[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编22.doc[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编22一、填空题1 According to G Leech, ______meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. (北二外2006研)2 According to G Leech, ______meaning refers to logic, cognitive, or denotative content. (北二外2005研)3 According to G. Leech, ______meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer. (北二外2007研)4 The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the______theory. (中山大学2008研)5 ______is the technical name for the sameness relation. (北二外2007研)6 Terms like "apple", "banana" and "pear" are______of the term "fruit". (北二外2007研)7 "Mary gave a book to Jack" is synonymous with "Jack______a book from Mary." (北二外2005研)8 Terms like "rolling pin" and "ladle" are______of the term "kitchen implements." (北二外2005研)9 Antonyms like "husband" v. "wife" are______antonyms. (北二外2003研)10 Terms like "desk" and "stool" are______of the term "furniture". (北二外2003研)11 ______= PARANT(x, y)&MALE(x)(北二外2005研)12 ______= CHILD (x, y) & MALE (x) (北二外2006研)13 In their book______written in 1923, C. K. Ogden and I.A.Richards presented a" representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favoured. " There are 16 major categories of them, with sub-categories all together, numbering 22. (中山大学2011年研)14 Predication analysis is to break down predications into their constituents; ______ and______.二、判断题15 In the sentence "Money is often said to be the root of all evil", "root" is used in its conceptual meaning. (北二外2007研) (A)真(B)假16 After comparing "They stopped at the end of the corridor." with "At the end of the corridor, they stopped", you may find some difference in meaning, and the difference can be interpreted in terms of collocative meaning. (北二外2006研) (A)真(B)假17 Conceptual meaning overlaps to a large extent with the notion of "reference". (北二外2005研)(A)真(B)假18 When you use your own sentence with a meaning other than the conceptual, the meaning is some- times referred to as speaker's meaning, or contextual meaning. (大连外国语学院2008研)(A)真(B)假19 The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory. (北二外2006研)(A)真(B)假20 Reference is one of the rarely used cohesive devices. (南开大学2005研)(A)真(B)假21 Odgen and Richards argue that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct. (南开大学2004研) (A)真(B)假22 "Tulip", "rose" and "violet" are all included in the notion of "flower". Therefore they are superordinates of "flower". (北二外2006研)(A)真(B)假23 The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is usually known as the principle of COMPOSITIONALITY. (大连外国语学院2008研)(A)真(B)假24 The two words borrow and lend are antonyms but the two sentences "Jan lent some money to Jack" and "Jack borrowed some money from Jan" are synonymous. (北二外2010研) (A)真(B)假25 All the words in a language can be used to refer, but only some have senses. (北二外2010研)(A)真(B)假三、单项选择题26 When the word "root" means "part of plant that keeps it firmly in the soil and absorbs water and food from the soil", the meaning is______meaning. (北二外2004研)(A)connotative(B)conceptual(C)reflected27 ______ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world experience. (西安交大2008研)(A)Reference(B)Concept(C)Semantics(D)Sense28 Which of the following is NOT included in G. Leech's seven types of meaning? (大连外国语学院2008研)(A)Connotative meaning.(B)Denotative meaning.(C)Conceptual meaning.29 According to C. Ogden and I. Richards,______is regarded as the crucial intermediary between______and______. (西安外国语学院2006研)(A)symbol .. . referent ... thought(B)referent . .. thought.. . symbol(C)thought .. . symbol . .. referent30 There are generally three kinds of sense relations recognized, sameness relation, oppositeness relation and inclusiveness relation. They are representedby______respectively. (大连外国语学院2008研)(A)synonymy, antonymy, and hyponymy(B)synonymy, hyponymy, and antonymy(C)antonymy, synonymy, and hyponymy31 Bird and cuckoo have the sense relation of hyponymy. Which of the following pairs of words has the same sense relation? (对外经贸2005研)(A)Vowel and consonant(B)Mouth and tongue(C)Lexicon and word(D)Number and gender32 By componential analysis, BECOME (x, (~ ALIVE(x))) is an explanationof______.(西安外国语学院2006研)(A)die(B)dead(C)kill(D)killed33 The sense relationship between "John plays the piano" and "John plays a musical instrument" is ______.(北二外2004研) (A)synonymy(B)antonymy(C)entailment34 Which of the following are gradable antonyms?(A)good and bad(B)male and female(C)young and old(D)buy and sell35 Conceptual meaning is not______(A)affective(B)cognitive(C)logic(D)denotative36 When the truth of sentence (a) guarantees the truth of sentence (b), and the falsity of sentence (b) guarantees the falsity of sentence (a) , we can say that______.(A)sentence (a) presupposes sentence (b)(B)sentence (a) entails sentence (b)(C)sentence (a) is inconsistent with sentence (b)(D)sentence (a) contradicts sentence (b)37 "Socrates is a man" is a case of______.(A)two-place predicate(B)one-place predicate(C)two-place argument(D)one-place argument四、简答题38 What is the referential theory of meaning? (北交大2005研)39 What are the three kinds of antonyms? (武汉大学2004研)40 What is your opinion on "true synonymy is non-existent"? (四川大学2006研)41 How would you describe the oddness of the following sentences, using semantic features? (浙江大学2004研)(a) The television drank my water.(b) His dog writes poetry.42 Do you think there are true synonyms in English? Why? (厦门大学2010研)43 What is the difference between meaning, concept, connotation, and denotation?44 What is sense and what is reference? How are they related?五、名词解释45 Conceptual meaning (四川大学2010研;武汉大学2007研;上海交大2006研)46 Contextual meaning (浙江大学2005研)47 Concatenation (四川大学2006研)48 Denotation (南开大学2004研)49 Semantic Triangle (大连外国语学院2008研)50 Lexical relations (上海交大2006研)51 Homonymy (上海交大2007研)52 Relational opposites (武汉大学2005研)53 Synonymy (西安交大2008研)54 Componential analysis (浙江大学2005研;北航2008研)55 Entailment (武汉大学2006研)56 Presupposition(武汉大学2004研)57 Polysemy (北外2010研)58 linguistic variable (北外2011研)六、举例说明题59 Please list and explain the 7 types of meaning recognized by G. Leech. (南开大学2004研)60 The British linguist F. R. Palmer argues that "there is no absolute distinction between gradable antonyms and complementary antonyms." Do you believe so? Support your view with examples.(南开大学2007研)61 Words in our mental lexicon are known to be related to one another. Discuss the relationships between words, using examples from the English language. (北外2003研)62 Categorize the following pairs: child - kid, alive - dead, big - small, husband - wife.63 How many semantic relations are there among sentences? Give examples.。

11.中山大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2011,2013)中山大学2013年语言学考研真题考试科目:语言学概论C(用英文考试)I. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary. (10 points)Example: find —/faind/, beneath —/bi'ni: θ/1. empirical2. plagiarize3. compound4. finite5. clause6. phonemics7. threatened8. epiphenomenon9. beta10. generic【答案】1. empirical — / /2. plagiarize —/ /3. compound —//4. finite — //5. clause — //6. phonemics — //7. threatened — //8. epiphenomenon — //9. beta — //10. generic — //II. Fill in the following blanks. (15 points)1. ______ means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.【答案】Displacement2. ______ are produced “by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction”.【答案】Consonants3. The systematic study of morpheme is a branch of linguistics called ______, which studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.【答案】morphology4. Cohesiveness can be realized by employing various cohesive devices: conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, ______, substitution, etc. 【答案】reference5. American Structuralism is a branch of ______ linguistics that emerged in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century.【答案】synchronic6. The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as ______.【答案】interlanguage7. ______ found that Q-based implicatures can be readily cancelled by metalinguistic negation, which does not affect what is said, but R-based implicatures cannot. 【答案】Horn8. The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is usually known as the principle of ______.【答案】compositionality9. During the whole 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat the inquiry of linguistics as a ______ or autonomous pursuit of an independent science.【答案】monistic10. In cognitive terms, ______ is the use of elements of subject’s situatedness todesignate something in the scene.【答案】deixis11. According to ______ (1996), the speech presentation continuum may have thefollowing possibilities: direct speech, indirect speech, narrator’s representation of speech acts and narrator’s representation of speech.【答案】Short12. With the help of ______ linguistics, recently research has moved into the area ofexample-based machine translation. The method uses correct translation as a principal source of information for the creation of new ones.【答案】computational13. In the IPA chart, the sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels.The consonants are then divided into pulmonic and ______ consonants.【答案】non-pulmonic14. According to Halliday, a clause is the simultaneous ______ of ideational,interpersonal, and textual meanings.【答案】realization15. According to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language isnot arbitrary at the ______ level.【答案】syntacticIII. Define the following terms. (50 points)1. recreational function【答案】The recreational function of language refers to the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, such as a baby’s babbling or a chanter’s chanting. To take one example, the well-known movie Liu San Jie features a scene of “dui ge” mostly for the sheer joy of playing on language.2. pharyngeal【答案】Pharyngeal sounds are made with the root of the tongue anf the walls of the pharynx. Arabic is a language which contains pharyngeal fricatives.3. loanshift【答案】It is a process in which the meaning of the words is borrowed, but the form of the words is native. E.g. bridge means 桥牌。

•试看部分内容第一部分考研真题精选一、填空题1. Ch o m s ky p ro po se s th at th e co u r se o f l an gu age a cquisition is determined by a(n) _____language faculty.(中山大学2018研)【答案】innate查看答案【解析】乔姆斯基认为语言习得的过程是由人的内在语言机制决定的。
2. _____ refers to the role language plays in communicati o n(e.g. to e x pre ss i de as, at ti tu de s) o r i n parti cu l a r social situations (e.g. Religious, legal).(北二外2016研)【答案】Fun ctio n查看答案【解析】本题考查语言学中对“语言的功能”的定义。

2009年中山大学外国语学院840语言学概论考研真题及答案I.Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols,with stress marking where necessary(10 points)Example:find—//,beneath—//1.schema2.plurality3.pragmatics4.hierarchy5.iamb6.functional7.ballad8.textual9.syntactic10.variableII.Fill in the following blanks.(15points)1.According to Halliday,of the various speech roles,two are the most basic:giving and taking.In interpersonal commemorations,the commodities exchanged can also fail into two kinds: ______and information.2.______Hypotheses suggests that our language helps mould our way of thinking and, consequently,different languages may probably express speakers’unique ways of understanding the world.3.Jacobson established a well-known framework of language functions based on the six key elements of communication,namely:referential,poetic,emotive,conative,phatic and______ function.4.Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics(utterances)as______5.Our talk exchanges do not normally consist of a succession of disconnected remarks,and would not be rational if they did.They are characteristically,to some degree at least, cooperative efforts;and each participant recognizes in them,to some extent,a common purpose or set of purposes,or at least a mutually accepted direction.In other words,we seem to follow some principle in our conversation this principle is known as______.6.______involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is construed interims of the other. It’s often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain.7.In Systemic Functional Linguistics,______processes are those in which something is done. Those processes are expressed by an action verb,an Actor arid the Goal of the action.8.Behaviorism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of“______ reinforcement.”9.Positional relation,or______,refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.10.______consists of lines in iambic pentameters which do not rhyme.An example is fromRobert Borrowing’s poem Andrea de I Sarto(1855).exposed to should be just far enough beyond their current competence so that they can understand most of it but still be challenged to make progress.12.A general______is a collection of material which is broadly homogeneous,but which isgathered from a variety of sources so that the individuality of a source is obscured,unless there searcher isolates a particular text.13.The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and thedistinction between______and phonology.14.______is the smallest a unit of language in terms of the relationship between expression andcontent,a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning,whether it is lexical or grammatical.15.Chomsky believes that language is somewhat inmate,and that children are born with what hecalls a______which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning.III.Define the following terms.(50points)1.ideational functionmunicative syllabusponential analysis4.cognition5.illocutionary act6.arbitrariness7.concordance8.hyponymy9.assimilation10.Quality MaximIV.Explain the following statements with examples.(30points)1.Words are the most stable of all linguistic units,in respect of their iceman structure,that is,theconstituent parts of a complex word have little potential for rearrangement,compared with the relative positional mobility of the constituents of sentences in the hierarchy.2.Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one ormore of its constituents.3.Concord may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specificword classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category(or categories).V.Answer the following questions with examples where necessary.(45points)1.What is folk etymology?2.What is the difference between regional dialect and social dialect?3.Why is the syllabus very important in a language teaching programmer?参考答案I.Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols,with stress marking where necessary(10 points)1.schema—/'ski:mə/2.plurality—/pluə'ræliti/3.pragmatics—/præɡ'mætiks/4.hierarchy—/'haiərɑ:ki/5.iamb—/'aiæmb/6.functional—/'fʌŋkʃənəl/7.ballad—/'bæləd/8.textual—/'tekstʃuəl/9.syntactic—/sɪn'tæktɪk]/10.variable—/'vɛəriəbl/II.Fill in the following blanks.(15points)1.goods-&-services2.Sapir-Whorf3.metalingualngue and parole5.the Cooperative Principle6.metaphor7.material8.stimulus-response9.word order10.Blank verse11.i+112.corpora13.phonetics14.Morphemenguage acquisition deviceIII.Define the following terms.(50points)according to Halliday,is to convey new information,to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer.Present in all language uses,the ideational function is a meaning potential.The ideational function mainly consists of“transitivity”and“voice”.This function not only specifies the available options in meaning but also determines the nature of their structural realizations.municative syllabus:A communicative syllabus aims at the learner’s communicative competence.Based on a notional-functional syllabus,it teaches the language needed to express and understand different kinds of functions,and emphasizes the process of communication.ponential analysis:It refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components,or semantic features.For example,the meaning of the word boy may be analyzed into three components:HUMAN,YOUNG and MALE.4.cognition:The term“cognition”is used to refer to the mental processes of an individual,with particular relation to a view that argues that the mind has internal mental states(such as beliefs,desires,and intentions)and can be understood in terms of information processing, especially when a lot of abstraction or concretization is involved,or processes such as involving knowledge,expertise or learning for example are at work.Another definition of“cognition”is the mental process or faculty of knowing,including aspects such as awareness,perception, reasoning,and judgment.5.illocutionary act:According to Austin,a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking.An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention;it is the act performed in saying something.Therefore,when somebody says“Morning”,we can ask a question like“What did he mean?”,and the answer could be“He meant it as a greeting”.6.arbitrariness:Arbitrariness refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs have no natural relationship to their meaning.Therefore,we could not explain why a book is called a// and a pen a/pen/.However,onomatopoeic words,which sound like the sounds they describe, are regarded to be non-arbitrary since there seems to be some sound-meaning association.7.concordance:It is also known as agreement,and could be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.For example,in English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number as in“this man”,“these men”;“a book”,“same books”.8.hyponymy:It refers to the sense relationship between a more general,more inclusive and a more specific word.The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordiante, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms.For example,the hyponymy relationship could be established between“animal”and“rabbit”.9.assimilation:It is a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.It is often used synonymously with co-articulation.Nasalization, dentalization and,velarization are all instances of assimilation.There are two possibilities of assimilation:if a following sound is influencing a preceding sound,it is regressive assimilation; the converse process,in which a preceding sound is influencing a following sound,is known as progressive assimilation.For example,in“mink”,“n”,which is originally pronounced as/n/,will be velarized by the following“k”/k/,and therefore the word will be pronounced as //.refers to:Try to make your contribution one that is true.1)Do not say what you believe to be false.2)Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.IV.Explain the following statements with examples.(30points)1.Words are the most stable of all linguistic units,in respect of their iceman structure,that is,the constituent parts of a complex word have little potential for rearrangement,compared with the relative positional mobility of the constituents of sentences in the hierarchy.Key:Words are the most stable of all linguistic units,in respect of their internal structure. Generally speaking,it is hard for us to rearrange the internal structure of a complex word into a different order.For example,the word nothingness cannot be re-arranged as*nessnothing, the latter is an unacceptable word in English;nor can chairman be rearranged as*manchair. But it is all right for us to rearrange the parts or constituents in a sentence to a certain degree. For example:a.John is a clever boy.a’.A clever boy John is.b.The chairman looked at the audience.b’.The audience looked at the chairman.2.Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents.Key:An endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent,or approaching equivalence,to one of its constitutes,which serves as the center,or head,of the whole.Hence,an endocentric construction is also known as a headed construction.Its constituents,i.e.,a word or a group of words,serve as a definable Center or ually noun phrases,verb phrases and adjective phrases belong to endocentric types because the constituent items are subordinate to the Head.For example:in the phrases these two oldest stone bridges,will be leaving,very late,“bridge,”“leaving,”and“late”are heads,which can substitute for the phrase as a whole.3.Concord may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category(or categories).Key:Concord,also known as agreement,may be defined as the requirement that forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.For example,in English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number as in this man.These men;a book,some books.And the form of a subject should agree with that of the verb in terms of number in the present tense as is shown by He speaks English,They speak English.In language like French,there are more cases of concord.The articles and adjectives should agree in number with the noun they modify,as mentioned earlier.And they should also agree in gender.V.Answer the following questions with examples where necessary.(45points)Key:Folk etymology refers to a change of the form of a word or phrase resulting from an incorrect popular notion of the origin or meaning of the term or from the influence of more familiar terms mistakenly taken to be analogous As a result,the word sparrowgrass in English derived from asparagus;the Spanish cucaracha changed into English cockroach.Wiz in he’s a wiz at math is a shortened form of“wizard”(a man who has magic powers,and hence a man of amazing abilities).However,it was interpreted as“a man of intellectual quickness”here, which finally led to the variant whiz.2.What is the difference between regional dialect and social dialect?Key:Regional dialects refer to varieties of a language spoken in a geographical area,such as Cockney dialect,and Yorkshire dialect in Britain,or North Midland dialect and South Midland dialect in the United States,and Guangdong dialect(Cantonese)in China.A regional dialect carries a lot of information about the speaker.In some Chinese films,Mao Zedong speaks Hunan dialect,which makes the story more authentic.Social dialects refer to varieties of a language used by people belonging to particular social classes.Since members of a speech community bind themselves together in groups for gains,security,amusement,or solidarity,they tend to use the same kind of language which is highly stratified in terms of social division,such as class,professional,status,age and sex. Social dialects may be categorized as high or low in status as illustrated by the following in English,for example:1)He and I were going there(higher social dialect);2)‘im‘n me was goin’there(lower social dialect).3.Why is the syllabus very important in a language teaching programmer?Key:Syllabus design is of fundamental importance in language teaching.In some sense, syllabus design is a bridge between language teaching theory and language teaching practice. It translates theoretical understanding of language teaching and sets up an operable framework in which language teaching takes place.The most important part of syllabus design is selecting and sequencing language items.Obviously,the selecting and sequencing of language items should be based on a sound understanding of the language system itself.It is here where linguistics has an important role to play.。

目 录2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2004年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2005年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解2006年中山大学外国语学院348基础英语考研真题及详解2007年中山大学外国语学院738基础英语考研真题及详解2008年中山大学外国语学院616基础英语考研真题及详解2009年中山大学外国语学院628基础英语考研真题及详解2010年中山大学外国语学院622基础英语考研真题及详解2011年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2012年中山大学外国语学院632基础英语考研真题及详解2013年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2014年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2015年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2016年中山大学外国语学院637基础英语考研真题及详解2017年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2018年中山大学外国语学院638基础英语考研真题及详解2003年中山大学外国语学院352基础英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Reading (30%)Green Wave Washes Over Mainstream Shopping Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group among shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.A report from Mintel, the market research organization, says that despite recession and financial pressures, more people than ever want to buy environmentally friendly products and a “green wave” has swept through consumerism, taking in people previously untouched by environmental concerns. The recently published report also predicts that the process will repeat itself with “ethical” concerns, involving issues such as fair trade with the Third World and the social record of businesses. Companies will have to be more honest and open in response to this mood.Mintel’s survey, based on nearly 1,000 consumers, found that the proportion who look for green products and are prepared to pay more for them has climbed from 53 percent in 1990 to around 60 percent in 1994. On average, they will pay 13 percent more for such products, although this percentage is higher among women, managerial and professional groups and those aged 35 to 44.Between 1990 and 1994 the proportion of consumers claiming to be unaware of or unconcerned about green issues fell from 18 to 10 percent but the number of green spender among older people and manual workers has risen substantially. Regions such as Scotland have also caught up with the south of England in their environmental concerns. According to Mintel, the image of green consumerism as associated in the past with the more eccentric members of society has virtually disappeared. The consumer research manager for Mintel, Angela Hughes, said it had become firmly established as a mainstream market. She explained that as far as the average person is concerned environmentalism has not “gone off the boil”. In fact, it has spread across a much wider range of consumer groups, ages and occupations.Mintel’s 1994 survey found that 13 percent of consumers are “very dark green”, nearly always buying environmentally friendly products, 28 percent are “dark green”, trying “as far as possible” to buy such products, and 21 percent are “pale green” tending to buy green products if they see them. Another 26 percent are “armchair greens”; they said they care about environmental issues but their concern does not affect their spending habits. Only 10 percent say they do not care about green issues.Four in ten people are “ethical spenders”, buying goods which do not, for example, involve dealings with oppressive regimes. This figure is the same as in 1990, although the number of “armchair ethicals” has risen from 28 to 35 percent and only 22 percent say they are, unconcerned now, against 30 percent in 1990. Hughes claims that in the twenty-first century, consumers will be encouraged to think more about the entire history of the products and services they buy, including the policies of the companies that provide them and that this will require a greater degree of honesty with consumers.Among green consumers, animal testing is the top issue—48 percent said they would be deterred from buying a product if it had been tested on animals—followed by concerns regarding irresponsible selling, the ozone layer, river and sea pollution, forest destruction, recycling and factor farming. However, concern for specific issues is lower than in 1990, suggesting that many consumers feel that Government and business have taken on the environmental agenda.Questions 1-6Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer of the passage? In your answer booklet write YES, NO, or NOT GIVEN for each statement.1. The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.2. Being financially better off has made shoppers more sensitive to buying ‘green’.3. The majority of shoppers are prepared to pay more for the benefit of the environment according to the research findings.4. Consumers’ green shopping habits are influenced by Mintel’s findings.5. Mintel has limited their investigation to professional and managerial groups.6. Mintel undertakes market surveys on an annual basis.【答案与解析】1. YES(文章通篇没有多提政治,除了第一段“politicians claims environmentalism is yesterday’s issue”,本文更多的是从消费者的角度来讨论这一问题的。
[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编25.doc[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编25一、填空题1 There has been a maxim in______which claims that "You are what you say". (中山大学2008研)2 The theory of conversational implicature was proposed by______. (中山大学2008研)3 ______were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable.4 In making conversation, the general principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the______principle proposed by J. Grice.5 In Austin's How to Do Things with word, he first distinguishes performativesand______, later on Austin made a flesh start to distinguish ______,______and perlocutionary act.二、单项选择题6 The speech act theory was developed by______. (对外经贸2006研)(A)John Searle(B)John Austin(C)Levinson(D)G. Leech7 ______is using a sentence to perform a function. (西安外国语学院2006研)(A)Perlocutionary act(B)An illocutionary act(C)A locutionary act(D)Speech act8 By saying "You have left the door wide open", a speaker might be performing the three acts: locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary______. (西安交通大学2008研)(A)at the same time(B)one after another(C)two first and then the other(D)one first and then the other two9 The Illocutionary Act was developed by______. (西安交通大学2008研)(A)John Austin(B)Levinson(C)John Lyons(D)John Searle10 According to the conversation maxim of______suggested by Grice, one should speak truthfully. (西安外国语学院2006研) (A)quantity(B)quality(C)relevance(D)manner11 Which of the following is NOT one of the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle? (对外经济贸易大学2006研) (A)the maxim of quantity(B)the maxim of quality(C)the maxim of manner(D)the maxim of strength12 Four categories of Maxims in Grice's Cooperative Principle include all the following except______.(大连外国语学院2008研) (A)Manner(B)Relation(C)Qualification三、简答题13 What are the major concerns of pragmatics? (人大2006研)14 How would you describe this short exchange in terms of the ardors performed by the speakers?Motorist: My car needs new exhaust system.Mechanic: I'll be busy with this other car all day. (浙江大学2005研)15 What are the four maxims of the co-operative principle? Which maxim does this speaker seem to be particularly careful about; "Well, to be quite honest, I don't think she is ill today." (北二外2010研;上海交大2006研)16 Conversational implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theoryin that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or 言外之意 Chinese. (中山大学2005研)17 Decide which maxim of the cooperative principle has been flouted in the following utterances and what implicature can be drawn. (厦门大学2006研)(1) A: Can you tell me the secret? B: But John is there.(2) A: Let's go to the movies. B: I'll bring the Kleenex.(3) A: Would you drive a Mercedes?B: I wouldn't drive ANY expensive car.18 What's conversational implicature? (西安交大2008研)19 Analyze the following dialogue with reference to Grice's Cooperative Principle: (北二外2007研)A: Where is X?B: He's gone to the market. He said so where he left.20 In what ways do people cooperate in their conversations? (人大2006研)21 What is your understanding of Relevance Theory? (南开大学2009研)22 Do you think B is cooperative in the following dialogue? Support your argument with Cooperative Principle. (南开大学2004研)A: When is the bus coming?B: There has been an accident further up the road.四、名词解释23 Locutionary Act, Illocutinary Act and Perlocutionary Act(北航2010研;北交大2005研)24 Performatives(中山大学2008研)25 Conversational implicature (川大2010研;武汉大学2004研;北京交通大学2007研)26 Cooperative principle (北二外2010研;北京师范大学2003研)27 Violation of maxims (北交大2006研)28 Applied linguistics(中山大学201 1年研)五、举例说明题29 When a teacher says "It's so hot in here." during a class, what does she probably mean? Refer to the theory of pragmatics when you analyze the situation. (人大2002研)30 A speech act consists of three related acts according to J. L. Austin's Speech Act theory. What are they? Analyze the following conversation in the light of Speech Act theory. (北航2008研)Customer: Waiter! There's a fly in my soup.Waiter: Don' t worry, there's no extra charge.31 Imagine you were at a bus stop and two people approached you one after the other. The first said:“哎,几点了?”and the second said:“不好意思,打搅一下,请问您戴表了吗?”What assumptions would you make if you were addressed in these two ways and why would you make them? (北外2007研)32 Discuss the following advertisemen t extensively: “你不理财,财不理你”. (浙江大学2007研)33 What kind of linguistic phenomenon can you identify in the following dialogue? Define, analize and explain the phenomenon. (北外2010研)甲:上车请买票。
[考研类试卷]2013年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷一、音标题1 Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.(10 points)Example: find—/faind/ beneath—/bi'ni:θ/empirical2 plagiarize3 compound4 finite5 clause6 phonemics7 threatened8 epiphenomenon9 beta10 genetic二、填空题11 ______means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present(in time and space)at the moment of communication.12 ______ are produced by a closure in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction.13 The systematic study of morpheme is a branch of linguistics called ______, which studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.14 Cohesiveness can be realized by employing various cohesive devices: conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, ______, substitution, etc.15 American Structuralism is a branch of______linguistics that emerged in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century.16 The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as ______.17 ______found that Q-based implicatures can be readily cancelled by metalinguistic negation, which does not affect what is said, but R-based implicatures cannot.18 The idea that the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined is usually known as the principle of______19 During the whole 20th century, a great deal of efforts has been taken to treat the inquiry of linguistics as a ______ or autonomous pursuit of an independent science.20 In cognitive terms, ______ is the use of elements of subject's situatedness to designate something in the scene.21 According to ______(1996), the speech presentation continuum may have the following possibilities; direct speech, indirect speech, narrator's representation of speech acts and narrator's representation of speech.22 With the help of______ linguistics, recently research has moved into the area of example-based machine translation. The method uses correct translation as a principal source of information for the creation of new ones.23 In the IPA chart, the sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels. The consonants are then divided into pulmonic and ______ consonants.24 According to Halliday, a clause is the simultaneous______of ideational, interpersonal, and textual meanings.25 According to systemic-functionalists and American functionalists, language is not arbitrary at the ______ level.三、名词解释26 Recreational function27 Pharyngeal28 Loanshift29 Tree diagram30 Sense relations31 Scale schema32 Perlocutionary act33 Emoticons34 Linguistic determinism35 System of signs四、举例说明题36 Languages differ in their degrees of dependence on the morphological components.37 Chomsky's Transformational-Generative Grammar has been challenged by a number of other approaches to language.38 Language learning can take place when the learner has enough access to input in the target language.五、简答题39 What is PowerPoint and why is it so important in language teaching?40 What aspects of language can one focus if one wants to analyze a novel or a story?41 To what extent can one say that a piece of classroom work can be regarded as a task in language teaching and learning?。

performative utterance
mood creole plosive
第二个是什么life gives us different experiences 然后影响到the impression of the utterance?大概是这样。
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然后莎士比亚的sonnet 18
14题简答sonnet 18的主题
15题john donne的诗一首我没读过的诗然后分析这首诗的metaphysical conceit 问诗的流派及其特点.
16题12分emerson的nature 问是如何体现他的玄学理念的
[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编28.doc[考研类试卷]英语专业(语言学)历年真题试卷汇编28一、填空题1 The type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to as______. (中山大学2008研)2 ______is formed when the leaner attempts to learn a new language, and it has features of both the first language and the second language but is neither. (中山大学2006研)3 Hymes' theory leads to notion/function-based syllables, and a step further,______syllabuses. (中山大学2005研)4 Error is the grammatically incorrect form; ______ appears when the language is correct grammatically but improper in a communicational context. (中山大学2008研)5 As a compromise between the "purely form-focused approaches" and the "purely meaning-focused" approaches, a recent movement called______seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning. (中山大学2011年研)二、单项选择题6 In Krashen's monitor theory, "i" in "i + 1" hypothesis of second language acquisition refers to ______. (对外经贸2006研) (A)interaction(B)interference(C)input(D)intake7 The______is a syllabus in which the language content is arranged in terms of speech acts together with the languageitems needed for them. (西安外国语学院2006研)(A)structural syllabus(B)situational syllabus(C)notional syllabus(D)functional syllabus8 Negative transfer in learning a second language is known as______.(A)interference(B)interlanguage(C)fossilization(D)acculturation9 ______sees errors as the result of the intrusion of L1 habits over which the learner had no control.(A)error analysis(B)performance analysis(C)contrastive analysis(D)discourse analysis三、简答题10 How do you understand interlanguage? (西安交通大学2008研)11 What are the four obvious barriers to adult 12 acquisition? (浙江大学2003研)12 Linguists have taken an internal and/or external focus to the study of language acquisition. What is the difference between the two?(北外201 1研)13 What is the difference between mistakes and errors?14 What are the distinctions between interlingual and intralingual errors?15 What are the different views of input hypothesis and interaction hypothesis on discourse's contribution to languageacquisition?四、名词解释16 Applied linguistics (武汉大学2006研)17 Interlanguage (北外2010研;北航2010研;上海交大2005研)18 Contrastive analysis (北航2010研;浙江大学2004研)19 face validity (南开大学2011年研)20 Error Analysis (中山大学2011年研)五、举例说明题21 Krashen's Input Hypothesis and Language Learning.(北交大2006研)22 Explain one of the teaching approaches that you're familiar with and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. (浙江大学2004研)23 What do you think are the similarities and dissimilarities between learning a first anda second language? (北外2003研)24 What is communicative competence? How should we develop it in our foreign lauguage learning? (四川大学2009研)25 Read the following paragraphs and then answer four questions. (北外201 1年研) The idea behind the experiential vision of learning is that the use of the target language for communicative purposes is not only the goal of learning, but also a means of learning in its own right. This may clearly involve students using language which they may not have fully mastered, and contrasts with other more ' traditional' approaches which emphasize part practice (i. e., isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning)leading up in a more or less controlled manner to integrated language use for communicative purposes. An experientialapproach to learning may therefore involve a degree of what Johnson (1982) refers to as an ' in at the deep end strategy'. Simply throwing learners into wholly uncontrolled and undirected language use is, of course, as dubious a strategy with respect to language learning as doing the same with someone who is learning to swim. For this reason, considerable effort has been devoted by methodologists, material writers, and teachers in recent decades to the way in which two sets of factors can be combined. One is the basic insight that language use can serve a significant role in promoting learning, and the other is the acknowledgement that use of the language needs to be structured in a coherent and pedagogically manageable way. The experiential vision of learning has evolved in a variety of ways since the 1960s and is now encountered in a number of differing forms. Nevertheless, most experiential approaches to learning rest on five main principles which were developed in the earlier days of the communicative movement, even if certain receive more attention in one variant than in another. These principles are the following: message focus, holistic practice, the use of authentic materials, the use of communication strategies, and the use of collaborative modes of learning. (Tudor 2001: 79) An analytical view of learning posits that according explicit attention to the regularitiesof language and language use can play a positive role in learning. Each language manifests a number of structural regularities in areas such as grammar, lexis and phonology, and also with respect to the ways in which these elements are combined to communicate messages. The question, therefore, is not whether languages have structural regularities or not, but whether and in which way explicit attention to such regularitiescan facilitate the learning of the language. An analytical approach to learning rests on a more or less marked degree of part practice, i. e. , isolating parts of the whole for explicit study and learning, even if its ultimate goal remains the development of learners' abilityto put these parts together for integrated, holistic use. At least, two main considerations lend support to an analytical approach to learning. First, in terms of learning in general , the isolation and practice of sub-parts of a target skill is a fairly common phenomenon. ... Second, explicit identification of regularities in a language has advantages which Johnson (1996: 83) refers to as 'generativity' and ' economy'. Mastering a regularity in a language gives learners access to the generative potential of this regularity in new circumstances. ... Explicit presentation or discovery of the structural regularities of a language can therefore represent a short-cut to mastery of this language and support learners' ability to manipulate these regularities for communicative purposes. (Tudor 2001: 86-7)1. What are the differences between experiential and analytical modes of language learning?2. What serves as the theoretical foundation for the experiential mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?3. What serves as the theoretical foundation for the analytical mode of language learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?4. How would you balance the two modes of learning in your teaching or learning of a foreign language?26 How many types of data analysis have been employed in language acquisition research? How are these types of dataanalysis significant in SLA research?。

中山大学2004年英语专业考研英美文学专业试题Entrance EXAM for 2004M. A- ProgramSchool of Foreign Languages Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) UniversityBritish and American LiteratureDuration: 3 hoursTotal Score: 150 marksInstructions: Answer all the 3 questions in Part One and any 3 questions in Part Two. You are required to answer 6 questions altogether.Part OneI. Explain briefly any 3 of the terms listed below (20%)A. American RenaissanceB. EpicC. Metaphysical poetryD. ModernismE. Theatre of the AbsurdII. Comment briefly on any 2 of the following characters. (20%)A. Captain AhabB. Tom JonesC. GatsbyD. Andrea del SartoE. King LearIII. Match the literary work with the author. For each question (A-T) fill in the blank with one figure (1-20). (20%)Example: David Copperfield 2 1. Jack London2. Charles DickensA. The Portrait of a Lady 1. William Carlos WilliamsB. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 2. Walt WhitmanC. TheWasteland 3. Henry FieldingD. TheRainbow 4. Eugene O'NeillE. Leaves of Grass 5. T. S. EliotF. TomJones 6.Charles LambG. BleakHouse 7. Henry JamesH. The Iceman Cometh 8. Charles DickensI. Essays of Elia _____ 9. D. H. LawrenceJ.Paterson10. Mark TwainK. A Streetcar Named Desire 11. John MiltonL. TheAlchemist 12. William FaulknerM.Walden13. Ben JohnsonN. Ode to a Nightingale 14. Tennessee WilliamsO.Catch-2215. James JoyceP. ParadiseLost 16. John RealsQ.Ulysses17. Joseph HellerR.Howl18. H. D. ThoreauS. The Sound and the Fury 19. Joseph ConradT. Heart ofDarkness 20. Allen GinsbergPart TwoIV. A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem of iambic pentameter. It was originated in Italy in the 14th century and introduced to England by Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey. Since then it has been a form of poetry muchfavored by the English poets. William Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. However, the Shakepearean or English sonnet is different from the Italian. Explain the differences of the two kinds of sonnets. (30%)V. According to many critics, Francis Bacon is the father of the English essay while Charles Lamb, the Shakespeare of it. Make a comment on the statement (30%)VI. In what sense do you think that critical realism is a suitable label for the realistic novels in 19th century England? (30%)VII. How do you interpret the concept “the code heroes,” which refers to a certain group of characters created by Hemingway? Give examples to support your point (30%)VIII. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was praised by Hemingway as a book from which “all modern American literature comes.” How do you interpret Hemingway’s comment? (30%)IX. Give a brief introduction to one of your favorite writers in British or American literature (30%)中山大学2004年英美文学参考答案Part OneI.Explain briefly any 3 of the terms listed below (20%)A.American Renaissance, also called American Romanticism, is one of the most important periods in the history of American literature. (2) It was a rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism. For romantics, the feelings, intuitions and emotions were more important than reason and common sense. They emphasized individualism, placing the individual against the group. They affirmed the inner life of the self, and cherished strong interest in the past, the wild, the remote, the mysterious and the strange. They stressed the element “Americanness” in their works. (3) Transcendentalism is the summit of American Renaissance, which emphasized the importance of individual inspiration and intuition, the Over-soul, and Nature. (4) It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. (4) Being a period of the great flowering of American literature, it is also called“the American Renaissance.” (5) American Romanticists include such literary figures as Washington Irving, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wordsworth Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, Walt Whitman and some others.B.Epic, in poetry, refers to a long work dealing with the actions of gods and heroes. (2) Beowulf is the greatest national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. John Milton wrote three great epics: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes.C.Metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. (2) With a rebellious spirit, the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. (3) The diction is simple as compared with that of the Elizabethan or the Neoclassical periods, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech. (4) Theimagery is drawn from actual life.D. Modernism is an international movement in literature and arts, especially in literary criticism, which began in the late 19th century and flourished until 1950s. (2) Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical case. (3) The modernist writers concentrate more on the private and subjunctive than on the public and objective, mainly concerned with the innerof an individual. (4) James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner are prominent modernist writers.E. The Theater of Absurd is a kind of drama that explains an existential ideology and presents a view of the absurdity of the human condition by the abandoning of usual or rational devices and the use of nonrealistic form. (2) The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett, who wrote about human beings living a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world. His play, Waiting for Godot, is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd.ment briefly on any 2 of the following characters. (20%)A、Captain Ahab is the main character in Melville’s greatest allegorical novel Moby-Dick. (2) Ahab, the domineering captain on board his ship Pequod, with an overwhelming obsession, is determined to kill the whale which has crippled him. (3) In order to kill the whale, Moby Dick, he deliberately involves the crew in his revenge. At the end of the story everybody dies except Ishmael who survives to tell the story. (4) For Ahab, the whale represents only evil. Moby Dick is like a wall, hiding some unknown, mysterious things behind. Ahab wills the whole crew on the Pequod to join him in the pursuit of the big whale so as to pierce the wall, to root out the evil, but only to be destroyed by evil, in this case, by his own consuming desire, his madness. (5) Ahab remains one of the most fascinating characters in world literature.B、Tom Jones is the main character in Fielding’s Tom Jones. (2) In the novel Tom Jones stands for a drifting Everyman who is expelled from the paradise and has to undergo hard experiences to gain some knowledge of himself to approach perfection.C、Gatsby is the main character in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.(2) Gatsby’s tragedy could be tackled in the following possible ways. Gatsby’s dream is empty of substantiality in the way he incarnates his dream in a girl he idealizes, and the girl (Daisy) turns out to be veryselfish and indifferent to his true love; he is a man who clings to the past which has gone forever; he is doomed because the world around is a land of spiritual ashes, full of careless drivers who have no sense of wonder about life, But he is great in that he still holds a dream that proves to be incorruptible. (3) Gatsby’s tragedy emb odies the disillusionment of the American Dream.D、King Lear is the main character in Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear.(2) King Lear is a self-willed ruler who suffers from treachery and infidelity on account of his irresponsibility and vanity. (3) In King Lear, Shakespeare has not only made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism. (4) Shakespeare points out that a king or ruler must be responsible to his people.III. III.Match the literary work with the author. For each question (A-T) fill in the blank with one figure (1-20). (20%)A-7 B-10 C-5 D-9 E-2 F-3 G-8 H-4 I-6 J-1 K-14 L-13 M-18 N-John Keats O-17 P-11 Q-15 R-20 S-12 T-19Part TwoIV. Sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines of iambic pentameter with a rigid rhyme scheme. This verse form was first employed by the Italian poets in the early period of the Renaissance and came to perfection in the hands of Dante and especially ofPetrarch. It was introduced into England in the 16th century, and adopted by many English poets, with chiefly two variants: the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet form and the English or Shakespearean. The chief difference between the two forms lies in their two different rhyme schemes: abba, abba, cdcdcd or abba, abba, cdecde for the Italian or Petrarchan form and abab, cdcd, efef, gg for the English or Shakespearean. All of Shakepeare’s 154 sonnets belong to the latter type.V. (1) Bacon is best known for his Essays that is the first example of that genre in English literature. Of Studies is the most popular of Bacon’s essays. His essays deal with a variety of topics about almost all aspects of life. They are characterized by forcefulness, persuasiveness, compactness and precision. These qualities have earned Bacon the father of the English essay. (2) Charles Lamb is a well-known essayist in the English Romantic Period. He wrote a series of essays collected in his famous “Essays of Elia”. In these essays Lamb chats with the reader on various topics and reveals his charming personality.The most striking feature of Lamb’s essays is his humor. He is universally acknowledged to be unique as an English humorist. Like other humorists, he could tell a ridiculous story in the most solemn tone. He is a master of puns and jokes. Lamb’s style is touched with archaism, interspersed with quotations from his favorite authors but always faithful to his own personality. It is highly artistic but inimita ble. In short, Lamb’s essays are familiar essays in the best sense of the term. His “Essays of Elia” is Lamb’s greatest contribution to the treasury of English literature. Lamb is, therefore, regarded as the Shakespeare of the English essay.VI. (1) In the 19th century England the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the18th-century realist novel, novelists in this period carried their duty forward to the criticism of the society and the defense of the mass. Although writing from different points of view and with different techniques, they shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people. They were angry with the inhuman social institutions, the decaying social morality as represented by the money-worship and Utilitarianism, and the widespread misery, poverty and injustice. Their truthf ul picture of people’s life and bitter and strong criticism of the society had done much in awakening the public consciousness to the social problems and in the actual improvement of the society. Charles Dickens, the Bronte Sisters and Thomas Hardy are typical novelists of the Victorian period. (2) Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. It is his serious intention to expose and criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness he saw all around him. In his works, Dickens sets out a full map and a large-scale criticism of the 19th-century England, particularly London. A combination of optimism about people and realism about society is present from the very beginning. In his early novels, he attacks one or more specific social evils in each: For example, the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life in Oliver Twist; the debtor’s prison in David Copperfield; themoney-worship that dominates people’s life, corrupt s the young and brings tragedy to Mr. Dombey’s family in Dombey and Son, etc. be found.(3) Being faithful to reality of the 19th century England English writers are labeled as the realistic novelists.VII. (1) The code hero refers to a literary character who clings to a certain set of rules or principles invented by a particular writer. (2) Hemingway is a case in point. Hemingway deals with a limited range of characters in quite similar circumstances and measure them againstan unvarying code, known as “grace under pressure”. Those who survive in the process of seeking to master the code with the honesty, the discipline, and the restraint are Hemingway Code heroes. Such a hero usually is an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent. He keeps emotions under control, stoic and self-disciplined. He fights a solitary struggle against a force he does not even understand. The Hemingway hero possesses a kind of “despairing courage”. It is this courage that enables a man to behave like a man, to assert his dignity in face of adversity. (3) Barnes in The Sun Also Rises and Santiago in The Old Man and The Sea are such heroes.VIII. (1) Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America. H. L. Mencken considered him “the true father of our national literature.” With works like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain shaped the world’s view of America. He made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done. Adventures of Huckleberr y Finn, a boy’s book specially written for the adults, is Twain’s most representative work. These two books, especially the latter, proved to be the milestone in American literature, and thus firmly established Twain’s position in the literary world. (2) A s a sequel to Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn marks the climax of Twain’s literary creativity. Hemingway once described the novel the one book from which “all modern American literature comes.” The language of the novel is simple, direct, lucid , and faithful to the colloquial speech which is best described as “vernacular”. With his great mastery and effective use of vernacular, Twain has made colloquial speech an accepted, respectable literary medium. (3) In it he created for American Literature an image of a typical American boy that stays in the hearts of American readers. (4) His style of language influenced many later writers like Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, etc. The profound portrait of Huckleberry Finn is another great contribution of the book to the legacy of American literature.IX. Robert Frost has long been well known as a poet who can hardly be classified with the old or the new. Unlike his contemporaries in the early 20th century, he did not break up with the poetic tradition nor made any experiment on form. Instead, he learned from the tradition, especially the familiar conventions of nature poetry and of classical pastoral poetry, and made the colloquial New England speech into a poetic expression. Many of his poems are fragrant with natural quality. Images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from the simple country life and the pastoral landscape. Profound ideas are delivered under the disguise of the plain language and simple form. What Frost did is to take symbols from the limited human world and the pastoral landscape to refer to the great world beyond the rustic scene. By using simple spoken language and conversational rhythms and treating seemingly trivial subject, Frost achieves an effortless grace in his style. He combines traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm. He writes in both the metrical forms and the free verse, and sometimes he writes in a form that might be called semi-free or semi-conventional. If America had a national poet in the 20th century, it is certainly Robert Frost.。

2017年中山大学833英语语言文学考研真题及详解Part ⅠLinguistics (75 points)1. Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary. (20 points)Example: see /siː/; below / bɪ'ləʊ/(1) thank【答案】/θæŋk/(2) curious【答案】/'kjʊəriəs/(3) butcher【答案】/'bʊtʃə(r)/(4) washed【答案】/wɒʃt/(5) competence【答案】/'kɒmpɪtəns/(6) singer【答案】/'sɪŋə(r)/(7) column【答案】/'kɒləm/(8) chimney【答案】/'tʃɪmni/(9) expertise【答案】/ˌekspɜ:'ti:z/(10) confused【答案】/kən'fju:zd/2. Fill in the following blanks. (10 points)(1) When languages share major features that transcend families it may be useful toarrange them by such features rather than by family. This is the study of _____. 【答案】language【解析】Linguistics is the scientific study of language.(2) A principal distinction between morphology and syntax is that the former isconcerned with the internal composition of a word, whereas the latter is concerned with _____ of words.【答案】combinations【解析】Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning- morphemes and word -formation processes. Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structure.(3) _____ _____ is the accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, with arelationship to regional accents similar to the relationship in other European languages between their standard varieties and their regional forms.【答案】Received pronunciation【解析】Received pronunciation is an accent of Standard English in the United Kingdom, and is defined as “the standard accent of English as spoken in the south of England”.(4) Cognates are words that have a _____ etymological origin.【答案】common【解析】A word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language.(5) A _____ condition is a condition that must apply before an utterance can constitute a speech act.【答案】felicity【解析】Though performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. These conditions are called felicity conditions.(6) Embedding is the _____ of one clause within another.【答案】inclusion【解析】Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination.(7) Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of _____principally transmitted by vocal sounds.【答案】symbols【解析】Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.(8) The means employed by a language to indicate the relationship between theelements of a sentence include _____ _____, a case system, prepositions and particles.【答案】relative clause【解析】The elements of a sentence can be linked grammatically by means of relative clause, a case system, prepositions and particles.(9) _____ refers to the way that a word has a form appropriate to the number orgender of the noun or pronoun it relates to.【答案】Agreement【解析】Agreement or concord is defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another., shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category (or categories).(10) When we consider how language has changed over time we are looking at itfrom a _____ point of view.【答案】diachronic【解析】When we study language developments through time, it is called diachronic linguistics. It focuses on the differences in two or more than two states of language over decades or centuries.3. Define the following terms. (25 points)(1) assimilation【答案】Sounds belonging to one word or one syllable can cause changes in soundsbelonging to neighboring words or syllables. This is called assimilation. For example, in English the negative prefix occurs as im- before words such as possible: impossible. As “possible”starts with a bilabial sound, the prefix im- ends in a bilabial sound. Before words like tolerant, however, the prefix is in-: intolerant. As “tolerant” starts with an alveolar sound, the prefix in- ends in an alveolar sound. As the following sounds bring about the change, this process is called regressive assimilation. On the other hand, the difference between the [s] in the English word cats and the [z] in the English word “dogs”is an example of progressive assimilation because the preceding sounds bring about the change.(2) performative utterance【答案】Austin distinguishes two types of sentences: performatives and constatives. Some sentences do not describe things. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. Although performatives cannot be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. And these conditions are called felicity conditions.(3) mood【答案】Mood is one of the realization means of interpersonal function. Mood shows what role the speaker selects in the speech situation and what he assigns to the addressee. If the speaker selects the imperative mood, he assumes the role of。

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逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学352口腔综合2005-2018年考研真题试卷逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学653马克思主义基本原理考研真题与答案(2005-2018)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学849专业综合基础考研真题与答案(2003-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学652政治学原理2004-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大838新闻与传播实务及研究方法考研真题及答案(2009-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学644视觉传播学2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学648交互设计2011-2014年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学839设计学2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 306临床医学综合能力(西医)历年考研真题与答案详解【2005-2018年】[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学353卫生综合2005-2018年考研真题与答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学677数学分析与高等代数2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学662数学分析1999-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学861高等代数2000-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学867水文学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学866地理学基础2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学866城市规划原理2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学865遥感与地理信息系统2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学668区域分析与规划2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学846民族学理论与方法2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学647社会学理论2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学843人口统计学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学844人类学理论与方法2007-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学845民俗学理论与方法2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学842社会研究方法与社会统计学2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学649人类学概论2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学648人口理论2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学教育学(A)2005-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学计算机应用基础2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学642教育学(B)1997-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学现代教育技术2010-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学教育管理学2010-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学教育综合2010-2018年考研真题及答案逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学642教育学及运动训练学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学878电子技术基础2005、2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学895道路工程2009-2015年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学873交通工程学2010-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学875水力学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学872理论力学2010-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学879有机化学(B)2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学881信号与系统(B)2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学602高等数学(B)2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学874工程热力学2006-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学813逻辑学概论2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学812中国哲学史2003-2018年考研真题试卷(不含07)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学811马克思主义哲学2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学621一元微积分2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学624中国美学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学815宗教理论2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学816科学哲学2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学620西方哲学史2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学海洋地质2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学887海洋学导论2010-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学888自然地理学2003-2016年考研真题试卷(不含07-09,14)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学241英语考研真题及答案(2003-2018年,不含04)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学242俄语考研真题试卷与答案(2005-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学243日语2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学244法语2003-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学245德语2004-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学246西班牙语2009-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学247韩语2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学248阿拉伯语2011-2014、2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学641基础日语2003-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学640基础德语2004-2018年考研真题试卷逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学639基础法语2003-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学832语言学概论(B)2007-2016年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学886管理学(B)2010-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学885经济学(含微观和宏观经济学)2011-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学613现代汉语与语言学概论2008-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学806古汉语与古文字2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学611文学评论写作2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学804文学理论(含中西文论)2005-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学616作品评论2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学618非物质文化遗产学2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学810戏曲与民俗2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学809世界文学2005-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学807中国古代文学与批评2005-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学612语言学概论2005-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学615文学基础2007-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学808中国现当代文学2007-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学805汉语语言学基础2005-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学610民俗学概论2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学803民间文学概论2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学829公共管理研究方法2003-2018考研真题与答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学637公共管理学2004-2018年考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学636政治学理论2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学827政治学研究方法2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学665生物综合2009-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学667化学综合2010-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学663综合化学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学862有机化学2003-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学638基础英语2003-2018年考研真题与答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学903工科化学2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学902化工原理2006-2018年考研真题试卷逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学854化学(B)2007-2018年考研真题与答案详解[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学655化学(A)2007-2018年考研真题与答案详解[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学871环境工程导论2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学870环境评价2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学911大气科学基础2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学906普通物理A2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学666医学综合2005-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学907电子技术(数字和模拟)2009-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学675基础医学综合2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学674生物化学与分子生物学1999-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学672生物综合(B)2010-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学907病理生理学2005-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学908免疫学2005、2011-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学909生理学2005-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学661药分综合2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学662药理学综合2008-2016年考研真题与答案详解[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学338生物化学2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学860生物技术2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学901微机原理与应用2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学853材料化学2007-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学898普通物理2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学601高等数学(A)2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学802运筹学2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学831运筹学与管理信息系统2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学830微观经济学与金融经济学11-12、2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大660生物化学(一)考研真题试卷【99-18】[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学857细胞生物学考研真题试卷(1999-2018)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学831语言学概论C考研真题试卷(08-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 2018中山大学833英语语言文学考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 2018中大837外国语言学及应用语言学考研真题试卷逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大619历史学基础(A)考研真题与答案(07-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大842社会研究方法和社会统计学考研真题与答案(03-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 397法硕联考专业基础(法学)考研真题试卷与答案详解(00-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 398法硕联考专业基础(非法学)考研真题试卷与答案详解(00-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 497法硕联考综合(法学)考研真题试卷与答案详解(00-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 498法硕联考综合(非法学)考研真题试卷与答案详解(00-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 408计算机学科专业基础综合考研真题试卷与答案(09-18联考)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大111单独考试思想政治理论考研真题试卷(09-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大440新闻与传播专业基础考研真题试卷(15-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大334新闻与传播专业综合能力考研真题试卷(15-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 2018中大347心理学专业综合考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大837传播实务及研究方法历年考研真题试卷【09-18】[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大643新闻与传播学基础历年考研真题试卷(09-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大801微观经济学与宏观经济学历年考研真题试卷(05-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大832微观经济学与管理学历年考研真题试卷(03-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 历年中山大学904信号与系统考研真题试卷(05-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 历年中山大学431金融学综合考研真题试卷(11-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 历年中山大学664药学综合A考研真题试卷(05-18)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学908微观经济学与宏观经济学(单考)考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学240英语(单考)考研2005-2018年真题与答案逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学903数字电路和微机原理2015-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学889环境科学2003-2018年考研真题试卷(不含07-10)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学841英语写作与百科知识2015-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学646综合英语考研真题试卷与答案(2008-2009、2014-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学864人文地理学理论与方法2005-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学623中西哲学史2013-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学828政治学考研真题试卷(2003-2006,2013-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学622逻辑哲学与逻辑史基础知识2013-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学814伦理学基本知识2008-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学625中外哲学史基础知识2013-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学650考古学基础考研真题与答案(2007-2018)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学848中共党史2005-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学434国际商务专业基础2014-2018年考研真题及答案详解[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学880生物化学(A)2010-2018考研真题试卷(不含12)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学618考古学基础(A)2013-2016年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学348文博综合2011-2018考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学437社会工作实务考研真题及答案详解(2005-2018年,不含06-09)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学331社会工作原理考研真题及答案详解(2005-2018年,不含07-09)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学新传专硕2015-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学349药学综合考研真题试卷(2011-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学852材料物理2011-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中大837传播实务及研究方法考研真题及答案(2012-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学432统计学考研真题与答案(2011-2018年)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学899光学2008-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学656岩石学2012-2018年考研真题试卷[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学448汉语写作与百科知识2010-2018考研真题及答案[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学357英语翻译基础考研真题试卷与答案(2010-2018)[ 逸仙中大考研网] 中山大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及答案(2010-2018)逸仙中大考研网链接地址:/中大考研辅导班链接地址:/news/details.aspx?id=3023中大考研真题答案链接地址:/kaoyan/。

2011年中山大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷(总分:82.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、音标题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Transcribe the following words into IPA symbols, with stress marking where necessary.(10 points)Example: find—/faind/, beneath—/bi"ni:θ/corpora(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.sociologist(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.chef(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.debris(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.nasal(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.embedding(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.antonymy(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.facial(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.annotated(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.phonetics(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________二、填空题(总题数:15,分数:30.00)11.Lyons predicted in the seventies by pointing out that linguistics is 1, rather than speculative or intuitive; it operates with publicly variable date obtained by means of observation or experiment.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________12.Phonetic similarity means that the 1of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________13.Words can be classified into variable words and invariable words. As for variable words, they may have 1 changes. That is, the same word may have different grammatical forms but part of the word remains relatively constant.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________14.In their book 1 written in 1923,C. K. Ogden and I.A. Richards presented a " representative list of the main definitions which reputable students of meaning have favoured. " There are 16 major categories of them, with sub-categories all together, numbering 22.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________15.Hyponymy is a matter of class membership. The upper term in this sense relation, i. e. the class name, is called 1, and the lower terms, the members, Hyponyms.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________16.Charles Darwin, the founder of Evolution Theory, was one of the first keeping the diary of his son"s 1.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________17.And the Firthian tradition in this respect was further developed by the founder of systemic-functional linguistics, M.A.K. Halliday, whose contributions to sociolinguistics could be better seen from his understanding of language from a socially 1 or interactional perspective, his functional interpretation of grammar as a resource for meaning potential, and his linguistic model in the study of literature.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________18.For some reasons, much of the research on writing has concentrated on the preparation and revision processes rather than on the sentence generation and lexical access processes that have been the focus of 1language production.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________19.As Carter and Simpson(1989)observed that "if the 1960s was a decade of formalism in stylistics, the 1970s a decade of functionalism, and the 1980s a decade of 1stylistics. "(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________20.As a compromise between the "purely form-focused approaches" and the "purely meaning-focused" approaches, a recent movement called 1 seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________21.While Firth inherited the tradition by taking up some of 1"s and Malinowski"s views, he developed their theories and put forward his own original points of view.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________22.Mood is made up of two parts: the "Subject" and the " 1" element.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________23.In spite of the dominant influences of Transformational Generative Grammar in the American linguistic scholarship, it has been challenged by a number of rebels, among whom, are Fillmore with his 1and other with Generative Semantics.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________24.The idea of 1was first developed by Roman Jacobson(1896 - 1982)in the 1940s as a means of working out a set of phonological contrasts or oppositions to capture particular aspects of language sounds.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________25.Tone refers to the pitch on a syllable of a word. When pitch is related to a sentence, it is called 1.(分数:2.00)填空项1:__________________三、名词解释(总题数:10,分数:20.00)26.Logical subject(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 27.Sentence(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 28.Performatives(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 29.Orientational metaphor(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30.SPEAKING(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 31.Free indirect thought(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32.Blog(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 33.Applied linguistics(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.Mental processes(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35.Error analysis(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________四、举例说明题(总题数:3,分数:6.00)36.Phoneme is the smallest meaningful unit of sound and morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in grammar.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.In Chinese tone changes are used in the way that affects the meanings of individual words.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 38.Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i. e. , a word or a group of words, which serve as a definable centre or head.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________五、简答题(总题数:3,分数:6.00)39.What are the similarities and differences between a phrase and a clause?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 40.What are the characteristics of Grice"s "conversational implicature" ?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 41.What does Halliday"s Systemic Grammar aim to do?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。