


2024年1月6日 4:49:09 农历冬月廿五
Slight Cold
[英 /slaɪt kəʊld]
2023年1月20日 16:29:20 农历腊月廿九
2024年1月20日 22:07:08 农历腊月初十
Great Cold
[英 /ɡreɪt kəʊld]
2022年4月5日 3:20:03 农历三月初五
2023年4月5日 9:12:52 农历闰二月十五
Pure Brightness
[英 /pjʊə(r) braɪtnəs]
2022年4月20日 10:24:07 农历三月二十
2022年2月19日 0:42:50 农历正月十九
2023年2月19日 6:34:05 农历正月廿九
Rain Water
[英 /reɪnˈwɔːtə(r)]
2022年3月5日 22:43:34 农历二月初三
2023年3月6日 4:36:02 农历二月十五
立冬Байду номын сангаас
2022年11月7日 18:45:18 农历十月十四
2023年11月8日 0:35:23 农历九月廿五
the Beginning of Winter
[英 /ðəbɪˈɡɪnɪŋɒvˈwɪntə(r)]
2022年11月22日 16:20:18 农历十月廿九



The 24 Seasonal Division Points二十四节气According to the way of numbering the years in Chinese lunar calendar,there are two seasonal division points in each month,making 24 in a year.按照中国农历的纪年法,每个月都有两个节气,一年共有24个节气。





The seasonal division points are peculiar to China’s lunar calendar. In the long period of productive labor, ancient men gradually realized the rule of climate change. According to the relationship between the sun and the earth,they divided all the days in a year into 24 parts to indicate the change of seasons and climate. Thus,there is a seasonal divi-sional point about every 15 days and iwo seasonal divisionalpoints within each month. The time of the 24 sea-sonal division points in the Gregorian calendar is almost fixed:those in the first half of the year(from January to June) all fall around the sixth or 21st day of the month,and those in the lat-ter half of the year(from July to De-cember ),on about the eighth or 23rd day of the month. 二十四节气的名称分别是:立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨、立夏、小满、芒种、夏至、小暑、大暑、立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降、立冬、小雪、大雪、冬至、小寒、大寒。



beginning of autumn.
"Autumn" is refers to the
heat to cool to, means the
立秋,是第13个 节气,每年8月7、
beginning of autumn. In the beginning of autumn,
buttonwood will start
agricultural production in China
节气可作两个意思理解: 一. 二十四气中的一类。从小寒起,太阳黄经每增加30°,
为另一个节气。计有小寒、立春、惊蛰、清明、立夏、芒种、 小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、立冬、大雪。称十二节气。
二. 二十四气的泛称。
反映寒來暑往四季 变化
Slight heat
小暑节气,为夏季第五个 节气。小暑前后,我省大 部分地方雷暴天气增多, 雷暴是一种剧烈的天气现 象,常与短时大风、暴雨 相伴出现,有时还有冰雹, 容易造成灾害,亦须注意 预防。
Great Heat
. Is the hottest period, the highest temperature, fastest growing, most parts of the most frequent drought, waterlogging, wind and rush in the harvest busy planting, drought waterlogging drainage control stage and field management task is very heavy.
一年中第四个节气。 这时昼夜平分,从每 年3月20日(或21日) 开始至4月4日(或5 日)结束。” 天文学 上规定,春分为春季 开始。此时,中国大 部分地区的越冬 作物 进入春 季生长 阶段。












二十四节气英文表达The Translation of the 24 Solar TermsThe 24 Solar Terms, also known as the seasonal division points, play a significant role in traditional Chinese culture. These terms mark the changes in the seasons, helping people understand the natural phenomena and adjust their daily lives accordingly. While these terms have been well-known and widely used among Chinese people for thousands of years, their English translations have become increasingly important in the global context. In this article, we will explore the English expressions of some of the 24 Solar Terms and delve into the reasons behind their translations.1. 立春(Lì Chūn) - Beginning of Spring:The arrival of spring brings warmth and new beginnings. The term "Beginning of Spring" aptly captures the essence of this solar term. It signifies the start of a new cycle and the rejuvenation of nature. By encapsulating this concept in its translation, the term resonates with English speakers who share the same joy and anticipation of the arrival of spring.2. 惊蛰(Jīng Zhé) - Waking of Insects:As winter fades away, and the earth warms up, insects begin to emerge. The term "Waking of Insects" poetically captures this phenomenon, implying the rebirth of nature after a long hibernation. Its translation balances realism and poeticism, enhancing the readers' understanding of this unique moment.3. 清明(Qīng Míng) - Pure Brightness:In early April, the Pure Brightness solar term brings clear skies and bright sunshine. The term "Pure Brightness" reflects the essence of this period when nature is at its freshest, and everything appears clear and bright. Its translation conveys the visual imagery associated with this term, immersing the readers in the sense of tranquility and serenity that accompanies this season.4. 立夏 (Lì Xià) - Beginning of Summer:With summer approaching, the term "Beginning of Summer" precisely captures the transition from spring to summer. It symbolizes the onset of warmer weather, longer days, and a shift in daily routines. The translation resonates with English speakers who associate this time of the year with outdoor activities, celebrations, and vacations.5. 小满(Xiǎo Mǎn) - Grain Buds:During this period, crops begin to mature, and small grains appear on plants. The term "Grain Buds" effectively conveys the visual image of plants budding and crops thriving. The translation paints a vivid picture of fields filled with promise and abundance, enabling English readers to appreciate the importance of this seasonal milestone.6. 夏至 (Xià Zhì) - Summer Solstice:As the longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice brings heat and energy to the world. The term "Summer Solstice" encapsulates the astronomical significance of this solar term, making it universally understood across cultures and languages. Its translation allows Englishspeakers to relate to this exceptional day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky.In conclusion, the translation of the 24 Solar Terms into English requires a careful consideration of cultural and natural elements. By capturing the essence of each term in its translation, we can bridge the gap between different languages and cultures, allowing people worldwide to appreciate and understand the beauty and significance of these seasonal milestones.。

24节气~Solar terms(中英双语)

24节气~Solar terms(中英双语)

二十四节气(中英双语)二十四节气(24 Solar terms)分别是:立春 Beginning of Spring,雨水 Rain Water,惊蛰Awakening of Insects (Waking of Insects),春分 Spring Equinox,清明 Pure Brightness,谷雨 Grain Rain,立夏 Beginning of Summer,小满Grain Buds (Grain Full / Lesser Fullness),芒种Grain in Ear,夏至 Summer Solstice,小暑 Minor Heat (Slight Heat),大暑 Major Heat (Great Hight),立秋 Beginning of Autumn,处暑 End of Heat (Limit of Heat),白露 White Dew,秋分 Autumn Equinox,寒露 Cold Dew,霜降 Frost’s Descent,立冬 Beginning of Winter,小雪 Minor Snow (Slight Snow),大雪 Major Snow (Great Snow),冬至 Winter Solstice,小寒 Minor Cold (Slight Cold),大寒 Major Cold (Great Cold)。

The 24 solar terms are specific festivals in the traditional Chinese Lunisolar calendars that represent changes in natural rhythms. There are four seasons of one year, three months each in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, with two solar terms per month; each solar term has its unique meaning. Solar terms were initially based on the rotation of the Big Dipper in ancient times. The modern definition uses ecliptic longitudes, which divide the annual motion path of the Sun into 24 equal parts, with 1 equal part every 15 ° and 1 equal part as a solar term, starting from the Beginning of Spring and ending in Greater Cold.二十四节气是日历中特定的节日,代表着自然节奏的变化。




中国24节气中英文对照1. 立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 52. 雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 203. 惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 74. 春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 225. 清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 66. 谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar teram)Apr.19,20 or 217. 立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 78. 小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 229. 芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 710. 夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 2211. 小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 812. 大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 2413. 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 914. 处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 2415. 白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 916. 秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 2417. 寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 918. 霜降 Frost's Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 2419. 立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 820. 小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 2321. 大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 822. 冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 2323. 小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 724. 大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 224节气的历史价值二十四节气既是历代官府颁布的时间准绳,也是指导农业生产的指南针,日常生活中人们预知冷暖雪雨的指南针。

二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms 中英双语表达

二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms 中英双语表达

Autumn begins
“秋,揪也,物于此而揪敛也。”我国古代将立秋分为三 候:“一候凉风至;二候白露生;三候寒蝉鸣。”
Stopping the heat
分“ 为七 三月 候中 :, “处 一, 候止 鹰也 乃, 祭暑 鸟气 ;至 二此 候而 天止 地矣 始。 肃” ;我 三国 候古 禾代 乃将 登处 。暑 ”
夏至 Summer solstice

一为六 候大月 温,节

风今, 至则暑 ;热,
蟋 蟀
小 也
, 就
居”热 宇。之
大暑 Great heat
“六月中,解见小暑。” 我国古代将大暑分为三候:“一候腐草为 萤;二候土润溽暑;三候大雨时行。”
白 White
露 dews
“八月节,阴气渐重,露凝而白也。” 我国古代将白露分为三候:“一候鸿雁 来;二候玄鸟归;三候群鸟养羞。”
秋 分
Autumn Equinox
“秋分者,阴阳相半也,故昼夜均而寒暑平。”我国古代将秋分分为三候:“一候雷始收声; 二候蛰虫坯户;三候水始涸。”
寒 Cold 露 dews


树 秋

季 声

山 山 寒
一 月 八


秋 丹桂 分


树 秋




The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, a traditional Chinese system for calculating time, is used to describe and divide the year into twenty-four segments.一、立春 (Li Chun)Li Chun, which translates to "beginning of spring," marks the start of spring in the lunar calendar. It usually falls on February 3rd or 4th in the Gregorian calendar. This solar term represents the end of winter and the beginning of a new cycle of seasons.二、雨水 (Yu Shui)Yu Shui, meaning "rainwater," symbolizes the arrival of wetter weather and the start of rainfall. Occurring around February 18th or 19th, this solar term signals the preparation for spring planting and agricultural activities.三、惊蛰 (Jing Zhe)Jing Zhe, or "awakening of insects," is the time when hibernating creatures start to come out of their slumber. Falling around March 5th or 6th, this solar term signifies the revival of life in nature as vegetation starts to grow.四、春分 (Chun Fen)Chun Fen, known as the "vernal equinox," occurs around March 20th or 21st. It is the midpoint between the winter solstice and the summer solstice. On this day, the length of day and night is approximately equal, symbolizing balance.五、清明 (Qing Ming)Qing Ming, often referred to as the "Tomb-Sweeping Day," falls on April 4th or 5th. It is a time for Chinese people to honor and remember their ancestors by cleaning their graves and offering sacrifices.六、谷雨 (Gu Yu)Gu Yu, meaning "grain rain," is the period when rainwater benefits the growth of crops. It usually occurs around April 19th or 20th, representing the important transition from spring to summer and the crucial time for sowing and cultivating crops.七、立夏 (Li Xia)Li Xia, the "beginning of summer," takes place around May 5th or 6th. With the rise in temperature, it officially marks the start of the hot summer season. People begin to adapt to the change in weather by adjusting their clothing and diet.八、小满 (Xiao Man)Xiao Man, known as "grain full," is the period when crops begin to mature. Falling around May 20th or 21st, this solar term signifies the critical stage in the growth of agricultural products and the forthcoming summer harvest.九、芒种 (Mang Zhong)Mang Zhong, or "grain in beard," represents the time when wheat and barley are ready to be harvested. It typically occurs around June 5th or 6th, indicating the start of summer agricultural work and the expectation of fruitful yields.十、夏至 (Xia Zhi)Xia Zhi, the "summer solstice," is the day with the longest daylight hours and the shortest night of the year. Falling around June 21st or 22nd, it marks the arrival of summer and represents the peak of heat.十一、小暑 (Xiao Shu)Xiao Shu, translated as "slight heat," is characterized by an increase in temperature. Taking place around July 7th or 8th, it signifies the hottest period of the year. People often indulge in various ways to cool down during this solar term.十二、大暑 (Da Shu)Da Shu, or "great heat," falls on July 22nd or 23rd, representing the hottest phase of summer. It is a reminder for people to take extra precautions against the extreme heat and to avoid heat-related illnesses.十三、立秋 (Li Qiu)Li Qiu, the "beginning of autumn," usually occurs around August 7th or 8th. As summer gradually wanes, this solar term marks the transition fromhot weather to cooler temperatures, with the appearance of occasional cold fronts.十四、处暑 (Chu Shu)Chu Shu, meaning "limit of heat," occurs around August 22nd or 23rd. It signifies the end of the hottest period and the start of a more bearable climate. During this solar term, people can finally enjoy some relief from the scorching summer heat.十五、白露 (Bai Lu)Bai Lu, known as "white dew," reflects the changing weather as dew starts to form in the mornings. Falling around September 7th or 8th, this solar term represents the gradual transition to autumn, with cooler temperatures and increased humidity.十六、秋分 (Qiu Fen)Qiu Fen, the "autumnal equinox," takes place around September 22nd or 23rd. Similar to Chun Fen in spring, day and night are approximately equal in length during this solar term, symbolizing harmony and balance.十七、寒露 (Han Lu)Han Lu, or "cold dew," occurs around October 8th or 9th. It is the time when the temperature further drops, leading to the formation of dew that can feel cold to the touch. This solar term signifies the arrival of cooler autumn weather.十八、霜降 (Shuang Jiang)Shuang Jiang, meaning "falling frost," falls around October 23rd or 24th. With the drop in temperatures, the first frost of the year usually appears during this period, indicating the further progression into autumn.十九、立冬 (Li Dong)Li Dong, the "beginning of winter," takes place around November 7th or 8th. As the crisp autumn air persists, this solar term signifies the arrival of colder temperatures and preparations for the upcoming winter season.二十、小雪 (Xiao Xue)Xiao Xue, translated as "light snow," falls around November 22nd or23rd. It represents the stage when the first sign of snowfall begins, albeit in the form of light flurries. This solar term marks the transition to colder weather.二十一、大雪 (Da Xue)Da Xue, or "heavy snow," typically occurs around December 7th or 8th. As winter tightens its grip, snowfall becomes heavier, covering the landscape in a thick blanket of white. This solar term symbolizes the arrival of the coldest period of the year.二十二、冬至 (Dong Zhi)Dong Zhi, the "winter solstice," is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Falling around December 21st or 22nd, it marks the official arrival of winter. People celebrate this solar term with family reunions and the consumption of traditional food.二十三、小寒 (Xiao Han)Xiao Han, meaning "light cold," falls around January 5th or 6th. As winter continues its course, the temperature drops even further. Despite the slight cold, this solar term also signifies that spring is gradually approaching.二十四、大寒 (Da Han)Da Han, or "great cold," takes place around January 20th or 21st. As the coldest period of the year, it represents the end of winter and the beginning of the next cycle of seasons. People take necessary precautions to stay warm during this extremely cold period.In conclusion, the Twenty-Four Solar Terms play a significant role in the Chinese traditional culture, observing the cyclical nature of time and the changes in weather throughout the year. These solar terms not only serve as a calendar system but also provide valuable insights into the agricultural practices and daily lives of the Chinese people.。

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Great Cold

二十四节气是一个统称,其中包括十二个 中气和十二个节气,中气和节气相间地排 列。 从春分起十二个中气分别是春分、谷雨、 小满、夏至、大暑、处暑、秋分、霜降、 小雪、冬至、大寒和雨水,分属于十二个 以地支排列的月份。 春分后的节气是清明,其后的节气依次是 立夏、芒种、小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、 立冬、大雪、小寒、立春和惊蛰。
三二 年月 一春 闰分 五八 年月 再秋 闰分 阴昼 阳夜 无不 差长 无不 错短 今昨 朝夜 惊大 蛰寒 ,, 春霜 分降 时茅 雨屋 到如 清小 明雪
两一 朝局 领妙 袖棋 他今 年日 何几 以乎 别忘 清谷 明雨
霜冬 降至 白大 露雪 成下 寒小 露雪 春霜 分降 不如 大小 寒雪
元霜 宵降 遇遭 雨风 ,, 万田 民野 皆难 怨容 初老 春叶
立春阳气转,雨水沿河边,惊蛰乌鸦叫, 春分地皮干,清明忙种麦,谷雨种大田; 立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全,芒种开了铲, 夏至不拿棉,小暑不算热,大暑三伏天; 立秋忙打甸,处暑动刀镰,白露烟上架, 秋分不生田,寒露不算冷,霜降变了天; 立冬交十月,小雪地封严,大雪江茬上, 冬至不行船,小寒近腊月,大寒整一年。
朝北 花雁 夕南 拾飞 ,, 春霜 分降 谷冬 雨至 无有 惊小 蛰雪
双一 手犁 捧耕 住破 炉路 中边 火土 ,, 明今 朝日 大芒 寒种
小编:卩丨焸螙灬 QQ:513934303 二〇一一年九月二十四日
春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连 秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒 每月两节不变更,最多相差一两天 上半年来六廿一,下半年是八廿三
孟 春
孟 夏

西园梅放立春先, 云镇霄光雨水连。 惊蛰初交河跃鲤, 春分蝴蝶梦花间。 清明时放风筝好, 谷雨西厢宜养蚕。 牡丹立夏花零落, 玉簪小满布庭前。 隔溪芒种渔家乐, 农田耕耘夏至间。 小暑白罗衫着体, 望河大暑对风眠。 立秋向日葵花放, 处暑西楼听晚蝉。 翡翠园中沾白露, 秋分折桂月华天。 枯山寒露惊鸿雁, 霜降芦花红蓼滩。 立冬畅饮麒麟阁, 绣襦小雪咏诗篇。 幽阖大雪红炉暖, 冬至琵琶懒去弹。 小寒高卧邯郸梦, 捧雪飘空交大寒。

立春阳气转,雨水沿河边。惊蛰乌鸦叫, 春分滴水干。清明忙种粟,谷雨种大田。 立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全。芒种大家乐, 夏至不着棉。小暑不算热,大暑在伏天。 立秋忙打靛,处暑动刀镰。白露忙割地, 秋分无生田。寒露不算冷,霜降变了天。 立冬先封天,小雪河封严。大雪交冬月, 冬至数九天。小寒忙买办,大寒要过年。
二 十 四 节 气 气 候 农 事 歌
立春:立春春打六九头,春播备耕早动手,一年之计在于春,农业生产创高优。 雨水:雨水春雨贵如油,顶凌耙耘防墒流,多积肥料多打粮,精选良种夺丰收。 惊蛰:惊蛰天暖地气开,冬眠蛰虫苏醒来,冬麦镇压来保墒,耕地耙耘种春麦。 春分:春分风多雨水少,土地解冻起春潮,稻田平整早翻晒,冬麦返青把水浇。 清明:清明春始草青青,种瓜点豆好时辰,植树造林种甜菜,水稻育秧选好种。 谷雨:谷雨雪断霜未断,杂粮播种莫迟延,家燕归来淌头水,苗圃枝接耕果园。 立夏:立夏麦苗节节高,平田整地栽稻苗,中耕除草把墒保,温棚防风要管好。 小满:小满温和春意浓,防治蚜虫麦秆蝇,稻田追肥促分孽,抓绒剪毛防冷风。 芒种:芒种雨少气温高,玉米间苗和定苗,糜谷荞麦抢墒种,稻田中耕勤除草。 夏至:夏至夏始冰雹猛,拔杂去劣选好种,消雹增雨干热风,玉米追肥防粘虫。 小暑:小暑进入三伏天,龙口夺食抢时间,米中耕又培土,防雨防火莫等闲。 大暑:大暑大热暴雨增,复种秋菜紧防洪,测预报稻瘟病,深水护秧防低温。 立秋:立秋秋始雨淋淋,及早防治玉米螟,翻深耕土变金,苗圃芽接摘树心。 处暑:处暑伏尽秋色美,玉主甜菜要灌水,粮菜后期勤管理,冬麦整地备种肥。 白露:白露夜寒白天热,播种冬麦好时节,稻晒田收葵花,早熟苹果忙采摘。 秋分:秋分秋雨天渐凉,稻黄果香秋收忙,碾脱粒交公粮,山区防霜听气象。 寒露:寒露草枯雁南飞,洋芋甜菜忙收回,好萝卜和白菜,秸秆还田秋施肥。 霜降:霜降结冰又结霜,抓紧秋翻蓄好墒,冻日消灌冬水,脱粒晒谷修粮仓。 立冬:立冬地冻白天消,羊只牲畜圈修牢,田整地修渠道,农田建设掀高潮。 小雪:小雪地封初雪飘,幼树葡萄快埋好,用冬闲积肥料,庄稼没肥瞎胡闹。 大雪:大雪腊雪兆丰年,多种经营创高产,时耙耘保好墒,多积肥料找肥源。 冬至:冬至严寒数九天,羊只牲畜要防寒,极参加夜技校,增产丰收靠科研。 小寒:小寒进入三九天,丰收致富庆元旦,季参加培训班,不断总结新经验。 大寒:大寒虽冷农户欢,富民政策夸不完,产承包继续干,欢欢喜喜过个年。

说个子来道个子, 正月过年耍狮子。 二月惊蛰抱蚕子, 三月清明坟飘子。 四月立夏插秧子, 五月端阳吃粽子。 六月天热买扇子, 七月立秋烧袱子。 八月过节麻饼子, 九月重阳捞糟子。 十月天寒穿袄子, 冬月数九烘笼子。 腊月年关四处去躲帐主子。

孟 秋
Autumn Begins
Heat Stops
White Dews
Autumn Equinox
Cold Dews
Frost Falls
孟 冬
Winter Begins
Light Snow
Heavy Snow
Winter Solstice
Slight Cold

早在东周春秋战国时代,我国人民中就有了日 南至、日北至的概念。随后人们根据月初、月中的 日月运行位臵和天气及动植物生长等自然现象,利 用之间的关系,把一年平分为二十四等份。并且给 每等份取了个专有名称,这就是二十四节气。 到战国后期成书的《吕氏春秋》“十二月纪” 中,就有了立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、 立冬、冬至等八个节气名称。这八个节气,是二十 四个节气中最重要的节气。这八个节气标示出季节 的转换,清楚地划分出一年的四季。后来到了《淮 南子》一书的时候,就有了和现代完全一样的二十 四节气的名称。

通式寿星公式——[Y×D+C]-L Y=年代数、D=0.2422、L=闰年数、C取 决于节气和年份。 本世纪立春的C值=4.475,求2017年的立 春日期如下: [2017×0.2422+4.475]-[2017/4-15]=492489=3 所以2017年的立春日期是2月3日,就是这 么简单。
正月: 岁朝蒙黑四边天,大雪纷纷是旱年, 但得立春晴一日,农夫不用力耕田。 二月: 惊蛰闻雷米似泥,春分有雨病人稀, 月中但得逢三卯,到处棉花豆麦佳。 三月: 风雨相逢初一头,沿村瘟疫万民忧, 清明风若从南起,预报丰年大有收。 四月: 立夏东风少病遭,时逢初八果生多, 雷鸣甲子庚辰日,定主蝗虫损稻禾。 五月: 端阳有雨是丰年,芒种闻雷美亦然, 夏至风从西北起,瓜蔬园内受熬煎。 六月: 三伏之中逢酷热,五谷田禾多不结, 此时若不见灾危,定主三冬多雨雪。 七月: 立秋无雨甚堪忧,万物从来一半收, 处暑若逢天下雨,纵然结实也难留。 八月: 秋风天气白云多,到处欢歌好晚禾, 最怕此时雷电闪,冬来米价道如何。 九月: 初一飞霜侵损民,重阳无雨一天晴, 月中火色人多病,若遇雷声菜价增。 十月: 立冬之日帕逢壬,来岁高田枉费心, 此日更逢壬子日,灾殃预报损人民。 十一月: 初一有风多疾病,更兼大雪有灾魔, 冬至天晴无雨色,明年定唱太平歌。 十二月: 初一东风六畜灾,倘逢大雪旱来年, 若然此日天晴好,下岁农夫大发财。
一月小寒又大寒,生产计划订周全, 修剪技术先试点,不同品种细修剪。 二月立春就雨水,药械肥料备齐全, 成龄果树先修剪,幼树修剪三月完。 三月惊蛰到春分,顶凌刨盘要紧跟, 专人刮治腐烂病,灭菌清园贯常年。 清明谷雨四月天,挖坑栽树到时间, 果树嫁接春时到,光杆药剂树春灌。 五月立夏见小满,果树疏花紧相连, 打药防治红蜘蛛,卷叶蚜虫莫小看。 疏果追肥保稳产,果树夏剪进行完。 压青施肥搞深翻,维修树盘扩梯田。 八月立秋处暑到,树喷药剂防叶掉, 果树嫁接又到时,施用农肥好时机。 白露秋分九月天。秋果采收霜降完, 不同品种适时采,轻摘轻放轻运搬。 十月寒露霜降连,果品运输人不闲, 晚秋清园要抓紧,病虫技叶全烧干。 立冬小雪十一月,冬灌培土不容缓, 果树涂白本月办,免受冻害树体健。 大雪冬至又一年,总结经验以利战, 做好准备来年干,喜庆胜利丰收年。

地球绕着太阳转,绕完一圈是一年。 一年分成十二月,二十四节紧相连。 按照公历来推算,每月两气不改变。 上半年是六廿一,下半年逢八廿三。 这些就是交节日,有差不过一两天。 二十四节有先后,下列口诀记心间: 一月小寒接大寒,二月立春雨水连; 惊蛰春分在三月,清明谷雨四月天; 五月立夏和小满,六月芒种夏至连; 七月小暑和大暑,立秋处暑八月间; 九月白露接秋分,寒露霜降十月全; 立冬小雪十一月,大雪冬至迎新年。 抓紧季节忙生产,种收及时保丰年。
二 十 四 节 气 命 名 的 讲 究
立春:立是开始的意思,立春就是春季的开始。 雨水:降雨开始,雨量渐增。 惊蛰:蛰是藏的意思。惊蛰是指春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土中冬眠的动物。 春分:分是平分的意思。春分表示昼夜平分。 清明:天气晴朗,草木繁茂。 谷雨:雨生百谷。雨量充足而及时,谷类作物能茁壮成长。 立夏:夏季的开始。 小满:麦类等夏熟作物籽粒开始饱满。 芒种:麦类等有芒作物成熟。 夏至:炎热的夏天来临。 小暑:暑是炎热的意思。小暑就是气候开始炎热。 大暑:一年中最热的时候。 立秋:秋季的开始。 处暑:处是终止、躲藏的意思。处暑是表示炎热的暑天结束。 白露:天气转凉,露凝而白。 秋分:昼夜平分。 寒露:露水以寒,将要结冰。 霜降:天气渐冷,开始有霜。 立冬:冬季的开始。 小雪:开始下雪。 大雪:降雪量增多,地面可能积雪。 冬至:寒冷的冬天来临。 小寒:气候开始寒冷。 大寒:一年中最冷的时候。