
Vehicle Standard (Australian DesignRule 80/03 — Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles) 2006I, JAMES ERIC LLOYD, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, determine this vehicle standard under subsection 7 (1) of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.Dated 16 November 2006JAMES ERIC LLOYDMinister for Local Government, Territories and RoadsFederal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062CONTENTS0.1NAME OF STANDARD-----------------------------------------------------------------2 0.2COMMENCEMENT----------------------------------------------------------------------2 1SCOPE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2APPLICABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION---------------------------------------2 3DEFINITIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 4REQUIREMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 5EXEMPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES--------------------------4 6ALTERNATIVE STANDARDS--------------------------------------------------------40.1 NAME OF STANDARD0.1.1 This Standard is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – EmissionControl for Heavy Vehicles) 2006.0.1.2 This Standard may also be cited as ADR 80/03.0.2 COMMENCEMENT0.2.1 This Standard commences on the day after it is registered.1 SCOPE1.1 This vehicle standard prescribes the exhaust emissions requirements for enginesused in heavy vehicles in order to reduce air pollution.2 APPLICABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION2.1 This vehicle standard applies to vehicles of the M and N categories, with a GVMgreater than 3.5 tonnes, as provided in clause 2.2.2Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control forHeavy Vehicles) 2006Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control forHeavy Vehicles) 2006 32.2 This vehicle standard applies:2.2.1 from 1 January 2010 in relation to new model vehicles produced on or after1 January 2010; and2.2.2 from 1 January 2011 in relation to vehicles produced on or after 1 January 2011,other than new model vehicles referred to in clause For the purposes of clause 2.2.1, a new model vehicle is a vehicle of a modelfirst produced with a date of manufacture on or after 1 January 2010.2.4 To the extent of any inconsistency, the applicability dates specified in clause 2.2apply in lieu of any dates specified in Appendix A, Appendix B or Appendix C.3 DEFINITIONS3.1 For the purposes of clause 2.3, “date of manufacture” means the date the vehicleis available in Australia in a condition which will enable an identification plate to be lawfully affixed to the vehicle.3.2 For the purposes of clauses 6.2.5, 6.3.4 and 6.4.3, “reagent” has the meaningdefined in section 2 (Definitions) of Annex I to Appendix B.3.3 For the purposes of clauses 6.2.4, 6.3.5 and 6.4.2, “defeat device” has themeaning defined in section 2 (Definitions and Abbreviations) of Annex I to Appendix A and “defeat strategy” has the meaning defined in section 2 (Definitions) of Annex I to Appendix B, as amended by Appendix C.4 REQUIREMENTSRequirements for Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines4.1 Subject to clauses 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, engines which operate on diesel,liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, and which comply with the technical requirements of Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C, will be accepted as complying with this vehicle standard.4.1.1 Engines which operate on diesel shall comply with the relevant limit values inrow B2 of Table 1 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A and with the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A.4.1.2 Engines which operate on liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall complywith the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A.4.1.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, shall beequipped with an on board diagnostics (OBD) system which complies with the Stage 2 requirements as described in sections 6.5 of Annex I and 3.3 of Annex IV of Appendix B, as amended by Appendix C.Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L040624 Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles) 2006Requirements for Petrol Engines4.2 Subject to clause 4.2.1, vehicles which operate on petrol and which comply withtechnical requirements of United Nations – Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No. 83 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles with Regard to the Emissions of Pollutants According to Engine Fuel Requirements, Revision 3, incorporating the 05 series of Amendments, and all amendments up to and including supplement 5, will be accepted as complying with this vehicle standard.4.2.1 Vehicles shall comply with the limit values in row “B(2005)” of the table toparagraph of the Regulation.5 EXEMPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES5.1 Any provisions related to the administrative processes for obtaining typeapproval under a European Commission or Council (EC) Directive, or for obtaining an approval from the United States Environment Protection Authority or from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, do not apply to this vehicle standard.5.2 EC, US EPA and Japanese approval certificates alone are not accepted as demonstration of compliance with this vehicle standard.5.3 The preamble clauses (1) to (20) and Articles 1 to 12 in Appendix A, the preamble clauses (1) to (14) and Articles 1 to 5 in Appendix B, and the preamble clauses (1) to (9) and Articles 1 to 5 in Appendix C, do not apply to this vehicle standard, except for Article 3 and Article 4 of Appendix A.5.4The reference to “Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles” in Part 1 (Scope) of Annex I to Appendix A, and the reference to “Council Directive 70/220/EEC” in Part 1 (Scope) of Annex I to Appendix B, are both amended to read “ADR 79/02”. 6 ALTERNATIVE STANDARDSEC Directive (Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines)6.1 Subject to clauses 6.1.1, 6.1.2 and 6.1.3, for engines which operate on diesel,liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 28 September 2005, together with the technical requirements of Commission Directive 2005/78/EC of 14 November 2005 and Commission Directive 2006/51/EC of 6 June 2006, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.6.1.1 Engines which operate on diesel shall comply with the relevant limit values inrow B2 of Table 1 and in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Directive 2005/55/EC.Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control forHeavy Vehicles) 2006 56.1.2 Engines which operate on liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall complywith the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Directive 2005/55/EC.6.1.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall beequipped with an OBD system which complies with the Stage 2 requirements as described in sections 6.5 of Annex I and 3.3 of Annex IV of Directive 2005/78/EC, as amended by Directive 2006/51/EC.US EPA CFR (Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines) 6.2 Subject to clauses 6.2.1 to 6.2.5 inclusive, for engines which operate on diesel,liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 86 – Control of air pollution from new and in-use motor vehicles and new and in-use motor vehicle engines certification and test procedures - Subpart A 40 CFR 86.007-11 Emission standards and supplemental requirements for 2007 and later model year diesel heavy-duty engines and vehicles, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.6.2.1 Except as provided in and, engines shall meet the emission limitsspecified in 86.007-11 (a)(1), paragraphs (i)(A), (ii)(A), (iii)(A) and (iv)(A) and86.007-11 (a)(3)SET(i). Engines need not comply with the oxides of nitrogen and particulate limitsspecified in 86.007-11 (a)(1), paragraphs (i)(A) and (iv)(A), respectively, provided the emissions of oxides of nitrogen and particulates from the engine do not exceed the limits specified for the transient test under either Option 1 or Option 2 in Table 1 when tested in accordance with the transient test cycle specified in Subpart N 86.1333-2007. Engines need not comply with the weighted average emission limits specified in86.007-11 (a)(3)SET(i), provided the emissions of oxides of nitrogen andparticulates from the engine do not exceed the limits specified for the steady state test under either Option 1 or Option 2 in Table 1 when tested to the supplemental emissions test specified in Subpart N 86.1360-2007.Table 1 – Emission Limit Options for US Transient and Steady State TestsEmission Limits (g/kWh)Oxides of Nitrogen ParticulatesOption 1 2.0 0.03 Transient TestOption 2 3.0 0.01Option 1 2.0 0.02 Steady State TestOption 2 3.0 0.01Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L040626.2.2 Engines shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test procedures asspecified in Subpart N 40 CFR 86.1300 series – Emission Regulations for new Otto-cycle and diesel heavy duty engines; gaseous and particulate exhaust test procedures.6.2.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shallsatisfy the relevant useful life provisions, not to exceed test requirements, and rules regarding use of auxiliary emission control devices applicable to 2007, 2008 and 2009 model year diesel heavy-duty engines and vehicles under CFR Part Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy.6.2.5 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, andwhich require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve the emission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.2, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause 6.1.3.Japanese MLIT Regulations (Diesel Engines)6.3 Subject to clauses 6.3.1 to 6.3.4 inclusive, for engines which operate on diesel,the technical requirements of Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Announcement No. 619 of 15 July 2002 (as last amended by Announcement No 872 of 16 August 2005), Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 41 (Emission Control Device), paragraph (5) [JE05-Mode Mean Value Regulations at Time of Completion Inspection, etc. for Diesel Motor Vehicles (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)], are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.6.3.1 Engines shall also comply with the emission values specified underparagraph (6) [JE05-Mode Upper Limit Value Regulations at Time of Initial Inspection, etc. for Diesel Motor Vehicles (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)] when tested in accordance with the Technical Standards Relating to the Safety Regulations for Road Vehicles, Attachment 36, Japanese Technical Standard for 13-Mode Exhaust Emission Measurement for Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles. 6.3.2 Engines shall satisfy relevant useful life provisions, not to exceed testrequirements, and rules regarding use of emission control devices applicable to engines meeting the requirements of clause Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy.6.3.4 Engines which require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve theemission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.3, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause6.1.3.6Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control forHeavy Vehicles) 2006Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control forHeavy Vehicles) 2006 7Japanese MLIT Regulations (Natural Gas Engines)6.4 Subject to clauses 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3, for engines which operate on naturalgas, the technical requirements of Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Announcement No. 619 of 15 July 2002 (as last amended by Announcement No 872 of 16 August 2005), Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 41 (Emission Control Device), paragraph (9) [JE05-Mode Mean Value Regulations at Time of Completion Inspection, etc. for Motor Vehicles Fueled by Other Fuel (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)], are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.6.4.1 Engines which operate on natural gas shall satisfy relevant useful life provisions,not to exceed test requirements, and rules regarding use of emission control devices applicable to engines meeting the requirements of clause Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy. 6.4.3 Engines which require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve theemission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.4, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause6.1.3.US EPA CFR (Petrol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines) 6.5 Subject to clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.2, for engines which operate on petrol, liquefiedpetroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 86 - Control of air pollution from new and in-use motor vehicles and new and in-use motor vehicle engines certification and test procedures - Subpart A 40 CFR 86.008-10 Emission standards for 2008 and later model year Otto-cycle heavy-duty engines and vehicles, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.6.5.1 Engines shall meet the exhaust emission limits specified in 86.008-10 (a)(1)paragraphs (i)(A), (ii)(A), (iii) and (iv), and the applicable evaporative emission limits specified in 86.008-10 (b).6.5.2 Engines shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test procedures asspecified in Subpart N 40 CFR 86.1300 series – Emission Regulations for new Otto-cycle and diesel heavy duty engines; gaseous and particulate exhaust test procedures.Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062。

1. 车辆安全认证:澳大利亚车辆安全认证法规要求车辆制造商和进口商确保其车辆符合国家车辆安全标准。
2. 环保认证:澳大利亚车辆环保认证法规要求车辆制造商和进口商确保其车辆符合国家排放标准和环保要求。
3. 运营认证:澳大利亚车辆运营认证法规对商业车辆和公交车辆的运营提出要求。
4. 自动驾驶车辆认证:随着自动驾驶技术的发展,澳大利亚车辆认证法规框架也涵盖了自动驾驶车辆的认证要求。
5. 召回和消费者保护:澳大利亚车辆认证法规框架还规定了车辆召回和消费者保护的程序和要求。

表一 新生产 M1 类车必须满足的澳大利亚设计规则
ADR 1/00 倒车灯(Reversing lamps)
ADR 6/00 转向灯(Direction turn indicators)
等同 ECE
ECE R23.00 所有外部灯具 ECE R6.00 必须带E标
Protection100% )
AS 2693:
ADR 82/00 发动机防盗(Engine Immobilisers)
ECE R97.00或 ECE R97.01或
ECE R116.00
ADR 29/00 侧门侵入 (Side Door Intrusion - Exempt if
Certified to ADR 72/00 (ECE R95/02)
ADR 5/05
座椅安全带固定点(Seat belt anchorages) ECE R14.06
点安全 带要求
正面偏置碰撞保护(Offset Frontal Impact
ECE R94.01
儿童座椅固定点(Child Restraint
(EURO 4)
ECE R83.05
ADR 81/02 燃油消耗标识(Fuel Consumption Labelling ECE R101.00

辆车都能满足ADR的要求,并针对生产一致性检查发布 实施了一系列的政府通告(Circular)。同时,澳大利亚还 实施汽车生产厂家的产品回收制度,对汽车产品与技术 法规要求的符合性进行后期监督和保证。 在澳大利亚的汽车产品市场准入管理制度中,除了 正常大批量车辆的型式批准外,还对小批量生产的车型 设立了特殊的小批量批准制度,针对每年上市量不超过 100辆的车型实施,按照该制度,可以对车型按照简化的 流程进行认证批准,部分试验,尤其是昂贵、破坏性的试 验将豁免。对于生产量更小的轿车产品,即每年全球的生 产量不超过500辆的轿车车型(澳大利亚将这类轿车定 义为MA类车辆),则设立比小批量批准制度更为简化宽 松的“少量生产轿车(LPPC)”制度,在该制度下企业有权 对每年不超过25辆车辆安装符合性标牌。
No.2 2011
1【I I[m
稠蒸 憋缪
IfHm fyMIh
fI)m¨】B&9『^““№I 图5
3暗室性能测试结果I作天线测量) 静区测试空问尺寸5 m(L))c5 m(W)x2 m(H).如【割6
澳大利亚汽车产品市场准人管理的具体流程为:首 先由厂家根据相关的汽车技术法规(ADR,Auto
Regulation)对某一新车型进行所要求的试验,再将试验 结果和其他有关车辆的资料送交VSS进行审查,经过审 查,证明该车型符合有关ADR的要求后,即可由VSS颁 发车辆型式批准。对于已获得型式批准的车型,每一辆 车辆都必须带有批准的识别标牌(即Identification

关 键词 :澳大利 亚
产 品认证
An lsso sr la  ̄faina d Ce t iain o tm o ie av i nAu tain Req to n ri c to fAu o b l l f
G u n bn o Ho g ig
前 / 位置灯 后
E ER 0 C 3 2
E ER 70 C ER . E 2 5或 C I 504
. .
A R4 /0 D 8 0
A R4 /0 D 90
E ER C 4 O H D
O C A R 8/0 RE ER 7 0或 E E D 20 9C 9 . 7 0 或 E ER . 1 C 16 0 10
大利 亚市 场 ,首先 一些 必要 的零部件 ,如车 灯 、轮
则有 较大 的更 改 ,则 其 第 一次 修 订 版本 表示 为
胎 、喇叭 、后视镜等必须符合欧洲 E E认证 ,应 C
来 稿 日期 : 02 0 — 4 21— 2 2 作 者 简介 : 郭红 兵 ( 9 6 )女 , 总 工程 师 , 要 研 究 方 向 为 产 品 认 证 和 法 规 研 究 。 16 一 , 副 主
()整车需要通过 E E的认证 。如果制造商 2 C
想 要 持 有 A R认 证 许 可 ,厂 家 必须 先 在 澳 大 利 亚 D 政 府 交 通 运输 部 的 道 路 车 辆 认 证 系 统 进 行 电 子 注
册 。澳 洲 A R登 记 采 用 电子 注 册 登记 ,登 记 签字 D
()制动软管必须要有 S EJ4 1 3 A 0 标识。 1

澳大利亚汽车进口政策一、澳洲汽车进口制度体系在联邦层面,涉及进口汽车的规定有三个:一是《1989年机动车标准法案》(The Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989,the Act),二是《1989年机动车标准管理规定》(The Motor Vehicle Standards Regulation 1989 ,MVSR);三是《澳大利亚汽车设计规则》(Australian Design Rules,ADR)。
ADR包括两部分:第一部分是汽车类型的定义与分类,共划分为五个大类:两轮与三轮车(Two-Wheeled and Three-Wheeled Vehicles),乘用车(Passenger Vehicles)、公共汽车(Omnibuses)、货车(Goods Vehicles)和挂车(Trailer)。

表一 新生产 M1 类车必须满足的澳大利亚设计规则
ADR 1/00 倒车灯(Reversing lamps)
ADR 6/00 转向灯(Direction turn indicators)
等同 ECE
ECE R23.00 所有外部灯具 ECE R6.00 必须带E标
ADR 5/05
座椅安全带固定点(Seat belt anchorages) ECE R14.06
点安全 带要求
正面偏置碰撞保护(Offset Frontal Impact
ECE R94.01
儿童座椅固定点(Child Restraint
ADR46/00 前大灯(Headlamps)
ADR 47/00 后回复反射器(Rear reflectors)
ECE R20.00 或 ECE R112.00
ECE R3.02
ADR 48/00 牌照板灯(Rear Reg no plate lamps)
ECE R4.00
ADR 49/00 前 / 后 位 置 灯 & 制 动 灯 ( Front/rear E发动机防盗(Engine Immobilisers)
ECE R97.00或 ECE R97.01或
ECE R116.00
ADR 29/00 侧门侵入 (Side Door Intrusion - Exempt if
Certified to ADR 72/00 (ECE R95/02)

澳大利亚机动车交通规则(1935年根据1909年交通法制定,1994年5月修订)颁布日期:199405 实施日期:199405 颁布单位:澳大利亚第一部分序言第1条修订依据本规则系依据1935年机动车交通规则修订。

1 . 2 澳大 利亚 设计 规则
车产量 不 大 , 但 需 求 量却 与 日俱 增 的 国家 。因此 ,
需 分 析 中澳 两 国汽 车 标 准 的差 异性 , 以满 足海 外
市场要 求 。
Hale Waihona Puke 澳大 利亚设 计 规则 ( A D R) 是 澳大 利 亚机 动 车 标 准法 案 ( MV S A) 指 定 的国家标 准 , 主要 内容 包 括
t i o n o f t h e o c c u pa n t s i n t h e e v e n t o f a f r o n t a l c o l l i s i o n f o r p a s s e n g e r c a r ”a n d Aus t r a l i a n s t a nd a r d” Aus t r a l i a n De s i g n Ru l e 6 9 / 0 0- F u l l F r o n t a l I mp a c t Oc c u pa n t P r o t e c t i o n” a r e ma i n l y a na l y z e d. Ba s e d o n Chi ne s e c o un t r y s i t u a t i o n,t h e f u t u r e de v e l o p me n t o n t h e s t a n d a r d i s a l s o ig f u r e d o u t .
口海 外 , 首先 必 须 满 足 目标 出 口国有 关 汽 车 产 品 的相关 法 规要 求 。一 些 汽 车企 业 除 了 向欧 美 汽 车 大 国出 口车 辆 , 也 将 目光 转 向 了澳 大 利 亚 这 一 汽

澳大利亚设计规则同我国汽车法规的比较研究肖利寿(上海大众汽车有限公司上海 201805)前言:随着我国汽车工业近几年的迅猛发展,很多国产车开始逐渐走出国门。
1 M1类车必须满足的澳大利亚设计规则澳大利亚设计规则(ADR)是澳大利亚的机动车国家标准法规,任何生产或进口的车辆必须满足该设计规则的要求。
而按照澳大利亚的车辆分类方法,我国的M1类车应包含澳大利亚9座以内的乘用车MA、面包车MB和越野车MC 三种车型。
表1 新生产M1类车必须满足的澳大利亚设计规则规则编号规则内容开始实施时间我国相应标准备注ADR 1/00 倒车灯1998.07.01 GB15235-1994 基本等同。
ADR 2/00 门锁门铰链1988.07.01 GB15086-1994ADR 3/02 座椅及座椅固定点1995.01.01 GB15083-1994ADR 4/03 安全带2000.01.01 GB14166-2003 基本等同。
ADR 5/04 安全带安装固定点2000.01.01 GB14167-1993ADR 6/00 转向灯1998.07.01 GB17509-1998 基本等同。

• 审查
澳大利亚政府 运输和基础设施管理局
完全数量 (新车)
制造商注册 (离线系统*)
相关的注册管理部门 • 适用于总质量不超过4.5吨的所有车辆
澳大利亚政府 运输和基础设施管理局
2012 重点汽车出口市场政策法规宣讲会
• 审查的目的在于:
– 通过对测试机构进行审查,确保测试正确进行 – 通过对设计进行审查,确保测试后所做的任何变动都
不会影响车辆符合澳大利亚汽车设计规则的要求 – 通过生产一致性审查,确保其它扩展车型确实被已获
澳大利亚政府 运输和基础设施管理局
2012 重点汽车出口市场政策法规宣讲会
• 基于风险清单的审查 • 审查主要包括测试机构审查、设计机构审查
和生产一致性审查 • 在审查开始前, 对扩展车型测试数据中的矩
阵元素进行核对,确保扩展车型确实被已获 批的标准车覆盖 • 审查更多着眼于符合性问题,而不是制造商 采用的质量管理体系
澳大利亚政府 运输和基础设施管理局
2012 重点汽车出口市场政策法规宣讲会
• 在欧洲汽车市场上,制造商的运营没有政府 监管
• 在美国汽车市场上,消费者购买的车辆没有 经过后期市场符合性测试

Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 68/00 –Occupant Protection in Buses) 2006I, JAMES ERIC LLOYD, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, determine this vehicle standard under subsection 7 (1) of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.Dated 26 April 2006[SIGNED]James Eric LloydMinister for Local Government, Territories and RoadsCONTENTS0. LEGISLATIVE PROVISIONS (3)0.1. NAME OF STANDARD (3)0.2. COMMENCEMENT (3)0.3. REPEAL (3)1. SCOPE (3)2. APPLICABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION (3)3. APPLICABILITY TABLE (4)4. DEFINITIONS (4)5. REQUIREMENTS (4)6. ACCESSORIES ON SEAT (9)7. DYNAMIC TEST PROCEDURES FOR SEATS AND SEAT-ANCHORAGES (10)8. ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURE FOR VEHICLE SEAT-ANCHORAGES (14)9. DETERMINATION OF INJURY CRITERIA (15)10. SEAT BACK AND SEAT RESTRAINING DEVICE STRENGTH (15)11. ANCHORAGES AND SASH GUIDES (16)12. DETERMINATION OF NUMBER OF SEATING POSITIONS (20)APPENDIX 1 STATIC TEST PROCEDURE FOR OCCUPANTPROTECTION IN BUSES (24)1. TEST PROCEDURES FOR SEATS AND ANCHORAGES (24)2. STATIC TESTS (24)APPENDIX 2 SEAT BACK ENERGY-DISSIPATING TEST (29)1. DETERMINATION OF HEAD IMPACT ZONE (29)2. REAR PARTS OF SEATS (29)3. OTHER FITTINGS (30)4. TEST PREPARATION (30)5. TEST PROCEDURE AND RESULTS (32)0. LEGISLATIVE PROVISIONS0.1. NAME OF STANDARD0.1.1. This Standard is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 68/00 –Occupant Protection in Buses) 2006.0.1.2. This Standard may also be cited as Australian Design Rule 68/00 —Occupant Protection in Buses.0.2. COMMENCEMENT0.2.1. This Standard commences on the day after it is registered.0.3. REPEAL0.3.1. This Standard repeals each vehicle standard with the name AustralianDesign Rule 68/00 — Occupant Protection in Buses that is:(a) made under section 7 of the Motor Vehicles Standard Act 1989;and(b) in force at the commencement of this Standard.0.3.2. This Standard also repeals each instrument made under section 7 of theMotor Vehicles Standard Act 1989 that creates a vehicle standard withthe name Australian Design Rule 68/00 — Occupant Protection in Buses,if there are no other vehicle standards created by that instrument, oramendments to vehicle standards made by that instrument, that are still inforce at the commencement of this Standard.1.SCOPE1.1.The function of this ADR is to specify, for certain omnibuses,requirements for seatbelts, the strength of ‘Seats’, seat-anchorages,seatbelt ‘Anchorages’ and ‘Child Restraint Anchorages’, and provisionsfor protecting occupants from impact with ‘Seat’ backs and accessorieson ‘Seats’ and armrests.1.2.The rule includes requirements both for ‘Seats’ and for vehicles fittedwith ‘Seats’.2.APPLICABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION2.1.Subject to the following clause, this ADR applies to the design andconstruction of vehicles as set out in the table below.2.2.This ADR does not apply to ‘Route Service Omnibuses’, or omnibuseswith less than 17 ‘Seats’ including the driver and crew, or vehicles inwhich all passenger ‘Seats’ have a ‘Reference Height’ of less than 1.0metre.2.3.Vehicles certified to the requirements of an acceptable prior rule, asshown below in the Applicability Table for a particular category, aredeemed to comply with this rule.3.APPLICABILITY TABLE4.DEFINITIONS4.1.Refer to Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule Definitions andVehicle Categories) 2005.5.REQUIREMENTS5.1.All ‗Seats‘ with a ‗Reference Height‘ greater than 1.0 metre, other thandriver‘s ‗Seat‘, must meet the requirements set out in this rule.5.2.Seat Strength5.2.1.Each ‘Seat’ must, when tested according to the requirements in clause 7or Appendixes 1 and 2, protect restrained occupants from injury byimpacting the ‘Seat’ back or other structure forward of the‘Seat’ .5.2.2.In the case of dynamic tests conducted in accordance with therequirements of clause 7 and the injury criteria determined in accordancewith clause 9: head injury criterion must be less than 1000; and5.2.2.2.the thorax injury criterion must be less than 590 m/s2; and5.2.2.3.the femur injury criterion must be less than 10 kN; and5.2.2.4.the compression deflection of the sternum relative to the spine must notexceed 76 mm; and5.2.2.5.no part of the trunk or the head of the dummy in the rearmost ‘Seat’ is topass beyond the transverse vertical plane situated at 1.6 m from ‘H-Point’ of the rearmost ‘Seat’ in the test. must be no failure of any component of the ‘Seat’.5.2.3.In the case of static tests conducted in accordance with the requirementsof Appendixes 1 and 2: maximum displacement of the central point of application of eachforce prescribed in Appendix 1 measured in the horizontal plane and inthe longitudinal median plane of the relevant seating position must notexceed 150 mm; and5.2.3.2.the headform deceleration determined by tests conducted in accordancewith Appendix 2 must not exceed 785 m/s2 continuously for more than3 milliseconds.5.2.4.Where the horizontal plane on which a ‘Seat’ is installed differs in heightby more than 200 mm from that of the ‘Seat’ immediately in front of it,the tests required in clause 7 or Appendix 2 must be conducted with‘Seats’ arranged to give that difference in height.5.3.Seat-Anchorage Strength5.3.1.The seat-anchorages for every ‘Seat’ installed in the vehicle mustwithstand the forces which result from the tests specified in clauses 7 orAppendix seat-anchorage strength can be tested as specified in clause 8, byapplying a force simulating that measured during a test as specified inclause 7 or Appendix 1 on that ‘Seat Type’ as specified in clause 7 orAppendix test conducted as specified in clause 7 or Appendix 1 may be used todetermine simultaneously the adequacy of the seat anchorage strength ofa ‘Seat Type’ and of a vehicle.5.4.Seatbelt Assemblies5.4.1.Each ‘Seat’ must be equipped with a ‘Seatbelt Assembly’.5.4.2.The ‘Seatbelt Assembly’ of front-facing ‘Seats’ must be a ‘Lap-Sash Belt’equipped with an ‘Emergency Locking Retractor’ as specified in ADR4/....5.4.3.The ‘Seatbelt Assembly’ of a rear-facing ‘Seat’ must be: a ‘Lap Belt’ equipped with an ‘Emergency Locking Retractor’ asspecified in ADR 4/... or5.4.3.2. a ‘Lap-Sash Belt’ equipped with an ‘Emergency Locking Retractor’ asspecified in ADR 4/... .5.5.Seatbelt Anchorages5.5.1.‘Seats’ must be equipped with seatbelt ‘Anchorages’ which for: front-facing ‘Seats’ must have anchorages for pelvic and upper torsorestraint, as specified in clause 11, and5.5.1.2.all rear-facing ‘Seats’ must have anchorages for pelvic restraint and, iffitted with a ‘Lap-sash’ seatbelt, upper torso restraint as specified inclause ‘Anchorages’, whether on front-facing or rear-facing ‘Seats’, must beable to withstand the forces resulting from the tests specified in clause 7or Appendix ‘Anchorages’, including the ‘Final Torso Anchorage’, must bemounted on the ‘Seat’, except where the ‘Seat’ does not form the headimpact zone of another ‘Seat’ behind it as determined by clause 1 ofAppendix 2.5.6.Provision for Child Restraints5.6.1.At least six ‘Seats’in the vehicle must be provided with ‗Child RestraintAnchor Fittings’ or, at the ‘Manufacturer’s’ option, ‘Child RestraintAnchorages’ and ‘Child Restraint Anchor Fittings’ meeting therequirements specified in ADR 34/... .5.6.2.Each ‗Seat’ provided with a ‘Child Restraint Anchor Fitting’ must beprovided with a means of preventing the ‗Child Restraint Anchora ge’tether strap from moving sideways.5.6.3.Each ‘Child Restraint Anchor Fitting’ must be either integral with the‘Seat’ or mounted in a permanent structure immediately behind the ‘Seat’.5.6.4.Each ‘Child Restraint Anchor Fitting’ applicable to a ‘Seat’ testedaccording to clause 7 or Appendix 2 must be present during those testswith any closure plugs removed and with a ‘Child Restraint AttachingClip’ attached.5.6.5. A ‘Child Restraint Anchor Fitting’, with any closure plugs removed andwith a ‘Child Restraint Attaching Clip’ attached must be treated as anaccessory and must meet the requirements of clause 6.5.7.Other Requirements5.7.1.Where tests are conducted to clause 7 and a ‘Seat’ is installed withoutstrikeable structure on a ‘Seat’ in front of it (as determined by Appendix2 clause 1) but with any other strikeable structure (modesty panel, handrail etc) in front of it (as determined by Appendix 2 clause 1), additionaltests must be conducted according to the procedure in clause 7 with: the case of three rows of ‘Seats’ the rear row of ‘Seats’ omitted and thefront row of ‘Seats’ replaced by the structure in front of the ‘Seat’; or5.7.1.2.in the case of two rows of ‘Seats’ the front row of ‘Seats’ replaced by thestructure in front of the ‘Seat’.5.7.2.Side facing ‘Seats’ are not permitted.5.7.3.Any accessories fitted to the ‘Seat’ must meet the requirements specifiedin clause ‘Seat’ which has provision for vertical or longitudinal adjustmentmust demonstrate compliance with these requirements in both foremostand highest position and rearmost and lowest position.5.7.5.‗Seat’ travel stops must not take any part of any test forces.5.7.6.Any ‘Head Restraint’proposed to be used must be included in the ‗Seat’.5.7.7.All seatbelt ‘Anchorages’ must be designed so that ‘Seatbelt Assemblies’can be replaced readily.5.7.8.Any seatbelt ‘Anchorage’ may be designed to receive more than one‘Anchor Fitting’.5.7.9.Adjustable Upper Torso Seatbelt ‘Anchorages’ - In the case where one ormore ‘Anchorages’are adjustable, the ‗Anchorages’ shall be capable ofmeeting the relevant strength requirements of clause 7 or Appendix 1with the ‗Anchorages’ in any position of adjustment5.7.10.Adjustable ‘Sash Location Point’ - In cases where a seatbelt ‘Anchorage’is fitted with a ‘Sash Location Guide’ system incorporating an adjustable‘Sash Location Point’, the seatbelt ‘Anchorage’ shall be capable ofmeeting the relevant strength requirements of clause 7 or Appendix 1with the ‘Sash Location Point’ in any position of adjustment.6.ACCESSORIES ON SEAT6.1.General Accessories6.1.1.Fittings such as ashtrays, hand-grips, switches, folding trays, etc. above ahorizontal plane 400 mm above the ‘Reference Plane’ must be so madethat when a horizontal longitudinal force of 375 N, using a sphere of 165mm diameter and directed ‘Forward’, is applied: fitting must not project, in the most unfavourable position, more than25 mm from the rear surface of the ‗Seat‘; or6.1.1.2.the fitting must break off or bend so that no projections or edges areexposed as to be contactable by a sphere of 70 mm diameter.6.2.Armrests6.2.1.Armrests must be tested in the directions shown in Figure 1, using theforces specified below, applied using a semi-cylindrical form of 50 mmradius and a length of 200 mm.6.2.2.Each location must be loaded separately.6.2.3. A vertical force (i) of 1,000 N must be applied to the armrest at locationswithin 30 mm of each end and at the centre of the armrest, with theloading form horizontal and transversely across the armrest.6.2.4. A horizontal longitudinal force (ii) of 2,000 N must be applied to the rearupper 30 mm of each armrest, with the loading form vertical.6.2.5. A horizontal force (iii) of 1,000 N must be applied to locations within30 mm of the ends of the armrest, with the loading form vertical.6.2.6.These forces must be applied in both directions to the ‘Forward’ end ofthe armrest and towards the ‘Seat’ at the rear end of the armrest, andoutwards from the ‘Seat’ at the rear end of the armrest if that part of thearmrest is exposed in any position of the‘Seat’.6.2.7.After the forces specified have been applied, no projections or edges maybe exposed as a consequence of the application of these forces so as to becontactable by a sphere of 70 mm diameter.6.2.8.All radii contactable by a sphere 165 mm in diameter must present aradius of curvature of at least 5 mm.6.2.9.If any part of the fittings and accessories is made of a material ofhardness less than 50 shore A on a rigid backing, the requirements set outin clause 6 apply only to the rigid backing.7.DYNAMIC TEST PROCEDURES FOR SEATS AND SEAT-ANCHORAGES7.1.Preparation of Seats to be Tested7.1.1.‗Seats’ to be tested must be mounted: a testing platform representative of the body of a vehicle; or7.1.1.2.on a rigid testing platform.7.1.2.The seat-anchorage on the testing platform provided for the test ‘Seat(s)’must be identical to, or have the same characteristics as, that used invehicle(s) in which the ‘Seat‘ is intended to be used.7.1.3.The ‘Seats’ to be tested must be complete with all upholstery andaccessories.7.1.4.If a ‘Seat’ is fitted with a table, the table must be in the stowed position. 7.1.5.If adjustable laterally, the ‘Seat’ must be positioned at the positionfurthest from its anchorages.7.1.6.If adjustable, the ‘Seat’ back must be adjusted to the most uprightposition of the ‘Seat’ back.7.1.7.If the ‘Seat’ back is equipped with a ‘Head Restraint’ adjustable forheight, it must be in its lowest position.7.1.8.‗Seat Types’ designed to be installed facing toward the front must bemounted on the testing platform facing toward the front.7.1.9.‗Seat Types’ designed to be installed facing toward the rear must bemounted on the testing platform facing toward the rear.7.2.Dynamic Tests - Seat Preparation7.2.1.The ‘Seats’ to be tested must be prepared as specified in the followingclauses.7.2.2.For ‘Seat Types’ designed to have a ‘Seat’ installed behind them, either: ‘Seats’ of that ‘Seat Type’ must be mounted onto the testingplatform with: rear ‘Seat’ located in line with, and directly behind, the ‘Seat’ in front;‘Seats’ at the same height (except as specified in clause 5.2.4),adjusted identically and on a seat pitch of 800 mm; and7. the requirements of clause if ‘Seats’ aredesigned to be installed at a pitch of less than 800 mm, then tests are tobe conducted at not more than the minimum design installation pitch; or7.2.2.2. 3 ‘Seats’ of that ‘Seat Type’ must be mounted onto the testing platformwith: two rearmost ‘Seats’ must be located in line with, and directly behind,the ‘Seat’ in front; ‘Seats’ at the same height (except as specified in clause 5.2.4),adjusted identically and on a seat pitch of 800 mm; and7. the requirements of clause if ‘Seats’ aredesigned to be installed at a pitch of less than 800 mm, then tests are tobe conducted at not more than the minimum design installation pitch.7.2.3.For ‘Seat Types’ designed not to have a ‘Seat’ installed within strikeabledistance behind them (as determined by clause 1 of Appendix 2), two‘Seats’ must be mounted onto the testing platform with: rear ‘Seat’ must be of a ‘Seat Type’ designed not to have a ‘Seat’behind; and7.2.3.2.the front ‘Seat’ must be of a ‘Seat Type’ intended for installation in thevehicle immediately in front of the ‗Seat Type’ under test: ‘Seats’ must be at the same height (except as specified in clause 5.2.4),adjusted identically and on a seat pitch of 800 mm; and7.2.3.4.notwithstanding the requirements of clause if ‘Seats’ are designedto be installed at a pitch of less than 800 mm, then tests are to beconducted at not more than the minimum design installation pitch.7.2.4.Where the ‘Seat Type’ consists of two or more ‘Seats’, or where thenumber of seating positions as determined by clause 12 is greater than 1,each row of ‗Seats‘ referred to in clauses 7.2.2 or 7.2.3 must contain thenumber of ‘Seats‘ or seating positions provided by the ‘Seat Type’.7.2.5.Notwithstanding the above, where a ‘Seat Type’ is designed to beinstalled facing toward the rear, only one row of ‘Seat(s)’ is required tobe tested and a ‗Hybrid III‘ restrained by the seatbelt must be installed ineach seating position.7.2.6.If non-self-locking auxiliary latches are provided they must be unlatchedduring all testing so that only the restraining device and hinges are takingthe test forces.7.2.7.Where ‘Seats’ are mounted on hinged covers, e.g. engine covers, and the‘Seat’ assembly can withstand the test forces without tilting of the hingedcover and without any latches being latched, then the latches need not beself-locking.7.3.Dynamic Tests - Dummy Preparation7.3.1. A ‗Hybrid III‘ or dummy must be installed in each seating position of the‘Seat Type’ as specified in the following clauses. two rows of seats are used a ‘Hybrid III’ must be installed in eachrear row seating position. three rows of ‘Seats’ are used, a ‘Hybrid III’ must be installed ineach centre row seating position7.3.1.3.Where three rows of ‘Seats’ are used, each seating position of the rear‘Seats’ must contain an unrestrained test dummy. dummy representative of the 50th percentile adult male may beused. For example, this may be a‘Hybrid II’, ‘Hybrid III’ or a ‘TNO 10Dummy’.7.3.2.Each ‘Hybrid III’ must be restrained by the seatbelt supplied with the‘Seat’.7.3.3.Each ‗Hybrid III‘ must be set up and positioned on a ‘Seat’ in accordancewith the procedure set out in Clauses 7 and 8 of ADR 69/... except that: knees must be set 269 mm apart as measured between the outer kneeclevis flange surfaces unless the legroom prevents this, in which case theknees must be set 298 mm apart. upper arms must be contacting the side of the torso. palms must be placed on top of the laps. feet must be placed flat on the floor.7.4.Impact Simulation7.4.1.The test rig, when subjected to a velocity change of not less than 49 km/h,must achieve within 30 milliseconds a ‘Forward’ deceleration of at least196 m/s2 measured in the vicinity of the corresponding ‘Lap Anchora ge‘and must maintain that deceleration, except for periods of less than onemillisecond, for not less than 20 milliseconds.7.5.Measurements to be made - General7.5.1.All measurements necessary must be made with measurement systemscorresponding to ISO 6487 ―Techn ique of measurement in impact tests:Instrumentation‖ published in 1980.7.5.2.The characteristics of the deceleration of the test rig must be determinedfrom the accelerations measured on the rigid frame of the testingplatform using a measurement system with a CFC of readings of the measuring devices in the ‗Hybrid III‘ must berecorded through the independent data channels of the CFC specified inclauses 7.6.1 to the test any structural part of the ‘Seat’ or accessories above ahorizontal plane 400 mm above the ‘Reference Plane’ which has anyfracture or sharp or pointed edges or corners which is contactable by asphere 165 mm in diameter must present a radius of curvature of at least5 mm.7.5.5.‗Seat’ adjustment and locking systems are not required to be in fullworking order after the test.7.6.Measurements to be made - Specific7.6.1.In the case of measurements in the head of the ‗Hybrid III‘, the resultanttri-axial acceleration referring to the centre of gravity (γr) must bemeasured in accordance with the following clauses. acceleration must be measured with a CFC of 600. acceleration must be expressed in g(g = 9.81 m/s2). scalar value of γ must be calculated according to the formula:γr2 = γ12 + γv2 + γt2where:γ1 = value of instant longitudinal accelerationγv = value of instant vertical accelerationγt = value of instant transversal acceleration.7.6.2.In the case of measurements in the thorax of the ‗Hybrid III‘, theresultant acceleration at the centre of gravity must be measured with aCFC of the case of measurements in the femur of the ‗Hybrid III‘, the axialcompression force must be measured with a CFC of 600.7.6.4.Measurements in the sternum of the ‗Hybrid III‘ must be measuredaccording to the requirements of Part 572, Subclause E referred to inFMVSS 208 Issue 4 December 1989.7.7.Dynamic Tests - unrestrained Occupant Loading7.7.1.This test must be conducted to demonstrate that the ‘Seat’ is capable ofwithstanding the loads imposed by unrestrained occupants in the ‘Seat’behind, in addition to the restrained occupant loading.7.7.2.’Seat Types’ tested to clause or as specified in clause 7.2.3 are notrequired to meet this test.7.7.3.This test does not require the injury criteria of Clause 9 to be measured.7.7.4.The ‘Seats’ to be tested must be prepared in accordance with clause 7.2. 7.7.5.Any dummy representative of the 50th percentile adult male may be used.For example, this may be a ‘Hybrid II‘, ‘Hybrid III’ or a ‘TNO 10Dummy’.7.7.6.One dummy must be placed in each seating position in the rear ‘Seat’ andmust not be restrained.7.7.7.One dummy must be placed in each seating position in the front ‘Seat’and must be restrained.7.7.8.The impact simulation specified in clause 7.4 must be used.8.ALTERNATIVE TEST PROCEDURE FOR VEHICLE SEAT-ANCHORAGES8.1.Fixing of Test Structure8.1.1. A rigid structure sufficiently representative of the pedestal of the ‘SeatType’ must be fixed to the seat-anchorage and sufficient of the vehiclestructure by means of fixation (bolts, screws, etc.) provided by themanufacturer.8.1.2.If several ‘Seat Types’ differing from one another in respect of thedistance between the front and back ends of their feet can be mounted onthe same seat-anchorage, the test must be carried out with the shortestfooting.8.2.Application of Force8.2.1. A force F must be applied, in the manner described in the followingclauses.8.2.2.The force F must be applied at a height of 750 mm above the referenceplane.8.2.3.The force F must be applied on the vertical line containing thegeometrical centre of the surface bounded by the polygon having theextreme seat-anchorage points as apexes, by the rigid structure describedin clause 8.1.1, in the horizontal direction and directed to the front of thevehicle.8.2.4.The Force F must: a force/time graph which entirely encompasses the correspondingforce/time graph determined from a test on the ‘Seat Type’ according toclause 7; or8.2.4.2.be that force arising from the tests conducted according to Appendix 1.9.DETERMINATION OF INJURY CRITERIA 9.1.Head Injury Criterion (HIC) 9.1.1. This injury criterion (HIC) is calculated on the basis of the resultant tri-axial acceleration measured according to clause 7.6.1 by the equation:H IC = (t - t ) 1t - t r d t 2121t t 12γ⎰⎡⎣⎢⎤⎦⎥ For the purposes of this equation, t 1 and t 2 are any values of time duringthe test which are not separated by more than a 36 milliseconds timeinterval, HIC being maximum value for an interval t 1, t 2. The value of t 1and t 2 are expressed in seconds.9.2. Thorax Injury Criterion (ThIC)9.2.1. This criterion is determined by the absolute value of the resultantacceleration, expressed in m/s The criterion is measured according to clause 7.6.2 and by theacceleration period, expressed in ms.9.3. Femur Injury Criterion (FIC)9.3.1. This criterion is determined by the compression force, expressed in kN,transmitted axia lly on each femur of the ‗Hybrid III ‘.9.3.2. The criterion is measured according to clause 7.6.3 and by the duration ofthe compression force, expressed in ms.9.4. Sternum Injury Criterion (SIC)9.4.1. This criterion is determined by the compression deflection of the sternumrelative to the spine.9.4.2. The criterion is measured in accordance with clause 7.6.4, expressed inmm.10. SEAT BACK AND SEAT RESTRAINING DEVICE STRENGTH10.1. Requirements10.1.1. A 530 Nm moment about the ‘Seating Reference Point’ for eachoccupant position for which the ‘Seat’ is designed must be applied to theupper cross member in a ‘Rearward’ longitudinal direction, unless it isdemonstrated that ‘Seat’ assemblies such as rear ‘Seat’ backs aresupported by a vehicle body member capable of withstanding thenominated force.10.2.Testing10.2.1.Testing to ensure ‘Seat’ backs meet the 530 N.m requirement must beundertaken by: a force applied horizontally; or10.2.1.2. a force applied normal to the ‘Seat’ back; or10.2.1.3. a force applied longitudinally and ‗Rearward’ to the upper part of the‘Seat’ back frame through a component simulating the back ofa ‗Manikin‘.10.2.2.If deflection of the ‘Seat’ back causes the moment arm to change, theforce should be adjusted to ensure that the moment value of 530 Nm isachieved.10.2.3.Except as provided in clause 10.2.4, hinged ‘Seats’ or ‘Seat’ backs mustbe equipped with a self-locking device for restraining the hinged ‘Seat’or ‘Seat’ back and a release control for releasing that restraining deviceto preclude the possibility of impact forces acting on unrestrained hinged‘Seats’ or ‘Seat’ backs.10.2.4.The requirements set out in clause 10.2.3 do not apply to a ‘Seat‘ havinga back that is adjustable only for the comfort of its occupants.10.2.5.If non-self-locking auxiliary latches are provided they must be unlatchedduring all testing so that only the restraining device and hinges are takingthe test forces.10.2.6.Where ‘Seats’ are mounted on hinged covers, e.g. engine covers, and the‘Seat’ assembly can withstand the test forces without tilting of the hingedcover and without any latches being latched, then the latches need not beself-locking.11.ANCHORAGES AND SASH GUIDES11.1.Provision and Location11.1.1. A ‘Sash Guide’ must be provided for each seating position to be fittedwith a ‘Lap-Sash Belt’.11.1.2.The location of seatbelt ‘Anchorages’ must be 7such that the locations oftheir appropriate ‘Anchor Points’ and ‘Sash Guides’ meet therequirements of this section.11.2.‘Sash Guide’ Requirements - General11.2.1.The ‘Sash Guide’ must be nominated by the vehicle ‘Manufacturer’ asbeing either a component of a ‘Seatbelt Assembly’ or not a component ofa ‘Seatbelt Assembly’.11.2.2.The ‘Sash Guides’ nominated by ‘Manufacturers’ as not a component ofthe ‘Seatbelt’Assembly’ must include those ‘Sash Guides’ which are notintended to be replaced when the ‘Seatbelt Assembly’ is replaced.11.2.3.For the purpose of this Rule, a load-bearing ‘Sash Guide’ means a ‘SashGuide’ which remains integral with its supporting structure and retainsthe ‘Strap’ under the following loading conditions: ‘Anchorage’ test loads resulting from the tests specified in clause 7 orAppendix 1; and11.2.3.2.where the ‘Sash Guide’ is a component of a ‘Seatbelt Assembly’, both theDynamic Testing Procedure of ADR 4/... , ―Seat Belts‖, and the staticstrength of assembly test of Australian Standard AS 2597.10 - 1983,―Determination of Static Strength and Dummy Displacement‖ asspecified in ADR 4/... ; and11.2.3.3.where the ‘Sash Guide’ is not a component of a ‘Seatbelt Assembly’ (asnominated in clause 11.2.2), then the ‘Sash Guide’ must comply withclause 11.4 as well as with th e following clauses of ADR for ―Seat Belts‖(where applicable) as if the ‘Sash Guide’ were part of the ‘SeatbeltAssembly’: clause 4.2.7 (but also excluding clauses 5, 9 and 14 ofAustralian Standard 2596-1983, ―Seat Belt Assemblies for MotorVehicles‖).11.3.‘Sash Guide’ Requirements - Other11.3.1.Strength - Except in cases where the ‘Anchor Fitting‘ at the ‘Final TorsoAnchorage’ is the ‘Sash Guide’, the ‘Sash Guide’ must, when tested inaccordance with the requirements of clause 7 or Appendix 1, withstandthe forces in such a way that after application and removal of the forcesthere is no substantial deformation and the ‘Sash Guide’ remains integralwith its supporting structure and continues to retain the ‘Strap’.11.3.2.‘Seat’ Backs - In cases where the ‘Seat’ back is a ‘Sash Guide‘ device thedesign of the ‘Seat’ back must be such that it is not possible for the‘Strap’ to fall below the lower boundary of ‘Area A’ (see Figure 2) at anypoint not greater than 300 mm from the ‘Seating Reference Plane’. this requirement is met by the use of a positive restraining deviceincorporated with or attached to the ‘Seat’ back then the device must bedesigned to withstand a force of 50 N applied in a horizontal transversedirection away from the ‘Seating Reference Plane’.11.3.3.Design of ‘Sash Guide’ Devices - In cases where the ‘Sash Guide’ whichincludes the ‘Sash Location Point’ is a load-bearing ‘Sash Guide’, it mustretain the ‘Strap’ by either: ‘Strap’ cannot be removed from the ‘Sash Guide’ without the use oftools; or。
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澳大利亚汽车设计规则简介及其初步研究1 前言澳大利亚汽车设计规则(ADR)是澳大利亚机动车标准法案(MVSA)第7部分指定的国家标准,要想进入澳大利亚市场的汽车制造商和汽车进口商都必须遵照执行,使生产或进口的车辆满足标准要求。
2 澳大利亚汽车设计规则的制定同我国汽车国家标准的制定过程相似,澳大利亚制定国家标准需要经过如下步骤:a. 根据设计规则的目的考察国外相关标准,尤其是ISO和ECE标准;b. 由法规权威制定机构、工业企业、车辆使用者一起商讨并确定技术内容;c. 设计规则由部长签字批准;d. 发布公告;e. 议会备案;f. 议会详细审查,通过后该规则正式成为国家标准,颁布实施。
3 澳大利亚汽车设计规则的编号及修订澳大利亚汽车设计规则按“ADR X/…”方式进行编号,其中X从1、2、3依次递增。
ADR X/00代表ADR X的原始版本。
如果该设计规则有较大的更改,则其第一次修订版本表示为ADR X/01,第二次修订版本为ADR X/02,依次下去。
4 澳大利亚汽车设计规则的发展历史第一版澳大利亚汽车设计规则没有成为任何形式的标准法规去进行实施,仅仅用作技术讨论。
在1983年2月举行的澳大利亚交通咨询立法委员会(A TAC)第63次会议上,对澳大利亚车辆法规体系进行全面回顾之后决定研究制定澳大利亚汽车设计规则第三版。
澳大利亚汽车设计规则第三版1988年7月1日制定完成,随后通过1989年8月2日和9月1日分别出版的联邦政府特别公告No. S264和No. S291中的1989年第一和第二号决议成为国家标准的一部分。
5 澳大利亚汽车设计规则的现状目前澳大利亚执行的汽车设计规则为第三版,共有83项,下面将分类简要介绍各项的基本内容。
ADR 7 - 液压制动软管(Hydraulic Brake Hoses)2005年1月1日废止;ADR 9 -自动变速器的标准控制(Standard Controls for Automatic Transmissions)澳大利亚第三版废止;ADR 15 - 风窗玻璃除霜(Demisting of Windscreen)2005年1月1日废止;ADR 16- 风窗玻璃雨刮器洗涤器(Windscreen Wipers and Washers)2005年1月1日废止;ADR 24- 轮胎及轮辋的选择(Tyre & Rim Selection)2005年1月1日废止;ADR 26 - 车用发动机排放(Vehicle Engine Emission)澳大利亚第三版废止;ADR 27 - 车辆排放控制(Vehicle Emission Control)澳大利亚第三版废止;ADR 32 - 重型车用安全带(Seat Belts for Heavy Vehicles)澳大利亚第三版废止;ADR 40 - 轻型卡车排放控制(Light Duty Vehicle Emission Control)澳大利亚第三版废止;ADR 41 - 强制使用无铅汽油(Mandatory Operation on Unleaded Petrol)2001年废止。
5.2关于照明与光信号装置的设计规则ADR 1 -倒车灯(Reversing Lamps)规定了机动车倒车灯的配光性能要求。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R23/00。
ADR 6 -转向灯(Direction Indicator Lamps)规定了转向灯的配光性能要求,以确保转向灯能在驾驶员要进行转向操作时给其他道路使用者足够的警告指示灯光。
ADR 13 -非L类机动车照明及信号装置的安装规定(Installation of Lighting and Light-signalling Devices on other than L-Group V ehicles)规定了非L 类机动车的照明及信号装置的安装规定以确保这些装置使用操作的便利性。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R48/02。
ADR 19 - L类车的照明及信号装置的安装规定(Installation of Lighting & Light-signalling Devices on L-Group V ehicles)规定了L类机动车的照明及信号装置的安装规定以确保这些装置使用操作的便利性。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R53/01和ECE R74/01的相关内容。
ADR 45 -未被ECE法规覆盖的照明及光信号装置的配光性能(Lighting & Light-signalling Devices not covered by ECE Regulations)规定了未被ECE法规覆盖的照明及光信号装置的配光性能,以保证在给驾驶员提供足够照明的情况下不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼,并且能告知他们该车辆的位置、方向、意图和移动情况。
ADR 46 –前大灯(Headlamps)规定了前大灯的配光性能,以保证在给驾驶员提供足够照明的情况下不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼。
其技术内容分别采用了ECE R1/01、ECE R5/02、ECE R8/04、ECE R20/02、ECE R31/02、ECE R112/00、ECE R113/00的相关内容。
ADR 47 -回复反射器(Reflex Reflectors)规定了回复反射器的几何性能、光学性能和耐用性能,以确保它能在车辆正常使用过程中持续有效地警示该车辆的存在。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R3/02。
ADR 48 -后牌照板照明装置(Rear Registration Plate Illuminating Devices)规定了后牌照板照明装置的配光性能,以保证给后牌照板提供足够的照明。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R4/00。
ADR 49 -前后位置灯、制动灯和示廓标志灯(Front and Rear Position (Side) Lamps, Stop Lamps and End-outline Marker Lamps)规定了照明信号装置的配光性能,以保证在不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼的情况下告知他们该车辆的位置、方向和移动情况。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R7/02。
ADR 50 -前雾灯(Front Fog Lamps)规定了前雾灯的配光性能,以保证在给驾驶员提供足够照明的情况下不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R19/02。
ADR 51 -灯泡(Filament Globes)规定了灯丝灯泡的尺寸要求和配光性能,以保证灯泡安装的可交换性和功能正确。
ADR 52 -后雾灯(Rear Fog Lamps)规定了后雾灯的配光性能,以保证在不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼的情况下告知他们该车辆的位置、方向和移动情况。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R38/00。
ADR 53 - L类车的位置灯、制动灯、转向灯和后牌照板照明灯(Position Lamps, Stop Lamps, Direction Indicators & Rear Plate Lamps for L-Group V ehicles)规定了L类车的照明信号装置的配光性能,以保证在不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼的情况下告知他们该车辆的位置、方向和移动情况。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R50/00。
ADR 54 -机动脚踏两用车前照灯近光灯(Passing Beam Headlamps for Mopeds)规定了机动脚踏两用车的前照灯配光性能,以保证在给驾驶员提供足够照明的情况下不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R56/00和ECE R76/00的相关内容。
ADR 55 -非机动脚踏两用车的L类车的前照灯(Headlamps for L-Group V ehicles other than Mopeds)规定了非机动脚踏两用车的L类车的前照灯配光性能,以保证在给驾驶员提供足够照明的情况下不使其他道路使用者觉得眩目刺眼。
其技术内容基本等效采用ECE R57/00和ECE R72/00的相关内容。
ADR 60 -高位制动灯(Centre High-mounted Stop Lamp)规定了安装在车辆后部的辅助用高位制动灯的性能要求,以向车后的其他道路使用者提供该车驾驶员正在实施刹车制动的辅助信息指示。
其中部分内容同ECE R7/02和ECE R48/01,基本等效采用FMVSS 108。
如果装备的是满足ADR 13和ADR 49的S3类制动灯,则不需要再进行本标准的检验。
ADR 67 -三轮车照明及信号装置的安装规定(Installation of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices on Three-Wheeled V ehicles)规定了三轮车照明及信号装置的安装要求,以确保这类车辆的照明及信号装置的使用效果未被削弱。