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Does … have a ______?
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Yes, … No, …
Role-play the conversation.
Cindy: Hey, Helen, let’s go! We’re late! Helen: OK. Cindy: Do you have the baseball? Helen: Yes, I do. It’s in my bag. Cindy: And where’s our baseball bat? Helen: Bill has it. Cindy: Oh, yeah. And do you have your jacket? Helen: Oh, no, I don’t. It’s on the chair. Let me get it. Cindy: And your hat, too! Helen: OK, I have my jacket and hat. Let’s go.
2.We’re late! late是形容词,意思是“迟的,晚 的”,如果表达“某人迟到了”,要用 sb. be late。 You’re late for class. 你上课迟到了。
A: Do you have a soccer ball? B: Yes. I do. A: Where is the soccer ball? B: It’s on the floor.
Grammar Focus
don’t 1. do not = ______ 2. does not = doesn’t _______ 3. we are = we’re ______ let’s 4. let us = _____
☆教材解读☆ 助动词do/does的用法 ◆do和does是助动词,帮助实义动词构成疑问句、 否定句和简略回答。 Do they come?他们来吗? I don’t know.我不知道。 ◆do与第一人称单、复数,第二人称复数和第三人 称复数连用,does与第三人称单数连用。即:I, we, you, they等作主语的句子中用do;he, she,it等作主 语的句子中用does。 Do I/you/they have…? Does he/she have …? 【拓展】don’t = do not, doesn’t = does not,表示 否定,意思是“不”。
☆教材解读☆ 1.Let’s go! let’s是let us 的缩写,let 表示 “让……”,在其后加上“人”及“所做的 事”,表示“让某人做某事”。另外,let 后面的 us 可换用其他人称。 Let me get it.(让)我去拿。 Please let your little brother play. 请让你的小弟弟玩。
A: Does he have a soccer ball? B: Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.
baseball bat baseball eraser jacket tape player hat
Listen again. Match the pictures in 2a with the balls.
Ask and answer questions about the people in 2a.
Does Jane have a tennis ball?
No, she doesn’t.
用do, does, don’t或doesn’t填空 1. — Do you have a tennis racket? —No, I don’t , but my brother does . 2. — Does your sister have a ping-pong ball? —No, she doesn’t .She has a ping-pong bat. Do they have a basketball? 3.— —Sorry,I don’t know. 4.They want to play soccer.But they don’t have a soccer ball. 5.— Does he want to play volleyball? —Yes, he does .
2.That sounds good.那听起 来不错。 sound表示“听上去……;听起 来……;听着……”。 That sounds interesting. 那听起来蛮有趣的。
Remember the things in Bob’s room. Then close your books and ask and answer questions with a partner.
1.Review the grammar and make conversations like that in 2d with your classmates. 2.Read and write the conversations in 3b.
【辨析】let’s,let us (1)Let’s的意思是“咱们……”,建议我和你们一 起做……,一般包括听者在内。 Let’s go home.咱们回家吧。 (2)let us的意思是 “让我们……”,是请求你(们) 让我们做……,一般不包括听者在内。例如: Let us know your name. 告诉我们你的名字吧。
Write each word in the correct place in the chart. do I they does he she it Eric
I he they you we she it Eric
you we
Fill in the blanks with do or does. Then practice the conversations with your partner. 1. A: _____ you have a baseball? Do
☆教材解读☆ 1.I think he has a ping-pong ball, too. I think…表示“我想……;我认为……”,用来表 达自己的判断或想法,可放在自己观点的前面 或后面。 I think he’s your brother. 我以为他是你的弟弟。 You can play soccer, I think.我想,你会踢足 球。
新目标 [人]
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?
Section A 2a—3c
ping- pong ball
baseball bat ping- pong bat
tennis bat
Listen to the conversations and number the pictures [1-4].
第一(I)、二 (you)人称用
B: Yes, I ____. do
A: Great! I have a bat. Let’s
Does John have a soccer ball? 2. A: _____ 第三人称 doesn’t B: No, he ________. 单数(John, A: Does _____ he have a ping-pong bat? he)用does does I think he has a B: Yes, he ______. ping-pong ball, too. A: Hmm … let’s ask. 3. A: ____ your friends have a basketball? Do do They have two B: Yes, they ____. basketballs. 第三人称复数 A: Well, let’s play basketball. (your friends, B: That sounds good. they)用do。