

中高级口译翻译(第一篇 回顾与展望)

中高级口译翻译(第一篇 回顾与展望)



In retrospect, profound changes and tremendous progress have taken place in East Asia. Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that relatively sound conditions exist for East Asia to raise its economic and social development to a new level.维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济科技,扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣,成为东亚各国的共识。




It has become the shared understanding of East Asian countries to maintain regional peace and stability, develop the economy, science and technology, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote common prosperity. East Asian countries are committed to the development of their relations on the basis of mutual respect, treating one another as equals and non-interference in one another’s internal affairs and properly addressing some existing differences through friendly consultations. With political stability, East Asian countries enjoy good relations among themselves. This has provided an important prerequisite for the sustained economic growth of East Asian countries and the development of their economic cooperation.东亚国家具有相当的经济实力,有的进入了发达阶段,有的踏上了新兴工业化的航程,有的正在步入快速发展的行列。





Moreover, in the past five years: Daily urban sewage treatment capacity increased by 46 million tons. Energy consumption per unit ofGDP fell by 17.2%. Total chemical oxygen demand fell by 15.7%. Total sulfur dioxide emissionsfell by 17.5%. Environmental air quality standards were revised. The air quality index for monitoring fineparticulate matter (PM2 s) was added.推动天然林保护、退耕还林、防沙治沙等重点生态工程建设,五年累计完成造林2953万公顷,治理沙漠化、石漠化土地1196万公顷,综合治理水土流失面积24.6万平方公里,整治国土面积18万平方公里。

Progress was made in major ecological projects toprotect virgin forests, afforest marginal farmland, andprevent and control desertification. Over the past five years:Anadditional 29.53 million hectares of land were planted with trees. Desertification was halted on 11.96 million hectaresof land. Soil erosion on 246,000 square kilometers of landwas brought under control. A total of 180,000 squarekilometers of land were improved.深入实施区域发展总体战略,颁布实施全国主体功能区规划,制定西部大开发新十年指导意见和一系列区域发展规划,加快推动西藏、新疆等地区跨越式发展,We implemented the master strategy for regional development, promulgated and implemented the national planfor developing functional zones, formulated new 10-year guidelines for the large-scale development of the western region and a number of regional development plans, and accelerated leapfrog development of Tibet and Xinjiang.制定实施新十年农村扶贫开发纲要,将扶贫标准提升到2300元(2010年不变价),增强集中连片特殊困难地区扶贫攻坚。



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国际上一些政治因素对世界经济走势的影响 也不容忽视。 Some political factors cannot be ignored, which have effects on trend of world economy. The effect of certain political factors in the international arena on world economic trends cannot be overlooked.
The current imbalance in the global economy is only getting worse and global economic growth is slowing, making international competition even fiercer.
注重宏观调控的预见性、及时性和有效性 endeavor to make macro-economic regulation more proactive, responsive and effective 固定资产投资增长过快、货币信贷投放过多、外贸 顺差过大,以及农业基础薄弱 overheated growth in fixed asset investment, excessive supplies of money and credit, excessively large trade surplus, and weakness in agriculture 适时调整财政政策、货币政策,完善产业政策和土 地政策 adjust financial and monetary policies as needed, improve industrial policies and the land policy




Fourth,we promoted coordinated development between regionsand the new type ofurbanization to expand development space.☆新型城镇化 the new type of urbanization继续推动东、中、西、东北地区“四大板块”协调发展,重点推动“一带一路”建设、京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展“三大战略”,在基础设施、产业布局、生态环保等方面实施一批重大工程。

Work continued to promote the coordinated development of the eastern region, the central region, the western region, andthe northeast; priority was placed onmoving forward with the Three Initiatives – the Belt and Road Initiative, theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration initiative, and the Yangtze Economic Belt initiative. A number of major projects werealso launched to develop infrastructure, improve the distribution of industries, and achieve ecological and environmental conservation.☆重点推动prioritywas placed on moving forward with···☆京津冀协同发展 the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrationinitiative☆长江经济带 the Yangtze EconomicBelt initiative☆在基础设施、产业布局、生态环保等方面实施一批重大工程 A number of major projects were also launched to develop···improve···and achieve☆多用动词,让句子层次更分明更有力。



修辞政府工作报告中英对比【arch 5, ____国务院总理李克强Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council各位代表:Felloarch5, ____国务院总理李克强Li KeqiangPremier of the State Council各位代表:Felloarch 5, ____国务院总理李克强Li Keqiang Premier of the State Council{修辞政府工作报告中英对比}.各位代表:Felloent for your deliberation and approval, and I invite comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People__39;s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).一、 ____ 年工作回顾I. A Revieent of local government debt s in energy, transport, environmental protection, and communications ade in cooperationmunications. Chinese equipment is making significant strides into the international market.三是加大结构调整力度,增强发展后劲。


Third, ents to make China’s development more sustainable. arch 5, ____ Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council Contents I. A Revieprove Living Standards and Promote Social DevelopmentVI. Improving GovernmentFelloent for your deliberation and approval, and I invite comments on my report from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People__39;s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). I. A Revieents faced by China in its development have been complicated and challenging. The road to global economic recovery has been rough, any ups and doance of the major economies has been divergent. Doy has continued to mount, and leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) headed by General Secretary _i Jinping, all our people have ounted difficulties, and accomplished the year__39; s main targets for economic and social development. ade solid progress in our endeavor to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, got off to a good start in comprehensively deepening reform, embarked on a neance e time securing progress in its economic and socialdevelopment. The main indication of this stable performance is that the economy operated aking China one of the fastest-groajor economies in the ployment remained robust, illion neonstrating progress is that our development is becoming better coordinated and more sustainable. -- The economic structure illion metric tons; the contribution of consumption toic gro 46.9% to 48.2% of the GDP; and there of neodels. The central and ic terms than the eastern region. -- The quality of development ent spending accounted for more than 2% of the GDP. Energy intensity ade in recent years. -- People__39;s lives proved. Per capita disposable personal income increased by 8% in real terms nationy, and the per capita disposable income of rural residents greber of people living in poverty illion, and over 66 million more people gained access to safe drinking ber of outbound trips made by Chinese tourists e_ceeded 100 million. -- Neade in reform and opening up. A series of key tasks for comprehensively deepening reform inistration to cut the number of items that require government revieents have not come easily. They have been made possible by the painstaking efforts and hard ore difficulties and challenges than anticipated. plished the folloacro regulation, y groounting doic pressure, aintained strategic focus and kept our macroeconomic policy unchanged. Instead of using short-term stimulus measures, ethods for macro regulation. ulated market activity, shored up oury. y needs to be operating, s hindering development. oted reform to gain impetus for development, made structural adjustments to。

从功能对等角度分析《2019年政府工作报告》 的英译技巧

从功能对等角度分析《2019年政府工作报告》 的英译技巧

Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2019, 7(4), 473-477Published Online August 2019 in Hans. /journal/mlhttps:///10.12677/ml.2019.74062An Analysis of English TranslationTechniques of the Government WorkReport 2019 from the Perspective ofFunctional Equivalence TheoryYuhan Peng, Minhua Dong*Binjiang College, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou ZhejiangReceived: July 21st, 2019; accepted: August 5th, 2019; published: August 12th, 2019AbstractGuided by the theory of functional equivalence, this paper makes a lexical and syntactic study of the English translation techniques of the Government Work Report 2019 and its English version, with a view to providing methods and references for the translation of other Government Work Reports.KeywordsFunctional Equivalence Theory, Government Work Report 2019,English Translation Techniques从功能对等角度分析《2019年政府工作报告》的英译技巧彭钰涵,董敏华*浙江中医药大学滨江学院,浙江杭州收稿日期:2019年7月21日;录用日期:2019年8月5日;发布日期:2019年8月12日*通讯作者。



浅析目的论指导下2019年《政府工作报告》的英译发表时间:2019-05-07T16:51:16.190Z 来源:《知识-力量》2019年8月24期作者:陈延琼[导读] 随着世界各国的交流日益深入,《政府工作报告》成为各国人士了解中国的重要窗口和途径。

出于交流的需要,每年的政府工作报告都要翻译成英、法、西、俄、意、日等多种语言(云南大学,云南省昆明市 650504)摘要:随着世界各国的交流日益深入,《政府工作报告》成为各国人士了解中国的重要窗口和途径。




《政府工作报告》中出现了大量新词,如 “互联网+教育”、 “互联网+督查”、“破、立、降”等,都是根据中国时代的发展而产生的创新词汇。








The past five years since the First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress were a trulyextraordinary period of time in the course of China's development.我们有效应对国际金融危机的严重冲击,保持经济平稳较快发展。

We effectively countered the severe impact of the global financial crisis and maintained steady and fast economic development.国内生产总值从26.6万亿元增加到51.9万亿元,跃升到世界第二位;China's GDP increased from 26.6 trillion yuan to 51.9 trillion yuan, and now ranks second in the world.公共财政收入从5.1万亿元增加到11.7万亿元;Government revenue went up from 5.1 trillion yuan to11.7 trillion yuan.累计新增城镇就业5870万人,A total of 58.7 million urban jobs were created.城镇居民人均可支配收入和农村居民人均纯收入年均分别增长8.8%、9.9%;The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by an annual average of 8.8%, and the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.9%.粮食产量实现“九连增”;。




We advanced urbanization actively yet prudently. Over the past five years: A total of 84.63 million rural residents migrated to urban areas. The urbanization level rose from 45.9"10 to 52.6%, marking a historic turning point in China's urban-rural population structure.城乡、区域发展的协调性明显增强。

Development between urban and rural areas and between regions became more balanced.三是毫不放松地抓好“三农”工作,巩固和增强农业基础地位。

3. Unremittingly doing our work related to agriculture, rural areas, andfarmers well, and consolidating and strengthening the position ofagriculture as the foundation of the economy我们坚持在工业化、信息化、城镇化深入发展中同步推动农业现代化,集中力量办成了一些关系农业农村长远发展、关系农民切身利益的大事。

We carried out agricultural modernization while deepening industrialization, application of information and communication technologies (leT), and urbanization, and we pooled resources to accomplish a number of major tasks that are important to the long-term development of agriculture and rural areas and to the vital interests of farmers.增大财政投入,中央财政“三农”累计支出4.47万亿元,年均增长23.5%。



《政府工作报告》英文版读译--砖块积累练习1:1.Ushering in a new phase of China's opening to the outside world and ensuring its high standard performance Opening up and reform have been launched as integral parts of the same initiative as they are mutually reinforcing. We will foster a new open-economy system and advance a new round of opening up to embrace the international market. This will lead to deeper reform and structural adjustment and enable us to enhance China's ability to compete internationally.We will open China wider to the outside world in all areas. We will continue to utilize foreign investment actively and efficiently, open up more service sectors to foreign capital, and level the playing field for domestic and foreign enterprises to compete on fair terms so as to ensure that China remains a top choice for foreign investment. We will ensure the successful building and management of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone so that this model can be copied and extended, and we will launch a number of new trials. We will open China's inland and border areas wider to the outside world, and turn these broad areas into hot-spotsfor opening up.We will make it a strategic priority to upgrade exports and promote balanced growth of foreign trade. Total imports and exports are projected to grow at around 7.5% this year. We will keep export policies stable and improve them, accelerate reform to facilitate customs clearance, and extend trials of cross-border e-commerce. We will implement policies to encourage imports, and import more products in short supply in China. We will guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade, support businesses in creating Chinese brands and developing international marketing networks, develop service trade and undertake services outsourced by other countries, and raise the position of Chinese manufacturing in the global division of labor. We will encourage the export of complete sets of large equipment including telecommunications equipment, railways equipment, and power stations, and enhance the international reputation of Chinese equipment.We will increase China's competitiveness through expanding its overseas business presence. We will carry out reform of the management of outbound investment so that such investment is mainly reported for the record, and delegate much of thereview and approval power over such investment to lower-level governments. We will provide better financial, legal and consular services, ensure orderly overseas business operations, and boost the export of products, project contracting and labor services. We will intensify the planning and building of a Silk Road economic belt and a 21st century maritime Silk Road, and promote the building of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. By launching a number of major projects, we will speed up infrastructure connectivity with our neighbors, and open up new space for enhancing international economic and technological cooperation.We will engage in bilateral, multilateral and regional opening up and cooperation in a coordinated way. We will strive to make progress in negotiations on agreements concerning trade in services, government procurement and information technology, and speed up negotiations on new areas such as environmental protection and e-commerce. We will actively participate in developing high-standard free trade areas; continue negotiations on investment agreements with the United States and the European Union, and accelerate free trade area negotiations with the Republic of Korea, Australia,and the Gulf Cooperation Council. We will continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, strive for mutual benefit with other countries, and ensure that opening up reinforces and is reinforced by reform and development.2.Using innovation to support and lead economic structural improvement and upgradingInnovation is the motive force for adjusting and upgrading the economic structure. We need to make innovation the core of China's development endeavors, promote the full integration of science and technology with economic and social development, and elevate China's industries to the high range of the global value chain.We will accelerate reform of the science and technology management system. We will strengthen the leading role businesses play in making technological innovation, encourage enterprises to set up research institutes, take the lead in establishing industry-academia-research collaboration in making innovation, and comprehensively implement preferential policies such as extra deductions for businesses'R&D expenses. More science parks and scientific and educational institutions will be covered by the trial reform policy that gives national innovation demonstration zones equity-based incentives for making innovation and the right to transfer and profit from their scientific and technological advances.We will increase government spending on basic research and research on cutting-edge technologies, technologies for the public good and key standard technologies, and we will improve public science and technology service platforms and the mechanism for launching major science and technology programs. We will improve and strengthen the management of research projects and their funding, introduce the system of national innovation surveying and science and technology reporting, and encourage researchers and engineers to set up businesses. The protection and use of intellectual property rights will be strengthened. We will work to propagate scientific knowledge and foster a scientific spirit. We will fully implement the talent development plan, coordinate major programs for nurturing and attracting talent, and encourage the establishment of a mechanism to link researchers' pay with the market value of their research so that researchers'contributions are matched by their rewards. This will enable outstanding individuals of various types to come forth in large numbers, and their talent will be fully unleashed.In making industrial structural adjustment, we will rely on reform and support growth in some sectors while curbing excess and outdated production capacity in others. We will support growth more vigorously. We will give high priority to developing production-oriented service industries, and carry out pilot and demonstration projects to advance the comprehensive reform of the service industry. We will integrate the development of cultural and creative industries as well as design services with related industries, and speed up the development of insurance, business, and science and technology services. We will promote full integration of IT application with industrialization, encourage businesses to accelerate technological upgrading, make management more precise, improve the policy for accelerating equipment depreciation, and make traditional industries more competitive. We will build a platform for supporting business start-ups and innovation in emerging industries. We will strive to catch up with and overtake advanced countries in areas of new-generation mobile communications, integrated circuits,big data, advanced manufacturing, new energy and new materials, and to guide the development of emerging industries.We will curb excess and outdated production capacity in a more proactive and orderly manner. We will let market competition determine which businesses survive, and encourage business acquisitions and reorganizations. In industries with severe overcapacity, we will strengthen environmental protection, energy consumption, and technology standards; abolish preferential policies; absorb some excess production capacity and strictly control increases in production capacity. This year, we will reduce outdated production capacity of 27 million metric tons of steel, 42 million metric tons of cement and 35 million standard containers of plate glass. We will ensure that the target for reducing outdated production capacity set in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan is met one year ahead of schedule, and make sure that these reductions are permanent and such production capacity does not increase again.3.Boosting the development of social programs is an effective way to promote social justice and increase people's happiness.We need to deepen reform of the social system and promote coordinated economic and social development by increasing spending and adopting stronger measures.We will give high priority to developing education and making it more equitable. We will continue to allocate more education resources to the central and western regions and rural areas and promote the balanced development of compulsory education. We will comprehensively improve conditions in poorly built and run schools providing compulsory education in poor areas. The number of rural students from poor areas enrolled in key colleges and universities will again be increased by more than 10%, and this will give rural children more opportunity to receive higher education. We will raise the competence of rural teachers, especially in poor and border areas, expand the reach of quality education resources and improve the nutrition of children in poor rural areas.We will develop preschool education and implement the plan to improve special education. We will continue to increase central government spending on education, use it more effectively and strengthen oversight over its use. We will deepen comprehensive education reform and actively andprudently reform the school examination and enrollment systems. We will expand the responsibility of provincial-level governments over local education, give institutions of higher learning more decision-making power, and encourage the development of private schools. We will accelerate the establishment of an employment-oriented modern vocational education system. We will provide quality education to the next generation and work hard to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to develop.We will deepen medical reform. We will consolidate the national basic medical insurance system and integrate the basic medical insurance system for rural residents with that for non-working urban residents through reform. We will improve the mechanism for the government, employer and employee to share the costs of basic medical insurance. The annual government subsidy for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased to 320 yuan per person. The major disease insurance scheme for rural and non-working urban residents will be introduced nationwide. We will strengthen urban and rural medical assistance and emergency assistance for disease treatment. Trial comprehensive reform of county-level public hospitals will beextended to cover 1,000 counties and 500 million rural residents.We will expand trial comprehensive reforms of urban public hospitals. We will abolish the practice of compensating for low medical service charges with high drug prices, adjust the prices of medical care and drugs, and create a mechanism for running hospitals by nongovernmental capital. We will consolidate and improve the system of using basic medicines and the new mechanisms for operating community-level clinics. We will improve the system of tiered medical services, strengthen training of general practitioners, and allow doctors to work in more than one medical institution so that people have easy access to quality medical services. We will build harmonious relations between doctors and patients.We will improve our capacity to prevent and treat major communicable and chronic diseases and occupational and endemic diseases. The government subsidy for basic public health services will be increased to 35 yuan per person. We will support the development of traditional Chinese medicine and the traditional medicine of ethnic minorities. We will unwaveringly adhere to the basic state policy of family planning and will implement the policy that allows marriedcouples to have two children if one parent is a single child. We must resolutely press ahead with medical reform and work out a Chinese solution to this global problem so that the Chinese people can enjoy a happier and healthier life.Culture is the lifeblood of a nation. We should foster and practice core socialist values, strengthen civic morality, and advance cultural and ethical progress. We will continue to deepen reform of the cultural sector, improve policies pertaining to the cultural economy, and enhance China's overall cultural strength and competitiveness. We will deliver basic public cultural services in a standard and equitable way. We will develop culture and arts, the press and publishing, and radio, television and film, and run archives well. We will promote the flourishing of philosophy and the social sciences. We will encourage the people to read.We will enhance the development of cultural industries and foster a well-regulated market for cultural goods. We will carry forward China's cultural traditions and work to protect cultural relics. We will accelerate the spread of Chinese culture overseas, develop cultural trade, strengthen our international broadcasting capabilities, and enhance China's cultural soft power. We will develop fitness activities for everyone,competitive sports and the sports sector. China has an ancient civilization with a long history, and it can certainly develop a strong modern culture.We will promote innovation in social governance. We will focus on law-based governance and involve all parties in social governance. We will make village and community affairs transparent and strengthen democratic oversight over their management, and get social organizations to play a bigger role in delivering public services and exercising social governance. We will strengthen emergency management, and become better able to ensure public safety, prevent and mitigate disasters and provide disaster relief. We will do our work related to earthquake, meteorology, surveying and mapping well. We will reform the system of handling public complaints made in the form of letters and visits and promptly resolve social problems as they arise. Administrative review will be strengthened. We will strengthen education in the general knowledge of law and increase legal aid.We will strengthen comprehensive maintenance of public order, crack down hard on violent crimes of terrorism, safeguard China's national security, create good public order, and work together to ensure public security in China.。



2019年英语口译高级:政府工作报告中英翻译(5)对今年政府工作的建议III. Suggestions for the Work of the Government This Year结合过去十年特别是近五年工作的体会,对今年政府主要工作提出以下建议。

Based on an understanding of the work of the past ten years, especially of the past five years, I wish to make the following suggestions for the government's main work this year.(一)加快转变经济发展方式,促动经济持续健康发展。

1. Accelerating the change ofthe growth model and promoting sustained and sound economic development我国社会主义现代化建设取得的一切成就都建立在经济持续健康发展的基础之上,经济不发展,什么事情都办不成。

All the achievements we havemade in China's socialist modernization are attributable to sustained and sound economic development, without which we would have accomplished nothing.我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情没有变,人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾这个社会主要矛盾没有变,我国是世界上发展中国家的国际地位没有变,发展仍是解决我国所有问题的关键。

China is still in the primary stage of socialism andwill remain so for a long time. This basic national conditionhas not changed; nor has the principal problem in our society, that is, production falls short of the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people, or China's international position as the largest developing country in the world. Development is still the key to solving all our problems.必须坚持以经济建设为中心,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。

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The past five years since the First Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress were a truly
extraordinary period of time in the course of China's development.

We effectively countered the severe impact of the global financial crisis and maintained steady and fast economic development.
China's GDP increased from 26.6 trillion yuan to 51.9 trillion yuan, and now ranks second in the world.
Government revenue went up from 5.1 trillion yuan to
11.7 trillion yuan.
A total of 58.7 million urban jobs were created.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose by an annual average of 8.8%, and the per capita net income of rural residents rose by 9.9%.
Grain output increased for the ninth consecutive year in 2019.
Progress was made in key areas of reform; and the open economy reached a new stage of development.
We made China more innovative. Breakthroughs were made in developing manned spaceflight and the lunar exploration program, building a manned deep-sea submersible, launching the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, developing supercomputers and building high-speed railways. China's
first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was commissioned.
We successfully hosted the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and the XIII Paralympic Games in Beijing and the World Expo
in Shanghai.

We successfully mitigated the impact of the massive Wenchuan earthquake, the strong Yushu earthquake, the huge
Zhugqu mudslide and other natural disasters and carried out post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

China's productive forces and overall national strength, its living standards and social security, and its
international status and influence all improved significantly.

We successfully completed the Eleventh Five-Year Plan and got off to a good start in implementing the Twelfth Five-Year Plan.

We made significant socialist economic, political, cnltural, social, and ecological progress, and wrote a new chapter in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The following are the main work we accomplished over the past five years and its main features:
