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瑞典著名科学家,后忽弃其所学,研究宗 教,自命曾经过一种神秘的方式,受神呼 召,得到上帝特别的启示,得窥上帝圣道 的奥秘;认为当时的教会,都已失败,都 不明圣经的真理,从而创立一种“新耶路 撒冷教会”(Church of New Jerusalem)。
All people who live good lives, no matter what their religion, have a place in heaven.
happy songs and appeal to children
existence of social harmony and
child’s feeling: God is in his heaven,
all is right with the world.
The Songs of Experience most important volume of Blake’s
After studies at the Royal Academy School, started to produce watercolors and engrave illustrations for magazines.
In 1782 married Catherine Boucher, the daughter of a market gardener. Blake taught her to draw and paint and she assisted him devoutly. In 1784 Blake opened with his wife and younger brother Robert a print shop, failed after the death of Robert in 1787.
Independent through his life, Blake left no debts at his death in 1827. He was buried in an unmarked grave at the public cemetery. Wordsworth's verdict after Blake's death reflected many opinions of the time: “ There was no doubt that this poor man was mad, but there is something in the madness of this man which interests me more than the sanity of Lord Byron and Walter Scott. "
Romantic and revolutionary beliefs:
spirit against oppression and fight for liberty against the law of bourgeois society.
The Songs of Innocence
a collection of short and lyrical poems:
early poems: wrote at 12. He approved of free love, and sympathized with the actions of the French revolutionaries but the Reign of Terror frightened him. He attacked the conventional religious views. But the poet's life in the realms of images did not please his wife who once remarked: "I have very little of Mr. Blake's company. He is always in Paradise." Blake's contemporaries called him a harmless lunatic.
poetry, mature, not happy songs
the poet’s sorrow and sadness,
deeper and penetrating observation of
reality: the miseries of common people
(social criticism).
作为文艺思潮,浪漫主义产生并风行于18世纪 末~19世纪初的欧洲。其时正值资产阶级革命的 时代,资产阶级处于上升时期,要求个性解放和 感情自由,在政治上反抗封建主义的统治,在文 学艺术上反对古典主义的束缚。为适应这样的需 要,浪漫主义思潮应运而生。浪漫主义思潮在文 学、美术、建筑、音乐等艺术领域都有所体现。
Prophetic Books
a collection of poetry, vision, prophecy, and exhortation. They include “The Book of Thel”, “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” (prose), “The French Revolution”, “America”, “Europe”, “The Book of Urizon”, “The Book of Los”, “Milton”, and “Jerusalem”. shows the poet’s hatred of tyranny and his courageous siding with the radical revolutionists
Romanticism (Pre-romanticism): poetry novel prose Victorian literature Chartist literature critical realistic novel poetry prose
浪漫主义与现实主义同为文学艺术史上的两大主 要思潮。浪漫主义(英语romantic)一词源出 南欧一些古罗马省府的语言和文学。这些地区的 不同方言原系拉丁语和当地方言混杂而成,后来 发展成罗曼系语言( Romance languages)。 在 11~12世纪 , 大量地方语言文学中的传奇故 事和民谣就是用罗曼系语言写成的。这些作品着 重描写中世纪骑士的神奇事迹、侠义气概及其神 秘非凡,具有这类特点的故事后来逐渐称为 romance ,即骑士故事或传奇故事。
Pre-Romanticism background poetry
background 1. The second quarter of 18th century: shift from neo-classicism to romantic tendencies. 2. 1750’s -1770’s: Industrial Revolution and American Revolution—further development in pre-romanticism in English poetry
his works
“The Poetical Sketches” 素描诗集
“The Songs of Innocence”
“The Songs of Experience”
“Prophetic Books” (“The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”)
In 1800 Blake was taken up by the wealthy William Hayley, poet and patron of poets. The Blakes lived in Hayley's house for three years. In 1803 Blake was charged at Chichester with high treason for having 'uttered seditious and treasonable expressions, such as "D-n the King, d-n all his sibjects..."' but was acquitted.
London, hosier, first educated at home, chiefly by his mother, Henry Pars' drawing school. From early years, he experienced visions of angels, he saw and conversed with the angel Gabriel, the Virgin Mary, and various historical figures. 14, apprenticed for seven years to the engraver James Basire. Gothic art and architecture influenced him deeply.
作为创作方法和风格,浪漫主义在表现现实上, 强调主观与主体性,侧重表现理想世界,把情感 和想象提到创作的首位,常用热情奔放的语言、 超越现实的想象和夸张的手法塑造理想中的形象。 古今中外的文艺创作自始就有这种特色。如中国 屈原、李白的诗歌和吴承恩的小说《西游记》, 德国的歌德和席勒、法国的雨果和乔治· 桑、英 国的拜伦和雪莱等人的作品中都具有鲜明的浪漫 主义特色。

The two collections show how we see things differently at different stages of our lives: first in a state of innocence and when we reach maturity (experience).
great pre-romantic poets
1. William Blake 2. Robert Burns
William Blake
His life
His works
life story
British poet, painter, visionary mystic, and engraver, who illustrated and printed his own books. Blake proclaimed supremacy of the imagination over the rationalism and materialism of the 18th-century. He joined for a time the Swedenborgian Church of the New Jerusalem in London and considered Newtonian science to be superstitious nonsense. Misunderstanding shadowed his career as a writer and artist and it was left to later generations to recognize his importance.
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell prose, describes the poet's visit to Hell, a
device adopted by Blake from Dant源自文库's “Inferno” and Milton's “Paradise Lost”.