

实验一 RedHat Linux7

实验一  RedHat Linux7

实验一 RedHat Linux 7.2的安装1. 实验目的: 根据需要配置计算机硬件设备,安装RedHat Linux 7.2,安装所有必须软件包;熟悉Linux的常用操作。

2. 设备需求 CPU 500MHz以上内存128MHz以上硬盘5Gbyte以上显示卡Linux驱动程序支持网卡Linux驱动程序支持串口Linux驱动程序支持RedHat Linux7.2 安装盘2张3. 安装过程 可以在已经安装了Windows的主机上,安装Linux,实现双操作系统引导。



安装RedHat Linux7.2可以有多种安装方式,通常采用光盘安装。

设置BIOS为光驱引导,放入RedHat Linux7.2安装盘1,重新启动计算机。

Linux安装盘启动后,提示boot: 可以按照缺省的图形界面方式安装,直接敲回车;然后按照安装向导,完成安装过程。



通常只要分出swap和/ 两个区即可。





??选择完全安装(Custom installation?everything)??安装测试显示卡。


??安装到最后要制作启动盘,不要选择Skip create bootdisk。

4. 常用配置命令 setup 弹出菜单,配置所有设备选项lilo 管理系统引导区,对应文件/etc/lilo.confnetconf 配置网络ifconfig 查看和配置网络rpm 安装卸载软件包。



RedHat Linux Ent安装手册一、RHEL系统安装1.1将RHEL 光盘放入光驱,设置从光驱启动,如下图按回车。

1.2选择‘Skip’回车1.3点‘Next’1.4点‘Next’1.5点‘Next’1.6选择‘Skip entering Installation Number’,点‘OK’1.7选择‘Skip’1.8选择‘Yes’,再选择‘Create custom layout’,点‘Next’1.9选择‘New’建立分区,1.10分驱完成之后选择‘Next’1.11选择‘Next’1.12设置IP地址,选择‘Edit’,选择‘Enable IPV4 support’,Manual Configuration,设置IP地址,点“OK”1.14时区:选择“Asia/Shanghai”,点Next1.15输入ROOT密码:_____________,点next1.16软件安装选择‘Customize now’,点Next1.17 选择Languages,选中‘____________’点Next.1.18点‘Next’1.19等待大约三十分钟安装完成。

1.20点‘REBOOT’重新启动LINUX1.21点‘Forward’1.22点YES, I agree to the license agreement,点‘Forward’1.23Firewall选择‘___________’,点‘Forward’再点‘yes’1.24SElinux Setting选择‘___________-’,点‘Forward’,再点‘yes’1.25Kdump,点Forward1.26设置日期与时间,点‘Forward’1.27点‘Forward’1.28Create user页面点‘Forward’,再点‘continue’1.29点‘Forward’1.30点‘Finish’,再点‘OK’完成LINUX的设置二、RHEL5.6系统配置2.1 建立______用户管理用户与系统监控。

RedHat LINUX安装全步骤(附图)

RedHat LINUX安装全步骤(附图)

LINUX软件安装步骤1.在Vmware 中创建一个Linux 的虚拟机版本是Red Hat Linux ,其中硬盘最少要有2GB 的空间(建议分4GB 其他硬盘,网卡的配置和Windows 虚拟机一样即可)。

2.把Vmware 的光驱制定到对应的镜像文件上,我们这里是linux iso 文件中的第一张盘。


在这个界面中输入linux text 后回车才能进入文本安装界面。


因为我们使用的是镜像文件,所以可以直接单击Skip 如果使用的是光盘最好还是检测一下比较好。

(在LINUX 文本模式中基本都是使用键盘进行操作,鼠标也支持但是不像在Windos 中那样好用。



如果是使用的光盘CD 需要先插入CD 后在Test 因为我们使用的是镜像文件所以就可以直接Test6.检测完毕。




(如果选择的不是英语的话,在以后的一些提示显示中会出现乱码看不懂)9.选择键盘类型,在这里选择us 即可。

10.选择鼠标类型,在Linux 这类操作系统中,经常用到三键鼠标,因此,除了选择鼠标类型外,一般还选中下面的“Emulate 3 Buttons?”,这样同时点击鼠标左右键,代表点击中键。




在这里选择Autopartition 。


因为我们是新建的所以选那个都无所谓,但是如果在已经安装好Windows 的系统上进行安装,一般选择第三项。



要安装到那个硬盘中,在这里只有一个硬盘sda ,所以直接选择即可。



RedHat7.2安装informix暨双机配置教程(QQ:1633748241)目录1.安装环境 (2)2.安装过程 (2)(1)建立informix用户组和用户 (2)(2)设置informix用户的环境变量 (2)(3)安装EsqlForLinux (2)(4)安装IDS2000-9.21.UC3-1 (3)(5)informix数据库的配置 (3)(6)informix相关配置文件的配置 (4)(7)以informix用户身份登录并第一次启动Online Server (6)(8)创建数据空间(dbspace)以存放系统及其它应用 (6)(9)将逻辑日志及物理日志移出rootdbs (7)(10)使Online Server正式运行 (8)rmix的ODBC设置 (9)(1)安装clientsdk-281-TC1.NT (9)(2)ODBC设置 (9)rmix的双机配置 (12)(1)双机环境 (12)(2)双机配置 (12)(3)安装informix数据库 (14)(4)配置和检测informix双机 (15)(4)双机测试 (16)RedHat7.2安装informix暨双机配置教程1.安装环境Win7+VMware6.5+RedHat7.2 Linux内核:2.4.7-10informix:EsqlForLinux+IDS2000-9.21.UC3-12.安装过程(1)建立informix用户组和用户以下操作全部由root用户执行[root@aaa root]#groupadd informix[root@aaa root]#useradd -g informix -d /opt/informix -m -s /bin/csh informix [root@aaa root]#passwd informix(2)设置informix用户的环境变量以下操作由informix用户执行[root@aaa root]#su - informix[root@aaa root]#vi .cshrc.cshrc文件内容如下:setenv INFORMIXDIR /opt/informixsetenv INFORMIXSERVER db_onlinesetenv ONCONFIG onconfigsetenv PATH ${PATH}:/bin:${INFORMIXDIR}:${INFORMIXDIR}/bin保存退出source使之生效[informix@aaa ~]$ source .cshrc(3)安装EsqlForLinux以下操作由root用户执行将EsqlForLinux.tar文件用root用户传至/opt/informix目录下[root@aaa root]# export INFORMIXDIR=/opt/informix[root@aaa root]# cd /opt/informix/解压tar文件[root@aaa informix]# tar xvf EsqlForLinux.tar安装[root@aaa informix]# ./installsqlEnter your serial number (for example, INF#X999999) >ACN#J334914Enter your serial number KEY (uppercase letters only) >OTRZLE注:在输入序列号及口令后,ESQL安装完毕。

RedHat linux7 虚拟化+集群安装精简手册

RedHat linux7 虚拟化+集群安装精简手册

RedHat linux7 虚拟化+集群安装精简手册redhatlinux7-虚拟化+集群安装精简手册RedHat Linux X7虚拟化环境群集安装手册1、前期准备挂载磁盘/*通过使ISO便于后续安装操作,ISO映像系统*/ddif=/dev/sr0of=/APP/rh71应在知识库isomount oloop/APP/rh71中形成。

ISO/MNT安装mount-loop/dev/sr0/mnt看看丢失了什么包裹/*如果想要是用vgscan指令,系统至少需要安装lvm2包,这个从安装好的系统上查*/[root@jttldb1host5]#rpm-qf/sbin/vgscanlvm2-2.02.83-3.el6.x86_64通用软件包安装net-tools(ifconfig等用)Yum-yinstallnautilus-open-terminal(右击可添加终端)配置yum/*调整*/build file/etc/yum。



回购[基础]name=rhelbaseurl=file:///mntenabled=1gpgcheck=0[cluster]name=rhelbaseurl=file:///mnt/addons/highavailabilityenabled=1gpgcheck=0配置IPipaddr=在一张网卡上配置多个IP地址ifconfigteam0:临时添加一个ip,重启后消失,如果想永久拥有,需要配置ifcfg-ens32:0文件)临时文件取消:ifconfigens32:0down网卡绑定1)创建组接口(会生产一个ifcfg-team0)nmcliconaddtypeteamcon-nameteam0ifnameteam0'{\NMCLICondalTeam0(删除绑定团队)2)查看组接口配置NMCLICondShow3)给组接口添加设备nmcliconaddtypeteam-slavecon-nameteam0-Port1IfNameP11S0F0MasterTeam0NMCLICONAddTypeTeam-slavecon-nameteam0-Port2IfNameP16S0F0MasterTeam0NMCLICONModTypeTeam-slavecon-nameteam0-Port2IfNameP16S0F0MasterTeam04)配置ip[ root@jttldb2network-scripts]#moreifcfg-team0device=team0devicetype=teamteam_config=\bootproto=noneipaddr=网关=电子线路=是ipv4_failure_fatal=yesipv6init=yesipv6_uuAutoConf=yesipv6_uuDefRoute=yesconfigipv6\uPeernds=yesipv6\uPeerRoutes=yesipv6\uFailure\uFatal=noname=team0uuid=afa9d1a3-05d8-4cad-af44-fd187c5be16fonboot=yes查看网卡状态TeamDctLTEAM0状态验证nmclidevdiseno断开nmclidevconeno连接操作系统版本查询lsb_release-a需要安装包(yuminstallredhat LSB)起停服务SystemCtlStopFirewallDSystemCtlStartDirectWallDSystemCtlStatus FirewallDSystemCtl | grep是否开机启动Systemctlenablexxx启动系统CtlDisableXXX启动系统CtlStatusXXX未启动系统CtlStatusXXX查看状态关闭防火墙[ root@localhost~]#SystemCtlStopFirewallD[root@localhost~]#systemctldisablefirewalld关闭selinux[ root@localhost~]#VI/etc/sysconfig/SELinux将SELinux=强制执行改为SELinux=禁用[root@localhost~]#重新启动视图#getenforce临时关闭#setenforce0LVM配置虚机上共享磁盘配置要求磁盘置备:厚置备置零磁盘模式:独立持久在HA1上,创建pv、vg、lv挂载文件系统,在ha2上重启系统即可识别vg信息修改主机名:linu7通过hostname临时修改主机名,加hostnamectlstatic修改静态主机名的方式实现永久生效主机名(修改主机名后注意修改hosts)hostnamehostnamectl--staticset-hostnamelinux7-ha2而在linux7之前是没有hostnamectl命令的,永久修改主机名的方式是通过hostname加修改/etc/sysconfig/network文件的方式配置VNC连接rehhat71)安装包yuminstalltigervnc-server创建登录密码:#vncserver2)配置vnccp/lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service/etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1。




2发行版本的安装与配置由于CentOS 7出来不久,对于这个版本的系统安装与配置的教程较少,今天就索性介绍一下CentOS7.2系统的安装与配置。










/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ 华中科技大学开源镜像网站。

cn/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ 新浪开源镜像网站http://mirrors。


/CentOS/7/isos/x86_64/ 重庆大学镜像网站http://mirrors。



cn/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ 西北农业科技大学镜像网站http://mirrors。

/centos/7/isos/x86_64/ 北京电信通电信工程有线公司镜像网站http://mirrors。



RedHat 7.2 安装教程作者:杨丽梅日期:6-12选择典型,点击下一步选择稍后安装操作系统,点击下一步客户机操作系统选择:linux 版本选择:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64位给虚拟机命名,并选择虚拟机存放的位置按照如下图所示进行选择,并点击下一步选择自定义硬件,进行虚拟机设置此处将内存设置为4G(请根据实际使用情况进行设置)此处将处理器数量设为2,每个处理器的核心数量设为2为4G(请根据实际使用情况进行设置)点击新CD/DVD,选择镜像存放位置点击网络适配器,选择桥接模式点击开启此虚拟机选择第一个选项:Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux7.2 按Enter键按Enter键开始安装linux正在安装按照如下图所示进行选择,点击【继续】点击‘日期和时间’地区选择:亚洲城市选择:上海按照下图所示选择当前时间。

点击【完成】点击‘键盘’选择汉语,点击【完成】点击‘语言支持’按照下图所示进行选择,点击【完成】点击‘安装源’按下图所示进行选择,点击【完成】点击‘安装位置’选择本地标准磁盘,选择‘我要配置分区’,点击【完成】选择‘标准分区’点击‘+’按照如图所示进行设置,点击【添加挂载点】再次点击‘+’,挂载点输入:swap 期望容量输入:3G再次点击‘+’按照下图所示进行设置,点击‘添加挂载点’按照如下图所示进行确认,点击【完成】点击【接受更改】,然后点击完成选择软件安装此处选择开发工具(请根据个人需要进行选择)选择KDUMP取消勾选启用kdump,点击【完成】选择‘网络和主机名’点击【配置】选择IPv4设置,方法选择‘手动’,点击【添加】,输入地址、子网掩码、网关及DNS服务器,点击【保存】点击【开启】,此处修改主机名为:ylmPC (请根据个人实际情况进行设置)点击【开始安装】点击‘ROOT密码’设置Root密码点击‘创建用户’设置用户名及密码重启后,centos7输入1,2,q,yes.。

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT 安装指南说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT 安装指南说明书

Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) servers with virtual mediaQuick Start Guide for installing Linux® on IBM® Power® System IC922 (9183-22X) server.Version 1.0.0This guide helps you install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server.Note:© Copyright IBM Corp. 2020. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosurerestricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, and ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International BusinessMachines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at"Copyright and trademark information" (/legal/copytrade.shtml).About this taskOverviewUse this information to install Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT on a non-virtualized or bare metal IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server.To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) servers by using virtualmedia, use a PC and access the BMC web page by using a browser. You can connect your PC to theOpenBMC port of the server over a configured network so that the service processor can read the .iso file from the PC during the installation of the operating system.For a list of supported distributions, see Supported Linux distributions for POWER8® and POWER9™ Linux on Power systems.Procedurepleting the prerequisites and booting your firmwareBefore you power on the system, ensure that you have the following items:•Ethernet cable.•USB Keyboard.–Power cords and outlet for your system.•SSH client.•PC or Notebook with Linux installed on it.•Notes:–You do not need an ssh client and a PC with Linux installed on it, if you are using a VGA screen andkeyboard.–You do not need a USB keyboard if you are using a serial connection.Complete these steps:•Download the ISO image of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT from the https:///products/red-hat-enterprise-linux/#addl-arch website to your computer that you use to access theOpenBMC by using a web browser. Take the link for Downloads for Red Hat Enterprise Linux forPower, little endian. Log into your Red Hat account (if you have not already done so). Select RedHat Enterprise Linux for Power 9 from the Product Variant list. Look for the Red Hat EnterpriseLinux for Power 9 (v. 7.x for ppc64le) ISO file. The downloaded ISO file will include rhel-alt......isorather than rhel....iso in the path name.•If your system belongs in a rack, install your system into that rack. For instructions, see IBM Power Systems information at https:///support/knowledgecenter/POWER9/p9hdx/POWER9welcome.htm.•Make one of the following connections:–Connect an Ethernet cable to the dedicated BMC Ethernet port that is located close to the USB 3.0 port and it is labeled M. Connect the other end to your PC or Notebook which you use to configure the IP address.–You can also connect to the serial port of the server by using a serial connection.•Attach the USB to serial (RS232) adapter cable to the IPMI serial 9-pin D-shell connector on the Power system.•Attach USB connection to USB port on either PC or Notebook.•Open a terminal emulator program such as PuTTY or minicom.•Set the communications to use the following options:–115200 baud rate–Data bits of 8–Parity of None–Stop bits of 1•Connect the power cords to the system and plug them into the outlets.At this point, your firmware is booting. Wait for the green LED on the power button to start flashing, indicating that it is ready to use. If your system does not have a green LED indicator light, then wait 1 -2 minutes.2.Configuring the IP addressNote: You can use either a serial connection or a keyboard and monitor to connect to the BMC. After the IP details are configured, you can use SSH connection. For more information, see Managing BMC-based systems.To set up or enable your network connection to the BMC firmware, use the Petitboot bootloader interface. Follow these steps:a.Your system will power on to the Petitboot bootloader menu. This process usually takes about 1 - 2minutes to complete, but might take 5 - 10 minutes on the first boot or after a firmware update. Do not walk away from your system! When Petitboot loads, your monitor becomes active and you will need to push any key to interrupt the boot process.b.At the Petitboot bootloader main menu, select Exit to Shell.c.Program your BMC IP address by running the following commands:Note: The shared BMC port is located near to the USB 3.0 port and it is labeled 1 and the dedicated BMC port is located next to the shared BMC port and it is labeled M.1)Set the mode to static by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 ipsrc static2)Set your IP address by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 ipaddr ip_addresswhere ip_address is the static IP address that you are assigning to this system.3)Set your netmask by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 netmasknetmask_address where netmask_address is the netmask for the system.4)Set your gateway server by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 defgw ipaddrgateway_server where gateway_server is the gateway for this system.5)For the shared BMC port run the following command: Run ipmitool lan print 16)For the dedicated BMC port run the following command: Run ipmitool lan print 2d.To reset your firmware, run the following command: ipmitool mc reset cold.e.You should be able to ping the BMC now. If your ping does not return successfully within areasonable amount of time (2 - 3 minutes), try these additional steps:1)Power your system off with this command from the petitboot shell: poweroff2)Unplug the power cords from the back of the system. Wait 30 seconds and then apply power toboot BMC.3.Creating a bootable virtual mediaa.Open a supported web browser. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the BMC that you wantto connect to. For example, you can use the format https://<BMC IP> in the address bar of the web browser.b.From the OpenBMC logon window, enter the Host address of the BMC and the username andpassword that is assigned to you.c.Then select Server control → Virtual Media to network-attach the ISO image to the IBM PowerSystem IC922 (9183-22X) server. After clicking Start, the ISO is available to the server to start the operating system installation process.4.Powering on your server by using a PC or NotebookNote: After your system powers on, the Petitboot interface loads. If you do not interrupt the boot process by pressing any key within 10 seconds, Petitboot automatically boots the first option.To power on your server from a PC or Notebook that is running Linux, follow these steps:a.Connect an Ethernet cable from the BMC port to a PC or Notebook. Or you can also make sure yourPC or Notebook is on the same network as the BMC firmware.b.Open a terminal program on your PC or Notebook.c.Log in to the BMC by running the following commands.ssh root@<BMC server_ip_address>root@<BMC server password>where BMC server_ip_address is the IP address of the BMC and BMC server password is thepassword to authenticate.Note: The default username is root and the default password is 0penBmc (where, 0penBmc is using a zero and not a capital O).d.To power on your server, run the following command:$ root@<BMC server_ip_address>:~# obmcutil powerone.Connect to OS console and use the default password 0penBmc.ssh -p 2200 root@<BMC server_ip_address>root@where BMC server_ip_address is the IP address of the BMC and BMC server password is thepassword to authenticate.5.Configuring PetitbootAfter the system powers on, the Petitboot bootloader scans local boot devices and network interfaces to find boot options that are available to the system.a.After you start the system, Petitboot displays the virtual media boot device, and you can select theboot entry, but do not start the installation. If you start the installation, you might not be able to finish the installation and the system might show errors similar to the following string:dracut-initqueue[3537]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeoutscriptsNote: Select Rescan devices if the virtual media boot device does not appear.b.Record the UUID of the virtual media boot device. The UUID of the virtual media boot device in thefollowing example is 2018-10-10-22-13-55-00.Petitboot (v1.11) 9183-22X 78002BA____________________________________________________________________________________[USB: sdc / 2018-10-10-22-13-55-00]Rescue Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures system (64 bit keTest this media & Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures* Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernelSystem informationSystem configurationSystem status logLanguageRescan devicesRetrieve config from URLPluginsExit to shell___________________________________________________________________________________Enter = accept, e=edit, n=new, x=exit, l=language, g=log, h=helpc.Select Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernel) and press e(Edit) to open the Petitboot Option Editor window.d.Move the cursor to the Boot arguments section and add the following information: inst.textinst.stage2=hd:UUID=your_UUID where your_UUID is the UUID that you recorded.Petitboot Option Editor_______________________________________________________________________Device: ( ) sda2 [3cb1868c-7fd4-466a-a7b0-70942ca452cd](*) sdb1 [2018-10-10-22-13-55-00]( ) Specify paths/URLs manuallyKernel: /ppc/ppc64/vmlinuzInitrd: /ppc/ppc64/initrd.imgDevice tree:Boot arguments: ro inst.text inst.stage2=hd:UUID=2018-10-10-22-13-55-00[ OK ] [ Help ] [ Cancel ]________________________________________________________________________tab=next, shift+tab=previous, x=exit, h=helpe.Select OK to save your options and return to the Main menu.f.Verify that Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernel) isselected and then press Enter to begin your installation.pleting your installationAfter you select to boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT installer, the installer wizard walks you through the steps.a.Follow the installation wizard for Red Hat Enterprise Linux to set up disk options, your usernameand password, time zones, and so on. The last step is to restart your system.b.After the system restarts, Petitboot displays the option to boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux releasenumber. Select this option and press Enter.Note: Be sure to check for firmware updates. See https:///support/knowledgecenter/ POWER9/p9ei8/p9ei8_fixes_kickoff.htmWhat to do nextMore informationFor more information, see the following resources:•IBM Knowledge Center at https:///support/knowledgecenter/.•IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server Redbook at /redpapers/ pdfs/redp5584.pdf.•The Linux on Power developer portal at Linux on Power developer portal.。



【摘要】本文详细介绍在红帽子Linux 7.2系统下如何成功安装配置



服务器安装r e d h a t红帽系统操作手册
服务器接好光驱后启动服务器进入系统安装界面,选择Install or upgrade an existing sustem
进入Disc Found界面选择Skip,如下图
默认选择Basis Storage Devices
重新清理磁盘,选择yes,discard any data
应用所有,选择Use anyway
创建新的分区,选择Create Custom Layout
将所建空间写入,选择Write changes to disk
选择开发空间站(Software Development Workstation),并选择立即分配相关设置(Customize now)
选择Languages→Chinese Support



vmware12中安装RedHatRHEL7.2系统的详细步骤(图⽂)本⽂介绍了vmware12中安装 RedHat RHEL7.2系统的详细步骤(图⽂),分享给⼤家,具体如下:⼀、开始安装1)新建虚拟机 RHEL7.22)成功引导系统--开机出现此画⾯Install Red Hat EnterpriseLinux 7.2 安装RHLE7.2 操作系统Test this edia & install RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.2 测试安装⽂件并安装RHLE7.2 操作系统Troubleshooting 修复故障3)选择第⼀项,安装RHEL7.2操作系统回车进⼊下⾯的界⾯--按回车开始安装4)选择语⾔5)时区选择--选择⽇期和时间--选择24⼩时制6)键盘选择 单击“+”按钮添加新的键盘布局⽅式 选中要添加的语⾔--点击添加 添加完成后单击完成按钮7)语⾔选择(主界⾯已经选择完成,这⾥不⽤再次选择)8)SECURITY设置(安全设置)Default#默认策略,隐式XCCDF概要⽂件。

通常情况下,默认不包含规则Standard System Security Profile#标准系统安全性配置⽂件,这个概要⽂件包含规则,以确保标准安全基地RHEL7系统Draft PCI-DSS v3 Control Baseline for RedHat Enterprise Linux 7#草案PCI-DSS v3控制基线RHEL7,这是⼀个概要草案PCI-DSS v3Red Hat Corporate Profile for Certified Cloud Providers (RH CPCP)#云提供商RHEL概要(CPCP),这是⼀个SCAP概要草案RHEL云提供商Common Profile for General-Purpose Systems#常见的通⽤概要⽂件系统,这个概要⽂件包含项⽬普遍通⽤的桌⾯和服务器安装Pre-release Draft STIG forRed Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Server#RHEL7的预发布草案,这个概要⽂件在国防部正在开发共识模型成为STIG配合DISA⽆线光通信我们这⾥选择default(默认)策略即可,通过select profile进⾏选择,单击完成9)选择安装源单击验证(验证光盘或者镜像是否完整,防⽌安装过程中出现软件包不完整导致⽆法安装)选择额外的软件仓库,可以在安装时检测是否有更新的软件包10)软件选择初学者建议选择带图形界⾯的,同时把开发⼯具相关的软件包也安装上,然后单击完成11)安装位置选择(默认选择⾃动分区)12)KDUMP设置kdump是⼀个内核崩溃转存机制,直接选择关闭即可,然后单击完成13)⽹络配置开启以太⽹连接,选择⾃动获取IP或者⼿动配置⼿动配置将⽅法--选择⼿动然后配置IP14)全部配置完成之后单击开始安装,进⾏系统安装15)进⼊安装界⾯需要配置⽤户密码Root密码配置如果过于简单单击两次完成进⾏确认(创建普通⽤户也是如此)16)安装完成---重新启动系统17)进⼊引导界⾯18)初始设置(接受许可证)单击选择“我同意许可协议”---完成19)许可证设置完成--单击完成配置20)系统成功启动,选择未列出输⼊⽤户进⾏登陆输⼊登录密码21)⾸次登陆进⾏GNOME初始化设置语⾔选择默认就可以--单击前进按钮填写详细信息在线账号设置,如果有可以进⾏设置,没有直接跳过即可22)⼀切准备就绪,可以开始使⽤RHEL7.2操作系统弹出使⽤界⾯,关闭即可⼆、单击屏幕任意空⽩位置---打开终端1)键⼊ifconfig 发现多出virbr0⽹络连接端⼝virbr0是⼀个虚拟的⽹络连接端⼝,默认为0号虚拟⽹络连接端⼝;⼀般在通过虚拟机进⾏移植操作系统时,默认会以nat的⽹络地址转移,但是可以选择桥接或者是⽆⽹络连接也是可以的;但是由于存在该虚拟⽹络接⼝会导致双机系统中的宿主机关机时,从机不会接管的现象。



Accessing Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation binariesThe Cloud Paks include entitlement to Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The preferred method of accessing and installing these offerings is to follow the standard installation documentation from Red Hat and register your systems using your Red Hat Network subscription. Installation binaries, documentation, and entitlement information can all be accessed from the Red Hat Customer Portal at https://. If you are new to the Red Hat Customer Portal, click Getting Started after you have logged in (or use this link: https:///start/) to take a guided tour of the and learn how to get the most out of your Red Hat subscription.Note: The preferred installation method requires an active Red Hat Network subscription and entitlement in a sufficient quantity to for the systems where you are installing, and connectivity to the internet or to a local Red Hat Satellite Server. It is also possible to install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform before your subscription has been activated in the Red Hat Customer Portal by accessing the installation binaries from IBM Passport Advantage and performing a manual offline installation.Preferred method: using the Red Hat Customer PortalAccessing installation binaries through the Red Hat Customer PortalAfter your Cloud Pak order has been processed, you will receive an email from Red Hat at the address associated with your order indicating that the entitlement quantities for your Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and subscription has been updated.To verify that the entitlement quantities have been added to your account, log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal and click Subscriptions. Red Hat Open Shift entitlements will be displayed in the table titled OPENSHIFT.Installing Red Hat Enterprise LinuxInstalling OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 to be installed on the host systems or virtual machines where OpenShift Container Platform will be installed. Entitlement to Red Hat Enterprise Linux is included with your Cloud Pak entitlement. If you do not already have Red Hat Enterprise Linux installed, use the following documentation to complete the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 installation media can be accessed through the Red Hat Customer portal at https:///downloads/content/69/ver=/rhel---7/7.6/x86_64/product-softwareInstructions for downloading and installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6, including registering your installation using Subscription Manager, can be found in the Red Hat Customer Portal at:https:///documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/installation_guide/chap-getting-startedInstalling Red Hat OpenShift Container PlatformOnce you have successfully provisioned hosts or virtual machines with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 installed and registered, proceed to install OpenShift Container Platform3.11 by following the documentation provided in the Red Hat Customer Portal:https:///documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/3.11/html/getting_started/getting-started-index Alternate Method: using IBM Passport AdvantageAccessing binaries for manual installation from IBM Passport AdvantageIf you require the ability to install the Cloud Pak before your entitlements have been updated in the Red Hat Customer Portal, all of the binary files necessary to perform a manual installation are available for download from IBM Passport Advantage or the public internet. Installation images and RPMs for Red Hat Enterprise Linux can be downloaded from IBM Passport Advantage (Part number CC3KEEN , which is part of your Cloud Pak eAssembly.) This file has the description “IBM Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 English only eImage” in IBM Passport Advantage. It contains the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation binaries, including the files that enable you to install Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 over the internet. This installation should be registered and associated with your Red Hat Network ID at a later time.The download is approximately 60GB in size, and additional storage will be required when extracting the files.This manual installation process requires the creation of a local HTTP server to host the RPM files that are provided in the above download package. These steps are not required when using the preferred installation method described above, since that scenario enables access to the necessary files through Red Hat Network.To perform a manual installation, follow the procedure outlined below:1.Download the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation files from Passport Advantage (if youdon’t already have Red Hat Enterprise Linux installed)2.Provision a web server to host a Yum repository3.Copy the downloaded files to the web server4.Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the master and worker nodes5.Prepare the worker nodes6.Prepare the master node7.Install OpenShift Container PlatformDownload the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation files from Passport AdvantageLog into IBM Passport Advantage and download “IBM Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 English only eImage” (part number CC3KEEN) which is associated with the Cloud Pak eAssembly. This will download a file named IBM_RED_HAT_OPENSHIFT_3.11_ENGLISH.tgz. Despite the description and filename, this package contains the files needed to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux.Provision a web server to host a Yum repositoryProvision a physical host or virtual machine with an HTTP server to support the local installation. You can use the web server of your choice as the repository.If you do not have a web server available, you can install and configure the Apache web server on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system using the documentation provided by Red Hat under the heading “Prepare and populate the repository server”: https:///container-platform/3.11/install/disconnected_install.html#disconnected-repo-serverCopy the downloaded files to the web serverCopy IBM_RED_HAT_OPENSHIFT_3.11_ENGLISH.tgz to the web server and extract it into a subdirectory named “repos” under your web server’s document root (/var/www/html/repos if you have created a web server using the documentation above.)Ensure that the repository files can be read by any user (chmod -R +r /var/www/html/repos) Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the master and worker nodesOpenShift Container Platform 3.11 requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 to be installed on the host systems or virtual machines where OpenShift Container Platform will be installed. Entitlement to Red Hat Enterprise Linux is included with your Cloud Pak entitlement. If you do not already have Red Hat Enterprise Linux installed, use the following documentation to complete the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.If you don’t already have Red Hat Enterprise Linux installed, provision the hosts or VMs that will be used for the master and worker nodes for the OpenShift Container Platform cluster where you will install the Cloud Pak, and install Red Hat Enterprise Linux using the ISO downloaded from IBM Passport Advantage.Complete instructions for downloading and installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6, including prerequisites and host preparation, can be found in the Red Hat Customer Portal at:https:///documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/installation_guide/chap-getting-started An ISO image of the installation media (rhel-server-7.6-x86_64-dvd.iso) can be found in the directory where you extracted the file downloaded from IBM Passport Advantageabove. Use these files in place of steps in Chapter 2 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linuxinstallation guide that describe downloading Red Hat Enterprise Linux from the Red Hat Customer Portal. If you are creating virtual machines to provision your nodes, this image can be used directly.If you are installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a physical host, refer to Chapter 3 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation guide for information on creating physicalinstallation media or accessing installation media over a network:https:///documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/installation_guide/chap-making-mediaPrepare the worker nodesEnsure that each of the worker nodes has been prepared to meet the requirements described under “Preparing your hosts”: https:///container-platform/3.11/install/host_preparation.html#install-config-install-host-preparationUpdate /etc/yum.repos.d/ose.repo on the master and worker nodes to use the local repository for installing RPMs, by updating the “baseurl” in each collection with the hostname or IP address of the local repository server. In the example shown below, the repository’s hostname is “myserver” – use your own hostname or IP address instead.Sample ose.repo file:[rhel-7-server-rpms]name=rhel-7-server-rpmsbaseurl=http://myserver/repos/rhel-7-server-rpmsenabled=1gpgcheck=0[rhel-7-server-extras-rpms]name=rhel-7-server-extras-rpmsbaseurl=http://myserver/repos/rhel-7-server-extras-rpmsenabled=1gpgcheck=0[rhel-7-server-ansible-2.6-rpms]name=rhel-7-server-ansible-2.6-rpmsbaseurl=http://myseerver/repos/rhel-7-server-ansible-2.6-rpmsenabled=1gpgcheck=0[rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpms]name=rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpmsbaseurl=http://myserver/repos/rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpmsenabled=1gpgcheck=0Refer to the section “Preparing cluster hosts” in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform documentation if you require additional information: https:///container-platform/3.11/install/disconnected_install.html#disconnected-openshift-systemsPrepare the master nodeEnsure that the master node has been prepared to meet the requirements described under “Preparing your hosts”: https:///container-platform/3.11/install/host_preparation.html#install-config-install-host-preparation Customize an inventory file on your master node to describe the details of your cluster and set as the registry for installation. Refer to “Customizing inventory files” (https:///container-platform/3.11/install/configuring_inventory_file.html#configuring-ansible) for more information and to review example inventory files.You must set the variable “oreg_url” to “/openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}” in your inventory file exactly as shown below:oreg_url=/openshift3/ose-${component}:${version}Install Red Hat OpenShift Container PlatformFollow the documentation provided by Red Hat to install OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 in the section titled “Installing OpenShift Container Platform”:https:///container-platform/3.11/install/running_install.html#install-running-installation-playbooks。




出现启动界面,光标移到install项,按字母e 键进编辑菜单
linuxefi所在行,将光标移到quiet后面加空格,然后输入inst.dd modprobe.blacklist=ahci
若没发现优盘,可输入r刷新,看到优盘后选择对应的序号,(图中优盘序号是1,设备是sda4) 回车后可发现优盘中的驱动文件,后缀是iso,选择所需要的驱动编号,图中7.2的驱动文件序号是1,输入1,回车


REDHAT Linux系统配置(整理版)

REDHAT Linux系统配置(整理版)

REDHAT Linux系统的配置(整理by三毛)一、登陆方式的改变redhat 默认图形界面登录方式,如果改为默认命令行界面登录方式则采用以下方法:(1)# vi /etc/inittab(2)id:5:initdefault更改为id:3:initdefault在图形界面方式启动后可以使用ctl+alt+F1~F6切换到命令行界面方式,在命令行界面方式启动后可以使用ctl+alt+F7切换到图形界面方式,或者也可以使用命令startx切换。

对于使用虚拟机VM workstation安装的linux,由于虚拟机屏蔽了ctl+alt组合键,必须使用其它的热键二、静态IP地址配置Redhat linux系统中IP地址涉及的文件有以下三个文件:●/etc/sysconfig/network●/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0●/etc/resolv.conf(1)步骤1.修改文件/etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING=yesNETWORKING_IPV6=noHOSTNAME=WKM #主机名GATEWAY= #默认网关(2)步骤2.修改文件/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0DEVICE=eth0 #设备名称NETMASK= #子网掩码IPADDR= #IP地址BOOTPROTO=static #【none | static | bootp | dhcp】引导时不使用协议|静态分配|# BOOTP协议|DHCP协议DNS1= #域名解析服务器ONBOOT=yes #【yes | no】引导时是否激活设备PEERDNS=yes(3)步骤3.修改文件/etc/hosts建立hostName到ip的映射关系,可建立多条, 其中有一条的yourHostName应该为第一步中的HOSTNAME相同,否则你使用InetAddress.getLocalhost()会有异常,应该找不到相应ip的映射192.168.0.99 yourHostName localhost locahost.domain(4)步骤4.修改文件/etc/resolv.conf (该步可以不做)nameserver #DNS配置同2中的【DNS1= 】(5)步骤5.重启生效重启网卡,使IP地址生效:/sbin/ifdown eth0/sbin/ifup eth0(6)步骤6配置dns解析(该步可以不做)echo "nameserver">> /etc/resolv.conf(7)步骤7.通知网关更新信息:/etc/init.d/network restart三、TELNET安装配置(1)步骤1:利用rpm命令检测telnet,telnet-server的rpm包是否安装[root@localhost root]#rpm -qa telnettelnet-0.17-25<>telnet*.rpm是默认安装的[root@localhost root]#rpm -qa telnet-server<>显示为空,telnet*.rpm是默认没有安装的(2)步骤2:安装telnet-server在linux安装包下查找名为telnet-server-0.17-25.i386.rpm的安装包。

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 虚拟化入门指南说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 虚拟化入门指南说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7虚拟化入门指南RHEL 提供的虚拟化技术简介Last Updated: 2023-06-24Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 虚拟化入门指南RHEL 提供的虚拟化技术简介Jiri HerrmannRed Hat Customer Content Services*******************Yehuda ZimmermanRed Hat Customer Content Services*******************Dayle ParkerRed Hat Customer Content ServicesLaura NovichRed Hat Customer Content ServicesJacquelynn EastRed Hat Customer Content ServicesScott RadvanRed Hat Customer Content Services法律通告Copyright © 2019 Red Hat, Inc.The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version.Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, the Red Hat logo, JBoss, OpenShift, Fedora, the Infinity logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Linux ® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Java ® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.XFS ® is a trademark of Silicon Graphics International Corp. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.MySQL ® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries.Node.js ® is an official trademark of Joyent. Red Hat is not formally related to or endorsed by the official Joyent Node.js open source or commercial project.The OpenStack ® Word Mark and OpenStack logo are either registered trademarks/service marks or trademarks/service marks of the OpenStack Foundation, in the United States and other countries and are used with the OpenStack Foundation's permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the OpenStack Foundation, or the OpenStack community.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.摘要Red Hat Enterprise Linux 虚拟化入门指南介绍了虚拟化的基础知识以及 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 提供的虚拟化产品和技术。



RedHatEnterpriseLinux7的安装和Linux基础知识Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 在虚拟机上的安装⾸先是典型与⾃定义的选择,新⼿⽤典型,我也⽤的是典型。


接下来是操作系统的选择,客户机操作系统选Linux(L) ,版本选Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64位。



下⼀步点击⾃定义硬件,不需要的设备可以移除,第三个新CD/DVD(SATA) 选择使⽤ISO映像⽂件,找到下载的Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 的⽂件,设定好后点关闭,完成。




出现点1进去,从左侧选择最后⼀个 Server with GUI ,之后点左上⾓的 Done 的蓝⾊按钮返回。




完了点 Reboot 下⼀步。

到下个界⾯把 Enable Kdump?前的 √ 去掉,然后点 Forward ,点 Yes 进⼊下⼀步。

下个界⾯点 No,I prefer to register at a later time. 然后点 finish 点 ok 进⼊下⼀步。



Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 7.2 发行注记
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 发行注记 红帽 客户内容服务
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 7.2 发行注记 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 发行注记
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RedHatLINUX系统环境搭建手册版本历史目次1引言 (1)2操作系统安装 (1)2.1准备工作 (1)2.2安装R EDHAT7.2系统 (1)3操作系统设置 (16)3.1网络配置 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2防火墙 (16)3.3S ELINUX (17)3.4FTP (17)3.5GDM (17)3.6附件安装SVN、服务端 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

创建仓库...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

svn create 创建仓库 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

修改配置文件.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

增加用户passwd................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

修改svn启动项参数svnserve.conf ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

配置用户权限authz ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

启动服务 ................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1引言本手册是REDHAT7.2系统安装手册,主要用于2操作系统安装2.1 准备工作Redhat安装方式包括光盘安装、硬盘安装、FTP、NFS等多种方式,本册介绍使用光盘安装方式,准备rhel-7.2-server-i386_64 DVD光盘。

2.2 安装Redhat7.2系统1)安装前工作主机上电,设置bios开机启动项,设置第一启动项为光盘,然后将安装所需的REDHAT 7.2 安装光盘(1张) 插入服务器,重启机器。

2)选择默认的第一行,一般刻录光盘都是完整的,可以直接安装,不要检测,如果选择检测,需要等待检测完成;图 2-1 引导安装3)选择安装过程使用语言,选择中文Chinese >简体中文(中国),点击继续:图 2-2 安装过程语言选择4)弹出安装信息摘要界面,在这个界面上,分别对每个项目进行设置:图 2-35)在安装信息摘要主界面,点击本地化>>日期和时间(T),选择时区,点击完成(D),默认为亚洲-上海,此处保持默认即可:时间可以修改为当前时间,也可以安装完成之后在手动修改;图 2-4 时区选择6)在安装信息摘要主界面,点击本地化>>键盘(K),默认为中文布局,此处保持默认即可(也可点击左下角的“+”,添加或选择其他键盘布局),此处点击完成即可:图 2-5 驱动器支持选择7)选择中文>简体中文,再勾选上English>English(United States),点击完成(D):图 2-6 语言选择8)安全securiy policy点开界面,直接点击完成即可,或者不用点击打开,默认即可图 2-7 安全策略9)在安装信息摘要主界面,点击软件>安装源,默认已勾选上“自动检测到的安装介质”,直接点击完成即可,也可点击验证(V),对安装源进行校验,校验过程需等待几分钟,校验完成后,点击完成(D):图 2-8 安装源校验10) 在软件选择摘要界面,点击软件>软件选择,默认是最小化安装,没有图形界面,此处选择“带GUI 的服务器”,将“已选环境的附加选项”勾选上除了数据库服务器之外的所有安装包,(备注:“MariaDB 数据库服务器”,PostgresSQL 数据库服务器,两项不选),然后点击完成(D ):图 2-9 软件选择11)在安装信息摘要主界面,选择系统>安装位置(D),在安装位置页,选择“我要配置分区”,进行手动分区,选择硬盘后,点击完成(D),图 2-10 选择手动分区12)手动分区时候,新挂载点分区方案,默认选择LVM即可,然后点击“点击这里创建他们”,将自动创建默认的分区方案(如果是在原来已经有系统的硬盘上安装操作系统,需要点击下面的减号“-”,选择同时删除原来的分区信息,进行删除后再重新分区);图 2-11 手动分区页面分区信息中,需要手动添加一个挂载点/data1 给数据库用,另外设置swap分区大小,一般为内存的2倍,如果内存较大,swap分区最大设置为32G 即可。

图 2-12 默认分区图 2-13 swap分区13)分区添加完成后,点击完成(D),弹出“更改摘要”对话框,点击“接受更改”:14)所有的准备工作完成,在安装信息摘要主界面,点击“开始安装”15)在安装配置界面,会提示没有设置root密码和没有创建用户:16)点击用户设置>ROOT密码,设置root账号的秘密,点击完成(D)两次:图 2-17 设置ROOT密码17)在配置界面,点击用户设置>创建用户(U),创建smart用户,密码为smartsys,点击完成(D)两次:18)等待系统安装:系统安装大约需要35分钟左右,安装完成后,会提示需要重启:图 2-20 系统安装完成19)点击”重启“,重启过程中会自动弹出光盘,如果没有弹出,要手动把光盘取出。

20)重启完成后,会提示许可证协议没有接受,按照命令行提示,依次输入1、回车,2、回车和c、回车,接受许可证协议:(有时候是图形界面的,勾选接收即可,不需要敲了)图 2-21 接受许可协议21)点击“Start using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server“,进入到桌面:图 2-23桌面3操作系统设置systemctl是RedHatLinux7的服务管理工具,主要负责控制systemd系统和服务管理器,它融合之前的service和chekconfig功能于一体,使用它可以永久性或只在当前会话启用/禁用服务。

3.1 主机名设置如果主机名称在安装时候没有设置,未设置默认为localhost,需要先设置主机名,使用root用户修改/etc/hostname 文件,删除原来的名称,重新输入实际需要的主机名称,重启后才能生效另外执行hostname +主机名,临时生效,可以不用重启机器。

3.2 网络配置可以直接修改网卡配置文件,也可以用图形界面上配置,修改配置文件方法,修改文件/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/需要修改BOOTPROTO=staticONBOOT=yes添加IPADDR= 要设置的ip地址;PREFIX=24重启网络服务,service network restart 生效,3.3 防火墙查看当前防火墙状态systemctl status firewalld临时关闭防火墙systemctl stop firewalld开机禁用防火墙systemctl disable firewalld开机启用防火墙systemctl enable firewalld默认一般需要禁用防火墙。

3.4 Selinux修改/etc/selinux/config文件的SELINUX=””为SELINUX=” disabled ”,然后重启系统。

3.5 FTP查看当前FTP服务状态systemctl status vsftpd关闭FTP服务systemctl stop vsftpd开启FTP服务systemctl start vsftpd3.6 GDM打开/etc/gdm/custom.conf ,将下面的选项设置如下:#GDM configuration storage[daemon]RemoteGreeter=/usr/libexe/gdmgreeter[security]AllowRemoteRoot=true[xdmcp]Enable=1Port=177[greeter][chooser][debug]重启机器即可,查看gdm服务状态:systemctl status gdm附件3.7 内核参数优化在/etc/sysctl.conf 增加内容kernel.shmall=8388608kernel.shmmax=4294967295kernel.shmmni=4096kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128fs.file-max= 6815744net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65500net.core.rmem_default=262144net.core.rmem_max=4194304net.core.wmem_default=262144net.core.wmem_max=1048576sysctl.conf文件修改完毕后,接着执行“sysctl -p”使设置生效。

打开文件配置/etc/security/limits.confsmart soft nproc 4096smart hard nproc 16384smart soft nofile 65536smart hard nofile 65536用户重新登录生效3.8 附件安装svn、服务端1、创建svn仓库(以无锡为例,在scada2机器上创建,凝思V6.0系统)进入root用户,创建#cd /home/#mkdir svn_wx#chown -R smart:smart svn_wx切换至smart用户$ svnadmin create /home /svn_wx/smartsys (创建smartsys用户)仓库创建成功以后,会出现一个仓库名字的文件夹文件夹下面有以下几个文件和目录 conf db format hooks locks README.txt,其中conf文件夹下面包含三个重要文件 authz, passwd, svnserve.conf如下图所示:2、修改配置文件修改三个配置文件:passwd,svnserve.conf,authz 1)用户文件passwd$ cd /home/svn_wx/smartsys/conf$ vi passwdpasswd的配置非常简单语法格式:用户名=密码增加smart = smart2)启动项参数svnserve.conf$ vi svnserve.conf改为如下图红框标注所示:3)用户权限authz$ vi authz改为如下图红框标注所示:svnserve -d -r /home/svn_wx5)上传程序至svn版本库(Windows SVN安装参考麒麟系统安装说明书中有相应描述),只是要注意的是,URL 地址中,使用的是svn协议,IP地址之后的目录是相对目录,不需要填写全路径,比如不需要填写/home/svn_wx;。
