitude:Description of position:Altitude of observer:Looking toward (compass bearing):Charted landmarks in view:Concentration:(see page 7)012345678910Glacier ice forms: (see pages 23-27)Growlers Bergy bits Small berg Medium berg Large berg Very large bergAbove-water shape:(see page 23)Blocky Tabular Domed Pinnacled Drydocked Wedged non-tabular Other description:67Concentrationless than 1 tenth “open water”2 -3 tenths “very open drift”4 tenths “open drift”5 tenths “open drift”6 tenths “open drift”7 -8 tenths “close pack”10 tenths “compact”8Concentration1 -2 tenths “very open drift”Photo provided by ConocoPhillips3 -4 tenths “open to very open drift”Photo provided by USCG MSD Kenai, Alaska9Concentration5 -6 tenths “open drift”7 - 8 tenths “close pack”Concentration9 tenths “very close pack”10 tenths “compact”11Stages of DevelopmentNew (N):Ice of the following initial stages of ice formationFrazil: Separate fine needles or plates suspended in the waterGrease: A thin skin of frazil crystals coagulated on the sea surface hav-ing a dark, greasy appearance (Also called ice fat, lard ice)Slush: Snow mixed with water in a viscous surface layerShuga: An accumulation of spongy white lumpsNilas (Ni):A thin, elastic crust of ice, less than 10 cm (4 in) thick, easily bending on waves, often with a striped or chevron appearanceYoung (YN):Ice 10 - 30 cm (4 - 12 in) thick of the following sub-stagesGray (G): Young ice 10 - 15 cm (4 - 6 in) thick, less elastic than nilas, that breaks on swell and rafts (one layer over another) under pressureGray-white (GW): Young ice 15 - 30 cm (6 - 12 in) thick, that buckles to form ridges on its edges from pressure or collisionsFirst-year thin (FL):Sea ice that, in uniform level areas without ridges or other deformations, is 30 - 70 cm (12 - 28 in) thickFirst-year medium (FM):Sea ice 70 - 120 cm (28 - 48 in) thickFirst-year thick (FT):Sea ice over 1.2 m (4 ft) thickOld or multi-year (MY):Sea ice of any thickness that has survived at least one melting season, char-acterized by undulating, weathered ridges and a well-defined melt waterdrainage patternStages of DevelopmentNew Ice (N)Frazil: Fine needles or plates suspended in the waterGrease: A thin skin of frazil crystals coagulated on the sea surface having a dark, greasy appearance (Also called ice fat, lard ice)New Ice (N)Slush: Snow mixed with waterShuga: An accumulation of spongy white lumps13Stages of DevelopmentNilas (Ni) A thin, elastic crust of ice, less than 10 cm (4 in) thick, easily bending on waves, often with astriped or chevron appearanceYoung (YN) Level ice 10 - 30 cm (4 - 12 in) thick, of the following sub-stages:Gray (G): Young ice 10 - 15 cm (4 - 6 in) thick, less elastic than nilas, that breaks on swell and rafts under pressureGray-white (GW): Young ice 15 - 30 cm (6 - 12 in) thick, which buckles to form ridges onits edges from pressure or collisionsStages of DevelopmentFirst-year thin (FL) Sea ice 30 - 70 cm (12 - 28 in) thickFirst-year medium (FM) Sea ice 70 - 120 cm (28 - 48 in) thick15Stages of DevelopmentFirst-year thick (FT) Sea ice over 1.2 m (4 ft) thick(Photo provided by Jerry Galt)Old or Multi-year (MY) Sea ice of any thickness that has survived at leastone melting season, characterized by undulating, weathered ridges and awell-defined melt water drainage patternSea Ice FormsNew:Small, thin, newly formed, dinner plate-sized piecesBrash: Broken pieces less than 2 m (6 ft) acrossPancake: Rounded floes 30 cm - 3 m (1 - 10 ft) across with ridged rimsIce Cake:Level piece 3 - 20 m (6 - 65 ft) acrossSmall Floe:Level piece 20 - 100 m (65 - 328 ft) acrossMedium Floe: Level, continuous piece 100 -500 m (328 - 1640 ft) acrossBig Floe: Level, continuous piece 500 m - 2 km (1/3 - 1 mi) acrossVast Floe: Level, continuous piece 2 - 10 km (1 - 6 mi) acrossGiant Floe:Level, continuous piece greater than 10 km (6 mi) acrossBelt:A linear accumulation of sea ice from 1 km to over 100 km (0.6 - 60 mi) wideStrip:A linear accumulation of sea ice less than 1 km (0.6 mi) wideBeach Ice: Irregular, sediment-laden blocks that are grounded on tide-lands, repeatedly submerged, and floated free, generally, by spring tides Fast Ice: Ice formed and remaining attached to shore17Sea Ice FormsUseful Size-Reference ObjectsGrowler: less than 5 m (16 ft)Pancake: 30 cm - 3 m (1 - 10 ft)Bergy Bit: 5 - 15 m (16 - 50 ft)Ice Cake: 3 - 20 m (6 - 65 ft) acrossSmall Berg: 15 - 60 m (50 - 200 ft)Small Floe: 20 - 100 m (65 - 328 ft)Medium Berg: 61 - 122 m (201 - 400 ft)Large Berg: 123 - 213 m (401 - 670 ft)Medium Floe:100 - 500 m (328 - 1640 ft)Very Large Berg:greater than 213 m (670 ft)Big Floe:500 m - 2 km (1/3 - 1 mi)Sea Ice FormsBrash Broken pieces less than 2 m (6 ft) across(Homer, Alaska)Pancake Ice Circular floes 30 cm - 3 m (1 - 10 ft) across and up to 10 cm (4 in.) thick with raised rims19Sea Ice FormsIce Cake Relatively level piece less than 20 m (65 ft) across (altitude 500 feet, Cook Inlet, Alaska)Small Floe Continuous level piece 20 - 100 m (65- 328 ft) across (altitude 500 ft, Anchorage, Alaska)Sea Ice FormsMedium Floe Continuous flat piece 100 - 500 m (328 - 1640 ft) across (altitude 800 ft, Cook Inlet, Alaska)Big Floe Continuous flat piece 500 m - 2 km (1/3 - 1 mi) across (altitude 500 - 600 ft, Arctic Ocean)21Sea Ice FormsBeltA linear accumulation of sea ice from 1 km to over 100 km (0.6 - 60 mi) wideStripA linear accumulation of sea ice less than 1 km (0.6 mi) wide (altitude 800 ft, Cook Inlet, Alaska)Sea Ice FormsBeach Ice Thick, irregular, sediment-laden pieces, which have been grounded on tidelands, repeatedly submerged, and floated free, generally, by spring tides (grounded beach ice, Cook Inlet, Alaska)Fast Ice Ice formed and remaining attached to shore (upper Cook Inlet, Alaska)23Glacier Ice FormsFormFreeboard (height above water) Length Growlerless than 1 m (3 ft) less than 5 m (16 ft)Bergy Bit1 - 5 m (3 - 16 ft) 5 - 15 m (16 - 50 ft)Small Berg5 - 15 m (16 - 50 ft) 15 - 60 m (50 - 200 ft)Medium Berg16 - 45 m (51 - 150 ft) 61 - 122 m (201 - 400 ft)Large Berg46 - 75 m (151 - 240 ft) 123 - 213 m (401 - 670 ft)Very Large Berg greater than 75 m (240 ft) greater than 213 m (670 ft)Blocky: Generally straight-sided polygonal shapeTabular: Flat top with near-vertical sidesDomed: Rounded appearance above the waterlineNon-tabular or irregular: No regular geometric shape apparent Wedged: Triangular wedge shapePinnacled: One or more prominent central spiresDrydocked: Melted out in center to form a U-shaped slotBlack Ice: Dark, sediment-laden ice from glacier medial moraines orassociated frozen glacier surface ponds of turbid runoff waterGlacier Ice FormsGrowler Glacier fragment less than 1 m (3 ft) freeboard and less than 5 m (16 ft) across (Prince William Sound, Alaska)25Glacier Ice FormsBergy bit (irregular)Bergy Bit Glacier fragment 1 - 5 m (3 - 16 ft) freeboard or 5 - 15 m (16 - 50 ft) across (Prince William Sound, Alaska, photo provided by Stan Stephens)Black ice bergy bit (blocky)Glacier Ice FormsSmall Berg Glacier fragment 5 - 15 m (16 - 50 ft) freeboard or 15 - 60 m (50 - 200 ft) across (Prince William Sound, Alaska)Medium Berg Glacier fragment 16 - 45 m (51 - 150 ft) freeboard or 61 - 122 m (201 - 400 ft) across (North Atlantic, photo provided by USCG International Ice Patrol)27Glacier Ice FormsLarge Berg Glacier fragment 46 -75 m (151 - 240 ft) freeboard or 123 - 213 m (401 - 670 ft) across (Photo provided by Jerry Galt)Very Large BergGlacier fragment over 75 m (240 ft) freeboard or over 213 m (670 ft) across (Antarctica, photoprovided by USCG International Ice Patrol)U.S. Department of CommerceNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • NOAA Ocean ServiceCarlos M. GutierrezSecretary, U.S. Department of CommerceVice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.)Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere andNOAA AdministratorJohn H. DunniganAssistant Administrator,Ocean Services and Coastal Zone ManagementNOAA Ocean ServiceAugust 2007。



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Page 5
© Vaisala 2014-03-12
Detailed Information on Rigging
The detailed instructions for radiosonde rigging and sounding preparations are given in Vaisala Guide to Sounding Preparations Technical Reference M211367EN
Page 2
© Vaisala 2014-03-12
Recommendations for Rig Setup
The optimum ventilation of the radiosondes in comparison rig is eventual for gaining the high quality comparison data
The purpose of this document is to give guidance to achieve the goal with Vaisala radiosondes. The most important aspects are:
Good enough ascent rate Hanging of radiosondes with 80 cm string
Vaisala Radiosonde Comparison Rigging (~950 g)
Balloon Weight (g)
Nozzle Lift (g)*



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南极海冰质量平衡 (SIMBA),版本 1 用户指南说明书

南极海冰质量平衡 (SIMBA),版本 1 用户指南说明书

Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA), Version 1USER GUIDEHow to Cite These DataAs a condition of using these data, you must include a citation:Ackley, S. F., B. Delille, J. L. Tison, G. Carnat, B. Weissling, M. J. Lewis, C. H. Fritsen, and S. Stammerjohn. 2016. Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA), Version 1. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center.https:///10.7265/N53F4MJ7. [Date Accessed].FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THESE DATA, CONTACT ***************FOR CURRENT INFORMATION, VISIT https:///data/G10014TABLE OF CONTENTS1OVERVIEW (2)2DETAILED DATA DESCRIPTION (2)2.1Format (2)2.1.1Ice Cores (2)2.1.2Brussels Site (3)2.1.3Liege Site (5)2.1.4Stations 1, 2, and 3 (6)2.1.5SIMBA Buoy Data (10)2.2File and Directory Structure (14)2.3Spatial and Temporal Coverage/Resolution (17)2.3.1Spatial Coverage and Resolution (17)2.3.2Temporal Coverage and Resolution (18)2.4Parameters (22)2.5Quality Assessment and Error Sources (22)3SOFTWARE AND TOOLS (22)4DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING (22)4.1Data Acquisition Methods (22)4.2Sensor Descriptions (23)4.2.1Ice Core Instrumentation (23)4.2.2Sea Ice Thickness Database Instrumentation (23)4.2.3Ice Mass Balance Buoy Instrumentation (23)4.3Version History (26)5REFERENCES AND RELATED PUBLICATIONS (26)5.1References (26)5.2Related Data Collections (28)6CONTACTS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (28)6.1Acknowledgments (28)7DOCUMENT INFORMATION (28)7.1Document Author (28)7.2Document Creation Date (29)7.3Document Revision Date (29)1 OVERVIEWThe Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) project was a study conducted in the Southern Ocean from October 2007 through December 2007 with an additional buoy deployment campaign conducted from February 2009 through March 2009. Three ice mass balance (IMB) buoys were deployed on a pack ice floe called the Belgica Floe Drift Station in the Bellingshausen Sea while the research vessel, icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer, drifted along with the floe. The goal of the project was to determine the evolution of Antarctic sea ice cover and the mass balance of ice in the Amundsen Sea and the Bellingshausen Sea in the Southern Ocean during the International Polar Year (2007-2008) as part of the IPY Antarctic Sea Ice Program. The SIMBA project usedthe Nathaniel B. Palmer and employed drifting buoys as a main source of measurements. These buoys were endorsed as an IPY contribution to the World Climate Research Program/Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (WCRP/SCAR) International Programme on Antarctic Buoys (IPAB).For this study three IMB's were equipped with thermistor strings, ice and snow thickness measurement gauges, meteorological sensors for measuring atmospheric pressure, temperature, and incoming radiation, and oceanographic sensors just under the ice that measured salinity, temperature, and light transmission. In addition to the buoy data, in situ data were also acquired from ice cores and snow pits in the vicinity of the camp on the Belgica Floe. The data from these three buoys and the drifting station in situ measurements are presented here as this data set.2 DETAILED DATA DESCRIPTIONThe data files in this data set are broken up into three categories by type of data:•Ice Cores•Sea Ice Thickness Database (SITD)•SIMBA Buoy Data2.1 Format2.1.1 Ice CoresAll measurements collected from ice cores during the SIMBA project are in one Excel file: SIMBA-ice-core-data.xlsx. It contains 30 sheets: 13 sheets with the data and 17 sheets with graphs. Data were taken at these sites: Brussels, Liege, and Stations 1, 2, and 3. Measurements taken from the ice cores are temperature, salinity, brine volume, and delta-O- Brussels SiteAt the Brussels site, five ice cores were taken over a period of five days. These ice cores serve as a time series from the same ice floe (within 10m of each other) where the camp was moored. The first five sheets of the SIMBA-ice-core-data.xlsx file contains the data from these five ice cores and the next four sheets contain graphs of Brussels data. Table 1 describes the sheets forBrussels data and Table 2 describes the columns in the data sheets.Table 1. Ice Core Spreadsheet Contents: Brussels Site (Sheets 1-9)Table 2. Column Descriptions of the Ice Core Data Sheets2.1.3 Liege SiteAt the Liege site, five ice cores were taken over a period of five days. These are a time series of ice cores from the same ice floe (within 10 m of each other) where the camp was moored. Sheets 10 through 14 of the SIMBA-ice-core-data.xlsx file contains the data from each of the Liege sub-sites and sheets 15 through 18 contain graphs of Liege data. Table 3 describes the sheets for Liege data and Table 2 describes the columns.Table 3. Ice Core Spreadsheet Contents: Liege Site (Sheets 10-18)2.1.4 Stations 1, 2, and 3Stations 1, 2, and 3 were taken on the inbound track to the Ice Station Belgica floe. Sheets 19 through 21 of the SIMBA-ice-core-data.xlsx file contains the data from Stations 1, 3, and 3 and sheets 22 through 30 contain graphs of the data. Table 4 describes the sheets for Stations 1, 2, and 3 data and Table 2 describes the columns.Table 4. Ice Core Spreadsheet Contents: Stations 1, 2, and 3 (Sheets 19-30)Sea Ice Thickness Database and Snow Pit MeasurementsAll sea ice thickness data recorded during SIMBA are provided in seven Excel files for seven different sites: Brussels, Fabra, Liege, Patria, Station 1, Station 2, and Station 3. These Excel files were created from the SCAR Sea Ice Thickness Database Data Entry Form provided to the SIMBA team. Table 5 lists the number of transects and pits at each site, and Table 6 describes the sheets in these data files. Tables 7 and 8 describe the data columns for the sheets in the file. Note, if a cell is empty or contains zeros, then that measurement was not recorded at that site.Table 5. Number of thickness transects and snow pits per siteTable 6. Description of Sheets in the SITD Excel FilesTable 7. Column Descriptions of Thickness Transect Data SheetsTable 8. Column Descriptions of Snow Pit Data SheetsFor the Brussels site only, changes in sea ice thickness over time were measured along two 200 m long track lines in the vicinity of the Brussels site. Each of the two track lines was measured twice, once on 7 October 2007 and once on 21 October 2007. For each track line, freeboard, snow depth, and ice thickness measurements were taken every 20 m on both dates. Table 9 describes the columns in the Thickness Gauges sheet. The top row of that sheet provides the date of the measurements.Table 9. Column Descriptions of Thickness Gauges Sheet (Brussels Site Only)2.1.5 SIMBA Buoy DataDuring the SIMBA campaign, three IMB buoys were released to record sea ice measurements while drifting. The file SIMBA-Buoy-Overview.xlsx gives start/stop dates, start/stop lat/lon, and comments for the three buoys. Table 10 gives the name, ID, and dates of operation of each buoy. The data from each of the three buoys are contained in three Excel files; one for each buoy. The sheets in these Excel file are described in Table 11. For a list of instrumentation on the buoys, see Table 15.Table 10. SIMBA BuoysTable 11. Buoy Data Sheet Descriptions2.2 File and Directory StructureAll the data files reside in ftp:///DATASETS/NOAA/G10014. This main directory is broken up into three subdirectories; one for each type of data. Table 12 describes the sub-directories.2.3 Spatial and Temporal Coverage/Resolution2.3.1 Spatial Coverage and ResolutionThis data set covers the Western Antarctic waters of the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas. The spatial resolution varies, but the approximate spatial coverage bounding box is the following:Northernmost: -68.5°Southernmost: -75°Easternmost: -75°Westernmost: -120°Figure 1. Belgica Floe: IMB buoy deployment sites Oct. 2007. Click for larger image.Figure 2. Satellite image of the Belgica Floe showing the regional ice conditions on October 12 at maximum expansion of the lead, with the ships position (yellow star) and a portion of the drift track with ship’s position on dates 9 October 2007(X) and 17 October 2007 (Y). Click for larger image.2.3.2 Temporal Coverage and ResolutionThe temporal coverage of the data set is 01 October to 14 December 2007, the spring/summer transition and 06 February to 19 March 2009, the summer/autumn transition. The temporal resolution varies. Figure 3 shows the drift track for each IMB with start and stop dates.For specific locations and dates, see the sections below broken up by data type:•Ice Core Data•Sea Ice Thickness Data•IMB Buoy Data•Figure 3. IMB Drift Tracks with start and stop dates. Click for larger version. Ice Core DataTable 13 lists the locations and dates of the ice core measurements. Note: The location of the Brussels and Liege ice core samples are approximated by taking the known date that the ice core was taken and then cross referencing that with the location of the Brussles-1 and Liege buoy at that time, respectively. The locations of the Station 1, 2, and 3 ice core samples are taken from the same location as those in the sea ice thickness measurement files.Table 13. Ice Core Measurements' Locations and Dates2.3.2.2 Sea Ice Thickness Data SitesTable 14 lists the dates and locations of the sea ice thickness measurements.Table 14. Sea Ice Thickness Measurements Location and Dates2.3.2.3 IMB Buoy DataTable 15 lists the different measurements taken by the three IMB Buoys and the duration of those measurements.Table 15. Type and Duration of Buoy Measurements2.4 Parameters•The parameters covered by this data set are the following:•Sea ice temperature (°C)•Sea ice salinity (psu)•Sea ice thickness (m)•Oxygen isotope concentrations - δO18 (o/oo)•Sea ice freeboard (m)•Snow thickness (m)•Snow surface temperature (°C)•Snow density (kg/m3)•Snow wetness (vol%)•Snow classification•Air temperature (°C)•Barometer (mb)•Brine volume (decimal fraction of total volume)•Ice irradiance (μW/cm2)2.5 Quality Assessment and Error SourcesNo quality assessment has been performed on these data due to the complexity of assigning error sources to a variety of data sets and measurements by different sampling and techniques.3 SOFTWARE AND TOOLSThese data files can be opened with Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs, or other similar spreadsheet tool.4 DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING4.1 Data Acquisition MethodsAll measurements were acquired remotely with instrumentation on floating buoys or in situ measurements of ice core, snow, and sea ice thickness taken from an idividual sea-ice floe. See the Sensor Descriptions section for details on the instrumentation. In October 2007, three IMB’s, called Brussels-1, Brussels-2, and Liege, were deployed on a pack ice floe in the Bellingshausen Sea in the Southern Ocean. The floe, called the Belgica Floe, had the research vessel, icebreaker N.B. Palmer, drifting along with the it (NBP 07-09). Each of the IMB’s measured geographic position with a Garmin GPS16-HVS, snow depth with a Campbell SR50A-L24 acoustic sensor, ice thickness with a Benthos PSA-916 sonar altimeter, and a temperature profile using YSI-44033-BP thermistors that extended from the air, through the snow, ice, and surface water at0.05 - 0.10 m intervals. Brussels-1 also measured irradiance at the ice undersurface with an OCR-504 under water radiometer, while Brussels-2 and Liege were equipped to measure conductivity, temperature, and depth below the ice using a Sea-Bird MicroCAT SBE 37-SI CTD with pressure sensor. However, the CTD did not function on the Liege IMB; so, before the N.B. Palmer left the Belgica Floe drift station, the Liege IMB was retrieved. The CTD was repaired, and the Liege IMB was redeployed on another cruise in February 2009 at a fast ice site in the Amundsen Sea (NBP 09-01). All measurements were autonomously sampled at bihourly intervals, sent to the Campbell CR1000-ST-SW-NC data logger, and transmitted through the Advanced Research and Global Observation Satellite (ARGOS) satellite system in hexadecimal code. The sensors and IMB’s experienced various life spans, with some transmitting data up to 75 days.4.2 Sensor Descriptions4.2.1 Ice Core InstrumentationIce cores were primarily acquired with a stainless steel ice corer of 10 cm diameter, driven by an electric drill powered by a remote generator to maintain the cleanliness of the site.4.2.2 Sea Ice Thickness Database InstrumentationSea ice thickness measurements were acquired primarily by an EM-31, electromagnetic induction (EMI) meter. This instrument measured a conductivity proportional to the distance to the conducting layer of seawater beneath the ice and could, therefore, be calibrated to convert conductivity to ice thickness. Other thickness measurements were made using a Kovacs 5 cm ice-thickness auger driven by an electric drill powered by rechargeable batteries.4.2.3 Ice Mass Balance Buoy InstrumentationThe three IMB buoys used for the SIMBA investigation were built by the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL). They were named Brussels-1, Brussels-2, and Liege. The sensors and IMBs experienced life spans varying from 18 days (minimum) to 75 days (maximum). All IMB sensors were autonomously sampled at 30 minute intervals. Data were saved on a Campbell CR1000-ST-SW-NC data logger, transmitted, and downloaded via theARGOS system. Table 16 describes the different instruments on each buoy and Table 15 provides the dates of the duration of the measurements.of M. Lewis. Click for larger view.Table 16. Instruments on IMB BuoysFigure 5. Photographs of the under ice surface at (A) Brussels-1 and (B) Liege. Photographs courtesy of C.Fritsen.4.3 Version HistoryTable 17. Version History5 REFERENCES AND RELATED PUBLICATIONS 5.1 ReferencesAckley, S. F., H. Xie, E. A. Tichenor. 2015. Ocean heat flux under Antarctic sea ice in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas: Two case studies. Annals of Glaciology 56(69): 200-10. doi: 10.3189/2015AoG69A890.Ackley, S. F., M. J. Lewis, C. H. Fritsen, and H. Xie. 2008. Internal melting in Antarctic sea ice: development of "Gap Layers". Geophysical Research Letters 35(L11503). doi:10.1029/2008GL033644Carnat G., F. Brabant, I. Dumont, M. Vancoppenolle, S. F. Ackley, C. Fritsen, B. Delille, J. L. Tison. 2016. Influence of short-term synoptic events and snow depth on DMS, DMSP, and DMSO dynamics in Antarctic spring sea ice. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 4(1), 000135. doi: 10.12952/journal.elementa.000135.De Jong, J. T. M., S. E. Stammerjohn, S. F. Ackley, J. L. Tison, N. Mattielli, V. Schoemann. 2015. Sources and fluxes of dissolved iron in the Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica): The importance of sea ice, icebergs and the continental margin. Marine Chemistry 177: 518-535. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.08.004.DeLiberty, T. L., C. A. Geiger, S. F. Ackley, A. P. Worby, M. L. Van Woert. 2011. Estimating the Annual Cycle of Sea-Ice Thickness and Volume in the Ross Sea. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(9): 1250-1260. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.12.005.Fritsen, C. H., E. D. Wirthlin, D. K. Momberg, M. J. Lewis, S. F. Ackley. 2011. Bio-optical properties of Antarctic pack ice in the early austral spring. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(9): 1052-1061. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.028.Geilfus, N. X., J. L. Tison, S. F. Ackley, R. J. Gulley, S. Rysgaard, L. A. Miller, B. Delille. 2014. Sea Ice pCO2 dynamics and air-ice CO2 Fluxes during the Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic (SIMBA) Experiment-Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. The Cryosphere 8(6): 2395-2407.Kern, S., B. Ozsoy-Cicek, S. Willmes, M. Nicolaus, C. Haas, and S. F. Ackley. 2011. An intercomparison between AMSR-E snow-depth and satellite C- and Ku-band radar backscatter data for Antarctic sea ice. Annals of Glaciology 52(57): 279-290.Lewis, M. J., J. L. Tison, B. Weissling, B. Delille, S. F. Ackley, F. Brabant, H. Xie. 2011. Sea ice and snow cover characteristics during the winter-spring transition in the Bellingshausen Sea: an overview of SIMBA 2007. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(9): 1019-1038. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.027Ozsoy-Cicek, B., S. F. Ackley, H. Xie, D. Yi, and H. J. Zwally. 2013. Sea ice thickness retrieval algorithms based on in-situ surface elevation and thickness values for application to altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118(8): 3807-3822. doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20252.Ozsoy-Cicek, B., S. Kern, S. F. Ackley, H. Xie, A. E. Tekeli. 2011. Intercomparisons of Antarctic sea ice properties from ship observations, active and passive microwave satellite observations in the Bellingshausen Sea. Deep Sea Research II. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.031.Ozsoy-Cicek, B., S. F. Ackley, A. Worby, H. Xie, and J. Lieser. 2011. Antarctic sea ice extents and concentrations: Comparison of satellite and ship measurements from IPY cruises. Annals of Glaciology 52(57): 318-326.Tekeli, A. E., S. Kern, S. F. Ackley, B. Ozsoy-Cicek, H. Xie. 2011. Summer Antarctic sea ice as seen by ASAR and AMSR-E and observed during two IPY field cruises: A case study. Annals of Glaciology 52(57): 327-336.Vancoppenolle, M., R. Timmermann, S. F. Ackley, T. Fichefet, H. Goosse, P. Heil, K. C. Leonard, J. Lieser, M. Nicolaus, T. Papakyriakou, J. L. Tison. 2011. Assessment of radiation forcing data sets for large-scale sea ice models in the Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(9): 1237-1249. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.039.Weissling, B. P., M. J. Lewis, S. F. Ackley. 2011. Sea-ice thickness and mass at Ice Station Belgica, Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research II 58: 1112-24. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.032.Weissling, B. P. and S. F. Ackley. 2011. Antarctic sea ice altimetry: Scale and resolution effects on derived ice thickness distribution. Annals of Glaciology 52(57): 225-235Weissling, B., S. F. Ackley, P. Wagner, and H. Xie. 2009. EISCAM - Digital image acquisition and processing for sea ice parameters from ships. Cold Regions Science and Technology 57(1): 49-60. doi: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2009.01.001.Worby, A. P., K. M. Meiners, S. F. Ackley. 2011. Antarctic sea-ice zone research during the International Polar Year, 2007-2009. Deep-Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography58(9): 993-998. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.01.001.Xie, H., S. F. Ackley, D. Yi, H. J. Zwally, P. Wagner, B. Weissling, M. Lewis, and K. Ye. 2011. Sea ice thickness distribution of the Bellingshausen Sea from surface measurements and ICESat altimetry. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(9): 1039-1051. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.038.Xie, H., A. Tekeli, S. F. Ackley, D. Yi, and H. J. Zwally. 2013. Sea ice thickness estimations from ICESat Altimetry over the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas, 2003-2009. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118(5): 2438-2453. doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20179.5.2 Related Data Collections•Unified Sea Ice Thickness Climate Data Record Collection Spanning 1947-2012•IceBridge L4 Sea Ice Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Thickness•CRREL Arctic Sea Ice Mass Balance (IMB) Buoy Data•Ocean measurements in the Amundsen Sea, Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise 09-01, 05 January -28 February 20096 CONTACTS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS6.1 AcknowledgmentsThe SIMBA project was supported by NSF Award #0703682.7 DOCUMENT INFORMATION7.1 Document AuthorThis document was created by Ann Windnagel from correspondence with Steve Ackley.7.2 Document Creation DateDecember 20167.3 Document Revision DateDecember 2016: A. Windnagel published the initial release of this document.。











1.基于油气平台的海冰雷达监测图像处理及冰速测量 [J], 季顺迎;陈晓东;刘煜;唐茂宁;刘宗勋;王宇新
2.基于雷达海冰图像互相关的冰漂流场测量 [J], 孙鹤泉;孙延维;王平让
3.机动车雷达测速仪模拟测速量值比对测量结果的不确定度评定 [J], 董乃飞;邵志伟
4.机动车雷达测速仪模拟测速量值比对测量结果的不确定度评定 [J], 董乃飞;邵志伟
5.单脉冲雷达测量日本中部Kuranosuke地下冰及多年雪原的内部结构 [J], K. yamamoto;M. yoshida;汪安泰

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IceMap System操作手册目录一、系统连接 (2)二、软件操作 (3)1.显示主界面 (3)2.系统设置目录 (6)3.视图设置 (10)4.采集IceMap数据 (13)5.显示之前采集的测线 (20)6.帮助 (21)三、IceMap数据处理 (22)1.IcePicker软件 (23)2.QuickMap软件 (32)四、故障排除 (35)五、保养和维护 (38)一、系统连接二、软件操作1.显示主界面IceMap主界面显示了带有水平位置标尺和垂直深度标尺的IceMap数据断面图像。



显示信息分别为:System status---系统状态GPS status---GPS状态Minimum Ice Thickness---最小冰厚Current Ice Thickness---当前冰厚Maximum Ice Thickness---最大冰厚IceCal---冰厚校验值Toolbar---工具栏Position Scale---位置标尺Depth Scale---深度标尺Position Scale Grid Lines---位置标尺网格线Depth Scale Grid Lines---深度标尺网格线Core Location and IceCal---核心位置和IceCalFiducial Marker---基准打标IceMap侧边栏屏幕左方的侧边栏显示了系统状态,GPS状态,当前冰厚线的最小冰厚,当前冰厚,当前冰厚线的最大冰厚,以及冰厚校验值(IceCal)。

Threshold Line---浅冰层警告显示为IceMap数据断面图像上的一道橙色水平阈值线,如果当前冰厚小于该值,则当前冰厚值会红色闪烁并发出报警声。













仅用于IceMap SmartTow,不适用于IceMap基本系统。

启动Google Earth,如果在电脑上装载了改程序。



点击IceMap工具栏上的系统设置按钮,即显示当前系统设置,如下图:图:系统设置菜单2.1General Tab(常规选项卡)2.1.1文件管理(File Management)Project Name(项目名称)是IceMap数据文件存放的文件夹名称。


Line Prefix(前缀)是线条开始的前缀名字,如以定义为RedRiver前缀,就某条测线就会命名为RedRiver0017。


2.1.2单位(Units)允许用户以米制(Metric)如公里/时,米和厘米或美标(US Standard)如公里/时,英尺和英寸来显示速度,位置和深度数据。



选项有:1)Free Run(自由运行)2)Odometer(里程表),需要选配的Odometer。

在未使用odometer时选择Free Run模式。





如果单位是美标(US Standard),则用户可选择预定义的2,4,6,10,20或30英尺。


2.1.5步长(Step Size)当触发设为自由运行模式下操作是,该值估计沿冰剖面的数据采集点间的距离,即步长。


如果单位是美标(US Standard),则用户可选择预定义的0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0,1.5,3或6英尺。








如果单位是美标(US Standard),则用户可选择预定义的0.5,1,2,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40或50mph。



图:系统设置>高级选项卡2.2.1数据文件夹(Data Folder)数据文件夹是IceMap数据文件在计算机上存储的路径和文件名。


2.2.2GPS设置略2.2.3里程表校准(Odometer Calibration)略2.3状态选项卡(Status Tab)系统设置>状态选项卡提供了系统信息。







上图中下栏框中显示了各种系统信息,包括IceMap软件版本和序列号,Noggin GPR传感器频率和序列号挤挤嵌入式NIC软件版本号和序列号。

如果传感器和软件服务部门要求您提供系统详细信息,使用Copy Info按钮复制系统信息到剪贴板,继而粘贴在文档或邮件中。











如果单位是美标(US Standard),则用户可选择预定义的150,300,600,800,900,1200,1600,2000或3000英尺。显示网格线如果位置标尺网格线显示功能已经启用,对应位置标尺标签的垂直线就会标记在横截面数据图像上。








3.2冰厚校验(Ice Cals)选项卡Ice校验值是表示穿过冰层的探地雷达(GPR)信号速度的,从100到250的一个值。




数据采集暂停时完成一份Ice Calibration(冰层校验),即可计算出冰层校验值。






并不直接测量距离目标的深度,该深度是依据电波往返的速度(Ice Cal)计算出来的。

公式如下:D=V x T/2其中,D是深度(m),V是速度(m/ns),T是往返时间(ns)。





