



The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) is a scientifically validated forced-choice personality test with 144 paired statements. The test takes about 40 minutes to complete. Read each numbered pair of statements carefully. There are no right or wrong answers. For each pair of statements, mark with one of the statement most like you. Leave the other statement blank. Your scores will be computed automatically. Do not skip any statement pair. For greatest accuracy, your grand total should be equal to 144.1.A. I have been romantic and imaginative.B. I have been pragmatic and down to earth.2.A. I have tended to take on confrontations.B. I have tended to avoid confrontations.3.A. I have typically been diplomatic, charming, and ambitious.B. I have typically been direct, formal and idealistic.4.A. I have tended to be focused and intense.B. I have tended to be spontaneous and fun-loving.5.A. I have been a hospitable person and have enjoyed welcoming new friends into my life.B. I have been a private person and have not mixed much with others.A. It's been difficult for me to relax and stop worrying about potential problems.B. It's been difficult for me to get myself worked up about potential problems.7.A. I've been more of a "street-smart" survivor.B. I've been more of a "high minded" idealist.8.A. I have needed to show affection to people.B. I have preferred to maintain some distance with people.9.A. When presented with a new experience, I've usually asked myself if it would be useful to me.B. When presented with a new experience, I've usually asked myself if it would be enjoyable.10.A. I have tended to focus too much on myself.B. I have tended to focus too much on others.11.A. Others have depended on my insight and knowledge.B. Others have depended on my strength and decisiveness.12.A. I have come across as being too unsure of myself.B. I have come across as being too sure of myself.A. I have been more relationship-oriented than goal-oriented.B. I have been more goal-oriented than relationship-oriented.14.A. I have not been able to speak up for myself very well.B. I have been outspoken -- I have said what others wished they had the nerve to say.15.A. It's been difficult for me to stop considering alternatives and do something definite.B. It's been difficult for me to take it easy and be more flexible.16.A. I have tended to be careful and hesitant.B. I have tended to be bold and domineering.17.A. My reluctance to get involved has gotten me in trouble with people.B. My eagerness to have people depend on me has gotten me into trouble with them.18.A. Usually, I have been able to put my feelings aside to get the job done.B. Usually, I have needed to work through my feelings before I could act.A. Generally, I've been methodical and cautious.B. Generally, I've been adventurous and taken risks.20.A. I have tended to be a supportive, giving person who seeks intimacy with others.B. I have tended to be a serious, reserved person who likes discussing issues.21.A. I've often felt the need to be a "pillar of strength".B. I have often felt the need to perform perfectly.22.A. I've typically been interested in asking tough questions and maintaining my independence.B. I've typically been interested in maintaining my stability and peace of mind.23.A. I've been a bit cynical and skeptical.B. I've been a bit mushy and sentimental.24.A. I've often worried that I'm missing out on something better.B. I've often worried that if I let down my guard, someone will take advantage of me.A. My habit of being "stand-offish" has annoyed people.B. My habit of telling people what to do has annoyed people.26.A. I have tended to get anxious if there was too much excitement and stimulation.B. I have tended to get anxious if there wasn't enough excitement and stimulation.27.A. I have depended on my friends & they have known that they can depend on me.B. I have not depended on people; I have done things on my own.28.A. I have tended to be detached and preoccupied.B. I have tended to be moody and self-absorbed.29.A. I have liked to challenge people and "shake them up".B. I have liked to comfort people and calm them down.30.A. I have generally been an outgoing, sociable person.B. I have generally been an earnest, self-disciplined person.31.A. I've wanted to "fit in" with others -- I get uncomfortable when I stand out too much.B. I've wanted to standout from others -- I get uncomfortable when I don't distinguish myself.32.A. Pursuing my personal interests has been more important to me than having stability and security.B. Having stability and security has been more important to me than pursuing my personal interests.33.A. When I've had conflicts with others, I've tended to withdraw.B. When I've had conflicts with others, I've rarely backed down.34.A. I have given in too easily and let others push me around.B. I've been too uncompromising and demanding with others.35.A. I've been appreciated for my unsinkable spirit and resourcefulness.B. I've been appreciated for my deep caring and personal warmth.36.A. I have wanted to make a favorable impression on others.B. I have cared little about making a favorable impression on others.37.A. I've depended on my perseverance and common sense.B. I've depended on my imagination and moments of inspiration.A. Basically, I have been easy-going and agreeable.B. Basically, I have been hard-driving and assertive.39.A. I have worked hard to be accepted and well-liked.accepted and well-liked has not been a high priority for me.40.A. In reaction to pressure from others, I have become more withdrawn.B. In reaction to pressure from others, I have become more assertive.41.A. People have been interested in me because I've been outgoing, engaging, and interested in them.B. People have been interested in me because I've been quiet, unusual, and deep.42.A. Duty and responsibility have been important values for me.B. Harmony and acceptance have been important values for me.43.A. I've tried to motivate people by making big plans and big promises.B. I've tried to motivate people by pointing out the consequences of not following my advice.44.A. I have seldom been emotionally demonstrative.B. I have often been emotionally demonstrative.A. Dealing with details has not been one of my strong suits.B. I have excelled at dealing with details.46.A. I have often emphasized how different I am from most people, especially my family.B. I have often emphasized how much I have in common with most people, especially my family.47.A. When situations have gotten heated, I have tended to stay on the sidelines.B. When situations have gotten heated, I have tended to get right into the middle of things.48.A. I have stood by my friends, even when they have been wrong.B. I have not wanted to compromise what is right even for friendship.49.A. I've been a well-meaning supporter.B. I've been a highly-motivated go-getter.50.A. When troubled, I have tended to brood about my problems.B. When troubled, I have tended to find distractions for myself.51.A. Generally, I've had strong convictions and a sense of how things should be.B. Generally, I've had serious doubts and have questioned how things seemed to be.52.A. I've created problems with others by being pessimistic and complaining.B. I've created problems with others by being bossy and controlling.53.A. I have tended to act on my feelings and let the "chips fall where they may"B. I have tended not to act on my feelings lest they stir up more problems.54.A. Being the center of attention has usually felt natural to me.B. Being the center of attention has usually felt strange to me.55.A. I've been careful, and have tried to prepare for unforeseen problems.B. I've been spontaneous, and have preferred to improvise as problems come up.56.A. I have gotten angry when others have not shown enough appreciation for what I have done for them.B. I have gotten angry when others have not listened to what I have told them.57.A. Being independent and self-reliant has been important to me.B. Being valued and admired has been important to me.58.A. When I've debated with friends, I've tended to press my arguments forcefully.B. When I've debated with friends, I've tended to let things go to prevent hard feelings.59.A. I have often been possessive of loved ones — I have had trouble letting them be.B. I have often "tested" loved ones to see if they were really there for me.60.A. Organizing resources and making things happen has been one of my major strengths.B. Coming up with new ideas and getting people excited about them has been one of my major strengths.61.A. I've tended to be driven and very hard on myself.B. I've tended to be too emotional and rather undisciplined.62.A. I have tried to keep my life fast-paced, intense, and exciting.B. I have tried to keep my life regular, stable, and peaceful.63.A. Even though I've had successes, I've tended to doubt my abilities.B. Even though I've had setbacks, I've had a lot of confidence in my abilities.64.A. I generally have tended to dwell on my feelings and to hold onto them for a long time.B. I generally have tended to minimize my feelings and not pay very much attention to them.65.A. I have provided many people with attention and nurturance.B. I have provided many people with direction and motivation.66.A. I've been a bit serious and strict with myself.B. I've been a bit free-wheeling and permissive with myself.67.A. I've been self-assertive and driven to excel.B. I've been modest and have been happy to go at my own pace.68.A. I have been proud of my clarity and objectivity.B. I have been proud of my reliability and commitment.69.A. I have spent a lot of time looking inward —understanding my feelings has been important to me.B. I have not spent much time looking inward — getting things done has been important to me.70.A. Generally, I have thought of myself as a sunny, casual person.B. Generally, I have thought of myself as a serious, dignified person.71.A. I've had an agile mind and boundless energy.B. I've had a caring heart and deep dedication.72.A. I have pursued activities that had a substantial potential for reward and personal recognition.B. I have been willing to give up reward and personal recognition if it meant doing work I was really interested in.73.A. Fulfilling social obligations has seldom been high on my agenda.B. I have usually have taken my social obligations very seriously.74.A. In most situations, I have preferred to take the lead.B. In most situations, I have preferred to let someone else take the lead.75.A. Over the years, my values and lifestyle have changed several times.B. Over the years, my values and lifestyle have remained fairly consistent.A. Typically, I have not had much self-discipline.B. Typically, I have not had much connection with people.77.A. I have tended to withhold my affection, and have wanted others to come into my world.B. I have tended to give my affection too freely, and have wanted to extend myself to others.78.A. I have had a tendency to think of worst case scenarios.B. I have had a tendency to think that everything will work out for the best.79.A. People have trusted me because I am confident and can look out for them.B. People have trusted me because I am fair and will do what is right.80.A. Often, I have been so involved in my own projects that I have become isolated from others.B. Often, I have been so involved with others that I have neglected my own projects.81.A. When meeting someone new, I have usually been poised andself-contained.B. When meeting someone new, I have usually been chatty and entertaining.A. Generally speaking, I have tended to be pessimistic.B. Generally speaking, I have tended to be optimistic.83.A. I have preferred to inhabit my own little world.B. I have preferred to let the world know I'm here.84.A. I have often been troubled by nervousness, insecurity, and doubt.B. I have often been troubled by anger, perfectionism, and impatience.85.A. I realize that I have often been too personal and intimate.B. I realize that I have often been too cool and aloof.86.A. I have lost out because I have not felt up to taking opportunities.B. I have lost out because I have pursued too many possibilities.87.A. I have tended to take a long time to get into action.B. I have tended to get into action quickly.88.A. I usually have had difficulty making decisions.B. I seldom have had difficulty making decisions.A. I have had a tendency to come on a little too strong with people.B. I have had a tendency not to assert myself enough with people.90.A. Typically, I have been even-tempered.B. Typically, 1 have had strong changes of mood.91.A. When I've been unsure of what to do, I've often sought the advice of others.B. When I've been unsure of what to do, I've tried different things to see what worked best for me.92.A. I have worried that I would be left out of other's activities.B. I have worried that others' activities would distract me from whatI had to do.93.A. Typically, when I have gotten angry, I have told people off.B. Typically, when I have gotten angry, I have become distant.94.A. I've tended to have trouble falling asleep.B. I've tended to fall asleep easily.95.A. I have often tried to figure out how I could get closer to others.B. I have often tried to figure out what others want from me.A. I have usually been measured, straight-talking, and deliberate.B. I have usually been excitable, fast-talking, and witty.97.A. Often, I have not spoken up when I've seen others making a mistake.B. Often, I have helped others see that they are making a mistake.98.A. During most of my life, I have been a stormy person who has had many volatile feelings.B. During most of my life, I have been a steady person in whom "still waters run deep".99.A. When I have disliked people, I have usually tried hard to stay cordial — despite my feelings.B. When I have disliked people, I have usually let them know it — one way or another.100.A. Much of my difficulty with people has come from my touchiness and taking everything too personally.B. Much of my difficulty with people has come from my not caring about social conventions.101.A. My approach has been to jump in and rescue people.B. My approach has been to show people how to help themselves.A. Generally, I have enjoyed "letting go" and pushing the limits.B. Generally, I have not enjoyed losing control of myself very much. 103.A. I've been overly concerned with doing better than others.B. I've been overly concerned with making things okay for others. 104.A. My thoughts generally have been speculative—involving my magination and curiosity.B. My thoughts generally have been practical—just trying to keep things going.105.A. One of my main assets has been my ability to take charge of situations.B. One of my main assets has been my ability to describe internal states. 106.A. I have pushed to get things done correctly,even if it made people uncomfortable.B. I have not liked feeling pressured, so I have not liked pressuring anyone else.107.A. I've often taken pride in how important I am in others' lives.B. I've often taken pride in my gusto and openness to new experiences. 108.A. I have perceived that I've often come across to others as presentable, even admirable.B. I have perceived that I've often come across to others as unusual, even odd.109.A. I have mostly done what I had to do.B. I have mostly done what I wanted to do.110.A. I have usually enjoyed high-pressure, even difficult, situations.B. I have usually disliked being in high-pressure, even difficult, situations.111.A. I've been proud of my ability to be flexible—what's appropriate or important often changes.B. I've been proud of my ability to take a stand—I've been firm about what I believe in.112.A. My style has leaned toward sparseness and austerity.B. My style has leaned toward excess and over-doing things.113.A. My own health and well-being have suffered because of my strong desire to help others.B. My relationships have suffered because of my strong desire to attend to my personal needs.114.A. Generally speaking, I've been too open and naïve.B. Generally speaking, I've been too wary and guarded.A. I have sometimes put people off by being too aggressive.B. I have sometimes put people off by being too "up-tight".116.A. Being of service and attending to the needs of others has been a high priority for me.B. Finding alternative ways of seeing and doing things has been a high priority for me.117.A. I've been single-minded and persistent in pursuing my goals.B. I've preferred to explore various courses of action to see where they lead.118.A. I have frequently been drawn to situations that stir up deep, intense emotions.B. I have frequently been drawn to situations that make me feel calm and at ease.119.A. I have cared less about practical results than about pursuing my interests.B. I have been practical and have expected my work to have concrete results.120.A. I have had a deep need to belong.B. I have had a deep need to feel balanced.A. In the past, I've probably insisted on too much closeness in my friendships.B. In the past, I've probably kept too much distance in my friendships. 122.A. I've had a tendency to keep thinking about things from the past.B. I've had a tendency to keep anticipating things I'm going to do. 123.A. I've tended to see people as intrusive and demanding.B. I've tended to see people as disorganized and irresponsible. 124.A. Generally, I have not had much confidence in myself.B. Generally, I have had confidence only in myself.125.A. I've probably been too passive and uninvolved.B. I've probably been too controlling and manipulative.126.A. I've frequently been stopped in my tracks by my self-doubt.B. I've rarely let self-doubt stand in my way.127.A. Given a choice between something familiar and something new, I've usually chosen something new.B. I've generally chosen what I knew I already liked: why be disappointed with something I might not likeA. I have given a lot of physical contact to reassure others about how I feel about them.B. I have generally felt that real love does not depend on physical contact.129.A. When I've needed to confront someone, I've often been too harsh and direct.B. When I've needed to confront someone, I've often "beaten around the bush" too much.130.A. I have been attracted to subjects that others would probably find disturbing, even frightening.B. I have preferred not to spend my time dwelling on disturbing, frightening subjects.131.A. I have gotten into trouble with people by being too intrusive and interfering.B. I have gotten into trouble with people by being too evasive and uncommunicative.132.A. I've worried that I don't have the resources to fulfill the responsibilities I've taken on.B. I've worried that I don't have the self-discipline to focus on what will really fulfill me.A. Generally, I've been a highly intuitive, individualistic person.B. Generally, I've been a highly organized, responsible person. 134.A. Overcoming inertia has been one of mv main problems.B. Being unable to slow down has been one of my main problems. 135.A. When I've felt insecure. I've reacted by becoming arrogant and dismissive.B. When I've felt insecure, I've reacted by becoming defensive and argumentative.136.A. I have generally been open-minded and willing to try new approaches.B. I have generally been self-revealing and willing to share my feelings with others.137.A. I've presented myself to others as tougher than I really am.B. I've presented myself to others as caring more than I really do. 138.A. I usually have followed my conscience and reason.B. I usually have followed my feelings and impulses.139.A. Serious adversity has made me feel hardened and resolute.B. Serious adversity has made me feel discouraged and resigned.A. I usually have made sure that I had some kind of "safety net" to fall back on.B. I usually have chosen to live on the edge and to depend on others as little as possible.141.A. I've had to be strong for others, so I haven't had time to deal with my feelings and fears.B. I've had difficulty coping with my feelings and fears, so it's been hard for me to be strong for others.142.A. I have often wondered why people focus on the negative when there is so much that's wonderful about life.B. I have often wondered why people arc so happy when so much in life is messed up.143.A. I have tried hard not to be seen as a selfish person.B. I have tried hard not to be seen as a boring person.144.A. I have avoided intimacy when I feared I would be overwhelmed by people's needs and demands.B. I have avoided intimacy when I feared I would not be able to live up to people's expectations of me.。



( 2 ) You enter the hut and see a table... What is the shape of the table?
Round/oval - any friends
that came along, you will accept and trust them completely .
9) Across the bridge, there is a horse. What is the colour of the horse?
white - your partner is pure and good in
your heart.
grey/brown - your partner is only
( 4 )And what is the vase made of?
(Glass/porcelain/clay) (metal/plastic/wood)]
glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in
your life and tends to be fragile
New - your last
relationship is good and it’s still fresh in your heart
Walking to the end of the castle there is an exit...you proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the exit, there is big garden.
• Now, the above is signified by these things
tornado - problems in your life box - you bridge - your friends horse - your partner

性格测试 英文.

性格测试 英文.

The second self-analysis
Well , I think we should face the reality . When I finish the followying assessment , I think it is true. It also makes me feel nervous .
AbbTrehvieatiponoopfuthlae rpesrcsoienanlictyeasksneosswmleendt :ge
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)、Eyseneck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ)、Cattell 16 personality factors questionnaire(16PF)、Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI)、The California Psychological
A. Rabbit B. Sheep C. Deer D. Horse
1.What kind of person you'll be attracted to in real life situation.
A. Rabbit - those who has split [ split ] 分裂 personality, like cold as ice on the outside, but hot as fire in the heart.


You are career-minded and will not stop until you reach
your goal ! have a kindly appearance , exclusive in your heart ( 不达目的不罢休。外表和善,内心自傲)
value the interpersonal relationship that may do good for you, sometimes impatient (对人,得理不饶人)
Q8: Which one do you think you must take with you ?
A. Lighter (打火机) 2 B. Lipstick (口红) 2 C. Textbook 3 D. Facial tissue (纸巾) 5 E. Mobile phone 10
Q9: Which kind of vehicle do you tend to choose when you go out ?
There are fifteen questions for the test . And please take your paper and pen now…
Q1: Which kind of food do you prefer ?
A. Strawberry(草莓)(2) B.Apple (3) C.Watermelon (5) D.Pineapple(菠萝)(10) E.Orange (15)
is weak ,
be better at enjoying life ,
Q11: Which kind of sport is your favourite even if you are not good at ?



心理健康测试题及答案英语Psychological Health Test Questions and Answers1. How would you define psychological health?Psychological health refers to the state of well-being in which a person is mentally, emotionally, and socially balanced. It involves having healthy coping mechanisms, positive self-esteem, resilience, and the ability to manage stress effectively.2. Why is psychological health important?Psychological health is important because it influences how we think, feel, and behave. It affects our overall well-being, relationships, and ability to cope with challenges. Having good psychological health allows us to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.3. What are some common signs of good psychological health?Some common signs of good psychological health include:- A positive outlook on life and a sense of purpose- Good self-esteem and self-confidence- The ability to manage stress effectively- Positive relationships and strong social support- Emotional resilience and the ability to bounce back from difficult situations- Healthy coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills4. What are some indicators of poor psychological health?Indicators of poor psychological health may include:- Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness- Extreme mood swings or sudden changes in behavior- Difficulty concentrating or making decisions- Social withdrawal and isolation- Substance abuse or excessive alcohol consumption- Thoughts of self-harm or suicide- Sleep disturbances and appetite changes5. How can one improve psychological health?One can improve psychological health through various strategies, including:- Seeking professional help: Consulting a psychologist or therapist can provide valuable insights and guidance.- Building a support network: Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people is essential for psychological well-being.- Practicing self-care: Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as exercise, hobbies, and socializing, can improve mental health.- Managing stress: Developing healthy coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and time management, can reduce stress levels.- Challenging negative thoughts: Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns can help improve overall mental well-being.- Seeking balance: Balancing work, personal life, and leisure activities is crucial for maintaining good psychological health.- Taking breaks: Allowing oneself to rest and recharge is important for preventing burnout and maintaining mental well-being.6. Can psychological health affect physical health?Yes, psychological health can significantly impact physical health. Poor psychological health has been linked to various physical health problems, including heart disease, weakened immune function, digestive issues, and chronic pain. Conversely, good psychological health promotes overall well-being and can contribute to better physical health outcomes.7. Are there any online psychological health assessments available?Yes, there are many online psychological health assessments available. These assessments typically involve a series of questions that help individuals gauge their current psychological well-being and identify areas for improvement. While online assessments can provide insight, it is important to remember that they are not a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment.8. Can you provide an example of a psychological health assessment question?Certainly! Here's an example of a psychological health assessment question:"Do you often feel overwhelmed or unable to cope with daily stressors?"Answer options:a) Rarely or neverb) Occasionallyc) Sometimesd) Frequentlye) AlwaysRemember, these assessments are designed to help individuals reflect on their mental well-being and should not be used as a definitive diagnosis.In conclusion, psychological health is vital for overall well-being and affects how we think, feel, and behave. By understanding the signs of good and poor psychological health, as well as implementing strategies to improve it, individuals can lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Online psychological health assessments can be a useful tool for self-reflection, but seeking professional help is important for accurate diagnosis and treatment in case of mental health concerns.。


Good-tempered ,value friendship , have a stable personality , sometimes crafty , career ambition is slightly strong , have little interest in the other things except their own major , prefer regular life and job ,don’t like adventure , have very strong family idea ,be better at managing money
Pay attention :
every answer to each question is followed by a grade and you need to add up all of them. Because the test result is measured by the whole grade.
Q13:Which of the following weather phenomenon do you like ?
Snow 2
Wind 3
Rain 5
Fog 10
Thunder 15
Q14: Which storey is your preference if you are living in a building that includes 30 storeys?





英文,The first question in the test is "If you were a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be and why?" This question is often used in job interviews or personality assessments to gauge a person's self-awareness and creativity. For me, if I were a fruit, I would be a pineapple. I choose pineapple because it is a symbol of warmth and hospitality. Just like a pineapple, I strive to be welcoming and approachable to others. Additionally, the tough exterior of a pineapple represents my resilience and determination to overcome challenges.中文,在这个测试题中,第一个问题是“如果你是一种水果,你会是什么水果,为什么?”这个问题经常被用在求职面试或者个性评估中,来衡量一个人的自我意识和创造力。





英文,The second question is "If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?"This question is a fun way to explore a person's desiresand values. If I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to teleport. I would use this power to travelto different parts of the world and experience diverse cultures. I believe that understanding different perspectives and ways of life can greatly enrich my own worldview.中文,第二个问题是“如果你可以拥有任何超能力,你会选择什么,你会如何使用它?”这个问题是一个有趣的方式来探索一个人的愿望和价值观。



第1篇---IntroductionWelcome to the Ultimate Personality Test! This comprehensive quiz is designed to delve into the depths of your personality, revealing your unique traits, preferences, and tendencies. Take this journey with us as we explore the various facets of your character. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers; this test is purely for entertainment and self-discovery. Let's begin!---Section 1: Your Interests and Hobbies1. When you have free time, what do you enjoy doing most?a) Reading a good bookb) Engaging in physical activitiesc) Trying out new restaurants and cuisinesd) Attending social events and partiese) Staying at home and watching movies or TV shows2. Which of the following best describes your ideal weekend?a) A quiet, relaxing day at homeb) An adventurous outdoor tripc) A day filled with cultural activities and sightseeingd) A day of catching up with friends and familye) A day of exploring new hobbies and interests3. How do you prefer to spend your evenings?a) Reading or watching educational contentb) Participating in sports or fitness activitiesc) Cooking or trying out new recipesd) Socializing with friends or attending eventse) Engaging in creative pursuits like painting, writing, or playing music---Section 2: Your Work and Career4. In your ideal job, you would:a) Be responsible for making decisions and leading a teamb) Work independently on challenging projectsc) Collaborate with others to solve complex problemsd) Provide support and assistance to otherse) Focus on creating and designing new products or services5. How do you prefer to receive feedback at work?a) In a formal, structured meetingb) Through one-on-one conversationsc) As written feedback in an email or memod) Publicly, so everyone can learn from the experiencee) Not at all, as I prefer to learn from my own mistakes6. Which of the following best describes your work ethic?a) I am highly organized and efficientb) I prefer to work independently and set my own pacec) I am a team player who enjoys working with othersd) I am adaptable and willing to take on new challengese) I am detail-oriented and strive for perfection in my work---Section 3: Your Relationships and Communication7. When meeting someone new, what is your go-to topic of conversation?a) Work or professional experiencesb) Hobbies and interestsc) Personal experiences and storiesd) Current events and newse) Food and travel8. How do you prefer to communicate with others?a) Through written messages or emailsb) Face-to-face or over the phonec) Through group chats or social mediad) By sending thoughtful gifts or cardse) Through artistic or creative expressions9. In a conflict, how do you tend to handle it?a) By trying to find a compromiseb) By avoiding the situation altogetherc) By expressing your feelings and listening to the other persond) By taking a firm stance and standing your grounde) By seeking the help of a mediator or counselor---Section 4: Your Thoughts and Emotions10. When faced with a difficult decision, how do you make up your mind?a) By weighing the pros and consb) By following my intuitionc) By seeking advice from othersd) By analyzing the data and factse) By considering the potential impact on my relationships11. How do you usually react to stress or pressure?a) I become very focused and productiveb) I tend to become anxious and overwhelmedc) I can handle it well, but it affects my moodd) I avoid the situation and try to relaxe) I become irritable and easily frustrated12. What is your preferred way to relax and unwind?a) Engaging in a creative activityb) Being alone in a quiet spacec) Being around people and socializingd) Participating in a physical activitye) Listening to music or watching a movie---Section 5: Your Values and Beliefs13. Which of the following values is most important to you?a) Success and achievementb) Freedom and independencec) Love and relationshipsd) Adventure and new experiencese) Stability and security14. How do you define happiness?a) Achieving personal goals and ambitionsb) Experiencing a sense of freedom and peacec) Having meaningful connections with othersd) Exploring new places and trying new thingse) Feeling secure and comfortable in your life15. What is your approach to making ethical decisions?a) I always follow the rules and regulationsb) I consider the consequences of my actionsc) I weigh the moral implications of my decisionsd) I try to do what is best for the majoritye) I follow my own conscience and values---Section 6: Your Dreams and Aspirations16. What is your ultimate dream or goal in life?a) To achieve a high level of success in my careerb) To travel the world and experience different culturesc) To build a strong and loving familyd) To make a positive impact on the worlde) To become a renowned artist or creator17. How do you motivate yourself to pursue your dreams?a) By setting clear goals and deadlinesb) By visualizing the success I want to achievec) By seeking support and encouragement from othersd) By challenging myself and pushing beyond my limitse) By staying focused on my passion and purpose18. What do you think will be the most important factor in achieving your dreams?a) Hard work and determinationb) Networking and connectionsc) Timing and luckd) Education and knowledgee) Support and encouragement from loved ones---ConclusionCongratulations! You have completed the Ultimate Personality Test. Your responses have provided us with a glimpse into your unique personality, preferences, and values. Remember, this test is just a fun way to explore yourself and should not be taken too seriously. Take what you've learned and use it as a tool for self-improvement and personal growth.If you enjoyed this quiz, feel free to share it with friends and family. And don't forget to check out our other personality tests and resources for more insights into your character!---Note: The questions provided in this test are for entertainment purposes only and are not scientifically validated. Personality is complex andmultifaceted, and this quiz is just a starting point for self-reflection and exploration.第2篇Introduction:Welcome to the Ultimate Personality Test! This comprehensive quiz is designed to help you uncover the depths of your personality, revealing traits that may not be immediately apparent. Take this journey intoself-discovery and find out what makes you unique. Let's begin!Section 1: Attitude and Outlook1. When faced with a problem, what is your first response?a) Analyze the situation and find a solution.b) Seek advice from others.c) Feel overwhelmed and avoid the problem.2. How do you prefer to spend your free time?a) Engaging in physical activities.b) Reading or watching educational content.c) Socializing with friends and family.3. When you're feeling down, what helps you bounce back?a) A good night's sleep.b) A fun activity with friends.c) Reflecting on personal achievements.4. Do you prefer to plan your day in advance or go with the flow?a) Plan every detail.b) Have a general idea but be flexible.c) Let life happen as it may.5. How do you react to change?a) Embrace it with enthusiasm.b) Adapt slowly but eventually accept it.c) Resent change and prefer things to stay the same.Section 2: Communication and Relationships6. In a conversation, do you:a) Listen actively and ask questions.b) Talk about yourself and your experiences.c) Focus on the other person's opinions but still insert your thoughts.7. When making a new friend, what do you value most?a) Shared interests and hobbies.b) Similar values and beliefs.c) A good sense of humor.8. How do you handle conflicts?a) Find a compromise and move on.b) Avoid the conflict and hope it resolves itself.c) Confront the issue head-on and work through it.9. Do you prefer to keep your personal life separate from your professional life?a) Absolutely.b) Only to a certain extent.c) No, I believe my personal life reflects my professional life.10. How do you express your feelings?a) Verbally and openly.b) Through actions and gestures.c) Not very openly, preferring to keep my feelings private.Section 3: Work and Productivity11. What type of work environment do you thrive in?a) A quiet, focused environment.b) A bustling, collaborative environment.c) A mix of both, depending on the task.12. How do you approach deadlines?a) Work on them early to avoid stress.b) Tackle them at the last minute, relying on my ability to multitask.c) Prioritize tasks based on importance and due dates.13. Do you prefer working independently or as part of a team?a) Independent work suits me best.b) I enjoy working with a team, but I can also work independently if needed.c) I prefer working in a team and rely on others for motivation.14. How do you handle stress at work?a) Take a break and clear my mind.b) Delegate tasks to others and focus on my strengths.c) Tackle the problem head-on and try to solve it immediately.15. What motivates you in your work?a) Achieving goals and recognition.b) Learning and personal growth.c) Financial rewards and job security.Section 4: Personal Growth and Self-Reflection16. How often do you take time to reflect on your life?a) Regularly, at least once a week.b) Occasionally, when I feel I need to.c) Rarely, preferring to live in the moment.17. Do you set personal goals for yourself?a) Yes, and I track my progress.b) Sometimes, but I don't always stick to them.c) No, I prefer to let life take its course.18. How do you handle mistakes and failures?a) Learn from them and move on.b) Feel discouraged but eventually recover.c) Get discouraged and avoid similar situations in the future.19. What activities help you relax and unwind?a) Physical exercise and sports.b) Creative pursuits like painting or writing.c) Social activities and spending time with loved ones.20. How do you measure your self-worth?a) By my achievements and recognition from others.b) By my personal growth and self-improvement.c) By the love and respect I receive from others.Section 5: Final ThoughtsCongratulations! You've completed the Ultimate Personality Test. Reflect on your answers and consider the patterns that emerge. Remember, personality is complex and multifaceted, and this quiz is just one way to gain insight into your inner self. Use this information to better understand yourself and perhaps even set new goals for personal growth.Results and Interpretation:To interpret your results, you may want to compare your answers with a comprehensive personality theory or consult a professional. Here are some general interpretations based on the sections you've completed:- Attitude and Outlook: Your answers in this section suggest your general outlook on life. If you tend to choose options that focus on problem-solving and planning, you might be a Type A personality, known for being organized and ambitious. If you prefer social activities and seeking advice, you might lean more towards a Type B personality, known for being easygoing and adaptable.- Communication and Relationships: Your communication style and preferences in relationships can reveal a lot about your personality. If you are an active listener and value shared interests, you might be a people person with strong social skills. If you prefer to keep your personal life separate from work, you might value independence and privacy.- Work and Productivity: Your approach to work and productivity can indicate your work ethic and motivation. If you thrive in a quiet environment and enjoy setting goals, you might be detail-oriented and goal-driven. If you prefer working in a team and enjoy multitasking, you might be adaptable and resourceful.- Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: Your answers in this section can reveal your self-awareness and personal values. If you take time to reflect on your life and set personal goals, you might be a self-motivated and introspective individual. If you prefer to live in themoment and enjoy creative pursuits, you might be imaginative and expressive.Remember, this test is just a starting point for your journey of self-discovery. Embrace your unique traits and continue to grow and learn about yourself. Happy exploring!第3篇Welcome to our comprehensive personality test! This quiz is designed to provide you with insights into your personality traits, preferences, and behaviors. By answering the following questions honestly, you will gain a better understanding of yourself and how you interact with others. Please take your time to read each question carefully and select the answer that best describes you. There are no right or wrong answers, so be as truthful as possible.Section 1: Introduction1. How do you usually react when you receive criticism?a) I become defensive and argue.b) I take it in stride and try to learn from it.c) I get upset and avoid the person who criticized me.d) I ignore it and move on.2. When making a decision, do you:a) Seek advice from others before deciding?b) Make decisions independently and quickly?c) Think about the pros and cons for a long time before deciding?d) Leave the decision to someone else.3. How do you prefer to spend your free time?a) Engaging in physical activities.b) Socializing with friends and family.c) Solving puzzles or reading.d) Relaxing and doing nothing.Section 2: Communication Styles4. When you have a problem, what do you do?a) Talk to a close friend or family member.b) Keep it to yourself and try to figure it out.c) Seek professional help.d) Vent to anyone who will listen.5. In a conversation, do you:a) Listen more than you speak?b) Speak openly and express your opinions freely?c) Avoid conversations unless you feel comfortable.d) Interrupt others to get your point across.6. How do you handle conflicts?a) Try to find a compromise.b) Avoid the conflict altogether.c) Stand your ground and fight for what you believe in.d) Seek a mediator to help resolve the issue.Section 3: Work and Productivity7. How do you organize your work or study space?a) Keep it tidy and well-organized.b) Leave it as cluttered as possible.c) Keep only the essentials visible and organize the rest in a filing system.d) Keep everything in a way that makes sense to you, even if it's chaotic.8. When working on a project, do you:a) Prefer to work alone and set your own pace?b) Enjoy working in a team and collaborating with others?c) Prefer to delegate tasks and let others handle the details?d) Have a strict schedule and prefer to work on your own terms.9. How do you handle stress at work or school?a) Take a break and relax.b) Try to tackle the problem head-on.c) Talk to someone about it.d) Ignore it and hope it goes away.Section 4: Relationships10. How do you approach new relationships?a) I'm cautious and take my time getting to know someone.b) I'm outgoing and make friends easily.c) I'm reserved and prefer to keep my personal life private.d) I'm very open and share everything with new people.11. When you're in a relationship, do you:a) Expect your partner to be completely honest with you?b) Value your partner's privacy and give them space?c) Need constant reassurance and attention from your partner?d) Prefer to be independent and not rely too much on your partner.12. How do you handle conflicts in a relationship?a) I try to understand the other person's perspective.b) I avoid conflicts and hope they'll resolve themselves.c) I stand my ground and argue my point.d) I seek a compromise that works for both of us.Section 5: Personal Growth13. How do you motivate yourself to achieve your goals?a) Set clear, achievable goals and reward yourself for reaching them.b) Set ambitious goals and push yourself to the limit.c) Let others motivate you through encouragement and support.d) Motivation comes naturally to me, and I don't need to seek it out.14. When faced with a challenge, what do you do?a) I research the problem and come up with a solution.b) I seek advice from others who have faced similar challenges.c) I try to stay positive and believe I can overcome the challenge.d) I tend to give up and move on to something else.15. How do you handle failure?a) I learn from my mistakes and try to improve.b) I feel defeated and discouraged, but eventually, I pick myself up.c) I get angry and blame others for my failure.d) I prefer not to face failure and avoid challenges.Section 6: Values and Beliefs16. What is the most important thing to you in life?a) Success and wealth.b) Love and relationships.c) Personal growth and self-improvement.d) Stability and security.17. How do you view your future?a) I have a clear plan and am confident about my future.b) I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm open to new opportunities.c) I'm anxious about the future and worry about what might happen.d) I prefer not to think about the future and live in the present.18. What do you consider to be your greatest strength?a) My intelligence and problem-solving skills.b) My ability to connect with others and build relationships.c) My resilience and determination.d) My creativity and imagination.Section 7: ConclusionCongratulations! You have completed our comprehensive personality test. By answering these questions, you have gained valuable insights into your personality traits, preferences, and behaviors. Remember, this test is just a starting point for self-reflection and personal growth. It's important to keep an open mind and continue to learn about yourself as you grow and change.If you would like to receive a detailed analysis of your results, please contact us, and we will be happy to provide you with a comprehensivereport. We hope this test has been an enjoyable and enlightening experience for you!---Note: The above text is a fictional example of a personality test translated into English. The questions and answers are designed to be a general representation of what a personality test might include. The actual length of a comprehensive personality test would depend on the specific test and its intended depth.。

心理测试 英文

心理测试 英文
• Do group differences imply test bias (difficulty unrelated to characteristic being assessed)? – V1 - innate abilities can be different across groups (Reynolds, 1995; Kline, 1993)
– Each test item (question) is entered as a level of repeated measures factor – Group = between subjects variable
• Main effect of item – expected • Main effect of group shows external bias • Interaction show internal bias in that the pattern of responding is different across the groups • Such a method is susceptible to power manipulation
Evaluating Psychological Tests
Psychological testing
• Suffers a credibility problem within the eyes of general public • Two main problems
– Tests used inappropriately
• Often relies on the construct of interest being adequately described • How do you manipulate something like the unconscious?



MBTI Personality Test Indicators[Original Edition,Random Item Bank ]Guide: MBTI is a forced selection, self-reported personality assessment tests to measure and describe people's access to information, make decisions, deal with the psychological aspects of life activity rhythm and personality types of tendencies.Recruitment MBTI has bee the most widely used when hiring professional evaluation tool. Character is not good or bad, the test was intended to reflect the truest themselves, rather than others expect of you. Maybe you would think that, when faced with certain situations in which there is a third, or between the choice, in fact, we are faced with the following situations have certain natural inclinations, choose when you are faced with those situations you most involuntarily, the most natural , the most unthinking tendency.The questionnaire of any of the options are not good or bad points, there is no "right" answer. If you can not be determined is a particular answer to that question please left blank, the system will prompt you to go back re-election. Before submitting it, you can always change the answer. The Test Code of Conduct>>>>1.When in a one-on-one situation I usually do moreA.talkingB.listening2.When making decisions IA.consider the feelings of othersB.don't consider the feelings of others3.I usuallyA.play, then workB.work, then play4.I enjoy a task when IA.start itB.plete it5.I preferA."spur of the moment" activitiesB.routine activities6.It is important for me toA.conserve my energyB.spend my energy7.I am quick toA.critiqueB.pliment8.I prefer toA.see how I can change thingsB.leave things the way they are9.I am more likely to invest inA.promising new ideasB.proven methods10.When around other people IA.start conversationB.keep to myself11.I am more excited about what might happen A.later today or tomorrowB.in a couple years12.I take more pride in myA.successesB.goals13.I have more fun engaging inA.individual activitiesB.group activities14.I enjoy time spentA.with a group of friendsB.alone or with one close friend15.Change for me isA.easyB.difficult16.I am more likely to have my A.head in the cloudsB.feet on the ground17.It is worse to beA.inflexibleB.indecisive18.I tend toA.see the big pictureB.focus on details19.My thoughts areA.randomB.orderly20.With people, I am more often A.brief and to the pointB.friendly and warm21.I prefer someone who isA.efficientB.empathetic22.I amA.soft-heartedB.tough-minded23.When paying at a store I oftenA.have conversation with the cashierB.pay and leave without chit-chat24.At workA.I get the job doneB.I put things off25.When judging others I amA.impartialB.partial26.I make decisions based onA.feelingsB.logic27.I am more fortable withA.rulesB.principles28.When I have a task to plete, I usually A.wait until the last momentB.get it out of the way29.The prospect of social activityA.usually excites meB.rarely excites me30.I tend to be moreA.reasonableB.personable31.I consider myself to beA.a concrete thinkerB.an abstract thinker32.I amA.structuredB.free-spirited33.My ways tend to be moreA.conventionalB.revolutionary34.More often than not, IA.like a plan that is "set in stone"B.am adaptable35.I like to finalize decisionsA.earlyB.only when necessary36.I entertain myself with myA.imaginationB.surroundings37.When dealing with problems I focus on the A.peopleB.issues38.I consider myself to beA.a realistB.an idealist39.When there is a need to correct someone, I am A.afraid to hurt their feelingsB.quick to do it40.I prefer to spend timeA.introspectingB.interacting with people41.Clutter in my homeA.bothers meB.is not something I notice42.I process information throughA.intuitionB.my five senses43.I would classify myself as aA.social butterflyB.lone ranger44.I am more concerned withA.my own thoughts and feelingsB.the world around me45.My work space is usuallyA.disorganizedB.organized46.After a social gathering I feelA.drainedB.energized47.When in conversation, IA.say things as they areB.am careful to avoid conflict48.Talking about feelings and emotions is A.difficultB.easy49.I amA.objectiveB.subjective50.I see lifeA.as it isB.as it could be51.I get energized byA.learning factsB.exploring theories52.I am more interested inA.future possibilitiesB.current happenings53.My thoughts are onA.the "here and now"B.what lies ahead54.I valueA.justiceB.mercy55.Others might describe me as more A.practicalB.imaginative56.I am governed by myA.heartB.head57.I am more likely to measure things with A.total precisionB.approximation58.I work better whenA.following a scheduleB.deciding what to do next as I go59.Being the center of attention is A.exhilaratingB.unfortable60.At work I amA.relationship- focusedB.task-oriented61.I likeA.to "go with the flow"B.timetables and plans62.I consider myself to beA.privateB.social63.A quiet weekend at home isA.boringB.rejuvenating64.I want toA.get the task doneB.get to know others65.I dislike it when people are tooA.insensitiveB.emotional66.On a free night I like toA.go out with friendsB.spend a quiet night at home67.Others might perceive me asA.aimlessB.rigid68.I am drawn toA.hidden meaning and inspirationB.what is immediate69.I make new friendsA.quicklyB.over time70.When the phone rings IA.pick it up right awayB.wish I could ignore it71.I prefer to workA.in a teamB.alone72.I enjoyA.getting to know new peopleB.spending time with friends I know well73.I usually leave for appointmentsA.with extra time to spareB.at the last possible moment74.I prefer speakers that municateA.figurativelyB.literally75.Give me theA.factsB.personal details76.I am most fortable being A.spontaneousB.a planner。



Interpersonal relationships

Communication Styles
Understanding an individual's personality type can help in understanding their preferred communication style. For instance, an intuitive type may prefer a more abstract and theoretical communication style, while a feeling type may prefer a more emotional and empathetic communication style.
Consider the cost of the tool in relation to its benefits and value to the organization.
Correct interpretation of results
Objective interpretation
is widely used in the corporate world.
Current status
Personality testing is now widely used in various fields,
including education, career guidance, human resources
To provide an objective understanding of an individual's personality, identify strengths and weaknesses, and suggest ways to improve personal and professional development.


wooden bridge average bond with your friends 和朋友有比较紧密的联系
rattan bridge
you are not in good terms with your friends 周围没有很好的朋友
13.Colour of the horse
White - your partner is pure and good in your heart. 你的伴侣在你心目中非常纯洁而美好。
met with problems.
你无论何时遇到麻烦 你都会自己解决。
The end
About this ppt
Contents About my topic
About this ppt
About my topic Made by inspiration
Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.
显示你在过去的交往中有一段不 好的和不值得纪念的关系。
New - your last relationship is good and it's still fresh in your heart.
How many keys? (1-10)
Old / new
cardboard/paper/ wood/metal
white/ grey/brown/black
still and quiet/ nibbling grass/ running about



MBTI测试量表(英⽂48题⽬)get your cognitive profile1.Before you begin...Thank you for helping us with our research. If you are familiar with Jungian psychology, cog nitive science or models of development, we ask you to set aside any ideas you may have.This is a serious questionnaire to help you discover what cognitive processes you use well, as opposed to surface behavior or what you value. Some cognitive processes may be outside yo ur awareness or experience, so just understanding the various phrases is part the assessment. S ome phrases may take time to reflect.What You'll Get: Based on your responses, you will get a cognitive development profile along with a best-match personality code.chinese version 荣格⼼理类型认知功能测试测试指导语Please read carefully each of the 48 phrases below. For each phrase:* Indicate how often you do skillfully what the phrase describes.* Use dictionary definitions and go with the overall meaning most comfortable to you.* If you don't understand a phrase then mark it as "not me."本次测试共48 题2.分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博⼈⼈⽹⾖瓣⽹3.o 1. Be guided by a definition, logical deduction, or other nugget of reasoning.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo 2. Enjoy the thrill of action and physical experience in the present moment.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo 3. Easily get in sync physically with people and things around you.A. Not MeB. Little Meo 4. Notice whether the details in front of you match what you are accustomed toA. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo 5. Transform yourself by focusing inward on a specific way you foresee you will need to be.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo 6. Compassionately take on someone else's needs as your own.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo7. Recognize and usually adhere to shared values, feelings, and social norms to get along.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo8. Engage life's magical moments and meaningful coincidences as they happen.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo9. Continually examine if choices harmonize with important beliefs.A. Not MeE. Exactly Meo10. Conceive of a comprehensive plan to maximize progress toward multiple goals at onceA. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo11. Fine-tune a definition or concept to support a theory, perspective or framework.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo12. Gain a profound realization from a mystical state or sudden release of emotions.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo13. Experience a premonition or foresee the distant future.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo14. Keep following tangents and new ideas without limiting yourself to one.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo15. Offer various unrelated ideas and see what potential they might suggest.C. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo16. Apply leverage to a situation to solve a problem impersonally using minimal effort.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo17. Push your mental limits to complete an array of innovative achievements.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo18. Fulfill the same regular work or activity everyday at a comfortable pace.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo19. Feel attracted to the symbolic, archetypal, or mysterious.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo20. Review a lot of information over time to confirm what is customary or standard.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo22. Analyze and critique what doesn't fit with a well-defined principle.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo23. Readily communicate personally to all members of a group to feel unity.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo24. Always remain true to what you want for yourself or others.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo25. Point out discrepancies between how things are and the way they have always been.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo26. Construct an argument to convince someone using evidence clearly in front of you both.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo28. Spur action and pull off results simply by making your presence felt.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo29. Evaluate what is worth believing in and most important to who you really are inside.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo30. Instantly read visible cues to see just how far you can go.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo31. Merge and feel intimate oneness with other people.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo32. Lay out methods for others to complete tasks in time- and resource-efficient ways.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat Meo33. Freely follow your gut instincts and exciting physical impulses as they come up.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo34. Determine success by measurement or other objective method such as the time taken.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo35. Take apart something to figure out the principles on which it works.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo36. Weave into the current dynamics of a situation aspects of other, random contexts.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo37. Trust what emerges from brainstorming.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo38. Remain in touch with what you want for yourself, what motivates you, and what is good.A. Not MeB. Little Meo39. Enjoy playing with random interconnections and patterns.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo40. Stick to making decisions based on impersonal measures such as points earned.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo41. Freely enjoy doing what you want for your own personal happiness.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo42. Feel strongly that something is good or bad.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo43. Compare an experience against a storehouse of familiar experiences to find what's reliableA. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo44. Follow steps to ensure tasks are predictable and completed correctly.A. Not MeE. Exactly Meo45. Help make people feel comfortable by engaging in hosting and care-takingA. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo46. Follow a straight line of reasoningA. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo47. Achieve a metamorphosis, definitive insight, or powerful vision of change.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Meo48. Feel inclined to be responsible for, and take care of, others' feelings.A. Not MeB. Little MeC. Somewhat MeD. Mostly MeE. Exactly Me。



Attention, please! Stare at the white letters in the center of the picture. And then something magic will happen.
If you see the blue heart rotating, you are full of love.
psychological test pictures[second]
Pressure test
Pressure test
1:If you see roaring waves(波涛汹涌), you are in great pressure. You should go on a vacation. 2: If you see rippling wavelets(微波荡漾) ,you are with a teeny bit of pressure. You should have a rest. 3: If you see a still picture, you don’t have any pressure. Please continue to serve for the RMB. The same goes for another picture: the greater the black dot flashing, the higher the pressure
you using your left brain or your right brain? 】
From a five years’ research of Yale University
If you see the dancer is rotating clockwise(顺时 针旋转), it means that you are using your right brain; If it is rotating anticlockwise (逆时针 旋转), it means you are using your left brain. And it’s said that 14% of Americans can see both of the directions.



心理测试你情感正常吗英语Sure, here's a content generation for the title "Psychological Test: Is Your Emotional Health Normal?" in English:IntroductionUnderstanding your emotional health is crucial for personal well-being and effective social interactions. Emotional health is not just about the absence of mental disorders;it's about having a balanced state of mind where you can manage stress, cope with challenges, and maintain positive relationships. This psychological test aims to give you insights into your emotional state and guide you towards maintaining or improving your emotional health.Test Instructions1. Find a quiet place where you can answer the questions without distractions.2. Be honest with yourself. The test is for your benefit, so truthful answers are essential.3. There are no right or wrong answers; it's about understanding your current emotional state.4. Take your time and answer all the questions to get the most accurate results.The Test1. Do you often feel overwhelmed by your emotions, or can you manage them effectively?2. How often do you find yourself in a state of anxiety or depression?3. Are you able to express your feelings openly and honestly to others?4. Do you have a strong support system of friends and family you can rely on?5. Do you feel a sense of purpose or direction in your life?6. How well do you handle stress or unexpected changes in your routine?7. Do you often feel isolated or disconnected from others, even when you're in a group?8. Are you able to forgive and let go of past hurts?9. Do you have regular sleep patterns, or do you struggle with insomnia or oversleeping?10. How often do you engage in activities that you enjoy and that energize you?Scoring- Answer 'Yes' to questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10: +1 point each- Answer 'No' to questions 2, 3, 7, and 9: +1 point eachResults- 10 points: Your emotional health is in a very good state.Keep up the positive habits that are contributing to your well-being.- 7-9 points: You have a solid emotional foundation, but there may be areas where you could improve. Consider seeking support or making changes where needed.- 4-6 points: There may be some challenges in your emotional health that could benefit from attention. It might be helpful to speak with a mental health professional.- 0-3 points: Your emotional health may be at risk. It's important to seek help from a mental health expert to address these issues.ConclusionThis test is not a substitute for professional advice, but it can serve as a starting point for self-reflection and conversation. Remember, emotional health is a journey, andit's never too late to start taking steps towards a healthier state of mind.Next Steps- If you scored high, continue to practice self-care and maintain your support networks.- If you scored lower, consider reaching out to a mental health professional for guidance.- Engage in activities that promote emotional well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or journaling.- Learn more about emotional intelligence and how to manage your emotions effectively.By taking this test, you've taken the first step towards understanding your emotional health. Use the insights gained to make informed decisions about your emotional well-being.。



第1篇Introduction:Understanding your personality is the first step towards personal growth and self-improvement. This comprehensive personality test is designed to provide insights into various aspects of your character, helping you to recognize your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for potential development. Please answer the following questions honestly to get a better understanding of your personality.Section 1: Interpersonal Skills1. When you meet new people, do you usually:a) Take the initiative to start a conversation.b) Wait for others to approach you.c) Feel uncomfortable initiating conversations.2. How do you handle conflicts with others?a) Try to find a compromise.b) Avoid conflicts altogether.c) Stand your ground and argue your point.3. When someone shares a personal problem with you, what do you do?a) Offer advice and suggestions.b) Listen actively and provide emotional support.c) Change the subject to avoid the topic.4. How do you handle criticism?a) Take it as constructive feedback and learn from it.b) Get defensive and argue back.c) Ignore it and hope it goes away.5. In a group setting, do you usually:a) Take charge and lead the group.b) Follow the lead of others.c) Keep to yourself and avoid participating.Section 2: Emotional Intelligence6. How do you typically react when you feel stressed?a) Express your feelings openly.b) Keep your feelings to yourself.c) Turn to substances or activities to cope.7. When you're feeling down, who do you turn to for support?a) Friends and family.b) A therapist or counselor.c) Solitude and self-reflection.8. How do you handle change?a) Embrace it and adapt quickly.b) Resist it and feel overwhelmed.c) Accept it with some resistance but adapt over time.9. How would you describe your emotional state?a) Even-tempered and stable.b) Highly emotional and prone to mood swings.c) In-between, with some stability but also emotional ups and downs.10. How do you react when someone is upset with you?a) Ask them to explain what's wrong and work together to find a solution.b) Feel guilty and try to make amends.c) Ignore the situation and hope it resolves itself.Section 3: Work Ethic and Productivity11. How do you prioritize your tasks?a) Based on urgency and importance.b) Based on deadlines and deadlines alone.c) Based on what interests you the most at the moment.12. How do you handle work pressure?a) Stay calm and focused, even under pressure.b) Feel overwhelmed and struggle to cope.c) Take regular breaks to maintain your productivity.13. What motivates you to work hard?a) Recognition and rewards.b) The challenge and the opportunity to learn.c) The satisfaction of completing a task well.14. How do you approach problem-solving?a) Analyze the problem systematically.b) Look for quick solutions without much thought.c) Combine creative thinking with logical analysis.15. How do you feel about working in a team?a) I prefer working alone but can work well in a team if necessary.b) I enjoy working in a team and thrive on collaboration.c) I find team environments stressful and prefer to work alone.Section 4: Values and Beliefs16. What is the most important value to you in life?a) Success and achievement.b) Relationships and love.c) Personal freedom and independence.17. How do you make decisions?a) Based on logic and reason.b) Based on my gut feeling and intuition.c) A combination of both.18. What do you consider to be the greatest virtue?a) Honesty.b) Compassion.c) Determination.19. How do you approach risk?a) I take calculated risks.b) I avoid risks at all costs.c) I weigh the pros and cons before taking risks.20. What do you think is the purpose of life?a) To achieve personal happiness and fulfillment.b) To contribute to the well-being of others.c) To find meaning and purpose in the universe. Section 5: Lifestyle and Habits21. How do you prefer to spend your free time?a) Engaging in active hobbies and sports.b) Relaxing and pursuing creative interests.c) Socializing with friends and family.22. What do you consider to be a healthy lifestyle?a) Regular exercise and a balanced diet.b) Mental health and stress management.c) A combination of physical and mental well-being.23. How do you handle stress?a) Through physical activity and exercise.b) Through meditation and mindfulness practices.c) Through socializing and having fun.24. What is your favorite way to relax?a) Traveling and exploring new places.b) Reading or watching movies.c) Engaging in a hobby or learning something new.25. How do you approach new experiences?a) With excitement and curiosity.b) With caution and a preference for routine.c) With a mix of both, depending on the experience.Conclusion:Congratulations on completing the comprehensive personality test! Your answers have provided valuable insights into your character, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, work ethic, values, and lifestyle. Remember, personality is not fixed and can evolve over time. Use these insights as a starting point for personal growth and self-improvement. Reflect on the areas where you excel and those where you might want to develop further. Embrace your unique qualities and continue to explore the depths of your personality.第2篇Introduction:Understanding your personality can help you navigate through life more effectively. This test is designed to provide insights into your personality traits and preferences. Please read each question carefully and select the answer that best describes you. There are no right or wrong answers, so be honest with yourself.Section 1: Communication Style1. When you have an important message to convey, you:a. Prefer to speak directly and clearly.b. Tend to use metaphors and analogies to make your point.c. Like to write a detailed email or letter to ensure your message is understood.d. Feel most comfortable using non-verbal cues like body language.2. In a group discussion, you:a. Often speak up and share your thoughts.b. Listen carefully and then summarize the main points before contributing.c. Wait for others to initiate the conversation and then join in.d. Feel uncomfortable speaking in front of a group and prefer to communicate through writing.3. When you need to resolve a conflict, you:a. Approach the situation head-on and try to find a quick solution.b. Prefer to discuss the issue in private to avoid embarrassment.c. Take time to think about the problem and consider different perspectives before responding.d. Avoid conflict altogether and hope it resolves itself.Section 2: Problem-Solving Approach4. When faced with a problem, you:a. Analyze the situation logically and methodically.b. Consider the emotional impact of the problem on yourself and others.c. Rely on intuition and past experiences to guide your decision-making.d. Seek out the advice of others before taking action.5. You prefer:a. Structured problem-solving approaches that involve step-by-step processes.b. Flexible problem-solving approaches that allow for creativity and innovation.c. Problem-solving that involves brainstorming and generatingmultiple solutions.d. Problem-solving that focuses on finding the fastest and most efficient solution.6. When you encounter a challenge, you:a. Feel a sense of excitement and are motivated to overcome it.b. Feel overwhelmed and may take longer to find a solution.c. Feel stressed and may seek external help to overcome the challenge.d. Feel indifferent and may not take action until it becomes urgent.Section 3: Work and Life Balance7. You prefer:a. A structured work environment with clear expectations and routines.b. A flexible work environment that allows for autonomy and creativity.c. A dynamic work environment that offers variety and new challenges.d. A stable work environment that provides security and predictability.8. When it comes to your personal life, you:a. Prioritize work and career over personal time.b. Strive for a balance between work and personal life, ensuring both are fulfilling.c. Spend most of your time pursuing hobbies and personal interests.d. Rely on others to help you manage your personal and professional responsibilities.9. You feel most satisfied when:a. You are recognized for your achievements and contributions.b. You have the freedom to express yourself and be creative.c. You are able to make a positive impact on others.d. You are part of a supportive and collaborative team.Section 4: Relationships and Interpersonal Skills10. You are most comfortable in relationships that:a. Are based on mutual respect and understanding.b. Allow for personal growth and self-expression.c. Provide emotional support and companionship.d. Are based on shared interests and activities.11. When you interact with others, you:a. Are direct and straightforward in your communication.b. Listen actively and try to understand the other person's perspective.c. Avoid confrontation and prefer to keep your feelings to yourself.d. Feel most comfortable when you are in control of the conversation.12. You value:a. Loyalty and trust in relationships.b. Open and honest communication.c. Emotional support and understanding.d. Independence and freedom to pursue personal interests.Section 5: Emotions and Stress13. When you are stressed, you:a. Feel anxious and may have difficulty concentrating.b. Experience physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.c. Feel irritable and may snap at those around you.d. Withdraw and prefer to be alone until you feel better.14. You cope with stress by:a. Talking to someone about your feelings.b. Engaging in physical activity or hobbies.c. Focusing on the positive aspects of the situation.d. Avoiding the source of stress and hoping it resolves itself.15. You feel most emotionally stable when:a. You have a strong support system of friends and family.b. You are able to set realistic goals and manage your time effectively.c. You are surrounded by positive and uplifting people.d. You are able to maintain a sense of control over your life.Conclusion:Congratulations on completing the personality test! Take some time to reflect on the results and consider how they can help you better understand yourself and your interactions with others. Remember, personality is just one aspect of who you are, and it is important to continue growing and learning throughout your life.第3篇IntroductionUnderstanding one's personality is crucial for personal growth, career development, and forming meaningful relationships. This comprehensive personality test is designed to help you explore your inner self, uncover hidden traits, and gain insights into your behavior and preferences. Take this quiz with an open mind, and be prepared to reflect on your responses to gain a deeper understanding of your personality.Section 1: Emotional Regulation1. When you're feeling overwhelmed, what do you usually do?a) Talk it out with friends or familyb) Go for a walk or exercisec) Keep it to yourself and deal with it laterd) Write in a journal or meditate2. How do you react when someone criticizes you?a) Take it personally and feel upsetb) Defend yourself and arguec) Reflect on their feedback and see if there's any truth to itd) Ignore it and move on3. Do you tend to get emotional easily, or are you generally calm and composed?a) Very emotional; I often cry or get angryb) Somewhat emotional; I can get upset but usually manage itc) Not very emotional; I stay calm most of the timed) Extremely calm; I rarely show my emotionsSection 2: Communication Styles4. How do you prefer to communicate with others?a) In person, as I enjoy face-to-face interactionsb) Through written messages, as I can take my time to express myselfc) Both, depending on the situationd) Rarely; I prefer to keep to myself5. When you're trying to persuade someone, what approach do you use?a) Logic and facts, as I believe in being rationalb) Emotional appeal, as I'm persuasive when I connect with someone's feelingsc) A mix of both; I use both logic and emotions depending on the persond) Avoid confrontation; I prefer not to argue6. Do you tend to be direct or indirect when you communicate?a) Direct; I prefer to get to the point and avoid misunderstandingsb) Indirect; I prefer to be polite and not hurt anyone's feelingsc) Both, depending on the contextd) It varies; I adapt my style based on the person and situationSection 3: Decision-Making7. How do you make decisions?a) After weighing all the options and considering the pros and consb) Intuitively, without much thought or analysisc) With the help of others; I like to get input from my friends or familyd) It depends; sometimes I make decisions on my own, and other times I seek advice8. When faced with a difficult choice, do you:a) Trust your gut feelingb) Seek out advice from experts or mentorsc) Reflect on past experiences and lessons learnedd) Make a list of pros and cons and go with the one that seems best9. Do you prefer to be in control of your decisions, or are you okay with others making decisions for you?a) I prefer to be in control; I like to make my own choicesb) I'm okay with both; it depends on the situationc) I prefer to delegate; I trust others to make decisions for med) I need to be in control; I can't handle it when others make decisions for meSection 4: Social Interactions10. How do you usually act in social settings?a) I'm outgoing and make friends easilyb) I'm reserved and take time to warm up to new peoplec) I'm somewhere in between; I'm comfortable in social settings but not overly outgoingd) I'm shy and prefer to stay in the background11. What's your go-to activity when you're with friends?a) Organizing events and being the life of the partyb) Participating in group activities but not leading themc) Enjoying the company of a few close friends in a relaxed settingd) Observing from the sidelines and not participating much12. How do you handle conflicts with others?a) I try to resolve them quickly and move onb) I avoid conflicts and prefer to keep the peacec) I address conflicts head-on and work to find a solutiond) I ignore conflicts and hope they resolve themselvesSection 5: Values and Priorities13. What is the most important to you in life?a) Success and achievementb) Love and relationshipsc) Personal growth and self-improvementd) Stability and security14. How do you spend your free time?a) Engaging in hobbies or pursuing personal interestsb) Spending time with family and friendsc) Volunteering or participating in community activitiesd) Relaxing and unwinding15. What motivates you to get up and go every day?a) A sense of purpose and the desire to achieve goalsb) The people you care about and the relationships you havec) The excitement of new experiences and challengesd) The comfort and security of your routineSection 6: Problem-Solving16. How do you approach problems?a) Analyze the situation and come up with a logical solutionb) Look for creative and innovative ways to solve the problemc) Seek advice from others and rely on their expertised) Focus on the negative aspects and feel overwhelmed17. Do you prefer to solve problems on your own, or do you enjoy working in a team?a) I prefer to work independently; I trust my own judgmentb) I enjoy working in a team; I value diverse perspectives and ideasc) It depends; sometimes I prefer to work alone, and other times I prefer to be part of a teamd) I avoid problems and prefer not to deal with them18. How do you react when faced with a challenge?a) I see it as an opportunity to learn and growb) I get anxious and worried about how I'll handle itc) I try to stay positive and focus on finding a solutiond) I feel defeated and believe it's too difficult to overcomeSection 7: Self-Reflection19. How often do you take time to reflect on your life and personal growth?a) Regularly; I believe in continuous self-improvementb) Occasionally; I reflect when I feel the need toc) Rarely; I prefer to live in the momentd) Never; I don't believe in self-reflection20. What are some of your strengths?a) I'm organized, reliable, and a good listenerb) I'm creative, empathetic, and compassionatec) I'm determined, ambitious, and a strong leaderd) I'm adaptable, flexible, and easygoingSection 8: ConclusionCongratulations on completing the Comprehensive Personality Test! By reflecting on your responses, you've gained valuable insights into your personality, including your emotional regulation, communication styles, decision-making processes, social interactions, values, priorities, problem-solving abilities, and self-reflection habits.Remember that personality is complex and multifaceted, and it's important to view these insights as a starting point for further exploration and self-awareness. Share your results with friends, family, or a therapist to gain different perspectives and deepen your understanding of your inner self.Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and continue to explore the many dimensions of your personality. As you grow and change, your personalitywill evolve, and so will your understanding of who you are and what you stand for.。

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