








1.14世纪欧洲经济的衰退:Economic Decline in Europe During the Fourteenth Century 重复2017.03.11,2015.11.08,2014.11.23,2014.04.27 有几个理由:与东方经济交往的切断、种植手段欠缺食物短缺、天气影响收成等。

2.水的温度分层造成的影响Thermal Stratification重复2015.05.303.Attempts at Determining Earth’s Age:重复2015.08.22,2014-03-01,2014-09-214.美国高速公路:The United States Interstate Highway System重复2017.05.13,2017.03.04,2016.09.25和2016.06.04说的是一个美国山区的特殊道路,先前一些学家认为是交通道路。

后来一个学者说,这些道路是一些特殊ritual spirit的体现,因为很多道路都是断头路,并不能通到哪去。






6.宇宙形成的两种学说:The Controversy over the Cosmic Hypothesis重复2016.11.12(本年度新题)大爆炸学说和恒定学说。



2017年2月25日托福口语真题及答案解析下面是2017年2月25日托福口语真题及答案解析,大家试着做一下再对答案,祝你们考试顺利!2017年2月25日托福口语真题T1Suggestions for a friend who would like to make new friends in a new city.Sample Answer:Among all the possible ways to befriend others, I would choose to give out carefully prepared little presents. Beautiful and practical things can simply add some spice to others’ life, and naturally help to leave a good impression. A pretty good example would be my first month in university. Four strangers in a dorm, you know. We were all from different places and barely knew each other except for our names. It would be quite embarrassing if we had nothing to talk about. Luckily, we brought some local specialties, especially some snacks, like mine, smoked dried beef. The next thing we did were breezy chatting and tasting. This strategy actually works almost everywhere: dorms, classrooms, workplaces, you name it.参考题【人际朋友】:20161016-Describe the best way you deal with disagreement with your friends.20161022-Talk about a period of time when one of your friends disappointed you.T 2Preference: Do you prefer to read paper books or electronic books.Sample Answer:I’ve always got my easy answer for this one: paper boo ks and the very reason for this is, without doubt, convenience. As a student, you’ve got to get down a lot of notes when you are doing preview and of course, listening to lectures. I can directly write things down on the paper right beside the parts that I should highlight. And I can surely flip though the pages to have a quick look at them minutes before the pop quizzes. Of course, the electronic versions do have their own merits, but the catch is also obvious: the battery can run out. If you’ve got nowher e to plug it in soon or have no power bank with you, you just can do nothing but to face a dead little machine.参考题【书/电子书】:20161105-Which of the following technological developments have made the greatest impact on students’ lives?1. Electronic books2. Online classes3. Smart phones.20161113-Some people prefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books. What is your opinion?综合口语-TPO27T 3学生建议:学生建议高年级学生写论文给低年级学生参考。





2017年托福口语真题T1You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose?1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner)2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read3. Read a selection of poem范文Among the three presentation choices, I would choose to act out a play with my partner. As a literature major, I have been deeply entranced by dramas, accordingly, I'd rather consider acting as a form of amusement than regarding it as a job. To illustrate, I remember the first year in college, I made a rather unusual decision to deliver a performance on Shakespeare's Drama-Hamlet at New Year’s party instead of participating in student’s choir in singing. As a result, the decision paid off since I was granted an acting position at city's drama club, as a reward for my authentic and impressive performance. Ever since then, acting has become part of my daily ritual for my passion and adoration for it never dies out.T2Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?范I am in favor of working in a large corporation rather thana small firm because large corporations often are ruled and governed by stable regulations whereas small firm often undergoes management transformations in which causing employees time to adjust and adapt to the new leaderships. Take my brother Jim as an illustration, he used to work as a high-tech personal in a petite firm which was specializing in virtual reality technology. Initially he was so passionate about the job that he barely took any weekends off for his own pleasure, he was so determined that he'd be promoted with such exceptional skills and professionalism. But he was wrong, after a few years, he was spiritually and psychically worn out because the management seats were constantly going through changes and his promotions were never brought up on the agenda because the new supervisors always bring their own personals to take charge in company affairs. Consequently, Jim had no choice but to quit the old firm and join an elite corporation that has business dealings nationwide, his excellent work has soon to be spotted by the management and he was granted promotion in a short term. Therefore, I'm inclined to listen to my brother Jim and work in a large company with stable leadership2017年托福阅读真题词汇in retrospect=reconsiderintensive=extremecollapsed=fall inwardadverse=unfavorablediminish=decreaseaccerlerate=fastergross=overallscenario=version of eventsunprecedented=never before2017年托福托福写作真题范文综合写作题目:Whether the three methods to stop snakeheads fromspreading is feasible.阅读:The reading raises three methods to stop the spread of snakehead fish because it threatens the ecosystem.1. Making laws to prevent people from transporting snakehead fish. Some people in the fish market will illegally transport or release unsold snakehead fish.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead. If they recognize that people actually can eat snakehead as a food source, they will catch many to eat and to sell.3. Researching some poison to kill the snakehead. Though poison will also kill native fishes in the river, people can restock native fishes.听力:The listening contradicts all methods proposed by the author of the passage and points out their potential problems.1. Even if people do not transport the snakehead, the spread will still continue.The reason is that there are already many snakeheads, and these snakeheads will move to other rivers even without human's efforts, because they can live and move on land as long as they are moist.2. Educating fishers to catch snakehead will not help stop the spread of snakehead. Conversely, it may lead to the increase of snakehead. Because when fishers realize they can make profit by catching snakehead, they will introduce snakehead to other water bodies and raise snakehead in order to catch more snakehead, even this is illegal.3. It is true that native fishes can be restocked; however,poison will also kill some insects and micro organisms, which cannot be restocked. So,native fishes that feed on these insects and micro organisms cannot grow to their original size. This is irreversible.。



2017年8月27日托福真题解析在2017年8月27日的托福考试中,四部分都出现了怎样的题目呢?下面就是店铺给大家整理的2017年8月27日托福真题解析,希望对你有用!8月27日托福口语真题Task 1Your university has acquired a piece of land next to the campus. There have been three options for the use of the land. Which do you prefer?why?1 the athletic facilities and stadiums .2 a park with nature trails3 centers for students and hotel for campus guestsTask 2Some universities except the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities wait until the second or the third year before students deciding to choose a a major field of study. Which do you prefer? Why or why not?Task 3阅读标题:Ban laptops in the café.原因1:都去用电脑上网了,减少了大家沟通交流的时间原因2:很多人坐在咖啡馆很长时间不走,其他人没有位置听力态度:赞同原因1:可以认识更多的新朋友原因2:确实可以让更多人使用,课间可以休息一下,吃点东西。

Task 4阅读标题:Open Source Development定义:很多公司都会对自己设计的产品保密,Open Source Development就是指把公司的产品信息公开,和其他公司合作,共同解决产品生产中的困难。




下面就是店铺给大家整理的2017年3月4日托福真题解析,希望对你有用!3月4日托福口语真题ask 1Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.Task 2If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?Task 3阅读标题: library make private study booth available to graduate students原因1:独立的空间存放物品原因2:在高层,比较安静听力态度:赞同原因1:研究生一般要完成比较长的论文,所需要的资料很多,背包很重,可以将资料放在booth 里,省了背着重包往返学校原因2:高层安静很重要,因为study area 一般比较吵闹。



Task 4阅读标题:weather modification定义:通过一些手段控制天气,但是只限于特定时间和地点。

听力例子:比如为了飞机安全起飞和降落,一般需要比较高的清晰度,有大雾的时候可以用carbon-dioxide的喷雾喷在雾上,使其冰冻并沉降,就可以提高visibilityTask 5问题:学生要开音乐会,但是买的uniform 不合身。



2017年2月18日托福口语真题及答案解析下面是2017年2月18日托福口语真题及答案解析,大家试着做一下再对答案,祝你们考试顺利!2017年2月18日托福口语真题TASK1:Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success?1. Many business opportunities;2. Well rounded medical care system;3. A developed educational system.TASK2:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.TASK3:阅读:Top chemistry student should receive money原因 1 : Encourages students to work harder原因 2 : Make use of 100.000 dollar recently donated to the chemistry department听力态度:disagree原因1:目前能够得到证书已经是很好的鼓励了,给了钱也无法比现在更努力;原因2:可以买一些设备。

现在学院的设备比较old and outdated , 买新设备可以让所有的学生获益。

TASK4:Student centered teaching定义:以学生为中心的教育方式,改变过去老师授课学生照着学的方式。


听力例子:教授的女儿Anna 12岁的时候去学吉他,一开始老师演示,她学,但是总是分神并day dreaming ,效果不好,后来老师换成让她回家录制自己喜欢的歌拿来学,Anna学的很有兴趣,进步很大。

2017 年 05 月 13 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年 05 月 13 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年05 月13 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Body temperature 内容回忆:本文共8 段。

第 1 段动物需要保持体温,还需要将热量传输到表面皮肤。


第 2 段产生热量的是少部分器官,比如人体中的chest,abdomen,brain 产生的热量就占所有热量的72%。

第3 段运动的时候,会产生更多的热量,要比平时多上十多倍的热量,主要是肌肉产生。

第4 段说的内部温度也不是都一样的,inner 的温度保持恒定,但是器官直接也有温度差,可能会有0.5 度的差别。

第5,6 段主要讲热量是怎么传输到表面的。



词汇题:1.uniform = constant2.considerably = greatly3.significance = importance4.roughly = approximatelyPassage two主题:The north long-neck turtle 内容回忆:第1 段介绍了生活在澳洲热带的long-neck turtle,它们的栖息地非常地特殊,会随着干湿两季的不同,改变栖息地;第 2 段讲到研究者们找了两年也没有找到这种龟的栖息地,但是当地的土著人知道,他们知道这种龟会将蛋产在水下。

为了验证这个说法,研究者在水下放了很多radio transmitter,turtle 下蛋的时候,transmitter 会附在蛋上,结果真的发现,long-neck turtle 会在水下14-17 米的泥下下蛋;第3 段讲为什么turtle 会选这里下蛋,这和它们生存的环境有关,它们生存的环境没有稳定的水,干湿两季是主要原因。

第 4 段讲到为什么这种龟下蛋在水下,蛋可以生存下来,不同于别的蛋,它们的蛋特别抗压。



托福考试复习试题资料附答案2017年托福考试复习试题资料附答案顽强的.毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰!以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年托福考试复习试题资料附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!As the twentieth century began, the importance of formal education in the United States increased. The frontier had mostly disappeared and by 1910 most Americans lived in towns and cities. Industrialization and the bureaucratization of economic life combined with a new emphasis upon credentials and expertise to make schooling increasingly important for economic and social mobility. Increasingly, too, schools were viewed as the most important means of integrating immigrants into American society.The arrival of a great wave of southern and eastern European immigrants at the turn of the century coincided with and contributed to an enormous expansion of formal schooling. By 1920 schooling to age fourteen or beyond was compulsory in most states, and the school year was greatly lengthened. Kindergartens, vacation schools, extracurricular activities, and vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools over the lives of students, many of whom in the larger industrial cities were the children of immigrants. Classes for adult immigrants were sponsored by public schools, corporations, unions, churches, settlement houses, and other agencies.Reformers early in the twentieth century suggested that education programs should suit the needs of specific populations. Immigrant women were one such population. Schools tried to educate young women so they could occupy productive placesin the urban industrial economy, and one place many educators considered appropriate for women was the home.Although looking after the house and family was familiar to immigrant women, American education gave homemaking a new definition. In preindustrial economies, homemaking had meant the production as well as the consumption of goods, and it commonly included income-producing activities both inside and outside the home, in the highly industrialized early-twentieth-century United States, however, overproduction rather than scarcity was becoming a problem. Thus, the ideal American homemaker was viewed as a consumer rather than a producer. Schools trained women to be consumer homemakers cooking, shopping, decorating, and caring for children "efficiently" in their own homes, or if economic necessity demanded, as employees in the homes of others. Subsequent reforms have made these notions seem quite out-of-date.1. It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that one important factor in the increasing importance of education in the United States was(A) the growing number of schools in frontier communities(B) an increase in the number of trained teachers(C) the expanding economic problems of schools(D) the increased urbanization of the entire country2. The word "means" in line 6 is closest in meaning to(A) advantages(B) probability(C) method(D) qualifications3. The phrase "coincided with与。




下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年托福语法词汇专项试题有答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!1. A microscope can reveal vastly _____ detail than is visible to the naked eye.(A) than(B) than more(C) more than(D) more.答案:D分析:由信号词分析:由信号词than可知空各处应填more.参考译文:一台显微镜能展示远超过肉眼看见的非常多的细节。

2. Narcissus bulbs _____ at least three inches apart and covered with about four inches of well drained soil.(A) should be planted(B) to plant(C) must planting(D) should plant答案:A分析:空格前为主语,空格出缺谓语动词,故首先排除(B)。



3. Industrialization has been responsible for _____ most radical of the environmental changes caused by humans.(A) a(B) the(C) some of which(D) which are the答案:B分析:空格后为形容词最高级,空格处应填定冠词。


4. In many areas the slope and topography of the land _____ excess rainfall to run off into a natural outlet.(A) neither permit(B) without permitting(C) nor permitting(D) do not permit.答案:D分析:句子缺少谓语动词。

2017 年 06 月 03 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年 06 月 03 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年06 月03 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Birdsong内容回忆:有研究表明有一种鸟类会在出生的几周模仿同类的叫声,一直到八个月之后才开始有自己独特的叫声,但是这些小鸟都是雄性。


一些科学家有研究用其他鸟类的叫声或者recording 的声音放给这些幼鸟听,发现都是不能干扰它们的。

所以他们在拥有此种叫声时是经历了interaction,特别是在建立territory ,或者是区分neighbor 的时候。


所以interaction 与否也要取决于species,结尾有例子parrot 说他们模仿多的原因是他们不论公母都会鸣叫,种类也多。

词汇题:1.pioneering=original2.distinct=separate3.enabling=allowable4.restrict=limitedPassage two主题:Economy of Roman内容回忆:罗马帝国当时兴盛促进了很多发展。

例如,进口比出口还要多;经济好了;人们也过上了landowner 的生活;周边的国家密集贸易更加大了物资的交流。

然而有一些离它非常近的国家反而die 因为过分依赖于邻国没有发展本国经济。

词汇题:1.surplus=excess2.stimulate=encouraging3.lucrative=profitable4.elaborate=complexPassage three主题: Debates about dinosaurs内容回忆:先介绍了恒温和变温动物的区别,之后提出关于恐龙是恒温动物有很多证据:1.表皮,发现表皮可以maintain body temperature。

2.大部分生活在temperate zone 不恒温无法生存。

3.the ratio of predator and prey :发现prey 明显多于predator,而很多prey都是恒温动物,代谢也少才能生存。

2017 年 04 月 23 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年 04 月 23 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年04 月23 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Earth atmosphere and the ocean 内容回忆:早期地球的大气的形成还有海洋的形成是hotly debated,有人认为是地下的mantle 含有大量的水,随着地质变化例如火山运动等到达了地表,冷凝形成水,而地球上mantle 的水含量也确实多。

有些人认为,可能是外太空的comet 或者meteorite 带来的,但是如果是这样应该有大置的外太空的元素,例如H,有一个例子证实了这个点。


词汇题:1.scrutiny=close observation2.scatter=distribute3.undoubted-uncertainPassage two主题:Roman route 内容回忆:罗马帝国的昌盛和它的route 有很大的关系。

早期会选择用马作为交通工具,最主要的还是为了official 服务,后来发现长距离的运输成本太高。


词汇题:1.furnished=equipped2.witness=experience3.exploit=usePassage three 主题: bat diversity 内容回忆:蝙蝠具有很多类别,吃的东西也不一样,有得吃昆虫,有的吃水果,blood 等等,获得的营养也不一样。



例如能够利用echo location 的蝙蝠可以捕捉insects,但是不能利用这里技能的只能吃leaves 或者fruits。

能飞的很高的蝙蝠一般去水边只是drink 但是不能飞很高的编蝠可以捕捉frogs 和fish。


词汇题:1.consist of=make up2.supplement=add to托福听力Conversation1:学生和学校的接待内容回忆:女生去学校的接待室要求为他们的俱乐部租一个房间。




下面是整理的2017托福复习资料模拟试题及答案,希望对大家有用,更多信息请浏览!The observation of the skies has played a special part in the lives and cultures of peoples since the earliest of times. Evidence obtained from a site known as the Hole in the Rock, in Papago Park in Phoenix, Arizona, indicates that it might have been used as an observatory by a prehistoric people known as the Hohokam.The physical attributes of the site allow its use as a natural calendar/clock. The "hole" at Hole in the Rock is formed by two large overhanging rocks coming together at a point, creating a shelter with an opening large enough for several persons to pass through. The northeast-facing overhang has a smaller opening in its roof. It is this smaller hole that produces the attributes that may have been used as a calendar/clock.Because of its location in the shelter's roof, a beam of sunlight can pass through this second hole and cast a spot onto the shelter's wall and floor. This spot of light travels from west to east as the sun moves across the sky. It also moves from north to south and back again as the Earth travels around the Sun, the west-to-east movement could have been used to establish a daily clock, much like a sundial, while the north-to-south movement could have been used to establish a seasonal calendar.The spot first appears and starts down the surface of the wall of the shelter at different times of the morning depending on the time of the year. The spot grows in size from its first appearance until its maximum size is achieved roughly at midday. It then continues its downward movement until it reaches a point where it jumps to the floor of the shelter. As the Sun continues to move to the west, the spot continues to move across the shelter floor and down the butte, or hill, toward a group of small boulders. If a person is seated on a certain one of these rocks as the spot reaches it, the Sun can be viewed through the calendar hole. This occurs at different times in the afternoon depending on the time of year.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) observations of the stars by ancient people(B) rock formations of Arizona(C) a site used by ancient people to measure time(D) the movement of the earth around the Sun2. The word "obtained" in line 2 is closest in meaning to(A) acquired(B) transported(C) covered(D) removed3. The word "attributes属性,特征" in line 5 is closest in meaning to(A) changes(B) characteristics(C) locations(D) dimensions4. The word "its" in line 10 refers to(A) roof(B) beam(C) hole(D) spot5. The word "establish" in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A) create(B) locate(C) consult(D) choose6. Which of the following is NOT true of the spot of light?(A) It is caused by sunlight passing through a hole.(B) It travels across the roof of the shelter.(C) Its movement is affected by the position of the Sun.(D) It movement could have been used to estimate the time of day.7. From which of the following can be the time of year be determined?(A) The movement of the spot of light from west to east(B) The speed with which the spot of light moves(C) The movement of the spot of light from north to south(D) The size of the sport of light at midday8. The word "roughly粗糙地" in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) finally(B) harshly(C) uneasily(D) approximately9. The passage mentions that the Hole in the Rock was used as all of the following EXCEPT(A) a calendar(B) a home(C) a clock(D) an observatory10. Which of the following can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?(A) The boulders are located below the rock shelter.(B) The person seated on the rock cannot see the shelter.(C) After it passes the boulders, the spot of light disappears.(D) The spot of light is largest when it first appears.答案:CABCA BCDBA。

17 年 3 月 11 日托福考试真题解析

17 年 3 月 11 日托福考试真题解析

17 年3 月11 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one话题分类:Literature题目: Homer and Oral Poetry内容回忆:1.早期的诗歌是被recited and sung, 而不是written. epic poems 的最高成就是古希腊Homer 的Iliad and Odyssey2.Iliad 和Odyssey 是在750 B.C. 到720 B.C. 写的。

I 比O 早了几十年,导致一个疑问是他们到底是不是一个人写的。

关于他们的Method 也有一些争议,既有口头色彩的stock phrase, 也有书面文学long and complex expression. 有猜测认为I 和O 不是Homer 一个人写的,而是一些无名人士搜集整理,最后成了我们现在看到的样子。


有人认为早期oral poem 可能是一种再创造,不会读写的人也可能讲出类似的诗歌,他们基于古老的故事内容和固定的模式,通过自己的方式retell the story.4.Homer 也可能是通过这个方式。

他用自己的方式recompose the poem, 从之前的传唱故事吸收了很多固定表达,慢慢展现了自己的风格,通过不停地rehearsal, ‘write’in his mind.5.到底I 和O 是何时被written down and fossilized? 大致是接近Homer的时期。

有三种理论:1. 不会读写的Homer 口述给别人记录下来;2. 后人Recited;3. Homer 自己是可以写的,只不过他trained to make oral version. 不管怎样,I 和O 都代表着Oral poetry 的最高成就。

词汇题:1.Culmination = high point2.Controversy = disagreement3.Anonymous = unidentified4.Exhibit = displayPassage two话题分类:Biology題目: Food-Storing strategies of Squirrels内容回忆:1.精于贮藏食物是Squirrels 的特征,简单讲了其中比较典型的territorial pine squirrels store cone 的方式。








11月4日托福口语真题回忆:Task 1Children would behave negatively before they learn how to appropriately. Which of the following behavior would you consider to be the most negative behavior of child and why?1.Being selfish2.Being impolite3.Being loudTask 2When giving feedbacks to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students inperson, while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why ?Task 3阅读标题:course catalog to provide more information原因 1: 学校能够在网上提前两个月为学生提供课程的相关信息,包括课程的作业和考试等相关情况,这样能让学生对要选读的课程更加了解。

原因 2:学生了解相关课程后能够提前去购买二手书,可以为他们省钱。

听力态度:赞成原因 1:了解课程要求信息能有助于学生知道这门课上需要做什么事情,是会写论文还是考试,从而选择合适的课程,不会轻易退课。



(完整版)历年托福词汇题汇总440题(有答案)TOEFL词汇题精选440题001. Most of these leaders were invo Ived in public life as reformers, activists worki ng for wome n's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary wome n.The word "represe ntative" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) typical(B) satisfied(C) supportive(D) dist in ctive002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffa ny (1843-1933) was the most noted exp onent of this style, produc ing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today.The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) valued(B) uni versal(C) un com mon(D) preserved003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 un til 1915, although its in flue nce continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eve ntually to be overtake n by a new school of thought known as Fun cti on alism that had bee n prese nt since the tur n of the cen tury.The word "overtake n" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surpassed(B) in cli ned(C) expressed(D) applied004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like n ormal glaciers, traveli ng perhaps only a couple of in ches per day. However, at in tervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster tha n usual.The word "in tervals" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) records(B) speeds(C) dista nces(D) periods 005. The in creas ing water pressure un der the glacier might lift it off its bed, overco ming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders dow nhill surge glaciers also might be in flue need by the climate, volca nic heat, or earthquakes.The word "free ing" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) push ing(B) releas ing(C) stre ngthe ning(D) draining006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge in to the ocea n, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in moti on a vicious cycle.The word "pl un ge" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) drop(B) exte nd(C) melt(D) drift007. Group members look to in strume ntal leaders to "get thi ngs don e." Expressive leadership, on the other han d, is leadership that emphasizes thecollective well-being of a social group's members.The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) n ecessary(B) typical(C) group(D) particular 008. They offer sympathy whe n some one experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipli ne, are quick to lighte n a serious mome nt with humor, and try to resolve issues that threate n to divide the group. The word "resolve" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) avoid repeat ing(B) talk about(C) avoid thi nking about(D) find a solution for 009. Thousa nds of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil rema ins. Major excavati ons were un dertake n that established the sig nifica nee of this remarkable site.The word "no ticed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) predicted(B) announced(C) corrected(D) observed 010. Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from inv ertebrates, have bee n recovered, ofte n in den sely concen tratecta ngled masses.The word "ta ngled" is closest in mea ning to which of follow ing?(A) buried ben eath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated011. The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have bee n con cealed by leaves and dust. The word "con cealed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) highlighted(B) covered(C) tran sformed(D) con tami nated012. The ocea n bottom --- a regi on n early 2.5 times greater tha n the total la nd area of the Earth --- is a vast frontier that even today is largely un explored and un charted, un til about a cen tury ago, the deep-ocea n floor was completely in accessible, hidde n ben eath waters averagi ng over 3,600 meters deep.The word "in accessible" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un recog ni zable(B) un reachable(C) unu sable(D) un safe013. The DSDP's drill ship, the Glomar Challe nger, was ableto maintain a steady positi on on the ocea n's surface and drill in very deep waters,extracting samples of sedime nts and rock from the ocea n floor. The word "extracting" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) breaki ng(B) locat ing(C) rem oving(D) an alyz ing014. Today, largely on thestrength of evide nee gathered duri ng the Glomar Challenger's voyages, n early all earth seientists agree on the theories of plate teet onics and eon ti nen tal drift that expla in many of the geological processes that shape the Earth. The word "stre ngth" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) basis(B) purpose(C) discovery(D) en dura nee015. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Can ada's populati on passed the 20 milli on mark. Most of this surg ing growth came from n atural in crease.The word "surg ing" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) new(B) extra(C) accelerat ing(D) surpris ing 016. Whe n the prairies were being settled, un doubtedly, the good econo mic eon diti ons of the 1950's supported a growth in the population, but the expansion alsoderived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an in crease in the average size of families. The word "tre nd" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) tendency(B) aim(C) growth(D) directive017. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Can ada bega n to deeli ne. It eon ti nued falling until in 1966, it stood at the lowest level in 25 years.The word "peak" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) poin ted(B) dismal(C) moun ta in(D) maximum018. Although the growth in Ca nada's populati on had slowed dow n by 1966 (the in crease the first half of the 1960's was only nine perce nt) , ano ther large populati on wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the childre n who were born during the period of the high birth rateprior to 1957.The phrase "prior to" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) behi nd(B) since(C) duri ng(D) precedi ng 019. Advocates of orga nic foods --- a term whose meaning varies greatly --- freque ntly proclaim that such products are safer and more nu tritious tha n others.The word "Advocates" is closest in meaning to which offollow ing?(A) Prop onents(B) Mercha nts(C) In spectors(D) Con sumers020. There are nu mero usun substa ntiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to syn thetic on es, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that un treated grains are better tha n fumigated grains, and the like.The word "un substa ntiated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un believable(B) uncon tested(C) un popular(D) unv erified021. But in many cases con sumers are misled if they believe orga nic foods can maintain health and provide better nu triti onal quality tha n conven ti on ally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if con sumers, particularly those with limited in comes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expe nsive orga nic foods in stead.The word "mai ntai n" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) improve(B) mon itor(C) preserve(D) restore022. I n additi on, there were performers and since con siderable importa nee was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.The word "con siderable" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) thoughtful(B) substa ntial(C) relatio nal(D) cere monial023. I n additi on, there were performers and since con siderable importa nee was attached to avoidi ng mistakes in thee nactme nt of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.The word "en actme nt" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) establishme nt(B) performa nee(C) authorizati on(D) season024. Stagger ing tasks confron ted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. The word "Staggeri ng" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) specialized(B) confusing(C) various(D) overwhel ming025. About a millio n and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) develop ing(B) rui ned(C) complicated(D) fragile026. Some bota ni sts hypothesized that the livi ng cells of pla nts acted as pumps. But many experime ntsdem on strated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights. The word "dem on strated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignored(B) showed(C) disguised(D) disti nguished027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a n egative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water movi ng from in side the pla nt in un broke n colu mns thatexte nd from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these un broke n colu mns of water.The word "exte nd" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) stretch(B) branch(C) in crease(D) rotate028. By ope ning vast areas of uno ccupied land for reside ntial expa nsion, the omni buses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more dista nt from city centers than they were in thepremodern era. The word "vast" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) large(B) basic(C) new(D) urba n029. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosi on of real estate developme nt and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new reside ntial lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outly ing areas.The word "sparked" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) brought about(B) surro un ded(C) sent out(D) followed030. An xious to take adva ntage of the possibilities of commut ing, real estate developers added 800,00(jbote ntial building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years-lots that could have housed five to six million people.The word "pote ntial" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) certa in(B) popular(C) improved(D) possible031. The quality of preservati on is outstanding , but what is even more impressive is the nu mber of ichthyosaur fossilscontaining preserved embryos.The word "outsta nding" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) exte nsive(B) surpris ing(C) vertical(D) excelle nt032. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have bee n reported from 6 differe nt levels of the shale in a small area around Holzamde n, suggest ing that a specificsite was used by large nu mbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time.The word "site" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) example(B) locati on(C) developme nt(D) characteristic033. The quality of preservati on is almost unm atched, and quarry operati ons have bee n carried out carefully with an aware ness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not acco unt for the in terest ing questi on of how there came to be such a concen trati on of preg nant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.The phrase "acco unt for " is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) record(B) describe(C) equal(D) expla in034.In the seve ntee nth cen tury the orga n, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief in strume nts of thekeyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the pia no suppla nted them at the end of the eightee nth cen tury.The words "a supremacy" in line 9 are closest in meaning to(A) a suggesti on(B) an improveme nt(C) a dominance(D) a developme nt 035. A series of mecha ni cal improveme nts continuing well into the nin etee nth cen tury, in cludi ng the in troducti on of pedals to susta in tone or to softe n it, the perfecti on of a metal frame, and steel wire of the fin est quality, fin ally produced an instrume nt capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harm onies to an almost orchestral full ness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brillianee. The word "myriad" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) no ticeable(B) many(C) loud(D) unu sual036. Each one was virtually a stone tow n, which is why the Spanish would later call them pueblos, the Spanish word for tow ns. These pueblos represe nt one of the An asazis' supreme achieveme nts. At least a doze n large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chiaco Canyon in n orthwest New Mexico.The word "supreme" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) most com mon(B) most outsta nding(C) most expe nsive(D) most convenient037. They fun cti oned as san ctuaries where the elders met to pla n festivals, perform ritual dan ces,settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the youn ger gen erati on. The word "settle" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) si nk(B) decide(C) clarify(D) locate 038. Then, to conn ect the pueblos and to give access to the surro unding tablela nd, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases forasce nding cliff faces.The word "asce nding" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) arriv ing at (B) carv ing(C) conn ect ing(D) climbi ng039. Within a very short time, however, the incon gruity of playi ng lively music to a sole mn film became appare nt, and film pia ni sts bega n to take some care in matchi ng their pieces to the mood of the film.The word "sole mn" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) simple(B) serious(C) short(D) sile nt(D) extreme040. Certai n films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early specialscores was that composed and arra nged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which wasreleased in 1915.The word "composed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) selected(B) comb ined(C) played(D) createdThe word "scores" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) totals(B) successes(C) musical compositi ons(D) groups of musicia nsc 041. The Earthcomprises three prin cipal layers: the dense, iron-rich core, the mantle made of silicate rocks that are semimolten at depth, and the thin, solid-surface crust.The word "comprises" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) adapts to(B) ben efits from(C) con sists of(D) focuses ond 042. These plates move over the semimolte n lower man tle to produce all of the major topographical features of the Earth. Active zones where intense deformati on occurs are confined to the n arrow, in terc onn ect ing boun daries of con tact of the plates.The word "inten se" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surface(B) sudden(C) rarea 043. New ocea nic crust is formed along one or moremarg ins of each plate by material issu ing from deeper layers of the Earth's crust, for example, by volca nic eruptions of lava at midocean ridges. The word "marg ins" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) edges(B) peaks(C) in teriors(D) dista nces d 044. If at such a spread ing con tact the two plates support con ti nen ts, a rift is formed that will gradually wide n and become flooded by the sea. The Atla ntic Ocea n formed like this as the American and Afro- Europea n plates move in opposite directi ons. The word "support" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) separate(B) create(C) reduce(D) hold d 045. Coin cide nt with concerns about the accelerati ng loss of species and habitats has bee n a grow in gappreciati on of the importa nee of biological diversity, the nu mber of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and huma n well- be in g.The word "appreciati on" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignorance(B) recog niti on(C) tolera nee(D) forgive nessd 046. An alie n explori ng Earth would probably give priority to the pla net's dominant, most-distinctive feature-the ocean. Huma ns have abias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly exam ining global issues.The word "bias" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) concern(B) disadva ntage(C) attitude(D) prejudice。

2017 年 04 月 15 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年 04 月 15 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年04 月15 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Climate of the past 内容回忆:1.Ice layers can provide information of the past climate, top layers are recently produced and bottom of the layers are formed for many years.2.Air bubbles in the ice can yield climate information as well. By investing the gases in the bubbles, the correlation and connection of carbon dioxide and temperature are revealed.3.Some sea sediments can also tell information of the climate. 词汇题:pacted=compressed together2.associated =related3.sensitive to = responsible for4.constructed=createdPassage two主题:Becoming Flightless 内容回忆:1.There are two conditions of becoming flightless. First is no need to migrate to warm conditions. Second is no predator.2.South America has a special bird which has no predators, this result flightless.3.Flightless has advantages. Flightless birds can feed on plants due to their digestion system which is so heavy for flight birds4.Flightless birds have larger eggs which can provide embryo more nutrients5.Why most flightless birds didn't evolve to hands? Maybe due to theirbeak which can manipulate objects? However, some birds evolve to andpaw.词汇题:1.Vacated= recall2.Manipulate =handle3.Speculate -understandPassage three主题: Some qualities of a good trout stream 内容回忆:1.Some streams have common qualities for trout (a kind of bird)2.Cool-cold water3.Smooth-slowing water4.Cover and shelter5.Abundant insects6.Areas for building nests7.Conclude all the conditions for trout 词汇题:1.robust = healthy2.optimal =ideal3.obstruction =阻碍4.predominantly=主要的,显著的托福听力Conversation1:学生和老师内容回忆:学生和老师谈论fairy tales,有formulate,比如hero, magical characters and happy ending,学生说按照公式写作的话大家都一样,老师说details 可以不一样,比如magical helper 可以是人也可以是动物,时间上可以是past,present 也可以是future。



2017年A级英语考试真题和答案一、词汇和语法(共20题,每题1分,共20分)1. The new regulations will come into _______ next month.A. effectB. useC. serviceD. operation答案:A2. The manager, along with his assistants, _______ to attend the conference.A. isB. areC. wasD. were答案:A3. _______ the truth, he didn't pass the exam.A. TellingB. To tellC. ToldD. Having told答案:B4. The project is _______ the government's attention.A. underB. aboveC. beyondD. over答案:C5. The meeting was so boring that I _______ asleep.A. dozedB. dozed offC. fellD. fell off答案:B6. _______ the heavy rain, we had to cancel the sports meeting.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Owing toD. In spite of答案:C7. The company has _______ a new policy to improve employee benefits.A. launchedB. releasedC. issuedD. published答案:C8. The book is worth _______.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read答案:C9. _______ the bad weather, the match had to be postponed.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Owing toD. In case of答案:C10. The teacher asked the students to _______ the sentences in the book.A. copyB. rewriteC. duplicateD. reproduce答案:A11. The company is _______ a new marketing strategy.A. developingB. developing upC. developing outD. developing on答案:A12. The movie was so _______ that I fell asleep halfway through.A. excitingB. boringC. thrillingD. fascinating答案:B13. The project is _______ the government's attention.A. underB. aboveC. beyondD. over答案:C14. The manager, along with his assistants, _______ to attend the conference.A. isB. areC. wasD. were答案:A15. _______ the truth, he didn't pass the exam.A. TellingB. To tellC. ToldD. Having told答案:B16. The meeting was so boring that I _______ asleep.A. dozedB. dozed offC. fellD. fell off答案:B17. _______ the heavy rain, we had to cancel the sports meeting.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Owing toD. In spite of答案:C18. The book is worth _______.A. to readB. to be readC. readingD. being read答案:C19. _______ the bad weather, the match had to be postponed.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Owing toD. In case of答案:C20. The teacher asked the students to _______ the sentences in the book.A. copyB. rewriteC. duplicateD. reproduce答案:A二、阅读理解(共15题,每题2分,共30分)Passage 1Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage:With the rapid development of technology, the way we communicate has changed dramatically. Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and even build our professional networks. However, the rise of social media has also raised concerns about privacy and the impact on mental health.21. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The benefits of social mediaB. The impact of social media on communicationC. The rise of social media and its consequencesD. The importance of privacy in the digital age答案:C22. What is one of the positive aspects of social media mentioned in the passage?A. It helps people stay connected with friends and family.B. It can improve mental health.C. It is only useful for professional networking.D. It has no impact on mental health.答案:A23. What concern is raised about social media in the passage?A. Its impact on privacyB. Its ability to improve communication skillsC. Its positive effect on mental healthD. Its limited use for professional networking答案:A24. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To encourage the use of social mediaB. To warn against the dangers of social mediaC. To provide a balanced view of social mediaD. To promote privacy protection measures答案:C25. What can be inferred from the passage about the author's view on social media?A. The author is completely against social media.B. The author believes social media has only positive effects.C. The author acknowledges both the benefits and drawbacks of social media.D. The author is neutral about the impact of social media.答案:CPassage 2Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage:In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people choosing to work remotely. This trend has been driven by advancements in technology, which have made it easier for employees to work from home or other locations outside the traditional office setting. Remote work offers several benefits, including increased flexibility, reduced commuting time, and the ability to maintain a better work-life balance. However, it also presents challenges, such as the potential for isolation and the need for strong self-discipline.26. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The advantages of remote workB. The disadvantages of remote workC. The rise of remote work and its implicationsD. The impact of technology on traditional offices答案:C27. What has contributed to the increase in remote work?A. The desire for more flexibilityB. Technological advancementsC. The need for better work-life balanceD. The reduction in commuting time答案:B28. What are some benefits of remote work mentioned in the passage?A. Increased flexibility and reduced commuting timeB. Better work-life balance and reduced isolationC. Increased productivity and improved communicationD. Enhanced creativity and reduced stress levels29. What challenges does remote work present, according to the passage?A. The need for isolation and strong self-disciplineB. The potential for isolation and the need for strong self-disciplineC. The need for constant communication and reduced flexibilityD. The potential for reduced productivity and increased stress答案:B30. What can be inferred from the passage about the author's view on remote work?A. The author is completely in favor of remote work.B. The author is completely against remote work.C. The author acknowledges both the benefits and challenges of remote work.D. The author is neutral about the impact of remote work.答案:CQuestions 31-35 are based on the following passage:The concept of a "smart city" has gained popularity in recent years.A smart city utilizes information and communication technologies to improve the efficiency of urban services, enhance the quality of life for its residents, and promote sustainable urban development. Key components of a smart city include intelligent transportation systems, efficient energy management, and the use of data analytics to inform decision-making. However, the implementation of smart city initiatives also raises concerns about data security and privacy.31. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The definition of a smart cityB. The benefits of smart city initiativesC. The rise of smart cities and their challengesD. The role of technology in urban development答案:C32. What is a key component of a smart city?A. Intelligent transportation systemsB. Traditional energy managementC. The absence of data analyticsD. Limited urban services答案:A33. What does a smart city aim to improve?A. The efficiency of urban services and the quality of life for residentsB. The quality of life for residents and sustainable urban developmentC. Sustainable urban development and data securityD. Data security and traditional energy management答案:A34. What concern is raised about smart city initiatives in the passage?A. Data security and privacyB. The high cost of implementationC. The lack of public awarenessD. The potential for reduced efficiency in urban services答案:A35. What can be inferred from the passage about the author's view on smart cities?A. The author is completely against smart city initiatives.B. The author believes smart cities have only positive effects.C. The author acknowledges both the benefits and concerns of smart cities.D. The author is neutral about the impact of smart cities.答案:C三、完形填空(共10题,每题1.5分,共15分)(文章及选项省略)四、翻译(共5题,每题3分,共15分)36. 随着经济的快速发展,环境污染问题日益严重。





下面就是店铺给大家整理的2017年3月25日托福考试答案解析,希望对你有用!2017年3月25日托福听力真题答案及解析Conversation 1话题分类: student and employee内容回忆:学生问老师为什么我们学校没有去西班牙的交换计划,说自己朋友的大学就有西班牙留学的项目,老师说之前是有的,但是现在没有了,现在只有为期一年的店铺计划。



Conversation 2话题分类 student and course advisor内容回忆:女生去意大利进行艺术交流学习,回来之后发现想选的课取消了。

问老师怎么办,解决办法是选一门low level course。



Lecture 1学科分类:人类学标题: sedentary lifestyle内容回忆:早期的人类是以打猎和采集为生的,但是后来人类开始了sedentary lifestyle。





Lecture 2学科分类: Music History标题:巴洛克时期的音乐内容回忆:讲了巴洛克时期的音乐,受到了古希腊哲学家的影响。




2017年4.1托福考试真题解析2017年4.1考托福的小伙伴,你们考得怎么样?还记得4月1日托福考试出了什么题目吗?下面就是店铺给大家整理的2017年4.1托福考试真题解析,希望对你有用!4月1日托福口语真题Task 1The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to get graduate. Which of the following choice will you choose? A, soccer B, dancing Sample Answer:As for me, I will choose cycling. On one hand, cycling doesn’t involve any difficult skill and I’ve started the sport item since my childhood, which will guarantee me a good score in the PE exam. What’s more, it must be exciting to take such PE classes, cuz it’s likely that we have to tour off campus by bike in order to practice. How fascinating it is! Actually, cycling is more of a recreational activity than a course.On the other hand, I’m not cut out for soccer and dance. The former is too intense for me since it involves much running and kicking while the latter calls for great flexibility and balance ability which I’ m not endowed with.Therefore, cycling is really a safe choice as well as an interesting one.(133 words)Task 2Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it’s expensive, while another is less well-know, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for yourintuition fee. Which university would you prefer, explain why.Sample Answer:I will choose the expensive one well-known for its excellent academic program because it’s beneficial for my long-term development. I spare no effort to get in a university for the academic knowledge and elites in my major. Undoubtedly, in the university famous for its academic program, I will have more access to experienced professors who can offer me professional guidance and insightful perspectives. Also, I can have more opportunity to pitch in on some advanced academic studies so as to get informed with the most up-to-date information in the field. Therefore, considering my purpose for attending a university, I believe it is a better choice. All of those aforementioned meet my demand closely.(113 words)Task 3阅读标题:Professor Should Provide Lecture Notes原因1:学生上课听讲更专心,不必浪费时间记笔记。

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编号词汇题标准答案1 a surge of a sudden increase in2 a wealth of an abundance of3abandoned left/no longer occupied4abrupt sudden5accelerated speeded up6accommodated allowed7accompany occur along with8accounted for explained9acquired obtained10addressed dealt with11adept at skilled in12adjacent neighboring13admirably very well14admiration for high opinion of15adopting starting to use16advent arrival17advocate argue for18advocates supporters19aggregate collection20aim goal21akin to similar to22albeit though23allegedly supposedly24allied related25allowing making possible26almost universal amongfishused by almost all fish(语境中的含义)27alter change28alternate take turns at29alternative different30ambiguous unclear31ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve 32anchored held in place2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(A)33annual yearly34anonymous unidentified35anticipate expect/predict36anticipating expecting37apparent obvious/seeming38appreciably significantly39appreciation understanding40approaches comes close41approaching nearing42appropriate suitable43aptitude ability44are preserved survive45ascend go up46assertion claim47assimilated absorbed48associated related49attest confirm50augment add to51autonomous independent2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(B)52bare it is not covered by leaves(语境中的含义)53beneficial helpful54bizarre strange55booming rapidly growing2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(C)56capacity ability57ceaselessly continually58ceases stops59chronology a list that pairs past events with dates60cited mentioned61cluster group62coexisted lived together63coincides with occurs at the same time as64collapsed fell inward65collectively in a whole66commonplace ordinary/usual67compacted compressed together68compelling convincing69compensates for makes up for70compilations collections71complex complicated72complexity sophistication73composes makes up74comprehensive complete75comprise consist of76conceal hide77concede admit unwillingly78conceivable imaginable79concept idea80concurred with agreed with81confirmed proven82congregate gather83conjunction combination84consequently as a result/therefore85considerable a large amount of/significant86considerably greatly/significantly87consistent doesn’t change significantly/thesame/unvarying88conspicuous easily noticed89constant occurring periodically/regularly occurring 90constituent component91constrained to forced to92constraints on limitations on93constructed created94consumed used up95contains includes96continuously constantly97contract into be reduced to98contradictory conflicting99contribute to add to100controversy disagreement101conventional standard/traditional102converge on meet at103converge come together104convey transmit105copious abundant106core center107correlated associated108corresponds to matches109corroborated confirmed110counterpart equivalent111courteous polite112crude primitive113culmination high point114cumulatively altogether115customarily commonly116cycle pattern of events that repeats itself2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(D)117debate argue about118deciphering figuring out119decisive determining120delicate carefully protected121demand require122dense thick123denser more crowded124dependable reliable125derive obtain126derived from obtained from127detected noticed128determinants causes129devastate destroy130devastating extremely destructive131diffuse spread132diffusion spread/dispersal133diminish decrease134dismiss reject135dispersed scattered/spread136disrupt disturb137disrupted disordered138distinct clear/separate139distinctions differences140distinctive attractive/characteristic141distribution delivery142diverting redirecting143dominated most prominent144dramatic powerful145dramatically significantly146drastic extreme147drastically extensively/extremely148durable long-lasting149duration length2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(E)150elaborated complex/developed/complicated 151elaborately with great detail152elevated high/raised153eliminates removes154embody incorporate155embrace accept156emergence development/rise157eminent distinguished158employed used159enabling allowing160encompass include161encounter meet162encountered came into contact with163endure survive(语境中的含义)/withstand 164enhanced improved165ensured guaranteed166episodes occurrences167erased eliminated168essential principal169estimated calculated approximately170eventually at a later time/in the end/over time 171evident clear/obvious172evoke cause173evolved developed174exceed be greater than/be more than175excessive extreme/too many/too much176excessively extremely177excluded kept out178exclusively only/solely179excrete release180exercised applied181exert put forth182exhaust use up183exhausting extremely tiring184exhibit show/display185experimenting with trying to186explicit clear stated187explicitly clearly188exploit take the advantage of189exploited discovered/used190extend expand/lengthen191extracts removes2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(F)192facets forms193faithfully accurately194favorable advantageous195favored preferred196feat achievement197features aspects198fluctuations variations199fluid liquid200focused concentrated201formulate investigate202fortunately luckily203found wanting judged inadequate204foundation basis205founding building/establishment206fragile delicate207fragments pieces208fulfills achieves209furnished equipped210furthermore in addition2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(G)211garment article of clothing212generally usually213generating producing214gradual slow215gradually slowly2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(H)216harness utilize217hastened hurried/rushed/sped up218hazardous dangerous219hence thus220hierarchy system of ranking221his imitator the people who copied him(语境中的含义)222honored respected2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(I)223ideal perfect224identical the same225identifiable recognizable226immense enormous/huge227imminent about to happen228immune to unaffected by229implications consequences230impressive remarkable231improbable unlikely232impulse to push toward233in isolation alone234in retrospect in reconsidering the past/think inreconsideration235inadvertently accidentally/unintentionally236inanimate lifeless237incentive motivation238inconclusive not definitive239inconspicuous not easily noticed240indefinitely endlessly241indispensable essential242inevitable unavoidable243inevitably necessarily244ingenious clever245ingenuity inventiveness246ingestion swallowing247inhabitant resident248inherent built-in249inhospitable unlikely250initially at first251initiate introduce/start/begin252innovation change253insisting stating forcefully254install put in place255intact whole/without breaking into pieces 256integral essential257integrated combined258integration unit259intend plan260intense extreme/strong261intermittently periodically262interpret understand263intricate complex264intriguing fascinating265intrusive unwelcome266invariable always267investigate examine268isolated widely separated2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(J)269jeopardized endangered2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(K)270keen intense/sharp271kept in check prevented2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(L) 272launched started273leftover remaining274lucrative profitable2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(M) 275magnitude extent276maintained claimed277maintaining keeping278manageable easy to handle279manifestations expressions280manipulate handle/skillfully use281margins limits282massively extensively/substantially 283matches agrees with284mechanisms means285mere only286methodically systematically287mimic reproduce288mobilize put into action289modest relatively small290modify change291monumental enormous292moral lesson293more robust stronger294motivated encouraged295motives reasons296mutual shared2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(N) 297nonetheless even so298notorious for well-known for2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(O) 299oblige force300observation finding301obsolete out of date302obtained gathered303obvious clear304occasionally sometimes305on balance overall306ongoing continuing307optimal ideal308optimal favorable309optimum ideal310ornamented decorated311outbreak sudden increase2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(O)312painstakingly with great effort313parallel develop at the same time and rate/match 314peak high point315peculiar to unique to316perceive see317perfected completed/improved318periodically at regular intervals of time319permanent constant320perplexing puzzling321persistent lasting322persuasive convincing323pertinent relevant324pierced broke through325pioneering original326plague cause trouble for327plausible reasonable328plentiful abundant/numerous329pointed out stated330posed presented331potential possible332pragmatic practical333precise accurate334predominantly mainly335predominate are in the majority336preeminent main337prelude to introductory step to338preponderance majority339prerequisite requirement340presumably it is reasonable to assume/probably 341presumed supposed342prevail dominate343prevailing dominant344profound strong345profoundly deeply346prohibit prevent347prolonged extended348promote encourage349promoting encouraging350prone to subject to351proper appropriate352properties characteristics353proponents supporters354proportion size355prosperous successful356proximate close distance from357proximity closeness358pursue practice359pursuit possession360put up with tolerate2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(R)361radically extremely362rebound recover363recognized accepted364reconcile bring together365recover to return to normal366refine improve367refinement improvement368regimes governments369reinforcing strengthening370related to in proportion to371relatively comparatively372relentless without pause373reliance dependence374rely depend375remarkable impressive376remarkably close extremely close377remnants remainders378remote distant/isolated379renowned famous380repel drive away381repetitive happening many times382replicating copying383resolved settled384respective in the order presented385restricted limited386resultant consequent387retained kept388retention keeping389revealed showed390revered greatly admired391rival competing392robust healthy393roughly approximately394routine common395routinely often/regularly396rudimentary elementary/primitive/simple 397ruled out excluded2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(S) 398sabotaged intentionally damaged399scarcity of lacking in400scarcity insufficiency401scattered distributed/spread apart 402scenario version of events403secreted created(语境中的含义)404scrutiny close observation405securing getting406segregated separated407seldom rarely408self-sufficiency independence409self-sufficient independent410sensitive to responsible for411sentimental emotional412severely greatly413severity harshness/seriousness 414shallow having little depth 415significance importance416significant considerable417simultaneously at the same time418skeptical doubtful419soar increase420sophisticated complex421sophistication complexity422sparse thinly distributed 423specified stated/typical424spectacular remarkable425speculate understand/guess426stamina endurance427startled surprised428stationary fixed429steadily continuously430stimulated encouraged431striking dramatic/noteworthy 432subdue defeat433submerged put under water434subsequent later435subsistence survival436substantial significant437substantially largely/significantly 438succeeding following439sufficient adequate/enough440suitable appropriate441supplement add to442supplementary additional443surgesharp rise/sudden growth 444surplusexcess/extra/the amount that exceed 445suspiciondistrust 446sustaincontinue/support 447swiftfast/quick 448synthesizingcombining 449tacticstrategy/method 450take precedence overhave greater importance than 451task job 452tending taking care of 453therebyconsequently 454thusas a result/therefore/in this way/consequently 455transparentimages can be seen through them without obstruction 456triggeredinitiated 457triggeringstarting 458twenty or soroughly twenty 459typicallyspecifically 460typifiedcharacterized 461ultimatelyeventually 462unambiguousclear 463undesirableunsatisfactory 464undoubtedlycertainly 465unethicalimproper 466unfavorabledisadvantageous 467uniformconstant 468unintentionalaccidental/unplanned 469unprecedentednever seen before 470unpredictableuncertain 471unpromisingunfavorable 472unrivaledunequaled 473vacatedemptied 474vanishes disappears 2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(T)2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(U)2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(V)475vast huge476velocity speed477verging bordering478verifying confirming479vicinity neighborhood/region480virtually almost completely481vulnerable unprotected2017年全年托福词汇题及标准答案(W) 482was heightened increased483widespread common484witnessed experienced。
