

泊松重建算法 -回复

泊松重建算法 -回复

泊松重建算法-回复泊松重建算法(Poisson Reconstruction Algorithm)是一种基于泊松方程的三维重建方法,在计算机图形学领域得到了广泛的应用。








二、算法步骤1. 数据采集和预处理:泊松重建算法需要输入一组离散化的数据作为重建的依据。



2. 网格生成:通过将离散化的数据划分为一系列小的网格单元,构建出一个三维网格。


3. 边界条件设置:在重建过程中,需要给出一些已知的边界条件来约束模型的恢复。


4. 泊松方程求解:将离散化后的泊松方程转化为一个线性方程组,通过求解该方程组得到未知变量的数值解。


5. 后处理:通过求解泊松方程得到的数值解并不能直接作为重建的结果,还需要进行一些后处理的步骤。










1. 输入点云数据在进行泊松重建之前,首先需要导入点云数据。



2. 设置泊松重建参数在导入点云数据后,可以通过“滤波器”菜单中的“重建”命令来进行泊松重建。











3. 进行泊松重建在设置好泊松重建参数后,可以点击“应用”按钮来进行泊松重建。










具体而言,泊松方程可以表示为:∇²f = ρ其中,f是待求解的函数,表示曲面的高度;∇²是拉普拉斯算子,用于描述曲面的光滑程度;ρ是离散点云数据的密度函数,表示点云数据在空间中的分布情况。


具体的步骤如下:1. 对离散点云数据进行网格化,将点云数据转换为一个有限元网格;2. 估计密度函数ρ为常数,常数的选择可以根据点云数据的特点进行调整;3. 构造泊松方程的离散形式,将其转化为一个线性方程组;4. 求解线性方程组,得到曲面的高度函数f;5. 根据高度函数f生成曲面模型。













Screened Poisson Surface ReconstructionMICHAEL KAZHDANJohns Hopkins UniversityandHUGUES HOPPEMicrosoft ResearchPoisson surface reconstruction creates watertight surfaces from oriented point sets.In this work we extend the technique to explicitly incorporate the points as interpolation constraints.The extension can be interpreted as a generalization of the underlying mathematical framework to a screened Poisson equation.In contrast to other image and geometry processing techniques,the screening term is defined over a sparse set of points rather than over the full domain.We show that these sparse constraints can nonetheless be integrated efficiently.Because the modified linear system retains the samefinite-element discretization,the sparsity structure is unchanged,and the system can still be solved using a multigrid approach. Moreover we present several algorithmic improvements that together reduce the time complexity of the solver to linear in the number of points, thereby enabling faster,higher-quality surface reconstructions.Categories and Subject Descriptors:I.3.5[Computer Graphics]:Compu-tational Geometry and Object ModelingAdditional Key Words and Phrases:screened Poisson equation,adaptive octree,finite elements,surfacefittingACM Reference Format:Kazhdan,M.,and Hoppe,H.Screened Poisson surface reconstruction. ACM Trans.Graph.NN,N,Article NN(Month YYYY),PP pages.DOI=10.1145/XXXXXXX.YYYYYYY/10.1145/XXXXXXX.YYYYYYY1.INTRODUCTIONPoisson surface reconstruction[Kazhdan et al.2006]is a well known technique for creating watertight surfaces from oriented point samples acquired with3D range scanners.The technique is resilient to noisy data and misregistration artifacts.However, as noted by several researchers,it suffers from a tendency to over-smooth the data[Alliez et al.2007;Manson et al.2008; Calakli and Taubin2011;Berger et al.2011;Digne et al.2011].In this work,we explore modifying the Poisson reconstruc-tion algorithm to incorporate positional constraints.This mod-ification is inspired by the recent reconstruction technique of Calakli and Taubin[2011].It also relates to recent work in im-age and geometry processing[Nehab et al.2005;Bhat et al.2008; Chuang and Kazhdan2011],in which a datafidelity term is used to“screen”the associated Poisson equation.In our surface recon-struction context,this screening term corresponds to a soft con-straint that encourages the reconstructed isosurface to pass through the input points.The approach we propose differs from the traditional screened Poisson formulation in that the position and gradient constraints are defined over different domain types.Whereas gradients are constrained over the full3D space,positional constraints are introduced only over the input points,which lie near a2D manifold. We show how these two types of constraints can be efficiently integrated,so that we can leverage the original multigrid structure to solve the linear system without incurring a significant overhead in space or time.To demonstrate the benefits of screening,Figure1compares results of the traditional Poisson surface reconstruction and the screened Poisson formulation on a subset of11.4M points from the scan of Michelangelo’s David[Levoy et al.2000].Both reconstructions are computed over a spatial octree of depth10,corresponding to an effective voxel resolution of10243.Screening generates a model that better captures the input data(as visualized by the surface cross-sections overlaid with the projection of nearby samples), even though both reconstructions have similar complexity(6.8M and6.9M triangles respectively)and required similar processing time(230and272seconds respectively,without parallelization).1 Another contribution of our work is to modify both the octree structure and the multigrid implementation to reduce the time complexity of solving the Poisson system from log-linear to linear in the number of input points.Moreover we show that hierarchical point clustering enables screened Poisson reconstruction to attain this same linear complexity.2.RELA TED WORKReconstructing surfaces from scanned points is an important and extensively studied problem in computer graphics.The numerous approaches can be broadly categorized as follows. Combinatorial Algorithms.Many schemes form a triangula-tion using a subset of the input points[Cazals and Giesen2006]. Space is often discretized using a tetrahedralization or a voxel grid,and the resulting elements are partitioned into inside and outside regions using an analysis of cells[Amenta et al.2001; Boissonnat and Oudot2005;Podolak and Rusinkiewicz2005], eigenvector computation[Kolluri et al.2004],or graph cut [Labatut et al.2009;Hornung and Kobbelt2006].Implicit Functions.In the presence of sampling noise,a common approach is tofit the points using the zero set of an implicit func-tion,such as a sum of radial bases[Carr et al.2001]or piecewise polynomial functions[Ohtake et al.2005;Nagai et al.2009].Many techniques estimate a signed-distance function[Hoppe et al.1992; 1The performance of the unscreened solver is measured using our imple-mentation with screening weight set to zero.The implementation of the original Poisson reconstruction runs in412seconds.ACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY.2•M.Kazhdan and H.HoppeFig.1:Reconstruction of the David head ‡,comparing traditional Poisson surface reconstruction (left)and screened Poisson surface reconstruction which incorporates point constraints (center).The rightmost diagram plots pixel depth (z )values along the colored segments together with the positions of nearby samples.The introduction of point constraints significantly improves fit accuracy,sharpening the reconstruction without amplifying noise.Bajaj et al.1995;Curless and Levoy 1996].If the input points are unoriented,an important step is to correctly infer the sign of the resulting distance field [Mullen et al.2010].Our work extends Poisson surface reconstruction [Kazhdan et al.2006],in which the implicit function corresponds to the model’s indicator function χ.The function χis often defined to have value 1inside and value 0outside the model.To simplify the derivations,inthis paper we define χto be 12inside and −12outside,so that its zero isosurface passes near the points.The function χis solved using a Laplacian system discretized over a multiresolution B-spline basis,as reviewed in Section 3.Alliez et al.[2007]form a Laplacian system over a tetrahedral-ization,and constrain the solution’s biharmonic energy;the de-sired function is obtained as the solution to an eigenvector prob-lem.Manson et al.[2008]represent the indicator function χusing a wavelet basis,and efficiently compute the basis coefficients using simple local sums over an adapted octree.Calakli and Taubin [2011]optimize a signed-distance function to have value zero at the points,have derivatives that agree with the point normals,and minimize a Hessian smoothness norm.The resulting optimization involves a bilaplacian operator,which requires estimating derivatives of higher order than in the Laplacian.The reconstructed surfaces are shown to have good accuracy,strongly suggesting the importance of explicitly fitting the points within the optimization.This motivated us to explore whether a Laplacian system could be extended in this respect,and also be compatible with a multigrid solver.Screened Poisson Surface Fitting.The method of Nehab et al.[2005],which simultaneously fits position and normal constraints,may also be viewed as the solution of a screened Poisson equation.The fitting algorithm assumes that a 2D parametric domain (i.e.,a plane or triangle mesh)is already established.The position and derivative constraints are both defined over this 2D domain.In contrast,in Poisson surface reconstruction the 2D domain manifold is initially unknown,and therefore the goal is to infer anindicator function χrather than a parametric function.This leadsto a hybrid problem with derivative (Laplacian)constraints defined densely over 3D and position constraints defined sparsely on the set of points sampled near the unknown 2D manifold.3.REVIEW OF POISSON SURFACE RECONSTRUCTIONThe approach of Poisson surface reconstruction is based on the observation that the (inward pointing)normal field of the boundary of a solid can be interpreted as the gradient of the solid’s indicator function.Thus,given a set of oriented points sampling the boundary,a watertight mesh can be obtained by (1)transforming the oriented point samples into a continuous vector field in 3D,(2)finding a scalar function whose gradients best match the vector field,and (3)extracting the appropriate isosurface.Because our work focuses primarily on the second step,we review it here in more detail.Scalar Function Fitting.Given a vector field V :R 3→R 3,thegoal is to solve for the scalar function χ:R 3→R minimizing:E (χ)=∇χ(p )− V (p ) 2d p .(1)Using the Euler-Lagrange formulation,the minimum is obtainedby solving the Poisson equation:∆χ=∇· V .System Discretization.The Galerkin formulation is used totransform this into a finite-dimensional system [Fletcher 1984].First,a basis {B 1,...,B N }:R 3→R is chosen,namely a collection of trivariate (usually triquadratic)B-spline functions.With respect to this basis,the discretization becomes:∆χ,B i [0,1]3= ∇· V ,B i [0,1]31≤i ≤Nwhere ·,· [0,1]3is the standard inner-product on the space of(scalar-and vector-valued)functions defined on the unit cube:F ,G [0,1]3=[0,1]3F (p )·G (p )d p , U , V [0,1]3=[0,1]3U (p ), V (p ) d p .Since the solution is itself expressed in terms of the basis functions:χ(p )=N∑i =1x i B i (p ),ACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV ,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY .1.离散化->连续2.找个常量函数最佳拟合这些这些向量域;3.抽取等值面这里已经将离散的有向点转化为了连续的向量域表示;点集合的最初的思考Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction•3finding the coefficients{x i}of the solution reduces to solving the linear system Ax=b where:A i j= ∇B i,∇B j [0,1]3and b i= V,∇B i [0,1]3.(2) The basis functions{B1,...,B N}are chosen to be compactly supported,so most pairs of functions do not have overlapping support,and thus the matrix A is sparse.Because the solution is expected to be smooth away from the input samples,the linear system is discretized byfirst adapting an octree to the input samples and then associating an(appropriately scaled and translated)trivariate B-spline function to each octree node. This provides high-resolution detail in the vicinity of the surface while reducing the overall dimensionality of the system.System Solution.Given the hierarchy defined by an octree of depth D,a multigrid approach is used to solve the linear system. The basis functions are partitioned according to the depths of their associated nodes and,for each depth d,a linear system A d x d=b d is defined using the corresponding B-splines{B d1,...,B d Nd},such thatχ(p)=∑D d=0∑i x d i B d i(p).Because the octree-selected B-spline functions do not form a complete grid at each depth,it is generally not possible to prolong the solution x d at depth d into the solution x d+1at depth d+1. (The B-spline associated with a given node is a sum of B-spline functions associated not only with its own child nodes,but also with child nodes of its neighbors.)Instead,the constraints at depth d+1are adjusted to account for the part of the solution already realized at coarser depths.Pseudocode for a cascadic solver,where the solution is only relaxed on the up-stroke of the V-cycle,is given in Algorithm1.Algorithm1:Cascadic Poisson Solver1For d∈{0,...,D}Iterate from coarse tofine2For d ∈{0,...,d−1}Remove the constraints3b d=b d−A dd x d met at coarser depths4Relax A d x d=b d Adjust the system at depth dHere,A dd is the N d×N d matrix used to transform solution coefficients at depth d into constraints at depth d:A dd i j= ∇B d i,∇B d j [0,1]3.Note that,by definition,A d=A dd.Isosurface Extraction.Solving the Poisson equation,one obtains a functionχthat approximates the indicator function.Ideally,the function’s zero level-set should therefore correspond to the desired surface.In practice however,the functionχcan differ from the true indicator function due to several sources of error:—The point sampling may be noisy,possibly containing outliers.—The Galerkin discretization is only an approximation of the continuous problem.—The point sampling density is approximated during octree construction.To mitigate these errors,in[Kazhdan et al.2006]the implicit function is adjusted by globally subtracting the average value of the function at the input samples.4.INCORPORA TING POINT CONSTRAINTSThe original Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm adjusts the implicit function using a single global offset such that its average value at all points is zero.However,the presence of errors can cause the implicit function to drift so that no global offset is satisfactory. Instead,we seek to explicitly interpolate the points.Given the set of input points P with weights w:P→R≥0,we add to the energy of Equation1a term that penalizes the function’s deviation from zero at the samples:E(χ)=V(p)−∇χ(p) 2d p+α·Area(P)∑p∈P∑p∈Pw(p)χ2(p)(3)whereαis a weight that trades off the importance offitting the gradients andfitting the values,and Area(P)is the area of the reconstructed surface,estimated by computing the local sampling density as in[Kazhdan et al.2006].In our implementation,we set the per-sample weights w(p)=1,although one can also use confidence values if these are available.The energy can be expressed concisely asE(χ)= V−∇χ, V−∇χ [0,1]3+α χ,χ (w,P)(4)where ·,· (w,P)is the bilinear,symmetric,positive,semi-definite form on the space of functions in the unit-cube,obtained by taking the weighted sum of function values:F,G (w,P)=Area(P)∑p∈P w(p)∑p∈Pw(p)·F(p)·G(p).4.1Interpretation as a Screened Poisson EquationThe energy in Equation4combines a gradient constraint integrated over the spatial domain with a value constraint summed at discrete points.As shown in the appendix,its minimization can be interpreted as a screened Poisson equation(∆−α˜I)χ=∇· V with an appropriately defined operator˜I.4.2DiscretizationWe apply a discretization similar to that in Section3to the minimization of the energy in Equation4.The coefficients of the solutionχwith respect to the basis{B1,...,B N}are again obtained by solving a linear system of the form Ax=b.The right-hand-side b is unchanged because the constrained value at the sample points is zero.Matrix A now includes the point constraints:A i j= ∇B i,∇B j [0,1]3+α B i,B j (w,P).(5) Note that incorporating the point constraints does not change the sparsity of matrix A because B i(p)·B j(p)is nonzero only if the supports of the two functions overlap,in which case the Poisson equation has already introduced a nonzero entry in the matrix.As in Section3,we solve this linear system using a cascadic multigrid algorithm–iterating over the octree depths from coarsest tofinest,adjusting the constraints,and relaxing the system.Similar to Equation5,the matrix used to transform a solution at depth d to a constraint at depth d is expressed as:A dd i j= ∇B d i,∇B d j [0,1]3+α B d i,B d j (w,P).ACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY.4•M.Kazhdan and H.HoppeFig.2:Visualizations of the reconstructed implicit function along a planar slice through the cow ‡(shown in blue on the left),for the original Poisson solver,and for the screened Poisson solver without and with scale-independent screening.This operator adjusts the constraint b d (line 3of Algorithm 1)not only by removing the Poisson constraints met at coarser resolutions,but also by modifying the constrained values at points where the coarser solution does not evaluate to zero.4.3Scale-Independent ScreeningTo balance the two energy terms in Equation 3,it is desirable to adjust the screening parameter αsuch that (1)the reconstructed surface shape is invariant under scaling of the input points with respect to the solver domain,and (2)the prolongation of a solution at a coarse depth is an accurate estimate of the solution at a finer depth in the cascadic multigrid approach.We achieve both these goals by adjusting the relative weighting of position and gradient constraints across the different octree depths.Noting that the magnitude of the gradient constraint scales with resolution,we double the weight of the interpolation constraint with each depth:A ddi j = ∇B d i ,∇B dj [0,1]3+2d α B d i ,B dj (w ,P ).The adaptive weight of 2d is chosen to keep the Laplacian and screening constraints around the surface in balance.To see this,assume that the points are locally planar,and consider the row of the system matrix corresponding to an octree node overlapping the points.The coefficients of the system in that row are the sum of Laplacian and screening terms.If we consider the rows corresponding to the child nodes that overlap the surface,we find that the contribution from the Laplacian constraints scales by a factor of 1/2while the contribution from the screening term scales by a factor of 1/4.2Thus,scaling the screening weights by a factor of two with each resolution keeps the two terms in balance.Figure 2shows the benefit of scale-independent screening in reconstructing a cow model.The leftmost image shows a plane passing through the bounding cube of the cow,and the images to the right show the values of the computed indicator function along that plane,for different implementations of the solver.As the figure shows,the unscreened Poisson solver provides a good approximation of the indicator functions,with values inside (resp.outside)the surface approximately 1/2(resp.-1/2).However,applying the same solver to the screened Poisson equation (second from right)provides a solution that is only correct near the input samples and returns to zero near the faces of the bounding cube,2Forthe Laplacian term,the Laplacian scales by a factor of 4with refinement,and volumetric integrals scale by a factor of 1/8.For the screening term,area integrals scale by a factor of 1/4.potentially resulting in spurious surface sheets away from the surface.It is only with scale-independent screening (right)that we obtain a high-quality solution to the screened Poisson ing this resolution adaptive weighting,our system has the property that the reconstruction obtained by solving at depth D is identical to the reconstruction that would be obtained by scaling the point set by 1/2and solving at depth D +1.To see this,we consider the two energies that guide the reconstruc-tion,E V (χ)measuring the extent to which the gradients of the so-lution match the prescribed vector field,and E (w ,P )(χ)measuring the extent to which the solution meets the screening constraint:E V (χ)=V (p )−∇χ(p )2d p E (w ,P )(χ)=Area (P )∑p ∈P w (p )∑p ∈Pw (p )χ2(p ).Scaling by 1/2,we obtain a new point set (˜w ,˜P)with positions scaled by 1/2,unchanged weights,˜w (p )=w (2p ),and scaled area,Area (˜P )=Area (P )/4;a new scalar field,˜χ(p )=χ(2p );and a new vector field,˜ V (p )=2 V (2p ).Computing the correspondingenergies,we get:E ˜ V (˜χ)=1E V(χ)and E (˜w ,˜P )(˜χ)=1E (w ,P )(χ).Thus,scaling the screening weight by a factor of two with eachsuccessive depth ensures that the sum of energies is unchanged (up to multiplication by a constant)so the minimizer remains the same.4.4Boundary ConditionsIn order to define the linear system,it is necessary to define the behavior of the function space along the boundary of the integration domain.In the original Poisson reconstruction the authors imposed Dirichlet boundary conditions,forcing the implicit function to havea value of −12along the boundary.In the present work we extend the implementation to support Neumann boundary conditions as well,forcing the normal derivative to be zero along the boundary.In principle these two boundary conditions are equivalent for watertight surfaces,since the indicator function has a constant negative value outside the model.However,in the presence of missing data we find Neumann constraints to be less restrictive because they only require that the implicit function have zero derivative across the boundary of the integration domain,a property that is compatible with the gradient constraint since the guiding vector field V is set to zero away from the samples.(Note that when the surface does cross the boundary of the domain,the Neumann boundary constraints create a bias to crossing the domain boundary orthogonally.)Figure 3shows the practical implications of this choice when reconstructing the Angel model,which was only scanned from the front.The left image shows the original point set and the reconstructions using Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions are shown to the right.As the figure shows,imposing Dirichlet constraints creates a water-tight surface that closes off before reaching the boundary while using Neumann constraints allows the surface to extend out to the boundary of the domain.ACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV ,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY .Screened Poisson Surface Reconstruction•5Fig.3:Reconstructions of the Angel point set‡(left)using Dirichlet(center) and Neumann(right)boundary conditions.Similar results can be seen at the bases of the models in Figures1 and4a,with the original Poisson reconstructions obtained using Dirichlet constraints and the screened reconstructions obtained using Neumann constraints.5.IMPROVED ALGORITHMIC COMPLEXITYIn this section we discuss the efficiency of our reconstruction al-gorithm.We begin by analyzing the complexity of the algorithm described above.Then,we present two algorithmic improvements. Thefirst describes how hierarchical clustering can be used to re-duce the screening overhead at coarser resolutions.The second ap-plies to both the unscreened and screened solver implementations, showing that the asymptotic time complexity in both cases can be reduced to be linear in the number of input points.5.1Efficiency of basic solverLet us begin by analyzing the computational complexity of the unscreened and screened solvers.We assume that the points P are evenly distributed over a surface,so that the depth of the adapted octree is D=O(log|P|)and the number of octree nodes at depth d is O(4d).We also note that the number of nonzero entries in matrix A dd is O(4d),since the matrix has O(4d)rows and each row has at most53nonzero entries.(Since we use second-order B-splines, basis functions are supported within their one-ring neighborhoods and the support of two functions will overlap only if one is within the two-ring neighborhood of the other.)Assuming that the matrices A dd have already been computed,the computational complexity for the different steps in Algorithm1is: Step3:O(4d)–since A dd has O(4d)nonzero entries.Step4:O(4d)–since A d has O(4d)nonzero entries and the number of relaxation steps performed is constant.Steps2-3:∑d−1d =0O(4d)=O(4d·d).Steps2-4:O(4d·d+4d)=O(4d·d).Steps1-4:∑D d=0O(4d·d)=O(4D·D)=O(|P|·log|P|). There still remains the computation of matrices A dd .For the unscreened solver,the complexity of computing A dd is O(4d),since each entry can be computed in constant time.Thus, the overall time complexity remains O(|P|·log|P|).For the screened solver,the complexity of computing A dd is O(|P|)since defining the coefficients requires accumulating the screening contribution from each of the points,and each point contributes to a constant number of rows.Thus,the overall time complexity is dominated by the cost of evaluating the coefficients of A dd which is:D∑d=0d−1∑d =0O(|P|)=O(|P|·D2)=O(|P|·log2|P|).5.2Hierarchical Clustering of Point ConstraintsOurfirst modification is based on the observation that since the basis functions at coarser resolutions are smooth,it is unnecessary to constrain them at the precise sample locations.Instead,we cluster the weighted points as in[Rusinkiewicz and Levoy2000]. Specifically,for each depth d,we define(w d,P d)where p i∈P d is the weighted average position of the points falling into octree node i at depth d,and w d(p i)is the sum of the associated weights.3 If all input points have weight w(p)=1,then w d(p i)is simply the number of points falling into node i.This alters the computation of the system matrix coefficients:A dd i j= ∇B d i,∇B d j [0,1]3+2dα B d i,B d j (w d,P d).Note that since d>d ,the value B d i,B d j (w d,P d)is obtained by summing over points stored with thefiner resolution.In particular,the complexity of computing A dd for the screened solver becomes O(|P d|)=O(4d),which is the same as that of the unscreened solver,and both implementations now have an overall time complexity of O(|P|·log|P|).On typical examples,hierarchical clustering reduces execution time by a factor of almost two,and the reconstructed surface is visually indistinguishable.5.3Conforming OctreesTo account for the adaptivity of the octree,Algorithm1subtracts off the constraints met at all coarser resolutions before relaxing at a given depth(steps2-3),resulting in an algorithm with log-linear time complexity.We obtain an implementation with linear complexity by forcing the octree to be conforming.Specifically, we define two octree cells to be mutually visible if the supports of their associated B-splines overlap,and we require that if a cell at depth d is in the octree,then all visible cells at depth d−1must also be in the tree.Making the tree conforming requires the addition of new nodes at coarser depths,but this still results in O(4d)nodes at depth d.While the conforming octree does not satisfy the condition that a coarser solution can be prolonged into afiner one,it has the property that the solution obtained at depths{0,...,d−1}that is visible to a node at depth d can be expressed entirely in terms of the coefficients at depth d−ing an accumulation vector to store the visible part of the solution,we obtain the linear-time implementation in Algorithm2.3Note that the weight w d(p)is unrelated to the screening weight2d introduced in Section4.3for scale-independent screening.ACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY.6•M.Kazhdan and H.HoppeHere,P d d−1is the B-spline prolongation operator,expressing a solution at depth d−1in terms of coefficients at depth d.The number of nonzero entries in P d d−1is O(4d),since each column has at most43nonzero entries,so steps2-5of Algorithm2all have complexity O(4d).Thus,the overall complexity of both the unscreened and screened solvers becomes O(|P|).Algorithm2:Conforming Cascadic Poisson Solver1For d∈{0,...,D}Iterate from coarse tofine.2ˆx d−1=P d−1d−2ˆx d−2Upsample coarseraccumulation vector.3ˆx d−1=ˆx d−1+x d−1Add in coarser solution.4b d=b d−A d d−1ˆx d−1Remove constraintsmet at coarser depths.5Relax A d x d=b d Adjust the system at depth d.5.4Implementation DetailsThe algorithm is implemented in C++,using OpenMP for multi-threaded parallelization.We use a conjugate-gradient solver to re-lax the system at each multigrid level.With the exception of the octree construction,most of the operations involved in the Poisson reconstruction can be categorized as operations that either“accu-mulate”or“distribute”information[Bolitho et al.2007,2009].The former do not introduce write-on-write conflicts and are trivial to parallelize.The latter only involve linear operations,and are par-allelized using a standard map-reduce approach:in the map phase we create a duplicate copy of the data for each thread to distribute values into,and in the reduce phase we merge the copies by taking their sum.6.RESULTSWe evaluate the algorithm(Screened)by comparing its accuracy and computational efficiency with several prior methods:the original Poisson reconstruction of Kazhdan et al.[2006](Poisson), the Wavelet reconstruction of Manson et al.[2008](Wavelet),and the Smooth Signed Distance reconstruction of Calakli and Taubin [2011](SSD).For the new algorithm,we set the screening weight toα=4and use Neumann boundary conditions in all experiments.(Numerical results obtained using Dirichlet boundaries were indistinguishable.) For the prior methods,we set algorithmic parameters to values recommended by the authors,using Haar Wavelets in the Wavelet reconstruction and setting the value/normal/Hessian weights to 1/1/0.25in the SSD reconstruction.For Poisson,SSD,and Screened we set the“samples-per-node”parameter to1and the “bounding-box-scale”parameter to1.1.(For Wavelet the bounding box scale is hard-coded at1and there is no parameter to adjust the sampling density.)6.1AccuracyWe run three different types of experiments.Real Scanner Data.To evaluate the accuracy of the different reconstruction algorithms on real-world data,we gathered several scanned datasets:the Awakening(10M points),the Stanford Bunny (0.2M points),the David(11M points),the Lucy(1.0M points), and the Neptune(2.4M points).For each dataset,we randomly partitioned the points into two equal-sized subsets:input points for the reconstruction algorithms,and validation points to measure point-to-reconstruction distances.Figure4a shows reconstructions results for the Neptune and David models at depth10.It also shows surface cross-sections overlaid with the validation points in their vicinity.These images reveal that the Poisson reconstruction(far left),and to a lesser extent the SSD reconstruction(center left),over-smooth the data,while the Wavelet reconstruction(center left)has apparent derivative discontinuities.In contrast,our screened Poisson approach(far right)provides a reconstruction that faithfullyfits the samples without introducing noise.Figure4b shows quantitative results across all datasets,in the form of RMS errors,measured using the distances from the validation points to the reconstructed surface.(We also computed the maximum error,but found that its sensitivity to individual outlier points made it an unreliable and unindicative statistic.)As thefigure indicates,the Screened Poisson reconstruction(blue)is always more accurate than both the original Poisson reconstruction algorithm(red)and the Wavelet reconstruction(purple),and generates reconstruction whose RMS errors are comparable to or smaller than those of the SSD reconstruction(green).Clean Uniformly Sampled Data.To evaluate reconstruction accuracy on clean data,we used the approach of Osada et al.[2001] to generate oriented point sets by uniformly sampling the surfaces of the Fandisk,Armadillo Man,Dragon,and Raptor models.For each model,we generated datasets of100K and1M points and reconstructed surfaces from each point set using the four different reconstruction algorithms.As an example,Figure5a shows the reconstructions of the fandisk and raptor models using1M point samples at depth10.Despite the lack of noise in the input data,the Wavelet reconstruction has spurious high-frequency detail.Focusing on the sharp edges in the model,we also observe that the screened Poisson reconstruction introduces less smoothing,providing a reconstruction that is truer to the original data than either the original Poisson or the SSD reconstructions.Figure5b plots RMS errors across all models,measured bidirec-tionally between the original surface and the reconstructed surface using the Metro tool[Cignoni and Scopigno1998].As in the case of real scanner data,screened Poisson reconstruction always out-performs the original Poisson and Wavelet reconstructions,and is comparable to or better than the SSD reconstruction. Reconstruction Benchmark.We use the benchmark of Berger et al.[2011]to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithms under different simulations of scanner error,including nonuniform sampling,noise,and misalignment.The dataset consists of mul-tiple virtual scans of implicit surfaces representing the Anchor, Dancing Children,Daratech,Gargoyle,and Quasimodo models. As an example,Figure6a visualizes the error in the reconstructions of the anchor model from a virtual scan consisting of210K points (demarked with a dashed rectangle in Figure6b)at depth9.The error is visualized using a red-green-blue scale,with red signifyingACM Transactions on Graphics,V ol.VV,No.N,Article XXX,Publication date:Month YYYY.。










1. 基于网格基于网格的表面重建算法将点云转换为一个三角网格,然后通过对网格进行平滑处理来生成曲面模型。




2. 基于隐式函数基于隐式函数的表面重建算法将点云转换为一个隐式函数,然后通过等值面提取算法生成曲面模型。

其中最常用的方法是Moving Least Squares (MLS)算法。



常用算法1. Marching Cubes算法Marching Cubes算法是一种基于网格的表面重建算法。



2. Poisson重构算法Poisson重构算法是一种基于网格的表面重建算法。


3. MLS算法MLS算法是一种基于隐式函数的表面重建算法。

meshlab泊松重建代码 -回复

meshlab泊松重建代码 -回复

























S t u d y o n 3 D s u r f a c e r e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f e n d o c a r d i a l
MA Xi u — l i ,L I J i n - b o ,ZHOU F e n g ,Z HOU Xu e — l i
( S c h o o l o f C o mm u n i c a t i o n&I n f o r m a t i o n ,S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y , S h a n g h a i 2 0 0 0 7 2, C h i n a )
On t h e o t h e r h a n d, t o r e s o l v e t h e a mb i g u i t y p r o b l e m o f c o n s t uc r t i n g MC s u fa r c e i n P o s s i o n a l g o it r h m,i t p r e s e n t e d a s i mp l i i f e d i mp r o v e d me t h o d .T h e lg a o r i t h m c o u l d n o t o n l y o b t a i n mo r e a c c u r a t e mo d e l s u r f a c e b u t a l s o i mp r o v e t h e r e c o n s t r u c t i o n s p e e d a n d p r e c i s i o n .Me a n w h i l e ,a c c o r d i n g t o t h e d o c t o r ’ S r e q u i r e me n t s ,t h e r e a l - t i me mo d e l u p d a t i n g f o r t h e r e c o n s t uc r t e d mo d e l



科研热词 车联网 视频压缩感知 行为关联 聚类 联合稀疏 联动监测 粒子群优化算法 残差 梯度投影 无线传感器网络 数据收集 宽视野 学生管理 学生状态评估 域名分析 图像特征 图像拼接 分布式视频编码 全球定位系统 僵尸网络 事件驱动 k-均值算法
推荐指数 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
科研热词 远程监控 设备管理 设备点检 计算机辅助审计 能量采集 编码 纹理获取 纹理图像 监管 深度图像 桥梁结构 曲面重建 无线传感器网络 数据库技术 数据库 数据传输 数据优先级 数据 故障诊断 审计方法 列车脱轨 分布式 入侵检测 光纤光栅传感器 信息安全 传输延时 传感器 代理技术 代理
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
科研热词 推荐指数 马尔可夫链 1 预测与健康管理 1 预测 1 非线性校正 1 附加动量变学习速率法 1 路况监控 1 自组织网络 1 脉搏 1 网关矩阵排布技术 1 系统实现 1 简化路网模型 1 立交桥 1 移动医疗 1 环道 1 灰色系统 1 灰色神经网络模型 1 泊松表面重建 1 污染物排放量 1 模型修正 1 曲线拟合 1 智能手机 1 智能农业温室 1 故障预测 1 改进灰色神经网络 1 心内膜三维标测 1 应变式称重传感器 1 实时修正 1 农业物联网软件设计模型 1 云计算服务 1 三维重建 1 android 1

possion表面重建 向量场散度

possion表面重建 向量场散度

英文回答:Postsion surface reconstruction is an important graphic reconstruction method that can recreate a smooth curve based on known cloud data. A key step in the reconstruction of the possion surface is to calculate the dispersion of vector fields. Vector field is a vector function defined at any point in space, which can be used to describe fluid motion, force field distribution, etc. The dispersion of the vector field is a measure of the difference between the source and the flow of the vector field, thus helping us to understand the characteristics of the fluid or force field. This technology is important under current policy for scientific research and engineering practice and helps to refine the approach and policy.possion表面重建是一种重要的图形重建方法,它可以根据已知的点云数据来重建出一个平滑的曲面。














- 1 -。

泊松重建算法 -回复

泊松重建算法 -回复



泊松重建算法的原理和步骤是什么?泊松重建算法的实现主要通过以下几个步骤来完成:1. 数据的准备:首先,需要将输入的图像数据进行预处理,包括提取感兴趣的图像区域,去除噪声,并将图像转化为适合处理的数据结构。

2. 建立泊松方程:泊松重建算法的核心是建立和求解泊松方程。



3. 图像修复:通过求解泊松方程,可以得到缺失图像区域或受损图像的修复结果。



4. 迭代求解:泊松重建算法通常需要进行迭代求解,以逐渐逼近最优解。



5. 后处理:在泊松重建算法完成修复后,还需要进行一些后处理步骤,以进一步提升修复结果的质量。


泊松重建算法的优缺点是什么?泊松重建算法有如下的优点:1. 结果准确:该算法基于泊松方程的物理模型,可以对缺失区域进行精确的重建,使得修复后的图像与原始图像尽量接近。

2. 平滑效果好:泊松重建算法通过泊松方程的平滑约束,可以有效地去除图像噪声,使修复后的图像更加平滑,具有良好的视觉效果。

3. 参数少,易于调整:泊松重建算法的参数较少,通常只需要调整迭代次数和平滑约束系数即可,易于使用和调试。



B (|| x c
j 1 j j
and solve a linear system for the coefficients j Need to compute second derivatives of Bj
Indicator gradient
ˆM n
Solve Poisson ˆM : equation for
Set octree Compute vector field

Define a function space Splat the samples

Compute indicator function Extract iso-surface
Copyright 2008 C. Gotsman & M. Kazhdan Technion, Johns Hopkins Univ.
Poisson Surface Reconstruction
Scanning often gives only local connectivity
Surface Reconstruction
Generate a mesh from a set of surface samples
Digital Geometry Processing Poisson Mesh Reconstruction
In many domains, scanners are used to obtain virtual representations of 3D shapes
/digitalhammurabi/ /projects/mich/






























1、 引言:由点样本重建三维表面在计算机图形学中是一个热门研究问题。




特别地,像[K a z 05]我们计算了一个三维指示函数 (在模型内部的点定义为1,外部的点定义为0),然后可以通过提取合适的等值面获得重建的表面。




图1 二维泊松重建的直观图例计算指示函数的问题因此简化为梯度算子的反算,即找到标量函数~χ,使其梯度最佳逼近样本定义的向量场V u r ,即,,如果我们使用散度算子,那么这个变化的问题转化为标准的泊松问题:计算标量函数~χ,它的拉普拉斯算子(梯度的散度)等于向量场V u r的散度,在第3、4部分我们将会对上式作精确的定义。





泊松重建法向量判定-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容:引言部分旨在介绍本篇长文的主要内容和目的。











1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以包括以下内容:文章结构部分旨在向读者介绍本文的组织结构和各个章节的主要内容。
























具体步骤如下:1. 采样:对点云数据进行采样,以减少数据量和噪声干扰。

2. 重心插值:将采样后的点云数据转换为三角形网格模型,并使用重心插值法计算每个三角形片元上的顶点坐标。

3. 泊松方程求解:将三角形网格模型看作泊松方程的边界条件,通过求解泊松方程得到平滑的曲面模型。

4. 网格优化:对生成的曲面模型进行网格优化,以提高拓扑结构和减少三角形数量。

5. 后处理:对优化后的曲面模型进行后处理,如纹理映射、光照计算等操作。

六、优缺点分析泊松曲面重建方法具有以下优点:1. 可以处理大规模的点云数据,适用于复杂的三维形状重建。

2. 生成的曲面模型平滑、连续,具有较好的几何特征和拓扑结构。

3. 可以处理噪声干扰和不完整数据,具有较好的鲁棒性。




1. Poisson表面重建算法:该算法通过最小化表面能量函数来重建三维表面。



2. Ball Pivoting算法:该算法通过旋转一个球体并检测球体与点云数据的交点来重建三维表面。



3. Marching Cubes算法:该算法是一种基于体素的表面重建算法,它通过在三维数据场中遍历体素并提取表面三角形来重建三维表面。


4. Poisson-based Marching Cubes算法:该算法是Marching Cubes算法和Poisson表面重建算法的结合,它使用Marching Cubes算法提取体素表面三角形,然后使用Poisson 表面重建算法对三角形进行优化处理,最终生成高质量的三维表面模型。

















Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing(2006)Konrad Polthier,Alla Sheffer(Editors)Poisson Surface ReconstructionMichael Kazhdan1,Matthew Bolitho1and Hugues Hoppe21Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore MD,USA2Microsoft Research,Redmond WA,USAAbstractWe show that surface reconstruction from oriented points can be cast as a spatial Poisson problem.This Poisson formulation considers all the points at once,without resorting to heuristic spatial partitioning or blending,and is therefore highly resilient to data noise.Unlike radial basis function schemes,our Poisson approach allows a hierarchy of locally supported basis functions,and therefore the solution reduces to a well conditioned sparse linear system.We describe a spatially adaptive multiscale algorithm whose time and space complexities are pro-portional to the size of the reconstructed model.Experimenting with publicly available scan data,we demonstrate reconstruction of surfaces with greater detail than previously achievable.1.IntroductionReconstructing3D surfaces from point samples is a well studied problem in computer graphics.It allowsfitting of scanned data,filling of surface holes,and remeshing of ex-isting models.We provide a novel approach that expresses surface reconstruction as the solution to a Poisson equation. Like much previous work(Section2),we approach the problem of surface reconstruction using an implicit function framework.Specifically,like[Kaz05]we compute a3D in-dicator functionχ(defined as1at points inside the model, and0at points outside),and then obtain the reconstructed surface by extracting an appropriate isosurface.Our key insight is that there is an integral relationship be-tween oriented points sampled from the surface of a model and the indicator function of the model.Specifically,the gra-dient of the indicator function is a vectorfield that is zero almost everywhere(since the indicator function is constant almost everywhere),except at points near the surface,where it is equal to the inward surface normal.Thus,the oriented point samples can be viewed as samples of the gradient of the model’s indicator function(Figure1).The problem of computing the indicator function thus re-duces to inverting the gradient operator,i.e.finding the scalar functionχwhose gradient best approximates a vectorfield V defined by the samples,i.e.minχ ∇χ− V .If we applythe divergence operator,this variational problem transforms into a standard Poisson problem:compute the scalar func-111F M00111Indicator functionF MIndicator gradient Surfacew M Oriented pointsVGFigure1:Intuitive illustration of Poisson reconstruction in2D.tionχwhose Laplacian(divergence of gradient)equals the divergence of the vectorfield V,∆χ≡∇·∇χ=∇· V.We will make these definitions precise in Sections3and4. Formulating surface reconstruction as a Poisson problem offers a number of advantages.Many implicit surfacefitting methods segment the data into regions for localfitting,and further combine these local approximations using blending functions.In contrast,Poisson reconstruction is a global so-lution that considers all the data at once,without resorting to heuristic partitioning or blending.Thus,like radial basis function(RBF)approaches,Poisson reconstruction creates very smooth surfaces that robustly approximate noisy data. But,whereas ideal RBFs are globally supported and non-decaying,the Poisson problem admits a hierarchy of locally supported functions,and therefore its solution reduces to a well-conditioned sparse linear system.模型的有向点集可以看作是指示函数的梯度的采样;很多的隐式曲面重建方都会将数据分成局部数据拟合。


实验 结果 (shíyàn)
实验 结果 (shíyàn)
图书馆稀疏(xīshū) 点云
例图观直的(nàij ɡnòhz)建重松泊维二
Mp 1 0
i i
fpM fpM
0பைடு நூலகம்
1 0
0 1
构造 指示函数 (gòuzào)
构造 泊松方程 (gòuzào)
(3)基于隐式曲面重建法; (4)基于统计学重建法。
三维场景表面 重建 (biǎomiàn)
洞孔充填理合、据数声噪滤过、构结扑拓的面表断推要需(ǎfgnāf)法方建重,在存的题问些这于由。云点密稠的 上以决解地效有以可法算建重面表松泊的出提等Michael Kazhdan而,等络网型模分划、据数样采整调、
泊松表面 重建 (biǎomiàn)
隐函数 方法 (hánshù)
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计算了一个三维指示函 数 ( 在模型内部的点定 义为1,外部的点定义 为0) 提取合适的等值面获得 重建的表面



0 0 1 1 0 1 0
1 if p M M p 0 if p M
Thank You

建立八叉树空间 计算向量场 解泊松方程求指示函数 提取等值面
实现: 适应的八叉树空间

实现: 向量场


min V
实现: 表面提取

为了获得重建表面 ,首先需要选择一个等值,然后通过计算指示函数提 取对应的等值面。选择等值使得提取的等值面近似逼近输入的样本点的 位置。方案是首先通过在样本点的位置估计 ,然后使用平均值来提取等 值面:

由已知有向点云估计向量场 V 求解函数 ,它的梯度最接近 向量场 : V
min V

应用散度算子,我们可以将这变成一个泊松 问题: V V

散乱点云的网格重建方法发展到现在,主要有如 下几个研究方向: (1)基于Delaunay重建法; (2)区域扩张重建法; (3)基于隐式曲面重建法; (4)基于统计学重建法。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

由图像生成的三维空间点云,噪声大、稀疏、分布不均。即使经过扩散处理,纹理不 丰富的场景也很难得到完整的稠密点云。由于这些问题的存在,重建方法需要推断表 面的拓扑结构、过滤噪声数据、合理填充孔洞、调整采样数据、划分模型网络等,而 Michael Kazhdan等提出的泊松表面重建算法可以有效地解决以上问题。因此采用泊松 表面重建算法来实现对图像重建出的点云进行表面重建。

在稀疏点云重建的基础上采用泊松表面重建算法重建场景的表面,取 八叉树深度为10。实验场景包括牛牛实验室,和图书馆。

1,由实验结果可知泊松表面重建可以很好地解决基于图像生成的三 维空间点云,噪声大、稀疏、分布不均等问题,可以满足不对模型精 度过高要求应用的需求。 2,只是对部分场景做了实验,还没完成大规模的场景表面重建。